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  • Resume and Cover Letter
  • Resume vs Cover Letter: How...

Resume vs Cover Letter: How They're Different

8 min read · Updated on January 25, 2024

Ronda Suder

Knowing how a resume and cover letter work together can increase your chances of standing out

A resume and cover letter are essential job marketing tools that allow you to grab the attention of prospective employers and make a solid first impression. Where a resume provides an objective and concise overview of your work history, knowledge, skills, and overall qualifications, a cover letter formally introduces you to the employer and summarizes your work experiences related to your resume. It also discusses why you're interested in the position and why you're a suitable candidate. 

These two complementary documents are similar in a few ways and very different in others. In this post, we'll cover the following to provide clarity around cover letters vs resumes:

Cover letter vs resume: what are the similarities?

Cover letter vs resume: what are the differences?

What can a cover letter convey that a resume can't?

What's the difference between a cover letter, a resume, and an application letter? 

Cover letter vs resume: what are the similarities? 

As noted, a cover letter and resume are both career marketing tools, provided to prospective employers, that give the opportunity to make a strong first impression. Here are a few additional similarities between the two:

Both are meant to sell your skills and experience to entice employers to bring you in for an interview

The heading and contact information provided in a cover letter should match what's provided in a resume

When both a cover letter and resume are submitted as part of a job application, they're submitted together

Each document should use a similar style in terms of colors, font type , and font size to provide a cohesive package

Both documents should be tailored to each job you apply to

Both your cover letter and resume should include keywords from the job description.

These few points are where the similarities between a cover letter and a resume end. 

When considering a cover letter vs resume, there are five significant differences between them. They are

Layout and structure

Tonality , tense and orientation.

A resume is a requirement and necessity for virtually all job applications. A cover letter, on the other hand, is highly recommended but isn't necessarily required unless the job application specifically requests the inclusion of a cover letter. It's also possible to come across some job postings that specifically ask you not to include a cover letter. If you come across such an instance, even if you're tempted, don't include it unless you want to risk immediately going into the “no” pile. 

Unless specifically asked not to, in most instances it's in your best interest to include a cover letter with your resume. It shows you care about the position and can help to make your application stand out from the competition. 

The purpose of a resume is to provide the employer with a concise overview of your relevant work history, skills, and other qualifications. It focuses on your past and how it applies to your potential to succeed in a new job. 

Your cover letter should focus only on the job you're applying to - it serves as an introduction to you and your resume. With your cover letter, you have the opportunity to showcase a bit of your personality, further summarize your resume, and emphasize why you're interested in, and the right fit for, the job. 

In a nutshell, a resume shows the employer how your experience fits the role and a cover letter tells them why it does. 

Another main difference between a cover letter vs resume is the layout and structure of each. A resume typically uses bullet points without paragraphs or large chunks of text. There are also standard resume formats to choose from. A cover letter is written in paragraph form, with a layout similar to any professional business letter you might write.

Resume layout and structure

A resume uses one of three resume formats - reverse chronological, functional, or hybrid - with specific sections that are required within each format. The most commonly used is the chronological format, which includes the following sections:

Contact Information

Resume Headline

Resume Summary

Core Competencies

Work Experience 

Additional optional sections sometimes included on a resume are IT Skills, Volunteer Experience, Special Projects, Certifications, Training, Awards, Publications, and Hobbies & Interests. 

For more tips on how to write an effective resume with several resume examples to review, refer to “ How to Make a Resume: Beginner's Writing Guide with Examples .”

Cover letter layout and structure

A cover letter ranges from 300 to 500 words and should be written using the same format as any professional business letter. The key sections of a cover letter include:

The header with the date, the employer's address, and your contact information

A salutation directed to a specific individual when possible

An introduction paragraph where you introduce yourself, share why you're interested, and emphasize why you're an ideal candidate

The body paragraphs - the most crucial section of your cover letter - where you summarize your qualifications and how they make you an ideal candidate to meet the job requirements and demands, in one to two paragraphs

A conclusion paragraph , where you'll conclude with appreciation and a call to action

The closing , with a professional closing salutation and your name

For more detailed information on how to write a cover letter with a cover letter example, refer to “ How to Write a Cover Letter (With Example) .” 

Your cover letter, unlike your resume, addresses the employer directly and with a tone that's more personable than a resume. The exact tone you go with for your cover letter should reflect the industry and organization to which you're applying, though it's still good to showcase some personality. When doing so, ensure you still keep it professional and don't be too personal to the point that it distracts from the letter's overall goal and ability to leave a positive impression. 

The tone of a resume is straightforward and objective. It offers the reader specific details about your past work history, key qualifications, and skills. 

A resume is mostly past-oriented, meaning that it focuses largely on your past work history and experiences. Much of a resume is written in the past tense, as well. 

A cover letter is written primarily in the present tense. The focus of a cover letter is more on the present and future, including mentioning current and future objectives. 

What can a cover letter explain that a resume cannot?

As noted, where a resume shows how you're a good fit for the job, a cover letter can discuss why you're a good fit. Also, a cover letter can explain details about your resume that you might not have had space for on the resume. For example, if you listed a work experience bullet point with a great accomplishment, yet you weren't able to highlight the challenges you overcame for that significant achievement, that might be something to include in the cover letter if it adds value and is relevant. 

Cover letter vs resume vs application letter

In addition to a cover letter and resume being part of your arsenal of career marketing tools, you might also be wondering where an application letter fits in - especially since some confuse an application letter with a cover letter. 

What is the difference between a resume and an application letter?

As mentioned, a resume is a document required for job applications and provides a succinct overview of your work history and credentials. An application letter provides a detailed overview of your work history and credentials in a letter format and is typically not used in conjunction with a resume.

What is the difference between a cover letter and an application letter?

Though a cover letter and application letter share similar features, they're different in content and purpose. A cover letter complements a resume and provides an introduction to yourself and an overview as to why your qualifications make you a good fit for the job. It's sent with the resume as part of the application process. 

An application letter is more detailed and dives deeper into an applicant's work history and qualifications. It's common to send an application letter to an employer of interest, even if they don't have any job openings at the time. In other words, it's sent outside of the application process and often expresses interest in working for the organization. 

The structure is similar to a cover letter, because they're both professional business letters. However, since the intent of a cover letter and application letter differs, the content focus is different between the two. 

Cover letter vs resume: yes, you need both (with rare exceptions)

Now you know the similarities and differences between a cover letter vs resume and the purpose of each. You also know that, in most instances, it's best to submit a cover letter with your resume when applying for jobs. Including both helps you to set yourself apart from others in a tough job market and make a positive first impression on hiring teams! 

Wondering if your resume and cover letter complement each other the way they should? Our team of TopResume experts can help you to ensure that both showcase the correct elements to help you land the interviews you desire. You can even submit your resume for a free review   to get started!

Recommended reading: 

How to List Certifications on a Resume (with Examples)

How to Start a Cover Letter that Grabs Attention

How to Include Relevant Coursework on a Resume (with Examples)

Related Articles:

Do Hiring Managers Actually Read Cover Letters?

How to Create a Resume With No Education

Why You Lose When You Lie on Your Resume: Learning From Mina Chang

See how your resume stacks up.

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Cover letter vs resume: here are the key differences.

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As a job seeker you need to be ready with both a resume and a cover letter.

You need both a resume and cover letter in your job search.

Most job applications require a resume right away, and the best resumes are matched to the jobs you are targeting. Some jobs posted on LinkedIn allow you to “Easy Apply” with just your LinkedIn profile (so you should optimize your LinkedIn profile too) but even with these jobs you often have the opportunity to attach a resume in addition to your LinkedIn profile. If your resume has more details (or different details) than your LinkedIn profile, you’ll want your application to include both.

Not every job posting requests or even allows a cover letter, but sometimes it’s required to move forward. Even when it’s optional, submitting a cover letter puts an additional piece of marketing yourself in front of prospective employers, so take that opportunity (and do what you can to maximize the chance that employers will read your cover letter ). The cover letter is not redundant to your resume. Here are the key differences:

1 - Structure of a resume vs cover letter

The most obvious difference is that the cover letter looks different than the resume. The cover letter is a business letter, or even if it’s the shorter, more casual email version, it’s still structured like a letter. On the other hand, the resume is structured like an outline of your career trajectory. Sections include your contact information, a summary of highlights, experience, education and additional information, such as technical skills, volunteer work and interests.

2 - Voice of a resume vs cover letter

Since the cover letter and resume are structured differently, your voice (i.e., how you express yourself) comes across differently with each tool. The resume is written in bullet points, which is sufficient for getting the information across, but not so much your personality. Don’t be cute with your resume in an effort to show your personality – it just looks unprofessional. I once received a resume printed on a page with a banana (yes, the fruit) in the background. The resume header said, “I’m ripening”. Perhaps, the resume writer wanted to different enough to be remembered. I do remember that resume, but not for the right reasons!

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Your personality has more of a chance to shine through in your cover letter. The cover letter is written in prose, so even though it also shares information like the resume, the details unfold in complete sentences – ideally like a story, if you write a compelling cover letter. You are not bound to specific sections like the resume, with experience in one place, education in another, etc. Unlike the resume, you are also not restricted to reverse chronological order. You can decide to group information differently and to jump around in time, depending on what details you want to highlight. The choices you make reflect your voice and message.

3 - How employers use the resume vs cover letter

Given the different ways a cover letter and resume dispense information, employers use these tools differently. Recruiters skim resumes in second, looking at your career chronology – is there a clear progression of increasing responsibility? Are there long employment gaps or short job tenures that need further explanation? Do the skills and experience listed on the resume match what the job requires?

The cover letter showcases your communication skills and style. If the job opening requires writing ability, the cover letter is the first proof point employers see. The cover letter also can highlight things that aren’t obvious from the resume or anticipate and explain potential objections to your candidacy. For example, if you have employment gaps or short job tenures that an employer will see from your resume, you can explain what you accomplished during your unemployed time, or that your short job tenures were because you followed your mentor from job-to-job. If your relevant skills and experience is from school or other non-work activity, your cover letter can highlight these in a way that may get overlooked in the resume.

4 - How you should use your resume vs cover letter

Since the cover letter and resume have such different structures, voice and impact on the employer, you need to differentiate how you are using these tools. Do you thoughtfully choose what to include in your cover letter and not just summarize what’s already in your resume? Does your cover letter highlight the skills and experience that match your dream job? Does your cover letter explain away any red flags from your resume?

Your resume can serve as an audit of your career. Does your experience section show progress over time? Are the results and responsibilities you elaborate on in each job tangible and translatable to the jobs you are targeting? Does your education reflect continuous learning (or are you at least learning new skills on the job)? Is your Summary right at the top of the resume a reflection of your range of experience and expertise, as well as directly relevant to the level and scope of job you want?

A strong resume and cover letter are just one part of your job search kit

You need both a resume and a cover letter. You also need a strong LinkedIn profile, not just for Easy Apply jobs, but also because, when you network during your job search, people will look you up online. Then, since you’ll be networking, you need a strong networking pitch to introduce yourself. If these marketing tools get you in the door, you’ll need strong interviewing skills (e.g., starting strong , not rambling , answering difficult questions ) to land the job.

Caroline Ceniza-Levine

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Resume VS Cover Letter in 2024 [Detailed Guide & Examples!]

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Navigating the job market in 2024 can be tricky, with every detail in your job application making a huge difference. 

In such a situation, you might find yourself wondering about the roles of resumes and cover letters and how each can help your job hunt. 

While a resume showcases your skills and experiences, a cover letter adds a personal touch, explaining why you're the perfect fit. But blending these two effectively isn't always straightforward.

But worry not! 

This guide will show you how to create a spotless application by telling you all about resumes vs cover letters, including:

  • Resume Vs Cover Letter: 3 Key Differences 

Resume Vs Cover Letter: 3 Key Similarities

  • What to Include in Your Resume and Cover Letter
  • Resume and Cover Letter Examples

Let’s dive in!  

Resume Vs Cover Letter: 3 Key Differences

When you're on the hunt for a new job, understanding the difference between a resume and a cover letter is crucial. 

They might seem like they serve the same purpose at first glance, but they're actually quite different in terms of format, tone, and purpose. 

Let's break down these key differences to help you leverage each one effectively in your job application: 

#1. Format 

The main difference between a resume and a cover letter is how they’re formatted. A resume’s format is structured, almost like a database of your professional life. It's a concise, bullet-pointed list showcasing your work experience, skills, and educational background. 

The idea is to make it easy for the employer to scan through your qualifications quickly. Think of it as a highlight reel of your career, with each point clear and to the point.

On the other hand, a cover letter has a more narrative style. It's your chance to tell a story about your professional journey. Here, you're not just listing your achievements and skills; you're explaining them. 

You can dive into details about key experiences, how you tackled challenges, and why you're a great fit for the role. While your resume is factual and to the point, your cover letter allows your personality and enthusiasm to shine through.

What you include in a cover letter is also different from a resume. In your cover letter , you're linking your skills and experiences directly to what the job requires, using examples and anecdotes. Meanwhile, your resume serves as a straightforward record of your professional path and competencies.

resume formats

The tone is where you see the difference between a resume and a cover letter. 

A resume is all about being professional and straightforward. You're sticking to the facts: your past job titles , the skills you've mastered, and your educational background. It's like a formal report about you, so there's not much room for personal flair or storytelling.

In contrast, your cover letter is where you can be a bit more relaxed and personal. 

This doesn't mean you should be overly casual, but it's definitely the place to add a bit of your personality. You can write in the first person, share your enthusiasm for the job, and talk about why you're excited about the opportunity. It's like having a conversation with the hiring manager, telling them why you'd be a great fit for the job.

So, while your resume is the straight-to-the-point , no-nonsense part of your application, your cover letter is where you get to be more expressive. 

#3. Purpose

When it comes to the purpose of a resume and a cover letter, it's all about showing different sides of your professional story. 

Your resume is the backbone of your job application; it's essential. It gives a clear, concise rundown of your professional journey. Basically, it's your way of saying, "Here's what I've done and what I'm good at." You can apply for a job with just a resume, but it's just a part of the whole picture.

The cover letter is what fills that picture. It complements your resume by filling in the gaps and adding context to your experiences. This is your space to explain why you're interested in the job and how your background makes you a great fit. It's like adding color to a black-and-white photo. 

