General Catalog
Undergraduate and Graduate

Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803

    Louisiana State University
  Sep 05, 2024  
2018-2020 LSU Law Catalog    
2018-2020 LSU Law Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Pre-Legal Training

The faculty of the LSU Law Center does not require nor recommend that a prospective student pursue a “pre-law” or “pre-professional” program of general studies.

Nevertheless, the following guidelines are issued to assist those students contemplating enrollment at the LSU Law Center:

  • It is better for a student to master one or two fields in depth (as in the traditional major/minor approach) than to concentrate in lower level survey courses.
  • It is important that a student undertake studies that involve substantial writing and research components.
  • It is advisable that a student undertake course work that emphasizes logic, analysis and the thought process.
  • It is not advisable to take any undergraduate law courses. While they may be of some value in indicating what the substantive rules are, they also run the risk of giving erroneous indications about the nature of law, law school methods, and coverage.

For additional information, please visit the Law School Admissions Council (LSAC) website at . This website will direct students to information on pre-law preparation, applying to law schools, and the study of law, together with individualized information on most American law schools.

Regular Admission

Admission to the Law Center is competitive. Applicants must hold a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university and have taken the Law School Admission Test (LSAT). LSAT scores must have been received within 5 years of the date of your application.

The Law Center believes that its educational mission is enhanced by the quality of the intellectual community and experiences of its student body. In order to foster this environment and achieve its educational mission, the Law Center believes that substantial educational benefits can be achieved through an exceptionally academically qualified and broadly diverse student body drawn from a rich cross section of backgrounds, talents, experiences, and perspectives from the State, the nation, and jurisdictions that share our Civilian heritage.

The LSU Law Center’s Faculty Admissions & Scholarship Committee takes a holistic approach in reviewing applications for admission. While the undergraduate GPA and LSAT score(s) play an integral role in the decision-making process, the Admissions & Scholarship Committee encourages applicants to submit other information that would be of assistance in evaluating the applicant’s aptitude for the study of law, and likely contribution to the academic community life of the Law Center. A small sampling of such factors might illustrate the applicant’s:

  • Academic performance and accomplishments;
  • Evidence of significant leadership and/or public service;
  • Professional and/or military service; and
  • Cultural and/or experiential background.

Applicants must have good moral character. Good moral character includes honesty, trustworthiness and other traits relating to the role of a lawyer in society and the legal system.

Admission is contingent on the accuracy of information received. Failure to fully disclose information may result in the revocation of an admission offer or in disciplinary action by the Law Center or Bar disciplinary authorities.

Admission to the Louisiana State Bar has similar requirements. Different states may require character and fitness investigations prior to admission to the State Bar. Please contact the appropriate State Bar for information.

An applicant whose native language is not English is required to submit a score of at least 600 on the paper-based Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), 250 on the computer-based TOEFL, and 100 on the internet-based TOEFL. This is a test designed to evaluate proficiency in English and is administered at testing centers overseas and throughout the United States.

Information regarding this test may be obtained by writing to TOEFL, Education Testing Service, Princeton, New Jersey 08541.

Application Procedures

Admission Application – Students must apply online through . Applications received on or before March 1 will receive priority consideration. Applications received after that date will be considered if there are remaining places in the first-year class. Applications received after that date will be considered on a space available basis.

Application Fee – A nonrefundable application fee of $50 must accompany the application.

Personal Statement – Each applicant is required to submit a personal statement. The personal statement provides an opportunity for the applicant to present his or her personal and educational background.

Resume - Each applicant must submit a resume.

Letters of Recommendation – Two letters of recommendation are required. However, the Law Center will accept up to three letters. The letters should be from teachers, employers, or others who have detailed knowledge of the applicant’s academic ability and aptitude for the study of law. Personal letters are not helpful to the Admissions Committee and should be avoided. The letters must be sent directly to the LSAC Law School Credential Assembly Service (LSAC CAS).

Test Scores – All applicants for admission are required to take the Law School Admission Test (LSAT). LSAT scores more than 5 years old at the time of application will not be considered for admission purposes. Application forms for the test and a bulletin of information may be obtained from the LSAC website, ( ) or by writing directly to Law School Admission Council, Box 2000, Newtown, PA 18940.

LSAC Credential Assembly Service – The Law Center participates in the Credential Assembly Service (CAS), which greatly simplifies the application and admission procedures by providing uniform evaluation of pre-legal scholastic records.

Applicants must register directly with CAS. Registration forms and a bulletin of information may be obtained from LSAC, Box 200, Newton, Pennsylvania 18940 ( ). After proper registration, a transcript from each college or university you attended must be sent directly to LSAC. A cumulative transcript from the last school attended will not suffice. If you are currently in school, an updated report should be sent when grades for the fall semester preceding the year of desired entry are available.

Final Transcripts – If accepted for admission, one copy of your final official academic records from every college or university attended must be forwarded directly to the LSU Law Center Office of Admissions and Student Records, LSU Law Center, no later than July 1.

Immunization Policy – If accepted for admission, a student must submit proof of immunizations to LSU prior to registration. See Immunization Policy Statement 72 herein.

The Law Center Office of Admissions and Student Records is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., except during University holidays. Information concerning the various aspects of admission may be obtained during business hours, by phone: 578-8646; email: [email protected] , or at .

Transfer Admission

The LSU Law Center accepts transfer applications from students who have satisfactorily completed the first full year curriculum at a law school accredited by the American Bar Association.

A maximum of 32 credits may be accepted for transfer. Credit only (not grades) are transferable. Students can earn the award of transfer credit only for courses in which they earned a grade equal to or better than a “C”, a 2.0, or the equivalent of a “C”, or 2.0.

The Law Center reserves the right to refuse credit, in whole or in part, and to withdraw credit for previously completed courses.

Transfer applicants must present statements from the dean of all law schools attended certifying that the applicant is in good standing and eligible for continued enrollment at that school.

The following information must be submitted to be considered:

  • A complete application and nonrefundable application fee of $50. The deadline dates to apply for admission are listed on the LSU Law website. 
  • A petition for transfer describing the reasons for applying for transfer. Applicants may wish to submit a personal resume in addition to their petition.
  • Two letters of recommendation. Ideally these letters will be from law school professors who can attest to your ability to excel in law school.
  • Official transcripts of all academic work (undergraduate, graduate, and law) sent directly to the Law Center.
  • A current LSAT record and a copy of the CAS report is required.
  • A letter of good standing must be submitted from each law school attended.
  • A completed Proof of Immunization Form must be submitted before a student may register.

Admission of transfer students is a selective process. Final decisions are made by the Admissions & Scholarship Committee.

Prospective transfer students who are denied admission may consider applying as a non-matriculating student. Students are not admitted with advanced standing for the summer term.

LSU Law Center 3+3 Program

In collaboration with the LSU College of Humanities and Social Sciences, the LSU Manship School of Mass Communication, and the LSU College of the Coast and Environment, the LSU Law Center offers a 3+3 program allowing students to receive their bachelor’s degree and law degree in six years. During the student’s junior year, students who meet the admission requirements of the Law Center are eligible to apply for admission. If admitted, students are eligible to begin study at the Law Center during their fourth year at LSU, during which completed coursework will count towards the final year of the undergraduate degree as well as the first year of the law degree.

In order to be eligible for admission to the Law Center under the 3+3 program, students must follow a prescribed curriculum to complete the bachelor’s degree and law degree within three years of full time study in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Manship School, or the College of the Coast and Environment and three years of full time study at the Law Center. In order to determine eligibility, students are encouraged to work with advisors in Humanities and Social Sciences, the Manship School, or the College of the Coast and Environment as early as possible in their undergraduate career. Students in HSS may contact [email protected] or 225-578-3141, students in the Manship Schools may contact [email protected] or 225-578-1899, and students in the College of the Coast and Environment may contact [email protected] or 225-578-6824.

Non-Matriculating Admission (Visiting Students)

Students from other law schools who wish to apply to the Law Center as non-matriculating students must submit the following:

  • A completed application and nonrefundable application fee of $50. The deadline dates to apply for admission are listed on the LSU Law website. 
  • A petition stating the reasons for requesting to visit the LSU Law Center. Applicants should indicate in their petition if they are applying for one or two semesters. A personal resume may be submitted.
  • A letter from the dean of the law school currently attending certifying that the student has permission to attend as a non-matriculating student.

If the petition is granted with the stipulation that credit earned during this enrollment cannot be applied toward a degree from the Law Center in the event that a non-matriculating student later matriculates.

During residency at LSU, non-matriculating students from other schools are subject to all academic and disciplinary regulations of the Law Center. Students are specifically informed that exams will be graded and grades will be posted in the same manner and at the same time as LSU students. LSU faculty members are required to comply only with the Law Center’s grading deadlines. Students from other law schools are not eligible for financial aid through LSU.


Any student who is not continuously enrolled in the Law Center (except for summer terms) must apply to reenter the Law Center. Law students applying for reentry are not guaranteed admission. Applicants who have not made satisfactory academic progress and/or do not show sufficient promise for success in the law curriculum may be denied permission to reenter.

Applicants must have good moral character, which includes characteristics and traits reflecting honesty and trustworthiness relating to the role of a lawyer in society and the legal profession.

The following materials must be submitted by the application deadline posted on the website to be considered for the fall semester:

  • A complete application and nonrefundable application fee of $50.
  • A petition for readmission must be submitted along with any additional supporting documents. Applicants may wish to submit a personal resume in addition to this information.
  • Two letters of recommendation. We prefer that these letters be from individuals who can attest to your ability to enter a competitive professional program. Letters from employers are also acceptable.
  • An official transcript of any work taken since last enrollment at the Law Center. Official transcripts must be sent directly to the Law Center.
  • A completed Proof of Immunization Form must be submitted before a student may register.The Admissions Committee meets periodically during the summer, depending upon the number of petitions to review, and applicants are usually notified by letter of their status by August 1.

Readmission after Academic Exclusion

Students who have been academically excluded may petition the Admissions Committee for readmission.

The deadline for applications and petitions for readmission in the fall semester is posted on the LSU Law website. The deadline for the spring and summer semesters is 45 calendar days prior to the beginning of that semester unless the academic dismissal first occurs within the 45-day time period. In the latter case, petitions must be submitted at least five calendar days prior to the beginning of the semester in which an applicant is seeking readmission. Petitions submitted after these deadlines are unlikely to receive a committee review. Students should be aware that immediate readmission is rarely granted.

While most students instinctively have a strong desire to start over without any delay, the Law Center strongly recommends that applicants for readmission wait at least one year before applying for readmission.

The committee will grant an exception only if there are strong reasons to do so.

Students are advised that, even after the one-year delay, readmission is never guaranteed. Each case is reviewed individually by the Admissions & Scholarship Committee.

Students who are permitted to reenter after exclusion for unsatisfactory academic performance, and who have not completed more than two semesters of study in the Law Center shall:

  • forfeit all credits and quality points previously earned; all credits taken at an earlier date will be eliminated from computation of the grade-point average and cannot be applied toward the law degree. Such work will remain on the permanent academic records and transcripts, but will not be used in computation of the grade-point average.
  • be placed on scholastic probation, and required to achieve an average of 2.0 or higher during each of the next two semesters and also a 2.0 in all substantive courses;
  • be required to register for and complete all required first-year courses during each of the next two semesters, unless a lesser load is permitted by faculty action because of exceptional circumstances;
  • be governed by the curriculum in effect at the time of reentry;
  • be subject to the general University rules applicable to students who have been excluded twice for unsatisfactory work; and
  • be subject to such conditions as may be established in a particular case by the Admissions Committee.

Any student who is, or is placed, on scholastic probation at the end of a semester or summer term and who fails to meet the conditions of probation or who fails to return to the Law Center in the next regular semester is ineligible to return to the Law Center unless permission therefore is granted by the Admissions & Scholarship Committee on the written petition of the student, under such conditions as the faculty may impose.

