Money vs Education: Which Is More Important? (Debate)

  • Post author: Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka ACMC
  • Post published: June 9, 2024
  • Post category: Scholarly Articles

Money or Education, Which is more Important? (Debate): So, which is more valuable: education or money? Which one should we concentrate on? This appears to be a simple question, but when we think about it, the answer is not that straightforward. Money and education are inextricably linked in our daily lives. On the one hand, money is what drives the majority of our lives.

We have to think about money in practically every decision we make. Education, on the other hand, cannot be overlooked since it provides us with the fundamental tools we require to live. Let’s weigh in on their relative importance and see if we can finally settle this age-old argument.

Money or Education, Which is more Important

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Table of Contents

Why Money is Important

Money is commonly said to be “ not the most important thing in the world.” However, for many individuals, it is right up there with oxygen in terms of significance. These aren’t necessarily materialistic individuals. They just recognize the genuine worth of money.

Essay about Money is more Important than Education

Money isn’t exciting on its own. What matters is what money can accomplish for you. You have more flexibility and options when you have money. When you have a strong salary or financial resources, you have the freedom to choose where and how you wish to live. When you don’t have much money, on the other hand, making choices may be something you can’t afford. In actuality, the choices available to you may not be choices at all.

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Undoubtedly, you’ll require money to meet your fundamental needs, which include food, clothes, and shelter. Because of a lack of funds, a poor individual is frequently forced to make compromises even on essential basic requirements. Moreover, medical expenditures nowadays consume a person’s whole life savings. Furthermore, one must have money to obtain an education, as the cost of school is quite expensive these days and is not likely to decrease anytime soon.

While money cannot purchase happiness, it may give you independence, stability, and the ability to follow your aspirations. As a result, money is unquestionably necessary for every excellent thing that provides us financial satisfaction.

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Why Education is Important

Today, education is more vital than ever before, and it has reached new heights as people have a better knowledge of what it comprises. If you ask yourself, “Why is education important?” your response will almost certainly not be the same as everyone else’s. While having a college degree is tremendously important for a successful profession and is socially acceptable in today’s culture, it is not the sole source of education. In everything we do, education is all around us.

Money is better than knowledge

Education may help you become the greatest, most complete version of yourself by allowing you to learn about what interests you, what you’re excellent at, and how to become self-aware and aware of the world around you. It can assist you in finding your position in the world and making you feel whole. Basic life skills and street smarts are built on the foundation of education. While education may appear to be a technical phrase, it refers to all we learn in life on how to live our lives to the fullest. When it comes to being creative in any manner, shape, or form, the mind can only achieve its full potential if it’s given the tools to think outside the box.

Education gives you a sense of stability in life, which no one can ever take away. You boost your prospects of greater professional options and create new doors for yourself by being well-educated. Education gives financial security in addition to stability, which is very important in today’s culture. An excellent education is more likely to lead to a higher-paying career and provide you with the necessary skills. It might provide you with the freedom to make your own decisions as well as be financially independent. Education has the potential to be the most liberating and empowering thing in the world.

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Money vs Education, Which is More Important

Money is required for basic expenses, but that is not the only requirement. Money helps us reach our objectives and support the things we care about most, such as family, education, health care, charity, adventure, enjoyment, and so on. It assists us in obtaining some of life’s intangibles, such as freedom or independence, as well as the opportunity to maximize our abilities and talents. It allows us to chart our path in life. It ensures financial safety. Much good may be accomplished with money, and unnecessary suffering can be prevented or eliminated.

Education, on the other hand, is essential for survival. Everyone needs education at some point in their lives to improve their knowledge, manner of life, and social and financial standing. Although it may not provide you with financial standing in society, a literate mind will undoubtedly set you apart. Education is amazing in that it is not restricted by age.

While money gives us the ability to make a difference in our own lives and the lives of others, it is impossible to obtain an education without it. The cost of education is quite expensive these days, and it will continue to rise in the near future. Education may be too expensive, particularly at private institutions and universities. While you don’t have to pay back your student loans until after you graduate, the payment will ultimately come due. Without funding, education would come to a halt.

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In a different light, money may be able to buy what you “ desire ,” but education helps you to realize what you “need” to live a better life. This is demonstrated by the numerous non-monetary advantages that may be obtained via education. Money may allow us to have more control over our lives, but it is education that allows us to contribute to society.  Although money is useful, an educated individual understands how to make money in the first place. Education has the potential to open up job opportunities.

With an education, you have the potential to earn more money than others who do not. Obtaining a degree might expand your options in some professions, allowing you to make more money. Many employers provide educational incentives to their workers. Anyone who stays up with current trends will always be able to make more money. If you are well educated, your chances of living in poverty are lower.

Furthermore, you cannot lose or be stripped of your education. Whatever happens, the lessons you’ve learned will be with you. Even if you lose a wonderful job, your degree and experience will assist you in finding work in the future. When a financial catastrophe strikes, you can’t lose what you’ve learned. Even if you become indebted due to unforeseen circumstances, your education will not be taken away from you.

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Nevertheless, much of the narrative about the benefits of going to college and having a degree is centred around the concept that if you have a degree, you’ll be able to make more money. For many people, education is only a means to an end, which is monetary gain.

Some believe, however, that if generating money is your primary incentive for pursuing a profession, you might explore trade schools and other qualifications that may help you earn a fair living. After all, while many people dismiss trade skills such as plumbing and electrical labour, these individuals may amass money more quickly than their more educated counterparts. We frequently read about people who have amassed enormous wealth while having had very little formal education. In fact, having a degree does not ensure that you will earn more since many people without a degree make more money than graduates.

Regardless, education will assist you in developing a decent character, a noble personality, and, above all, will help you become a better person. You will not only be able to make money with education, but you will also be able to efficiently use the money you have made to benefit yourself and others. Money is a slippery slope, but those who figure out what they genuinely value and match their money with those beliefs have the most financial and personal well-being. Education is necessary to become such a person. Never forget that knowledge is power.

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Money vs Education is a perennial debate. The common view of money and education in our lives has been emphasized in this article. Everyone, after all, has their unique point of view.

argumentative essay on education is better than money

Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka, ACMC, is a lawyer and a certified mediator/conciliator in Nigeria. He is also a developer with knowledge in various programming languages. Samuel is determined to leverage his skills in technology, SEO, and legal practice to revolutionize the legal profession worldwide by creating web and mobile applications that simplify legal research. Sam is also passionate about educating and providing valuable information to people.

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argumentative essay on education is better than money

Money is important but education is far more important cuz money is the root to all evil while education is power

argumentative essay on education is better than money

Money or education which is more important?

argumentative essay on education is better than money

Education is the best, only to those who value it and know how to make use of it Education can bring money, but money at the other side can never bring education Even, a renown people in this world are educated.

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DEBATE TOPIC: Money is Better than Education ( Support and oppose the motion)

In a world driven by ambitions and aspirations, the age-old debate of whether money holds more value than education continues to captivate minds. The juxtaposition of financial wealth and intellectual growth has sparked discussions across various platforms. But is it truly possible to determine if money is superior to education, or vice versa? In this comprehensive article, we unravel the complexities of the “DEBATE TOPIC: Money is better than Education,” examining different viewpoints, considering real-world scenarios, and providing valuable insights.

DEBATE TOPIC: Money is Better than Education

The significance of financial wealth.

Financial Success and Happiness: Is There a Direct Correlation?

It’s often said that money can’t buy happiness, but it undeniably provides a sense of security and comfort. People with substantial financial resources have access to a better quality of life, including healthcare, leisure, and experiences that can contribute to their overall happiness.

The Pursuit of Material Possessions

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Acquiring Luxuries vs. Intellectual Enrichment

In a materialistic society, possessing luxurious items can be perceived as a symbol of success. However, focusing solely on material possessions might overlook the intellectual and emotional growth that education brings. Education cultivates critical thinking, empathy, and personal development.

Immediate Financial Gains

Entering the Workforce Early vs. Prolonged Educational Endeavors

Choosing a lucrative job over higher education can lead to early financial independence. However, education offers long-term benefits by expanding career opportunities, potentially leading to higher-paying positions in the future.

Investment in Financial Ventures

Entrepreneurial Ventures vs. Formal Education

Some individuals argue that direct investment in business ventures can yield higher returns compared to investing time and money in education. While entrepreneurship has its merits, education provides a broader skill set that can contribute to success in various endeavors.

Addressing Basic Needs

Satisfying Needs and Wants through Money

Money ensures access to basic necessities such as food, shelter, and clothing. It can also fulfill desires for travel, entertainment, and other experiences that contribute to a fulfilling life.

The Power of Knowledge

Intellectual Growth and Empowerment through Education

Education empowers individuals with knowledge, enabling them to make informed decisions, contribute meaningfully to society, and drive positive change. Intellectual growth enriches lives in ways that money cannot.

Breaking Barriers

Social Mobility through Wealth vs. Education

While financial wealth can provide opportunities, education remains a powerful tool for breaking the cycle of poverty. Quality education equips individuals with skills to pursue diverse careers and overcome socioeconomic limitations.

Managing Life’s Challenges

Coping with Adversities with Money and Education

Both money and education offer different forms of support during challenging times. While money provides immediate solutions, education equips individuals with problem-solving skills to navigate difficulties effectively.

Lifelong Learning

Continuous Personal Growth vs. Financial Gains

Education fosters a culture of lifelong learning, enabling personal and professional growth over time. The pursuit of knowledge enhances cognitive abilities, adaptability, and overall fulfillment.

Achieving Dreams

Turning Aspirations into Reality through Money and Education

Money can finance dreams and aspirations, but education equips individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to turn those dreams into reality. Education often lays the foundation for achieving long-term goals.

FAQs about the Debate: Money is Better than Education

Q: Can money truly buy happiness? A: While money provides comfort and security, genuine happiness stems from a balance between material well-being and emotional fulfillment.

Q: Is education only about academic achievements? A: Education encompasses not only academic learning but also personal growth, critical thinking, and the development of life skills.

Q: How does education contribute to social progress? A: Education empowers individuals to challenge norms, innovate, and contribute positively to society’s growth and development.

Q: Can financial wealth alone guarantee success? A: Financial wealth provides a head start, but success often requires a combination of financial resources, hard work, and the right skills.

Q: Is entrepreneurship a substitute for formal education? A: While entrepreneurship offers unique opportunities, formal education provides a well-rounded skill set that enhances one’s chances of success.

Q: Can education alone break the cycle of poverty? A: Education plays a crucial role in offering individuals a path to upward mobility, although systemic challenges must also be addressed.

Conclusion: Striking a Balance

In the riveting debate surrounding the value of Money is Better than Education, it becomes apparent that both factors hold immense significance in different contexts. While money can provide comfort, financial stability, and the means to pursue dreams, education enriches lives, empowers minds, and paves the way for personal and societal growth. Rather than viewing these elements as mutually exclusive

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10 Reasons Why Education is Better than Money

Henry Divine Leave a comment

10 Reasons Why Education is Better than Money

Table of Contents


Like I’ve hinted already, the debate topic I intend to discuss in this article is, “Education is Better than Money.” It is a very popular and controversial debate topic. Because of this, many organizers of debating competitions in primary and secondary schools like to feature the topic. Education and money are two words that resonate deeply with students, regardless of their socio-economic background.

Beyond writing and presenting debate speeches, students may also be required to write argumentative essays on this topic in their English or Literacy examination.

But is education really better than money? How does it feel having a lot of money without having the ability to read and write?

This post is exploring this controversial topic just make resources available for students to reference whenever they need to.

In the next sections, I will do some definition of terms i.e. education and money. Thereafter, we will find out why we are making the comparison in the first place.

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What is Education?

Education is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes through various means such as teaching, training, or study. It helps individuals develop their potential, understand the world around them, and contribute positively to society.

There are several types of education, including formal education, informal education, non-formal education and so on.

Formal education is the structured education that follows a prescribed curriculum. It is the type of education that is provided in schools, colleges, and universities. Informal education, on the other hand, is the type of education that occurs outside of formal settings, such as learning from family, community, or personal experiences. Non-formal education is also organized but does not follow the traditional schooling system. Examples include vocational training programs and workshops.

What is Money?

Money is a medium of exchange that people use to buy goods and services. It comes in various forms like coins, banknotes, or digital currency, and it holds value that can be traded for things we need or want.

Beyond the function of money as a medium of exchange, it also serves as a store of value. This means that it can be saved and used in the future. So, instead of having to trade goods or services immediately, people can store their wealth in the form of money and access it later when they need it.

Why the Comparison Between Education and Money?

You might be thinking that education and money are two distinct concepts, and therefore wondering the basis for comparison.

But the truth is that money and education share similarities in terms of their value, importance, and impact on individuals and society.

We need to know which of education and money provides better opportunities for individuals to improve their circumstances and move up the socio-economic ladder.

Just as people invest money to grow their wealth, they also invest in education to enhance their future prospects. Looking at both as investments, we need to know the one that has more potential for long-term returns.

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Difference Between Education and Money

Still on the comparison between education and money, I will be looking at the contrasts in different aspects of the two concepts.

The differences will highlight the distinct nature and roles of education and money in society.

Take a look at the table below:

Aspect Education Money
1. Definition Process of acquiring knowledge, skills, and values Medium of exchange and store of value
2. Form Intangible Tangible
3. Acquisition Attained through learning and experience Acquired through earning, inheritance, or other means
4. Portability Cannot be physically transferred Can be easily transported or transferred
5. Limitations Unlimited potential for growth and development Finite and subject to availability and supply
6. Ownership Cannot be owned or possessed in the same way as money Can be owned and possessed by individuals or institutions
7. Inheritance Cannot be inherited directly Can be inherited or passed down through generations
8. Impact Enhances personal growth, skills, and opportunities Facilitates transactions and economic activity
9. Value creation Adds value through knowledge and skills Represents value created through labor or assets
10. Role in society Promotes social development, innovation, and progress Facilitates economic exchange and commerce

The table above shows us the basic and foundational differences between education and money. In other words, we see that the nature and roles that education and money play in the society are distinct.