By writing a cover letter , you're showing hiring managers that you're not just tossing your resume into every job opening you see. You're taking the time to present a complete, well-thought-out application.

So, while your resume is key, including a cover letter can be a game-changer. It shows you're a dedicated job seeker who understands the value of presenting a full picture. Hiring managers often look for this effort as it demonstrates you’re serious about the role. In a stack of many resumes, a well-crafted cover letter can be the thing that makes you stand out .

If navigating the world of job applications can be tricky, it helps to know that both resumes and cover letters also share some common ground.

While they have their differences, they also have key similarities like length, the need to be tailored to the job, and using matching templates. 

Understanding these similarities can help you create a cohesive and compelling job application package:

#1. Length 

First up, let's talk about length. Both your resume and cover letter should be pretty brief . 

The recommended resume length is usually one page long . You can have a two-page resume , but that's only if you have tons of experience and are applying for an executive position. 

As a rule of thumb, though, your resume should be all about being concise and to the point. You want to make sure every word counts, especially since hiring managers don't spend a lot of time on each resume.

Your cover letter should also be short and sweet. Aim for about three to four paragraphs , and don’t go over one page. You're not writing your autobiography here; you're giving a snapshot of why you're the right fit for the job. It's your chance to highlight the most important parts of your resume and add a bit of personality, but remember, brevity is key.

So, whether it's your resume or cover letter, keep it tight. You want to give just enough to spark interest and make them say, "Let's call this person for an interview."

#2. Tailoring it to the Job

Now, let's talk about tailoring these documents to the job. 

This is super important for both your resume and cover letter. You can't just send the same version to every job opening; it needs to feel like it was made just for that specific role. For your resume, this means highlighting the experience and skills that are most relevant to the job you're applying for. You've got to show them that what you've done lines up with what they need.

Your cover letter needs this custom touch, too. It's your chance to draw a clear line between your skills and experiences and the job's requirements. Here, you're telling them, "Hey, see these things on my resume? This is how they make me a great fit for your job." It's about making the connection between you and the role crystal clear.

So, whether it's tweaking your resume to highlight certain experiences or writing a cover letter that speaks directly to the job ad, tailoring each document is key. It shows that you're not just looking for any job; you're interested in this job.

Looking for a new job? Be sure to read the ultimate guide to the job hunt for help along the way!

#3. Matching Templates 

Lastly, there's the visual aspect – using matching templates for your resume and cover letter. When these two pieces of your application match, it gives everything a cohesive and professional look. 

Think of it like wearing a matching outfit to an interview; it just looks more put together. Using the same design, colors, and font style in both documents creates a strong, unified brand for you as a professional. It's a subtle touch, but it can make your application stand out.

Having a matching set also shows attention to detail. It tells the hiring manager that you've put thought and effort into your application. It's not just about the content; it's also about presenting it in a way that's pleasing to the eye and easy to read.

If you're not a design whiz, don't worry. There are tools out there that can help.

matching resume and cover letter

For example, Novorésumé offers matching templates for resumes and cover letters. This makes it super easy to create a professional and stylish-looking application package. 

With a few clicks, you can have a resume and cover letter that look like they were made to go together, because, well, they were!

What to Include in Your Resume

Your resume is your professional story on a page. It's crucial to include the right information to showcase your skills and experiences effectively. Here's a breakdown of what to include:

  • Contact Information : Start with the basics - your name, phone number, email, and LinkedIn profile. Make sure your email sounds professional and not like something you came up with in high school (e.g.: [email protected]). 
  • Resume Summary or Objective : This is a brief statement at the top of your resume. It should highlight your career achievements and aspirations. Tailor it to reflect how you're a great fit for the specific job you're applying for.
  • Professional Experience: List your past jobs in reverse chronological order. Include your title, the company name, dates of employment, and a brief description of your responsibilities and achievements in each role.
  • Skills (Hard and Soft): Highlight both your technical skills (like programming languages or marketing tools) and soft skills (like communication or problem-solving ). Tailor these to match the job description.
  • Education : Include your most recent and relevant educational experiences. List the degree, the institution, and the year of graduation. You can also mention academic honors or extracurricular activities if they're relevant (I.e.: if you’re a recent graduate or entry-level professional).
  • Optional Sections : If you have leftover space on your resume, you can include optional sections such as any languages you speak, any volunteer work you’ve done, your certifications or personal projects, as well as your hobbies and interests .

Are you wondering if you should write a CV or resume ? Read our article to find out what the differences are!

What to Include in Your Cover Letter

A cover letter is your chance to make a personal connection with the employer. It complements your resume by bringing your experiences to life. Here’s what you should include:

  • Contact Information: Just like your resume, start with your name, phone number, and email. No need for your address, but including your LinkedIn profile could be a nice touch.
  • Addressing the Hiring Manager: It's important to address your cover letter to the right person. If you can, find out the name of the hiring manager and address them directly (like "Dear Ms. Smith"). This personal touch shows you've put in the extra effort and makes your letter feel more tailored and respectful.
  • Introduction: Grab their attention. Start with a concise introduction about who you are and why you're interested in the role. A compelling opener can make a big difference.
  • Why You’re Interested in the Role: Explain what drew you to the job. Be specific about why the company or the role excites you. This shows you've done your homework.
  • Your Relevant Experience and Skills: Here's where you match your skills to the job description. Use specific examples from your past to show how you've used these skills effectively to show the hiring manager why they should hire you.
  • Conclusion and Call to Action : Wrap it up by reiterating your interest and thank the reader for their time. A proactive closing, like mentioning your eagerness to discuss your application in an interview, leaves a strong final impression.

cover letter structure

13 Resume Examples

Are you wondering what a great resume looks like? Here are 13 resumes for different professions to inspire you:

#1. Business Analyst Resume Example

Business Analyst Resume Example

Check out our full guide to writing a business analyst resume here.

#2. Digital Marketing Resume Example

Digital Marketing Resume Example

Check out our full guide to writing a digital marketing resume here.

#3. Software Engineer Resume Example

Software Engineer Resume Example

Check out our full guide to writing a software engineer resume here.

#4. Construction Project Manager Resume Example

Construction Project Manager Resume Example

Check out our full guide to writing a construction project manager resume here.

#5. Customer Service Resume Example

Customer Service Resume Example

Check out our full guide to writing a customer service resume here.

#6. High School Resume Example

High School Resume Example

Check out our full guide to writing a high school resume here.

#7. Student Resume Example

Student Resume Example

Check out our full guide to writing a student resume here.

#8. Server Resume Example

Server Resume Example

Check out our full guide to writing a server resume here.

#9. Actor Resume Example

Actor Resume Example

Check out our full guide to writing an actor resume here.

#10. Web Developer Resume Example

Web Developer Resume Example

Check out our full guide to writing a web developer resume here.

#11. Engineering Resume Example

Engineering Resume Example

Check out our full guide to writing an engineering resume here.

#12. Computer Science Resume Example

Computer Science Resume Example

Check out our full guide to writing a computer science resume here.

#13. Architect Resume Example 

Architect Resume Example

Check out our full guide to writing an architect resume here.

13 Cover Letter Examples

And here are some cover letter examples to take your application from great to perfect:

#1. Customer Service Cover Letter

Customer Service Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a customer service cover letter here.

#2. Marketing Executive Cover Letter

Marketing Executive Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a marketing executive cover letter here.

#3. Medical Assistant Cover Letter

Medical Assistant Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a medical assistant cover letter here.

#4. Consultant Cover Letter

Consultant Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a consultant cover letter here.

#5. College Student Cover Letter

College Student Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a college student cover letter here.

#6. Retail Cover Letter

Retail Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a retail cover letter here.

#7. Team Leader Cover Letter

Team Leader Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a team leader cover letter here.

#8. Actor Cover Letter

Actor Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing an actor cover letter here.

#9. Digital Marketing Cover Letter

Digital Marketing Cover Letter

#10. Executive Assistant Cover Letter

Executive Assistant Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing an executive assistant cover letter here.

#11. Finance Cover Letter

Finance Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a finance cover letter here.

#12. Graphic Designer Cover Letter

Graphic Designer Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a graphic designer cover letter here.

#13. IT Cover Letter

IT Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing an IT cover letter here.

Key Takeaways 

And that’s a wrap on everything you need to know about cover letters and resumes. 

Before you go and perfect your application based on what you just read, here’s a rundown of the main points we covered in this article:

  • Resumes and cover letters differ in the way you format them, the tone you use when writing them, and the purpose they serve. 
  • On the other hand, they also have similarities. For example, they’re typically the same length and need to be tailored to the job you’re applying for. 
  • On your resume, make sure to include your contact information, resume summary, work experience, education, skills, and other optional sections. 
  • Meanwhile, in your cover letter, you should first include a header with both your and the hiring manager’s contact information. Then you should address the hiring manager, write a captivating introduction, talk about your achievements and skills, and wrap up with a call to action and a professional signature line. 

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Cover Letter vs. Resume: The Key Differences

Picture this: You've found the perfect job opportunity, and you're excited to submit your application. But wait, the job posting requires both a cover letter and a resume. You might be wondering, "What's the difference between these two documents, and why do I need both?" Fear not, for this article aims to provide clarity on the key distinctions between cover letters and resumes, and help you understand how to effectively use both in your job applications.

Understanding the differences between a cover letter and a resume is crucial for job seekers looking to create effective and compelling job applications. While both documents are essential in the job application process, they serve different purposes. A cover letter allows you to express your unique qualifications and passion for the position, while a resume offers a concise summary of your skills, experiences, and achievements. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of each document, discuss their key differences, and offer tips on how to tailor them for specific job applications.

Using both a cover letter and a resume effectively in your job application can significantly increase your chances of landing an interview. According to the Department of Labor , a well-crafted resume showcases your talents and skills to an employer, while a compelling cover letter provides depth and character that enhances your resume. By the end of this article, you will be well-equipped with the knowledge and skills required to make your job application stand out from the competition.

Key Differences Between a Cover Letter and a Resume

The main differences between a cover letter and a resume lie in their purpose, structure, content, and tone. It is essential to understand these distinctions to ensure that your job application is both comprehensive and engaging.

A cover letter is a personalized document that introduces you to the hiring manager and explains why you are a qualified candidate for the job. It allows you to showcase your passion for the position and highlight your unique qualifications that make you an ideal fit. In contrast, a resume is a concise document that summarizes your professional skills, experiences, and achievements, enabling hiring managers to quickly assess your qualifications for the job.

The structure of a cover letter differs significantly from that of a resume. A cover letter is formatted like a formal letter, with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a closing paragraph with a professional sign-off, as mentioned in Zippia . On the other hand, a resume is organized into sections such as contact information, work experience, education, skills, and awards. While there are different resume formats and styles, the overall structure remains consistent across various industries.

The content of a cover letter and a resume also varies. A cover letter allows you to tell a story about your professional journey, highlighting specific experiences and achievements that demonstrate your suitability for the job. In contrast, a resume is a concise summary of your professional background, focusing on quantifiable accomplishments and relevant skills.

As ResumeGo states, cover letters and resumes are different but complementary documents. A cover letter provides depth and character to the list of experiences provided by a resume, emphasizing your unique qualifications and passion for the position.

The tone and writing style of a cover letter and a resume also differ. A cover letter is generally more conversational and personable, allowing you to express your enthusiasm for the job and connect with the hiring manager. In contrast, a resume adopts a more formal and concise tone, focusing on presenting your qualifications in a clear and straightforward manner.

Understanding these key differences between cover letters and resumes is crucial for creating a strong job application that showcases your unique qualifications and passion for the position. As you navigate the job search process, keep in mind that these two documents serve complementary purposes and, when used effectively, can significantly increase your chances of landing an interview.

Tailoring Your Resume and Cover Letter for a Specific Job

To increase your chances of landing an interview, it's crucial to tailor both your cover letter and resume to the specific job you're applying for. Customizing your job application materials demonstrates your genuine interest in the position and allows you to showcase how your skills and experiences align with the company's needs.

Modifying Your Resume

When tailoring your resume for a specific job, consider the following tips:

  • Review the job description carefully, identifying the key skills, experiences, and qualifications required for the role.
  • Prioritize the most relevant information on your resume, making sure to highlight your accomplishments that align with the job requirements.
  • Use keywords from the job description in your resume to increase the likelihood of being noticed by applicant tracking systems (ATS).
  • Customize your resume's objective or summary statement to reflect the job title and company you're targeting.

Here's an example of a tailored resume objective:

"Results-driven marketing professional with 5+ years of experience, seeking to leverage proven skills in content creation, social media management, and data analysis in the Digital Marketing Specialist role at XYZ Company."

Personalizing Your Cover Letter

For a cover letter that resonates with the hiring manager, follow these guidelines:

  • Address the letter to a specific person if possible, using their name and title.
  • Mention the job title and company name in the introduction, expressing your genuine interest in the position.
  • Use the body paragraphs to connect your experiences and achievements to the company's values, mission, or product/service offerings.
  • Include examples of how you've demonstrated the key skills or qualifications mentioned in the job description.
  • Close the letter by expressing your enthusiasm for the opportunity and inviting the hiring manager to discuss your application further.

Here's an example of a tailored cover letter excerpt:

"As a long-time admirer of XYZ Company's innovative approach to digital marketing, I was thrilled to come across the Digital Marketing Specialist position. With my extensive experience in content creation and social media management, I am confident that I would make a valuable addition to your marketing team."

Incorporating keywords from the job description in both your cover letter and resume can further enhance the customization of your application. This not only demonstrates your attention to detail but also increases the likelihood of your application being noticed by ATS.

By tailoring your cover letter and resume for each job application, you can effectively showcase your unique qualifications and passion for the position, increasing your chances of being called for an interview.

Consistency Between Your Cover Letter and Resume

Ensuring consistency between your cover letter and resume is vital for presenting a cohesive and professional image to potential employers. A consistent style, format, and messaging across both documents can help you create a strong and memorable impression.

Importance of Consistency

Maintaining consistency between your cover letter and resume offers several benefits:

  • It demonstrates your attention to detail and organization skills.
  • It makes your application materials appear more polished and professional.
  • It helps reinforce your personal brand and unique value proposition.

Inconsistencies between your cover letter and resume, on the other hand, can create confusion and raise doubts about your credibility. This may lead hiring managers to question your ability to effectively communicate and prioritize information.

