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Bride’s Speech Examples

March 5, 2017 By Kate

bride's speech examples

While bride speeches are not necessarily traditional at weddings, there is no reason why the star of the show cannot give her own speech in front of all the people that are near and dear to her. If you are a bride and are not shy or feel like you have something important to express, then you will want to deliver a speech that is sincere and heartfelt.

Since bride speeches are not traditional, there are many things that you can talk about. You can talk about the Groom and how you met. You might decide to thank your parents and about how their marriage inspired you.

If someone you love could not make it to your wedding, you can make them the focus of your speech. If someone close to you recently passed away, then you can talk about them as well.

More than anything, your guests will love to hear you talk about your romance. What was your first impression of the groom? How did you know that he was the one? What are your most favorite things about him?

Brides can also be stereotypically known for being Bridezillas, which is a term for brides who are way too demanding when it comes to planning their weddings. If you like, you can make it a point in your speech to thank your bridesmaids for all the help they have given you while you planned for your wedding

You can also thank your bridesmaids for their unfaltering emotional support and for any other help they may have given to you while you prepared for your big wedding day. Being a bridesmaid can be very demanding and stressful and they might appreciate the shout out and the show of appreciation.

Below are a variety of bride speech ideas that you can use for your own speech at your wedding. Whether you want to talk about your groom, feel like thanking your bridal party, or want to honor someone special, there are many ways for you to craft your wedding speech. Let the bride speech quotes below inspire you to make your own unique and touching speech for your wedding.

As the bride, all eyes will be on you and people will want to hear what you have to say. So make it entertaining, romantic, and if you want and if it is appropriate, you can even use some humor as well. And last of all, do not forget to thank all of your guests for coming to witness your wedding and support you and your husband on your big day.

1. I know that a bride giving a speech at her wedding is a little out of the box, but I have always been the type of person to march to the beat of my own drum. I want to thank my husband, my bridesmaids, and the rest of our family and friends for being so supportive of us. Thank you for showering us with your love and thank you for embracing our weirdness.

2. I will be the first person in this room to admit that I was never the type of girl to dream about her wedding day. A big, romantic wedding was just never something that I thought all that much about. I was not even sure if I would ever get married. But when you meet the right person, you just know, and I am so grateful that I met [groom] and that I get to be his wife. I could not ask for a better husband.

3. Growing up, I was always a little bit skeptical of everything. I never wanted to believe in things that were too good to be true. But sometimes good things just happen. I learned that when I met [groom.] When I met him he was a breath of fresh air and since then he has become much more than that.

What started out as a good friendship blossomed into a wonderful relationship with someone who is truly amazing. I believe in angels and miracles now, because [groom] is my angel, he is my miracle.

4. When I was just a little girl, I used to dream about my wedding day. I would think about the beautiful white dress, the gorgeous flowers, and the delicious cake. And I have to admit all of those things have been nice things about my wedding. At the same time, none of it would mean anything without my wonderful groom, our lovely friends, and our amazing families. All the material stuff is extra, but it is the people you love that make a special day like this so meaningful.

5. This wedding has been a whirlwind of love and happy moments with all of the people that I love the most. But most of all, it is the day that I got to marry the love of my life. [Groom,] thank you for being my husband. I love you with every fiber of my being. Thank you for being my husband.

6. The first day that [groom] and met, I will admit that I thought he was cute and that he was interesting. I wanted to get to know him better. But never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined what our future would hold. Every now and then I think to myself, how lucky I am that I got to meet and marry such a wonderful person.

7. [Groom,] I never knew what my wildest dreams were until I met you. You have made me feel immeasurably happy, loved, and content and I know this is only the beginning of our journey together as a married couple.

8. [Groom,] having you in my life has been an absolute blessing. First as a friend, then as boyfriend and girlfriend. Then we became engaged and decided to get married. And as of today, we are husband and wife and I could not be more excited.

9. Hi everyone. Are you all having fun or what? I sure hope you are all having a great time because I sure am. I have to say that I am having the time of my life today.

I want to thank all of you for coming here to witness [groom] and I’s special day. It goes without saying that this day is obviously about the love that [groom] and I share, but there are two other people in this room that I especially want to thank. These are two people who I would not be here without. And these special people of course, are my mom and dad.

My mom and dad did what all good parents do. They always nurtured me, protected me, and loved me. But they also loved each other and I got to witness their love for one another every day when I was growing up. Whether intentional or not, that love that the two of them shared had a deeply profound impact on me, even as a little girl. Because of my parents, I know what real love is.

And now that I’m a lot older and am married, I cannot wait to share my whole entire life with this one person who is so special and means so much to me. Thank you mom and dad, for always showering love on me. I love you both with all of my heart and thank you [groom,] for being my husband.

10. Some of you here know that we have been planning this wedding for some time now. During the whole planning process, I have learned quite a lot about weddings, but most of all, I learned a lot about [groom] and I.

We all know that planning a wedding takes a lot of work and now that the wedding day is finally today, I know that now more than ever. This day could not have been possible without so many people but I especially want to thank the love of my life [groom,] our bridal party, and our parents. You have all provided us with so much support and love throughout the whole wedding planning process and we are thrilled to be celebrating our special day with all of you by our side.

