• My Parents Essay

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500 Words Essay On My Parents

We entered this world because of our parents. It is our parents who have given us life and we must learn to be pleased with it. I am grateful to my parents for everything they do for me. Through my parents essay, I wish to convey how valuable they are to me and how much I respect and admire them.

my parents essay

My Strength My Parents Essay

My parents are my strength who support me at every stage of life. I cannot imagine my life without them. My parents are like a guiding light who take me to the right path whenever I get lost.

My mother is a homemaker and she is the strongest woman I know. She helps me with my work and feeds me delicious foods . She was a teacher but left the job to take care of her children.

My mother makes many sacrifices for us that we are not even aware of. She always takes care of us and puts us before herself. She never wakes up late. Moreover, she is like a glue that binds us together as a family.

Parents are the strength and support system of their children. They carry with them so many responsibilities yet they never show it. We must be thankful to have parents in our lives as not everyone is lucky to have them.

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While my mother is always working at home, my father is the one who works outside. He is a kind human who always helps out my mother whenever he can. He is a loving man who helps out the needy too.

My father is a social person who interacts with our neighbours too. Moreover, he is an expert at maintaining his relationship with our relatives. My father works as a businessman and does a lot of hard work.

Even though he is a busy man, he always finds time for us. We spend our off days going to picnics or dinners. I admire my father for doing so much for us without any complaints.

He is a popular man in society as he is always there to help others. Whoever asks for his help, my father always helps them out. Therefore, he is a well-known man and a loving father whom I look up to.

Conclusion of My Parents Essay

I love both my parents with all my heart. They are kind people who have taught their children to be the same. Moreover, even when they have arguments, they always make up without letting it affect us. I aspire to become like my parents and achieve success in life with their blessings.

FAQ of My Parents Essay

Question 1: Why parents are important in our life?

Answer 1: Parents are the most precious gifts anyone can get. However, as not everyone has them, we must consider ourselves lucky if we do. They are the strength and support system of children and help them out always. Moreover, the parents train the children to overcome challenges and make the best decision for us.

Question 2: What do parents mean to us?

Answer 2: Parents mean different things to different people. To most of us, they are our source of happiness and protection. They are the ones who are the closest to us and understand our needs without having to say them out loud. Similarly, they love us unconditionally for who we are without any ifs and buts.

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Essay on My Parents

9 Essays on My Parents | Why I Love my Mom & Dad [ 2024 ]

Our parents are our heroes. We can never deny the role and value of parents in our life. The following essay discusses the importance, role, love, and sacrifices of parents for children.

Essay on Parents For Children & Students

The life without parents is a worst life ever. Parents are support and shade for us. The value of parents in our lives can never be ignored. They play a very great role in our lives. They protect us and give every sacrifice to make us happy and pleased. Parents are our true guardians. The are the real reasons of our success and happiness in this world.

I Love my Parents

I love my parents. They are standing beside me in my every walk of life. My hero is my mom. She wakes up early in the morning. She works for our family from dawn to dusk. She is the best house manager. She takes care of everything in our house.

As soon she wakes up, she starts thinking about ourselves. She runs to the kitchen. She prepares tasty breakfast for us. Her breakfast is always delicious. She takes great care in making the food of our choice. After making our tasty breakfast, my mother quickly fills up our lunch boxes with tasty food.

She always fills our lunch boxes with additional tasty food so that we can share that our friends. I really appreciate my parents and especially my mom.

Essay on My Parents

The Role of Mother & Father in our Life

The love of mother is simply matchless. Soon after we come home after school is up, we always find our mother standing at the gate of our house. We feel very pleased and my mother hugs all of us.

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She take great care of our health. She regularly consult with our family doctor so that we stay healthy and strong. in addition to housework, my mother also help us in our school homework. She is best at drawing. She drawing fancy pictures, portraits and cartoons. We all feel wonderful at her drawing skills.

My hero is my dad. The father is always considered as an unsung hero. But it is not the fact. In addition to mother, the value, role and responsibility of father is always prideful. We all greatly love our father. My father is an Engineer. Though he is always busy in his schedule yet he takes good care of all of us.

We all family members go to weekly dinner and sightseeing outside. In addition to that, during our summer vacation we all family members go to country side trip. We all enjoy a lot there. My father is always concerned for everything about us. Though he is busy in his job yet he always remembers everything about us.

The love of parents for their children is of great value . Had there been no support of parents we would not have been here. We would not have smiled, laughed and became successful. Therefore, we must appreciate our parents for so many reasons.

We must try to help our parents by fulfilling their desires of being successful. We must thank God for blessing us with the support, guide and protection of our parents. May our Parents live long happily and peacefully.

Essay on My Parents for Class 1:

My parents are the most important people in my life. They have always been there for me, supporting and guiding me through every step of my journey. I am very lucky to have them as my parents.

My mother is a homemaker and she takes care of our family with so much love and dedication. She wakes up early every day to prepare delicious meals for us and makes sure that our home is always clean and organized. She has taught me the value of hard work, discipline and kindness.

My father is a businessman and he works very hard to provide for our family. He has always encouraged me to follow my dreams and never give up on them. He has also instilled in me the importance of being responsible and independent.

Together, my parents have raised me to be a kind, compassionate and responsible person. They have always supported my education and extracurricular activities, and have taught me the importance of balancing both.

I am grateful for all the sacrifices they have made for me and I hope to make them proud in everything I do. My parents are my role models and I aspire to be like them one day. Their unconditional love and support is something I will always cherish. I am blessed to have them as my parents.

Essay on My Parents For Class 2:

My parents are the most important people in my life. They take care of me, love me unconditionally and support me in everything I do. I feel blessed to have such wonderful parents.

My mom is a kind and loving person. She works hard to provide for our family and always puts our needs before her own. She makes the best food and always makes sure that I am well-fed and healthy. She also helps me with my studies and teaches me important values like honesty, kindness, and compassion.

My dad is my hero. He is a strong and hardworking man who always puts his family first. He is my role model and has taught me to never give up on my dreams. He plays with me, takes me to the park and helps me with my homework. I love spending time with him.

I am lucky to have such loving parents who always support and encourage me. We share a special bond that cannot be described in words. They are always there for me when I need someone to talk to or when I need a shoulder to cry on.

My parents mean everything to me. They have given me the best childhood and have taught me important life lessons. I am grateful for their love, care, and guidance. I hope to make them proud in everything I do. I will always cherish the memories we create together as a family and will forever be grateful for having such amazing parents . So, I will always love and respect them with all my heart. They are my superheroes! They are the foundation of my happiness and success in life

Essay on My Parents For Class 3

My parents are the most amazing people in my life. They have given me the best gift of all time, which is my life. I am so grateful to them for bringing me into this world and making me who I am today.

My father is a hardworking man. He works tirelessly every day to provide for our family. He never complains and always puts his family first. I have learned the value of hard work and determination from him.

My mother is a kind, caring, and loving person. She takes care of us in every way possible. She makes sure that we are well-fed, clean, and happy at all times. She also teaches me important values like respect, honesty, and compassion.

Together, my parents make a great team. They support each other in every decision they make and always put their family first. They have taught me the importance of family and how to be there for your loved ones no matter what.

I am truly blessed to have such amazing parents who love me unconditionally and have always been there for me through thick and thin . I cannot imagine my life without them and I will always be grateful for everything they have done for me.

In conclusion, my parents are the best gift of my life. They are my role models, my teachers, and my biggest supporters. I am proud to call them my parents and I hope to make them proud in everything I do. So, we all should love and respect our parents as they are the ones who have given us this beautiful life. They deserve all the love and appreciation in the world. Let’s cherish them and make them feel special every day! So, let’s take a moment to thank our parents for everything they have done for us and continue to do so.

Essay on My Parents For Class 4:

My parents are the most important people in my life. They have shaped me into the person I am today and have always been there for me through thick and thin. In this essay, I will be talking about my parents and how they play a vital role in my life.

My Parents – My Pillars of Strength

My mother is a homemaker and my father is a businessman. They both have different personalities but complement each other perfectly. My mother is kind, gentle and always puts others before herself. My father is hardworking, ambitious and always strives to achieve his goals.

Lessons Learned from my Parents

From my parents, I have learned many important life lessons that have helped me become a better person. They have taught me the value of hard work, determination and perseverance. They have always encouraged me to follow my dreams and never give up no matter how difficult the journey may be.

Role Models for Life

Both my parents are my role models. They have shown me what it means to be selfless, loving and caring towards others. They have also instilled important values in me such as honesty, respect, and responsibility. Their unconditional love and support inspire me to be a better person every day.

Supporting Me in Every Step of My Journey

My parents have always been there for me no matter what. They have supported my decisions and stood by me through all the ups and downs of life. Their guidance and encouragement have helped me overcome challenges and achieve my goals.

My parents are my greatest blessings. They are the ones who have always believed in me and pushed me to be the best version of myself. I am grateful for their love, sacrifices, and dedication towards our family. I hope to make them proud by becoming a successful and responsible individual just like them

Essay on My Parents For Class 6

My parents are the most important people in my life. They have always been there for me, supporting and guiding me through every step of my journey. I am truly grateful to have them as my role models.

My father is a hardworking man who has taught me the value of perseverance and dedication. He works tirelessly to provide us with all the comforts of life and never complains about his responsibilities. He is my strength and I know that I can always count on him for anything.

My mother is the epitome of love, care and sacrifice. She has always put our needs before her own and has taught me to be selfless. She has instilled in me the importance of education and has been my biggest cheerleader throughout my academic journey.

Together, my parents have taught me the true meaning of love, respect and family. They have always been there to celebrate my successes and lift me up in times of failures. They have made countless sacrifices to ensure that I receive the best opportunities in life.

