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Goddard institute for space studies, goddard space flight center sciences and exploration directorate earth sciences division.

These database pages index about 6000 publications authored or co-authored by NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies scientists and colleagues since the institute was founded in 1961. Most entries are refereed journal articles, but the database also includes tech reports and tech notes, report chapters, book chapters, conference proceedings papers, doctoral dissertations, and other research publications as well as some popular science articles. The database is not complete but is nearly so for the years after 1990.

Copies of some listed publications are also available here in PDF form. Otherwise, entries are citation and abstract only. Most listings also include a link to the appropriate journal website. Some include links to related news releases or non-technical science briefs describing the research.

Some complete papers provided here differ from the published form, most likely because they are post-publication versions that include typographical or other corrections. Unless otherwise indicated, the published version is the version intended by the author(s).

Recent Publications

Gornitz, V., 2025: The nature of Quaternary climate change . In Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science, Third Edition . S.A. Elias, Ed., vol. 4, Elsevier, pp. 171-183, doi:10.1016/B978-0-323-99931-1.00099-4.

Kuhla, K., M.J. Puma, and C. Otto, 2024: International cooperation was key to stabilize wheat prices after the Russian invasion of Ukraine . Commun. Earth Environ. , 5 , no. 1, 481, doi:10.1038/s43247-024-01638-7.

Lenssen, N., G.A. Schmidt, M. Hendrickson, P. Jacobs, M. Menne, and R. Ruedy, 2024: A GISTEMPv4 observational uncertainty ensemble . J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. , 129 , no. 17, e2023JD040179, doi:10.1029/2023JD040179.

Balk, D., C. Braneon, R. Leichenko, R. Moss, and J. Towers, 2024: NPCC4: Climate risk and equity — Advancing knowledge toward a sustainable future — Introduction . Ann. New York Acad. Sci. , early on-line, doi:10.1111/nyas.15149.

Erfani, S.M.H., M. Erfani, S. Cohen, A.R.J. Downey, and E. Goharian, 2024: A large dataset of fluvial hydraulic and geometry attributes derived from USGS field measurement records . Environ. Model. Softw. , 180 , 106136, doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2024.106136.

Towers, J., R. Leichenko, C. Braneon, D. Balk, L. Yoon, G. Wagner, J. Ventrella, J.K.W. Tchen, B. Rosenzweig, P. Orton, L. Ortiz, R. Moss, F. Montalto, T. McPhearson, K. McComas, P. Marcotullio, T. Matte, N. Maher, K. Knowlton, R. Horton, S. Foster, D. Bader, and A. Baptista, 2024: NPCC4: Climate risk and equity — Advancing knowledge toward a sustainable future — Conclusions . Ann. New York Acad. Sci. , early on-line, doi:10.1111/nyas.15150.

Ortiz, L., C. Braneon, R. Horton, D. Bader, P. Orton, V. Gornitz, B. Rosenzweig, T. McPhearson, L. Smalls-Mantey, H. Sheerazi, F. Montalto, M.R. Golkhandan, C. Evans, A. Degaetano, E. Mallen, L. Carter, K. McConnell, T. Mayo, and M. Buchanan, 2024: NPCC4: Tail risk, climate drivers of extreme heat, and new methods for extreme event projections . Ann. New York Acad. Sci. , early on-line, doi:10.1111/nyas.15180.

Tselioudis, G., W.B. Rossow, F. Bender, L. Oreopoulos, and J. Rémillard, 2024: Oceanic cloud trends during the satellite era and their radiative signatures . Clim. Dyn. , early on-line, doi:10.1007/s00382-024-07396-8.

Ottaviani, M., G.H. Myers, and N. Chen, 2024: Global Sensitivity Analysis of simulated polarimetric remote sensing observations over snow . Atmos. Meas. Tech. , 17 , no. 15, 4737-4756, doi:10.5194/amt-17-4737-2024.

Cook, B.I., E.R. Cook, K.J. Anchukaitis, and D. Singh, 2024: Characterizing the 2010 Russian heatwave-Pakistan flood concurrent extreme over the last millennium using the Great Eurasian Drought Atlas . J. Climate , 37 , no. 17, 4389-4401, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-23-0773.1.

Sohl, L.E., T.J. Fauchez, S. Domagal-Goldman, D.A. Christie, R. Deitrick, J. Haqq-Misra, C.E. Harman, N. Iro, N.J. Mayne, K. Tsigaridis, G.L. Villanueva, A.V. Young, and G. Chaverot, 2024: The CUISINES framework for conducting exoplanet model intercomparison projects, version 1.0 . Planet. Sci. J. , 5 , 175, doi:10.3847/PSJ/ad5830.

Field, R.D., M. Luo, S.E. Bauer, J.E. Hickman, G.S. Elsaesser, K. Mezuman, M. van Lier-Walqui, K. Tsigaridis, and J. Wu, 2024: Estimating the impact of a 2017 smoke plume on surface climate over northern Canada with a climate model, satellite retrievals, and weather forecasts . J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. , 129 , no. 15, e2023JD039396, doi:10.1029/2023JD039396.

Mahowald, N., P. Ginoux, G.S. Okin, J. Kok, S. Albani, Y. Balkanski, M. Chin, G. Bergametti, T.F. Eck, C. Pérez García-Pando, A. Gkikas, M. Gonçalves Ageitos, D. Kim, M. Klose, S. LeGrand, L. Li, B. Marticorena, R.L. Miller, C. Ryder, C. Zender, and Y. Yu, 2024: Letter to the Editor regarding Chappell et al., 2023, "Satellites reveal Earth's seasonally shifting dust emission sources" . Sci. Total Environ. , 949 , 174792, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.174792.

Annual Lists

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Goddard Space Flight Center

Page updated: Sep 18, 2024

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Papers and Reports

Peer reviewed scientific papers and technical reports authored by NAS Division experts, on topics covering computational tools and technologies as applied to aeronautics, space exploration, heliophysics, planetary science, astrophysics, and more.

Comparing Planetary Helicopter Brownout Observations With Numerical Predictions for Ingenuity

D.-G. Caprace, E. Baker, P. Ventura Diaz, S. Yoon Published online July 27, 2024

Ingenuity has sustained an astonishing 72 flights on Mars. The little helicopter proved that non-terrestrial powered flight is possible, even on planets with thin atmospheres. Future planetary rotorcraft will be bigger and heavier to accomplish new scientific and exploratory goals. This work evaluates the effectiveness of existing numerical simulation models in predicting the severity of this phenomenon for planetary rotorcraft. Comparing Planetary Helicopter Brownout Observations With Numerical Predictions for Ingenuity AIAA Aviation Forum and Ascend 2024, Las Vegas, NV, July 29-August 2, 2024.

