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Master's vs PhD | A Complete Guide to the Differences

Published on November 27, 2020 by Lauren Thomas . Revised on May 10, 2024.

The two most common types of graduate degrees are master’s and doctoral degrees:

  • A master’s is a 1–2 year degree that can prepare you for a multitude of careers.
  • A PhD, or doctoral degree, takes 3–7 years to complete (depending on the country) and prepares you for a career in academic research.

A master’s is also the necessary first step to a PhD. In the US, the master’s is built into PhD programs, while in most other countries, a separate master’s degree is required before applying for PhDs.

Master’s are far more common than PhDs. In the US, 24 million people have master’s or professional degrees, whereas only 4.5 million have doctorates.

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Master’s vs phd at a glance, which is right for you, length of time required, career prospects, costs and salaries, application process, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about master's and phd degrees.

The table below shows the key differences between the two.

Master’s PhD
Career prospects Usually intended for a career outside of academia. Prepares for a research career, ideally as a university professor.
Length of time 1–2 years 5–7 in the US (master’s degree included); 3–5 outside the US (after a separate master’s degree)
Structure Mostly coursework, often with a semester-long or capstone project at the end. 2 years of coursework (in the US), followed by 3–5 years of preparing a dissertation, which should make a significant original contribution to current knowledge.
Cost Varies by country, university and program; usually higher upfront cost with limited financial aid available. Tuition fees are usually waived and a living stipend provided in exchange for being a teaching or research assistant.
Graduate salaries Wage premium (compared to earnings with a high school education) is 23% on average. Wage premium is 26% on average.

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A PhD is right for you if:

  • Your goal is to become a professor at a university or some other type of professional researcher.
  • You love research and are passionate about discovering the answer to a particular question.
  • You are willing to spend years pursuing your research even if you have to put up with a lot of dead ends and roadblocks.

A master’s degree is the better choice if any of the following apply:

  • You want to continue studies in your field, but you’re not committed to a career as a professional researcher.
  • You want to develop professional skills for a specific career.
  • You are willing to pay a higher upfront cost if it means finishing with your degree (and thus being able to work) much faster.
  • You want the option to study part-time while working.

The length of time required to complete a PhD or master’s degree varies. Unsurprisingly, PhDs take much longer, usually between 3–7 years. Master’s degrees are usually only 1–2 years.

Length of a master’s

Master’s degrees are usually 2 years, although 1-year master’s degrees also exist, mainly in the UK.

Most of the degree consists of classes and coursework, although many master’s programs include an intensive, semester-long master’s thesis or capstone project in which students bring together all they’ve learned to produce an original piece of work.

Length of a PhD

In the US, a PhD usually takes between 5 and 7 years to complete. The first 2 years are spent on coursework. Students, even those who choose to leave without finishing the program, usually receive a master’s degree at this point.

The next 3–5 years are spent preparing a dissertation —a lengthy piece of writing based on independent research, which aims to make a significant original contribution to one’s field.

Master’s degrees tend to prepare you for a career outside of academia, while PhDs are designed to lead to a career in research.

Careers for master’s graduates

There are two types of master’s degrees: terminal and research-intensive. The career prospects are different for each.

Terminal master’s degrees are intended to prepare students for careers outside of academia. Some degrees, known as professional degrees, specifically prepare students for particular professions; these include the Master of Public Policy (MPP), Master of Business Administration (MBA), Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT), Master of Fine Arts (MFA), and Master of Public Health (MPH) degrees.

Other master’s degrees, usually Master of Arts (MA) or Master of Sciences (MS or MSc) degrees, do not necessarily lead to a specific career, but are intended to be a final degree. Examples include an MS in Communications or MS in Data Analytics.

In research-intensive master’s programs, students take coursework intended to prepare them for writing an original piece of research known as the master’s thesis . Such programs are usually intended to prepare for further study in a doctoral program.

Careers for PhD graduates

As research degrees, PhDs are usually intended to lead to an academic career. A PhD can be thought of like an apprenticeship, where students learn from professional researchers (academics) how to produce their own research.

Most students aspire to become a university professor upon the completion of their degree. However, careers in academia are highly competitive, and the skills learned in a doctoral program often lend themselves well to other types of careers.

Some graduates who find they prefer teaching to producing research go on to be teachers at liberal arts colleges or even secondary schools. Others work in research-intensive careers in the government, private sector, or at think tanks.

Below are a few examples of specific fields and non-academic careers that are common destinations of graduates of those fields.

  • Computer Science
  • Lab Sciences

Many government jobs, including economists at a country’s central bank, are research-intensive and require a PhD. Think tanks also hire economists to carry out independent research.

In the private sector, economic consulting and technology firms frequently hire PhDs to solve real-world problems that require complex mathematical modeling.

Graduate students from the humanities are sometimes hired by museums, who can make use of their research and writing skills to curate exhibits and run public outreach.

Humanities PhDs are often well-suited to research and grant-writing roles at nonprofits. Since so much of research is funded by grants, PhD students often gain a lot of experience applying for them, which is a useful skill in the nonprofit sector.

There are a wide range of non-academic research jobs for lab scientists with doctorates in subjects like chemistry, biology, ecology and physics.

Many PhD graduates are hired by pharmaceutical companies that need to perform research to create and test their products. Government agencies, such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), also hire lab scientists to work on research projects.

Job prospects after graduation vary widely based on the field. In fields like management, computer science, statistics, and economics, there’s little underemployment—even graduates from less well-known programs can easily find jobs that pay well and use the skills they’ve gained from the PhD.

However, in other fields, particularly in the humanities, many PhD graduates have difficulty in the job market. Unfortunately, there are far more PhD graduates than assistant professor roles, so many instead take on part-time and low-paid roles as adjunct instructors. Even non-academic careers can sometimes be difficult for PhDs to move into, as they may be seen as “overqualified”  or as lacking in relevant professional experience.

Because career options post-PhD vary so much, you should take the time to figure out what the career prospects are in your field. Doctoral programs often have detailed “placement” records online in which they list the career outcomes of their graduates immediately upon leaving the program. If you can’t find these records, contact the program and ask for them—placement information should play an important role in your choice of PhD program.

Although PhDs take far longer to complete, students often receive a living stipend in exchange for being a teaching or research assistant. Master’s degrees are shorter but less likely to be funded.

Both master’s degrees and PhDs lead to increased salaries upon graduation. While PhDs usually earn a bit more than those with a master’s degree, in some fields, the wages are identical, meaning that no financial benefit is gained from going on to a PhD.

Cost of a master’s

The upfront cost of a master’s degree is usually higher than a doctoral degree due to the lower amount of financial aid available. However, increased salaries also arrive faster than with a doctoral degree, because people graduate much earlier from a master’s program.

Some master’s students do receive stipends for their degrees, usually as compensation for being a teaching or research assistant. In addition, many people complete master’s degrees part time while working full-time, which allows them to fund their living costs as well as tuition.

The cost varies significantly by school and program. Public schools are usually cheaper than private ones. Some master’s degrees, such as MBAs, are notoriously expensive, but also result in much higher wages afterwards that make up for the high cost.

The master’s wage premium , or the extra amount that someone with a master’s degree makes than someone with just a high school diploma, is 23% on average. Many universities provide detailed statistics on the career and salary outcomes of their students. If they do not have this online, you should feel free to contact an administrator of the program and ask.

Cost of a PhD

PhDs, particularly outside the humanities, are usually (though not always) funded, meaning that tuition fees are fully waived and students receive a small living stipend. During the last 3–5 years of a PhD, after finishing their coursework (and sometimes before), students are usually expected to work as graduate instructors or research assistants in exchange for the stipend.

Sometimes students can apply for a fellowship (such as the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Program in the United States) that relieves them of any obligations to be a teaching or research assistant. Doctoral programs in the US tend to be better funded than in the rest of the world.

Sometimes, PhD degrees can be completed part-time, but this is rare. Students are usually expected to devote at least 40 hours a week to their research and work as teaching or research assistants.

The main cost of doctoral programs comes in the form of opportunity cost—all the years that students could be working a regular, full-time job, which usually pays much better than a graduate school stipend.

The average wage premium for PhDs is 26%, which is not much higher than the master’s degree premium.

In the US, the application process is similar for master’s and PhD programs. Both will generally ask for:

  • At least one application essay, often called a personal statement or statement of purpose .
  • Letters of recommendation .
  • A resume or CV .
  • Transcripts.
  • Writing samples.

Applications for both types of programs also often require a standardized test. PhDs usually require the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), which tries to measure verbal reasoning, quantitative, critical thinking , and analytical writing skills. Many master’s programs require this test as well.

Applying for a master’s

Master’s degrees programs will often ask you to respond to specific essay prompts that may ask you to reflect upon not just your academic background, but also your personal character and future career ambitions.

Northwestern University’s Kellogg Business School requires Master’s of Business Administration (MBA) applicants write two essays, one about a recent time they demonstrated leadership and the second about their personal values.

Who you should ask for your letters of recommendation varies by program. If you are applying to a research-intensive master’s program, then you should choose former professors or research supervisors. For other programs, particularly business school, current work supervisors may be a better choice.

Some professional master’s programs require a specific test. For example, to apply to law school, you must take the Law School Admissions Test, or LSAT. For business school, you must take either the GRE or the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT).

Applying for a PhD

When applying for a PhD, your resume should focus more on your research background—you should especially emphasize any publications you’ve authored or presentations that you’ve given.

Similarly, your statement of purpose should discuss research that you’ve participated in, whether as an assistant or the lead author. You should detail what exactly you did in projects you’ve contributed to, whether that’s conducting a literature review, coding regressions, or writing an entire article.

Your letters of recommendations should be from former professors or supervisors who can speak to your abilities and potential as a researcher. A good rule of thumb is to avoid asking for recommendations from anyone who does not themselves have a PhD.

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A master’s is a 1- or 2-year graduate degree that can prepare you for a variety of careers.

All master’s involve graduate-level coursework. Some are research-intensive and intend to prepare students for further study in a PhD; these usually require their students to write a master’s thesis . Others focus on professional training for a specific career.

A PhD, which is short for philosophiae doctor (doctor of philosophy in Latin), is the highest university degree that can be obtained. In a PhD, students spend 3–5 years writing a dissertation , which aims to make a significant, original contribution to current knowledge.

A PhD is intended to prepare students for a career as a researcher, whether that be in academia, the public sector, or the private sector.

