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Lecture Materials

If you wish, you can read through a seven-page course description . A 21-page topic summary is also available: Algorithms and data structures—topic summary .

This is a collection of PowerPoint (pptx) slides ("pptx") presenting a course in algorithms and data structures. Associated with many of the topics are a collection of notes ("pdf"). Some presentations may be associated with videos ("V") and homework questions ("Q"), possibly with answers ("A"). Some topics also links to corresponding Wikipedia page ("W"), entries in the NIST Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures (DADS) ("D"), and references to cplusplus.com ("C").

You will note that the section numbering in the notes is paralleled in the top left corner of the slides; thus, anyone watching the slides can follow along in the notes.

Spanish notes translated by Christian von Lücken.

Table of contents

  • Introduction and review
  • Algorithm analysis
  • List, stacks and queues
  • Trees and hierarchical orders
  • Ordered trees
  • Search trees
  • Priority queues
  • Sorting algorithms
  • Hash functions and hash tables
  • Equivalence relations and disjoint sets
  • Graph algorithms
  • Algorithm design
  • Theory of computation
  • Other topics
  • Concluding remarks
Topic S
Comments Links

1. Introduction and review

1.1 - - - - - -
1.2 - - -
1.3 - - - - See the -
1.4 - - -

2. Algorithm analysis

2.1 - -
2.2 - - - -
2.3 - - -
2.4 - - - -

3. Lists, stacks, and queues

3.1 - - - - Also see
3.2 -
3.3 -
3.4 - -
3.5 - - - - Required for Project 1
3.6 Node-based storage with arrays - - - - Optional - - -

4. Trees and hierarchical orders

Before we proceed with looking at data structures for storing linearly ordered data, we must take a diversion to look at trees. At first glance, it appears as if trees are most appropriate for storing hierarchically ordered data; however, we will later see how trees can also be used to allow efficient storage of linearly ordered data, as well.

4.1 - -
4.2 - - -
4.3 - -
4.4 Parental trees - - - - Optional - -
4.5 Forests - - - - Optional - -
4.6 The mechanism of recursion, part 1 - - - - Optional - -

5. Ordered trees

A general tree is appropriate for storing hierarchical orders, where the relationship is between the parent and the children. There are many cases, however, where the tree data structure is more useful if there is a fixed number of identifiable children. This topic looks at binary trees as well as perfect and complete binary trees, N-ary trees, the concept of balance, binomial trees, and left-child right-sibling binary trees (a technique for storing general trees as binary trees).

5.1 - -
5.2 - -
5.3 - -
5.4 - -
5.5 - -
5.6 Binomial trees - - - - Optional -
5.7 Left-child right-sibling binary trees - - - - Optional -

6. Search trees

This topic looks at storing linearly ordered data in search trees. The focus is to ensure that operations on individual elements stored in the tree run in Θ(ln( - )) time.

6.1 -   -
6.2 - - - - -
6.3 - -
6.4 (was -way trees) - - -
6.5 - - - - -
6.6 Red-Black trees - - - - Optional -
6.7 -d trees - - - - Optional -
6.8 BB[α] trees - - - - Optional - -
6.9 Splay trees - - - - -
6.10 Average depth of random binary trees - - - - Optional - -

7. Priority queues

A priority queue stores linearly ordered data based on the priority; however, by restricting the operations, those operations can be optimized.

7.1 - -     
7.2 - -      -
7.3 -ary heaps - - - - Optional -
7.4 Leftist heaps - - - - Optional -
7.5 Skew heaps - - - - Optional - -
7.6 Binomial heaps - - - - Optional -

8. Sorting algorithms

8.1 -
8.2 - - -
8.3 - - -
8.4 - - -
8.5 - - -
8.6 - - - -
8.7 - - - -
8.8 - - - - -
8.9 Inversions - - - Optional - -
8.10 External sorting - - - Optional -

9. Hash functions and hash tables

Note that previously I used to teach linear probing and double hashing; however, it has been brought to my attention that quadratic hashing is better—especially when we consider the effects of caching and the additional cost of cache misses.

9.1 - - - -
9.2 - - -
9.3 − 1 - - - -
9.4 - - - -
9.5 Scatter tables - - - - - - - -
9.6 - - - -
9.7 - - - -
9.8 - - - - -
9.9 Double hashing - - - Optional -
9.10 Poisson distribution - - - - Optional -

10. Equivalence relations and disjoint sets

10.1 - - - - -
10.2 Trees and forests as disjoint sets - - - - - - -
10.3 Partition refinement - - - - - -