Now let’s find out the reasons why some people believe that education is better than money.

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Education vs Money Quotes

“While money can buy you things, education can buy you experiences and opportunities.” – Unknown “A penny saved is a penny earned, but a penny invested in education yields dividends for a lifetime.” – Unknown “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” – Malcolm X “The only thing more expensive than education is ignorance.” – Benjamin Franklin “Money can buy you a good education, but it can’t buy you wisdom.” – Unknown “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela “The best investment you can make is in yourself through education. It will pay dividends for the rest of your life.” – Unknown “While money can buy you things, education can buy you experiences and opportunities.” – Unknown

Reasons Why Education is Better than Money

When people claim that education is better or more valuable than money, they have several reasons for making such claim. In this section, I will give you some of those reasons.

Firstly, when someone is educated, they acquire knowledge and skills that can last them a lifetime. But when all that one has is lots of money, they can spend and depleted it any time.

Unlike money, which can fluctuate in value, education serves as a stable foundation for personal and professional growth. It opens doors to opportunities and advancements in various fields. Educated individuals have better job prospects, higher income potential, and greater career satisfaction.

Money is good but education is better because it fosters personal development and fulfillment. Education leads to self awareness and discovery, and also encourages critical thinking and creativity. All of these contribute to empowering people lead fulfilling lives and make meaningful contributions to society. Yes, money can provide temporary comfort and convenience, but true happiness always comes from personal growth and fulfillment.

It is education and not necessarily money that promotes social mobility and equality. People can achieve success regardless of their background or financial status if they acquire the necessary tools and resources via education.

Finally, education is better than money because it offers long-term benefits that go beyond financial gain. Yes, money is essential for meeting basic needs and enjoying the comforts of life, but it is education that truly enriches lives and empowers people to attain their full potential.

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1. Education empowers individuals

Life is full of challenges, obstacles and uncertainties. For individuals to successfully navigate through life, they need knowledge, skills, and even confidence. Education empowers individuals with these paraphernalia and enables them to pursue their goals effectively.

2. Education fosters personal growth

Success and fulfillment in life depend on personal growth and development. Nothing fosters personal growth and development like education. It is education that helps individuals to discover themselves and become aware of their potentials. More so, education nurtures critical thinking and creativity so that individuals can become all that they can be.

3. Education has long-term value

Unlike money, which can fluctuate in value, be spent or even lost, education offers lasting value that cannot be taken away. It lays the foundation necessary for lifelong learning and continuous improvement.

For example, individual A decides to invest in education by going to the university and acquiring specialized skills. Later, he enjoys the benefits of career advancement, job satisfaction, adaptability, and so on.

Individual B decides to focus solely on accumulating money without investing in education. Later, he will have limited opportunities and be vulnerable to economic changes.

4. Education promotes social mobility

Education promotes social mobility and equality by opening doors to opportunities, regardless of one’s background or financial status. It levels the playing field and empowers individuals to overcome barriers and achieve unlimited success.

5. Education fosters versatility

Money can provide comfort and convenience to the owner as long as it’s available. But education is what equips individuals with versatile skills and knowledge they can use in various contexts and industries. This makes them to be able to adapt easily wherever they find themselves.

6. Education fuels innovation and progress

Genuine education nurtures curiosity, creativity, critical thinking and problem-solving skills. These engender innovation and progress in the society because they inspire individuals to challenge the status quo and contribute to positive change.

7. Education leads to self-sufficiency

When an individual is educated, they can be self-sufficient. In other words, they can rely on their own abilities and resources to thrive and succeed. This reduces dependence on external factors such as financial wealth or social connections.

8. Education promotes better health and well-being

When people are educated, they become aware of healthy behaviors, how to prevent diseases, and how to access healthcare resources. They are also able to make informed decisions about their well-being, making them to lead healthier lives.

But this is not the case when people just amass wealth without education. Even with their money, they are ignorant about healthy behaviors, disease prevention, and access to the right healthcare resources.

9. Education encourages social contribution

In countries with multiple ethnic groups and cultural diversity, education plays a crucial role of instilling values of tolerance, acceptance, empathy and compassion. With greater understanding of the need for synergy of people’s mental resources and skills for the actualization of societal goals, different groups can work together.

Education also encourages civic engagement and social responsibility in individuals with the knowledge and skills, making them willing to contribute positively to their communities and address societal issues.

10. Education leaves a lasting legacy and impact

Education leaves a lasting legacy and impact beyond monetary wealth. It shapes future generations and influences cultural norms. More so, it advances human progress and leaves a positive imprint on society for years to come.

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Education is Better than Money Debate & Essay Samples

Sample 1: a debate to support the motion which states that education is better than money.

Good day the moderator, panel of judges, fellow debaters, and my audience.

Today, I stand before you to support the motion that education is better than money. While money may seem like the key to happiness and success, I firmly believe that education holds far greater value and significance in our lives.

Firstly, education is the foundation upon which we build our future. It equips us with knowledge, skills, and abilities that last a lifetime. With those, we can pursue our passions, achieve our goals, and contribute meaningfully to society. Money, on the other hand, can come and go, but the knowledge and skills gained through education stay with us forever.

Secondly, education opens doors to opportunities that money cannot buy. It levels the playing field, allowing individuals from all backgrounds to access the same resources and pursue their dreams. Regardless of one’s financial status, education provides a pathway to success, enabling us to overcome obstacles and reach our full potential.

Furthermore, education fosters personal growth and development. It encourages critical thinking, creativity, and self-discovery, shaping us into well-rounded individuals with a deeper understanding of the world around us. While money may offer temporary comforts and luxuries, true fulfillment comes from the knowledge and wisdom gained through education.

Moreover, education promotes social mobility and equality. It empowers individuals to break free from the cycle of poverty and inequality, offering them a chance to build a better future for themselves and their families. By investing in education, we invest in the future of our society, creating opportunities for all members to thrive and succeed.

In conclusion, education is indeed better than money. It enriches our lives, expands our horizons, and empowers us to make a positive impact on the world. Let us not underestimate the power of education and continue to invest in our most valuable asset for the betterment of ourselves and future generations.

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Sample 2: A Debate to Oppose the Motion Which States that Education is Better than Money

Today, I am here to oppose the motion that education is better than money. While education is undoubtedly important, I argue that money holds its own significance and plays a crucial role in our lives.

Firstly, money is essential for meeting our basic needs and providing for ourselves and our families. It enables us to afford food, shelter, clothing, and other necessities that are fundamental to our well-being. Without money, we would struggle to survive and thrive in today’s society.

Secondly, money offers opportunities and access to resources that education alone cannot provide. It allows us to invest in our businesses, pursue our passions, and explore new opportunities for growth and success. While education may open doors, it is often money that allows us to walk through them and seize the opportunities that come our way.

Furthermore, money provides a sense of security and stability in an uncertain world. It allows us to plan for the future, save for emergencies, and protect ourselves against unforeseen circumstances. While education may enhance our skills and knowledge, it is money that provides the means to secure our future and ensure financial stability.

Moreover, money has the power to make a positive impact on the lives of others. Through charitable donations, philanthropy, and social initiatives, money can be used to support worthy causes, uplift communities, and create positive change in the world. While education may empower individuals, it is money that has the potential to transform lives and make a difference on a larger scale.

In conclusion, while education is important, it is not necessarily better than money. Both education and money serve important roles in our lives, and it is essential to recognize the value of both. Let us not underestimate the significance of money and continue to strive for a balance between education and financial well-being.

Sample 3: An Argumentative Essay on the Topic, “Education is Better than Money”

Education is better than money because it gives us knowledge and skills that last a lifetime. While money can buy things, education helps us understand the world around us and makes us smarter. With education, we can learn new things, solve problems, and make good decisions.

One reason why education is better than money is that it opens doors to opportunities. When we have a good education, we can get better jobs and earn more money in the long run. Education helps us build a better future for ourselves and our families.

Another reason why education is important is that it helps us grow as people. When we learn new things, we become more confident and independent. We can think for ourselves and make our own choices. Education teaches us how to communicate effectively, work well with others, and be responsible members of society.

Furthermore, education is the key to social mobility. It gives people from all backgrounds a chance to succeed and improve their lives. With education, we can break the cycle of poverty and create a better future for ourselves and our communities.

In conclusion, while money is important, education is better because it gives us knowledge, opens doors to opportunities, helps us grow as people, and promotes social mobility. By investing in education, we can build a better world for ourselves and future generations.

Final Thoughts

While both education and money are valuable assets in life, it is clear that they serve different purposes and hold distinct importance. That is why one can successfully argue for or against any of them in a debate.

Education provides knowledge, skills, and personal growth opportunities that enrich our lives and empower us to succeed. On the other hand, money offers financial security, access to resources, and opportunities for advancement.

Therefore, instead of seeing education and money as competing priorities, let’s rather recognize the complementary roles they play in our lives. By investing in education and managing money wisely, we can achieve a balanced and fulfilling life that encompasses both personal growth and financial stability. Ultimately, the key lies in leveraging both education and money to pursue our goals, contribute to society, and lead meaningful lives.

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argumentative essay on education is better than money

Why money matters for improving education

Subscribe to global connection, emiliana vegas emiliana vegas former co-director - center for universal education , former senior fellow - global economy and development.

July 21, 2016

For at least four decades, economists have analyzed the relationship between per student spending and learning outcomes across the United States and, more recently, across countries around the world. In 1996, as a result of a Brookings conference, the influential book “Does Money Matter?: The Effect of School Resources on Student Achievement and Adult Success ” was published, edited by economist Gary Burtless and with contributions from several well-known economists. The book focuses on the puzzle between research evidence from the U.S. that found that more resources did not necessarily result in improved student achievement and evidence showing that students who attend well-resourced schools end up having better outcomes later in life than students who attend poorly-endowed schools.

Indeed, a simple correlation analysis using cross-country data suggests that there is at best a weak relationship between student achievement and education spending. In other words, when comparing per pupil spending and average learning outcomes per country, we find that countries with similar levels of spending per student also show enormous differences in how much their students learn. Figure 1 shows the simple correlation between mean scores in math in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) Program for International Student Assessment, or PISA, and per pupil spending in secondary education for each of the countries that participated in PISA 2012. It is easy to see that students in countries like Qatar and Singapore, which spend similar amounts of dollars per student, achieve vastly different PISA math scores.

Figure 1: Per pupil spending and mean math scores in PISA 2012, by country

figure 1 vegas

Source: Vegas and Coffin, 2015 .

Working in developing countries throughout my career, I was always struck by the weak relationship between spending and outcomes. While, it was clear that differences in student learning between countries with similar spending levels, such as Qatar and Singapore, support the leading argument that how money is spent in education is more important than how much , I wondered whether this was only  the case for countries that spend above a minimum level—a level that guarantees a minimum standard of basic inputs to ensure adequate learning opportunities for all.

Could in fact countries that spend little on education achieve good learning outcomes by simply spending more efficiently?

With my colleague Chelsea Coffin, I set out to explore the relationship between per pupil spending and learning, particularly in developing countries that spend much lower levels in education than do OECD countries. To do this, we separated countries that have participated in PISA into two groups based on their level of per pupil expenditure: a low-spending group, comprised of countries that spend less than a certain threshold per student; and a high-spending group, which included the countries that spend more than that threshold. Then, we designed separate regressions to estimate the relationship between spending and student learning (as measured by PISA) within these two groups of countries. We wanted to see if, among the low-spending group, more spending is associated with higher outcomes. Additionally, we wanted to estimate the per pupil spending level at which more money no longer can be associated with higher learning outcomes.

Put simply, our underlying hypothesis was that if Haiti only spends $100 per student, common sense suggests that it cannot reach the average learning levels of OECD countries that spend much more per student. However, does the country need to increase spending to the U.S. level ($11,732) or Finland’s level ($9,353) in order for their students to be able to learn the basic skills necessary compete in today’s global economy?

Our findings, reported in the Comparative Education Review suggest that, when education systems spend above $8,000, the association between student learning and per student spending is no longer statistically significant. Therefore, we find a threshold effect after this level of resources is met, indicating a declining relationship between resources and achievement at high levels of expenditure (consistent with other recent literature). This can be seen in Figure 2, where there is a positive relationship between student learning and per pupil expenditure among the low-spending countries (below $8,000 per student), but a flat relationship among high-spending countries.

Figure 2: Per student expenditures and mean math scores, separating low- from high-spending countries

figure 2 vegas

One interpretation of our analysis, consistent with prior studies, is that efficient spending is more important among systems that already provide the basic inputs necessary for a quality education (as measured by their average spending per pupil). High spenders might also spend more on programs that compensate for students with disadvantaged backgrounds, helping mitigate inconsistent gains in test scores or proficiency. But when low spenders increase expenditure, it may be used to establish basic conditions or increase quality to a minimum standard, although efficient use of these resources may also be a constraint to achieve high levels of learning for all.

Our findings are also important in light of another strand of the economics literature. Research on the factors that explain differences in student learning has empirically demonstrated that, from the school side, high quality teachers (as measured by teachers’ capacity to generate learning in their students, or teacher value-added) are the most important determinant of student learning (See Hanushek 2011 , Hanushek and Kain 2012 , and Chetty et al 2014a and 2014b ). Influenced by this evidence, international organizations have prioritized attracting, motivating, and retaining talented teachers as a means to improving learning outcomes. And, like in any other profession, compensation matters. Unfortunately, only in a few countries is teaching a truly competitive career for talented professionals.