Summer-Only Admission

A student in good standing, enrolled in a law school accredited by the American Bar Association, who wishes to receive academic credit from the LSU Law Center, and who plans to return to his or her law school for the fall semester, may be admitted as a non-matriculating student for the summer term. This admission will terminate at the end of the summer term.

  • A complete application with a nonrefundable $50 application fee. The deadline to apply for summer only admission is posted on the LSU Law website.
  • A letter of good academic standing from the law school attending.

Summer Study in France — University of Lyon

The Law Center conducts a summer program in France at the University of Lyon III School of Law, Lyon, France.

Lyon, France’s second largest city, is located in the center of the country and boasts a population of more than 1 million. The university campus stretches throughout the city, and the main law school building is located on the banks of Rhone River just across from the city’s financial district. The law faculty is renowned for its leadership and initiative in comparative legal education and research.

The program attracts many internationally distinguished professors and lecturers. All classes are in English and are designed to meet the requirements of the ABA and AALS.

Resident Status

A student’s state residency status will be determined based on LSU System regulations and evidence provided on the admission application along with any related documents provided.

Regulations are based primarily on location of a student’s home and place of employment.

In accordance with PM-31, a resident student for tuition purposes is defined as one who:

  • has abandoned all prior domiciles
  • has been domiciled in the state of Louisiana continuously for at least one full year (365 days) immediately preceding the first day of class for the academic term in which residency classification is sought
  • has not been enrolled in a Louisiana institution of higher learning, except through a program providing dual secondary and postsecondary education credit

Individuals living within Louisiana for one year must prove there was intent to maintain a residence in the state. Residing in Louisiana solely for educational purposes without evidence of the intent to remain in Louisiana will not be sufficient for classification as a resident, regardless of the length of time within the state. Owning property and paying property taxes in the State of Louisiana is not sufficient evidence to claim residency.

Special provisions have been made for adults moving to Louisiana for employment purposes, military personnel stationed in Louisiana, and international students with immigrant visas. An international student on an F1 student visa is classified as a nonresident.

Resident classification and all fees are audited and adjusted, if necessary, after each registration.

Certification of Selective Service Compliance

All persons who are required to register for the federal draft under the federal Military Selective Service Act shall be required to certify that they have registered with the Selective Service prior to enrollment.

Students who need to register with the Selective Service System can do so using the Internet at . All questions regarding compliance should be directed to the Office of Admissions and Student Records at 225-578-8646.

Veterans’ Benefits

The Department of Veterans Affairs, located in Pleasant Hall as part of Financial Aid and Scholarships, assists students who qualify for various Veterans Affairs educational benefits, Louisiana National Guard, or Dependents’ State Aid exemptions. Students should contact the Office of Veterans Affairs to request processing of enrollment certifications for each term they will receive the benefit.

More information is available at the Office of Veterans Affairs website: .

Law Study for International Students

The close similarity in origin, development, and methodology of the private law of Louisiana to that of continental Europe, Quebec, Latin America, and a number of African and Asian countries makes LSU a natural choice for students desiring to study the law of civil law jurisdictions, whether they intend to practice in a civil law, common law, or mixed jurisdiction, or to be active in the international legal scene.

The LSU Law Center is the only law school in the United States with fully developed programs in both common and civil law. Our exceptional faculty is comprised of noted scholars and outstanding legal professionals. The faculty’s depth of knowledge of both the common and civil law provides students with one of the most thorough and profound Comparative Law programs available.

International Exchange Program

Each year the Law Center may accept international exchange students from its partner schools throughout the world. These students must apply for admission to the Law Center and pay the application fee of $50. All international exchange admissions are governed by the Exchange Agreement in effect between the Law Center and the partner school at the time of admission.

Students interested in participating in the Exchange Program should contact the program coordinator at their home university.

For additional information, contact:

LSU Paul M. Hebert Law Center Office of International Programs Suite W326 1 East Campus Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70803

International Programs staff may be contacted by telephone at 225-578- 7831 or 225-578-1126, or by email at [email protected] .

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Excellent Law School Personal Statement Examples By David Busis Published May 5, 2019 Updated Feb 10, 2021

We’ve rounded up five spectacular personal statements that helped students with borderline numbers get into T-14 schools. You’ll find these examples to be as various as a typical JD class. Some essays are about a challenge, some about the evolution of the author’s intellectual or professional journey, and some about the author’s identity. The only common thread is sincerity. The authors did not write toward an imagined idea of what an admissions officer might be looking for: they reckoned honestly with formative experiences.

Personal Statement about a Career Journey

The writer of this personal statement matriculated at Georgetown. Her GPA was below the school’s 25th percentile and her LSAT score was above the 75th percentile. She was not a URM.

* Note that we’ve used female pronouns throughout, though some of the authors are male.

I don’t remember anything being out of the ordinary before I fainted—just the familiar, heady feeling and then nothing. When I came to, they were wheeling me away to the ER. That was the last time I went to the hospital for my neurology observership. Not long after, I crossed “doctor” off my list of post-graduate career options. It would be best, I figured, if I did something for which the day-to-day responsibilities didn’t make me pass out.

Back at the drawing board, I reflected on my choices. The first time around, my primary concern was how I could stay in school for the longest amount of time possible. Key factors were left out of my decision: I had no interest in medicine, no aptitude for the natural sciences, and, as it quickly became apparent, no stomach for sick patients. The second time around, I was honest with myself: I had no idea what I wanted to do.

My college graduation speaker told us that the word “job” comes from the French word “gober,” meaning “to devour.” When I fell into digital advertising, I was expecting a slow and toothless nibbling, a consumption whose impact I could ignore while I figured out what I actually wanted to do. I’d barely started before I realized that my interviewers had been serious when they told me the position was sink or swim. At six months, I was one toothbrush short of living at our office. It was an unapologetic aquatic boot camp—and I liked it. I wanted to swim. The job was bringing out the best in me and pushing me to do things I didn’t think I could do.

I remember my first client emergency. I had a day to re-do a presentation that I’d been researching and putting together for weeks. I was panicked and sure that I’d be next on the chopping block. My only cogent thought was, “Oh my god. What am I going to do?” The answer was a three-part solution I know well now: a long night, lots of coffee, and laser-like focus on exactly and only what was needed.

Five years and numerous emergencies later, I’ve learned how to work: work under pressure, work when I’m tired, and work when I no longer want to. I have enough confidence to set my aims high and know I can execute on them. I’ve learned something about myself that I didn’t know when I graduated: I am capable.

The word “career” comes from the French word “carrière,” denoting a circular racecourse. Perhaps it shouldn’t surprise me then, that I’ve come full circle with regards to law school. For two college summers, I interned as a legal associate and wondered, “Is this for me?” I didn’t know if I was truly interested, and I was worried that even if I was, I wouldn’t be able to see it through. Today, I don’t have those fears.

In the course of my advertising career, I have worked with many lawyers to navigate the murky waters of digital media and user privacy. Whereas most of my co-workers went to great lengths to avoid our legal team, I sought them out. The legal conversations about our daily work intrigued me. How far could we go in negotiating our contracts to reflect changing definitions of an impression? What would happen if the US followed the EU and implemented wide-reaching data-protection laws?

Working on the ad tech side of the industry, I had the data to target even the most niche audiences: politically-active Mormon Democrats for a political client; young, low-income pregnant women for a state government; millennials with mental health concerns in a campaign for suicide prevention. The extent to which digital technology has evolved is astonishing. So is the fact that it has gone largely unregulated. That’s finally changing, and I believe the shift is going to open up a more prominent role for those who understand both digital technology and its laws. I hope to begin my next career at the intersection of those two worlds.

Personal Statement about Legal Internships

The writer of this essay was admitted to every T14 law school from Columbia on down and matriculated at a top JD program with a large merit scholarship. Her LSAT score was below the median and her GPA was above the median of each school that accepted her. She was not a URM.

About six weeks into my first legal internship, my office-mate gestured at the window—we were seventy stories high in the Chrysler Building—and said, with a sad smile, doesn’t this office just make you want to jump? The firm appeared to be falling apart. The managing partners were suing each other, morale was low, and my boss, in an effort to maintain his client base, had instructed me neither to give any information to nor take any orders from other attorneys. On my first day of work, coworkers warned me that the firm could be “competitive,” which seemed to me like a good thing. I considered myself a competitive person and enjoyed the feeling of victory. This, though, was the kind of competition in which everyone lost.

Although I felt discouraged about the legal field after this experience, I chose not to give up on the profession, and after reading a book that featured the U.S. attorney’s office for the Southern District of New York, I sent in an internship application. Shortly after, I received an offer to work at the office. For my first assignment, I attended a hearing in the federal courthouse. As I entered the magnificent twenty-third-floor courtroom, I felt the gravitas of the issue at hand: the sentencing of a terrorist.

That sense of gravitas never left me, and visiting the courtroom became my favorite part of the job. Sitting in hearings amidst the polished brass fixtures and mahogany walls, watching attorneys in refined suits prosecute terror, cybercrime, and corruption, I felt part of a grand endeavor. The spectacle enthralled me: a trial was like a combination of a theatrical performance and an athletic event. If I’d seen the dark side of competition at my first job, now I was seeing the bright side. I sat on the edge of my seat and watched to see if good—my side—triumphed over evil—the defense. Every conviction seemed like an unambiguous achievement. I told my friends that one day I wanted to help “lock up the bad guys.”

It wasn’t until I interned at the public defender’s office that I realized how much I’d oversimplified the world. In my very first week, I took the statement of a former high school classmate who had been charged with heroin possession. I did not know him well in high school, but we both recognized one another and made small talk before starting the formal interview. He had fallen into drug abuse and had been convicted of petty theft several months earlier. After finishing the interview, I wished him well.

The following week, in a courtroom that felt more like a macabre DMV than the hallowed halls I’d seen with the USAO, I watched my classmate submit his guilty plea, which would allow him to do community service in lieu of jail time. The judge accepted his plea and my classmate mumbled a quiet “thank you.” I felt none of the achievement I’d come to associate with guilty pleas. In that court, where hundreds of people trudged through endless paperwork and long lines before they could even see a judge, there were no good guys and bad guys—just people trying to put their lives back together.

A year after my internship at the public defender’s office, I read a profile of Preet Bharara, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, and my former boss. In the profile, he says, “You don’t want a justice system in which prosecutors are cowboys.” The more I saw at the public defender’s office, the more I rethought my experience at the USAO. When I had excitedly called my parents after an insider trading conviction, I had not thought of the defendant’s family. When I had cheered the conviction of a terrorist, I hadn’t thought about the fact that a conviction could not undo his actions. As I now plan on entering the legal profession—either as a prosecutor or public defender—I realize that my enthusiasm momentarily overwrote my empathy. I’d been playing cowboy. A lawyer’s job isn’t to lock up bad guys or help good guys in order to quench a competitive thirst—it’s to subsume his or her ego in the work and, by presenting one side of a case, create a necessary condition for justice.

Personal Statement about Cultural Identity

The writer of this essay was offered significant merit aid packages from Cornell, Michigan, and Northwestern, and matriculated at NYU Law. Her LSAT score was below the 25th percentile LSAT score and her GPA matched the median GPA of NYU.

By the age of five, I’d attended seven kindergartens and collected more frequent flier miles than most adults. I resided in two worlds – one with fast motorcycles, heavy pollution, and the smell of street food lingering in the air; the other with trimmed grass, faint traces of perfume mingling with coffee in the mall, and my mom pressing her hand against my window as she left for work. She was the only constant between these two worlds – flying me between Taiwan and America as she struggled to obtain a U.S. citizenship.