11. Graph algorithms

11.1 - - - - -
11.2 - - - - Required for Project 5 - - -
11.3 Graph traversals - - - - Optional - -
  11.3a   Connectedness - - - - Optional - - -
  11.3b   Single source unweighted path length - - - - Optional - - -
  11.3c   Identifying bipartite graphs - - - - Optional - - -
11.4 - - - -      -
11.5 - - - - -
  11.5a    - - - -      -
  11.5b   Kruskal's algorithm - - - - Optional -
11.6 - - - - -
  11.6a    - - - - -
  11.6b   A* search algorithm - - - - Optional - -
  11.6c   Bellman-Ford algorithm - --> - - - - Optional -
11.7 All-pairs shortest path - - - - Optional -
  11.7a   Floyd-Warshall algorithm - - - - Optional -
  11.7b   Johnson's algorithm - --> - - - - Optional -
11.8 Maximum flow algorithms
incl. Ford-Fulkerson and Edmonds-Karp
- - - - Optional


12. Algorithm design

12.1 - - - - - -
12.2 - - - - -
12.3 - - - - -
12.4 - - - - -
12.5 Backtracking algorithms - - - - -
12.6 Branch-and-bound algorithms - - - - Optional -
12.7 Stochastic algorithms - - - -

13. Theory of computation

13.1 Theory of computation - - - - -
13.2 Turing completeness - - - - -
13.3 Decidability and the halting problem - - - - -
13.4 NP completeness - - - - -

14. Other topics

14.1 Sparse matrices - - - - Optional -
14.2 Searching algorithms - - - - Optional -
14.3 Standard Template Library (STL) summary - - - - Optional - -

15. Concluding remarks

15.01 Summary and conclusions - - - - -


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Introduction Of Stack.

Published by Thomasina Daniels Modified over 6 years ago

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linear data structures

Linear Data Structures

Mar 31, 2019

760 likes | 1.04k Views

Linear Data Structures. Chapters 6, 7. Outline. Our goal in this lecture is to Review the basic linear data structures Demonstrate how each can be defined as an Abstract Data Type (ADT) Demonstrate how each of these ADTs can be specified as a Java interface.

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Presentation Transcript

Linear Data Structures Chapters 6, 7

Outline • Our goal in this lecture is to • Review the basic linear data structures • Demonstrate how each can be defined as an Abstract Data Type (ADT) • Demonstrate how each of these ADTs can be specified as a Java interface. • Outline the algorithms for creating, accessing and modifying each data structure • Analyze the running time of these operations • Identify particular applications for which each data structure would be suited.

Learning Outcomes • Based on this lecture, you should: • Know the basic linear data structures • Be able to express each as an Abstract Data Type (ADT) • Be able to specify each of these ADTs as a Java interface. • Be able to outline the algorithms for creating, accessing and modifying each data structure • Be able to analyze the running time of these operations • Be able to identify particular applications for which each data structure would be suited.

Linear Data Structures Arrays (Ch. 3.1) Array Lists (Ch. 6.1) Stacks (Ch. 5.1) Queues (Ch. 5.2 – 5.2) Linked Lists (Ch. 3.2 – 3.3)

Arrays • Array: a sequence of indexed components with the following properties: • array size is fixed at the time of array’s construction • int[] numbers = new int[10]; • array elements are placed contiguously in memory • address of any element can be calculated directly as its offset from the beginning of the array • consequently, array components can be efficiently inspected or updated in O(1) time, using their indices • randomNumber = numbers[5]; • numbers[2] = 100;

Arrays in Java • For an array of length n, the index bounds are 0 to n-1. • Java arrays are homogeneous • all array components must be of the same (object or primitive) type. • but, an array of an object type can contain objects of any respective subtype • An array is itself an object. • it is allocated dynamically by means of new • it is automatically deallocated when no longer referred to • When an array is first created, all values are automatically initialized with • 0, for an array of int[] or double[] type • false, for a boolean[] array • null, for an array of objects • Example [ common error –unallocated arrays] int[] numbers; numbers[2] = 100;

Arrays in Java • The length of any array object can be accessed through its instance variable ‘length’. • the cells of an array A are numbered: 0, 1, .., A.length-1 • ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException • thrown at an attempt to index into array A using a number larger than A.length-1. • helps Java avoid ‘buffer overflow attacks’ • Example [ declaring, defining and determining the size of an array] int[] A={12, 24, 37, 53, 67}; for (inti=0; i < A.length; i++) { …}

Buffer Overflows Windows Buffer Overflow Protection Programs: Not Much <"Paul Robinson" <[email protected]>> • Tue, 10 Aug 2004 15:26:44 GMT An 9 Aug 2004 • …there is a bug in AOL Instant Messenger allowing an attacker to send a message that can cause a buffer overflow and possibly execute code on the attacked machine. Apparently this will only occur if the attacker sends a url - like the one in this message - as a hyperlink and the victim clicks on it, which makes the probability of attack much lower than a "standard buffer overflow attack" upon a program. Mon, 09 Aug 2004 17:24:19 GMT …a buffer overflow exploit is one in which someone sends too much data to a program (such as a web server application), sending far more data than the program would expect, in order to force arbitrary data into a storage area (a "buffer") so the amount of data forced into the buffer goes beyond the expected limits, causing the data to overflow the buffer and makes it possible for that data to be executed as arbitrary program code. Since the attacker forces code of his choosing into the execution stream, he now 0wns your box, because as the saying goes, if I can run code on your machine - especially if it's a Windows machine where there is not much protection - I can pretty much do anything I please there.

