7 Amazing Sales Presentation Examples (And How to Make Them Your Own)

7 Amazing Sales Presentation Examples (And How to Make Them Your Own)

7 Types of Slides to Include In Your Sales Presentation

Inside the mind of your prospect: change is hard, before-after-bridge: the only formula you need to create a persuasive sales presentation, facebook — how smiles and simplicity make you more memorable, contently — how to build a strong bridge, brick by brick, yesware — how to go above and beyond with your benefits, uber — how to cater your content for readers quick to scan, dealtap — how to use leading questions to your advantage, zuora — how to win over your prospects by feeding them dots, linkedin sales navigator — how to create excitement with color, how to make a sales pitch in 4 straightforward steps, 7 embarrassing pitfalls to avoid in your presentation, over to you.

A brilliant sales presentation has a number of things going for it.

Being product-centered isn’t one of them. Or simply focusing on your sales pitch won’t do the trick.

So what can you do to make your offer compelling?

From different types of slides to persuasive techniques and visuals, we’ve got you covered.

Below, we look at data-backed strategies, examples, and easy steps to build your own sales presentations in minutes.

  • Title slide: Company name, topic, tagline
  • The “Before” picture: No more than three slides with relevant statistics and graphics.
  • The “After” picture: How life looks with your product. Use happy faces.
  • Company introduction: Who you are and what you do (as it applies to them).
  • The “Bridge” slide: Short outcome statements with icons in circles.
  • Social proof slides: Customer logos with the mission statement on one slide. Pull quote on another.
  • “We’re here for you” slide: Include a call-to-action and contact information.

Many sales presentations fall flat because they ignore this universal psychological bias: People overvalue the benefits of what they have over what they’re missing.

Harvard Business School professor John T. Gourville calls this the “ 9x Effect .” Left unchecked, it can be disastrous for your business.

the psychology behind a sales presentation

According to Gourville, “It’s not enough for a new product simply to be better. Unless the gains far outweigh the losses, customers will not adopt it.”

The good news: You can influence how prospects perceive these gains and losses. One of the best ways to prove value is to contrast life before and after your product.

Luckily, there’s a three-step formula for that.

  • Before → Here’s your world…
  • After → Imagine what it would be like if…
  • Bridge → Here’s how to get there.

Start with a vivid description of the pain, present an enviable world where that problem doesn’t exist, then explain how to get there using your tool.

It’s super simple, and it works for cold emails , drip campaigns , and sales discovery decks. Basically anywhere you need to get people excited about what you have to say.

In fact, a lot of companies are already using this formula to great success. The methods used in the sales presentation examples below will help you do the same.

We’re all drawn to happiness. A study at Harvard tells us that emotion is contagious .

You’ll notice that the “Before” (pre-Digital Age) pictures in Facebook’s slides all display neutral faces. But the cover slide that introduces Facebook and the “After” slides have smiling faces on them.

This is important. The placement of those graphics is an intentional persuasion technique.

Studies by psychologists show that we register smiles faster than any other expression. All it takes is 500 milliseconds (1/20th of a second). And when participants in a study were asked to recall expressions, they consistently remembered happy faces over neutral ones.

What to do about it : Add a happy stock photo to your intro and “After” slides, and keep people in “Before” slides to neutral expressions.

Here are some further techniques used during the sales presentation:

Tactic #1: Use Simple Graphics

Use simple graphics to convey meaning without text.

Example: Slide 2 is a picture of a consumer’s hand holding an iPhone — something we can all relate to.

Why It Works: Pictures are more effective than words — it’s called  Picture Superiority . In presentations, pictures help you create connections with your audience. Instead of spoon-feeding them everything word for word, you let them interpret. This builds trust.

Tactic #2: Use Icons

Use icons to show statistics you’re comparing instead of listing them out.

Example: Slide 18 uses people icons to emphasize how small 38 out of 100 people is compared to 89 out of 100.

Why It Works:  We process visuals 60,000 times faster than text.

Tactic #3: Include Statistics

Include statistics that tie real success to the benefits you mention.

Example: “71% lift driving visits to retailer title pages” (Slide 26).

Why It Works:  Precise details prove that you are telling the truth.

Just like how you can’t drive from Marin County to San Francisco without the Golden Gate, you can’t connect a “Before” to an “After” without a bridge.

Add the mission statement of your company — something Contently does from Slide 1 of their deck. Having a logo-filled Customers slide isn’t unusual for sales presentations, but Contently goes one step further by showing you exactly what they do for these companies.

sales presentation

They then drive home the Before-After-Bridge Formula further with case studies:

sales presentation

Before : Customer’s needs when they came on

After: What your company accomplished for them

Bridge : How they got there (specific actions and outcomes)

Here are some other tactics we pulled from the sales presentation:

Tactic #1: Use Graphics/Diagrams

Use graphics, Venn diagrams, and/or equations to drive home your “Before” picture.

Why It Works:  According to a Cornell study , graphs and equations have persuasive power. They “signal a scientific basis for claims, which grants them greater credibility.”

Tactic #2: Keep Slides That Have Bullets to a Minimum

Keep slides that have bullets to a minimum. No more than one in every five slides.

Why It Works:  According to an experiment by the International Journal of Business Communication , “Subjects exposed to a graphic representation paid significantly more attention to , agreed more with, and better recalled the strategy than did subjects who saw a (textually identical) bulleted list.”

Tactic #3: Use Visual Examples

Follow up your descriptions with visual examples.

Example: After stating “15000+ vetted, ready to work journalists searchable by location, topical experience, and social media influence” on Slide 8, Contently shows what this looks like firsthand on slides 9 and 10.

Why It Works:  The same reason why prospects clamor for demos and car buyers ask for test drives. You’re never truly convinced until you see something for yourself.

Which is more effective for you?

This statement — “On average, Yesware customers save ten hours per week” — or this image:

sales presentation

The graphic shows you what that 10 hours looks like for prospects vs. customers. It also calls out a pain that the product removes: data entry.

Visuals are more effective every time. They fuel retention of a presentation from 10% to 65% .

But it’s not as easy as just including a graphic. You need to keep the design clean.

sales presentation

Can you feel it?

Clutter provokes anxiety and stress because it bombards our minds with excessive visual stimuli, causing our senses to work overtime on stimuli that aren’t important.

Here’s a tip from Yesware’s Graphic Designer, Ginelle DeAntonis:

“Customer logos won’t all necessarily have the same dimensions, but keep them the same size visually so that they all have the same importance. You should also disperse colors throughout, so that you don’t for example end up with a bunch of blue logos next to each other. Organize them in a way that’s easy for the eye, because in the end it’s a lot of information at once.”

Here are more tactics to inspire sales presentation ideas:

Tactic #1: Personalize Your Final Slide

Personalize your final slide with your contact information and a headline that drives emotion.

Example: Our Mid-Market Team Lead Kyle includes his phone number and email address with “We’re Here For You”

Why It Works: These small details show your audience that:

  • This is about giving them the end picture, not making a sale
  • The end of the presentation doesn’t mean the end of the conversation
  • Questions are welcomed

Tactic #2: Pair Outcome Statements With Icons in Circles

Example: Slide 4 does this with seven different “After” outcomes.

Why It Works:  We already know why pictures work, but circles have power , too. They imply completeness, infiniteness, and harmony.

Tactic #3: Include Specific Success Metrics

Don’t just list who you work with; include specific success metrics that hit home what you’ve done for them.

Example: 35% New Business Growth for Boomtrain; 30% Higher Reply Rates for Dyn.

Why It Works:  Social proof drives action. It’s why we wait in lines at restaurants and put ourselves on waitlists for sold-out items.

People can only focus for eight seconds at a time. (Sadly, goldfish have one second on us.)

This means you need to cut to the chase fast.

Uber’s headlines in Slides 2-9 tailor the “After” picture to specific pain points. As a result, there’s no need to explicitly state a “Before.”

sales presentation

Slides 11-13 then continue touching on “Before” problems tangentially with customer quotes:

sales presentation

So instead of self-touting benefits, the brand steps aside to let consumers hear from their peers — something that sways 92% of consumers .

Leading questions may be banned from the courtroom, but they aren’t in the boardroom.

DealTap’s slides ask viewers to choose between two scenarios over and over. Each has an obvious winner:

sales presentation example

Ever heard of the Focusing Effect?

It’s part of what makes us tick as humans and what makes this design move effective. We focus on one thing and then ignore the rest. Here, DealTap puts the magnifying glass on paperwork vs. automated transactions.

Easy choice.

Sure, DealTap’s platform might have complexities that rival paperwork, but we don’t think about that. We’re looking at the pile of work one the left and the simpler, single interface on the right.

Here are some other tactics to use in your own sales presentation:

Tactic #1: Tell a Story

Tell a story that flows from one slide to the next.

Example: Here’s the story DealTap tells from slides 4 to 8: “Transactions are complicated” → “Expectations on all sides” → “Too many disconnected tools” → “Slow and error prone process” → “However, there’s an opportunity.

Why It Works:   Storytelling in sales with a clear beginning and end (or in this case, a “Before” and “After”) trigger a trust hormone called Oxytocin.

Tactic #2: This vs. That

If it’s hard to separate out one “Before” and “After” vision with your product or service because you offer many dissimilar benefits, consider a “This vs. That” theme for each.

Why It Works:  It breaks up your points into simple decisions and sets you up to win emotional reactions from your audience with stock photos.

Remember how satisfying it was to play connect the dots? Forming a bigger picture out of disconnected circles.

That’s what you need to make your audience do.


Zuora tells a story by:

  • Laying out the reality (the “Before” part of the Before-After-Bridge formula).
  • Asking you a question that you want to answer (the “After”)
  • Giving you hints to help you connect the dots
  • Showing you the common thread (the “Bridge”)

You can achieve this by founding your sales presentation on your audience’s intuitions. Set them up with the closely-set “dots,” then let them make the connection.

Here are more tactical sales presentation ideas to steal for your own use:

Tactic #1: Use Logos and Testimonials

Use logos and  testimonial pull-quotes for your highest-profile customers to strengthen your sales presentation.

Example: Slides 21 to 23 include customer quotes from Schneider Electric, Financial Times, and Box.

Why It Works: It’s called  social proof . Prospects value other people’s opinions and trust reputable sources more than you.

Tactic #2: Include White Space

Pad your images with white space.

Example: Slide 17 includes two simple graphics on a white background to drive home an important concept.

Why It Works:  White space creates separation, balance, and attracts the audience’s eyes to the main focus: your image.

Tactic #3: Incorporate Hard Data

Incorporate hard data with a memorable background to make your data stand out.

Example: Slide 5 includes statistics with a backdrop that stands out. The number and exciting title (‘A Global Phenomenon’) are the main focuses of the slide.

Why It Works:  Vivid backdrops are proven to be memorable and help your audience take away important numbers or data.

Psychology tells us that seeing colors can set our mood .

The color red is proven to increase the pulse and heart rate. Beyond that, it’s associated with being active, aggressive, and outspoken. LinkedIn Sales Navigator uses red on slides to draw attention to main points:


You can use hues in your own slides to guide your audience’s emotions. Green gives peace; grey adds a sense of calm; blue breeds trust. See more here .

Tip: You can grab free photos from Creative Commons and then set them to black & white and add a colored filter on top using a (also free) tool like Canva . Here’s the sizing for your image:


Caveat: Check with your marketing team first to see if you have a specific color palette or brand guidelines to follow.

Here are some other takeaways from LinkedIn’s sales presentation:

Tactic #1: Include a CTA on Final Slide

Include one clear call-to-action on your final slide.

Example: Slide 9 has a “Learn More” CTA button.

Why It Works:  According to the Paradox of Choice , the more options you give, the less likely they are to act.

Step One : Ask marketing for your company’s style guide (color, logo, and font style).

Step Two: Answer these questions to outline the “Before → After → Bridge” formula for your sales pitch :

  • What are your ICP’s pain points?
  • What end picture resonates with them?
  • How does your company come into play?

Step Three: Ask account management/marketing which customers you can mention in your slides (plus where to access any case studies for pull quotes).

Step Four:  Download photos from Creative Commons . Remember: Graphics > Text. Use Canva to edit on your own — free and fast.

sales presentation pitfalls

What are the sales presentation strategies that work best for your industry and customers? Tweet us:  @Yesware .

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Blog Marketing 15 Sales Presentation Examples to Drive Sales

15 Sales Presentation Examples to Drive Sales

Written by: Danesh Ramuthi Oct 31, 2023

Sales Presentation Examples

A sales presentation is not merely a brief introduction to a product or service. It’s a meticulously constructed sales pitch tailored to showcase the unique features and key elements of what’s being offered and to resonate deeply with the prospective customers. 

But what stands out in the best sales presentation is their ability to weave an engaging story, integrating customer testimonials, success stories and sales performances to maintain the audience’s attention span and to persuade them to take action. 

The right tools, like those provided by Venngage presentation Maker and its sales presentation templates , can greatly aid in this endeavor. The aim is to have a presentation memorable enough that it lingers in the minds of potential clients long after the pitch. 

Its ultimate aim is not just to inform but to persuasively secure the audience’s commitment.

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6 Sales presentation examples

What to include and how to create a sales presentation, sales presentation vs pitch deck.

  • Final thoughts

A sales presentation can be the differentiating factor that turns a potential client into a loyal customer. The manner in which a brand or individual presents their value proposition, product, or service can significantly impact the buying decisions of their audience.

Hence, drawing inspiration from various sales presentation examples can be an instrumental step in crafting the perfect pitch.

Let’s explore a few examples of sales presentations that cater to different needs and can be highly effective when used in the right context.

Clean sales presentation examples

The concept of a “clean” sales presentation reflects more than just its visual aesthetic; it captures an ethos of straightforward, concise and effective communication. A clean presentation offers a professional and efficient way to present your sales pitch, making it especially favorable for brands or individuals looking to be perceived as trustworthy and reliable.

Every slide in such a presentation is meticulously designed to be aesthetically pleasing, balancing visuals and text in a manner that complements rather than competes.

Black And Brown Clean Sales Presentation

Its visual appeal is undeniably a draw, but the real power of a clean sales presentation lies in its ability to be engaging enough to hold your audience’s attention. By minimizing distractions, the message you’re trying to convey becomes the focal point. This ensures that your audience remains engaged, absorbing the key points without being overwhelmed.

A clean design also lends itself well to integrating various elements such as graphs, charts and images, ensuring they’re presented in a clear and cohesive manner. In a business environment where attention spans are continually challenged, a clean presentation stands as an oasis of clarity, ensuring that your audience walks away with a clear understanding of what you offer and why it matters to them.

White And Yellow Clean Sales Presentation

Minimalist sales presentation examples

Minimalism, as a design and communication philosophy, revolves around the principle of ‘less is more’. It’s a bold statement in restraint and purpose. In the context of sales presentations, a minimalist approach can be incredibly powerful.

Green Minimalist Sales Presentation

It ensures that your content, stripped of any unnecessary embellishments, remains at the forefront. The primary objective is to let the core message shine, ensuring that every slide, every graphic and every word serves a precise purpose.

White And Orange Minimalist Business Sales Presentation

This design aesthetic brings with it a sense of sophistication and crispness that can be a potent tool in capturing your audience’s attention. There’s an inherent elegance in simplicity which can elevate your presentation, making it memorable.

Grey And Blue Minimalist Sales Presentation

But beyond just the visual appeal, the minimalist design is strategic. With fewer elements on a slide, the audience can focus more intently on the message, leading to better retention and engagement. It’s a brilliant way to ensure that your message doesn’t just reach your audience, but truly resonates with them.

Every slide is crafted to ensure that the audience’s focus never wavers from the central narrative, making it an excellent choice for brands or individuals seeking to create a profound impact with their pitches.

Cream Neutral Minimalist Sales Presentation

Simple sales presentation examples

A simple sales presentation provides a clear and unobstructed pathway to your main message, ensuring that the audience’s focus remains undivided. Perfect for highlighting key information, it ensures that your products or services are front and center, unobscured by excessive design elements or verbose content.

