Home Blog Business 5 Problem Solving Strategies to Become a Better Problem Solver

5 Problem Solving Strategies to Become a Better Problem Solver

PPT Templates Problem Solving - 5 Problem Solving Strategies to Become a Better Problem Solver

A lot of people would agree on the fact that life is full of challenges. People become proficient enough when it comes to catering small problems or issues in hand. However, those who attain exceptional insights into problem-solving can gain success in the long run. Problem-solving can enable anybody to gain an edge over their peers and achieve more. The bigger the problem, the difference is the approach. We all are tasked with some form of problem-solving, whether it’s in our workplace or even homes.

It doesn’t really matter whether you’re solving a challenge for your client, discovering new problems to solve or even helping to solve one problem, having a dedicated problem-solving technique can flourish you as a whole. For instance, if we take an example of a manager’s role, he/she is liable to solve every business challenge in the way (with the appropriate resources). Confidence to solve a problem is required here. Now, the confidence can only be achieved when you have a good problem-solving approach up your sleeves.

Let’s move ahead and understand what is problem-solving and what it actually represents? In simpler terms, a problem-solving technique is a framework to cater challenges quickly and in a precise manner. If you’re looking forward to solving problems in hand without much difficulty, you can consider improving your problem-solving skills. As you gain experience with problem-solving, you might develop your own set of techniques as well as strategies. However, for now, let’s explore the components of a dedicated problem-solving endeavor.

  • Understanding The Challenge
  • Brainstorming
  • Picking The Best Strategy
  • Deploying The Solution
  • Listing The Obstacles
  • Finding The Golden Opportunities
  • Reverse Engineer The Problem
  • Staying Open-Minded
  • An Uninterested Observer
  • Misleading Information
  • Functional Fixedness

The 4 stages of Problem-Solving

PPT Template Problem Solving Stages

1. Understanding The Challenge

One of the first steps is to really define the problem. Unless and until you can identify what you’re dealing with, you can never gain an edge. Getting access to the detailed image is of great importance. When you define the problem, you simply get your hands on what’s actually wrong! You can begin by extracting the principal segments of the challenge. Also, take assumptions, data as well as hypothesis into consideration. Ask the right questions! If you’re having issues with the performance of your employees, one might think it’s the human error. Well, if you stress-upon carefully, you might find a lack of training or unbearable workload the real issues.

2. Brainstorming

It is of the most popular and proven problem-solving stage, brainstorming is one of the most effective ways leaders solve problems around the world. When you’re not able to manifest next steps in solving a problem, brainstorming comes into play. It can be an individual or group activity which is purposed to generate ‘N’ number of solutions and then identifying the best solution as per the challenge. Writing down the ways to solve complex problems increases the creativity and optimizes the thought process.

3. Picking The Best Strategy

Once you’re done scrutinizing the problem and end up with some considerable options to solve it, it’s time for decision making. It is of utmost importance to consider all the options and then pick the one which can offer a win-win. People who confine themselves to a single technique or option very quickly don’t become great problem solvers. Once you’re sure of a strategy, you can move to the next stage.

4. Deploying The Solution

Implementation and deploying a potential solution is a crucial step. At times, you might have to change the business model of your organization. One should draw the action plan in such a manner that the proposed solutions can be welcomed by associated personnel as well as the organization. Otherwise, there can be a negative shift as well. You must understand that implementing the right solution is the key to increase the productivity of any individual as well as an organization.

Five Well-Known Problem Solving Techniques

1. listing the obstacles.

Problem-solving starts when you start exploring each and every possibility of a problem. As a matter of fact, problems are rarely isolated. People with high problem-solving ability often take a detailed view of the involved issues. Further, they jot down all the possible potential factors which can further get in the way of a proposed solution. When you list every obstacle, you certainly decrease the possibility of backfiring due to the newly implemented solution. Hence, a higher degree of success can be attained when problems are managed in a more comprehensive manner.

2. Finding The Golden Opportunities

Most of the time the real gold opportunities are often wrapped up inside simpler challenges. The problem you’re dealing with might just look bigger to handle. If you shift your perspective, you might find it simple to crack. You should understand that people who are efficient problem solvers are also great opportunists. It is highly advised to assess all the external factors, you never know when you get your hands on something valuable. It is also possible that in your pursuit of finding opportunities, you may discover a whole new and exciting business model. Thus, problem fix should be in such a manner that the future doesn’t get blemished.

3. Reverse Engineer The Problem

It’s the technique which involves deconstructing the problem and carefully analysing how and why it developed in the first place. For instance, a finished product giving problems can be broken down into its silos and can be worked backwards all the way to the whiteboard. In a similar fashion, we can reverse engineer the problems we face every day. If you have a challenge in front of you, you can start deconstructing it! Find the right answers like who are the players? What is required for this problem to happen? What are the circumstances and how they all-together create this problem?

4. Staying Open-Minded

Always keep your eyes and ears open to the possibilities. There might be a case where the actual problem is pretty different to the problem you think you are having. There can be a considerable probability that the cause of the problem is something else than what you’re thinking. Also, it is possible that the best solution might not be able to overthrow your problem and takes your organization in a different direction. It is okay to accept that your beliefs can be wrong. Thus, staying open-minded, exploring different angles of the same problem and listening to others are highly advised sub-techniques.

5. An Uninterested Observer

It would be evident to mention that when we are stuck on a problem, our mind has a tendency to stick to the same. This can be cumbersome for you, you might end up missing the things that were obvious to the problem. In short, one can easily hung-up to a particular set of thinking while completely missing the alternative thought process. Now, it is advised to explain your problem to another person. Not only this will provide a fresh set of eyes to your problem, you might end-up exploring the unexplored. You might be personally attached to the problem, but someone who’s not attached to the same might give you an unbiased view. Respect different points of view and never feel shy to ask for help.

Obstacles You Might Encounter Solving a Problem

Of course, the art of problem-solving technique has flaws too. There can be a considerable number of obstacles that might hamper your ability to solve a problem quickly and more efficiently. Most of the obstacles are mental in nature and these can range from irrelevant information, wrong assumptions as well as functional fixedness.

1. Misleading Information

When you start solving a problem you should scrutinize on the fact that whether the information you’re receiving is trustworthy and accountable or not. The information can be relevant as well as irrelevant to the issue at hand. When you trust on irrelevant data, faulty solutions are produced. More complex the problem, the easier it is to drift away and be misled by the pool of information.

2. Mindset

This is another obstacle which involved people making use of solutions which have worked in the past. Your problem-solving endeavour might be an arrow in the dark, but don’t let the possibility of failure limit your creativity and potential. When you’re confined to an already proven set of a solution, you make your brain inflexible. Always remember that no two problems have the same solution.

