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Home Assignment Agreement

Assignment Agreement Template

Use our assignment agreement to transfer contractual obligations.

Assignment Agreement Template

Updated February 1, 2024 Written by Josh Sainsbury | Reviewed by Brooke Davis

An assignment agreement is a legal document that transfers rights, responsibilities, and benefits from one party (the “assignor”) to another (the “assignee”). You can use it to reassign debt, real estate, intellectual property, leases, insurance policies, and government contracts.

What Is an Assignment Agreement?

What to include in an assignment agreement, how to assign a contract, how to write an assignment agreement, assignment agreement sample.

trademark assignment agreement template

Partnership Interest

An assignment agreement effectively transfers the rights and obligations of a person or entity under an initial contract to another. The original party is the assignor, and the assignee takes on the contract’s duties and benefits.

It’s often a requirement to let the other party in the original deal know the contract is being transferred. It’s essential to create this form thoughtfully, as a poorly written assignment agreement may leave the assignor obligated to certain aspects of the deal.

The most common use of an assignment agreement occurs when the assignor no longer can or wants to continue with a contract. Instead of leaving the initial party or breaking the agreement, the assignor can transfer the contract to another individual or entity.

For example, imagine a small residential trash collection service plans to close its operations. Before it closes, the business brokers a deal to send its accounts to a curbside pickup company providing similar services. After notifying account holders, the latter company continues the service while receiving payment.

Create a thorough assignment agreement by including the following information:

  • Effective Date:  The document must indicate when the transfer of rights and obligations occurs.
  • Parties:  Include the full name and address of the assignor, assignee, and obligor (if required).
  • Assignment:  Provide details that identify the original contract being assigned.
  • Third-Party Approval: If the initial contract requires the approval of the obligor, note the date the approval was received.
  • Signatures:  Both parties must sign and date the printed assignment contract template once completed. If a notary is required, wait until you are in the presence of the official and present identification before signing. Failure to do so may result in having to redo the assignment contract.

Review the Contract Terms

Carefully review the terms of the existing contract. Some contracts may have specific provisions regarding assignment. Check for any restrictions or requirements related to assigning the contract.

Check for Anti-Assignment Clauses

Some contracts include anti-assignment clauses that prohibit or restrict the ability to assign the contract without the consent of the other party. If there’s such a clause, you may need the consent of the original parties to proceed.

Determine Assignability

Ensure that the contract is assignable. Some contracts, especially those involving personal services or unique skills, may not be assignable without the other party’s agreement.

Get Consent from the Other Party (if Required)

If the contract includes an anti-assignment clause or requires consent for assignment, seek written consent from the other party. This can often be done through a formal amendment to the contract.

Prepare an Assignment Agreement

Draft an assignment agreement that clearly outlines the transfer of rights and obligations from the assignor (the party assigning the contract) to the assignee (the party receiving the assignment). Include details such as the names of the parties, the effective date of the assignment, and the specific rights and obligations being transferred.

Include Original Contract Information

Attach a copy of the original contract or reference its key terms in the assignment agreement. This helps in clearly identifying the contract being assigned.

Execution of the Assignment Agreement

Both the assignor and assignee should sign the assignment agreement. Signatures should be notarized if required by the contract or local laws.

Notice to the Other Party

Provide notice of the assignment to the non-assigning party. This can be done formally through a letter or as specified in the contract.

File the Assignment

File the assignment agreement with the appropriate parties or entities as required. This may include filing with the original contracting party or relevant government authorities.

Communicate with Third Parties

Inform any relevant third parties, such as suppliers, customers, or service providers, about the assignment to ensure a smooth transition.

Keep Copies for Records

Keep copies of the assignment agreement, original contract, and any related communications for your records.

Here’s a list of steps on how to write an assignment agreement:

Step 1 – List the Assignor’s and Assignee’s Details

List all of the pertinent information regarding the parties involved in the transfer. This information includes their full names, addresses, phone numbers, and other relevant contact information.

This step clarifies who’s transferring the initial contract and who will take on its responsibilities.

Step 2 – Provide Original Contract Information

Describing and identifying the contract that is effectively being reassigned is essential. This step avoids any confusion after the transfer has been completed.

Step 3 – State the Consideration

Provide accurate information regarding the amount the assignee pays to assume the contract. This figure should include taxes and any relevant peripheral expenses. If the assignee will pay the consideration over a period, indicate the method and installments.

Step 4 – Provide Any Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions of any agreement are crucial to a smooth transaction. You must cover issues such as dispute resolution, governing law, obligor approval, and any relevant clauses.

Step 5 – Obtain Signatures

Both parties must sign the agreement to ensure it is legally binding and that they have read and understood the contract. If a notary is required, wait to sign off in their presence.

Assignment Agreement Template

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Assignment Agreement Template

The document above is a sample. Please note that the language you see here may change depending on your answers to the document questionnaire.

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This assignment and assumption of agreement is between , an individual a(n) (the " Assignor ") and , an individual a(n) (the " Assignee ").

The Assignor and , an individual a(n) (the " Other Party "), entered an agreement dated (the " Agreement "), a copy of which is attached as Exhibit A .

Under section of the Agreement relating to assignments, the Assignor may assign the Agreement to the Assignee and the Other Party wants to permit this assignment.

The parties therefore agree as follows:


The Assignor assigns to the Assignee of all its rights in, and delegates to the Assignee all of its obligations under, the Agreement. This transfer will become effective on (the " Effective Date "), and will continue until the current term of the Agreement ends.


After the Effective Date, the Assignee shall assume all rights and duties under the Agreement. The Assignor will have no further obligations under the Agreement The Assignor will remain bound to the Other Party under the Agreement for the following purposes: . However, the Assignor remains responsible for obligations accruing before the Effective Date.


If there is a conflict between this assignment and the Agreement, the terms of this assignment will govern.


Except as expressly modified and supplemented by this assignment, all other terms in the Agreement remain in full effect and continue to bind the parties, including the prohibition against further assignments without the Other Party's express written consent.


The Assignor represents that:

  • (a)  it is the lawful and sole owner of the interests assigned under this assignment;
  • (b)  it has not previously assigned its rights under the Agreement;
  • (c) the interests assigned under this assignment are free from all encumbrances; and
  • (d)  it has performed all obligations under the Agreement.


  • (a) Of Other Party by Assignee. The Assignee shall indemnify the Other Party against all claims, actions, judgments, liabilities, proceedings, and costs, including reasonable attorney's fees and other costs of defense, resulting from the Assignee's performance under the Agreement after the Effective Date.
  • (b) Of Other Party by Assignor. The Assignor shall indemnify the Other Party against all claims, actions, judgments, liabilities, proceedings, and costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees and other costs of defense, resulting from the Assignor's performance under the Agreement before the Effective Date. With respect to claims, actions, judgments, liabilities, proceedings, and costs resulting from the Assignee's performance under the Agreement after the Effective Date, the Other Party shall look first to the Assignee to satisfy those claims, actions, judgments, liabilities, proceedings and costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees and other costs of defense.
  • (c) Of Assignee by Assignor. The Assignor shall indemnify the Assignee against all claims, actions, judgments, liabilities, proceedings, and costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees and other costs of defense, that may after the Effective Date be suffered by or asserted against the Assignee because of the Assignor's failure to have performed, before the Effective Date, all of the Assignor's obligations under the Agreement or because of any other claims accruing before the Effective Date that may be asserted with respect to the Agreement.
  • (d) Of Assignor by Assignee. The Assignee shall indemnify the Assignor against all claims, actions, judgments, liabilities, proceedings, and costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees and other costs of defense, that may after the Effective Date be suffered by or asserted against the Assignor because of the Assignee's failure to have performed, after the Effective Date, all of the Assignor's obligations under the Agreement or because of any other claims accruing after the Effective Date that may be asserted with respect to the Agreement.


  • (a) Counterparts. The parties may execute this assignment in any number of counterparts, each of which is an original but all of which constitute one and the same instrument.
  • (b) Electronic Signatures. This assignment, agreements ancillary to this assignment, and related documents entered into in connection with this assignment are signed when a party's signature is delivered by facsimile, email, or other electronic medium. These signatures must be treated in all respects as having the same force and effect as original signatures.


If any provision contained in this assignment is, for any reason, held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, that invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability will not affect any other provisions of this assignment, but this assignment will be construed as if the invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provisions had never been contained in it, unless the deletion of those provisions would result in such a material change so as to cause completion of the transactions contemplated by this assignment to be unreasonable.

No waiver of a breach, failure of any condition, or any right or remedy contained in or granted by the provisions of this assignment will be effective unless it is in writing and signed by the party waiving the breach, failure, right, or remedy. No waiver of any breach, failure, right, or remedy will be deemed a waiver of any other breach, failure, right, or remedy, whether or not similar, and no waiver will constitute a continuing waiver, unless the writing so specifies.


This assignment, together with the Agreement, constitutes the final agreement of the parties. It is the complete and exclusive expression of the parties' agreement with respect to its subject matter. All prior and contemporaneous communications, negotiations, and agreements between the parties relating to the subject matter of this assignment are expressly merged into and superseded by this assignment. The provisions of this assignment may not be explained, supplemented, or qualified by evidence of trade usage or a prior course of dealings. No party was induced to enter this assignment by, and no party is relying on, any statement, representation, warranty, or agreement of any other party except those set forth expressly in this assignment. Except as set forth expressly in this assignment, there are no conditions precedent to this assignment's effectiveness.


The descriptive headings of the sections and subsections of this assignment are for convenience only, and do not affect this assignment's construction or interpretation.


This assignment will become effective when all parties have signed it. The date this assignment is signed by the last party to sign it (as indicated by the date associated with that party's signature) will be deemed the date of this assignment.


Each party shall use all reasonable efforts to take, or cause to be taken, all actions necessary or desirable to consummate and make effective the transactions this assignment contemplates or to evidence or carry out the intent and purposes of this assignment.


Each party is signing this assignment on the date stated opposite that party's signature.

Date: _____________________________ By: _________________________________________________________

The Other Party hereby acknowledges and consents to the above assignment and assumption, and as of its effective date, releases the Assignor from all future obligation and liability under the Agreement. In executing its consent to this assignment, the Other Party does not release the Assignor from any claims or remedies it may have against the Assignor under the Agreement.

In executing its consent to this assignment, the Other Party does not release the Assignor from any claims or remedies it may have against the Assignor under the Agreement.


EXHIBIT A Attach copy of original agreement

Free Assignment of Agreement Template

How-to guides, articles, and any other content appearing on this page are for informational purposes only, do not constitute legal advice, and are no substitute for the advice of an attorney.

Assignment of agreement: How-to guide

Assignment agreements are foundational documents in legal transactions that enable the transfer of contractual rights and responsibilities from one party to another. Understanding the complexities of assignment agreements is critical for individuals and corporations alike. In this detailed article, we will look at the specifics of assignment agreements, from their concept to practical uses.