Apart from being amazing parents, they are also wonderful individuals who inspire me every day. My father’s intelligence and my mother’s kindness are traits that I admire and hope to emulate.

I am truly blessed to have such loving, caring and supportive parents who have shaped me into the person I am today. They are my biggest blessings and I will always be grateful for their unconditional love and unwavering support. So, I want to thank them from the bottom of my heart for everything they have done for me and continue to do. I hope to make them proud in all my future endeavors and be there for them just like they have been there for me. My parents are my greatest treasure and I am forever grateful to have them in my life.

Essay on Parents Role in our Life:

Parents are the first and most important teachers in a child’s life. They play a crucial role in shaping their children’s behaviors, attitudes and beliefs. From infancy to adulthood, parents guide and support their children to reach their full potential.

One of the primary responsibilities of parents is to provide love and care for their child. Children need a nurturing environment where they feel loved, safe and appreciated. This enables them to develop a strong sense of self-worth and confidence, which is essential for their emotional well-being.

Parents also have the responsibility to instill values and morals in their children. They act as role models for their kids and teach them important life lessons such as honesty, respect, kindness, empathy and responsibility. These values shape the character of children and help them become responsible, compassionate and ethical individuals.

Moreover, parents are the first ones to introduce their children to education. They encourage and support their kids in learning new things, whether at home or in school. Parents also play a crucial role in monitoring their child’s academic progress, providing necessary resources and helping them overcome any challenges they may face.

Aside from these roles, parents also serve as a source of emotional support for their children. They are there to listen, comfort and guide their kids through tough times. This support is vital in helping children develop resilience and coping skills.

In conclusion, parents play a significant role in the development of their children. From providing love and care to instilling values, encouraging education and offering emotional support, parents are the cornerstone of a child’s growth and well-being. We must recognize and appreciate the important role that parents play in our lives, and strive to support and learn from them as we navigate through life.

My Relationship with My Parents Essay:

Parents are the first and most important teachers in our lives. They are the ones who guide us, nurture us and support us through thick and thin. My parents have played a crucial role in shaping me into the person I am today.

Early Childhood

I still remember my early childhood days when my parents used to take care of all my needs without any complaints. They were always there to hold my hand and teach me the basic things in life such as walking, talking and eating. My parents were patient and loving, which helped me develop a strong bond with them.

My parents have always been involved in my education right from the start. They constantly motivated me to do well in school and encouraged me to pursue my interests. They were always there to help me with my homework, attend parent-teacher meetings and guide me in making important decisions about my academic future.

Apart from providing me with a solid education, my parents have also been my biggest support system. Whenever I faced any challenges or setbacks in life, they were the ones who stood by me and helped me get through it. Their unwavering love and support gave me the confidence to overcome any obstacle that came my way.

In conclusion, I am truly grateful for everything that my parents have done for me. They have been my pillars of strength and continue to be my biggest role models. I owe all my success and achievements to their constant love, guidance and support. I am lucky to have such amazing parents who have always been there for me, and I will always be grateful for their unwavering love and support. Overall, my relationship with my parents is the most precious and cherished bond in my life.

Respect of Parents Essay in English:

As children, we are taught to respect our parents. They are the ones who brought us into this world and have raised us with love and care. Our parents sacrifice their time, energy and resources to provide for us and ensure that we have a good life.

Respect towards our parents should come naturally as they are our first teachers. They instill values in us and guide us to become responsible and respectable individuals. It is important to show gratitude and appreciation towards our parents for all that they do for us.

We must always treat our parents with love, kindness and understanding, just as they have treated us throughout our lives. This will not only bring happiness and harmony in the family but also help us build strong relationships with our parents that will last a lifetime. So, let us never forget to respect and cherish our parents always.

Role of Parents in Bringing Up Child Essay:

The role of parents in bringing up a child is a crucial one. Parents are the first and most important teachers for their children, as they shape their child’s personality, values and beliefs. From the moment a child is born, parents are responsible for providing love, care and guidance to help them grow into responsible adults.

One of the primary responsibilities of parents is to provide a safe and nurturing environment for their child. This includes meeting their basic needs such as food, shelter, and clothing, as well as providing emotional support and stability. Parents also play a significant role in instilling discipline and teaching good manners to their child.

Furthermore, parents are also responsible for fostering a positive relationship with their child. This involves spending quality time together, having open and honest communication, and being actively involved in their child’s life. By doing so, parents can help their child develop healthy self-esteem, confidence and a sense of belonging.

In addition to these responsibilities, parents also serve as role models for their children. Children often imitate the behavior and attitudes of their parents, which is why it is crucial for parents to lead by example and demonstrate positive values and behaviors.

In conclusion, the role of parents in bringing up a child cannot be overstated. They provide love, support, guidance, and serve as role models to help their child grow into a responsible and well-rounded individual. It is a challenging but incredibly rewarding role that requires patience, understanding, and unconditional love.

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34 thoughts on “9 Essays on My Parents | Why I Love my Mom & Dad [ 2024 ]”

Very nice essay it’s written in a matured way about our parents and the role played by them in our lives . They are the real heroes in our life . What is written in the first line is true. I love this composition or essay very much.

Really nice essay

Yes this is a nice essay for me. About our parents and what they did for us. So all of u respect your parents including me…

It is very nice

Good…. Let our kids know the value of their parents…… . 😊😊😊

I really appreciate on your essay a very good n true lines on our parents how u have been type d essay sem even my parents r like

Parents are the candles ther lights us the way of success they are really fabulous for me

nobody on earth can ever love you more than your parent but i did not have parents

You should know that if you do not have a family that loves and protects you, know that God loves you and protects you always 🙂

After reading this esaay respect for my parents increases in my heart i always love them

Amazing essay……. Thanx for this contribution.. 😀😀😀😄😄😀😀😀

I got emotional when I was reading. Thank you.

It is really a good essay on

It’s so much nice superpb👍👍👍!!

It’s very good.

Thanks For Your Words!

Nice think ever thank you for creating

My Pleasure!

FAM nice essay.

we never know the love of parent till we become a parent ourselves

True that! Thanks for kind words

Without parents we are really nothing

Yes it true parents are our hero

The world will give way to those who have goals and visions

Sooo emotional essay

Very nice essay…..👌👌👌👌

very very nice

Wow, It realized me that how parents are importan

We should pray to God that he should give the strength to keep our parents in peace. We should always respect our parents because without parents live is useless.

Very good essay ✌✌✌✌✌

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Essay on Parents: Free Samples for School Students

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  • Updated on  
  • Nov 6, 2023

Essay On Parents

Robert Brault once said, ‘A parent’s love is whole no matter how many times divided.’ Our parents mean everything to us. From birth to the day we become financially independent, our parents have always been there for us, formulate our thoughts and make or change the decisions in our lives. Parents play a crucial role in a child’s emotional, social, intellectual, and physical development. We celebrate important days like Mother’s Day and Father’s Day to honour and respect our parents. No words can describe the efforts and the hardships they go through. Therefore, today we will be providing you with an essay on parents to help you understand their importance in our lives and their role in shaping our future.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on Parents in 100 Words
  • 2 Essay on Parents in 200 Words
  • 3 Essay on Parents in 300 Words

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Essay on Parents in 100 Words

Parents stand by their children in every situation they are in; whether it’s a life-changing decision or a skill required for . Our parents promote our healthy habits including proper nutrition, regular exercise, and adequate rest, which contribute to their child’s overall physical development and well-being.
If you are having difficulty in school or with your friends, parents are always there to discuss every possible solution. We have to take the responsibility to reach out to them and tell them all our problems. No matter what difficulty you are facing, parents always wish for the best for their children. Our parent’s undying love, guidance, and wisdom play a unique and influential role in our lives.

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Essay on Parents in 200 Words

There is a Chinese proverb that goes, This quote highlights the indispensable role of parents in nurturing their children. Our parents help us in our upbringing, playing an irreplaceable role in our physical, emotional, and intellectual development.
Their influence in shaping our character, values, and worldview is profound. From the earliest stages of life, parents provide unwavering support and love, fostering a nurturing environment that allows children to thrive.
Parents serve as the primary source of comfort and guidance so that we can emotionally feel comfortable and secure. They offer us a secure foundation from which we can explore the world. They teach us life lessons which form the bedrock of a child’s moral compass, shaping their decision-making and behaviour as they mature.
All the important figures in the world have mentioned the crucial role played by their parents in their success. Michael Jordan, the American basketball player said, ‘My heroes are and were my parents. I can’t see having anyone else as my hero.’ Their guidance and nurturing presence create a strong foundation for us so that we can create a better future. Parent – children’s bond is sacred and is an invaluable relationship that shapes the trajectory of future generations.

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Essay on Parents in 300 Words

– James E. Faust
There are no boundaries when it comes to taking care of their children. Parents always put more than the required effort into their children’s care, security and requirements, offering them a life which they never had. However, their role in our lives goes beyond fulfilling our materialistic requirements.
When we are born, we are like a blank canvas; can be easily dyed into any colour. Our parents are the pillars of support, offering unwavering love and guidance that creates a secure and nurturing environment for us. Through their empathetic presence, parents teach the value of compassion, empathy, and emotional resilience, equipping children with the tools needed to navigate life’s challenges with grace and strength.
Parents teach us important values, ethics, and principles, that lay the groundwork for a strong sense of integrity and ethical decision-making. They impart the importance of honesty, kindness, and respect, fostering a deep understanding of right and wrong that forms the basis of our moral identity.
We can consider parents as our first educators, as they introduce the wonders of knowledge and learning to us. Thanks to their undying efforts and support, parents foster a love for exploration and discovery, encouraging children to embrace intellectual challenges and pursue their academic aspirations with diligence and enthusiasm. 
Their support will always be with us, whether it’s a financial requirement or any moral support. One can say that it is the duty of a parent or guardian to take care of their children, but parents never consider it a part of their job or duty, They want us to achieve success and for that, they offer us every opportunity which can shape our future and we can live a life which they dreamed of.