3. Functional Fixedness

It is a state of mind which makes an individual see their problems in a customary manner. Functional fixedness can prevent you from exploring all the options in hand. The same can also restrict you from inputs provided by your peers. People often end-up making assumptions when they start dealing with a problem. Neither underestimates the constraints nor the possibility of any error.

From organizing your music collection to taking important business-oriented decisions, problem-solving plays a crucial role. It is important to understand the nature of a problem before jumping to solutions. Trial and error approach is always appreciated. Cognitive blocks are a common barrier to problem-solving and these further impede the ability to solve challenges efficiently.

1. Problem Solving Stages PowerPoint Template

effective problem solving ppt

Do you want to describe each step of the problem solving process with your unique approach? Use SlideModel  Problem Solving Stages PowerPoint Template to create professional presentations that appeal to global audiences.

Use This Template

2. A3 Root Cause Analysis PowerPoint Template

effective problem solving ppt

The method of A3 reporting is based on PDCA – Plan, Do, Check, and Act. The reporting format of this problem-solving tool provides an effective communication medium with separate sets of information to be completed and presented by different stakeholders involved in the analysis. It is a very popular tool for professional problem solving processes.

3. Eisenhower Matrix PowerPoint Template

effective problem solving ppt

The  Eisenhower Matrix PowerPoint Template  is a powerful tool for deciding how to work out your actions in the Problem Solving Process. Mainly when you need to deploy a solution you can apply the Eisenhower Matrix to decide the way you treat each action.

4. 5 Why’s Analysis Target Diagram for PowerPoint

effective problem solving ppt

The 5 Why’s PowerPoint Template is an excellent tool for root cause analysis and Problem Solving processes. It works out 5 degrees of depth which can be considered a first analysis for every problem understanding in the business domain.

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Brainstorming, Problem Solving Filed under Business

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20+ Best Problem Solving Models and Techniques PowerPoint Templates for 2024

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Best Problem Solving Models and Techniques PowerPoint Templates

Decision making is a crucial part of any business or organization, and the ability to make effective decisions can mean the difference between success and failure. Of course, making the right decision isn’t always easy, which is why it’s essential to have a strong problem-solving process in place. This blog post discusses the definition of problem solving and some of the recommended problem solving models and techniques PowerPoint templates .

What is Problem Solving?

Problem solving is the process of identifying and resolving issues or challenges. It can be done individually or as part of a team. Problem solving usually requires a systematic approach and often includes steps such as:  identifying the problem, generating potential solutions, evaluating the options, selecting the solution, and implementing the plan.  Of course, not every problem will require all of these steps. But in general, taking a systematic and structured approach to problem solving will increase the chances of finding a successful resolution. With practice, problem solving can become second nature – something that we do automatically and effortlessly. When faced with an issue or challenge, our first instinct will be to quickly find a solution that works.

The Problem Solving Process

The first step in the problem solving process is to identify the source of the problem. Once the source has been identified, it is important to gather information about the problem. This may include  conducting research, observing the situation, or speaking to those who are affected by the problem . Once enough information has been gathered, it is time to start brainstorming solutions. Possible solutions should be evaluated based on their feasibility and potential impact. After a solution has been chosen, it is important to implement it in a way that is efficient and effective. Finally, it is necessary to monitor the situation to ensure that the chosen solution is having the desired effect. If not, then the problem solving process will need to begin anew in order to find a different solution.

Best Problem Solving Models and Techniques PowerPoint Templates from SlideSalad

If you are looking for some helpful PPT templates to Create Problem solving Model PowerPoint presentations, then look no further! Here are some of the best problem solving models and techniques PowerPoint templates that you can use to make your next presentation. This clean template come with easy-to-follow instructions and plenty of sample slides to get you started. With these multipurpose PowerPoint templates , you’ll be able to create a professional, engaging presentation that will help your audience understand the problem solving process and how to apply it in real-world situations. So check out these great problem solving models and techniques PowerPoint templates today and get started on your next presentation!

1. PDCA Cycle Diagrams PowerPoint Template – Best PDCA Cycle Diagram Illustrations in PowerPoint

PDCA Cycle Diagrams PowerPoint Template - Best PDCA Cycle Diagram Illustrations in PowerPoint

The PDCA cycle is also known as the  Deming Wheel , named after  Dr. William Edwards Deming who introduced the concept in the 1950s.  The PDCA cycle is a quality control method that can be used to continually improve processes and systems. The four steps of the cycle are: Plan, Do, Check (study), and Act.  The Plan step involves identifying the problem and developing a plan to address it. The Do step involves implementing the plan. The Check (study) step involves monitoring the results of the implementation and determining whether they are effective. The Act step involves taking action to make permanent changes based on the findings of the study. By following this cycle, organizations can improve their processes and systems on an ongoing basis.

2. 5 whys PowerPoint Template PPT Slides – Effective Way to Uncover the Root of Problems in Problem Solving

5 whys PowerPoint Template PPT Slides - Effective Way to Uncover the Root of Problems in Problem Solving

Five Why’s is a simple and effective root cause analysis tool that can be used to identify the underlying cause of an issue. The Five Why’s Framework is based on the premise that for every problem, there are five whys that need to be asked in order to get to the root cause. Asking why five times gets to the heart of the matter and helps to ensure that all possible causes are considered. The Five Why’s tool can be used for both individual and team problem-solving exercises. It is a helpful tool for preventing issues from recurring because it gets everyone thinking about all the potential causes of a problem, not just the most obvious ones. Buy and download this best problem solving PowerPoint template and get started illustrating the 5 Whys in your presentation.

3. CATWOE Analysis PowerPoint Template Diagrams – The Ultimate Guide for Understanding Your Customers

CATWOE Analysis PowerPoint Template Diagrams - The Ultimate Guide for Understanding Your Customers

David Smyth first introduced the CATWOE Analysis in 1975 as a tool for business and systems analysis.

The acronym CATWOE stands for:

  • Transformation Process
  • Environmental Constraints

This framework can be used to identify and understand the key elements of a system under consideration. By taking into account the needs of customers, the people who will be affected by the system, the process that will be used to implement it, and the worldview that it represents, CATWOE Analysis provides a comprehensive way to understand complex systems. In addition, by considering environmental constraints and identifying who will be responsible for operating and maintaining the system, CATWOE Analysis can help to ensure that a proposed system is viable and sustainable.

