
Pollution due to Urbanization – IELTS Writing Task 2

Janice Thompson

Updated On Aug 14, 2024


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Pollution due to Urbanization. Do you agree or disagree?

Opinion Essay


Sentence 1&2 – Introduce the topic.

Sentence 3 – I agree with the notion of the essay.

Body Paragraphs

Paragraph 1 – Human beings have exploited natural resources to fulfil their needs.

Paragraph 2 – urbanization also has an impact on the health of the masses, in addition to its environmental impact.

Sum up the points discussed in the essay.

In today’s society, pollution is one of the most pressing issues . Our environment is deteriorating at an alarming rate, posing a great challenge for humans. The urbanization of the world has been cited as a source of pollution, and I completely agree with this opinion.

The increasing sense of prosperity and job opportunities in cities attracts people. Globally, 50% of the population already lives in cities. As the urban population is increasing, ample space is necessary for buildings, roads, and bridges. Massive deforestation is arising as a result. A growing population called for the cutting of trees, the clearing of fields, and increased space. Evidently, cutting trees contributes to pollution. As a result of the high density of population, natural resources like water, coal, etc. are becoming scarce. Air and water quality are worsened. There is insufficient water, waste disposal issues are exacerbated , and the energy consumption is high. Sadly, urbanization has posed a challenge to the ability of many valleys, mountains, hill stations, and forests to prevent the pollution of these natural locales. Increasingly, human beings have exploited mother earth to fulfill their needs.

The WHO says that urbanization also has an impact on the health of the masses, in addition to its environmental impact. Considering it causes more than 9 million deaths worldwide annually, air pollution from anthropogenic sources is one of the biggest health risks worldwide. In addition to that, the health hazards that come from the soil, water, noise, and radioactive pollution are also numerous.

Nevertheless, some cite the argument that pollution is a global problem that’s not just confined to urban areas. But studies in sparsely populated areas showed that they are less polluted and have a healthier lifestyle.

In conclusion, urbanization is one of the main factors contributing to natural resource depletion . Pollution levels in cities and towns are high because of the constant deterioration of our mother earth.

  • Pressing issues

Meaning: Problem, need, or issue has to be dealt with immediately. Eg: Rising level of unemployment is the pressing issue of our county.

  • Deteriorating-

Meaning: to become worse Eg: The political tension is deteriorating into a civil war.

  • Evidently 

Meaning: clearly; that can be easily seen or understood Eg: Evidently, he no longer has the strength to fight back.

  • Exacerbated

Meaning: to make something worse, especially a disease or problem Eg: Her presence exacerbated the whole situation.

  • Anthropogenic

Meaning: originating in human activity. Eg : The overwhelming evidence points to the reality of anthropogenic global warming.

Meaning: a source or a situation with the potential for harm Eg: The sign indicated it was hazardous.

Meaning: to quote or refer to in substantiation as an authority, proof, or example. Eg: H cited a passage from the principal’s speech.

Meaning: very small, or to stay within the limits of something Eg: He was confined to jail for ten years.

  • Sparsely populated

Meaning an area that contains few people. Eg: The Atlantics are sparsely populated

Meaning to decrease seriously or exhaust the abundance or supply of Eg: The fire depleted the flora and fauna of the forest.

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Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

Soon after graduating with a Master’s in Literature from Southern Arkansas University, she joined an institute as an English language trainer. She has had innumerous student interactions and has produced a couple of research papers on English language teaching. She soon found that non-native speakers struggled to meet the English language requirements set by foreign universities. It was when she decided to jump ship into IELTS training. From then on, she has been mentoring IELTS aspirants. She joined IELTSMaterial about a year ago, and her contributions have been exceptional. Her essay ideas and vocabulary have taken many students to a band 9.

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Solving Traffic and Pollution Problems: Essay Ideas

Below are some ideas for the following IELTS writing task 2 essay question.

Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree? What other measures do you think might be effective?

There are two questions to answer:

  • Do you think increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems?
  • What other measures do you think might be effective to solve traffic and pollution problems?

Increasing the price of petrol:

  • if the price is increased, less people will be able to afford it
  • if less people can afford petrol, less people will drive cars
  • if less people drive cars, there will be less congestion on the roads
  • if less people drive, there will be less air pollution

Other ways to solve traffic and pollution problems:

  • traffic problems can be solved by improving public transport to encourage more people to use it rather than to use their own cars
  • public transport can be improved by having more public transport available, making it more punctual and reducing the price of tickets to make it more affordable to the average person
  • another measure is to have no traffic zones in city centers which will  reduce both congestion and pollution in urban centers.

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Hi Liz. I have a question, please , if possible, instruct me the best way to do it. So, in some essay has two questions. To be specific, in the agree and disagree essay I don’t know how I should approach. Like this: To what extent do you agree or disagree, and next question in the same essay : ‘What other measures do you think might be effective’. Please, enlight me if I construct the essey: introduction, the first paragraph- the first side(which I don’t agree, the second- which I agree, third paragraph-solution? Or the first-my side, senond-solutions?

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You are over thinking. Try to take a very simple, logical approach. IELTS is testing you on logical organisation. One body paragraphs contains your opinion (whatever it is) and the other body paragraph contains the solutions. Simple, clear, logical = high band score for Coherence & Cohesion.

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Is it okay to use “this essay will discuss/ this essay discussed?? I’ve seen many teachers teach this . Thank you!

If the instructions ask for your opinion, the words “this essay will” does not express your opinion.

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Dear ma’am , How can i improve my sentense formation ………. My teacher said that ” mostly, i make incorrect sentense ” please give the instruction to make correct sentense ………. Thankyou…

You need an English language teacher and an English language website. This website is for IELTS skills. Start developing your English first.

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Hi Liz, this topic popped up on 25 Mar IELTS in Australia.

Yes, sometimes the topics and questions can re-appear in the test 🙂

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hai liz please suggest what type of essay is the below mentioned one.

Some companies have uniform for their staffs which must be worn at all times

What are the advantages for a company of having a uniform?

Are there any benefits of having a uniform for the staff ? tnq kalaivanan

This is Direct Question Essay. You have two questions to answer.

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hi Liz, i’m not clear about what type of question is this?is it opinion essay,cause/solution or direct question essay????

It is a mixed type. It contains an opinion with solutions.

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Please have a look at this one. Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree. What other measures do you think might be effective.

Growing traffic is considered to be a major issue to the world. More cars are hitting the road day by day, which lead to serious pollution problems. In order to tackle this ongoing issue, countries decide to increase the price of petrol, as they think it is the most convenient approach and use some alternatives to petrol like wind and solar power that might be effective. I personally feel that increasing petrol price is not necessary to cut down pollution problems.