In short, improving education outcomes in Latin America and the Caribbean requires more and better investment. These countries still need to increase overall spending for education in order to provide the basic learning inputs to students. More importantly, in too few if any countries in Latin America is teaching a valued profession that attracts the most talented individuals. While some countries have introduced bold reforms to improve teaching conditions, attract better professionals, and set up teacher evaluation systems to guide teaching practices, much more remains to be done to ensure that all Latin American students have access to effective teachers. 

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Argumentative Essay: The Benefits of Going to School

Many young people see going to school as a chore and only go because they absolutely have to, while some will even skip school because they see it as boring and unnecessary. However, going to school is incredibly important for your career, future education you may wish to pursue, and social and communication skills.

Teenagers are forever being told that they need a good education so that their can have the career they want, but many do not listen. However, it is important to remember that your schooling, no matter how long it may feel, lasts for a just a few short years compared to the rest of your life ahead of you. Therefore, it is better to sacrifice a little bit of fun now so that you can find happiness in later life, as you will be happier if you can do a job that you enjoy and afford to do the things you want.

Integrally linked to your career is the fact that you will only be able to achieve a higher level of education later on if you work hard in school now. Although at the age of fourteen and fifteen many young people may not think they want to go to college or university, you don’t know how this may change as you get older. And with unemployment among young people in the USA at its highest since the early 1960’s, you may find that you need a college degree to secure a good job because there is so much competition for so few jobs. Many people also decide that they want to study further when they get a bit older, perhaps after they have got married and had children, sometimes because they want a career change as they are not happy, or just to prove to themselves and others that they can do it. Those that don’t succeed in compulsory education will not have the opportunity to even start many courses because there will be plenty of better-qualified candidates that also want a place.

Finally, school is the place where you learn a great deal of very important life skills. From communicating and empathizing with people of both genders and different ages, to listening to instructions and following orders, and developing leadership skills. It is not a coincidence that there is a negative correlation between criminal offences and level of education, in all races, ages and genders all over the world, and one of the main reasons for this is that the lessons that are learnt in school are so much more than just academic. So, although most of us only consider our career when we think about what school may do for us, the life skills we learn are equally important.

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How to Write an Argumentative Essay | Examples & Tips

Published on July 24, 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on July 23, 2023.

An argumentative essay expresses an extended argument for a particular thesis statement . The author takes a clearly defined stance on their subject and builds up an evidence-based case for it.

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When do you write an argumentative essay, approaches to argumentative essays, introducing your argument, the body: developing your argument, concluding your argument, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about argumentative essays.

You might be assigned an argumentative essay as a writing exercise in high school or in a composition class. The prompt will often ask you to argue for one of two positions, and may include terms like “argue” or “argument.” It will frequently take the form of a question.

The prompt may also be more open-ended in terms of the possible arguments you could make.

Argumentative writing at college level

At university, the vast majority of essays or papers you write will involve some form of argumentation. For example, both rhetorical analysis and literary analysis essays involve making arguments about texts.

In this context, you won’t necessarily be told to write an argumentative essay—but making an evidence-based argument is an essential goal of most academic writing, and this should be your default approach unless you’re told otherwise.

Examples of argumentative essay prompts

At a university level, all the prompts below imply an argumentative essay as the appropriate response.

Your research should lead you to develop a specific position on the topic. The essay then argues for that position and aims to convince the reader by presenting your evidence, evaluation and analysis.

  • Don’t just list all the effects you can think of.
  • Do develop a focused argument about the overall effect and why it matters, backed up by evidence from sources.
  • Don’t just provide a selection of data on the measures’ effectiveness.
  • Do build up your own argument about which kinds of measures have been most or least effective, and why.
  • Don’t just analyze a random selection of doppelgänger characters.
  • Do form an argument about specific texts, comparing and contrasting how they express their thematic concerns through doppelgänger characters.

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argumentative essay on education is better than money

An argumentative essay should be objective in its approach; your arguments should rely on logic and evidence, not on exaggeration or appeals to emotion.

There are many possible approaches to argumentative essays, but there are two common models that can help you start outlining your arguments: The Toulmin model and the Rogerian model.

Toulmin arguments

The Toulmin model consists of four steps, which may be repeated as many times as necessary for the argument:

  • Make a claim
  • Provide the grounds (evidence) for the claim
  • Explain the warrant (how the grounds support the claim)
  • Discuss possible rebuttals to the claim, identifying the limits of the argument and showing that you have considered alternative perspectives

The Toulmin model is a common approach in academic essays. You don’t have to use these specific terms (grounds, warrants, rebuttals), but establishing a clear connection between your claims and the evidence supporting them is crucial in an argumentative essay.

Say you’re making an argument about the effectiveness of workplace anti-discrimination measures. You might:

  • Claim that unconscious bias training does not have the desired results, and resources would be better spent on other approaches
  • Cite data to support your claim
  • Explain how the data indicates that the method is ineffective
  • Anticipate objections to your claim based on other data, indicating whether these objections are valid, and if not, why not.

Rogerian arguments

The Rogerian model also consists of four steps you might repeat throughout your essay:

  • Discuss what the opposing position gets right and why people might hold this position
  • Highlight the problems with this position
  • Present your own position , showing how it addresses these problems
  • Suggest a possible compromise —what elements of your position would proponents of the opposing position benefit from adopting?

This model builds up a clear picture of both sides of an argument and seeks a compromise. It is particularly useful when people tend to disagree strongly on the issue discussed, allowing you to approach opposing arguments in good faith.

Say you want to argue that the internet has had a positive impact on education. You might:

  • Acknowledge that students rely too much on websites like Wikipedia
  • Argue that teachers view Wikipedia as more unreliable than it really is
  • Suggest that Wikipedia’s system of citations can actually teach students about referencing
  • Suggest critical engagement with Wikipedia as a possible assignment for teachers who are skeptical of its usefulness.

You don’t necessarily have to pick one of these models—you may even use elements of both in different parts of your essay—but it’s worth considering them if you struggle to structure your arguments.

Regardless of which approach you take, your essay should always be structured using an introduction , a body , and a conclusion .

Like other academic essays, an argumentative essay begins with an introduction . The introduction serves to capture the reader’s interest, provide background information, present your thesis statement , and (in longer essays) to summarize the structure of the body.

Hover over different parts of the example below to see how a typical introduction works.

The spread of the internet has had a world-changing effect, not least on the world of education. The use of the internet in academic contexts is on the rise, and its role in learning is hotly debated. For many teachers who did not grow up with this technology, its effects seem alarming and potentially harmful. This concern, while understandable, is misguided. The negatives of internet use are outweighed by its critical benefits for students and educators—as a uniquely comprehensive and accessible information source; a means of exposure to and engagement with different perspectives; and a highly flexible learning environment.

The body of an argumentative essay is where you develop your arguments in detail. Here you’ll present evidence, analysis, and reasoning to convince the reader that your thesis statement is true.

In the standard five-paragraph format for short essays, the body takes up three of your five paragraphs. In longer essays, it will be more paragraphs, and might be divided into sections with headings.

Each paragraph covers its own topic, introduced with a topic sentence . Each of these topics must contribute to your overall argument; don’t include irrelevant information.

This example paragraph takes a Rogerian approach: It first acknowledges the merits of the opposing position and then highlights problems with that position.

Hover over different parts of the example to see how a body paragraph is constructed.

A common frustration for teachers is students’ use of Wikipedia as a source in their writing. Its prevalence among students is not exaggerated; a survey found that the vast majority of the students surveyed used Wikipedia (Head & Eisenberg, 2010). An article in The Guardian stresses a common objection to its use: “a reliance on Wikipedia can discourage students from engaging with genuine academic writing” (Coomer, 2013). Teachers are clearly not mistaken in viewing Wikipedia usage as ubiquitous among their students; but the claim that it discourages engagement with academic sources requires further investigation. This point is treated as self-evident by many teachers, but Wikipedia itself explicitly encourages students to look into other sources. Its articles often provide references to academic publications and include warning notes where citations are missing; the site’s own guidelines for research make clear that it should be used as a starting point, emphasizing that users should always “read the references and check whether they really do support what the article says” (“Wikipedia:Researching with Wikipedia,” 2020). Indeed, for many students, Wikipedia is their first encounter with the concepts of citation and referencing. The use of Wikipedia therefore has a positive side that merits deeper consideration than it often receives.

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An argumentative essay ends with a conclusion that summarizes and reflects on the arguments made in the body.

No new arguments or evidence appear here, but in longer essays you may discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your argument and suggest topics for future research. In all conclusions, you should stress the relevance and importance of your argument.

Hover over the following example to see the typical elements of a conclusion.

The internet has had a major positive impact on the world of education; occasional pitfalls aside, its value is evident in numerous applications. The future of teaching lies in the possibilities the internet opens up for communication, research, and interactivity. As the popularity of distance learning shows, students value the flexibility and accessibility offered by digital education, and educators should fully embrace these advantages. The internet’s dangers, real and imaginary, have been documented exhaustively by skeptics, but the internet is here to stay; it is time to focus seriously on its potential for good.

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An argumentative essay tends to be a longer essay involving independent research, and aims to make an original argument about a topic. Its thesis statement makes a contentious claim that must be supported in an objective, evidence-based way.

An expository essay also aims to be objective, but it doesn’t have to make an original argument. Rather, it aims to explain something (e.g., a process or idea) in a clear, concise way. Expository essays are often shorter assignments and rely less on research.

At college level, you must properly cite your sources in all essays , research papers , and other academic texts (except exams and in-class exercises).

Add a citation whenever you quote , paraphrase , or summarize information or ideas from a source. You should also give full source details in a bibliography or reference list at the end of your text.

The exact format of your citations depends on which citation style you are instructed to use. The most common styles are APA , MLA , and Chicago .

The majority of the essays written at university are some sort of argumentative essay . Unless otherwise specified, you can assume that the goal of any essay you’re asked to write is argumentative: To convince the reader of your position using evidence and reasoning.

In composition classes you might be given assignments that specifically test your ability to write an argumentative essay. Look out for prompts including instructions like “argue,” “assess,” or “discuss” to see if this is the goal.

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Caulfield, J. (2023, July 23). How to Write an Argumentative Essay | Examples & Tips. Scribbr. Retrieved August 29, 2024, from

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Debate On Money Is Better Than Education

In the realm of human aspirations, two dominant forces vie for supremacy: money and education. Is money the ultimate key to happiness, success, and security? Or does education, with its promise of knowledge and personal growth, reign supreme in shaping a meaningful and fulfilling life?

On one side, proponents argue that money opens doors, offers financial stability, and paves the way for abundant opportunities . They contend that without sufficient funds, education alone may be insufficient to navigate a competitive world. On the other side, advocates assert that education provides the foundation for personal development, critical thinking, and social progress, while money, they argue, can often be fleeting and superficial.

This article delves deep into the core of this contentious debate, examining ten compelling arguments from each perspective. By presenting both sides, we aim to shed light on the intricate nuances of this age-old question and encourage readers to form their own opinions on the matter.

Join us on this intellectual journey as we examine the multifaceted facets of the money versus education debate. By exploring the strengths and weaknesses of each perspective, we hope to encourage critical thinking and ignite a broader discussion on the role these factors play in shaping our lives and society as a whole.

For: Debate On Money Is Better Than Education

Financial stability.

Financial stability is crucial for individuals to lead a secure and comfortable life. Money provides the means to meet basic needs such as food, shelter, and healthcare. It ensures that individuals can afford a decent standard of living and have access to essential resources. Without sufficient financial resources, even the most well-educated individuals may struggle to make ends meet and meet their basic needs.

Money enables individuals to provide for their families. It allows them to support their loved ones financially, ensuring that their children receive quality education, healthcare, and other necessary resources. In this context, money acts as a facilitator for education, as it provides the financial means to access educational opportunities and invest in a child’s future.

Money also plays a vital role in career advancement and opportunities. In many cases, individuals with financial resources can pursue higher education or vocational training that can enhance their skills and qualifications. They can invest in professional development courses, attend conferences or workshops, and acquire additional certifications. These financial investments often translate into better job prospects and higher earning potential, contributing to long-term financial stability.

Career Opportunities

The argument that money is better than education when it comes to career opportunities is based on the premise that financial resources can open doors to lucrative paths that may not be easily accessible through education alone.

Starting with entrepreneurship, having money can provide individuals with the capital needed to start their own businesses. It allows them to invest in equipment, supplies, marketing, and hiring employees, among other essential aspects. This financial backing can significantly increase the chances of success and growth for their ventures. While education can certainly provide valuable knowledge and skills, the financial resources to actually launch a business can be instrumental in turning ideas into reality.

Additionally, money can enable individuals to access specialized training programs or courses that can enhance their skills and qualifications in specific fields. Some industries require certifications or training that may have associated costs. Having the financial means to invest in such programs can give individuals a competitive edge and expand their career options. This is particularly relevant in rapidly evolving industries where staying updated with the latest skills and technologies is crucial.

Practical Skills

Practical skills are often acquired through real-world experiences, and having financial resources can provide individuals with opportunities to gain valuable practical skills that may not be easily obtained through education alone. Investing in activities such as starting a business can offer hands-on knowledge in areas like entrepreneurship, financial management, and decision-making, which can be more directly applicable and beneficial in the real world compared to certain theoretical concepts learned in education.