4. Fishbone Ishikawa Diagrams PowerPoint Template Designs – Give a Compelling Presentation on How Fishbone Ishikawa Can Help You Solve Problems

Fishbone Ishikawa Diagrams PowerPoint Template Designs - Give a Compelling Presentation on How Fishbone Ishikawa Can Help You Solve Problems

Fishbone Ishikawa diagrams also called cause and effect diagrams or Fishikawa , are a graphical tool used to identify possible causes of a problem. The name “fishbone” comes from the fact that the diagram resembles the skeleton of a fish . The main purpose of the fishbone diagram is to help identify all of the possible causes of a problem so that it can be more effectively addressed. The diagram is often used in quality management and Six Sigma initiatives as a way to brainstorm about potential causes and identify root causes. It can also be used in other business settings as a tool for identifying problems and their causes. While the fishbone diagram is most commonly used in manufacturing and service industries, it can be applied to any type of problem-solving situation. You can also use this recommended template for decision making presentations. To test our template quality, download some of our free PowerPoint templates .

5. Kepner-Tregoe Method PowerPoint Template – Creative PPT Template to Discover the Practical way to Make the Best Decisions Under Pressure

Kepner-Tregoe Method PowerPoint Template - Creative PPT Template to Discover the Practical way to Make the Best Decisions Under Pressure

The Kepner-Tregoe method is a problem-solving and decision-making technique developed in the 1960s by Charles H. Kepner and Benjamin B. Tregoe.

The KT methodology is based on four fundamental elements:

  • Situation Analysis
  • Problem Analysis
  • Decision Analysis
  • Potential Problem (Opportunity) Analysis

These elements are designed to help individuals and organizations systematically identify, assess, and resolve problems in a rational and efficient manner. In each step, specific tools and techniques are used to help identify the cause of a problem or opportunity, generate possible solutions, select the best solution, and implement it effectively. The KT approach has been used successfully in a variety of industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, government, and service. While the method is not without its critics, it continues to be one of the most popular problem-solving tools available today.

6. Six Sigma and DMAIC Model PowerPoint Templates Diagrams – Rapidly Improve Your Business Performance with Six Sigma and DMAIC Model

Six Sigma and DMAIC Model PowerPoint Templates Diagrams - Rapidly Improve Your Business Performance with Six Sigma and DMAIC Model

Six Sigma is a quality refinement strategy that aims to reduce defects by minimizing variation in manufacturing and business processes. The DMAIC model, which stands for  Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control , is a framework for Six Sigma projects. The Define phase involves identifying the problem to be addressed and setting objectives. In the Measure phase, data is gathered to quantify the problem. In the Analyze phase, the data is analyzed to identify the root causes of variation. The Improve phase involves implementing solutions to address the root causes. Finally, in the Control phase, process control plans are put in place to ensure that the improvements are sustainable. By following the DMAIC model, Six Sigma projects can achieve substantial improvements in quality and productivity.

Features of SlideSalad’s Top Problem Solving PowerPoint Templates:

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7. Design Thinking PowerPoint Templates – Innovative PPT Template to Discover How Design Thinking Helps Companies Become Creative

Design Thinking PowerPoint Templates - Innovative PPT Template to Discover How Design Thinking Helps Companies Become Creative

Design Thinking is a method for approaching problems with empathy, creativity, and a focus on real-world solutions. The process begins with empathizing with those who will be using the product or solution. This step helps to ensure that the final product meets the needs of the end users. Once the problem has been clearly defined, the next step is to ideate or generate ideas for potential solutions. These ideas are then prototyped or put into a form that can be tested in the real world. Finally, the prototypes are tested with users to get feedback and refine the design. The Design Thinking process is an iterative one, meaning that each step is automatically followed by another round of refinement. This cycle continues until the problem is solved in a way that is both effective and efficient.

8. Simplex Problem-Solving Process PowerPoint Template – Professional Presentation Examples of Simplifying Complex Problems with the Simplex Method

Simplex Problem-Solving Process PowerPoint Template - Professional Presentation Examples of Simplifying Complex Problems with the Simplex Method

The Simplex Problem-Solving Process, developed by Min Basadur , is a systematic and comprehensive approach to problem solving that can be applied to both individual and organizational problems . The process begins with problem finding, followed by fact-finding and problem definition. Once the problem has been adequately defined, the focus shifts to idea/solution finding; this involves generating and evaluating potential solutions to the problem. Once a satisfactory solution has been found, it is then necessary to sell the idea/gain acceptance from those who will be affected by it. Finally, taking action to implement the solution and monitoring its effectiveness completes the process. Throughout the process, it is important to maintain open communication and keep all stakeholders involved and informed of progress. The Simplex Problem-Solving Process is an effective tool for addressing both simple and complex problems in an organized and efficient manner. Purchase this elegant presentation theme to professionally present the Simplex problem solving process.

9. SCAMPER Technique PowerPoint Template Designs – Powerful Creative Tool to Create New Ideas Using This Proven Technique

SCAMPER Technique PowerPoint Template Designs - Powerful Creative Tool to Create New Ideas Using This Proven Technique

The SCAMPER technique is a powerful tool for generating new ideas. It was developed by Bob Eberle in 1971 as a way to help people develop their imagination.

The technique involves seven different steps:

  • Put to another use

Each step provides a different way of looking at a problem or challenge and can help to spark new ideas. For example, the “substitute” step asks you to consider what you could use instead of the existing element. This can lead to new ways of solving problems or creating entirely new products or services. The “combine” step asks you to consider two or more elements and how they could be combined. This can lead to new combinations of products or services or new ways of using existing products or services. The other steps provide similarly powerful ways of generating new ideas, and all together, they can help you to overcome creative blocks and come up with fresh solutions.

10. Innovation Management Models and Practices PowerPoint Templates – Minimalist PPT Theme That Illustrates Innovation Management Models to Help You Be More Productive

Innovation Management Models and Practices PowerPoint Templates - Minimalist PPT Theme That Illustrates Innovation Management Models to Help You Be More Productive

Innovation management is a combination of strategic and operational activities that are necessary for an organization to introduce and deliver new products, services, or processes. The goal of innovation management is to create value through the development and commercialization of new ideas. There are many different models and practices that can be used to achieve this goal, but they all share some common elements. First, innovation management must identify and assess opportunities for a new product or service development. Second, it must create a plan for how to develop and commercialize these new ideas. Finally, it must monitor progress and make adjustments as necessary to ensure that the goals are met. By following these steps, organizations can increase their chances of successful innovation. All our multipurpose presentation templates include fully customizable slides, beautiful slide designs , awesome vector icons, objects and image layouts, resizable shapes , color schemes, colorful infographics , 4:3 and 16:9 widescreen resolutions, and more.

