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It’s Time for Online Voting

Using blockchain technology, online voting could boost voter participation and help restore the public’s trust in the electoral process and democracy.

online voting essay

By Alex Tapscott

Mr. Tapscott is Co-Founder of the Blockchain Research Institute.

Messing with polling stations is one of the most common voter suppression tactics. Across the country, polling stations have been closed in minority neighborhoods , had their locations changed from election to election, and have been kept understaffed , or inaccessible , or ill-equipped , so that voters must stand in line for hours.

These tactics work to lower voter turnout and undermine confidence in the electoral process. In the 2016 election, only 55.4 percent of eligible voters actually voted — one of the lowest turnouts in two decades. In the same year, only 29 percent of Americans were very confident that the ballots cast nationwide would be counted as intended, and only two-thirds of Americans were very confident that their own ballot would be counted as intended. Our democracy depends on addressing these vulnerabilities. The more that eligible voters participate in elections and the more transparent and durable the process, the more legitimate the outcome. Fortunately, a simple solution to the problem exists, if we allow citizens to vote online using their smartphone or home computer.

Online voting isn’t a silver bullet. It wouldn’t thwart political disinformation campaigns that rely on false tweets or bogus Facebook pages, and it wouldn’t be a solution to the problems presented by gerrymandering. However, done properly, online voting could boost voter participation, avoid administrative errors at polling stations, and help restore the public’s trust in the electoral process and democracy.

Until now, the internet as we know it has generally failed to meet basic voting system requirements: A vote must be cast and counted for the intended candidate, counted only once, remain anonymous, and be verifiable after the fact, even amid a power outage.

The key weakness of early online voting systems was the inability to solve what cryptographers called the “ double spend problem .” When we send a file on the internet, we’re actually sending a copy of that file; the original remains in our possession. This is acceptable for sharing information but unacceptable for recording votes in elections. The possibility that individuals could cast their ballots multiple times for a candidate made these systems useless — just as vulnerable as paper ballot systems. Points of failure included susceptibility to hackers, coding bugs, and human error. With enough resources, any rogue could “stuff” a digital ballot box with illegitimate votes.

The good news is that building a workable, scalable, and inclusive online voting system is now possible, thanks to blockchain technologies. A blockchain is a peer-to-peer network for exchanging anything of value, from stocks, money, intellectual property, and, yes, votes. In a blockchain-based system, public trust in the voting process is achieved not by faith in one single institution, but through cryptography, code, and collaboration among citizens, government agencies, and other stakeholders.

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Why Voting Is Important

“Voting is your civic duty.” This is a pretty common sentiment, especially each November as Election Day approaches. But what does it really mean? And what does it mean for Americans in particular?

Social Studies, Civics, U.S. History

Americans Voting

Typically in the United States, national elections draw large numbers of voters compared to local elections.

Hill Street Studios

Typically in the United States, national elections draw large numbers of voters compared to local elections.

A History of Voting in the United States Today, most American citizens over the age of 18 are entitled to vote in federal and state elections , but voting was not always a default right for all Americans. The United States Constitution, as originally written, did not define specifically who could or could not vote—but it did establish how the new country would vote. Article 1 of the Constitution determined that members of the Senate and House of Representatives would both be elected directly by popular vote . The president, however, would be elected not by direct vote, but rather by the Electoral College . The Electoral College assigns a number of representative votes per state, typically based on the state’s population. This indirect election method was seen as a balance between the popular vote and using a state’s representatives in Congress to elect a president. Because the Constitution did not specifically say who could vote, this question was largely left to the states into the 1800s. In most cases, landowning white men were eligible to vote, while white women, black people, and other disadvantaged groups of the time were excluded from voting (known as disenfranchisement ).

While no longer explicitly excluded, voter suppression is a problem in many parts of the country. Some politicians try to win re election by making it harder for certain populations and demographics to vote. These politicians may use strategies such as reducing polling locations in predominantly African American or Lantinx neighborhoods, or only having polling stations open during business hours, when many disenfranchised populations are working and unable to take time off. It was not until the 15th Amendment was passed in 1869 that black men were allowed to vote. But even so, many would-be voters faced artificial hurdles like poll taxes , literacy tests, and other measures meant to discourage them from exercising their voting right. This would continue until the 24th Amendment in 1964, which eliminated the poll tax , and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which ended Jim Crow laws. Women were denied the right to vote until 1920, when the long efforts of the women’s suffrage movement resulted in the 19th Amendment. With these amendments removing the previous barriers to voting (particularly sex and race), theoretically all American citizens over the age of 21 could vote by the mid 1960s. Later, in 1971, the American voting age was lowered to 18, building on the idea that if a person was old enough to serve their country in the military, they should be allowed to vote. With these constitutional amendments and legislation like the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the struggle for widespread voting rights evolved from the Founding Fathers’ era to the late 20th century. Why Your Vote Matters If you ever think that just one vote in a sea of millions cannot make much of a difference, consider some of the closest elections in U.S. history. In 2000, Al Gore narrowly lost the Electoral College vote to George W. Bush. The election came down to a recount in Florida, where Bush had won the popular vote by such a small margin that it triggered an automatic recount and a Supreme Court case ( Bush v. Gore ). In the end, Bush won Florida by 0.009 percent of the votes cast in the state, or 537 votes. Had 600 more pro-Gore voters gone to the polls in Florida that November, there may have been an entirely different president from 2000–2008. More recently, Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016 by securing a close Electoral College win. Although the election did not come down to a handful of votes in one state, Trump’s votes in the Electoral College decided a tight race. Clinton had won the national popular vote by nearly three million votes, but the concentration of Trump voters in key districts in “swing” states like Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan helped seal enough electoral votes to win the presidency. Your vote may not directly elect the president, but if your vote joins enough others in your voting district or county, your vote undoubtedly matters when it comes to electoral results. Most states have a “winner take all” system where the popular vote winner gets the state’s electoral votes. There are also local and state elections to consider. While presidential or other national elections usually get a significant voter turnout, local elections are typically decided by a much smaller group of voters. A Portland State University study found that fewer than 15 percent of eligible voters were turning out to vote for mayors, council members, and other local offices. Low turnout means that important local issues are determined by a limited group of voters, making a single vote even more statistically meaningful. How You Can Make Your Voice Heard If you are not yet 18, or are not a U.S. citizen, you can still participate in the election process. You may not be able to walk into a voting booth, but there are things you can do to get involved:

  • Be informed! Read up on political issues (both local and national) and figure out where you stand.
  • Get out and talk to people. Even if you cannot vote, you can still voice opinions on social media, in your school or local newspaper, or other public forums. You never know who might be listening.
  • Volunteer. If you support a particular candidate, you can work on their campaign by participating in phone banks, doing door-to-door outreach, writing postcards, or volunteering at campaign headquarters. Your work can help get candidates elected, even if you are not able to vote yourself.

Participating in elections is one of the key freedoms of American life. Many people in countries around the world do not have the same freedom, nor did many Americans in centuries past. No matter what you believe or whom you support, it is important to exercise your rights.

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Essay on Importance of Voting in Democracy

Students are often asked to write an essay on Importance of Voting in Democracy in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Importance of Voting in Democracy

The essence of democracy.

Voting is the cornerstone of a democracy. It’s the tool that allows citizens to choose their leaders and voice their opinions on important issues.

Why Voting Matters

By voting, you get to influence the society you live in. It’s a way to ensure that your interests are represented in government.

The Power of Each Vote

Every vote counts. In many cases, elections have been decided by just a few votes. Therefore, your vote can make a real difference.

In summary, voting is a crucial component of democracy. So, always exercise your right to vote!

250 Words Essay on Importance of Voting in Democracy

The role of voting.