By investing in a business, individuals can gain firsthand experience in various aspects of running a company. They learn about financial management by handling budgets, analyzing expenses, and making informed investment decisions. They also develop practical skills in marketing strategies, customer service, and problem-solving through actual interactions with customers and addressing real-life challenges. These experiences provide a deeper understanding of the intricacies and demands of the business world, contributing to the development of practical skills that are highly valuable in entrepreneurship.

While education plays a crucial role in providing foundational knowledge and critical thinking skills, practical skills acquired through financial resources can complement theoretical concepts learned in education. The combination of theoretical understanding and practical application often leads to a more well-rounded skill set and better preparedness for the challenges of the real world. Ultimately, having financial resources allows individuals to acquire practical skills that can be highly beneficial in various industries and professions.

Social Mobility

Social mobility refers to the ability of individuals to move up the social ladder, improving their socioeconomic status and accessing better opportunities. Money can play a significant role in facilitating social mobility by providing individuals with the means to break free from socioeconomic limitations and access resources that can enhance their prospects.

Education is often seen as a key driver of social mobility, as it equips individuals with knowledge, skills, and qualifications necessary for better job prospects. However, education alone may not guarantee social mobility if individuals lack the financial resources to support their educational pursuits. Financial constraints can limit access to quality education, including opportunities for higher education, specialized training, or resources such as books, technology, and tutoring. Without sufficient financial means, individuals may face barriers in obtaining the necessary education to advance in their careers and improve their socioeconomic status.

Financial resources can help individuals overcome these barriers by providing the necessary support for educational endeavors. With money, individuals can afford tuition fees, educational materials, and other expenses associated with education. They can pursue higher education, vocational training, or professional development courses that can enhance their skills and qualifications, making them more competitive in the job market. Financial resources can also enable individuals to access educational opportunities that may require relocation or travel, opening doors to better institutions or specialized programs.

Networking and Connections

Networking and connections play a crucial role in career advancements and personal growth. Having financial resources can facilitate networking activities and provide individuals with opportunities to develop influential connections, opening doors to various benefits.

One way money can facilitate networking is by enabling individuals to participate in exclusive events and gatherings. Many networking events, conferences, and industry-specific functions often require registration fees or membership fees. By having the financial means to attend these events, individuals gain access to a concentrated pool of professionals, experts, and potential mentors. These settings provide valuable opportunities to meet like-minded individuals, exchange ideas, and establish meaningful connections that can contribute to career growth.

Also, financial resources can support individuals in joining professional organizations or associations. Membership in these groups often comes with financial obligations, such as annual dues or fees for special programs and events. By investing in these memberships, individuals gain access to a network of professionals in their respective fields. This network can provide a platform for sharing knowledge, seeking advice, and building relationships with influential individuals who can offer guidance and open doors to new opportunities.

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Against: Debate On Money Is Better Than Education

Knowledge and personal development.

Education is a fundamental pillar for fostering critical thinking, intellectual growth, and personal development. It provides individuals with a wealth of knowledge and skills and a broader understanding of the world, enabling them to make informed decisions and contribute meaningfully to society.

Education serves as a platform for acquiring knowledge across various subjects, ranging from mathematics and science to literature and history. It exposes individuals to different perspectives, cultures, and ideas, expanding their horizons and encouraging a well-rounded understanding of the world. This knowledge serves as a foundation for critical thinking, as individuals learn to analyze information, evaluate evidence, and form logical arguments.

Moreover, education equips individuals with practical skills that are essential for personal and professional development. It cultivates skills such as problem-solving, communication, collaboration, and adaptability, which are crucial in navigating the complexities of life and the ever-evolving job market. Education also provides opportunities for hands-on learning, research projects, and experiential activities that promote creativity, innovation, and a deeper understanding of concepts.

Beyond the acquisition of knowledge and skills, education plays a vital role in personal development. It fosters self-awareness, empathy, and social intelligence by exposing individuals to diverse experiences and perspectives. Education encourages personal growth by nurturing values such as curiosity, perseverance, and a thirst for lifelong learning. It instills a sense of responsibility and ethical conduct, shaping individuals into informed and responsible citizens who contribute positively to their communities.

Education also empowers individuals to engage in civic participation and become agents of change. By understanding societal issues, historical contexts, and systems of governance, educated individuals are better equipped to address social challenges and advocate for positive transformations. They develop the capacity to challenge inequalities, promote inclusivity, and work towards a more equitable and just society.

While financial stability may provide comfort and security, it is education that empowers individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary for personal growth, critical thinking, and making informed decisions. Education fuels intellectual curiosity, broadens perspectives, and cultivates the essential skills needed to adapt to a rapidly changing world. It is through education that individuals have the potential to become well-rounded, informed citizens who contribute meaningfully to society.

Equal Opportunities

Education is a vital tool for promoting equality and social justice,” meaning that education can help level the playing field for people from all walks of life. When everyone has access to a quality education, regardless of their social class or economic status, they are more likely to have equal opportunities to succeed in life.

For example, a study by the University of Chicago found that students from low-income families who attended high-quality schools were more likely to attend college and earn a living wage than students from low-income families who attended low-quality schools. This is because a quality education can give students the skills and knowledge they need to compete in the job market and achieve their goals.

In addition, education can help break down social barriers and promote understanding between different groups of people. When people from different backgrounds come together to learn, they are more likely to develop empathy and respect for each other. This can lead to a more just and equitable society.

Of course, education is not the only factor that determines a person’s success in life. But it is a critical one, and by emphasizing education over money, society can strive for a more equitable and inclusive future.

Job Market Relevance

Education often aligns individuals with the current needs of the job market” means that education can help people develop the skills and knowledge they need to be successful in the workforce. In today’s rapidly changing economy, employers are looking for workers with specialized skills that can help them stay ahead of the competition.

For example, a study by the McKinsey Global Institute found that the demand for highly skilled workers is expected to grow by 50% by 2030. This means that there will be a growing need for workers with STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) skills, as well as workers with skills in healthcare, business, and other fields.

Education can help people develop these skills and knowledge. For example, a college degree can give students the foundation they need to learn new skills and adapt to changing job market demands. In addition, many colleges and universities offer specialized courses and programs that can help students develop the skills they need for specific jobs.

So, money is also important in the job market. But in a rapidly evolving economy, having the right skills and knowledge can be even more important. This is because employers are increasingly looking for workers who can help them stay ahead of the competition.

Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving

Education cultivates critical thinking skills, enabling individuals to analyze complex issues, solve problems, and make informed decisions.” This means that education can help people develop the skills they need to think critically and solve problems. These skills are essential in various aspects of life, from personal relationships to professional endeavors.

Money alone cannot develop the same level of critical thinking abilities. This is because critical thinking skills are not just about knowing facts or having information. They are also about being able to think logically, analyze information, and solve problems. These skills are developed through education and practice.

Education can help people develop critical thinking skills in a number of ways. For example, students are often asked to read and analyze complex texts, write essays, and participate in discussions. These activities help students learn how to think critically about information and how to communicate their ideas effectively.

Critical thinking skills are essential in today’s world. They are needed in the workplace , in personal relationships, and in civic engagement. Education is one of the best ways to develop these skills.

Intellectual Stimulation

Education offers intellectual stimulation through academic discussions , debates, and engagement with knowledge. It encourages curiosity, lifelong learning, and the pursuit of intellectual excellence. Money cannot replace the intellectual stimulation and mental challenges provided by education” means that education can help people stay intellectually engaged and challenged throughout their lives.

Money can help people buy things that can provide some intellectual stimulation, such as books, travel, and cultural experiences. However, money cannot replace the kind of intellectual stimulation that is provided by education. This is because education exposes people to new ideas, challenges them to think critically, and helps them develop their own intellectual skills.

AUTHOR’S COMMENT: While money can provide certain advantages and opportunities, education remains a fundamental aspect of personal development, social progress, and overall well-being. Education cultivates knowledge, critical thinking, personal growth, and social awareness, leading to long-term success and contributing to a more equitable and prosperous society. Money alone cannot substitute for the transformative power of education.

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argumentative essay on education is better than money

Better Schools Won’t Fix America

Like many rich Americans, I used to think educational investment could heal the country’s ills—but I was wrong. Fighting inequality must come first.

Man in graduation cap standing on trend line

Long ago, I was captivated by a seductively intuitive idea, one many of my wealthy friends still subscribe to: that both poverty and rising inequality are largely consequences of America’s failing education system. Fix that, I believed, and we could cure much of what ails America.

This belief system, which I have come to think of as “educationism,” is grounded in a familiar story about cause and effect: Once upon a time, America created a public-education system that was the envy of the modern world. No nation produced more or better-educated high-school and college graduates, and thus the great American middle class was built. But then, sometime around the 1970s, America lost its way. We allowed our schools to crumble, and our test scores and graduation rates to fall. School systems that once churned out well-paid factory workers failed to keep pace with the rising educational demands of the new knowledge economy. As America’s public-school systems foundered, so did the earning power of the American middle class. And as inequality increased, so did political polarization, cynicism, and anger, threatening to undermine American democracy itself.

Taken with this story line, I embraced education as both a philanthropic cause and a civic mission. I co-founded the League of Education Voters, a nonprofit dedicated to improving public education. I joined Bill Gates, Alice Walton, and Paul Allen in giving more than $1 million each to an effort to pass a ballot measure that established Washington State’s first charter schools. All told, I have devoted countless hours and millions of dollars to the simple idea that if we improved our schools—if we modernized our curricula and our teaching methods, substantially increased school funding, rooted out bad teachers, and opened enough charter schools—American children, especially those in low-income and working-class communities, would start learning again. Graduation rates and wages would increase, poverty and inequality would decrease, and public commitment to democracy would be restored.

But after decades of organizing and giving, I have come to the uncomfortable conclusion that I was wrong. And I hate being wrong.

Read: Education reform and the failure to fix inequality in America

What I’ve realized, decades late, is that educationism is tragically misguided. American workers are struggling in large part because they are underpaid—and they are underpaid because 40 years of trickle-down policies have rigged the economy in favor of wealthy people like me. Americans are more highly educated than ever before, but despite that, and despite nearly record-low unemployment, most American workers—at all levels of educational attainment—have seen little if any wage growth since 2000.

To be clear: We should do everything we can to improve our public schools. But our education system can’t compensate for the ways our economic system is failing Americans. Even the most thoughtful and well-intentioned school-reform program can’t improve educational outcomes if it ignores the single greatest driver of student achievement: household income.

For all the genuine flaws of the American education system, the nation still has many high-achieving public-school districts. Nearly all of them are united by a thriving community of economically secure middle-class families with sufficient political power to demand great schools, the time and resources to participate in those schools, and the tax money to amply fund them. In short, great public schools are the product of a thriving middle class, not the other way around. Pay people enough to afford dignified middle-class lives, and high-quality public schools will follow. But allow economic inequality to grow, and educational inequality will inevitably grow with it.

By distracting us from these truths, educationism is part of the problem.

W henever I talk with my wealthy friends about the dangers of rising economic inequality, those who don’t stare down at their shoes invariably push back with something about the woeful state of our public schools. This belief is so entrenched among the philanthropic elite that of America’s 50 largest family foundations—a clique that manages $144 billion in tax-exempt charitable assets—40 declare education as a key issue. Only one mentions anything about the plight of working people, economic inequality, or wages. And because the richest Americans are so politically powerful, the consequences of their beliefs go far beyond philanthropy.

A major theme in the educationist narrative involves the “ skills gap ”—the notion that decades of wage stagnation are largely a consequence of workers not having the education and skills to fill new high-wage jobs. If we improve our public schools, the thinking goes, and we increase the percentage of students attaining higher levels of education, particularly in the STEM subjects — science, technology, engineering, and math—the skills gap will shrink, wages will rise, and income inequality will fall.

Annie Lowrey: Wages are low and workers are scarce. Wait, what?

The real story is more complicated, and more troubling. Yes, there is a mismatch between the skills of the present and the jobs of the future. In a fast-changing, technologically advanced economy, how could there not be? But this mismatch doesn’t begin to explain the widening inequality of the past 40 years.

In 1970, when the golden age of the American middle class was nearing its peak and inequality was at its nadir, only about half of Americans ages 25 and older had a high-school diploma or the equivalent. Today, 90 percent do. Meanwhile, the proportion of Americans attaining a college degree has more than tripled since 1970. But while the American people have never been more highly educated, only the wealthiest have seen large gains in real wages. From 1979 to 2017, as the average real annual wages of the top 1 percent of Americans rose 156 percent (and the top .01 percent’s wages rose by a stunning 343 percent), the purchasing power of the average American’s paycheck did not increase.

Some educationists might argue that the recent gains in educational attainment simply haven’t been enough to keep up with the changing economy—but here, yet again, the truth appears more complicated. While 34 percent of Americans ages 25 and older have a bachelor’s degree or higher, only 26 percent of jobs currently require one. The job categories that are growing fastest, moreover, don’t generally require a college diploma, let alone a STEM degree. According to federal estimates, four of the five occupational categories projected to add the most jobs to the economy over the next five years are among the lowest-paying jobs: “food preparation and serving” ($19,130 in average annual earnings), “personal care and service” ($21,260), “sales and related” ($25,360), and “health-care support” ($26,440). And while the number of jobs that require a postsecondary education is expected to increase slightly faster than the number that don’t, the latter group is expected to dominate the job market for decades to come. In October 2018 there were 1 million more job openings than job seekers in the U.S. Even if all of these unfilled jobs were in STEM professions at the top of the pay scale, they would be little help to most of the 141 million American workers in the bottom nine income deciles.

argumentative essay on education is better than money

It’s worth noting that workers with a college degree enjoy a significant wage premium over those without. (Among people over age 25, those with a bachelor’s degree had median annual earnings of $53,882 in 2017, compared with $32,320 for those with only a high-school education.) But even with that advantage, adjusted for inflation, average hourly wages for recent college graduates have barely budged since 2000 , while the bottom 60 percent of college graduates earn less than that group did in 2000. A college diploma is no longer a guaranteed passport into the middle class.