Evaluation of a Physics-Based Unsteady RANS Method for Buffet Onset Prediction

D. Maldonado, J. Housman, E. Dumlupinar, G.-D. Stich, J. Duensing, W. Milholen Published online July 27, 2024

A physics-based moving-body unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes based method for predicting the onset of transonic buffet is described. Four test cases of varying complexity are chosen to evaluate the approach; an ONERA OAT15A supercritical airfoil, a NACA0012 airfoil, the NASA High-Speed Common Research Model, and the Boeing SUGAR Phase V Transonic Truss Braced Wing. Evaluation of a Physics-Based Unsteady RANS Method for Buffet Onset Prediction AIAA Aviation Forum and Ascend 2024, Las Vegas, NV, July 29-August 2, 2024.

LAVA Voronoi Mesher for Wall-Modeled Large-Eddy Simulations

V. Sousa, A. Rodgers, K. Sriram, E. Sozer, M. Barad, G.-D. Stich, F. Cadieux, J. Duensing Published online July 27, 2024

The unstructured Voronoi mesher currently being developed within the Launch, Ascent, and Vehicle Aerodynamicssoftware framework at NASA Ames Research Center is described in detail. The discussions include, but are not limited to, the strategies used in the seeding and smoothing phases to ensure a high-quality mesh for Wall-Modeled Large-Eddy Simulations, the methods behind the cell clipping algorithm responsible for conforming the mesh to a complex geometry, and the approach to create a global mesh from the distinct Voronoi cells. LAVA Voronoi Mesher for Wall-Modeled Large-Eddy Simulations AIAA Aviation Forum and Ascend 2024, Las Vegas, NV, July 29-August 2, 2024.

Aeropropulsive Assessment of a BLI Tail-Cone Thruster Propulsion System for the NASA Common Research Model and a Transonic Truss-Braced Wing Configuration

L. Machado, T. Chau, J. Duensing Published online July 27, 2024

This paper presents an investigation into the potential benefits of a boundary layer ingestion aft fuselage propulsion system, or tail-cone thruster, when applied to two transport category aircraft: a conventional tube-and-wing configuration based on the NASA Common Research Model and a transonic truss-braced wing configuration. Aeropropulsive Assessment of a BLI Tail-Cone Thruster Propulsion System for the NASA Common Research Model and a Transonic Truss-Braced Wing Configuration AIAA Aviation Forum and Ascend 2024, Las Vegas, NV, July 29-August 2, 2024.

Comparison of OVERFLOW Computational and Experimental Results of the CobraMRV Mars Entry Vehicle Concept During Supersonic Retropropulsion

K. Matsuno, R. Childs, T. Pulliam, P. Stremel, P. Moran, J. Garcia Published online July 27, 2024

The CFD solver OVERFLOW was used to simulate the CobraMRV undergoing supersonic retropropulsion (SRP) in the Langley Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel as part of a CFD and wind-tunnel integration effort. Selection of numerical methods and resulting comparisons to selected tunnel conditions of interest are detailed. Comparison of OVERFLOW Computational and Experimental Results of the CobraMRV Mars Entry Vehicle Concept During Supersonic Retropropulsion AIAA Aviation Forum and Ascend 2024, Las Vegas, NV, July 29-August 2, 2024.

Comparison of OVERFLOW Computational and Experimental Results for a Blunt Mars Entry Vehicle Concept During Supersonic Retropropulsion

L. Halstrom, T. Pulliam, R. Childs, P. Stremel, P. Moran Published online July 27, 2024

Simulations of unsteady supersonic retropropulsion flow over a Hypersonic Inflatable Aerodynamic Decelerator blunt-body vehicle were performed using the OVERFLOW Computational Fluid Dynamics solver. High-fidelity flow solver techniques, including Detached Eddy Simulation turbulence modeling and Adaptive Mesh Refinement, were employed to obtain improved realism in CFD predictions. Comparison of OVERFLOW Computational and Experimental Results for a Blunt Mars Entry Vehicle Concept During Supersonic Retropropulsion AIAA Aviation Forum and Ascend 2024, Las Vegas, NV, July 29-August 2, 2024.

Towards Aerodynamic Shape Optimization Using an Immersed Boundary Overset Grid Method

F. Lastname Published online July 27, 2024

Traditional Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes grid methods applied to aerodynamic shape optimization can struggle with the deformation of surface and volume grids at component intersections, such as at wing-fuselage junctions. To overcome this, we propose an approach which utilizes curvilinear overset grids for the discretization of the domain, with the presence of the body modeled using an immersed boundary method. Towards Aerodynamic Shape Optimization Using an Immersed Boundary Overset Grid Method AIAA Aviation Forum and Ascend 2024, Las Vegas, NV, July 29-August 2, 2024.

Acoustic Signature Uncertainty Quantification for Quiet Supersonic Aircraft

M. Nemec, G. Bedonian, M. Aftosmis Published online July 27, 2024

The goal of this work is to quantify uncertainty in the level of noise reaching the ground from supersonic aircraft at cruise conditions. To cope with uncertainty in the state of the atmosphere, the temperature and relative humidity profiles are parameterized using a Karhunen-Loeve expansion based on a novel formulation involving dew point temperature. Acoustic Signature Uncertainty Quantification for Quiet Supersonic Aircraft AIAA Aviation Forum and Ascend 2024, Las Vegas, NV, July 29-August 2, 2024.

Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulations Of Supersonic Parachute Inflation: Model Sensitivities

F. Cadieux, M. Barad Published online July 27, 2024

Fluid-structure interaction simulations have the potential to accelerate the certification process of parachute systems for interplanetary robotic exploration missions while helping to mitigate risks by covering a wider range of scenarios than can be flight tested. The Launch, Ascent, and Vehicle Aerodynamics team is working toward actualizing this potential by further developing the capability to perform such fluid-structure interaction simulations and validating it with the best supersonic parachute flight test data available. Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulations Of Supersonic Parachute Inflation: Model Sensitivities AIAA Aviation Forum and Ascend 2024, Las Vegas, NV, July 29-August 2, 2024.

Wall-Modeled Large Eddy Simulations of Transonic Buffet Over a Supercritical Airfoil

R. Hass, J. Housman, G.-D. Stich, E. Sozer, J. Duensing Published online July 27, 2024

A series of scale-resolving simulations of flow over the ONERA OAT15A airfoil have been performed at an angle of attack of 3.5 degrees, just past the onset of buffet. The focus of this study is to document the sensitivity of the wall-modeled large eddy simulation methodology for curvilinear structured overset grids within the Launch, Ascent, and Vehicle Aerodynamics framework to mesh spacing, mesh distribution, and domain size. Wall-Modeled Large Eddy Simulations of Transonic Buffet Over a Supercritical Airfoil AIAA Aviation Forum and Ascend 2024, Las Vegas, NV, July 29-August 2, 2024.