Arrays in Java A B A B A B A B • Since an array is an object, the name of the array is actually a reference (pointer) to the place in memory where the array is stored. • reference to an object holds the address of the actual object • Example [ copying array references] int[] A={12, 24, 37, 53, 67}; int[] B=A; B[3]=5; • Example [ cloning an array] int[] A={12, 24, 37, 53, 67}; int[] B=A.clone(); B[3]=5;

Example Examples [ 2D array in Java = array of arrays] int[][] nums = new int[5][4]; OR int[][] nums; nums = new int[5][]; for (inti=0; i<5; i++) { nums[i] = new int[4]; }

Example Example [ 2D array of objects in Java = an array of arrays of references] Square[][] board = new Square[2][3];

Arrays in Java The Java.util.Arrays Class • Useful Built-In Methods in Java.util.Arrays • equals(A,B) • returns true if A and B have an equal number of elements and every corresponding pair of elements in the two arrays are equal • fill(A,x) • store element x into every cell of array A • sort(A) • sort the array A in the natural ordering of its elements • binarySearch([int] A, int key) • search the specified array of sorted ints for the specified value using the binary search algorithm (A must be sorted)

Example int[] A={12, 24, 37, 53, 67}; int[] B=A.clone(); if (A==B) System.out.println(“ Superman ”); if (A.equals(B)) System.out.println(“ Snow White ”); Answer: Snow White What is printed?

Limitations of Arrays Source start idx Dest start idx • Static data structure • size must be fixed at the time the program creates the array • once set, array size cannot be changed • if number of entered items > declared array size ⇒ out of memory • fix 1: use array size > number of expected items ⇒ waste of memory • fix 2: increase array size to fit the number of items ⇒ extra time • Insertion / deletion in an array is time consuming • all the elements following the inserted element must be shifted appropriately • Example [ time complexity of “growing” an array] if (numberOfItems > numbers.length) { int[] newNumbers = new int[2*numbers.length]; System.arraycopy(numbers, 0, newNumbers, 0, numbers.length); numbers = newNumbers; }

The Array List ADT (§6.1) TheArray List ADT extends the notion of array by storing a sequence of arbitrary objects An element can be accessed, modified, inserted or removed by specifying its rank (number of elements preceding it) An exception is thrown if an incorrect rank is specified (e.g., a negative rank)

The Array List ADT /** Simplified version of java.util.List */ public interface List<E> { /** Returns the number of elements in this list */ public intsize(); /** Returns whether the list is empty. */ public booleanisEmpty(); /** Inserts an element e to be at index I, shifting all elements after this. */ public void add(int I, E e) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException; /** Returns the element at index I, without removing it. */ public E get(inti) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException; /** Removes and returns the element at index I, shifting the elements after this. */ public E remove(inti) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException; /** Replaces the element at index I with e, returning the previous element at i. */ public E set(int I, E e) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException; }

Use an array V of size N A variable n keeps track of the size of the array list (number of elements stored) Operationget(r) is implemented in O(1) time by returning V[r] A Simple Array-based Implementation V 0 1 2 n r

Insertion • In operationadd(o, r), we need to make room for the new element by shifting forward the n-r elements V[r], …, V[n-1] • In the worst case (r=0), this takes O(n) time V 0 1 2 n r V 0 1 2 n r V o 0 1 2 n r

V 0 1 2 n r V 0 1 2 n r V o 0 1 2 n r Deletion • In operation remove(r), we need to fill the hole left by the removed element by shifting backward the n-r-1 elements V[r+1], …, V[n-1] • In the worst case (r=0), this takes O(n) time

Performance • In the array based implementation • The space used by the data structure is O(n) • size, isEmpty,get and set run in O(1) time • add and remove run in O(n) time • In anadd operation, when the array is full, instead of throwing an exception, we could replace the array with a larger one. • In fact java.util.ArrayListimplements this ADT using extendable arrays that do just this.