11. If I look overcome with emotion, it is because I am. I never knew life could be like this and that I could be so happy. And I have [groom] to thank for that. Thank you, [groom] for filling my days with joy and filling my heart with love. And thank you for becoming my husband today and letting me be your wife.

12. I would like to give a special and heartfelt thank you to all of my bridesmaids for helping me with this wedding. Not only did you lovely ladies help me with the planning, you sat there through some of my bridezilla moments and did not run away screaming. Thank you for being so patient with me and for being there for me especially on today, which is such an important day to [groom] and I. I love all of you so much.

13. I would first and foremost like to thank the handsome and charming [groom,] who I am now lucky enough to call my husband. Just saying that feels weird, but it also feels so right.

Thank you, [groom] for loving me for me and for standing up with me at the altar so we could exchange our vows. This is not the happy ending to our love story because this day is only just the beginning of a new and more exciting adventure that we get to experience together. We have a lifetime ahead of us and I for one cannot wait to see what lies ahead.

14. All my life, I have always been a very spiritual person and I truly believe that everything happens for a reason. So I have never thought that my meeting [groom] was ever a coincidence. I think that we were meant to be together and that God was saving you for me.

15. Thank you to everyone for coming to our wedding. [Groom] and I are truly blessed to have all of you in our lives. And I have to say that for me, [groom] has been my biggest blessing of all. To be able to find someone to share a married life with is something that I can only attribute to God’s grace and I want to thank God for everything that has been given to me and [groom.] We could not be happier.

16. In life, there are so many things for us to constantly think about. Sometimes it can be easy to feel like you can never be sure of anything. In fact, I have often found myself feeling that way. Unsure about some of the choices I have made, about the career I’ve chosen or the home I live in. And sometimes I have even been unsure about the people I surround myself with.

But over time, you learn how to tackle that uncertainty, though you will still find times where you are not always sure about everything. That is just how life is.

When I met [groom] though, I was sure. Of what I was sure of, I didn’t exactly know. But I knew that he was someone special. I was sure that I wanted to know this person and get to know everything about him. I didn’t know at the time whether that meant as a friend or something more, but all I knew was that I wanted to be in his life.

As [groom] and I got to know each other more and more, that certainty only grew stronger. And not only was I sure about him, but having him around made me more sure of other aspects of my life as well. When you are with someone that you are that sure about, you feel much more confident and more sure of things.

[Groom,] thank you for being here with me today and deciding to become my husband. I know without a doubt, that we have a very bright future ahead of us. I know not everything will be easy or perfect, but we will have each other and that is more than enough for me.

17. Most of you probably know that [groom] and I are religious. And for me, my spirituality has often been about taking a leap of faith. My faith has gotten me through so many good times and some not so good times as well. And how did I know that [groom] was the one? I didn’t know right away, it wasn’t exactly love at first sight. But when I took that leap of faith, everything clicked and I am glad we took a chance on each other. Without my faith and without [groom,] my world would not be as bright and as happy.

18. As I look at all of you in this room, I am overcome with emotions. Joy, love, and gratitude just to name a few. Thank you all so much for being here. Whether you were part of the wedding or traveled near and far to see [groom] and I get married today, it means more to me than words can adequately explain.

Check out our other article on Wedding Vows for Him or Her.

19. While this night is about me and [groom,] I just want to take a moment to thank the other two most important people in my life: my mom and dad. Mom and dad, you both have taught me so much. Dad, you are the first guy I ever loved and you have always taken care of our family. You and Mom have always made me feel so safe and so loved.

Mom, you are everything that I always wanted to be. Watching you and Dad, I always wanted to find a love that was as strong as yours. I am so happy that I found that perfect person. Thank you both for teaching me the meaning of love and for preparing me for the world.

20. What can I say about [groom?] You all know that he is smart, hardworking, and funny. And he is pretty handsome as well. But there is a lot more to him than meets the eye. Over the years, I have gotten to know the real [groom.]

[Groom] is a romantic. He has always been thoughtful from day one. And I don’t even mean the gifts. Romance is also about the little things. Saying “I love you” every morning when you wake up and every night when you go to bed.

And [groom] is also the most patient, nicest person I know. He has seen me through a lot of hard times and while he has seen me at my very best, he has also seen me at my worst.

[Groom] is fearless. And with him, I am fearless as well. I know that together, we can explore the world as husband and wife. Together, we will have many adventures together.

21. [Groom,] I just want you to know that you have my heart today and always. I cannot wait to go to bed with you next to me every night and to wake up every morning with you by my side. You are an absolute blessing in my life and I am so happy to be the new Mrs. ____________.

22. When two people decide to get married, there is a lot of talk about the wedding. The couple sits down and goes crazy trying to find a venue, set a date, get together a bridal party, and book a caterer, DJ, and florist among many other countless vendors. You also have to find the perfect dress for the bride and the right dresses for the bridesmaids. Down to every little detail, weddings are something that are discussed and planned in great detail.