Exploring the Impact of Sideslip Angle on Acoustic Predictions of an Open Rotor System Using Scale-Resolving Simulations

E. Dumlupinar, J. Housman, J. Duensing Published online July 27, 2024

The development of innovative open-rotor propulsion systems that meet performance, fuel efficiency, and noise standards for commercial use depends significantly on the availability of reliable and computationally efficient tools for aerodynamic performance and noise prediction. This investigation demonstrates the capability of the structured curvilinear overset grid Computational Fluid Dynamics solver within the Launch, Ascent, and Vehicle Aerodynamics framework to predict the aerodynamic and aeroacoustic characteristics of a Contra-Rotating Open Rotor propulsion system under various sideslip angles. Exploring the Impact of Sideslip Angle on Acoustic Predictions of an Open Rotor System Using Scale-Resolving Simulations AIAA Aviation Forum and Ascend 2024, Las Vegas, NV, July 29-August 2, 2024.

Discretization Error Estimation and Control for Farfield Acoustic Signatures

S. Rallabhandi, M. Nemec, M. Aftosmis Published online July 27, 2024

We investigate the utility of adjoint-based error estimates for sonic boom farfield simulations governed by solutions of the augmented Burgers' equation. Solution of this nonlinear system uses operator splitting with a second-order finite volume discretization in space and second-order Runge-Kutta time marching, while the absorption and molecular relaxation are solved using second-order central differencing. Discretization Error Estimation and Control for Farfield Acoustic Signatures AIAA Aviation Forum and Ascend 2024, Las Vegas, NV, July 29-August 2, 2024.

Advances in Automation of Overset Structured Volume Mesh Generation and Domain Connectivity

W. Chan, A. Chuen, J. Jensen Published online July 27, 2024

Automation of overset structured surface mesh generation has recently been accomplished by the creation of face, edge, and node meshes based on Boundary Representation solids as the geometry input. The current work continues the automation effort in overset volume mesh generation and domain connectivity based on the auto-generated surface meshes. Advances in Automation of Overset Structured Volume Mesh Generation and Domain Connectivity AIAA Aviation Forum and Ascend 2024, Las Vegas, NV, July 29-August 2, 2024.

Effect of Transition Modeling on the XV-15 Hovering Rotor Flows

D. Garcia Perez, D. Grant, A. Sanguinetti, D.-G. Caprace, P. Ventura Diaz, S. Yoon Published online July 27, 2024

The effects of laminar-to-turbulent transition modeling in the Spalart-Allmaras and Langtry-Menter’s shear stress transport turbulence models are explored through high-fidelity simulations of the XV-15 rotor in hover. Using NASA’s OVERFLOW solver, solutions on grids of varying resolutions with a range of collective angle configurations are compared alongside experimental data. Effect of Transition Modeling on the XV-15 Hovering Rotor Flows AIAA Aviation Forum and Ascend 2024, Las Vegas, NV, July 29-August 2, 2024.

Machine Learning of Unsteady Transonic Aerodynamics of a Pitching Truss-Braced Wing Section

U. Kaul Published online July 16, 2024

A detailed analysis of transonic aerodynamics of a pitching conceptual Boeing Truss-Braced Wing (TBW) section has been carried out at various Mach numbers at a typical reduced frequency, k = 0.15. A new important flow feature of hysteresis loop cross-over has been discovered through the analysis of the hysteresis loops. Machine Learning of Unsteady Transonic Aerodynamics of a Pitching Truss-Braced Wing Section Aerospace Science and Technology, vol. 152, September 2024.

Fan Noise Predictions of the NASA Source Diagnostic Test Using Unsteady Simulations With LAVA Part II – Tonal and Broadband Noise Assessment

L. Santos Fernandes, J. Housman, G.-D. Stich, J. Duensing Published online May 30, 2024

The NASA Source Diagnostic Test (SDT) campaign experimental data is used for validation of a sliding mesh technique recently implemented within the Launch, Ascent, and Vehicle Aerodynamics computational framework for time-accurate simulation of rotating fans. The far-field acoustics are analyzed in this work, building upon the aerodynamic validation studies previously published in Part I. Fan Noise Predictions of the NASA Source Diagnostic Test Using Unsteady Simulations With LAVA Part II – Tonal and Broadband Noise Assessment 30th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Rome, Italy, June 4-7, 2024.

Noise Prediction of Multi-Stream Internally Mixed Jets With External and Internal Pligs Using Large-Eddy Simulation

G.-D. Stich, O. Martin, C. Ashby, J. Housman, J. Duensing Published online May 30, 2024

Results from ongoing research on jet noise prediction using wall-modeled large eddy simulations (WMLES) conducted within the Launch Ascent and Vehicle Aerodynamics (LAVA) computational framework are presented. The study primarily focuses on the aeroacoustic implications of multi-stream nozzle configurations with internal mixing generated by the addition of both internal and external plug geometries. Noise Prediction of Multi-Stream Internally Mixed Jets With External and Internal Pligs Using Large-Eddy Simulation 30th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Rome, Italy, June 4-7, 2024.

Machine Learning for the Prediction of Local Asteroid Damages

G. Chomette, L. Wheeler, D. Mathias Published online March 4, 2024

Risk assessment studies of local asteroid hazards traditionally simulate the physics of meteors with engineering models tailored to analyze tens-of-millions of scenarios. However, these simplified approaches still need to solve time-dependent ODEs to model the entry process and the resulting ground damage. To improve computational efficiency, we propose in this paper an orthogonal approach based on machine learning models to predict the size of damaged areas given a list of entry parameters. Machine Learning for the Prediction of Local Asteroid Damages Acta Astronautica, vol. 219, June 2024.

Predicting the Emergence of Solar Active Regions Using Machine Learning

S. Kasapis, I. Kitiashvili, A. Kosovichev, J. Stefan, B. Apte Published online February 14, 2024

To create early warning capabilities for upcoming Space Weather disturbances, we have selected a dataset of 61 emerging active regions, which allows us to identify characteristic features in the evolution of acoustic power density to predict continuum intensity emergence. For our study, we have utilized Doppler shift and continuum intensity observations from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). Predicting the Emergence of Solar Active Regions Using Machine Learning arXiv:2402.08890 [astro-ph.SR], February 14, 2024.

Computational Aerodynamic Study of the Lift+Cruise VTOL Concept Vehicle Components

S. S. Hosseini, A. M. Chuen, W. M. Chan Published online February 14, 2024

This paper describes a building-block approach for high-fidelity computational fluid dynamic simulations of NASA’s Lift+Cruise (L+C) Vertical Take-off and Landing (VTOL) concept vehicle. The Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equations are solved on overset structured grids using OVERFLOW. Overset meshes are generated using recently developed automated meshing tools. A baseline study is initially performed on the vehicle fuselage with wings and tails. Vehicle components such as pylons and gears are then added individually and together to study incremental component aerodynamic effects. Results from this study are also used to demonstrate the capabilities of the automatic meshing tools for performing rapid computational analyses. Computational Aerodynamic Study of the Lift+Cruise VTOL Concept Vehicle Components Transformative Vertical Flight 2024, Santa Clara, CA, February 6-8, 2024.

