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100 Day Plan for Leaders New in Role (Examples + Template)


When I dropped my son off at school on his first day of kindergarten, he looked at me and said, “I can’t wait to not be new anymore.” Thinking about the many people changing roles and companies these days, I can’t help but wonder how many may be counting the days until they’re not new anymore, too.

No matter how many years of experience a person has – even the most senior of leaders – being the “newbie” is daunting for most and hard enough that many avoid taking the new job in the first place. Add to it the complexity of the workplace these days – exhausted teams, workforce shortages, supply chain and business disruption, the war for talent, and constantly shifting ways of working and connecting as teams and organizations – being a leader in a new role is even more challenging.

For those talented and brave souls venturing to new roles and opportunities, congratulations. Instead of a new coffee mug or new decoration for your Zoom background (or at least, in addition to it), give yourself the gift of preparedness so you make the most of your first months on the job and set yourself up for success.

Is a 100 Day Plan Necessary for Leaders New in Role?

In short, yes. As a newly appointed leader, it’s easy to fall into the trap of waiting for the dust to settle – for you to get comfortable in your role and get a lay of the land, for your employees and teams to get accustomed to having a new leader before you start making any plans. However, waiting to form your plan means you lose the opportunity to set the right tone from the start by being purposeful, organized, and action-oriented.

What is a 100 Day Plan for New Leaders?

A 100 Day Plan is an action plan to guide executive leaders through their first critical months in a new role – outlining strategies and tactics to identify and engage key stakeholders and to build relationships, understand the business, set goals, and gain traction quickly so you can set up a foundation for long-term success in an organization.

While a plan needs to be customized for each leader – and you can download a 100 Day Plan Template here to get started – our experience points to six critical strategies all leaders can deploy to ace their first 100 days regardless of industry or function.

What should a 100 Day Plan include?

While a 100 Day Plan for executive leaders in a new role can take on many forms and is as unique as the business challenges leaders face, there are some core components that the best plans have. Use this 100 Day Plan example framework as a guide:

  • Situation Summary – Outline the current business landscape, strengths, opportunities and other important headlines that capture the context you’re stepping into as the leader in your role. This might include the state of engagement at your organization, cost pressures, how employees perceive you as the new leader and more. Take an employee-centric point of view by key audience segments and then try to understand the challenge they need to overcome in today’s environment. You may need to set up informational interviews with a few key colleagues to help confirm some of your assumptions and to highlight details that you wouldn’t yet know.
  • Longer-term: What do you want people to say about you and the business 18 months from now and what are some of the big actions you might consider taking to make your vision a reality?
  • Near-term: Where do you want to be 100 days in on the job? What impact do you want to have made and how does that line up with your longer-term goals? List your goals, ensuring there are business metrics and relationship goals.
  • Evolve the vision and goals for the organization’s future (if needed)
  • Retain top talent
  • Know : What facts do they need from me? What new information can I provide them? Examples: Key milestones I’m setting, changes from how the role was previously defined and new priorities / expectations I’m establishing .
  • Feel: What do I want to be top of mind when they walk away from meeting with me? What pain point are they currently experiencing that I might be able to begin alleviating? Example: Confidence in the path forward, comfort in their ability to talk to me.
  • Do: Is there an action that you need them to take right now? Is there a behavior that you want to see them demonstrate going forward? Example: Share the information you’ve provided them with their team, commit to asking questions and keeping the lines of communication open and adopt a mindset that assumes good intent even when faced with challenges or times of change.
  • Key Messages – Articulate what the main messages are that you want to convey as you get to know your various key stakeholders. These may be key themes that you know you want to highlight about your leadership style and vision for the role, high-level examples of how you view your function tying into broader company goals and strategies, or a list of commitments you are making to your staff and the actions you are asking them to take while you settle in.
  • Stakeholder Engagement and Communication Plan – Make a plan for how you’ll purposefully reach your stakeholders and how you’ll communicate over time to accomplish your goals. When you consider your stakeholders, think about big “centers of gravity” so you can separate out how to allocate time and where you can have the greatest impact by investing time and energy. Also, consider what key relationships you need to build because they’re critical to establishing bridges and sponsorship across the organization. Look for communication channels that already exist so you can simply plug in without having to build infrastructure – don’t underestimate the value of informal conversations and small group huddles as a powerful vehicle while people are getting to know you.
  • Quick Win Tactics – Identify opportunities to generate quick and meaningful wins that demonstrate progress toward your overall goals. It is easy for leaders to get caught up in the long game, focusing on the notable impact they aspire to make within a business, but it’s the small wins along the way that both give you something to celebrate and help your stakeholders appreciate the impact you are already making.
  • Measures for Success – Consider how you’ll know when success is achieved. Identify the metrics and how you’ll monitor progress – remember, this is a 100 Day Plan, so the metrics should fit accordingly with that timeline. For example, a measure could be around moving sentiment – such as belief in the company, confidence and optimism in the future, and clarity around where we’re heading and why. Use the progress in your stakeholder engagement and communication plans to show momentum.

Want help getting started? Download our free 100 Day Plan Template .

Click to download the free 100 Day Plan Template

100 Day Plan Example – Your 3 Month Action Plan

The following is a sample 100 Day Plan that shows how to quickly and strategically build out your approach. You can simply customize this list, or you can use the list for inspiration to develop a more detailed plan in alignment with your or your new organization’s preferred format.

Before you get started:

  • Continue to learn as much as you can about the organization and your team
  • Have pre-meetings with identified stakeholders to discuss the game plan and listen for key expectations, core issues and opportunities
  • Begin to map key stakeholders
  • Get briefed on the employee, culture and communication landscape (set up an initial meeting with the Communications team, if possible)
  • Consider having an informal visit with your new team over breakfast or lunch
  • Prepare your elevator speech and/or your initial message platform
  • Create a list for your Listening plans, outlining who all you need to meet with to hear perspectives, observe and tap for insights; set up meetings with key stakeholders (including senior leaders, peers, direct reports and skip-level reports/teams) ; if you don’t yet know their names, list their roles to prompt you to then find out the right point of contact
  • Begin your listening “tour;” reinforce that you’re hearing what people are saying and make a point to circle back with anyone who asked a question that you couldn’t answer in the moment
  • Connect with Communications and HR partners to understand the company culture and how communication happens
  • Set the stage with your team and stakeholders with what to expect these first days and weeks, including what to continue to focus on and do
  • Identify key contributors and any key people who are flight risks on your team and engage with them, including conducting stay interviews
  • Actively participate in company onboarding so you experience what others also experience
  • Continue listening tour
  • Work with team members to codify strategy; involve people representing a cross-section of the organization whenever possible
  • Identify communication channels you’ll regularly use to share updates on what you’re hearing, doing and thinking in advance of the formal launch of your communications plan
  • Finalize your strategy and plan and socialize with key stakeholders for alignment
  • Develop a communication plan for playback of listening and to share strategy going forward
  • Refresh key messages and leader platform
  • Implement communication plan
  • Continue a steady cadence of employee listening, and update/amend the plan and messages in real-time based on new, viable insights that come from listening and any key changes within the business or your work environment

6 Strategies to Learn and Lead in Your First 100 Days

From our years of experience working with senior leaders as they navigate being new in their role while leading teams and organizations, we’ve compiled a list of six strategies that will help you learn while leading yourself and others with confidence and credibility.

1. Study up

Learn everything there is about the team or company you’re joining, but also spend the time where it counts so you don’t get caught up in analysis paralysis. Have a game plan leading up to your start date for what you need to know to hit the ground running, what you can learn along the way and how you want to get immersed. There’s plenty you can read online, but there’s so much more you can learn from inside the organization, especially by speaking with those who have the pulse.

Get to know the Communications and HR/People/Culture teams early on because they likely have a wealth of information about employee mindsets, hot-button issues and the best ways to reach and interact with employees. Many Communications teams we work with would be happy to help you know how information flows in the organization and what channels are best for leaders like you to get information and communicate effectively with your teams.

When an incoming senior executive was getting ready to join the organization, we partnered with the Communications team to develop an executive briefing book on the state of the workforce and how communication happens inside the company. There was a briefing meeting, great discussion and an opportunity for the leader to get to know the Communications team as they discussed shared needs and expectations so the leader could get connected and communicate effectively with key audiences. All of this led to a better, more actionable 100 Day Plan.

2. Figure out where to start

The first months are an exercise in drinking from a fire hose. Prioritizing is essential, but it can be hard to know where to start. Many leaders we’ve worked with have found it helpful to have a “working session.” In those sessions, we work with the leader to sort through critical business and communication demands and needs and then map their 100 Day Plan – with a particular eye on the next 30 days. These sessions give the leader a chance to step out of the day-to-day, assess the situation, determine priorities and frame a practical action plan for how to spend their time – always with business outcomes and stakeholder needs in mind. This session also sets the foundation for the key messages to convey and what to communicate and when.

3. Hit the road

Get out of your office . Whether you’re rounding, doing listening tours, road shows or coffees, get in front of as many people as you can so you get to know people across levels and roles in the organization. There’s nothing like being in person to ask questions, surface ideas and stories, read the room, feel the vibe and get a sense of what’s being said (and not said). If you can’t be in person, do your best to hit the road virtually with virtual office visits, coffees and the like. Make a commitment to visit those teams and sites as soon as possible when you can. This one is easy to put on the back burner, so make a point to schedule a set number of meet-and-greets per week to hold yourself accountable.

Asking questions during your onsite or virtual meetings is an important part of your listening. The best leaders lead by listening . They seek to understand, not to judge, and make this a regular part of how they lead. Find out why things are the way they are. Get to know people’s stories. Ask them what gets them excited to come to work, and what pain points or barriers they see and experience that get in the way. Make it about them, while also giving them a window into who you are.

As important as listening is, that doesn’t mean you can’t also share your story. As a leader, people need to know you first before they’ll get on board with your vision or strategy. Help them know who you are as a person and as a leader – what gets you excited, why you want to be a part of the team, how people who know you best describe you, what principles you live by and what brings you joy outside of work. All these things give others a chance to know you, how you tick and how you think about the world, which gives them a chance to have a human connection with you and to be able to help you deliver on your vision.

Another key part of sharing your story is being ready with your elevator speech and core messages. The elevator speech is the main message that you want to convey succinctly to your key stakeholders and audiences. Have your story ready and use it regularly from day one. You may customize this a bit for your various audiences and over time, but there’s power in being consistent overall.

Determining your Elevator Speech as a Leader New in Role

Keep it short and make it conversational. Speak to what your role is and how you’ve been here before in your previous role. Write it out so you’re thoughtful about what you want to convey. This is how many people will first remember you. For example:

Example Elevator Speech 1:

I’ve seen the power of transforming the employee experience and am excited to lead our team as we make it happen here together.

  • This says you know employee experience and that you’ve been here before, which speaks to credibility and confidence in the role and where you’re going to take the team.
  • This shows that you’re bringing energy and enthusiasm, and that you want to be part of the team because you view yourselves on a common journey aimed at getting results. This is motivating, speaks to a shared end game, and reinforces camaraderie and collaboration.