To begin with, we can classify people into three categories based on their income such as low income, middle income and rich. When the country increases the petrol price, the first two of these categories will be affected. With regards to low paid people, they suffer from paying petrol’s normal price, but when it is increased, they will not be able to afford it. It is likely to be the same with middle-income people, the money they get is only sufficient for their hand and mouth, so they spend their money consciously. Most of their money goes for household appliances, children education, electricity, and petrol. When petrol price increases, they will suffer a lot and think twice before paying for petrol. On the other hand, this will not majorly affect rich people, as they can afford petrol because of their extra allowances.

However, the country should encourage people to reduce the usage of cars by advertising the consequences of the traffic congestion on the society. Having said that, carpooling is another environmentally friendly solution, as it reduces the carbon footprint of each individual by going to work in groups. In addition to that, we as individuals play a major role in this process. We should be aware of keeping our body fit by cycling or walking instead of using cars for short distances. This will help us to be physically active and healthy, as well as reduce the consumption of petrol. Furthermore, Government could also reserve separate lanes for carpoolers, bicyclers and pedestrians so that they can reach their destination faster which will encourage other people to follow them.

To conclude, traffic is one of the main causes of pollution as it produces harmful gasses and we should be aware of this catastrophic problem. The Government should raise awareness among people on limiting the usage of petrol and use public transportation to keep our atmosphere safe and clean. In this regard, I feel that the government should focus on educating the people instead of increasing the price of petrol. Government and people are the two sides of a coin, so not only the Government always plays a role in saving our earth, but also we should work along with the Government in order to restrict the pollution problem due to the large consumption of petrol.

I don’t usually comment. However, I will say that your conclusion should be either one or two sentences long – no more.

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It is believed that the most effective solution to rapidly increasing traffic and pollution problems is to make petrol expensive. In my opinion, I agree that, by doing so, it will help to bring down the traffic congestion but there are also other ways to curb the exploding traffic and pollution menace.

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Hi Liz How can I write a thesis statement for a cause and effect essay?

The percentage of overweight children in western society has increased by almost 20% in the last ten years.

What are the causes and effects ?

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Hi Liz…i am confused with the use of the verb ‘increase’…I thought that it is a passive verb which means that we do not use it in Passive voice as it has a passive meaning..However you used the phrase ‘if the price is increased’or …’need to be increased’…please could you explain me this grammatic phenomenon?…thanks a lot

This verb can be used in all forms. Please check your dictionary. All the best Liz

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I noticed that the question states “pollution problem”. Would I be deviating from the topic if I state that increasing fuel cost will not be the optimal solution for mitigating pollution issues since other factors unrelated to car use may pollute the air, such as improper waste disposal?

I am looking forward to your response. thank you very much.

For this essay question, the subject is both traffic and pollution together which means you can separate them. The pollution in the essay question relates to traffic pollution only so it wouldn’t be advisable to start writing about other sources of pollution. Liz

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Hi Liz sorry for disturbing.Could you assess my essay and give some advices.

Nowadays,increasing number of cars on roads,one of the big issues for the environment and growthing amount of people.Owing to,vehicles emit greenhouse gases into the atmosphere,which able to create greenhouse effect in the atmosphere.Simultaneously,greenhouse gases cause to raise average ambient temperature. In my opinion,increasing the price of petrol isn’t the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems.Due to,the people who has afford to drive a car,although increasing price of petrol,ongoing driving,by connecting it with their needing.Meanwhille,increasing price of petrol can influence to the price of other manufactures trade,makes it raise.That is why,I can’t go along this opinion.In addition,the increasing price of petrol also can lead to protest and demonstrations,which aren’t good for goverment policy. I suggest that the solution start mass to make vehicles which use alternative types of fuel instead of petrol and that is can mitigate the pollution of environment.Furthermore,for reducing traffic congestion I reckon that,some rich people need change their opinion about cars psychologically.They should look to cars as transport method don’t as luxurious.Because,many rich families have more cars than they need.To conclude,I’d like to mention about that,todays many entrepreneurs at the world are interesting about mass producing cars which use alternative types of fuel (hybrid,hydrogen e.t.c.)

Please read my notice about posting writing: Thanks Liz

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In Most Cities, Noise Pollution Is a Big Problem And Affects the Quality of Life - IELTS Band 9 Essay

In Most Cities, Noise Pollution Is a Big Problem And Affects the Quality of Life - IELTS Task 2  Band 9 Essay

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Sample Essay 1

Noise pollution in urban environments is escalating, significantly degrading quality of life. This uptick is largely attributable to increased urban density and outdated regulatory frameworks. To mitigate this, city authorities must implement stringent noise control measures and promote community awareness.

Primarily, the surge in noise pollution can be traced to the increasing concentration of population and machinery in cities. Urbanization brings a significant rise in vehicles, construction projects, and industrial activities, each adding substantially to the urban cacophony. For instance, the relentless roar of traffic has become a ubiquitous background noise in urban environments, regularly punctuated by the clamour of emergency sirens and the relentless din of construction equipment. The advancement towards 24-hour economies exacerbates this issue, as cities seldom experience periods of quiet, amplifying the stress on residents' mental and physical health. This relentless activity disrupts sleep patterns, heightens the incidence of stress-related ailments, and impairs overall urban liveability, placing additional strain on social and health services and eroding the quality of urban life.

Addressing this issue requires proactive governance by city authorities. Updated and rigorously enforced noise regulations, including zoning laws that segregate residential areas from industrial zones, are essential to shield inhabitants from severe noise pollution. Implementing congestion charges and promoting the use of public transport and bicycles have successfully reduced traffic noise in cities like Amsterdam and Singapore. These measures not only decrease noise pollution but also improve air quality. Additionally, investing in the soundproofing of public buildings and constructing noise barriers along highways can significantly lessen the auditory impact on citizens. Initiating community campaigns to raise awareness about the detrimental effects of noise and the importance of quiet zones can further cultivate a quieter, more harmonious urban environment.

In conclusion, the degradation of urban living conditions due to noise pollution necessitates immediate and innovative interventions by city authorities. By enforcing modernized regulations, enhancing infrastructure, and cultivating community involvement, cities can hope to quell the relentless rise of noise pollution.

Sample Essay 2

In many urban areas, the escalating problem of noise pollution significantly deteriorates quality of life. This essay contends that the rise in noise pollution can be attributed to urban expansion and inadequate regulatory frameworks, and it will argue that city authorities can mitigate this issue through stringent noise regulations and urban planning improvements.