Simple White And Green Sales Presentation

But the beauty of a simple design is in its flexibility. With platforms like Venngage , you have the freedom to customize it according to your brand voice and identity. Whether it’s adjusting text sizes, incorporating vibrant colors or selecting standout photos or icons from expansive free stock libraries, the power to enhance and personalize your presentation lies at your fingertips.

Creating your ideal design becomes a seamless process, ensuring that while the presentation remains simple, it is every bit as effective and captivating.

Professional sales presentation example

A professional sales presentation is meticulously crafted, reflecting the brand’s guidelines, voice and core values. It goes beyond just key features or product benefits; it encapsulates the brand’s ethos, presenting a cohesive narrative that resonates deeply with its target audience.

Beige And Red Sales Presentation

For sales professionals, it’s more than just a slide deck; it’s an embodiment of the brand’s identity, from the great cover image to the clear call to action at its conclusion.

These presentations are tailored to address potential pain points, include sales performances, and present solutions in a compelling and engaging story format. 

Red And Cream Sales Presentation

Integrating elements like customer success stories and key insights, ensuring that the presentation is not just good, but memorable.

White And Orange Sales Presentation

Sales performance sales presentation example

A company’s sales performance presentation is vital to evaluate, refine and boost their sales process. It’s more than just numbers on a slide deck; it’s a comprehensive look into the effectiveness of sales campaigns, strategies and the sales team as a whole.

Light Green Gradient And Dark Blue Sales Presentation

This type of sales presentation provides key insights into what’s working, what isn’t and where there’s potential for growth.

It’s an invaluable tool for sales professionals, often serving as a roadmap guiding future sales pitches and marketing campaigns.

Red Orange And Purple Blue Sales Presentation

An effective sales performance presentation might begin with a compelling cover slide, reflecting the brand’s identity, followed by a brief introduction to set the context. From there, it delves into specifics: from the sales metrics, customer feedback and more.

Ultimately, this presentation is a call to action for the sales team, ensuring they are equipped with the best tools, strategies and knowledge to convert prospective customers into paying ones, driving more deals and growing the business.

Brown And Cream Sales Presentation

Testimonial-based sales presentation examples

Leveraging the voices of satisfied customers, a testimonial-based sales presentation seamlessly blends social proof with the brand’s value proposition. It’s a testament to the real-world impact of a product or service, often making it one of the most effective sales presentation examples. 

Dark Blue Orange And Pink Sales Presentation

By centering on customer testimonials, it taps into the compelling stories of those who have experienced firsthand the benefits of what’s being offered.

As the presentation unfolds, the audience is introduced to various customer’s stories, each underscoring the product’s unique features or addressing potential pain points.

Blue And Orange Sales Presentation

These success stories serve dual purposes: they not only captivate the audience’s attention but also preemptively handle sales objections by showcasing how other customers overcame similar challenges.

Sales professionals can further augment the presentation with key insights derived from these testimonials, tailoring their sales pitch to resonate deeply with their potential clients.

Creating a good sales presentation is like putting together a puzzle. Each piece needs to fit just right for the whole picture to make sense. 

So, what are these pieces and how do you put them together? 

Here, I’ll break down the must-have parts of a sales presentation and give you simple steps to build one. 

What to include in a sales presentation?

With so much information to convey and a limited time to engage your audience in your sales presentation, where do you start?

Here, we’re going to explore the essential components of a successful sales presentation, ensuring you craft a compelling narrative that resonates with your prospects.

  • A captivating opening slide: First impressions matter. Start with a great cover image or slide that grabs your audience’s attention instantly. Your opening should set the tone, making prospects curious about what’s to come.
  • Data-driven slides: Incorporate key points using charts, graphs, infographics and quotes. Instead of flooding your slides with redundant information, use them as a tool to visually represent data. Metrics from your sales dashboard or third-party sources can be particularly illuminating.
  • Social proof through testimonials: Weave in testimonials and case studies from satisfied customers. These success stories, especially from those in the same industry as your prospects, act as powerful endorsements, bolstering the credibility of your claims.
  • Competitive context: Being proactive is the hallmark of savvy sales professionals. Address how your product or service fares against competitors, presenting a comparative analysis. 
  • Customized content: While using a foundational slide deck can be helpful, personalizing your presentation for each meeting can make all the difference. Whether it’s integrating the prospect’s brand colors, industry-specific data or referencing a past interaction, tailored content makes your audience feel acknowledged.
  • Clear path to the future: End by offering a glimpse into the next steps. This can include a direct call to action or an overview of the onboarding process. Highlight the unique value your company brings post-sale, such as exceptional training or standout customer support.
  • Keep it simple: Remember, simplicity is key. Avoid overcrowding your slides with excessive text. Visual data should take center stage, aiding in comprehension and retention. 

Related: 120+ Presentation Ideas, Topics & Example

How to create a sales presentation? 

Crafting a good sales presentation is an art that blends structure, content and design. 

A successful sales presentation not only tells but also sells, capturing the audience’s attention while conveying the main message effectively. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide to ensure that your sales deck becomes a winning sales presentation.

1. Find out your ideal audience

The first step to any effective sales pitch is understanding your audience. Are you presenting to prospective customers, potential clients or an internet marketing agency? Recognize their pain points, buying process and interests to craft a message that resonates. This understanding ensures that your presentation is memorable and speaks directly to their unique needs.

2. Pick a platform to Use

Depending on your target audience and the complexity of your sales literature, you might opt for Venngage presentation maker, PowerPoint templates, Google Slides or any tools that you are comfortable with. Choose a tool that complements your brand identity and aids in keeping your audience’s attention span engaged.

3. Write the ‘About Us’ section

Here’s where you build trust. Give a brief introduction about your organization, its values and achievements. Highlight key elements that set you apart, be it a compelling story of your brand’s inception, a lucrative deal you managed to seal, or an instance where an internet marketing agency hired you for their needs.

4. Present facts and data

Dive deep into sales performance metrics, client satisfaction scores and feedback. Use charts, graphs and infographics to visually represent these facts. Testimonials and customer success stories provide that added layer of social proof. By showcasing concrete examples, like a customer’s story or feedback, you give your audience solid reasons to trust your product or service.

5. Finish with a memorable conclusion & CTA

Now that you’ve laid out all the information, conclude with a bang. Reiterate the value proposition and key insights you want your audience to remember. Perhaps share a compelling marketing campaign or a unique feature of your offering.

End with a clear call to action, directing your prospects on what to do next, whether it’s downloading further assistance material, getting in touch for more deals or moving further down the sales funnel .

Related: 8 Types of Presentations You Should Know [+Examples & Tips]

Sales presentation and the pitch deck may seem similar at first glance but their goals, focuses, and best-use scenarios differ considerably. Here’s a succinct breakdown of the two:

Sales Presentation:

  • What is it? An in-depth dialogue designed to persuade potential clients to make a purchase.
  • Focuses on: Brand identity, social proof, detailed product features, addressing customer pain points, and guiding to the buying process.
  • Best for: Detailed interactions, longer meetings and thorough discussions with potential customers.
  • Example: A sales rep detailing a marketing campaign to a potential client.

Pitch Deck:

  • What is it? Pitch deck is a presentation to help potential investors learn more about your business. The main goal isn’t to secure funding but to pique interest for a follow-up meeting.
  • Focuses on: Brand voice, key features, growth potential and an intriguing idea that captures the investor’s interest.
  • Best for: Initial investor meetings, quick pitches, showcasing company potential.
  • Example: A startup introducing its unique value proposition and growth trajectory to prospective investors.

Shared traits: Both aim to create interest and engagement with the audience. The primary difference lies in the intent and the audience: one is for selling a product/service and the other is for igniting investor interest.

Related: How to Create an Effective Pitch Deck Design [+Examples]

Final thoughts 

Sales presentations are the heart and soul of many businesses. They are the bridge between a potential customer’s needs and the solution your product or service offers. The examples provided—from clean, minimalist to professional styles—offer a spectrum of how you can approach your next sales presentation.

Remember, it’s not just about the aesthetics or the data; it’s about the narrative, the story you tell, and the connection you establish. And while sales presentations and pitch decks have their distinct purposes, the objective remains consistent: to engage, persuade and drive action.

If you’re gearing up for your next sales presentation, don’t start from scratch. Utilize Venngage presentation Maker and explore our comprehensive collection of sales presentation templates .

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See uniquely effective sales pitch presentation examples and learn how to make a sales presentation that deeply engages buyers and helps you close the sale.


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Sales presentation examples

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Short answer

What to include in a sales presentation?

  • Cover slide - a visual hook
  • Who we are slide - provides context and demonstrates authority
  • Problem slide - covers your prospect’s main pain points
  • Solution slide - describes your unique solution to the prospect's problem
  • How it works slide - gives basic details about the onboarding and rollout process
  • Social proof slide - includes testimonials, case studies, awards, or big client logos
  • Benefits slide - outlines the outcomes the prospect can expect
  • Next steps - gives the prospect a simple next step to proceed

Why a sales presentation is more than presenting a PowerPoint?

You could say that a sales presentation is only as good as the sales rep presenting it, but that’s only partly true.

People forget about 90% of what you tell them within 2 days (it’s called the Forgetting curve , look it up). And I am guessing that your sales cycle is longer than 2 days…

Even if you’re a rock star, will your star power last long enough to influence the final buying decision? Likely not.

If you’re smart, you rely on your sales presentation content to work for you behind closed doors and serve as your voice when you can’t be there.

Sounds nice, doesn’t it? If only it were so simple.

But most sales presentations don’t work like that. Without you to present them they’re as inviting as drinking warm beer.

My goal for this post is to show you examples of how smart sales teams managed to make sales presentations that sell while they sleep.

Why don’t sales presentations work anymore?

They all look the same.

They’re not (really) personalized.

And they’re static and boring.

We all know sales presentations need to be pretty, but now we're all making pretty much the same presentations. Standing out from your competition is 90% of the battle, and you're losing it.

Worse yet, too many sales teams default to sending generic one-shoe-fits-all sales presentations to all their prospects. I get it, there’s not enough time to justify the high touch.

So what now?

I’m gonna show you sales presentation examples that use interactive multimedia content and personalization to stand out, engage, and win more deals.

NOTE: Based on our analysis of over 100,000 sales presentation sessions I can tell you that moving from static to interactive sales presentation could get you a 146% increase in average reading time and a 41% increase in prospects who read your presentation in full.

Sales presentation examples that close deals

Sales presentation examples are abundant, but GREAT examples are few and far between.

You’re not gonna eat anyone’s lunch if you show up to the competition with the same set of (pretty) tools as all the rest.

When preparing your sales presentation, your priority is to first stand out, second engage, and third drive action.

The examples on my list all do this superbly.

One of these sales presentations brought a 70% lift in SQLs , another drove 2X more demos when used in sales prospecting, and a third was shared with decision-makers within the prospect’s organization 50% of the time .

If you study these examples and apply what you’ve learned - you’re gonna need a bigger pipeline .

Gong sales one-page presentation

Gong can do no wrong. They are masters of sales collateral and sales messaging.

Their sales presentation follows the recomended structure I gave you at the start of this article starting with a UVP and then covering who they are, problem, solution, how it works, benefits, social proof, and next steps.

This presentation has it all. But Gong elegantly rolled up who they are with the problem and solution in a short and easy-to-follow video.

Why separate them when you can merge them into one coherent and persuasive narrative?

Zuora sales presentation

Zuora’s sales presentation is the archetype of a storytelling presentation.

Zuora was one of the first sales organizations to build their sales presentations around a grand narrative which earned this presentation renown as the best sales presentation ever .

It presents a sea change, where the market is transitioning from a product subscription economy.

The presentation outlines a “before-and-after” state of affairs with winners and losers.

Those who embrace the change with the help of Zuora’s solution inherit the earth and those who don’t lose everything and get left behind.

Udemy B2B sales presentation

One of Udemy’s major revenue channels is their B2B operation. It’s a tough market in which they compete with other training and development providers.

Their sales presentation uses dynamic variables to personalize their message to a specific prospect (it’s the content in squiggly brackets).

I specifically loved the personal note that the presentation opens with. It’s a great place to include some of the specific concerns and interests that came up during the discovery call, or based on prior engagement by the prospect.

Here's how you can personalize your sales presentations at scale:

Storydoc analytics pa

Enterprise sales deck by cprime

cprime’s enterprise sales presentation leads by showcasing that they work with Fortune 500 companies. This form of "social proof" slash "proof of capabilities" is critical for enterprise selling.

Enterprise buyers like knowing that your services are tailored for enterprise and can keep up with BIG requirements. cprime work hard to show they belong in an enterprise’s solution stack.

Only after catering to this do they proceed to break down their solution.

I love how they break complex infographics into chunks that lead your attention with animation.

And I realy love the idea of providing samples of their offering to make it concrete and easy to understand .

Minimalistic sales presentation by ScaleHub

This sales presentation and other interactive sales collateral helped ScaleHub establish themselves in the US market and brought them a steady flow of leads for their pipeline.

Before this they were using the legacy PPTs and PDFs, but moving to this type of interactive content got more engagement, opened the door for relationships to form, and let them build a pipeline fast with relatively few resources.

The presentation is quite a simple one, it’s the text book problem-solution content structure, made leaner and easier to understand with interactive content and multimedia.

sale presentation quote

Interactive sales presentation by Deliveright

Deliverights sales presentation is an outstanding example of turning a boring topic into an exciting proposition . (we’re talking about a white glove delivery service mind you).

The presentation does a great job of showing how easy and straightforward their solution is through visual storytelling .

I specifically enjoyed their problem slide that effectively creates a persuasive contrast between the delivery process with and without Deliveright.

sale presentation quote - deliveright

Personalized sales presentation by Wisestamp

This sales pitch presentation is beautifully personalized . There’s the basic personalization of the prospect’s name and company, but it goes much further…

Wisestamp give their prospect a personalized preview of their product . Yep.

Because the product is an email signature they can populate a signature with the prospect’s information, name, job title, email, headshot and all.

Another great thing this presentation does is segment the message to multiple decision-makers in their benefits section .

Using tabs they can talk to different influencers from one single slide instead of “dirtying” their presentation with multiple slides addressing different people.

Team slide example

Sales proposal presentation by Healthy.io

This sales presentation example, by a heath-tech company, is a peculiar one. It’s rare to encounter a long-form sales presentation, and even rarer to find one that works really well.

But this one works big time.

This presentation enables Healthy’s champion to promote the solution within their organization . This involves persuading multiple decision-makers and influencers which the sales team has no hope of meeting face-to-face.

The long form works well in this situation since it effectively communicates the value of Healthy’s solution to a specialist audience that requires the details to make a buying decision.

sale presentation quote - healthy.io

AI sales presentation by OctopAI

I love this sales presentation’s cover slide. The grumpy octopus animation just pulls in your attention and the snappy and catchy title complements it perfectly and gets you intrigued to read more.

I am also a fan of their direct approach - outlining the pain point first, hooking you with a sense of risk and urgency. And only after giving you the company and product intro as a segway into the solution.

It’s a great example of a lean and clean sales presentation with no useless noise and some smart use of visual cues that direct your attention and keep you reading through to the end.

Team slide example

Startup sales presentation by Orbiit

This example leads with hard numbers to make a case for their solution. If you have numbers this practice is a good idea since buyers love numbers.

I think this sales presentation does a solid job of painting a full picture of what Orbiit can deliver and how it works.

Specifically, I appreciate the way they demo their service so simply with visuals and explanation text. By the end, you have a clear idea of what they provide, how it works, and the value it brings.

sales presentation quote - orbiit

Technical sales presentation by Spot (by NetApp)

This is a good example of a technical sales presentation that targets a DevOps audience.

It uses technical jargon which is usually recommended not to do, but in this case, positions them as peers who know what they are talking about.

This presentation goes after operation managers and C-level executives by pitching their solution as a way to cut costs and shorten delivery times.

They make a compelling case for a very savvy audience and hard-to-please executives.

sales presentation quote - spot

Product sales presentation by Matics

This sales presentation shows how great design should not come at the expense of great storytelling.

I was impressed by their sharp messaging that goes back and forth between life with and without their product . They make the case for taking action now to reap the benefits tomorrow.