Example Elevator Speech 2:

Having a child with medical issues, I have immense appreciation for how much work goes into making great healthcare possible . I’m grateful to be part of this team and to partner together with you to improve access to great care for those we serve.

  • Self discloses something personal and relatable, and establishes that this is a field of work that the person respects and appreciates.
  • Sharing gratitude signals a person with character, humility and heart.
  • Speaks to leading the team as colleagues, not subordinates, and that we’re in this together.
  • Signals a vision of what’s possible that you want the team to work toward.

For senior-most executives, a best practice is having your own leadership message platform. Much like a “stump speech” for politicians, this is a set of key messages and stories to help you tell your story in a way that connects to your audiences and drives line of sight and engagement. It’s a useful tool for driving message consistency across communications and channels, as well as for saving time preparing for meetings and communications (for both the leader and the communicators who support them).

When leaders are new in role, the method of developing this platform is especially powerful in helping leaders think purposefully about how to articulate their story, their vision and their approach to shaping the strategy.

4. Have a stakeholder engagement and communication plan

The complement to your core messages is an engagement and communication plan. Whether you’re preparing your own, or have the support of your Communications team, this is a must so that you are intentional in your first 100 days (and beyond) about which stakeholders and audiences you are reaching, the best approach to do so and the outcome you want to see.

Take a few minutes to follow this 5-step method to plan your communication:

  • OUTCOME: What’s the business goal for your engagement and outreach? As a leader new in role, your business goal may be to keep people focused on the current strategy, while you listen and determine the path forward. Or perhaps you need to stabilize the business and/or team. Whatever the situation, pinpoint what your business outcome is for the first 100 days.
  • AUDIENCE: Who are the key audiences you need to engage and where are they coming from? Different audiences will have different perceptions and information needs – and the more you know about each, the more effective you’ll be at connecting with them and ultimately moving them to action. If you discover that you don’t know much about some audiences, it’s a signal you need to go and get to know them more.
  • Why (rationale and context)
  • What (what’s happening and what to focus on for now)
  • When (a sense of timing for what’s happening and what’s to come)
  • How (how you’re approaching the coming weeks, how they can help, how you’ll use their insights to develop your action plan)
  • Who (who you are, what brings you here, what’s important to you, what they can expect from you and what you expect from them)
  • WIIFM (what’s in it for “me” – in other words, what all of this means for them)
  • METHOD: What’s the best way to reach them? Map your plan for how to connect with people in ways that foster conversation and the ability to share information freely and candidly. In-person is ideal. Consider where you need one-on-one conversations vs. where small group sessions or larger sessions – such as town halls – can be helpful. Maybe there are feedback channels you want to use or initiate. Consider the mix of methods.
  • MEASURE: How do you know if the plan is working? You can learn a lot about what’s working based on the nature of the conversations you’re having, whether you sense people are sharing their views openly and the questions you’re getting. Engage your direct reports and Communications team to share insights and feedback on what they’re hearing. Consider whether informal or formal pulse checks would be useful to get a sense of things as well.

TIP: Having a stakeholder engagement and communication plan is a critical tool beyond your first 100 days, too. The best leaders are always purposeful about how they stay connected with stakeholders and audiences and how they’re showing up regularly through communications.

Click to download the Take 5 Planning Template

5. Resist the urge to make change right away

Most leaders are hired to be change agents, so it’s counterintuitive to say don’t come in and change things right away. Even if you think you know what needs to change, try to avoid making big changes in those first 100 days as it can usually cause more harm than help.

Typically, leaders use the first 100 days to listen and formulate an informed strategy, gain key stakeholder buy-in, and then they roll out the strategy in a thoughtful way, so the right audiences are reached at the right time and with the right message. To the greatest extent possible, let others be part of the strategy shaping so it’s the collective plan, not “your” plan alone. WATCH OUT: Without adequate upfront listening in the first 100 days, there’s an assumption that the leader may be uninterested, uninformed or misaligned with the company’s heritage, culture and people. Any which way, it’s a bad look, and it hinders your and the team’s ability to get things done if you come out of the gate with your mind made up about what needs to happen.

There are a few exceptions when making changes in the first 100 days could be the right option. Perhaps there are things you’ve heard and seen that are clearly broken and getting in the way of the employee experience that could be fixed right away and that signal your focus on the people. Or, perhaps something is happening that’s putting the organization at major risk and cannot wait for action. In those cases, immediate change may be the answer to stop the bleeding and/or to signal important and meaningful change right away.

Engage key stakeholders who have institutional perspective in the planning so you’re aware of blind spots or bright spots and leverage your Communications team so what’s communicated is done in the right way and casts a positive light on your approach and intention.

6. Be yourself

All eyes are on you as the new manager or leader, especially those first 100 days, and people are searching for meaning in everything you do (or don’t do). Consider your leadership style and what has served you well and will continue to serve you. Bring that forward with intentionality in how you show up. Check the old habits or ways of working that may not have been as effective at the door. Communicate with purpose.

Lead with heart – knowing that the best leaders today are those who bring authenticity, empathy and humanity to the workplace, so teams can be their best selves and deliver on their mission and goals in the best way.

Empathy is not a “soft” skill

Leaders who practice empathy have more engaged and higher-performing teams, as well as more profitable businesses overall. (Catalyst research study: “The Power of Empathy in Times of Crisis and Beyond,” Sept 2021)

  • 79% of US workers agree empathetic leadership decreases employee turnover. (EY Consulting survey, Oct. 2021)
  • 85% of employees report that empathetic leadership in the workplace increases productivity. (EY Consulting survey, Oct. 2021)

The Bottom Line

Being an executive leader in a new role comes with big responsibility and a lot of hard work. With the right preparation and thoughtful approach to how you lead and communicate in your first 100 days – and year – you can make your first weeks and months ones that recharge, inspire, motivate and chart the path for great work together to accomplish your goals and strengthen your company’s future.

Don’t feel you need to do this important work on your own. Let those with expertise in these areas partner with you so you can elevate your presence, focus your time where you can have the greatest impact on the business, and achieve the results you want faster and better. If you’d like to discuss ways we can help you get quick wins and plan for long-term impact, contact us today.

—Kate Bushnell

Set the right tone in your new role from the start by being purposeful, organized, and action-oriented with the help of this 100 Day Plan Template. Click the image below to download the 100 Day Plan Template today!

Click to download the 100 Day Plan Template today

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”The beginning is the most important part of any work.”

– Plato, 4th Century B.C. Greek Philosopher

I’ve parachuted in to lead many teams. I love it! The first 100 days in a new role are exhilarating, challenging, and a ton of problem solving . You get dropped into a war zone, with a team, partners , and processes , and you have to figure out how to start driving value quickly. You have peers and other teams to your left and right who are part of a broader equation, but critical to your success. You have your boss, who has high expectations of you. And, you just walked in the door to the beginning of the rest of your life. Where do you start?

Let’s go over the First 100-Day Game Plan to equip you with effective strategies when you get dropped into a new situation.

Before Day 1

To set yourself up for success, you can accomplish a lot before day 1.

1. Clarify role, expectations & resources

Before starting a new role, clarify the role, expectations, and resources.  Use the ROLES framework to work with your new manager to properly define your role, success, and support. Also, clarify the expectations for the first 50 days, 100 days, and the year. What are the big issues and opportunities to tackle? Also, understand the resources you’ll be leading, regarding people, partnerships, budgets, and infrastructure. The likelihood of success goes up with clear roles , expectations, and resources. If they aren’t clearly defined, it can be a sign of potential issues and trouble with the role or your future boss.

2. Learn as much as you can

Typically before starting a project at McKinsey, the team sends the client a “data request” asking for existing documentation, presentations, SOPs, analysis , org charts , and financial and operational data relating to the project. Similarly, before starting a new role, send the boss a “data request.” This will get you up to speed and signal to the boss you want to hit the ground running. Once the data starts rolling in, read and absorb as much as you can and start a log of questions , hypotheses , and other data that could be helpful. You can learn a ton about an organization and business through a data request.

3. Set up the first few weeks

Schedule your first few weeks before day 1. For the first few weeks, focus on building relationships and learning. I typically schedule 20-30 30-minute conversations with members of my team, peers, leadership , internal customers, and other important stakeholders. I create simple interview guides to help with structuring the conversations. I cover questions such as “What are your role and accountabilities ?”, “What are the biggest issues and opportunities with the team?”, “If you were in my shoes, what would your plan be?” You will learn a lot about the organization by keeping the questions open-ended and focused on the other person’s ideas. Also, make sure to get the important weekly or monthly meetings on your schedule.

The First 50 Days – Listen, Learn and Diagnose

As a strategic leader, the first 50 days on a job are crucial. You need to gain context, develop key relationships and create positive momentum. Focus on the below building blocks to set yourself up for success.

4. Listen to the voice of the customer

Everyone in an organization has customers, whether they are the end-consumers that purchase services or products , or internal customers that utilize the services and processes of a team. Customers ultimately decide the long-term success of a leader. Listen to their voices early on in a new role. For internal customers, many of the 30-minute conversations should be with customers. If the customers are end-consumers, you can lean on previous research, online reviews, and the views of internal team members. You should also create primary research, including immersing yourself in the frontlines, being a customer, conducting focus groups or a survey, and interviewing customers. By whatever means get the customers’ views on the strengths , opportunities, weaknesses , and issues of the products and services of the team.

5. Build relationships & learn

You need relationships to get things done in organizations. In the first 50 days, relationship building is a core activity. In the beginning, you build relationships by listening and finding commonalities. And, as the days go by, the more you can address peoples’ issues and be a collaborative problem solver, the stronger those relationships will become. Most of what you will learn in the first 50 days will be from others in the organization. Your job is to listen, learn and ultimately synthesize all that you hear to develop hypotheses on the big issues and opportunities.

6. Set the mission & expectations

From day one people are going to be interested in what you think about the organization. The safest path is to set a broad mission quickly and elevate expectations. For a sales team leader, the mission should be about improving the sales funnel to land more customers. For an operations leader, the mission should be about driving the efficiency and effectiveness of the process to deliver an exceptional customer experience. Furthermore, set high expectations for peoples’ work product, innovation , focus on the customer, and solving problems .

7. Set Up your governance

New leaders change organizations largely by making different decisions than previous leaders. In the first 50 days, define the team’s governance . How will decisions be made? In what forum? What are the necessary facts to make decisions? What are the controls for spending money? When are the different team meetings, and what are their agendas? Laying out and quickly implementing new governance will go a long way in improving the decision-making of the organization.

8. Assess the team

If you inherit a team, start assessing them quickly. First, understand their roles, and have them take you through what they do and how they spend their time. Also, get to know their aspirations, what motivates them, their interests, and their ideas. Read their past performance reviews. Then, given their role, begin assessing their strengths, and weaknesses, and use the Skill Will Matrix. You’ll receive a lot of unsolicited feedback from peers, stakeholders, and leaders, but always make your own judgments too.