The intensification of noise pollution in cities primarily stems from two factors: rapid urban expansion and the proliferation of transportation networks. Urban areas, burgeoning with skyscrapers and residential complexes, often suffer from construction noises that are incessant. Moreover, the density of these developments often means that such disturbances are widespread, affecting a large swath of the urban population. Transportation, too, contributes significantly to urban noise. The surge in private vehicle usage, coupled with outdated public transit systems, generates a constant background of traffic noise. For instance, cities like New York and Tokyo, despite having advanced public transportation, still grapple with traffic noise owing to their dense vehicular activity.

To combat the increasing noise pollution, city authorities can implement several effective strategies. First, the introduction of stricter noise regulations is imperative. These could include limits on noise levels at different times of the day, coupled with hefty fines for violations, which would compel businesses and individuals to adopt quieter operations. For example, in Zurich, regulations restrict nighttime noise, dramatically improving residents' quality of life. Additionally, enhancing urban infrastructure can also play a critical role. Investing in soundproofing public buildings and creating green buffer zones can significantly reduce the penetration of noise. Furthermore, promoting public transport and developing infrastructure for non-motorized transport, such as cycling lanes, can decrease reliance on private vehicles, thus reducing traffic noise.

In conclusion, while noise pollution is a growing urban issue, it is not insurmountable. By enforcing robust noise control regulations and improving city planning and infrastructure, authorities can significantly alleviate the acoustic burden on city dwellers. These measures not only promise a quieter environment but also enhance the overall urban quality of life.

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Pollution: IELTS Topic Ideas, Grammar, Vocabulary and Sample Answers

Pollution: IELTS Topic Ideas, Grammar, Vocabulary and Sample Answers

July 20, 2023 By Ben W

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In this tutorial, we discuss Pollution IELTS Topic Ideas, grammar, vocabulary and sample answers.

Table of Contents

Introduction, grammar point covered, pros and cons regarding pollution, topic specific vocabulary collocations and phrases.

  • Model Sentences Using Pollution Phrases and Grammar Point

Model Essay About Pollution

Speaking part 3 questions and model answers, further reading.

Pollution, a pressing issue affecting our planet, requires immediate and extensive action. This article will provide an in-depth exploration of pollution, its impacts on society, a critical grammar point and related vocabulary, as well as model answers for IELTS writing and speaking tasks.

The focus of our grammar is on writing sentences that imply a position on a topic rather than explicitly outline the position. This indirect method allows for nuanced expression and can demonstrate a higher level of language ability. Here are some example sentences about pollution:

  • Given the alarming rate of climate change, one might surmise that stricter pollution controls are needed.
  • The increasing incidence of asthma suggests a link to pollution.
  • The declining bird population could be seen as an indictment of our pollution practices.
  • From the smog hovering over cities, it would not be unreasonable to deduce a pressing need for cleaner technologies.
  • Considering the rise in oceanic dead zones, perhaps we ought to examine the role of pollution in aquatic ecosystems.

Please note that no argument can genuinely be in favour of pollution. However, some arguments might downplay the urgency of addressing pollution, highlighting potential challenges or costs of intervention.

  • Pollution often correlates with industrial growth and development.
  • Overcoming pollution requires a significant investment in research and development.
  • Allowing pollution via loser regulations may encourage economic growth.
  • Pollution contributes significantly to global warming.
  • Various forms of pollution lead to health problems, such as respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Pollution negatively impacts biodiversity.
  • Pollution can harm local economies that depend on clean environments, such as tourism and fishing.
  • Pollution affects the aesthetic appeal and quality of life in residential areas.
  • Air Quality Index
  • Carbon footprint
  • Eco-friendly practices
  • Greenhouse gas emissions
  • Non-renewable resources
  • Ozone layer depletion
  • Renewable energy
  • Wastemanagement
  • Water contamination
  • Wildlife conservation

Model Sentences Using the Pollution Phrases and Grammar Point

  • Considering the rapid ozone layer depletion , one might argue that more emphasis should be placed on eco-friendly practices .
  • Air Quality Index readings in many cities suggest an urgent need for better waste management practices.
  • The rise in greenhouse gas emissions could potentially be curbed by a global shift towards renewable energy .
  • The increasing use of non-renewable resources hints at a need for greater innovation in sustainable technologies.
  • The state of our rivers and oceans, marred by water contamination , might prompt a call for improved regulation of industrial waste.

One of the most alarming threats humanity faces today is the overwhelming degree of pollution . This essay will discuss the detrimental impacts of pollution on our planet and suggest possible solutions to this pressing issue.

Body Paragraph 1

Pollution , manifesting in several forms such as air, water, and soil pollution, has detrimental impacts on both human health and the broader ecosystem. The Air Quality Index of many urban areas, for example, implies the severe health risks posed by polluted air. Besides human health, wildlife is also adversely affected, with water contamination leading to a reduction in aquatic biodiversity.

Body Paragraph 2

In light of these issues, it becomes evident that robust measures are needed to curb pollution. Transitioning to renewable energy sources, implementing stricter waste management policies, and promoting eco-friendly practices can substantially reduce the harmful impacts of pollution. Though these changes might require considerable effort and investment, the potential benefits to our environment and future generations are undeniable.

In conclusion, pollution is a severe issue that requires immediate and comprehensive action. As stewards of the earth, it is our responsibility to adopt sustainable practices to ensure the well-being of our planet.

Why do you think pollution has become such a significant problem in the modern world?

Well, to be honest, I think it’s largely down to industrialisation and the consumer-driven society we live in. We’re using non-renewable resources at an alarming rate, which contributes significantly to pollution. It’s like we’re on a runaway train* , and we need to find a way to apply the brakes.

* runaway train : A situation that’s out of control and will probably lead to trouble.

Should governments be held responsible for addressing pollution?

I believe so, yes. Governments have the power and resources to enforce regulations on industries contributing to pollution . For instance, they could incentivise eco-friendly practices and invest in renewable energy .

What are some measures individuals can

take to reduce pollution?

I’m not an expert on this, but I guess reducing, reusing, and recycling waste is a good place to start. Also, switching to renewable energy sources and reducing our carbon footprint can make a significant difference. As the saying goes, “every little helps.”

How has the situation regarding pollution changed from the past, and what do you foresee for the future?

In the past, the effects of pollution were not as widespread as they are today. As far as I know, if we continue down this path, the future seems quite bleak. But I’m optimistic that if we act now and embrace sustainable practices, we can improve the air quality index and ensure a healthier planet for future generations.

Is pollution a significant issue in your country?

Yes, unfortunately, pollution is a considerable problem in my country. Water contamination is particularly concerning due to improper waste management practices. However, there have been initiatives promoting wildlife conservation and environmental cleanliness, which is a positive step forward.