Validation of SLS Ascent CFD Surface Pressure Databases Using Artemis I Flight Data

J. Meeroff, D. Dalle, S. Rogers, A. Burkhead, D. Schauerhamer, J. Diaz Published online January 4, 2024

This paper discusses the validation of the ascent surface pressure database developed using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for the Space Launch System (SLS) Program with Artemis I flight data from the ascent phase of flight. The ascent phase begins shortly after the vehicle clears the launch tower and extends to the first staging event. This work compares sensor data from the successful Artemis I flight to point pressures extracted from the implemented surface pressure database for Artemis I and other available CFD data sets. Validation of SLS Ascent CFD Surface Pressure Databases Using Artemis I Flight Data AIAA SciTech 2024 Forum, Orlando, FL, January 8-12, 2024.

Conceptual Design of the Hybrid-Electric Subsonic Single Aft Engine (SUSAN) Electrofan Transport Aircraft

T. Chau, J. Duensing Published online January 4, 2024

This paper presents an update to the conceptual design of the NASA Subsonic Single Aft Engine (SUSAN) Electrofan transport aircraft---a 180 passenger, Mach 0.785 hybrid-electric regional jet with an economy range of 750 nmi and a design range of 2,500 nmi. Investigated in this work is the system level sizing and analysis of the SUSAN Electrofan when accounting for system level trades related to its electrified aircraft propulsion (EAP) systems. Conceptual Design of the Hybrid-Electric Subsonic Single Aft Engine (SUSAN) Electrofan Transport Aircraft AIAA SciTech 2024 Forum, Orlando, FL, January 8-12, 2024.

Wall-Modeled Large-Eddy Simulations of a Swept Wing

D. Craig Penner, J. Housman, G.-D. Stich, J. Koch, J. Duensing Published online January 4, 2024

Wall-modeled large-eddy simulation (WMLES) methods have been used to perform increasingly practical physics based simulations where resolving turbulent structures is important, including those involving the NASA High-Lift Common Research Model geometry. However, the results obtained from these numerical campaigns are typically quite sensitive to choices pertaining to the flux formulation, in addition to the mesh topology and resolution used. The current study seeks to partially alleviate the flux sensitivity by proposing a formulation based on an existing non-dissipative kinetic energy and entropy preserving flux combined with carefully constructed dissipation to achieve stability. Wall-Modeled Large-Eddy Simulations of a Swept Wing AIAA SciTech 2024 Forum, Orlando, FL, January 8-12, 2024.

Simulating Transonic Buffet Aerodynamics for the Boeing Transonic Truss-Braced Wing Aircraft

O. Browne, D. Maldonado, J. Housman, J. Duensing, W. Milholen Published online January 4, 2024

The flow past the Boeing Transonic Truss-Braced Wing (TTBW) aircraft is simulated with a Hybrid Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Large-Eddy Simulations (HRLES) turbulence modeling approach to study transonic buffet onset and evaluate the predictive capability of the numerical approach. All simulations used structured overset curvilinear grids for the free-air configuration, with all simulations performed using the Launch, Ascent, and Vehicle Aerodynamics (LAVA) computational framework. Simulating Transonic Buffet Aerodynamics for the Boeing Transonic Truss-Braced Wing Aircraft AIAA SciTech 2024 Forum, Orlando, FL, January 8-12, 2024.

Deep Neural Network Based Convergence Classification for Computational Fluid Dynamics

J. Diaz, D. Dalle, P. Papadopoulos Published online January 4, 2024

A supervised deep learning approach is coupled with heuristic convergence criteria to construct a classification model for detecting the completion (convergence) of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. Heuristic convergence criteria alone are not always sufficient and more complex decisions are often left to a human analyst. The proposed approach leverages heuristic convergence criteria as well as two deep neural network (DNN) models, one binary and one multi-class, to improve the efficiency and consistency of convergence classification across a wide range of flight regimes. Deep Neural Network Based Convergence Classification for Computational Fluid Dynamics AIAA SciTech 2024 Forum, Orlando, FL, January 8-12, 2024.

Scale Resolving Simulations of Contra Rotating Open Rotor Noise Prediction

E. Dumlupinar, J. Housman, J. Duensing Published online January 4, 2024

The development of breakthrough open-rotor propulsion systems that meet performance, fuel efficiency, and noise requirements for commercial viability relies heavily on the availability of reliable and computationally efficient aerodynamic performance and noise prediction tools. This investigation showcases the proficiency of the structured curvilinear overset grid Computational Fluid Dynamics solver implemented in the Launch Ascent and Vehicle Aerodynamics framework for predicting the aerodynamic and aeroacoustic characteristics of a Contra-Rotating Open Rotor propulsion system. Scale Resolving Simulations of Contra Rotating Open Rotor Noise Prediction AIAA SciTech 2024 Forum, Orlando, FL, January 8-12, 2024.

Scoping of an Air Supply System for Active Flow Control on a Commercial Transport Airplane

C. Van Dam, S. Hosseini, S. Pandya Published online January 4, 2024

A scoping study was conducted on the air supply of a microjet-based active flow control (AFC) system on a twin-turbofan commercial transport airplane. Microjets provide direct lift-control in the linear regime of the lift curve using small surface-normal pneumatic jets located near the trailing edge of a lifting surface such as a wing or flap. Scoping of an Air Supply System for Active Flow Control on a Commercial Transport Airplane AIAA SciTech 2024 Forum, Orlando, FL, January 8-12, 2024.

Statistically Consistent Dispersion of Line Loads to Uncertain Integrated Forces and Moments

A. Burkhead, D. Dalle Published online January 4, 2024

This work presents a method to generate line loads that are consistent with integrated force and moment constraints, while also following the statistical distribution underlying known line load data. The motivation for this method is to address a particular problem that can arise during the pre-flight analysis of an ascent vehicle. That problem is constructing separate databases, for line loads and integrated aerodynamic coefficients, that contain different data and thus different amounts of quantified uncertainty. Statistically Consistent Dispersion of Line Loads to Uncertain Integrated Forces and Moments AIAA SciTech 2024 Forum, Orlando, FL, January 8-12, 2024.