They make sure to counter prospect’s urge to stick with the status quo by reducing the their perceived risk and giving them insight into how their apps work and how rolling out the solution will look like.

It makes digitalization of manufacturing management seem like the easy way forward. They make it feel so simple. It’s inspiring.

Sales presentation templates that work

To make your content creation fast and easy I’ve brought you some of our best sales presentation templates . They'll help you set up a top-tier deck in less than an hour.

These templates apply the effective storytelling structure that worked for most of the examples on my list. They all use interactive design that makes you stand out, engage prospects, and help them take the next step.

Each of these templates was tried and tested for every device or screen size.

sales presentation words

As the Head of Marketing, I lead Storydoc’s team of highly trained content-ops warriors fighting to eradicate Death-by-PowerPoint wherever it resides. My mission is to enable buyer decision-making by removing the affliction of bad content from the inboxes of businesses and individuals worldwide.

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7 Sales Presentation Examples for Successful Pitches

sales presentation words

A successful sales presentation can significantly influence a potential client’s decision-making process. It needs to be engaging, informative, and persuasive.

This guide explores the components of an effective sales presentation, and best practices for creating one, and provides seven exemplary sales presentation templates from various sources.

What Is a Sales Presentation?

A sales presentation is a strategic dialogue designed to persuade a potential client or customer to purchase a product or service. It typically involves a detailed explanation of the product’s features, benefits, and potential return on investment.

What Is Included in a Sales Presentation?

A sales presentation typically includes sections on:

  • Introduction : Brief introduction of the company and the presenter.
  • Customer Needs : Identification of the client’s needs and how they align with the product or service.
  • Product/Service Details : Detailed information about the product or service, highlighting unique selling points.
  • Success Stories : Real-life examples or case studies demonstrating the value of the product or service.
  • Pricing and Packages : Overview of pricing options and any customizable packages.
  • Call to Action : Strong conclusion that prompts the audience to act or decide.

Sales Presentation Best Practices

Creating an effective sales presentation involves several best practices:

  • Tailor Your Message : Customize the presentation to address the specific needs and interests of your audience.
  • Keep It Concise : Focus on key points to maintain the audience’s attention and keep the presentation within an appropriate timeframe.
  • Use Visuals : Employ charts, graphs, and images to make your points clearer and more engaging.
  • Rehearse : Practice your presentation multiple times to ensure smooth delivery.
  • Engage Your Audience : Encourage questions and interact with the audience to make the presentation more dynamic.

7 Sales Presentation Examples

1) piktochart: “sales pitch examples”.

sales presentation words

Piktochart’s Sales Pitch Examples illustrate how to effectively communicate the value of your product or service. These examples showcase various strategies to capture and retain the audience’s interest, making them highly practical for anyone looking to enhance their sales presentations.

Canva Sales Presentation Template offers visually appealing templates designed to make sales presentations more engaging. These templates are easy to customize and suitable for a wide array of industries, helping presenters create professional-looking presentations effortlessly.

2) Slidebean Sales Pitch Deck Template

sales presentation words

Slidebean Sales Pitch Deck Template is designed to streamline the creation of impactful sales presentations. The template guides users through structuring an effective pitch, emphasizing the art of storytelling to captivate potential investors and clients.

3) Prezi Sales Plan Presentation Template

sales presentation words

Prezi Sales Plan Presentation Template offers a dynamic way to engage audiences with its distinctive zoomable canvas. The template allows sales professionals to outline their strategies and goals in a visually engaging sequence that captures the natural flow of a sales process.

It is designed to help presenters illustrate complex sales plans through a structured yet flexible narrative, enabling the audience to follow along through a visual journey of targets, tactics, and expected outcomes.

4) Queza : Pastel Color Sales Marketing Powerpoint

sales presentation words

Queza : Pastel Color Sales Marketing Powerpoint from Envato Elements is designed with pastel colors and a clean, modern aesthetic, making it ideal for sales and marketing presentations that require a fresh and inviting look. This PowerPoint template is versatile, featuring a range of slide layouts that can be used to showcase products, market analysis, sales strategies, and more.

5) SlideSalad Sales Deck PowerPoint Templates

sales presentation words

SlideSalad Sales Deck PowerPoint Templates ****offer a comprehensive sales deck that is robust and creatively appealing, ideal for making impactful sales presentations. It features hundreds of unique slides designed for various sales niches, allowing for extensive customization.

6) Solua : Cyber Monday Sale Event Powerpoint

sales presentation words

The Cyber Monday Sale Event PowerPoint on Envato Elements is a powerhouse for creating high-impact sales presentations. This template features a modern design that effectively combines bold colors and sleek layouts to capture audience’s attention. It includes multiple slide options to showcase products, promotional offers, and pricing strategies.

7) SlideModel Sales Pitch Presentation Template

sales presentation words

SlideModel Sales Pitch Presentation Template offers professionally designed templates tailored for sales presentations. These templates are structured to facilitate clear communication of complex data, strategic alignment, and persuasive storytelling. They are particularly useful for sales teams looking to present data-driven arguments effectively.


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8 Effective Sales Presentation Examples to Boost Your Close Rate

8 Effective Sales Presentation Examples to Boost Your Close Rate

Winning sales presentations turn prospects into customers. But, constructing a winning presentation is often a source of dread for many sales folks. What is the perfect number of slides? Which is the best order? Should it be hyper-branded or simple?

Or, should we even be using slide decks at all in 2024?

Now, if you want to make the journey collaborative, or want to gain access to cool insights like whether they even looked at your presentation, the static deck just won't cut it.

Designing a beautiful and highly personalized sales presentation is great, but access to behavioral analytics through digital links is super powerful. Knowing whether the buyer clicked on that presentation, and then how long they viewed it, can help shape those next steps in your sales cycle.

In fact, by 2025, 80 percent of B2B sales interactions will happen in these digital channels, according to Gartner . This means that presenting your pitch digitally unlocks new opportunities to engage and collaborate with your buyer. Ultimately, this will help you close deals much faster.

Sales professionals of all types, from SDRs to Customer Success, make pitches at different points in the sales cycle. That's why it's super important to create presentations that are both enjoyable for buyers to watch and easy for sellers to navigate—especially if they’re pitching multiple times a day!

Sales Presentation Vs. Sales Pitch: Are They the Same?

Presentation? Pitch? What’s the difference? These two sales practices are often referred to interchangeably, but they’re not exactly the same.

Generally, a pitch is when you’re closing the deal. It’s short and effective—highlighting the benefits and value of the product and offering the sale. Now, it is also technically a sales presentation, but it’s not a “sales presentation.”

The sales presentation comes earlier in the process when you’re looking to get buyers interested in your product/service. Every good sales presentation gives prospects confidence in your brand and helps develop the customer relationship. It emphasizes the value your product delivers and provides clear direction for the next step in the sales process.

So really, the key differentiator between these two sales activities is the point in the sales process—the presentation introduces your product, and the pitch closes out the deal. This shifts your purpose and your approach when creating a presentation vs. pitch deck.

To create the best sales pitch ever, you can head over to our ultimate guide . But first things first. Let’s build a winning sales presentation that makes potential customers beg to buy.

6 Key Components of a Winning Sales Presentation

While there's no "one way" to make a pitch presentation, there are a few core ingredients that can transform a bland presentation into a show-stopping performance.

To keep your buyers engaged and prevent them from nodding off, make the presentation more interactive by fostering a conversation, using eye-catching visuals that leave an impression, and pacing your delivery to keep the energy level high.

1. Start Strong: Cover Slide + Confidence

First impressions matter. Your first slide and the first few moments of your delivery will shape perceptions and affect the ultimate success or failure of your sales presentation.

Your cover slide should instantly capture the audience's attention and convey your brand and industry. Later, we’ll explore some stellar examples. For now, just make sure your audience has a good idea of who you are and what you do from the very beginning—and make it interesting. Images are great at this.

Regarding your delivery, confidence is key — key— to both your sales career and presentation. The confidence you project about your solution will transfer to prospects, reducing their concerns and supporting an overall positive experience.

But you can’t get by on cover slides and confidence alone.

2. Sell Solutions (+ Value), Not Products

Gone are the days when you could simply shout that your product was the greatest thing since sliced bread—and expect customers to believe you.

Times have changed. Value-based selling is in . Today, the best approach is to inform your buyer with the right message through the right media, selling your solution and not your product.

In your sales presentation, make sure that each product feature that you include has a clear benefit for your prospective buyer. And don't just list the features. Explain why they make your product better, in the simplest way possible.

If your lead generation process produced high-quality leads, and your pre-presentation research uncovered pain points, you should have a pretty good idea what this prospective customer needs—and how your product can solve the issue.

At the end of the day, people want to know what's in it for them and how your product/service will make their lives better. Sell them the solution. The product is just a bonus.

3. Tell a Story

People remember stories. They’re more engaging than stats and figures—and humans connect with humans, not numbers. Research by cognitive psychologist Jerome Bruner suggests that facts are 22 times more likely to be remembered if they’re part of a story .

You want to harness that power for your sales presentation.

Consider your top-shelf customer success stories—or even the customer you just closed yesterday, who solved a major pain point with your solution. The key here is to find past customer situations that your current prospect can identify with. Maybe they serve a similar market niche, or are both struggling to keep their fully-remote team afloat.

Or, maybe, you want to tell your company’s story. Close itself started as a solution to our founders’ frustrations with existing sales CRMs.

Like any great story, you need an arc, characters, conflict—and a resolution. Include whatever graphs and metrics you think add value to the presentation. The numbers don’t speak for themselves, but they do play a supporting role to your storyline.

Turn your case study into a case story, illustrating how your product has helped someone else, and prepare to hook your target audience.

4. Keep It Simple

Be concise. Make your key points digestible. Prospects should be able to quickly scan your sales presentation—and then get back to the conversation.

However, many companies that offer complex products, such as software, tend to overcomplicate the delivery. Most buyers don’t have time to read white papers or long-winded info about your technical specs. Those details can come later.

There are ways to present content while neither boring nor overwhelming your audience:

  • Video: Sixty-six percent of people will watch a company’s entire video if it’s less than 60 seconds. Give them something they can quickly digest, that effectively highlights your value prop and most important product features.
  • Interactive demos: a great alternative to video calls, ideal with async presentations. You can use interactive demo software like Navattic or Walnut to let your buyer learn about your product on their terms, in their own time.

Whatever you do, get to the point. Time and attention spans are short. Be succinct.

Visually, don’t give your PowerPoint presentation the crafting kindergartner upgrade. Brand colors and fonts should be established early and kept consistent throughout.

In short—less is more. Don’t exhaust your audience visually or mentally.

5. Include the Proof

Your audience wants to know that your solution works. They also want to feel confident about their decision to pursue your product over the competition. How can you help ease these concerns? Include evidence in your sales presentation.

Social proof establishes your credibility and showcases how your solution has transformed the work lives of your customers. It’s an important element in building trust between you and your prospect . Social proof can include media mentions, G2 reviews, social media engagement, customer testimonials, and more.

Recent data from Statista, as of September 2023, indicates a shift in consumer behavior. Their survey, conducted among 10,021 consumers, revealed that 53 percent of U.S. respondents rely on search engines like Google for information about products. This highlights the evolving landscape of consumer trust and information sourcing.

Additionally, 34 percent of consumers used customer reviews as a source of information. This underscores the continued importance of positive reviews and testimonials in fostering trust in a business. The customer success story you've shared can be further enriched by integrating these insights, demonstrating not only the value of customer reviews but also the growing reliance on digital search engines for product information.

Including social proof in your presentation demonstrates how well your solution can meet customer needs —including theirs.

6. Call Them to Action

Nothing cleans out the sales pipeline like a well-timed, well-placed, and well-designed CTA . Success in sales relies on the success of your call to action. And that extends to your sales presentation.

Unlike the sales pitch, your sales presentation is probably not asking for the close. Instead, you are asking them to take the next step in the sales process—book a call, talk to their stakeholders, demo your product, or something else.

You want the CTA to be straightforward. Brief as possible. And effective. Make it easy for them to follow through. For example, if you want them to book a call, share a calendar link. Then follow up .

You have spent time and resources (yours and theirs) on this presentation, so don’t fumble the deal with a weak or confusing CTA. Your sales presentation should be the whole package. Literally.

But can we really tie all of this together into one mega-effective sales presentation? We’re about to find out.

8 Effective Sales Presentation Examples

Sales presentations come in all shapes and sizes. A great sales deck is one that is true to your brand, relevant to your target audience, and produces results.

Various factors can influence the structure, included elements, and delivery. For example, a self-directed presentation that prospects view online may require more text than one that’s delivered face-to-face (or via Zoom). A presentation given to industry experts will include different details (and language) than one delivered to your average, may-be-customer Joe.

As you build your next effective sales presentation, draw inspiration from these winning examples. We’ll share the presentation—and tell you why it works.

1. What + Why: Memento

Stating the problem, explaining the solution.

This sales presentation deck from Memento first describes the pain points of existing solutions—then showcases why Memento is different, emphasizing value and innovation.

This tried-and-true strategy keeps messaging simple and potent. The graphics and color-blocked backgrounds enhance that messaging, and the result? An eye-catching and powerful sales presentation.

2. Image-Rich Slides: Zuora

Is a picture worth a thousand words? Sometimes. It depends what that picture is, and what you’re trying to say.

Zuora uses an image-rich presentation to help differentiate themselves in the industry, and to support the storyline of their presentation. At the same time, text is kept to a minimum.

Visuals can create a supportive foundation upon which you can build your value proposition , company vision, and prospect-relevant story. You’ll probably include photos of your digital or physical product, but you can also add stock images or infographics.

Memorable presentations show , rather than just tell.

3. & 4. Personalize for Prospects: Trumpet

People aren’t numbers—and they don’t want to feel as such.

Personalize your sales presentation so that it speaks directly to your buyer. When possible, call them out by name and make sure that every aspect of the presentation is 100 percent relevant to their situation.

If you want to go the extra mile, incorporate their own brand identity. Make it about them, not about you. Our friends at Trumpet are on a mission to do just that with customizable presentation pods.

Check out this presentation pod example .

This prospect-specific presentation covers most of our key components for an effective sales presentation while taking personalization to the next level. Plus, it’s interactive—which adds value for both prospects and sales reps. Look for the comment section beside the presentation, where you can keep all communication and questions in one spot.

These customization options make your presentation stand out—and are bound to increase your CTA response rate. You can directly incorporate your online scheduling tool, such as Calendly, which also integrates with Close CRM to streamline prospect scheduling.

Here’s another winning example from Trumpet, featured as a use case for SDRs. Again, it’s got all the elements of an effective sales presentation (right down to customer testimonials), and even includes a short audio message specifically for the prospect, from the SDR.

So, ditch the generic sales script and personalize the presentation. Do your homework and make it relatable to each individual prospect, whenever possible.

Then, post-presentation, you can even follow up with a next-steps pod —again, created specifically for your prospect.

5. Be You(r Brand): Reddit

Remember earlier, when we said your sales presentation shouldn’t look like a kindergarten-age graphic designer let loose on Canva? There are always exceptions, right?

First and foremost, you must consider your audience and brand.

The best sales presentations are those that inform and persuade while being true to their brand identity. Sometimes that looks like minimalism: Short sentences, muted color palettes, and quiet power. Sometimes, that looks like pizazz.

Reddit has since updated its branding and slogan, but it once boasted to be “the front page of the internet.” At that time, this sales presentation got them a lot of love.

Talk about hooking an audience. But even the randomness isn’t random—it matches their brand, audience, and value proposition.

So consider your brand, audience, and value proposition, and build a sales presentation worthy of that. (But oh, to be on the sales team at Reddit.)

6. Adaptable Sales Story: Eigen Technologies

Eigen Technologies wanted a presentation to support a core sales story that could be tailored to different industry customers. An overview presentation like this one covers the bullet point features of the product while allowing the presenter to add any relevant prospect-specific slides.

Notice the decision to highlight how this solution stacks up against its industry competitors. This can add power to your own value proposition. Something else that adds power? The cohesive sales story that threads through the entire presentation, from stating the problem to showcasing the solution.