11. Productive Thinking Model PowerPoint Template – The Best Problem Solving PPT Template to Discover the Best Way to Think for Maximum Output

Productive Thinking Model PowerPoint Template - The Best Problem Solving PPT Template to Discover the Best Way to Think for Maximum Output

Tim Hurson developed the Productive Thinking Model in his book, Think Better (2010) , and it is based on the premise that, in order to be successful, we need to understand what is going on, what success looks like, and what the question is. Once we have a clear understanding of these three things, we can then generate answers, forge the solution, and align resources. The model is designed to help individuals and organizations think more effectively so that they can achieve their desired outcomes. The Productive Thinking Model has been used by a variety of organizations, including Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and non-profit organizations. When applied correctly, it can help individuals and organizations to achieve success. Once you are done with the presentation, you can save it on OneDrive or Google Drive for remote access.

12. 8D Problem Solving Report PowerPoint Template – Create a Stunning Presentation for Learning the 8D Problem Solving Report Process to Save Your Business

8D Problem Solving Report PowerPoint Template - Create a Stunning Presentation for Learning the 8D Problem Solving Report Process to Save Your Business

8D (Eight Disciplines) is a problem-solving methodology used in engineering primarily for corrective action and preventive action. It includes specific steps for identifying, analyzing, and correcting root causes of defects/issues. The method was developed by Ford Motor Company in the 1980s but has since been adopted by other companies across various industries.

The 8D methodology follows a logical sequence of 8 steps:

  • Define the problem.
  • Form a cross-functional team.
  • Describe the current situation.
  • Identify and implement short-term containment actions.
  • Identify root causes and verify their effects.
  • Develop and implement permanent corrective actions.
  • Prevent the recurrence of the problem by implementing systemic improvements.
  • Congratulate the team on a job well done.

Following these steps helps to ensure that problems are properly identified and addressed at the root cause level, preventing them from recurring in the future. Additionally, involving a cross-functional team in the problem-solving process ensures that all relevant stakeholders have a chance to provide input and improve the chances of success. Ultimately, 8D is an effective tool for improving quality and preventing them from happening again in the future.

13. PPDAC Cycle PowerPoint Template Diagrams – Make a Complete PowerPoint Presentation on the Top Problem Solving Methodology for Solving the Real-World Problems With PPDAC Cycle

PPDAC Cycle PowerPoint Template Diagrams - Make a Complete PowerPoint Presentation on the Top Problem Solving Methodology for Solving the Real-World Problems With PPDAC Cycle

The PPDAC cycle is a five-step process for solving problems and making decisions introduced by R.J. McKay and R.W. Oldford . It is commonly used in business and government, as well as in personal decision-making.

The steps in the cycle are:

  • Conclusions
  • The first step in the cycle is to identify the problem. This involves understanding what the problem is and why it is important to solve.
  • The second step is to develop a plan for how to solve the problem. This plan should take into account the resources available and the potential risks and benefits of different courses of action.
  • The third step is to gather data. This data can come from research, surveys, interviews, or observation. Once the data has been gathered, it must be analyzed to identify trends and patterns.
  • The fourth step is to reach conclusions based on the data analysis. These conclusions should be supported by evidence and should be clear and concise.
  • The fifth and final step is to take action based on the conclusions. This action may involve implementing a plan or making a decision.

The PPDAC cycle is a useful tool for solving problems and making decisions. It helps to ensure that all relevant information is considered and that decisions are based on evidence.

14. Straw Man Proposal PowerPoint Template Diagrams – Modern PPT Presentation for Showing McKinsey Method for Problem Solving

Straw Man Proposal PowerPoint Template Diagrams - Modern PPT Presentation for Showing McKinsey Method for Problem Solving

The Straw Man Proposal is a brainstorming-like method for problem solving developed by McKinsey. It involves rapidly generating a large number of potential solutions to a problem, then evaluating and selecting the best one. The goal is to come up with an innovative solution that is feasible and superior to existing solutions. The technique is named after the “straw man” used in legal arguments, which is a weak or easily refuted opponent that is used to make the argument look stronger . In the same way, the Straw Man Proposal allows ideas to be quickly evaluated and rejected if they are not viable, leaving only the strongest ones remaining. This makes it an effective tool for finding creative solutions to complex problems. While it is often used by businesses, the Straw Man Proposal can be adapted for use in any situation where problem solving is needed.

15. ACHIEVE Coaching Model PowerPoint Template – Clean Slide Designs to Show Best Results to Your Clients by Following a Measurable and Sustainable Methodology

ACHIEVE Coaching Model PowerPoint Template - Clean Slide Designs to Show Best Results to Your Clients by Following a Measurable and Sustainable Methodology

The ACHIEVE coaching model is a framework that can be used by coaches to help their clients assess their current situation, identify their goals, and generate and implement a plan of action. The model was developed by the Coaching Centre (Dombkowski and Eldridge) in 2003 , a UK-based organization that provides training and resources for coaches. The acronym ACHIEVE stands for Assess, Creative brainstorming, Hone goals, Initiate option generation, Evaluate options, Valid Action Programme Design, and Encourage momentum . The seven steps of the model can be applied to any coaching situation, and each step can be further customized to meet the specific needs of the client. The ACHIEVE coaching model is a flexible and comprehensive approach that can be used to help individuals achieve their personal and professional goals.

16. STEPPA Coaching Model PowerPoint Template – Premium Presentation Examples to Present a Topic About the STEPPA Coaching Model

STEPPA Coaching Model PowerPoint Template - Premium Presentation Examples to Present a Topic About the STEPPA Coaching Model

The STEPPA Coaching Model was developed by Dr. Angus McLeod as a way to help people identify and achieve their goals. The acronym STEPPA stands for Subject, Target Identification, Emotion, Perception, Plan, Pace, and Action . Each of these components is essential for successful goal-setting and achievement. The first step, Subject, involves identifying what area of your life you want to improve. The second step, Target Identification, helps you to zero in on specific goals that you would like to achieve. The third step, Emotion, involves exploring the feelings that are associated with your goals. The fourth step, Perception, is about how you see yourself achieving your goals. The fifth step, Plan, helps you to develop a specific plan of action for achieving your goals. And finally, the sixth and seventh steps, Pace and Action, involve taking concrete steps towards achieving your goals. By following the STEPPA Coaching Model, you can set and achieve any goal that you desire.

17. ESH Framework PowerPoint Template – Deliver a Presentation About How ESH Framework Aids Organizations in Reducing Costs and Meeting Deadlines

ESH Framework PowerPoint Template - Deliver a Presentation About How ESH Framework Aids Organizations in Reducing Costs and Meeting Deadlines

The ESH Framework is a systems approach to organizational management and change that was developed by Dutch organizational theorists Mathieu Weggeman and Geert Hofstede . The framework is based on the premise that organizations are composed of five interrelated subsystems: strategy, structure, personnel, culture, and management styles . Each of these subsystems exerts a unique influence on organizational behavior and performance. To be effective, organizations must maintain a balance between these subsystems ( evenwicht ), as well as a sense of cohesion ( samenhang ) and diversity ( heterogeneity ). The ESH Framework provides a comprehensive and systematic way of understanding how organizations function and how they can be managed effectively. It is a useful tool for both practitioners and researchers alike.