Efficient Estimation of the Number of Clusters for High-Dimensional Data

S. Kasapis, G. Zhang, J. Smereka, N. Vlahopoulos Published online December 6, 2023

The exponential growth of digital image data has given rise to the need of efficient content management and retrieval tools. Despite its popularity, the VRC method comes with two very important shortcomings: it only yields good results when the data dimensionality is low and it does not scale well for a high number of clusters, making it very difficult to use in computer vision applications. We propose an extension to the VRC method that works for increased cluster number and high-dimensionality data sets and therefore is fit for image data sets. Efficient Estimation of the Number of Clusters for High-Dimensional Data The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation: Applications, Methodology, Technology, December 2023.

Grid Topology for Time-Accurate Deployment Simulation of 2D Parachutes by using Navier-Stokes Equations

G. Guruswamy Published online October 31, 2023

A new grid topology approach suitable for body-fitted structured grids is presented to time-accurately simulate deployment of parachutes. The goal is to provide an alternate to the current use of Cartesian and unstructured grids that are less desired from turbulence modeling aspects compared to the body-fitted structured grids. Time-accuracy essential for the deployment is maintained, unlike in the quasi-steady loose coupling methods used elsewhere with the Cartesian/unstructured grids. The current paper establishes the new approach for a 2D case that can lead to 3D cases. Grid Topology for Time-Accurate Deployment Simulation of 2D Parachutes by using Navier-Stokes Equations Aerospace Science and Technology, vol. 142, part B, November 2023.

Spectro-Polarimetric Properties of Sunquake Sources in X1.5 Flare and Evidence for Electron and Proton Beam Impacts

A. Kosovichev, V. Sadykov, J. Stefan Published online September 13, 2023

The first significant sunquake event of Solar Cycle 25 was observed during the X1.5 flare of May 10, 2022, by the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory. We perform a detailed spectro-polarimetric analysis of the sunquake photospheric sources, using the Stokes profiles of the FeI 6173A line, reconstructed from the HMI linear and circular polarized filtergrams. Spectro-Polarimetric Properties of Sunquake Sources in X1.5 Flare and Evidence for Electron and Proton Beam Impacts arXiv:2309.07346 [astro-ph.SR], September 13, 2023.

Automatic Runtime Scheduling Via Directed Acyclic Graphs for CFD Applications

H. Torres, S. Murman Published online June 8, 2023

The order of execution of computational kernels for Single-Program, Multiple-Data (SPMD) programs is usually determined at compile time. These static predetermined schedules can lead to performance issues at runtime, and are difficult to implement for inhomogeneous situations, such as variable-order or multi-physics applications. It is especially challenging to generate performant schedules when it is unknown whether specific kernels require execution, as a function of user inputs, or the kernel execution time changes dependent on the hardware. This paper presents a solution to this problem by dynamically scheduling computational kernels at runtime using directed acyclic graphs to track the data dependencies between kernels. Automatic Runtime Scheduling Via Directed Acyclic Graphs for CFD Applications 2023 AIAA Aviation Forum, San Diego, CA, June 12-16, 2023.

Computational Study of Low-Speed Boundary-Layer Laminar-Turbulent over a 30-Degree Swept Plate in a Channel

M. Denison, J. Smith, J. Eppink Published online June 8, 2023

Reliable boundary-layer laminar-turbulent transition predictions are critical for the design of aircraft that use natural or controlled laminar flow to achieve low drag and better fuel efficiency. During cruise flight through low turbulence, the three-dimensional boundary layer over swept surfaces can transition prematurely due to stationary crossflow instabilities induced by surface roughness. Parabolized stability equations analyses have been successfully used to explain the different phases of the transition process under well controlled perturbations such as steps or discrete roughness elements. Computational Study of Low-Speed Boundary-Layer Laminar-Turbulent over a 30-Degree Swept Plate in a Channel 2023 AIAA Aviation Forum, San Diego, CA, June 12-16, 2023.

Multi-Fidelity Computational Analysis of a Quiet Single-Main Rotor Helicopter for Air Taxi Operations

P. Ventura Diaz, D. Perez, S. Yoon Published online June 8, 2023

A multi-fidelity computational study has been conducted on NASA's quiet single-main rotor helicopter concept for urban air mobility using computational fluid dynamics and rotorcraft comprehensive analysis tools. Two approaches have been followed in order to simulate the rotor flows: (1) a rotor disk model, which models the rotors as source terms, and (2) a high-fidelity approach using high-order accurate schemes and dual-time stepping, which simulates the rotor with its individual rotating blade grids. Multi-Fidelity Computational Analysis of a Quiet Single-Main Rotor Helicopter for Air Taxi Operations 2023 AIAA Aviation Forum, San Diego, CA, June 12-16, 2023.

Simulation of a Quadrotor Urban Air Taxi Hovering Above a Rooftop Edge

D.-G. Caprace, P. Ventura Diaz, S. Yoon Published online June 8, 2023

With the development of urban air mobility, the safety of multirotor vehicle operations in proximity to vertiports must be assessed. This paper examines high-fidelity blade-resolved OVERFLOW simulations and medium-fidelity vortex particle-mesh simulations that capture the aerodynamics of a rotorcraft in full and partial ground effect. Simulation of a Quadrotor Urban Air Taxi Hovering Above a Rooftop Edge 2023 AIAA Aviation Forum, San Diego, CA, June 12-16, 2023.

Microjet Angle Sensitivity for Active Flow Control on Multi-Element High-Lift Systems

J. Koch, J. Housman, S. Hosseini Published online June 8, 2023

This paper concerns the modeling and analysis of angled active flow control microjets using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Two geometries are considered: a 2D NLR7301 two-element aerofoil with 20° flap deflection, and a 3D Common Research Model in a high lift configuration (CRM-HL) with inboard and outboard flaps deflected 40° and 37°, respectively. Microjet Angle Sensitivity for Active Flow Control on Multi-Element High-Lift Systems 2023 AIAA Aviation Forum, San Diego, CA, June 12-16, 2023.

Aerodynamic Simulations for Complex Geometries Using Automatically Generated Structured Overset Meshes

A. Chuen, S. Hosseini, J. Jensen, W. Chan Published online June 8, 2023

Recent work on automation of structured overset mesh generation has significantly reduced the manual effort required for this task. RANS-based flow solution computation on these automatically generated structured overset meshes are investigated. Comparisons are performed with flow solutions obtained on manually generated best-practice meshes of equivalent resolution. Four test cases are presented: the Juncture Flow Experiment, two concept vehicles from NASA’s Revolutionary Veritcal Lift Technology (RVLT) project, and a ducted propeller. Aerodynamic Simulations for Complex Geometries Using Automatically Generated Structured Overset Meshes 2023 AIAA Aviation Forum, San Diego, CA, June 12-16, 2023.