  • BBC News: What is pollution?
  • National Geographic: Pollution
  • Wikipedia: Pollution
  • US Environmental Protection Agency: Pollution
  • World Health Organisation: Air Pollution

Why don’t scientists trust atoms?

Because they make up everything, even pollution!

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March 02, 2016

Ielts writing task 2: problem and solution essay.

Here's my full sample essay for question below.

More and more people are migrating to cities in search of a better life, but city life can be extremely difficult. Explain some of the difficulties of living in a city. How can governments make urban life better for everyone?

Cities are often seen as places of opportunity, but there are also some major drawbacks of living in a large metropolis. In my opinion, governments could do much more to improve city life for the average inhabitant.

The main problem for anyone who hopes to migrate to a large city is that the cost of living is likely to be much higher than it is in a small town or village. Inhabitants of cities have to pay higher prices for housing, transport, and even food. Another issue is that urban areas tend to suffer from social problems such as high crime and poverty rates in comparison with rural areas. Furthermore, the air quality in cities is often poor, due to pollution from traffic, and the streets and public transport systems are usually overcrowded. As a result, city life can be unhealthy and stressful.

However, there are various steps that governments could take to tackle these problems. Firstly, they could invest money in the building of affordable or social housing to reduce the cost of living. Secondly, politicians have the power to ban vehicles from city centres and promote the use of cleaner public transport, which would help to reduce both air pollution and traffic congestion. In London, for example, the introduction of a congestion charge for drivers has helped to curb the traffic problem. A third option would be to develop provincial towns and rural areas, by moving industry and jobs to those regions, in order to reduce the pressure on major cities.

In conclusion, governments could certainly implement a range of measures to enhance the quality of life for all city residents.

(273 words, band 9)


I have applied for IELTS general module. I get stressed because of my unawareness about some evaluation rules! For example, is it important having unique accent in speaking? I mean, can we use hybrid(British and American) accent? and also, what about in writing?

Posted by: Reza | March 02, 2016 at 09:10

Thanks Simon for your nice work!

I feel really happy that almost every time I can learn something from your model essays even though I've gone through all of them.

Posted by: James Z. | March 02, 2016 at 09:52

Hi ,Simon Thank you for nice work! I want to ask my question: Can we link drawbacks of living in big cities to migrant problems in this essay?

Posted by: Huseyn | March 02, 2016 at 11:57

I think thật the 2nd paragrah is lack of topic sentence

Posted by: Nga Pham | March 02, 2016 at 13:28

Well noticed Nga! Although I usually write topic sentences, I decided to do something a little different in that paragraph :)

Posted by: Simon | March 02, 2016 at 14:38


Posted by: Ting ting Li | March 03, 2016 at 10:03

1. First paragraph gives a background information

2 . In second paragraph , problems are stated one after another by using linking words The main problem that Another issue is that Furthermore As a result

3.In third paragraph ,there is a topic sentence after that measures are suggested for government However + topic sentence Firstly Secondly + one example A third option would be ( to do ...)

4. Conclusion paragraph is very short but cut to the point . I wonder why u always end with "in conclusion " ? Happy to see wordings that are not so complicated can be put together to make a cohesive and wonderful essay ... Thanks a million Simon :) have a nice day

Posted by: Lala | March 03, 2016 at 10:05

what i got from this essay

1.major drawbacks of living in a large metroplis 2.inhabitants of cities 3. another is that urban areas 4. in the building of affordable or social housing 5 inplement a range of measures

Posted by: fazlin | March 03, 2016 at 15:23

thanks simon for this wonderful essay ! it seems so simple yet really well-constructed.

Posted by: fazlin | March 03, 2016 at 15:24

Thank you for your essay.

I just want to ask one question. When you write a problem and solution essay, do you have to show solutions for each problem you mentioned in 2nd paragraph?

For example, if you listed high living cost, crime rate and air pollution as problems, do you have to give three solutions, how to reduce living cost, how to reduce crime rate, and how to solve air pollution?

Posted by: Yuji | March 04, 2016 at 07:55

Dear Simon,

General Training Task 2 topic on 18th February 2016 was " These days more and more older people try to look younger. What are the reasons for this and is it a good thing or bad thing?"

These were the exact wording "good thing or bad thing"

What type of topic is this? Is it a two-part question? But it is asking a question and an opinion.

Please help to organise a structure. Thanks.

Posted by: sudu | March 04, 2016 at 09:01

No, you don't have to address the exact problems.

That would be the same as a question that asks "is this a positive or negative development?" It's like this question:

Posted by: Simon | March 04, 2016 at 10:25

Who will take exam tmrw 5 th march

Posted by: Ddd | March 04, 2016 at 16:15

Who took IELTS exam today

Posted by: Nouf | March 04, 2016 at 18:35

Thanks, Simon.

Posted by: Yuji | March 05, 2016 at 23:35

Hello there. Today i have had other parts of the test!! I have to say that the listening and the reading tests are really similar to practice tests in Cambridge 10. Writing Task 1 it is a map and it is nearly same as the From SHAKHZOD

writing take 1 in Cambridge Official materials!!! if you want to see that diagrams, you can also find them on Task 2 Some people believe that the main purpose of schools is to turn children into good citizens and workers rather than to benefit them individually! to what extent do you agree or disagree?

Posted by: SHAKHZOD | March 06, 2016 at 09:50

Hi Simon, Thank you for your example essay! And I still have some questions:

1) I think "The main problem for anyone who hopes to migrate to a large city is that..." is still a topic sentence. Is it correct?

2) I noticed that some essays in the Official Guide adopt "five paragraphs". For example, in the discussion topic, the structure of the essay usually is: Introduction + The first opinion + The second opinion + My opinion + Conclusion

Is this method better than "four paragraphs structure"?

I'm really looking forward your reply and thank you for your time.

Best regards.

Posted by: Micheal | March 08, 2016 at 08:46

Hi Michael,

No, it isn't really a topic sentence. I decided to miss the topic sentence in that paragraph, but my usual advice is to start with one. I'll mention this in tomorrow's lesson here on the blog.

I much prefer the 4-paragraph approach. The essays in the official books all seem to be written in different ways, so they don't really help us in terms of which approach is best.

Posted by: Simon | March 08, 2016 at 12:50

hi simon I need your help to improve my score I am to poor in reading and writing also not too much good i taken date on 30th april for academic in ahmedabad india please give me a tips to improve it

Posted by: Maitrey B Patel | March 09, 2016 at 07:55

hello simon..... the task 2 question which was asked on march 5th was a repeated done the same question in 2011.