Implementing Array Lists using Extendable Arrays Algorithmadd(o) ifn = N then Anew array of size N* N = N* fori0toN-1 do A[i]S[i] SA n n+1 S[n] o • In an add operation, when the array is full, instead of throwing an exception, we can replace the array with a larger one • How large should the new array be? • incremental strategy: increase the size by a constant c • doubling strategy: double the size • Let n = current number of elements in array N = capacity of array

Comparison of the Strategies • We compare the incremental strategy and the doubling strategy by analyzing the total time T(n) needed to perform a series of nadd operations • We simplify the analysis by assuming add(o) operations that append the object to the end of the list. • We assume that we start with an empty array list (n = 0) represented by an array of capacity 0 (N = 0). • The amortized time of an add(o) operation is the average time taken over the series of operations, i.e., T(n)/n

Incremental Strategy

Incremental Strategy Analysis • We replace the array times • The total time T(n) of a series of nadd(o) operations is proportional to n + c+ 2c + 3c + 4c + … + kc= n + c(1 + 2 + 3 + … + k) = n + ck(k+ 1)/2 • (Recall that JAVA initializes all elements of an allocated array.) • Since c is a constant, T(n) is O(n +k2),i.e., O(n2) • The amortized time of an add(o) operation is O(n)

Doubling Strategy

geometric series 2 4 1 1 8 Doubling Strategy Analysis • We replace the array times • The total time T(n) of a series of nadd(o) operations is proportional to n+ 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + …+ 2k= n+ 2k + 1-1 ≤ 5n • Thus T(n) is O(n) • The amortized time of an add operation is O(1)!

Applications of Array Lists • Maintaining a sorted list when insertions and removals are relatively rare.

The Stack ADT stores arbitrary objects Insertions and deletions follow the last-in first-out scheme Think of a spring-loaded plate or Pez dispenser Main stack operations: push(object): inserts an element object pop(): removes and returns the last inserted element Auxiliary stack operations: object top(): returns the last inserted element without removing it integer size(): returns the number of elements stored booleanisEmpty(): indicates whether no elements are stored The Stack ADT Note: java.util.Stack provides push and pop, but differs in other respects.

Stack Interface in Java • Example java interface public interfaceStack{ public int size(); public boolean isEmpty(); public Object top()throwsEmptyStackException; public voidpush(Object o); public Object pop()throwsEmptyStackException;}

Applications of Stacks • Page-visited history in a Web browser • Undo sequence in a text editor • Chain of method calls in the Java Virtual Machine • Parsing math

Method Stack in the JVM main() { int i = 5; foo(i); } foo(int j) { int k; k = j+1; bar(k); } bar(int m) { … } bar PC = 1m = 6 • The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) keeps track of the chain of active methods with a stack • When a method is called, the JVM pushes on the stack a frame containing • Local variables and return value • Program counter, keeping track of the statement being executed • When a method ends, its frame is popped from the stack and control is passed to the method on top of the stack • Allows for recursion foo PC = 3 j = 5 k = 6 main PC = 2 i = 5

The Stack ADT can be implemented with an array We add elements from left to right A variable keeps track of the index of the top element Array-based Stack Algorithmsize() returnt +1 Algorithmpop() ifisEmpty()then throw EmptyStackException else tt-1 returnS[t+1] … S 0 1 2 t

… S 0 1 2 t Array-based Stack (cont.) • If using an array of fixed size,the stack may become full • A push operation will then throw a FullStackException • Limitation of the array-based implementation • Not intrinsic to the Stack ADT • For example, in java.util.Stack, the array is extendable. Algorithmpush(o) ift=S.length-1then throw FullStackException else tt +1 S[t]o

Performance and Limitations • Performance • Let n be the number of elements in the stack • The space used is O(n) • Each operation runs in time O(1)

Example array-based stack in Java public classArrayStackimplements Stack{ // holds the stack elements private Object S[ ]; // index to top elementprivateint top = -1; // constructorpublicArrayStack(int capacity){S = new Object[capacity]);} public Object pop()throwsEmptyStackException{ifisEmpty()throw newEmptyStackException(“Empty stack: cannot pop”);Object temp = S[top];// facilitates garbage collection S[top] = null; top = top – 1;returntemp;}

Example Application: Parenthesis Matching • Each “(”, “{”, or “[” must be paired with a matching “)”, “}”, or “[” • correct: ( )(( )){([( )])} • correct: ((( )(( )){([( )])} • incorrect: )(( )){([( )])} • incorrect: ({[ ])} • incorrect: (

Parentheses Matching Algorithm Algorithm ParenMatch(X,n): Input: An array X of ntokens, each of which is either a grouping symbol, a variable, an arithmetic operator, or a number Output: true if and only if all the grouping symbols in X match Let S be an empty stack for i=0 to n-1 do if X[i] is an opening grouping symbol then S.push(X[i]) else if X[i] is a closing grouping symbol then if S.isEmpty() then return false {nothing to match with} if S.pop() does not match the type of X[i] then return false {wrong type} if S.isEmpty() then return true {every symbol matched} else return false {some symbols were never matched}

The Queue ADT • The Queue ADT stores arbitrary objects • Insertions and deletions follow the first-in first-out (FIFO) scheme • Insertions are at the rear of the queue and removals are at the front of the queue • Main queue operations: • enqueue(object): inserts an element at the end of the queue • object dequeue(): removes and returns the element at the front of the queue • Auxiliary queue operations: • object front(): returns the element at the front without removing it • integer size(): returns the number of elements stored • booleanisEmpty(): indicates whether no elements are stored • Exceptions • Attempting the execution of dequeue or front on an empty queue throws an EmptyQueueException • Attempting to enqueue an element on a queue that is full can be signaled with a FullQueueException.