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Ans: It’s very easy to write an essay on parents, all you need to do is highlight every aspect of your life where your parents have supported you. You can start by mentioning your early school days when you were having difficulties with your classmates or teacher, and how beautifully your parents helped you. Real-life examples will give value to your essay as it will portray the emotional bond between you and your parents.

Ans: Mere words cannot describe the importance of parents in our lives, as they always try to do their best. Our parents offer us the life which they ever dreamed of so that we can have a flourishing future. They are the primary source of moral guidance for us. They impart values, ethics, and principles that shape our understanding of right and wrong, contributing to the development of a strong moral compass.

Ans: Here are 5 lines on parents: Parents are the guiding lights that illuminate the path of a child’s life; They provide unconditional love, which forms the bedrock of our emotional well-being; Through their nurturing presence, parents provide a sense of security and stability; They serve as role models, imparting values and morals that shape our character; Parents are the first teachers, introducing us the wonders of the world.

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  • My Parents Essay in English for Students & Children


Essay on My Parents for Students & Children

An essay is basically a short version of expressing the writer’s perspective. It is very similar to a story or a short article. Essays can be written in a formal manner and also an informal manner. However, writing an essay at an early age helps to develop many skills in a child. 

Essay writing is included from the Class 1 to 4 English syllabus. That is why we, at Vedantu, have brought up this sample essay on ‘My Parents’ for your reference. You can take a look at it and use it as study material for your child’s learning.

My parents are my superheroes. They are my strength. They stand by me in every crisis of my life. They are the most important people in my life. I love my parents very much. I feel really happy and safe whenever I am with them.

We live in Bangalore but my parents are actually from Mumbai, Maharashtra. My mom is a nutritionist and my dad is a software engineer by profession. Both my parents are good at playing badminton and various other indoor games. My mom is also a good swimmer. I go to the swimming club in our society with her every Sunday to learn how to swim. 

My mom wakes up in the morning and prepares food for everyone. My dad also helps my mom. Then my dad helps me in getting ready for school every day. Meanwhile, my mom prepares my lunchbox and keeps it in my bag. She also keeps books and notebooks in my school bag as per my daily routine. My mom prepares really tasty food and so does my dad. I am really happy to have such great parents.

They take care of our health. While keeping unwell, my dad calls the doctor or takes me to the doctor so that I get recovered soon. They pray to God every day for my health. In addition to household chores, my mom also helps me out with my homework. 

We spend a lot of time together on the weekends and holidays. We go out to the movies or eat in the restaurant. During long vacations, we go to beautiful beaches or mountains to calm our nerves and refresh ourselves. My dad loves beaches while my mom is fond of hill areas. I like both. I just love spending my vacations with them. 

Everyone loves their parents because they support and save you from every evil thing. Not only do they protect us but also they sacrifice our well-being as well. The value of our parents cannot be described in words. We cannot rise and shine without them. They play a great role in our lives so that we can gain all the success and happiness in the world.

My parents are my biggest source of strength. They stand by me and help me whenever I am in trouble.  My parents make me feel safe at all times.

We live in Varanasi, but my parents are from Mumbai. My mother is a nutritionist and my father is a doctor by profession. My parents are good Badminton players, and I am also learning the game from them.  My mother is also a good swimmer and I accompany her to the swimming club in our society on all Sundays to learn how to swim.

 My mother makes breakfast and our tiffins every morning. Before she leaves for work, she makes sure to finish all the cooking for the day too. My father helps my mother with a lot of things. My father helps me and my brother in getting ready for school every day., while my mother is in the kitchen. Mother takes care not to forget to put our tiffin boxes inside our bags.  She also makes sure we have all our necessary books and notebooks in the schoolbags as per the daily routine. My mother is a great cook and prepares very delicious food. My father is a very good cook too and he enjoys cooking.

Parents take care of our health and look after us properly, and make sure I and my brother are very well taken care of. In addition to household chores, my mother also helps me with my homework, whenever I need help.

We spend a lot of time together and on weekends and holidays, we go out to the movies or eat-in restaurants. During vacations, we go for long holidays. My father is very fond of the sea and my mother prefers the hills. So we enjoy an equal share of both. And like my father, I also love the sea. 

I enjoy spending time with my parents, and I also get to spend time with my friends. My parents are very loving and understanding. The value of our parents cannot be described in words. They play a great role in our lives so that we can gain all the success and happiness in the world.


FAQs on My Parents Essay in English for Students & Children

1. What is Essay writing and why is it important?

An essay can best be described as a formal piece of writing which has only one topic. Essay writing  is very advantageous, especially for children. It gives children a chance to collect their thoughts and ideas together and put them down in words, in an elaborate manner. Essay writing is often considered a fun activity. It helps young children to use their imagination. Essay writing is recognized as very useful for kids, and it builds their linguistic skills as they grow older.

2. How can you teach young children to write an essay?

Teaching young children to write an essay involves certain steps, which will help them understand the flow that is required to write an essay. Steps like i) Teaching the young child the use of basic grammar and of writing skills, ii) teach them to make an outline, iii) encourage them to think, iv) note down all the points. Following these steps, the young child will learn how to place all the words together. This in turn, will become a fun activity for them too.

3. Why is My Parents' Essay important?

Essay writing is a habit that children learn from a young age. Essay writing encourages students to think and to write their thoughts on paper.’ My parents’ topic is a basic and very easy essay topic  every child is able to relate to. Writing their thoughts down is a way of encouraging them to utilize their brain power and their creativity, which will help build their writing skills.  Essay writing helps children think over a topic and then put those thoughts down on paper.

4. How can you help children write an essay on ‘My Parents’?

Helping children to write an essay on My Parents is not a difficult task as long as you have a few handy tips which should include the following points: names of both mother and father, their individual professions, their hobbies and how their hobbies are helping the children, the nature of both parents, etc. Once the children have answers to these basic questions, writing them down on paper will not be much difficult.

5. Where can you get samples of essays on ‘my Parent’?

Essay writing is important for all children and enables children to develop  many skills. It is also important to be able to practice some of the sample essays that are available for practice. The online portal, Vedantu.com offers sample essays for students of Class 1 upto Class 4,, that have been formulated in a  well structured, well researched, and easy to understand manner. These study materials and sample essay writings are all important and are very easily accessible from Vedantu.com and can be downloaded too.

My Parents Essay For Students and Children in 1000 Words

In this article you will read My Parents Essay for students and children in 1000 words. It includes importance, connection, activities, and 10 lines about my parents.

Table of Contents

My Parents Essay in English (1000 Words)

Most of the time, they don’t express their love directly, but we can easily recognise that. Most fathers don’t express their love for their children directly, but they love us more than they love themselves— mothers , on the other hand, express love in every little thing. 

My Parents My Divine

They work hard for us throughout their lives and dedicate their lives to making our lives better and giving us a good lifestyle. That’s why we consider our parents to be the living God. 

My Parents Love Me Lot

On the other hand, my father guides me and teaches me basic things about our world, our society, and other important knowledge . He encourages me to do things and helps me to achieve my targets. He also loves me a lot.

My Parents Help Me In My Daily Activities

My parents are my role model.

A role model is a person who has a powerful impact on our lives- a person that changes our thoughts and decisions about life. Whenever I think about a role model, the first person who comes to mind is my parents. 

How I Help My Parents At Home?

I also help my mom clean plates, wash, and cut vegetables. I help her clean the rooms, furniture, and entire house. I help my father with marketing and cleaning bikes. Furthermore, I go with him to the market and assist him in buying things. 

10 Lines on My Parents Essay in English

They are indeed my divine, and I am blessed to live my life with them. I hope you likes this My parents essay in english for students and children.

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My Parents Essay in English for Students

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Table of Contents

My Parents Essay: My parents are the most important people in my life. They love and care for me every day. My mom is kind and helps me with my schoolwork. My dad plays with me and teaches me important things. They both work hard to give me everything I need. Sometimes, they even surprise me with fun outings or treats. What I love most is that they listen to me and understand how I feel. They make me feel safe and loved. I know I’m lucky to have such wonderful parents, and I hope to make them proud as I grow up.

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My Parents Essay – Short Essay

My Parents Essay

My Parents Essay 100 Words

We owe our existence in this world to our parents, who brought us into this life. Our parents hold the most significant and closest place in our hearts. Both our father and mother have made countless sacrifices and put in a lot of hard work to provide for us. Allow me to introduce you to my parents.

My parents are truly wonderful people who shower me with love. My mother’s name is Tanya Srivastava , and she is forty years old. She is a well-educated woman, working as a professor at the nearby college. Her job keeps her quite busy, but she always finds time for us.

My father, on the other hand, is a businessman. Despite their demanding schedules, they both make it a point to spend quality time with me. I hold deep love and admiration for them.

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My Parents Essay 200 Words

Parents hold a unique and vital place in our lives. It’s essential to cherish and respect them because they are irreplaceable. Even though they might not always express it openly, parents love us deeply, and we can feel their affection. Sometimes, fathers may seem reserved in displaying their love, but it’s crucial to understand that their love for us is profound. We should reciprocate that love and respect.

Today, let me introduce you to my parents:

My father, Brijesh Sharma, is a 45-year-old engineer who works for the local government. He has achieved great success in his career, and I aspire to follow in his footsteps and become an engineer myself. My father is not only my role model but also someone I deeply admire.