Posted by: swapna | March 09, 2016 at 14:31

Although city life is most commonly seen to be full of advantages, at the same time it has a number of distinct disadvantages.

Posted by: shahnoz | March 10, 2016 at 03:46

On the one hand, the denizen having to face the challenge life in urban sprawl

Posted by: Jackie | March 10, 2016 at 08:49

Hi,anyone here took the ielts general writing exam last week (29th Feb -5th March)? Can you please share your task 1 n task 2 topics? I'll be taking my exam this coming week. Thanks.

Posted by: Peanut | March 13, 2016 at 00:24

Could anyone help me answer this question: What does "average inhabitant" meaning? I'm very confuse, because this word is not absence regularly

Posted by: Ahn Lee | March 16, 2016 at 01:33

An "average inhabitant" means an ordinary person. A person who regularly lives in an area. So an "average inhabitant" of a large city would probably refer to a person who is employed and who lives in an apartment. At the same time, an "average inhabitant" of a country town might be a farmer or a regular worker. It might mean a persn with a family. The term doesn't usually mean the boss of of large company.

Posted by: Pauline | March 20, 2016 at 06:42

I would like know why use "the average inhabitant" instead of "average inhabitants".

Posted by: Weiwen | March 21, 2016 at 04:37

Thank Pauline, So "average inhabitant" means the "typical residents" of a city or town right?. It present for almost inhabitants who live and work at that place.

Posted by: Ahn Lee | March 22, 2016 at 02:02

The cities are considered as palces of major civilization. People move to cities because there are more opportunities of employment, quality life and quality education but at the same time such cities have drawbacks which people suffer on daily basis. I will introduce most significant problems which habitants face in their daily lives and some ideas to tackle such challenges by the government.

Firstly, people in large cities suffer from traffic congestion . Similarly, people often at least twice time in a day have to deal with traffic jam. Moreover it leads to traffic accidents and driving car in such conditions is dangerous. To tackle this problem, government should take some meashures; for instance, to set up more traffic lights and also should allocate driveway for public transport and for other cars separately.

Another major issue in metropolis is crime which is steadily increasing and it is becoming dangerous walking through the dark streets at night. In such cities, criminals commit thefts and various serious offences every other day. To solve this issue, government should increase the number of police in more affected places. As a result it, crime rate can be reduced.

The third significant challenge in large cities is the cost of living. Cities are more expensive than countryside. The the cost housing; of education; cost of transport are much higher than villages. The forward way for the government might be to help poor people by building special economical housing projects and take some strict measures to control the inflation in cities.

To sum up, at the same time with good opportunities in large cities, people face with several problems in their daily life. Clearly, government can solve these issues and improve living conditions in big cities. Personally, I consider that cities is good for getting a quality education and creating a good career, but it depends on you if you couldn't accustom to stress and other drawbacks in such cities so living there would be difficult.

Posted by: ASAD | April 04, 2016 at 09:03

Hi Simon. Is this sentence gramatically correct? "the air quality in cities is often poor, due to pollution from traffic, and the streets and public transport systems are usually overcrowded." To my knowledge, "due to", a preposition, is not followed by a subject plus a verb, in this case pollution + systems and are.

Posted by: Sunsword | April 06, 2016 at 02:10

Hi Sunsword,

The sentence is 100% correct.

"due to" is followed by the noun "pollution" in that sentence. Everything that comes after the word "and" is a completely new idea (a new clause).

Posted by: Simon | April 07, 2016 at 23:42

Dear Simon Last month I know your website by coincidence.And It is strongly helpful and effective.Fortunately,I am glad to have an opportunity to make use of these resources. I noticed that you used these words and phrases repeatedly,such as "reduce " "help to".But my IELTS teachers have once told me that it is very important to use more and more Thesaurus in the writting task .What is your opinion? Thank you

Posted by: Cathy Cheung | April 11, 2016 at 15:56

hi, simen I wanted to know about 'comma' in the essay above, after furthermore, air quality is poor, due to pollution from traffic, and. why we have comma before 'and' here?

Posted by: arooj | April 13, 2016 at 10:25

With the advent of industrilization, more and more people are relocating to cities for a better living. This migration has stepped up a lot in recent decades. I would like to put forth the difficulties being faced by the people and the role of the governance body in providing better aminities the public.

Most people migrate for country side to bigger cities in search of livelihood. When the cities are not properly planned, it creates a lot of discomfort to people when the city suddenly sees a large migrant population. The worst affected are the commuters who get struck in the traffic as the roads,flyovers etc are not properly planned and are inadequate for the growing population.According to a recent statistics,Mumbai has been a victim of such migration.Another fear among the residents is the lack of proper sewage system. Every monsoon, all the low lying areas are flooded creating havoc among people.There is lot of pollution in the air they breathe beacuse of the industries.Food adultration has also become a serious phenomenon these days.

The onus of a providing a better life to the people is on the government.Firstly, government should plan proper sewage systems,roads, flyovers etc keeping in view the polulation for the coming ten years.Secondly,it should consider creating Special economic zones for industries, educational institutions,entertainment,hospitals etc. Keeping the pollution levels in mind,it should encourage planting trees to reduce the greenhouse emissions.A better example of a planned city is Chandigarh.The citizens should also be made aware of their individual responsibilities in helping keep the city clean.

To sum up,governments should work on implementing a range of measures to keep the city well planned and enhance the quality of life of its people.

Posted by: sandeep | April 18, 2016 at 18:22

In the second paragraph you say "to ban vehicles from city centres". How is that possible? vehicles include cars, buses....

Posted by: Anderson | June 24, 2016 at 13:18

It's just an opinion. Examiners are looking at your language, not the quality of your views. Also, it doesn't say which vehicles; I'm simply stating that politicians can ban vehicles if they want to.

Posted by: Simon | June 24, 2016 at 13:28

Is this okay?

Urban cities are seen to be destinations of success wherein individuals transferring to these areas are continuously increasing. Although there are some hardships staying in such places, the government can take measures to make inhabitants' life easier.