Queue Example Operation OutputQ enqueue(5) –(5) enqueue(3)–(5, 3) dequeue()5(3) enqueue(7)–(3, 7) dequeue()3(7) front() 7(7) dequeue()7() dequeue()“error” () isEmpty() true() enqueue(9)–(9) enqueue(7)–(9, 7) size() 2(9, 7) enqueue(3)–(9, 7, 3) enqueue(5)–(9, 7, 3, 5) dequeue()9(7, 3, 5)

Q 0 1 2 f r Q 0 1 2 r f Array-Based Queue • Use an array of size N in a circular fashion • Two variables keep track of the front and rear f index of the front element r index immediately past the rear element • Array location r is kept empty normal configuration wrapped-around configuration

Q 0 1 2 f r Q 0 1 2 r f Queue Operations Algorithmsize() return(r + N–f) mod N AlgorithmisEmpty() return(f=r) We use the modulo operator (remainder of division)

Q 0 1 2 f r Q 0 1 2 r f Queue Operations (cont.) Algorithmenqueue(o) ifsize()=N - 1then throw FullQueueException else Q[r]o r(r+ 1) mod N Operation enqueue may throw an exception if the array is full

Q 0 1 2 f r Q 0 1 2 r f Queue Operations (cont.) Algorithmdequeue() ifisEmpty()then throw EmptyQueueException else oQ[f] f(f+ 1) mod N returno Operation dequeue throws an exception if the queue is empty

Queue Interface in Java public interfaceQueue{ public int size(); public boolean isEmpty(); public Object front()throwsEmptyQueueException; public voidenqueue(Object o); public Object dequeue()throwsEmptyQueueException;} NB: The java.util.Queue interface uses quite different signatures, and does not insist that the queue be FIFO. Java interface corresponding to our Queue ADT Requires the definition of class EmptyQueueException

Linked Lists By virtue of their random access nature, arrays support non-structural read/write operations (e.g., get(i), set(i)) in O(1) time. Unfortunately, structural operations (e.g., add(i,e)remove(i)) take O(n) time. For some algorithms and inputs, structural operations may dominate the running time. For such cases, linked lists may be more appropriate.

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Linear Data Structures (Stack)

Linear Data Structures (Stack)

Linear Data Structures (Stack). Oleh : Nur Hayatin, S.ST. Teknik Informatika - Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) Tahun Akademik 2010-2011. Sub Topik. Stack Operasi Stack Implementasi stack Latihan. STACK (Tumpukan). Definisi. Urutan elemen yang mengikuti konsep LIFO.

1.2k views • 89 slides

Data Structures

Data Structures. Week 10 : Graph(Shortest Path) http://www.cs.hongik.ac.kr/~rhanha/rhanha_teaching.html. e. 2. b. 4. f. 1. 2. 6. 7. a. c. h. 3. 2. 2. d. g. 5. Dijkstra’s Algorithm. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. 1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. b. 1. 7. a. c. 2.

306 views • 12 slides

Data Structures

Data Structures. S-Expression - Symbolic expression. It can be an Atom, a List or a collection of S-Expression enclosed by (…) Atom - String of characters beginning with a letter, digit. Eg: Artificial, intelligence, 31416..etc. Symbols &amp; Lists.

298 views • 11 slides

Linear Structures Revisited

Linear Structures Revisited

Linear Structures Revisited. Linked-lists and arrays and ArrayLists and … Linear structures, operations include insert, delete, traverse, … Advantages and trade-offs include …

332 views • 20 slides

Linear Data Structures (Queue)

Linear Data Structures (Queue)

Linear Data Structures (Queue). Oleh : Nur Hayatin, S.ST. Teknik Informatika - Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) Tahun Akademik 2010-2011. Sub Topik. Queue Operasi Queue Implementasi Queue Latihan. QUEUE (Antrian). Definisi. Urutan elemen yang mengikuti konsep FIFO.

808 views • 53 slides

Linear Recursive Structures(LRS)

Linear Recursive Structures(LRS)

Linear Recursive Structures(LRS). Based on paper by D.Nyguen. Recursive Definition. List is an Empty list Or a NonEmptyList with a head Object and a tail which is a List.

209 views • 6 slides

Module 2  Non Linear  Data Structures  and Applications

Module 2 Non Linear Data Structures and Applications

Module 2 Non Linear Data Structures and Applications. Supratim Biswas Computer Science &amp; Engineering Department Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. Module 2 Schedule. Module 2 Contents.