This depends on the country. In the United States, you can generally go directly to a PhD  with only a bachelor’s degree, as a master’s program is included as part of the doctoral program.

Elsewhere, you generally need to graduate from a research-intensive master’s degree before continuing to the PhD.

This varies by country. In the United States, PhDs usually take between 5–7 years: 2 years of coursework followed by 3–5 years of independent research work to produce a dissertation.

In the rest of the world, students normally have a master’s degree before beginning the PhD, so they proceed directly to the research stage and complete a PhD in 3–5 years.

A master’s degree usually has a higher upfront cost, but it also allows you to start earning a higher salary more quickly. The exact cost depends on the country and the school: private universities usually cost more than public ones, and European degrees usually cost less than North American ones. There are limited possibilities for financial aid.

PhDs often waive tuition fees and offer a living stipend in exchange for a teaching or research assistantship. However, they take many years to complete, during which time you earn very little.

In the US, the graduate school application process is similar whether you’re applying for a master’s or a PhD . Both require letters of recommendation , a statement of purpose or personal statement , a resume or CV , and transcripts. Programs in the US and Canada usually also require a certain type of standardized test—often the GRE.

Outside the US, PhD programs usually also require applicants to write a research proposal , because students are expected to begin dissertation research in the first year of their PhD.

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Thomas, L. (2024, May 09). Master's vs PhD | A Complete Guide to the Differences. Scribbr. Retrieved August 26, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/graduate-school/masters-vs-phd/

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Demystifying Graduate Degrees: Comparing Master’s vs. Doctorate

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You want a graduate degree — to continue exploring your passions, make discoveries or advance your career — but how do you turn that decision into a plan?

It starts with understanding the difference between a master’s and a PhD in your field. They differ in length, intensity, curriculum and career paths, so you’ll also need a clear idea of why you want to pursue a graduate degree to determine which one you should get.

What Is a Master’s Degree?

If you’ve completed your undergraduate degree, it might be time to ask, “What’s next?”

That’s where Master’s degrees can come in.

Whether you want to specialize in a particular area or get advanced skills in your profession, a master’s degree can help you get there in 1-2 years.

The most common types of master's degrees include:

  • Master of Arts (MA),
  • Master of Science (MS),
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA),
  • Master of Education (MEd),
  • and Master of Fine Arts (MFA). 

What do you learn in a master’s program?

The short answer? A lot.

Master’s degree programs are designed to build on the foundational knowledge gained during your undergraduate studies, and the curriculum focuses on advanced knowledge and skills in a particular field.

Here’s what you can expect to encounter in a master’s program:

Advanced coursework:  Master's programs provide advanced courses that build upon the foundational knowledge gained during your undergraduate studies. These courses delve deeper into specific topics within your field and often explore the latest research and developments. 

Specialization:  One of the primary goals of a master's program is to allow you to specialize in a particular area. Whether pursuing a Master of Arts, Master of Science, or a professional degree like an MBA, you can focus your studies on a specific subfield or concentration within your discipline. 

Research and analysis:   Many master's programs require you to engage in research projects and analytical work. This could involve conducting independent research under the guidance of a faculty advisor or participating in group research projects with fellow students. Through these research experiences, you’ll develop critical thinking and analytical skills, learn how to gather and evaluate relevant data and draw meaningful conclusions.

Practical applications and internships:  Some master's programs incorporate practical training opportunities like internships, practicums, or field experiences; hands-on experiences allow you to apply the knowledge and skills gained in the classroom to real-world settings.

Collaboration and networking:  A Master's program is a rich collaboration and networking environment. Collaborative projects, group discussions, and professional events allow you to exchange ideas and build connections within your field, often leading to long-lasting professional relationships and potential career opportunities.

Thesis project:   Outside of building skills like project management, problem-solving, project management, and effective communication, thesis projects in master's degree programs serve as a cornerstone for building advanced skills, expanding professional networks, and contributing to the body of knowledge in your respective field. 

Why get a master’s degree?

Career advancement: One primary advantage of getting a master’s degree is an edge in the job market. Employers value the specialized knowledge and advanced skills that come with a master’s degree, opening up new and exciting career opportunities.  The cherry on top? Individuals with a master’s degree often earn more than those without an advanced degree — you can take that to the bank, especially if you set yourself up for financial success during your studies. Flexibility: Another aspect to consider is the flexibility that a master’s degree offers. Many programs offer part-time or online options, allowing you to balance your studies with work or other commitments.  This flexibility can be particularly helpful if you’re already established in your career but want to gain additional qualifications.  Growth opportunities: Depending on your field, a master’s degree can be a stepping stone toward a PhD or other doctoral programs. It gives you a solid foundation in research methods and academic rigor — a boon if you want to pursue a career in academia or conduct advanced research.

What is a Doctoral Degree or PhD?

A doctoral degree is a terminal degree — it represents the pinnacle of academic achievement and is the most advanced degree you can attain. Doctoral students want to become authorities in their chosen fields and develop the skills to conduct independent and original research. 

Doctoral programs usually span 3-6 years of full-time study, during which students complete advanced coursework, pass comprehensive examinations, engage in extensive research and ultimately produce a dissertation that contributes new knowledge to the field. 

There are several types of doctoral degrees based on different academic and professional aspirations, including:

  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD),
  • Doctor of Education (EdD),
  • And Doctor of Psychology (PsyD), among others. 

What do you learn in a doctoral program?

When you successfully defend your dissertation and complete your degree, you also become an expert in your field — but it doesn’t happen overnight. Here's what you can expect to encounter in a doctoral program:

Advanced research: If you’re looking for a hard emphasis on research, a doctoral program is the place to be. Over several years, PhD students engage in extensive research activities — including conducting independent research, producing scholarly publications, and contributing to the knowledge base of their field through original research contributions.

Theoretical and conceptual frameworks:  PhDs are an incredible opportunity to deepen your understanding of theoretical and conceptual frameworks in your field of study. You'll critically analyze existing theories, evaluate their applicability, and develop your theoretical frameworks to advance knowledge and understanding in your chosen area of research.

Advanced methodological training:  Because a dissertation is an original research project, you’ll gain advanced training in research methodologies and data analysis techniques, like designing robust research studies, collecting and analyzing data, and drawing valid and reliable conclusions from your research findings.

Critical thinking and intellectual independence: Both academia and industry employers highly value independent thinkers and workers. Doctoral programs foster critical thinking and intellectual independence by challenging you to evaluate existing research, identify gaps in knowledge, and propose innovative research ideas. Teaching and Mentoring Experience: Being a teacher or mentor is a great opportunity to share your hard-earned knowledge, and universities agree. Doctoral programs often provide opportunities to teach and mentor undergraduate students, develop effective pedagogical skills, and contribute to the academic community.

Dissertation project:  Your dissertation is the culmination of years of hard work within your field. By enrolling in a doctoral program, you’re also given the chance to participate in a significant and original research endeavor that demonstrates the expertise you’ve worked so hard to cultivate.

Why Get a Doctorate?

Having a doctorate doesn’t just open doors; it can kick them down. A doctorate might be right for you if you’re looking for a door to these things:

Expertise and specialization:  Doctoral degrees can be a labor of love. They help you delve deeper into a specific subject area, gaining expertise and specialization.

Research opportunities:  Extensive research training, opportunities for conducting original research, and contributing new knowledge to the academic community — these three things make a doctorate coveted by students, universities, and employers.

Salary potential and career advancement: In some fields, having a doctorate can lead to higher earning potential and increased salary opportunities. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics , doctoral degree holders made an average of $1,885 per week in 2020, while master’s degree holders made an average of $1,545 per week.

Contribution to society:  Doctoral research often addresses pressing societal issues, contributing to advancements in technology, healthcare, education, and other areas for the benefit of society — for many students, contributing to the greater good is just as rewarding as career advancement or personal development.

What’s the difference between a dissertation and a thesis?

You might have heard “thesis” and “dissertation” used interchangeably, but they’re not quite the same. Here are the general distinctions to consider:

  • A thesis is usually associated with a master's degree program. Students undertake a research project in the final stage of their degree.
  • It typically involves conducting original research or analyzing existing research to answer a specific research question.
  • The length of a thesis varies based on the field and program requirements, but it’s usually shorter than a dissertation.


  • A dissertation is typically associated with a doctoral degree program. It is an extensive, in-depth research project that marks the culmination of a doctoral program.
  • in-depth exploration of a research topic
  • comprehensive literature review
  • methodology section
  • data collection and analysis
  • substantive discussion of findings and conclusions.
  • Dissertations are usually longer than theses and may take several years to complete.
  • Once you’ve completed your dissertation, you participate in a formal defense of the research, where you’ll present your findings to a committee of experts in the field.

Key Differences: Master's vs. PhD


Master's Degree:

Doctoral Degree:

Time Commitment

1-2 years

4-6+ years


More focused on providing an advanced understanding of established knowledge within a field

Emphasis on creating new knowledge through original research




Admission Requirements

Less stringent

May require additional materials like recommendation letters, writing samples, and examples of previous research

Career Advancement

Often more geared toward professional practice in various industries

Designed to prepare students for careers in academic research

Deciding Between Master's vs. PhD Programs

“Should I get a master’s degree or a PhD?”

Answering that question can be exciting — and a bit intimidating. You must consider long-term career objectives, personal interests, and the time you can commit. Plus, the level of specialization you wish to achieve based on your career path is also a factor. Typically, a PhD is a prerequisite for those aspiring to research careers in academia, while professional roles in various industries may require only a master's degree. 

It’s still worth noting that students have the option of completing a master's degree first and then, based on their experiences and career aspirations, deciding whether to pursue a PhD.

Find the right graduate degree at SMU 

A graduate degree is a big investment, so investing in the right program is important.

SMU offers a diverse array of master's and PhD programs tailored to align with your unique interests and career goals, and personalized support, from the applicant to the graduate, is always available. 

Whether you're interested in pursuing a PhD in Chemistry or are almost finished with your MBA, we can help you find the right advanced degree.

This could just be the beginning of your journey. Get a closer look at applying to graduate programs of your choice with our guide, How to Get a PhD: A Guide to Choosing and Applying to PhD Programs .


Learn More About

Doctoral degrees at SMU, and how you can choose the right program and thrive in it, in our Guide to Getting a PhD.


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Should I Pursue A Master’s or A Ph.D.?

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The first step in deciding on the right graduate program for you is to figure out which degree will best serve you—a master’s or a doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.). Here are a few factors to consider.