Voting is not just a right, but a duty and a moral responsibility. It is the most direct and effective way of participating in the democratic process. The vote of every citizen contributes to the formation of a government and the trajectory of the nation.

Empowering the Masses

Voting gives citizens the power to express their opinion and choose leaders who align with their views. It is a tool to effect change and ensure the government reflects the will of the people. Voting also empowers marginalized groups, providing an equal platform for their voices to be heard.

Accountability and Transparency

Voting ensures accountability and transparency in the democratic system. It acts as a check on the government, reminding them of their responsibility towards the electorate. If the government fails to deliver, voters have the power to change the administration in the next election.

The importance of voting in democracy cannot be overstated. It is the fundamental right and duty of every citizen to participate in this process. It is through voting that we shape our society, influence policies, and ensure the government serves the common good. By voting, we uphold the democratic values of freedom, equality, and justice.

500 Words Essay on Importance of Voting in Democracy


Democracy is a system of governance where citizens participate directly or indirectly in the decision-making process. At the heart of this system lies the act of voting, an essential tool through which citizens express their will, choose their leaders, and influence public policy. The importance of voting in a democratic society cannot be overstated as it forms the basis for the exercise of political and civil rights.

The Pillar of Democratic Governance

Instrument for social change.

Voting is not only a political act but also a tool for social change. It gives citizens the power to influence public policy and the direction of societal evolution. Through the ballot box, citizens can express their views on critical issues such as education, health, economy, and social justice. Voting, therefore, serves as a peaceful means of effecting change and shaping the society we want to live in.

Equality and Inclusivity

In a democracy, voting underscores the principle of equality. Regardless of social, economic, or cultural backgrounds, every citizen has an equal vote. This inclusivity strengthens social cohesion and fosters a sense of belonging among citizens. Moreover, it ensures that marginalized and underrepresented groups have a voice in the political process, thereby promoting social equity.

Responsibility of Citizenship

In conclusion, the act of voting is a cornerstone of democracy, serving as a tool for change, a symbol of equality, and a responsibility of citizenship. It gives power to the people, ensuring that the government remains accountable and responsive to their needs. Hence, for a democracy to be truly representative and effective, it is essential that citizens understand the importance of voting and actively participate in the electoral process. The future of our democratic society depends on the collective action of informed and engaged citizens.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Happy studying!

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Aspects of Online Voting Essay

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Online voting looked simple during the early days of the Internet establishment. However, bots, worms, increasing threats of terrorism, unauthorized intrusion attempts, and viruses decreased the possibility of an easy solution. Today, scientists, election officials, and security analysts have identified various ideas for solving online voting problems. As a result, debates about the exercise’s credibility have emerged worldwide, with some individuals supporting and others opposing it.

Online voting advantages include convenience because it can be done from home, the office, or during vacation. Additionally, voters do not need to walk or drive to the polling station and wait in long queues to cast their ballots. The pros of voting online attract many young people whose numbers have been recorded as minimal over time. The homebound and elderly can easily vote online compared to voting places. The participation of individuals in the local areas might increase due to the flexibility of casting ballots in their comfort. Problems such as ticking more than one aspirant and voter fraud are minimized when people vote through the Internet.

This is because the software can ensure that voters revise what they do without ballots’ invalidation or prevent them from choosing multiple candidates. However, disadvantages such as the inability to vote by economically unstable people and outside interference are a primary concern. People’s social classes differ, and some can lack devices connected to the Internet, eliminating their ability to cast votes online.

In summary, online voting is convenient and should be used to vote for political leaders such as the President because its advantages outweigh the disadvantages. For example, people can vote from their location without going to voting places with long lines. Everybody, including the youth, elderly, and those living with disabilities, has a right to cast their ballots simplified by voting through the Internet. The software used during voting prohibits malpractices such as choosing multiple aspirants, resulting in fair election results.

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IvyPanda. (2022, October 6). Aspects of Online Voting. https://ivypanda.com/essays/aspects-of-online-voting/

"Aspects of Online Voting." IvyPanda , 6 Oct. 2022, ivypanda.com/essays/aspects-of-online-voting/.

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Aspects of Online Voting'. 6 October.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Aspects of Online Voting." October 6, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/aspects-of-online-voting/.

1. IvyPanda . "Aspects of Online Voting." October 6, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/aspects-of-online-voting/.


IvyPanda . "Aspects of Online Voting." October 6, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/aspects-of-online-voting/.

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Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) constitute a crucial element of globalisation and computerization processes. ICT are not exclusively present in the economy, entertainment, trade or banking, but they are also used in politics or social area. Public institutions employ ICT (particularly the Internet) for informational and educational purposes as well as for improving the efficiency of state institutions and bodies. With the availability of new (apart from traditional) forms of participation, such as e.g. electronic community consultations, electronic people's initiatives, participatory budgeting, e-voting, the citizens are offered the possibility to increase their activity on the political scene and their real influence on the decision-making process. It’s due to the fact that modern technologies can improve the interactions occurring between voters and political institutions, political parties, or politicians. One of such interaction is the process of voting, which in some countries is supported by ICT (e-voting). This article aims primarily at providing answers for questions: about the most important problems connected with introduction of this more and more popular way of civic participation in politics and with the use of e-voting in general elections, as well as about the most crucial and most frequent uncertainties that e-voting implies.

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The advantages and disadvantages of online voting systems, april 20, 2022.

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Many companies now offer online voting systems for organizations to streamline their elections. And it doesn’t end there! 

You could be electing a new class president, choosing the next CEO for your company, or voting on a crucial company decision. An online voting system like we provide is an excellent way to save time and money.

Yet there are some disadvantages to online voting. This article will discuss both the pros and cons of the process. These ideas will help you decide if you should implement the system in your organization. We’ll also consider if you can improve election security by implementing an online voting system .

What Is An Online Voting System?

An online voting system is a platform that allows organizational members to cast their votes electronically, which can be through a website, mobile app, or any internet-connected device.

You can conduct various types of elections through an online voting system. For example, you can use it for a simple majority vote, where the option or the candidate with the most votes wins. You can also use it for a more complex voting system like proportional representation, where each vote holds weight according to the voter's preference.

Everyday use cases for an online voting system include:

  • Board of directors elections
  • Shareholder meetings
  • Homeowners Association (HOA) board elections
  • Union leadership votes
  • Student government elections

A typical online voting session goes like this:

  • First, the voter logs in to the voting system using their unique username and password.
  • Next, they select the candidates or options they want to elect.
  • Finally, they submit their vote, and the system tallies the results.

What Are The Advantages Of Online Voting Systems?

The advantages of online voting systems include increased efficiency, improved accuracy, and greater voter engagement compared to paper ballots. 

Increased Efficiency

One of the most significant advantages of online voting systems is incredible efficiency. With traditional paper-based voting, there are a lot of steps involved, from printing ballots to counting votes by hand. You can avoid all of that with online voting.

With an online system, you can send out electronic ballots to all of your voters in just a few clicks. And once the voting period is over, the system will automatically tally the results, so you don't have to do it yourself, saving your organization a lot of time and money.

Improved Accuracy

Another advantage of online voting systems is that they tend to be more accurate than traditional paper-based systems. On the other hand, there's always the potential for human error with paper ballots, whether it's miscounting votes or mixing up ballots.

But with an online voting system, the votes are tallied automatically, so there's no chance for human error, giving you peace of mind knowing that your results are accurate.

Greater Turnout And Voter Engagement

Another advantage of online voting is that it can increase voter turnout because it's more convenient for voters to cast their ballots online than to have to go to a physical polling place.

In addition, online elections can also improve voter engagement. It can be easy for voters to feel disconnected from the process of traditional voting. But with online voting, they can see the results in real-time, making them feel more engaged in the process.