838 views • 75 slides

Linear Structures Revisited

216 views • 20 slides

Linear Linked Structures

Linear Linked Structures. A bank is a place where they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when it begins to rain. Robert Frost (1874-1963). Dynamic Structures. collections limitations of static structures (i.e. arrays) fixed size waste space rearrangement of entries

146 views • 13 slides

Data Structures

Data Structures. Engr. Umbreen sabir. What The Course Is About. Data structures is concerned with the representation and manipulation of data. All programs manipulate data. So, all programs represent data in some way. Data manipulation requires an algorithm.

226 views • 17 slides

Data Structures

Data Structures. Chapter 12. Chapter Contents. Chapter Objectives 12.1 Introductory Example: Counting Internet Addresses 12.2 The ArrayList and LinkedList Classes 12.3 Example: A Stack Application and Class 12.4 Example: A Queue Class 12.5 An Introduction to Trees

670 views • 61 slides

Data Structures

17. Data Structures. Much that I bound, I could not free; Much that I freed returned to me. Lee Wilson Dodd ‘Will you walk a little faster?’ said a whiting to a snail, ‘There’s a porpoise close behind us, and he’s treading on my tail.’ Lewis Carroll There is always room at the top.

813 views • 68 slides

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Top 10 Data Structure PowerPoint Presentation Templates in 2024

Our Data Structure PowerPoint presentation templates are fully editable and customizable, offering a comprehensive and versatile tool for a wide range of professional contexts. These templates are designed to assist in explaining complex data structures and algorithms in an easy-to-understand format. They are ideal for both educators and students in the field of computer science, as well as professionals dealing with data management, software development, and information systems.These templates are equipped with high-quality graphics, diagrams, and charts to depict different types of data structures including arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, and graphs. They are also useful for demonstrating the operations performed on these data structures such as insertion, deletion, traversal, searching, and sorting. Each slide can be tailored to fit your specific needs, allowing for a personalized presentation experience.Use cases for our Data Structure PowerPoint templates extend beyond the classroom or boardroom. They can be used for online tutorials, webinars, or self-study materials. They are also an excellent resource for IT companies during training sessions, workshops, or project planning meetings. By using our templates, complex data structures and algorithms can be broken down into simpler, more digestible concepts, facilitating better understanding and knowledge retention.

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Data Structuring Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Presenting this set of slides with name - Data Structuring Powerpoint Presentation Slides. We bring to you to the point topic specific slides with apt research and understanding. Putting forth our PPT deck comprises of thirty one slides. Our tailor made Data Structuring Powerpoint Presentation Slides editable deck assists planners to segment and expound the topic with brevity. The advantageous slides on Data Structuring Powerpoint Presentation Slides is braced with multiple charts and graphs, overviews, analysis templates agenda slides etc. to help boost important aspects of your presentation. Highlight all sorts of related usable templates for important considerations. Our deck finds applicability amongst all kinds of professionals, managers, individuals, temporary permanent teams involved in any company organization from any field.

A data structure is a method of organising and storing information. Sometimes data structures are used to organise significant data (for example, a collection of names and phone numbers), while other times data structures are used for bookkeeping while an algorithm is running. The world of data is always changing, and it can be difficult to keep up with the latest trends. That’s where SlideTeam comes in. We provide templates for data analytics PowerPoint presentations that will help you get up to speed quickly and easily. Our templates are easy to use and customizable, so you can create a presentation that meets your specific needs.So there’s no excuse not to get started today.

  • Data Architecture
  • Data Designing
  • Data Structuring
  • Data Construction

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Org Structure Fundraising Pitch For Data Management Company

This slide represents organizational chart of company. It comprises of key members such as CEO, Head of field operations, data strategy, marketing director, CDO, global head of business development, etc. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Org Structure Fundraising Pitch For Data Management Company. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Serviceable Available Market, Serviceable Obtainable Market. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

This slide represents organizational chart of company. It comprises of key members such as CEO, Head of field operations, data strategy, marketing director, CDO, global head of business development, etc.

  • Serviceable Available Market
  • Serviceable Obtainable Market

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Data structures vs abstract data types ppt powerpoint presentation model example introduction cpb

Presenting our Data Structures Vs Abstract Data Types Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Model Example Introduction Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases eight stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Data Structures Vs Abstract Data Types This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

Our Data Structures Vs Abstract Data Types Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Model Example Introduction Cpb are topically designed to provide an attractive backdrop to any subject. Use them to look like a presentation pro.

  • Data Structures Vs Abstract Data Types

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Agenda For Data Structure In DBMS

Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Agenda For Data Structure In DBMS. This template helps you present information on four stages. You can also present information on Agenda using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

Our Agenda For Data Structure In DBMS are topically designed to provide an attractive backdrop to any subject. Use them to look like a presentation pro.