He treasures spending quality time with our family whenever he can. Now, let me tell you about my mother, Sneha Sharma, who is 40 years old. She manages our home with dedication and is known for her hard work, politeness, and impeccable manners.

My Parents Essay – Long Essay

My parents essay 300 words.

My parents are my greatest source of strength. They’re always there for me when I need help and make me feel safe all the time.

We live in Varanasi, but my parents are originally from Mumbai. My mom is a nutritionist, and my father is a doctor. They’re also skilled Badminton players, and they’re teaching me the game. My mom is a good swimmer, and I go with her to the swimming club every Sunday to learn how to swim.

Mom prepares our breakfast and packs our lunch every morning. Before she goes to work, she ensures all the cooking for the day is done. Father helps us get ready for school while mom is in the kitchen. Mom makes sure we have our lunchboxes in our bags and all the schoolbooks we need. Both mom and Father are great cooks, and they enjoy it.

Our parents take good care of our health and overall well-being. Mom helps me with my homework when I need it. We spend a lot of quality time together on weekends, going to movies or dining out. During vacations, we explore different places – father loves the sea, mom prefers the hills, and I enjoy both.

I cherish the time I spend with my parents, and I also get to hang out with my friends. They are loving and understanding, and their importance in our lives is immeasurable. They play a crucial role in helping us achieve success and happiness in life.

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My Parents Essay 500 Words

We came into this world because of our parents. They are the ones who brought us into existence, and we should cherish this gift of life. I’m thankful to my parents for all they’ve done for me. In this essay about my parents, I want to express how important they are to me and how much I admire and respect them.

My Parents My Strength

In my life, my parents are like superheroes. They’ve been with me every step of the way, and I can’t imagine life without them. Whenever I’m lost, they guide me back on the right path.

My mom is a homemaker, and she’s the strongest person I know. She takes care of our home, helps me with my work, and cooks the most delicious meals. She used to be a teacher but left her job to look after us kids.

My mom makes many sacrifices for us, often things we don’t even realize. She always puts us before herself and never sleeps in. She’s like the glue that holds our family together.

Parents are a source of strength and support for their children. They carry so many responsibilities but never complain. We should be grateful for our parents because not everyone is as lucky as we are to have them.

While my mom takes care of things at home, my father works outside. He’s a kind-hearted person who never hesitates to assist my mom and lend a helping hand to those in need.

Father is a sociable guy; he talks to our neighbors and keeps our family ties strong. He’s a hardworking businessman who puts in a lot of effort.

Despite his busy schedule, he makes time for us on our days off, and we often go on picnics or out for dinners. I really admire my father for all he does for us without ever complaining.

In our community, he’s quite well-known because he’s always ready to lend a helping hand. Anyone who asks for his help can count on him. That’s why he’s respected and loved, and I look up to him as my wonderful father.

My mother’s name is Tanya Srivastava she is a forty-year-old homemaker. I believe she is the most crucial person in our family. We can’t even imagine a day without her. Every morning, she rises early and begins her work in the kitchen. She washes clothes, tidies up our entire home, and prepares our meals.

I have a deep love for both of my parents. They are kind individuals who have instilled the value of kindness in their children as well. Even when they have disagreements, they always resolve them without letting it impact us. I look up to my parents and hope to follow in their footsteps, aiming to achieve success in life with their blessings.

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My Parents Essay FAQs

How do i write an essay about my parents.

To write an essay about your parents, start by introducing them, mentioning their qualities, and sharing personal anecdotes.

Why are parents important 10 points?

Parents are vital because they provide love, guidance, and support, ensuring a safe and nurturing environment for their children.

What makes your parents special short essay?

My parents are special due to their unconditional love, wisdom, and the way they nurture our dreams.

When writing an essay about my parents, I begin by describing their personalities and how they impact my life positively.

What makes my parents unique is their unwavering love, care, and the values they impart.

What is the role of parents essay?

The role of parents is to love, protect, and guide their children, shaping their character and future.

Who are parents Class 3?

In Class 3, we learn that parents are the people who take care of us, love us, and teach us important things.

Who are parents for Class 2?

In Class 2, we understand that parents are the ones who love and care for us, helping us grow and learn.

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My Parents: Paragraph on Parents | 100 to 500 + Words | Their Responsibilities, Parents Health Insurance & Influence

This page provides examples of the ‘ paragraph on parents ‘, including both short and long compositions.  My Parents stand as the cornerstone of my life. Their responsibilities range from ensuring our well-being through parents health insurance to molding our character and values. 

Table of Contents

Paragraph on parents- 100 words “my parents: the foundation of my life”.

My Parents are like guiding stars, of my life. They provide guidance, love, and support while also setting boundaries. Parents play an important role in their children’s social, academic, and emotional development.  They teach their children what it means to be a good citizen and how to treat others. Parents also play an important role in their child’s education.

They can help choose the right school for their child and can encourage the child to learn. Parents can also help their children make good choices when it comes to spending their money. We should understand that parents have a lot of responsibilities and obligations.  One of the most important roles is they keep their children safe. For this they take a lot of measures like teach children them about safe driving habits, setting good examples for them, and monitoring their food habits etc.

Parents face many challenges in bringing up their children. Parenting requires a lot of time, effort, and patience. So we should be very much thankful to our parents.

Paragraph on Parents- 150 Words – Parents Responsibility: More Than Just Care and Affection

Parents Essay edumantra.net

My Parents are more than just a wonderful gift in my life. Life without parents cannot be imagined. They are always very loving and caring. My father is Mr. Raj Singhania and my mother is Ms. Savitri Singhania. My father is a businessman and a great designer. He is a very kind and hardworking person. He loves me dearly and takes care of all my needs. Sometimes he brings beautiful gifts for me, he takes me out, and fills my life with happiness and joy, he even helps me with my homework.

My mother stays at home, she’s very caring too-taking care of the house, cooking tasty food for all of us, taking me to school in the morning, taking me to the park in the evening telling me interesting stories at bedtime and helping with my homework as well. I am very dear to my parents and love them dearly as well both by respecting them a lot too-I don’t know what I would do without them when I grow up-I will take care of them also.

My Parents” Paragraph on Parents- 200 Words

Parents are an a wonderful gift given to us by God . Parents provide us mental and emotional support as well as they guide us to reach our full potential. In addition, parents play a very important role in helping children learn how to behave and how to socialize. Parents also help children develop skills such as problem solving, social discipline , and self-discipline.

Parents provide children with a good environment. This enables the children to develop their skills and talents. Parents are crucial in raising children. They provide them with the love and support they need to grow into strong individuals. Parents also teach their children about morals, values, and discipline. They set an example for their children and help them learn how to be responsible for themselves.  Parents do everything they can to help their children reach their goals and live a fulfilling life.

Though the task of parenting is hard to balance like work, family, and other responsibilities, but it is worth it in the end. Parents are responsible for raising their children and giving them the best possible upbringing. So the children must understand the sacrifices of their parents and must take a great care of their parents.  

Parents Essay: The Foundation of Our Lives


Parents responsibility goes beyond giving birth; they play a great role in shaping our life. They are responsible for their well-being, happiness and education. It is not easy to be a parent, but it is an important job. Parents should do everything they can to help their children grow up to be successful adults.

When raising children, parents remain patient and consistent. They also provide guidance and support when it is needed. They are also aware of their child’s feelings and reactions, and do what they can to encourage healthy relationships. A good relationship between a parent and child helps the child develop empathy and communication skills.

Parents sometimes have fun with their children too. There are many things that parents do together that will make the relationship stronger. One way to have fun with your child is to take them on outings or enjoy activities that they enjoy. Parents should also make time for themselves so that they can recharge and spend more time with their children in the future.

Parents Responsibility in Nurturing the Next Generation

The parents responsibility in a child’s life is paramount, guiding them through every stage. The parents provide the foundation for their child’s early development, and the child in turn benefits from this strong foundation. Parents set an example for their children and help to shape their character. They play a large role in their children’s lives by providing guidance and support throughout the years.

A child needs love and nurturing from both parents, but it is especially important that the father plays an active role in his child’s life. Studies have shown that a father’s involvement in his child’s life has a positive effect on the child’s development. Fathers offer encouragement and support, help to teach values, and provide models of how to be responsible adults.

Fathers are also often better equipped to provide guidance in areas such as academics and athletics. Fathers can provide critical feedback on their children’s school work, which can help them develop skills needed for success in life. Fathers also have an important role in helping their children develop healthy habits such as eating right and getting exercise.

Tips for communicating with your parents

Tips for communicating with your parents are explained here- Some things to keep in mind when speaking with your parents are as follows:

  • Listen carefully. Make sure you give your parents the opportunity to explain what they are saying before you respond.
  • Be willing to compromise. It is important that you and your parents can work together to come up with a solution that works for both of you.
  • Be respectful. Do not argue with your parents or push them around. Show them respect by listening and trying to understand their point of view.

How to make your parents feel comfortable when they’re around you?

When parents are around their children, it is important for them to feel comfortable. This can be a difficult task for some parents, but there are ways to make them feel more at ease. One way to do this is to show them that you care about them and want to have a good relationship with them.

Additionally, make sure that you are honest with them and let them know what you expect from the relationship. Finally, be respectful of their time and do not monopolize their attention.

Parents Responsibility Reflected in Diverse Parenting Styles

Every parent, in their unique style, showcases their parents responsibility and beliefs in nurturing their child. There are four main parenting styles: authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and neglectful.

Authoritative parenting is when a parent takes charge and gives clear instructions to their child. This type of parenting is most common in traditional families with a father as the head of the household. Authoritative parents set boundaries and expect their children to obey them. They also often have high expectations for their children and expect them to be successful in life. Authoritative parents are usually strict with their children and may be demanding.