What are your career goals?

  • Professional master’s: A good choice if you want to develop a particular skill set in order to practice a particular profession. This type of degree provides coursework focused on learning and practicing skills.
  • Research master’s: A good fit if you want to gain expertise in a discipline and know how to teach it. A research master’s typically includes a research project or thesis and comprehensive exams in addition to coursework and provides experience in research and scholarship.
  • Ph.D. (doctor of philosophy): Consider this option if your goal is to ground yourself in a body of research and develop the ability to add to that body of knowledge. Ph.D. study includes a major research project in addition to coursework, and a Ph.D. is the highest scholastic degree awarded by American universities. Contrary to common perception, career paths for Ph.D. graduates are quite varied, not just limited to academia. Ph.D. training helps you hones skills such as writing, research, teaching, data analysis, communicating complex topics—all of which can translate into many sectors, including industry, government, nonprofit, and entrepreneurship.

See career data for Duke graduate programs' alumni

How much time do you have to pursue a graduate degree?

Master’s degrees typically take two years to complete, while Ph.D. programs generally take five to seven years ( see Duke programs' time-to-degree ). That is a significant difference in commitment and opportunity costs. It might also play a key role in deciding which factors take higher priority as you evaluate a program. How does the length of the program fit with your career and family plans? How important is the surrounding community if you are going to be there for seven years instead of two? How long are you able or willing to go on a limited income while in graduate school?

How much can you afford to pay for a graduate degree?

Consider your personal financial situation (e.g., how much savings and student loans do you have), as well as how much financial aid you can get. Master’s and Ph.D. programs differ greatly in the amount of financial aid available. Ph.D. programs tend to offer significantly more financial support than master’s programs (but often will have research or teaching requirements). 

A typical Ph.D. financial aid package usually includes coverage of tuition and fees, a living stipend, and some level of support for health insurance for a set number of years. For instance, Duke’s standard Ph.D. package covers tuition, mandatory fees, and a stipend for five years, as well as health insurance premiums for six years. 

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Master’s vs PhD — These are the Main Differences

phd vs job after masters

Updated: June 19, 2024

Published: October 31, 2019


The consideration between earning a master’s vs PhD is not always an easy choice. While many careers and personal aspirations may be complete with just an undergraduate degree (Associate’s or Bachelor’s), a lot of people continue their higher education to obtain graduate degrees. These include a master’s and/or a PhD.

Neither a master’s degree nor a PhD is considered to be a walk in the park. Therefore, it’s useful to understand why you would earn either and then decide how far to go.

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Definitions: master’s vs phd.

Bost a master’s and PhD are defined as postgraduate degrees, but they require different commitments and styles of learning.

1. Master’s Degree:

Mostly all master’s degrees will require the completion of an undergraduate bachelor’s degree to enroll. They generally all share the same common requirement for a thesis or dissertation to graduate.

Earning a master’s degree through a taught program will result in the completion of a Master of Art (MA), Master of Science (MS), or Master of Philosophy (MPhil). For those who earn their master’s degree through research, they will earn a Master of Research (Mre), in a tailored field of study. There are also degree-specific master’s programs like Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Master of Education (M.Ed).

After earning a master’s degree, the next step is a PhD, which entails both working and performing research at an institution. A PhD is an abbreviation for “Doctor of Philosophy.” It is the highest academic degree one can achieve. As such, it is a time-consuming pursuit that requires a lot of studying and research.

You may be wondering, “Do you need a master’s to get a PhD?”

Technically, the answer is not always. Some students skip a master’s and go straight for their PhD, but they may lack research experience. While it could save money, the transition between a bachelor’s and a PhD is incredibly sharp. It may be harder to complete a PhD without the experience from a master’s.

Yet, some institutions may allow for the possibility to earn both your master’s and PhD in conjunction with one another. This will alleviate the transition between skipping a master’s and going straight to earning a PhD.

Should You Get a Master’s or PhD?

There are many considerations to factor when deciding between a master’s of PhD. For starters, it’s useful to consider the amount of time it will take, the cost, and the benefits and disadvantages of each. It is also of utmost importance to explore your own personal goals and reasons for wanting a graduate degree.

If your desired career of choice requires a PhD, like becoming a university professor, then you have your answer. If you want to start a business and benefit by networking while in school, a Master of Business Administration (MBA) could be a good idea. Consider what you want to pursue as a career and find out the requirements first.

Another useful thing to note is that a master’s degree can be used for a shift in careers. For example, if you attended college and earned a bachelor’s degree in humanities, but now you want to pursue science, you can still earn your master’s degree in a scientific discipline. On the other hand, a PhD is tailored to your field of study and specialty, so it will require that you are sure of your direction when you first earn your master’s degree.

Length of Time

A typical master’s degree program takes about two years full-time. However, there are accelerated programs that can be completed in just a year or so.

A PhD, in general, requires five to six years of studying, teaching, and research. However, it may even take some students up to eight or nine years to graduate. With this significant investment in time, it’s necessary to know if a PhD is right for you before starting.

The cost of both programs varies by institution and enrollment status of part-time versus full-time. However, since a PhD takes longer to complete, it will end up costing more. With that said, if you look into your return on investment, a PhD could end up yielding a higher salary, and therefore end up “costing less.”

Additionally, there is also the possibility of being paid to complete your PhD. Some students may receive an academic stipend, a university fellowship or apprenticeship or a reduced fee to earn their PhD while completing research (or teaching) at an institution. It’s also possible to get financial aid through a scholarship or grant.

As tuition rates continue to rise, it’s useful to look into alternative institutions for affordable education. For example, the University of the People offers a tuition-free master’s program in Business Administration and Education. This means you can study 100% online and graduate for less than the cost of most programs.

Weighing the Benefits

When comparing the two degree types, here are some benefits of each:

  • Career-oriented
  • Can open the door for more job opportunities
  • Costs less than a PhD
  • Takes less time than a PhD
  • Helps you stand out from those with only an undergraduate degree
  • You can perform research in your field of choice
  • You become an expert in your field
  • The prefix Dr. is added to your name
  • You can teach in academia at the highest level

Required Commitment and Reasons to Pursue

Both a master’s and a PhD require a huge amount of hard work and utter commitment. You must be dedicated and motivated to complete either degree. Since most careers only may require a bachelor’s degree, having a master’s or PhD will set you apart from the competition. However, this should not be the sole reason to pursue either.

You may be wondering why would you earn either degree. Here’s a look at some motivational factors:

Reasons to Study for a Master’s

  • Your career requires it (see next section)
  • You want to advance your subject knowledge
  • You want to experience graduate school and network with peers

Reasons to Study for a PhD

  • You want to contribute new research to your field of choice
  • Your career requires a PhD
  • You want to earn the title of Dr.

Careers in the medical field often require a PhD

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Required degrees by career.

Most people are motivated to pursue higher education because their desired careers require they do so. Here, we will break down those fields that require the completion of a master’s degree as it’s high on the list of reasons why to get one.

  • Education Administration: To work as an administrator in an educational institution, you need to hold an advanced degree. A Master’s in Education (M.Ed) will provide you with the necessary knowledge and required skills to succeed in the field.
  • Executive Level Business: A Master’s in Business (MBA) will not only place you ahead of the competition to land high-level positions in the field of business, but it can also be the jumping off point for becoming your own boss.
  • Environmental Science: With issues in climate change and technological advancement, careers in Environmental Science are growing. As with most scientific careers, it requires a master’s degree where you will learn Applied Ecology, Environmental Policy, Environmental Chemistry, and more.
  • Mental Health: To become a licensed practitioner and assist in mental health counseling, you will continue your education through a master’s degree in the field.
  • Physical Therapy: Employers of physical therapists often prefer them to obtain a master’s degree in the discipline as the field is highly specialized.

Of course, some careers require a PhD. These careers are easy to spot because they have the prefix Dr. in front of them or the suffix like J.D. (Juris Doctor). To become a lawyer, doctor of medicine, veterinary medicine or psychologist/psychiatrist, you must obtain a PhD in the respective field.

Salary Differences Between Master’s and Ph.D. Graduates

According to a study performed by the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce , the overall evidence shows that the higher the degree you have, the higher your salary potential. However, the differences vary by subject level and field.

In general, the expected lifetime earnings of those with each degree level is as follows:

  • High School Diploma: $973,000
  • Bachelor’s Degree: $1.3 million
  • Master’s Degree: $2.7 million
  • Doctorate Degree: $3.3 million

The Bottom Line

Aside from the financial cost and length of time, the opportunity to earn a master’s and a doctorate degree can offer several benefits.

However, it is an undertaking that requires a lot of dedication and motivation on behalf of the student. As such, it’s important to perform research on your desired career’s requirements, as well as your personal interest in pursuing either a Phd vs master’s.

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Master's vs Doctorate: Which Degree is Right for You?

Graduate degrees are becoming increasingly popular. 

According to the world’s largest and most sophisticated database of labor market and talent data from Burning Glass Technologies, 19% of U.S. job openings in the year 2018 requested a graduate degree. And that trend isn’t changing any time soon. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistics expects master’s-level occupations to grow by 17% by 2026. Employment for doctoral- and professional-level degree is also projected to grow by about 13%. Both of these projections are much faster than the 7% average for all occupations. 

The demand for both master’s and doctorate degrees is high. But how do you know which level of educational attainment is right for you? Does your industry or career aspirations necessitate one degree or another? Will you personally benefit more from a master's or doctorate?

We’ll show you how to take all these factors into consideration to help choose if you should get a master’s degree, or if you should complete your master's and go on to pursue a doctorate degree.

Master's vs Doctorate: What are typical program requirements?

Whether you pursue a master’s degree or doctorate degree program, it’s a significant commitment of time, energy and finances. Before you choose, you should understand the requirements for not only getting into a program, but also completing your master’s or doctorate degree.

Masters vs Doctorate_ Overview of Degree Requirements2.png

Now that you have an understanding of what committing to a master’s degree or doctorate degree entails, compare the focus of the program and coursework. 

Master's vs Doctorate: What’s the difference in content and coursework?

The focus of master’s degrees and doctorate degrees is different. 

A master’s degree is designed to deepen career-oriented knowledge and skills. A doctorate degree is a heavily research-based degree, designed to develop critical research,analytical and writing skills in an effort to fill industry knowledge gaps.

Because of these different goals, the makeup of the coursework and content is also distinct.