What is an assignment of agreement?

An assignment agreement is a legal procedure that transfers contractual rights and duties from the original party (the assignor) to a third party (the assignee). This transfer includes substituting one party for another, with the assignee taking over the rights and contractual obligations indicated in the original contract. Assignment agreements are critical in many legal transactions, facilitating the smooth transfer of interests while maintaining the integrity of contractual relationships.

When do you need an assignment agreement?

You may need an assignment agreement in various scenarios where the transfer of contractual rights and obligations is required. Some common situations include:

  • Business acquisitions : When acquiring a business, you may need to assign existing contracts to ensure the smooth transition of rights and responsibilities to the new owner.
  • Real estate transactions : Assignment agreements are often used in real estate deals to transfer leases, mortgages, or other property interests from one party to another.
  • Intellectual property transfers : Assignments play a crucial role in transferring intellectual property rights, such as patents ( patent assignment ), trademarks ( trademark assignment ), and copyrights ( copyright assignment ), from one entity to another.
  • Employment arrangements : Assignment agreements may be necessary to transfer employment contracts from one employer to another in mergers, acquisitions, or corporate restructuring.
  • Contractual agreements : Any situation where one party wishes to delegate its rights or obligations under a contract to another party may necessitate an assignment agreement.

By utilizing assignment agreements in these scenarios, parties can ensure the seamless transfer of rights and obligations, protect their interests, and mitigate potential disputes.

What are the elements of an assignment agreement?

The primary element in an assignment agreement is the transfer of rights and contractual obligations from the assignor to the assignee. This transfer ensures that the assignee assumes the same rights and obligations originally outlined in the contract.

Assumption of rights and duties

Upon accepting the assignment, the assignee takes over all the rights and duties specified in the original contract. This includes responsibilities, privileges, and obligations previously held by the assignor.


To address any discrepancies between the terms of the assignment and the existing contract, it's essential to include provisions outlining how to resolve such differences or disputes. Clarity in addressing inconsistencies helps ensure the enforceability of the agreement.

Agreement continuance

Despite changes in the parties involved, the terms and conditions of the existing contract typically continue to govern the relationship between the parties. This continuity ensures that the contractual obligations remain in effect following the assignment.

Assignor's representations

The assignor asserts the legality of the assignment and the rights being transferred. These representations assure the assignee of the transaction's legitimacy and legality.


Indemnity provisions must be added to protect the assignee from any liabilities that result from the assignment. These provisions safeguard the assignee from losses, damages, or obligations arising from the assignor's actions or omissions.

Proper execution of the assignment agreement requires the signatures of all parties concerned. Obtaining signatures assures formal recognition and approval of the conditions of the agreement.

Including clear and detailed headings in the assignment agreement will help organize the document and guide the parties through its content. These titles improve reading and understanding, decreasing uncertainty and ambiguity while interpreting the agreement.


Add the clauses addressing the effectiveness of the assignment agreement. Establish the date or conditions under which the assignment takes effect, providing clarity and certainty to the parties concerned.

Necessary acts

To enable a smooth and efficient transfer of interests, include provisions requiring the parties to perform specified activities or meet specific responsibilities to complete the assignment, such as obtaining third-party approval or signing supplementary agreements.


Severability clauses are added to guarantee that the assignment agreement remains enforceable even if a court declares specific terms or sections unlawful or unenforceable. By incorporating severability clauses, parties ensure the agreement's overall enforceability, as the other sections will stay in effect.

Waiver provisions allow any party to voluntarily surrender rights or duties in an assignment agreement. These provisions allow parties to waive particular rights or responsibilities mentioned in the agreement, allowing flexibility and mutual consent to change certain aspects as needed.

Entire agreement

This phrase indicates that the assignment agreement is the complete understanding of the parties concerned. By incorporating an entire agreement language, the parties certify that the terms and conditions of the assignment agreement override any earlier agreements, conversations, or understandings, whether oral or written. This provision helps avoid conflicts arising from misunderstandings or competing provisions outside of the written agreement.

Together, these components create the structure of an assignment agreement, assuring clarity, enforceability, and legal compliance.

What are the governing laws guiding assignment agreements?

In the United States, the assignment of agreements is controlled by both federal government and state legislation, as well as common law principles. Federal laws, such as the  Uniform Commercial Code  (UCC), may apply to some components of assignment agreements, particularly those involving the transfer of goods and commercial transactions.

Contract law legislation and regulations differ by state, and each state may have its procedures for enforcing and interpreting assignment agreements. In addition, courts may use  common law concepts  and precedents established via  case law  to address problems involving assignment agreements.

Ensure that the assignment complies with the terms of the original contract, get any necessary consents from relevant parties, and adhere to any statutory or contractual limits on assignment. A violation of public policy or legislative prohibitions could make an assignment unlawful or unenforceable.

What are the best practices for drafting assignment agreements?

Assignment agreements must be drafted with great attention to detail and by best practices to guarantee clarity, enforceability, and protection of the parties' interests. Here are some significant points to keep in mind.

Writing simple and comprehensible language

Avoid using vague or ambiguous language that could lead to misunderstandings or disputes. Instead, use clear and precise language to outline the rights, duties, and obligations of each party. Define terms explicitly to avoid interpretation issues.

Including “consideration”

Include consideration, such as monetary compensation or services rendered, to validate the agreement. Failing to do so can invalidate the agreement, so ensure that valuable consideration is exchanged between the parties.

Obtaining consent

Before assigning rights, obtain written consent from all relevant parties involved. Assigning rights without necessary consent may render the assignment unenforceable, so verify consent requirements and obtain written consent to ensure validity and enforceability.

Including indemnification clause

Include indemnification clauses to protect parties from liabilities arising from the assignment. Specify the scope and limitations of indemnification to avoid disputes and safeguard against losses, damages, or liabilities resulting from actions or omissions.

Identifying applicable laws and regulations

Conduct thorough research to identify federal, state, and local laws governing assignment agreements. Compliance with applicable laws and regulations is essential to avoid non-compliance and legal challenges.

Adding severability clause

Include severability clauses to guarantee that the entire agreement is enforceable. If any term is invalid, severability clauses require that the remaining sections stay in effect, ensuring the agreement's overall enforceability.

Specifying the governing law

Designate the governing law of the assignment agreement to avoid uncertainty in case of disputes. Specify the jurisdiction whose laws will govern the interpretation and enforcement of the agreement.

Seeking legal counsel

Engage qualified legal counsel experienced in contract law to assist in drafting, reviewing, and negotiating assignment agreements. Legal professionals can provide invaluable expertise and ensure compliance with legal requirements.

For individuals and businesses seeking a convenient and reliable resource to draft assignment agreements, LegalZoom offers a free assignment agreement template. This template provides a structured framework for creating comprehensive assignment agreements, incorporating key provisions to protect the interests of all parties involved.

In conclusion, assignment agreements are critical tools in legal transactions because they allow for the clear and precise transfer of contractual rights and duties. Understanding the aspects of assignment agreements, recognizing their practical uses, and adhering to legal concerns allows parties to confidently traverse complicated contractual relationships and preserve the integrity of their transactions.

Frequently asked questions

What does an assignment of agreement mean.

An assignment agreement allows a party to transfer their contract's obligations and rights to another party, provided it's permitted under the original agreement. This can be beneficial for various reasons, such as changes in business circumstances, local laws, or market conditions. Here's what you'll need to complete your assignment agreement:

  • Assignor information : Gather the name and contact details of the party transferring their rights and duties
  • Assignee information : Obtain the information of the party who will assume the responsibilities under the agreement
  • Other party information : Know the details of the other party involved in the original agreement

What is the purpose of the assignment agreement?

The purpose of the assignment contract is to allow a party to transfer their contractual rights and obligations to another party, with consent, under the terms of the original agreement.

How do you assign an agreement?

To assign an agreement, you typically need to obtain consent from all relevant parties involved in the original contract and then draft an assignment agreement outlining the transfer of rights and obligations to the new party.

contract of assignment template

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  • Assignment Agreement

Assignment Agreement Template

Alternative names: Assignment of Contract

An assignment agreement delegates specific rights, interests, or responsibilities to another party. It helps clarify the particular assignments being transferred from the initial contract. This could include transferring a lease, copyrights, insurance policy, or other contractual agreements.

Samuel J. Parkerson

Table of Contents

Assignment Agreement

In an assignment agreement, one party transfers rights, interests, or other obligations to another party. This document helps facilitate a seamless transition of various interests – whether ownership rights, contractual duties, intellectual property rights, or outstanding debts that should be repaid. If an assignment of contract is executed, all parties clearly understand and accept their newly assigned commitments.

When to Use Assignment Agreement

An assignment of contract template is an efficient way to transfer your rights and obligations while providing legal protection to all parties involved. The following are some typical situations in which this agreement is advantageous:

  • Debt transfer: If you owe money and want someone else to take over the repayment obligation, you can use an assignment of contract form to transfer that debt officially.
  • Lease transfer: If a tenant wants to move out before their lease expires, they can assign their tenancy rights to a new person who becomes bound by the original lease terms.
  • Copyright transfer: For creators looking to give rights to their work (logos, writings, inventions, etc.) to another company or individual, an assignment agreement contract handles that transfer.
  • Trademark transfer: If a company wants to sell a trademark to another business, it can’t just hand it over – a contract assignment agreement formally transfers legal ownership and trademark rights to the new owner.
  • Insurance policy transfer: An assignment agreement template allows you to transfer an insurance policy’s benefits to another person.
  • Business ownership transfer: When a company owner wants to hand over full or partial ownership to new owners, a contract assignment template is a way to legally transfer those rights and assets.
  • Patent assignment: If a patent holder wants to convey their ownership rights to another party, they can use an assignment form.

Terms and Parties of Assignment Agreement

When you enter into one of these assignment contracts, there are just two major parties, specifically:

  • Assignor: The current holder of certain rights, titles, assets, or property who has decided to transfer them to another party.
  • Assignee: The party that gets to take ownership of those rights/obligations from the assignor.

Several essential terms are typically included in an assignment of agreement template:

  • Assigned rights: Any benefits, advantages, or intellectual property the assignee gains ownership of through the contract assignment form.
  • Obligations: These are any duties, debts, or responsibilities the assignee is taking over from the assignor. For example, a loan payment, following the rules of a lease, general legal liabilities, etc.
  • Consideration: Monetary or non-monetary value exchanged for the assignment.

How to Create an Assignment Agreement

Creating an assignment agreement may seem intimidating at first, but it’s pretty straightforward if you break it down into steps and use a template of an assignment contract (PDF or Word formats are available for free).

  • Enter the parties’ information: List the names, addresses, and contact details of the assignor and the assignee.
  • Detail the rights or obligations: Firstly, clearly describe what is being assigned from one party to the other. Then, specify any related rights or obligations the assignee must accept.
  • Sign the document: Once satisfied with the terms and conditions, both parties should sign the agreement. If state laws require it, they may execute the contract in the presence of a notary public.