9. Empower to get the low-hanging fruit & early wins

From day one people look towards a new leader to start creating value , while the leader is simply trying to get up to speed. The earlier you can create and start executing your Prioritization Matrix of ideas the better off you’ll be. To gain momentum start tackling those low-cost and high-value projects .

The most effective way to start creating value is by empowering others. You’ll often find empowerment opportunities during the initial one-on-one conversations, where a team member might say, “Doing XYZ would really help the team.” And, the leader’s response should be, “Well, what would it take to get XYZ done?” Then, the leader should ask the team member, “Could you take on XYZ? What do you need? When do you think you could get it done by?” Getting people to take ownership of opportunities they’ve seen but haven’t acted on is one of the most powerful ways to generate positive momentum and get some early wins.

10. Understand and measure core KPIs

You can abstract the processes and end-products of any team as KPIs . In the first 50 days, understand what KPIs exist, their trends, and what is behind the trends. Then build a path for establishing, measuring, and managing the necessary KPIs that don’t exist. It is essential to make sure you have the right scoreboard to help set goals and measure success.

11. Start problem solving the issues

At the end of the first 50 days, you should have a semblance of a strategy emerging from the ether. That means in the first 50 days; you need to problem solve the significant issues and opportunities. If you have the resources, put a team together a team to parallel a strategy project from day 1. They’ll come up with a solid plan, and it grows people and allows you to evaluate the strength of the team.

In the first 50 days, spend a lot of time on the frontlines, in the trenches with the team helping them problem solve their accountabilities and potential improvements. Utilize coaching and walkabout management to get better context and provide problem solving help with the team. Walkabout management creates solutions, speeds up decision-making and thought processes, establishes mutual respect, and shows how people think.

The Second 50 Days – Develop Strategy, Change, and Execution

The second 50 days in a new leadership role are when everything should come together, and the team begins to pivot into a new strategic direction.

12. Explore & develop big opportunities

By your 50th day, you should have a pretty good handle on your options to drive substantial value. Once you figure out the 2-4 significant opportunities, then you need to start developing them with the team.

13. Get the right people, in the right roles

Once you have clarity on the big opportunities, you should take a deep breath and be honest with yourself about whether or not you have the right people in the right roles. If you don’t, make changes sooner rather than later. If you can develop existing talent then that is a nice plus, but more often than not you’ll have to reconfigure the team and bring in external talent.

14. Collaborate on goals, strategy, and plans

Drive to clear goals, actions, and plans to realize the big opportunities. This step necessitates a high level of collaboration. Involve those accountable for execution , to develop and decide on the BHAGs – Big Hairy Audacious Goals. And, then coach your team on the creation of their strategies and plans.

15. Manage change and focus

At this point, you’ll have to drive fundamental change in people’s behavior. Use the change management model to increase success. Also, ensure the team is laser-focused on the change agenda.

16. Execute & Measure

Keep the focus on execution. Periodically measure the impact of the strategy on the BHAGs (Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals) and the important KPIs. You’ll start getting a rhythm to the execution and begin learning what is working and what needs to be adjusted. At this point, you’ll hopefully begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Keep the team focused, energized, and driving impact, and you’ll see them and yourself grow.

Set yourself up for success by following the First 100 Days Game Plan. As always, enjoy the journey and create value!

And, if you are looking for someone to help you create and execute a great 100-day game plan set up some time with me . I really enjoy supporting clients with their transition to new roles and they get the coaching and strategies they need to lead and be successful in their new organization.







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Product details

Imagine stepping into a new leadership role or taking on an ambitious project. The first 100 days are crucial to establishing your credibility, building relationships, and setting the groundwork for long-term success. But how can you make sure you hit the ground running in your new job? A well-structured 100 Day Plan Template can be your secret weapon for achieving your goals and making a lasting impact.

Key Takeaways

> Create an actionable 100 Day Plan Template for successful outcomes and long-term growth.

> Establish relationships, credibility & quick wins to maximize impact of your plan.

> Track progress regularly & communicate effectively for the best results!

Understanding the 100 Day Plan Template

Taking on a new leadership role or project requires a precise strategy and well-defined goals for successful outcomes. A 100 Day Plan Template is your roadmap to staying focused, motivated, and on track with your objectives. It helps you:

> Develop essential strategies > Allocate resources > Monitor progress > Establish a robust timeline for achieving your goals

It also promotes effective communication and engagement with your team and key stakeholders, paving the way for successful transition and sustainable growth. Now, we’ll delve into the purpose, advantages, and elements of a 100-day plan template, and comprehend its role in driving success.

Purpose of a 100 Day Plan

A 100 Day Plan is a powerful tool designed to help new leaders and managers achieve long-term success in their roles. By setting clear goals, fostering key relationships, and demonstrating decision-making prowess, a 100 Day Plan can cast new leaders in a positive light within their organization. It helps you create a strong foundation from the outset while showcasing your commitment to being purposeful, organized, and action-oriented.

A 100-day plan also allows you to recognize and prioritize required changes for enhancing operational performance and steering your team strategically towards marketplace leadership. For a new leader, making the most of the initial 100 days is vital to create a lasting impression and lay the foundation for a thriving future.

Benefits of using a 100 Day Plan Template

Utilizing a 100 Day Plan Template empowers organizations to effectively manage their business by providing a comprehensive overview of essential tasks and objectives for the upcoming period. A well-structured template can enhance collaboration and coordination within the team, ensuring that everyone knows their roles and responsibilities. This clarity and alignment make it easier to:

> Set goals > Track progress > Identify potential roadblocks > Allocate resources effectively > Monitor performance > Make informed decisions

Ultimately, using a 100 Day Plan Template can be a useful tool, leading to better outcomes and increased efficiency for the organization.

In project management, a 100 Day Plan Template provides several distinct advantages like offering a clear direction, improving tracking and reporting, and promoting accountability. Utilizing a template allows managers to start their new roles confidently, make data-driven decisions, and establish success paths for new hires from the beginning.

Components of a 100 Day Plan Template

The essential components of a 100 Day Plan Template include:

> Clear and achievable goals > Specific tasks > Resource allocation > Priorities > A timeline with milestones > Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

These elements ensure that your plan is successful and motivating, especially when starting a new job or taking on a new project. By focusing on these core components, you can hit the ground running, measure success, and track progress effectively throughout your 100-day journey.

Collaboration is crucial for developing a 100-day plan that helps you achieve ambitious goals, take decisive actions, and capitalize on opportunities. Working closely with your team and stakeholders enables you to create a tailored action plan that addresses the unique challenges and opportunities of your new role or project.

Customizing Your 100 Day Plan Template

To fully benefit from a 100 Day Plan Template, it’s necessary to develop it according to your specific situation and goals. This adaptation involves evaluating your current position, defining achievable objectives, and adjusting the plan to meet your unique requirements. By doing so, you can create an action plan that resonates with your team and stakeholders, ensuring a higher likelihood of success and long-term growth.

We will now examine how you can evaluate your situation and set achievable goals to craft a personalized 100-day plan that helps you accomplish success.

Assessing Your Situation

Determining your current position and challenges is a vital step in customizing your 100-day plan. To do this, take the time to evaluate your new role or project, the company’s culture, and the expectations of your team and stakeholders. Understanding these aspects helps you identify the areas that require improvement and growth, allowing you to create a plan that truly addresses your unique needs.

Developing strong relationships with your team and stakeholders is also crucial in assessing your situation. Here are some steps to take:

1) Engage in open and honest communication.

2) Learn about their aspirations and motivations.

3) Gain valuable feedback on their perceptions of the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges.

This information will serve as a solid foundation for creating a customized 100-day plan that resonates with your team and drives results.

Setting Realistic Goals

Upon gaining a clear comprehension of your situation, you should aim to set attainable and quantifiable objectives for your 100-day plan. These objectives should abide by the SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) to guarantee success and progression. By setting realistic objectives, you can prioritize tasks, allocate resources effectively, and track progress towards your targets.

Furthermore, synchronizing your goals with your overarching objectives and priorities guarantees that your 100-day plan is substantial and adds to your organization’s long-term success. It also stimulates responsibility and cohesion among team members, enabling collaborative efforts towards a common goal.

Key Strategies for a Successful 100 Day Plan

Efficient execution of your 100-day plan necessitates focusing on key strategies that lead to success. These strategies involve relationship building, credibility establishment, and attainment of quick wins. By honing in on these strategies, you can maximize the impact of your 100-day plan and lay the groundwork for long-term success in your new role or project.

We will now examine each of these strategies and understand their contributions to a successful 100-day plan.

Building Relationships

The foundation of a successful 100-day plan lies in fostering strong relationships with stakeholders and team members. Creating powerful connections with these individuals ensures effective collaboration and communication, which is vital for achieving your objectives. Building relationships also helps to ensure that everyone is aligned and working towards the same goals, ultimately contributing to the long-term success of your organization.

To build strong relationships, engage in open and honest communication with your team and stakeholders. Take the time to learn about their roles, aspirations, and motivations, and listen to their feedback and concerns. By doing so, you can build relationships and create a solid foundation of trust and understanding, which will serve as the bedrock for successful collaboration and execution of your 100-day plan.

Establishing Credibility

Establishing credibility is another crucial strategy for success in your 100-day plan. Demonstrating your expertise and competence in your new role or project is essential for building trust and confidence among your team and stakeholders. This trust and confidence enable you to effectively carry out your plan, gain their approval, and secure early successes.

To establish credibility, focus on showcasing your knowledge, skills, and abilities in your field. Set realistic goals, communicate effectively, and be open to feedback and suggestions. By doing so, you can create a positive reputation within your organization, lay the foundation for successful collaboration, and acquire new skills for long-term growth.

Achieving Quick Wins

Identifying opportunities for early success is vital for building momentum and confidence in your 100-day plan. Achieving quick wins demonstrates progress, generates tangible results, and fosters a sense of accomplishment within your team. These early successes help to build confidence, create a positive reputation, and gain the approval of stakeholders.

To achieve quick wins, focus on setting achievable goals, breaking tasks into smaller, manageable steps, and prioritizing the most important tasks first. By doing so, you can create a sense of achievement and enthusiasm that drives your team forward and inspires them to tackle more ambitious goals and challenges.

Top 100 Day Plan Templates to Get You Started

Having comprehended the significance of a 100-day plan template and the strategies for its successful realization, it’s time to examine some practical examples of successful templates. These examples serve as an inspiration for creating your own customized plan to achieve your goals and make a lasting impact in your new role or project. Whether you’re a new leader or tackling an ambitious project, these templates can provide a starting point for your journey towards long-term success.

One of the best places to find a 100 Day Plan Template is on PowerSlides. We offer a wide variety of templates to help you create a clear and actionable plan that aligns with your specific needs and objectives. Downloading a template from us saves you time and effort, allowing you to focus on executing your plan and achieving your goals.