Aligning Content and Messaging

To ensure consistency between your cover letter and resume, consider the following tips:

  • Use the same font, formatting, and design elements (e.g., headers, bullet points) in both documents.
  • Align the content of your cover letter with the experiences and achievements highlighted in your resume, providing more context and detail where necessary.
  • Ensure that the dates, job titles, and company names mentioned in your cover letter match those on your resume.
  • Proofread both documents carefully, checking for any discrepancies or inconsistencies in content and style.

In conclusion, understanding the key differences between cover letters and resumes is crucial for job seekers looking to create effective and compelling job applications. By tailoring both documents for specific job applications and ensuring consistency between them, you can significantly increase your chances of landing an interview and ultimately, securing your dream job.

The Future of Cover Letters and Resumes

As the job application process evolves, it's essential for job seekers to adapt and stay informed about new trends in cover letters and resumes. In this ever-changing landscape, staying current and refining your application materials can greatly improve your chances of success.

The potential impact of technology on cover letters and resumes: With the rise of AI-driven recruitment tools, it's crucial to optimize your documents for both human readers and applicant tracking systems. This includes using relevant keywords, adopting a clear and concise format, and ensuring your documents are error-free.

The rise of alternative job application methods: As companies continue to adapt their hiring processes, job seekers may encounter alternative application methods, such as video resumes or online portfolios. Embracing these new formats and showcasing your adaptability can make you stand out from the competition.

Staying current with job application trends: Regularly updating your cover letter and resume, as well as staying informed about industry-specific trends and best practices, will keep your application materials fresh and relevant.

By continually refining your cover letters and resumes and staying informed about emerging trends, you can ensure that your job application materials remain effective and engaging for potential employers. As you navigate the ever-evolving job search landscape, remember that understanding the differences between cover letters and resumes is key to your success.

Understanding the key differences between cover letters and resumes is crucial for job seekers looking to create effective and compelling job applications. By tailoring both documents for specific job applications and ensuring consistency between them, you can significantly increase your chances of landing an interview and ultimately, securing your dream job.

In today's competitive job market, it's essential to stay informed about new trends in cover letters and resumes, as well as embrace emerging application methods such as video resumes or online portfolios. By continually refining your application materials and staying current with industry best practices, you can ensure that your job applications remain effective and engaging for potential employers.

As you navigate the ever-evolving job search landscape, remember that understanding the differences between cover letters and resumes is key to your success. With a well-crafted cover letter and resume, you can showcase your unique qualifications and passion for the position, making a strong and lasting impression on hiring managers. We wish you the best of luck in your job search!

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Cover Letter vs Resume: 7 Key Differences and the Art of Writing Them (+Examples)

  • Nikoleta Kuhejda , 
  • Updated November 10, 2023 7 min read

Here's an idea: the resume vs cover letter is a lot like salt vs pepper. Let me explain.

Your resume is like salt — it's a key ingredient required to prepare any dish. Or in this case, to score a job.

The cover letter, on the other hand, is like pepper — you use it to give your dish (your resume) a bit more flavor.

But in the end, salt and pepper work best when used together.  Because of that, it might seem a bit silly to compare the two. Let's do it anyway!

Let’s start with an infographic that shows the key differences between the two.  

What is a resume?

Resume is the most common career document that job seekers use. If you’re going to apply for a job, you'll be required to provide one.

In the simplest terms, the resume is  a concise summary of your education, work history, skills, credentials and achievements . It gives hiring managers a rough idea about who you are as a professional, what’s your work history and your key achievements.

It’s usually one page long and written in chronological order.

But in general, you have three options to choose from — besides chronological, there’s also functional or hybrid resume format . It’s up to you to figure out which one works the best for you.

What should a resume include?

  • Contact information: Your resume should begin with your contact details. Add your full name, title, address (optional), email address and phone number. In some countries, it's also common to include birthdate, nationality and photo.
  • Professional summary or resume objective : Describe yourself in three sentences. Open with your job title and highlight your key skills and qualifications.
  • Work experience: The most important part of your resume. List relevant work history in reverse chronological order. Add 3-5 bullet points under each entry to describe your key achievements.
  • Education: If you’re a seasoned professional, it’s enough for you to mention your highest degree and school name. If you’re a student or a fresh graduate, feel free to include more details like relevant coursework, grants, or extracurricular activities.
  • Skills: Pick relevant skills and divide them into several subsections like computer skills, soft skills, languages, and others.
  • Additional sections: Certifications, courses, awards, strengths, publications, conferences, hobbies, social media, references, etc. All of these are voluntary.

If you're not sure what to write in specific sections of your resume, you can just check our step-by-step resume guide .

But if you prefer watching videos to reading, you might also like this 5-minute video guide to writing the perfect resume. 

What is a cover letter?

Also something that you use to help you get a job… But!

Firstly, it's not always required.

Secondly, even if it is, it only provides additional information to your resume and should never repeat the same content.

I t allows you to explain other things that are impossible to express through the resume, such as :

  • explanation why you’re applying for the position
  • supporting evidence to why you’d make a good fit
  • examples how you can be beneficial to the company
  • details about employment gap or less work experience
  • your personal story
  • your motivation and ambitions

You normally attach it along with your resume and it serves as your introduction to a hiring manager. The ideal cover letter length is 3-4 paragraphs.

What should a cover letter include?

  • Date and contact information: List your contact details such as full name, title, email, phone number, address (optional), and the date at the top of the page. Also, add company’s information such as name of the company, department and address.
  • Headline: Use numbers, questions, or interesting adjectives. Something like "5 Ways I Can Help You Improve Your Company’s Marketing."
  • Personalized greeting: Research the hiring manager's name online — LinkedIn is the perfect tool for this. If you fail to find it, use “ Dear Sir/Madam” .
  • 1st Paragraph: Introduction: Use this space to introduce yourself in more detail and explain why this job is exciting to you.
  • 2nd Paragraph: Why you’re a great fit: Write a short summary of your career and skills, and tailor it to fit the company's needs.
  • 3rd Paragraph: Why the company is a great fit for you: Let them know why do they appeal to you. What excites you about working there? What do you want to learn?
  • Closing paragraph: Finish strong and repeat why you’re a great fit (points 5 and 6). Also, explain how and when you’re going to contact them.
  • Signature: Use a formal sign-off like " Yours faithfully" (US English) or " Yours sincerely"  (British English) + your full name.

Take the readers on an exciting journey, don't tell them what they already know! Just try to answer the basic questions: Why you? Why this company? Why this role? 

7 differences between the cover letter and resume

compulsoryeither optional or required
provide information about your work history and qualificationsintroduce yourself and convince the hiring manager you’re the right fit for the position
summary of skills, work experience, education and accomplishmentskey qualifications you have for the specific job, background info
objective factssubjective interests, motivations and ambitions
multiple sections with bullet pointsletter with 3-4 full paragraphs
professionalmore conversational
usually 1-2 pagesusually 1/2 page

Type of document: When you’re applying for a job, you're normally asked to provide a resume. That’s a basic document hiring managers use to filter job candidates. On the other hand, cover letters, while often required, are sometimes optional. This depends on the requirements for the specific job.

Purpose: The purpose of your resume is to summarize your work history and qualifications. Whereas the main purpose of your cover letter is to sell those qualifications. It should introduce yourself to the hiring manager and show how your experience and skills make you a great match for the job.

Content: Your resume should contain key information about your work history and professional background. A cover letter should help the hiring manager to interpret that information. For instance, you may have an employment gap on your resume and in your cover letter, you can explain why.

Information:  Any resume is mostly about facts. In contrast, your cover letter should contain more subjective information, such as reasons for applying for that job, why you’re passionate about your industry or why you’d make a good fit. It’s a place where you can show a bit of your personality.

Format: A resume is divided into multiple sections like Work history , Education , Skills , etc. and should use bullet points under each section. On the other hand, a cover letter is written in a letter format and consists of 3-4 full paragraphs. It includes heading, salutation, introduction, body content, conclusion, and your signature.

Tone: Resumes have more professional and formal tone. In your cover letter, you can use a more conversational tone and give it a more personal touch. This goes hand in hand with the fact that resumes are rather objective and cover letters subjective.

Length: Your resume should be one page long. This of course, depends on where you are in your career. But your cover letter should never go past 3/4 of a page (no matter what your career level is).

Christy's word of advice

Even if the cover letter is not always read, it’s still considered a courtesy to include one, particular by smaller companies who are more likely to manually review each application. Some online applications only allow you to upload one document, so in that case you can either merge your cover letter and resume into one file, or just submit the resume (avoid merging both into one file otherwise, as they serve different purposes and are weighted differently by ATS). If the ad just asks for a resume, you can probably get away with no cover letter.

Christy Morgan, Resident HR Expert

How cover letter and resume complement each other

Although there are multiple differences between the two, they complement each other.

Simply put —  think of your resume as an outline for your cover letter story.

Along the similar lines, you can also think of your  cover letter  as a handbook to your resume. It allows you to translate raw data from your resume into an easy-to-read letter demonstrating your key skills and abilities. Ultimately, the purpose of your cover letter is to get your resume read.

They should also complement each other in the terms of design. Make sure your cover letter template matches the resume template you chose. It makes you look more professional. (For instance, Kickresume allows you to do that.)

In the end, both documents will give you a chance to deliver your “elevator pitch” and help you score a job interview.

Cover letter and resume examples

Let’s now take a look at how it should be done in practice. Below you can find a resume and cover letter example written by a real job seeker who scored a real job in a real company (it's all very real, true story). 

These examples can teach you a bit about content and style of your resume and cover letter. You can even use them as your first drafts to help you get started.

Marketing and Brand Manager at American Eagle Outfitters (Resume Example)

This resume sample was contributed by a real person who got hired with Kickresume’s help.

Marketing and Brand Manager at American Eagle Outfitters (Cover Letter Example)

This cover letter sample was provided by a real person who got hired with Kickresume’s help.

Still need some more inspiration? Visit our resume examples and cover letter examples libraries.

Resumes? Cover letters?

Our AI writer can do it all.

You can even transform your LinkedIn profile into a polished, professional resume . Our tool streamlines the process, helping you create a compelling document that perfectly showcases your skills and experience.

A journalist by trade, a writer by fate. Nikoleta went from writing for media outlets to exploring the world of content creation with Kickresume and helping people get closer to the job of their dreams. Her insights and career guides have been published by The Female Lead, College Recruiter, and ISIC, among others. Nikoleta holds a Master's degree in Journalism from the Comenius University in Bratislava. When she’s not writing or (enthusiastically) pestering people with questions, you can find her traveling or sipping on a cup of coffee.

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Cover Letter vs. Resume: What’s the Difference?

There are many steps to getting the perfect job — and creating a compelling job application is one of them. Having a well-written resume and an eye-catching cover letter can take a lot of stress and uncertainty out of the job-hunting process.

Today, we are looking into the differences between a resume and cover letter and exploring some of the key practices for making these documents the best they can be.

Cover Letter vs. Resume: What’s the Difference?

Table of Contents

Cover letter vs. resume: what’s the difference?

A resume and cover letter typically come hand in hand. You need both these documents to successfully apply for a job. So, what is the difference between a cover letter and a resume and what information should you include in each one?

A resume is a document that summarizes your professional experience as a job candidate. The word “resume” actually comes from the French “résumé” and means “summary”. It focuses on your qualifications (work experience, skills, accomplishments, etc.) and helps showcase your abilities to convince the hiring manager that you are the right person for the job.

A typical resume includes five main parts

  • Contact details : this is where you list the best ways to get in touch with you. This section generally includes your full name and professional credentials, email and phone number and, possibly, a link to your professional social media or portfolio.
  • Summary : here, you can focus on your knowledge and experience and include your most valued skills that are relevant to the position you are applying for.
  • Professional experience : in this section, you will need to list your previously held positions: starting with your latest job.
  •   Educational background : this part of your resume explains your academic qualifications: degrees, professional certificates, awards, etc.
  • Additional information : here, you can include any other relevant information that doesn’t fit into the sections above. A lot of HR professionals suggest using this section for references, professional achievements and awards.

Resume example

resume example

Learn more about how to write a resume .

A cover letter is a document that you send together with your resume that aims to introduce you to the hiring manager and briefly summarize your most important skills and professional experience. A good cover letter will get the HR professional interested in the rest of your application and make you stand out among other applicants.

A typical cover letter is about one page long and includes the following sections

  • Header : this is where you include your contact details including your full name and professional credentials, phone number and email and links to your professional special networks or portfolio (optional)
  • Introduction : here, you should get the HR professional “hooked” and make them interested in you as a job candidate. Mention your most relevant qualifications and skills and explain (briefly) why you see yourself as the best candidate for the job.
  • Main body : after a condensed introduction highlighting your key skills, you can get into a bit more detail about your expertise in the main body of the cover letter. Here, you can go on to mention that you are aware of all the responsibilities that come with the job and have the capacity to handle them excellently.
  • Conclusion : a cover letter should generally end with a call to action. You can mention when you will be able to start the new job and say that you are waiting for feedback on your application. Don’t forget to thank the hiring manager for their time for reading your letter.

Cover letter example

cover letter example

Learn more about how to write a cover letter .

Is it OK to send a resume without a cover letter?

While a cover letter is often looked at as an optional addition to the resume, it’s not quite the case. In fact, most job ads these days require a cover letter — and a failure to include one will probably result in your application being rejected. Even if it’s not specifically stated in the job ad that a cover letter is needed, you should definitely include one with your application. Not having a cover letter is simply a missed opportunity as it gives you extra “space” to make your case that you are the best candidate for the job.

Do you put a resume or cover letter first?

Most employers will scan your resume first. They will do so to make sure you have the relevant skills and experience for the position you are applying for. This is especially true for fields that require a specific set of hard skills like IT and engineering. While they may look at your resume first, a cover letter can help them fill in the blanks and get a more comprehensive picture of who you are as a professional. It can also be what makes you stand out among other candidates and actually gets you the job.

Is the cover letter part of the resume?

As we’ve mentioned above, a cover letter is a one-page document that goes alongside your resume — not inside of it or instead of it. You shouldn’t insert your cover letter into your resume and it should always go as a separate document with its own title. A typical cover letter is 250 to 400 words long.

Do you still need a cover letter in 2023?