Assignment agreements are crucial in various legal transactions when it comes to conveying rights or interests to another party. Having access to resources, such as an assignment of contract example, may be very beneficial for people and companies to overcome the complexities of the writing process. You just need to modify the template to your particular circumstances and use the assignment of contract (PDF or printed form) to protect interests, reduce conflicts, and promote smooth operations.

Related Assignment Agreement Template

Assignment Agreement

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Assignment Agreement Template

Assignment Agreement Page 1

An assignment agreement is a crucial legal document used to consolidate the transfer of rights, titles, and interests, particularly in the realm of intellectual property. Whether it's patent rights, a trademark, a copyright, or some other proprietary interest, a well-crafted assignment agreement contract ensures that the interests of all parties are protected. This document removes ambiguity by crystalizing the terms for rights transfer, thus safeguarding the parties' interests.

When to Use Assignment Agreement

Assignment agreements, also known as contract assignment agreements, come into play in numerous scenarios. These are most commonly used when intellectual property or rights need to be clearly and officially transferred from one party to another. Legal assignments could occur during situations such as company acquisition, internal reorganization, or when rights to a specific idea or invention are sold. Such agreements serve as valuable documents to circumnavigate potential legal pitfalls, resolving future disagreements even before they arise.

Parties of the Assignment Agreement

An assignment form typically involves at least two parties — an assignor and an assignee:

The assignor , often referred to as the transferor, is the original holder of the rights, titles, or property. As an integral part of any assignment agreement template, the assignor's role is clearly defined. It's the assignor's prerogative to trade these interests, whether it's a meticulously developed invention, a valuable patent, or contractual rights. Their intention in such agreements is to formally and legally transfer these rights or property, safeguarding their interests and ensuring a smooth ownership transition.

The assignee , alternatively known as the transferee, is the receiving party in this agreement. They can be an individual, a corporate entity, or a legal institution set to acquire the rights, title, or property initially held by the assignor. Incorporating assignment samples into the process can be invaluable for understanding the outline and content the agreement should typically possess. The assignee encourages the transaction, usually compensating the assignor, to secure these proprietary interests or rights. 

The assignee receives official, legal recognition of the transferred title or rights through the assignment agreement. This act guarantees enforceability and protection against future claims, ensuring the assignee's newly acquired interests enjoy complete legal validation.

  • Assignment: The specific rights or property being transferred should be clearly described. 
  • Assignor and Assignee: Each party's responsibilities and legal liabilities should be explicitly stated. 
  • Governing Law: The legal jurisdiction that governs the agreement should be identified.
  • Confidentiality Clause: If necessary, the agreement should include a clause ensuring the protection of confidential information.
  • Consideration: The agreement should detail the amount or nature of the consideration provided for the assignment.

How to Write an Assignment Agreement

Crafting an assignment agreement is pivotal when there's a need to regulate the transfer of rights, titles, or interests between parties. It's a safety net protecting the exchange, clarifying roles and responsibilities, and securing the appropriate ownership of the transferred property. Accessing a well-structured template or a sample assignment agreement from online resources could ease the process. Alternatively, seeking guidance from a specialized legal professional can ensure the document's quality.

In general, the main steps to get the assignment agreement look like this:

Include precise details of both parties in the agreement, such as their full legal names and contact information.

Provide specifics about the nature of the asset or right being transferred, including all relevant details to establish its identity and value.

Enlist a comprehensive account of individual roles, responsibilities, and benefits resulting from the agreement.

Identify the jurisdiction or governing legislation the agreement complies with and operates under.

Review by respective legal advisors is a crucial step before finalizing the assignment agreement. This process can be simplified by providing the legal advisors with an assignment agreement PDF for a thorough review. Consensus on specifics, such as the consideration method or dispute resolution strategy, paves the way for seamless execution. Cross-referencing with other assignment agreements can also facilitate a comprehensive understanding and ensure the inclusion of all vital elements.

A smart way to navigate this task, keeping legal costs at bay, is using a well-suited template, similar to an assignment document. It provides a logical guideline, prompting you to insert all necessary clauses, thereby creating a legally compliant document promptly and efficiently. This method, time-saving and cost-effective, is highly appreciated by businesses. Moreover, studying a standardized assignment agreement can deliver valuable insights, guiding you to draft a robust, all-inclusive document.

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MAKE YOUR FREE Assignment Agreement

Assignment Agreement document preview

What is an Assignment Agreement?

When to use an assignment agreement:.

  • You want to hand over your responsibilities under a contract to another person or business.
  • Your business is assuming responsibilities or contracts owned by another party.

Sample Assignment Agreement

The terms in your document will update based on the information you provide.



This made this , by and between of , , hereinafter referred to as 'Assignor', and of , , hereinafter referred to as 'Assignee', in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained and other good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, witnesseth:

WHEREAS, Assignor entered into a Contract, included as an attachment to this Agreement, namely hereinafter referred to as Contract with , hereinafter 'Obligor';

WHEREAS, the Contract has an expiration date of as may be extended as permitted therein;

WHEREAS, Assignor wishes to assign all of its rights and obligations under the Contract to Assignee; and

WHEREAS, the Contract the prior consent of the Obligor;

NOW THEREFORE, Assignor and Assignee agree as follows:

. Assignor and Assignee hereby agree that the Assignor shall assign all its right, title, and interest, and delegate all its obligations responsibilities and duties, in and to the Contract, to Assignee.

. Assignee hereby accepts the assignment of all of Assignors obligations responsibilities and duties under the Contract and all of Assignors right, title and interest in and to the Contract.

. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Assignor agrees to defend and indemnify the Obligor from any and all claims, actions, judgments, liabilities, proceedings and costs, including reasonable attorneys fees and other costs of defense and damages, resulting from Assignors performance prior to the assignment of the contract and resulting from Assignees performance after the assignment of the Contract, provided however, that after the assignment of the Contract the State shall first look to Assignee to satisfy all claims, actions, judgments, liabilities, proceedings and costs, including reasonable attorneys fees and other costs of defense and damages resulting from Assignees performance.

. Assignee agrees to indemnify the Obligor from any and all claims, actions, judgments, liabilities, proceedings and costs, including reasonable attorneys fees and other costs of defense and damages, resulting from Assignees performance after the assignment of the Contract.

. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the state of , without regard to 's conflict or choice of law provisions, and both parties expressly consent to jurisdiction in such courts.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties set their hands and seals as of the date first above written.

___________________________________ ___________________________________


On this _____ day of ____________________, _____, before me, ______________________________, the undersigned officer, personally appeared ______________________________, known to me (or proved to me on the oath of ______________________________) to be the person who is described in and who executed the within and foregoing Assignment of Land Contract, and being first duly sworn on oath according to law, deposes and says that he/she has read the foregoing Assignment of Land Contract subscribed by him/her, and that the matters stated herein are true to the best of his/her information, knowledge and belief.

Before me, a Notary Public (or justice of the peace) in and for said county, personally appeared the above named ______________________________, who acknowledged that he/she did sign the foregoing Assignment of Land Contract, and being first duly sworn on oath according to law, deposes and says that he/she has read the foregoing Assignment of Land Contract subscribed by him/her, and that the matters stated herein are true to the best of his/her information, knowledge and belief. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name at ________________________________, this _____ day of ____________________, _____.

The foregoing Assignment of Land Contract was acknowledged before me this _____ day of ____________________, _____, by ______________________________, who, being first duly sworn on oath according to law, deposes and says that he/she has read the foregoing Assignment of Land Contract subscribed by him/her, and that the matters stated herein are true to the best of his/her information, knowledge and belief.

The foregoing Assignment of Land Contract was acknowledged before me, by means of ☐ physical presence or ☐ online notarization, this _____ day of ____________________, _____ by ______________________________, who is personally known to me or who have produced ________________________________ as identification, and being first duly sworn on oath according to law, deposes and says that he/she has read the foregoing Assignment of Land Contract subscribed by him/her, and that the matters stated herein are true to the best of his/her information, knowledge and belief.

This Assignment of Land Contract was acknowledged before me on this _____ day of ____________________, _____ by ______________________________, who, being first duly sworn on oath according to law, deposes and says that he/she has read the foregoing Assignment of Land Contract subscribed by him/her, and that the matters stated herein are true to the best of his/her information, knowledge and belief.

On this _____ day of ____________________, _____, before me personally appeared ______________________________, to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing Assignment of Land Contract, and, being first duly sworn on oath according to law, deposes and says that he/she has read the foregoing Assignment of Land Contract subscribed by him/her, and that the matters stated herein are true to the best of his/her information, knowledge and belief.

On this _____ day of ____________________, _____, before me, ________________________________, personally appeared ______________________________, known to me (or satisfactorily proven) to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within Assignment of Land Contract, and, being first duly sworn on oath according to law, deposes and says that he/she has read the foregoing Assignment of Land Contract subscribed by him/her, and that the matters stated herein are true to the best of his/her information, knowledge and belief.

On this _____ day of ____________________, _____, before me, the undersigned, Notary Public for the State of Vermont, personally appeared ______________________________, to me known (or to me proved) to be the identical person named in and who executed the above Assignment of Land Contract, who, being first duly sworn on oath according to law, deposes and says that he/she has read the foregoing Assignment of Land Contract subscribed by him/her, and that the matters stated herein are true to the best of his/her information, knowledge and belief.

The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _____ day of ____________________, _____, by ______________________________, who, being first duly sworn on oath according to law, deposes and says that he/she has read the foregoing Assignment of Land Contract subscribed by him/her, and that the matters stated herein are true to the best of his/her information, knowledge and belief.

In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and official seal.


Notary Public

Signature of person taking acknowledgment

Name typed, printed, or stamped

Title (and Rank)

Title or rank

My commission expires ____________

Serial number (if applicable)

Serial number, if any

Notary Address:

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contract of assignment template

Personal Property

Intellectual property, your assignment.

_________________________ of _________________________, _________________________, California, __________ (the "Assignor") assigns the entirety of the Assignor's contractual rights and obligations under the contract dated September 11, 2024 for _______________________________________________ with __________ of _________________________, _________________________, California, __________, which is attached hereto as Schedule "A", to _________________________ of _________________________, _________________________, California, __________ (the "Assignee").

In consideration thereof, the Assignor acknowledges receipt of $__________ paid by cash by the Assignee.

The Assignor warrants and covenants the following with regard to the contractual rights which the Assignor has assigned:

  • that they are still owing to the Assignor over and above all claims for set-off or otherwise;
  • that the Assignor has the right to assign the contract;
  • that the Assignor will not, after this Assignment takes effect, receive and accept the assigned contractual rights;
  • that the Assignor will not do any act which may prevent or hinder the Assignee from enforcing the assigned contractual rights; and
  • that the Assignor has not done or knowingly permitted any act, deed or thing by which the contractual rights can be impeached or affected in any manner.