My family reunited for good around my sixth birthday, when we flew back to Taiwan to join my dad. I forgot about the West, acquired a taste for Tangyuan, and became fast friends with the kids in my neighborhood. In the evenings, I’d sit with my grandmother as she watched soap operas in Taiwanese, the dialect of the older generation, which I picked up in unharmonious bits and pieces. Other nights, she would turn off the TV, and speak to me about tradition and history – recounting my ancestors, life during the Japanese regime, raising my dad under martial law. “You are the last of the Li’s,” she would say, patting my back, and I’d feel a quick rush of pride, as though a lineage as deep as that of the English monarchy rested on my shoulders.

When I turned seven, my parents enrolled me in an American school, explaining that it was time for me, a Tai Wan Ren (Taiwanese), to learn English – “a language that could open doors to better opportunities.” Although I learned slowly, with a handful of the most remedial in ESL (English as a Second Language), books like The Secret Garden and The Wind in the Willows opened up new worlds of captivating images and beautiful stories that I longed to take part in.

Along with the new language, I adopted a different way to dress, new mannerisms, and new tastes, including American pop culture. I stopped seeing the neighborhood kids, and sought a set of friends who shared my affinity for HBO movies and  Claire’s Jewelry . Whenever taxi drivers or waitresses asked where I was from, noting that I spoke Chinese with too much of an accent to be native, I told them I was American.

At home, I asked my mom to stop packing Taiwanese food for my lunch. The cheap food stalls I once enjoyed now embarrassed me. Instead, I wanted instant mashed potatoes and Kraft mac and cheese.

When it came time for college, I enrolled in a liberal arts school on the East Coast to pursue my love of literature, and was surprised to find that my return to America did not feel like the full homecoming I’d expected. America was as familiar as it was foreign, and while I had mastered being “American” in Taiwan, being an American in America baffled me. The open atmosphere of my university, where ideas and feelings were exchanged freely, felt familiar and welcoming, but cultural references often escaped me. Unlike my friends who’d grown up in the States, I had never heard of Wonder Bread, or experienced the joy of Chipotle’s burrito bowls. Unlike them, I missed the sound of motorcycles whizzing by my window on quiet nights.

It was during this time of uncertainty that I found my place through literature, discovering Taiye Selasi, Edward Said, and Primo Levi, whose works about origin and personhood reshaped my conception of my own identity. Their usage of the language of otherness provided me with the vocabulary I had long sought, and revealed that I had too simplistic an understanding of who I was. In trying to discover my role in each cultural context, I’d confined myself within an easy dichotomy, where the East represented exotic foods and experiences, and the West, development and consumerism. By idealizing the latter and rejecting the former, I had reduced the richness of my worlds to caricatures. Where I am from, and who I am, is an amalgamation of my experiences and heritage: I am simultaneously a Mei Guo Ren and Taiwanese.

Just as I once reconciled my Eastern and Western identities, I now seek to reconcile my love of literature with my desire to effect tangible change. I first became interested in law on my study abroad program, when I visited the English courts as a tourist. As I watched the barristers deliver their statements, it occurred to me that law and literature have some similarities: both are a form of criticism that depends on close reading, the synthesis of disparate intellectual frameworks, and careful argumentation. Through my subsequent internships and my current job, I discovered that legal work possessed a tangibility I found lacking in literature. The lawyers I collaborate with work tirelessly to address the same problems and ideas I’ve explored only theoretically in my classes – those related to human rights, social contracts, and moral order. Though I understand that lawyers often work long hours, and that the work can be, at times, tedious, I’m drawn to the kind of research, analysis, and careful reading that the profession requires. I hope to harness my critical abilities to reach beyond the pages of the books I love and make meaningful change in the real world.

Personal Statement about Weightlifting

The writer of this essay was admitted to her top choice—a T14 school—with a handwritten note from the dean that praised her personal statement. Her LSAT score was below the school’s median and her GPA was above the school’s median.

As I knelt to tie balloons around the base of the white, wooden cross, I thought about the morning of my best friend’s accident: the initial numbness that overwhelmed my entire body; the hideous sound of my own small laugh when I called the other member of our trio and repeated the words “Mark died”; the panic attack I’d had driving home, resulting in enough tears that I had to pull off to the side of the road. Above all, I remembered the feeling of reality crashing into my previously sheltered life, the feeling that nothing was as safe or certain as I’d believed.

I had been with Mark the day before he passed, exactly one week before we were both set to move down to Tennessee to start our freshman year of college. It would have been difficult to feel so alone with my grief in any circumstance, but Mark’s crash seemed to ignite a chain reaction of loss. I had to leave Nashville abruptly in order to attend the funeral of my grandmother, who helped raise me, and at the end of the school year, a close friend who had helped me adjust to college was killed by an oncoming car on the day that he’d graduated. Just weeks before visiting Mark’s grave on his birthday, a childhood friend shot and killed himself in an abandoned parking lot on Christmas Eve. I spent Christmas Day trying to act as normally as possible, hiding the news in order not to ruin the holiday for the rest of my family.

This pattern of loss compounding loss affected me more than I ever thought it would. First, I just avoided social media out of fear that I’d see condolences for yet another friend who had passed too early. Eventually, I shut down emotionally and lost interest in the world—stopped attending social gatherings, stopped talking to anyone, and stopped going to many of my classes, as every day was a struggle to get out of bed. I hated the act that I had to put on in public, where I was always getting asked the same question —“I haven’t seen you in forever, where have you been?”—and always responding with the same lie: “I’ve just been really busy.”

I had been interested in bodybuilding since high school, but during this time, the lowest period of my life, it changed from a simple hobby to a necessity and, quite possibly, a lifesaver. The gym was the one place I could escape my own mind, where I could replace feelings of emptiness with the feeling of my heart pounding, lungs exploding, and blood flooding my muscles, where—with sweat pouring off my forehead and calloused palms clenched around cold steel—I could see clearly again.

Not only did my workouts provide me with an outlet for all of my suppressed emotion, but they also became the one aspect of my life where I felt I was still in control. I knew that if it was Monday, no matter what else was going on, I was going to be working out my legs, and I knew exactly what exercises I was going to do, and how many repetitions I was going to perform, and how much weight I was going to use for each repetition. I knew exactly when I would be eating and exactly how many grams of each food source I would ingest. I knew how many calories I would get from each of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. My routine was one thing I could count on.

As I loaded more plates onto the barbell, I grew stronger mentally as well. The gym became a place, paradoxically, of both exertion and tranquility, a sanctuary where I felt capable of thinking about the people I’d lost. It was the healing I did there that let me tie the balloons to the cross on Mark’s third birthday after the crash, and that let me spend the rest of the afternoon sharing stories about Mark with friends on the side of the rural road. It was the healing I did there that left me ready to move on.

One of the fundamental principles of weightlifting involves progressively overloading the muscles by taking them to complete failure, coming back, and performing past the point where you last failed, consistently making small increases over time. The same principle helped me overcome my grief, and in the past few years, I’ve applied it to everything from learning Spanish to studying for the LSAT. As I prepare for the next stage of my life, I know I’ll encounter more challenges for which I’m unprepared, but I feel strong enough now to acknowledge my weaknesses, and—by making incremental gains—to overcome them.

Personal Statement about Sexual Assault

The writer of this essay was accepted to many top law schools and matriculated at Columbia. Her LSAT score matched Columbia’s median while her GPA was below Columbia’s 25th percentile.

My rapist didn’t hold a knife to my throat. My rapist didn’t jump out of a dark alleyway. My rapist didn’t slip me a roofie. My rapist was my eighth-grade boyfriend, who was already practicing with the high school football team. He assaulted me in his suburban house in New Jersey, while his mom cooked us dinner in the next room, in the back of an empty movie theatre, on the couch in my basement.

It started when I was thirteen and so excited to have my first real boyfriend. He was a football player from a different school who had a pierced ear and played the guitar. I, a shy, slightly chubby girl with a bad haircut and very few friends, felt wanted, needed, and possibly loved. The abuse—the verbal and physical harassment that eventually turned sexual—was just something that happened in grown-up relationships. This is what good girlfriends do, I thought. They say yes.

Never having had a sex-ed class in my life, it took me several months after my eighth-grade graduation and my entry into high school to realize the full extent of what he did to me. My overall experience of first “love” seemed surreal. This was something that happened in a Lifetime movie, not in a small town in New Jersey in his childhood twin bed. I didn’t tell anyone about what happened. I had a different life in a different school by then, and I wasn’t going to let my trauma define my existence.

As I grew older, I was confronted by the fact that rape is not a surreal misfortune or a Lifetime movie. It’s something that too many of my close friends have experienced. It’s when my sorority sister tells me about the upstairs of a frat house when she’s too drunk to say no. It’s when the boy in the room next door tells me about his uncle during freshman orientation. It’s a high school peer whose summer internship boss became too handsy. Rape is real. It’s happening every day, to mothers, brothers, sisters, and fathers—a silent majority that want to manage the burden on their own, afraid of judgement, afraid of repercussions, afraid of a he-said she-said court battle.

I am beyond tired of the silence. It took me three years to talk about what happened to me, to come clean to my peers and become a model of what it means to speak about something that society tells you not to speak about. Motivated by my own experience and my friends’ stories, I joined three groups that help educate my college community about sexual health and assault: New Feminists, Speak for Change, and Sexual Assault Responders. I trained to staff a peer-to-peer emergency hotline for survivors of sexual assault. I protested the university’s cover-up of a gang-rape in the basement of a fraternity house two doors from where I live now. As a member of my sorority’s executive board, I have talked extensively about safety and sexual assault, and have orchestrated a speaker on the subject to come to campus and talk to the exceptional young women I consider family. I’ve proposed a DOE policy change to make sexual violence education mandatory to my city councilman. This past summer, I traveled to a country notorious for sexual violence and helped lay the groundwork for a health center that will allow women to receive maternal care, mental health counseling, and career counseling.

Law school is going to help me take my advocacy to the next level. Survivors of sexual assault, especially young survivors, often don’t know where to turn. They don’t know their Title IX rights, they don’t know about the Clery Act, and they don’t know how to demand help when every other part of the system is shouting at them to be quiet and give up. Being a lawyer, first and foremost, is being an advocate. With a JD, I can work with groups like SurvJustice and the Rape Survivors Law Project to change the lives of people who were silenced for too long.

📌 Further reading:

  • Six Law School Personal Statements That Got Into Harvard
  • Free admissions course

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Law School Personal Statement with Examples

April 3, 2024

So you’re applying to law school? You’ve researched the LSAT , you’ve researched law schools , and now you’re preparing to write your personal statement. I’m sure you’ve got a lot on your plate so I won’t waste your time. In this blog, we’ll answer your questions, examine some law school personal statement examples, and discuss the law school personal statement format. Let’s dive right in.

What’s the purpose of a law school personal statement?

Here are the key objectives and functions of a law school personal statement:

1) Showcase your personal narrative

You can provide admissions committees with insight into who you are beyond your academic achievements and test scores. This essay allows you to share your personal narrative, experiences, values, and aspirations. Those details will help the admissions committee understand what motivates you and shapes your perspective.

2) Demonstrate your writing ability

Law schools place a high value on strong writing skills, because legal education and the legal profession require clear, concise, and persuasive communication. Your personal statement serves as a writing sample. The admissions committee will analyze your ability to articulate ideas effectively, organize thoughts coherently, and convey your message with clarity and precision.

3) Highlight your fit for the program

Your personal statement should also demonstrate why you are a good fit for the specific law school you’re applying to. So research the institution and tailor your statement accordingly. Then you can articulate how your interests, goals, and values align with the school’s mission, programs, and culture.

Law School Personal Statement with Examples (Continued)

4) Provide context for your application

Additionally, your personal statement offers context for the rest of your application. It allows you to address any inconsistencies or gaps in your application, explain unique circumstances, and showcase your growth and resilience.

5) Differentiate yourself from other applicants

In a competitive admissions process, a well-crafted personal statement can help you stand out from other applicants. By sharing authentic and compelling experiences and perspectives, you can distinguish yourself as a unique and valuable candidate.