What Are The Disadvantages Of Online Voting Systems?

The two major concerns about online voting systems are election security and transparency.

The Security Of Online Voting Systems

One of the most significant disadvantages of online voting systems is that they're not as secure as traditional paper-based systems because there's always the potential for hackers to tamper with the results.

To improve election security, you should look for a system that uses encryption to protect the data. The system must get tested by independent security experts.

For example, we secure our online voting system using 256-bit encryption—the same level of security that major banks offer. Plus, we don't share user and voter data, which means your elections stay private and confidential.

Lack Of Transparency

Another disadvantage of online voting is that it can lack transparency. With traditional paper-based voting, voters can see people counting the ballots. But with online voting, the process is entirely electronic, making it harder to verify the results.

It’s essential to look for an online voting system that offers transparency features. For example, some systems provide a live election results page where voters can see the results as they roll in.

Our voting system also offers election audit, which means the votes cast using our system are auditable. We also provide independent verification, where an independent, third-party accountant ensures the election process is fair. 

Final Thoughts

If you need to set up an election for your organization, consider the advantages and disadvantages illustrated above. What’s most important to you, efficiency, accuracy, or transparency? Take time to think through these criteria and decide if online elections are the right choice for you!

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What is an Online Voting System?

A comprehensive guide to buying and using online voting tools for improved leadership, greater security, and more..

online voting system

  • What is an online voting system?

An online voting system is a software platform that allows groups to securely conduct votes and elections. High-quality online voting systems balance ballot security, accessibility, and the overall requirements of an organization's voting event.

At their core, online voting systems protect the integrity of your vote by preventing voters from being able to vote multiple times. As a digital platform, they eliminate the need to gather in-person, cast votes using paper, or by any other means (e.g. email, insecure survey software).

You may hear an online voting system being referred to as an online election system, an online e voting system, or electronic voting. These all make reference to the same thing: a secure voting tool that allows your group to collect input from your group and closely scrutinize the results in real time.

Keep reading for access to the most comprehensive online voting system introduction you will find.

Table of Contents

  • When are online voting systems useful?
  • What's the purpose of an online voting system?

Why might a secure, online voting tool be attractive to your organization?

Who uses online voting systems for voting and election results.

  • How do you use an online voting system?
  • When should I use a survey and polling tool as opposed to an online voting system?
  • What's more accessible: an online voting system website or an online voting app?

What happens when an online voting process goes wrong?

Why is it beneficial to pair vote management services with your digital voting system, what technical details should you evaluate when purchasing an online voting system, when should my organization invest in an online voting system, how do i choose the right online voting tool for my situation, how should i prepare to roll out online voting at my organization, what are the most popular online voting systems, what makes eballot the ideal online voting solution, when are online voting systems most useful, electing someone, or a number of people.

This includes electing:

Organizational leaders


Voting on something, or a set of things

This includes, for example, voting on:

Rules & regulations (e.g. bylaws, policy decisions)

Selections (e.g. award show nomination)

Employee preferences (e.g. workplace scheduling)

What’s the purpose of an online voting system?

Online voting tools and online election voting systems help you make important decisions by gathering the input of your group in a way that’s systematic and verifiable.

Oftentimes, these decisions are made on a yearly basis - during an event (e.g. your organization’s AGM) or at a particular time of the year. Or you might run ongoing polls amongst your group (e.g. anonymous employee feedback surveys).

It’s a good idea to use an online voting system to:

  • Elect your leadership : A board of directors election is a good example, where there are multiple positions (e.g. chair, vice president, secretary, treasurer). All of which may include supporting documentation (e.g. biographies, resumés, headshots).
  • Admit new members to your group . This helps you stick to a regular, fair process of evaluation and lets candidates know what to expect.
  • Gather   anonymous   feedback from your employees . Managers (and managers of managers) want to know how their employees truly feel about their jobs and work life. Using an online voting system with a capacity for secret balloting helps employees express their true feelings, by understanding and trusting that their feedback will be heard, but not tied directly to them.
  • Vote on yearly budgets . And since adjustments to your budget are often needed, an online voting system will keep voting secure and accessible - no matter where the members of your group may happen to be.
  • Alter your operational procedures and bylaws . Just like leadership elections, expect group members to react strongly toward changes - no matter how minor - to organizational processes. You’ll want to collect individual responses to these changes in a systematic manner.

In all of these cases, an online voting system will enable better decisions, justify those decisions, and let you share proof that these decisions were carried out in line with the standards of your group.

Using an online voting tool will generate confidence in the results of your votes and elections, lower your voting-related costs, and streamline the election process for both you and your voters.

Cost Savings and Efficiency

The cost savings and efficiencies you’ll gain are unparalleled to any other method of voting. Groups switching to web-based online voting systems from more expensive and less efficient voting technologies like voting machines, paper ballots, and in-person meetings will reap these benefits without increasing risk.

Voter Accessibility

Needing to fly halfway around the world to vote at your organization’s annual meeting is an example of a vote with low accessibility. On the other hand, tapping a link on your mobile device that securely logs you into the online voting system website is an example of a vote or election with high accessibility.

High accessibility generates greater turnout rates among your group.

Auditability and Verifiability

With an online voting system, you can easily showcase election results to eliminate concern. Sharing all administrator activity during your election to prove no one went in altered the results is just one of the many trust-building tactics you’ll be able to use in light of a vote challenge.

Security, Confidence, and Trust in Your Election Results

The confidence in your voting and election results is by far the most valuable aspect that online voting systems will offer to your group. The fallout of a vote being perceived as unfair is expensive, time-consuming, and wrecks havoc on the hard-earned trust you’ve built among group members. From this perspective, an online voting system offers unparalleled election security.

Here's the short answer: Anyone who needs to gather input from their group in a structured, secure manner.

board meeting

The best online voting systems are flexible enough to help a variety of organization types. Here are some examples of groups that use online voting systems to run their votes and elections:

  • Membership associations   - Associations run the gamut from small industry-specific groups to gigantic professional organizations. Regardless, they need a means of allowing their members to weigh-in on key aspects. Membership association voting examples include board of directors elections and officer elections.
  • Partnerships   - Law firms (and other partner-based firms) regularly elect leadership. Partnership voting examples include: law firm and accounting firm partner elections.
  • Corporations   - Small, medium, and enterprise businesses require feedback from their employees, boards, and shareholders alike. Corporate voting examples include employee feedback surveys and voting amongst shareholders.
  • Unions   - Union leadership and documentation alterations are a regular occurrence. Union voting examples include: union officer elections and contract ratifications.
  • Educational institutions   - Across colleges, universities, and K-12 schools, votes and elections for faculty, student, and alumni groups are built into their foundations. The wider school systems themselves often have their own large-scale matters to vote on as well. Example educational institution voting events include SGA elections, faculty elections, and alumni elections.
  • Churches   - Just like other groups, churches have leadership and these individuals are often elected officials. Example church voting events include church leadership elections.
  • Clubs   - While group size and budgets may be smaller, that doesn’t mean local and interest-based clubs don’t benefit from structured and secure voting. Example club voting events include voting to admit new members and approvals of budget spend.
  • Homeowner associations (HOAs)   - HOAs have board of directors to elect, budgets to approve, and rules & regulations to update. HOA voting examples include board of directors elections and community budget approvals.

How do you use an online voting or election system?

A high-quality online voting system or online election system will offer these core capabilities:

Create what is to be voted on . Build ballots that let your group vote on things or elect people.

Upload your list of voters . The individuals in your group who are eligible to vote on ballots need to be uploaded into the voting system. Often, you’ll have the option of grouping these individuals into different segments (e.g. region, department).

Notify and follow up with your voters . You’ll need to let your voters know about upcoming votes and elections. And you’ll probably want to remind those that haven’t voted.