Posted by: Dani | July 11, 2016 at 16:40

People tend to move to major cities in order to have a better life. However, living in big cities has its own problems. Authorities should tackle these problems to improve the quality of life in metropolis. There several main issues with the urban life. Firstly, the cost of living is higher in major cities compered to small towns. Secondly, because of a huge population, life is normally too stressful in large places. Also, unemployment rate is high or at least many families have low-income occupations. Therefore, they may not be able to afford buying a suitable accommodation. Another major difficulty of residing in large cities is air pollution and traffic congestion. Both of these problems have detrimental impact on life. Air pollution, which is mainly due to the emissions from cars and automobiles, can cause serious diseases such as lung cancer. Moreover, traffic jam makes day-to-day life very slow. City councils should take some steps to mitigate the problems that people encounter in metropolis. Firstly, they can create more job opportunities for young people by investing the majority of governmental fund in businesses. If people have a decent job with a reasonable salary, the crime rate and juvenile delinquency will reduce in the society. Another way to improve the standard of living in big cities is to give loans to citizens so that they can buy a house or give subsidy for the education of their children. Alternatively, government can provide better facilities for the residents of small towns and villages in order to encourage them staying there. Finally, if a cheaper, faster and more convenient public transport system such as buses and trains is available, individuals prefer to use that rather than using their own private cars. In this way, the air pollution will decrease dramatically and residents will enjoy a cleaner city. In conclusion, although city life has many difficulties, government can improve the lives of citizen of large cities in several ways which have been mentioned above.

Posted by: nina | August 25, 2016 at 12:02

An increasing number of people choose to live in big cities. What problems will this bring about? Should the government encourage people to live in small towns?

Nowadays by increasing population, more people tend to live in large towns. In fact, overpopulation in large cities is one of the consequences of concentration on urban development. The government should take some initiative and utilise some incentives to persuade people to live in small cities. In spite of abundant positive points of living in metropolises there are some difficulties related to urbanisation. For example those who live in the Tabriz have more opportunity to find a well-paid job or to study in better universities compared with those who live in the Salmas. But relocating people to big cities results in overcrowding which is associated with traffic congestion, air pollution, high rate of crime and various diseases. It has been proven that rural sitters are healthier than a large city dwellers. Surely the longevity of people who live in rural areas are longer than big town sitters. One of the most significant tasks of the government is to take initiatives to decline urbanization. Trend of people to move to metropolises is because of lack or shortage of many facilities of their own area. Therefore it is the government duty that to reward rural sitters by providing better education system, highly standard of health care centers and more job opportunities. For example the Sarab University has around 500 student, so it means the being of this university has prevented of migration of 500 student to large cities. Meanwhile low interest loans and subsidies should be provided by the government to promote industrial and agricultural opportunities in small towns. In conclusion, regarding the problematic consequences of urbanization the prompt acting of the government is a must. 274 words

Posted by: Mehdi | March 13, 2017 at 20:26

It is widely argued that the number of people leaving rural areas for urban places is on the increase. While there is a strong case for this view, several remedies must be applied to tackle a handful of issues which have arisen. In this essay, the matter would be discussed more in depth. The phenomenon can be attributable to two principal factors. One of the most obvious problem is overpopulation in cities. With such huge amount of residents rushing to suburb areas continuously, the rental agencies would be working full capacity and costing a lot higher than ever. Cramping and poor living conditions are expected, by illustration, Ho Chi Minh City's residents from various provinces across Vietnam. Another aching problem to be mentioned would be traffic congestion. It is easily to predict from the quantity of public transports in cities nowadays. Rush hours seem to be longer due to congestion between large public transport rather than between individual's vehicles. Measures should be taken in order to overcome the issues. The under-average living conditions could be improved if the government build more affordable block apartments. Traditional paying method should also be modified to monthly charged. When it comes to heavy traffic jams, more routes and directions for drivers must be taken into consideration as public transportation has it very own routes. In conclusion, it is not against nature that so many people from the countryside rushing to cities as more opportunities awaits. However, there are various negative consequences that must be solve by taking appropriate approaches to better people's cities life.

Posted by: Nhu Nguyen Thi Yen | November 01, 2017 at 06:36

Could we use the structure as follows?

Paragraph 2: On the one hand... (what are the disadvantages of living in the cities?)

Paragraph 3: On the other hand... (How could governments do to improve the city life?)

Thank you very much for your great work!

Posted by: hung | August 29, 2018 at 09:57

I get confused after reading your sample essay. In the first paragraph, you explained 3 difficulties without any examples. Will it be graded as overgeneralized? My IELTS teacher always reminds me to support my view by including an example in order to avoid overgeneralizing.

Posted by: cherchun | June 12, 2019 at 09:09

The question asks for 'some' difficulties, so we need to give more than one. There's a named example in my second body paragraph, so that's enough for an essay of this type. Examples are great, but you don't always need them.

Posted by: Simon | June 20, 2019 at 13:27

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IELTS Writing Task 2: Mastering Essays on Public Transportation Benefits for Urban Areas

As an IELTS Writing Task 2 expert, I’ve noticed that topics related to public transportation and its benefits for urban areas frequently appear in IELTS exams. This subject is particularly relevant given the increasing focus on sustainable urban development and environmental concerns. Based on past exam trends and current global issues, I predict that this theme will continue to be a popular choice for IELTS examiners in the near future.

Let’s examine a typical IELTS Writing Task 2 question on this topic:

Some people believe that governments should invest more in improving public transportation in cities. Others think that building more roads is a better solution to traffic congestion. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Analyzing the Question

This question presents a common IELTS Task 2 format: discussing two contrasting views and providing a personal opinion. The key elements to address are:

  • The argument for investing in public transportation
  • The argument for building more roads
  • Your personal stance on which solution is more effective

Remember to provide reasons and examples to support each viewpoint and your own opinion.

Sample Essays

Band 8-9 essay.

Urban public transport system

In the face of growing urban populations and increasing traffic congestion, the debate between improving public transportation and constructing more roads has become a critical issue for many city governments. While both approaches aim to alleviate traffic problems, I firmly believe that investing in public transportation is the more sustainable and effective long-term solution.

Proponents of road expansion argue that it directly addresses the immediate problem of congestion by increasing capacity for vehicles. They contend that more roads allow for better traffic flow, reducing travel times and fuel consumption caused by idling in traffic jams. Additionally, improved road infrastructure can enhance connectivity between different parts of a city, potentially stimulating economic growth in previously underserved areas.

However, the benefits of investing in public transportation are far more comprehensive and sustainable. Firstly, efficient public transit systems can move significantly more people than private vehicles, maximizing the use of limited urban space. For instance, a single bus can transport the equivalent of 40-60 cars’ worth of passengers, dramatically reducing road congestion. Secondly, public transportation is considerably more environmentally friendly , reducing carbon emissions and air pollution in cities. This aligns with global efforts to combat climate change and improve urban air quality.

Moreover, well-developed public transport networks promote social equity by providing affordable mobility options for all citizens , regardless of their economic status. This inclusivity can lead to improved access to job opportunities, education, and healthcare services for a broader segment of the population. Public transportation also fosters community development and can revitalize urban areas around transit hubs.