For some, this presentation might be a little text-heavy. When you’re presenting live, you want prospects to be listening to you, rather than simply reading all the information from your slides. For animated videos , take-home or self-guided presentations, however, use the amount of text necessary to support your message.

An animated sales presentation can also be a great addition to your sales and marketing materials. Save the static for your presentation, and get double-mileage with a video.

7. Out-of-the-Box: Apple

It’s hard to find live sales presentation examples because most are given privately in meetings, or directly between a salesperson and their prospect. However, explainer videos like this one can inspire your delivery—and your sales deck.

Steve Jobs, wearing his famous black turtleneck, was known for his potent yet simplistic Apple product presentations. Apple continues to lead with powerful sales messaging. Today, it has evolved to match its updated branding and sales style.

Watch how this presentation involves two different team members, both of whom add unique value to the messaging. Depending on the nature of your solution, the expertise level of your audience, and other factors, you might consider something similar—when it makes sense.

Note that every feature mention is immediately followed by its value. Your audience wants to hear about your product's benefit—don’t leave them with product details as bullet points.

8. Putting It Simply: Microsoft Office 365

This business presentation from Office 365 employs an attention-grabbing color scheme while spotlighting feature details via powerful, concise messaging.

With complex products especially, you need to filter out unnecessary information. Boil it down to your key points and features, then use simple graphics and copy to share your product. Let your value overwhelm prospects—not the presentation itself.

Are you ready to get started on your next super-effective sales presentation? Before you go, consider how it could impact your closing rate—and how you can optimize results.

Using Your Sales Presentation to Close More Deals

Every customer touchpoint should drive prospects toward your ultimate goal: closing more deals. An effective sales presentation is just one step in the customer journey, and tips and presentation templates will take you far.

Let’s look again quickly at the end of your presentation.

At the end of the presentation, you need a strong call to action—but you should also consider other ways to make your message stick. Based on the nature of your solution and how you’re delivering the presentation, you might need to leave behind handouts for your audience.

They should be focused and simple, supporting rather than detracting from your presentation. Maybe they even create a dynamic QR code for scanning to download your app or view contact information.

Then to fully optimize your sales presentation, you must follow up . Your sales presentation alone might not sell your solution—but your faithful follow-up game can push them to take the next step. Enter your CRM.

An agile CRM like Close can streamline this outreach and boost customer retention rates . Now you can optimize—and sustain—the success of your next sales presentation.


Anna Hunyadi

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10+ Sales PowerPoint Presentation Examples To Get Inspired!


One of the biggest challenges B2B sales and marketing teams face is creating sales presentations that impress potential customers and lead to conversions.

So, what does an excellent sales presentation look like? Today, we'll explore some of the best examples to help you craft your own outstanding presentation. And that’s not all, we’ve interviewed our head of sales, Robert Juul Glaesel , to provide you with the BEST insights to unlock success. So…let's dive in!

sales presentation words

We’ll be covering the following topics

What is a sales presentation?

Sales presentation vs. sales deck vs. pitch deck.

  • Sales Presentation PPT Examples - and why they were successful

Sales Powerpoint Presentation Templates

Sales presentation video examples, get ready to create the best sales presentation: tips from our sales expert, unlock success: expert support for your sales presentation design.

Let’s start from the top! - Or, as always, you can skip to your preferred section.

A sales presentation is a crucial part of the sales process. It refers to a meeting where a sales team showcases their product or service , persuading potential customers to purchase.

This meeting typically takes place after initial contact with the prospects , either through marketing efforts, cold calls, or expressions of interest from potential customers themselves.

In this meeting, the sales team usually provides a comprehensive overview of the product or service. They address key points such as:

  • What is the product or service?
  • How is it used?
  • What distinctive features does it have?
  • What problem does it solve?
  • Why is this their best option?
→ Free Download: 10+ Sales PowerPoint presentation template [Access Now]

The sales presentation and sales deck are pretty similar. On one hand, a sales presentation is designed to persuade potential customers about the value of your product or service. It typically includes detailed information about your product, its features, benefits, pricing, case studies, testimonials, and more.

On the other hand, a sales deck is essentially a condensed version of a sales presentation . It is usually concise and only includes key highlights.

In contrast, a pitch deck is a presentation created for investors to secure funding. It generally contains information about the company's vision, the problem it aims to solve, market opportunities, business model, and financial projections.

Sales Presentation PPT Examples: and why they were successful

Below are several sales presentation examples you can use as inspiration to create your own. Let’s look at each of them and see exactly why they were successful.

sales presentation words

Spendesk is a powerful spend management platform designed to help users save time and money by offering a clear view of their company expenses. Their sales presentation is the definition of a successful sales presentation: it is incredibly clear and straightforward . It clearly defines the problem it solves and introduces you to the solution, highlighting how it stands out from the competition.

As you’ll see, this presentation is not overloaded with text - it's simple and easily shows you how the product works. And most importantly, it’s branded! Which is key for brand positioning and visual consistency .

To check it out, click here .

Reddit Advertisement Sales Presentation

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Reddit's sales presentation is definitely one of a kind. By incorporating memes and other pop-culture images throughout their deck, they engage the audience and stay true to their brand identity . This approach not only resonates with the Reddit community but also sets them apart from mundane sales pitches.

The presentation not only provides valuable data and showcases the effectiveness of its product but also does so effortlessly, proving that a presentation does not have to be overly serious to be effective.

Click here to explore Reddit's engaging sales presentation.

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Zuora, a SaaS platform for subscription billing, takes a compelling approach in its sales presentation. It starts by highlighting the industry's changing landscape , effectively showing the importance of adapting to these changes.

But Zuora doesn't stop there. Throughout their presentation, they also showcase what their platform can do for the audience and provide social proof to back it up . This includes quotes from CEOs and other business executives who have successfully used their platform to improve their subscription billing process.

See for yourself and check out one of the best sales deck examples here .

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Drift, a web-based live-chat tool for sales and marketing, takes a unique approach to its sales presentation. They begin by highlighting a common problem that many businesses face : how traditional communication methods, such as email, calls, and forms, are insufficient.

The presentation then goes on to showcase how Drift can provide a solution to this problem. They demonstrate how their live chat tool offers a more personalized approach to communication that can lead to impactful results.

Check out Drift's impressive sales presentation here .

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Salesforce, an integrated Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform, provides a valuable lesson about creating sales presentations that convert . They start by explaining how the industry has undeniable changes and how we need to adapt to keep our businesses successful.

But they don't stop there. They continue showing us what things can look like, in other words, "the promised land," and how their product can change everything about how companies do things. And obviously, they finish with the greatest success stories from CEOs and clothes executives.

Click here to get inspired by the Salesforce presentation.

→ Free Download: 10+ Sales PowerPoint presentation PDF [FREE]

Snapchat Advertising

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Snapchat Advertising's sales presentation stands out not only for its visually appealing design but also for its unique features. The presentation begins by emphasizing the vast reach of its platform and key age demographics, providing valuable insights for those looking to make the most of their marketing campaign .

In addition, Snapchat Advertising effectively compares itself to the competition, showcasing its unique features and advantages. And, of course, the presentation is visually branded with the company's iconic ghost character , making it instantly recognizable.

Check out their captivating sales presentation here .

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Klima’s sales presentation is a special one. This climate change app’s presentation makes sure we know they are a company that focuses on “what truly matters.” It presents itself as a business with real, global impact.

And that’s not all. One standout feature of Klima's sales presentation is its visually appealing design. The slides effectively showcase the app's interface and demonstrate its key features. This visual representation really helps prospects consider getting an employee benefit with purpose .

Click here to get inspired by one of the greatest b2b sales deck examples.

Are you ready to create the best Sales PowerPoint presentation? We’ve got great news for you! Discover our sales presentation templates that you can download for exactly $0 .

sales presentation words

Any of these templates could be a GREAT starting point for your next sales presentation . And what’s best…they are completely free for you to download at our Templates platform ! You’ll find not only these ones but also hundreds of other PowerPoint templates, for ANY industry, completely at your disposal.

Sales presentations can take various forms, including videos. Video presentations can effectively engage and captivate the audience by combining visual content, audio narration, and sometimes animations or graphics. Here are a few examples of sales presentations that are delivered in video format:

sales presentation words

Medallia's video presentation showcases the effectiveness of using video to clearly represent their platform. The video highlights the platform's features, demonstrating how it can be a powerful tool for businesses.

By utilizing video, Medallia effectively shows viewers what the platform looks like and what they can expect to access and analyze in terms of data. The detailed exploration of each feature gives potential clients a comprehensive understanding of the platform's capabilities and how it can benefit their business.

Click here to check it out.

sales presentation words

Moodcaster, a digital casting platform, starts with the main problem: how time-consuming castings can be and how tedious auditions are . It then shows you how they can be a great solution and how the platform works.

This video presentation truly shows what the client can expect when using the platform , by showing the process step-by-step. And if they are not convinced yet, it ends up listing all the fantastic features it has one by one, leaving the best impression.

Click here to view Moodcaster’s incredible video sales presentation.

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Viable, the pioneering experience analysis platform, doesn't just identify the problem you're facing; it swiftly transitions to showcasing how they can provide the solution . They offer a real-time demonstration of how their platform works, providing concrete insights into how it can improve your business.

Finally, they conclude by highlighting all the advantages, features, and versatile applications that can benefit your specific needs.

Click here to take a look at Viable’s video sales presentation.

We know that creating the best sales presentation is key for your business. So, in order to provide valuable insights, we consulted Robert Juul Glaesel , head of sales at 24 Slides, who understands the importance of a good presentation for your business.

Let’s take a look at some insights from our head of sales:

Insight #1: Take elements out instead of adding elements in

Remember that quality is always more important than quantity . So, keep in mind not to overload your presentation with excessive text, because your audience’s attention will go directly there, instead of your speech. In Robert’s words:

“If you incorporate too many elements, it results in clutter, obscuring the main message and making it more challenging for the presenter to effectively convey their message.”

Insight #2: Don’t rely on your slides

We know this might sound counterintuitive, given that all this article is about creating your presentation, but remember that the presentation and the story are yours . As Robert says:

“Make sure that your presentation supports your story, it shouldn't tell your story. You, as the presenter, are the storyteller. Therefore, presentations should emphasize key points.”

Bonus insight #3: Brand your sales presentation !

This is one of your most crucial presentations; it should reflect who you are . There should be consistency between what they see on your website, social media, etc., and what they will see in this presentation. So, it is extremely important that you show that you care about your image and pay close attention to detail.

Creating a sales presentation is an incredibly important task, so it's best to leave it to the experts. Here at 24Slides , we can assist you in creating an amazing sales presentation that perfectly aligns with your brand. All you need to do is share the content you want to include and your brand guidelines. In less than 48 hours, you'll have your presentation ready for sales!

sales presentation words

Want to learn more? Check out these articles!

  • The Best Sales Presentation Services for Winning Sales Decks
  • How to Create the Perfect B2B Sales Presentation
  • Learn How to Start an Effective Sales Presentation
  • Top 20 Free Templates for Corporate and Business Presentations
  • +20 Self Introduction PowerPoint Templates: Download for free!

Create professional presentations online

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How to Create and Deliver a Killer Sales Presentation

How to Create and Deliver a Killer Sales Presentation

Written by: Orana Velarde

An illustration of a man in front of a sales presentation slide.

A good sales presentation is the key to landing a new client or customer. Present your offers, products and services in a way that will inspire your audience to take action. 

With a killer sales presentation template and some tips on how to create one, you’re on your way to a successful sales meeting. Regardless if it’s virtual or in person.

Let’s dive in! 

Here’s a short selection of 8 easy-to-edit sales presentation templates you can edit, share and download with Visme. View more templates below:

sales presentation words

What is a Sales Presentation?

In short, a sales presentation is a speech with or without a slide deck in which the speaker is trying to sell something to their audience. A sales presentation can be formulated in a number of different ways.

For example, a sales presentation can be a pitch deck . Startups use these to present their ideas to potential investors and get funding.

B2B companies use sales presentations to sell their products or services to other companies. In some cases, a webinar is a sales presentation with an added value proposition.

What a sales presentation isn’t, is a sales report where the presenter gives results on sales activity. Think of a sales presentation as before the sale takes place and a sales report as to what happens after.

Below is a pitch deck presentation template that can easily work as a sales presentation. Simply take out some of the slides and fill in your own company information for the particular offer.

A collage of a purple and grey pitch deck template available in Visme.

Slides to Include in Your Sales Presentation

Sales presentations have existed for a long time. Millions of people have created, presented and closed deals with sales presentations . Thankfully, there are also people that look at the data. 

In this case, the data I’m referring to is the perfect number and type of slides to include in a sales presentation for a higher chance of success. The general consensus for a pitch deck outline , for example, is around 10 slides in this order:

  • Introduction
  • Market Size and Opportunity
  • Competition
  • Investment and Use of Funds

Let’s say your sales presentation isn’t a pitch deck to convince investors to fund your startup. If your sales presentation is geared towards selling a particular product or service from your company, it can look more like this:

  • Emotion Factor

Do you feel like you might need some help to create a sales presentation? Don’t worry, we’ve got you. Check out the video below to learn how to create a presentation quickly and easily, right inside Visme! 

sales presentation words

5 Killer Sales Presentation Tips

In order to create a sales presentation that will convert your audience into customers, it needs to be well designed and also well presented. Here are 5 top tips to take into account when creating your sales presentation.

1. Keep It Short

Keep your sales presentation short. You don’t need to write a dissertation about your product or service. In fact, you should create a little mystery and anticipation. Relay just enough information that will pique their curiosity to the point of wanting to know more. 

2. Tell a Story

Use storytelling techniques at the start to help your audience relate to your pitch. Try using a fictional character as a starting point to explain how your service or product changed or improved their life or work. Insert personable tidbits that your audience can relate to. 

3. Know Beforehand What Your Clients Want or Need

Don’t give a sales presentation to people who won’t be interested in it. Make sure you know what your ideal client and customer really need and want. What are their pain points? How does your offer help them overcome it? Your sales presentation needs to address those and explain in simple language how your product or service is their best choice.

4. Ask Questions and Create Conversation

During the presentation, ask questions to create a conversation with your audience. This will remind them that you are a real person and not a machine. Give them an opportunity to also ask you questions.

5. Don’t Drone a Memorized Speech

It’s definitely a good idea to practice what you’ll say during the sales presentation. But what isn’t so great is to memorize a speech that you’ll then drone out like a middle school play. 

When giving a good presentation , it’s important to be calm and prepared. Your body language says a lot about how you feel when relaying the information. Even if you’ve given the same presentation over 20 times to different audiences, make it new every time.

Build relationships with customers and drive sales growth

  • Reach out to prospects with impressive pitch decks and proposals that convert
  • Monitor clients' level of engagement to see what they are most interested in
  • Build a winning sales playbook to maximize your sales team's efficiency

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Build relationships with customers and drive sales growth

5 Ready to Use Sales Presentation Templates

Using a template can help you get a good idea of how to set up the slides in your sales presentation. In the end, you might not use the template as is and you’ll change a lot of the elements. But the idea is that a template gets you started.

At Visme, we have a number of sales presentation templates. Here are a few of our favorites.

1. Creative Sales Presentation

This sales presentation template has 16 slides all in a similar style. Choose the slides that fit your vision best and duplicate your favorites. This is the perfect template for the sale of a digital product or service.

An orange and purple sales presentation template available in Visme.

2. Event Sponsorship and Booking Sales Presentation

Use this template if you’re selling sponsorship and booking opportunities for an event. It doesn’t matter if the event is virtual or in person, you still need to get people to participate, buy tickets, buy advertising spots, etc. 

A grey and orange event sales presentation template available in Visme.

3. Product Sales Presentation

Showcase your products in the best light. Try out this template to create a sales presentation that sells a specific product. Each slide is designed to present an important aspect of your product, its value proposition and who it solves your customers’ pain points.

Change the colors to match your brand and personalize the messaging easily. Keep critical information accurate and consistent across your presentation using Dynamic Fields . All you need to do is create dynamic fields and input data once , which will appear throughout your slides.