Gather and report on your results . After you vote, you’ll want to determine who or what won out over others. This may be an internal review or you may want to immediately share the results with your group.

When should I use a survey or online polling system as opposed to an online voting system?

There are wonderful survey tools out there.   Google Forms   and   Typeform   (or even a   Slack poll ) are great examples of tools to use when you just need some quick input from your group.

Polling and survey tools aren’t always a good replacement for an online voting system, however. What type of tool you choose depends on your usage and needs.

man on phone

Consider this: How important the vote is to your group? And what would happen if there was a challenge to your vote; how would your group leadership handle it?

In certain, basic scenarios polls and survey creators are the best thing to use among small groups of people where the outcome doesn’t matter that much. For example, no one’s going to be upset if someone unfairly voted twice about where to go for lunch. (Or, at least we hope that’s the case!)

In more widely impactful scenarios, using these free and cheap survey tools can absolutely wreak havoc on your organization. Take a leadership election for example: a number of critical items are at stake: salaries, prominence, egos. It’s not hard to imagine how things could spiral if someone feels unfairly slighted.

Our advice? Carefully consider the ramifications when selecting the right tool for the job.

What’s more accessible: an online voting system website or an online voting app?

We recommend you select a web app based online voting system   that you and your voters can securely access from any modern web browser (e.g. Google Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Edge, Firefox).

What are web apps?  Web apps are web-based applications that don’t need to be installed on your mobile device or computer. Instead, they’ll run completely from your web browser. Native apps, in contrast, need to be downloaded onto your device from a website or an app store.

There are various reasons why we suggest you choose a   web app based online voting system   as opposed to an application that you and your voters will need to download onto their device.

By using a web app based online voting system website, you (and your voters) will get access to these benefits:

Web apps are accessible

Your voters will be able to instantly access the voting system online, without needing to go to the App Store (or Google Play store, or a company’s website) to download an app onto their device. Accessibility is directly connected to greater voter turnout and participation.

Web apps offer strong cybersecurity

High-quality, well-built web apps are routinely used and trusted by small businesses and the enterprise alike. Both the login information and the data you upload to the app will be   safely stored   in a cloud-based environment.

Web apps have strong cross-platform compatibility

The online voting website will look and function the same no matter what device you and your voters use. This is not always the case with apps that need to be downloaded.

In brief, use an online voting platform that you can access from a browser. And don’t make your voters download an app.

A botched election will erode trust within your group. In most cases, this mistrust will be directed toward their leadership, the organization, and its systems and processes. It’s not hard to see how this isn’t a solid foundation for the growth and continued success of your group.

Here’s an example:   Let’s say you ran a vote last week and by all accounts, it was successful . New leadership was elected, or maybe you updated a set of important rules. Great!

This week, however, you get an email that informs you someone in your group not only disagrees with that decision, they want to formally challenge the outcome. They allege voter fraud. And now they’re getting more and more people in your group on board with their thinking.

You can hope this doesn’t happen, but it is a common occurrence and you should plan for it.

Without a high-quality online voting system, you wouldn’t have access to verifiable proof that the vote wasn’t unfairly manipulated . Best case, you would need to spend many stressful hours getting those items together to prove your case.

If you want your group to trust one another in spite of certain individuals not agreeing with major decisions, an online voting system is the only mechanism that will help you maintain trust by justifying how you came to those decisions. It’s the only technology you can use to prove to your group that the vote they participated in wasn’t unfairly manipulated.

Having an expert partner is critical when designing a vote implementation plan that avoids risk and ensures best practices are followed.

shaking hands

Note that the online voting platform is   separate   from vote management consulting services:

  • An online voting platform   is the software that’s equipped with vote security-related tools and settings (e.g. anonymity options, unique identifier keys, etc.). It should be leveraged whenever you manage an important vote or election.
  • Pairing high-quality vote management services with your online voting platform   virtually guarantees to your group a renewed sense of trust in their organization and its leadership.

Since the most prominent online voting system vendors have managed hundreds - if not thousands of successful votes and elections - it’s common for their clients to pair the online voting system with vote management consulting services. Why?

There are two main reasons why you should seriously consider pairing an online voting system with vote management services.

Reason #1: Voting & Election-Related Expertise

There’s a lot to consider when designing, building, and running even the simplest voting event. The fact is that it’s not always as straightforward to get your election results as you might expect.

This complexity often comes as a surprise to those who didn’t realize there would be so much involved with running a secure, accessible, and auditable vote. Because of what’s involved, we find that most groups can benefit from at least partial vote management and consulting services.

Here’s how we approach vote management at eBallot:

  • We solidify your overall vision for online voting . We ask lots of questions to ensure that our team is synced up with your expectations. During this process, we often uncover things that clients hadn’t considered before.
Sample Functionality Client Questions

Do you want to know how people voted? Or would you rather purposefully obscure that information, without affecting the results


Do you need to allot certain individuals more (or less) influence over voting outcomes?


What sorts of documents need to be shared with your group (e.g. candidate biographies, links to bylaws)?

  • We design the rollout . We’ll get to a plan of what the voting event should look like, tactically. This includes the best way to reach your voters, set our sights on important dates, and ensure this aligns with your goals for voting and your group at large.
  • We'll plan out notifications and follow-ups . We’ll plan for timely communications to the right voters at the right time, as well as follow-ups to those that haven’t voted or responded.
  • We implement . While it’s possible to self-administer your vote using our software, our teams are voting software experts who are able to take the voting plan and implement it using the technical software settings. They’re able to prevent missteps around what might be overlooked by a first-time voting software user.
  • We support you and your voters . We’re here for you when you have questions, if your voters need help, and in the event of the unexpected (e.g. curiosity about why the event unfolded like it did, someone questioning the validity of the vote, etc.) Whatever comes up, our US-based support teams are here for you.

Reason #2: Third-Party Management

Certified results reports.

This is an official report from the online voting vendor that confirms your voting event was carried out in a fair and impartial manner by confirming:

  • There was no system downtime during your voting event
  • There were no security lapses
  • The results databases sync up with no evidence of tampering

We'll also give you detailed information around voter turnout, voter choices (if running a non- anonymous   vote), and custom reporting relevant to your group (e.g. turnout by department or region).

This executive-level report proves your commitment to a fair voting process, and is useful for both leadership along with everyone involved in the voting process to be aware of.

A renewed sense of trust

Using an unbiased third-party to run your vote and collect the results sends an important message to your group that:

  • The vote or election you ran was fair and impartial, according to the rules of your organization
  • No one manipulated the vote for personal benefit
  • Best practices were followed
  • Unnecessary risks were avoided

A high-quality online voting partner will ensure your group doesn’t neglect any of these essential aspects.

At a basic level, online voting software works by attaching a unique identifier to each voter, so that the system can tie votes to individuals. This is a key mechanism that prevents voter fraud, but it’s not the only aspect involved when running digital votes.

Here are the key technical areas that you should consider when assessing online voting software:

System functionality and security

As mentioned above, you should understand the specifics of your online voting partner’s unique identifier method. Make sure to ask probing questions around how this works, especially when it comes to various settings like anonymous voting.

You’ll be uploading sensitive information to the platform (e.g. individual names and emails), so you’ll also want to be aware of how that data will be managed and protected.

Read our   guide to selecting an online voting vendor   for a complete list of questions to ask all vendors you’re potentially engaging with.

The ability to audit your votes and elections

You should be ready to prove your vote was carried out using secure software and there was no unscrupulous handling of the votes, whether by your system or the people involved with managing the vote.

When it comes to less impactful votes, you may be able to get away with simply using a well-regarded online voting software. 

