Competitive Events

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Vocabulary Flipcards

Performance Indicator Flipcards

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Chapter Name

As an integral part of the classroom curriculum, DECA’s industry-validated competitive events are aligned with the National Curriculum Standards in the career clusters of marketing, business management and administration, finance, and hospitality and tourism. DECA’s flagship evaluation process involves students in both a written component such as an exam or report and an interactive component with an industry professional serving as a judge. DECA’s competitive events directly contribute to every student being college and career ready when they graduate from high school.


DECA’s Principles of Business Administration Events measure the student’s proficiency in those knowledge and skills identified by career practitioners as common academic and technical content across marketing, finance, hospitality, and business management and administration. The Principles of Business Administration Events are designed for first-year DECA members who are enrolled in introductory-level principles of marketing/business courses.


DECA’s Team Decision Making Events provide an opportunity for participants to analyze one or a combination of elements essential to the effective operation of a business in the specific career area. The business situation to be analyzed will be presented as a case study.

Individual Series Events

DECA’s Individual Series Events effectively measure students’ proficiency in the knowledge and skills identified by occupational practitioners as essential to success in a given career. Participants receive recognition for achievement in each role-play scenario and in the series as a whole.

Personal Financial Literacy

DECA’s Personal Financial Literacy Event measures the personal finance knowledge and skills that K-12 students should possess. The Personal Financial Literacy Event is designed to measure the student’s ability to apply reliable information and systematic decision making to personal financial decisions. The Personal Financial Literacy Event is designed for DECA members who are enrolled in personal finance and financial literacy courses.

Business Operations Research Events

DECA’s Business Operations Research Events provide opportunities for participants to demonstrate the knowledge and skills needed by management personnel. Students conduct actual research studies in their communities.

Project Management Events

DECA’s Project Management Events require participants to use project management skills to initiate, plan, execute, monitor and control and close a project.


DECA’s Entrepreneurship Events provide opportunities to explore entrepreneurial concepts from idea generation, business planning, to growing an existing business.

Integrated Marketing Campaign Events

DECA’s Integrated Marketing Campaign Events provide opportunities for members to develop an integrated marketing campaign of no more than 45 days in length for a real event, product or service and present the campaign in a role-play situation.


DECA’s Professional Selling and Consulting Events provide an opportunity for participants to demonstrate skills needed for a career in sales and/or consulting. Participants will organize and deliver a sales presentation or consultation for one or more products/services/customers.

Online Events

DECA’s Online Events provide opportunities for students to participate in online simulations to learn how to invest in the stock market, manage personal finances, or operate a business venture.

Virtual Business challenge Events

Participants in the DECA Virtual Business Challenge (VBC) operate a web-based business simulation utilizing a competition version of the Virtual Business software. The VBC qualifying rounds are conducted via the internet, where participants will vie for chartered association, regional and overall rankings.

DECA+ ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY ‍ A DECA+ subscription is required for each DECA chapter wishing to access the resources within the DECA+ site. The login is to be used only by the chapter and its members, and the login cannot be shared beyond the chapter. Under no circumstances may any of the content, including but not limited to exams, scenarios or sample written entries, in whole or in part, or any item within be published or posted on any website. Under no circumstances may any of the content, including but not limited to exams, scenarios or sample written entries, in whole or in part, or any item within be shared or distributed beyond the specific DECA chapter that has purchased the subscription.  Any chapter(s) which violates the DECA+ distribution and use policy will not be allowed to participate in the current school year’s chartered association conference or the International Career Development Conference. If any exams or scenarios are posted on a chapter or chartered association website in way outside of the distribution and use policy, the chartered association will not be eligible to purchase exams or receive scenarios from DECA Inc. for a period of one year for the first offense. Furthermore, further access to DECA+ by the chapter(s) in violation will be prohibited effective immediately for a period of no less than three years.

deca integrated marketing campaign presentation

6 Steps to Create an Integrated Marketing Campaign

deca integrated marketing campaign presentation

With so much competition in the marketplace, brands need to do everything they can to stand out to their customers. An integrated marketing campaign is not only effective, but it can boost brand awareness, build loyalty and improve revenue. Think of it like this: You discover a new brand on TikTok that’s promoting their new footwear collection, but when you visit the company’s website there are no shoes anywhere in sight. Confusing right?

Integrated marketing campaigns, which can include print, radio, television ads, email marketing, public relations and social media, among others, help to eliminate any confusion for the customer and align a company’s marketing platforms to promote products or services via a strategic campaign. Integrated marketing also means making sure a company or brand’s main message is being delivered through various marketing channels.

Rather than running campaigns on different marketing channels, it’s typically more impactful to run integrated marketing campaigns since they can reach a wider audience, build trust with customers, and save time and money since campaigns can be shared and repurposed where needed. Here are six steps to building a successful integrated marketing campaign:

1. Establish the goal of your campaign. ‍

Before deciding which marketing channels to be part of an integrated campaign consider the ultimate goal. Maybe you’re trying to promote a new website or storefront. Whatever the goal, having one will set you up for success.

2. Pick your marketing channels. ‍

Once the campaign’s main goal is established, it’s time to select the relevant channels that will be employed. Are radio ads and billboards more effective than digital marketing or events? You can test various channels and adjust accordingly.

deca integrated marketing campaign presentation

3. Identify your audience by channel. ‍

It’s important to know who your brand is talking to on each channel and learn how you can adjust assets or messaging to maximize any campaign. Target specific buyers by defining various personas for different types of buyers.