18. David Rock’s Focus Model PowerPoint Template – Most Popular Presentation PPT Template on Problem Solving: David Rock’s ‘Choose Your Focus’ Model

David Rock's Focus Model PowerPoint Template - Most Popular Presentation PPT Template on Problem Solving: David Rock's 'Choose Your Focus' Model

In his book “ Quiet Leadership ,” David Rock discusses the importance of focusing on what is most important.

He divided this focus into six different areas:

Vision refers to having a clear idea of what you want to achieve, and planning refers to taking the time to develop a detailed plan of how you will achieve it. Detail refers to ensuring that all the small details are taken care of, and problem refers to solving any problems that arise along the way. Drama refers to managing any difficult situations that may arise, and finally, quiet leadership refers to maintaining your composure and keeping your head during times of stress. By focusing on these six areas, you can increase your chances of success and achieving your goals. Buy and download a business PPT presentation template for an instant presentation.

19. 5E Learning Model PowerPoint Template Designs – A Forward-Thinking Way to Learn and Implement the 5E Model in Your Organization

5E Learning Model PowerPoint Template Designs - A Forward-Thinking Way to Learn and Implement the 5E Model in Your Organization

The 5E learning model is a constructivist approach to teaching that emphasizes the learner’s experience and prior knowledge as the foundation for new learning. The model was developed by the Biological Sciences Curriculum Study in 1987  and has since been adopted by many school districts across the United States.

The 5E model is comprised of five stages:

The first stage, Engage, is designed to capture students’ attention and interest in the topic. The second stage, Explore, allows students to investigate the topic and form their own hypotheses. In the third stage, Explain, students share their hypotheses with the class and receive feedback from the teacher. The fourth stage, Elaborate, gives students an opportunity to practice what they have learned. Finally, in the fifth stage, Evaluate, students reflect on their learning and assess their understanding of the material. The 5E learning model is an effective way to engage students in active learning and promote a deep understanding of content.

20. The Stepladder Technique PowerPoint Template Diagrams – Well-Designed PowerPoint Slide Layouts to How to Use the Step Ladder Technique for an Effective Decision Making

The Stepladder Technique PowerPoint Template Diagrams - Well-Designed PowerPoint Slide Layouts to How to Use the Step Ladder Technique for an Effective Decision Making

The Stepladder Technique is a structured brainstorming method that can be used by groups of people to generate ideas and solve problems. The technique was first developed by Steven Rogelberg, Janet Barnes-Farrell, and Charles Lowe in 1992 . The process involves each member of the group working individually to generate ideas on a topic or problem. Once all members have generated their ideas, they then share their ideas with the person next to them and build on those ideas to create a “ladder” of solutions. This process is then repeated until all members of the group have had a chance to contribute. Once the ladder is complete, the group can then discuss the options and make a decision. The Stepladder Technique is an effective way to generate a large number of ideas and find creative solutions to problems. Try this corporate presentation template for your next successful problem solving PPT presentation. Also, consider purchasing some of our professional Google Slides and Keynote templates if needed.

21. Perceptual Positions PowerPoint Template – Well-Organized PPT Template for Showcasing a Compelling Presentation About the Reframing Exercise Perceptual Positions

Perceptual Positions PowerPoint Template - Well-Organized PPT Template for Showcasing a Compelling Presentation About the Reframing Exercise Perceptual Positions

Perceptual positions are a neuro-linguistic programming and psychology term that refers to the three different ways we can view a situation. The first position is the ‘I, self’ position, where we view the situation from our own perspective. The second position is the ‘the other’ position, where we view the situation from the perspective of another person. The third position is the ‘the observer’ position, where we view the situation from an objective, detached perspective. By understanding and utilizing all three positions, we can gain a complete understanding of a situation and make more effective decisions.

Conclusion: Buying the Best Problem Solving Models and Techniques PowerPoint Templates

No matter which problem solving model you choose, Modern Premium PowerPoint templates can be a valuable tool for communicating your findings to others. SlideSalad’s problem solving models and techniques PPT templates come in a variety of styles and can be customized to fit your needs . Choose a template that includes all of the elements you need to present your data clearly and effectively. With just a few clicks, you’ll be able to create an engaging and professional presentation that will help your team solve problems more efficiently.

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Top 10 6-step Problem-Solving PPT Templates with Examples and Samples

Top 10 6-step Problem-Solving PPT Templates with Examples and Samples

The fundamental reason of human evolution is problem solving. Fire, agriculture, wheel and every other major invention has helped us resolve problems that threatened our existence. 

Even business was a result of solving the problem of ensuring that specialization could come about, and professionals take root. 

For businesses, problem solving is indeed the source of innovation, and forms the basis for continuous improvement. You can’t imagine the success of a business without catering to the problems of the customers. Till the time, customers are not satisfied with the resolution of an issue and appropriate customer service, the task would be incomplete and the growth of an organization would be questionable. Therefore, it is important to adopt a robust and effective system for dealing with issues occurring in your business setup or to help your customers. 

The first step in problem solving is identifying the problem, and understanding its root cause. Once you have collected information on an issue, only then can you figure out ways to solve it. The benefits of problem solving includes increased customer satisfaction. Additionally, it results in improved customer confidence and boosts sales. Also, it allows businesses to enhance reputation.

To take your business to the next level, explore our Top 10 Problem Solving Templates !

In this blog, we have offered 6 steps problem-solving templates to provide you appropriate guidance on resolving problems arising within a business or related to the customers.  Each of these templates is 100% editable and customizable. 

Let us deep dive into these templates!

Template 1 – 6-Step Problem Solving Process 

To solve any problem arising in your business, you need to adopt a systematic approach. This PPT Template on 6 Steps Problem Solving Process helps you convey what needs to be done to solve a particular problem. Use this slide to showcase effective techniques for problem solving such as identifying the problem, listing the possible solutions, implementing it, and evaluating the outcome etc. Download the template now!