A product sales presentation with dark blue mixed with bright colored slides available to edit in Visme.

4. Freestyle Modern Sales Presentation Theme

The Visme Modern presentation template isn’t just great for sales presentations. This set of slides can help you create any type of presentation. For a sales directed slide deck, use the slide library categories to find the slides you need. 

Not only does this slide library have all the slides you need, but there are also variations of each one. Select the one that fits your content best. 

A black and teal presentation template available in Visme.

5. Minimalistic Simple Sales Presentation Theme

Much like the modern presentation theme, the simple presentation theme has over 300 slides in over 20 categories. You simply have to select the sides you need, then choose the composition of the elements you like best. 

Finally, add your own information and data to finalize your sales presentation deck. Don’t forget your brand colors, a few storytelling tidbits and a clear value proposition.

A minimalistic, black, grey and green presentation template available in Visme.

Design Elements To Use In Your Sales Presentation

Sales presentations created with or without templates can benefit from a number of design elements. These are tools that will help you visualize the information for your pitch. From charts to infographic widgets, everything is at your disposal with Visme.

Let’s take a quick look at some of them.

1. Content Blocks

Creating visual content with content blocks is much easier than starting from scratch. We use the same principles as our presentation themes to create ready to use content blocks. 

There are a number of design options when it comes to content blocks. For example, header and text, stats and figures, graphics and text and diagrams. You also have to ability to save your favorite and most versatile blocks in a library to use for all your future presentations.

Visme content blocks are available on the left-hand toolbar of your editor. In the “Basics” button at the very top of the list.

Visme icons come in all shapes and sizes. From static line icons to animated full-color isometric illustrated icons. All are color customizable and easy to resize. Making them fit your brand is seamless and intuitive. 

Use icons instead of bullet points, as a replacement of unnecessary text, as a way to create a visual flow, or as a decorative element. Icons are your best friend when creating visual projects.

bring your designs to life with customizable icons

3. Characters

Include personable characters along with your content blocks and other design elements. These characters will help create a relatable environment for your audience, making it easier to sell your products or services.

The Visme characters can be static or animated. Customized in terms of color, pose and repetition of action. They work great to explain certain concepts and ideas that need a visual push to come across.

4. Infographic Widgets

Infographic widgets are great design tools for visualizing small data sets. Use groups of these to visualize individual statistics and information that will help sell your product or service.

Customize the color and dimensions easily to fit in with the rest of your project.

Visualize location information with customizable interactive maps. Choose between counties, states, entire countries or regions. Enter data for your map with a Google sheet or do it manually. 

Visme maps can be as simple as a color outline to a multicolored data map with a legend and interactive pop ups.

A presentation slide with a United States map on it available to edit in Visme.

6. Charts and Graphs

Very few sales presentations can get away without a minimum of charts and graphs. The Visme graph engine has a wide variety of options to create line charts, bar graphics, scatter plots and more. 

You only need to input your data once and the graph engine shows you different options to choose from. Select the one that makes your data the easiest to read and doesn’t confuse the audience.

7. Special Effects

Adding special effects is a great way to add visual value to your slides. Motion graphics shapes and backgrounds will make your sales presentations more interesting to look at. These are great for sales presentations that don’t accompany a speech or elevator pitch.

How To Create a Sales Presentation in Visme in 9 Steps or Less

It’s easy to design a sales presentation with Visme. The design elements and information visualization tools will help you put together a memorable sales presentation that will seal the deal.

1. Create an Outline

Before you start designing any slides, you’ll need to have all your information in an easy to follow outline document. If possible, separate the sections into what will go on each slide. This will help save you time when you’re actually in the editor creating the presentations.

Remember to keep the information per slide as short and sweet as possible. You’re looking to convince and convert, not teach a masterclass. 

A screenshot of a Google Doc with a sales presentation outline.

2. Choose a Template

Once you have all your information ready to go, it’s time to sign in to your Visme account and choose a template. Browse the ready-made templates or select one of the three themes which are more like builders.

When you pick a template and then you realize it’s not what you needed, changing for another one is easy from inside the editor. Set up as many slides as your outline calls for.

Presentation Templates

Ecommerce Webinar Presentation

Ecommerce Webinar Presentation

Buyer Presentation

Buyer Presentation

PixelGo Marketing Plan Presentation

PixelGo Marketing Plan Presentation

Technology Presentation

Technology Presentation

Product Training Interactive Presentation

Product Training Interactive Presentation

Work+Biz Pitch Deck - Presentation

Work+Biz Pitch Deck - Presentation

Create your presentation View more templates

3. Select Images and Graphics

All the photos, icons and illustrations inside the templates are free to use. As are all the ones in the Visme graphics library. Simply use the search function to find what you need. All icons and illustrations are customizable to match your brand colors. 

If you have brand or company visual assets ready to use, upload them to your media library and add it to your canvas. 

A screenshot of the images and graphics available in Visme's design editor.

4. Input Your Information

Add the content from your outline into the presentation. Go slide by slide so you don’t miss anything. If text boxes change sizes, use the sizing function to readjust how text fits on the slide. 

A screenshot of a presentation slide able to be customized in Visme's editor.

5. Customize Slides to Add Brand Assets

Change the color theme to match your brand. Prepare your Brand Kit first with a color palette and color theme with your brand colors. Then in the editor, change the template colors as you wish.

To change the fonts, select the text and add the new fonts in. You can upload your own brand fonts or use one from our long and varied collection.

A screenshot of the Brand Kit area in Visme's dashboard.

6. Add Data With Data Visualizations

Use the Visme Graph Engine to create charts and graphs to add to your sales presentation. If the template you selected already had charts and graphs, simply customize to fit your data and story.

Add infographic widgets for small data sets or small tidbits of statistical information. For example, percentages and arrays. 

A screenshot of the graph engine inside of Visme's design editor.

7. Add Interactivity, Animation and Narration

If you’ll be sending the sales presentation on its own without your speech accompanying in, consider adding interactivity, animation and narration for your audience to feel connected to the slides. 

Alternatively, you can have two versions. One without these elements to accompany your spoken speech and an interactive version to send to potential clients after you’ve talked to them.

Interactivity can be buttons that open popups, websites or navigate to other slides. Animation can be achieved with animation effects on any element or with animated icons and characters.  Add narration to your slides so your audience will have an easier time following along.

8. Use Presenter’s Notes

When presenting live to an audience, take advantage of the presenter's notes function. These are notes and reminders that only you can see on the slides as you go through the sales presentation.

They will help you stay on track with the story, will give you cues for when to ask questions or insert a humorous comment. Use these as support, not as reading points.

A screenshot of the presenter notes feature open in the Visme design editor.

9. Share Your Sales Presentation With a Link or Download

Your sales presentations can be shared in a number of different ways. Share it as a live link, download as HTML5 to share offline with all the animation and interactivity you added. Download as a PDF to share as a static presentation or to print in a booklet. 

Share your sales presentation easily in a Zoom or Google Meet call by sharing your screen and sending a copy to your attendees.

A screenshot of the download options for presentations in Visme.

Your Turn to Create a Killer Sales Presentation with Visme

Now it’s your turn to create a sales presentation. We hope you’ll try Visme to see just how much you can do with the tools at your disposal.

Check out all the sales presentation templates to get started. We think you’ll never want to create a presentation anywhere else. 

Create beautiful presentations faster with Visme.

sales presentation words

Trusted by leading brands


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How to Make a Presentation Interactive: Best Tips, Templates & Tools

Create Stunning Content!

Design visual brand experiences for your business whether you are a seasoned designer or a total novice.

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About the Author

Orana is a multi-faceted creative. She is a content writer, artist, and designer. She travels the world with her family and is currently in Istanbul. Find out more about her work at oranavelarde.com

sales presentation words

The Most Effective Sales Presentation Tips & Techniques

Selling is difficult, but sales presentations can help. This article demystifies the art of creating a winning sales presentation that connects with your customers and increases your revenue.

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Dag Hendrik Lerdal

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Selling is difficult, but one of the most effective tools sales reps have in their back pocket is the sales presentation. When done right, it’s the key to landing more deals and generating higher revenue for your business. 

However, it takes more than throwing together a couple of PowerPoint slides and calling it a day. It requires compelling content and engaging delivery to close the deal. 

In this article, we will demystify the art of creating a winning sales presentation that connects with your customers and ultimately drives more sales. 

Understanding Sales Presentations

Before we get into what makes a sales presentation “good,” let’s first make sure we’re on the same page about what a sales presentation is. At its core, a sales presentation is a meeting between your sales team and the key stakeholders of your target client company. 

The ultimate goal is to convince them that your product/service is the best solution for their business needs. This means you need a clear understanding of their business challenges, solutions, and goals. 

What sets a sales presentation apart from a typical sales pitch is the scope and resource requirement.

Sales presentations are usually geared toward going after big-ticket deals and generally have multiple stakeholders that will have the final say. Also, sales presentations will often have a product/service demo so the target customer can see your offering in action.

With so much on the line and so much to gain, a sales presentation also requires more time, money, and effort in preparing and planning to make sure everything goes smoothly.

What Makes a Winning Sales Presentation?

Beyond the speech and visuals, there are five core components that elevate a sales presentation from “nay” to “yay.” These five elements include:

1. Doing Your Homework

Knowledge is power, and it’s even more true when it comes to creating a sales presentation that actually closes deals. You need to clearly understand what challenges and pain points concern your prospects. Then, you can tailor your sales presentation to present how your solution adds value and helps them address these issues.

It requires you to do extensive research into your target company and their industry:

  • What unique challenges do they face?
  • What are some issues they might have to deal with later?
  • How can you help them become more competitive?

By digging deep, you can provide a custom solution that can ultimately get them on board.

2. Telling a Story

Use the art of storytelling to your advantage. Stories are a great tool for helping your prospects visualize and internalize how your solution will work for them. Of course, that doesn’t mean you need to be Stephen King – you can rely on anecdotes from real clients.

However, make sure to keep your story concise and focus on the key points. Showing the real-world potential of your offering carries more weight and helps your prospect see its value.

I love this breakdown by Consultant’s Mind:  

storytelling in presentations

3. Highlighting the Value Proposition

Yes, your product has X awesome features and can do this and that. But honestly, your prospect doesn’t care about those. They want to hear what your product can do for them. 

How is it going to solve their problems? How will it make their life easier?

That’s what you want the core of your sales presentation to answer. It doesn’t need to be overly complicated, either. 

You can simply say, “[Product X] will help [Company A] solve [Pain Point 1] and [Pain Point 2] by doing [Benefit 1], [Benefit 2], and [Benefit 3].”

4. Providing Credibility in Your Sales Presentation

Of course, you can’t just say, “X will do Y,” without having proof to back up your claim. That’s where social proof and data come into play.

Leverage past happy clients to give testimonials to show your product/service provides tangible benefits.

You can also use research data such as statistics, quotes from experts, and product comparisons to give your presentation more weight. For example, saying “X can cut downtime by X%” is more actionable than “Y saves you time.”

5. Including a CTA

Finally, your sales presentation needs a call to action. A CTA pushes the prospect to make the next move by telling them what they should do. It can be contacting you for more info, signing up for a demo, making a purchase, and anything similar. 

The goal is to make sure the prospect has a clear idea of what they need to do to move things forward.

13 Effective Sales Presentation Tips & Techniques

Now, let’s move into the meat and potatoes of this article: 13 actionable tips and tricks you can implement into your next sales presentation.

1. Presenting with Confidence in Sales

In the sales world, confidence speaks volumes. No one wants to be stuck dealing with a boring presentation. Plus, when your voice is shaky, and you’re stumbling over words, it puts you and your company in a bad light.

So, how do you deliver your presentation confidently? The key is being well-prepared and knowing your stuff. You need to know your sales material and product like the back of your hand. We recommend practicing your sales presentation as much as you can. 

If you want to test yourself, do your presentation without using any of your slides. If you can do that, then you can be confident you can knock it out of the park when it’s go-time. 

2. The Five-Second Rule

While sales presentations are considerably longer than a typical sales pitch, the five-second rule still applies. In the digital age, where attention is a commodity, you have around five seconds to capture your target’s attention.

That means the first few words of your presentation need to be impactful. Try opening up with a shocking industry stat like, “Did you know X costs businesses like yours millions every year?”

Whatever you do, remember to make it relevant to your prospect and their goals or challenges. Once you have them on the hook, you can then guide them to the key aspects of your presentation and how your offering is the right fit for them.

3. Leverage Technology like SlideDog in Your Sales Presentations

sales presentation words

Gone are the days of boring PowerPoints and WordArt. Take advantage of tools like SlideDog to kick your sales presentation into high gear. 

With SlideDog , you can combine all of your sales materials and assets into a powerful, engaging presentation to really wow your prospects.

SlideDog is especially helpful when you need to hop between slides and other assets like your website or SaaS product during the presentation. It’s also great when there are multiple sales reps that need to speak because you can seamlessly swap between their presentation media.

Try SlideDog today for free on Windows and turn your presentations into multimedia experiences!

4. Make Sure You Sound, Look, and Act the Part During Your Sales Presentation

Depending on your prospect, your attire, jargon, and attitude needs to match what your audience will expect.

If you’re dealing with CEOs, CFOs, and other executives, then business wear and a professional tone is probably the right choice. If you’re presenting to tech bros in a more casual environment, then your presentation should reflect that. 

When you take this approach, it builds trust and shows that you truly understand them and their industry.

Of course, you don’t need to do it all yourself. Rely on your teammates and their expertise in different areas to create a presentation that connects with each individual in your audience.

As an added bonus, swapping between presenters keeps things fresh and engaging for the audience. 

5. Learn to Handle Objections

Objection handling is a core skill every salesperson needs to learn. There are common objections that pop up, regardless of what you’re selling. 

Typically, prospects have objections that fall into one of four categories:

  • Urgency/time

Your goal is to understand your prospect’s reasons for their objections and respond accordingly. 

By using past objections from clients and a deep understanding of the industry, you can frame your sales presentation to pre-emptively address these concerns. Just check out this example from Smartwriter :

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6. Physically Demo Your Product/Service

Actions speak louder than words, and you should apply this principle to your sales presentation. Providing physical demonstrations gives your audience a real-world example of what your product can do, and they can more easily envision themselves using it.

Plus, it adds a bit of interactivity to your presentation. It also gives your audience a chance to ask pertinent questions during the demo. This is also a great place to throw in examples of how your product/service has helped previous and current clients.

If you have a tablet or other devices you can share with your audience, it’s an opportunity for them to get hands-on experience with your offering.

7. Make Your Presentation Flow

Your presentation needs a logical and seamless flow as you transition between slides and key points.

First, verbal transitions are a must – in fact, I just used two examples with “first” and “in fact.”  There are a plethora of transitions you probably learned in school, such as “conversely,” “furthermore,” and “therefore,” to name a few. 

However, more advanced transition strategies involve using your body language, speech cadence, emphasis, visual aids, and questions to make it easier for prospects to follow along and understand how everything connects together.

8. Ensure Key Decision-Makers & Stakeholders are Involved

The last thing you want to hear after giving a kickass presentation is, “Let me speak with the district manager and get back to you.”

Make sure the key stakeholders and the person who can say “yes” are at your sales presentation.

On that same note, you want all of them to get hands-on experience with your product/service. Get them involved because when they can picture in their mind how easy your product is to use or how it resolves their issues, it makes it much easier for them to sign off on it. 

9. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for the Deal

After you’ve given your stellar presentation and the customer understands how and why your product benefits them, simply ask them if they are ready to move forward. 

There are many different approaches you can take when asking for a sale. You can use FOMO or “fear of missing out,” which plays on the prospect’s emotion of missing out on a good deal or letting their competition get ahead.

Or you can use an analytical approach where you lay out the pros and cons of your solution. Another method is sweetening the deal with a now-or-never discount or freebie.

There are a ton of different close tactics you can use, so find one that will work best for this particular prospect.