4. Create adaptable assets.

‍ At this point, it’s time to think about your campaign’s copywriting and graphic design. If your integrated marketing campaign is highlighting a behind-the-scenes video, you could repurpose this content into a “trailer” video, still images, blog posts, hashtags and more.

5. Plan to collect leads.

‍ Even if you’re solely focused on brand awareness and not necessarily collecting new customer leads, you need to be ready to receive them. Are you driving people to download an offer or join your newsletter? Who will help convert these leads into sales?  

6. Launch and measure your campaign. ‍

Be sure you’re set up to track your marketing channel’s metrics while your campaign is running to see how you’re reaching your goal. You can take what you learn and adjust or repurpose it for each future integrated marketing campaign.

Whether customers discover your brand on social media, while binging their favorite streaming series or listening to their favorite podcast, integrated marketing campaigns are hugely important when it comes to brand recognition and creating a cohesive and consistent experience.

Located in Los Angeles, in the heart of the fashion and entertainment industries, FIDM/Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising is a leading WSCUC- and NASAD-accredited college offering specialized Associate of Arts and Bachelor’s degrees, as well as a creative-based MBA. We have over 50 years of experience helping students build an incredible network as they gain knowledge and job experience, so that when they graduate, they’re ready to launch a successful career.

Discussion Questions

Classroom connection, career cluster:, instructional area(s):, performance indicators:.

deca integrated marketing campaign presentation

The Business of the Olympics

The Olympics. An event, a competition, a show. While millions tune in to the most prestigious athletic contests in the world, few can see the business behind the scenes. This article will delve into the business side of the Olympics, from margins to media.

deca integrated marketing campaign presentation

Making the Most of Your Summer Internship

Summer internships are not just about earning a paycheck or padding your resume; they're an opportunity to learn, grow, and pave the way for your future career. But how do you make the most of these brief months?

deca integrated marketing campaign presentation

The Secret to Success in DECA and Beyond

Never want to be stuck on a problem again? We got you. Learn a powerful method to crush any problem - from DECA, to admissions, to academics, to sports and even everyday life.

deca integrated marketing campaign presentation

Financial Literacy 101: It’s Never Too Early to Start

In an increasingly complex and interconnected world, financial literacy is a prerequisite for success and stability. High school students who prioritize developing this skill set early on position themselves for a future marked by financial independence and security. Read how you can set yourself up for financial success early here.

DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe.

  • Written Competitive Events
  • Competitive Event Information

DECA Written Events consist of a written business plan and a prepared presentation before a judge.  Some events are for individuals and some are for a team up to three members (refer to the Event Guidelines for complete information and guidelines) .

Students in written events are NOT allowed to compete in any other event at the State Conference, except School Based Enterprise (MISBE).

Written Events are submitted to Michigan DECA in February when a team of volunteer advisors will review the projects to access penalty points prior to the State Conference.

Michigan DECA staff will upload all entries to to be screened for plagiarism.  The entries will be screened by Michigan DECA staff by the end of February.  Evidence of plagiarism or cheating shall result in the student being disqualified from competition. No refunds will be given for disqualified dropped students.

20-page Written Events will have the written portion of their project judged online prior to the State Conference.  The student member(s) will present before a different judge at the State Conference on Thursday.  The scores will be added together to determine the overall winners, which will be announced at Saturday’s Award Session.

10-page Written Events will have the written portion and their presentation judged at the State Conference on Thursday.  The overall winners, which will be announced at Saturday’s Award Session. The three Integrated Marketing Campaign events will also take a Comprehensive Exam prior to the conference, and that score will be added to their judged score to determine the overall winners.  Medals will be given for the top scores in the Comprehensive Exam.

All students in Written Events are required to take either the Math or Economics Examination (or both) at the State Conference.  These exams can be taken anytime during the hours the exams are offered on Friday.  Recognition will be given during Saturday’s Award Session for the top scores in each exam.

The Statement of Assurances and Academic Integrity form must be a separate PDF file from the project.

Please note: if you have used Canva to create your project, you will need to download the project as  either “PDF Print” or “PDF Standard”. Downloading it in any other format could result in penalties if TurnItIn cannot ‘read’ the words for the plagiarism review.

The following applies to all Written Events:

NOTE: Some people are having challenges with getting the documents to download through Chrome.   Workaround: right click the link, select Copy Link Address, and in a new Chrome tab, on the website address bar, right click again and Paste that link.  

Written Events submitted online only between February 12-19, 2025:

  • Business Growth Plan (EBG)
  • Business Services Operations Research (BOR)
  • Business Solutions Project (PMBS)
  • Buying and Merchandising Operations Research (BMOR)
  • Career Development Project (PMCD)
  • Community Awareness Project (PMCA)
  • Community Giving Project (PMCG)
  • Finance Operations Research (FOR)
  • Financial Literacy Project (PMFL)
  • Franchise Business Plan (EFB)
  • Hospitality and Tourism Operations Research (HTOR)
  • Independent Business Plan (EIB)
  • International Business Plan (IBP)
  • Sales Project (PMSP)
  • Sports and Entertainment Marketing Operations Research (SEOR)
  • Innovation Plan (EIP)
  • Integrated Marketing Campaign Event (IMCE)
  • Integrated Marketing Campaign Product (IMCP)
  • Integrated Marketing Campaign Service (IMCS)
  • Start–Up Business Plan (ESB)

Merit Awards Program (MIGMAP) requires a PDF upload  AND also a hard copy.