6 Steps Problem Solving Process

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Template 2 – 6 Steps Problem Solving

This is a PPT deck illustrating 6 steps for problem solving. It consists of slides depicting the outline for solving an issue. Each of these slides communicates essential information to viewers. Deploy these in your presentations to gain a competitive advantage. These templates are a great starting point to reach out to stakeholders and build collaborations.

effective problem solving ppt

Template 3 – 6 Step Framework for Solving Customers Problems 

This PPT Template showcases a structured framework for solving customers' problems. It includes budget, authority, need, timelines, value etc. as crucial components involved to design a plan for dealing with the issue. It is important to ask the customer about the budget and demonstrate the unique value of the product to them. Through this slide, you can also identify customer issues and concerns and address them, understand the customer need or the problem, make customer believe that it is the right time to make the purchase. It is also important to inform the customer about return policy and guarantees. Download this content-ready template and go ahead with your plan for fixing the customer's problem. 

6 step framework for solving customers problems

Template 4 – 6-Step Technical Problem Solving and Outcome Roadmap 

Check out this PPT Template on the 6-step technical problem solving and outcome roadmap. It illustrates roadmap for IT-based issue resolution and outcome. The outcomes include the launch of new services, improved performance, increased team functionality, enhanced product usage, infrastructure, and enhanced new trial percentages. Use this template to make a proper plan and evaluate the outcome on a quarterly basis.

6 step technical problem solving and outcome roadmap

Template 5 – 6 Steps of IT Problem Solving and Project Status Dashboard 

Use this PPT Template to display a dashboard of IT Problem Solving and Project Status Dashboard. It includes steps such as planning, design, development, testing, projected launch date, and support & maintenance. It also showcases risks, project budget, overdue tasks, project summary, average task handling time, and deadlines. The pictorial representation of the template with charts makes it easy to understand steps needed for solving IT-based issues. 

6 steps of IT problem solving and project status dashboard

Template 6 – 6 Steps Business Operations Problem Solving Actions 

This PPT Template presents 6 steps of evaluation of business problems with DMAIC process. These steps are Define & Identify, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control. To begin with, you need to select the problem, identify project charter, develop project timeline, construct flow chart of process, start the problem and identify the gaps, identify the problem statement, isolate the problem and identify the gaps. The next step deals with identifying potential root cause, verifying it, pain point and select improvements. Developing and implementing an improvement plan, within standard company operations, is next. Download the template now to get a complete guidance on problem solving within your business. 

6 steps business operations problem solving actions

Template 7 – 6 Steps Problem Solving with Implementation Plan 

The USP of this slide is its focus on implementation. It shows the theme, background, current condition, and cause analysis etc. Emphasize on the what, who, when, where and cost of the plan.  Define the current process that requires improvement based on users’ voice. Check issue background and context. Pin down situation, highlight problem and pin-point the root cause of the problem. Get access to this template and utilize it in your business presentations. 

6 steps problem solving with implementation plan

Template 8 6 Steps of Problem Solving Process 

This is another PPT Template that can be used to share information about six key steps an organization should implement to overcome challenges and risks. Using this template, present details about defining a problem, understanding the root cause, determining the possible solutions, selecting the best solution, and so on. Get the template to display the best and most effective problem-solving process.  

6 Steps Of Problem Solving Process

Template 9 – Six Staged Business Problem Solving Cyclic Process 

This PPT layout is an interesting depiction of the six staged business problem solving cyclic process. It includes steps such as identify the problem, analyze the problem, develop the solutions, implement a solution, evaluate the results and standardize the solution. You can add text under each of these steps as explanation. The PPT Template is customizable, so you can add a per convenience.  Download it today!

Six Staged Business Problem Solving Cyclic Process

Template 10 – 6 Step Model for Client Problem Solving 

Get this appealing illustration of the 6-step model for client problem solving. It displays a list of steps that would be helpful for dealing with any problem. These steps are define the problem, determine the major cause of problem, develop alternative solutions, select precise solution, implement the solution, and evaluate the outcome. 

6 Step Model for Client Problem Solving


One of the ways to gain success in your business is by accepting challenges at work, converting problems into solutions, and witnessing growth. If you wish to rise strong and powerful through the hurdles, you do not need to worry any longer. All you need to do is to adopt a step-by-step problem-solving method in your business approach. 

Check out the problem-solving templates mentioned in this blog to help you in your journey towards growth with improvement. Download it today!

PS If you need help with analyzing problems within your organization, you must explore our top 10 problem analysis templates.

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Top 10 Problem Solving Templates with Samples and Examples

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Effective problem solving PowerPoint Presentation Templates and Google Slides

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Presenting this set of slides with name effective problem solving process with integrative behavior ppt powerpoint presentation gallery graphics example pdf. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are integrative, decision making, collaborative. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

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Ways To Solve Business Problems Effectively Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Pictures Design Ideas PDF

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Team Manager Administration Thinking Critically Making Decisions Solving Problems Template Effective Reasoning Introduction Pdf

This is a team manager administration thinking critically making decisions solving problems template effective reasoning introduction pdf. template with various stages. Focus and dispense information on five stages using this creative set, that comes with editable features. It contains large content boxes to add your information on topics like problem solving, creativity and innovation, effective reasoning, decision making, schema development and activation. You can also showcase facts, figures, and other relevant content using this PPT layout. Grab it now.

Effective Brainstorming Strategies For Problem Solving Icon Ppt Gallery Show PDF

Effective Brainstorming Strategies For Problem Solving Icon Ppt Gallery Show PDF

Persuade your audience using this Effective Brainstorming Strategies For Problem Solving Icon Ppt Gallery Show PDF. This PPT design covers three stages, thus making it a great tool to use. It also caters to a variety of topics including Effective Brainstorming Strategies, Problem Solving Icon. Download this PPT design now to present a convincing pitch that not only emphasizes the topic but also showcases your presentation skills.

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5 Whys Analysis Effective Brainstorming Strategies For Problem Solving Mockup PDF

This slide represents the brainstorming technique of 5 why analysis to solve the problem of supply chain faced by the organization. It includes details related to problem, root cause and solution of the problem of wrong items delivery to customers. Presenting 5 Whys Analysis Effective Brainstorming Strategies For Problem Solving Mockup PDF to dispense important information. This template comprises five stages. It also presents valuable insights into the topics including Problem, Consumers, Root Cause, Solution. This is a completely customizable PowerPoint theme that can be put to use immediately. So, download it and address the topic impactfully.

RCA Tools For Effective Problem Solving Portrait PDF

RCA Tools For Effective Problem Solving Portrait PDF

This slide shows five root cause analysis tools for addressing and solving potential business problems. It include tools name such as Pareto chart, The 5 Whys and scatter plot diagram, etc. Showcasing this set of slides titled RCA Tools For Effective Problem Solving Portrait PDF Clipart. The topics addressed in these templates are Tool Name, Description, Problem Solving. All the content presented in this PPT design is completely editable. Download it and make adjustments in color, background, font etc. as per your unique business setting.