From an economic perspective, while road construction offers short-term benefits, the long-term costs of maintenance and the eventual need for further expansion can be substantial. In contrast, investments in public transportation often yield long-term economic benefits through reduced congestion costs, lower infrastructure maintenance expenses, and increased productivity due to reduced commute times.

In conclusion, while both approaches have their merits, I strongly support prioritizing investments in public transportation. Its capacity to address multiple urban challenges simultaneously – from congestion and environmental concerns to social equity and long-term economic benefits – makes it the superior choice for creating sustainable, livable cities. As urban populations continue to grow, embracing efficient and accessible public transit systems will be crucial in shaping the future of our cities.

(Word count: 374)

Band 6-7 Essay

Traffic congestion is a major problem in many cities around the world. Some people think that governments should spend more money on improving public transportation, while others believe building more roads is the answer. Both solutions have their advantages, but I think improving public transportation is better in the long run.

Those who support building more roads say it will help reduce traffic jams. With more roads, cars can move faster and there will be less congestion. This can save time for drivers and reduce stress. Also, new roads can connect different parts of the city, which can be good for business and help the economy grow.

On the other hand, improving public transportation has many benefits. Firstly, buses and trains can carry many more people than cars, which means less traffic on the roads. For example, one bus can replace about 40 cars. Secondly, public transport is better for the environment because it produces less pollution per person than individual cars. This is important for the health of people living in cities.

Another advantage of public transportation is that it’s cheaper for people to use than owning a car. This means that more people can afford to travel around the city, which is good for social equality. It also helps people who can’t drive, like elderly or disabled people, to move around more easily.

In my opinion, investing in public transportation is the better solution. While building more roads might help in the short term, it doesn’t solve the problem of too many cars in cities. As cities grow, more people will buy cars and soon the new roads will be full again. Public transportation, however, can continue to move large numbers of people efficiently even as the population grows.

To conclude, both building roads and improving public transport can help with traffic problems, but I believe that focusing on public transportation is more sustainable and beneficial for cities in the long term. It helps reduce traffic, is better for the environment, and provides affordable transportation for all citizens.

(Word count: 329)

Band 5-6 Essay

Many cities have traffic problems today. Some people think the government should spend more money on public transportation. Others think building more roads is better. Both ideas have good points, but I think public transportation is better.

People who want more roads say it will help traffic move faster. More roads mean more space for cars. This can make driving easier and faster. New roads can also connect different parts of the city, which is good for business.

But public transportation has many good points too. Buses and trains can carry many people at once. This means fewer cars on the road. Also, public transport is better for the environment. It makes less pollution than many cars. This is good for people’s health in the city.

Public transport is also cheaper for people to use than having a car. This helps people who don’t have much money. It also helps old people or people who can’t drive to move around the city.

I think public transportation is better because it helps more people. Building roads only helps people with cars. But buses and trains can help everyone. Also, as cities get bigger, more people will buy cars. So new roads will get full again. But public transport can still move many people even when the city grows.

In conclusion, both ideas can help with traffic problems. But I think public transportation is better for cities in the long term. It helps reduce traffic, is good for the environment, and helps all people in the city.

(Word count: 246)

Explanation of Band Scores

This essay demonstrates excellent writing skills and a sophisticated approach to the topic:

  • Task Achievement : The essay fully addresses all parts of the task, presenting a well-developed response with relevant, extended, and supported ideas.
  • Coherence and Cohesion : Ideas are logically organized with clear progression throughout. Paragraphs are well-linked, and cohesive devices are used effectively.
  • Lexical Resource : A wide range of vocabulary is used with very natural and sophisticated control of lexical features. Rare minor errors occur only as ‘slips’.
  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy : A wide range of structures is used with full flexibility and accuracy. The essay is virtually error-free.

This essay shows a competent handling of the task with some areas for improvement:

  • Task Achievement : All parts of the task are addressed, though some parts may be more fully covered than others.
  • Coherence and Cohesion : Information and ideas are arranged coherently, and there is a clear overall progression. Cohesive devices are used effectively, but there may be some under/over-use.
  • Lexical Resource : A sufficient range of vocabulary is used to allow some flexibility and precision. There may be occasional errors in word choice or spelling, but they do not impede communication.
  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy : A mix of simple and complex sentence forms is used. There are some errors, but they rarely reduce communication.

This essay addresses the task but with limitations:

  • Task Achievement : The essay addresses the task only partially, with limited development of ideas and insufficient examples.
  • Coherence and Cohesion : There is a basic structure, but ideas are not always well-connected. Paragraphing is present but may be inconsistent.
  • Lexical Resource : A limited range of vocabulary is used, with some repetition. There may be noticeable errors in spelling and word formation.
  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy : A limited range of structures is used. While the meaning is generally clear, errors are frequent and may cause some difficulty for the reader.

Key Vocabulary to Remember

Urban planning (noun) /ˈɜːrbən ˈplænɪŋ/: The process of designing and organizing urban areas.

Sustainable (adjective) /səˈsteɪnəbl/: Able to be maintained at a certain rate or level without depleting resources.

Infrastructure (noun) /ˈɪnfrəstrʌktʃər/: The basic physical and organizational structures and facilities needed for the operation of a society or enterprise.

Congestion (noun) /kənˈdʒestʃən/: The state of being overcrowded, especially with traffic or people.

Commute (noun/verb) /kəˈmjuːt/: The journey between home and work or school.

Accessibility (noun) /əkˌsesəˈbɪləti/: The quality of being able to be reached or entered.

Emissions (noun) /ɪˈmɪʃnz/: The production and discharge of something, especially gas or radiation.

Revitalize (verb) /ˌriːˈvaɪtəlaɪz/: To imbue with new life and vitality.

Efficiency (noun) /ɪˈfɪʃnsi/: The state or quality of being efficient, of achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense.

Connectivity (noun) /ˌkɒnekˈtɪvəti/: The state of being connected or interconnected.

Mastering IELTS Writing Task 2 essays on Public Transportation Benefits For Urban Areas requires a good understanding of urban planning concepts, environmental issues, and social dynamics. The sample essays provided demonstrate how to approach this topic at different band levels, highlighting the importance of well-structured arguments, relevant examples, and appropriate vocabulary.

To further improve your skills, consider practicing with these additional potential topics:

  • The impact of public transportation on reducing carbon emissions in cities
  • The role of public transportation in promoting social equality in urban areas
  • Comparing the economic benefits of investing in public transportation versus private vehicle infrastructure

Remember, the key to success in IELTS Writing Task 2 is practice. Try writing your own essay on one of these topics and share it in the comments section below. This active practice will help you refine your writing skills and prepare you for success in your IELTS exam.