Upload pdf between february 12-19, 2025, hard copy due february 19, 2025, refer to the merit award program page, chapter awards program (micap) needs a hard copy only., refer to the  chapter award program page.

Pennsylvania DECA Logo

Competitive Events

Connecting classroom learning to real-life scenarios.

As an integral part of the classroom curriculum, Pennsylvania DECA’s industry-validated competitive events are aligned with the National Curriculum Standards in the career clusters of marketing, business management and administration, finance, and hospitality and tourism. Pennsylvania DECA’s flagship evaluation process involves students in both a written component such as an exam or report and an interactive component with an industry professional serving as a judge. Pennsylvania DECA’s competitive events directly contribute to every student being college and career ready when they graduate from high school.

deca integrated marketing campaign presentation

Principles of Business Administration Events

DECA’s Principles of Business Administration Events measure the student’s proficiency in those knowledge and skills identified by career practitioners as common academic and technical content across marketing, finance, hospitality, and business management and administration. The Principles of Business Administration Events are designed for first-year DECA members who are enrolled in introductory-level principles of marketing/business courses.

Event Career Cluster & Acronym Description District Event State Event ICDC Event


The business situation will use language associated with careers in Administrative Services, Business Information Management, General Management, Human Resources Management, and Operations Management.


The business situation will use language associated with careers in Accounting, Banking Services, Business Finance, Insurance and Securities, and Investments.


The business situation will use language associated with careers in Hotels, Restaurants, and Tourism and Travel.


The business situation will use language associated with careers in Marketing Communications, Marketing Management, Marketing Research, Merchandising and Professional Selling.

Team Decision Making Events

Event Career Cluster & Acronym Description District Event State Event ICDC Event


For the purposes of this event, business law is U.S. law and will include contracts, product liability, employment and types of business ownership. The ethics component involves evaluating competing social values that may reasonably be argued from either side.


Employees in buying and merchandising positions get the product into the hands of the customer. This process includes forecasting, planning, buying, displaying, selling and providing customer service.


Entrepreneurship includes the ability to recognize opportunities and to act on them, determine needs, identify markets, utilize marketing research, identify sources of capital and use management skills.


Financial services refer to services offered in the finance industry by financial institutions. Concepts include understanding the source and purpose of financial statements, the impact of management decisions on statements, and the analysis and interpretation of data for planning purposes.


Hospitality services include marketing and management functions and tasks that can be applied in hotels, motels, lodging services, related convention services, and related food and beverage services.


Marketing management includes marketing and management functions and tasks that can be applied broadly in a non-retail marketing environment.


Sports and entertainment marketing includes marketing functions and tasks that can be applied in amateur or professional sports or sporting events, entertainment or entertainment events, selling or renting of supplies and equipment (other than vehicles) used for recreational or sporting purposes, products and services related to hobbies or cultural events, or businesses primarily engaged in satisfying the desire to make productive or enjoyable use of leisure time.
Travel and Tourism Team Decision Making


Travel and tourism includes marketing and management functions and tasks that can be applied in enterprises engaged in passenger transportation, travel service, attracting and serving the traveling public, arranging tours or acting as independent ticket agencies, and other services incidental to the travel or tourism industry.

Individual Series Events

Event Career Cluster & Acronym Description District Event State Event ICDC Event


Students will be challenged to perform management functions and tasks focusing on the application of financial data to business planning, including collection and organization of data, development and use of reports, and analysis of data to make business decisions. Concepts include understanding the source and purpose of financial statements, the impact of management decisions on statements, and the analysis and interpretation of data for planning purposes.


Students will be challenged to perform marketing and management functions and tasks in retail establishments, wholesale establishments and/or manufacturing firms primarily engaged in the marketing of clothing and related articles for personal wear and adornment.


Students will be challenged to perform marketing and management functions and tasks related to auto dealers, service stations and related businesses or auto parts stores.


Financial services refer to services offered in the finance industry by financial institutions. Concepts include understanding the source and purpose of financial statements, the impact of management decisions on statements, and the analysis and interpretation of data for planning purposes.


Students will be challenged to perform marketing functions and tasks involved in providing services to businesses on a fee or contract basis or providing services to consumers.


Students will be challenged to perform the ability to recognize opportunities and to act on them, determine needs, identify markets, utilize marketing research, identify sources of capital and use management skills.


Students will be challenged to perform marketing and management functions and tasks in retail establishments, wholesale establishments and manufacturing firms resulting in the sale of food.
Hotel and Lodging Management


Students will be challenged to perform marketing and management functions and tasks in hotels, motels, lodging services, convention services, and food and beverage services.
Human Resources Management


Students will be challenged to perform management functions and tasks focusing on staffing, recruitment, selection, training, performance appraisal, compensation and safety training.
Logistics/Materials Handling LOG

Along with a multiple choice test related to Logistics, the role play scenario will use language based on materials handling and logistics.