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10 Problem-Solving Strategies - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

effective problem solving ppt

10 Problem-Solving Strategies

10 problem-solving strategies a strategy is a method or way of doing something. sometimes more than one strategy can be used to solve a problem. – powerpoint ppt presentation.

  • A strategy is a method or way of doing something. Sometimes more than one strategy can be used to solve a problem. Knowing how to choose the best strategy for solving a problem will make you successful in math.
  • Draw a picture or diagram
  • Organize your self Make a chart or list, graph, sort data
  • Work Backwards
  • Use Manipulatives
  • Highlight Information
  • Compute Write a number sentence
  • Use Ratio or Proportions
  • Use a Formula or Rule
  • Guess and Check
  • Make the problem simpler
  • Make Estimates
  • Look for a Pattern
  • What are you being asked to do?
  • Read the question!
  • What information do you know?
  • Make a plan for solving the problem.
  • Solve the problem.
  • CHECK your answer.

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World's Best PowerPoint Templates PowerPoint PPT Presentation

9 Creative Problem Solving Tools For Your Next Breakthrough Idea

This is a suite of 9 creative problem solving tools from Erik op ten Berg. He’s an expert in creative thinking or applying creativity from the Netherlands.

He’s been working in this field for 25 years and has a Master of Science from Buffalo State University in New York.

His creative problem solving process takes a challenge and finds ideas that are new, useful and meaningful. I guarantee you this process will help you mobilise your group’s creative thinking skills.

You and your group will find original ideas which are always there. This helps you get to the holy grail of breakthrough thinking and quite possibly the ‘next big thing’.

Download free slides... enter your email address at the bottom to get this team building activity in your inbox

Interview with Erik op ten Berg

Watch this video to see Erik describe in detail how each tool / activity works with examples.

Please note that the video and audio quality is a little shaky in places. Sorry about that! We had some technical issues with Skype that were difficult to overcome.

Four Stages of Creative Problem Solving

The first two stages help you and your group ‘explore ideas’. The third stage helps you select the best ideas and the fourth tests the feasibility of your best ideas.

These are the four stages you need to go through (no skipping a stage please):

  • Idea generation
  • Idea expansion
  • Idea selection
  • Idea feasibility

Always start with the ABC Avalanche and then use 1 or 2 of the next 5 tools to expand the list of possible solutions.

1. ABC Avalanche (3:55sec on video)

A very basic brainstorming technique but extremely powerful.

This tool asks people to generate at least 26 ideas for a specific challenge sorting them by their first letters. It takes about 10-15 minutes.

  • Write down the central question.
  • Write down the letters of the alphabet.
  • Generate many ideas sorting them by their first letters.
  • Complete the alphabet.

Because participants focus on generating a specific number of ideas they postpone their judgments.

These attitudes are core to creative problem solving:

  • Generating many alternative ideas.
  • Postponing judgments.
  • Moving past the first few (obvious) ideas.

Depending on the number of people in the session you can split into sub-groups. Feel free to build in a little competition between the groups if you like.

From this stage you have at least 26 starting ideas and people won’t have jumped into judging whether they are good ideas or not.

2. Breaking Assumptions (7:38min on video)

This is a second stage to an ABC Avalanche.

One of the very classical thinking techniques because to be truly creative you need to break patterns.

Once you’re aware of a pattern or an assumption in your idea generation so far you can deliberately break this assumption and new ideas will come forward and present themselves.

  • List 5 assumptions present in the question or in the list of ideas.
  • Take the opposite of each assumption.
  • Imagine new solutions that run opposite to the initial assumptions.
  • Add these to your list of ideas.

You ask the group to identify any patterns or assumptions that are built into either the challenge or list of ideas they’ve generated so far.

Then you ask them to take the opposite view (i.e. break that assumption) and come up with any new solutions and add them to your list of ideas.

3. Association Flower (11:13min on video)

Also a second stage technique after ABC Avalanche giving you and your group extra ‘access points’ from which to consider the challenge and generate more ideas.

This technique will generate a long list of associated keywords that can be used to generate even more ideas related to the original challenge.

  • Write down a keyword about the challenge in the centre of the flower and four words that are associated with the keyword around it (see template on next page).
  • Write around this keyword four associations.
  • Then follow each of the 4 words in turn up its branch writing associated keywords as you go.
  • Then use all these words to think in a new way about your challenge and generate even more ideas.
  • Make the list of ideas as large as possible.

4. Visual Connections (15:33min on video)

Another way to create new ‘access points’ from which to generate new ideas.

  • Focus on an interesting object, picture or an article in a newspaper.
  • Write down your thoughts, reactions, impressions and observations.
  • Make connections to the central topic and write these down as new ideas.
  • Repeat this several times and expand your list of ideas.

You could bring a deck of pictures with you, or a set of magazines, or even ask the participants to bring their own magazines so they’re an integral part of the process.

5. SCAMPER (18:31min on video)

Use the 8 words from the acronym to approach the challenge from a different angle and generate a larger list of creative ideas.

SCAMPER is the summary of 72 questions used by Alex Osborn who is the man that founded the concept of brainstorming in the early 40s.

  • SUBSTITUTE: parts, the whole, material…
  • COMBINE: functions, material, just different…
  • ADAPT: other color, place, use, form, timing…
  • MAXIMIZE: bigger, stronger, longer, more time, macro level, use more often…
  • MINIMIZE: smaller, lighter, shorter, micro level, less important…
  • PUT TO OTHER USES: other context…
  • ELIMINATE: parts, functions, material…
  • REVERSE: sequence, upside down, inside out…

There’s no need to do all these words. Let them go wherever they want to go to create more productive access points to tackle the original challenge.

6. Analogy with nature (22:32min on video)

Sometimes people are using this technique as biomimicry .

Your question to the group: what kind of animals are you thinking about when you use your imagination?

Get them to list lots of animals quickly and ask them to select one. What is it that makes this an extraordinary animal?

Once you have that list of characteristics about the animal use those words as access points to generate more ideas about the challenge. What you’re doing here is using the beauty of nature and bringing that connection back to the challenge.

  • List several names of animals.
  • Choose a special animal with no link to the problem.
  • List 10 characteristics about this animal.
  • Use each characteristic as a stimulus for new ideas.
  • Make a force-to-fit to the problem and boost your list of ideas.

Next step is to select ideas through a process of prioritization that you want to go deeper into and do further work on to develop them further.

7. Selecting ideas & COCD Box (24:37min on video)

Using a combination of dots (or hits as Erik calls them) and his COCD box you’re looking to boil down your grand list of ideas down to about 15 really good ones (5 in each color – blue, red and yellow).