Master’s programs feature three different types of courses:

  • Core courses: These courses are required to complete your master’s degree and are considered essential knowledge to advance your industry expertise.
  • Electives: These are a selection of courses that allow you to further specialize your degree with concentrated knowledge in specific areas. They can also be used to broaden your experience in related subject areas.
  • Capstone course (or thesis): The culmination of a master’s degree, a capstone course or thesis usually involves conducting research and presenting your findings.

Doctorate programs are broken down into four distinct parts:

  • Coursework: These advanced courses are required knowledge for passing your comprehensive exam. 
  • Research Core: These courses impart essential research, analytical and writing skills to prepare you to complete your dissertation.
  • Comprehensive exam: The comprehensive exam tests your understanding of key concepts learned through your coursework. Passing your comprehensive exam is essential to beginning your dissertation.
  • Dissertation: You work with a dissertation committee to identify a research topic. Then you complete in-depth research, analysis, and writing before you defend your original research to your dissertation committee. 

As you consider these degrees, decide which better fits your academic and professional goals, as well as your personal interests and learning style.

Master's vs Graduate: How much will the degree cost?

We know that cost is a top concern for individuals deciding what degree to pursue. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the most difficult questions to answer. Cost estimates for a master’s degree can be anywhere from $30,000 to $120,000—and costs for doctorates can range just as widely. 

If you’re trying to evaluate the cost of a master’s vs doctorate degree you need to look at important factors like:

  • Type of institution: Whether you choose a public, private nonprofit or for-profit school will impact how much you pay in tuition. The reputation and rankings of a university also affect the cost of tuition. 
  • Time to graduation: How many courses you take at one time and the total number of credit hours you need to graduate affect the cost of both master's and doctorates. Doctorates depend highly on an individual’s time and commitment to completing the research and writing of an original dissertation. Also, keep your other personal and professional commitments in mind when estimating how long it will take to earn your degree (and how that will impact cost).
  • Transfer credit: If you have a professional certification, or have earned graduate-level course credit, you may be eligible to transfer credit toward your degree. Getting transfer credit can significantly reduce your total cost.

Remember: To complete a doctorate degree you must first complete a master’s degree. So if cost is a top concern, evaluate which institution and program will give you the best value. In some cases, you may even be able to complete both a master’s degree and doctorate degree at a lower cost than a master’s degree at a school with high tuition. 

Earning a doctorate is challenging and rewarding, but do you know what to really expect? Download this free guide for tips and insights to help you prepare for success.

Master's vs doctorate: what are the outcomes of each degree.

When it comes to the outcomes of a master’s or doctorate degree, you should look at three key factors: skillset, career prospects and salary expectations. Let’s dive into the differences between the outcomes of these two types of graduate degrees.

  • Skillset: Master’s degrees focus on the expert command of industry-specific skills, while working to develop critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. On the other hand, doctorate degrees are nearly the inverse—they heavily focus on research, analysis and writing in support of developing transferable skills that can be used to fill gaps in industry knowledge.
  • Career prospects: Career advancement is a primary goal for people who pursue master’s and doctorate degrees. Master’s degrees are seen as career-oriented degrees that prepare you for management and leadership positions. More and more, doctorate degrees are becoming the norm for top executive positions, as well as opportunities to transition your career into academia.
  • Income: Both master’s degrees and doctorate degrees significantly increase your salary expectations and lifetime earning potential. But which is worth more? According to the BLS, a master’s degree has the power to boost your earnings by 17% when compared to a bachelor’s degree, while a doctorate degree can bring in a salary 30% higher than a bachelor’s degree. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, an individual with a master’s degree can also earn more than $2.8 million in their lifetime, while a doctorate degree can earn you over $3.5 million.

Comparing the Benefits of Master's vs Doctorate Degrees

There are a lot of factors that go into choosing a master's vs doctorate degree. But as you evaluate all of the different aspects of these programs, make sure to keep your long-term goals in mind. We’ve outlined four key ways to compare the benefits of master's vs doctorate degrees against your goals.

Masters vs. Doctorate_ Why to Earn Each Degree.png

Master's vs Doctorate: Popularity meets possibility with online degrees

As demand increases for advanced degrees, professionals are looking for ways to make getting their graduate degree more attainable. That’s why online master’s and doctorate degrees are more popular than ever. Online degrees offer working professionals the opportunity to get their degree without stalling their career.


Getting your master’s degree or doctorate degree is a lifetime achievement that can help you advance your career. If you’re considering your options for a master’s or doctorate degree, explore Franklin University’s online master’s degrees and online doctorate degrees to find a program that can help you take your career to the next level.  

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Master’s vs PhD/Doctorate Degrees – Key Differences

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So, you are done with your bachelor’s degree but not with studying–according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics , this seems like a good idea. In its projections for the years 2019–2029, it lists 36 occupations that typically require a master’s degree and 63 requiring a doctoral or professional degree. The Bureau of Labor Statistics data also shows that the wages for these occupations are higher than the median for all occupations. 

Now you might wonder: What is the difference between master’s and PhD degrees and which one should I get? Read on for all the information you need to make this important decision!

diploma with money and diploma, master's vs PhD

Difference Between Masters and PhD: An Overview

A master’s degree is designed to teach you the knowledge and skills that you will need in your future profession. A PhD or doctorate degree, on the other hand, is designed to develop your critical thinking as well as your analytical and writing skills and is usually a years-long commitment to independent research on a specific subject. The purpose of a PhD is to prepare you for a career in academic research—although it can also help you get into a variety of other professions, and at a higher entry/salary level. In the US, a master’s degree is integrated into a PhD program, as a necessary preparation period involving mostly coursework, while in most other countries, a separate master’s degree is required to enter a PhD program.

If you want to stand out, you should definitely opt for a PhD degree: According to the United States Census Bureau , 24 million people in the US had master’s or professional degrees in 2019, whereas only 4.5 million had PhDs/doctorates. But is it worth the extra effort? And what exactly would the extra effort be? Have a look at the table below to get an idea about the key differences between master’s and PhDs.

Master’s vs PhD

Successful completion of a bachelor’s degreeBachelor’s degree (US), master’s degree (many other countries)
2 years, sometimes shorter (e.g., at some UK universities)5–7 years (US), 3–5 years (countries that require a completed master’s degree)
predominantly coursework, usually with a culmination project/thesis/final exhibition at the end, sometimes called “capstone project”2 years of coursework in the US to make up for the master’s, and 3–5 years of independent work on a dissertation
Varies widely by country, university and program; master’s degrees at US universities can cost anything from $30,000 to $120,000, while degrees in other English-speaking countries are significantly cheaper (<$40,000), and most universities in Europe have very low (sometimes none at all) tuition feesWhile costs for PhD programs can be as high (and vary as widely) as those for master’s degrees, PhD projects often come with some level of funding equivalent to a salary and tuition fees are waived in exchange for being a teaching or research assistant
Master’s degrees usually focus on industry-specific skills for a career outside of academiaEarned on the basis of research that contributes new knowledge to a particular research topic, a PhD prepares you for a research career, inside or outside of universities
According to the , earnings increase from the bachelor’s level to the master’s level by approximately 18%, while unemployment rates go down, from 3.5% (bachelor’s) to 2.6% (master’s)A PhD can increase your salary by approximately 21% compared to master’s degree holders, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics data. The unemployment rate for PhD holders is also exceptionally low, at only 1.5%

Master’s or Doctorate: Which Should You Choose?

You have a specific career or profession in mind and want to develop the necessary practical skills for thatYour goal is to become a university professor or to dedicate your career to researching at companies/other institutions
You are willing to invest more money upfront (since there are fewer scholarship possibilities for master’s degrees) to be able to start your career earlierYou are passionate about a specific field or topic and see yourself still being passionate about it in 10 years
You have a job and want to study part-time to be able to support yourself or simultaneously gain work experienceYou are self-motivated, have solid organizational skills, and are prepared to deal with unexpected challenges along the way

How Long Does a Master’s vs Doctorate Take to Complete?

While the length of time it will take you to complete a PhD or master’s degree varies significantly between institutions and countries, we will focus on the US system here. Obviously, PhDs take much longer, because they are in fact a combination of both degrees and involve a long period of independent research that can get even longer than expected, depending on your topic, the available equipment or support, and a lot of other factors.

How long to complete a master’s degree

In the US, a full-time master’s degree takes students generally 2 years to complete, while part-time degrees are usually double the time.

How long to complete a PhD/doctorate

Since US PhD programs only require a completed bachelor’s degree, they start with an integrated master’s of 2 years of coursework, followed by 3–4 years of independent research into a specific topic. That usually includes publishing results, presenting at conferences, and preparing the final dissertation. Note that stipends/funding do not always cover the entire time it can take you to complete your PhD project—make sure you are aware of alternative options and additional funding at your institution or have at least thought about a backup plan before you start.

Master’s Degree Cost vs. a PhD Cost

Most people assume that PhDs are more expensive because they take many more years to complete. However, since PhD students usually receive scholarships or stipends, sometimes just for their commitment to full-time research and sometimes in exchange for teaching, the direct costs for a dissertation can be lower than those for a master’s degree. 

Additionally, while you are very likely to earn more with both degrees, the additional years of studying for a PhD should be factored into any estimation of costs vs outcomes.

Cost of a master’s degree

Master’s degrees at US universities can cost anything from $30,000 to $120,000, with tuition depending on the type of institution (public, private nonprofit, or for-profit). University rankings and general reputation also affect tuition costs. 

Whether an expensive degree (e.g., MBAs are often notoriously expensive) is worth the money for you personally depends on what kind of salary you think you can expect after graduating from that specific school. The universities you consider applying to should be able to provide you with data on the career and salary outcomes of their students, either on their website or if you contact them and ask for these details.

You can of course try to get a stipend and/or apply for a teaching or research assistant position at your school, depending on your undergraduate degree and experience. Moreover, many institutions offer the possibility to complete a master’s degree part-time, while working, which allows students to fund themselves.

You might also be eligible to transfer credits toward your degree if you have a professional certification or have earned graduate-level course credit—which can significantly reduce your total cost for both degrees.

Cost of a PhD/dissertation

PhDs, unlike master’s degrees, are usually funded, which means that tuition fees are waived and stipends or scholarships take care of living costs. Phd students are, however, often expected to take on teaching or research responsibilities in exchange for their funding. 