Marketing Communications


Students will be challenged to perform marketing communications and functions and tasks that inform, persuade, or remind a target market of ideas experiences, goods or services.
Quick Serve Restaurant Management


Students will be challenged to perform marketing and management functions and tasks in retail establishments, wholesale establishments and manufacturing firms primarily engaged in the quick-serve restaurant industry.
Restaurant and Food Service Management


Retail Merchandising


Sports and Entertainment Marketing


Students will be challenged to perform marketing and management functions and tasks related to amateur or professional sports or sporting events, entertainment or entertainment events, selling or renting of supplies and equipment (other than vehicles) used for recreational or sporting purposes, products and services related to hobbies or cultural events, or businesses primarily engaged in satisfying the desire to make productive or enjoyable use of leisure time.

Personal Financial Literacy Event

Event Career Cluster & Acronym Description District Event State Event ICDC Event


Students will be assessed on their knowledge of areas such as: financial responsibility and decision making, income and careers, planning and money management, credit and debt, risk management and insurance, and saving and investing.

Business Operations Research Events

DECA’s Business Operations Research Events provide opportunities for participants to demonstrate knowledge and skills needed by management personnel. Students conduct actual research studies in their communities.

Event Career Cluster & Acronym Description District Event State Event ICDC Event


Business Services includes human resources, information technology and personal and contracted services businesses.


Buying and Merchandising includes retail and wholesale businesses that provide consumer goods.


Finance includes banks, credit unions, accounting, investments and other financial businesses.



Sports and Entertainment Marketing includes businesses that conduct sporting and/or entertainment events.

Project Management Events

DECA’s Project Management Events require participants to use project management skills to initiate, plan, execute, monitor and control, and close a project.

Event Career Cluster & Acronym Description District Event State Event ICDC Event


The Business Solutions Project uses the project management process to work with a local business or organization to identify a specific problem with the current business operations and implement a solution. Examples include talent acquisition, employee on-boarding, policies and procedures, technology integration, customer service improvement, safety operations, marketing and promotion activities, and productivity and output enhancement.


The Career Development Project uses the project management process to promote/educate the knowledge and skills needed for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality, management and entrepreneurship. Examples include career fairs, summer boot camps, professional dress seminars, résumé development workshops, career exploration initiatives, mock interviews, educational paths, career paths, workplace re-entry and mentor programs.


The Community Awareness Project uses the project management process to raise awareness for a community issue or cause. Examples include day of service, distracted driving, driving under the influence, bullying, disease awareness, mental health awareness, drug awareness, ethics, environmental and green issues, and vaping. 


The Community Giving Project uses the project management process to raise funds or collect donations to be given to a cause/charity. Examples include food bank donations, homeless shelter donations, 5K’s, sports tournaments, auctions, banquets, item collections, holiday drives, adopt a families, etc.


The Financial Literacy Project uses the project management process to promote the importance of financial literacy, including spending and saving, credit and debt, employment and income, investing, risk and insurance and financial decision making. Examples include organizing and implementing seminars for students (elementary, middle, high and post-secondary), tax preparation assistance, retirement planning, and student loan workshops.
Sales Project


Entrepreneurship Events

DECA’s Entrepreneurship Events provide opportunities to explore entrepreneurial concepts from idea generation, business planning, to growing an existing business.

Event Career Cluster & Acronym Description District Event State Event ICDC Event


The Business Growth Plan involves the idea generation and strategy development needed to grow an existing business. Participants in the Business Growth Plan will analyze their current business operations and identify opportunities to grow and expand the business.


The purpose of the Franchise Business Plan Event is designed for participants to present a comprehensive business plan proposal to buy into an existing franchise. The participant seeks to become a franchisee.


The Independent Business Plan Event involves the development of a comprehensive proposal to start a new business. Any type of business may be used.


The Innovation Plan Event involves the idea generation and opportunity recognition needed to take advantage of market opportunities to introduce a new business, product or service. Any type of business, product or service may be used.


The International Business Plan Event involves the development of a proposal to start a new business venture in an international setting. Any type of business may be used.
Start-Up Business Plan


Integrated Marketing Campaign Events

DECA’s Integrated Marketing Campaign Events provide opportunities for members to develop an integrated marketing campaign of no more than 45 days in length for a real event, product or service and present the campaign in a role-play situation.

Event Career Cluster & Acronym Description District Event State Event ICDC Event


Integrated Marketing Campaign—Event includes a campaign that is related to any sports and entertainment event and/or company event. Examples include concerts, festivals, fairs, tournaments, pet adoption day, charity events, etc. 



Professional Selling and Consulting Events

DECA’s Professional Selling and Consulting Events provide an opportunity for participants to demonstrate skills needed for a career in sales and/or consulting. Participants will organize and deliver a sales presentation or consultation for one or more products/services/customers.

Event Career Cluster & Acronym Description District Event State Event ICDC Event


For 2022-2023 you will assume the role of a financial consultant to a local bank or credit union. The bank or credit union is looking to close some of its brick-and-mortar locations and transition more of its services to an online/virtual platform. The bank or credit union is seeking your recommendation on what services could be transitioned to an online-only banking platform without compromising customer service to its customers.



Online Events

DECA’s Online Events provide opportunities for students to participate in online simulations to learn how to invest in the stock market, manage personal finances, or operate a business venture.

Event Career Cluster & Acronym Description District Event State Event ICDC Event


Participants in the Stock Market Game develop and manage an investment portfolio. Each participating team manages all aspects of the portfolio including stock selection, buying and selling. The goal of the competition is to increase the value of the beginning portfolio.