  • 5-15 IDEAS: everybody selects his or her 1-3 favorite hits; make out of these a top 3.
  • 15-40 IDEAS: 5 sparkling ideas per person; focus on these and define an overall top 5 using dots or hits.
  • >40 IDEAS: select individually 5-8 blue-red-yellow ideas (COCD-box); define the BIG 5 in each color.

Once you have 5 good ideas in each of the coloured boxes look for themes across them to try and boil everything down to a Top 5 by making some smart combinations.

If you’re looking for breakthrough ideas (and most often you will be) the ideas in the red box will be the ones you want to focus on in the next stage.

8. Concepting (30:07min on video)

What you’re looking to do now is enrich your ideas into concepts. You do this by combining your headline ideas with other ideas that are closely related from your overall list.

Take each red idea in turn and see if you can bundle in other ideas from the grand list.

  • Focus on the selected ideas.
  • Take one idea and add on different ideas (with and without dots) from the idea list, to enrich the original idea.
  • Do this for all the selected ideas.
  • Give the enriched ideas an attractive title.
  • Go on with these results.

Then give the enriched ideas a more attractive title.

9. PPCO (33:38min on video)

This is one of Erik’s little gems he got out of his Master of Science in Buffalo.

At this stage you’re looking to expand and test your best ideas or concepts for feasibility.

  • Pluses : what is good, positive about the idea.
  • Potentials : what are the possibilities if the idea were pursued.
  • Concerns : phrase shortcomings or limitations of the idea as questions.
  • Overcomes : generate ideas to overcome the ‘burning’ concerns.

PPCO is like a SWOT analysis but in a more positive end. A moving towards approach instead of getting away approach. Facing truth and reality in a way of opportunities.

Pluses : Let’s see why we should do this idea. Potentials : What are the extra potentials of this idea that you haven’t considered before? These are extra or super pluses. Concerns : ‘how can I overcome (insert negative point here) …” Overcomes : your last stage of creative thinking where you’re generating answers of how to overcome your concerns.

You end with a triple positive state with very realistic backgrounds. That’s the kind of creativity you need when you have a good idea and you want to move it further whilst trying to taste a bit of the potential of it.

Creative problem solving is a process that, if you have the right tools and activities at hand, you can consistently achieve fantastic results from.

For your session to be a success you need to make sure you move past the first few obvious ideas, you generate tonnes of alternatives and that you postpone judgment on the quality of each idea until the appropriate moment.

How does your experience stack up? Do you have any secrets you’d like to share in the comments below?

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About the Author

Erik op ten Berg (1963) holds a Master of Science Degree in Creativity and Change Leadership, and is educated in Innovation Management at Delft Technical University in The Netherlands. He is a well-known trainer in Creative Problem Solving, and moderator of hundreds of change focused brainstorm workshops. Besides his own company Pioen consult he is also partner at the “Center for the Development of Creative Thinking” (COCD) in Belgium.

Thanks great would like to communicate with Erik Op Ten Berg

dear Rakesh! send me an email at [email protected] ; I will appologize for the delays in my answer because of some Summer holiday trips until August 22…

Thanks for sharing all these ideas. Very interesting and it generates a lots of ideas. One of them is the potential use of istock or getty image platform to search visuals using key words for Visual connections exercises. Wonder if you have try something like this in the past.

Great idea Dany. You need to be careful of potential copyright infringements obviously but there are loads of free stock image repositories out there too you can use in the way you suggest.

hi Dany! visual connections are an “easy way” to create access to thoughts that didn’t came up before; you can do this offline and also online; my experience with group thinking is better with offline pictures then online; bur for individual practice the online inspiration can be very productive and provocative; I wish you lots of creative detours in your own thinking; best wishes, Erik op ten Berg

Very educative, very informative, very useful for a trainer/coach. Thanks for great help to trainer community. World owes you a lot.

excellent approach

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MRT Skills, Unit Seven: Problem Solving

Published by Ἡρὼ Σπηλιωτόπουλος Modified over 5 years ago

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MRT Skills, Unit Seven: Problem Solving

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Problem Solving Presentation Templates

Present the problem-solving processes effectively with our premade problem solving powerpoint templates and google slides themes. crafted to guide you from problem identification to resolution, these free templates breathe life into complex strategies. they feature creative, fully editable infographics, like puzzles and light bulb designs..

Problem solving

  • Analytical Thinking: Breaking down a problem into smaller parts to understand its nature.
  • Creative Thinking: Thinking outside the box to find unique and effective solutions.
  • Decision Making: Choosing the best course of action among different alternatives.
  • Team Collaboration: Working together to generate diverse perspectives and solutions.
  • Communicate the problem statement clearly to stakeholders.
  • Exhibit potential solutions and their implications.
  • Rally teams around a unified strategy.
  • Track progress and outcomes.

In such scenarios, the design and layout of your presentation matter as much as its content. And this is where Slide Egg steps in!

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  • Creative Infographics: Our slides are adorned with multicolor infographics like puzzle pieces, human brains, ladders, bulbs, stars, magnifiers, locks, and keys to captivate your audience.
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How To Build A Problem Solving PowerPoint

How To Build A Problem Solving PowerPoint

We're here to help you, what is problem solving presentation templates.

Problem Solving Presentation Templates is a set of pre-designed PowerPoint slides that you can use to present and explain problem-solving strategies. The templates provide visuals and text that you can use to describe the problem-solving process, from identifying the problem to finding a solution.

Where can we use these Problem Solving Slides?

You can use these Problem Solving Slides for corporate meetings, educational classes, team-building events, or workshops. You can also use them to help facilitate brainstorming sessions and critical thinking activities.

How can I make Problem Solving PPT Slides in a presentation?

Start by creating a slide that outlines the problem. This should include the problem statement and a brief description of the context. Including brainstorming, researching, listing potential solutions, analyzing the data, and finally arriving at a solution. Suppose you want to create slides by yourself. Visit Tips and tricks for detailed instructions.

Who can use Problem Solving Presentation Templates?

Anyone can use Problem Solving PPT Templates to present a problem-solving strategy or process visually engagingly. These templates can be used by professionals, educators, students, business owners, and anyone looking to share a problem-solving approach with an audience.

Why do we need Problem Solving Presentation Slides?

Presenting a problem-solving Presentation slide helps illustrate complex concepts and issues. It can also engage an audience, provide visual context and simplify data. Problem-solving slides can convey ideas and solutions effectively and explore different solutions and alternatives.

Where can I find free Problem Solving Presentation Templates?

Many websites offer free Problem Solving Presentation Templates. Slide egg is one of the best PowerPoint providers. Our websites have uniquely designed templates that allow you to share the problem and help to track progress towards a solution.


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  2. PPT

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  5. 7 Step Problem Solving Process Diagram for PowerPoint

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  6. Problem Solving PowerPoint Template & Keynote Diagram

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