Tips for Maximizing the Impact of Your 100 Day Plan

Effectively executing your 100-day plan and maximizing its impact requires dedication and focus on two key areas: regular progress tracking and effective communication. By honing in on these aspects, you can ensure your plan stays on track, adapts to unforeseen challenges, and delivers the desired results.

Let’s examine these two vital tips for enhancing the effectiveness of your 100-day plan.

Regular Progress Tracking

Monitoring your progress throughout your 100-day plan is essential for staying on track and making necessary adjustments. Regular progress tracking allows you to:

> Proactively identify potential issues or roadblocks > Address them in a timely manner > Stay motivated by celebrating your achievements > Recognize areas where you need to improve

To track progress effectively, set up checkpoints at regular intervals throughout your 100-day plan. These checkpoints provide an opportunity to evaluate your progress, reassess your goals, and make any necessary adjustments to stay on track. By regularly monitoring your progress, you can ensure a higher likelihood of success in your plan and long-term growth.

Effective Communication

Maintaining open lines of communication with stakeholders and team members is crucial for ensuring alignment and support for your 100-day plan. Effective communication helps keep everyone informed of your progress, goals, and expectations, fostering a sense of unity and purpose within your team. It also helps build trust and credibility, which are vital for achieving long-term success.

To ensure effective communication, follow these steps:

1) Establish regular communication channels with your team and stakeholders. This can include meetings, progress updates, and feedback sessions.

2) Be open and truthful in your communication.

3) Actively listen to the concerns and suggestions of your team and stakeholders.

4) Create an environment of transparency and collaboration.

5) Maximize the impact of your 100-day plan.

By following these steps, you can create an environment of effective communication and collaboration.

In conclusion, a well-structured 100 Day Plan Template can be the key to unlocking success in your new role or project. By understanding the purpose, benefits, and components of a 100-day plan, customizing it to your unique situation, and focusing on key strategies like building relationships, establishing credibility, and achieving quick wins, you can maximize the impact of your plan and lay the groundwork for long-term success.

Remember, the first 100 days are crucial for setting the stage for your future achievements. So, take the time to create a comprehensive plan, track your progress regularly, and communicate effectively with your team and stakeholders. By doing so, you can ensure a higher likelihood of success and make a lasting impact in your new role or project.

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[Updated 2023] Top 100-Day Plan PowerPoint Templates to Create Action Plan

[Updated 2023] Top 100-Day Plan PowerPoint Templates to Create Action Plan

Hanisha Kapoor


Want to create a 100-day plan for your job? 

A 100-Day plan outlines specific goals and strategies that a company intends to achieve within the first 100 days of its existence or after the appointment of a new leader.

So, whether you are a sales manager, CEO, or the president, everyone requires a 100-day action plan to establish a clear path forward, ensure that all stakeholders are aligned with its vision, and track progress towards the set objectives. By creating a 100-day plan, companies can identify potential risks, address any challenges that may arise, and make necessary adjustments to achieve their goals. Ultimately, a well-executed 100-day plan can help you gain momentum, build credibility, and establish a strong foundation for long-term success.

Read this exclusive guide featuring predesigned Google Slides Templates to help you create actionable plans to achieve your goals

Wondering how to start?

SlideTeam brings you a collection of professionally designed 100-Day plan Templates to keep you away from the mayhem at work. Stay organized, move in the right direction, manage your time, and deliver your best with our actionable PPT Slides. 

The 100% customizable nature of the templates provides you with the desired flexibility to edit your presentations. The content ready slides give you the much-needed structure.  

Let’s start!

100-Day Plan Template 1:

100-Day Plan PPT Template

Click here to download 100-Day Plan Template

A 100-day plan can be used in various business contexts, such as a startup's launch, a new leadership appointment, or a major restructuring effort. Deploy this content-ready PPT Template to provide your company with a roadmap for initial operations, ensuring that all stakeholders are aligned with its objectives and priorities. Use this ready-made PowerPoint Slide to address specific business challenges or opportunities that arise, such as a new product launch, a merger or acquisition, or a major expansion into a new market. This preset comprises all the relevant Slides to help you design an action plan that meets your requirements. Download now! .

100-Day Business Plan Template 2:

100-Day Business Plan PPT Template

Download 100-Day Business Plan Template

Here is another ready to use PowerPoint Template to assess a company's strengths and weaknesses, identify areas for improvement, and develop a strategic plan for future growth. Incorporate this flexible PPT Template to a variety of business situations, making it a valuable tool for any organization looking to achieve its goals efficiently and effectively. This PPT Template covers 100-Day plan timelines for various business activities such as, project completion, customer acquisition, employee training, and more. Grab this actionable PPT Template to track progress and take your business to new heights. Download now!

100-Day Multiple Tasks Template 3:

100-Day Plan Tasks PPT Template

Grab this professionally designed 100-Day Multiple Tasks Template

This is a professional and appealing PowerPoint Template outlining goals, strategies, and tactics to be implemented within the first 100 days. Use this content-ready PowerPoint Template  to ensure that everyone in the organization is aligned with the company's objectives and priorities. Grab this ready to use PowerPoint Slide to build momentum and establish credibility with customers, employees, investors, and other stakeholders. Deploy this well-crafted 100-day plan Template to set the foundation for long-term success. Get it now!

100-Day Action Plan Template 4:

100 Day Action Plan PowerPoint PPT Visual

Click here to download 100-Day Action Plan Template

Create a 100-day action plan to help you go through a change within a new organization. Get to know the company, understand processes, assess projects and operations, and implement new ideas with a 100-day plan template. Use the template above to list various tasks and functions that you are planning to execute for the first 100 days. A 100-day action plan will help you manage your time and tasks.

100-Day Action Plan PowerPoint Template 5:

100-Day Plan PowerPoint Graphic

Download 100-Day Action Plan PowerPoint Template

Move forward in your career with a 100-day plan template. Use the above template to develop your own action plan to help you achieve your tasks every day. This slide will help you write down daily tasks and functions so that you achieve your goals which you have intended to accomplish. A 100-day plan will help you achieve your goals step-by-step. The template shown is customizable. Use it as per your needs.

100-Day Work Timeline PowerPoint Template 6:

100-Day Plan Work Timeline PPT Template

Download 100-Day Work Timeline PPT Template

Create an action plan up to 100 days using a professionally designed 100-day plan template. Plan in advance to know how many tasks you need to execute and how far you are from your goals. A 100-day plan template will help you create a workable timeline for you in order to help you list tasks for every day. You can reach your goals using a 100-day plan template.

100-Day Plan PowerPoint Template 7:

100 Day Action Plan PowerPoint Diagram

Download 100-Day Plan PPT Template

Incorporate a 100-day plan PPT template in your presentation to lessen the work pressure. List various tasks that you aim to accomplish in 100 days. The template above is a content-ready slide. However, you can edit the content and use it as per your needs as the slide is fully customizable. Now prioritize your tasks and evaluate your performance with a 100-day plan template.

100-Day Plan Critical Path Template 8:

100 Day Plan PPT Slide Graphic

Click here to download 100-Day Plan Critical Path Template

Craft an effective 100-day plan to stay organized and execute your tasks on time. A 100-day plan will let you list tasks for 100 days so that you can work toward accomplishing those tasks in 100 days and achieve your goals. The action plan template will let you move in the right direction and help you attain your objectives on time.

100-Day Action Plan PowerPoint Template 9:

100-Day Plan PPT Diagram

Download 100-Day Action Plan PowerPoint Slide

Plan and keep a track of your development in a clear and precise manner with the help of a 100-day plan. Remove the unnecessary stress of a new employee or new manager and keep yourself focused on achieving your goals with a 100-day action plan. With a 100-day plan template, you will be able to create a plan for you of 100 days in which you will execute your tasks and functions and determine your performance. The template shown is customizable. Use it as per your needs.

100-Day Action Plan Template 10:

100-Day Plan PPT Slide

Get to know the company processes and operations better in the initial days of your new job with a 100-day plan template. Use the 100-day plan template to understand company culture, employees, processes, projects, competitors, industries to help you implement new ideas and vision for the company. A 100-day plan is an effective action plan for new employees to help them overcome the stress of the new work culture. The above template will help you list tasks that you plan to achieve in the initial days of your work.

100-Day Plan Template 11:

100 Day Plan Framework PPT Template

Download 100-Day Plan Template

Go through the learning and contributing phase in a new company with a professionally designed 100-day action plan template. Outline goals for yourself for the first 100 days of your job so that you understand the company’s processes and operations better. List daily tasks and functions for the first 100 days of your job with the help of a 100-day plan template shown. A 100-day action plan template will help you stay focused and organized in the most important days of your career.

100-Day Plan PowerPoint Template 12:

100-Day Plan PPT Graphic

Build an action plan to help you establish your goals and targets using a 100-day action plan template. A 100-day plan template is used to attain short-term business goals. Managers can produce an effective action plan to sort various tasks, execute functions, and achieve results on time using a 100-day action plan. The above template will help you write your own 100-day action plan. The template is completely customizable. Replace the dummy text with your own content and use it as per your needs.

100-Day Action Plan Template 13:

100-Day Action Plan PowerPoint Slide

Create a course of action and move in the right direction using a 100-day action plan PPT template. Show your employers how are you going to help them and achieve your targets with a 100-day action plan. Use the above professional visual to instantly grab your employer’s attention and take the opportunity to stand out from the crowd. Divide your action plan into three periods, list goals for three months, and achieve milestones for each of the first three months with the help of a 100-day action plan.

100-Day Action Plan PowerPoint Template 14:

100-Day Plan Template

Create a plan to learn and succeed quickly with a 100-day action plan PPT template. Leave your competition behind and make yourself attractive to your employers by presenting a professional 100-day action plan that will showcase your course of action for the first 100 days of your job. Show your employers what are you going to do and how are you going to do your tasks using a 100-day action plan template. The template shown will help you create your own action plan. Add your content and grab your employer’s attention.

100-Day Plan Roadmap PowerPoint Template 15:

100 Day Plan PowerPoint Visual

Download 100-Day Plan Roadmap PPT Template

Prepare yourself to get on board with a new job and responsibilities using a 100-day action plan. It is advisable for the new employees to create a 100-day action plan to make a great impression on the CEOs and managers. The 100-day action plan will get newbies acquainted with their roles and responsibilities at new work and make it easy for them to achieve their goals since they have all planned at the beginning only. Create your action plan to achieve your set targets with the help of a 100-day plan template.

Ease your transition at work, suss out your competition, and achieve great success with 100-day action plan templates.

FAQs on 100-Day Plan 

What is a 100-day plan.

A 100-day plan is a strategic plan that outlines specific goals, priorities, and action steps to be accomplished within the first 100 days of a new leadership appointment, a company's launch, or a significant change or transformation within an organization. It is designed to provide a clear roadmap for the organization's initial operations, ensuring that everyone is aligned with the company's vision, objectives, and priorities. The plan typically includes a comprehensive analysis of the company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis), as well as specific strategies and tactics to achieve the desired outcomes. A well-executed 100-day plan can set the foundation for long-term success, positioning the company for growth, profitability, and a competitive advantage in the market.