Yes, cover letters are still important. Even if the employer doesn’t open your cover letter, they will still appreciate it being attached to your application. A cover letter is a good way to highlight that you are really serious about the job you are applying for. And, as we’ve mentioned earlier, it gives you an extra opportunity for self-presentation.

Letter of interest vs. cover letter

Quite often, when you read about cover letters, you may also come across the term “letter of interest”. While these are sometimes used interchangeably, there are actually quite a few differences between the two.

A letter of interest is sent to a company and indicates that you are interested in working for them. It doesn’t have to be sent to an open job offer — in fact, there may actually be no open positions at the company at the time. A letter of interest, true to its name, expresses your interest in a company.

A cover letter, on the other hand, is typically sent out together with your resume in response to a specific job offer advertised by the company. It’s an essential part of your job application.

To learn more about cover letters and letters of interest, take a look at this article: Letter of Interest vs. Cover Letter: Difference, Tips and Examples .

Tips for writing your resume and cover letter

Here are a few quick tips for writing a good cover letter and resume.

Tips for writing a resume

  • Use the keywords from the job ad. These days, a lot of companies use resume-filtering software before going through the applications by hand. To make sure your resume doesn’t get blocked by such programs, use the same key phrases that are used in the job description if they are in line with your expertise and background.
  • Highlight key points. Hiring managers are generally very busy people that have to look at tens or even hundreds of resumes every day. Make their job easier by formatting your resume in a way that highlights your most relevant skills and experience.
  • Be strategic. Think what information to include in your resume and make sure it’s relevant to the position you are applying for. It’s best to keep your resume as concise as possible and list work experience that best matches the expertise required for the new job.

Tips for writing a cover letter

  • Customize your cover letter for the job you are applying for. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is making a “one-size-fits-all” cover letter and sending it out to all the companies you are applying to. What is the purpose of a cover letter? The main purpose of a cover letter is to make a positive impression on the hiring manager — and the only way to do that is by writing a letter that is targeted for the position you are applying for.
  • Don’t be vague. Your cover letter is a document that needs to impress your potential employer. This means that it’s best not to use general phrases and instead focus on specifics. Include examples, achievements from your previous jobs, numbers and more.
  • Keep it brief. A cover letter should be a one-page document and acts as a concentrated introduction of your best professional qualities. Make sure to only include the most important and relevant information. Read over your cover letter before you send it out and remove any non-essential text. 

Cover letter vs Resume. Summing things up

Both a resume and a cover letter are essential elements of a successful job application. A resume is a summary of your professional life, while a cover letter is an introduction of your skills and qualities that best match the position you are applying for.

Even if the job description doesn’t specifically mention that you need to include a cover letter with your application, it’s best to have one ready and send it out together with your resume. It will demonstrate to the employees the seriousness of your intent and give you the opportunity to explain why you are the best choice for this position.


  • Career Blog

The Difference Between Cover Letter vs. Resume in 2024

cover letter versus resume

When it comes to job search, writing a cover letter and resume are two crucial steps to landing interviews. A cover letter is a document that accompanies a resume and provides a brief overview of the candidate’s qualifications and interests, while a resume is a formal document which highlights an individual’s work experience, educational background, professional achievements, and relevant skills.

Why are they important?

Cover letters and resumes are important because they play a vital role in the hiring process. They are often the first impression a potential employer has of a job candidate, and serve as a means for employers to assess a candidate’s skills, experience, and compatibility with the role they are applying for. A well-written cover letter and resume can set a candidate apart from the competition and increase their chances of securing an interview.

Overview of differences

While cover letters and resumes serve different purposes, they are both important components of a successful job application. One key difference is that a resume focuses more on a candidate’s skills and work experience, while a cover letter provides an opportunity for the candidate to showcase their personality and explain why they are interested in the position. Additionally, a cover letter allows a candidate to address any gaps in their resume or explain aspects that may not be immediately apparent to a potential employer.

In essence, both cover letters and resumes are tools that job seekers can use to market themselves effectively to potential employers. Understanding the differences between the two and knowing how to craft them effectively can make all the difference in landing that dream job.

Content Differences

When it comes to job hunting, crafting a cover letter and a resume are essential to making a strong first impression. However, it’s important to understand the differences between the two so you can optimize the content and increase your chances of landing an interview.

What does a cover letter contain?

A cover letter is a brief document that typically accompanies a resume. It’s a way to introduce yourself to the employer and highlight your relevant skills and experience. The goal of a cover letter is to persuade the reader to consider your resume and invite you to an interview.

cover letter versus resume

A well-written cover letter should contain the following elements:

  • An introduction that includes the job you’re applying for and your reason for writing
  • A summary of your skills and experience that are relevant to the job
  • A section that highlights your achievements and accomplishments
  • A strong closing statement that thanks the employer for considering your application and expresses your interest in the position.

What does a resume contain?

On the other hand, a resume is a more comprehensive document that provides a detailed overview of your professional experience, skills, and achievements. Its purpose is to showcase your qualifications and convince the employer to hire you.

Your resume should include the following information:

  • Your contact information
  • A professional summary that highlights your skills and experience
  • Your work history, starting with the most recent position
  • Your education, training, and certifications
  • Your skills and personal qualities that are relevant to the job

Importance of tailoring content to the job

One of the most crucial aspects of creating a strong cover letter and resume is tailoring the content to the job you’re applying for. This means customizing your documents to match the skills, requirements, and culture of the company you’re interested in.

By tailoring your job application to the specific needs of the employer, you’re showing that you’re a good match for the role and the company. It also demonstrates that you’re invested in the company and took the time to research and learn about its needs.

To tailor your cover letter and resume effectively, you need to:

  • Research the company and the job posting
  • Analyze the job requirements and match them to your skills and experience
  • Use relevant keywords and phrases from the job posting in your documents
  • Highlight your achievements and accomplishments that are relevant to the job

Understanding the differences between a cover letter and a resume and tailoring them to the job you’re applying for can make a significant difference in your job search success. Spend time crafting these documents and make sure they reflect your most relevant skills and experience.

Formatting Differences

When it comes to creating a cover letter and a resume, there are distinct formatting differences that need to be considered. Here are a few key differences:

Differences in layout and structure

Unlike a resume which has a standardized structure including headings such as “Work Experience,” “Skills,” and “Education,” a cover letter is typically a bit more freeform. It should focus on telling a story about who you are, what you’ve accomplished and why you’re the best fit for the role.

Importance of visual appeal

Your resume and cover letter are a direct representation of you as a candidate. Therefore, it’s important to ensure they have visual appeal. This means using a font that is easy to read, adequate spacing between lines and paragraphs, bullets and numbering for lists, and most importantly, a consistent format.

Tips for formatting

To ensure your cover letter and resume standout in a sea of applicants, here are a few tips to follow:

  • Use a standard font such as Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri.
  • Use 1-inch margins and spacing of 1.15 or 1.5 between lines and paragraphs.
  • Use bold and italics sparingly to emphasize key points.
  • Use bullet points and numbered lists where appropriate.
  • Ensure your formatting is consistent throughout your document.

By following these tips, your cover letter and resume will be well-formatted, visually appealing and stand out to potential employers.

cover letter versus resume

Purpose Differences

When applying for a job, it’s important to know the differences between a cover letter and a resume, as they both serve different purposes in the job application process.

Purpose of a cover letter

A cover letter is a document that explains why you’re interested in the job and how your skills and experience make you a good fit for the position. It’s essentially a personalized introduction that highlights your qualifications, achievements and career goals. A cover letter is an opportunity to showcase your personality and demonstrate your enthusiasm for the job, as well as your ability to communicate effectively.

Purpose of a resume

On the other hand, a resume is a comprehensive summary of your work history, education, skills, abilities and other relevant information. Its primary purpose is to provide potential employers with an overview of your professional experience and qualifications. A resume is typically designed to be scanned quickly, so it’s important to make it easy to read and to highlight the most important information clearly.

How they work together

While a cover letter and a resume serve different purposes, they still work together to provide a complete picture of the job applicant. The cover letter supplements the resume by providing more context around your qualifications and experience, and by showcasing your personality and communication skills.

When writing your cover letter, you should refer specifically to the job posting and show how your skills and experience align with the requirements of the job. You can also use it to explain any gaps or inconsistencies in your work history or qualifications, which may not be immediately apparent from your resume alone.

Your resume, on the other hand, should be tailored to the specific job you’re applying for, highlighting the skills and experience that are most relevant to the position. While your cover letter can provide more context around your qualifications, your resume should be concise and to-the-point, focusing on the most important aspects of your work history and academic background.

The two documents work together to create a complete and compelling presentation of your qualifications and experience, helping you to stand out from other job applicants and get noticed by potential employers. By understanding the purpose of each document and crafting them carefully and thoughtfully, you can maximize your chances of landing your dream job.

Target Audience Differences

When applying for a job, it’s important to understand the differences in the audience that will be reading your cover letter and resume. Knowing who will be reading each document will help you tailor your message to meet their needs and expectations.

Who Reads Cover Letters?

Cover letters are typically read by the hiring manager or recruiter. These individuals are responsible for screening resumes and selecting candidates to move forward in the hiring process. Cover letters are your opportunity to introduce yourself and make a great first impression.

Who Reads Resumes?

Resumes are typically read by the hiring manager or recruiter, but they may also be reviewed by other members of the hiring team, such as HR or department heads. Resumes provide an overview of your work experience, skills, and qualifications.

What Each Audience is Looking For

Hiring managers and recruiters.

Hiring managers and recruiters are looking for candidates who can meet the requirements of the job and fit in with the company culture. When they read a cover letter, they want to see that you have taken the time to research the company and understand what they do. They also want to see that you have the skills and experience needed for the job.

When reading a resume, hiring managers and recruiters are looking for a clear summary of your work history and accomplishments. They want to see that you have relevant experience in the field and that you have achieved measurable results. They also want to see that you have the skills and qualifications necessary for the job.

HR and Department Heads

When HR and department heads review resumes, they are often looking for specific qualifications, such as degrees, certifications, or professional experience. They want to see that you have the credentials needed to be considered for the job.

Department heads may also be looking for candidates who have a strong background in the specific area of the company that they oversee. For example, a marketing manager might be looking for a candidate who has experience with social media marketing or email marketing campaigns.

Usage Differences

One of the most common questions job seekers have is, “when should I use a cover letter versus a resume?” The answer largely depends on the purpose of the document and what information you want to convey. Let’s dive into the specifics:

When to Use a Cover Letter

A cover letter is an introduction to your resume and should be used when you want to provide a more personalized touch to your job application. You should use a cover letter when:

  • You want to showcase your writing skills and ability to communicate effectively.
  • You are applying for a job that specifically requires a cover letter. Always read the job posting and follow the application instructions provided.
  • You want to explain certain things about your resume or qualifications that may not be immediately apparent, such as gaps in employment, relocation plans, or a career change.
  • You want to express your enthusiasm for the company or job opportunity and make a memorable impression on the hiring manager.

A cover letter is your chance to highlight your personality, enthusiasm, and professional writing skills. It’s an opportunity to connect with the employer on a deeper level and stand out from other applicants.

When to Use a Resume

A resume is a comprehensive summary of your professional experience, skills, and education. It should be used when you want to provide a detailed account of your qualifications for a particular job. You should use a resume when:

  • You want to demonstrate your achievements and accomplishments in previous roles.
  • You want to provide a detailed overview of your skills, experience and education relevant to the position.
  • You are applying for jobs that request a resume only or if the company does not specify that a cover letter is required.

A resume is a professional document designed to convey your work experience and accomplishments in a concise and formatted manner. It typically follows a standard format, highlighting core information that is relevant to the role you are applying to.

How to Determine Which to Use

In most cases, submitting both a cover letter and a resume is ideal, especially when applying for professional positions. However, there may be instances where submitting one or the other is sufficient.

Here are some tips to determine whether to use a cover letter or a resume:

  • Always read the job posting carefully to see what documents are requested.
  • If a cover letter is requested, submit one in addition to your resume.
  • If there is no mention of a cover letter and you are unsure whether to include one, contact the company and ask. It’s better to verify than to assume.
  • Consider the level of formality of the job you are applying to. For example, a cover letter may be more appropriate for a role in public relations, communications or advertising, where a strong writing ability is essential.
  • If it’s unclear which to use and both are optional, assess whether your resume can stand alone or if additional explanations or enthusiasm should be highlighted.

Tone Differences

The tone of your cover letter and resume is crucial in determining the impression you make on potential employers. Maintaining a professional tone is essential, and there are some key differences in tone between cover letters and resumes that you should be aware of. In this section, we will discuss how to maintain a professional tone in both documents, explore the differences in tone between cover letters and resumes, and provide tips for finding the right tone.

How to maintain a professional tone

To maintain a professional tone in your cover letter and resume, it is essential to use formal language, avoid slang or jargon, and avoid overly emotional or personal statements. Use a neutral tone and stick to the facts, focusing on your qualifications and experiences. Proofread your documents carefully to ensure that your writing is clear, concise, and error-free.

Differences in tone between cover letters and resumes

While your resume is a more formal document, your cover letter is more of a personal introduction. The tone of your cover letter should be friendly and engaging while still maintaining a professional tone. Your resume should highlight your skills and experience in a straightforward way, while your cover letter can explore your personality, passion for the industry, and enthusiasm for the position you’re applying for.

Tips for finding the right tone

To find the right tone for your cover letter and resume, research the company and the position you’re applying for. Look at the company’s website and social media pages to get a sense of their values, culture, and tone. Pay attention to the language used in the job listing and use similar language in your documents. Tailor your writing to the specific company and position, and don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through in your cover letter.

Maintaining a professional tone is essential in both your cover letter and resume. While there are differences in tone between the two documents, both should highlight your skills, experience, and qualifications in a clear and concise way. By researching the company and position you’re applying for and tailoring your writing to their specific tone and culture, you can find the right tone for your documents and make a strong impression on potential employers.

Common Mistakes

When it comes to applying for a job, there are certain common mistakes that are made in cover letters and resumes. If done correctly, your cover letter and resume can make an excellent first impression on potential employers. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

Common Mistakes in Cover Letters

Generic and impersonal salutations: Avoid addressing your cover letter to “To Whom It May Concern” or “Dear Sir/Madam.” Always try to address your letter to a specific person in the company.