But for groups that consider a particular vote to be highly important and impactful, we recommend that you take advantage of the vendor’s vote management services to separate yourself from the results. This would include: Partnering with a high-quality, reputable online voting vendor and getting them to certify that your results were carried out by their team, functioning as a third-party

The ease of building and managing your voting events

This is increasingly important if you or someone on your team is going to be managing your votes. While using a new tool always requires a learning period, at the end of the day, the software should be intuitive and easy to use. Expect it to guide you through the process of setting up your vote (e.g. ballot settings, design), sending out notifications to your voters, and interpreting the results.

The support-levels available for you and your voters

Whether or not you get help from your vendor, you will have questions about the overall process of running your vote the first time you go through the process. You’ll also have questions about what certain buttons do once you get in the software.

For your voters, they may need some help logging into their ballot or they may need you to re-send a notification to vote.

Some products come with a written, self-service knowledge base. These can be of varying quality - from hard to understand to extremely effective. Other times, you may want email and phone support from your online voting partner’s team.

Think about what makes sense for you. However, this much is always true: it’s important to be on the same page about client support expectations.

The ability to integrate with software platforms you already use

Voting systems are often able to “plug into” or “play nice with” software your group uses on a regular basis. This may or may not be important to you.

A commonly used integration with voting software is developing a Single Sign-On (SSO), so that your group can log in to the voting portal through existing systems.

The ability to customize your online voting software

If your group has specific or unusual rules around voting, the vendor and its software should be flexible enough to handle these requirements. These may involve interface design or technical system alterations. Customizations can be simple or complex and will be priced accordingly depending on the platform in question.

When searching for an online voting system and/or a team to manage your voting events, it’s best to be clear about exactly what you’re looking for as you   before you enter sales conversations .

The types of results & reporting insights that are offered

After running a vote, most online voting software will make it easy to see who or what won out across all the options.

Detailed, custom reports are important to many organizations. These show trends like vote turnout, broken down by department, demographics, or region are helpful for understanding the results of your votes and elections at a deeper level.

The short answer: when you need structure around your votes and elections or when you need to gather feedback in a structured and timely manner.

This is often accompanied by major, impactful group decisions such as rule updates, budget approvals, or leadership changes.

Here are some additional reasons why you might want to seek out an online voting system:

When it’s important to   prove to your group that your vote was’t unfairly manipulated

When you want to   avoid the risks of a vote gone wrong

When you   don’t have the capacity or rather not deal with building and managing the vote

When you   want to have the entire process handled by vote management experts, for convenience or auditing’s sake

When searching for an online voting company to partner with, here are the steps we recommend.

1. Finalize your voting requirements

Separate these into needs and nice-to-haves. Some aspects to consider include:


When do you need this voting event or set of voting events to take place? By which date do you need your results?

Vote Planning

Who is eligible to vote? When do you want them to know about the vote? How would you prefer to get the word out (e.g. email, your website, etc.)?

Voting process improvement

How do you run voting now? What do you like about that process? What’s less-than-ideal?

Organizational improvement

How do you want your group to benefit? What do you want to reinforce to your group? What do you wish was different?

2. Search for online voting vendors

Use your personal network and search online.

  • Ask your colleagues   if they have run online voting before and if they could share any recommendations.
  • Look at review sites   that have voting management categories to get a lay of the land (e.g.   G2 ,  Capterra )
  • Search Google   and look at how the different online voting companies present themselves. Remember to consider their entire online presence. Don’t just go to their homepage; dive deep into their website, social media, blog, etc. How do they talk about what they do? What do their customers say about them?

3. Engage with the most promising online voting companies

Once you start to engage with vendors, you should have a thorough understanding of your needs and what it seems like the vendors can offer - this should lead to fruitful conversations as you start to get more tactical in the sales conversation.

Get the Comprehensive Guide to Choosing an Online Voting System Partner   for our take on how to best structure these conversations (e.g. the best questions to ask potential vendors).

After you partner with an online voting company, here’s what to expect:

If you self-administer your vote:

You or a designated person in your organization will get software training   so they know how to build and roll out the vote

They’ll build the vote   (ballots and questions), edit all the settings, set up the notification emails, follow up with voters to ensure they vote, etc.

Voters will vote   and you’ll get the results.

If your vendor is fully-managing your election:

Your vendor will request some basic information   (like a list of all eligible voters and their contact details)

They’ll keep you in the loop with important things   as time progresses

Voters will vote   and you’ll get the results

You’ll receive a certified results report   and connect with the vendor on how everything turned out

There are a number of providers in the online voting space. Among the most popular are Election Runner, ElectionBuddy, Simply Voting, and eBallot .

Be sure to connect with a few vendors and ask the questions you need to understand, as company setup, pricing structures, and commitment to client success vary widely.

The best people to answer this question are our clients. See our reviews on   Google   and   G2 , along with our list of successful clients. It’s exciting for us to consistently hold 90+% client retention rates, year after year.

We realize, however, that these ongoing client relationships don’t sustain themselves. We maintain partnerships because we’re able to provide significant, consistent value in these areas:

A commitment to online voting technology and consulting services

As a technology developer, we offer all the important aspects of what you should expect from your voting system. We’ll help you run structured votes. And we’ll manage them with the highest degree of   security   (e.g. the most up to date anti-voter fraud mechanisms, sound data management & storage).

Comprehensive expertise

As a team, we work with clients across   organization types and industries   day-in and day-out so we understand how important even just one vote or election can be to your group.

A key benefit of our expertise is we’re able to help you avoid risk and missteps that would otherwise create wide-reaching, expensive mistakes.

It’s not something we say lightly, but across the board and by all accounts, we’re confident in putting it like this: if you partner with eBallot, your voting event will be a success.

Attention to client experience

Even in our most entry-level products, we go through great pains to make sure client onboarding is as smooth and effective as possible. We have teams dedicated to improving the experience of our clients at all product levels and price points.

As any experienced operations professional will tell you, tight team alignment generates drastically better outcomes for companies and clients. We whole-heartedly agree with this notion and have spent many painstaking years developing a culture around this mindset. Our teams are constantly sharing information about important updates, changes, and modifications. 

Ability to tailor and customize

We started as Votenet Solutions in 2001, and our earliest major client successes came as a result of being able to build and tailor custom voting setups that no one else could.

Today, hyper-customization is less important for many. But for others, it’s absolutely essential.

We’re able to tailor important, complex voting events in a way that others simply cannot.

This was a high-level introduction to the world of online voting systems.

At this point, you know what they are, why you'd be looking for one, and how to structure a conversation to better convey your requirements to potential vendors in a sales process.

When you start speaking with voting software partners - remember to guide the discussion by focusing on what's important to your organization. Depending on who you reach out to, this process should be relatively smooth and enjoyable.

Contact us   with any of your additional questions about online voting. We'll point you in the right direction!

Have a question? We're here to help.

Contact us to get started.

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Election security

2020 Election: Secure Your Vote

Feds warn states that online voting experiments are 'high-risk'.

Headshot of Miles Parks

Miles Parks

online voting essay

Electioneers greet voters outside the Hamilton County Government Center during early voting in Noblesville, Ind., in 2018. Michael Conroy/AP hide caption

Electioneers greet voters outside the Hamilton County Government Center during early voting in Noblesville, Ind., in 2018.

Updated at 6:40 p.m.

The federal government is letting states know it considers online voting to be a "high-risk" way of running elections even if all recommended security protocols are followed.

It's the latest development in the debate over Internet voting as a few states have announced they plan to offer it to voters with disabilities this year, while security experts have voiced grave warnings against doing so.

States Expand Internet Voting Experiments Amid Pandemic, Raising Security Fears

The Coronavirus Crisis

States expand internet voting experiments amid pandemic, raising security fears.