What should a 100-Day plan include?

A 100-day plan should include several key elements, such as:

Vision and objectives: Clearly state the company's vision, mission, and objectives, and how they align with the overall business strategy.

SWOT analysis: Conduct a comprehensive analysis of the company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, to identify potential areas of improvement and prioritize the most critical issues.

Priorities and goals: Identify the top priorities and goals to be achieved within the first 100 days, and develop specific action steps and timelines to achieve them.

Key performance indicators (KPIs): Establish KPIs to track progress towards the identified goals, and regularly monitor and evaluate performance against these metrics.

Resource allocation: Determine the necessary resources (such as personnel, budget, technology, etc.) needed to achieve the goals, and allocate them accordingly.

Communication plan : Develop a communication plan to ensure that all stakeholders are informed and engaged in the plan's implementation, and that feedback is collected and addressed as needed.

Contingency plan: Identify potential risks and challenges that may arise, and develop a contingency plan to address them, including specific action steps and timelines.

By including these elements in a 100-day plan, companies can establish a clear roadmap for their initial operations, identify potential issues and risks, and set the foundation for long-term success.

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Your First 100 Days In A New Job: Top Tips To Help You Settle In

Your CV caught the hiring manager’s attention, your interview went really well and your contract negotiation went smoothly. Now it’s time to start your new job! 

Regardless of how long you’ve been working in an industry or how excellent you are at your job, there will always be a few differences encountered when you start a new role: The people are unknown , the culture will likely be somewhat alien and your new routine will take some getting used to .

You want to leave a lasting impression on your colleagues and management, so you should always try to be positive and enthusiastic. Beyond that, you should remember to not rush headfirst into your work and miss the prime opportunity to build rapport with your fellow employees.

Below we have highlighted a number of important considerations for your first 100 days that will help you seamlessly transition into your new job , settle in with your new employer and be successful in the workplace .

  • Why you should set out a plan of action for your first 100 days
  • Getting to know the business and your colleagues
  • The importance of establishing good working relationships
  • Where to focus most of your attention
  • Crucial things to do early on in a new leadership role
  • Why it’s important to make the most of your early days at work

Setting out an action plan for your first 100 days

First impressions really do count. As a new employee at an organisation, you want to get off on the right foot with all of your leaders and colleagues. The first few months should give you the opportunity to learn about the company and find out what it will take to succeed in your new position. 

Before you start on the first day, it pays to have a set of goals around how you will approach your first 100 days and the sort of things you want to accomplish - they don’t have to be major; sometimes the more simple, the better!

Here’s a rough idea of the sort of goals you should set if you want to successfully transition into your new role:

  • Day 1: Make an excellent impression on new colleagues
  • Week 1: Ensure all induction processes are complete
  • Week 2: Arrange meetings with key stakeholders
  • Month 1: Learn about the ins and outs of the business
  • Month 2: Put your stamp on the role and feedback to the business about how it could change
  • Month 3: Display how your actions will deliver results 

Get to know the business and its people

It is crucial that you spend a substantial amount of time familiarising yourself with the ‘feel’ of your new employer, the company culture and the people. Ask to attend as many relevant meetings as possible and make contact with lots of people around the business, beyond just your immediate team and those sitting near you. 

Shape people's view of you early in a new job

If you are too invested in making yourself ‘useful’ the moment you walk through the door, you will miss the chance to pick up invaluable pieces of information that can come from simple surveillance. Note these down for the first few months; your initial, uninfluenced thoughts will be the sharpest and most insightful observations which could definitely be useful a few months down the line!

Forge relationships with the right individuals

It may seem a bit shrewd, but establish who the most beneficial people are that you need to strike up a strong relationship with as early as possible. The relationships you need to establish won’t necessarily map out easily and it would pay to do some swift thinking about who has widespread power across the business. This doesn’t mean you must focus solely on these individuals, but it’s important to gain a strong and in-depth understanding of office dynamics.

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Whether you are a junior professional just starting your career or you’re further up the ladder having secured a leadership role, it would be hugely beneficial to elicit the help of someone who has been with the employer for some time. A coach within the business will guide you on how to navigate issues and advise on how best to deal with certain individuals.

Advisers will advise and mentors will tell you what they would have done, but a good coach will consider your personality and position before suggesting actions.

If you are fulfilling a more senior or manager level role, everyone in your extended team will be looking at you not just as a functional leader, but as a human being as well. As a general rule, try and set aside 40% of your day to regularly engage with them - ask them what does and doesn’t work in the organisation , what they think needs to change and what doesn’t . 

Find out what motivates the people that work for you and what inspires the people you work for. If you take heed of their answers and action any suggestions, you will paint a great picture of yourself and keep them highly engaged - which is hugely important!

Top Tip: Many organisations will give you lots of mandatory training which can consume most of that irretrievable first week. After receiving an offer, ask if your new employer will let you do some of this remotely before your first day.

Establish where best to focus your attention

The ‘3 rocks’ approach is an effective way to identify where you should focus your attention... 

These rocks should be important projects or goals where 60% of your efforts are channelled as opposed to focusing on the ‘sand’ surrounding the rocks - the small, everyday tasks you do to deliver the day job . The rocks should be highly visible actions that will deliver a big impact on the business. People don’t remember the sand, but they take notice of the rocks!

This short video visualises why it is important to channel your attention towards the bigger tasks, whilst letting the everyday tasks fit in around them.

Start thinking about what you want to be known for by the time you have been within the organisation for one year. Identify where you can make the biggest difference and keep that goal in mind - having a primary goal to focus on and work towards is an excellent way of channelling your efforts .

Priorities for early days in a job

Having an influence early on in a new leadership role

If the new job you have secured is a leadership position, there are additional considerations that will help you be successful in the first few months. Whether you have been hired during a period of explosive growth or to help transform the business , your first 100 days are critical to making a good impression and establishing a positive foundation for the future.

1. Listen to your peers - It’s inevitable that you will be doing a lot of speaking early on in your new leadership role; to team members, customers/clients and other key stakeholders . But you should also be doing a whole lot of listening too. 

You should use your unfamiliarity with the company to your advantage and ask what’s working , what isn’t , which areas could do with help and what they would do if they were in your position . What those people tell you can be incredibly informative and should help direct your strategic agenda by giving you a sense of what people, internally and externally, really value.

2. Be visible and responsive - It can be intimidating for your colleagues when a new leader joins from an external company. That’s why it can be an excellent idea to implement an open-door policy where you explicitly display how approachable you are. Better still, sit yourself in and amongst the other teams and get involved with their day-to-day communications. 

What do you want to be known for at work

When people know that you’re receptive to ideas and willing to listen, they will be much more confident around you and honest with you.

3. Don’t rush into things - Whilst you will be expected to hit the ground running as a leader, you should consider slowing things down a bit for the first couple of months. This will allow you to fully analyse what’s going on and get a really strong perception of the state of the business and what opportunities could potentially be harnessed. A more thoughtful approach in the early stages will pave the way for higher quality results in the long run.

4. Avoid changing too much immediately - You were probably hired to change things up and transform certain aspects of the business, but if you go in and disrupt everything, making widespread changes straight away, you may encounter ‘new leader rejection’ . 

It is important to innovate - and it was likely part of the job description - but you need to be mindful of the people around you and understand the realistic pace at which change can be implemented. If you do the groundwork of the above points first, people will be much more receptive to your plans.

5. Tackle critical situations - You can lay all the right foundations with great intentions of moving forward, but you must not overlook the fact that the company still needs to be run and there will undoubtedly be critical situations that have to be dealt with. You must be flexible when this occurs!

Make the most of the early days in your new job

You may seem isolated, but just like on your first day at school, everyone will have been in the same boat at some point. Reach out to as many people as possible and let your personality shine. After all, you will be spending a lot of time speaking to your colleagues - it makes an enormous amount of difference if you get on well with them.

This is an exciting new step in your career, so make the most of those precious first few months!

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Alice Driscoll

Making the most of your first 100 days in a new leadership role.

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By Alice Driscoll

Sep 1, 2021

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Why and how to build a 100 day plan stepping into a new leadership role

Having a strategy and roadmap for your first 100 days in a new role is essential for making the most of those crucial and valuable early months in a new job. In my experience, we have max 6 months to add the most value we will probably ever add, in the entire time we hold a post, and what leaders do in those early days has a disproportionate impact on everything that follows.

The external and fresh perspective we bring is often why we've been hired in the first place, along with our specific expertise and experience that will enable the organisation to make a desired leap or transition.

But being able to see the wood for the trees with the clear vision of an outsider has an expiry date on it.  Inevitably, over this time period, we find our ways of thinking and doing start to mirror the dominate behaviours of our new colleagues because no matter how independent we think of ourselves as being, group think is hard bias to resist, and one we usually sleepwalk into without even realising.

Harvard Business Review conducted a survey to identify the biggest errors and pitfalls leaders made in their first 100 days that went on to impact their ability to get their desired results.

The results identified that the following 7 early leadership errors:

  • A poor grasp of how the organisation works
  • Misfit with the organisational culture
  • Difficulty forging alliances with peers
  • Lack of understanding of the business model
  • Ineffective decision making
  • Disagreement over strategy
  • Lack of experience or skill

So how do we make the most of our precious and unique first 100 days?

First and foremost, we should set clear goals and plans. Here’s why; When we know what success looks like, we'll know if we've got there or not. When we're clear about what we want, we're less likely to sleepwalk into supporting someone else's goals/agenda at our own expense. We can track progress and course-correct. By staying focused on our goals, we can make better decisions day-to-day about how to use our valuable time. 

Here are some questions that can guide your goal setting:  

  • What areas do I need to get into the weeds on (for a limited time) to really understand the operational mechanics of the business?  
  • Who do I need to invest in getting to know and building relationships with?
  • Who do I need to influence to enable my/our plan?
  • How ready (willing and able) is the team to work towards the future organisational goals?
  • Are the right people in the right roles?
  • How much time do I need to invest in listening and observing before sharing my ideas/plans?
  • How will my performance be evaluated by others in 3-6 months?
  • How is the culture here different to where I have come from?
  • What of my personal expertise, skills and strengths are going to be most valuable here and now?
  • What skills gaps do I and/or the team have to enable us to achieve our goals?
  • What might derail me/us achieving my/our goals?

Finally approaching a new role with the right mindset also plays a critical role in whether we will succeed. The number one thing I hear from leaders in new roles is that the size of the challenge looks a lot bigger now they’ve looked under the hood and are on the inside.

It’s inevitable that from the outside we’re going to have a limited and distorted view on the obstacles we will face when we join a new organisation so an important early job is to cross-reference our initial understanding the reality of the context we find ourselves in. Getting a realistic diagnosis of the context you are operating in will enable you to generate a roadmap that takes all the challenges into account.  