Talking too much about yourself: Highlight your strengths and experiences that are relevant to the position you are applying for. Avoid writing too much about yourself and your personal life.

Repeating information from your resume: Your cover letter and resume should complement each other, not repeat information. Highlight specific experiences and accomplishments that you didn’t include in your resume.

Failing to explain how you can contribute: Don’t simply write about why you want the job. Instead, explain how your skills will help the company meet their goals.

Spelling and grammar mistakes: Proofread your cover letter multiple times to ensure there are no spelling or grammar mistakes. This is the first impression potential employers will have of you, so make sure it’s a good one.

Common Mistakes in Resumes

Too much information: Keep your resume concise and to the point. Your resume should be a maximum of two pages.

Non-relevant work experience: Include work experience that is relevant to the job you are applying for. Employers don’t want to see every job you’ve ever had.

Listing job responsibilities instead of accomplishments: Highlight your accomplishments and how they’ve benefited previous employers. Don’t simply list your job responsibilities.

Formatting issues: Make sure your resume is visually pleasing and easy to read. Avoid using complicated fonts, and ensure there is plenty of white space.

Failing to tailor your resume to the job: Customize your resume to fit the job description. Highlight experiences and accomplishments that are relevant to the position.

How to Avoid Common Mistakes

Research the company: Before you write your cover letter and resume, research the company and understand their values and mission.

Tailor your application: Customize your cover letter and resume to fit the job description and the company’s values.

Proofread: Proofread your application multiple times to ensure there are no spelling or grammar mistakes.

Focus on the important details: Highlight your accomplishments and how they’ve benefited previous employers. Don’t simply list job responsibilities.

Seek feedback: Have a trusted friend or colleague look over your application to provide feedback and catch any mistakes you may have missed.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can make an excellent first impression on your potential employer and stand out from other applicants.

Tips for Writing

Whether you are applying for a new job or looking to improve your professional writing skills, understanding the differences between cover letters and resumes can make all the difference in your success. Here are some tips for writing effective cover letters and resumes, as well as best practices for writing and editing in general.

Tips for Writing a Successful Cover Letter

  • Tailor your cover letter to the specific job you are applying for. Use keywords and phrases from the job description to highlight your relevant skills and experience.
  • Address the hiring manager by name, if possible. This shows that you have done your research and are invested in the company and position.
  • Highlight your unique qualifications and why you are the best candidate for the job. Use specific examples to demonstrate your skills and accomplishments.
  • Keep your cover letter concise and to the point, typically one page or less.
  • Proofread your cover letter carefully to ensure that it is error-free and professional.

Tips for Writing a Successful Resume

  • Use a clear and readable font, such as Arial or Times New Roman, and keep the formatting simple and consistent.
  • Focus on your most relevant and recent work experience, using bullet points to highlight your accomplishments and skills.
  • Quantify your achievements and responsibilities whenever possible, using numbers and percentages to demonstrate your impact.
  • Include relevant keywords and phrases from the job description, as many companies use automated applicant tracking systems to screen resumes.
  • Tailor your resume to the specific job you are applying for, emphasizing the skills and experience most relevant to the position.
  • Proofread your resume carefully for typos, grammatical errors, and formatting issues.

Best Practices for Writing and Editing

  • Start with a clear and concise thesis or main idea, and organize your writing around this central point.
  • Use active voice and strong verbs to make your writing more engaging and impactful.
  • Keep your writing concise and to the point, avoiding unnecessary words and phrases.
  • Use concrete examples and evidence to support your points, and avoid vague or unsubstantiated claims.
  • Proofread your writing carefully, checking for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.
  • Consider seeking feedback from a trusted colleague or mentor to help improve your writing.

Understanding the differences between cover letters and resumes, and knowing how to write and edit effectively, can help you stand out in today’s competitive job market. By following these tips and best practices, you can create compelling and professional documents that showcase your skills and experience.

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Find a Job You Really Want In

When applying for a new job, many employers require candidates to submit cover letters and resumes . These documents give you the opportunity to show off your personality, skills, qualifications, certifications, education, and experience. Your cover letter and resume are typically the first impressions an employer will get of who you are as a professional. In order to submit a strong job application, you must understand how to write both a strong cover letter and a resume. Despite their similarities, the cover letter and resume serve two different purposes for candidates. In this article, we will discuss the difference between the two and what purpose each serves. Cover Letter Resume Often required for job applications, but not always necessary. They are recommended assets to help you stand out from the competition. Typically a resume is always required to submit with a job application. Used to highlight why you want the job and what unique skills your background brings to make you the perfect candidate. Used to showcase why you’re qualified for the job, including work experience, education, skills, and more. It is structured like a formal letter to your potential hiring manager . It is separated into distinct sections that are labeled by a header. What Is a Cover Letter?

A cover letter is a document that outlines who you are as a candidate, what you desire in a job, and how your specific skills will benefit the job opening. It can provide additional professional information, including skills and qualifications, that inform the hiring manager as to why you are applying for the job in the first place.

For the most part, cover letters are an optional addition to your application. Using a cover letter is a great way to show how eager you are for the potential job opportunity and can show employers you are willing to exceed expectations. In certain circumstances, this can set you apart from your competition.

A cover letter should not be longer than a single page , typically anywhere from three to four paragraphs or 300 to 500 words. You should consider including the following:

Professional heading. The heading of your cover letter is the first thing your hiring manager will see. You should include your full name, home address, phone number, email address, and, if relevant, your LinkedIn or other relevant social media handles. You may also want to include a job title if it’s relevant to the application.

Salutation. Begin your letter with a professional salutation. If you know the name of the recipient, use a title like Mr. or Dr. If there is no specification as to who the hiring manager is, don’t try and guess. Instead, use “Dear Hiring Manager” or “To Whom it May Concern.”

Compelling introduction. Because this is the first thing the hiring manager will read, you’ll want to capture them with your opening sentence. Introduce yourself and identify the job you’re applying for. If you have relevant experience, include this in the first line or two, and make sure you articulate your enthusiasm about the position.

Reason for applying. Determine what caught your eye about the job posting. Was it the specific job position or the company culture? Do you have a passion for the product or service they offer or a deep interest or relevant experience in the industry they operate in? Whatever the case, include this in your cover letter.

What you offer and a strong closing. Be sure to talk yourself up in the cover letter. Include any impressive accomplishments and any relevant statistics that can entice the hiring manager to take a further look at your resume and include you as a candidate for consideration. Close on a strong note, with a professional closing.

The structure of a cover letter will differ significantly from a resume. A cover letter is exactly what it sounds like — a letter. Be sure to structure this like a formal letter, with an introduction, body paragraphs that include the information listed above, and a closing paragraph with a professional sign-off.

Depending on the type of job you’re applying for, a cover letter can also give you the opportunity to let your personality shine. Be sure to evaluate the company and job carefully to match the formality of the target company and industry. If you’re applying for a job that encourages personality and playfulness, try to incorporate it into your cover letter.

What Is a Resume?

A resume is a detailed list of your work experience, accomplishments, education, and skills. Within this document, job seekers lay out their duties and specific achievements for each role they’ve worked in a way that shows the potential employer that they added value to that team and company.

Resumes are written in a format that itemizes your employment history. It lists your contact information and experience information with all of your previous places of employment, including job titles, position descriptions, and dates of employment. The resume also includes an education section with relevant information such as secondary education or certifications.

Resumes are typically written in the third person and use concise language to articulate the candidate’s time at that company. Depending on the job at hand and the industry for which the individual is applying, it may also include certain relevant qualifications, certifications, or professional memberships.

It’s recommended to keep your resume to at most two pages in a neatly formatted view for easy scanning by the hiring manager. You should include the following:

Contact information. In the header of your resume, be sure to include all the information your hiring manager may need to contact you about the position. This can include your full name, address, email address, phone number, and any relevant social media handles.

Objective or career summary. This section can be altered to fit whatever job you’re applying for. It lists the qualities, skills, and accomplishments you most want to highlight so that the hiring manager can see them first.

Education. The education section lists the basics of your education history. Typically, this includes the name and location of your school, the highest egress you earned there, your major and minor (if applicable), as well as any other additional relevant information such as associations, memberships, or GPA scores.

Work experience. Typically the largest section of the resume, your work experience section lists your previous job titles or positions. Start with your most recent job and work backward by listing the job title, name of the company, location, dates of employment, and three to five bullet points of your accomplishments and job duties.

Skills section. Your resume skills section is the place to list any relevant skills you feel may be beneficial to the job at hand. You may want to include both hard and soft skills to show you have a variety of skills that can benefit any company in different ways.

Resumes are typically a requirement when you apply for work. Depending on your industry or job title, there may be different recommended resume formats that can help you stand out from the competition. Resumes are straight to the point and should have an objective and neutral tone when read by the hiring manager.

Cover Letter vs. Resume FAQ

Are cover letters or resumes more important?

Both cover letters and resumes are important, but the resume is typically the required document for a job application. However, both documents can help employers in determining whether or not you are the right fit for a job opening.

Do I need to submit a cover letter with a resume?

Although it’s not always required, it is highly recommended to include a cover letter with your resume. This can be the thing that sets you apart from your competition.

Do employers read a resume or cover letter first?

Employers will typically read a cover letter before they read a resume.

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Caitlin Mazur is a freelance writer at Zippia. Caitlin is passionate about helping Zippia’s readers land the jobs of their dreams by offering content that discusses job-seeking advice based on experience and extensive research. Caitlin holds a degree in English from Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, PA.

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Cover Letter vs Resume: Understanding the Key Differences


In today’s competitive market, the interplay between a cover letter vs resume holds significant importance, as it summarizes the essence of your professional journey. Since everyone wants to present themselves as an optimal candidate in front of potential employers, therefore, you need to understand the key differences between these two documents. Each of these documents plays a unique role in your job application and gives you a competitive edge over the others.

The synergy between an impactful cover letter and a captivating resume is similar to a well-choreographed dance. Each step is determined to contribute to the overall performance which will eventually appeal to the audience, which in this case are the employers. Mastering the art of equally balancing these elements in your job application not only differentiates you from other applicants but also positions you as a candidate who is thoughtful and strategic.

It is crucially important to tailor both of these documents to complement each other and to create a cohesive narrative that immediately steals the recruiter’s attention. Resumes mainly highlight your quantitative achievements and qualifications, however, the cover letter narrates a qualitative story that focuses on the facts of how your skills and experiences align with the company’s requirements.

In this guide, we are going to dive deeper into the essential components of each document, offering practical insights and tips that could eventually help you create an impressive job application. Whether you are an experienced professional seeking to elevate your career or a recent graduate navigating the initial steps in the workforce, understanding the key difference between a resume vs cover letter is surely going to help you pave your path toward professional success.

Cover Letter vs Resume

Understanding the key differences between a cover letter and a resume is highly essential, as it prevents you from making a mistake and maximizes your chances of getting hired. Although several people think that they know the main differences between the two documents, there are certain things that a lot of people are unaware of or are confused about. For example, many people don’t know what information belongs on your resume and what should be explained in your cover letter . To make things easier for you, let’s unveil the major differences between these two documents.

Basics of Cover Letter vs Resume

Before diving into details, let’s cover the basics first.

What is a Resume?

In some regions of the world, resumes are also interchangeably called CVs. It is typically a document that a job seeker uses to summarize their educational background, work experience, and special skills. A resume mainly consists of only one page; however, this can vary depending on the level of experience of an individual.

What to Include in a Resume?

A resume is considered the most important document of a job application; therefore, you must invest a suitable amount of time in creating a flawless version of it. The information you need to include in your resume depends on the job you are applying for. A resume generally has the following sections:

Contact Details

This section includes your first and last name, email address, mailing address, and contact number. It is a very important section to include in a resume because if the employer wants to contact you, they need relevant contact information to reach you. This section can also include details like LinkedIn accounts and portfolio links (if necessary).

The introduction section, also known as the Professional Summary section, includes a brief overview of your main qualifications and professional background. Since it is a summary of your professional journey, you need to highlight your major accomplishments and unique skillset. The introduction can even be in the form of a career objective.

Educational Qualifications

This section includes the basic details about your educational qualifications. You need to write each qualification as a separate entry to make it more appealing. In each entry, the information you need to include is the name of the institution, the degree earned, and the year of graduation.

Work Experience

One of the most important sections of a resume is the work experience section which is also listed as a separate entry. This section should include your title, the company you worked for, the years of employment, and a brief list of key responsibilities and notable achievements.

If you are new in the industry, then you certainly need to work on this section. The skills section should showcase your most unique and relevant skill set, but you need to make sure that the skills you mention relate to the job position you are applying for.

What is a Cover Letter?

The basic difference between a resume vs cover letter is that, unlike a resume, a cover letter is a letter of introduction that accompanies your resume. When you send a cover letter along with a resume, the employer gets to learn more about you, your personality, what you are expecting from the job, and the reason why you are applying.

Cover letters are often optional, however, sending one with your resume can show your eagerness to get the job. When you include a cover letter in your job application when it is not even required, you let your future employer know that you aim to exceed their expectations, which could eventually make you a more desirable candidate.

What to Include in a Cover Letter?

Some of the items you can consider including in your cover letter are:

Similar to your resume, your cover letter should also include your name, your address, the date, and the recipient’s contact information in the heading.

You must start your cover letter with a professional greeting. If you know the name of the intended recipient, you can use a title like Mr., Ms., or Dr., followed by their last name. If the job posting does not specify whom to send the letter to, you can use ‘Dear Hiring Committee’ or ‘Dear Hiring Manager’.

How You Found Out About the Job

If possible, you should also mention in your cover letter how you found out about the job opening, as this could help the hiring organization in future hiring efforts. If they have used a recruiting website, or a job ad on LinkedIn, and you mention in your cover letter that you found the job through that particular channel, this will show them how they can find qualified candidates through that resource.

How Will You Contribute to the Organization

By listing your goals, you show the potential employer that you understand the expected duties. Therefore, you must try to create objectives that align with the company’s mission statement to demonstrate you can be a vital part of the team.

Your Future Goals

Stating that you wish to set up an interview will show the recipient you are genuinely interested in proceeding to the next step of the hiring process.