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Linked Data Structure Reverse Operation Performed On Simple Linked List Ppt Slides Infographic Template

This slide demonstrates the thorough five step reverse operation performed on the linked list, and the components include the head, nodes with data items, null and temporary node. In this operation, the last node is directed by the head element and reverses the entire linked list. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Linked Data Structure Reverse Operation Performed On Simple Linked List Ppt Slides Infographic Template. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Preceding Element, Temporary Element, New Successor using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

This slide demonstrates the thorough five step reverse operation performed on the linked list, and the components include the head, nodes with data items, null and temporary node.In this operation, the last node is directed by the head element and reverses the entire linked list.

  • Preceding Element
  • Temporary Element
  • New Successor

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Linked Data Structure Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Enthrall your audience with this Linked Data Structure Powerpoint Presentation Slides. Increase your presentation threshold by deploying this well-crafted template. It acts as a great communication tool due to its well-researched content. It also contains stylized icons, graphics, visuals etc, which make it an immediate attention-grabber. Comprising fifty one slides, this complete deck is all you need to get noticed. All the slides and their content can be altered to suit your unique business setting. Not only that, other components and graphics can also be modified to add personal touches to this prefabricated set.

This PowerPoint presentation briefly explains the linked data, its principles, benefits, and critical terms. In this Linked Data Structure PowerPoint Presentation, we have covered the introduction to linked data by covering its overview, the role of linked data on the web, and the importance of linked data. Moreover, this deck shows linked data principles, their benefits, data quality in linked data by covering dataset quality in the linked web data, and the importance of publishing five star data. In addition, this PPT talks about the things that linked data cant do and critical terms in linked data, such as linked open data, its principles and advantages, and resource description framework RDF. Furthermore, this Linked Data template includes the overview of schema in linked data, triples in linked data, an overview of the semantic web, the relationship between the semantic web and linked data, turtles in linked data, and the role of uniform resource identifier URI. Lastly, the module comprises a data structure timeline, a roadmap, and a dashboard. Download our 100 parcent editable and customizable template, which is also compatible with Google Slides.

  • Linked Open Data
  • Overview Of Linked Data
  • Role Of Linked Data In Web
  • Principles And Benefits Of Linked Data
  • Key Terms Of Linked Data
  • data structure

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It Ot Convergence Strategy The Organizational Structure Around Data Use

This slide covers actions and roles for data use in business. In the sense of IT or OT integration multiple organizational data uses positions and functions as well. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this It Ot Convergence Strategy The Organizational Structure Around Data Use. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Organizational, Structure, Structuring. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

This slide covers actions and roles for data use in business. In the sense of IT or OT integration multiple organizational data uses positions and functions as well.

  • organizational
  • Structuring

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Goal presentation visual of data operations team structure infographic template

This is a single slide titled Goal Presentation Visual Of Data Operations Team Structure Infographic Template. It is crafted using high quality vector based visuals that are 100 percent editable and available for immediate download in standard and widescreen aspect ratios.

Our Goal Presentation Visual Of Data Operations Team Structure Infographic Template are topically designed to provide an attractive backdrop to any subject. Use them to look like a presentation pro.

  • Goal Presentation Visual Infographic

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Team structure for cloud data migration project

Presenting this set of slides with name Team Structure For Cloud Data Migration Project. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are Architecture Team, Migration Team, Operations Team. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Our Team Structure For Cloud Data Migration Project are topically designed to provide an attractive backdrop to any subject. Use them to look like a presentation pro.

  • Architecture Team
  • Migration Team
  • Operations Team

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Half yearly data governance roadmap structure

Presenting Half Yearly Data Governance Roadmap Structure PowerPoint slide. This PPT theme is available in both 4,3 and 16,9 aspect ratios. This PowerPoint template is customizable so you can modify the font size, font type, color, and shapes as per your requirements. This PPT presentation is Google Slides compatible hence it is easily accessible. You can download and save this PowerPoint layout in different formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG.

Visualize your work plan and communicate your ideas impactfully with our pre designed Half Yearly Data Governance Roadmap Structure. Showcase the detailed overview of the project, the key deliverables, and the milestones to be achieved with the help of our fully customizable PowerPoint layout. You can easily emphasize on the project goals and discuss all the activities involved in an easy to comprehend manner by utilizing our professionally designed PPT theme. This roadmap PowerPoint layout is a perfect strategic planning tool that can help in keeping the project on track. With our attractive PowerPoint theme, you can articulate the workflow, track the work progress, and have a clear vision of the goal to be achieved. Download this versatile Half Yearly Data Governance Roadmap Structure and save your hours of work.

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  1. Free PPT Slides for Data Structures

    Object Oriented Database. Data Structures (22 Slides) 8511 Views. Unlock a Vast Repository of Data Structures PPT Slides, Meticulously Curated by Our Expert Tutors and Institutes. Download Free and Enhance Your Learning!