For more insights on related topics, you might find these articles helpful:

  • The Rise of Energy-Efficient Public Transport Systems
  • How Green Buildings are Promoting Sustainable Urban Living
  • Public Transport: Reducing Urban Pollution

Good luck with your IELTS preparation!

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Ielts essay # 832 - overpopulation in urban areas has led to numerous problems, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, these days, overpopulation in many urban areas has led to numerous problems. , identify one or two serious problems associated with overpopulation in urban areas, and suggest ways that governments and individuals can tackle these problems..

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  • Overpopulation Essay

IELTS Overpopulation Essay

This model essay is about  overpopulation in cities . You specifically have to talk about the  problems  of overpopulation, and suggest some  solutions  to this problem.

Note that this question specifically asks you what governments and individuals can do.

Here is the question:

Overpopulation of urban areas has led to numerous problems.

Identify one or two serious ones and suggest ways that governments and individuals can tackle these problems.

Organising a Problems & Solutions Essay

Note that this overpopulation essay question specifically asks you what governments and individuals can do.

Overpopulation Essay

You MUST, therefore, write about what both of these can do in order to fully answer the question.

Note as well that you must talk about  serious  problems.

The easiest way to organize a problems and solutions essay is as follows:

Body 1: Problems

Body 2: Solutions

In this essay, a separate paragraph has been written about government and individual solutions, so it is organized as follows:

Body 2: Solutions - Government

Body 3: Solutions - Individuals

Model Essay

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words.

IELTS Overpopulation Essay - Sample Answer

Many countries of the world are currently experiencing problems caused by rapidly growing populations in urban areas, and both governments and individuals have a duty to find ways to overcome these problems.

Overpopulation can lead to overcrowding and poor quality housing in many large cities. Poorly heated or damp housing could cause significant health problems, resulting in illness, such as bronchitis or pneumonia. Another serious consequence of overcrowding is a rising crime rate as poor living conditions may lead young people in particular to take desperate measures and turn to crime or drugs.

In terms of solutions, I believe the government should be largely responsible. Firstly, it is vital that the state provides essential housing and healthcare for all its citizens. Secondly, setting up community projects to help foster more community spirit and help keep young people off the street is a good idea. For example, youth clubs or evening classes for teenagers would keep them occupied. Finally, more effective policing of inner city areas would also be beneficial.

Naturally, individuals should also try to address these problems. One way is to put pressure on the government to ensure they tackle the problems by, for instance, forming action groups to lobby the government and request intervention and adequate funding. They could also form Neighbourhood Watch areas to try and help reduce the high levels of crime.

Therefore, it is clear that the problems caused by overpopulation in urban areas are very serious. Yet if governments and individuals share a collective responsibility, then it may well become possible to offer some solutions.

(260 words)

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The autonomous industrial colony "kuzbass".

This essay was published in 2000 as part of the original Meeting of Frontiers website.

As Bolshevik power spread to Siberia in the early 1920s following the end of the Russian Civil War (1918-21), a unique colony of workers took shape near the city of Kemerovo. Spurred by idealism and the goal of building socialism after the triumph of the 1917 October Revolution, foreign laborers signed up to work in the factories and coal mines of the Kuznetsk Basin (Kuzbass). Eager to tap their expertise, the Soviet government granted these foreigners a concession to exploit raw materials in this region of south central Siberia in 1921. The result was the establishment of the Autonomous Industrial Colony "Kuzbass."

In the West, the chief proponents of this plan were Sebald Rutgers, a Dutch communist, William "Big Bill" Haywood, an American leader of the International Workers of the World (IWW), and Herbert Calvert, an engineer and former superintendent of a Ford automobile plant in Detroit. These men formed an agency known as the Organization Group of American Workers, which had a "Kuzbass Bureau" in New York City, to recruit volunteers to come to the Soviet Union. Those who signed up served in various enterprises and factories near Kemerovo, as well as in lesser industries in Tomsk and Nadezhdensk (north of Sverdlovsk). All recruits paid their own transportation and living expenses to the border of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), from which point the Soviet authorities provided assistance.

As had been the case in other chapters of Siberian history, the men arriving in the Kuzbass found that conditions were not quite as advertised. Early colonists came in the spring and summer of 1922 and encountered substandard housing and work facilities. Moreover, the promises of an egalitarian sharing of production surpluses as well as a more democratic order than was typical elsewhere in the Soviet Union proved illusory and short-lived. Perhaps as a result, the number of foreign colonists never amounted to more than four hundred persons at any one time, far short of the organizers' initial goals of several thousand volunteers. Nevertheless, many of the foreign colonists performed valuable work in the Kuzbass, in particular by increasing coal production for the steam locomotives along the Trans-Siberian Railroad. Although local industry grew with help from this colony of foreign workers, economic output never reached initial expectations. By 1926 only a handful of colonists remained and a Soviet administrator had replaced Rutgers as head of the colony. Contingents of forced laborers in the Gulag soon replaced rosy idealists as a mainstay of the labor force in the Soviet state.

urban pollution ielts essay

Air pollution in cities is growing at an alarming rate. What measures could be taken to address this problem?

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Include an introduction and conclusion

A conclusion is essential for IELTS writing task 2. It is more important than most people realise. You will be penalised for missing a conclusion in your IELTS essay.

The easiest paragraph to write in an essay is the conclusion paragraph. This is because the paragraph mostly contains information that has already been presented in the essay – it is just the repetition of some information written in the introduction paragraph and supporting paragraphs.

The conclusion paragraph only has 3 sentences:

  • Restatement of thesis
  • Prediction or recommendation

To summarize, a robotic teacher does not have the necessary disciple to properly give instructions to students and actually works to retard the ability of a student to comprehend new lessons. Therefore, it is clear that the idea of running a classroom completely by a machine cannot be supported. After thorough analysis on this subject, it is predicted that the adverse effects of the debate over technology-driven teaching will always be greater than the positive effects, and because of this, classroom teachers will never be substituted for technology.

Start your conclusion with a linking phrase. Here are some examples:

  • In conclusion
  • To conclude
  • To summarize
  • In a nutshell

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Some countries achieve international sports by building specialised facilities to train top athletes, instead of providing sports facilities that everyone can use. Do you think this is positive or negative development?

In today 's world many people own a smartphone. do you think the adavantages of owning a smartphone outweigh the disavantages, 17. some people think that a persons improve their intellectual skills more when doing a group activity. to what extend do you agree., you have not seen a close friend for a very long time. you also still have a few of your friend’s belongings that were left at your house the last time she visited. in your letter include: - why you are writing - what you’ve been doing since you last spoke together - apologize for still having the items and ask how you can return them write at least 150 words. you do not need to write any addresses., some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school, do the advantages of this outweight disadvantages..


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