Authoritarian parenting is when a parent doesn’t take charge but instead gives their child lots of rules to follow. This type of parenting is often found in single-parent households or households with an absent father. Authoritarian parents give their children little choice in what they do and how they do it. They also frequently discipline their children using physical punishment or verbal abuse. Authoritarian parents are often neglectful of their children and don’t provide them with adequate resources or emotional support.

Permissive parenting is when a parent allows their child to do whatever he or she wants without any constraints. This type of parenting is found more

Parents Health Insurance: Safeguarding Children’s Development

Parents are the pillars of a child’s life. They shape their growth and future. Just as one carefully designs a parent’s room, the influence and guidance of parents are meticulously crafted for the well-being of their children. They are the first educators of their children and guide them in the formation of their personalities and character.

Parents must be patient, consistent, and loving while raising their children. Proper parenting is essential to ensure that children grow into successful adults.

Here are a few ways parents influence their children’s development:

-Parenting styles can vary greatly, but there are some common principles that all parents should follow to provide a healthy home environment for their children. These principles include setting clear expectations, providing structure and discipline, and modeling good behavior.

Children learn best when they feel safe and secure. When parents are able to establish trust with their children, they can open up communication channels that help them understand the world around them. This type of relationship is important for developing positive self-esteem and self-confidence.

Providing opportunities for exploration is another important way that parents can help their children develop intellectually. Children need to try new things in order to learn about the world around them. This can be done by exposing them to different cultures, arts and crafts, and other activities.

Parents Essay: The Significance of a Strong Bond with Children

Parenting, like parents’ medical insurance, offers protection and guidance to a child, and it is important for parents to have a good relationship with their children. A good relationship between parents and children allows for a child to develop emotionally and mentally, as well as learn how to behave appropriately.

A good relationship between parents and children can be achieved through communication, which involves sharing feelings and thoughts with one another. It is also important for parents to spend time with their children, providing them with positive reinforcement and modeling appropriate behavior. When parents model appropriate behavior for their children, they are teaching them how to behave in society.

There are many benefits that result from a good relationship between parents and children. One of the most significant benefits is that a good relationship between parents and children provides children with emotional security. When a child feels secure in his or her relationships, he or she is less likely to experience anxiety or stress.

Additionally, a good relationship between parents and children helps children develop self-esteem. When children feel confident about themselves, they are more likely to succeed in life. Furthermore, a good relationship between parents and children helps create close bonds between the family members. When families are strong, they are better

Parents Responsibility and Vision: Defining Your Parenting Style

The role of parents, much like the blueprint in parents room design, shapes and defines a child’s life. It can be challenging, but it is also incredibly rewarding. There are many different types of parents, and each has their own strengths and weaknesses. Some parents are very strict while others are more lenient. Some are very hands-on while others let their children lead more independent lives. The key is to find the parenting style that works best for you and your child.

There is no single right way to parent, and the best way to find out what works for you is to experiment. If you find that you are struggling with a certain parenting style, try to change it gradually over time. Don’t try to force things in the opposite direction; that will only create chaos and conflict. Just take small steps in the new direction, and eventually you will find yourself on the right track.

Above all else, remember that parenting is a partnership between you and your child. You should always put your child’s best interests first, and try to be as understanding as possible when they make mistakes or need help behaving correctly. Above all else, be patient and consistent with your parenting techniques, and your child will eventually

How to Raise a Good Child

Raising a good child is not as easy as it seems. There are plenty of ways to go wrong, and even more ways to go right. To help parents out, here are five tips for raising children that come from experience and observation:

1. Set high standards for your child. It’s important to have expectations for your children, and make sure they understand why these standards are important. This will help them be motivated to meet them. 2. Teach your child how to manage their emotions. it’s important that they know how to control their anger, frustration, and sadness. This will help them develop good problem-solving skills, and stay calm in difficult situations. 3. Encourage your child’s creativity and imagination. These can be powerful tools, so let your kids use them! Play with them and allow them to explore different ideas. 4. Help your child develop a healthy relationship with food. Make sure they eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and avoid junk food and sweets completely. This will help them maintain a healthy weight throughout their lives. 5. Teach your child about respect for others. This is one of the most important lessons a child can

As a parent, it is your duty to provide the best possible environment for your children. You are their first teacher and role model, and it is your responsibility to set an example for them. It is also up to you to make sure that they have all the resources they need in order to succeed both in school and in life.

This essay will outline some of the ways that you can help ensure that your children receive the support they need from you. Thank you for reading!

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  • Essay on My Parents: 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 Words

In This Blog We Will Discuss

Short Essay on My Parents for Class 1, 2, 3 (100 Words)

 We have come to this world because of our parents, they gave us birth. They are the most important and close people for us in this world. Both father and mother have lots of sacrifices and hard work behind this position. I will tell you about my parents here. My parents are really nice people.

They love me a lot. My mother name is Sunita Mehta and she is forty years old. She is a well-educated woman and working as a professor at the nearest college. She used to be busy with her work. My father is a businessman. Both of them love to spend their time with me after work. I love them a lot.

Essay on My Parents for Class 4, 5 (200 Words)

Essay on My Parents in 200 Words

Introduction: Parents are the most important person for us in this world. We need to respect and love our parents. We have none except them. They love us a lot. Most of the time they don’t express their love directly for the kids, but we can realize that easily. Especially fathers are like hard and never express love openly. But we have to realize that they love us a lot. We need to love and respect them too. Today I am going to share about my parents.  

My Parents: My father name is Sunil Sharma and he is forty-five years old. He is working as an engineer for the local government. He is pretty successful in his career. I wish to be an engineer like him, that’s my aim in life. My father is an ideal person. I follow his lifestyle and want to be like him.

He loves me a lot and loves to spend time with me. When he gets the free time he spends this time with the family. My mother name is Sneha Sharma, she is forty years old and she is a housewife. My mother is a hardworking woman and she is really polite and well behaved.  

Conclusion: They love me a lot and I love them too. They are the most important part of my life. I can’t think even a single day without them.

Essay on My Parents for Class 6, 7 (300 Words)

Essay on My Parents in 300 Words

Introduction : My parents are my world. Everyone has parents and they should respect and love their parents. Today I will share something about my parents. They are really special to me. They mean a lot to my life. I can’t deny their contribution whatever they have done for me and my life.  

My Father: My father name is Arun Roy and he is a teacher in a local high school. He is forty-five years old. In this age, he is really strong and healthy. The most important thing behind this good health is a regular workout. He goes to the gym and does a proper workout.

Most of the time he wakes me up early in the morning and takes me to a morning walk. I really enjoy this. I wish to become like my father. He is an ideal person and everyone loves him. He is very helpful and because of this nature people come and ask for different types of help. He never refuses anyone.  

My Mother : My mother name is Susmita Roy; she is forty years old housewife. I think my mom is the most important member of our family. We couldn’t even think a day without her. She wakes up early in the morning and starts working in the kitchen. She washes clothes, cleans the whole home, cooks food for us.

She is like a superwoman. I can’t even imagine doing so many works like her. She is really impressive. After doing so many works, she never complains. She is always happy. Especially when she finds me happy, she is the happiest.  

Conclusion: Both of my father and mother are really important to me. I can’t even think a day except them. I wish them to live longer.

Essay on My Parents for Class 8 (400 Words)

Essay on My Parents in 400 Words

Introduction: Parents are the most important part of our life. We can’t imagine anyone else is too much rather than our parents. They are the closest human for us. They sacrifice so many things to make us happy. They don’t enjoy their life too much. They always focus on how kids become happy and do everything for this. We should love our parents and respect them because it’s really important to love them.  

My Parents: My father name is Aditya Roy, and he is forty-five years old. But my father looks so much younger. He is very aware of his health. The goes to the gym regularly. I am also learning so much health things from him. He is a businessman and spends most of his time in his office, but after all, he loves to spend time with me and my mother. My mother name is Koli Roy, she is forty years old.

My mom is a housewife. She does lots of family works. She was working for a school as an assistant teacher. But she left the job to maintain the family better. That’s mean she sacrifice her career because of the family. She is the most interesting and beautiful woman I have ever seen.  

Their Hobbies: As like others my parents also have some unique hobbies, my hobby is always reading books and playing video games. My father’s biggest hobby is bodybuilding. Except for doing this, he loves reading books. In this leisure time, he starts reading books. We have got a small family library. I am also a book lover. And that’s why he buys books every month. My father leads me to become a book lover.

He always inspired me to read more and more. My mother has something different interest, it’s gardening. As a result, we have got a garden in front of our home. It looks really beautiful. I love working in the garden. When my mom works there, I help her a lot. I love the flowers and she is seeding some vegetables too.  

Conclusion: Both parents are really helpful and nice people. They behave with each other really well. I have never seen them quarrelling. Even they help the other peoples too. They have got a really good relationship with neighbours and our relatives too.    

My Parents Essay for Class 9, 10 (500 Words)

Essay on My Parents in 500 Words

Introduction: We have come to this world, because of our parents. We need to be pleased with the entire life, because of this reason. Mother has tolerated so much pain to give us birth. Today I am going to share everything about my father and mother. They are a really awesome and amazing person. I can’t think of my life without them. They have brought light into my life. They are like a guide who is guiding me into the light.  

My Mother : My mother name is Rokeya Begum. She is a housewife. My mother is an educated woman. She was working as a primary school teacher. But she left the job for taking care of us. This is a very big sacrifice for the family. She is forty years old, but she looks much younger. My mother is aware of her health, he wakes up early in the morning and goes for a little walk. And then she starts working.