9. Don’t Take the First No for the Final Answer

The best salespeople know that it takes two, three, or more tries to close a deal. If you’ve tried to close the deal and got hit with an objection (see tip 5), then give a thoughtful response and follow up with your attempt to close the deal again.

You might need to wait a while. In this case, work on building your relationship and rapport with the prospect.

That way, when they are ready to pull the trigger, you and your product will be the first solution that comes to mind.

10. Keep Your Presentation Tight and Concise

You don’t want to waste your audience’s time, especially when speaking to executives. Make sure your presentation gets straight to the point. Every word, slide, and media should have a clear point and reason for being there. Even your pauses need to be impactful and poignant.

That’s where practicing and rehearsing your presentation is paramount. You can better control the tempo when you know your presentation inside and out. Create an outline and write out the key points you want your prospects to understand.

In your initial meeting and setting up the presentation time, take notes so you have a clear understanding of what your prospects need to know.

11. Own Your Presentation

You need to take the lead and exude confidence during your presentation. Yes, that sounds like a no-brainer since you’re the one giving the presentation.

You don’t want to say “sorry” or “I apologize,” even if it’s warranted. 

For example, if your slides aren’t showing properly, don’t say, “I’m sorry for the technical issues.”

Instead, you say, “I will be starting the presentation shortly.” 

Another point to keep in mind is to stay away from the ums and uhs in your speech. Not only is it unprofessional, but it gives the impression that you aren’t confident in what you have to say.

Finally, don’t tell your audience what you “think”; tell them what you know. You know your product will solve their problems. You know what benefits your service has to offer.

12. Leave a Lasting Impression

Make your presentation memorable. That doesn’t mean you should expect your audience to remember every minute detail. However, there are things you can do to make sure the key points stay in their mind long after your presentation is over.

One tactic is to use repetition. The details, benefits, and solutions you want them to retain should be mentioned 3 or more times. When Steve Jobs introduced the iPad 2, his presentation repeated the idea of “thinner, faster, lighter.”

Another strategy is the visual aids you use throughout your presentation that revolve around your key points. People hold images in their minds more easily than complex ideas.

Finally, you can use text formatting in your slides to highlight what you want your audience to walk away with. This includes bullet points or bolding and underlining keywords that make those pop out.

13. Expect (and Prepare for) the Unexpected

Lastly, our last tip is to understand that you can’t prepare for every eventuality – but you give yourself a better chance for success by expecting and respecting the unexpected. 

There might be technical issues. You might get asked tough questions you aren’t ready for. However, the best presenters roll with the punch and come out swinging.

If you take to heart all of the previous tips, you will be ready to face any challenges that pop up during your presentation.

Wrapping up

Sales presentations can be difficult to master, but when you get them right, they unlock a treasure trove of opportunity.  Remember, a successful presentation starts well before you’re in the room, with your slides behind you and your prospects in front.

Be confident, do your research, and take advantage of tools like SlideDog to elevate your presentation to the next level.

And with these tips and techniques in your arsenal, you’re ready to have a successful and fruitful quarter. Happy presenting!

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28 powerful words, phrases and slogans to include in your sales vocabulary

Sales Vocabulary

In sales (as in everything else), the right language often leads to the right reaction. Use the right sales words in your sales strategy and your prospects will begin to see the benefits of your product or service. Use the wrong words, and you’ll find it harder to close deals with new customers and improve your sales revenue .

There may not be exact metrics or KPIs that measure how effective your words are during the buying process, but as sales strategist and author Steve W. Martin puts it in Harvard Business Review , “Successful customer communications are the foundation of all sales.”

That’s because the sales process always starts as a linguistic engagement before it becomes a financial transaction. Good language throughout the sales cycle speeds up the transition. Bad language does the opposite. Very bad language will likely be caught by gatekeepers who’ll prevent the transition from ever happening.

Hence, to succeed in sales, sales reps need to be aware of the verbal and nonverbal language they use when speaking with customers. A big part of that is knowing which words, phrases and slogans to use and which to avoid.

The right words in the right context

The idea of using the right words sounds simple, right? In most cases, it is, but things can get confusing. For example, it’s advisable to avoid using curse words, especially at the top of the funnel (TOFU) when your potential customer is getting to know you, your company and the product or service you offer. This goes without saying when cold calling a qualified lead.

Yet, while it’s widely accepted that curse words may not make the right impression, there are foul-mouthed personalities like Gary Vaynerchuk who are able to successfully sell their brands without following this methodology.

A reminder for you and your sales team : The key, as you might expect, is context.

Here are a couple of questions you can ask when determining the selling scenario:

Which industry do you conduct business in and do you do business-to-business (B2B sales) or business-to-consumer (B2C sales)?

What is your ideal customer profile?

What are your lead qualification tactics?

Who is your prospective customer and are they the purchasing decision-maker?

How can your product or service solve the customer’s problem?

Do your existing customers have a tribal mindset and can you consider yourself part of that tribe?

What’s the best language to use in building rapport?

Which power words help influence the customer’s purchasing behavior?

What sales terms will resonate with your prospects?

What sales statements can you use for upselling and cross-selling?

Because the answers can vary according to the number of customers in your sales pipeline , a bad phrase for one specific selling scenario might be something neutral or even beneficial in another. Given the shifting market realities, the best strategy top salespeople adopt is to have:

A default selling vocabulary and a standard sales glossary , especially when it comes to pivotal sales closing phrases

A customer engagement process that is easy to access via a customer relationship management tool (CRM) and will help you discern the appropriate linguistic approach for a specific client or type of customer.

Optimize your sales vocabulary

Poor communication often causes lower conversion rates and can lead to negative business outcomes, like higher churn rates.

As an account executive, upgrading your business vocabulary helps minimize the impact of common sales pitfalls caused by poor communication. One way to do that is to avoid using words or making statements that erode interest, motivation and trust in your brand.

Consider the following attributes to apply in sales conversations as you’re building, trimming or expanding your selling vocabulary:

Avoid using acronyms, legalese, foreign words, industry jargon, unnecessary adjectives and vague explanations in your sales and marketing strategy or the materials promoting your product. Leave no room for alternative interpretations or incorrect connotations, especially when it comes to product features and benefits.

For nontechnical customers, describe the product in a way that’s easy for laymen to understand your message and see the benefits of what you’re offering. Otherwise, display your tribal tattoo and be as technical or industry-savvy as you need so that you can easily build trust among customers who “speak the talk.”

Establish trust and credibility by focusing on your customers and genuinely desiring to understand and solve their pain points. Personalization, such as using your prospect’s name in your social media or email outreach, is one way you gain trust. On the other hand, relying solely on impersonal automation for inbound or outbound lead generation campaigns or cold emails, for instance, is likely to generate the impression that you’'re out only for your client’'s wallet.

Once trust is lost, you’ll probably need to spend more time or a larger amount of money to regain it.

Many cliches in the sales industry emerged out of a predatory (think The Wolf of Wall Street ) instead of a problem-solver mentality among sales professionals. Unless they truly describe your product, avoid sounding over-the-top with sales pitch descriptors like “state-of-the-art”, “cutting-edge,”, “innovative solution,”, “groundbreaking” and other sales terms that can come across like an overpromise.

Similarly, hard-sell sales closing phrases like “one-in-a-million chance”, “satisfaction guaranteed”, “limited-time offer” and “it’s now or never” should be used sparingly and thoughtfully.

Being customer-centric means that you should be mindful of your customer’s needs and treat them with respect, whether or not they’re already a paying customer.

Unless the engagement is in “tribal mode” or you’re speaking with a longtime or familiar client, avoid using slang and cuss words. As previously mentioned, swearing has its purpose but doing so all the time will eventually blunt its impact and just mark you as crass and profane.

While sales reps learn to always be closing from the start, it’s also important to be mindful of the prospect’s needs and readiness before making a follow-up phone call or asking for the sale. If you want those in the middle of the funnel (MOFU) to move closer to the sale, use the right tone and language that won’t turn potential customers away.

The best sales professionals always project confidence and certainty in their communication, whichever stage in the sales funnel their prospects or leads are in. You can do that by honing your product knowledge, industry background and customer service skills.

Customers prefer brands whose representatives exhibit a solid understanding of and full confidence in the product's benefits. Avoid using these statements:

I’m not sure.

I think, I might

Maybe, probably, perhaps

Somewhat, somehow

It’s good to be thorough, but it’s even better when you’re also mindful of people’s time. Whenever possible, get to the point of your message as quickly as you can.

Prepare beforehand when making a sales call and be ready with your sales pitch or closing statements to make sure you don’t waffle. Try to avoid distracting speech habits such as using filler words such as “Um”, “Like”, or “You know” too much. Use shorter and simpler words whenever possible.

Successful salespeople have a sense of urgency. When dealing with customers, convey the feeling that you’ll address their concerns within a reasonable given period. Another way to show clarity and a sense of urgency in your communication is to replace “ASAP” and “I’ll get back to you soon” with a definite date and time to show prospects that you mean business.

The attention span of your target audience has been shrinking over the years. If you can’'t deliver what they want immediately, manage their expectations by setting a specific time frame.

Nothing saps customer enthusiasm and disrupts the buyer’s journey more than a heavy dose of pessimism. While being truthful is important, there are ways to communicate things that the customer may not want, but needs to hear, such as the ever-dreaded pricing conversation.

Think twice before dismissing your potential customer’s requests or concerns and instead take time to answer your prospect’s objections and questions. Give reassurance by providing a factual and objective rationale about the situation and what you’re doing to help them stay within their budget limitations, for example.

Leveraging existing customer data to prove your product aligns with your prospect’s needs, is a great way to move them to the bottom of the funnel (BOFU) and ultimately close more deals.

Use the word “you” at strategic points during the client engagement to emphasize your focus. Be sure to express genuine appreciation with gestures to say “thank you” whenever warranted. Convey importance without being patronizing by mentioning your customers’ names at appropriate times.

20 sales slogans and phrases

You know now the right words and questions to use in your sales and cold calling scripts , as well as some to avoid, but what phrases can take your sales pitching and deal closing to the next level?

Here are some specific phrases and slogans you can use and when you should use them.

Catchy sales phrases for every season

Seasonal sales phrases can help you market during specific times of the year.

Finding a turn of phrase or metaphor that’s relevant to your offering can help you stand out and be memorable.

Here are some catchy seasonal sales phrases to draw inspiration from.

Spring sales slogans

“Spring into action with [product offer]”

“Blooming deals await!”

For new customers: “It’s a time for new beginnings”

Summer sales slogans

“Try our red hot [product]”

“Stay cool with [product]”

“Summer sizzle: Hot discounts on cool products!”

Fall sales slogans

“Fall in love with [product]”

“Scare up something special with [product offer]”

Winter sales slogans

“Don’t put our [product] on ice”

“Winter wonderland of savings”

“Cozy up with our best deals”

“Holiday extravaganza: Gifts galore at merry prices!”

Sales phrases to try in your pitches, presentations and demos

Preparing for a sales pitch or presentation is a challenge. You need to know what you’re going to say but also be ready to think on your feet so you can tackle objections and engage your audience.

Here are three sales phrases that, more often than not, help you close and how to use them.

“We’re working on a solution to [outline your product’s key benefit]. Is that something you’d like to hear more about?” Opening with this line will pique your prospect’s interest in your product.

“There’ll be time for questions at the end.” If you’re at your best when you’re on a roll when presenting, have a lot of information to get through or are confident that you’ve anticipated the key objections, saying this at the start of a pitch can help you maintain momentum.

“This is how one customer like you got results.” Use a case study from a customer in the same industry or geo as your prospect.

The perfect sales pitch requires preparation. With these phrases ready you can focus on connecting with your potential customers.

Sales closing phrases to win the deal

If you’ve nurtured your customer and your pitch has gone perfectly, a well-chosen closing phrase should seal the deal.

Here are five to try during your next conversation with a hot prospect:

“By using [your product], you’ll be able to achieve [result] and solve [paint point].” Wrap up your pitch, presentation or demo with this line to link everything you’ve said together.

“So, what needs to happen next?” If your prospect is hesitating, but you’re still confident, push them to make a decision with this question.

“If you don’t have any questions or concerns, let’s get started.” You’re giving them a chance here to voice any final concerns, but your wording makes it clear you expect them to be ready to close.

“I’m really excited to start working with you.” If you’re closing a deal, you’re likely to be in a good mood. Harness that energy to galvanize your new customer.

“Great! The next step is for me to send over the contact and [outline the next steps].” If your prospect has given you verbal confirmation, get things moving. Put an emphasis on what you’ll do to help the process move forward.

Final thoughts

Sales success entails saying the right things and communicating your value proposition effectively at the right time. Sales words have the power to elicit emotional responses, which can compel prospects to act and sign on the dotted line.

While the language of selling may vary across industries and markets, effective sales communication largely depends on a single factor: your customer. Getting to know your potential buyers also means learning how they talk and expressing what their key concerns are in language that’s familiar to them. This way, you can use sales words and sales terms that they understand, and be one step closer to making them consider your brand a viable solution to their problems.

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Sales Words That Win: 2024 Guide to Boosting Your Sales Strategy

Choosing the right words can make the difference between winning or losing a deal.So, what makes some words more effective than others in closing deals? It’s not just about the words themselves, but how they connect with your customers, meet their needs, spark their interest, and build trust. This guide will take you through the world of ‘power words’ in sales, words that have shown their strength by turning potential customers into actual customers. We’ll not only look at what these words are but also how to use them effectively. ‍


  • Introduction to Power Words in Sales and Why are they important?

Build a Connection with Positive Sales Words

Words that enhance your pitches, add value with strong sales words, tactful handling of objections, sales transition phrases/words, urgency words for closing deals faster, sales words that move prospects to purchase, words to avoid during sales calls, salesken’s guide to winning words, power words for sales that can make or break deals, 1. client’s name ‍.

People are naturally attentive when you address them directly. Using the prospect’s name makes them feel that you are offering bespoke solutions. Research suggests that specific parts of our brain get activated when we hear our own name. Use the prospect’s name more often to close deals faster .

The best sales pitch phrases put the customers and their needs at the center of the conversation. Using the word ‘you’ repeatedly helps maintain intimacy and keeps them engaged.

Emphasizing the word ‘we’ can help break down barriers and enhance cooperation. It lets prospects know that you have a mutually beneficial relationship.

‍4. Imagine ‍

Power words for sales like ‘imagine’ can help you describe the benefits of your product/service while enabling prospects to visualize the bigger goals you can help them achieve. ‍

5. Thank you ‍

Whether during calls, in writing, or through actions, being polite sets you up for a friendlier relationship. ‍

6. Welcome ‍

Just as with ‘thank you', be generous in expressing your appreciation with ‘welcome’. Saying ‘you’re welcome’ is better than saying ‘no problem’.

Always find a way to contextualize your offerings according to the prospect’s needs. Personalization is key to doing business successfully in the new normal. According to a study, 80% of consumers are more likely to buy from a brand that provides personalized experiences .

‍8. Advantage/Benefit ‍

‘Advantage’ and ‘benefit’ are sales buzzwords that reiterate your value proposition with clear reasoning as to why customers should opt for your offering over your competitor’s.

There is no better way to build trust than by helping customers beyond the purchasing process. Be sure to deliver if you are called upon. ‍

Experts suggest that using positive sales words such as ‘do’ instead of ‘try’ will make you seem more capable and reliable, and inspire confidence in your product/service.‍

11. Amazing ‍

Customers don’t want to settle for something good; they want to be wowed! Use power words for sales such as ‘amazing’, ‘remarkable’, and ‘wonderful’ when you can deliver on the expectation.

Additional information that can benefit customers will always get you brownie points. Use them wisely to add value without disclosing too much.

13. Avoid ‍

When used appropriately, your pitch could give a positive spin to sales words that are generally considered negative. This word can let them know that you are there to help them minimize wastage, whether it is cost, time, or effort. ‍

14. Proven ‍

Sales words such as ‘proven’, ‘genuine’, ‘authentic’, and ‘endorsed’ can help build trust. With increasing competition, customers want to partner with a brand they can rely on. When you use the word ‘proven’, it tells the customer that your product or service is market-tested and effective.  ‍

It is important to inspire confidence and credibility with strong sales words such as ‘safe’ and ‘secure’ to let prospects know they are in good hands.