After all, if leadership is (as I believe) a reciprocal process ‘that is co-created in the space between the leader and the led’ (Jones & Goffee, 2006) getting the right people on the boat, believing they can, they want to and they will, will increase your chances of success.

If you want to find out more about how I could support you through my 100 Days Coaching Programme , contact me here:   [email protected]  

Resources on this topic:

Watkins, M. and Norris, K.T., 2003. The first 90 days: Critical success strategies for new leaders at all levels. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.

Forbes: The First 100 Days: A Leadership Test

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Home PowerPoint Templates First 100 Days

First 100 Days PowerPoint Templates & Presentation Slides

First 100 days are important for new employees onboarded in a business or project managers and planners who need to prepare a project plan. In this section, you can find 100% editable templates for PowerPoint and Google slides to plan your first 100 days.

Editable 2025 Calendar With Sunday as First day

2025 Calendar With Sunday as First day

Editable My First 100 Days PPT Slide

My First 100 Days PowerPoint Template

PPT Template for  30 60 90 Day Business Plan Presentation

30 60 90 Day Business Plan PowerPoint Template

30-60-90-120 Day Action Plan Template

30-60-90-120 Day Plan Slides for PowerPoint

Presentation of 100 Day Plan Strategy

100-Day Plan PowerPoint Template

First 100 days slides and templates can be used by marketers, new employees, candidates and project managers to plan ahead. For example, new employees can prepare presentations describing the goals and objectives to achieve within the first 100 days in new job position or role.

During a job interview , candidates can also present their ideas and actions to achieve within the first 100 days, and prepare a First 100 days presentation to captivate the recruiter during a hiring process.

Alternatively, you can download other presentation templates including the 30 60 90 day plan templates for PowerPoint or the first 90 days templates.

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The First 100 Days: 5 Ways to Make Your Mark

As with a president, how new employees show up during the first 100 days can be critical. Some key steps to distinguish yourself.

For More Expert Insights


Career Coach, Korn Ferry Advance


Senior Client Partner


Chief Executive Officer, Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO)

In 1933, in the midst of the Great Depression, President-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt passed 15 major bills and 76 new laws during his first 100 days in office, among them measures to revive the economy, get Americans back to work, and even end Prohibition. This was a landmark achievement to help a reeling nation. A president’s first 100 days in office have been a key timeframe ever since for evaluating their performance. 

But the first 100 days on the job isn’t important just for presidents. How new employees show up during their first 100 days can be critical to their long-term success as well, says Nancy Holtze , a Korn Ferry Advance coach. “Having a plan sets you apart from a new hire who simply reacts to the twists and turns of a new role,” she says. 

With job openings shrinking and firms girding for a possible recession by cutting back on new hires, making a strong impression out of the gate is more important than ever. Here are five ways our experts suggest new employees can distinguish themselves.

Start before you start.

Before starting your new job, develop a road map with your boss about their expectations during your first 100 days. Devise a schedule for check-in meetings at least once a week to make sure you are delivering on those expectations. Jonathan Wildman , a senior client partner with Korn Ferry Advisory, says that will show your boss you are already thinking strategically and being proactive about how to add value. Experts also suggest reading through the social media feeds of managers, team members, direct reports, and other senior leaders to get a sense of their priorities and interests both at the office and outside it.

Create monthly markers.

Don’t look at the first 100 days in one big chunk. Instead, set monthly goals that escalate in responsibility and performance. Jeanne MacDonald , president of global RPO solutions at Korn Ferry, suggests focusing on understanding the company culture during your first 30 days, for instance. That involves taking responsibility for developing a working relationship with your new boss and networking with as many new colleagues as possible. If you’re not in sales, ask if you can listen in on a sales call. This will not only help you understand the company’s products and services, but will also open the door to developing relationships with other company leaders. 

Build trust with small wins.

Holtze says new employees often fall victim to trying to do too much, too soon. She calls it the “huge-impact syndrome.” Instead, she says to focus on implementing small changes and finding wins, even if they’re tiny, where you and your team members can. “Small and steady with buy-in and engagement helps build trust and is more sustainable,” Holtze says. Being accountable for the output of your work will help establish your reputation as a person who can be counted on to help an organization perform and develop.

Learn the company cadence.

Your new company may move faster or slower than your previous one, so it’s important to modulate your pace accordingly—at least in the beginning. All companies say they want new employees to bring new ideas, for instance, but understanding when and where to introduce those ideas is vital for your credibility and success, says Wildman. Introducing a new idea when there’s time pressure to deliver on a project could cause more stress for colleagues, he says; saving it for a later time could be more effective. Experts advise refraining from talking about your old company and how it did things, as that could give the impression you are challenging your new colleagues or telling them they are doing things wrong. 

Plan for day 101.

Holtze calls the first 100 days at a new job “the honeymoon period”. After that, she says, new employees should have a firm command of the corporate culture and be fully integrated into their roles. “Now it’s growth time,” says Holtze. If you have ideas for improving or creating systems or processes, this would be the time to present them. Holtze suggests preparing a summary of your accomplishments during your first 100 days. Then align with your boss on goals for the rest of the year, as well as how your success will be measured. “Day 101 is the time to scale what you’ve learned and have a larger impact,” she says.

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First 100 Days In A New Job: 7 Ways to Make Your Mark as a Leader

First 100 Days In A New Job: 7 Ways to Make Your Mark as a Leader

Landing a new leadership role is exhilarating, but with the excitement comes the pressure of those crucial first 100 Days in a new job. Whilst many leadership factors take time to embed and develop with a new team, this critical period sets the tone, building trust , establishing your style, and influencing your team’s trajectory.

History in the Making: The Power of 100 Days

The significance of the first 100 days isn’t just modern hype. Take President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933. Facing the desolation of the Great Depression, Roosevelt took office promising swift action. He delivered – within his first 100 days, he signed 15 major bills and 76 new laws, including measures to revive the economy, create jobs, and even lift the shackles of Prohibition.

This was considered a landmark achievement, a beacon of hope in a nation’s darkest hour, and solidified the “First 100 Days” as a benchmark for measuring a president’s early impact. But this isn’t just restricted to the role of President or Prime Minister, whether you’re leading a company, a department, or even a volunteer group, the principles remain the same.

7 Strategies to Craft Your Leadership Legacy

1. chart your course – before day one.

Don’t wait for your first day to start swimming. Proactively reach out to your superiors and colleagues. Discuss their expectations, key challenges, and organisational priorities. Research the company culture, industry trends, and major competitors. This pre-boarding initiative demonstrates initiative, strategic thinking, and a thirst to learn, all qualities that impress from the outset. Although any of these elements will be familiar to incoming leaders who have been through an executive recruitment process, it is good to start as you mean to go on when you secure a new role.

2. Align to the Company Symphony (at least initially)

Every organisation has its unique rhythm. Immerse yourself in the company’s communication channels, structures, and decision-making processes. Understand how information flows and where informal power lies. Adapting to the existing melody builds trust, shows respect for established norms, and positions you to navigate the internal landscape effectively – even if you are planning to make changes as you progress.

3. Connect and Collaborate

Your early success hinges on strong relationships. Prioritise connecting with colleagues across all levels, departments, and backgrounds. Seek partnerships, and build a support network both upwards and downwards within the structure. Leverage informal meetings, coffee breaks, and team lunches to create genuine connections and understand individual perspectives, but balance this with decisiveness and always lead with essential leadership qualities on display. Trusting relationships lay the foundation for effective collaboration and team cohesion.

4. Deliver Early Wins – Build Trust Through Action

Early wins set the tone for your leadership. Identify low-hanging fruit – a streamlined process, a resolved conflict, or a tackled obstacle. Delivering quick wins demonstrates your ability to identify problems, prioritise effectively, and produce tangible results. These early successes build trust, inspire confidence, and generate momentum for bigger initiatives.

5. Champion Open Communication – Lead Through Transparency

Effective communication is the cornerstone of strong leadership. Develop an open and transparent environment where feedback is encouraged and ideas flow freely. Regularly communicate with your team, informing them about decisions, progress, and challenges. Open communication builds trust, fosters engagement, and empowers your team to take ownership.

6. Be a Continuous Learner

Leadership is a lifelong journey of learning and growth. Actively seek out learning opportunities – attend workshops, read industry publications, and connect with peers in other organisations. Demonstrating a commitment to continuous learning sets a positive example for your team and ensures you remain relevant and effective in your role.

7. Plan for Day 101 – Show Strategic Vision

While focusing on the immediate, don’t neglect the bigger picture. Use your first 100 days to gather insights, analyse data, and formulate a long-term vision. Collaborate with stakeholders to develop strategic plans addressing key challenges and leveraging opportunities. Presenting a well-defined roadmap for the future showcases your strategic foresight and positions you as a leader who thinks not just in the present, but for the organisation’s long-term success.

Remember, your first 100 days are a golden opportunity to establish yourself as a strong and effective leader. By proactively taking these steps, you can build trust, inspire your team, and make a lasting positive impact on your new organisation.

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How to make an impact in your first 100 days in a new job

An employee sitting at a desk smiling at the camera

When a new president or prime minister steps into office, the media often flock to report on their first 100 days in office. And with the appointment of a new British prime minister imminent, it looks like we’ll soon be scrutinising their transition into their new role.

This concept of the ‘first 100 days’ originates from US President Franklin D Roosevelt’s (FDR) swift and substantial actions in his first few months in office in 1933: the country was in the middle of the Great Depression and, to lift the country out of its financial crisis, FDR quickly pushed several major bills through Congress. The unprecedented speed and scope of these measures provided immediate relief for the country and continued to be a measure by which subsequent presidents are judged by. 

It has now expanded beyond politics to become a standard question within job interviews for managers everywhere, as well as a measure of success for your first few months in a role.

Creating a 100 day plan

A 100 day plan is a tool that can help give you confidence in the middle of that transition period, helping to structure your progress, highlight areas that you need to work on, identify a timeline for completing them – and move seamlessly into your new position.

Your first 100 days checklist

To get your first 100 days off to a productive start, here’s a handy checklist from CMI:

  • Make the most of your induction
  • Get to know your team
  • Set out to develop a winning team
  • Get to know your manager
  • Identify the criteria against you will be judged
  • Be aware of the culture of your organisation
  • Develop a broader understanding of your organisation and your role within it
  • Develop your personal management style and identify
  • Develop a personal development plan for yourself

Keep reading for more advice and resources to make your first 100 days a success

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Your Time to Shine.

The first 100 days in a new job – make them count.

Have you recently taken on a new challenge? The first 100 days in a new office are absolutely pivotal when it comes to your success! Here are our tips on making your first 100 days count.

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When you’re the freshest face in the office, those first 100 days are pretty important.