Difference Between Cover Letter vs Resume

Till this point, you would be clear about the fact that a resume is more of an overview while a cover letter is more specific. However, the main purpose of both of these documents is to sell yourself by showcasing your most noteworthy skills and professional background. To make the difference clear, let’s have a look at the major differences between a resume vs cover letter :

It is severely important to format both documents properly. For a potential employer, your cover letter is a letter and not a list, therefore you must start with greetings, and then move towards the introductory paragraph, then add one to two body paragraphs, and end it with a conclusion and a signature. A cover letter should be of one page.

On the other hand, a resume’s format is a lot different. Resumes are a concise record of your background and qualifications; therefore, it contains only essential information. Its presentation and visual appeal are very important to increase its effectiveness. A resume should consist of one to two pages.

Tone of Voice

Compared to a resume, the tone of voice for cover letters is friendlier and more conversational. Since you have to show your enthusiasm in the cover letter, you generally have more freedom to be a bit more subjective and personal. However, you need to understand where the silver lining lies, as you cannot sound too informal in your cover letter.

However, resumes take on a more factual approach. In a resume, you simply highlight the qualities that make you stand out from the crowd. Unlike a cover letter, the tone of voice for resumes is more formal.

The key difference between a resume vs cover letter is the content of both documents. Although some information might appear the same in both documents, however, there are major differences that need to be highlighted.

A cover letter specifically focuses on the job you are applying to and also emphasizes your present and future objectives. Conversely, a resume is a broad overview of your educational and career history. It lists all of the relevant skills and professional experiences that apply to your current job search.

Wrapping Up

When sending your job application to a potential employer, you must keep in mind the purpose of a cover letter vs resume . A resume lists information about your education, qualifications, and experience, while a cover letter explains how you can contribute to the organization and why you are a perfect fit for the role. Both of these documents have their purpose and advantages; therefore, it is impossible to use them interchangeably.

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What Is the Difference Between a Resume and a Cover Letter?

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What's the difference between a resume and a cover letter? Both a cover letter and a resume share the common purpose of proving that you have the right skills to excel at the job for which you are applying.

However, there are clear distinctions between the structure and intent of the two documents. Job seekers should view their cover letter and resume as a complementary but unique pair of documents. That is, your cover letter should be more than just bullet points regurgitated from the resume. 

Many employers require that a resume is submitted with a job application. 

A cover letter may not be required. But, including one when you apply for a job can help your chances of getting selected for an interview.

The Difference Between a Resume and a Cover Letter

You can think of your resume as a general summary of your work experience and your cover letter as a summary of your work experience as it relates to the job at hand. 

A resume is a document that itemizes your employment history. It summarizes the jobs you have held, the education you have attained, certifications, skills, and other quantifiable information about your background and work experience. 

The most common  resume format  is a list with your contact information, and experience section that includes job titles, position descriptions, dates of employment, an education section, and other relevant information.

Typically, a resume is written in the third person and uses as few words as possible to summarize the experience. So, instead of writing "I supervised the large buying team at XYZ company" a resume would have a bullet point that says, "Supervised 19-person buying team."

Whenever possible, you'll want to use numbers on your resume, such as the number of people you supervised, percent sales increased, the number of customers helped, etc.

A cover letter is written to highlight the qualifications you have for the job for which you are applying. It is used to provide the employer with additional information as to why you are a good candidate for the job. The main function of your cover letter is to show off how your qualification makes you a match for the job. 

A cover letter is written in a letter format including a salutation, several paragraphs, and a closing. Unlike a resume, you should use the first-person to write your cover letter . (That said, avoid using "I" too much.)

Your resume should provide employers with a detailed list of your work experience and education. The skills and accomplishments associated with each job you have held should be described in enough detail to show employers how you have added value in those specific roles.

Often, resumes provide information in bulleted lists; this helps make the document concise and allows recruiters to scan through it quickly. 

A cover letter is a short three or four paragraph document. It should be written with the assumption that employers will consult your resume to match it to the statement you are making in the letter about your qualifications.

A cover letter will help employers to interpret your background as represented on the resume and will help prove how your previous experiences qualify you for a job.

When you are writing a cover letter for a job, first review the job requirements that are detailed in the job posting. Use your cover letter to explain how you meet those criteria.

Use a Cover Letter to Convey Subjective Information

A resume states the facts – who, what, when, and how. In contrast, a cover letter provides an opportunity to explain why you are qualified for the job. This document adds a bit of color and personality and is intended to persuade employers that you're a good fit for the position at hand. 

A cover letter is a better vehicle than a resume to convey more subjective information like the basis of your interest in a position, how your values motivate you to pursue a job, or why the culture of a company appeals to you.

Your cover letters will help you sell your qualifications to prospective employers while your resume provides the details to back up the information included in your letters.

Cover Letter vs Resume – What is the Difference?

A job-winning resume and cover letter can set you apart from other job candidates. However, it’s important to know that these two job documents are very different from one another. Learn the differences between the two to maximize your hireability.

Cover Letter vs Resume – What is the Difference?

At first, the answer to, “What’s the difference between a cover letter and a resume?” seems obvious. But once we get past the fact that a cover letter is clearly a letter – and a resume is not – most job seekers run out of ideas.

Is a cover letter just a resume, written like an essay?

Is it a personal statement about our feelings and beliefs?

Is it something I can skip entirely?

An applicant who doesn’t understand what a cover letter is, or how it differs from other job search materials, will struggle to write one successfully. And, since your cover letter will provide the first impression your prospective employer will have of your interests and abilities, you definitely want to get it right.

This article will explore how a cover letter differs from, and even enhances, other job search materials, such as resumes and CVs.

Equipped with this information, you will be on your way to making an excellent first impression, and landing the job interview you deserve.

To understand the difference between a cover letter and a resume, let’s look closely at what each document is designed to do, how it is created, and how it helps advance your job search.

Resumes vs. Cover Letters: What Do They Do?

What is a cover letter and what does it do.

Imagine that you are a hiring manager, sitting at a desk surrounded by stacks of resumes – impersonal, bullet-pointed documents listing the names of companies of which you may have never heard. Some may have more bullet points, some may have more color, but they all start to look the same.

Then, you pull a resume with a cover letter from the pile. It addresses you by name and outlines the personal journey of the candidate – their passion for the industry, their supporting experience, and the research they’ve done on your company.

Intrigued, you read their attached resume more carefully and, concluding that they are the type of go-getter your company needs, you add the candidate to the interview list, before returning to your stack of nearly identical resumes.

That story illustrates why a cover letter matters. More than just “a letter you include with your resume,” a cover letter lends depth and personality to your resume, by allowing you to sell your skills and enthusiasm, while making your resume stand out from the crowd.

To this end, a cover letter is a concise – often one page – introduction of who you are, your interest in the position, how your top skills and experiences have prepared you for the position, and a closing “call to action,” typically a politely-worded request for an interview.

What a Cover Letter Doesn’t Do:

A cover letter is not simply a retelling of your resume.

With that in mind, do not provide a long-winded overview of all the skills or positions listed on your resume, and refrain from repeating, “as you can see in my resume” before discussing your credentials.

Furthermore, if you have included any language pulled directly from your resume in your cover letter, such as a cut-and-paste of bullet points or of your objectives statement, remove it. Instead, think of what fresh clarity or perspective you could bring to that information to show your skills at their best.

Remember, even if you wrote your resume and cover letter days apart, your hiring manager will review them together, back-to-back. Any cutting and pasting you’ve done will make you look lazy or disinterested, not efficient.

Instead, think of your resume like an appetizer – it should make the hiring manager hungry to read your resume and to meet you in person – not stuff them full of repetition and redundancy.

With that said, let’s look at the main course of your job application, your resume.

What is a Resume and What Does it Do?:

A resume is a document of 1-2 pages that provides a summary of your professional experience, relevant skills, education, and accomplishments. This document rarely extends back more than 10 – 15 years in the past, and often lists jobs in reverse chronological order, with the most recent opportunities presented first.

Formatted for clarity and simplicity, often using headers and bullet points, a resume is designed to provide an easy-to-scan comparison between you and other candidates, as well as your qualifications and those outlined in the position.

The goal of a resume is to present as much information related to relevant professional experience as possible, with a particular focus on specific responsibilities, measurable achievements and transferable skills.

Both the nuances of writing a resume and CV are hard to master. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, consider seeking professional help from resume writing services

What a Resume Doesn’t Do:

A resume is not intended to tell your life story.

In fact, the word resume derives from a French word meaning “summary” – and that is exactly what it is.

Resumes are not the place for dense blocks of text, inspirational quotes, or discussions of role models. Furthermore, while soft skills, such as communication and dependability can be listed in specific sections, resumes don’t usually allow much room to explain context.

Instead, a resume presents a concise overview of all the measurable reasons why you are prepared to excel at the position, with a focus on current and recent experiences. With this in mind, resumes rarely allow for a sense of the “whole person,” thereby requiring candidates to find another means by which to share that information.

Resumes vs. Cover Letters: How Are They Formatted?

Format of a cover letter.

First and foremost, a cover letter is a business letter, and you will want to follow those formatting conventions as much as possible.

While there are a number of cover letter templates available online, or through Microsoft Word, at no cost, there are still some basic formatting guidelines that will help you on your way:

  • Use one-inch margins on all sides of the document
  • Left-align all contents
  • Pick a standard business font, like Times New Roman or Calibri, in size 11 or 12
  • Use single spacing overall, and double spaces between paragraphs
  • Don’t indent your paragraphs
  • If possible, include an inserted image of your actual signature in your closing, creating the visual impression of a signed document
  • Save your cover letter as a PDF before submitting electronically. This preserves the layout, keeping a professional appearance regardless of the device on which the document is viewed

Taking these tips into consideration, it is still good to keep in mind that there is no “right” or “wrong” way to create a cover letter. The goal is simply to explore the story behind your resume through the vehicle of a professional document.

Format of a Resume

There are many different ways to format a resume, depending on the experience and skills you wish to highlight.

For example, a chronological resume presents a list of recently held job experiences in reverse chronological order.

While this format may be a great choice for candidates with relevant work history, candidates who are switching industries, or returning to work after a hiatus, may want to consider a functional resume, which emphasizes skills over positions held.

There is even a hybrid resume format that allows candidates to include the best parts of functional and chronological resumes – using both bullet-pointed skill lists and a chronological job listing.

With so many options, it can be challenging to provide guidelines specific to all formats. However, there are some pointers you should always consider when creating a professional resume, regardless of the specific template your choose:

  • Use single spacing, with an added space before and after each section heading
  • Left-align content, with the possible exception of your header section
  • Choose a tasteful resume header format for your contact information. A little color can be nice, but unless you’re in graphic design, don’t get too creative
  • Divide your resume into resume sections, including: Contact Information, Education, Work Experience, Skills, References, etc. But, remember, the order of the sections will depend on your overall goal for the document
  • Use bullet points to list specific job accomplishments and professional skills
  • Be consistent with your resume formatting
  • Consider adding a second page. Contrary to previous assumptions, research suggests that hiring managers are more likely to select resumes that present two pages of experience, as opposed to just one.

These formatting tips should help you create a clean, well-organized document. But the most important part of a resume is the skills and experiences it showcases, so don’t become so focused on formatting that you forget to let your talents shine.

Difference in Cover Letter Tone vs. Resume Tone

As previously discussed, resumes and cover letters are different, but complimentary documents. When used together, they enhance each other, with the cover letter providing depth and character to the list of experiences provided by a resume.

Taking this into consideration, the tone of the documents is different as well.

Examples of Resume Tone – Objective

Resumes typically adopt an objective, matter-of-fact tone, citing data and measurable achievements whenever possible.

This is because a resume is intended to be easily scanned visually, allowing for quick comparison between two competing resumes, or between a resume and a job description. Simple, objective wording makes it easier for a hiring manager to establish your skillset, and as a result recommend you for an interview.

Some examples of the objective resume tone are as follows:

Increased sales in the home furnishings division by 110% in year one Managed team of 12 sales associates Developed training program for new sales managers Exceeded customer retention goal by 45% in year two

Notice that resumes language also omits the use of pronouns. For instance, instead of saying, “I sold medical equipment to large physician practices,” you would simply say, “Sold medical equipment to large physician practices.”

Examples of Cover Letter Tone – Subjective

The strength of your cover letter is found in how it allows you to tell the story of your career, highlight your strengths and showcase your personality. In conjunction with your resume, this provides a sense of the “whole person,” behind the application, and makes a hiring manager eager to meet you.

While resumes focus on bullet points, data and objective, language, cover letters allow you to write subjectively, and in the first person.

Examples of the subjective cover letter tone are as follows:

Having researched your company’s culture, I’m inspired by X Corporation’s commitment to diversity and inclusion A first-generation college graduate, I believe I could contribute a unique perspective to W Brand’s employee mentorship program I have followed your social media content for years, and the excitement and humor you bring to your marketing is impressive Since I rescued my first stray kitten at the age of 8, I knew I wanted to be a veterinarian. And it’s my dream to fulfill that calling at the Ohio State University College of Veterinary Science.

It is important to remember that, even though a cover letter can be subjective, and may even contain quotes or brief personal stories, you should avoid hyperbole, dramatic language, or flowery speech as much as possible.

Since a cover letter is still a professional document, exaggerative statements like “giving 110%” or “your company is the most exciting business in the world,” will seem silly and immature.

Example of a Cover Letter

Now that we’ve discussed what a cover letter is, and how it differs from a resume, let’s look at an example:

June 16, 2020/ Stephanie Williams Sales Coordinator Y Brands 847-846-4201 [email protected] / Jamal Martin Hiring Manager Walters Communications [email protected] Dear Mr. Martin, With over 11 years of experience in high-level sales, I’m excited to apply for the position of Sales Manager for Walters Communications. Since I first began my career in sales, I have been promoted six times, receiving increased responsibility, exceeding sales goals, and spearheading new customer outreach initiatives. This advancement has strengthened my sales skills and prepared me for a leadership role with a fast-paced, consumer driven company. In my current role as Sales Coordinator, I helped plan the launch of three new product lines, developing sales and marketing strategies to ensure their success. With the support of my team of five sales associates, we attracted over 50 new corporate clients to our portfolio, and exceeded all sales goals associated with these new lines. Sales is my passion and connecting clients with exciting new products brings me joy. It is my dream to immerse myself in a company culture that is results-oriented and prioritizes cutting edge sales techniques. I’ve researched the culture of Walters Communications, and I know it is a company in which I could learn and grow. While I’m grateful for my current position, I believe that my experience has equipped me to excel in an opportunity with greater challenges, such as the chance to serve as the Sales Manager for Walters Communications. And the commitment I would bring would advance your company mission. I’m confident that I possess the skills required to succeed in this new role, and to help take the Sales Department to new heights. I appreciate your time and consideration and look forward to discussing this opportunity with you at your convenience. Sincerely, Stephanie Williams The fictional cover letter above is effective because it helps communicate the candidate’s enthusiasm and experience, while providing a glimpse into her personality. She concisely demonstrates that she has conducted research into her prospective company, and links her experience with the needs of the position. If a cover letter is effective, the hiring manager’s next step will be to read the candidate’s resume to learn more.