The Assignor directs __________ to complete the contractual obligations, which would otherwise be owed to the Assignor but which have been transferred as indicated herein, with the Assignee.

It is agreed that this Assignment will enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties to this Assignment, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, respectively.

This Agreement will be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of California.

this ________ day of ________________, ________ in the presence of:

the State of California



Last Updated November 9, 2022

Alternate Names:

An Assignment is also known as an:

  • Assignment Agreement
  • Assignment and Assumption Agreement
  • Assignment of Contract

What is an Assignment?

An Assignment, or an assignment of contract, is a document that allows one party to transfer the rights and benefits of a contract to another party.

Who are the parties in an assignment of contract?

Typically, there are two parties an Assignment:

  • The assignor is the party in the original contract who is transferring their rights and obligations to a new individual or organization.
  • The assignee is the party who receives the rights and obligations of the original contract from the assignor.

There can also be a third party who is the individual or corporation that entered into the original contract with the assignor.

What can I use an assignment of contract for?

You can use an Assignment to opt out of the rights and obligations of a contract in place of someone else as long as the original contract doesn't prohibit assignment and assumption of obligations. It's a good idea to check the original contract terms to ensure you aren't still liable for the terms of the original contract after assigning it to a new party.

You may want to consider getting the second party of the original contract to sign a Release/Waiver Agreement to absolve yourself from any liability from the contract.

It's also possible to transfer the benefits of an income stream to an assignee using an assignment agreement.

For instance, let's say you upload videos on social media that garner money, and it turns out you may have used parts of someone else's footage or material. To settle a possible copyright dispute, you could use an Assignment to transfer part of the income stream you receive from the video with the other party's material to the other party for a period of time.

Sometimes an Assignment can technically be used to transfer rights to personal or intellectual property, but, in most cases, it's best practice to use more specific forms like a Bill of Sale , a Trademark Assignment , or an Assignment of Trade Name .

What is the difference between an Assignment and a delegation in a contract?

The main difference between an Assignment and delegation has to do with contractual rights. Where an Assignment involves transferring the rights and duties of a contract to another party, a delegation only transfers duties.

For example, if you're a contractor remodeling a house, you'll have a written contract with the homeowner where you'll have agreed to remodel their house in exchange for money. Unless you're a contractor with skills in all trades, you'll likely hire electricians, painters, etc. to complete parts of the project. In those instances, you'd delegate tasks of the contract, e.g. electrical work, to the appropriate worker but they wouldn't be assigned contractual rights because the client will still be paying you for the remodel. You'd likely have a separate contract with the electrician that details how they'll be paid.

How do I assign the rights of a contract to someone else?

To assign rights of an existing contract, your assignment agreement needs:

  • The assignor's information (name and address)
  • The assignee's information (name and address)
  • Third party details (name and address of the other party involved in the original contract)
  • The original contract information (date of execution and purpose of original contract)
  • A description of the contract rights being transferred (can be partial rights or full contract)
  • Consideration (the benefit or profit, e.g. money, assets, property, etc., received by the assignor for assigning the contract)
  • Signatures of the parties and date of execution

You can have an Assignment notarized or witnessed by individuals not party to the contract, but it's not a requirement.

You should always review and consider the terms of your original contract before assigning it.

For example, you may be required by the second party of the original contract to get their consent before assigning contractual rights to a new party. There might also be stipulations where you remain liable for the terms of the contract even after assigning to a new party.

Related Documents:

  • Assignment of Trade Name : a document that transfers the rights of a trade name from one party to another
  • Bill of Sale : a sales receipt that transfers ownership of personal property from a seller to a buyer
  • Commercial Sublease Agreement : an agreement used to transfer lease obligations from a commercial tenant with an existing lease agreement to a new tenant with the landlord's permission
  • Contract Addendum : a document used to change terms in an existing contract
  • Lease Assignment Agreement : a document used to transfer a tenant's interest in a property to a new individual who will assume the obligations and rights of the original lease
  • Termination Agreement : an agreement used to cancel/discontinue an existing contract
  • Trademark Assignment : a form that transfers ownership of a trademark from the owner to a new party

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Free Assignment Agreement Template for Microsoft Word

Download this free Assignment Agreement template as a Word document to officially facilitate the assignment of goods, IP, etc to another person.

Assignment Agreement

[Insert name] of [Insert address] (the “Assignor “)

assigns to [Insert name] of [Insert address] (the “Assignee “) the following: [Insert details of what is being assigned]

In consideration thereof, the Assignor acknowledges receipt of $__________ paid by cash by the Assignee.

It is agreed that this Assignment will enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties to this Assignment, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, respectively.

This Agreement will be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of [Insert country]

SIGNED BY THE ASSIGNOR ________________________________ Assignor: _________________________

in the presence of (Name of witness) _______________________

(Signature of witness) ___________________________________

SIGNED BY THE ASSIGNEE ________________________________ Assignee: _________________________

in the presence of (Name of witness) ___________________

(Signature of witness) _______________________________

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Advertising agreement, arbitration agreement, barter agreement, business sale agreement.

Contract Assignment Agreement

Select the name of the state whose law will govern the interpretation of this contract and will be the location of any future disputes related to this contract. This is usually the state where at least one of the Parties resides or does business related to the contract. If this Agreement involves the transfer of land, this would be the state where the land is located.


State of Alabama

This Assigment Agreement (the "Agreement) is entered into by and between ________ (the "Assignor"), having their principal address located at ________ , and ________ (the "Assignee"), having their principal address located at ________ , both of whom agree to be bound by this Agreement, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained and other good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, witnesseth:

WHEREAS , Assignor entered into a Contract, included as an attachment to this Agreement, with ________ (the "Obligor"), referred to hereinafter as "Contract with ________ ";

WHEREAS , the Contract with ________ has an original expiration date of ________ as may be extended as permitted therein;

WHEREAS , Assignor wishes to assign all of their rights and obligations under the Contract with ________ to Assignee; and

WHEREAS , the necessary verbal consent was obtained from the Obligor on ________ ;

NOW THEREFORE , Assignor and Assignee agree to the following:

I. Assignor and Assignee hereby agree that the Assignor shall assign all their rights, titles, and interests, and delegate all of their obligations, responsibilities, and duties, in ad to the Contract with ________ , to Assignee.

II. Assignee hereby accepts the assignment of all of Assignors obligations, responsibilities, and duties under the Contract and all of Assignors rights, titles, and interests in and to the Contract with ________ .

III. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Assignor agrees to defend and indemnify the Obligor from any and all claims,actions, judgments, liabilities, proceedings, and costs, including reasonable attorney's fees and other costs of defense and damages, resulting from Assignors performance prior to the assignment of the contract and resulting from Assignees performance after the assignment of the Contract with ________ , provided, however, that after the assignment of the Contract with ________ , the State shall first look to Assignee to satisfy all claims, actions, judgments, liabilities, proceedings, and costs, including reasonable attorneys fees and ot her costs of defense and damages resulting from Assignee's performance.

IV. Assignee agrees to indemnify the Obligor from any and all claims, actions, judgments, liabilities, proceedings, and costs, including reasonable attorney's fees, and other costs of defense and damages, resulting from Assignee's performance after the assignment of the Contract with ________ .

V. No modification of this Agreement shall be valid unless in writing and agreed upon by all relevant Parties.

VI. 52 252 28222 522 252888822 22 2588 825222222 88 5285 22 8285885, 8882258, 25 5222225825882 225 522 525822, 2522 252 2552828 52522 2552 8585 252888822 85588 82 522225 22 82 825582 525 252 522582525 22 252 825222222 85588 82 22225825 58 82 252 825582 252888822 8252 22825 82885525 82 252 825222222.

VII. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Alabama and both Parties expressly consent to jurisdiction in such courts.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties execute the Agreement as follows:

______________________________________________ ________

______________________________________________ Date


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Contract Assignment Agreement Free

The transfer of rights and obligations under the original contract from a party known as the Assignor to another party known as the Assignee is subject to this Contract Assignment Agreement.

Contract Assignment Agreement preview

Template Overview

The transfer of rights and obligations under the original contract from a party known as the Assignor to another party known as the Assignee is subject to this Contract Assignment Agreement. The party from the original contract called the Assignor can use this document to assign their rights under the original contract to the Assignee. He can also delegate their duties under the initial agreement to that Assignee. For example, a handmaid who was hired to clean her client's home but is no longer able to due to a move could assign their rights and responsibilities under the original service contract to a new handmaid.  

You fill out a form. The document is created before your eyes as you respond to the questions.

At the end, you receive it in Word and PDF formats. You can modify it and reuse it.

How to use this template

Before using this document, make sure that the assignment has all the necessary permissions from another party called the Obligor. The agreement contains important information about the identity of all the parties, the duration of the original agreement, and whether the Obligor's consent is required before the original agreement can be granted. If consent is required, indicate the form in which the Assignor obtained it and when.

If the Agreement involves a transfer of the land between parties, the document will include information on where the property is located, as well as for the document to be recorded in the county's official records, and the notary page customized for the land's location so that the material can be notarized.

The completed document should be signed, dated, and all Parties should keep a copy by themselves. If the Agreement concerns the transfer of the land, the Agreement is then notarized and taken to be recorded so that there is an official record that the property was transferred.

Applicable law

Common law in the Second Restatement of Contacts (the Restatement) governs the assignment of contracts that include the provision of services. The Restatement is a non-binding authority in all of U.S common law in the area of contracts and commercial transactions. Though the Restatement is non-binding, it is frequently cited by courts in explaining their reasoning in interpreting contractual disputes.  

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  • Real Estate

Assignment of Contract Agreement Template

  • Contract Template

An Assignment of Contract Agreement Template is used when one party wants to transfer their rights and obligations under a contract to another party. This template helps to formalize the agreement and ensure all parties are aware of the transfer.

The assignment of contract agreement template is typically filed by the party who is assigning their rights or obligations under the contract to someone else.

Q: What is an Assignment of Contract Agreement? A: An Assignment of Contract Agreement is a legal document that allows one party to transfer their rights and obligations under a contract to another party.

Q: Why would someone use an Assignment of Contract Agreement? A: Someone would use an Assignment of Contract Agreement when they want to transfer their rights and responsibilities under a contract to another person or entity.

Q: What are the key elements of an Assignment of Contract Agreement? A: The key elements of an Assignment of Contract Agreement include the names and contact information of the parties involved , details of the original contract being assigned, the effective date of the assignment, and any conditions or restrictions placed on the assignment.

Q: Is an Assignment of Contract Agreement legally binding? A: Yes, an Assignment of Contract Agreement is legally binding as long as it meets certain legal requirements , such as the agreement being in writing and signed by all parties involved.

Q: What happens after an Assignment of Contract Agreement is signed? A: After an Assignment of Contract Agreement is signed, the rights and responsibilities under the original contract are transferred to the new party. The original party is usually released from any further obligations under the contract.