16. Because ‍

The conjunction allows you to bring customers’ focus to the reasoning or benefits for a particular offering, consciously connecting the two. And research suggests that people like to be given a reason or justification for things they are told.

17. Results ‍

Using definitive words like ‘results’, ‘guarantee’, or ‘authentic’ make customers feel comfortable investing in a product or service that seems likely to deliver on its promise. ‍

This can be a subtle way to make the prospect see your point of view or present them with alternatives, multiplying your chances of cracking a deal. ‍

19. Improved ‍

Products/services must adapt to changing customer preferences and needs. Using the word 'improved' can help you highlight how the new version of your products is better than ever before. ‍

20. I don’t know ‍

Sales phrases like this show prospects that you are honest and not afraid of admitting that you don’t know everything. Follow this up with “I will let you know soon” to show that you are willing to help the prospect further.

Humans have a natural desire to be perceived as fair and get what is fair. Make an offer or ask for something and follow it up with “Is that fair?”. When used 1.7x per deal , ‘Fair’ helps superstar sales reps move it forward to the next stage.

‍‍22. Remember ‍

'Remember' is a very useful word for reconnecting with past leads, reiterating the main features of your offerings, or reminding prospects of past promises (such as to close a deal sooner, maybe).

Skillfully replace ‘but’ with ‘and’ when addressing a concern or criticism. ‘And’ when followed with the relevant information is one of the most useful sales transition phrases that bring inclusivity into your statements, even in scenarios where you may be disagreeing with the prospect.

Provide your prospects with a limited time offer they cannot resist. If they seem convinced, ask them to hurry so they don’t miss a good deal.

One of the most persuasive sales words, offering a part of the service or add-on benefit for ‘free’ can decrease the cost while increasing your offering’s perceived value.

Everyone wants to save on money, time, or resources. Back it up with a clear opportunity, and you could get a customer on board for the long-term.

27. Exclusive ‍

Sales buzzwords such as ‘exclusive’, ‘rare’, or ‘limited edition’ create the impression that your offering is unique and available only to a select few.

28. First ‍

This is another word that denotes exclusivity or brings in the wow factor. If you can deliver on the first-mover advantage, you can build a long-lasting relationship with customers.

29. Successful ‍

Top performers use ‘successful’ 4-6x per hour on a sales call. Follow their success mantra and close deals faster!

30. Simple/Easy ‍

From onboarding customers, using your product/service, and getting adequate support – if you can simplify the customer experience, they may be more willing to sign up with you.

31. Premium ‍

Sales words that denote luxury and prestige help grab attention. Customers respond to concepts of high esteem, value, and quality as it makes them feel privileged. ‍

32. Confidential ‍

Strong sales words such as ‘confidential’, ‘secret’, or ‘insider’ tap into natural human curiosity and serve to intrigue prospects. You can use these sales words to pique their interest and genuinely engage them. ‍

33. Risk-free

This term acts as an assurance for customers to know that they are not going to lose anything, especially when they are signing up for a free demo or trial. Those were some of the most powerful words to sell a product.

inside blog image 2 -970398 (3) (1)

34. We provide ‍

Prospects anticipate a sales pitch and stop listening the moment you say, ‘we provide’. Close rates fall by 22% when sales reps use it four or more times in a single call. ‍

35. Problem

Hearing the word ‘problem’ immediately incites a negative reaction. When referring to an issue that the customer may face, use ‘challenge’ or ‘hurdle’ instead.

36. Honestly

Although a positive-sounding word, ‘honestly’ can have a negative connotation in a sales language. When overused, this word could make the prospect feel like everything else you have said before may not be true.

‍37. Hopefully/Maybe

These words are vague and do not instill confidence. They indicate that you are unsure of what you are saying or promising. If you are not confident of your product/service’s benefits, why would prospects be?

‍38. Discount

Don’t offer a 33% discount; instead, offer 50% more of the same product at the same price! Discounts devalue your products and can decrease your chances of closing a deal by 17%.

39. Obviously

‘Obviously’ sounds condescending. It sounds like you are undermining the client’s intelligence by stating the obvious.

Using ‘cheap’ undervalues your offering. It gives the feeling that your product or service is substandard. Say ‘cost-effective’ or ‘economical’ instead.

41. Free Trial

Substitute ‘free trial’ with ‘demo’ or ‘pilot’ if you are not looking to lower your chances of moving to the next stage by 5%.

42. Competitor

It is best not to bring up competitors unless the prospect does so. Putting down your competitors reflects poorly on you and your company. Instead, talk about how your offerings are at par with industry standards and how you can exceed their expectations.

Never mention that you are doing the job for incentives or fulfilling your quota. It can make prospects think you are only trying to close a deal even if it’s not a good fit for them.

44. Objections

When addressing queries from prospects, avoid categorizing them as objections. Call it a ‘concern’ or ‘challenge’ and show them that you are willing to address any issues.

45. Prospects

Do not refer to your prospects as ‘prospects’. You will immediately make them feel dehumanized and disconnected.

46. Perfect

Is it okay to reinforce how ‘perfect’ everything about your deal is? When used more than four times during a call, the advance rate drops by 16%.

Even though you are technically pitching to your prospect, it is a very salesy term that implies you are there to sell a product instead of helping them find the right solutions. Say ‘presentation’ or ‘discussion’ instead.

48. Cutting-edge/Innovative

These are some of the most overused sales words, as every company tries to position itself as cutting-edge or innovative.

Constantly making sounds such as ‘erm’, ‘ah’, or ‘uhh’ make prospects feel you have not come prepared. They also make you sound unprofessional and unsure.

‘Don’t’ is negative. No one likes to hear what they should not do. Instead, tell them what they should do.

When you make a positive statement, using ‘but’ means you are contradicting what you said previously. This creates dissonance in the prospect’s mind.

52. Show you how

Spend more time on ‘why’ rather than ‘how’ something works. If you use such sales phrases more than four times in a call, your close rate may drop by 13%.

Salesken is a tool that uses Artificial Intelligence to identify meaning and emotion reflected by words that are spoken during sales calls. It then uses this data to help reps say the right words or avoid using the wrong ones – in real-time! You can even manually feed these words into Salesken, so it can help your reps have more powerful sales conversations and win more deals.

Salesken also provides sales leaders like you with post-call analytics to track your sales team’s performance. Salesken records and annotates sales calls so you can quickly navigate through them with ease. You can tie it back to sales people wanting to close deals as they can earn over $300,000 per year, as evidenced by sales salary site CompGauge, ‘Fair’ helps superstar sales reps move it forward to the next stage.

What’s more, in addition to metrics such as the number of calls or talk ratio, Salesken lets you see if your sales team is using the right words and how often, whether they are saying anything wrong to your prospects, and how they can improve their performance. Click here to see how you too can build a high-performing sales team with Salesken.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. what are sales terminologies.

Sales terminologies are specific terms used in the sales industry, such as “lead”, “prospect”, “pipeline”, and “conversion”.

2. What are power words in sales? 

Power words in sales are persuasive words that trigger a psychological response, like “exclusive”, “guarantee”, or “value”.

3. Where can we use sales words, B2C or B2B?

Sales words can be used in both B2B (Business-to-Business) and B2C (Business-to-Consumer) contexts, with the language often being more formal and technical in B2B, and more casual and personal in B2C.

4. How can I incorporate sales words into my sales pitches?

You can incorporate sales words into your pitches by strategically choosing words that resonate with your target audience and highlight the benefits of your product or service. 

5. Can sales words help improve my sales performance?

Yes, using the right sales words can definitely help improve your sales performance by making your pitches more persuasive and compelling. By choosing words that resonate with your audience and highlight the value of your offering, you can increase engagement, generate more leads, and ultimately close more deals.


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60 Essential Business Presentation Phrases in English [With Audio]

Giving a business presentation in English can be challenging, especially if it’s not your first language. However, with the right phrases and a bit of practice, you can deliver a confident and effective presentation.

Greeting Your Audience

Beginning your presentation, outlining the structure, transitioning between topics, highlighting key information, explaining data or visuals, restating your point, summarizing your main points, inviting questions, concluding your presentation, tips for preparing your presentation in english, have a plan, use visuals, structure your presentation well, and one more thing....

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The way you start your presentation sets the tone for the rest of it. Begin by greeting your audience and introducing the topic. Here are some phrases to get you started:

1. Good morning, everyone.

Depending on the time of day, you can also say “Good afternoon, everyone” or “Good evening, everyone.”  

2. Welcome to [name of event].

For example: “ Welcome to our 3rd Annual Sales Leadership Conference.”

3. First, let me introduce myself.  

“First, let me introduce myself. I am Dan Smith from ABC Designs.”

4. Thank you for being here today.

These phrases help you clearly state the purpose of your presentation. This is a good way to give them an idea of what’s going on and to bring them up to date. 

5. Let’s get started with our presentation.

6. The purpose of today’s presentation is to…

7. I’m here to talk about…

8. Today, I’d like to discuss…

9. Let’s begin by looking at…

10. Let me start by giving you some background information.

11. I’ll start with an overview of…

12. As you’re aware…

“ As you’re aware , the CEO of DHL Express has often said that globalization is here to stay.”

Once you’ve introduced yourself and your topic, it’s important to give your audience a roadmap of what to expect. Use these phrases to outline the structure of your presentation:

13. Here’s what we’ll cover today…

14. Let me walk you through the agenda.

15. Our presentation will be divided into three main parts…

16. I’ll begin with…, followed by… and finally…

17. First, I’ll give you an overview of…, then we’ll discuss…

Transitions are key to keeping your presentation fluid and coherent. Use these phrases to smoothly move from one point to the next:

18. Let’s move on to…

“ Let’s move on to our second sales strategy.”

19. Turning our attention now to…

“ Turning our attention now to the results of our 2016 customer survey.”

20. That brings us to the next point…

21. Moving on to the next topic…

22. Let’s take a closer look at…

23. Now that we’ve covered…, let’s discuss…

24. This ties in with my next point…

In any presentation, there are certain points you’ll want to highlight. These phrases will help you draw attention to the most important information:

25. I’d like to expand on…

“Now I’d like to expand on my point about increasing our market share.”

26. Let me elaborate further.

27. What’s important to note here is…

28. I’d like to emphasize that…

29. Let me draw your attention to…

30. This is a crucial point because…

31. One thing to keep in mind is…

32. We have to remember that…

“ We have to remember that people are our most important resource.”

33. The significance of this is…

“ The significance of this is , if we complete this project on schedule, we’ll have more people available to work on the next project.”

34. This is important because…

“ This is important because any marketing effort we put in now will help to boost demand for our products in the long run.”

Concrete data presented with visual aids like charts and graphs can be powerful tools in a presentation, but only if you explain them clearly. These phrases can help:

35. Based on our findings…

“ Based on our findings, 74% of our market is made up of teenagers who find our clothing line stylish and upbeat.”

36. According to our study…

“ According to our study, 63% of working people in this city go directly to the gym after work.”

37. Our data indicates that…

“ Our data indicates that more than 23% of men in this town who used to drive to work now prefer to save money and the environment by cycling instead.”

38. As you can see from this chart…

39. This graph clearly shows that…

40. Looking at the figures, we can see…

41. This table highlights…

42. I’d like to illustrate this point by showing you…

The word “illustrate” means “show,” usually with examples, data or visuals.

“ I’d like to illustrate this point by showing you a chart of the number of people in each age group who prefer to shop online.”

43. This chart shows a breakdown of…

A “breakdown” refers to the detailed parts or figures that make up the total picture. A breakdown is often used in a presentation to show all the smaller parts behind something bigger.

“ This chart shows a breakdown of the ingredients we use in our gluten-free products.”

Sometimes in order to emphasize your point, you have to state it in a way that’s easier for your audience to understand and remember. This often involves rephrasing, simplifying or clarifying your point.

44. In other words…

“ In other words , we need to change our current design to make it more attractive to older children.”

45. To put it simply…

“ To put it simply , we’ll need you to work harder at making this launch a success.”

46. What I mean to say is…

“ What I mean to say is that we need to change the way we market our products.”

As you approach the end of your presentation, it’s important to summarize your main points and give a strong conclusion. Use these phrases:

47. In conclusion, let me sum up my main points.

As part of your closing statement, “sum up” (summarize, state briefly) your speech by mentioning the main points of your speech.

48. To summarize…

49. Let’s briefly recap the main points…

50. To wrap up, I’d like to…

51. The key takeaway from today’s presentation is…

Inviting questions during or after your presentation shows that you value your audience’s input. Here are some polite ways to do that:

52. Feel free to ask any questions at this point.

53. Are there any questions before we move on?

54. Does anyone have any questions so far?

55. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

56. I’ll be happy to answer any questions at the end.

Finally, close your presentation with a positive, professional note and thank your audience . Here are some phrases to help you finish strong:

57. Thank you for your time and attention.

58. That concludes my presentation.

59. I appreciate your participation today.

60. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and feedback.

Always have a plan. Spend some time thinking about what you’re going to say and how you’re going to say it. Think about the vocabulary , phrases and grammar that will make your message clear and easy to understand.

Here are a few suggesstions:

  • Have a clear goal in mind to help you stay on track. Whenever you feel lost during the presentation, just remember this main goal. An example of a goal could be to convince potential clients to work with you. Remember to focus on the advantages you want to present and on examples of what you did in the past to deserve their trust. 
  • Research content. If you know your facts, you already have the core of your presentation prepared. Write these facts down on topic cards, give out handouts with important information or include them on your PowerPoint slides.
  • Prepare the delivery. Rehearse giving the presentation several times. Some people like recording themselves, others prefer practicing in front of a mirror or having friends listen to them while presenting. Choose the method that works best for you.

Using some visuals can make your presentation more entertaining, easier to understand and can get your points across more convincingly . My advice:

  • Decide whether you need a PowerPoint presentation or not. Do you have graphs, results or other things like this to show? Then yes, you need one. Are you just telling a story? Then a PowerPoint probably isn’t necessary.
  • Don’t fill your slides with too much information. Use a maximum of five or six short lines of text. Highlight key words so the audience can see the main ideas right away. Use bullet points rather than full sentences.
  • Give the audience time to read graphs or charts. Don’t show a huge table of data if the audience won’t have time to read and understand it. Make sure you practice reading each slide while timing yourself to see how long it takes, so you don’t jump to the next slide too early during your presentation.

If you don’t structure your presentation well with a clear goal in mind, it may end up unclear and unorganized. You don’t want to run out of time before covering your main points or bore the audience.

Here are a few ways to make sure it goes smoothly:

  • Decide on three main points (or less). Audiences can’t usually focus on more than three points, so narrow it down to the most important ones you want to make. 
  • Tell them what points you’ll be making. Audiences like to know what to expect. Tell them the main goals of your presentation directly in the introduction.
  • Use connectors to make transitions from one point to another.  Connectors can also help you present details within certain points. Here are some examples of connectors for different situations:

Mastering these presentation phrases will help to ensure that your message is conveyed clearly and professionally. They’ll also boost your confidence as you prepare to present in English. 

Practice using these phrases in your next presentation, and you’ll see how they help you succeed.

If you like learning English through movies and online media, you should also check out FluentU. FluentU lets you learn English from popular talk shows, catchy music videos and funny commercials , as you can see here:


If you want to watch it, the FluentU app has probably got it.

The FluentU app and website makes it really easy to watch English videos. There are captions that are interactive. That means you can tap on any word to see an image, definition, and useful examples.


FluentU lets you learn engaging content with world famous celebrities.

For example, when you tap on the word "searching," you see this:


FluentU lets you tap to look up any word.

Learn all the vocabulary in any video with quizzes. Swipe left or right to see more examples for the word you’re learning.


FluentU helps you learn fast with useful questions and multiple examples. Learn more.

The best part? FluentU remembers the vocabulary that you’re learning. It gives you extra practice with difficult words—and reminds you when it’s time to review what you’ve learned. You have a truly personalized experience.