There are a variety of scholarships you can apply for if you want to pursue a PhD in the US as an international student—US-based ones like the Fulbright Foreign Student Program or the HHMI International Student Research Scholarships , but there are probably also funding opportunities in your home country for students who want to embark on a PhD abroad.

Pursuing a PhD degree part-time might sometimes be possible, but since students are expected to invest a full workweek into their research and potential teaching responsibilities, this is usually not realistic.

To estimate the overall cost of a doctoral program, the extra years that you could be working a full-time job with a regular salary also need to be factored into the equation—and take into account that projects may end up taking longer than expected, due to difficulties in collecting data, supervisors dropping out or moving on, or unforeseeable crises such as the COVID-19 epidemic.

Career Prospects for a Master’s vs PhD

While both a master’s and a PhD degree will qualify you for a variety of occupations that require higher degrees, they can also get you a higher salary in a profession that is also open to employees with a lower education level. PhD holders can in theory expect the highest wages, but since the two degrees prepare you for very different careers, that alone shouldn’t be what you base your decision on.

Master’s degree jobs and positions

Master’s degrees are overall more versatile than PhDs when it comes to employment opportunities and cover a wide range of fields and professions. The most common master’s degrees are the Master’s of Arts (MA) and the Master’s of Science (MS). 

Master’s programs can generally be divided into three different types:

Research master’s degrees, such as an MA in Comparative Literature or an MS in Biology, prepare students for academic and non-academic research disciplines and usually end with a thesis based on an original piece of research. In some fields, however, you are expected to enter a Ph.D. program after completing your master’s to be competitive when it comes to finding a job later.

Professional master’s degrees teach you practical skills and in-demand competencies that qualify you for a specific field and enable you to understand issues that are relevant in a certain profession. Examples include the Master of Public Health (MPH), the  Master of Business Administration (MBA), or the MA in Teaching (MAT). 

Terminal master’s degrees are the highest academic degree in fields where doctorates are not offered, and prepare students for careers outside of academia. The Master’s of Fine Arts in Creative Writing, for example, or the MS in Library Science are as high as you can go in those fields.

To give you an idea, below, we listed the 10 occupations at the master’s level that are projected to have the most openings annually from 2019 to 2029, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, and the highest-paying occupations for master’s degree holders without required work experience, based on projections from 2016 to 2026.

Lawyers Nurse anesthetists
CounselorsPolitical scientists
Health specialties teachersComputer & information research scientist
Nurse practitionersPhysician assistants
Education administratorsNurse practitioners
Healthcare social workersMathematicians
Postsecondary teachersEconomists
Instructional coordinators
Physical therapists
Speech-language pathologists

Master’s degrees, apart from helping you develop professional skills tailored to the requirements of the profession you intend to enter, can also serve as a stepping stone if you are already in employment and want to progress your career development, earn a higher salary, or change careers by learning new skills and subject knowledge.

PhD/doctorate jobs and positions

PhDs are usually intended to lead to an academic career, and many students aim to eventually become university professors. However, careers in academia are highly competitive, and there are not nearly as many professor positions as there are PhD holders. The good news is that the skills you learn during your doctoral program are often “transferable” and can be applied to other types of careers. 

Some PhD graduates end up (and enjoy) being colleague teachers, while others embark on non-academic research careers, for example at pharmaceutical companies, government agencies, consulting and technology firms, or think tanks. Job prospects vary widely across fields, with some—computer science, engineering, or economics—having very low unemployment rates, and others, for example the humanities, offering fewer and less desirable employment opportunities. Keep in mind, however, that someone with a PhD entering a different field or one that does not necessarily require a PhD may find that their degree sometimes does not help them or that they are even considered to be “overqualified” or as lacking practical skills and relevant professional experience.

Since there is no clear career path for PhD graduates, you should really take your time figuring out what field you want to work in later, what the career prospects for that field are, and if they are worth the time and effort you will have to invest to complete a PhD program. Your university should have data on the careers and salaries of their students, and should either display these details on their website or send you the relevant information if you contact them directly.

Master’s vs PhD: Application Process

The application process for master’s and PhD programs is overall very similar. In general, you will need to provide the following:

Application essay/personal statement/statement of purpose, either as a response to specific prompts provided by the school or as an outline of what you learned during your undergraduate studies and how you will use this experience to make a success of your advanced qualificationStatement of purpose focusing on research you have already done/participated in, publications you have authored so far, and your research interests/future academic career plans
Letters of recommendation from former professors or research supervisors (for research master’s) or current work supervisors (for professional degrees)Letters of recommendation from former professors or supervisors (preferably supervisors who themselves hold a PhD) who have something to say about your potential as a researcher
CV/resume that summarizes your academic, professional and personal achievementsCV/resume focusing on your research background (your bachelor’s thesis/ publications/presentations)
Bachelor’s degree certificate and academic transcriptsBachelor’s degree certificate and academic transcripts
Proof of English proficiency (unless you have already completed a degree in English) if English is not your first language (IELTS, TOEFL, PTE Academic, etc.)Proof of English proficiency (unless you have already completed a degree in English) if English is not your first language (IELTS, TOEFL, PTE Academic, etc.)
Standardized test, e.g., the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT) for law school or the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) for business schoolStandardized test, usually the Graduate Record Examination (GRE)

Frequently Asked Questions about Master’s vs PhD Degrees

How long does a master’s degree take vs a phd.

Full-time master’s degrees usually take 2 years to complete. Many universities offer the option to do a master’s part-time, which takes double the time. PhD programs in the US  start with an integrated master’s of 2 years of coursework (since you enter the program directly after completing your bachelor’s degree), followed by 3–4 years of independent research. 

Is a PhD harder than a master’s degree?

A PhD takes substantially longer and requires more self-motivation, organizational skills, and the willingness to carry on even when things do not go according to plan. You might also have other responsibilities, on top of your research, such as teaching or assisting your supervisor. But whether that is “harder” for you than a master’s degree that consists of mostly coursework and does not take more than 2 years depends on your interests and general working style. 

Is a master’s or doctorate better?

Master’s and doctorate degrees prepare you for different occupations and work positions, and which one is the right for you depends on what kind of career you are planning to pursue. Generally, a master’s degree is right for you if you want to deepen your career-oriented knowledge and skills for a specific profession, while a doctorate degree prepares you for a career in research, whether that is inside or outside a university.

Preparing Your Graduate School Essays

Now that you have figured out whether a master’s or PhD degree is the right choice for you, all that is left to do is to put your application together! Make sure that you focus on your chosen degree and its aim (research or a professional career) in all required documents—for example, highlight your professional and personal development in your CV for an MBA program, but the publication you got out of your bachelor’s thesis and how passionate you are about doing more research on the same topic for your application to a PhD program. 

As always, Wordvice can help with our professional Personal Statement Editing Services or Admission Editing Services , which help ensure that your application is error-free and showcases your full potential so that you get admitted to the graduate or doctoral program of your choice. For more academic resources on writing the statement of purpose for grad school or on how to request a letter of recommendation , head over to our Admissions Resources pages.

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Should I do a PhD or take a job in industry?

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PhD vs Master’s: Which to Choose?

If choosing between a PhD or a Master’s has you frazzled, don’t panic. We weigh the pros and cons of both in terms of time, money, and career prospects.

Published September 30, 2020

phd vs job after masters

Sandesh earned his Ph.D. in Biotechnology in 2020, from the  Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai . He is currently a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC), Memphis , US. His research interests include immunology, pharmacognosy, food bioscience, and functional foods and he is passionate about scientific writing.

A graphic depicting various aspects of science education to highlight PhD vs Master's Degrees

PhD vs Master’s Programs: Key Differences

1. time vs money, 2. prestige, 3. future career, 4. taught vs research master’s, 5. do you need either.

  • A.C. Coldron. How Rare (or Common) is it to have a PhD?  (accessed August 25, 2020).
  • FindAMasters/FindAUniversity Ltd. Taught vs Research Masters – Which is Right for Me?  (accessed August 28, 2020).

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What types of industry positions favor PhD over a masters?

I'm coming from a biomedical engineering background, and I'm noticing that almost all job postings ask for either an MS or a PhD, and from speaking with my friends with masters it seems that masters are often favored, because they demand less pay. In fact, the only positions that specifically seek out PhDs seem to be research positions in industry.

Based on that, I'm curious to see if this exists beyond just engineering. Are there any non-research industry positions that actively seek to hire PhDs over masters students?

eykanal's user avatar

6 Answers 6

High-tech engineering companies, for one. A friend of mine works at a small system-on-a-chip designer company, and they supply highly specialized chip designs to other businesses which utilize embedded systems -- think leading automotive, aerospace, consumer electronics OEMs. The company is small and every engineering employee has at least a MSc, most of them have PhDs or higher (that would be associate professors and professors).

Another example is automotive R&D -- mechanical engineering. Companies are financing new development of new methodologies in product development -- particularly structural optimization, design automation, manufacturing process simulations. Virtual prototyping is the name of the game for top manufacturers currently, and the demand for highly-skilled experts is great, even in these uncertain economic times.

In the country where I study, PhD projects are financed jointly by interested private companies as well as research organizations, and the companies have a vested interest to receive not only the direct results from the research, but also trained individuals that can integrate the research outcomes into their product development or manufacturing process.

Obviously YMMV by country and research field. PhDs in in mostly theoretical projects might have harder time finding a good position after graduating, while hands-on graduates whose projects were conducted in collaboration with industrial partners are much more likely to secure a senior technical position even before their dissertation.

mindcorrosive's user avatar

  • What is "higher" than a PhD? –  vocaro Commented Feb 23, 2012 at 23:25
  • 1 @vocaro post-doc of course :). –  Zenon Commented Feb 24, 2012 at 2:33
  • @vocaro or, in some countries, habilitation . –  ESultanik Commented Apr 4, 2012 at 14:15

I am currently employed in the biotech industry. Hopefully this is helpful but it may all just be obvious:

Concerning research industry positions , jobs are generally classified as PhD (scientist) or non-PhD (research assistant/associate). For scientists positions, sometimes someone without a PhD will be considered if they have significant experience - e.g. Masters plus 5-8 years, Bachelors plus 10+ years. However, PhDs are generally favored over non-PhDs for outside hires. For research asst/assoc positions, non-PhDs are favored over PhD holders, and many companies have policies that prohibit hiring PhDs.