I have seen that she works almost all the time in a day. We all have rest, but she doesn’t. Sometimes my sister helps her in the kitchen, but she does the main works. She is a very kind and loving woman. She loves poor people and helps them a lot. She is very good with the neighbours. She was keeping a great relationship with our relative.  

My Father: My father name is Jahid Ahmed. He is a businessman. We have two shops in the main market. He used to spend his time there. My father is always busy. But after all of his work when he gets time, we love to spend that time with us. Most of the time he takes us to a small picnic. I love the family picnic a lot. I really enjoy these.

My father is a friend to me. His behaviour is really good. Not only me, but he also behaves well with everyone. He is very popular in the society because of his helping mentality. Lots of people ask for help and he never refuses anyone. That’s why everyone loves him.  

Why My Mother is the Best Mother? Yeah, I consider my mother as the best mother in the world. She is the best. There are so many reasons behind that. First of all, I think she has sacrificed her happiness because of us. She works a whole like a robot, but she never complains. We always try our best to help her.

My father wanted to keep a maid, but my mother is not agreeing to waste money. She is my teacher and guide. When I face any problem she helps me and solves the problem. She is a really highly educated woman. She understands the value of education, and that’s why she is trying her best to make us educated.  

Conclusion: I love my parents very much. They are the best parents ever. I want my parents to live a long whole life. They also love me a lot.

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98 Parent Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best parent topic ideas & essay examples, 💡 most interesting parent topics to write about, 📌 simple & easy parent essay titles, 👍 good essay topics on parent.

  • How Do Teenagers Deal With Problems and Consequence Without Parent’s Support? This is because the parents are not in a position to be of good guidance during the period of the problems and they are not reliable and therefore teenagers tend to rely on themselves.
  • Good Parent-Children Relationship Characteristics of the children compared to those of the parents can also influence the relationships between the parents and the children.
  • What Is a Parent? In the cases wherein the egg and sperm do not come from the couple, and a surrogate is used to carry the child, who is the real parent of the child?
  • What Is a Concept Good Parent? Overall, a good parent is a parent who can offer one’s child love and affection which is important for his or her normal development as a dignified and contented person, and is also successful in […]
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  • Parent-Teacher Interaction Strategies Despite this fundamental importance, the reality on the ground is that these interactions are often feared by parents and educators alike due to a variety of issues that need to be understood in order to […]
  • Parent Interview: Through the Generations I was wondering about her understanding of the roles of mothers and fathers in a family and society, as well as the changes modern parenting undergoes. The development of family relationships is a choice a […]
  • Parent Interview and Infant Observation Describe your diet regimen during pregnancy The mother ensured a steady and consistent intake of a balanced diet during pregnancy. According to her, the intake of a balanced diet helped in reducing the effects and […]
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  • Emotions in Parent of a Child With Special Needs It is due to this that parents who have children that have special needs are often relegated to the role of a caregiver resulting in them having to bathe, feed and even change the clothes […]
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  • The CAEP’s 7 Elements of Effective Parent-Teacher Partnerships Furthermore, engaging families in their child’s learning can also improve communication between families and educators, leading to a better understanding of student needs and more effective teaching and learning.
  • Old-Young and Parent-Child Relationships in Early Chinese Society It is possible to apply the same principle to the relationships of the parent and the child, where the child should always respect the parent and follow their orders and advice.
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  • The Parent-Involvement Research The REB attempts to balance between the benefits accrued to students from the research and the degree of interference in classroom activities. Therefore, Deslandes and Bertrand should have submitted the overall value of the research […]
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IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 98 Parent Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/parent-essay-topics/

"98 Parent Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/parent-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '98 Parent Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "98 Parent Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/parent-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "98 Parent Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/parent-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "98 Parent Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/parent-essay-topics/.

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Best My Parents Essay for Kids

To describe the bond between parents and kids, we are here to offer you ‘My Parents Essay’ for kids. Parents are the biggest gifts to us. Humans need care, especially when they are infants. This care and affection is showered by parents. The role of parents in our lives is not something that can be described entirely. There’s a saying that they are human versions of God to their children.

This essay on My Parents will help kids understand how they can write a simple yet impressive essay on the topic at hand. You can also download this essay in a PDF format for free, through the link provided below.

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My parents essay.

My Parents Essay

Parents are the most beautiful creations of God. They are the ones who bring us to the world. They play an enormous role in our overall development – physical, mental, emotional, etc. They are responsible for inculcating good habits and etiquette in us. When we are born, we know nothing. Parents are our first teachers. They teach us to speak, to walk, to eat and to learn. They help us distinguish between the good and bad.

I am very close to my parents. They love me so much. They try to give me whatever I ask for. When I get good grades and appreciation, they feel proud. My parents help me with my studies and take care of all the things that I need to study and play. They cook the tastiest food for me. They play with me and take me to fairs. My parents buy me gifts and new clothes on birthdays and other occasions.

I share everything with them. They help me resolve my problems and teach me to be optimistic even in the worst of situations. I love them a lot and pray for their well being and long life.

We hope that the above-given essay on my parents will prove to be helpful for kids. Parents are the first teachers of a kid. They teach basic etiquette and good manners. They nurture us with their love and affection. They work hard so that we can get educated in good schools and colleges. They sacrifice their wishes to fulfil ours.

We inherit a lot of traits from our parents. Their love is selfless as they don’t expect anything from their children. All they want is for them to have a happy and prosperous life. They are the ones who provide kids with emotional, financial and physical support in all walks of life. They keep us safe from the vices of society. Our parents are the ones who will always wish the best for us.

Essay writing helps kids in gaining confidence and getting a grip on the language. It improves sentence building skills. The activity of writing essays is promoted from the early years of learning as it lets the students ponder over a topic and then pen down those thoughts. This builds creative thinking and writing skills.

So, that was ‘My Parents Essay’ for young children. The language of the essays for primary classes is kept very simple, so that kids find them easy to understand and replicate. There are a lot of such interesting essays for kids that you might want to have a look at. Just click on the linked article and find the most relevant and enticing essays for Class 3 kids.

We also have a plethora of learning resources – worksheets, poems, stories, general knowledge questions, easy trivia questions, etc. on our kids learning section . These brilliant learning materials are crafted in order to give kids the best learning experience.

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Nancy Darling Ph.D.

Rules, Autonomy, and Love: The 3 Parenting Basics

Parenting trends make it all so complicated. but the core is basic..

Updated August 7, 2024 | Reviewed by Michelle Quirk

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  • Psychologists agree that rules, autonomy-granting, and love are the core components of parenting.
  • Reasonable rules and expectations make kids feel safe and allow them to make good choices.
  • The most important thing parents can do for their children is love them unconditionally.

Helicoptering, gentle parenting , curling dads, French parenting . . . The internet is full of magical "new" ways of raising happier, better-behaved kids. Why is the world full of confused, anxious parents?

Fortunately, it’s not that complicated. Psychologists have been studying parenting for almost a century now. Although parenting is tough, the basics are simple. This piece describes the three central components of good parenting and the one thing I think is the "secret sauce" we forget to talk about.

The Elements of Style

Parenting style is how psychologists describe the general climate of the family.

For example, you sit in an ice cream parlor. In one family, a child is sitting under the table, untying her dad’s shoes. Another is fussing because they got an ice cream cone but they really really really wanted a sundae. The parents are both patient and frustrated. You see them trying hard not to snap.

At another table, a child is angling for a shake but mom asks them what flavor they want and whether they want a waffle or cake cone. The child gives a last plea and decides on the strawberry soft serve.

Different families. Different parenting styles. Different outcomes.

Three core components define parenting style.

Rules and Standards

One of the things that made Mr. Rogers so soothing for young children was his predictability. You knew he would wear a sweater. That he would come in singing. that he’d put away his shoes.

At their core, rules, standards, and expectations provide guidelines for children that make their lives predictable. For children, who are trying to make sense of a world full of change, dangers, and confusion, having rules to follow makes them feel safe.

Rules can be explicit: Don’t touch the stove! Or they can be implicit: We treat one another with respect. When parents set reasonable standards that kids understand and can count on, they can use them to guide behavior and think about the consequences of their actions.

The same thing is true of adolescents, although the rules change with age. It is the job of adolescents to find their place in the world, figure out who they are, and push for autonomy. Having clear reasonable guide-rails allows them to push and explore safely within a reasonable zone.

Parents should teach children appropriate behavior and have expectations for how they will behave. Controlling behavior is not the same as controlling thoughts and feelings.

As a parent, I expect my kids to act respectfully to one another. No name-calling. No hitting. No breaking stuff. I don’t tell them that they can’t be angry. Or worse, that they aren't angry.

Note the difference. I set rules for behavior. I don’t impinge on their self or identity by trying to control who they are.

Some excellent work has distinguished between behavioral control —the rules and standards I talked about first—and psychological control — the infringement of autonomy and self I’m talking about here. Behavioral control is associated with all sorts of positive child outcomes, from high self-esteem to good grades. Psychological control is associated with depression and anxiety . Kids feel what they feel. They are who they are. That’s OK.

Unconditional Love

The great developmental psychologist Urie Bronfenbrenner said that the one thing all kids need to thrive is for at least one person to be crazy about them. That "crazy" is unconditional love: the feeling that no matter what you do your parent loves you in a way you can never shake. In the psychology literature, we’ve called that "warmth," "support," and "unconditional positive regard." Secure attachment has components of unconditional love. But it’s always the same thing. It’s that core feeling that the parent's bond to you is unbreakable. No matter what you do, no matter how you behave, the parent is there for you.

The longer I have studied parenting, the more I have come to believe that unconditional love is what allows kids to grow into confident adults, who can give to others, and who can love themselves.

And the Secret Sauce?