Anisotropic Mach Cone Aligned Mesh Adaptation for Low Boom Simulations

C. Ashby, J. Housman, J. Duensing Published online June 8, 2023

An automated off-body Mach cone aligned structured curvilinear grid generation procedure is presented for near-field computational fluid dynamics simulations. This procedure combines output-based indicators and mesh redistribution to perform anisotropic mesh adaptation while maintaining Mach cone alignment. Automation is achieved through a novel direction-based adaptation indicator formulation. The adaptation procedure is demonstrated on the JAXA Wing Body geometry and X-59 C608 demonstrator model from the Second and Third AIAA Sonic Boom Prediction Workshops, respectively. Anisotropic Mach Cone Aligned Mesh Adaptation for Low Boom Simulations 2023 AIAA Aviation Forum, San Diego, CA, June 12-16, 2023.

Nonzero Phase Shifts of Acoustic Waves in the Lower Solar Atmosphere Measured from Realistic Simulations and Their Role in Local Helioseismology

M. Waidele, J. Zhao, I. Kitiashvili Published June 2, 2023

Previous studies analyzing the evanescent nature of acoustic waves in the lower solar atmosphere, up to 300 km above the photosphere, have shown an unexpected phase shift of an order of 1 s between different heights. Those studies investigated the spectral line Fe Ιλ6173.3, commonly used for helioseismic measurements. Such phase shifts can contribute to a misinterpretation of the measured travel times in local helioseismology, complicating inferences of, e.g., the deep meridional flow. In this study, we carry out phase shift computations using a simulated, fully radiative, and convective atmosphere from which the Fe Ιλ6173.3 line is synthesized. Nonzero Phase Shifts of Acoustic Waves in the Lower Solar Atmosphere Measured from Realistic Simulations and Their Role in Local Helioseismology The Astrophysical Journal, vol. 949, no. 2, June 2, 2023.

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Utilizing Small Telescopes Operated by Citizen Scientists for Transiting Exoplanet Follow-up, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Volume 132, Issue 1011, id.054401, 22 pp. (2020), May, 2020 Utilizing Small Telescopes Operated by Citizen Scientists for Transiting Exoplanet Follow-up - NASA/ADS (





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James Webb Space Telescope

The image is divided horizontally by an undulating line between a cloudscape forming a nebula along the bottom portion and a comparatively clear upper portion. Speckled across both portions is a starfield, showing innumerable stars of many sizes. The smallest of these are small, distant, and faint points of light. The largest of these appear larger, closer, brighter, and more fully resolved with 8-point diffraction spikes. The upper portion of the image is blueish, and has wispy translucent cloud-like streaks rising from the nebula below. The orangish cloudy formation in the bottom half varies in density and ranges from translucent to opaque. The stars vary in color, the majority of which have a blue or orange hue. The cloud-like structure of the nebula contains ridges, peaks, and valleys – an appearance very similar to a mountain range. Three long diffraction spikes from the top right edge of the image suggest the presence of a large star just out of view.

Perseverance Rover

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Parker Solar Probe

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University of Texas

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Technical Reports

Nasa and naca reports.

  • Home - Some Basics for Finding Technical Reports
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  • More on Locating NACA Reports
  • University of Texas at Austin Technical Reports
  • Helmreich Reports

Basics on Finding NASA and NACA Reports

When searching for NASA and NACA reports, remember that NACA (the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics) got its start in 1915 and was renamed NASA (the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in 1958.  

The  NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)  provides full-text access to most NACA publications and many NASA publications.  As of April 2021 , a change with the product made indexing unreliable; be sure to check other options for access to reports.

  • TRAIL (Technical Reports Archive & Image Library) has both NASA and NACA reports.
  • National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (Cranfield University)  is a NACA archive.

For a more sophisticated search tool, though with coverage only back to 1965, we think of:

As the reports were published, the University Libraries received many NACA reports in print and then many NASA reports.  These came first in print and then most were in microfiche.  We think of going first to the Internet repositories but sometimes the library collections may come in handy.

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Hubble Examines a Spiral Star Factory

Hubble Examines a Spiral Star Factory

: NICER’s X-ray concentrators are dark circles in eight staggered rows covering this image. Each one is divided into six segments, like a sliced pie, by its sunshade. The concentrators rest in a white frame of the telescope.

NASA’s SpaceX Crew-9 to Conduct Space Station Research

NASA astronaut and Expedition 71 Flight Engineer Tracy C. Dyson smiles for a portrait in the vestibule between the Kibo laboratory module and the Harmony module aboard the International Space Station.

NASA Astronaut Tracy C. Dyson’s Scientific Mission aboard Space Station

Two astronauts float inside a densely packed laboratory module on the International Space Station, surrounded by a complex array of scientific equipment, cables, and instruments.

Station Science Top News: September 13, 2024

Screen capture of the My NASA Data homepage. Graphic has a blue background with an image of the Earth and rows across half of the picture representing water, sea ice, forests, clouds, and lava. Words at the top list the content categories.

Going Back-to-School with NASA Data

Amendment 48: A.5 Carbon Cycle Science Final Text and Due Dates.

Amendment 48: A.5 Carbon Cycle Science Final Text and Due Dates.

This map shows global temperature anomalies in 2024.

NASA Finds Summer 2024 Hottest to Date

Artist’s concept depicts NASA’s Europa Clipper spacecraft in orbit around Jupiter

8 Things to Know About NASA’s Mission to an Ocean Moon of Jupiter

Solar Storms and Flares

Solar Storms and Flares

NASA’s Webb Provides Another Look Into Galactic Collisions

NASA’s Webb Provides Another Look Into Galactic Collisions

the Roman spacecraft bus

NASA Completes Spacecraft to Transport, Support Roman Space Telescope

NASA’s Hubble Finds More Black Holes than Expected in the Early Universe

NASA’s Hubble Finds More Black Holes than Expected in the Early Universe

ICESat-2 Hosts Third Applications Workshop

ICESat-2 Hosts Third Applications Workshop

Amendment 49: A.55 Decadal Survey Incubation Program: Science and Technology Final Text and Due Dates

Amendment 49: A.55 Decadal Survey Incubation Program: Science and Technology Final Text and Due Dates

Pilot A. Scott Crossfield has ignited all eight of the X-15’s engines to begin the powered flight.

65 Years Ago: First Powered Flight of the X-15 Hypersonic Rocket Plane 

Graphic shows a possible future General Electric jet engine with exposed fan blades in front of a cut-away-interior view of its core mechanisms -- all part of NASA's HyTEC research project.

NASA, GE Aerospace Advancing Hybrid-Electric Airliners with HyTEC

An up-close view of ice that covers propeller blades inside the Icing Research Tunnel.

NASA Tunnel Generates Decades of Icy Aircraft Safety Data

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Reinventing the Clock: NASA’s New Tech for Space Timekeeping

An Apollo astronaut preparing to climb the ladder into the lunar module's ascent stage, his spacesuit is covered in lunar dust.