An eight-page report distributed to states last week recommends mail-in ballots as a more secure method of voting. It was co-authored by four federal agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.

"We recommend paper ballot return as electronic ballot return technologies are high-risk even with controls in place," says the document , according to a copy obtained by The Wall Street Journal . A source with knowledge of the document confirmed its authenticity to NPR.

West Virginia, Delaware and New Jersey all have confirmed plans to pilot a system provided by the Seattle-based company Democracy Live in upcoming elections to allow military and overseas voters as well as some voters with disabilities the option to vote online.

When reached for comment on the new federal guidance, a spokesperson for West Virginia Secretary of State Mac Warner noted that the state limits the use of the Internet ballot return option to people who would otherwise have no other means to return their ballot secretly. The service isn't offered to all voters with disabilities, just those who would not be able to vote a mail-in ballot without another person helping them.

Voters who use the system still have the option to print out the ballot and mail it in if they choose to do so, although similar pilots have found that the overwhelming majority of voters choose to return their ballots electronically when given the option.

Delaware's state election director declined to comment on the new federal document when reached by NPR, and New Jersey's state election office did not respond to an interview request.

In addition to these new pilots, tens of thousands of ballots are also submitted by overseas and military voters each presidential election year via fax and email, which the document notes are insecure methods as well. The report says that web applications, like the Democracy Live system, may "support stronger security mechanisms than email," but any web-based system can still be vulnerable to a cyber attack, it says.

The new guidance makes clear that federal cybersecurity officials see any form of Internet voting as a risky endeavor, but the document stops short of saying states should not implement it. In fact, many states are required by law to offer some sort of internet voting option to its overseas voters, as the report notes.

Elections are run at the local level, and the federal government has traditionally shied away from any forceful guidance on exactly how they should be run for fear of creating an unproductive friction with states.

An earlier version of the document, for instance, "discouraged" electronic ballot return technologies because they "have not been demonstrated as capable of being secure from interference at this time," according to a copy obtained by journalist Kim Zetter. But the document distributed to the states did not include that language.

Election security advocates have been raising many of the concerns that the document touches on for years if not decades, including that electronically transmitted ballots could potentially be manipulated on a large scale, whereas fraud in mail balloting allows just for the potential of "localized exploitation."

"In case there was any doubt, [Internet] voting as a solution for the challenges to our election posed by [COVID-19] is a really bad idea," tweeted Larry Norden , director of the Brennan Center for Justice's Election Reform Program, after The Guardian published news of the new federal guidance Friday.

A 2018 report from the National Academies of Sciences put it similarly: "At the present time, the Internet (or any network connected to the Internet) should not be used for the return of marked ballots."

Essay on Election for Students and Children

500+ words essay on election.

Election is the process through which people can express their political opinion. They express this opinion by public voting to choose a political leader . Furthermore, this political leader would have authority and responsibility. Most noteworthy, Election is a formal group decision making the process. Also, the selected political leader would hold public office. The election is certainly a vital pillar of democracy. This is because; Election ensures that the government is of the people, by the people, and for the people.

online voting essay

Characteristics of Election

First of all, suffrage is an important part of Election . Most noteworthy, suffrage refers to the right to vote in Elections. The question of who may vote is certainly an important issue. The electorate probably never includes the entire population. Almost all countries prohibit individuals under the age of majority from voting. For example, in India, the age of majority is attainable at the age of 18 years.

The nomination of a candidate is also an important characteristic of Election. This means to officially suggest someone for Election. Nomination refers to the process of selecting a candidate for election to a public office. Furthermore, endorsements or testimonials are public statements to support a candidate’s nomination.

Another essential characteristic of Election is electoral systems. Electoral systems refer to detailed constitutional arrangements and voting systems. Furthermore, detailed constitutional arrangements and voting systems convert the vote into a political decision.

The first step is the tally of votes. For this purpose, there is the use of various vote counting systems and ballot. Then comes the determination of the result on the basis of the tally. Also, the categorization of most systems is as either proportional or majoritarian.

Scheduling refers to arranging and controlling of Elections. Elected officials are accountable to the people. Therefore, they must return to the voters at regular intervals of time. Elected officials must do that so as to seek a mandate to continue in office. Above all, most countries arrange elections at fixed regular intervals.

An election campaign is also an integral part of Election. Election campaign refers to an organized effort to positively influence the decision making of a particular group. Consequently, politicians compete with each other by trying to woo more and more individuals.

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Importance of Election

First of all, the Election is a peaceful and efficient way of choosing political leaders. Furthermore, citizens of a Nation choose a leader by casting their votes. In this way, the citizens are able to choose an individual whose views appeal to them most. Hence, people are able to exercise their will in political leadership.

An election is an excellent opportunity for people to express their resentment. Most noteworthy, if people are unhappy with a particular leadership, then they can remove it from power. People can certainly replace an undesirous leadership with a better alternative through Election.

The election is a handsome opportunity for political participation. Furthermore, it is a way by which new issues can be raised in public. In most democratic countries, common citizens are allowed to contest elections independently.

Consequently, a citizen could introduce reforms which are not any political party’s agenda. Also, in most democratic countries, a citizen could form a new political party to contest Election.

Election helps keep the power of political leaders in check. The ruling parties cannot afford to do any wrongdoing to the public due to the risk of losing Election. Hence, Election serves as an efficient power check and control for those in the ruling power.

To sum it up, Election is the symbol of political freedom. Most noteworthy, it is the tool which puts authority in the hands of common people. Democracy certainly would be non-functional without it. People must realize the value of Elections and come out in large numbers to vote.

Q1 What are electoral systems?

A1  Electoral systems are detailed constitutional arrangements and voting systems. These detailed constitutional arrangements and voting systems convert the vote into a political decision.

Q2 How Election helps keep the power of the political leaders in check?

A2 Elections certainly help keep the power of the political leaders in check. This is because political leaders cannot afford to do any wrongdoing to the public due to the risk of losing Election

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Online Voting system

5 Pages Posted: 28 May 2020

Aakash Suryavanshi

Inderprastha Engineering College - Department of Computer Science

Date Written: April 22, 2020

Our paper deals with online voting system that facilitates user(voter), candidate and administrator (who will be in charge and will verify all the user and information) to participate in online voting. our online voting system is highly secured, and it has a simple and interactive user interface. The proposed online portal is secured and have unique security feature such as unique id generation that adds another layer of security (except login id and password) and gives admin the ability to verify the user information and to decide whether he is eligible to vote or not. It also creates and manages voting and an election detail as all the users must login by user name and password and click on candidates to register vote. Our system is also equipped with a chat bot that works as a support or guide to the voters, this helps the users in the voting process.

Keywords: HTML, CSS, Java Script, PHP, MYSQL, phpMyAdmin, XAMPP

JEL Classification: L80

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Importance of Voting Essay | Essay on Importance of Voting for Students and Children in English

February 14, 2024 by Prasanna

Importance of Voting Essay: A concept is well known by all democratic nations since most of the things are decided with elections. Different governors, mayors, judges, and presidents are all selected by the general population through the voting system, or else they are decided upon by the elected officials.

I personally believe that everyone should vote as everyone has a different opinion and in our Indian democracy we have the ability to choose who can preside over in the office, this also gives us an opportunity to have a say in this political world. The entire purpose of a democracy is to be able to have a say in the political scenario and this is to make sure everyone’s voice is heard and this is what makes up a democracy with everyone participating in it.

From a lot of the statistics, it is a known fact that young people don’t vote especially from the age ranging from 18 to 24. We can have different beliefs but this doesn’t mean you remove yourself from the electoral process. On hearing these statistics I was completely shocked because naturally, people tend to assume that everyone votes but that is not the case.