One reason that all generalities about parenting are hard to put into practice is that we are parenting kids, and kids are all different. Some kids are social and eager to please. Some kids are shy and quiet. Some kids are oppositional and want to see exactly where that line is between what they can do that annoys you and what they do that will get them a time-out.

on parents essay

Toddlers need a different kind of parenting than first graders—fewer words and more action. First graders need fewer choices and more structure than teenagers . Thirteen-year-olds and 18-year-olds need really different rules.

The secret sauce is looking at your kid. What do they need? Parenting is not about the parent. It’s a gerund—an action word (verb) that acts like a thing (noun). The object of the verb is the kid. They are the important thing.

Good parents respond to their kids, respecting individual differences and differences over time.

The same kid is different every day. Are they tired? Stressed ? Upset by something else? Parents need to respond flexibly so what we do in the moment fits what they need right then.

Kind of like surfing—you need the basic skills—those core elements of style—but you have to meet the wave where it is.

What Is Gentle Parenting? Cleveland Clinic. August 5, 2022.

Pandemic parenting slang: are you a curling dad or a crunchy mom? The Economist. June 7, 2021.

Megan McArdle. The Truth About French Parenting (and I Would Know). The Atlantic. March 14, 2012.

Nancy Darling Ph.D.

Nancy Darling, Ph.D. , is a professor of psychology at Oberlin College.

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I'm an adult and moved back in with my parents. Our relationship is better because of it.

  • Four years ago, I moved back with my parents.
  • I don't have to pay rent, which has allowed me to save money for a trip to Asia.
  • Also, being at home with my parents has helped my career, something I wasn't expecting.

Insider Today

My plans after university were simple: move to South Korea and never look back. Unfortunately, a pandemic scuppered those plans, and I ended up moving back in with my parents midway through my final year of university.

Four years later, I'm still here and wouldn't have it any other way.

There are financial benefits

I admit that my situation is better than most. I personally don't pay rent , nor do I pay for bills or groceries — whenever I try to, my parents refuse to accept my money.

The financial benefits of living at home are self-evident. If you're saving on rent and bills, you'll inevitably find yourself with more disposable income. I, for one, have been steadily putting aside money from every paycheck and am getting accustomed to the idea of treating myself.

Whereas before, I felt guilty for frivolous expenses; I now don't mind indulging in the occasional pick-me-up purchase , nice meal out, or short break away. I've even saved enough money to fund a backpacking trip to Southeast Asia.

Living with my parents has helped my career grow

Money, however, isn't the only factor for my continuing to live at home. I always thought I needed to move away to establish myself professionally, but in a surprising turn of events, my current living arrangement has helped my career flourish.

Related stories

I'm a freelancer, and my schedule is unpredictable at best and chaotic at worst. When my work commitments are at their most hectic, being able to split household tasks with my parents is a lifesaver.

Even during university, I found myself struggling to maintain a work-life balance . Any time left after classes and assignments was swiftly absorbed by cooking, eating, cleaning, and working out — my mental health was at an all-time low, and I had shockingly little restorative downtime. Never mind social engagements, I barely had time to sleep.

These days, my parents have taken over the cooking and, post-retirement, my dad keeps himself occupied with the household chores. After spending all day working, I can relax in the evenings, which makes for a happier and healthier version of myself.

I live in rural England, where public transport is notoriously unreliable, and I don't drive, but my dad is always willing to chauffeur me around when necessary. Without him, I wouldn't be able to take on as many projects as I do.

My relationship with my parents has gotten better

The biggest advantage of living at home, however, is how much my relationship with my family has improved.

My parents and I have never really gotten along — a mix of intergenerational and intercultural conflicts has stoked the flame ever since I was a child — but constantly being in such proximity has finally opened up the channels of communication, and we're in a far better place than before. At this point, I can't remember the last argument we had.

Moreover, most of my extended family, including my grandma, still live nearby, so I'm able to maintain my relationship with them, too. I know that when I inevitably leave the nest and start my own family, I'll be really grateful for the time I've been able to spend with them.

I always thought I needed to move out to realize my full potential, gain more freedom, and kickstart my career, but over the past four years, I've realized that I can achieve all of that and more while still living at home. I'm sure I'll move out eventually, but, for now, I'm perfectly content exactly where I am.

on parents essay

  • Main content

Should Parents Stay Home to Raise Kids?

And should the government pay them for it?

A little girl playing on her own while parents read

Produced by ElevenLabs and News Over Audio (NOA) using AI narration.

Most Americans on the left and the right agree that supporting families is a good idea, but they have different ideas about how to do it. People on the left tend to talk about subsidies to help families with two working parents pay for child care, whereas those on the right would prefer payments to help parents stay home with their children. On this issue, policy makers have waded into one of the most fraught battles of the “mommy wars”: whether children are better off if both parents work, or if one stays home.

I’ve seen tensions flare over this issue online and on the playground. Some people suggest that moms who work don’t care about their children. Others suggest that moms who don’t work outside the home are lazy or wasting their talent. (Both sides, it’s worth noting, invariably focus on moms instead of dads.) Everyone believes that there’s a “right” way to do things—and, mostly, the right way is … my way. This comes from a good place. We all want to do what is best for our family, and any choice we make is hard. When we want so badly for our choice to be the right one, we may feel the need to believe that it must be right for everyone.

However, if the government is going to pass policies that encourage people to make a certain choice, we as a society had better be confident that the choice contributes to the greater good. Government policy is designed to discourage smoking, for example, because we have clear and definitive evidence showing that smoking is bad for health. But parental work is not like smoking. We have no comparable data demonstrating which arrangement is best, in part because families with two working parents differ in multiple ways from those with a single working parent. Any difference in kids’ outcomes is hard to attribute to parental work alone.

The best evidence relies on variations in leave policy. We know that a few months of paid maternity leave has positive effects on babies and families. Infant health improves, and infant mortality decreases. In some studies , maternity leave also affected the babies’ future education and wages.

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But what about after the first few months? A number of European countries have extended parental leave to a year or even 15 months. This lets us ask whether there are benefits to babies being home with a parent for this extended period. The answer seems to be no . Extending parental leave does not appear to influence children’s future test scores, and it doesn’t appear to have any effect on their well-being once they reach early adulthood.

Separating correlation from causation is even more difficult for older children. However, when we look at all the data together—as, for example, in a 2008 meta-analysis —the impact of maternal work on children’s test scores, educational completion, and health measures such as obesity seems to be, on average, zero.

There are some nuances in the data. Researchers have found a small positive correlation between child test scores and having one parent working part-time and one full-time. This configuration is most common in higher-income households, however, which may be what explains the difference. Researchers have also found that having two (full- or part-time) working parents seems to be beneficial for children in poorer families more than in richer ones. But overall, even if we take all of these differences as causal (which is a stretch), the differences themselves remain extremely small.

From the March 2020 issue: The nuclear family was a mistake

The natural conclusion is that when it comes to children’s outcomes, parental work configuration probably doesn’t matter very much in either direction: There is no “best” choice. In my household, both parents work because it makes financial sense and because we want to. But individual families will make different choices because they face different preferences and constraints. This is true of virtually all the decisions we make as families—where to vacation, what color car to buy—and government policy should not try to encourage one choice over another. We would not want federal policy to subsidize trips to Disney World just because a particular politician loves it there.

Does this mean the government has no place in supporting families? No. What the government can and should do is look for “externalities.” An externality occurs when the behavior of one person affects another, or society overall. The government may want to discourage a behavior resulting in a negative externality, and encourage a behavior resulting in a positive externality.

You can make an externality-based argument for child-care subsidies. When people stay in the workforce after they have children, they pay more taxes. This is true both because of the years parents work while their children are young and also because those years are an investment in higher wages later, meaning more contributions to Social Security, and more retirement savings. This has social value. Having a large tax base, especially as the country ages, is important. Individual work has, therefore, a positive externality.

If people are leaving the labor force because they can’t find or pay for child care, as some have said they are, then the government may well have a role in fixing this. (This is the reason that many other countries have government-subsidized child care.)

You can’t make this kind of argument in favor of the reverse—subsidizing parents to stay home full-time—because the loss of their tax dollars would have a major negative externality. You can, however, make a case for policies that would support some of the efforts of stay-at-home parents.

Much of the American school system—for better or worse—is built on the unpaid labor of parents, disproportionately moms who do not work outside the home. Parents who serve in the PTA, organize fundraisers, chaperone trips, and volunteer in the classroom have huge positive externalities. Paying them for this work would be an efficient and reasonable policy choice.

It does not seem a stretch for both sides to agree that America would benefit from making it easier for parents to volunteer in schools and easier for them to pay taxes. If we can accept that there is not one correct way to run your family, then we can focus on using government policy to give parents more choices instead of fewer ones.

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My Son and Gus Walz Deserve a Champion Like Tim Walz

The Walz family at the Democratic National Convention.

By Tina Brown

Ms. Brown is the author, most recently, of “The Palace Papers: Inside the House of Windsor — the Truth and the Turmoil."

The sight at the Democratic convention on Wednesday night of Tim Walz’s 17-year-old son leaping to his feet, with streaming eyes, a hand to his chest with a cry of “That’s my Dad” was heart piercing.

As the mother of Georgie, a 38-year-old on the spectrum who still lives with me, I recognized him immediately as one of “ours,” a sweet, unfiltered, slightly bewildered-looking young man who wasn’t quite sure what was expected of him in this epic moment of political adulation.

Gus Walz has, according to his parents, a nonverbal learning disorder, A.D.H.D. and an anxiety disorder, all of which they regard not as a setback but as his “secret power,” that makes him “brilliant” and “hyperaware.”