The first 100 days decide whether or not you’re a successful hire , or a complete flop. It no longer matters how well you pitched yourself in your initial job interview, or how you’ve structured your CV. Individuals in a new position are thrust into the spotlight and forced to walk a tightrope in front of their new colleagues, at a new company and under the close observation of their direct reports. How can you make the most of the first 100 days in a new job?

The shift into a new position creates a great opportunity – this could be a huge boon to your professional success. But on the other hand, a new job leaves you vulnerable to plenty of mistakes and pitfalls. It’s worth mentioning that a significant percentage of all new hires throw in the towel within the first 100 days . But as long as you’re being observed every step of the way, you should make your best effort to demonstrate that the management made a great decision in selecting you as the best possible candidate for your new executive position.

1. Preparation: Understand the Expectations

When you want to establish yourself as a senior manager, much of the expectations stem from your preparations for the new position. Like it or not, you’re entering the firm as the “new guy” – when you’re not an internal hire, you’ve got a lot of learning to do about your new organization. In a job interview, you can only get a hint of the company culture, and before you truly start at your new position, your network within the company is worth nothing.

Therefore, it’s in your best interest to do some research before you begin. Which tools and software does your new company use? Already on your first day, you should put together a list of who can help you with each individual situation – this way, you’ll know who to contact, should you encounter any issues in your transition. Inform yourself about your future tasks and responsibilities, and be sure that the expectations for your performance are clear on both sides.

2. Learning: Ask Questions

Ask any burning questions you may have in your first few days. You’re new, so this won’t raise any eyebrows – it’s expected. It would be much worse if you went several weeks before asking your supervisor a critical question – this would lead him to wonder how you’ve managed to work a month without understanding the basics of your tasks and responsibilities …. In the first few days and weeks, you’ll receive tons of information and input. Use a notebook, a folder, or a document on your computer to collect all of this information. No one can remember everything. Remember: Half of knowledge is knowing where to find it.

3. Establishing Contacts: Build Relationships

When you enter a new company, you’re entering a brand new microcosm of relationships and hierarchies. Take a few days just to observe. Who sets the tone in the office? Who can you talk to when you need help? Exercise restraint, even if it’s not in your nature, and try to hold back from joining in the office gossip at the water cooler. You must first earn this place. Demonstrate that you’re polite, kind, and competent.

Introduce yourself, but also make sure not to reveal all of the private details of your life all at once. Being too open can usually backfire, as you want your new colleagues to base their initial impression on your working competencies, not the fact that you won a hot-dog eating contest last summer. When you can give a sovereign, sympathetic and kind impression, you’ve already given yourself an advantage.

4. Demonstrate Your Capacity: Bringing In New Ideas

From the moment you set foot in the company, you should strive to convey a motivated attitude to your new colleagues. This means asking questions, networking, and demonstrating that you want to integrate 100% in the company. However, it’s completely inappropriate to try and restructure the entire organization within your first week. A bit of sensitivity will never hurt – certainly you could suggest methods of how to optimize certain processes.

But you must restrain from criticizing during your first 100 days at your new job. Do not step on any toes at your new job. Wait to impose any large changes until you’re properly acclimated in the new company. This means working there for at least three months.

But don’t let this keep you from mentioning new ideas. Make your creativity, problem solving skills and your strategic thinking skills known. Avoid useless comparisons to your old company at all cost. Employees who constantly praise their past employers come across as unsatisfied – it raises the question, why did you leave? This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t share best practices from your past experience with your new team – but it is much more helpful to support your claims with facts and studies.

5. Take Your Time: Avoid Taking On “Too Much Too Soon”

You’re talented, most likely an excellent executive – otherwise you wouldn’t have gotten the position. But regardless, you should still remain humble. It’s much more impressive to hold back from mentioning your countless skills and strengths – it’s preferable to show what you’ve got, rather than bragging uselessly. Patting oneself on the back never comes across very well. Just because you beat out the competition [for this position] doesn’t mean that you have no weaknesses.

But on the other hand, it’s important not to underestimate yourself. After the first week with a new company, you should already have a good overview – you’ve probably developed a solid routine. You’re highly motivated, and you want to show it. So you join in on the content project, volunteer to help with the Christmas party, and of course you want to give your two cents on the restructuring of the trainee program for your department.

But kick it down a notch. Think long and hard about which additional projects you can afford to take on, before you overextend yourself and cannot take care of your regular daily duties. When you’re positive that you have the capacity to take on this new project, wonderful. If not, you should wait until you’ve mastered your first 100 days at your new job.

6. Focus on The Goal: No Mistakes

Even when you’ve successfully completed the first few weeks at your new employer, that’s no reason to rest on your laurels. In fact, just the opposite: now is the time to work even harder! Perhaps you already feel super comfortable in your new position – you’ve almost completed the first 100 days at your new job. But don’t think this means you can relax. Come earlier in the mornings, not later, and avoid leaving the office at 5:59 on the dot. This only makes you look demotivated. Don’t schedule a doctor’s appointment during your core working hours – unless it’s an emergency situation, of course.

But postpone your quarterly dental checkup until after your first 100 days are cleared. The point here is to avoid making any errors that might cause your colleagues to take notice that you’re not 100% invested in your new position. And it’s equally important to take note of the names of all of your new colleagues. Nothing is more uncomfortable than asking, “What was your name again,” when you’ve been working with your colleague for eight weeks already. Mistakes that are acceptable in the first two or three weeks can quickly turn into egregious errors after the first three months. Commit these names to memory, or create mnemonic devices to help you remember them.

Think carefully – those who master their first 100 days at a new job have a great advantage for the rest of their career with a company. Position yourself as the ideal executive, and you’ll become the ideal executive.

Tagged: job change , productivity , professional development

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Creating A Plan For Your First 100 Days

Those first 100 days are both a daunting challenge but also an unrivaled opportunity.

Two Men Shaking Hands and Smiling

How can leaders hit the ground running?

Whether you are an established leader taking on a new role within your organization or a complete newcomer, your first 100 days as a leader are vitally important. This period will set the tone for your entire tenure as your employees decide the  kind of leader you are , as well as your priorities and values.

In the video below, you'll gather wisdom and insight from a host of leaders with decades of collective experience leading high-performing teams across industries in both the public and private sectors.

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From defining success to goal setting and everything in between, our workbook is designed specifically for leaders striving to ensure success in their first 100 days in a new role to establish a foundation for the long run.

First 100 Days Workbook Cover

The first 100 days are critical, and we're here to help you make the most of them with these five steps:

#1 be intentional, #2 formulate a strategy, #3 develop a direction, #4 connect with your team, #5 build your network, we want to hear from you..

We’d love to learn more about you, your team, and your challenges. Our team is ready to help.

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The phrase “slow is smooth, smooth is fast” originates from the SEAL teams but the purpose behind it can be applied to all situations. There are many situations when we want to react quickly and start moving, but in your efforts to move so quickly, you end up slowing down the operation. Chris Fussell shares how this approach will lend to higher performing teams.

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How to create a powerful 100-Day Plan for a new job

A 100-day plan is a tool to help establish yourself in a new position, set goals and priorities, and begin making progress towards achieving them. Typically, a 100-day plan will outline specific actions to be taken and milestones to be achieved within the first 100 days of starting the new role, with the goal of making a powerful impact and establishing a solid foundation for future success.

A 100-day plan typically contains several key elements that are structured specifically to help you achieve their goals in the first 100 days of their new role.

  • Background and context: This section summarizes the current situation and the reasons for creating the 100-day plan.
  • Goals and objectives: This section defines the specific goals and objectives that the business professional hopes to achieve within the first 100 days, along with a plan for achieving them.
  • Prioritization: The plan should contain a list of priorities that are ranked in order of importance, so that the business professional can focus on the most important tasks first.
  • Action plan: A detailed plan of action outlining the specific steps that will be taken to achieve the goals and objectives, with timelines, resources and teams needed to execute it.
  • Metrics and measurements: This section outlines the key performance indicators (KPIs) that will measure progress and success, and how they will be tracked and reported.
  • Review and adjustment: This section outlines a plan for regular reviews of the 100-day plan, and how it will be adjusted as necessary to ensure that goals are met.

The structure of 100-day plan can vary depending on the organization or individual's preference, but the key is to include the above elements in a clear, concise and actionable format that is easily understood by all stakeholders.

A 100-day plan typically addresses several aspects or dimensions to help the business professional establish themselves in their new role, set goals and priorities, and begin making progress towards achieving them. Some of these aspects include:

  • Organizational goals: The plan should align with the overall goals of the organization, and should include specific actions that will help the business professional contribute to achieving those goals.
  • Team and stakeholders: The plan should identify key team members and stakeholders, and should outline specific actions that will be taken to build strong relationships with them.
  • Operations and processes: The plan should identify key operational and process improvements that will be made, and should include specific actions that will be taken to implement those improvements.
  • Culture and values: The plan should align with the organization's culture and values, and should include specific actions that will be taken to reinforce those culture and values.
  • Learning and development: The plan should include specific actions that will be taken to learn about the organization, the industry and the role, as well as actions to develop the skills and knowledge needed for the role.
  • Communication and visibility: The plan should include specific actions that will be taken to communicate progress and results, both internally and externally, and to build visibility for the business professional and their team.

It's important to note that the 100-day plan should be tailored to the specific role and organization, and can include other aspects as necessary.

Creating a 100-day plan involves several key steps to ensure that it is comprehensive, actionable, and aligned with the organization's goals and objectives.

  • Research and analysis: Gather information about the organization, its goals and objectives, the industry and the specific role. This will help to understand the current situation and identify areas for improvement.
  • Set clear and specific goals: Identify the specific goals and objectives that the business professional hopes to achieve within the first 100 days, and ensure that they align with the organization's goals and objectives.
  • Prioritize: Rank the goals and objectives in order of importance, so that the business professional can focus on the most important tasks first.
  • Create an action plan: Outline the specific steps that will be taken to achieve the goals and objectives, along with timelines and resources needed.
  • Identify key performance indicators (KPIs): Identify the key performance indicators that will measure progress and success, and how they will be tracked and reported.
  • Communicate and get buy-in: Share the 100-day plan with key stakeholders, including the team and leadership, to get buy in and support.
  • Monitor, measure and adjust: Regularly review the progress of the 100-day plan and make adjustments as necessary to ensure that goals are met.

It's important to keep in mind that a 100-day plan is a living document that should be flexible and adaptable based on the progress and the outcome.

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How to make an impact in your first 100 days in a new job

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7 strategies, tactics and tips to stand out. Plan your first 100 days on the job, as a new starter, to make an impact in your marketing career

Starting a new job can be tough. In the first 100 days on the job, not only do you have to contend with the technical side of your role but also your new employer’s culture, politics, processes, and people.

The Trading Economics United States Job Openings report in March 2022 stated that US job openings hit a record high:

The number of job openings in the US rose by 205,000 from a month earlier to a series high of 11.549 million in March of 2022, above market expectations of 11 million, as work shortages persisted.