In the VBC Sports track, participants will manage specific marketing concepts such as ticket pricing, media planning and sponsorships within a football franchise. Participants will interpret actions, charts and graphs in order to make strategic marketing decisions for their franchise to optimize profitability.

State Only Events

Pennsylvania DECA’s State-Only Events build on DECA’s Competitive Events Program to provide students with additional competitive event opportunities.

Event Acronym Description District Event State Event ICDC Event


Along with taking the Marketing Cluster Exam to determine which team goes first, this game style event with teams comprise of 2 – 4 members will answer marketing type questions.







Chapters will claim credit for activities by submitting a notebook consisting of activity reports and visual documentation from the past year.


Each team will be provided with one white banner that is 8ft long and 3ft wide and prepare a banner featuring this year’s state theme.


This event will help students learn how to advertise a designated product with the use of technology.  Students will improve their advertising, marketing, and creative skills while creating a professional video.

Prepare for Competition

Find competitive event guides, sample case studies, and mock presentations!

Career Cluster

From the clothes you wear to the food you consume to your daily transportation, marketing is everywhere. Marketing professionals put products in the hands of consumers who need and want them. They keep a pulse on the latest trends and upcoming developments. Masterful in pricing, marketing-information management, promotion and selling, these savvy trendsetters have the most innovative ideas in advertising, digital marketing communications, merchandising and selling.


Connect to courses, curriculum + careers.

DECA’s Comprehensive Learning Program integrates into classroom instruction, applies learning, connects to business and promotes competition. Examine your course of study and integrate activities from DECA’s comprehensive learning program to show that DECA is connected and relevant.

Related Courses

DECA's Comprehensive Learning Program provides a variety of instructional resources that would be suitable for these courses and more.

  • Principles of Business Administration
  • Fundamentals of Marketing
  • Advanced Marketing
  • Advertising
  • Fashion Merchandising
  • Marketing Research
  • Digital Marketing
  • Sports and Entertainment Marketing

Career Pathways

Each career cluster contains several career pathways, or specialized career areas that are comprised of careers that require similar knowledge and skills.

Marketing Communications

Marketing management.

  • Merchandising

Professional Selling

Instructional areas.

Instructional areas are broad areas of content knowledge that are comprised of many performance indicators. Performance indicators are specific knowledge and skills employees are expected to demonstrate or achieve.

Career Opportunities

The following are examples of career opportunities and occupations that are available within this career cluster.


Enrich the classroom.

DECA’s Competitive Events Program is an incredible tool for curriculum. As an integral part of the classroom curriculum, DECA’s industry-validated competitive events are aligned with National Curriculum Standards. DECA’s flagship evaluation process involves students in both a written component such as an exam or report and an interactive component with an industry professional serving as a judge. DECA’s competitive events reinforce creativity, problem solving and presentation skills. The potential for recognition, awards and travel for learning classroom content is a tremendous motivator – not to mention the scholarships and cash awards recognizing DECA members for outstanding achievement. With more than 60 events, DECA offers a competitive event for every course and every student.

Apparel and Accessories Marketing Series

Automotive services marketing series, business services marketing series, buying and merchandising operations research, buying and merchandising team decision making, food marketing series, integrated marketing campaign-event, integrated marketing campaign-product, integrated marketing campaign-service, marketing communications series, marketing management team decision making, principles of marketing, retail merchandising series, sports and entertainment marketing operations research, sports and entertainment marketing series, sports and entertainment marketing team decision making, virtual business challenge-fashion, virtual business challenge-retail, virtual business challenge-sports, advertising campaign, business-to-business marketing, digital marketing strategies, entertainment marketing, fashion merchandising and marketing, international marketing, professional sales, sales management and leadership, sports marketing, case studies + exams, integrate into classroom instruction.

Case studies provide a student-centered engagement activity to help DECA members apply learning through problem-based scenarios that require creative solutions and practical outcomes. DECA’s case studies challenge DECA members to demonstrate industry-relevant knowledge and skills through performance indicators. DECA’s case studies are developed through industry research to reflect current issues and trends in business and industry. DECA’s exams are rigorous, industry-validated, multiple-choice, 100-item exams based on National Curriculum Standards. Each exam item is also linked to an instructional area and specific performance indicator.

Apparel and Accessories Marketing

You are to assume the role of the manager of STYLE UP, an upscale apparel and accessories retailer. The owner of the store (judge) is considering giving customers the option to add gratuity at the point-of-sale and wants you to explain the benefits and possible risks.

You are to assume the role of the merchandise manager for SUPERIOR LOOKS, a clothing store chain for tweens and teens. The director of merchandising (judge) is considering a partnership with a popular fast fashion company and wants your opinion.

Automotive Services Marketing

You are to assume the role of a general manager at AMAZING AUTO PARTS, a chain of auto parts stores with over 4,000 locations. The district manager (judge) wants you to decide if the AMAZING AUTO PARTS store you manage should convert part of its parking area into fast charging stations for electric vehicles.

You are to assume the role of the marketing manager at COUNTY REPAIR, an auto repair shop with several locations. The owner (judge) wants you to develop a promotional plan targeting young females that will persuade them into careers in auto mechanics, repair and maintenance.


Apply learning.