Start using the FluentU website on your computer or tablet or, better yet, download the FluentU app from the iTunes or Google Play store. Click here to take advantage of our current sale! (Expires at the end of this month.)

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sales presentation words

60 Sensory Words and Phrases to Spice Up Your Sales Pitch in 2021

Greg Schryer

Updated: February 04, 2021

Published: April 12, 2018

Sensory Words

People have a preference for one of three primary senses in their communication: Sight, sound, or feeling. These innate biases make them more respond more favorably to visual, auditory, or kinesthetic language.


Speaking your prospect's preferred language facilitates rapport building, making you easier to trust. Therefore, word choice is critical in sales. You’ve heard prospects use phrases such as “It looks good to me” (visual) or “It sounds good to me” (auditory) or “It feels good to me” (kinesthetic).

These phrases, and others like them, provide useful information on the buyer's thinking process and give you insights on how to communicate more precisely and persuasively. This is especially valuable in inside sales where non-verbal feedback is absent.

Once you determine which primary sense (visual, auditory, or kinesthetic) the prospect is most comfortable with, you can focus on word choice to make a better verbal connection.

Here’s a brief list of sensory words and phrases that can help you grab and hold your buyer's attention more effectively.

Download Now: How to Perfect Your Sales Pitch

Sensory Sales Words


Sensory Sales Phrases


Examples of Sensory Words in Sales

Now, let’s assume you were selling a technical product and you were able to determine which of these three communication mediums best suited your customer. You would then use different messages for each person.

If the prospect was a visual person, you might say:

"Take a look at the new Model 43. Notice how the new design makes it easier to observe the monitor scope."

If the prospect was an auditory person, you might say:

"Let me tell you about this new Model 43. Just listen to how quiet it is. It hardly makes a sound."

And with the kinesthetic person, you might say:

"Wait until you get your hands on the new Model 43. Once you get a handle on its operation, you’ll have a better sense of why some people feel so strongly about how it can impact their operations."

By listening to the words your prospects use, you will get insight into their communication bias. And by adjusting your selling style and word choice accordingly, you will make rapport building easier and improve your sales results.

Editor's note: A version of this post originally appeared on the Sales Improvement Group blog . It is republished here with permission.

Sales Pitch

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Sales words and phrases are the bread and butter of any salesperson. The right words can make the difference in getting your message across and closing a sales deal. Learn the most convincing ones now!


Sales Vocabulary: 60 Persuasive Words & Phrases To Boost Conversions

Sales Vocabulary: 60 Persuasive Words & Phrases To Boost Conversions

In sales, communication plays a pivotal role. Your product might be of super value to the customer, but unless you master the required soft skills, closing a sales deal will become a challenging adventure. And when it comes to the art of communication, your success depends on what you’re saying to your prospects and how you’re saying it. 

In this post, we’ll talk about specific sales words and phrases you should add to your vocabulary to sound persuasive and win more deals.

6 principles of persuasion for sales

Before we get into the sales words and phrases you can pepper your sales flow with, let’s look at the main principles of persuasion found by a famous American psychologist, Robert Cialdini, and psychologically proven successful for closing a sales deal.

They are the following:

  • Reciprocity
  • Consistency 
  • Social proof

Sales words and phrases that follow these persuasion principles will help you quickly win over your prospect and move them closer to conversion . 

To help get a better idea of these powerful words and their use cases, we’ll be leaning on a guide from Zluri, “ Top 8 Okta Alternatives to Consider in 2024 .” The SaaS management platform uses some of Cialdini’s principles and keywords to convince readers that Zluri is a better option than Okta. We’ll be pinching plenty of screenshots from the article — thanks to the Zluri team in advance! 

Let’s consider these 6 persuasion principles in more detail.

Reciprocity: give and get

If you’ve already been using content marketing as a part of your inbound sales strategy , you must be familiar with the persuasion tactic of reciprocity. You appeal to reciprocity when you provide your prospects with valuable content, like ebooks, podcasts, video tutorials, and so on. The idea is simple: you’re gifting your users with what they need, and they’ll return the favor in the future. 

This is what Zluri is doing with their guide on the alternatives to Okta. They offer their audience a comparison of Okta to other similar services, including Zluri themselves, and unveil their features, pros, cons, pricing, and rating. 

In other words, they share free content that brings real value to readers – the guide simplifies the evaluation stage of their buyer journey and helps them with decision-making .

Zluri vs. Okta

Consistency: follow your promises

When it comes to communicating with sales prospects, consistency is a two-way street. Let’s explore both directions. 

On the one hand, people appreciate brand consistency, which means you must be uniform in your mission, vision, and actions. For example, at the beginning of their guide, Zluri states that in their post, they’ll analyze the alternatives of Okta and provide detailed information about their features and pricing, and so they do. When readers get what they’ve been promised, their trust in the brand grows, making them more likely to deal with the company further. 

On the other hand, people love to be perceived as consistent, as it makes them look reliable and responsible. You can use this trait in sales as well! Ask a lead to do a small-lift action , say, rate your service, and if they agree, they’ll be more likely to do a higher-lift action for you in the future, e.g., write a review about your product.

Social proof: be the one people recommend 

Social proof is critical if you hope to convince someone to invest in your SaaS. 88% of people trust user reviews as much as they’d trust a personal recommendation. What’s more, the average customer reads 10 online reviews before making a purchasing decision. 

Therefore, you should show your prospects what users think about you and share testimonials and awards that position you as the service people love. On your landing page, you can place direct reviews from your current customers or links to customer review platforms where users left appraisals of your service. 

For instance, while following the CTA “Book a Demo” that Zluri left at the end of their guide, you’ll be forwarded to the conversion page, where the company shares social proof — G2 rewards and logos of popular companies that became their service users:   

Social proof

Authority: become a thought-leader 

You’ve probably heard it not once: “We need to create more thought-leadership content.” What does this mean? 

It means you need to create content that will showcase your brand as an authority within your niche. This way, potential users will be more likely to believe what you say and invest in your product. 

Zluri presents its brand through a blog article which they call a ‘guide’ for a reason. The company demonstrates they have the expertise to share and do it regularly (you can see their other posts in the ‘Featured blogs’ section), so readers who appreciate their articles become their potential customers.


If your reputation is not authoritative enough, you can lift your credibility by aligning with the respected personas known as industry influencers . 

Liking: build influential relationships 

If you love a brand, you’re more likely to trust them and, eventually, buy from them. It’s relationship-building 101 and the most common persuasion technique used among sales teams. Get your prospects to like you.  

There are many ways your sales team can use this principle at work, e.g., building rapport , offering prospects relevant content or special incentives, or using specific vocabulary that would make them like you and influence their decision-making.  

We’ll explore it in the following chapter.

Scarcity: make people act fast

Scarcity is one of the oldest tricks in the books. Although people are much wiser to scarcity these days and traditional sales words such as “buy now” or “only today” are perceived as spammy,  this tactic is still used more subtly in marketing and sales campaigns. Why? Because people want what others can’t have. 

In practice, the principle of scarcity looks the following way: you’re pushing your buyer to make a decision under the influence that they won’t be able to make that decision in the near future. At the same time, scarcity can imply VIP-only access to a product, heightening its value. 

Below we’ll consider what words and phrases are used by Zluri as a part of their scarcity tactic. 

60 sales words and phrases based on Cialdini’s principles of persuasion 

Now that we’ve discussed 6 basic principles of persuasion, let’s go through a list of the most common sales words and phrases pertaining to each principle, which can bring you conversions and boost sales as soon as you add them to your marketing and sales campaigns.

Sales words & phrases for reciprocity

To put a principle of reciprocity into action, you can use the following words and phrases in your blog posts, on a landing page, in cold emails , or in any other piece of communication with prospects (we’ve also explained the meaning each phrase conveys):

  • I’ve put this together for you: show a sales prospect you’ve gone the extra mile and put together something specifically for them.  
  • In your case: show that you’re not just going through the motions but tailoring the conversation to the prospect’s problem.  
  • No problem: let a prospect know that helping them is what you’re here for, and their asking for help is much welcomed.  
  • Let me book that for you: save your prospect the time and effort of organizing catch-ups on their end.  
  • Tailored for you: imply that it took time to prepare a plan or sales asset specifically for your prospect’s use case .  
  • Tips: focus your prospect on the fact you’re providing them with insider information to put them in a better position after using your service or product. 
  • Something else: always give the prospect more than what they asked for. Answer a question and back it up with more info. 

Sales words & phrases for consistency 

 If you want to emphasize consistency, you should use a vocabulary that demonstrates you are in line with your mission, vision, and promises. Let’s consider the words and phrases that help you apply the consistency principle in sales:

  • We are continuing to: underline you’re consistent in your actions by continuing to help customers solve their pain points .  
  • In line with our mission/vision: stay true to your brand’s mission or vision while reminding a prospect why you’re doing something.  
  • We always: emphasize this is something you repeatedly do and will continue to do in the future.  
  • Safe: if you position yourself as a company that cares about privacy and security (which is a must for all businesses), remind a prospect that their data, actions, and conversations are in a safe space. 
  • Help: as every sales pitch should be based on helping customers solve their problems , consistently stress it throughout the sales process using the respective word.
  • We do + Verb: use an emphatic ‘do’ to let the prospect know the lengths you’re always going to for them.
  • I’m here: remind prospects they can always rely on your help – the phrase can work wonders for your professional relationships.  
  • You know the drill: use it as a light-hearted way of letting someone know how reliable you are.  
  • Thank you: showcase the prospect’s consistency through gratitude. As soon as you thank them for doing a “small” favor for you, ask them to do a little more.  
  • Would you mind: ask a customer for a favor and win the starting blocks of consistency with which they’ll do bigger favor to your business.  

Sales words & phrases for social proof 

To convey social proof, your sales vocabulary should include words and phrases that would tell your prospects that customers adore you and will choose your brand over and over again:

  • Recommended by: you’ll notice that many popular SaaS comparison websites use this phrase. Use it on your sales pages close to the sign-up forms to show that people trust you.  
  • Our customers: remind customers that your business is relied on by many users.  
  • Trusted by: showcase some big names in your client roster and let prospects know they’ll be among them.  
  • Compared to: as prospects always look for comparisons, underline how your product contrasts similar solutions – with a competitive advantage, of course. 
  • Typically used for: remind your prospect that your product is popular with users.
  • Use case: sales prospects love use cases , so if you have any to share, ensure your potential customers come across the phrase ‘use case’ here and there through your web page or emails.  
  • Awarded: any award your company or product may have won is a testament to its success, so use this word to let prospects know about your high appraisals.  
  • Proven results: let the numbers do the talking for you – quantify social proof using numbers backed up by this phrase. 
  • Value: since your key mission is bringing value to customers, use this word to remind your prospects of what your product can do for them.  
  • Improved: another great word to use when it comes to highlighting the value of your product.  
  • Rated as: just as Zluri has used it in our example below, ratings are exceptionally important for those shopping around. Prospects often value third-party opinions over yours. 

Social proof

Sales words & phrases for authority 

Don’t forget to enrich your sales campaigns with words and phrases indicating your knowledge, expertise, and status. For instance:

  • Cutting-edge/Top-rated/Best-in-class/Leading: “Don’t worry, you’re dealing with the best-in-class product/service”— affirm your company is leading the way.
  • Years of experience: “We’ve got XX years of experience in the area” — emphasize you’ve got baggage of experience behind using factual information (how many) 
  • Guarantee: “We guarantee your money back if you’re not satisfied” – use this powerful word to establish your status – you’re a company that is confident in its expertise. 
  • We know: demonstrate you’re competent in your niche, as well as in meeting the needs and wants of your prospects.
  • Take a deeper look: use this phrase to imply you have a more profound knowledge of the subject and are ready to share it with readers. For example, take a deeper look at the example we pulled from Zluri’s article: 


Sales words & phrases for liking 

To win the affection of a sales prospect, use the following sales vocabulary:

  • No obligation: “You’re under no obligation to buy after the product demo”— take the pressure off the buyer and put the power back in their hands. 
  • Please/You’re welcome: words of politeness go a long way in the business world.
  • Welcome to: a warm welcome to the call or meeting will immediately help your potential buyer feel at ease.  
  • You: use a 2nd person pronoun more often to shift the focus to the buyer and their needs. 
  • Let’s get this done for you: ensure a prospect you’re ready to go the extra mile to satisfy their needs. 
  • Amazing/fabulous: use extravagant adjectives that would stand out from the typical good/great and make your sales proposal more likable and memorable.
  • I’m not sure but let me get back to you : It’s important to always admit if you don’t know something but reassure your buyer that you’ll find the answer for them. Honesty is the best policy.  

Sales words & phrases for scarcity

Lastly, scarcity words are aimed at enticing your prospect to buy faster . They need little explanation but should be considered in your sales collateral:

  • Last minute
  • Confidential 

However, be careful while using these words in emails. Some of them, once used excessively, can trigger spam filters and affect your email deliverability. 

Zluri applies the scarcity principle by placing a specific call-to-action on the subscription form right below the post — “Be the first one to hear from us!” It’s difficult not to notice how the company appeals to exclusiveness using the phrase “Be the first one,” isn’t it?


Here is the list of all 60 sales words and phrases that can help you succeed in closing a deal if you add them to your everyday sales vocabulary:

Sales vocabulary

Wrapping up 

Cialdini’s principles of persuasion have been proven powerful for marketing and sales, so why not apply them to your campaigns? We’ve provided you with the 60 most persuasive words and phrases, but many more exist out there. If you know any special vocabulary that brings you conversions, feel free to share it with us in the comments. 

Meanwhile, Snov.io is waiting for new users who wish to streamline their sales process with the help of a reliable multifunctional platform.

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    The design elements and information visualization tools will help you put together a memorable sales presentation that will seal the deal. 1. Create an Outline. Before you start designing any slides, you'll need to have all your information in an easy to follow outline document.

  14. The Most Effective Sales Presentation Tips & Techniques

    4. Make Sure You Sound, Look, and Act the Part During Your Sales Presentation. Depending on your prospect, your attire, jargon, and attitude needs to match what your audience will expect. If you're dealing with CEOs, CFOs, and other executives, then business wear and a professional tone is probably the right choice.

  15. 28 Powerful Sales Words and Phrases

    Use the right sales words in your sales strategy and your prospects will begin to see the benefits of your product or service. Use the wrong words, and you'll find it harder to close deals with new customers and improve your sales revenue. ... Preparing for a sales pitch or presentation is a challenge. You need to know what you're going to ...

  16. Sales Words That Win: 2024 Guide to Boosting Your Sales Strategy

    This word can let them know that you are there to help them minimize wastage, whether it is cost, time, or effort. ‍. Sales words such as 'proven', 'genuine', 'authentic', and 'endorsed' can help build trust. With increasing competition, customers want to partner with a brand they can rely on. When you use the word 'proven ...

  17. 60 Essential Business Presentation Phrases in English [With Audio]

    The way you start your presentation sets the tone for the rest of it. Begin by greeting your audience and introducing the topic. Here are some phrases to get you started: 1. Good morning, everyone. Depending on the time of day, you can also say "Good afternoon, everyone" or "Good evening, everyone.". 2.

  18. 60 Sensory Words and Phrases to Spice Up Your Sales Pitch in 2021

    Mention. Feel. Grasp. Firm. Pressure. People have a preference for one of three primary senses in their communication: Sight, sound, or feeling. These innate biases make them more respond more favorably to visual, auditory, or kinesthetic language. Speaking your prospect's preferred language facilitates rapport building, making you easier to trust.

  19. 31 Sales Buzzwords for Pitches and How To Use Them

    Here are 13 sales buzzwords and phrases with the context in which you can use them with potential customers: 1. Align. "Align" in sales means that processes are working towards the same goal. When selling a service to a business, a sales representative may share that they can help the business align their department goals.

  20. Sales Vocabulary: 60 Persuasive Words & Phrases To Boost Conversions

    Liking. Scarcity. Sales words and phrases that follow these persuasion principles will help you quickly win over your prospect and move them closer to conversion. To help get a better idea of these powerful words and their use cases, we'll be leaning on a guide from Zluri, "Top 8 Okta Alternatives to Consider in 2024.".