6) Demonstrate your commitment to the legal profession

Admissions committees seek candidates who are passionate about pursuing a legal education and making a positive impact in the profession. So your personal statement should convey your sincere interest in law, your understanding of its challenges and responsibilities, and your readiness to contribute to the legal community.

  Law school personal statement format

Formatting a personal statement for law school is crucial as it helps convey your message clearly and professionally. So before we look at some law school personal statement examples, here are the key components of the law school personal statement format:

Most law schools have specific guidelines regarding the length of personal statements, typically ranging from one to two pages. So it’s essential to adhere to these guidelines to ensure your statement is concise and focused.

Font and size

Use a professional font like Times New Roman and adjust the size to 12 points. This ensures readability and maintains a formal appearance.


Begin with a strong and engaging introduction that captures the reader’s attention. This section should set the tone for the rest of your statement and provide context for your motivations.

Body paragraphs

Organize your statement into several paragraphs, each focusing on a specific theme or aspect of your background, experiences, and motivations for pursuing law school.


Use transitional phrases and sentences to smoothly transition between different ideas and paragraphs. This helps maintain coherence and flow throughout your statement, ensuring that each section builds upon the previous one.

End your statement with a compelling conclusion that reinforces your motivations for pursuing a legal education. Focus on leaving a lasting impression on the reader.

Stick to the guidelines

Follow any specific formatting guidelines provided by the law school, such as file format requirements or word count limitations. Adhering to these guidelines demonstrates attention to detail and professionalism.

Two law school personal statement examples

With the law school personal statement format fresh in our minds, let’s take a look at some examples.

Here’s the first of our law school personal statement examples:

As I gaze into the innocent eyes of my two young daughters, I’m filled with boundless love. In their laughter and curiosity, I see the promise of a bright future—but intertwined with that hope is a profound fear and an overwhelming sense of responsibility. I can never forget the sobering reality of climate change, a crisis that threatens to reshape the world they will inherit.

My journey towards law school is not merely a pursuit of personal ambition but a solemn commitment to safeguarding the future of my children and generations to come. Growing up amidst the rolling hills of California, I witnessed the devastating effects of wildfires and droughts. Yet, it was the birth of my daughters that catalyzed my transformation from concerned bystander to impassioned advocate.

Driven by this newfound purpose, I immersed myself in climate advocacy, from grassroots campaigns to policy research. I rallied alongside fellow parents and concerned citizens, demanding accountability from policymakers and corporations alike. Each petition signed, each protest attended, was fueled by the determination to leave behind a world worthy of my daughters.

I want to leverage the power of the law as a force for environmental justice and sustainability. The University of Oregon is where my passion for climate advocacy meets the rigors of legal education. Its esteemed faculty and commitment to social responsibility offer the ideal platform to amplify my voice and effect meaningful change.

At the University of Oregon, I aspire to become not only a skilled attorney but also a champion for the planet. With each legal brief penned and each precedent set, I’ll strive to leave behind a legacy of hope and resilience. And I’ll ensure that my children inherit a world teeming with possibility, not plagued by relentless climate catastrophes.

Why the first of our law school personal statement examples works:

Compelling narrative

First, the statement begins with the applicant reflecting on their young daughters and their concern for the future amidst the looming threat of climate change . This narrative immediately grabs the reader’s attention and sets the stage for the applicant’s personal journey.

Personal connection

The applicant demonstrates a deep personal connection to the issue of climate change. This personal connection adds authenticity and depth to their motivations for pursuing law school.

Commitment to advocacy

The statement showcases the applicant’s proactive approach to addressing climate change through advocacy work, including grassroots campaigns and policy research. This demonstrates their dedication and initiative in confronting pressing societal issues.

Alignment with law school

The applicant articulates why they’re drawn to the specific law school they’re applying to. They emphasize how the University of Oregon’s commitment to social responsibility and environmental justice aligns with their own values and aspirations. This shows that the applicant has researched the law school and understands how its resources can support their goals.

Vision for the future

Finally, it concludes with a vision of the applicant’s future role as an attorney dedicated to environmental justice and sustainability. This, coupled with their commitment to leaving behind a positive legacy for future generations, highlights their long-term goals and ambition.

Overall, this personal statement effectively combines personal narrative, passion, and commitment to showcase the applicant’s readiness for law school and their potential to make a meaningful impact in the field of environmental law.

Here’s the second of our law school personal statement examples:

Nestled amidst the golden fields of rural America, I learned from an early age that community is not just a place. It’s a commitment to looking out for one another in times of need. Growing up in a tight-knit community, I was instilled with values of empathy, compassion, and service.

On an autumn morning several years ago, there was a knock at my door. On my porch was my neighbor Sarah, a single mother. She told me about the looming eviction notice that threatened to upend her family’s life. As she looked at me with desperate eyes, I felt a surge of empathy and determination.

I sprang into action and rallied the support of our neighbors. Together, we organized to challenge the unjust eviction and provide Sarah with the assistance she needed. This experience ignited my passion for social justice and set me on a path towards law school.

Throughout my undergraduate journey, I dove into political science and community development. I immersed myself in research projects that shed light on the lived experiences of marginalized communities. One particularly impactful project involved collaborating with local activists to advocate for the expansion of affordable housing programs. This culminated in a successful city council vote that brought tangible relief to countless families in need.

The allure of UC Davis lies not only in its esteemed faculty and rigorous curriculum but also in its dedication to fostering a culture of advocacy and social change. Its renowned clinics and externship opportunities offer a unique platform to translate classroom knowledge into real-world impact. I’m eager to contribute my firsthand experiences and passion for justice to the vibrant community of UC Davis, where every voice is heard, and every action is a step towards a more equitable future.

Why the second of our law school personal statement examples works:

Compelling introduction

The statement begins with vivid imagery and a nostalgic portrayal of the applicant’s upbringing in rural America. This sets the stage for the narrative and establishes the values that have shaped the applicant’s worldview.

Personal anecdote

The story of Sarah, the single mother facing eviction , demonstrates the applicant’s empathy, compassion, and commitment to social justice. Additionally, it showcases their ability to take initiative and mobilize their community in times of need.

Connection to law school

The statement effectively connects the applicant’s personal experiences to their decision to pursue law school. It highlights how their passion for social justice was ignited by their experiences. Then it also emphasizes their determination to use the law as a tool for positive change.

Academic and experiential background

The applicant provides specific examples of their academic and experiential background. They include involvement in political science and community development research projects. This demonstrates their commitment to understanding systemic injustices and their ability to engage in meaningful advocacy work.

Fit for the law school

The statement concludes by articulating why the applicant is drawn to the specific law school they are applying to. It mentions UC Davis’s dedication to advocacy and social change, aligning with the applicant’s values and aspirations. This shows that the applicant has done their research. Additionally, it shows their clear vision for how the law school’s resources align with their goals.

Overall, this personal statement effectively showcases the applicant’s passion, commitment, and readiness for law school, making them a compelling candidate for admission.

How to brainstorm for your law school personal statement

Here are some strategies to help you brainstorm effectively:

1) Reflect on personal experiences

First, think about significant events, challenges, or accomplishments in your life that have shaped your identity and aspirations. Also, consider how these experiences have influenced your interest in law and your commitment to social justice or advocacy.

2) Identify core values and beliefs

Reflect on your core values, beliefs, and principles that guide your decision-making and actions. Then consider how these values align with the mission and values of the law schools you’re interested in. Also, consider how they inform your interest in pursuing a legal education.

3) Evaluate unique experiences and perspectives

Consider any unique experiences, perspectives, or backgrounds you bring to the table that may set you apart from other applicants. Reflect on how these experiences have shaped your perspective and how they contribute to your readiness for law school.

4) Seek inspiration from others

Talk to family members, friends, mentors, or advisors who know you well. They may offer valuable perspectives and help you uncover ideas you hadn’t considered.

5) Freewriting and mind mapping

Finally, set aside time for freewriting or mind mapping exercises. This is where you jot down ideas, memories, thoughts, and associations related to your interest in law school. Allow yourself to explore different angles and connections without judgment.

By engaging in these brainstorming strategies, you can generate a wealth of ideas and insights to inform your law school personal statement.

Final Thoughts – Law School Personal Statement with Examples

Well, you’ve analyzed the law school personal statement examples and the law school personal statement format. You understand the purpose of the personal statement and all the nuances it brings to your application. You know how to brainstorm. Now you’re ready to find your inspiration, choose your topic, and craft your story. Happy writing!

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Mariya holds a BFA in Creative Writing from the Pratt Institute and is currently pursuing an MFA in writing at the University of California Davis. Mariya serves as a teaching assistant in the English department at UC Davis. She previously served as an associate editor at Carve Magazine for two years, where she managed 60 fiction writers. She is the winner of the 2015 Stony Brook Fiction Prize, and her short stories have been published in Mid-American Review , Cutbank , Sonora Review , New Orleans Review , and The Collagist , among other magazines.

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I Got a Full-Ride to Law School Using This Personal Statement

Jack Duffley

Law school admissions certainly are intimidating, especially when it comes to the rather daunting task of writing a personal statement with no real prompt. Generally, law schools will ask for no more than two pages of basically whatever you would like to talk about.

However, there are a few well-established principles for writing a successful personal statement. Here are 4 principles, along with my own personal statement, to help you hit a home run:

The personal statement should only drive your application forward. If it is holding it back in any way, it is not ready.

Your personal statement should explain your interest or purpose for studying the law.

This does not have to be the backbone of the entire piece, but it should be at least mentioned somewhere. It should also avoid legal jargon and should not be some sort of showcase for legal knowledge. It also should not be a regurgitation of your resume. The committee will already have your resume, so the personal statement serves as a supplement to it.

Spend the time making your personal statement better.

To get a competitive offer from whichever law school you may be applying to, it all starts with a good application package. The admissions committee is going to want to see a good LSAT score , a strong GPA, some recommendations, and a well-written personal statement. That much is clear. Your personal statement may never feel like it is just right, but it can only become better with consistent time and effort spent drafting it again and again.

Research examples of well-written personal statements.

To get some ideas about what a good personal statement could look like, I did a preliminary search to read a few successful ones. The University of Chicago had a few essays posted on  their site  from admitted students that gave me a good point of reference. Although there is tremendous flexibility in writing the personal statement, it should not be so wacky as to discourage the admissions committee in your abilities as a writer or in your seriousness about attending law school.

Take advantage of the resources around you to make your statement the best.

For my statement, I went through a couple of potential concepts and decided to do one on my life’s motto. And, no, it was not some cliché that I pretended was my motto; I picked words that I truly lived by and continue to live by to this day. I spent many hours writing and rewriting my personal statement. Thankfully, I had the invaluable help of my roommate, who is a strong writer himself, and he gave me useful feedback on many of my drafts (I promised him a nice dinner if I ended up getting admitted with a full-ride to somewhere). When I got close to a final draft, I took it to my school’s writer’s workshop to have someone I had never met before read it aloud. It allowed me to hear where someone might misunderstand something so that I could make changes accordingly for the final product.

lsu law personal statement

Beginning in the spring, picking up in September, accelerating further in October, and finishing in November when I sent my applications out, the whole process produced something that I thought gave me a very strong shot at success. So here it is. Enjoy:

“Ball: outside!” declared the umpire.

“Come on now! Get ahead, stay ahead, kid!” demanded my coach.

I checked the sign: fastball. That pitch was just not there; I shook my head no. My catcher gave me the next sign: curveball. Yes, the get-me-over-curve, my signature pitch. I stepped back to begin my windup.

“Steeeeeriiike! One and one,” the umpire grunted.

“That’s the way, Duff! Just like that!” my coach exclaimed.

My catcher fired that ball back to me. I toed the rubber and focused on his signs: he flashed two fingers and motioned to the right—curveball, outside. I nodded affirmatively. He and I were on the same page. I began my windup again, picked up the leg, and spun my big overhand curve to the plate.

“Two! One and two.” The batter stood motionless as he watched my back door hook clip the outer edge of the strike zone.