Concerning non-research industry positions , holding a PhD will give you an edge over BS/MS holders, but you have to compete with other specialized degrees. For business developement and upper management positions, you'd have to compete with MBA holders (along with internal hires from research/scientific management). For legal positions, you'd compete with JDs and certified patent agents. For project management, there are certifications as well.

If you were to hold MBA/JD/additional certification AND a PhD, you would be extremely marketable for these types of positions. It's a lot of work to add something like that on after finishing a PhD program, but companies often love to have PhDs on staff in those types of positions - but generally you need to have the other qualifications as well.

Edit: Also, the best people to talk to are professors from your current/old department who are on any company's board of directors. They will know exactly what kind of people a company wants to hire, and will be able to tell you how to target your job search, or what kind of experience/credentials matter most.

Amy's user avatar

I don't have hard numbers to support this statement, but I've been told that many investment banks are quite interested in PhD (although mostly in hard sciences) for quantitative analyst jobs. These positions are not research positions, but it seems that the rigor and the experience of research, in terms for instance of modelling data, acquired during the PhD is appreciated.

  • But I guess @eykanal can say more about that, and correct me if I'm wrong :) –  user102 Commented Feb 23, 2012 at 15:59
  • So, interestingly enough, we're doing a lot of hiring now. I'll state with some certainty that although none of the jobs we're posting (all quant jobs) require a PhD, we're getting what I perceive as a disproportionately high number of PhD applicants. However, at least in my role, we don't really favor one over the other. –  eykanal Commented Feb 23, 2012 at 19:30

I think that the only positions where it makes sense to hire a PhD over a master's degree holder are those which require a lot of analytical skills, plus the ability to be "laterally" flexible. That is, you want to hire someone who can do many different tasks over time, rather than just lead one project or group. These occupations would include quantitative analysis, but would also include more non-traditional jobs such as a journal editor or a consultant.

From an industrial perspective, though, for anything outside of research, it's probably more economical and practical to hire someone with direct or relevant experience at the master's level and train them to do the job you need them to do.

aeismail's user avatar

PhD is all about getting qualifications for becoming a scientist/researcher. You learn how to do the research independently, how to present your work, you meet people who might be helpful in your further career, and incidentally you get some hands-on experience in an obscure area of science. These are "hard" skills you get along the way. This means that the only type of work PhD is required for, or gives you a real benefit, is a job of a researcher, either in academia or in the industry.

Occasionally you might be lucky to work on something truly useful and job will be a natural extension of your PhD. But since getting a PhD degree is really a learning process, the topics are necessarily moderately ambitious and niche - you have the rest of your scientific career to "make an impact".

Outside the research the only thing PhD gives you is a bit of "prestige". This might be a hindrance, or, at best, make no difference when you search for a job. But in a long term you'll likely find that the ceiling is a bit higher. The good thing is that any job you end up doing will be good - the title automatically "filters out" positions that you would later find unsuitable.

Andrzej's user avatar

From what I've heard, some companies prefer hiring PhDs over Masters not because of their additional knowledge because people who have done a PhD will in general be more mature and reliable. Some companies also count having a PhD as work experience which will reflect on your salary.

To answer your question, I'm not aware of any specific positions for which this is done, but depending on what the actual job is, recruiters may prefer candidates with a PhD (even if it's not in exactly what the work is going to be) for the reason mentioned above.

Lars Kotthoff's user avatar

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phd vs job after masters

Academia Insider

Can I do a PhD after masters? How long does it take to get a PhD / Doctorate

A common question that many graduate students have is whether they can pursue a PhD after completing their master’s degree.

The answer is yes, it is possible to continue your academic career by obtaining a doctoral degree in your field of study.

There are several factors that need to be considered before embarking on this path.

This article will provide an overview of the key factors students should consider when deciding whether to pursue a PhD after completing their master’s degree.

Should I get my PhD after my masters? What about industry?

Deciding whether to pursue a PhD immediately after a master’s degree or enter the workforce first depends on personal goals, interests, and circumstances.

A PhD typically requires around five years of self-directed effort, similar to starting a business. If passionate about research, it might be best to begin right away.

Working in industry before pursuing a PhD can lead to habits that may not benefit academia and can take longer to adjust back to a scholarly environment.

Long-term relationships are essential in academia, and aggressive industry tactics might not be well-received.

Starting a PhD earlier allows for more time to produce research and establish a successful career, particularly for those considering a long-term academic path.

PhD pursuit offers flexibility in research topics and projects, enabling exploration across various subjects and building connections with professionals from different fields. This leads to unique opportunities and experiences that may not be available when working for a single company.

Considering factors like personal goals and readiness for the workload and demands of a PhD program is crucial.

Weigh the potential benefits of advancing education against the time, cost, and personal demands of a doctoral program. If a PhD aligns with one’s career aspirations and personal goals, it may be a worthwhile pursuit.

However, if the investment required outweighs the potential benefits, it might not be the best choice.

It’s always possible to try a PhD program for a year or two and then make a more informed decision based on individual experiences.

How Long Does It Take to Get a PhD or Doctorate? Time to complete everything

Leading up to getting a PhD there are many qualifications you need to get. Here is the amount of time a typical US Doctorate can take to achieve including all of the previous qualifications. It can take up to 13 years to complete

Bachelor’s Degree4 years (typical)4 years
Master’s Degree (optional)2 years (typical)6 years
PhD Coursework3 years (average)9 years
PhD Comprehensive Exams1-2 semesters9.5 years
PhD Dissertation: This is a key component of the years of study involved in a doctorate degree. Research3 years (average)12.5 years
PhD Dissertation Defense1-2 semesters13 years

The length of time to complete a PhD varies depending on several factors.

On average, in the US it takes about six years, with three years dedicated to coursework and another three years for the dissertation project.

Factors that can influence the duration include:

  • prerequisites of the program,
  • program format,
  • the student’s motivation,
  • prior knowledge,
  • Personal circumstances, such as being an international student, can influence the time it takes to complete the doctoral program.
  • Funding and scholarship stipend can significantly affect the years of study and the time it takes to earn a doctorate degree. 
  • field of study,
  • dissertation topic,
  • Support of the graduate advisor can be a crucial factor in minimizing the time it takes to complete a doctorate degree.

The range can be as short as three years or as long as seven to eight years , depending on the individual and the circumstances.

Do you need a master’s for a PhD? A shorter career path that doesn’t take so long.

In certain fields, such as clinical psychology, it is possible to pursue a PhD without obtaining a master’s degree first.

To do so, one must demonstrate a strong academic and research background, as well as a commitment to the field.

Here are the most important attributes if you are thinking about going straight into a PhD without a master’s:

  • Strong academic and research background: Ensure that you have excelled in your coursework and maintained a high GPA.
  • Undergraduate research experience: Engage in research projects during your undergraduate studies, preferably with a thesis component.
  • Clinical exposure (if applicable): Gain relevant experience in the field to showcase your practical knowledge and commitment.
  • Leadership experience: Participate in activities that demonstrate your ability to lead and work effectively within a team, as this can be advantageous in the years of study required to earn a doctorate degree.
  • Interpersonal skills: Develop strong communication and collaboration skills, which are essential for success in a PhD program.
  • Clear determination: Express your dedication to pursuing a PhD directly from your undergraduate studies, highlighting your commitment to the field and how quickly you aim to earn a doctorate.
  • Assess your certainty: Be sure that you are confident in your goals and prepared to invest the necessary effort to be competitive without a master’s degree.

By satisfying these requirements, you can better assess your eligibility to apply for a PhD without a master’s degree and potentially save time and money in the process.

Earn a Doctorate without a Masters – How Does It Work? 

Obtaining a PhD without a master’s degree is not a common path, but it is possible under certain circumstances.

Typically, a PhD candidate has an undergraduate degree with high grades, a master’s degree, and relevant research skills.

However, there are exceptions where individuals have successfully transitioned from their undergraduate studies directly to a PhD program.

One such scenario involves having a strong rapport with a potential PhD supervisor, perhaps from your undergraduate program, which can significantly reduce the time it takes to earn a doctorate.

This relationship can help compensate for the lack of a master’s degree, but it’s not a guarantee.

Another example is being an exceptional student with a first-class undergraduate degree and a dissertation closely aligned with the advertised PhD project.

Demonstrating an outstanding attitude and performance during your undergraduate project may give you an edge over other applicants.

In applied PhDs, practical experience can also be beneficial, particularly if it includes valuable contacts in the field.

For instance, if your PhD is related to professional sports and you have numerous connections within the industry, it may facilitate recruitment and collaboration, enhancing your chances of acceptance.

However, as with the other examples, this is not a sure-fire way to secure a position.

While securing a PhD without a master’s degree is challenging, it is not impossible.

The best approach is to pursue a master’s degree, as it will better prepare you for a PhD program. – Dr Andy Stapleton

Nonetheless, if you are determined to bypass the master’s route, perseverance and strategic networking can potentially lead to success.

What after Masters: MPhil or Doctorate Degree?

After completing a Master’s degree, you may be considering whether to pursue an MPhil or a PhD.

Here are the differences between the two:

LevelIntermediate research degreeHighest academic research degree
ObjectiveDevelop research skillsProduce independent research contributing to the field
Duration1-2 years (full-time)Typically take 3-7 years (full-time or part-time).
ScopeSmaller in scale and depthBroader scope and deeper engagement
Research FocusLess complex topicsMore complex topics
SupervisionSupervised researchSupervised research with more independence
TrainingLimitedResearch workshops, writing classes, group work, interdisciplinary modules
Career ImpactGood for research-oriented positionsGreater career advancement in academia and research
DissertationSmaller in scale and less comprehensiveLarger, more comprehensive, and novel research project

A PhD, being the highest academic title awarded for independent research, offers a broader scope and deeper engagement with complex topics than an MA or MPhil.

It can be thought of as an apprenticeship in planning and conducting your research.

The program duration ranges from three to seven years, depending on whether you choose to study full-time or part-time.

Entry is competitive, as candidates must demonstrate a strong track record of academic success.

PhD students attend research workshops, writing classes, and work in groups to explore each other’s studies.

They have opportunities to discuss their research across the university, in graduate school, and other classes, which can be particularly beneficial for an international student. A PhD involves a multi-year project based on independent research, with support from supervisors and training that contributes to the chosen field of study.

It’s essential to have a clear idea of the topic you want to explore in-depth and the methods you plan to employ before applying for a PhD program.

Doing a PhD can be both intellectually and emotionally demanding.