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Long and Short Essays on Importance of Voting for Students and Kids in English

Voting can be defined as a way of expressing one’s own preference or opinion. This is important as everyone can get a say in the crazy political world we live in and that is what makes up a democracy.

Short Essay on Importance of Voting 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Importance of Voting is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Citizens of the country constantly complain about how our political climate is bad and worsening day by day and the honest truth is we have a chance to change it for the better. To make these changes we must vote by taking an informed vote and casting it as you should remember every vote counts.

It is mostly the youth of the country from age of 18 to 24 that tend to not vote and this causes a huge backlash in the system as these are the votes that we need. If you don’t like the way your country is running then change that by voting and don’t just complain.

“Voting is not just our right but our duty as well”, this saying goes a long way as it tells us clearly we have responsibilities as citizens of the country. To make sure we citizens run and take good care of our country we must put in our votes. A lot of the time people choose to believe that a single vote won’t make much of a difference but that is far from the truth and people must realize it as soon as possible.

Your choice of voting can have extreme consequences on the people from around the world who mostly do not have the right to vote. We must realize that a lot of the lawmakers are responsible for the various policies, laws, and infrastructure of the country for the future years and we are responsible for how these policies, law, and infrastructure is to turn out by voting.

A lot of people in other countries like Afghanistan cannot vote and some even die fighting for this very right. Most war-stricken countries have had their first elections in recent years even though most of the time they are threatened by the Taliban and certain terrorists. Superpower nation like America set certain policies which can have far-reaching impacts on countries that don’t have the same freedom as freedom of expression or the right to votes.

Citizens of the country constantly complain about how our political climate is bad and worsening day by day and the honest truth is we have a chance to change it for the better. To make these changes we must vote by taking an informed vote and casting it as you should remember every vote counts. It is the youth of the nation that does not vote and we have to change that as quickly as possible.

Long Essay on Importance of Voting 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Importance of Voting is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

The process by which people can express their political opinion is known as voting. Citizens of the country express their political opinion by choosing the desired political leader. This political leader, if he is a lawmaker, will have a huge impact on the way the country will presently run and also in the future, so to make sure we choose the right leader in a time when the political climate is constantly changing and we should be responsible citizens and cast our vote.

It is important to understand that election acts as a pillar for democracy because when all else fails we can still choose the right person to run the country. By not choosing the right leader a lot of people can be affected in the sense it can have far-reaching consequences on people who have nothing to do with our country. So we must understand that voting for the right person can have an impact all around us and can affect our country for a very long time. An election makes sure that the government is of the people, for the people, and by the people.

In an election, it is important to have suffrage which is the right to vote in elections. In India, the age of voting is attainable only at the age of 18, and in most countries where people have the right to vote have almost the same age limit. The electorate usually never includes the entire population. This question of how to have the privilege of voting is quite important. A very notable characteristic of elections is the nomination of a person. The nomination is the process of officially suggesting somebody for the public office and after the testimonials and endorsements are the various public statements that can help support a candidate’s nomination.

The electoral systems play a very vital role in the election. The electoral system includes the voting system and constitution arrangements. This is the process that converts a voting system into a proper political decision which can have long term effects on the country and its people.

In the process of voting the first step is the tally of votes. This is the use of the different ballot and counting systems. After this step, the result is determined based on the tally. Usually, the categorization of these systems can be majoritarian or proportional. Once the tally is over the person with the most tally wins the election. Elected officials are responsible to the people of the country so during different periods they must return to their voters, this is done so the elected officials can seek mandate so they can continue in office. Elections are conducted during fixed intervals of time. Elections can have far-reaching impacts on different parts of the world.

Over the recent past, it has become quite common to talk bad about the current elected leader of any legislative assembly or parliament. At the end of the day, the fault-finding comes down to what’s wrong with the system and how democracy isn’t functioning how it should. However, when speculating all the problems it never really bottles down to what the people can do to strengthen the system and bring change to it. Just as it is the responsibility of the elected leader to provide for the people of the country, we need the people to do our job and correct the leader by making sure he represents the right things and this can be done so by selecting the right candidate.

The right to vote is one of the few pillars of democracy. Therefore it is important that one must vote if he is able to and contribute to the country. A citizen shouldn’t find a reason as to not vote as it must be a compulsive duty and must come from within. Citizens of the country constantly complain about how our political climate is bad and worsening day by day and the honest truth is we have a chance to change it for the better.

To make these changes we must vote by taking an informed vote and casting it as you should remember every vote counts. I personally believe that everyone should vote as everyone has a different opinion and in our Indian democracy we have the ability to choose who can preside over in the office, this also gives us an opportunity to have a say in this political world.

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Home — Essay Samples — Government & Politics — Voter Turnout — The Importance of Compulsory Voting


The Importance of Compulsory Voting

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Published: Mar 20, 2024

Words: 729 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

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Democracy and voter turnout, promoting equal representation, encouraging civic engagement.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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Absentee voting and voting by mail

Absentee voting and vote-by-mail allow voting before Election Day by mail or drop-off. Learn how they are different, how to get a ballot in the U.S. or abroad, and meet deadlines.

What is the difference between absentee voting and vote-by-mail?

States allow voters who cannot or do not want to vote in person to cast mail-in or drop off ballots through absentee voting or vote-by-mail programs. Absentee and mail-in ballots can be cast for both primary and general elections.

Absentee voting

Although most states have absentee voting, deadlines and rules on who can take part vary. Some states require an excuse to vote absentee. Others do not. In most states, you must request an absentee ballot to vote in each election. But in some states, you may qualify to sign up to receive absentee ballots for every election. Learn if your state offers permanent absentee voting.


Instead of absentee voting programs, some states offer vote-by-mail (also known as all-mail) programs. They automatically send ballots to all registered voters in the state before Election Day. See which states offer vote-by-mail programs.

How to vote absentee or by mail if you live in the U.S.

Get your ballot from your state or territory. 

Visit Can I Vote and choose your state from the dropdown menu. It will take you right to your state's absentee voting or vote-by-mail page.

Your state may require you to have a valid excuse to vote absentee. Acceptable excuses vary by state. Most include:

  • Being unable to get to your polling place due to illness, injury, or disability
  • Being on business travel or vacation outside of your county or city of residence on Election Day
  • Being a student at an out-of-state college or university

Know your state’s absentee and vote-by-mail ballot deadlines

  • Make sure you follow your state’s deadlines for requesting and returning your ballot. See your state’s voting deadlines . And note whether the deadline is for when your ballot must be postmarked or for when it must be received by the election office.

How to change your address if you are an absentee or vote-by-mail voter

If you have moved, you must update your voter registration with your new address before requesting an absentee or vote-by-mail ballot. In some states, you may need to submit a new voter registration form. In other states, there may be a form you can sign and mail letting your state’s election office know your address has changed. Or you may be able to change your address online. Contact your state or local election office to find out how to update your address.

Know your options for returning your absentee or vote-by-mail ballot

Check with your state or local election office to learn about other ways to return your ballot besides postal mail. Some states have ballot drop boxes. Many let you return your ballot in person at your local election office or another location.

How to vote absentee if you are in the military or outside of the U.S.

Who can and cannot vote absentee.

  • Military members and families stationed outside their legal voting residence can vote absentee.
  • U.S. citizens outside of the U.S. who used to live in the U.S. can vote absentee.
  • U.S. citizens born outside the U.S. who have never resided in the U.S. may not be able to vote absentee. Check the rules of the state where the person’s parent or legal guardian last resided .

Register and request an absentee ballot in one step

If you are in the military, a family member of a military service member, or a U.S. citizen outside of the U.S., you can register to vote and request an absentee ballot in one step. Complete the Federal Post Card Application (FCPA) online . You must know your voting residence for this.