“One more now, Duff! Come on, kid!”

The pitch count, or the current amount of balls and strikes in a given at bat, is perhaps the most impactful construct of baseball. After every pitch, the umpire declares it to be a ball or strike, subsequently adding it to the count. If the batter reaches four balls, he earns a walk, or a free pass to first base; if he gets three strikes, the batter is out. The batter’s goal is to reach a base before three strikes. The pitcher does everything that he can to stop that.

As I got the ball back, I knew I was in the driver’s seat. The batter was at a tremendous disadvantage and would have to react to my pitches on two strikes rather than just being able to lock in on one. I leaned in for the sign: one finger, right, up—fastball, high and outside. I liked it. Even though it was not my best pitch that day, I understood that I could still use it effectively to keep batters off balance since I was ahead. I stepped back into the windup and let the pitch fly.

The batter flailed at the pitch. “Three!” shouted the umpire, raising his fist in the air to call him out. He was sitting on the big, slow curveball and not the fastball, but he could not be selective because he was down in the count. On to the next one.

“Atta kid! That’s what happens when you get ahead!”

Get ahead, stay ahead.

While my organized baseball playing days may be over, that fundamental is still strong. A picture of all-star pitcher Max Scherzer hurling a baseball towards the plate sits above my desk with that same motto in bolded letters:  Get Ahead, Stay Ahead .

What does getting ahead provide? For one, it gives the peace of mind that comes with flexibility; there’s room to react in case something goes off course. In baseball, it gives the pitcher more room to work within the count because he has more options when the batter must play defensively. In short, he can do what he wants. One of the key differences between baseball and life, however, is that baseball has a simple, predetermined goal: score more runs than the other team! Life, on the other hand, allows for enormous flexibility in choosing a goal. Rather than be content with the usual four-year bachelor’s track, I pushed forward as hard as I could to graduate in three years. Many people are surprised when I tell them about my efforts to graduate early; they often wonder why I chose to accelerate my education. I usually explain that it saved me a significant amount of money while expanding my room for error. Most importantly, I tell them, by efficiently reorganizing my schedule, getting ahead actually  gave  me time to think.

The most successful people throughout history have all had an overarching goal, no matter how grand; with the time from getting ahead, I chose mine. Andrew Carnegie sought to provide affordable steel, Henry Ford wanted to create a universal automobile, and Elon Musk aims to put a city on Mars. After seeing their success, I think about how I can do the same. Simply put, I want to be a leader in sustainable real estate. More specifically, I want to make green living universal. Whenever I get the same surprised looks from this claim as when I tell someone that I am graduating early, I clarify that there are already some pioneers designing revolutionary apartments with trees planted on all of their floors, working to clean the air in polluted cities. Stefano Boeri, for example, has designed a thirty-six-floor building covered with trees on terraces jutting out from its sides, dubbed the “Tower of Cedars.” I want to take this premise further: my mission is to expand clean living to all, not just the elite who can afford it. The law is one of the most important tools that I will need to achieve this. The complexities of environmental and real estate law will be major challenges. Regardless, to lead the industry, I must get ahead. When I start my business, I will reflect on my experience in running the Trial Team as its president, the perspective on efficient business systems that I gained with American Hotel Register, and the tips that the CEO of Regency Multifamily shared with me for optimally running a large real estate firm, among many other things. But I will always be looking forward. While history shows that there are answers in the past, only the future knows them. Thankfully, controlling the present by getting ahead can make the future that much more certain.

I stepped back into the windup, again. As I drove off the rubber towards the plate, I extended out as far as I could to get as much control and power as possible. The big hook landed firmly over the outer third of the plate, right into my catcher’s mitt with a solid  phwump .

“Steeeeeriiike! Oh-and-one.”

“Atta kid!” My coach was elated to see my pitch command this inning.

Are you inspired to get ahead? Don’t you just feel a sudden urge to admit me into your program? Well thankfully, it made an impression on someone. I did my best to show my ambitions while showing a bit of my personality. The greatest risk that I took was that some of the baseball jargon may have been hard to understand for someone unfamiliar with the sport, but I made sure that it would not detract from the overall meaning of the piece. It served as a useful supplement to the rest of my application.

As of 2018, I am enrolled at Chicago-Kent College of Law with a full tuition scholarship. While it is no Ivy program, it is a respectable school with a strong regional reputation. The great thing about having the financial burden of law school off my shoulders is that I can now focus on getting the most out of my studies, rather than stress to figure out how I am going to pay off the debt that would have financed my education. And if it turns out that the program is not the best option for me, I can walk away with no financial strings attached.

The personal statement should only drive your application forward. If it is holding it back in any way, it is not ready. Keep it professional but do be creative and show the reader more of your personality than a resume alone would give. You are selling them your brand as a student, so do not let them gloss over your application without much of a thought.

Jack graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in May 2018 with a degree in Economics and History, and he currently works in property management while attending Chicago-Kent College of Law on a part-time basis. He hopes to use his law degree to enhance his career in commercial real estate and eventually lead sustainable large-scale real estate developments nationwide.

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Find helpful tools and gadgets

Because neurodivergent people often need visual prompts or sensory tools, it is helpful to figure out what works best for you. Maybe you need a quiet fidget to use under your desk in class to help you focus. Maybe you need to incorporate the use of timers throughout your day. If you struggle with time blindness, you can use hourglasses to help you visualize time. Perhaps you struggle with extraneous sounds and need to use noise-cancelling headphones. More and more tools and gadgets are being made for neurodiverse individuals that can help you throughout law school.

Find the best time to be productive

Society can dictate when you are supposed to be most productive. See the traditional 9-5 work schedule. However, that model does not always work best for neurodiverse individuals. Some people are not morning people, and that is fine. Figure out when you have the most energy during your day to be your most productive self.

Identify your organizational system

Find one system to use for organization and don’t change it. Trying too many organizational systems can become overwhelming. If your phone calendar works best, use that. If you are a list person, write all the lists. If you are a planner person, find the coolest one to use throughout the school year.

Write everything down

It would be nice to think that you can remember every task or deadline, but let’s be honest, that’s probably not true. Write down every deadline, every task, meeting, assignment, important date, etc. in the organizational system that you use.

Figure out your maximum focus time

Just like you can only put so much gasoline in a car, most neurodiverse individuals only have so much room in their focus tank. Figure out how long you can truly focus and apply yourself to a task before you need a break. That amount of time is typically shorter for neurodiverse individuals. If you can only truly focus for 20 minutes, study for 20 minutes, take a break, and then come back for another 20 minutes.

Find your friends

You may have started law school with your mind full of horror stories. Throw them out the window. Most of the people you attend law school with are genuinely kind and helpful people. Try to find a group or a couple of people that you can trust and lean on when necessary. Your law school friends can help you stay on task, body double, and even provide notes on the days you may be struggling. These friends can be one of your greatest assets throughout your law school journey.

Be honest with your professors

Only discuss your neurodivergence with your professors to the extent that you are comfortable. If there are things you are concerned about related to your neurodivergence, it can be beneficial to make your professors aware at the beginning of the semester. Whether you are worried about cold calling or need a topic broken down, most professors love opportunities to discuss their area of law! They can’t know that you may need help if you don’t let them know. This is especially important if you aren’t successful in getting accommodations from your school’s Disability Services.

Trust your methods

As a neurodivergent student, you may not fit the traditional mold of all the things a law student is “supposed to do” in order to be successful. You have been in school for years, and now is the time to trust yourself and not be afraid to be an “outside of the box” law student. There is no harm in trying new study methods, but never fear going back to your personal basics. If you need help figuring those out, see if your law school has a learning center or faculty member that can assist you.

Outlining with jury instructions.

  • On your Westlaw Precision home screen, click on Secondary Sources and then Jury Instructions .
  • On the Jury Instructions page, use the Jurisdiction filter to select your desired jurisdiction.
  • Search for your cause of action. (Ex. elements of libel in Federal Jury Practice & Instructions )
  • Open your relevant jury instruction and don't forget to check the related notes.
  • To see more instructions, check out the table of contents to your left or click on View Full TOC.

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Citation in a Click

  • Highlight the text you want to copy. Try it out with Miranda v. Arizona
  • Select "Copy with Reference" from the pop-up box.
  • Paste into your word document...and you're done!

Black's Law Dictionary

Don't guess the meaning of a legal term. know it., by using black’s law dictionary, exclusively on westlaw , you’ll know the meanings of key terms that will help you understand your cases faster, be prepared for cold-calls and beef up your class notes. 1. access black's law dictionary on westlaw., 2. type your term into the dictionary term box. (ex. demurrer ) if your term contains multiple words, place the terms in quotes. (ex. "rule against perpetuities" ), 3. open up your desired term, copy it and paste it into your notes., looking for some inspiration here are a few legal terms to get you started contracts - collateral estoppel - consequential damages civil procedure - minimum contacts - in personam jurisdiction torts - negligence - invasion of privacy criminal law - mayhem - wobbler, where can i learn more about a firm so i can ask good questions in an interview, news is an excellent source for learning about a firm. you’ll see the clients and matters they represent along with the accolades they earned from their communities. 1. click on news under “specialty areas” on your westlaw edge home screen., 2. start by trying a plain language search for your firm. (ex. gibson dunn crutcher ), 3. to up your search game, consider running a terms & connectors search with an index field. (ex. gibson /2 dunn /s crutcher & in(law lawsuit legal) ), start writing your brief without starting from scratch, what is a brief, a brief is a summary of a case in your own words that includes the key facts, procedural history, issues addressed, along with the court's holdings. how can i find a case on westlaw, cases on westlaw contain a synopsis, a summary of the main facts, issues and holdings of a case, and headnotes, summaries of points of law organizes by topic. you can locate cases on westlaw in a variety of ways. find by citation: if you know your case's citation, just type one of the citations in the search box. (ex. 113 sct 2217 ), find by party name: if you know the names of your parties, just start typing them in the search box and select corresponding case from the drop-down menu. (ex. international shoe).

lsu law personal statement

Note: If your case has common party names, you may need to enter more than one party.

Download your synopsis and headnotes: once you've pulled up your case, click on download under delivery options, select brief it under what to deliver and click on download..

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The right search terms can make a difference. Here is an easy way to come up with smart search terms.

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Rules, Codes & Restatements

Exporting tables of contents, exporting a table of contents is an easy way to get access to a list of rules, codes or restatements that you can reference on the fly and add to your outlines, as needed. locate your rules, codes or restatement: to export a toc (table of contents), you'll first want to locate your resource. restatement of torts restatement of contracts restatement of property federal rules of civil procedure ucc article 2 federal rules of evidence united states constitution, export your toc: click on download, select outline of current view under what to deliver and then click on download..

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Strengthen Your Interview Discussions with News

  • Search for a particular firm, attorney, or agency. (Ex. Kirkland and Ellis or Fourth Circuit )
  • Or select a specific practice area (Ex. Mergers & Acquisitions )

American Law Reports

Your go-to secondary source, finding an a.l.r. (american law reports) article covering your topic is a great starting point for research. you'll get a quick summary of the legal issue you're researching and a table of cases, laws, and rules to see the law across all jurisdictions. you can also use annotations to find additional secondary sources, such as legal encyclopedias, treatises, and periodicals. no wonder they're nicknamed already done legal research see it in action: the legal discussion to compensate student athletes is heating up. check out this alr article to see how the legal picture for tomorrow’s student athletes comes together in one place., keycite graphical history, procedural history made easy, are you reading a case and not sure how you got there procedurally reversed, remanded or otherwise, we got you. just sign into westlaw and follow the steps below... 1. grab one of the citations you see in your case book and type it into the search box on westlaw . (ex. 480 u.s. 102), 2. click on your case in the drop-down menu., 3. click on the history tab to see your procedural history., keycite graphical history works best when you have a federal case and a complex issue. check out some additional examples from your classes below. contracts - koken v. black & veatch const., inc. - lamps plus, inc. v. varela civil procedure - national equipment rental v. szukhent - helicopteros nacionales de colombia, s.a. v. hall torts - palsgraf v. long island r. co. - kentucky fried chicken of cal., inc. v. superior court, law school resource center, flowcharts, overviews & more..