I know exactly what they mean. One of the joys of my life in the social churn of New York is living with a son whose inability to read the room makes him incapable of telling anything but the truth. Once, as my husband, Harry Evans, and I left a pretentious social gathering in the Hamptons, Georgie told the host sunnily: “Thank you very much. No one spoke to me really, so it was a very boring evening. The food was OK. I doubt I will come again.”

“I have never been prouder of you in my life!” shouted my husband in the car. How many times have all of us wanted to say that as we gushed about the fabulous time we just hadn’t had? Then there was the moment he went up to Anna Wintour at one of my book parties and asked if she was Camilla Parker Bowles. And the time at the intake meeting for a supported work program, when the therapist asked Georgie, “Has anyone ever molested you?” “Unfortunately not,” he replied. Georgie teaches me every day how much we depend on social lies to make the world go round. His sister — his forever best friend — and I feel so lucky to have him in our lives. So did his dad, who died in 2020.

And yet for people who are different and have no support, the world can be bleak. Their loneliness can be agonizing. Some people assume the school days are the hardest, but it’s the years after that are the social desert. Having a friendly, forgiving workplace to go to is critical. It’s often their only taste of community and what makes them such reliable and rewarding employees. The work from home movement has been a killer for people with special needs, often depriving them of the only social connections they have.

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Naomi Campbell posts rare photo of her two kids by the pool

Naomi Campbell shared a very rare photo of her two children — and it’s the cutest.

“BLESSED,” the 54-year-old supermodel captioned an Instagram photo of her 3-year-old daughter and 1-year-old son standing by a pool, with Campbell holding each child in her arms.

The photo was shot from the back and while the little girl is not facing the camera, the boy’s face, angled too much in view, is covered by a blue heart emoji.

In May 2021, Campbell revealed — to the public’s surprise — that she had welcomed a daughter, with a photo that showed the girl’s feet.

“A beautiful little blessing has chosen me to be her mother,” Campbell captioned the pic. “So honoured to have this gentle soul in my life there are no words to describe the lifelong bond that I now share with you my angel. There is no greater love.”

Then, in June 2023, the model, then 53, shared a photo of a baby’s tiny hand — her second born.

“My little darling, know that you are cherished beyond measure and surrounded by love from the moment you graced us with your presence,” Campbell wrote in the Instagram post. “A True Gift from God, blessed! Welcome, Babyboy.”

Campbell added, “It’s never too late to become a mother.”

An elated Campbell spoke adoringly about being a new mom in a British Vogue interview in February 2022.

“I always knew that one day I would be a mother, but it’s the biggest joy I could ever imagine. I’m lucky to have her and I know that,” Campbell told the outlet.

“I’m like a kid again. I’m reliving nursery rhymes, playing and discovering how many great new toys there are out there in the world!” said Campbell. “And dolls! Things I couldn’t even dream of.”

Elise Solé is a writer and editor who lives in Los Angeles and covers parenting for TODAY Parents. She was previously a news editor at Yahoo and has also worked at Marie Claire and Women's Health. Her bylines have appeared in Shondaland, SheKnows, Happify and more.

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Essay on Role of Parents in Children’s Life

Students are often asked to write an essay on Role of Parents in Children’s Life in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Role of Parents in Children’s Life

The importance of parents.

Parents play a crucial role in shaping their children’s lives. They are the first teachers and role models. Their love, care, and guidance greatly influence a child’s development.

Nurturing Values

Parents instill values and ethics in their children. They teach respect, kindness, honesty, and responsibility, shaping the child’s character and worldview.

Providing Support

Parents provide emotional, financial, and educational support. They help children navigate challenges, fostering resilience and independence.

Encouraging Dreams

Parents encourage their children’s dreams and ambitions. They provide motivation and inspiration, helping children achieve their goals.

250 Words Essay on Role of Parents in Children’s Life

The pivotal role of parents.

Parents play a crucial role in shaping the lives of their children, serving as the primary influence and guiding light. They are the architects of a child’s early environment, nurturing and molding them into responsible adults.

Emotional and Social Development

Parents are instrumental in a child’s emotional and social development. Through their interactions, they teach children how to express emotions, communicate effectively, and form relationships. They provide the emotional security a child needs for a healthy psychological development.

Educational Guidance

Parents are the first educators. They instill the value of education, encourage curiosity, and foster a love for learning. Their involvement in a child’s academic life significantly impacts the child’s attitude towards education and their academic success.

Moral and Ethical Development

Parents play a critical role in imparting moral and ethical values. They set the standards for behavior, teaching children about honesty, respect, kindness, and responsibility. These lessons form the foundation of a child’s character.

Setting Life Goals

Parents guide their children in setting and achieving life goals. They provide advice, share experiences, and offer support, helping children navigate life’s challenges.

500 Words Essay on Role of Parents in Children’s Life

The pivotal role of parents in children’s life.

Parents play a crucial role in every stage of a child’s development, shaping their world view and preparing them for the challenges of life. Their influence extends beyond providing basic physical necessities and extends to the psychological and emotional development of the child.

Parents as First Teachers

The first education that children receive is from their parents. They learn basic skills such as talking, walking, and social interaction by observing and imitating their parents. Even before formal education begins, parents lay the foundation for cognitive development and curiosity. They introduce children to books, nature, and the world around them, fostering a love for learning.

Parents as Emotional Anchors

Parents as moral guides, parents as role models.

Parents serve as role models, exhibiting behaviors that children tend to emulate. The way parents handle their responsibilities, treat others, and react to life’s ups and downs sets an example for children. Their actions, more than their words, have a lasting impact on a child’s behavior and attitudes.

Parents as Navigators of Socialization

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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Details emerge after doctor raped and murdered in India as thousands protest

August 15, 2024 / 6:32 AM EDT / CBS/AFP

Thousands took to the streets of Kolkata early Thursday to condemn the rape and murder of a local doctor , demanding justice for the victim and an end to the chronic issue of violence against women in Indian society.

The discovery of the 31-year-old's brutalized body last week at a state-run hospital has sparked nationwide protests, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi demanding swift punishment for those who commit "monstrous" deeds against women.

Large crowds marched through the streets of Kolkata in West Bengal to condemn the killing, with a candlelight rally at midnight coinciding with the start of India's independence day celebrations on Thursday.

The protesters in Kolkata, who marched under the slogan "reclaim the night", called for a wider tackling of violence against women and held up handwritten signs demanding action.

"We want justice," read one sign at the rally. "Hang the rapist, save the women," read another.

Citizen Protest Against Rape And Murder Of Doctor In Kolkata On The Eve Of 78th Indian Independence Day.

"The atrocities against women do not stop," midnight marcher Monalisa Guha told Kolkata's The Telegraph newspaper.

"We face harassment almost on a daily basis," another marcher, Sangeeta Halder, told the daily. "But not stepping out because of fear is not the solution."

"Monstrous behavior against women"

Modi, speaking in New Delhi on Thursday morning at independence day celebrations, did not specifically reference the Kolkata murder, but expressed his "pain" at violence against women.

"There is anger for atrocities committed against our mothers and sisters, there is anger in the nation about that," he said.

"Crimes against women should be quickly investigated; monstrous behavior against women should be severely and quickly punished," he added. "That is essential for creating deterrence and confidence in the society."

Doctors are also demanding swift justice and better workplace security in the wake of the killing, with those in government hospitals across several states on Monday halting elective services "indefinitely" in protest.

Protests have since occurred in several other hospitals across the country, including in the capital.

"Doctors nationwide are questioning what is so difficult about enacting a law for our security," Dhruv Chauhan, from the Indian Medical Association's Junior Doctors' Network, told the Press Trust of India news agency. "The strike will continue until all demands are formally met."

The Telegraph on Thursday praised the "spirited public protests" across India.

"Hearteningly, doctors and medical organizations are not the only ones involved," it said in an editorial. "The ranks of the protesters have been swelled by people from all walks of life."

Police accused of mishandling case

Indian media have reported the murdered doctor was found in the teaching hospital's seminar hall, suggesting she had gone there for a brief rest during a long shift.

An autopsy has confirmed sexual assault, and in a petition to the court, the victim's parents have said that they suspected their daughter was gang-raped, according to Indian broadcaster NDTV.  

Though police have detained a man who worked at the hospital helping people navigate busy queues, officers have been accused of mishandling the case.

Kolkata's High Court on Tuesday transferred the case to the elite Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to "inspire public confidence."

In the early hours of Thursday, a mob of some 40 people angry at authorities' handling of the case stormed the grounds of the R.G. Kar Medical College and Hospital, the site of the murder.

The men smashed property and hurled stones at police, who fired tear gas in response, authorities said.


West Bengal lawmaker Abhishek Banerjee, from the Trinamool Congress party, condemned the "hooliganism and vandalism," but said "the demands of the protesting doctors are fair and justified."

History of sexual violence in India

Sexual violence against women is a widespread problem in India. An average of nearly 90 rapes a day were reported in India in 2022, according to  data  from the National Crime Records Bureau.

That year, police  arrested 11 people  after the alleged brutal gang rape and torture of a young woman that included her being paraded through the streets of Dehli. Also in 2022, a police officer in India was arrested after being  accused of raping  a 13-year-old girl who went to his station to report she had been gang-raped.

In March 2024, multiple Indian men were arrested after the  gang rape of a Spanish tourist  on a motorbike trip with her husband.

For many, the gruesome nature of the attack has invoked comparisons with the horrific 2012 gang rape and murder  of a young woman on a Delhi bus.

The woman became a symbol of the socially conservative country's failure to tackle sexual violence against women.

Her death sparked huge, and at times violent, demonstrations in Delhi and elsewhere.

Under pressure, the government introduced harsher penalties for rapists, and the death penalty for repeat offenders.

Several new sexual offences were also introduced, including stalking and jail sentences for officials who failed to register rape complaints.

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