DECA and its corporate partners have teamed up to provide classroom activities that challenge members to apply learning in relevant ways.

deca integrated marketing campaign presentation

DECA at the Bell Challenge

Write and produce your very own episode of DECA at the Bell. Creativity is encouraged; what matters most is the ability to engage the audience while connecting something in the world of business to the world of DECA. The topic/theme of the 2024 challenge is Customer Service.

deca integrated marketing campaign presentation

Social Media Simternship™ Challenge

Take charge of a dynamic simulated company, strategically allocating your ad budget to maximize revenue. Craft captivating content, engage target audiences and analyze your metrics across simulation rounds. Showcase your social media marketing skills in this exciting challenge.

deca integrated marketing campaign presentation

Ethical Leadership Challenge

Develop a public service announcement (PSA) video describing one of the following ethical principles: fairness, rule of law or transparency. The PSA should be designed to educate your local community and those afar through social media.

deca integrated marketing campaign presentation

Digital Presentation Skills Challenge

Demonstrate your digital presentation skills utilizing a Virtual Business simulation in a one- to two-minute digital presentation. The top finalists will deliver a live, digital presentation.

deca integrated marketing campaign presentation

Auction Marketing Campaign Challenge

Develop a marketing campaign for a full estate sale that will utilize the live auction method and include both real estate and personal property. Present your marketing campaign that will use social, print, and email direct marketing strategies in a video presentation.

deca integrated marketing campaign presentation

Social Impact Leader of Tomorrow Challenge

Demonstrate your creativity by producing the next big cause marketing idea for the National Pediatric Cancer Foundation. DECA chapters can participate by developing and executing a unique fundraising campaign with a social media component and video.

deca integrated marketing campaign presentation

Disability Is Diversity Challenge

Create a focused Disability Is Diversity presentation that highlights the obstacles and experience of navigating an educational environment with differing abilities. Learn first-hand about the barriers encountered by a student with a disability and determine how you can advocate for needed change.


Extend learning beyond the classroom.

DECA conferences provide unique opportunities to connect students with corporate professionals to engage them in learning industry-related trends and content.

Ultimate DECA Power Trip

Sports and entertainment marketing conference, deca international career development conference, connect to business.

DECA’s college and corporate partners engage DECA members and help them prepare for colleges and careers of their choice. They provide classroom presentations, scholarships, internships, work experience and much more. Visit our partners page to learn more about developing a win-win relationship with DECA’s partners.


Get involved.

Together, we can help prepare emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for college and career. Learn about the various opportunities to get involved with DECA.

Start a DECA Chapter

Partner with deca, contact deca staff for more information..

deca integrated marketing campaign presentation

Become a DECA Insider

Get the latest news, important notifications, weekly case study and more delivered in your inbox with DECA Direct Weekly.

deca integrated marketing campaign presentation

Become a DECA Insider

Get the latest news, important notifications, weekly case study and more delivered in your inbox.

DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe.

Search Engine Land » SEO » Will ChatGPT be the new Google? The future of search and information retrieval

Will ChatGPT be the new Google? The future of search and information retrieval

A deep dive into how ai is disrupting search engines and its impact on seo, digital marketing and the future of information access..

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With the emergence of conversational AI models like ChatGPT, there is an increasingly loud debate about how the future of search and information retrieval could evolve. 

Traditional search engines like Google have long been the primary method for accessing information on the web. Now, advanced AI models offer a new approach to finding and retrieving information.

Let’s discuss the potential of ChatGPT and other AI models to disrupt search, drawing comparisons to traditional search engines and exploring their future role in the domain of digital marketing and beyond.

The traditional search engine model

Google has led search for over 20 years and still controls about 90% of the global search market. Traditional search engines work using a web index-based model, crawling vast pages of information on the web and ranking their results according to relevance and authority. 

This model is highly effective for users searching for specific information, research or products. It makes vast resources accessible in seconds with just a few keywords.

Some of the key features of traditional search engines are the following:

  • Keyword-based searching : Users input keywords and the search engine returns a list of relevant web pages.
  • Page ranking : Algorithms rank pages based on relevance, user engagement and other factors.
  • Ad integration : Sponsored results and advertisements are integrated into search results, forming a significant revenue stream.
  • Wide data access : Search engines index a vast array of websites, providing comprehensive access to information across the web.

The rise of conversational AI: ChatGPT

Conversational AI, such as ChatGPT by OpenAI , has blurred the lines between man and machine, moving toward interactive, even subtle, information retrieval. 

While the classical model of a search engine returns a list of results, ChatGPT engages the user in conversation, providing more personalized and context-aware responses. 

These AI models, trained with vast amounts of data, can understand and generate text that closely mimics human conversation, making interactions feel natural and conversational.

ChatGPT brings unique benefits to the table, transforming the way we access and engage with information:

  • Natural language understanding : ChatGPT excels at understanding and processing natural language queries, allowing users to ask questions in a conversational manner without needing to think in terms of keywords.
  • Contextual awareness : The model retains context over multiple interactions, enabling more coherent and relevant responses during extended conversations.
  • Personalization : By understanding user preferences and previous interactions, ChatGPT can tailor responses to individual needs.
  • Real-time interaction : Users can receive immediate feedback and clarification, enhancing the user experience.

Comparing ChatGPT and traditional search engines

Search precision and depth.

Traditional search engines are very good at being precise and wide, returning many different results. 

Google’s algorithms grasp the precise meaning of keywords and determine the relevancy of top-ranking results based on many signals.