Example of a Resume

Below is a sample resume for the fictional applicant from our previous example:

123 Adams Rd, Los Angeles, CA 90001

Home: (123) 456-7890 | Cell: (123) 456-7890

[email protected]

An MBA with over 11 years of experience in competitive sales environments, seeking the role of Sales Manager with Walters Communications with the goal of exceeding sales goals, and spearheading company initiatives.

  • Account Management
  • Written and Verbal Communication
  • Team Leadership
  • Strategic Planning
  • Client Retention
  • Recipient of the 2018 and 2019 Y Brands Top Sales Award
  • Launched three new product lines
  • Led a team of associates
  • Exceeded 2018 sales goal by 25%
  • Exceeded 2019 sales goal by 35%
  • Screened job applicants during the early stages of the hiring process
  • Answered, screened, and directed incoming phone calls while providing basic information as needed
  • Managed Corporate Sales Accounts $10,000 and above
  • Increased Client Portfolio by 15% in year three
  • Increased Client Portfolio by 30% in year four
  • Exceeded Customer Retention Goals by an average of 10% annually
  • Cold Called 35-45 Businesses Daily
  • Highest Call to Sale Conversion Rate for Three Consecutive Years
  • Organized XYZ Media’s 1st Client Recognition Day

Since resumes are usually data-driven, this document provides significant information about the candidate that wouldn’t necessary be included in a cover letter. While the cover letter highlights her enthusiasm and passion, her resume shows a measurable track record of high performance.

When the documents are reviewed together, it becomes clear that the candidate has both the drive, and the personality, required to succeed.

The Curriculum Vitae

Before we conclude with a summary of the differences between cover letters and resumes, there is one question left to address: “How does a curriculum vitae fit into the discussion?”

A curriculum vitae, also known as a CV, is a job application document that is often confused with a resume – though key differences exist.

While most resumes are position based, outlining the roles and skills related to the desired position, a curriculum vitae focuses more on education, research / publications, teaching experience, awards, professional affiliations, public presentations, conference attendance and credentials.

Given their concentration on educational attainment and scholarship, curriculum vitae often serve as a substitute for traditional resumes for those pursuing academic careers or medical careers.

Furthermore, considering the amount of information they convey, it is common for a CV to be significantly longer than a resume

With this in mind, employers in fields that frequently use CVs may request that a CV summary be included, or even sent in place of the full CV, for the initial round of consideration. This summary rarely exceeds two pages in length, and provides an overview of the major achievements outlines in the longer curriculum vitae.

It is important to note, however, that while a CV is a much longer document than a standard resume, this does not mean that a candidate should forgo the inclusion of a cover letter. Ultimately, just like a resume, a curriculum vitae is still a list of relevant qualifications. Though its focus may be different, it does not provide the “big picture” context that can be provided by an effective cover letter.

Conclusion: Cover Letter vs. Resume. What’s the Difference?

Cover letters and resumes, though very different, serve the same goal – to make the candidate stand out from a crowd. That said, they both accomplish this objective by drawing upon unique perspectives.

A resume is a summary of the work experience, education and skills that prepare a candidate to succeed in a position. It should be easy to read, and organized using a format that prioritizes the best the candidate has to offer.

The advantage of a resume is that, even with a glance, it can leave no question about a candidate’s experience and qualifications.

The disadvantage of a resume is that it doesn’t convey the humanity behind the information. No amount of bullet points can help a hiring manager understand why a candidate is determined to succeed, inspired by their industry or interested in the company. By itself, a resume can be dry, or even boring.

A cover letter can provide an applicant with a chance to tell their story – the background, humor, motivation, and journey that make them unique.

When paired effectively, these documents provide a big picture view into an applicant’s life, allowing a hiring manager to truly see them in the role.

At the end of the day, a hiring manager isn’t hiring a list of achievements, they are hiring you, and all of what you bring to the position.

Using a resume and cover letter together, you can showcase the full range of your abilities, and let your talent shine from all possible angles.

Our most recommended resume resources

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  • Free Resume Checker to Optimize Your Resume
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Cover Letter VS. Resume –What's The Difference?

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What is a cover letter.

Cover letters vs. resumes - what's the difference?

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In today’s ultra-competitive job market, one major way to get employers’ attention is by building an exemplary resume and cover letter. You must learn how to craft each document without any disqualifying errors.

In this article, you will learn the difference between a cover letter and a resume. These include the differences between the two in:

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cover letter versus resume

A cover letter (also known as a letter of motivation) is a document sent alongside your resume. It provides additional information that you did not or could not include in your resume and gives you the opportunity to show more of your credentials to employers.

Cover letters vs. resumes - what's the difference?

cover letter versus resume

A cover letter is an additional document, first and foremost. Unlike a resume, it is often optional, though some applications require an attached cover letter. It is a letter in which you provide detailed descriptions of your skills and previous work experience and explain why they make you the perfect fit for the position.

A resume is a primary document you will send to potential employers. It is a one to two-page list of your previous work experience, skills, accomplishments, education, etc.

It is advisable to customize your resume and cover letter to fit the requirements of each specific job description: in short, no form letters.

Cover letters have a different format

Formatting a cover letter correctly is vital. It is not just a list but a letter to a potential employer, with greetings, an introductory paragraph, one to two body paragraphs, a conclusion, and a signature. It is typically only one page.

A resume’s format is narrower. Resumes are a concise record of your background and qualifications, containing only essential information. Its presentation and visual appeal are especially important. It is typically one to two pages.

the tone of voice is different

A cover letter is you directly addressing your future employer. Unlike in your resume, in which you are clinically listing off your background and qualifications, you can feel free to inject more of your personality into a cover letter.

This helps the employer get to know you as well as your skills before you ever meet face to face. Imagine you are speaking to them at your job interview already: be friendly and confident, but remain professional as well.

Cover letters complement your resume.

If you have constructed it correctly, a finished resume can technically be all you need to apply to a job. However, you want to show potential employers that you will go the extra mile for them and ensure that they know just how better suited you are to the position than your competition.

A cover letter expands on the most important information provided in your resume and strengthens it. If your resume already has a strong layout , it is a good outline for your cover letter.

The most important information to keep in mind is the purpose of each document. A resume is an essential document that concisely lists your background and qualifications. A cover letter is an additional document that complements your resume by providing detailed explanations of the most relevant parts of your resume.

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Resume vs. Cover Letter (Thoughtful Tips)

By Editorial Team on November 22, 2023 — 15 minutes to read

  • When crafting your job application, understanding the difference between a resume and a cover letter is key:
  • Your resume is a formal document that summarizes your work experience, education, skills, and achievements. Think of it as a highlight reel of your professional life, laid out in a concise format that typically spans one to two pages. Tailoring your resume for each job application can significantly increase your chances of catching an employer’s eye.
  • Your cover letter is a more personal, detailed letter addressed to the hiring manager. This document gives you the chance to elaborate on your qualifications and explain how your skills make you the perfect fit for the job. Unlike the resume, a cover letter allows you to express your enthusiasm for the position and the company, and to tell a compelling story about your career journey. Generally, a cover letter should not exceed one page.

Using these documents effectively can make a tremendous difference in your job hunt. Your resume opens the door, and your cover letter invites the employer inside for a closer look at what you offer. Make sure you highlight different facets of your experience in each document to provide a well-rounded picture of who you are as a professional.

  • Resume: Keep it short, professional, and to the point. Use bullet points to list your experiences and accomplishments.
  • Cover Letter: Write in a conversational tone and show your personality. Connect your skills directly to the job requirements.

Related: How to Perfectly Organize Sections of a Resume (Examples)

How To Write a Perfect Cover Letter [Best Templates]

Purpose of a Resume

Showcasing skills and experiences.

Your resume serves as a showcase, letting employers quickly see your professional background. You want to list relevant work history, displaying where you’ve worked and what you’ve accomplished there. Make sure to highlight:

  • Specialized skills : These could be technical skills like proficiency in a foreign language or software.
  • Relevant experiences : Tailor this section to the job you’re applying for, emphasizing positions and tasks that align with the new role.

Highlighting Achievements

Beyond work history, your resume should shine a light on your achievements. They could be:

  • Awards or recognition : Any honors that show you stand out in your field.
  • Successful projects : Briefly mention projects you led or contributed to that had positive outcomes.
  • Quantifiable results : Use numbers to demonstrate how you’ve made an impact, such as percentages to highlight sales growth or efficiency improvements.

Related: How To List Certifications on a Resume (Examples)

How to Email a Resume to an Employer (Examples)

Purpose of a Cover Letter

Personalized introduction.

In a cover letter, your first impression counts a great deal. This is your opportunity to create a personal connection with the hiring manager. You should use this space to speak directly to the job description, match your skills and experiences with the job requirements, and show your personality. Starting off with a strong, attention-grabbing introduction can set the tone for the rest of the letter and encourage the employer to read on.

Expression of Interest

Your cover letter is where your interest for the position and the company shines through. Unlike a resume that lists qualifications, a cover letter allows you to express why you are drawn to the job and what makes the company attractive to you. Mention specific aspects of the company culture, projects, or the position itself that motivate you to apply. Once you’ve stated your interest, back it up with why you believe you would be an asset, utilizing specific examples from past experiences to bolster your claims.

Related: How to Send an Email Cover Letter (Examples)

  • Cover Letter vs. Letter of Interest vs. Letter of Intent

Customizing Your Application

When applying for jobs, tailoring your resume and cover letter to each position can set you apart from the crowd.

  • Highlight Relevant Experience : Pinpoint the skills and experiences in the job listing and make sure they are prominent on your resume.
  • Use Keywords : Many companies use software to screen resumes. Incorporate relevant keywords from the job description to ensure your resume passes through.
  • Reorder Bullet Points : Adjust the order of bullet points under each role to showcase the most relevant experience at the top.

Cover Letters:

  • Personalize Your Greeting : Whenever possible, address the cover letter to a specific person. A little research goes a long way.
  • Connect the Dots : Explicitly describe how your skills and experiences make you an ideal candidate for the specific role.
  • Mention the Company : Show that you have done your homework by referencing recent news or events related to the company to which you’re applying.

Fine-Tuning Both:

  • Align both documents in terms of font and design to ensure they are consistent and professional.
  • Carefully read the job description and research the company culture to help match your tone and language.

Employers appreciate candidates who make an effort to present themselves as a good fit. Simple adjustments and a keen eye for detail can propel your application to the top of the pile.

Common Questions Regarding Length

The length of your resume and cover letter are key to making sure your application gets the right kind of attention. Keeping these documents concise and relevant can significantly influence a hiring manager’s impression.

Ideal Resume Length

Your resume length should reflect your experience and the position you’re applying for, but generally, a one-page resume is ideal for recent graduates or those with a few years of work experience. For professionals with extensive experience, a two-page resume can adequately showcase their work history and skills. Stick to the most relevant information and achievements that align with the job description. Use bullet points to organize your skills and experiences, making them easier to read.

Related: Can a Resume Be 2 Pages? Best Practices

Appropriate Cover Letter Length

A cover letter should be no more than one page, consisting of three to four paragraphs. The first paragraph should grab attention by stating the job you’re applying for and summarizing your fit for the role. The second and third paragraphs should provide examples of your achievements and experiences that relate directly to the job requirements. Conclude with a strong closing statement expressing your enthusiasm for the role and the value you’d bring to the team. Select each word carefully to make a compelling case for your candidacy.

Tailoring Content to Job Descriptions

When crafting your resume and cover letter, aligning your qualifications with the job description can set you apart. Employers often use specific keywords and qualifications within job postings to describe the ideal candidate. Matching these with the language of your resume and cover letter shows that you have the skills and experience they’re looking for.

  • Scan the job description for keywords related to skills, experiences, and qualities required for the position. For example, if the job description highlights “strong analytical skills,” ensure your resume notes your experience with data analysis, using the exact phrase where possible.
  • Use bullet points to demonstrate how your past work aligns with these keywords. If a job description asks for someone with “proven sales success,” list your sales achievements clearly, such as “Exceeded sales targets by 20% consecutively for the last three quarters.”
  • In your cover letter, it’s beneficial to weave in narratives that reflect how you’ve applied the desired skills in a professional setting. Suppose the employer is looking for a “team player.” In that case, you might share a concise story of how you collaborated with a team on a successful project, focusing on your contribution and the positive outcome.
  • Don’t forget to customize the title of your resume and the salutation of your cover letter. Addressing the hiring manager directly and having a resume title that reflects the job you’re applying for demonstrates that you’ve taken the time to personalize your application documents.

Explaining Gaps in Employment

When you have gaps in your employment history, addressing them effectively in your resume or cover letter can help you maintain a strong candidacy.

Be Honest: You should explain any significant time away from the workplace truthfully. Whether you took time off for personal reasons, such as caring for a family member, or to pursue further education, it’s important to be straightforward about it.

Focus on Growth: Use positive language to describe what you learned or accomplished during the gap. For example, if you traveled, talk about how the experience enhanced your communication skills or cultural awareness.

  • If you pursued education, highlight how it has prepared you for the job you’re applying for.
  • For periods of caregiving or personal projects, mention any relevant skills or experiences that could be beneficial in the workplace.

Keep It Brief and Relevant: Offer a concise explanation; there’s no need to provide extensive details. Connect your activities during the gap to the job at hand, showing potential employers how your time was well-spent in terms of personal and professional development.

Use Your Cover Letter: Your cover letter is the perfect place to address employment gaps. It allows you to tell your story in a natural, narrative way. Here, you can provide context that your resume can’t convey on its own.