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Step 1 - Create a New Class

Step 3 - invite your students, step 2 - assign lessons.

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Love Your Lawyer Day

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All the rules you need for class in one place.

Understand the procedural history of your case..

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Don't guess the meaning of a term. Know it.

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Copy the Code Below

You'll use this code to make a copy of the sample course.

Click on Copy Another Class

Go to the Knowledge Center and click on the Copy Another Class button.

Enter Your Copy Code

Enter your copy code in the Enter Class Copy Code box and click the Validate button.

4. Set Your Options

Change your course title, set your course dates and set your copy option to Assignments Only.

5. Click Copy Course

Click on Copy Course and you're all set to share your course with students.

1. Copy the Code Below

2. click on copy another class, 3. enter your copy code, set your options, click copy course, determining whether a federal court has subject matter jurisdiction over a non-class action case..

If the case arises out of the U.S. Constitution, U.S. laws, rules or regulations, or a treaty signed by the U.S., and the federal courts have exclusive jurisdiction, then the case must be litigated in federal court.

If the case does not arise out of the U.S. Constitution, U.S. laws, rules or regulations, or a treaty signed by the U.S., and there is not complete diversity between the plaintiffs and defendants (a.k.a they are both from different states or one is a citizen of a foreign country), then the case must be litigated in state court.

Restatement of Contracts 2d


(1) A counter-offer is an offer made by an offeree to his offeror relating to the same matter as the original offer and proposing a substituted bargain differing from that proposed by the original offer.

(2) An offeree’s power of acceptance is terminated by his making of a counter-offer, unless the offeror has manifested a contrary intention or unless the counter-offer manifests a contrary intention of the offeree.

Negligence Defined

Restatement (second) of torts 282.

In the Restatement of this Subject, negligence is conduct which falls below the standard established by law for the protection of others against unreasonable risk of harm. It does not include conduct recklessly disregardful of an interest of others.

Black’s Law Dictionary (10th ed.2014)

Demurrer: A means of objecting to the sufficiency in law of a pleading by admitting the actual allegations made by disputing that they frame an adequate claim. Demurrer is commonly known as a motion to dismiss.

(2) An offeree’s power of acceptance is terminated by his making a counter-off, unless the offeror has manifested a contrary intention or unless the counter-offer manifests a contrary intention of the offeree.

testing footnote

What is common law and is it written by the courts of law?

[ninja_form id=2]

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Please contact Technical Support at 800-850-9378 (WEST) or email [email protected] with questions about registration. For questions about PAC, please contact your Academic Account Manager.

Westlaw Academic Team

Negligence defined

Restatement (second) of torts § 282.

The Ultimate Guide To Crushing Your Law School Personal Statement

lsu law personal statement

By: Stephanie Ripley

So you’ve been rocking your GPA and doing your best in your coursework. You’ve also prepped as much as possible and knocked the LSAT out of the park (awesome!).

As we know from my previous blog post , the LSAT and GPA are the two most crucial components of your application.

Want to know the third? Yep, you guessed it: the personal statement. Let’s dive into why the personal statement is so important in the law school application process.

The Ultimate Guide To Crushing Your Law School Personal Statement  

Why does the law school personal statement matter.

Your GPA and LSAT score are just numbers. Important numbers, but numbers just the same. However, the personal statement is a different story. This is your opportunity to express yourself to the admissions committee about who you are and why you want to go to law school.  

The personal statement could make or break your application because it is your chance to tell your own personal journey to applying to law school. It’s also your ability to showcase your writing skills.  

Having strong communication skills will not only help you succeed in law school, but as a lawyer as well. Think of your personal statement as a case for yourself and the admissions committee as your judge.  

What Should a Law School Personal Statement Convey?

Law schools, unlike medical schools, typically do not conduct interviews, so that’s why there is such a strong weight put on your personal statement. It’s an opportunity for the admissions committee to get to know you personally outside of your numbers, determine whether you’d be a great fit for their incoming class, and understand the experiences that have led you to apply to law school.  

It’s also an opportunity to convey how obtaining a law degree is the next logical step in your career path. It should reflect on your past, present, and future while also highlighting your strengths and the qualities that you have to be a successful lawyer.

Law School Personal Statement Brainstorming

The hardest step is the first step, where you actually begin to write your personal statement. Yes, it can be completely overwhelming (I get it!). I don’t suggest sitting down with a goal of completing a draft on your first go-around. Your initial goal should be to brainstorm topics or ideas to possibly incorporate into your statement.  

How do you do that? Good question. I’ve listed some questions below that may help you in your brainstorming process.

Take a half hour to reflect on these questions and write about whatever comes to your mind (don’t worry about grammar, complete sentences, or punctuation):  

  • Have you volunteered anywhere? What did you do, and why did you choose that organization to volunteer at?  
  • Have you taken any coursework or had any experiences that inspired you to go to law school or study a particular area of law?  
  • When did you first think about becoming a lawyer?
  • Have you ever had to overcome any physical, emotional, or financial difficulties? Have you experienced any tragedies or illnesses? How has it made you more mature, and how have you grown from it?  
  • What personal accomplishment are you most proud of?
  • Is there a specific area of law that you want to go into? Why? What personal experiences made you want to pursue this field?
  • Have you ever had a professor, mentor, or supervisor change your life in a significant way?  
  • Have you ever “created” anything – a business, a class, or a volunteer organization? How has that challenged you?

Law School Personal Statement Outline

Once you’ve taken the time to brainstorm, you should start thinking about your outline and which anecdotes create the best storyline.

Remember, your personal statement is typically only two pages, double spaced, so you don’t have a lot of space to convey your journey (always check the requirements for each school you’re applying to). That’s why it’s helpful to take this process slow and produce numerous drafts.  

Introductory Paragraph: Lead with a Story

Remember, law school admissions committees review thousands of applications every cycle. Your first thought should be how are you going to draw the reader in without starting with a quote from your favorite poet (I don’t recommend that).

The story that you choose should just be a small component of the statement. The rest should reflect on how that story changed you, how it shaped you into the person you are today, and eventually, how that story has led you to applying to law school.  

Body Paragraphs (Most Likely Two Paragraphs):

Your body paragraphs should be focused and lead the reader into the bulk of your essay from your intro paragraph. Each paragraph should be relevant and contribute/support your main idea on what you want to convey to the reader.  

Remember the brainstorming exercises I mentioned above? Those will help you determine your angle for your statement and what makes you memorable. The committee wants to find out something about you beyond your resume, so the body paragraphs should identify something genuine and unique about your personality.  

As you write, remember to show, don't tell throughout your story. As you’re writing examples, focus on describing the situation and illustrating what you want the reader to learn about you in the end.  

Conclusion: Tie It All Together

Your reader is most likely reading thousands of essays throughout the application cycle and probably reading them fairly quickly. Your intro should draw the reader in, and your concluding paragraph should leave the reader with a clear sense on why you’re applying to law school. It should also bring the statement full circle.  

You want to leave the reader with a definitive understanding of your character and aspirations in law. It’s often difficult not to leave the reader with a cliche like “and that’s why I want to be a lawyer.” Let the writing come to you, and don’t try to force a concluding paragraph because that’s where most writers get tripped up.  

What Should You Do After You’ve Written Your First Draft?

Tip 1: read your statement out loud.

Are you able to find the flow within your writing? Do you get a clear sense of your personality? Do you sound genuine?  

You will also notice wording issues or small typos while reading it out loud. You want to avoid as many grammatical and spelling errors as possible.

Tip 2: Ask for Feedback

Have other people read through your statement in order to give you feedback on what is good and what needs to be improved. These people should be advisors, friends, or family members. You don’t want to have 20 people review it, as that may get confusing, but select 3 or 4 people you trust to give you constructive feedback.  

The two questions you should ask them while they’re reviewing the statement are:

1. Do you gain a good sense of who I am throughout the statement?

2. Do you understand why I want to go to law school after reading the statement?  

Tip 3: Rewrite Multiple Drafts

Once you’ve received feedback, you may have to do a major rehaul of the statement.  Remember to keep all of your drafts, since you may change something in one draft but ultimately return to that wording later on.  

Tip 4: Take a Step Back from the Writing

Writing your personal statement for law school is going to take time. Don’t expect to finish it over a weekend and be ready to press submit. This is going to be a long process, so start early!  

Once you receive the feedback and complete your rewrites, take a step back from the statement for a couple of days. You will have a fresh perspective on the statement once you revisit it.  

Frequently Asked Questions

Do i need to mention the school that i am applying to in the statement.

No. I’ve been to plenty of conferences as a pre-law advisor, and that is the number one mistake applicants make. “And this is why I am applying to Boston University School of Law…” when in actuality you just submitted your application to NYU.

Once you realize your mistake after you already submitted, there is nothing you can do about it. Omit the risk of making a mistake like this and don’t mention school names in your personal statement. It only adds to the stress of submitting your applications in a timely manner.  

How Long Should Your Personal Statement Be?

Typically, law school statements are around two pages, double spaced. However, be sure to read the directions carefully for each school that you are applying to. Some schools allow the statement to be longer or require a word count.

Also, each school’s prompt for the personal statement differs from school to school.  Make sure that you’re answering the prompt correctly. This does not mean that you will need to write eight different statements, but you may need to tweak your writing a bit for each school.  

Should I Mention What Type of Law I Want to Practice?

This is ultimately up to you (and you may wish to receive advice from an advisor). If you know full well that you’re going to law school because you strictly want to be an environmental lawyer, then it might be a good idea to focus your personal statement (or at least a small part of it) around your career goals.

However, if you’re unsure about your career goals after law school, that’s okay too.  You will focus your three years in law school on trying to figure this out through summer internships, externships, law clinics, and coursework.  

Another tip is that some schools may ask for an optional essay in order for you to address specific program interests. This would save you room in your personal statement to discuss other things about your experiences and your personality.  

Should I Discuss Blemishes on My Transcript or Disciplinary Actions?  

The personal statement is not the place to address any weaknesses within your application. You don’t want to draw extra attention to any weaknesses in your personal statement, only strengths.  

Most schools offer an optional addendum for you to address any academic weaknesses, disciplinary sanctions, or a low LSAT score. This is another question to bring to an advisor if you’re unsure.  

Have questions about how to write your law school personal statement in your admissions essays?

Feel free to email me at [email protected], and I’ll respond to you personally as soon as I can. If you want to discuss pre-law further, feel free to schedule your FREE introductory appointment with me, Stephanie .

Personal Statements

Because there is no formula for a strong personal statement, it is difficult to give advice on what you should do when drafting your statement. However, here are some things to try and avoid:

1. Avoid writing your complete autobiography.

Personal statements are typically two to three pages long, so if you try to discuss everything that happened to you since you were born, every life event will get only a sentence or two. When writing your personal statement, think of depth, not breadth. You want to be able to share enough detail that the admission professional reviewing your application will feel like they know you and can envision you as a part of their student body.

That is not to say that writing down all your significant life events is not an important part of the personal statement writing process. In the brainstorming stage, you should write down everything you think may be a possible topic, then set your list aside for a day or two. When you come back with fresh eyes, try to identify one or two related topics that you can use to write a compelling narrative.

2. Don’t write a biography of someone else.

When writing about someone who has inspired you to go to law school, whether it is a family member or a mentor, applicants often write compelling stories about that person and never turn the lens on themselves. Remember: You, not your mentor or your family member, are applying to law school.

If you write about a person who has inspired you, keep it brief and make sure to shift the lens back to you. Share the ways in which that person impacted your life. How did they inspire you? What do you want to change on their behalf? How did they impact the way in which you view the world?