Contrast this with ChatGPT, which essentially contains richness through interaction. 

It won’t provide you with an avalanche of results like a keyword search, but it will give you detailed descriptions, summaries and recommendations on specific queries. It’s a deep tool for a complex query where sense and context come into play.

User experience

The user experience differs significantly between the two models. Traditional search engines provide a straightforward list of links that users can explore. 

This approach is efficient for those who know what they are looking for and prefer to browse multiple sources.

Conversational AI offers a more interactive and engaging experience. Users can ask follow-up questions and seek clarifications in real time, making the search process feel more like a dialogue with a knowledgeable assistant. 

This can be particularly advantageous for users seeking comprehensive understanding without needing to navigate multiple web pages.

Limitations and challenges

Despite its advantages, ChatGPT has limitations. One significant challenge is the potential for generating inaccurate or misleading information. 

While traditional search engines rank results based on credibility and authority, conversational AI might generate responses that sound plausible but are not necessarily accurate. 

Ensuring the reliability and accuracy of AI-generated content is a critical challenge that needs to be addressed.

Additionally, traditional search engines benefit from a well-established ecosystem of SEO practices. Businesses and content creators have long adapted their strategies to align with search engine algorithms.

In contrast, optimizing content for conversational AI is still a developing field, requiring new approaches and metrics.

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The impact on SEO and search marketers

The rise of conversational AI models is set to change SEO strategies and how search marketers work. 

As these AI models become more important, traditional SEO tactics may need to be adjusted to fit this new approach.

Shift in SEO strategies

SEO has traditionally focused on optimizing content to rank highly in search engine results pages (SERPs). This involves keyword optimization, backlink building and ensuring high-quality, relevant content. 

However, with the introduction of conversational AI, SEO strategies must evolve to meet the demands of these new tools:

  • Natural language optimization : Content must be optimized for natural language queries. This means shifting from short, keyword-focused phrases to more conversational language that aligns with how users interact with AI models like ChatGPT.
  • Answering specific questions : Instead of simply ranking for keywords, content must be tailored to answer specific questions comprehensively. AI models excel at providing detailed responses to queries, so content should be structured to provide clear, concise answers.
  • Enhanced content structure : Content should be organized to make it easy for AI models to extract and present information. This could involve using more headings, bullet points and summaries to improve readability and accessibility.

Dig deeper: What is generative engine optimization (GEO)?

New opportunities for search marketers

The shift towards conversational AI also presents new opportunities for search marketers:

  • Personalized marketing campaigns : By leveraging the personalized nature of AI interactions, marketers can create more targeted campaigns that resonate with individual user preferences and behaviors.
  • Content for conversational interfaces : Marketers can develop content specifically designed for conversational interfaces, creating a more engaging experience for users interacting with AI-powered search tools.
  • Real-time user engagement : Conversational AI allows for real-time interaction, enabling marketers to engage users directly and provide immediate responses to inquiries, potentially increasing conversion rates.

The future of information retrieval

The future of information retrieval is likely to be a hybrid model combining traditional search engines’ strengths and conversational AI. This hybrid approach can offer a more comprehensive, accurate and engaging search experience.

  • Hybrid search models : Search engines might evolve to incorporate conversational interfaces such as Google’s Gemini, providing users with both traditional search results and interactive, AI-generated responses.
  • Improved AI training : Ongoing advancements in AI training methods will enhance the accuracy and reliability of conversational models, addressing current limitations.
  • Regulation and ethical considerations : As AI becomes more integrated into search and information retrieval, ensuring ethical use and preventing the spread of misinformation will be critical. Regulatory frameworks and industry standards will play a vital role in guiding the development and deployment of these technologies.

Redefining search: How ChatGPT is challenging traditional search

Though ChatGPT and other conversational AI models will make a huge impact on the future of search and information retrieval, traditional search engines like Google will still hold dominance – and that won’t change any time soon. 

At the same time, in the future, when AI models are strongly implemented inside search engines, so will SEO strategies and the work of search marketers. 

The answer lies in optimizing by natural language, answering questions comprehensively and making the most of the AI-driven personalized marketing opportunities.

Understanding both the strengths and limitations of traditional search engines and conversational AI will help us navigate the evolving digital landscape more effectively. 

Balancing accuracy with engaging presentation will shape how we search for and interact with information online.

Dig deeper: How to win with generative engine optimization while keeping SEO top-tier

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5 skills you need to know to thrive in the age of ai.

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A student at a high school sits in front of a laptop and uses an AI tool.

In a world where artificial intelligence is no longer the stuff of science fiction, but a driving force in our daily lives, it's crucial to equip ourselves with the right skills to navigate this new landscape. Whether you're a fresh graduate, a seasoned professional, a technical person, or can barely use a smartphone - these five skills will help you transform from an AI novice to a veritable AI ninja, ready to thrive in the age of artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence isn't just for tech gurus—it's a game-changer for everyone from business executives to real estate agents and even busy parents. Whether you're a seasoned professional or simply curious about AI, mastering these five practical skills will help you harness the power of AI without needing to write a single line of code.