Meanwhile, nearly all the benefits of economic growth have been captured by large corporations and their shareholders. After-tax corporate profits have doubled from about 5 percent of GDP in 1970 to about 10 percent, even as wages as a share of GDP have fallen by roughly 8 percent. And the wealthiest 1 percent’s share of pre-tax income has more than doubled, from 9 percent in 1973 to 21 percent today. Taken together, these two trends amount to a shift of more than $2 trillion a year from the middle class to corporations and the super-rich.

The state of the labor market provides further evidence that low-wage workers’ declining fortunes aren’t explained by supply and demand. With the unemployment rate near a 50-year floor, low-wage industries such as accommodations, food service, and retail are struggling to cope with a shortage of job applicants—leading The Wall Street Journal to lament that “low-skilled jobs are becoming increasingly difficult for employers to fill.” If wages were actually set the way our Econ 101 textbooks suggested, workers would be profiting from this dynamic. Yet outside the cities and states that have recently imposed a substantially higher local minimum wage, low-wage workers have seen their real incomes barely budge.

All of which suggests that income inequality has exploded not because of our country’s educational failings but despite its educational progress. Make no mistake: Education is an unalloyed good. We should advocate for more of it, so long as it’s of high quality. But the longer we pretend that education is the answer to economic inequality, the harder it will be to escape our new Gilded Age.

Read: The 9.9 percent is the new American aristocracy

H owever justifiable their focus on curricula and innovation and institutional reform, people who see education as a cure-all have largely ignored the metric most predictive of a child’s educational success: household income.

The scientific literature on this subject is robust, and the consensus overwhelming. The lower your parents’ income, the lower your likely level of educational attainment. Period. But instead of focusing on ways to increase household income, educationists in both political parties talk about extending ladders of opportunity to poor children, most recently in the form of charter schools. For many children, though—especially those raised in the racially segregated poverty endemic to much of the United States—the opportunity to attend a good public school isn’t nearly enough to overcome the effects of limited family income.

As Lawrence Mishel, an economist at the liberal-leaning Economic Policy Institute, notes, poverty creates obstacles that would trip up even the most naturally gifted student. He points to the plight of “children who frequently change schools due to poor housing; have little help with homework; have few role models of success; have more exposure to lead and asbestos; have untreated vision, ear, dental, or other health problems; … and live in a chaotic and frequently unsafe environment.”

Indeed, multiple studies have found that only about 20 percent of student outcomes can be attributed to schooling, whereas about 60 percent are explained by family circumstances—most significantly, income. Now consider that, nationwide, just over half of today’s public-school students qualify for free or reduced-price school lunches , up from 38 percent in 2000. Surely if American students are lagging in the literacy, numeracy, and problem-solving skills our modern economy demands, household income deserves most of the blame—not teachers or their unions.

If we really want to give every American child an honest and equal opportunity to succeed, we must do much more than extend a ladder of opportunity—we must also narrow the distance between the ladder’s rungs. We must invest not only in our children, but in their families and their communities. We must provide high-quality public education, sure, but also high-quality housing, health care, child care, and all the other prerequisites of a secure middle-class life. And most important, if we want to build the sort of prosperous middle-class communities in which great public schools have always thrived, we must pay all our workers, not just software engineers and financiers, a dignified middle-class wage.

Today, after wealthy elites gobble up our outsize share of national income, the median American family is left with $76,000 a year. Had hourly compensation grown with productivity since 1973—as it did over the preceding quarter century, according to the Economic Policy Institute—that family would now be earning more than $105,000 a year. Just imagine, education reforms aside, how much larger and stronger and better educated our middle class would be if the median American family enjoyed a $29,000-a-year raise.

In fact, the most direct way to address rising economic inequality is to simply pay ordinary workers more, by increasing the minimum wage and the salary threshold for overtime exemption; by restoring bargaining power for labor; and by instating higher taxes—much higher taxes—on rich people like me and on our estates.

Educationism appeals to the wealthy and powerful because it tells us what we want to hear: that we can help restore shared prosperity without sharing our wealth or power. As Anand Giridharadas explains in his book Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World , narratives like this one let the wealthy feel good about ourselves. By distracting from the true causes of economic inequality, they also defend America’s grossly unequal status quo.

We have confused a symptom—educational inequality—with the underlying disease: economic inequality. Schooling may boost the prospects of individual workers, but it doesn’t change the core problem, which is that the bottom 90 percent is divvying up a shrinking share of the national wealth. Fixing that problem will require wealthy people to not merely give more, but take less.

This article appears in the July 2019 print edition with the headline “Education Isn’t Enough.”

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Is Education Better than Money, and Why?

argumentative essay on education is better than money

There are a lot of successful people in this world. Some came up with great ideas and were born geniuses. Others needed the education to get them to where they are today. Lastly, some are thousands of dollars into student loan debt while others are born into a life of wealth and luxury. All of these scenarios beg the question, is education better than money?

Yes, education is better than money. Education brings opportunities, fosters new ideas, and develops problem-solving skills. Education gives us a fully stocked toolbox to a successful life. At the end of the day, education is essential to success.

Why Is Education Important?

Why Is Education Important?

With an education in your chosen field, the sky is truly the limit. You can become part of any company, or even become a business owner with confidence in your understanding. Education brings the career needed to lay the foundation for self-dependency and financial stability .

Without an education options become limited. Experience alone may get you by in some fields but oftentimes, working off of experience alone does not get people to the level of success they wish to achieve. Experience can also be seen as an education. Thus experience alone does not mean someone does not have an education. With experience, someone learns the aspects of their specific role, and they even learn some behind-the-scenes aspects of the industry where their experience comes from.

At the same time in many fields, you cannot gain experience without some sort of education. A lot of fields nowadays require at least a trade school or undergraduate degree just to begin.

Education gives you more than just success. It comes with a certain freedom that is not acquired without it; doors to opportunities are opened for the success you want in your life when you have some sort of education.

Do You Need Money to Get Your Education?

Having some money can be helpful when getting your education; however, it is not required. There are hundreds of ways to get an education when you do not have money. Sure you can go with student loans and sometimes that is the best choice; but, there are so many more ways to gain funding for your education.

Aid is available in a multitude of forms. You can apply for government aid through your FAFSA. The sooner you send in your FAFSA the higher chance you have of getting a good chunk of aid. Colleges, universities and even some trade schools offer in house scholarships.

Having extracurricular activities on your resume or transcript can help with these a lot. If you were a great player for four years in high school on a sports team you may qualify for an athletic scholarship. If you often volunteered and kept good grades an academic scholarship could be in your future as well.

Essay scholarships are a great resource when trying to get money for school. Write about your biggest struggle, or a letter to your younger self. Anything you write about, there is bound to be an essay scholarship prompt that fits.

Start early when trying to get scholarships and grants. If you have four years stacked full with extracurricular activities and good grades a scholarship is definitely in your future.

Can Education Bring More Money or Success?

Can Education Bring More Money or Success?

Jobs requiring some sort of education do tend to pay more. This is because these jobs typically have more responsibility and a bigger workload. These jobs also tend to pay more simply because the more knowledge you have the more they are willing to pay you. Not only that but many fields need some sort of education or training, so finding a well-paying stable job with no education or training can be next to impossible.

There are obviously some exceptions to this. Big media companies like Facebook and YouTube are starting to drop college requirements. This is great for those who choose to not go to college. But, these jobs require experience or knowledge of certain software, some of which you have probably never heard of.

The upside to this is, with the internet being as expansive as it is, you are able to find crash courses on certain software for low prices and possibly even free. Microsoft has certification classes where you only pay for the exam and Google does something similar. Even if you have never heard of the software for these jobs, there are ways to learn about them and so much more.

Success is subjective. Some people believe having wealth is a success. Others believe having children means they have been successful in life. Money does not apply to all definitions of success. However, Education does.

In every definition of success, education can help you get to where you want to be. Having knowledge of the field or lifestyle you desire in order to feel successful gets you to where you want to be in life efficiently.

Why Do Some People Believe Money Is Better Than Education?

The main argument is that money is needed for survival. Without money, you have no food, stability, or housing. The counter to this is, do you want to just survive? Or do you want to build a successful life and live feeling fulfilled? If you choose the second option, education is better than money.

If you just want to pay your bills and make a few big purchases here and there you can definitely do that without an education. Many young people still trying to get their education are able to make big purchases from time to time and pay their bills, so obviously it can be done.

On the other hand, if you want freedom, peace of mind, and stability; education will get you that and so much more. Money cannot give you some freedoms an education can. An education gives intellectual freedom; freedom money can never buy.

Education gives the ability to create new ideas, have a well-rounded understanding and think for yourself to form your own opinions. With education someone can learn what they need to live a successful life; however, money does not teach you what you need in life. Education also teaches you how to contribute to society.

If you have money that is great! If you have no idea how to contribute to society or even be a part of society at all, money cannot get you very far.

What Can Happen to Someone Without an Education?

What Can Happen to Someone Without an Education?

Not having an education comes with consequences, just like anything in life. Some of these consequences are more severe than others. The least severe being that, a person ends up working in a low paying job and lives their life paycheck to paycheck, hoping one day to have more responsibility and a higher pay as their experience grows. This person is not able to save up for the unexpected circumstances life can throw, like a trip to the hospital.

However, more severe consequences can happen and even become dangerous. An individual can become unemployed and, as a result, end up homeless. Some of these individuals end up resorting to crime in order to make the money they need to survive. They feel they have no other option since they are uneducated.

Uneducated individuals are also at risk of being a victim to a “poverty trap”. A poverty trap is when someone lacks an education and has a lack of resources. These people are not able to get out of poverty simply because they do not know how to.

The most severe form of a consequence to lacking an education is exploitation . Individuals who live in countries that are less developed tend to fall victim to exploitation. Examples of exploitation are slavery and human trafficking. In some countries women are not given an education or resources; these women do not understand that they should be treated differently and with human decency.

Education does not have to mean four years of undergraduate school and four years of graduate school. Education can be a two-year degree, or a trade school or a vocational program. All of these options give you access to jobs and fields looking for people with the exact education you acquired.

Money gives us the power to have financial stability in our lives. If someone with money has no education they have no idea how to save that money and spend it wisely. However, education gives someone the power to earn that money and the intellectual maturity to keep themselves stable for their entire lives.

At the end of the day, without an education you do not have the opportunities to make the money you want to make; and you lack the ability to form your own identity. So, even though money is incredibly important, you cannot make the kind of money the average person desires without some sort of education; you also become someone who is incredibly susceptible to suggestion because you do not know any better than the information the person in front of you is providing.

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argumentative essay on education is better than money

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Reasons Why Education Is Better Than Money

Photo of Bolarinwa Olajire

Is education better than money? I know you are here to acquire some knowledge regarding this debate topic . Education is important, likewise money. But for debate’s sake, you must pick a side and defend it with good points. It is known that money gives freedom and choices, but education empowers you to make money.

According to Wikipedia, education facilitates learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, morals, beliefs, habits, and personal development. Educational methods include teaching, training, storytelling, discussion, and directed research. Education frequently takes place under the guidance of educators; however, learners can also educate themselves.

There is no substitute for a heart that is well-educated. Education is learning what you didn’t even know you didn’t know. – Daniel J. Boorstin

There are three (3) main types of education: formal education, Informal Education, and Non-formal Education.

Formal Education: This usually takes place within the premises of the school.

Informal Education: This is done outside the premises of an academic institution. Often, this is when a person learns skills or acquires knowledge from home when visiting libraries or browsing educational websites through a device. Also, it is a type of education where a parent teaches their child things beyond academics, like preparing a meal or riding a bicycle.

Non-formal refers to adult basic education, literacy education, or skill development. It can take different forms of learning, which are consistently and systematically provided to develop an individual’s particular skill or ability.

Reasons education is better

Education can be likened to a light that illuminates whenever darkness is looming. It is preferable to have the keys (education) in your hand that can open any form of doors for you than to just have money.

Reduces Child Mortality : According to UNESCO, a child born to a mother who can read is 50 percent more likely to survive past the age of five. This means educated parents know what to do and where to go when their children face challenges like health.

Stability and financial security : One’s level of educational attainment can sometimes determine what a person will earn. And that is why a person’s income is often linked to academic achievement. Around the world, there are more employment opportunities for those who complete high school, earn a degree, diploma, or certificate, or go on to post-graduate studies. These can also mean higher wages or salaries.

Economic growth (as a nation) : The most wealthy nation has an educated population. An educated population is important in building a nation’s economy. According to studies, countries with the highest literacy rates are more likely to progress human and economic development.

Developing problem-solving skills : The schooling system is structured to teach a person how to develop critical and logical thinking skills. This way, one will be able to make quality decisions. This skill prepares a child for adulthood when significant and insignificant choices become part of daily life.

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Other reasons include:

  • It leads to innovations and discoveries
  • It gives confidence
  • It helps to make quality decisions
  • It develops a quality outlook on life
  • It makes you self-dependent
  • It contributes to human development.

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Photo of Bolarinwa Olajire

Bolarinwa Olajire

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How to Write an Argumentative Essay

How to Write an Argumentative Essay

4-minute read

  • 30th April 2022

An argumentative essay is a structured, compelling piece of writing where an author clearly defines their stance on a specific topic. This is a very popular style of writing assigned to students at schools, colleges, and universities. Learn the steps to researching, structuring, and writing an effective argumentative essay below.