3. Don’t narrate your résumé or transcripts.

Law schools will look at both these documents very closely, so you do not want to duplicate a story they will already be able to piece together themselves. If you are going to share a story about a class or a particular work experience, make sure you go deeper than what can be found elsewhere in your application. Remember, depth, not breadth!

4. Don’t submit an unpolished personal statement.

In addition to telling the admission committee what matters to you in your own voice, the personal statement is a writing sample. Make sure to edit it closely and ensure you have a compelling narrative, as well as correct spelling and grammar.


The Ultimate Guide to Writing an Outstanding Law School Personal Statement

Dazzle admissions with your legally awesome personal story, introduction.

Let's face it: you've spent countless hours studying and acing the LSAT, and now it's time for the pièce de résistance – the law school personal statement. This is your golden opportunity to showcase your personality, and put your best legal foot forward. But don't worry, this guide has got you covered. In no time, you'll be writing a personal statement that could put John Grisham's early drafts to shame.

If you're ready to convince law school admissions committees that you're the next Ruth Bader Ginsburg or Thurgood Marshall, then buckle up and get ready for a wild ride through the world of crafting the ultimate law school personal statement.

1. Know Your Audience: The Admissions Committee

First and foremost, remember that you're writing for the admissions committee. These are the gatekeepers of your future legal career, and they've read more personal statements than there are citations in a Supreme Court decision. To avoid becoming a legal footnote in their memory, keep the following in mind:

  • Be professional, but also relatable. You don't want to sound like a robot that's been programmed to spout legalese.
  • Avoid clichés like "I want to make a difference" or "I've always wanted to be a lawyer." Unless, of course, you've been dreaming of billable hours since you were in diapers.
  • Consider what makes you unique. Remember, this is your chance to stand out among a sea of applicants with equally impressive academic records and LSAT scores.

2. Choosing Your Topic: Make It Personal and Memorable

When it comes to choosing a topic for your personal statement, think of it as an episode of Law & Order: Your Life Edition. It's your moment to shine, so pick a story that showcases your passion, resilience, or commitment to justice. Consider these tips:

  • Use an anecdote. Admissions committees love a good story, especially one that shows your problem-solving skills or ability to navigate tricky situations. Just be sure not to end up on the wrong side of the law!
  • Reflect on a transformative experience. If you've had a life-changing event that led you to pursue law, share it! Just remember to keep it PG-rated.
  • Discuss a personal challenge you've overcome. Nothing says "I'm ready for law school" like demonstrating your resilience in the face of adversity.

3. Structure and Organization: Your Legal Blueprint

Now that you've chosen your topic, it's time to draft your personal statement. Like a well-organized legal brief, your statement should have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Consider the following tips for structuring your masterpiece:

  • Begin with a strong opening. Start with a hook that will capture the reader's attention and make them want to keep reading. Think of it as your own personal Miranda warning: "You have the right to remain captivated."
  • Develop your story in the body. This is where you'll expand on your anecdote or experience, and explain how it has shaped your desire to pursue a legal career. Remember to be concise and avoid meandering – this isn't a filibuster.
  • End with a powerful conclusion. Tie everything together and reiterate why you're the ideal candidate for law school. Just like a closing argument, leave the admissions committee convinced that you're the right choice.

4. Style and Tone: Finding Your Inner Legal Wordsmith

When it comes to your personal statement, you want to strike the perfect balance between professional and engaging. After all, no one wants to read a 500-word legal treatise on why you should be admitted to law school. To achieve this delicate balance, follow these style and tone guidelines:

  • Write in the first person. This is your personal statement, so own it! Using "I" allows you to convey your unique perspective and voice.
  • Keep it conversational, yet polished. Write as if you were speaking to a respected mentor or professor. Avoid slang, but don't be afraid to inject a bit of your personality into your writing.
  • Employ dry humor sparingly. A little wit can make your statement more enjoyable to read, but remember that humor is subjective. It's best to err on the side of caution, lest you inadvertently offend the admissions committee.
  • Be precise and concise. Legal writing is known for its clarity and brevity, so practice these skills in your personal statement. Aim to keep it between 500 and 700 words, as brevity is the soul of wit (and law school applications).

5. Revision: The Art of Legal Editing

It's been said that writing is rewriting, and this is particularly true for your personal statement. Once you've drafted your masterpiece, it's time to don your editor's hat and polish it to perfection. Follow these tips for a meticulous revision:

  • Take a break before revising. Give yourself some distance from your statement before diving into revisions. This will help you approach it with fresh eyes and a clear mind.
  • Read your statement out loud. This technique can help you catch awkward phrasing, run-on sentences, and other errors that might not be apparent when reading silently.
  • Seek feedback from others. Share your statement with trusted friends, family members, or mentors who can provide constructive criticism. Just remember, opinions are like law school casebooks – everyone's got one, but you don't have to take them all to heart.
  • Edit ruthlessly. Don't be afraid to cut, rewrite, or reorganize your statement. Your goal is to make your writing as strong and effective as possible, even if it means sacrificing a clever turn of phrase or an endearing anecdote.

6. Proofread: The Final Verdict

Before submitting your personal statement, it's crucial to proofread it thoroughly. Even the most compelling story can be marred by typos, grammatical errors, or other mistakes. Follow these proofreading tips to ensure your statement is error-free:

  • Use spell check, but don't rely on it entirely. Some errors, like homophones or subject-verb agreement issues, may slip past your computer's watchful eye.
  • Print your statement and read it on paper. This can help you spot errors that you might have missed on-screen.
  • Enlist a second pair of eyes. Sometimes, a fresh perspective can catch mistakes that you've become blind to after multiple revisions.

Crafting an outstanding law school personal statement may seem daunting, but with the right approach and a healthy dose of perseverance, you can create a compelling and memorable statement that will impress even the most discerning admissions committee. So go forth and conquer, future legal eagles! And remember, as you embark on your law school journey, may the precedent be ever in your favor.

lsu law personal statement

Tech-focused creator of LSD.Law. I built LSD while applying to law school. I saw unequal access to knowledge and built LSD to level the playing field and help applicants make thoughtful, well-informed decisions in the application process.

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LSAC - Law School Admission Council

Louisiana State University, Paul M. Hebert Law Center

The information on this page was provided by the law school.

Official Guide to ABA-Approved JD Programs


The Louisiana State University (LSU) Law Center was originally established as the Louisiana State University Law School in 1906, pursuant to an authorization contained in the university charter. In 1979, the Law Center was renamed the Paul M. Hebert Law Center of Louisiana State University. The Law Center holds membership in the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) and is on the approved list of the American Bar Association (ABA).

Library and Physical Facilities

The Law Center, constructed in 1936 and dedicated in 1938, has added extensive facilities since its original construction. Both buildings were vastly renovated over several years at a cost in excess of $17 million and were completed in 2004. The renovated complex provides classroom areas, seminar and discussion rooms, meeting areas, and a courtroom and Law Clinic. The Law Clinic is a self-contained legal services office located in the Law Center where students are certified to practice law pursuant to Louisiana Supreme Court Rule XX. Separate offices for student research and student activities, such as the  Louisiana Law Review , Moot Court Board, and Student Bar Association, are included in the facility. In addition to the standard Anglo-American legal materials, the library has substantial collections of foreign, international, and comparative law. It is also a selective depository for US government documents and Louisiana documents. Library resources include reading and discussion rooms, study carrels, an electronic classroom for research training, and wireless access throughout the building. Students also have access to other campus facilities, including the LSU Student Health Center, residential housing, and the Student Recreation Complex. The Law Center is located on the main campus of LSU in close proximity to the undergraduate campus and other units with which the Law Center has joint-degree or cocurricular programs.

LSU Law students are trained rigorously in the same common law and federal law subjects that are taught at other leading American law schools, leading to the award of the Juris Doctor degree. The curriculum also reflects the Law Center’s role as a curator of the civil law. Students interested in pursuing advanced study of the civil law may elect to pursue an optional Graduate Diploma in Comparative Law (DCL) by taking courses that offer an extensive comparison of the law under the two legal systems.

Study-Abroad Programs

As part of its mission of training its student body in both the American common law and the civil law that governs the majority of jurisdictions in the global community, the Paul M. Hebert Law Center develops and promotes study-abroad opportunities. These can take the form of summer programs, a semester abroad at a foreign institution, or international externships. These programs aim at enhancing participating students’ comparative legal skills and understanding of international law, promoting through life experience the understanding of foreign legal systems and cultures, and favoring contact and interaction with legal actors in different parts of the world. Studying abroad provides the students with a broader perspective from which to approach their legal education and future careers.

Currently, the Law Center has partnered with the following universities:

  • University of Essex *
  • Université Jean Moulin—Lyon III, France *
  • Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium
  • Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Como, Italy
  • Tilburg University, Netherlands *

South America

  • Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia
  • Universidad Austral, Buenos Aires, Argentina *
  • Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Lima, Peru
  • Pontifical Catholic University, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil *

* Indicates that the university offers classes in English.

Special Programs

A wide variety of courses afford each student the opportunity to participate in the preparation and trial of mock cases, both civil and criminal, and also to develop skills in legal negotiation and counseling. LSU Law sponsors and encourages student participation in national trial and appellate competitions throughout the school year.

In cooperation with the Center for Continuing Professional Development, the Law Center presents seminars, institutes, and conferences for practicing lawyers.

The LSU Law Center admits candidates for the Master of Laws (LLM) degree. This program is highly selective and admits students with exceptional ability.

The Admissions Committee considers many factors in reaching admission decisions. While the quantitative predictors of success in law school (performance on the LSAT and the undergraduate GPA of applicants) are heavily weighed factors in the admission decision, the Admissions Committee considers many other factors, such as the ability to analyze and write well, as demonstrated by the personal statement and the written portion of the LSAT; two letters of recommendation from teachers or others who can express an opinion on the applicant’s aptitude for the study of law; the rigor of the undergraduate program of study and grade trends; extracurricular activities; work experience or military service; social and economic background; and other evidence of an applicant’s aptitude for the study of law and likely contribution to academic and community life. A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university is required for admission.

Applicants are advised to take the LSAT in June, and no later than December, prior to the year in which they seek admission to the Law Center. The LSU Law Center admits students only in the fall and only for full-time study. There are no night courses offered. Transfer applications are considered.

Louisiana State University assures equal opportunity for all qualified persons without regard to race, color, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, marital status, or veteran’s status in the admission to, participation in, or employment in the programs and activities that the university operates.

Joint Programs

In addition to earning a JD/DCL, LSU Law students may also earn a Master of Mass Communication (MMC) degree through the LSU Manship School of Mass Communication, or a Master of Business Administration (MBA), Master of Public Administration (MPA), or MS in Finance, through the LSU E.J. Ourso College of Business. The combined-degree programs are typically completed in four years. Applicants must apply to each institution separately.

Student Activities

The  Louisiana Law Review  was established to encourage high quality legal scholarship in the student body, to contribute to the development of the law through scholarly criticism and analysis, and to serve the bar of Louisiana through comments and discussion of current cases and legal programs. It is edited by a board of student editors with faculty cooperation.

The  Journal of Energy Law and Resources (JELR)  is a student-edited academic journal focusing broadly on energy and its relationship to other areas of law. The JELR was created to promote the study of energy law and the effects of technological innovation on a local, national, and international level. Student editors are selected annually by considering participation in an annual write-on competition and academic performance, and all students interested in energy law are encouraged to participate in the competition.

The Louisiana Chapter of the Order of the Coif, a national honorary law fraternity, was established at the Law Center in 1942. Election to the Order of the Coif is recognized as the highest honor a law student may receive.

Because a large number of graduates of the Law Center go directly into practice, the LSU Law Center has an extensive Trial Advocacy Program in which moot court training is offered both for trial work and in appellate argument.