Q: Can any contract be assigned? A: Not all contracts can be assigned. Some contracts may have specific clauses that prohibit or restrict assignment. It is important to review the original contract to determine if assignment is allowed.

Q: Do I need a lawyer to draft an Assignment of Contract Agreement? A: While it is not required to have a lawyer draft an Assignment of Contract Agreement, it is recommended to consult with a lawyer to ensure the agreement is valid and enforceable.

Q: Can an Assignment of Contract Agreement be revoked or canceled? A: An Assignment of Contract Agreement can be revoked or canceled if all parties involved agree to do so. It is important to refer to the terms of the agreement or seek legal advice to understand the process.

Q: What if one party breaches the Assignment of Contract Agreement? A: If one party breaches the Assignment of Contract Agreement, the non-breaching party may have legal remedies available, such as seeking damages or specific performance through a court process .

Q: Is an Assignment of Contract Agreement the same as a Novation Agreement? A: No, an Assignment of Contract Agreement is different from a Novation Agreement. While both involve the transfer of contract rights and obligations, a novation agreement also transfers the original party's position as a whole, whereas an assignment agreement transfers only rights and obligations.

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Contract Assignment Agreement

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This Contract Assignment Agreement document is used to transfer rights and responsibilities under an original contract from one Party, known as the Assignor, to another, known as the Assignee. The Assignor who was a Party to the original contract can use this document to assign their rights under the original contract to the Assignee, as well as delegating their duties under the original contract to that Assignee. For example, a nanny who as contracted with a family to watch their children but is no longer able to due to a move could assign their rights and responsibilities under the original service contract to a new childcare provider.

How to use this document

Prior to using this document, the original contract is consulted to be sure that an assignment is not prohibited and that any necessary permissions from the other Party to the original contract, known as the Obligor, have been obtained. Once this has been done, the document can be used. The Agreement contains important information such as the identities of all parties to the Agreement, the expiration date (if any) of the original contract, whether the original contract requires the Obligor's consent before assigning rights and, if so, the form of consent that the Assignor obtained and when, and which state's laws will govern the interpretation of the Agreement.

If the Agreement involves the transfer of land from one Party to another , the document will include information about where the property is located, as well as space for the document to be recorded in the county's official records, and a notary page customized for the land's location so that the document can be notarized.

Once the document has been completed, it is signed, dated, and copies are given to all concerned parties , including the Assignor, the Assignee, and the Obligor. If the Agreement concerns the transfer of land, the Agreement is then notarized and taken to be recorded so that there is an official record that the property was transferred.

Applicable law

The assignment of contracts that involve the provision of services is governed by common law in the " Second Restatement of Contracts " (the "Restatement"). The Restatement is a non-binding authority in all of U.S common law in the area of contracts and commercial transactions. Though the Restatement is non-binding, it is frequently cited by courts in explaining their reasoning in interpreting contractual disputes.

The assignment of contracts for sale of goods is governed by the Uniform Commercial Code (the "UCC") in § 2-209 Modification, Rescission and Waiver .

How to modify the template

You fill out a form. The document is created before your eyes as you respond to the questions.

At the end, you receive it in Word and PDF formats. You can modify it and reuse it.

Other names for the document: Assignment Agreement, Assignment of Contract Agreement, Contract Assignment, Transfer of Contract Agreement, Transfer of Agreement

Country: United States

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  • Breach of Contract Notice
  • Corporate Proxy
  • Mutual Rescission and Release Agreement
  • Notice for Non-Renewal of Contract
  • Meeting Notice

contract of assignment template

  • Assignment Clause

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Contract Clauses

  • Acceleration Clause
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Assignment clause defined.

Assignment clauses are legally binding provisions in contracts that give a party the chance to engage in a transfer of ownership or assign their contractual obligations and rights to a different contracting party.

In other words, an assignment clause can reassign contracts to another party. They can commonly be seen in contracts related to business purchases.

Here’s an article about assignment clauses.

Assignment Clause Explained

Assignment contracts are helpful when you need to maintain an ongoing obligation regardless of ownership. Some agreements have limitations or prohibitions on assignments, while other parties can freely enter into them.

Here’s another article about assignment clauses.

Purpose of Assignment Clause

The purpose of assignment clauses is to establish the terms around transferring contractual obligations. The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) permits the enforceability of assignment clauses.

Assignment Clause Examples

Examples of assignment clauses include:

  • Example 1 . A business closing or a change of control occurs
  • Example 2 . New services providers taking over existing customer contracts
  • Example 3 . Unique real estate obligations transferring to a new property owner as a condition of sale
  • Example 4 . Many mergers and acquisitions transactions, such as insurance companies taking over customer policies during a merger

Here’s an article about the different types of assignment clauses.

Assignment Clause Samples

Sample 1 – sales contract.

Assignment; Survival .  Neither party shall assign all or any portion of the Contract without the other party’s prior written consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld; provided, however, that either party may, without such consent, assign this Agreement, in whole or in part, in connection with the transfer or sale of all or substantially all of the assets or business of such Party relating to the product(s) to which this Agreement relates. The Contract shall bind and inure to the benefit of the successors and permitted assigns of the respective parties. Any assignment or transfer not in accordance with this Contract shall be void. In order that the parties may fully exercise their rights and perform their obligations arising under the Contract, any provisions of the Contract that are required to ensure such exercise or performance (including any obligation accrued as of the termination date) shall survive the termination of the Contract.

Reference :

Security Exchange Commission - Edgar Database,  EX-10.29 3 dex1029.htm SALES CONTRACT , Viewed May 10, 2021, <  https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1492426/000119312510226984/dex1029.htm >.

Sample 2 – Purchase and Sale Agreement

Assignment . Purchaser shall not assign this Agreement or any interest therein to any Person, without the prior written consent of Seller, which consent may be withheld in Seller’s sole discretion. Notwithstanding the foregoing, upon prior written notice to Seller, Purchaser may designate any Affiliate as its nominee to receive title to the Property, or assign all of its right, title and interest in this Agreement to any Affiliate of Purchaser by providing written notice to Seller no later than five (5) Business Days prior to the Closing; provided, however, that (a) such Affiliate remains an Affiliate of Purchaser, (b) Purchaser shall not be released from any of its liabilities and obligations under this Agreement by reason of such designation or assignment, (c) such designation or assignment shall not be effective until Purchaser has provided Seller with a fully executed copy of such designation or assignment and assumption instrument, which shall (i) provide that Purchaser and such designee or assignee shall be jointly and severally liable for all liabilities and obligations of Purchaser under this Agreement, (ii) provide that Purchaser and its designee or assignee agree to pay any additional transfer tax as a result of such designation or assignment, (iii) include a representation and warranty in favor of Seller that all representations and warranties made by Purchaser in this Agreement are true and correct with respect to such designee or assignee as of the date of such designation or assignment, and will be true and correct as of the Closing, and (iv) otherwise be in form and substance satisfactory to Seller and (d) such Assignee is approved by Manager as an assignee of the Management Agreement under Article X of the Management Agreement. For purposes of this Section 16.4, “Affiliate” shall include any direct or indirect member or shareholder of the Person in question, in addition to any Person that would be deemed an Affiliate pursuant to the definition of “Affiliate” under Section 1.1 hereof and not by way of limitation of such definition.

Security Exchange Commission - Edgar Database,  EX-10.8 3 dex108.htm PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT , Viewed May 10, 2021, < https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1490985/000119312510160407/dex108.htm >.

Sample 3 – Share Purchase Agreement

Assignment . Neither this Agreement nor any right or obligation hereunder may be assigned by any Party without the prior written consent of the other Parties, and any attempted assignment without the required consents shall be void.

Security Exchange Commission - Edgar Database,  EX-4.12 3 dex412.htm SHARE PURCHASE AGREEMENT , Viewed May 10, 2021, < https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1329394/000119312507148404/dex412.htm >.

Sample 4 – Asset Purchase Agreement

Assignment . This Agreement and any of the rights, interests, or obligations incurred hereunder, in part or as a whole, at any time after the Closing, are freely assignable by Buyer. This Agreement and any of the rights, interests, or obligations incurred hereunder, in part or as a whole, are assignable by Seller only upon the prior written consent of Buyer, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. This Agreement will be binding upon, inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns.

Security Exchange Commission - Edgar Database,  EX-2.1 2 dex21.htm ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT , Viewed May 10, 2021, < https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1428669/000119312510013625/dex21.htm >.

Sample 5 – Asset Purchase Agreement

Assignment; Binding Effect; Severability

This Agreement may not be assigned by any party hereto without the other party’s written consent; provided, that Buyer may transfer or assign in whole or in part to one or more Buyer Designee its right to purchase all or a portion of the Purchased Assets, but no such transfer or assignment will relieve Buyer of its obligations hereunder. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the successors, legal representatives and permitted assigns of each party hereto. The provisions of this Agreement are severable, and in the event that any one or more provisions are deemed illegal or unenforceable the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect unless the deletion of such provision shall cause this Agreement to become materially adverse to either party, in which event the parties shall use reasonable commercial efforts to arrive at an accommodation that best preserves for the parties the benefits and obligations of the offending provision.

Security Exchange Commission - Edgar Database,  EX-2.4 2 dex24.htm ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT , Viewed May 10, 2021, < https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1002047/000119312511171858/dex24.htm >.

Common Contracts with Assignment Clauses

Common contracts with assignment clauses include:

  • Real estate contracts
  • Sales contract
  • Asset purchase agreement
  • Purchase and sale agreement
  • Bill of sale
  • Assignment and transaction financing agreement

Assignment Clause FAQs

Assignment clauses are powerful when used correctly. Check out the assignment clause FAQs below to learn more:

What is an assignment clause in real estate?

Assignment clauses in real estate transfer legal obligations from one owner to another party. They also allow house flippers to engage in a contract negotiation with a seller and then assign the real estate to the buyer while collecting a fee for their services. Real estate lawyers assist in the drafting of assignment clauses in real estate transactions.

What does no assignment clause mean?

No assignment clauses prohibit the transfer or assignment of contract obligations from one part to another.

What’s the purpose of the transfer and assignment clause in the purchase agreement?

The purpose of the transfer and assignment clause in the purchase agreement is to protect all involved parties’ rights and ensure that assignments are not to be unreasonably withheld. Contract lawyers can help you avoid legal mistakes when drafting your business contracts’ transfer and assignment clauses.

ContractsCounsel is not a law firm, and this post should not be considered and does not contain legal advice. To ensure the information and advice in this post are correct, sufficient, and appropriate for your situation, please consult a licensed attorney. Also, using or accessing ContractsCounsel's site does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and ContractsCounsel.

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Benjamin W.