Measuring Moon Dust to Fight Air Pollution

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NASA Mobilizes Resource for HBCU Scholars, Highlighted at Conference

This image — developed by a team of artists from the Advanced Concepts Lab at NASA’s Langley Research Center — features astronauts performing science on the surface of the Moon and Mars. The team developed the image with a blend of digital 2D illustration and 3D techniques to mimic a retro science fiction painting.

NASA Moon to Mars Architecture Art Challenge

A 3D printer at RPM Innovations’ facility additively manufactures a funnel-shaped aerospike rocket engine nozzle

Printed Engines Propel the Next Industrial Revolution

Workers truck the HTV-1 to Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB)

15 Years Ago: Japan launches HTV-1, its First Resupply Mission to the Space Station

A close up image of a set of massive solar arrays measuring about 46.5 feet (14.2 meters) long and about 13.5 feet (4.1 meters) high on NASA’s Europa Clipper spacecraft inside the agency’s Payload Hazardous Servicing Facility at Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

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Technicians tested deploying a set of massive solar arrays

La NASA invita a creadores de las redes sociales al lanzamiento de la misión Europa Clipper

Nasa archives research guide.

A NASA Archivist helps a researcher

Research at the NASA Archives

As the agency’s provider of significant holdings created by NASA, we work to preserve and provide access to NASA’s knowledge, people, processes, and understanding so that it can be discoverable for generations to come. Use the NASA Archives Research Guide to browse our collections and learn where to find other sources of information about NASA history.

NASA Archives hold physical and digital primary source material relating to the history of NASA and our centers, and can assist with pointing you toward information and subject area experts related to your research questions. The NASA Archives promotes discovery and exploration across the universe of NASA records, organizational history, and institutional memory.

While the NASA archives is a rich source of historical materials concerning our agency, we are not the only resource. Information can also be found at other repositories and offices around the agency, at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), and elsewhere. It is important to note that, as the official repository for U.S. Government records, NARA holds the largest collection of NASA and NACA records.

To orient you toward available research resources, this research guide provides pointers to the following:

  • Guides to available content in the NASA archives
  • A selection of featured collections in the NASA archives
  • Other information repositories within NASA
  • Selected repositories at other institutions with collections about NASA
  • Ways to contact NASA archivists and historians for research support and guidance
  • Frequently asked questions

We encourage you to approach your research by familiarizing yourself with the universe of information sources about the agency and by browsing related collections and guides. Some of our holdings may be digitized and available online for easier access. Other holdings may be unprocessed or only in analog form, so may require an appointment for access. For additional guidance, consult the Frequently Asked Questions page or contact us for a reference interview to discuss your research objectives so we can help you get started.

NASA Archives Holdings

Materials that document the activities of our agency and individuals. These materials were created at NASA as part of a project, office, or person’s work and provide evidence of both center and agency work. Learn more by exploring our archival collections below.

Archival textual documents

NASA Archives Holdings Across Collections

Photograph showing archival documents and the hands of Ames Senior Archivist April Gage as she works to preserve them.

Ames Research Center Archives

Evidence of the center's management, competencies, culture, activities, achievements, origins, evolution, facilities, and personnel

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Jet Propulsion Laboratory Archives

Evidence to the rich organizational, mission, and cultural histories of the institution

Archives boxes in the HQ archival collection

Headquarters Archives

Evidence of the agency's origins, management, competencies, activities, culture, and personnel

Explore Beyond NASA Archives

Continue your research by exploring resources outside of the NASA Archives, including materials across the NASA agency and NASA records at the National Archives and Records Administration.

A NASA Archivist works with a miniature model of the Orion capsule for an exhibition about the Artemis Program

NASA-related Holdings at Other Institutions

NARA logo

NASA Holdings at the National Archives and Records Administration

Permanent records created at NASA are transferred to National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) as part of NARA's Record Group 255. As the official repository for U.S. Government records, NARA holds the largest collection of NASA and NACA records.

Smithsonian logo

Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum Archives

These archival "collections span the history of flight from ancient times to the present day and include a wide range of visual and textual materials, including documents, photographs, motion picture film and video, and more than two million technical drawings."

ArchiveGrid logo


Use this union catalog to search across finding aids from repositories in the United States to find NASA and aerospace-related collections. Guides to collections at JPL, Ames Research Center, and some NASA contracting companies are also accessible here.

Online Archive of California

Use this union catalog to search across finding aids from repositories in the state of California to find NASA and aerospace-related collections. Guides to collections at JPL and Ames Research Center are also accessible here.

Other Repositories across NASA

Library book shelves

NASA Technical Report Server (NTRS)

Provides access to NASA metadata records, full-text online documents, images, and videos.

Color photograph of a stack of books

NASA History Publications

History books and other publications from NASA's History Office.

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NASA Image and Video Library

NASA photographs and audiovisual materials.

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NASA Space Science Data Coordinated Archive

This space mission data archive is an authoritative source of launch dates and experiments in addition to a wealth of data and other information.

Family Research

Father, mother, and four children stand in building lobby

Researching a Family Member?

NASA and it’s preceding organization, the NACA, have employed thousands of people. The archives do not keep personnel or employee records of either federal employees, JPL employees, or NASA contractors (contractor employees are individuals hired by an outside company for NASA projects and are not federal employees).

NASA or NACA Employees

If your relative was a federal employee, you can order their official personnel file from the National Personnel Records Center.

NASA Contractors or JPL Employees

If your relative was a contract employee at NASA or a JPL employee, please contact their previous employer.

Please provide us with as much information as possible

In some cases we can locate references to a former contractor or civil servant employee in a NASA Center newsletter or telephone directory. If you would like us to conduct a search, Please send the following information if possible:

  • Name – The name they used when they performed work for NASA. This is especially important for women, who may have used their maiden names.
  • Dates of Employment – If you aren’t sure, estimate the year(s) or decade(s).
  • Type of Employee – Whether they were NASA/JPL employees or contractors.
  • Role – What type of work they performed.
  • NASA Center – The NASA center where they worked. For JPL, whether they worked at JPL or Caltech (if at Caltech, you may be referred to the Caltech Archives).
  • Contracting Company – The name of the private company who employed the contractor.

Direct your search requests to the appropriate NASA Archives: NASA Headquarters | Jet Propulsion Laboratory | Ames Research Center

National History Day Research Help

The NASA History and Archives Offices are strong supporters of National History Day, and have made a ton of material available. Check out our list of resources that will help you with your research.

Apollo 15 LRV driven by Commander Dave Scott

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Reference our Frequently Asked Questions .

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Earth as seen from the International Space Station (ISS)

NASA STI Compliance and Distribution Services manages a world-class collection of metadata records, full-text documents, and videos created or funded by NASA.