However, working in a department with dedicated and talented staff, excellent supervisors, ongoing training, and support from fellow students can make the experience enjoyable and rewarding.

It is crucial to choose the right supervisor and have a good working relationship with them, as this can significantly impact your PhD journey and the time it takes to complete it.

Wrapping up PhD programs after a masters – how long does it take to complete?

Pursuing a PhD after a master’s degree is a common path for those looking to advance in academia or research-intensive careers.

While obtaining a PhD requires a significant commitment of time and resources, it can lead to prestigious positions or high-paying jobs. It is crucial to consider personal goals, interests, and the job prospects in the field before enrolling in a doctoral program.

For those considering a PhD without a master’s degree, it is essential to demonstrate a strong academic and research background and commit to the field.

The decision between an MPhil and a PhD depends on the desired scope, depth, and career impact of the research. Ultimately, individuals should carefully weigh the potential benefits against the time it takes, cost, and personal demands of a doctoral program before making a decision.

phd vs job after masters

Dr Andrew Stapleton has a Masters and PhD in Chemistry from the UK and Australia. He has many years of research experience and has worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow and Associate at a number of Universities. Although having secured funding for his own research, he left academia to help others with his YouTube channel all about the inner workings of academia and how to make it work for you.

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  • Nederlands als tweede taal en meertaligheid (schakelprogramma)
  • Nederlands, Educatie en communicatie (master)
  • Nederlands, Educatie en communicatie (schakelprogramma)
  • Nederlandse taal en cultuur (bachelor)
  • Nederlandse taal en cultuur (master)
  • New Media and Digital Culture (master)
  • Nieuwgriekse taal en cultuur (bachelor)
  • Onderwijswetenschappen (bachelor)
  • Onderwijswetenschappen (master)
  • Onderwijswetenschappen (schakelprogramma)
  • (Forensische) Orthopedagogiek (schakelprogramma)
  • Oudheidwetenschappen (bachelor)
  • P&A: Advanced Matter and Energy Physics (master, joint degree)
  • P&A: Astronomy and Astrophysics (master, joint degree)
  • P&A: Biophysics and Biophotonics (master, joint degree)
  • P&A: General Physics and Astronomy (master, joint degree)
  • P&A: GRAPPA - Gravitation, Astro-, and Particle Physics (master, joint degree)
  • P&A: Science for Energy and Sustainability (master, joint degree)
  • P&A: Theoretical Physics (master, joint degree)
  • Pedagogical Sciences (master)
  • Pedagogische wetenschappen (bachelor)
  • Pedagogische wetenschappen (master)
  • Philosophy (master)
  • Philosophy (research master)
  • Philosophy of the Humanities and the Social Sciences (master)
  • Philosophy of the Humanities and the Social Sciences (schakelprogramma)
  • Physics and Astronomy (master, joint degree)
  • Political Science (bachelor)
  • Political Science (master)
  • Political Science (premaster)
  • Politicologie (bachelor)
  • PPLE - Politics, Psychology, Law and Economics (bachelor)
  • Preservation and Presentation of the Moving Image (duale master)
  • Preventieve jeugdhulp en opvoeding (schakelprogramma)
  • Privaatrechtelijke rechtspraktijk (master)
  • Psychobiologie (bachelor)
  • Psychologie (schakelprogramma)
  • Psychologie (bachelor), NL
  • Psychologie (master), NL
  • Psychology (premaster)
  • Psychology (bachelor), EN
  • Psychology (master), EN
  • Psychology (research master), EN
  • Public International Law (master)
  • Publieksgeschiedenis (master)
  • Quantum Computer Science (master)
  • Rechtsgeleerdheid (bachelor)
  • Rechtsgeleerdheid met HBO-vooropleiding (schakelprogramma)
  • Rechtsgeleerdheid met WO-vooropleiding (schakelprogramma)
  • Redacteur/editor (duale master)
  • Religiewetenschappen (bachelor)
  • Religious Studies (research master)
  • Russische en Slavische studies (bachelor)
  • Scandinavië studies (bachelor)
  • Scheikunde (bachelor, joint degree)
  • Science, Technology & Innovation (bachelor)
  • Security and Network Engineering (master)
  • Sign Language Linguistics (bachelor)
  • Social Sciences (research master)
  • Sociale geografie en Planologie (bachelor)
  • Sociologie (bachelor)
  • Sociology (bachelor)
  • Sociology (master)
  • Sociology (premaster)
  • Software Engineering (master)
  • Spaanse en Latijns-Amerikaanse studies (bachelor)
  • Spirituality and Religion (master)
  • Spirituality and Religion (schakelprogramma)
  • Staats- en bestuursrecht (master)
  • Stads- en architectuurgeschiedenis (master)
  • Stochastics and Financial Mathematics (master)
  • Strafrecht (master)
  • Taalwetenschappen (bachelor)
  • Technology Governance (advanced master)
  • Television and Cross-Media Culture (master)
  • Theaterwetenschap (bachelor)
  • Theatre Studies (master)
  • Universitaire Pabo van Amsterdam (bachelor)
  • Urban and Regional Planning (master)
  • Urban and Regional Planning (premaster)
  • Urban Studies (research master)
  • Vertalen (master)
  • Vertalen (schakelprogramma)
  • Wiskunde (bachelor)

Doing a PhD after your Master’s

Is a phd the right thing for you.

Find out if doing a PhD is right for you by doing the following exercise:

Score yourself on a scale of one to five regarding the following aspects and ask people who know you to score you on the various aspects as well. One stands for ‘to a very low degree’, with five standing for ‘to a very significant degree’.  Naturally, you pick the people you consult yourself and you determine what you do with their feedback.

A conversation about the results can clarify a great deal. You should regard this exercise as an indication and starting point to facilitate a dialogue with others about your opportunities and options. Naturally, you can discuss the results of this exercise with a careers adviser .

Talk to people in your study environment

More and more PhD positions have a Research Master’s as an admission requirement. That's why you should consider the differences between a one-year and a two-year (Research) Master’s and talk to people in your study environment, such as your study adviser, your lecturers, supervisor or PhD candidates. Explain that you are exploring the possibilities of doing a PhD and ask for their advice and for any tips. Try to find out where PhD candidates in your field end up on the job market. This could also be the beginning of your professional network as a budding academic.

Get familiar with the researchers 

What researcher would you like to be working with and at what research institution? Who teaches the (Research) Master’s programmes and what kind of research do they do? You should also try and find potential supervisors.

Doctoral positions are funded in various ways in the Netherlands. You can either pursue a doctorate with an employment contract or without an employment contract. In the latter case, you will not receive a salary from the university, but you will have to find an employer to pay you or obtain a scholarship from the university.

Tip: follow developments in scientific research in the Netherlands, research funding, funds, etc. to make sure you are properly informed about the types of doctoral positions and types of funding available.

Vacancies for doctoral positions

  • Academic Transfer External link
  • University of Amsterdam External link
  • KNAW External link

More information

Read more information about obtaining a PhD at the UvA on uva.nl External link . 

Northeastern University Graduate Programs

Should You Get a Master’s or a PhD in Biotechnology?

Should You Get a Master’s or a PhD in Biotechnology?

Industry Advice Science & Mathematics

The job outlook for biotechnology professionals is very positive, with 2024 salaries   averaging between $151,000 and $281,000 per year. As a result, many individuals are pursuing advanced degrees in biotechnology in hopes of acquiring the training and experience needed to land a role in this lucrative field.

Luckily, those with an undergraduate degree have the benefit of tailoring their graduate education by choosing to enroll in either a biotech master’s or PhD program. Read on to explore how these two programs differ and the five key aspects you should consider when deciding which is the right fit for you.

Masters or PhD in Biotechnology

Choosing a master’s vs. PhD in biotechnology: what to consider 

1. your career goals.

Perhaps the most significant question you can ask yourself when picking between a master’s and a PhD is this: “What do I intend to do with my degree?”

For example, because PhDs require an extensive time commitment and provide students the chance to explore the academic side of the field, individuals who want to pursue research are best suited for this degree.

“If you want to be an academic, you absolutely have to get a PhD,” says Jared Auclair, former director of the biotechnology and bioinformatics programs at Northeastern. “If you want to go work the industry, a master’s is the way to go.” 

A master’s degree is designed to transition students seamlessly from the classroom into the workforce. These programs tend to be shorter, and they provide chances for hands-on learning within real-world organizations. In short, they are developed in a way that allows students to begin shaping their careers in biotech before they even graduate.

“Because a master’s degree takes less time schooling-wise, you can go out and work in the industry sooner, get hands-on experience, and then move up in the chain of command,” Auclair says. 

Learn More: Working in Industry vs. Academia: Which Is Right for You?

PhD candidates considering work in industry (versus academia) are not as easily set up for success. This is because, while a PhD candidate is spending years in a classroom, professionals with master’s degrees are already out in the field collecting valuable real-world experiences that will help prepare them to advance within an organization.

And while there are still some companies that might value a PhD applicant’s extensive study over a master’s degree applicant’s time in the workforce, particularly in C-level leadership roles, Auclair explains that a master’s is really all a hiring manager is looking for among applicants.

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2. Curriculum

“A master’s program and a PhD program in biotechnology will have similar coursework,” Auclair says.  Both are designed to provide students with an expansive understanding of the field, including the tools, practices, and trends that define it today.

In a PhD program, however, students will have the opportunity to specialize in a specific area of practice within the larger biotechnology field. “A master’s offers a broader depth of training … [whereas] PhDs are trained to do something very specific,” he continues.

As a result, master’s students may end up taking more classes and leaving with a much broader and holistic understanding of the field than their PhD counterparts. 

3. Program length

A master’s program is designed to be completed quickly so that students can explore opportunities within the industry earlier in their careers. At Northeastern, for example, the master’s in biotechnology program can take anywhere from two to three years to complete, depending on whether a student pursues it in a full-time or part-time capacity.

A PhD, on the other hand, requires a much longer time commitment. After completing core classes, PhD students complete a three- to five-year research project with the faculty of their program, effectively delaying their release into the workforce.

4. Experiential learning opportunities

The experiential component of a student’s education is perhaps the biggest differentiator in the structures of PhD and master’s programs.

Students who pursue their master’s at Northeastern, for example, have unparalleled opportunities to practice their skills hands-on at organizations in the industry before ever entering the workforce.