Students have an opportunity to be a part of more than 30 student organizations representing a variety of interests, including, but not limited to, the Public Interest Law Society (PILS), the International Law Society, the Federalist Society, the Black Law Students Association, the American Constitution Society, the Environmental Law Society, and the Tax Club.

All students at the Law Center are members of the Student Bar Association. This association promotes and coordinates student activities within the Law Center and serves as an instructional medium for postgraduate bar association activities.

Expenses and Financial Aid

The Admissions and Scholarship Committee automatically considers all admitted students for scholarship support. Scholarships range from $2,000 to full-tuition awards. Awards are offered to applicants whom the committee believes will best contribute to the academic and community life of the Law Center.

Student loans are available to help qualified students who need financial assistance to continue their education. Detailed information on all loan funds may be secured by contacting

LSU Office of Undergraduate Admissions and Student Aid 1146 Pleasant Hall Baton Rouge, LA 70803

Career Services

The Career Services Office is dedicated to enhancing the personal growth and professional opportunities for law students and alumni through individual counseling, workshops, and events. Employers from across the United States, including private law firms, governmental agencies, state and federal judges, nonprofit organizations, and corporations recruit students yearly from the LSU Law Center through visits to the campus, consortiums, and job fairs. More than 150 legal employers visit the school each year to recruit LSU Law Center students.

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Civil rights activist Sybil Morial, wife of New Orleans’ first Black mayor, dead at 91


Attorney Ernest Morial, right, speaks on the telephone as his wife, Sybil, looks on after he won an outright victory in his race for a House seat in the Louisiana Legislature, in New Orleans, Nov. 5, 1967. (AP Photo/Jack Thornell)

FILE - Attorney Ernest Morial, right, gets a hug from his wife, Sybil, after apparently winning an outright victory in his race for a House seat in the Louisiana Legislature, Nov. 5, 1967, in New Orleans. (AP Photo/Jack Thornell, File)

FILE - Sybil Morial, Edgar Chase III, artist Ernest M. English and Stella Reese Chase look at a historical marker honoring significant locations in the Civil Rights movement in New Orleans, outside Dooky Chase’s Restaurant on May 3, 2021. (Max Becherer/The Times-Picayune/The New Orleans Advocate via AP, File)

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NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Sybil Haydel Morial, a civil rights activist, widow of New Orleans’ first Black mayor, Ernest “Dutch” Morial, and mother to former Mayor, Marc Morial, has died at age 91.

Her family announced her death Wednesday in a statement issued by the National Urban League, which Marc Morial serves as president and CEO. Details on the time and cause of death were not released.

“She confronted the hard realities of Jim Crow with unwavering courage and faith, which she instilled not only in her own children but in every life she touched,” the statement said.

Morial was born Nov. 26, 1932, and raised by her physician father and schoolteacher mother in a deeply segregated New Orleans. She later met the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. in Boston and returned home inspired to do her part in the civil rights movement.

In her 2015 memoir, “Witness to Change: From Jim Crow to Empowerment,” Morial described how she and her friends, including the future mayor of Atlanta, Andrew Young, were chased out of New Orleans’ City Park by a police officer because of their skin color.

She attended Xavier University, one of the city’s historically Black higher learning institutions, before transferring to Boston University, where King was pursuing a divinity degree and guest-preaching at churches.


Later, while traveling home, she and other Black passengers had to move to the baggage car when the train crossed the Mason-Dixon line.

“The barricade that kept us out of schools, jobs, restaurants, hotels, and even restrooms would have to be dismantled brick by brick, law by law,” she wrote.

She was in Boston in 1954, the year the Supreme Court issued a landmark decision overturning racial segregation in schools.

“Those of us from the South ... We wanted to go back home because we wanted to be a part of change. We knew change was coming,” she said during a 2018 interview with Louisiana Public Broadcasting.

That summer, she tried to integrate New Orleans’ other leading universities -- Tulane and Loyola. She signed up for summer sessions at both, and attended classes for nearly a week at Tulane while they waited for her transcript to arrive from Boston, but was eventually told that she could not enroll because of her race.

At Loyola, she was told that “according to state law, Negroes cannot attend the same school as whites.”

Her return home in 1954 also brought her face-to-face with the man she would marry: Ernest Nathan “Dutch” Morial. The two fell into an intense discussion about the court’s recent desegregation decision during a summer vacation book club.

They wed the next year and she supported her husband thereafter, raising five children and teaching school while he ran for the state Legislature in 1968 and for mayor in 1978.

She was often the one who had to shield their children from the resulting racist threats, racing for the phone to answer it first.

During Morial’s first mayoral term, National Guard troops were stationed at their house to protect the family during the 1979 police strike that led to the cancellation of Mardi Gras parades.

Sybil Morial also became a city power player in her own right.

She founded the Louisiana League of Good Government, which helped Black people register to vote at a time when they still had to pass tests such as memorizing the Preamble to the Constitution. She also was a plaintiff in a lawsuit challenging a Louisiana law that barred public school teachers from being involved in groups fighting segregation, according to the LSU Women’s Center.

She held various administrative positions over 28 years at Xavier and served on numerous boards and advisory committees across the city.

“Few women have played such an outsized role in the recent history of New Orleans,” former Mayor Mitch Landrieu said in a social media post. Current Mayor LaToya Cantrell called Morial “a New Orleans treasure and trailblazer” and said the city’s flag would fly at half-staff in her honor.

As part of the 1984 World’s Fair in New Orleans, she championed the building of a pavilion dedicated to African American contributions and experiences in American history, and in 1987 she was the executive producer of “A House Divided,” a documentary about desegregation in New Orleans.

After her husband died unexpectedly in 1989 at age 60, Morial wrote that she briefly flirted with the idea of running for mayor in 1994. Instead, her son Marc, then 35, ran and won, launching a second generation of Morial mayors.

Funeral plans have not been announced. Sybil Morial is survived by her five children, seven grandchildren and a great-granddaughter.

Associated Press Writer Kevin McGill contributed to this story.



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  1. Checklist

    The personal statement is an opportunity to share your voice, perspective, and values. Why LSU Statement - All applicants must submit a Why LSU statement. In this statement you will describe how your goals overlap with LSU Law's mission and why you believe LSU Law, specifically, would be a good place for you to pursue your legal education.

  2. Frequently Asked Questions

    You may schedule a virtual meeting with a member of our Admissions team by filling out our scheduling form, or contact the Office of Admissions at 225/578-8646 or via email at [email protected] for more information.

  3. Pre-Law Personal Statement Program

    Pre-Law Personal Statement Program Registration. Join the Career Center and CxC to get an in-depth overview of how to write your personal statement for Law School. This series will provide an overview on the basics of a strong personal statement and allow you to have your first draft reviewed in a personalized, one-on-one environment.

  4. PDF Personal Statement and CV

    a. Take this statement seriously. Let your personality show in your statement but maintain a professional tone. This is a professional document. Any personal stories should be relevant to your journey to graduate school and appropriate for an academic setting. b. Keep the topics and language respectful.

  5. Requirements

    A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university is required for admission. Applicants must have good moral character. Good moral character includes honesty, trustworthiness, and other traits relating to the role of a lawyer in society and the legal system. Admission is contingent on the accuracy of information received.

  6. PDF Content Organization

    Writing a personal statement may seem like a daunting task. You had little trouble completing the application, requesting letters of recommendation, etc. Now it's time to tell the programs who you are and why they should include you in next year's class. The personal statement allows you to: • Introduce yourself to the reader.

  7. Admission to the Law Center

    The faculty of the LSU Law Center does not require nor recommend that a prospective student pursue a "pre-law" or "pre-professional" program of general studies. Nevertheless, the following guidelines are issued to assist those students contemplating enrollment at the LSU Law Center: ... Personal Statement - Each applicant is required ...

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  10. LSU Law

    In order to foster this environment and achieve its educational mission, the Law Center believes that substantial educational benefits can be achieved through an exceptionally academically qualified and broadly diverse student body with a rich cross-section of backgrounds, talents, experiences, and perspectives from the state, the nation, and ...

  11. 2 Law School Personal Statements That Succeeded

    The second essay is written by Cameron Dare Clark, a Harvard Law School graduate. Pishko says these two personal statements demonstrate the necessity of sincerity in an admissions essay. "It has ...

  12. Law School Personal Statement with Examples

    Here are the key objectives and functions of a law school personal statement: 1) Showcase your personal narrative. You can provide admissions committees with insight into who you are beyond your academic achievements and test scores. This essay allows you to share your personal narrative, experiences, values, and aspirations.

  13. I Got a Full-Ride to Law School Using This Personal Statement

    The admissions committee is going to want to see a good LSAT score, a strong GPA, some recommendations, and a well-written personal statement. That much is clear. Your personal statement may never feel like it is just right, but it can only become better with consistent time and effort spent drafting it again and again. Research examples of ...

  14. The Ultimate Guide To Crushing Your Law School Personal Statement

    Law School Personal Statement Outline Once you've taken the time to brainstorm, you should start thinking about your outline and which anecdotes create the best storyline. Remember, your personal statement is typically only two pages, double spaced, so you don't have a lot of space to convey your journey (always check the requirements for ...

  15. Personal Statement

    Personal Statements. Because there is no formula for a strong personal statement, it is difficult to give advice on what you should do when drafting your statement. However, here are some things to try and avoid: 1. Avoid writing your complete autobiography. Personal statements are typically two to three pages long, so if you try to discuss ...

  16. Frequently Asked Questions

    The personal statement is a good place to explain anything particular about your life experience and professional project. Can I have my letters of recommendations sent by email? The LSU Law Center requires three letters of recommendation (or two if you are nominated by your home university under a special program), but will accept up to four.

  17. Guide to Writing an Outstanding Law School Personal Statement · LSData

    Be precise and concise. Legal writing is known for its clarity and brevity, so practice these skills in your personal statement. Aim to keep it between 500 and 700 words, as brevity is the soul of wit (and law school applications). 5. Revision: The Art of Legal Editing.

  18. Louisiana State University, Paul M. Hebert Law Center

    The Louisiana State University (LSU) Law Center was originally established as the Louisiana State University Law School in 1906, pursuant to an authorization contained in the university charter. ... Committee considers many other factors, such as the ability to analyze and write well, as demonstrated by the personal statement and the written ...

  19. Resume

    Resumes, Cover Letters, & References. Application documents are your opportunity to showcase your qualifications and experience, highlight your personal brand, and showcase your ability to be career ready. Consider your documents as the first "interview"-you want to make a good first impression with employers and recruiters.

  20. Civil rights activist Sybil Morial, wife of New Orleans' first Black

    She also was a plaintiff in a lawsuit challenging a Louisiana law that barred public school teachers from being involved in groups fighting segregation, according to the LSU Women's Center. She held various administrative positions over 28 years at Xavier and served on numerous boards and advisory committees across the city.

  21. Juris Doctor and Optional Graduate Diploma in Comparative Law Admission

    The personal statement provides an opportunity for applicants to describe their personal and educational backgrounds. A Why LSU statement is required. In this statement you will describe how your goals overlap with LSU Law's mission and why you believe LSU Law is a good place for you to pursue your legal education.

  22. Pre-Law Personal Statement Program

    Pre-Health Personal Statement Program Registration. Join the Career Center to get an in-depth overview of how to write your personal statement for your health professional applications. This series will provide an overview on the basics of a strong personal statement and allow you to have your first draft reviewed in a personalized, one-on-one ...

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  24. Admission

    The LSU Law Center requires three letters of recommendation but will accept up to four. Letters of recommendation received after a fourth letter will not be reviewed. All letters must be in English. ... Personal statements can give the LLM Program Committee insight into your life experiences and accomplishments.

  25. PDF Personal Statement Prompt

    Here are examples of pre-writing prompts to help you brainstorm and form your personal statement content & structure. Option 1: Skills & Qualities. Personal Accomplishments: Community Involvement: Academic Accomplishments: Professional Experience/Research: Option 2: Storytelling.