Search the STI Repository to access scientific and technical information (STI) created or funded by NASA.

NASA’s publication repository providing easy public access to peer-reviewed papers resulting from NASA-funded research, hosted in the STI Repository.

Access registered content by logging in with NASA Launchpad. Content available by registration only to NASA civil servants and contractors.

Review disclaimers, copyright notice, and terms and conditions of use of NASA scientific and technical information (STI).

Access tools for STI publishers and authors including writing resources and style guides, and a link to the submission portal for internal NASA users.

The NASA STI Repository OpenAPI is the recommended mechanism for access to NASA’s public collection of STI, and is available along with API documentation and guidance.

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  1. NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    The NASA STI Repository (also known as the NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)) provides access to NASA metadata records, full-text online documents, images, and videos. The types of information included are conference papers, journal articles, meeting papers, patents, research reports, images, movies, and technical videos - scientific and ...

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    Papers for Download. nasaamesahf2.pdf. nasaamesihf2.pdf. nasaamesptf2.pdf. nasaamestfd2.pdf. aj_patent4.pdf. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. NASA explores the unknown in air and space, innovates for the benefit of humanity, and inspires the world through discovery. About NASA's Mission.

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    NASA Technical Reports Server, thus providing one of the largest collections of aeronautical and space science STI in the world. Results are published in both non-NASA channels and by NASA in the NASA STI Report Series, which includes the following report types: TECHNICAL PUBLICATION. Reports of completed research or a major significant phase of

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    Dr. Harold "Sonny" White NASA Johnson Space Center 2101 NASA Parkway, MC EP4 Houston, TX 77058 e-mail: [email protected]. Abstract: This paper will begin with a short review of the Alcubierre warp drive metric and describes how the phenomenon might work based on the original paper. The canonical form of the metric was developed and ...

  6. Research Archives & Tools

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  7. Search

    Volume: 540. Issue Publication Date: May 1, 2020. ISSN: 0009-2541. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2020.119482. Distribution Limits. Public. Details Properties of Suprathermal-through-energetic He Ions Associated with Stream Interaction Regions Observed over the Parker Solar Probe's First Two Orbits. External Source. chorus.

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    Papers, news articles, and reports of relevance to the future of MBSE were identified and gathered from NASA, industry, other Government agencies, academia, professional societies, and software vendors. Additional sources were the work done by the strategy group and a dialogue with the NASA MBSE CoP. The 17 sources used are listed in the Appendix.

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    A system based on open science aims to make the scientific process as transparent (or open) as possible by making all elements of a claimed discovery readily accessible, which enables results to be repeated and validated. The Earth Observer. September - October 2021. Volume 33, Issue 5.

  11. Papers & Reports 2022

    This paper measures and explains differences in: performance of the HPL, HPCG and HPCC benchmarks; performance of STREAM, the memory bandwidth benchmark; node-to-node performance, including a breakdown of computation, communication, and I/O, for 9 production applications on node counts ranging from 1 up to 32.

  12. Journals

    The NASA Headquarters Library subscribes to many print and online journals, covering the fields of aerospace, project management, and several other topics of interest to our patrons. The links to the journals' online archives will only work for NASA HQ computers. Members of the public and NASA employees are encouraged to visit the library to ...

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    DOI: 10.1002/2016ja023591. Funding Number (s) funding: 1224107. funding: 1224107. Distribution Limits. Public. Details Investigating the shock histories of lunar meteorites Miller Range 090034, 090070, and 090075 using petrography, geochemistry, and micro‐FTIR spectroscopy. External Source.

  14. Papers and Reports

    This paper presents an investigation into the potential benefits of a boundary layer ingestion aft fuselage propulsion system, or tail-cone thruster, when applied to two transport category aircraft: a conventional tube-and-wing configuration based on the NASA Common Research Model and a transonic truss-braced wing configuration.

  15. Documents and Reports

    NASA policy documents provide the basis of practice across the Agency. The scope of NASA programs and projects is vast — from researching new ways to extend our vision into space, to designing a new crew vehicle, to exploring the outer reaches of our solar system. The Space Flight Program and Project Management Handbook takes a detailed look ...

  16. SciAct Publications

    Campbell, B., (2021). ICESat-2 and the Trees Around the GLOBE student research campaign: Looking at Earth's tree height, one tree at a time. In Acta Astronautica, Volume 182, Pages 203-207. NASA Earth Science Education Collaborative, STEM Enhancement in Earth Science (TSGC) Kar, K. and Low, R. (2021).

  17. NASA and NACA Reports

    TRAIL (Technical Reports Archive & Image Library) has both NASA and NACA reports. National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (Cranfield University) is a NACA archive. For a more sophisticated search tool, though with coverage only back to 1965, we think of: Indexing to help identify NASA (and other aerospace research materials) dating back to ...

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    Prepared by the Federal Aviation Administration as part of a meeting hosted by NASA Ames Research Center, December 12, 2019. 2020 Technical Papers and Reports. UAS Traffic Management Conflict Management Model. FAA-NASA UTM Research Transition Team: Sense and Avoid Working Group, NASA-Co-Lead: Marcus Johnson, FAA Co-Lead: Jarrett Larrow.

  19. NASA Archives Research Guide

    Keep Exploring. Use the NASA Archives Research Guide to find physical and digital primary source material relating to the history of NASA and our centers that are held in the NASA Archives. Learn where to find information about NASA history at other institutions. Get help with family research and National History Day research.

  20. PDF Data Science: Statistical and Computational Methodology for Nasa'S Big

    Some of the discussions in this white paper employ a classic NASA mission model where the mission's science team is responsible for processing of data products derived from the data gathered by the operational platform (satellite, aircraft, etc.) This processing often employs algorithm's employing physics models and mathematical techniques.

  21. PDF Science from the Moon: The NASA/NLSI Lunar University Network for

    A White Paper submitted to the Planetary Sciences Decadal Survey. 1 ... paper describes key research projects in these areas of astrophysics from the Moon that are being undertaken by the NLSI-funded LUNAR consortium. The NASA Lunar Science Institute (NLSI) recently funded 7 mostly university-based teams to study science of, on, and from the ...

  22. PDF NASA Technical Memorandum 0000

    The NASA STI Report Series comprises six types of technical reports: Technical Publications (TP), Technical Memorandums (TM), Contractor Reports (CR), Conference Publications (CP), Special Publications (SP), and Technical Translations (TT). These report types are described in Sections, respectively.

  23. NASA STI Compliance and Distribution Services

    NASA's publication repository providing easy public access to peer-reviewed papers resulting from NASA-funded research, hosted in the STI Repository. lock. Registered Content ... The NASA STI Repository OpenAPI is the recommended mechanism for access to NASA's public collection of STI, and is available along with API documentation and ...