US job openings 2022

Meanwhile, in the UK, Job vacancies rose to a new record of 1,318,000 in the period from December 2021 to February 2022; an increase of 105,000 from the previous quarter with half of the industry sectors showing record highs.

With all these shifts in employment, it's likely many marketers will be starting a new role over the next few months, they're not alone.

In the US, a new president is often judged on how they perform within the first 100 days in office. Ever since Franklin D. Roosevelt passed 76 bills into law by his one-hundredth day , subsequent presidents have been held to the same standard. Whilst some dispute the validity of this standard for presidents of the United States, there is reason to believe that for new starters in the corporate world the first few months provide the best opportunity to clarify your responsibilities, learn about the company and ultimately integrate and succeed in your new position.

For marketers, the first 100 days in a new job can be particularly crucial, especially within digital where so much change happens so quickly nowadays. I’d, therefore, like to set out some key success factors for making the first three months in a new marketing role really count.

Set out your first 100 days on the job action plan

When you join a new company you have one chance to make a good first impression. It’s therefore worth thinking about how you will approach your first three months and what you want to accomplish. It may be the case that your new line manager will provide a plan for you but it’s always best to be proactive and go in with your own. Consider what you want to achieve by each milestone:

  • First day - Make a good impression
  • First week - Complete the first part of your induction process
  • First two weeks - Meet all key stakeholders and complete induction process
  • First month - Discover and learn about the business and role
  • Second month - Define the role and feedback to the business
  • Third month - Deliver Deliver tangible results

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presentation first 100 days new job

Make a pre-emptive strike

It’s likely that after receiving a formal offer to join a new organization the only interaction you will have had with the hiring manager and/ or select colleagues will have been during the interview stage(s). Interviews are by their very nature quite stressful and you rarely get an opportunity to have a more open, relaxed conversation about the role.

Once you have agreed on a start date, consider making the offer to visit the company and meet your new team before officially joining. I have found this helpful for a number of reasons:

  • Review the role
  • Identify key stakeholders
  • Clarify main challenges and opportunities
  • Meet your new team and colleagues
  • Understand the practicalities

Many of these areas can easily be covered during your first few weeks but getting an initial gauge can be helpful to ease nerves and anxiety before you formally start and being proactive shows initiative and enthusiasm.

first 100 days

Plan your own induction

Induction programmes vary greatly across different companies. I have experienced first hand the good (pre-planned meetings with key stakeholders; company vision; department objectives), the bad (poor communication about the new role; patchy intro meeting attendance) and the ugly (told on my first morning by my new manager that they were heading out for a two-week meeting and ‘good luck’ getting started!).

Needless to say, it’s always best to be prepared to take accountability for your own induction programme so that you get the most from the experience. There are a few things you can do before and after you start to ensure an effective induction process:

Before you start your new job:

  • Ask your new employer if there are any documents or company materials to review before you start
  • Review your job description and any additional information, including leadership behaviours, competency frameworks, and company values. Use this opportunity to identify areas of strength and development, all of which can be used to inform your induction programme
  • If you’re taking on a people management position, ask for copies of job descriptions for each of your new team members and an organogram to build an understanding of what everyone does and how this fits together
  • Ask about what is planned for your induction so you know what aspects will be set for you and others where you will need to take action during your first 100 days on the job

Once you start your new job:

  • If you’re not already aware, check out what is planned on your first day and who is responsible for organizing different aspects of your induction
  • Meet with the person/ people organizing your induction and cross-reference the areas you have identified so you cover everything off
  • If there are limited/ no induction plans work out how best to get the support you need. Meet quickly with your manager and other colleagues to find out who best to liaise with
  • Do not delay. Time is of the essence so aim to get your induction sorted within the first two weeks. If you wait any longer the likelihood is that it won’t happen as you will soon be pulled into the detail of your role

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Understand your environment

Your first few months will be key to establishing your credibility and a solid understanding of your new company’s culture, people and structure are essential to your success.

There will be an ‘official’ and ‘unofficial’ way of working, e.g. what the company tells you about its culture and what you actually see and observe around you. It may be the case that these two align quite closely but often you’ll find that there are gaps so make a note of what you consider to be important.

Be proactive and learn about the culture and the way of doing things. In the early days you have licence to ask questions so take the time to get a feel for the following:

  • Corporate strategy/ mission -  What is the company’s stated aims?
  • Corporate culture -  What values and attitudes stand out? How do they compare or contrast with your own?
  • Company structure -Establish the formal and informal hierarchy. Who’s who and who does what? Identify key decision-makers and influencers
  • Products and services -  Regardless of where you work you will need to have a good understanding of what products and/ or services affect business performance
  • Jargon -  Every company has its own specific language. Get to know key buzzwords and phrases ASAP!

Create a stakeholder map

As referenced above, there is a structure and hierarchy to every organization, regardless of how informal or flat they claim to be. There will always be pockets of influence, authority, and power which is unlikely to be reflected accurately in any company structure chart or organogram.

The first few weeks and months is an ideal time to observe and create your own stakeholder map. You must transform into a business ethnographer and take in the culture, customs and habits of everyone around you and identify the teams and individuals you will need to partner with and form alliances to get things done.

Forming strong alignment across the board is a top trait of effective marketing leaders. This involves an astute understanding of others’ needs and motivations and engaging others around a common goal. This can be achieved through careful consideration of stakeholders’ motivations, interests, and position:

Personal stakeholder analysis

Secure quick wins in your first 100 days on the job, or fewer!

Achieving early successes is probably one of the most important and effective ways to establish credibility and build momentum, setting you up for future success in the months and years ahead.

The first 30 days should be geared around establishing credibility among leaders and your peer group whilst the last 60 days is where you will need to be generating tangible results. In the beginning, you will still be grappling to understand the business and how it operates but there will still be opportunities to prove yourself and make an impact.

Michael D. Watkins, professor and author of The First 90 Days , identifies three ways to secure early wins:

  • Establish ‘A-item’ priorities - these include the major objectives you must accomplish in the first 12-18 months. This will help you to determine goals for the first few months in the context of these longer-term objectives. By achieving early wins in these areas you can simultaneously move toward the longer-term goals
  • Identify a centre of gravity - this is the one key area or process where early wins are probable. This could be the launch of the company’s new website or winning a major pitch for a new premium account. The chosen centre of gravity must be an area that is important and allows for substantial performance improvement
  • Initiate pilot projects - these are specific initiatives within the centre of gravity to secure early wins. Implementation plans for the projects should define the standards to be used, the resources needed and the methodologies to be employed, while specifying both tangible and intangible goals

Plan for the future

Although the first 100 days is primarily about refining the role, understanding business and establishing yourself within the organization, early on you should also start thinking and planning for the future. The quick/ early wins we covered above will hopefully give you confidence and momentum but before the end of the three months, you should also create a plan that identifies your longer-term goals, objectives, and ambitions.

The time you’ve spent observing and learning about the role will give you an opportunity to plan for the following:

  • Set SMART objectives based on ‘A-item’ business priorities
  • Establish relationships with key stakeholders (internal and external)
  • Build your personal brand
  • Identify personal development opportunities
  • Create your vision for the role

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By Gavin Llewellyn

Gavin Llewellyn (LinkedIn) is an independent consultant. He is a Chartered Marketer who specialises in digital marketing, specifically in social media, SEO and online strategy. Gavin blogs at One Too Many Mornings where he offers advice, guidance and ideas on how individuals and companies can use digital marketing effectively to get found online, build engagement and generate conversion. You can Follow Gavin on Twitter .

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Elodie Bouneau , Sr Director Product, Flipp. Cultivating performant, resilient teams to innovate and deliver impactful digital solutions.

Congratulations on landing your new role! You've successfully navigated the interview process, negotiated your offer and perhaps had to resign from your last job. As you're about to jump into this new opportunity, here are three of my best suggestions for you to consider before starting.

1. Rest and reflect.

You’ve made it through a challenging process and gone through all the steps to get here. You've done it! Your start date is hopefully in a few days or weeks, so it's time to take the opportunity to rest and recharge. Whether it's sleeping in, relaxing at home or taking a trip, do what feels restorative to you. Celebrate this significant milestone in your career.

As you transition, it's also a good time to dust off the role you're leaving and take stock of what you've accomplished and learned.

You probably just spent weeks selling the best of you in interviews, but make sure you take a hard look at yourself: What didn't go so well in this role you're leaving? What did you learn? It's okay to make mistakes—what matters is that you learn from them so you don't repeat them and can improve yourself. Check your ego at the door, seek feedback and plan how you can improve. This self-reflection will help you bring your best self to your new role.

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When I coach leaders or aspiring leaders, I always ask them to think about who they want to be known as. Whether you're new to leadership or looking to refine your style, now is the time to reflect on this.

A good way to get started is to create two lists.

• Leaders I Admire: Think of leaders you've worked with who inspired you. What did they do that made them great?

• Leaders I Don't Want To Resemble: Consider those whose leadership style you found lacking. What behaviors do you want to avoid?

I urge you to use people you know and have worked with or for—not people that you look up to in books and podcasts. There's nothing like first-hand experience to avoid falling prey to what authors and influencers want to project.

Use these insights to craft your own leadership philosophy. It should be like an elevator pitch for yourself—what do you want people to say about you as a leader? Let this guide your decisions and interactions in your new role.

3. Plan your first 90 days.

Many books and articles discuss this topic, but here’s a high-level approach.

• The first 30 days should be about ramping up, building relationships, learning, listening and observing the business, culture and industry.

• The next 30 days are about diagnosis and assessment: Regroup on lessons learned, identify skill gaps and review the vision against the current direction.

• The last month , set out your goals for the next few quarters and initiate change as needed. That’s when you start tweaking objectives, vision, processes, the team and so on. At that stage, don’t forget that change is a process and you need to tackle it as a team, not on your own.

You can use these themes combined with what you've learned during interviews to develop your own detailed plan ahead of your first day so that you can hit the ground running. Lead your onboarding rather than passively experiencing it.

Now that the usual advice is out of the way, what else should you consider in planning for your first 90 days?

• Think of others. Your boss chose you and probably wants to make sure they made the right decision. It's a huge investment for any company to choose and onboard the right new leader. Your team probably is feeling a mixed bag of emotions: excitement to meet you and to get more support, but worry about getting to know who was chosen and how they'll get along with you. As much as this is a change for you, it's also a change for everyone else. Being considerate of that will likely help you in these first few weeks.

• Listen and empathize with people’s problems and refrain from passing judgment upfront. There's a lot of context and historical knowledge that you might not have yet, so wait before making up your mind.

• Don’t overtly compare to your previous role, team or company unless specifically asked for it. Even then, be careful. It's like talking about your ex to your new partner: Navigate with caution both if you have something positive or negative to say. You can—and probably should—share insights without making direct comparisons.

As you're about to embark on your new adventure, these tips should provide some structure and insights to set you up for success. Best of luck—you've got this!

Forbes Technology Council is an invitation-only community for world-class CIOs, CTOs and technology executives. Do I qualify?

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