Requirements of an Argumentative Essay

To effectively achieve its purpose, an argumentative essay must contain:

●  A concise thesis statement that introduces readers to the central argument of the essay

●  A clear, logical, argument that engages readers

●  Ample research and evidence that supports your argument

Approaches to Use in Your Argumentative Essay

1.   classical.

●  Clearly present the central argument.

●  Outline your opinion.

●  Provide enough evidence to support your theory.

2.   Toulmin

●  State your claim.

●  Supply the evidence for your stance.

●  Explain how these findings support the argument.

●  Include and discuss any limitations of your belief.

3.   Rogerian

●  Explain the opposing stance of your argument.

●  Discuss the problems with adopting this viewpoint.

●  Offer your position on the matter.

●  Provide reasons for why yours is the more beneficial stance.

●  Include a potential compromise for the topic at hand.

Tips for Writing a Well-Written Argumentative Essay

●  Introduce your topic in a bold, direct, and engaging manner to captivate your readers and encourage them to keep reading.

●  Provide sufficient evidence to justify your argument and convince readers to adopt this point of view.

●  Consider, include, and fairly present all sides of the topic.

●  Structure your argument in a clear, logical manner that helps your readers to understand your thought process.

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●  Discuss any counterarguments that might be posed.

●  Use persuasive writing that’s appropriate for your target audience and motivates them to agree with you.

Steps to Write an Argumentative Essay

Follow these basic steps to write a powerful and meaningful argumentative essay :

Step 1: Choose a topic that you’re passionate about

If you’ve already been given a topic to write about, pick a stance that resonates deeply with you. This will shine through in your writing, make the research process easier, and positively influence the outcome of your argument.

Step 2: Conduct ample research to prove the validity of your argument

To write an emotive argumentative essay , finding enough research to support your theory is a must. You’ll need solid evidence to convince readers to agree with your take on the matter. You’ll also need to logically organize the research so that it naturally convinces readers of your viewpoint and leaves no room for questioning.

Step 3: Follow a simple, easy-to-follow structure and compile your essay

A good structure to ensure a well-written and effective argumentative essay includes:


●  Introduce your topic.

●  Offer background information on the claim.

●  Discuss the evidence you’ll present to support your argument.

●  State your thesis statement, a one-to-two sentence summary of your claim.

●  This is the section where you’ll develop and expand on your argument.

●  It should be split into three or four coherent paragraphs, with each one presenting its own idea.

●  Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that indicates why readers should adopt your belief or stance.

●  Include your research, statistics, citations, and other supporting evidence.

●  Discuss opposing viewpoints and why they’re invalid.

●  This part typically consists of one paragraph.

●  Summarize your research and the findings that were presented.

●  Emphasize your initial thesis statement.

●  Persuade readers to agree with your stance.

We certainly hope that you feel inspired to use these tips when writing your next argumentative essay . And, if you’re currently elbow-deep in writing one, consider submitting a free sample to us once it’s completed. Our expert team of editors can help ensure that it’s concise, error-free, and effective!

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An Argumentative-Writing Unit for Students Doing Remote Learning

Suggestions for self-guided activities that can help students practice making claims and supporting them with evidence.

By Michael Gonchar and Katherine Schulten

Note to Teachers: Here is a PDF teacher’s guide for using this unit with students.

Whether you’re here because your school has switched to remote learning or because you just want to sharpen your argumentative skills, welcome to our first “unit” written directly to students.

Of course, we know this isn’t a full unit like one you might work on over several weeks in school, under the direction of a teacher. Instead, it’s a streamlined version of the many resources our site offers on this topic, written in a way we hope teenagers can follow, at least in part, on their own.

If you are familiar with our site, then you know we believe strongly in student voice and choice. No matter how you use the ideas below, there is a lot of flexibility. You can choose what’s most relevant, interesting and meaningful to you as you go.

Here, in three items, is what you’ll be doing. How and in what order is up to you, though we have suggested a sequence.

Using our daily writing prompts to practice making arguments , either by posting a comment on our site, or by writing just for yourself, or for classmates or for a teacher in a remote learning-management system.

We’ve been asking a question a day since 2009, so you have lots to choose from. For instance, if the question “ Should parents track their children? ” doesn’t interest you, maybe “ Do memes make the internet a better place? ” will.

Studying some argumentative “mentor texts” — that is, good published examples full of “writer’s moves” you can borrow — that were written by fellow teenagers and by adults.

Writing a polished, 450-word opinion piece to submit to our Student Editorial Contest, which ends on April 21. We’ll pick winners, runners-up and honorable mentions and publish them on The Learning Network.

Here’s how. Please let us know if you have questions by posting them here, or by writing to us at [email protected].

Step 1: Create a free account.

Before you do anything else, you should create a free account so you can comment on our writing prompts. Here’s a video that walks you through the process.

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3 Key Tips for How to Write an Argumentative Essay

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General Education


If there’s one writing skill you need to have in your toolkit for standardized tests, AP exams, and college-level writing, it’s the ability to make a persuasive argument. Effectively arguing for a position on a topic or issue isn’t just for the debate team— it’s for anyone who wants to ace the essay portion of an exam or make As in college courses.

To give you everything you need to know about how to write an argumentative essay , we’re going to answer the following questions for you:

  • What is an argumentative essay?
  • How should an argumentative essay be structured?
  • How do I write a strong argument?
  • What’s an example of a strong argumentative essay?
  • What are the top takeaways for writing argumentative papers?

By the end of this article, you’ll be prepped and ready to write a great argumentative essay yourself!

Now, let’s break this down.


What Is an Argumentative Essay?

An argumentative essay is a type of writing that presents the writer’s position or stance on a specific topic and uses evidence to support that position. The goal of an argumentative essay is to convince your reader that your position is logical, ethical, and, ultimately, right . In argumentative essays, writers accomplish this by writing:

  • A clear, persuasive thesis statement in the introduction paragraph
  • Body paragraphs that use evidence and explanations to support the thesis statement
  • A paragraph addressing opposing positions on the topic—when appropriate
  • A conclusion that gives the audience something meaningful to think about.

Introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion: these are the main sections of an argumentative essay. Those probably sound familiar. Where does arguing come into all of this, though? It’s not like you’re having a shouting match with your little brother across the dinner table. You’re just writing words down on a page!

...or are you? Even though writing papers can feel like a lonely process, one of the most important things you can do to be successful in argumentative writing is to think about your argument as participating in a larger conversation . For one thing, you’re going to be responding to the ideas of others as you write your argument. And when you’re done writing, someone—a teacher, a professor, or exam scorer—is going to be reading and evaluating your argument.

If you want to make a strong argument on any topic, you have to get informed about what’s already been said on that topic . That includes researching the different views and positions, figuring out what evidence has been produced, and learning the history of the topic. That means—you guessed it!—argumentative essays almost always require you to incorporate outside sources into your writing.  


What Makes Argumentative Essays Unique?

Argumentative essays are different from other types of essays for one main reason: in an argumentative essay, you decide what the argument will be . Some types of essays, like summaries or syntheses, don’t want you to show your stance on the topic—they want you to remain unbiased and neutral.

In argumentative essays, you’re presenting your point of view as the writer and, sometimes, choosing the topic you’ll be arguing about. You just want to make sure that that point of view comes across as informed, well-reasoned, and persuasive.

Another thing about argumentative essays: they’re often longer than other types of essays. Why, you ask? Because it takes time to develop an effective argument. If your argument is going to be persuasive to readers, you have to address multiple points that support your argument, acknowledge counterpoints, and provide enough evidence and explanations to convince your reader that your points are valid.


Our 3 Best Tips for Picking a Great Argumentative Topic

The first step to writing an argumentative essay deciding what to write about! Choosing a topic for your argumentative essay might seem daunting, though. It can feel like you could make an argument about anything under the sun. For example, you could write an argumentative essay about how cats are way cooler than dogs, right?

It’s not quite that simple . Here are some strategies for choosing a topic that serves as a solid foundation for a strong argument.

Choose a Topic That Can Be Supported With Evidence

First, you want to make sure the topic you choose allows you to make a claim that can be supported by evidence that’s considered credible and appropriate for the subject matter ...and, unfortunately, your personal opinions or that Buzzfeed quiz you took last week don’t quite make the cut.

Some topics—like whether cats or dogs are cooler—can generate heated arguments, but at the end of the day, any argument you make on that topic is just going to be a matter of opinion. You have to pick a topic that allows you to take a position that can be supported by actual, researched evidence.

(Quick note: you could write an argumentative paper over the general idea that dogs are better than cats—or visa versa!—if you’re a) more specific and b) choose an idea that has some scientific research behind it. For example, a strong argumentative topic could be proving that dogs make better assistance animals than cats do.)

You also don’t want to make an argument about a topic that’s already a proven fact, like that drinking water is good for you. While some people might dislike the taste of water, there is an overwhelming body of evidence that proves—beyond the shadow of a doubt—that drinking water is a key part of good health.  

To avoid choosing a topic that’s either unprovable or already proven, try brainstorming some issues that have recently been discussed in the news, that you’ve seen people debating on social media, or that affect your local community. If you explore those outlets for potential topics, you’ll likely stumble upon something that piques your audience’s interest as well.  

Choose a Topic That You Find Interesting

Topics that have local, national, or global relevance often also resonate with us on a personal level. Consider choosing a topic that holds a connection between something you know or care about and something that is relevant to the rest of society. These don’t have to be super serious issues, but they should be topics that are timely and significant.

For example, if you are a huge football fan, a great argumentative topic for you might be arguing whether football leagues need to do more to prevent concussions . Is this as “important” an issue as climate change? No, but it’s still a timely topic that affects many people. And not only is this a great argumentative topic: you also get to write about one of your passions! Ultimately, if you’re working with a topic you enjoy, you’ll have more to say—and probably write a better essay .

Choose a Topic That Doesn’t Get You Too Heated

Another word of caution on choosing a topic for an argumentative paper: while it can be effective to choose a topic that matters to you personally, you also want to make sure you’re choosing a topic that you can keep your cool over. You’ve got to be able to stay unemotional, interpret the evidence persuasively, and, when appropriate, discuss opposing points of view without getting too salty.

In some situations, choosing a topic for your argumentative paper won’t be an issue at all: the test or exam will choose it for you . In that case, you’ve got to do the best you can with what you’re given.

In the next sections, we’re going to break down how to write any argumentative essay —regardless of whether you get to choose your own topic or have one assigned to you! Our expert tips and tricks will make sure that you’re knocking your paper out of the park.


The Thesis: The Argumentative Essay’s Backbone

You’ve chosen a topic or, more likely, read the exam question telling you to defend, challenge, or qualify a claim on an assigned topic. What do you do now?

You establish your position on the topic by writing a killer thesis statement ! The thesis statement, sometimes just called “the thesis,” is the backbone of your argument, the north star that keeps you oriented as you develop your main points, the—well, you get the idea.

In more concrete terms, a thesis statement conveys your point of view on your topic, usually in one sentence toward the end of your introduction paragraph . It’s very important that you state your point of view in your thesis statement in an argumentative way—in other words, it should state a point of view that is debatable.

And since your thesis statement is going to present your argument on the topic, it’s the thing that you’ll spend the rest of your argumentative paper defending. That’s where persuasion comes in. Your thesis statement tells your reader what your argument is, then the rest of your essay shows and explains why your argument is logical.

Why does an argumentative essay need a thesis, though? Well, the thesis statement—the sentence with your main claim—is actually the entire point of an argumentative essay. If you don’t clearly state an arguable claim at the beginning of your paper, then it’s not an argumentative essay. No thesis statement = no argumentative essay. Got it?

Other types of essays that you’re familiar with might simply use a thesis statement to forecast what the rest of the essay is going to discuss or to communicate what the topic is. That’s not the case here. If your thesis statement doesn’t make a claim or establish your position, you’ll need to go back to the drawing board.

Example Thesis Statements

Here are a couple of examples of thesis statements that aren’t argumentative and thesis statements that are argumentative

The sky is blue.

The thesis statement above conveys a fact, not a claim, so it’s not argumentative.

To keep the sky blue, governments must pass clean air legislation and regulate emissions.

The second example states a position on a topic. What’s the topic in that second sentence? The best way to keep the sky blue. And what position is being conveyed? That the best way to keep the sky blue is by passing clean air legislation and regulating emissions.

Some people would probably respond to that thesis statement with gusto: “No! Governments should not pass clean air legislation and regulate emissions! That infringes on my right to pollute the earth!” And there you have it: a thesis statement that presents a clear, debatable position on a topic.

Here’s one more set of thesis statement examples, just to throw in a little variety:

Spirituality and otherworldliness characterize A$AP Rocky’s portrayals of urban life and the American Dream in his rap songs and music videos.

The statement above is another example that isn’t argumentative, but you could write a really interesting analytical essay with that thesis statement. Long live A$AP! Now here’s another one that is argumentative:

To give students an understanding of the role of the American Dream in contemporary life, teachers should incorporate pop culture, like the music of A$AP Rocky, into their lessons and curriculum.

The argument in this one? Teachers should incorporate more relevant pop culture texts into their curriculum.

This thesis statement also gives a specific reason for making the argument above: To give students an understanding of the role of the American Dream in contemporary life. If you can let your reader know why you’re making your argument in your thesis statement, it will help them understand your argument better.


An actual image of you killing your argumentative essay prompts after reading this article! 

Breaking Down the Sections of An Argumentative Essay

Now that you know how to pick a topic for an argumentative essay and how to make a strong claim on your topic in a thesis statement, you’re ready to think about writing the other sections of an argumentative essay. These are the parts that will flesh out your argument and support the claim you made in your thesis statement.  