You received an absentee or vote-by-mail ballot but want to vote in person on Election Day

  • You would take the ballot you received in the mail to your designated polling place on Election Day.
  • Exchange your uncast absentee ballot for an in-person ballot
  • Complete your absentee ballot and hand it in, or
  • Cast a provisional ballot

LAST UPDATED: September 17, 2024

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8. Policy Recommendations

Perceptions of Elections

Box 8.1. Engaging the public on electronic voting in the Philippines

The Philippines introduced electronic voting, which has prompted varied criticism over the years. Serious declines in the public’s confidence in the technology have been averted, however, due to the EMB’s and other stakeholders’ careful attention to public education and communication over time. The Commission on Elections (COMELEC) oversaw a public acceptance programme that aimed to educate the electorate on how the automated electoral system worked, to promote acceptance of the system as a guarantee of efficient and credible results and to manage expectations. The country’s three major television networks considered the dissemination of information about the technology to be part of their corporate social responsibility, and they developed and aired information clips in the run-up to the 2010 election at no cost to the government. The core content of these information clips was approved by COMELEC to ensure accuracy and consistency ( Goldsmith and Ruthrauff 2013 ).

Goldsmith, B. and Ruthrauff, H., Implementing and Overseeing Electronic Voting and Counting Technologies (Washington, DC: International Foundation for Electoral Systems and National Democratic Institute, 2013), < https://www.ndi.org/sites/default/files/Implementing_and_Overseeing_Electronic_Voting_and_Counting_Technologies.pdf >, accessed 14 July 2024

There are multiple, complex drivers of public perceptions of electoral integrity, including phenomena that go well beyond the administration of elections. While it may not always be possible for electoral management bodies or the other countervailing institutions that support them to address all the drivers, it is risky to not attend to—at a minimum—the perceived problems in the areas under the direct control of these institutions. Specifically, addressing voter and stakeholder concerns related to voting and vote counting, which our data reveal to be the areas that people pay the most attention to, will require new levels of attentiveness and action.

Addressing voter and stakeholder concerns related to voting and vote counting will require new levels of attentiveness and action.

Importantly, there are no one-size-fits-all solutions to situations marked by low levels of public trust, and there may be cases in which even the most transparent and accessible electoral processes do not assuage all doubts or suspicions. The goal, regardless of context, is electoral processes marked by high levels of both public confidence and integrity ( see Figure 8.1 ). Each country’s relative levels of public trust and electoral integrity will require a different approach.

The following recommendations focus on how stakeholders may begin to address public distrust of elections, with a focus on devoting more attention to public perceptions.

Acknowledge and respond to public opinion by incorporating public perceptions into operational planning . Recognizing that voters pay more attention to voting and vote counting than to other phases of the election cycle, EMBs should be attentive to how voters’ access to and understanding of these activities may impact their perceptions of elections in general. It is important to access regular public polling data, engage consistently with leading academics and civil society, and use temporary election workers and local election authorities to understand what voters are worried about and what they feel confident about when it comes to electoral processes.

online voting essay

Public trust and electoral integrity (SVG)

Developed by the authors.

Introduce electoral reforms with great care, after wide consultation and planning for accidental errors and with as much political consensus as possible . EMBs (and legislators) should carefully consider the costs and benefits—and especially the possible unintended consequences and political impacts on perceptions—of reforms, especially (but not only) those that will impact voting and vote counting. This need for careful consideration applies to any reform, including but not limited to electoral system design, voting methods, voter registration and identification requirements, ballot paper design, boundaries, polling dates. Whatever may be gained in time and efficiency could be lost in public faith, especially where there is unease or suspicion about change or a high risk of mistakes during the initial roll-out because of unfamiliarity. The introduction of reforms or changes to the electoral process should include careful selection, targeted and inclusive consultations, pilot studies and trust building anchored in each society’s values and context.

Prioritize consistent and meaningful communication with the public . Given voters’ heightened sensitivity to and awareness of the voting process, it is important for EMBs and donors to work within well-established, broad ecosystems of partners (including civil society organizations, media, the courts and others) that devote more resources and attention to comprehensive and consistent communications with the public. Communication strategies should span the electoral cycle so that the public becomes more familiar with the EMB, which can reinforce public trust. Such strategies should include but not be limited to providing focused information on the voting process and the vote-counting rules and regulations, with evidence-backed explanations of what kinds and numbers of errors are considered serious or not (and why). As the public becomes increasingly able to understand the practicalities and complexities of voting and vote counting, it is important that it also becomes more knowledgeable about what is and is not a serious or urgent problem. Such strategies should prioritize regular communication that emphasizes how and why other parts of the electoral cycle that are more indirectly related to voting contribute to credible elections. Ensuring that voters have a deeper understanding of the electoral process as a whole could motivate them to push for long-needed reforms to problem areas, such as campaign finance and campaign media.

Box 8.2. Communication throughout the electoral cycle in Nigeria

Box 8.3. an ecosystem of partnerships for mexican elections, for all countervailing institutions.

Respond vigilantly to unfounded accusations that seek to harm people’s perceptions of electoral integrity . Institutions with the authority to deal with libellous statements should make it clear that there will be consequences for those who make accusations that seek to harm perceptions of electoral integrity without credible evidence. Additionally, news media should take up such accusations and inform the public about the extent to which such accusations are factual.

Box 8.4. EMB response to disinformation in Brazil

For regional and international bodies and election observers.

Create increased regional and international capacity devoted to rigorous research, reflection and learning throughout the electoral cycle, with a special emphasis on public perceptions . Given the heightened uncertainty surrounding the integrity of electoral processes around the world, International IDEA reiterates its previous recommendation that the UN and/or regional bodies should consider creating a special rapporteur on the credibility of electoral processes. Such a rapporteur could focus on specific phases or aspects of the electoral cycle (e.g. the independence of EMBs) or on the cycle in its entirety. Such a position could be similar to current initiatives supporting the independence of judges or freedom of opinion or expression ( International IDEA 2023a ). The forthcoming Model Commitments for Advancing Genuine and Credible Elections may be used as a framework for structuring the mandate of such a rapporteur. In addition to an international special rapporteur, EMBs and NGOs or national or domestic election observation groups should work together to consider creating specialized bodies, such as an ombudsperson for elections who is embedded in the electoral process as a permanent, independent observer and liaison who can regularly issue updates to the public on the credibility of various phases of the electoral cycle.

Box 8.5. Shadow reporting for elections

Integrate public opinion information more systematically into research and preparation . Election observer missions should integrate public opinion information into their assessments. Analysis of the public’s views on electoral integrity throughout the electoral cycle may promote a greater understanding of the risks presented to post-election stability and to the ultimate legitimacy of a new government. Relying solely on the views of EMBs, experts and civil society may result in a skewed picture of the election environment and may miss out on key information related to people’s (mis)understanding of elections. Such information may help authorities prepare to address public doubts or questions and pre-empt post-election instability.

For researchers

Support more research on both the reality and range of perceptions of electoral management . Examples of questions that merit greater attention include the following: How do different special voting arrangements impact public confidence in electoral integrity? — How do fake election observation missions impact domestic and international public opinion of electoral integrity? — What is the relationship between election observer findings and public perceptions of electoral integrity, and how (if at all) do experts integrate these findings into their assessments — In what ways does election violence impact people’s perceptions of electoral integrity? — How and to what extent does election-related disinformation impact voters’ and electoral authorities’ behaviour? How do such changes in behaviour impact electoral integrity? What are the impacts of pre-bunking, and what can be done to strengthen this mitigation measure?

International IDEA, ‘Policy recommendations’, Global State of Democracy Initiative, 2023a, < https://www.idea.int/gsod/2023/chapters/policy-recommendations/ >, accessed 13 July 2024

Chapter 9 Conclusion

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