“Our master program has a mandatory co-op , which is 12 weeks to six months of experience in the industry,” Auclair says. This paid and credited work provides students with the chance to explore the trends of the industry firsthand, network with leaders in the field, and begin to develop working relationships with organizations they may hope to be employed by after they graduate.

Just as industry experience prepares master’s students to thrive in the field, many PhD programs provide experiential learning opportunities for their students that expose them to the types of research and academia they can expect to pursue post-graduation.

“After you do your mandatory coursework for your PhD, you’re going to do a research project with a faculty,” Auclair says. “And that’s not industry experience, it’s academic research experience, which is completely different.”

This academic research gives students a chance to become comfortable in a lab or research setting, gain exposure to some of the technology and tools they will use in practice, and begin developing working relationships with professors and other university faculty.

5. Demands of the industry

Some professionals considering an advanced degree do so knowing exactly what they want to do with their careers. For these individuals, the process of deciding between a master’s and a PhD may stop after consideration of their career goals.

However, some individuals embark on advanced education not to fulfill a specific career objective, but to simply pursue their passion for biotechnology. These individuals should think about not only what career opportunities each program might lead to, but which degree will best set them up to meet the current demands of the industry.

For example, the COVID-19 pandemic created a plethora of lucrative possibilities for those in the biotechnology sector. Between a need for expedited vaccine development, a rethinking of telemedicine, and much more, Auclair notes there will be many new and exciting opportunities for those hoping to get involved.

“With COVID … sciences and new technologies are going to evolve rapidly,” he says. “The master’s degree sets you up to be more nimble and flexible [in order] to adapt to those [changes] and to really have a broader impact.”

Though there are opportunities for PhD holders to carve out a place for themselves in the industry, Auclair explains that the depth and type of training required at their level don’t translate as easily.

“Traditionally, a person with a PhD is very specialized in one specific technique or aspect of the sciences, whereas somebody with a master’s is [better] able to adapt to the evolution of where the science is going to go. I’m not saying that PhDs can’t do that, but it’s typically not as easy for them.”

Weighing your options

If you’re considering a career in biotechnology, an advanced degree provides a perfect opportunity to gain the training and hands-on experience necessary to thrive within this ever-evolving field.

The Master of Science in Biotechnology at Northeastern, for example, has been designed with the input of industry experts and is constantly evolving to best prepare its students to meet the changing needs of the field.

“Part of my mission is to develop all of our programs in collaboration with industry,” Auclair says. “[We] monitor the trends and evolve and adapt as the trends evolve and adapt so that we’re producing people who are ready to work in the business of today or tomorrow, and not of yesterday.”

Northeastern has also taken steps to create opportunities for students who want both the industry exposure of a master’s degree with the cumulative title of a PhD.

The Experiential PhD is a unique program that allows students to work toward their PhD while simultaneously holding a full-time position within the industry. While this degree can be applied to any field, it’s particularly relevant to master’s degree holders who later realize they want to specialize their knowledge or to pivot their career toward research.

Northeastern’s master’s in biotechnology is designed to effectively complement this degree, as well. The Experiential PhD allows students to build off the holistic understanding of the industry obtained at the master’s level, preventing them from repeating much of the same coursework over again as they would in pursuit of a different science-based PhD.

The way it works, Auclair explains, is that “when you have your master’s … and you’re working at a company, you find a mentor in that company and a mentor at the university, and you [choose and then] work on a project that’s interesting to all three of you.”

This type of industry-applicable PhD is ideal for those who have already spent time working within organizations in the field. It allows you to advance your education while still continuing to function as an employee at your company. “You get all the benefits and the money and the salary and everything, but you’re still getting your PhD and it [only takes] three years,” Auclair says.

Take the next step

No matter which program you choose, pursuing an advanced degree in biotechnology is sure to be a positive step toward success in this field.  If you’re still struggling to determine which path is right for you, consult with an expert in the field. Whether that person is someone in your network that works in biotech or an enrollment coach at Northeastern, gaining some outside perspective can help you make this important career choice.

Explore the master’s in biotechnology at Northeastern on our program page, then download our free e-book to learn more about how you can advance your career in biotechnology.

Download Our Free Guide to Advancing Your Career in the Biotechnology Industry“ width=

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in July 2020 and has since been updated for relevance and accuracy. 

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The average U.S. bioscience worker earned nearly $99,000 in 2016, 85% greater than the average for the overall private sector. (BIO, 2018)

Master of Science in Biotechnology

An innovative degree for a dynamic industry.

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/r/iopsychology is dedicated to all things IO psychology. As a highly interdisciplinary field, we promote research and practice in IO domains as well as areas of communication, knowledge management, business, sociology, economics, and MIS. Topics to consider for discussion include, but are not limited to, HRM (e.g., selection, training, recruitment), OB (e.g., leadership, OHP, creativity), Psychometrics, as well as new or emerging subdomains of IO.

PhD vs. Work after Master?

Hey I am a senior studying psychology at NYU. My GPA is 3.85 and GRE is 327. I have minors in business, and also a joint minor in Math&CS. I took some quantitative classes, DS classes and can do Python and Java (As my mentor said, it is an asset for doctor student.)

I am also on a BA-MA track in industrial and organizational psychology, which means I would graduate in 2025 with a MA in I/O Psyc.

The thing is, I’m not sure where my passion lies, and I chose IO Psyc bc it is better than general psyc when hunting jobs after MA. There are few things I am considering right now:

Apply for DS Master Programs and transfer to DS/DA field.

Stick to my program and find I/O related jobs in the future.

Apply to PhD in Social Psychology or I/O Psyc. I am browsing but didn’t find many schools have I/O PhD Programs… Or should I apply after my MA?

I am an international student and visa sponsorship must be considered. In short term, I want to stay in the US. I also looooove NY, but don’t mind about relocating. I really need a job secured and plz let me know what I should reply considering the current job market. Thank you so so much.

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  1. phd

    Check out the various graduate programs that employers offer. There might be high entry requirements, but if you can do PhD studies you can clear that bar also. You likely earn more. It's not just for the next 3-5 years that you need for a PhD. If you do a PhD, after you graduate, you'll need to find a job.

  2. Master's vs PhD

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  4. Should I Pursue A Master's or A Ph.D.?

    Ph.D. study includes a major research project in addition to coursework, and a Ph.D. is the highest scholastic degree awarded by American universities. Contrary to common perception, career paths for Ph.D. graduates are quite varied, not just limited to academia. Ph.D. training helps you hones skills such as writing, research, teaching, data ...

  5. PhD vs Master's Degree: What's the Difference?

    There are also differences between the structure of each program type. A master's degree program typically includes one to two years of classes with an internship or capstone project in the last year. A Ph.D. typically includes three to five years of classes, with two to three years of preparation for a dissertation.

  6. Master's vs PhD

    2. PhD: After earning a master's degree, the next step is a PhD, which entails both working and performing research at an institution. A PhD is an abbreviation for "Doctor of Philosophy.". It is the highest academic degree one can achieve. As such, it is a time-consuming pursuit that requires a lot of studying and research.

  7. Master's vs Doctorate: Which Degree is Right for You?

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  8. Is it Worth Doing a PhD After a Master's?

    A. Common emotional or mental challenges experienced by PhD students encompass more than just the practical aspects outlined in the article. These challenges may include feelings of isolation, imposter syndrome, burnout from intense workloads, and the pressure to produce original research amidst setbacks and failures. Q.

  9. Master's vs PhD/Doctorate Degrees

    According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, earnings increase from the bachelor's level to the master's level by approximately 18%, while unemployment rates go down, from 3.5% (bachelor's) to 2.6% (master's) A PhD can increase your salary by approximately 21% compared to master's degree holders, according to the Bureau of Labor ...

  10. Masters vs PhD

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    A PhD will probably open up more choices for you over your career, or as Dr Seuss wrote: "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll ...

  12. PhD vs Master's: Which to Choose?

    A Master's degree is the first step in your graduate study and comes after a Bachelor's degree (after graduation) and before a PhD. A Master's program helps you 'master' your career/specialize on a particular subject/aspect of a field. Typically, Master's programs last for two years, but some universities may offer a one-year program.

  13. Is it worth doing a master's or PhD?

    As we mentioned earlier, having a master's can boost your employability. This is often the case when it comes to graduate schemes. While there are some graduate schemes that accept grads with 2:2s, a lot will specify that they're only open to those with a 2:1 and above OR a postgraduate degree. Particularly if you received a 2:2 at uni, a ...


    Absolutely. But I went back to a second BA, MA, and PhD half knowing that there wouldn't be a job for me after I finished IN academia. I didn't go back to qualify me for a specific job after my phd (though for a couple of years at the end I got caught up trying to apply to academic jobs and failed), I went back because I wanted to do the learning.

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    A master's degree is more career-focused than a PhD. While most people who are completing a PhD do so to enhance their career prospects, master's degrees are generally regarded as being more career-focused out of the two degrees. This is because PhDs focus more on the subject of study and expand knowledge and research in the field.

  18. Masters then PhD or straight to PhD? : r/AskAcademia

    In terms of a PhD, the masters doesn't really do much more than show you have experience. Going straight from undergrad to the PhD all depends on what you've done during undergrad, really. I had a good GPA and research experience, so I applied straight through to the PhD and got accepted. However, I know of others who didn't have experience or ...

  19. PhD or Job after Masters Thesis : r/AskAcademia

    Job. This is subjective, but the PhD students I see with job experience are always more together than those that do not. I 100% wish I had taken a year or two to get some job experience before working on a PhD.

  20. Doing a PhD after your Master's

    More and more PhD positions have a Research Master's as an admission requirement. That's why you should consider the differences between a one-year and a two-year (Research) Master's and talk to people in your study environment, such as your study adviser, your lecturers, supervisor or PhD candidates. Explain that you are exploring the ...

  21. Should You Get a Master's or a PhD in Biotechnology?

    2. Curriculum. "A master's program and a PhD program in biotechnology will have similar coursework," Auclair says. Both are designed to provide students with an expansive understanding of the field, including the tools, practices, and trends that define it today. In a PhD program, however, students will have the opportunity to specialize ...

  22. PhD vs. Work after Master? : r/IOPsychology

    The thing is, I'm not sure where my passion lies, and I chose IO Psyc bc it is better than general psyc when hunting jobs after MA. There are few things I am considering right now: Apply for DS Master Programs and transfer to DS/DA field. Stick to my program and find I/O related jobs in the future. Apply to PhD in Social Psychology or I/O Psyc.

  23. Quora

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