  2. Lecture Materials

    This is a collection of PowerPoint (pptx) slides ("pptx") presenting a course in algorithms and data structures. Associated with many of the topics are a collection of notes ("pdf"). Some presentations may be associated with videos ("V") and homework questions ("Q"), possibly with answers ("A").

  3. Introduction to Data Structures

    2 Definition Data structure is representation of the logical relationship existing between individual elements of data. In other words, a data structure is a way of organizing all data items that considers not only the elements stored but also their relationship to each other. 3 Introduction Data structure affects the design of both structural ...

  4. Data Structures: Linked Lists

    Download ppt "Data Structures: Linked Lists". 1. Objectives After you have read and studied this chapter, you should be able to: Understand the concept of a dynamic data structure. Be able to create and use dynamic data structures such as linked lists. Understand the stack and queue ADTs. Various important applications of linked data structures ...

  5. PPT

    Presentation Transcript. Introduction to Data Structures. Definition • Data structure is representation of the logical relationship existing between individual elements of data. • In other words, a data structure is a way of organizing all data items that considers not only the elements stored but also their relationship to each other.

  6. PowerPoint Lectures for Data Structures

    Data Structures and Other Objects Using Java (Third Edition) by Michael Main ISBN -321-37525-4. There are eleven PowerPoint lectures that you can download. The Powerpoint lectures (which include speaker's notes) can be downloaded in a single zip file called lectures.zip. To download, please RIGHT click on the file and choose the Save Target As ...

  7. PPT

    3.32k likes | 6.7k Views. Introduction To Data Structures. This section introduces the concept of a data structure as well as providing the details of a specific example: a list. Tip For Success: Reminder. Look through the examples and notes before class. Download Presentation.

  8. Introduction To Data Structures

    Introduction to Data Structures.pptx - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. This document provides an introduction to data structures and algorithms. It defines data structures as a way to organize data to allow for efficient operations. There are two main types of data structures - linear and non-linear.

  9. Introduction To Data Structure

    Introduction to Data Structures. Data Structures A data structure is a scheme for organizing data in the memory of a computer. Some of the more commonly used data structures include lists, arrays, stacks, queues, heaps, trees, and graphs The way in which the data is organized affects the performance of a program for different tasks.

  10. PPT1

    20190116162915_PPT1 - Introduction to Data Structure - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. This document provides an overview of the COMP6601 - Data Structures course. It outlines the course description, learning outcomes, subtopics covered, textbooks used, and introduces some key concepts around data ...

  11. PPT

    Data Structures: More specifically • A data structure is a way of grouping fundamental types (like integers, floating point numbers, and arrays) into a bundle that represents some identifiable thing. • For example, a matrix may be thought of as the bundle of the number of rows and columns, and the array of values of the elements of the matrix.

  12. 01 DSA PPT Introduction To Data Structures

    This document provides an introduction to data structures. It begins with defining key concepts like data, information, and data structures. It then classifies data structures into primitive and non-primitive categories. Linear data structures like arrays, linked lists, stacks, and queues are discussed as well as non-linear structures like trees and graphs. Common operations on data structures ...

  13. (PDF) Data Structure Ppt

    PDF | Data Structure introduction, Definition, Types of data structure, | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate

  14. Introduction Of Stack.

    Download ppt "Introduction Of Stack." Introduction A stack is a non-primitive linear data structure. It is an ordered list in which addition of new data item and deletion of already existing data items done from only one end, known as top tacks (TOP). As all the deletion and insertion in a stack is done from top of the stack, the last added ...

  15. PPT

    Presentation Transcript. Data structures using c Chapter 1 - Basic Concepts. Overview • Data: data is a simple value or set of values. • Entity: Entity is some thing that has certain attributes or properties which may assigned values. • Field: It is a single elementary unit of information representing an attribute of an entity.

  16. Data Structure

    data structure.ppt - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. This document is a course file presentation for the course "CS2201 Data Structures" presented by M.S. Kavitha, Assistant Professor. It provides details on the completion status of the course file, past experience teaching the course, expected course ...

  17. PPT

    Presentation Transcript. Linear Data Structures Chapters 6, 7. Outline • Our goal in this lecture is to • Review the basic linear data structures • Demonstrate how each can be defined as an Abstract Data Type (ADT) • Demonstrate how each of these ADTs can be specified as a Java interface. • Outline the algorithms for creating ...

  18. Top 10 Data Structure PowerPoint Presentation Templates in 2024

    Explore our range of pre-designed PowerPoint presentations on Data Structure. Fully editable and customizable, these presentations are perfect for students, educators, and professionals. Dive deep into complex algorithms, data organization, storage, and more with our comprehensive and visually appealing slides.