Like other types of essays, argumentative essays typically have three main sections: the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. Within those sections, there are some key elements that a reader—and especially an exam scorer or professor—is always going to expect you to include.

Let’s look at a quick outline of those three sections with their essential pieces here:

  • Introduction paragraph with a thesis statement (which we just talked about)
  • Support Point #1 with evidence
  • Explain/interpret the evidence with your own, original commentary (AKA, the fun part!)
  • Support Point #2 with evidence
  • Explain/interpret the evidence with your own, original commentary
  • Support Point #3 with evidence
  • New paragraph addressing opposing viewpoints (more on this later!)
  • Concluding paragraph

 Now, there are some key concepts in those sections that you’ve got to understand if you’re going to master how to write an argumentative essay. To make the most of the body section, you have to know how to support your claim (your thesis statement), what evidence and explanations are and when you should use them, and how and when to address opposing viewpoints. To finish strong, you’ve got to have a strategy for writing a stellar conclusion.

This probably feels like a big deal! The body and conclusion make up most of the essay, right? Let’s get down to it, then.


How to Write a Strong Argument

Once you have your topic and thesis, you’re ready for the hard part: actually writing your argument. If you make strategic choices—like the ones we’re about to talk about—writing a strong argumentative essay won’t feel so difficult.

There are three main areas where you want to focus your energy as you develop a strategy for how to write an argumentative essay: supporting your claim—your thesis statement—in your essay, addressing other viewpoints on your topic, and writing a solid conclusion. If you put thought and effort into these three things, you’re much more likely to write an argumentative essay that’s engaging, persuasive, and memorable...aka A+ material.

Focus Area 1: Supporting Your Claim With Evidence and Explanations

So you’ve chosen your topic, decided what your position will be, and written a thesis statement. But like we see in comment threads across the Internet, if you make a claim and don’t back it up with evidence, what do people say? “Where’s your proof?” “Show me the facts!” “Do you have any evidence to support that claim?”

Of course you’ve done your research like we talked about. Supporting your claim in your thesis statement is where that research comes in handy.

You can’t just use your research to state the facts, though. Remember your reader? They’re going to expect you to do some of the dirty work of interpreting the evidence for them. That’s why it’s important to know the difference between evidence and explanations, and how and when to use both in your argumentative essay.

What Evidence Is and When You Should Use It

Evidence can be material from any authoritative and credible outside source that supports your position on your topic. In some cases, evidence can come in the form of photos, video footage, or audio recordings. In other cases, you might be pulling reasons, facts, or statistics from news media articles, public policy, or scholarly books or journals.

There are some clues you can look for that indicate whether or not a source is credible , such as whether:

  • The website where you found the source ends in .edu, .gov, or .org
  • The source was published by a university press
  • The source was published in a peer-reviewed journal
  • The authors did extensive research to support the claims they make in the source

This is just a short list of some of the clues that a source is likely a credible one, but just because a source was published by a prestigious press or the authors all have PhDs doesn’t necessarily mean it is the best piece of evidence for you to use to support your argument.

In addition to evaluating the source’s credibility, you’ve got to consider what types of evidence might come across as most persuasive in the context of the argument you’re making and who your readers are. In other words, stepping back and getting a bird’s eye view of the entire context of your argumentative paper is key to choosing evidence that will strengthen your argument.

On some exams, like the AP exams , you may be given pretty strict parameters for what evidence to use and how to use it. You might be given six short readings that all address the same topic, have 15 minutes to read them, then be required to pull material from a minimum of three of the short readings to support your claim in an argumentative essay.

When the sources are handed to you like that, be sure to take notes that will help you pick out evidence as you read. Highlight, underline, put checkmarks in the margins of your exam . . . do whatever you need to do to begin identifying the material that you find most helpful or relevant. Those highlights and check marks might just turn into your quotes, paraphrases, or summaries of evidence in your completed exam essay.

What Explanations Are and When You Should Use Them

Now you know that taking a strategic mindset toward evidence and explanations is critical to grasping how to write an argumentative essay. Unfortunately, evidence doesn’t speak for itself. While it may be obvious to you, the researcher and writer, how the pieces of evidence you’ve included are relevant to your audience, it might not be as obvious to your reader.

That’s where explanations—or analysis, or interpretations—come in. You never want to just stick some quotes from an article into your paragraph and call it a day. You do want to interpret the evidence you’ve included to show your reader how that evidence supports your claim.

Now, that doesn’t mean you’re going to be saying, “This piece of evidence supports my argument because...”. Instead, you want to comment on the evidence in a way that helps your reader see how it supports the position you stated in your thesis. We’ll talk more about how to do this when we show you an example of a strong body paragraph from an argumentative essay here in a bit.

Understanding how to incorporate evidence and explanations to your advantage is really important. Here’s why: when you’re writing an argumentative essay, particularly on standardized tests or the AP exam, the exam scorers can’t penalize you for the position you take. Instead, their evaluation is going to focus on the way you incorporated evidence and explained it in your essay.


Focus Area 2: How—and When—to Address Other Viewpoints

Why would we be making arguments at all if there weren’t multiple views out there on a given topic? As you do research and consider the background surrounding your topic, you’ll probably come across arguments that stand in direct opposition to your position.

Oftentimes, teachers will ask you to “address the opposition” in your argumentative essay. What does that mean, though, to “ address the opposition ?”

Opposing viewpoints function kind of like an elephant in the room. Your audience knows they’re there. In fact, your audience might even buy into an opposing viewpoint and be waiting for you to show them why your viewpoint is better. If you don’t, it means that you’ll have a hard time convincing your audience to buy your argument.

Addressing the opposition is a balancing act: you don’t want to undermine your own argument, but you don’t want to dismiss the validity of opposing viewpoints out-of-hand or ignore them altogether, which can also undermine your argument.

This isn’t the only acceptable approach, but it’s common practice to wait to address the opposition until close to the end of an argumentative essay. But why?

Well, waiting to present an opposing viewpoint until after you’ve thoroughly supported your own argument is strategic. You aren’t going to go into great detail discussing the opposing viewpoint: you’re going to explain what that viewpoint is fairly, but you’re also going to point out what’s wrong with it.

It can also be effective to read the opposition through the lens of your own argument and the evidence you’ve used to support it. If the evidence you’ve already included supports your argument, it probably doesn’t support the opposing viewpoint. Without being too obvious, it might be worth pointing this out when you address the opposition.


Focus Area #3: Writing the Conclusion

It’s common to conclude an argumentative essay by reiterating the thesis statement in some way, either by reminding the reader what the overarching argument was in the first place or by reviewing the main points and evidence that you covered.

You don’t just want to restate your thesis statement and review your main points and call it a day, though. So much has happened since you stated your thesis in the introduction! And why waste a whole paragraph—the very last thing your audience is going to read—on just repeating yourself?

Here’s an approach to the conclusion that can give your audience a fresh perspective on your argument: reinterpret your thesis statement for them in light of all the evidence and explanations you’ve provided. Think about how your readers might read your thesis statement in a new light now that they’ve heard your whole argument out.

That’s what you want to leave your audience with as you conclude your argumentative paper: a brief explanation of why all that arguing mattered in the first place. If you can give your audience something to continue pondering after they’ve read your argument, that’s even better.

One thing you want to avoid in your conclusion, though: presenting new supporting points or new evidence. That can just be confusing for your reader. Stick to telling your reader why the argument you’ve already made matters, and your argument will stick with your reader.


A Strong Argumentative Essay: Examples

For some aspiring argumentative essay writers, showing is better than telling. To show rather than tell you what makes a strong argumentative essay, we’ve provided three examples of possible body paragraphs for an argumentative essay below.

Think of these example paragraphs as taking on the form of the “Argumentative Point #1 → Evidence —> Explanation —> Repeat” process we talked through earlier. It’s always nice to be able to compare examples, so we’ve included three paragraphs from an argumentative paper ranging from poor (or needs a lot of improvement, if you’re feeling generous), to better, to best.

All of the example paragraphs are for an essay with this thesis statement: 

Thesis Statement: In order to most effectively protect user data and combat the spread of disinformation, the U.S. government should implement more stringent regulations of Facebook and other social media outlets.

As you read the examples, think about what makes them different, and what makes the “best” paragraph more effective than the “better” and “poor” paragraphs. Here we go:

A Poor Argument

Example Body Paragraph: Data mining has affected a lot of people in recent years. Facebook has 2.23 billion users from around the world, and though it would take a huge amount of time and effort to make sure a company as big as Facebook was complying with privacy regulations in countries across the globe, adopting a common framework for privacy regulation in more countries would be the first step. In fact, Mark Zuckerberg himself supports adopting a global framework for privacy and data protection, which would protect more users than before.

What’s Wrong With This Example?

First, let’s look at the thesis statement. Ask yourself: does this make a claim that some people might agree with, but others might disagree with?

The answer is yes. Some people probably think that Facebook should be regulated, while others might believe that’s too much government intervention. Also, there are definitely good, reliable sources out there that will help this writer prove their argument. So this paper is off to a strong start!  

Unfortunately, this writer doesn’t do a great job proving their thesis in their body paragraph. First, the topic sentence—aka the first sentence of the paragraph—doesn’t make a point that directly supports the position stated in the thesis. We’re trying to argue that government regulation will help protect user data and combat the spread of misinformation, remember? The topic sentence should make a point that gets right at that, instead of throwing out a random fact about data mining.

Second, because the topic sentence isn’t focused on making a clear point, the rest of the paragraph doesn’t have much relevant information, and it fails to provide credible evidence that supports the claim made in the thesis statement. For example, it would be a great idea to include exactly what Mark Zuckerberg said ! So while there’s definitely some relevant information in this paragraph, it needs to be presented with more evidence.

A Better Argument  

This paragraph is a bit better than the first one, but it still needs some work. The topic sentence is a bit too long, and it doesn’t make a point that clearly supports the position laid out in the thesis statement. The reader already knows that mining user data is a big issue, so the topic sentence would be a great place to make a point about why more stringent government regulations would most effectively protect user data.

There’s also a problem with how the evidence is incorporated in this example. While there is some relevant, persuasive evidence included in this paragraph, there’s no explanation of why or how it is relevant . Remember, you can’t assume that your evidence speaks for itself: you have to interpret its relevance for your reader. That means including at least a sentence that tells your reader why the evidence you’ve chosen proves your argument.

A Best—But Not Perfect!—Argument  

Example Body Paragraph: Though Facebook claims to be implementing company policies that will protect user data and stop the spread of misinformation , its attempts have been unsuccessful compared to those made by the federal government. When PricewaterhouseCoopers conducted a Federal Trade Commission-mandated assessment of Facebook’s partnerships with Microsoft and the makers of the Blackberry handset in 2013, the team found limited evidence that Facebook had monitored or even checked that its partners had complied with Facebook’s existing data use policies. In fact, Facebook’s own auditors confirmed the PricewaterhouseCoopers findings, despite the fact that Facebook claimed that the company was making greater attempts to safeguard users’ personal information. In contrast, bills written by Congress have been more successful in changing Facebook’s practices than Facebook’s own company policies have. According to The Washington Post, The Honest Ads Act of 2017 “created public demand for transparency and changed how social media companies disclose online political advertising.” These policy efforts, though thus far unsuccessful in passing legislation, have nevertheless pushed social media companies to change some of their practices by sparking public outrage and negative media attention.

Why This Example Is The Best

This paragraph isn’t perfect, but it is the most effective at doing some of the things that you want to do when you write an argumentative essay.

First, the topic sentences get to the point . . . and it’s a point that supports and explains the claim made in the thesis statement! It gives a clear reason why our claim in favor of more stringent government regulations is a good claim : because Facebook has failed to self-regulate its practices.

This paragraph also provides strong evidence and specific examples that support the point made in the topic sentence. The evidence presented shows specific instances in which Facebook has failed to self-regulate, and other examples where the federal government has successfully influenced regulation of Facebook’s practices for the better.

Perhaps most importantly, though, this writer explains why the evidence is important. The bold sentence in the example is where the writer links the evidence back to their opinion. In this case, they explain that the pressure from Federal Trade Commission and Congress—and the threat of regulation—have helped change Facebook for the better.

Why point out that this isn’t a perfect paragraph, though? Because you won’t be writing perfect paragraphs when you’re taking timed exams either. But get this: you don’t have to write perfect paragraphs to make a good score on AP exams or even on an essay you write for class. Like in this example paragraph, you just have to effectively develop your position by appropriately and convincingly relying on evidence from good sources.


Top 3 Takeaways For Writing Argumentative Essays

This is all great information, right? If (when) you have to write an argumentative essay, you’ll be ready. But when in doubt, remember these three things about how to write an argumentative essay, and you’ll emerge victorious:

Takeaway #1: Read Closely and Carefully

This tip applies to every aspect of writing an argumentative essay. From making sure you’re addressing your prompt, to really digging into your sources, to proofreading your final’ll need to actively and pay attention! This is especially true if you’re writing on the clock, like during an AP exam.

Takeaway #2: Make Your Argument the Focus of the Essay

Define your position clearly in your thesis statement and stick to that position! The thesis is the backbone of your paper, and every paragraph should help prove your thesis in one way or another. But sometimes you get to the end of your essay and realize that you’ve gotten off topic, or that your thesis doesn’t quite fit. Don’t worry—if that happens, you can always rewrite your thesis to fit your paper!

Takeaway #3: Use Sources to Develop Your Argument—and Explain Them

Nothing is as powerful as good, strong evidence. First, make sure you’re finding credible sources that support your argument. Then you can paraphrase, briefly summarize, or quote from your sources as you incorporate them into your paragraphs. But remember the most important part: you have to explain why you’ve chosen that evidence and why it proves your thesis.