  • Mention any freelance or part-time work, volunteer activities, or continuous learning efforts during your employment gaps.

Ensure your tone remains confident and focus on the future, reassuring employers that you’re ready and eager to contribute to their team. Related: Confidently Explain Employment Gaps on Your Resume (Examples)

Addressing Career Changes

When you’re steering through a career change, both your resume and cover letter play pivotal roles in highlighting your transferable skills. On your resume, focus on experiences that relate directly to the job you’re applying for, regardless of the industry. Use bullet points to call attention to projects and roles where skills like leadership, project management, and problem-solving were honed.

  • Tailor your resume to show how past experiences benefit your desired role.
  • Feature a Skills section to showcase applicable abilities.

Your cover letter is your chance to tell a compelling story about your career journey. Explain why you’re passionate about the new field and how your background gives you a unique perspective. Here’s where you can make a personal connection with potential employers.

  • Discuss your reasons for the career shift.
  • Highlight particular experiences that have prepared you for the change.

Emphasize ongoing professional development. If you’ve taken courses or acquired new certifications relevant to your new field, make sure these are prominent on your resume and mentioned in your cover letter.

  • Mention any relevant certifications or courses.
  • Illustrate how your continuous learning demonstrates your commitment to the new field.

Flexibility and adaptability are prized in any industry. Use action verbs in your resume and engaging language in your cover letter to reflect your ability to adapt. Convince employers that your diverse background is an asset, not a liability.

  • Pick strong action verbs that convey change and adaptability.
  • Relate diverse experiences as strengths in your cover narrative.
  • Related: How to Write a Career Change Cover Letter [Examples]

Both documents should complement each other, telling a cohesive story of who you are as a professional and where you hope to go.

Tips for Crafting a Cohesive Message

Creating a cohesive message between your resume and cover letter can drastically improve your job application. Think of these documents as a tag team that tells your professional story.

Start Strong : Your cover letter should open with a punchy introduction that echoes the strengths highlighted in your resume. For example, if your resume begins with a focus on your project management skills, your cover letter could start with a recent success story about a project you led.

Mirror Language : Pay close attention to the job description. Use similar language and keywords in both your resume and cover letter to illustrate how your experience aligns with the job requirements.

Consistency in Details : Ensure your job titles, dates, and responsibilities match up on both documents. Consistency helps maintain professionalism and shows attention to detail.

Craft a Narrative : Your cover letter is the place to tell the story behind the bullet points on your resume. Use it to build a narrative around your career progression and how it makes you a great fit for the job.

Highlight Transferrable Skills : If you’re changing industries, use your cover letter to connect the dots between your past experience and the new role. Demonstrating how your skills transfer increases the impact of your resume.

Close with a Call to Action : End your cover letter with an invitation to discuss how your background and the job are a match. This proactive approach can be the nudge an employer needs to review your resume with interest.

Tailoring both to each job application demonstrates that you’ve put in the effort to understand what the employer is looking for and how you fit into that picture.

Handling Online Application Systems

When navigating online application systems, you’ll often find two main sections: one for uploading your resume and another for your cover letter. Each company’s system may be unique, but generally, your resume should be a concise document highlighting work experience, skills, and education. Your cover letter, on the other hand, is your chance to tell a story about your background and express why you’re a great fit for the role. To successfully handle these systems:

  • Tailoring Your Documents : Customize both your resume and cover letter for the job you’re applying for. Use keywords from the job description which automated systems might scan for.
  • Format Matters : Stick to standard file formats like PDF or Word documents unless the system specifies otherwise. For a resume , use clear, simple formatting, and avoid images or graphics that might confuse resume parsing software.
  • Follow Instructions : Pay close attention to file size limits and naming conventions. If the system asks for your resume to be titled in a certain way (e.g., “LastName_Resume”), make sure you follow those guidelines.
  • Technical Checks : Before hitting the submit button, confirm that your documents have uploaded correctly. Some systems may show a preview—use this feature to verify your formatting has remained intact.
  • Cover Letter Content : While your resume is factual, use your cover letter to demonstrate your enthusiasm and personality. Write about relevant experiences that align with the job requirements and show your unique value.

In summary, the main goal is to ensure both your resume and cover letter properly represent your skills and work history within the constraints of the online application system. Take your time to do this right, as a well-presented application can make a strong first impression.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key differences between a resume and a cover letter.

A resume is a concise document detailing your work experience, skills, and education, formatted in bullet points and typically not exceeding one page. A cover letter, conversely, is a one-page letter that provides a narrative about your experiences, explaining how they align with the job requirements and express why you’re enthusiastic about the opportunity. A cover letter allows you to tell your story, explaining why you’re the perfect candidate. It’s your chance to provide context and connect your skills and experience to the specific job requirements.

How should a cover letter be structured compared to a resume?

A cover letter typically follows a more structured format, like a letter, starting with a salutation, followed by an introduction, body paragraphs, and closing. Your introduction should show enthusiasm for the position and company, and the body paragraphs should highlight your relevant experiences and explain why you’re a suitable candidate. In contrast, a resume uses headings and bullet points to convey information in a clear, concise, and well-organized manner, focusing on your work history, education, skills, and accomplishments.

What main details should be included in a cover letter that aren’t in a resume?

In a cover letter, you should focus on specific experiences and skills that directly relate to the job requirements. This is where you can explain how your background aligns with the company’s needs and share examples that demonstrate your achievements and abilities. You should also address any gaps or unique circumstances in your resume, such as employment gaps or career changes.

What should be included in a cover letter to make it stand out to employers?

Your cover letter should include a compelling introduction, a brief overview of your most relevant accomplishments, and a personal connection to the company or role. Highlight experiences that are closely related to the job at hand and use metrics when possible to quantify achievements.

When is a cover letter more important than a resume?

A cover letter is often more important when you’re applying for roles where your soft skills, motivation, or personal characteristics are crucial factors. It’s also vital when you’re transitioning to a new career or if your work history isn’t a perfect match for the job requirements. In these instances, your cover letter can help communicate your passion, determination, and transferable skills.

Can you use the same cover letter for different job applications?

While it might save you time, using the same cover letter for multiple jobs is not recommended. Hiring managers can easily spot a generic cover letter, and it doesn’t show your genuine interest in the specific job or company. Instead, tailor each cover letter to the specific job you’re applying for, emphasizing your skills and experiences relevant to that position.

How do you match your resume and cover letter to a specific job position?

To match your resume and cover letter to a specific job, start by closely reviewing the job description. Make note of the key requirements and qualifications mentioned. Next, in your cover letter, emphasize your experiences and skills that directly address these needs. In your resume, consider adjusting your bullet points or skills section to highlight relevant experiences. This way, both documents showcase your suitability for the position and make you a stronger candidate.

How can showcasing your career goals and enthusiasm in a cover letter influence a hiring manager’s decision?

Demonstrating genuine enthusiasm for the role and the company can give you an edge. Discuss your long-term career goals and how they align with the company’s vision. This can indicate your intent to grow with the company and contribute meaningfully, which can be persuasive to the hiring manager.

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  • 3 Inspiring Nonprofit Cover Letter Examples
  • 5 Compelling Examples of Cover Letter for Warehouse Job
  • 5 Key Parts of an Effective Cover Letter (with Examples)
  • 6 Examples: How To Address a Cover Letter Without a Name


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  5. Cover Letter VS. Resume

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  1. Resume vs. Cover Letter: What's the Difference?

    The image is titled Cover Letter vs Resume. An example cover letter is on the left with tips written below it. The cover letter reads: Malik Rabb (123)456-7891 [email protected] May 1, 2020 Dear Hiring Manager, I am grateful for the opportunity to apply for the associate marketing position at Retail Ocean. Storytelling through marketing is a true ...

  2. Cover Letter vs. Resume: How Are They Different?

    Differences between a cover letter and a resume. There are four key differences between a cover letter and a resume: 1. Importance. Resumes are a requirement when you apply for work. On the other hand, cover letters are often necessary, unless a company specifically says to not include one. 2.

  3. Resume vs Cover Letter: How They're Different

    A resume is mostly past-oriented, meaning that it focuses largely on your past work history and experiences. Much of a resume is written in the past tense, as well. A cover letter is written primarily in the present tense. The focus of a cover letter is more on the present and future, including mentioning current and future objectives.

  4. Cover Letter Vs Resume: Here Are The Key Differences

    1 - Structure of a resume vs cover letter. The most obvious difference is that the cover letter looks different than the resume. The cover letter is a business letter, or even if it's the ...

  5. Resume VS Cover Letter in 2024 [Detailed Guide & Examples!]

    Tone #3. Purpose Resume Vs Cover Letter: 3 Key Similarities #1. Length #2. Tailoring it to the Job #3. Matching Templates What to Include in Your Resume What to Include in Your Cover Letter 13 Resume Examples #1. Business Analyst Resume Example #2. Digital Marketing Resume Example #3. Software Engineer Resume Example #4.

  6. What's the Difference Between a Cover Letter vs a Resume?

    Resumes are more formal in tone than cover letters. That's why we always recommend writing resumes in the third person. Instead of writing "I managed a group of 20 people," we suggest you opt for "managed a group of 20 people.". A cover letter is your own professional story written in the first person.

  7. Cover Letter vs. Resume: The Key Differences

    A cover letter allows you to tell a story about your professional journey, highlighting specific experiences and achievements that demonstrate your suitability for the job. In contrast, a resume is a concise summary of your professional background, focusing on quantifiable accomplishments and relevant skills.

  8. Cover Letter vs Resume: Differences, Comparison, Examples

    Tone: Resumes have more professional and formal tone. In your cover letter, you can use a more conversational tone and give it a more personal touch. This goes hand in hand with the fact that resumes are rather objective and cover letters subjective. Length: Your resume should be one page long.

  9. Cover Letter vs. Resume: What's the Difference?

    Cover letter vs Resume. Summing things up. Both a resume and a cover letter are essential elements of a successful job application. A resume is a summary of your professional life, while a cover letter is an introduction of your skills and qualities that best match the position you are applying for. Even if the job description doesn't ...

  10. Resume vs. Cover Letter: Definitions and Key Differences

    Customization. Resumes contain more unchanging content, while a cover letter's content can vary depending on the job requirements of the position. While an individual can customize some parts of the resume, the candidate's employment history and educational details remain the same. For example, a recent graduate in clinical science might apply ...

  11. The Difference Between Cover Letter vs. Resume in 2024

    The Difference Between Cover Letter vs. Resume in 2024. When it comes to job search, writing a cover letter and resume are two crucial steps to landing interviews. A cover letter is a document that accompanies a resume and provides a brief overview of the candidate's qualifications and interests, while a resume is a formal document which ...

  12. Cover Letter Vs. Resume: Which Should You Use?

    Cover letters and resumes use different structures. As you may have already noticed, one of the main differences in the "cover letter vs resume" battle is the structure. A resume is usually one or two pages long and contains specific sections, bullet points, and other graphs used to represent a candidate's professional skills.

  13. Cover Letter Vs. Resume: What's The Difference?

    The structure of a cover letter will differ significantly from a resume. A cover letter is exactly what it sounds like — a letter. Be sure to structure this like a formal letter, with an introduction, body paragraphs that include the information listed above, and a closing paragraph with a professional sign-off.

  14. Cover Letter vs Resume: Understanding the Key Differences

    Uncover the nuances between a cover letter and a resume with our guide on cover letter vs resume differences. Gain insights into their distinct purposes, formats, and how to effectively use each in your job application. Master the art of presenting your professional story comprehensively. Elevate your job-seeking strategy by understanding the key differences between a cover letter and a resume ...

  15. What Is the Difference Between a Resume and a Cover Letter?

    Job seekers should view their cover letter and resume as a complementary but unique pair of documents. That is, your cover letter should be more than just bullet points regurgitated from the resume. Many employers require that a resume is submitted with a job application. A cover letter may not be required. ...

  16. Cover Letter vs Resume

    As previously discussed, resumes and cover letters are different, but complimentary documents. When used together, they enhance each other, with the cover letter providing depth and character to the list of experiences provided by a resume. Taking this into consideration, the tone of the documents is different as well.

  17. Resume vs. Cover Letter: Key Differences and Examples

    The differences between a resume vs a cover letter Here are the three key differences between a resume versus a cover letter: 1. Format Your cover letter is a professional communication structured in full paragraphs, while your resume has sections with bullet points that convey specific details, like dates of employment and job duties.

  18. Cover Letter VS. Resume -What's The Difference?

    A cover letter is an additional document, first and foremost. Unlike a resume, it is often optional, though some applications require an attached cover letter. It is a letter in which you provide detailed descriptions of your skills and previous work experience and explain why they make you the perfect fit for the position.

  19. Resume vs. Cover Letter (Thoughtful Tips)

    Resume vs. Cover Letter (Thoughtful Tips) When crafting your job application, understanding the difference between a resume and a cover letter is key: Your resume is a formal document that summarizes your work experience, education, skills, and achievements. Think of it as a highlight reel of your professional life, laid out in a concise format ...

  20. What's the Difference Between a Cover Letter vs a Resume?

    A resume is a concise summary of your work experience and skills, while a cover letter is a personalized document that explains why you're a strong fit for a specific job and expresses your enthusiasm for the role. Even though both forms of applications are designed to sell yourself, they both take a different approach.

  21. Cover Letter vs. CV: Definitions, Differences and Tips

    A cover letter comprises one page. Writing a short cover allows a candidate to remain direct and precise in their wording choices. A hiring manager may appreciate this as they scan a document for relevant qualifications. A CV may have two or three pages. This longer CV may indicate that a candidate has multiple professional experiences and ...

  22. CV vs. Cover Letter: The Differences (With Examples)

    A curriculum vitae (CV) and cover letter form an integral part of the recruitment processes of most organizations. Regardless of your professional and educational background, presenting them to a potential employer can have a significant impact on your chances of getting a job interview. Knowing the difference between a CV vs. cover letter can ...

  23. What's the Difference: CV vs Cover Letter

    Differences + benefits of CVs vs cover letters. Cover letters and CVs are documents used to apply for jobs or academic roles. However, they have different approaches, formats and content. A cover letter is concise, whereas a CV is extensive and can run anywhere from two to eight pages. Your CV provides in-depth details about your professional history and educational qualifications, whereas a ...