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My legal coverage includes Business Law, Commercial Litigation, Appeals and Trusts & Estates. I also handle Trademark applications and issues. I am a designated FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority) arbitrator. I have done pro bono work in the Federal Court mediation program. I have worked for companies as a legal writer, editor and content provider. I have written legal articles for the New York Law Journal and the New York State Bar Association magazine. I was a guest lecturer at New York University on the First Amendment in the M.S. program of Public Relations and Corporate Communication program for the course Communication Ethics, Law and Regulation (Adjunct Professor Douglas Rozman). I graduated from Harvard University with an MPA, from Brooklyn Law School with a JD where I was a Richardson Merit Scholar; and Carnegie Mellon University with a BS, cum laude, concentrating in Administration and Management Science, Mathematics and Economics.

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I represent startups, investment firms, and individuals frequently with equity and debt financing, M&A transactions, and commercial contracts.

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50+ SAMPLE Assignment Agreements in PDF | MS Word

Assignment agreements | ms word, 50+ sample assignment agreements, assignment agreement: what is it, why do you need an assignment agreement, how to create an assignment agreement, what are the other names of an assignment agreement, what are some allowable examples of assignment agreements, what are some unenforceable assignments.

Sample Assignment Agreement Template

Sample Assignment Agreement Template

Trade Assignment Agreement

Trade Assignment Agreement

Copyright Assignment Agreement

Copyright Assignment Agreement

Trademark Assignment Agreement Checklist

Trademark Assignment Agreement Checklist

Patent Assignment Agreement

Patent Assignment Agreement

Assignment of Rights Agreement

Assignment of Rights Agreement

Content Assignment Agreement

Content Assignment Agreement

Absolute Assignment Agreement

Absolute Assignment Agreement

Assignment Assumption Agreement

Assignment Assumption Agreement

Assignment of Payment Agreement

Assignment of Payment Agreement

Domain Name Assignment Agreement

Domain Name Assignment Agreement

Excess Maintenance Assignment Agreement

Excess Maintenance Assignment Agreement

Assest Purchase and Assignment Agreement

Assest Purchase and Assignment Agreement

Master Assignment Service Agreement

Master Assignment Service Agreement

Extension of Assignment Agreement

Extension of Assignment Agreement

College Assignment Agreement

College Assignment Agreement

Employee Invention Assignment Agreement

Employee Invention Assignment Agreement

Credit Assignment Agreement

Credit Assignment Agreement

Assignment of Lease Agreement

Assignment of Lease Agreement

Trademark Assignment Agreement

Trademark Assignment Agreement

Permanent Assignment Agreement

Permanent Assignment Agreement

Basic Assignment Agreement Template

Basic Assignment Agreement Template

Office Assignment Agreement

Office Assignment Agreement

Software Assignment Agreement

Software Assignment Agreement

Master Assignment Agreement

Master Assignment Agreement

Medical Copyright Assignment Agreement

Medical Copyright Assignment Agreement

Certifcate of Deposit Assignment Agreement

Certifcate of Deposit Assignment Agreement

Temporary Assignment Agreements

Temporary Assignment Agreements

Lease Assignment Agreement

Lease Assignment Agreement

Assignment and Novation Agreement

Assignment and Novation Agreement

Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement

Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement

Locker Assignment Agreement

Locker Assignment Agreement

Off Duty Police Assignment Agreement

Off-Duty Police Assignment Agreement

Security Assignment Agreement

Security Assignment Agreement

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Personnel Assignment Agreement

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Journals Copyright Assignment Agreement

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Assignment of Units Agreement

Sample Temporary Assignment Agreement

Sample Temporary Assignment Agreement

Assignment of Account Agreement

Assignment of Account Agreement

Assignment Agreement for Students

Assignment Agreement for Students

Teleworker Assignment Agreement

Teleworker Assignment Agreement

Assignment General Development Agreement

Assignment General Development Agreement

Agreement to Extend Term Assignment

Agreement to Extend Term Assignment

Assignment of Agreement of Purchase

Assignment of Agreement of Purchase

Agreement Confirming Assignment

Agreement Confirming Assignment

Confidentiality and Assignment Agreement

Confidentiality and Assignment Agreement

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Assignment Agreement for Class Projects

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Artwork Assignment Agreement

School Faculty Assignment Agreement

School Faculty Assignment Agreement

Volunteer Assignment Agreement

Volunteer Assignment Agreement

Step 1: introduce the agreement and its parties, step 2: assign the tasks and responsibilities, step 3: be direct and clear, step 4: include a termination clause.

  • A contract doesn’t allow the assignment.
  • The assignment changed a lot from what was expected.
  • There is a law or policy violation from the assignment.

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Contract assignment form form rating, contract subject which form popularity, contract assignment template other form names, contract assignment sample faq, what does it mean to assign a contract.

An assignment of contract occurs when one party to an existing contract (the "assignor") hands off the contract's obligations and benefits to another party (the "assignee"). Ideally, the assignor wants the assignee to step into his shoes and assume all of his contractual obligations and rights.

How do you make money assigning real estate contracts?

First, you find a property whose seller is willing to accept significantly less than market value in exchange for a quick and easy sale. Then, you find another buyer who is willing to pay slightly more than the contract price, and you assign the contract to them and profit from the difference.

Can you assign a contract without consent?

Generally speaking, contracts can be freely assigned to third parties.This contract cannot be assigned to anyone without the written consent of both parties.

What does it mean to assign a contract in real estate?

A real estate assignment contract is a wholesale strategy used by real estate investors to facilitate the sale of a property between an owner and an end buyer.That means they may then sell their rights to buy the house to another buyer.

What does it mean to assign a property?

An assignment is a legal term used in the context of the law of contract and of property. In both instances, assignment is the process whereby a person, the assignor, transfers rights or benefits to another, the assignee.The rights may be vested or contingent, and may include an equitable interest.

How do you write a contract assignment?

In your Assignment Agreement, you should include information like: the name of the person handing over contractual duties (called "the assignor"); the recipient of the contractual rights and obligations (called "the assignee"); the other party to the original contract (called "the obligor"); the name of the contract

What are assigns in real estate?

Assignment of contract takes place when one party to a contract (the assignor) transfers the legal obligations of the contract to another party.In other words, you can flip real estate contracts and make money from a real estate deal without actually owning the income property.

What is assignment in construction contract?

Assignment is the transfer of a right or an interest vested in one party (the 'assignor') to another party (the 'assignee'). A valid assignment will entitle the assignee to demand performance of a contractual obligation.

What is assignment in a contract?

Assignment is a legal term whereby an individual, the assignor, transfers rights, property, or other benefits to another known as the assignee. This concept is used in both contract and property law. The term can refer to either the act of transfer or the rights/property/benefits being transferred.

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Table of Contents

Agreement template bundle, 5 steps to drafting an assignment agreement, 15+ assignment agreement templates, 1. basic assignment agreement template, 2. copyright assignment agreement template, 3. simple assignment agreement template, 4. trade assignment agreement template, 5. content assignment agreement template, 6. locker assignment agreement template, 7. sample assignment agreement template, 8. formal assignment agreement template, 9. standard assignment agreement template, 10. certificate of deposit assignment agreement, 11. assignment of lease agreement, 12. software assignment agreement template, 13. conditional assignment agreement template, 14. professional assignment agreement template, 15. patent assignment agreement template, 16. assignment agreement template in pdf.

Assignment agreements are to be made when one party assigns or gives its contractual rights to another. It means that by contract, the benefits that the assigning party used to get will now be enjoyed by the other party as well. It refers to the situation when the assignee hands over the agreements of a contract, the duties, rights, responsibilities to another part. The entire procedure is legal, open and not very simple. Therefore, the format, decorum of the process has to be maintained.

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Step 1: Wholesome Approach

Step 2: accuracy of details, step 3: governing laws, step 4: authorization, step 5: the clauses.

basic assignment agreement template

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Purchase Contract Assignment Form

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Purchase Contract Assignment Form

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Updated June 22, 2023

A purchase contract assignment is between a holder (assignor) that transfers their interest in buying real estate to someone else (assignee). Before the closing, it is common to assign a purchase contract to a business entity or the person whom the loan or mortgage will be under. It’s also accepted for a contract holder to sell their rights to buy a property for a fixed amount.

Seller’s Consent

Depending on the purchase contract signed between the seller and assignor, the seller may be required to give their consent before the agreement is legally valid.

Table of Contents

  • Simple Version
  • Advanced Version
  • Step 1 – Come to a Verbal Agreement

Step 2 – Share the Purchase Contract

Step 3 – create an assignment, step 4 – attach and close.

  • Sample : Purchase Contract

How to Write

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contract of assignment template

How to Assign a Purchase Contract (4 Steps)

This guide is for assignments when selling a purchase contract to a 3rd party .

Step 1 – Come to a Non-Binding Agreement

contract of assignment template

The buyer (assignor) in the original purchase contract and the new buyer (assignee) will need to come to an agreement. In most cases, the assignee will offer a fixed amount to buy the contract.

contract of assignment template

The assignor may need to require the assignee to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) as the details included in the purchase contract are confidential.

After signing the NDA, the assignor should share the purchase contract with the assignee.

contract of assignment template

After the purchase contract is shared an assignment should be written and signed. If there is a payment as part of the assignment, it should be paid at the time of signing.

If the seller’s consent is required, the assignment will need their signature to be valid.

contract of assignment template

After the assignment is signed, it should be attached to the original purchase contract. The assignee will be recognized as the buyer and will be required to close on the property in accordance with the terms of the purchase contract.

Sample  Purchase Contract

Real estate purchase contract assignment.

I. THE PARTIES. This Real Estate Purchase Contract Assignment Agreement (“Agreement”) is made on [ EFFECTIVE DATE ] (“Effective Date”) by and between:

Assignor : [ ASSIGNOR’S NAME ], (“Assignor”) with a mailing address of [ ADDRESS ], hereby transfer and assign to:

Assignee : [ ASSIGNEE’S NAME ], (“Assignee”) with a mailing address of [ ADDRESS ], that agrees to assume all rights and interest in a purchase contract between the Assignor and:

Seller : [ SELLER’S NAME ], (“Seller”) with a mailing address of [ ADDRESS ], for a purchase contract dated on [ DATE ] (“Assignment”).

The above-referenced Assignor and Assignee may each be referred to as a “Party” and collectively referred to herein as the “Parties.”

II. THE PROPERTY. The Assignment is regarding real property located at the following street address: [ ADDRESS ].

Additional Description: [ ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION ].

III. TRANSFER. The Parties agree that the Assignor is transferring the Assignment to the Assignee for the following:

☐ – Fixed Payment of $[ AMOUNT ] (“Payment Amount”). The Assignment is to be transferred in exchange for the Assignee paying the Assignor the Payment Amount within [ # ] days of the Effective Date.

☐ – No Payment. The Assignor is transferring the Assignment for no payment or compensation. The Assignee’s consideration shall be recognized as the undertaking of any liabilities or obligations in the Assignment.

☐ – Gift. The Assignor is granting the Assignment as a gift to the Assignee.