What's Next?

Once you’re comfortable with how to write an argumentative essay, it’s time to learn some more advanced tips and tricks for putting together a killer argument.

Keep in mind that argumentative essays are just one type of essay you might encounter. That’s why we’ve put together more specific guides on how to tackle IB essays , SAT essays , and ACT essays .

But what about admissions essays? We’ve got you covered. Not only do we have comprehensive guides to the Coalition App and Common App essays, we also have tons of individual college application guides, too . You can search through all of our college-specific posts by clicking here.

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Ashley Sufflé Robinson has a Ph.D. in 19th Century English Literature. As a content writer for PrepScholar, Ashley is passionate about giving college-bound students the in-depth information they need to get into the school of their dreams.

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Argumentative essay writing, as the name implies, involves creating strong arguments based on facts and evidence. The goal of this essay is to convince the reader to adopt a logical viewpoint based on the available proof. It is a complex form of essay writing which requires extensive first-hand as well as second-hand research.

Let’s understand what an argumentative essay is and how to write it with the help of numerous argumentative essay examples. To guide you in your essay writing journey, we’ve also provided a well-structured argumentative essay outline.

Let’s start off with understanding what is an argumentative essay.

What is an argumentative essay?

An argumentative essay is a piece of writing that convinces one to adopt a particular viewpoint, based on statistics and evidence. Unlike an expository essay, an argumentative essay involves adopting a particular point of view on a topic based on the available information.  

Since it’s aimed at convincing the readers, it needs to contain strong supporting evidence. This requires a much more thorough examination of the available data sources. An argumentative essay is the most common essay type assigned in science, technology or even advanced literature courses in colleges. 

A well-written argumentative essay makes use of information rather than personal opinion. For instance, the statement “beaches are better than mountains” makes for a poor argument. However, including statistical data and figures makes this argument more substantial. For instance “48% of Americans prefer beaches, whereas only 27% prefer mountains”

Now that we’ve understood the meaning of an argumentative essay, let’s take a look at its outline.

Argumentative essay outline

The argumentative essay structure is different from other essay types. Although its aim is to convince the reader to adopt a viewpoint, a good argumentative essay structure looks at an argument from all sides and also addresses the counterargument. The goal is to disprove the opposing arguments with the use of logic and the latest evidence. 

There are three main argumentative essay formats. Let’s take a look:

This is the simplest structure of an argumentative essay when it comes to writing. It follows a logical path of introducing the argument, providing evidence supporting the argument, refuting counterarguments, and finally concluding your argument.

The following outline talks about the advantages of using nuclear power for environmental protection. 

Advantages of Nuclear Power for Environmental Protection

I. Introduction

A. Background information on the topic

B. Thesis statement: Despite the negative reputation and potential risks associated with nuclear power, it is the best bet for our environment due to its low carbon emissions, high energy production, and advancements in safety technology.

II. Low carbon emissions

A. Explanation of carbon emissions and their impact on the environment

B. Comparison of nuclear power to other energy sources in terms of carbon emissions

C. Case studies and statistics supporting the low carbon emission of nuclear power

III. High energy production

A. Explanation of energy production and its importance

B. Comparison of nuclear power to other energy sources in terms of energy production

C. Case studies and statistics supporting the high energy production of nuclear power

IV. Advancements in safety technology

A. Explanation of nuclear power safety concerns

B. Overview of advancements in nuclear power safety technology

C. Comparison of nuclear power safety technology to other energy sources

D. Case studies and statistics supporting the advancements in nuclear power safety technology

V. Counterarguments and refutations

A. Discussion of common counterarguments against nuclear power

B. Refutation of counterarguments with evidence and examples

VI. Conclusion

A. Restatement of thesis

B. Summary of main points

C. Final thoughts on the importance of nuclear power in addressing environmental challenges.

This format is used to explain your stance on a highly polarizing, complex topic. It involves presenting your stance and comparing it with the generally accepted evidence. It also involves presenting the limitations of your claim along with rebuttals. 

The following Toulmin essay outline highlights the dangers of genetic modification:

The Dark Side of Genetic Modification

B. Thesis statement: Genetic modification is dangerous due to the potential risks it poses to human health, the environment, and ethical concerns surrounding genetic engineering.

II. Claim 1: Risks to human health

A. Explanation of the potential risks to human health associated with genetic modification

B. Overview of studies and research that have shown adverse effects on human health

C. Evidence and examples supporting the claim

III. Claim 2: Risks to the environment

A. Explanation of the potential risks to the environment associated with genetic modification

B. Overview of studies and research that have shown negative impacts on the environment

IV. Claim 3: Ethical concerns

A. Explanation of the ethical concerns surrounding genetic engineering

B. Overview of the potential consequences of genetic modification on social, cultural, and ethical values

V. Counterargument and refutation

A. Discussion of common counterarguments in favor of genetic modification

V. Conclusion

C. Final thoughts on the dangers of genetic modification and the need for caution in its application.

3. Rogerian

This format acknowledges both sides of the argument and provides evidence as to why your stance is valid. It is the least confrontational form of argument which is used to convince to opposition to adopt your point of view.  

The following Rogerian essay outline talks about why more government funds should be dedicated to space exploration.

A Cosmic Investment

B. Thesis statement: While some may argue that government funds should be allocated towards pressing issues on earth, dedicating more funds to space travel is necessary because of the technological advancements it brings, the potential for scientific discoveries, and economic benefits.

II. Understanding the opposing arguments

A. Explanation of the opposing viewpoint’s concerns and arguments

B. Acknowledgement of valid points made by the opposing viewpoint

C. Statement of common ground between the opposing viewpoint and the argument

III. Presenting the supporting arguments

A. Explanation of the technological advancements made possible through space travel

B. Overview of the scientific discoveries that have been made possible through space exploration

C. Explanation of the economic benefits of space travel and the growth of the space industry

IV. Addressing concerns of the opposition

A. Discussion of concerns raised by the opposing viewpoint and why they should not prevent the dedication of funds to space travel

B. Explanation of how funding for space travel can coexist with funding for pressing issues on earth

C. Evidence and examples to support the argument

V. Common ground and conclusion

A. Restatement of the thesis statement

B. Summary of the main points of the argument

C. Statement of common ground and call to action for continued exploration of space.

Now that you’ve learned how to structure, let’s understand how to write an argumentative essay. 

How to write an argumentative essay

Although the process of writing an argumentative essay is similar to other essay types, it requires much more research and planning. Developing an argument requires a significant understanding of the subject matter from all angles. 

Let’s take a look at the steps to writing an argumentative essay:

1. Choose appropriate argumentative essay topics.

Although topics for an argumentative essay are highly diverse, they are based on a controversial stance. So, make sure that your argumentative essay topics are debatable. Here are a few examples of good argumentative essay topics:

Should animal testing be prohibited?

Should sports be segregated by gender?

Are wildlife sanctuaries ethical?

2. Construct a thesis statement. 

The thesis statement involves taking a stance on your topic. For instance, if your topic is “Should school uniforms be mandatory?”, your thesis statement will take a stance for, or against this. However, make sure that your thesis statement has sufficient evidence from reliable sources to back it up. 

Let’s take a look at a thesis statement example for the topic “Why four-day work-weeks should  be encouraged”: 

A four-day workweek is a viable solution for reducing employee burnout, enhancing work-life balance, and improving overall productivity. It not only promotes a healthier and happier workforce but also reduces costs for employers.

3. Collect evidence.

After taking your stance on your essay topic, it’s time to back it up with facts, evidence, and statistics. This requires an extensive amount of research. 

Make sure to facilitate your research from reputed sources. To make your essay up-to-date and reliable, you can even collect evidence with the help of surveys and experiments. 

Next, sort your evidence into main points to create a basic outline of your essay. This is also a good time to address the counterarguments to your stance.

4. Write the first draft.

After developing the outline, it’s time to flesh it out. Start by constructing an interesting hook, and providing background information for your thesis statement in the introduction. 

Next, elaborate on the topic sentences that provide support to your thesis statement. You can add statistics and empirical data along with plenty of direct quotes and citations to give credibility to your essay. 

And finally, conclude your essay with a summarization of the main points of your essay along with the key takeaway. A powerful conclusion not only allows the readers to see your viewpoint but also creates a lasting impression on their minds.

5. Edit your draft.

Your first draft may not be perfect. Make sure to optimize the sentence structure and word choice. Also, modify your arguments if necessary. You can have friends and family go over your essay and spot any errors that slip through the cracks. For a more fool-proof, error-free essay you can also take the help of professional essay proofreading services .

Now that we’ve understood how to write an effective argumentative essay, let’s take a look at an example of an argumentative essay.

Argumentative essay example 

To guide you in your essay-writing journey, we’ve provided you with an argumentative essay example. It discusses the ill effects of automation. This essay is slightly longer in length and deviates from the commonly used five-paragraph structure. 

Should Companies Invest in Manpower over Autonomous Machines?

The rise of autonomous machines has revolutionized the manufacturing industry, with robots now able to perform tasks that were once done exclusively by human workers. While this technology has undoubtedly improved efficiency and productivity, the question remains whether companies should be required to hire human workers over using autonomous machines. 

The use of autonomous machines has resulted in job losses in the manufacturing industry. According to a study by the Brookings Institution, the use of robots in the United States has led to the loss of over 1.7 million jobs since 2000. While automation has created new jobs in certain industries, such as software development and engineering, the number of jobs lost is significantly higher.

Hiring human workers also has a positive impact on the economy. According to a report by the National Bureau of Economic Research, every robot that replaces a human worker leads to a net loss of 1.6 jobs. This means that for every 10 robots introduced into the workforce, 16 jobs are lost. Hiring human workers over using autonomous machines can help to create more jobs and improve the overall economic situation.

In addition to the economic benefits, human workers offer several advantages over autonomous machines. Human workers are able to adapt to changing situations and problem-solve in a way that machines cannot. This is particularly important in industries where there is a high level of variability in the work being done. 

Furthermore, the use of autonomous machines can lead to safety concerns in the workplace. While robots have become increasingly sophisticated, they are still prone to malfunctions and errors. In some cases, this can lead to workplace accidents and injuries. Human workers are able to identify potential safety hazards and take preventative measures to reduce the risk of accidents.

Although the use of autonomous machines has led to increased efficiency and productivity, their negative impact cannot be ignored. Hiring human workers over using autonomous machines can create jobs, improve the economy, and offer many more advantages. Additionally, the safety concerns associated with the use of autonomous machines highlight the importance of prioritizing human workers. Human workers are more adept at ensuring the well-being of the workforce and the economy as a whole. Therefore, they should be prioritized over machines. 

We hope the above explanation and examples have clarified the basics of writing argumentative essays. As providers of essay editing services , we understand how writing good essays is not a piece of cake. 

To help you write good essays, our team has created detailed resources. Continue reading to take your essay-writing skills to the next level! 

  • Guide to a Perfect Descriptive Essay
  • Expository Essays | Step-by-Step Manual
  • How to Start an Essay
  • How to Write an Essay Outline

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Education is better than wealth Argumentative Essay

Education is better than wealth Argumentative Essay

This article discusses the importance of education over money. While having money is necessary, it is crucial to have knowledge to save and invest it wisely. Education provides a sense of security and a regular earning mechanism, protecting individuals from any unexpected financial shocks. The article explains that education is a form of learning that is transferred from one generation to the next through teaching, training, or research. Although education is compulsory in most places, attendance at school often isn’t, and some parents choose home-schooling or e-learning. The history of education began in prehistory, as adults trained the young of their society in the knowledge and skills they would need to master and eventually pass on. Education is more valuable than money, as it provides individuals with a skillset that they can use throughout their lives.

When considering money as an asset, it is not inherently advantageous. It necessitates expertise to effectively save and even more knowledge to make prudent investments in ventures or businesses. To attain genuine tranquility, it is essential to establish a dependable means of earning income that can protect you from potential setbacks like a failed business or economic downturn.

Education holds greater significance than money as it opens up diverse avenues for earning. Nevertheless, individuals lacking education who amass wealth through entrepreneurship or other means may encounter challenges when their business fails or unforeseen circumstances arise. Without an education, they are left with limited options and the arduous task of persevering with their business. Conversely, education grants the opportunity to seek employment and generate income.

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Moreover, education and learning in any form are advantageous and provide diverse benefits in various aspects of life. Education, broadly speaking, encompasses the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and behaviors from one generation to another through teaching, training, or research. Although education typically entails guidance from others, it is also feasible to acquire knowledge independently.

Education includes any experience that affects a person’s thoughts, emotions, or actions. It is commonly divided into different stages like preschool, primary school, secondary school, and higher education which encompasses college, university, or apprenticeship. Some governments recognize the right to education. Moreover, globally, Article 13 of the United Nations’ 1966 International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights guarantees everyone’s right to obtain an education.

Despite the requirement for education in many regions until a certain age, some parents opt for alternatives like home-schooling or e-learning for their children. The term “education” is derived from the Latin word educatio, which comes from educo and is associated with the word educo originating from e- and “duco.” Education can take place in formal or informal settings. Since ancient prehistoric times, adults have been passing on crucial knowledge and skills to younger members of society.

In pre-literate societies, the passage of knowledge occurred orally and through imitation. This tradition of story-telling continued from one generation to another. However, as cultures advanced and sought to expand their knowledge beyond skills that could be easily acquired through imitation, formal education came into existence. During the time of the Middle Kingdom, schools were present in Egypt. Education not only offers the opportunity to earn a good income but also brings immense value that cannot be purchased with money. As mentioned by Napoleon Hill in “Think and Grow Rich,” inherited wealth can sometimes have negative consequences.

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argumentative essay on education is better than money

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