  • AI for Productivity - AI tools can significantly boost your productivity, helping you work smarter, not harder. From creating birthday party invitations, your next class syllabus, or your board of directors’ agenda and outline, there are many practical day-to-day applications of artificial intelligence. Explore AI writing assistants like TextCortext , or ChatGPT to help write emails, reports, or social media posts. Or, instead of using Zoom or Microsoft Teams recorded features for your next meeting, try or Supernormal for meeting notes, transcriptions, and an email with action items ready to be sent. The possibilities are endless. Pro tip: Start with one tool and integrate it into your daily routine. Once you're comfortable, add another. Small steps lead to big changes!
  • AI for Decision Making - You don't need to be a data scientist or an ‘IT’ person to make data-driven decisions. AI tools can help you understand and visualize data easily. Learn the basics of data interpretation with free data courses. Or if you want an accelerated path to learning the basics and get a list of suggested tools to analyze your excel spreadsheet, business sales, or personal finance data use, here’s a great blog that’s easy to follow. Pro tip: Start with familiar data, like your business sales or personal finance data. Seeing AI insights on familiar information makes the learning process more relatable.
  • AI in Customer Service - AI can help you provide better, faster customer service without increasing your workload. Simple things like implementing a chatbot on your website or Facebook page using AI tools. Just a simple google search on ‘AI tools for chatbots’ will provide hundreds of tools. Just pick one that seems the easiest to use and gets you started quickly. Pro tip: You’ll need to have learned the basics of AI and integrated at least one or two tools in your daily life before moving on to something like Chatbots. While the AI tools have made it easy, it still requires some familiarity so you don’t get overwhelmed. Also, start with an area like frequently asked questions for your chatbot. This is an easier dataset to work with and it frees up your time to help answer more complex customer interactions.
  • AI for Marketing - Whether you want to develop your brand, do a better job in sending emails out to your team, or create content that is more eye-catching for your next Fantasy League Football party, AI can help you create more targeted and effective content without a huge budget or technical know-how. You can either google ‘AI marketing tools’ to get a list of free options, or you can use Canva's AI-powered Magic Write for creating creative marketing content, copy, and designs. Pro tip: Aim for progress over perfection. Test your AI-generated content against your regular content. See what resonates best with you before your proceed .
  • AI Ethics Awareness - As AI becomes more prevalent in our lives, understanding its ethical implications is crucial, even for non-technical users. Consider the ethical implications of the AI tools you use. Are they respecting user privacy? Are they potentially biased? Developing this awareness will make you a more responsible AI user. Pro tip: Do not use personal or private data when first starting out. Exclude individual names, company names, and anything that may be deemed sensitive. You can always add that later when you’re authoring the real content.

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With the resources provided above, you have a head start on how to integrate AI into your day-to-day lives. But if you’re still struggling with some ideas, here are some non-techie project ideas to get you started:

  • Use an AI writing assistant to draft your next important email or report.
  • Use an AI writing assistant to create a class syllabus or PTA agenda outline.
  • Use an AI writing assistant to start your first blog
  • Create a chatbot for your business’s Facebook page to answer common customer queries.
  • Analyze last quarter's sales data and present the insights to your team.
  • Use AI-powered image generation to create unique visuals for your next presentation.
  • Set up an AI-powered social media campaign to market your non-profit on key channels.

Remember, becoming an AI ninja doesn't mean becoming a programmer. It's about understanding how AI can enhance your work and life, and knowing which tools can help you achieve your goals. Start small, be consistent, and don't be afraid to experiment.

As you embark on this AI journey, remember that your human skills. While AI is a powerful assistant, you're learning to be its director. So dare to take the first step on this journey. Do a google search for what you want to do, pick a tool, sign-up for the free trial, give it a try, and start exploring today.

The future is AI-enhanced, and with these skills in your toolkit, you'll be ready to thrive in this exciting new landscape. Happy exploring, future AI ninja! industry and function!

Disclaimer: I was not sponsored or compensated by any of the companies or products mentioned in this article. These recommendations are simply suggestions to help you get started with AI tools, but feel free to explore and find alternatives that suit your needs through your own research.

Sol Rashidi

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  3. Integrated marketing campaign presentation : r/DECA

    Historical_Debt336. • 3 mo. ago. I did integrated marketing campaign service last year and I ended up with a fairly high score. For the presentation, I would keep it simple and not over load it because they don't want to read about you project, they want to hear you present it. So I split it up but kept it mainly pictures and limited ...

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  5. PDF Participants will demonstrate INTEGRATED MARKETING CAMPAIGN EVENTS

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  7. PDF Copyright © 2019 DECA Inc.

    Return on Investment (ROI) is a basic calculation of the overall dollar value returned by the initiative. ROI = Revenue - Marketing Spend. For example, if you spend $2500 on your campaign and earn $5000 in revenue, your ROI is $2500 or 100%. The simple ROI is easy to do, but it is loaded with a pretty big assumption.

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    DECA's Integrated Marketing Campaign Events provide opportunities for members to develop an integrated marketing campaign of no more than 45 days in length for a real event, product or service and present the campaign in a role-play situation. ... Participants will organize and deliver a sales presentation or consultation for one or more ...

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  20. DECA Inc

    DECA's Comprehensive Learning Program integrates into classroom instruction, applies learning, connects to business and promotes competition. ... Integrated Marketing Campaign-Product. IMCP. Integrated Marketing Campaign-Service. IMCS. ... and email direct marketing strategies in a video presentation. Submissions due by: February 1, 2025 ...

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    Use AI-powered image generation to create unique visuals for your next presentation. Set up an AI-powered social media campaign to market your non-profit on key channels. Remember, becoming an AI ...