☐ – Other. [ DESCRIBE OTHER ]

IV. SELLER APPROVAL. For this Agreement to be in effect: (check one)

☐ – It is REQUIRED for the Seller to approve this Agreement within [ # ] days of the Effective Date. If the Seller does not approve this Agreement or fails to sign, this Agreement, then this Agreement shall be considered void.

☐ – It is NOT REQUIRED for the Seller to approve this Agreement. Upon the execution by both Parties, this Agreement shall be in full force and effect.

V. ASSUMPTION. The Assignee acknowledges and agrees to assume the transfer and ownership of all liabilities, obligations, and claims that currently exist or may in the future regarding the Assignment. As of the Effective Date, the Assignee agrees to comply with all terms, make all payments, and perform all the conditions, covenants, and any other duties as part of the Assignment.

VI. PARTIES’ REPRESENTATIONS. The Assignee acknowledges that they have a full understanding of the Assignment and the terms of this Agreement. The Assignor further warrants that they own the rights transferred in the Assignment and understand the terms of this Agreement. Both Parties agree to provide and complete any obligations under this Agreement or the Assignment.

VII. SEVERABILITY. If any term, covenant, condition, or provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions shall remain in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected, impaired, or invalidated.

VIII. GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be governed under the laws located in the State of [ STATE ].

IX. WAIVER. The failure of either Party to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver or limitation of that Party’s right to subsequently enforce and compel strict compliance with every provision of this Agreement.


XI. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the Parties. No modification or amendment of this Agreement shall be effective unless in writing and signed by both Parties.

Assignor Signature: ____________________________ Date: _____________

Print Name: ____________________________

Assignee Signature: ____________________________ Date: _____________

Seller Signature (if required): _______________________ Date: _____________

Section 1 The Parties

(1) Effective Date For Purchase Contract.  The calendar date considered the first day of this document’s effect on the Parties involved must be established in the first section.

contract of assignment template

(2) Assignor Of Real Estate Interest.  The Party who shall release his or her interest on the concerned real estate upon the satisfaction of this agreement’s conditions must be identified with a record of his or her full name and mailing address. If Assignor is a Business Entity then make sure the name recorded is its entire legal name.

contract of assignment template

(3) Assignee Of Real Estate . The Party that will be able to express a rightful interest or claim on the real estate or real property through this document will need to be named. This will require a record of his or her name and address. Bear in mind, a Business Entity acting as the Assignee must have its legal identity including status suffix (if any) produced.

contract of assignment template

(4) Seller Of Real Estate.  The Property Owner or the Party selling the concerned real estate requires his or her name presented.

(5) Date Of Purchase Contract. Furnish the time and date of the original purchase contract this agreement concerns.

contract of assignment template

Section 2 The Property

(6) Property Location. The concerned real estate must have its physical address (where it may be visited in person) documented.

(7) Property Description. In addition to the location of the concerned real estate, it is recommended that an adequate description be provided. For instance, define any type of structure on the property (i.e. residential building, office building with parking lot, etc.). Ideally, the property’s legal description can be reported here or attached to this agreement.

contract of assignment template

Section 3 Transfer

(8) Fixed Payment. The manner by which the Assignor releases his or her interest over the concerned real estate to the Assignee will need to be discussed in this paperwork. If this transfer of interest results from a payment from the Assignee to the Assignor then mark the “Fixed Payment” checkbox (found in the third section). This statement will require the exact “Payment Amount” and the maximum number of days after the Effective Date when this payment must be received from the Assignee in order for it to be on time and in compliance with this agreement.

contract of assignment template

(9) No Payment. Select the second checkbox if “No Payment” will be required of the Assignee to assume the real estate interest being discussed from the Assignor.

contract of assignment template

(10) Gift. If this transfer of interest is considered a gift from the Assignor to the Assignee then select the “Gift” checkbox.

contract of assignment template

(11) Other.  There may be other circumstances or conditions the Assignee and Assignor have agreed to fulfill for this assignment to occur. For instance, the release of interest may be dependent on the termination of the Assignee from a shared Business Entity with the Assignor. In any case, if none of the statements made in the third section accurately define the basis for this assignment, select the “Other” checkbox and provide this definition to the space available.  

contract of assignment template

(12) Required Seller Approval. This agreement has thus far dealt with the Assignor and the Assignee. If the Seller of the real estate must approve this assignment then the first statement made in Section IV should be selected and a report the number of days within the effective date of this agreement when such approval must be gained (from the Seller) will be required.

(13) No Seller Approval Requirement. Select the second statement made by Section IV if this agreement may require only the consent of the Assignor and the Assignee to be effective.

contract of assignment template

(14) Governing Law. Report the state that will hold authority over this assignment and the agreement being developed.

contract of assignment template

Section 10 Additional Terms

(15) Remaining Agreement Conditions.  All the conditions and the terms that the Assignor and Assignee require to be complied with should be contained within this agreement before it is signed. Section X will supply the space for such information to be presented and will allow the title of additional paperwork that will be attached to be included. This area may be left unattended if the information produced thus far represents the full scope of the obligations each Party must live up to for this assignment to proceed to completion.

contract of assignment template

(16) Assignor Signature And Date. The Assignor making this assignment should sign his or her name and dispense the date this action was completed.

(17) Assignor Printed Name.

contract of assignment template

(18) Assignee Signature And Date. The Recipient of this assignment, the Assignee, should review this agreement then sign his or her name. The date of the Assignee signature must also be reported at the time of signing.

(19) Assignee Printed Name.

contract of assignment template

(20) Seller Signature And Date. If it has been indicated that the Seller must provide consent, then he or she must sign this paperwork upon its completion and a thorough review so that this assignment may proceed. His or her signature date will also be required.

(21) Seller Printed Name.

contract of assignment template

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What is the CIIA agreement? The ultimate guide to CIIAAs every business needs to read

Jenny Pak

Jenny Pak Director of Program Management at PandaDoc

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When you’re running a business or large organization, there will often be times when you feel the need to safeguard your confidential information and intellectual property.

While standard contracts such as NDAs can be useful, they often aren’t watertight enough for many businesses.

That’s where a CIIA agreement comes in.

If you’re wondering what a CIIA agreement is, you wouldn’t be alone — many businesses are looking into CIIA agreements as they grow in popularity.

So, let’s learn everything you need to know about them.

Key takeaways

  • CIIA agreements protect your company’s confidential information.
  • They’re also a great way to ensure you maintain control over your intellectual property.
  • CIIA agreements can also strengthen your non-compete terms.
  • PandaDoc’s templates can be used to seamlessly adopt CIIA agreements in your organization.

What is a CIIA agreement?

A Confidential Information and Invention Assignment agreement (CIIA agreement) is simply a contract that works to protect your company’s information from leaks or intellectual property theft.

CIIA agreements achieve this by legally stating that every piece of work produced by an employee is the property of the organization rather than the employee.

This makes sure that you can stay in control of the confidential information and inventions in your company.

The two main parts of a CIIA agreement can be seen when we break down the name. First of all, there’s the part relating to confidential information.

This part of the agreement ensures that all employees clearly understand their legal obligations to protect your company’s confidential or sensitive information.

The second part of a CIIA agreement is the inventions assignment agreement.

This focuses on the intellectual property — such as productions or databases — in your organization.

Employees signing the CIIA agreement agree that any intellectual property will remain under your control.

What is the purpose of the CIIAA?

These two main functions of a CIIA agreement come back to its primary purposes.

Many businesses need to protect confidential information for competitive and compliance reasons.

CIIAAs are a great way to keep this sensitive information secure within the organization through a confidentiality agreement .

In addition to this, the purpose of a CIIA agreement is to protect your company’s intellectual property.

This will reassure your senior leaders and investors that their employees are working to benefit the organization rather than just themselves.

What are the requirements of a CIIA agreement?

When you’re putting together a CIIA agreement, here are the key requirements to keep in mind:

  • Specific language: As is the case with any legal documents for business , you should use as much specific language as possible to make sure that the CIIA agreement is practicable.
  • Time restrictions: A common requirement of a CIIA agreement is that it’s restricted somehow. This is often related to time, so intellectual property can leave the organization’s ownership if it isn’t used after a set period of time.
  • Policy alignment: You’ll need to ensure that your CIIA agreement is aligned with legislation and statutory guidance, so consult your local rules and laws before signing any CIIA agreement.

What are the benefits of CIIA agreements?

If you’re an organization with many employees, the benefits of CIIA agreements are clear. Here are some of the most significant CIIA benefits:

Improve your confidential information protection

As we’ve already highlighted, a CIIA is primarily used to protect your confidential or sensitive information.

By signing a CIIA, your employees accept that they have a legal duty to keep your information confidential.

This will be in place even after they’ve left your company, meaning it’s a great way to protect your data.

Strengthen your non-compete terms

As well as focusing on confidential information protection, CIIAs are also used to protect your company from competitors.

This is because a CIIA sets up clear expectations around intellectual property theft.

On top of this, many CIIAs include non-compete clauses .

This can stop your employees from leaving the organization to work for your competitors.

All of this helps you to strengthen your non-compete protection.

Protect company property in case of termination

A CIIA agreement is also a great way to protect company property.

On top of intellectual property, this also relates to data or any legal documents your employees may have come into contact with during their employment.

In the case of contract termination, this part of a CIIAA is beneficial.

This is because it guarantees that you’ll receive these items of company property, allowing you to have confidence that your information and ideas will remain within the organization.

What does a CIIA agreement include?

Now that you know the main benefits of using a CIIA agreement, you probably want to start implementing CIIAAs in your organization. Here are the main things to include in your CIIA agreements:

  • Company details: It’s crucial that you include as much detail about your company as is necessary on the CIIA agreement, so include things such as contact details and names.
  • Employee details: As well as this, you’ll have to include key employee details. This will include the employee’s name and contact information, as well as roles and responsibilities within the company.
  • Confidentiality obligations : The main thing to include in your CIIA agreement is a clear explanation of the employee’s confidentiality obligations . This must be specific to your company and the employee’s role.
  • Consideration: As with most legal contracts, you’ll have to include some form of consideration—this is just what the employee receives in exchange for their signature. This will be something about continued employment, but you can make it specific to your context.

Key terms for CIIA agreements

When you’re writing a CIIA agreement, you’ll have to use these key terms:

Definition of confidential information

Confidential information can mean something very different in one organization compared to another. That’s why it’s essential to write a specific definition related to your business context.

For most companies, this definition will incorporate research, customer data, employee lists, and partnership details.

Use of confidential information

You’ll also want to define a legitimate use of confidential information. Many limitations of using confidential information ensure that it is only used for the employee’s specified contract role.

Definition of inventions

Just as is the case with confidential information, you should define inventions clearly. You’ll need to create a definition that protects your specific business, but make sure to consider any trade secrets or research that your organization is working on.

Assignment of inventions

This is a key clause in any CIIA agreement. You’ll need to ensure that the assignment of inventions is given to the business rather than the employee to protect your intellectual property rights.

Return of company property

This term relates to the end of an employee’s contract. It will ensure that employees return any company data or ideas at the end of their employment.

This is especially important if you’re creating a CIIA agreement for a freelance worker or short-term employee.

Ownership rights for inventions created during work hours versus outside of work hours

As well as these key CIIA terms, you might have to determine who owns the rights for inventions created during work hours against those created outside of work hours.

It’s crucial to ensure any inventions made using company property or company data are owned by the organization, even if they were designed outside of work hours. CIIA agreements are a great tool to achieve this.

What to consider when drafting, creating and managing a CIIA agreement

When creating any employee confidentiality agreement , you should start by considering what you need to achieve.

Are your aims primarily to protect confidential information, or do you also need to assert ownership over intellectual property?

This consideration will lead to a CIIA agreement that works for you.

When writing a CIIA agreement, it’s good to start with a section explaining your rationale for the agreement. Consider why it’s so essential to protect confidential information and inventions and make this very clear in the contract.

Although disputes should be avoided when possible, you must protect yourself against them. When drafting a CIIA agreement, consider how you would resolve a dispute.

Once you’ve drafted your CIIA agreement, you’ll need to keep your aims in mind when creating the final document.

Although you might need to make small tweaks from your first draft, these aims should continue to be evident throughout the creation process.

The rationale should also be included when creating the final document.

To help keep this in place throughout the drafting process, consider using dedicated software to create a template with this rationale.

The resolution might change in the creation section as you respond to feedback from others. However, it’s an integral part of the contract, so include some resolution.

Managing a contract throughout its lifecycle can be a complex task, but you should ensure that your aims remain consistent.

You might want to use specialist software to track changes to stay on top of any changes.

Similarly, you might need to change the rationale when managing a CIIA agreement—a short edit will allow the agreement to be adapted to a different context.

Finally, remember that the CIIA agreement should include a resolution when you manage it throughout its lifecycle.

Tips for hiring a lawyer for your CIIA agreement

When you’re drafting a CIIA agreement, it can be helpful to get legal counsel. Here are the top tips for hiring a lawyer:

  • Trust: You’ll want to find a lawyer you can trust implicitly. It might be useful to work with lawyers whom you’ve worked with before. Alternatively, ask friends or other professionals for recommendations.
  • Specialism: It’s also crucial that your lawyer has a specialism in contract law— ideally, this would be in employee or business contract law.
  • Experience and expertise: Finally, you’ll want to find a lawyer with experience and expertise. This might be a more expensive option, but it can never hurt to invest more in expertise.

Free legal document templates can help you craft the perfect agreement

CIIA agreements are a great way to ensure that your organization’s intellectual property rights are protected and that you’re successfully protecting your organization’s confidential information.

However, producing and managing legal documents such as CIIA agreements can be a daunting task.

If you want to speed up the process, look no further than PandaDoc’s free legal document templates .

These templates will allow you to use contracts such as CIIAs in your organization seamlessly.

Start optimizing your contract management with PandaDoc today!

PandaDoc is not a law firm, or a substitute for an attorney or law firm. This page is not intended to and does not provide legal advice. Should you have legal questions on the validity of e-signatures or digital signatures and the enforceability thereof, please consult with an attorney or law firm. Use of PandaDoc services are governed by our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

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  • Arbitration
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Arbitration Clause In Original Lease Deed Incorporated Into Deed Of Assignment When Deeds Are Interconnected And Consistent: Calcutta High Court

Rajesh kumar.

11 Sep 2024 9:30 AM GMT

Arbitration Clause In Original Lease Deed Incorporated Into Deed Of Assignment When Deeds Are Interconnected And Consistent: Calcutta High Court

The Calcutta High Court bench of Justice Ravi Krishan Kapur has held that if a deed of assignment is properly interpreted as being interconnected and related to the original lease deed containing an arbitration clause, then the parties intended for the arbitration clause to be included in the deed of assignment.

The bench held that interrelationship was not merely superficial but indicative of a deliberate and mutual intent between the parties to incorporate certain terms from the initial lease deed into the new agreement.

The arbitration clause, originally present in the initial lease deed, was a focal point of the dispute. By reading both documents together, the High Court found that the parties had unmistakably intended for the arbitration clause to be carried over into the deed of assignment.

Brief Facts:

Tata Communications Limited (Petitioner) owner of a plot of land located in Kolkata leased this plot to Respondent no. 2 under a lease deed for business purposes. Due to repeated breaches of obligations under the initial lease deed, the parties entered into a tripartite agreement, known as the deed of assignment, which involved Rudrapriya Constructions LLP (Respondent no. 1) continuing the business of event management, food court, and ceremonial functions. Disputes arose between the parties which made the Petitioner to terminate both agreements on 18 December 2023 primarily due to non-payment of lease rentals.

On 15 February 2024, the Petitioner issued a notice under Section 21 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act invoking the arbitration clause specified in the initial lease deed and the deed of assignment. The Respondents did not respond to this notice. Feeling aggrieved, the Petitioner approached the High Court under Section 11 of the Arbitration Act for appointment of an arbitrator.

In response to the application, Respondent no. 1 raised an objection and argued that the deed of assignment does not contain an arbitration clause since it was not explicitly incorporated.

The Petitioner contended that, when reading the deed of assignment in conjunction with the initial lease deed, it is evident that the arbitration clause in Clause 19.3 of the initial lease deed should be considered incorporated into the deed of assignment. The Petitioner argued that the mutual intention of the parties was to resolve disputes through arbitration, and the deed of assignment is not an independent document but should be viewed as interconnected with the initial lease deed.

Clause 19.3 of the initial lease deed provides as follows:

“19.3: Dispute resolution- (a) Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Lease Deed (including a dispute regarding the existence, validity or termination of this Lease Deed or the consequences of its nullity) shall be sought to be resolved and settled amicably between the parties, within 15 (Fifteen) Business Days of written notice of such dispute arising, failing which it shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 …………..”

Observations by the High Court:

The issue before the High Court was whether an arbitration clause from an initial lease deed could be incorporated into a subsequent deed of assignment by reference. The initial lease deed contained a detailed arbitration clause, outlined in Clause 19.3, which provided a mechanism for dispute resolution. This included the appointment of an arbitrator, the conduct of proceedings in English, and the specification that the arbitration would take place in Kolkata. The clause also specified that the arbitration award would be final and binding, and that the costs would be borne equally by the parties.

The deed of assignment, which was executed subsequent to the initial lease deed, contained provisions that confirmed the terms and conditions of the initial lease deed would apply to the assignment, except for the revised terms specifically recorded in the deed of assignment. Notably, the deed of assignment referenced the initial lease deed but did not explicitly incorporate the arbitration clause from the initial lease deed.

The High Court examined Section 7(5) of the Arbitration Act which addresses the incorporation of an arbitration clause from one document into another by reference.

According to Section 7(5), a reference in a contract to a document containing an arbitration clause can constitute an arbitration agreement if the reference is such that it makes the arbitration clause part of the contract. The High Court noted that for incorporation by reference to be effective, the reference must be clear and indicate an intention to include the arbitration clause in the contract. Additionally, the arbitration clause must be suitable for resolving disputes under the new contract and should not contradict its terms.

The High Court that there is need for a clear and specific reference to incorporate an arbitration clause from another document. It reiterated that a general reference to another document does not automatically incorporate its arbitration clause. Instead, there must be a deliberate intent to adopt the arbitration clause which must reflect the parties' mutual agreement to subject their disputes to arbitration as stipulated in the referenced document.

The High Court further highlighted that the intention to incorporate the arbitration clause should be determined through the principles of construction, evaluating whether the reference to the initial lease deed was meant to include its entire content, including the arbitration clause, into the deed of assignment.

It noted that Recital D of the deed of assignment explicitly stated that the assignment was based on mutual discussions and was made with reference to the terms of the initial lease deed as well as the modified terms of the assignment deed. Clause 1.1 of the deed of assignment confirmed that the terms and conditions of the initial lease deed, except for those specifically revised, would apply to the deed of assignment. This included the arbitration clause.

Clause 13 of the deed of assignment made modifications to certain sub-clauses of Clause 19 of the initial lease deed but left the arbitration clause unchanged. The High Court observed that, when reading both the initial lease deed and the deed of assignment together, it was clear that the entirety of Clause 19 including the arbitration clause was incorporated into the deed of assignment. The High Court reasoned that the parties intended to retain the arbitration clause as part of the new agreement given that other sub-clauses of Clause 19 remained unaffected.

The High Court further reasoned that the incorporation of the arbitration clause was consistent with the parties' commercial intent and the nature of the documents. Both the initial lease deed and the deed of assignment were interconnected, and the arbitration clause was not inconsistent with the new terms. The High Court rejected any contention that the arbitration clause should be excluded from the deed of assignment and held that the intention of the parties at the time of executing the deed of assignment was to retain the arbitration clause.

Additionally, the High Court dismissed arguments from the Respondents that the incorporation of the arbitration clause was not valid. It distinguished the present case from previous decisions noting that those cases either involved different factual circumstances or did not address the specific issue of inter-linked documents incorporating arbitration clauses. The High Court found that the deed of assignment, by incorporating the initial lease deed, included the arbitration clause by clear intent and mutual agreement.

The bench held that:

“On a proper construction of the deed of assignment which is inter-connected and inter-related with the initial lease deed, the parties obviously intended the arbitration clause to be incorporated in the deed of assignment. This is the only imputed mutual intention of the parties which can be arrived at on a combined reading of both the documents. Both documents are commercial documents and require to be read together. The parties were dealing at arm's length. It is not possible to severe the two documents. It is true that the rationale behind seeking a specific reference necessary to incorporate an arbitration clause is that the parties are precluded from bringing a dispute before Court, an arbitration agreement has to be a written agreement and an arbitration agreement is of a different nature from other clauses as it constitutes a self- contained collateral contract. Nevertheless, the above construction is so obvious that the parties must have not only formed an intent of the same but are deemed to have agreed to specifically have incorporated the arbitration agreement when executing the deed of assignment.”

Consequently, the High Court allowed the application. It ordered that Justice Indira Banerjee (Retired), Supreme Court of India, be appointed as the Nominee Arbitrator, provided she communicated her consent within three weeks.

Case Title: Tata Communications Limited Vs Rudrapriya Constructions LLP and Anr.

Case Number: AP/77/2024

Advocate for the Petitioner: Mr. Dhruba Ghosh, Senior Advocate Mr. Altamas Alim, Advocate Mr. A. Goyal, Advocate

Advocate for the Respondent: Mr. Sarvapriya Mukherjee, Advocate Mr. Rachit Lakhmani, Advocate Mr. L. R. Mondal, Advocate

Date of Judgment: 5.09.2024

Click Here To Read/Download Order or Judgment



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