But there is a lot more to a marriage, isn’t there? After the fun wedding, when the music is gone and the food and cake has been eaten, when the guests have danced their hearts out, and the newlyweds have driven off together, what is left?

After the wedding, what is left is the marriage itself. And while marriage is certainly not a big party every day, it is something that [groom] and I talked about a lot and in great detail. Who would pay the bills? Who would do the laundry, the cooking, the cleaning? Did we want kids? How many? What would our home look like?

And even then, when all of those questions have been discussed, there is still a lot more to a marriage. How much are two people willing to fight for each other and listen to each other? Will they be strong for each other? So [groom] and I sat down and we talked and talked and talked about the wedding, about what marriage meant to us, and what our future together would look like.

What we realized more and more is how right it all felt. We won’t always have the perfect answer to everything that comes our way, but what we do have is each other. We have our love, our patience, and determination and with that in mind, I am so happy to now be married to [groom.]

You may also enjoy our Groom’s Speech Examples.

23. As many of you know, my grandma and I were close. My grandma was the sweetest lady that ever existed. She was a loving, nurturing, and kind soul and she was adored by everyone who knew her. We had a lot of good memories together, both in my childhood and even as an adult. I still remember her hugs and the soothing sound of her voice. She has had a profound impression on me throughout the years.

So as I celebrate my wedding day, I cannot help but remember my dear grandma. While I would have loved for her to be here today, I know that she is smiling down on us from heaven. And I know that she would have loved [groom] and that she would be over the moon for the two of us. Grandma, I love and miss you.


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How To Write A Wedding Speech: The Ultimate Guide For Do’s, Don’ts, and Delivery PART 1/3: Do’s

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How To Write A Wedding Speech: The Ultimate Guide For Do’s, Don’ts, and Delivery PART 2/3: Don’ts

how to write a speech bride

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  • bridesmaid speech
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how to write a wedding speech dos

how to write a wedding speech dos

Someone you love is getting married, and you’ve just been asked to give a speech at the wedding. What an honor! But also, if you’re not used to giving speeches, what a nightmare! Public speaking can be scary , which is why many people prefer to avoid it. But when your bestie asks you to make a speech at his or her wedding, it’s time to rally. But now you’re wondering if you even know how to write a wedding speech! What makes some wedding speeches fun and memorable, and what makes others cringy and fall flat? We’ve got you. We’ve put together the ultimate guide for how to write a wedding speech, focusing on things you definitely should do, things you definitely should NOT do, and then how to deliver your killer wedding speech like a pro.

If you’re wondering how to write a wedding speech, here are a few “Do’s” to keep in mind.

  • Start planning early
  • Introduce yourself and how you know the bride and groom
  • Thanks to hosts, guests, and wedding party; congratulate the couple
  • Make it personal
  • Think of 3 traits with 3 stories
  • Talk about the couple
  • Have a beginning, middle, and end
  • Consider your audience
  • Keep it short and sweet
  • It’s okay to be simple and meaningful

1. Start planning early

If you don’t know how to write a wedding speech but the bride just asked you to give one, this is not a time to procrastinate. Public speaking is one of the number one fears many people have, so it’s likely you’ve avoided giving too many public speeches before this. And unless you’re a performer or a veteran improv comedian, you might not do too well winging this one. If you get nervous in front of an audience (as most of us do), the best defense against freezing up when you take the mic is being prepared. 

As soon as you know you’ve been asked to give a speech at the wedding, begin jotting down notes immediately. Whenever you’re inspired by a thought of the couple or remember an anecdote that might be worth retelling, make note of it. This will help to give you a pool of ideas to draw from when you start writing down the speech.

Begin gathering ideas and writing the speech a couple of weeks to a month before the wedding. You’ll need time to edit, fine-tune it, and make it concise. And as wedding showers, bachelorette parties, and other wedding festivities begin, you might find there are entertaining stories from these events you want to add as well. If you want to write it all at once, you can do that too. However, make sure to sleep on it and come back with fresh eyes. You don’t want just “okay,” you want your speech to be heartfelt and meaningful.

You will also want to begin early to give yourself time to practice and rehearse your speech plenty of times.

2. Introduce yourself and how you know the bride and groom

No matter how large or small the wedding is, it’s likely you will not be familiar with many of the guests on one or both sides. And they won’t be familiar with you either. So don’t leave them guessing! 

Make sure when you start to write a wedding speech to introduce yourself and mention how you know the couple. This will help them understand the context of your speech, which will also help it to be more well-received. 

3. Thank hosts, guests, and wedding party; congratulate the couple

It’s also courteous to take this time to thank the hosts and other members of the wedding party for all the hard work that went into the event, and to thank guests for being there to support the newlyweds, especially those who had to travel far. 

It’s also a good time to officially congratulate the newlyweds and offer them your personal well-wishes for their future. It is imperative that you don’t forget this part, because they are the whole reason you’re there and giving a speech!

4. Make it personal

Whether you are the maid of honor, the best man, father of the bride, or just a friend, you were asked to give a speech because of your close connection and relationship with either the bride or groom (or both). 

And since you know your friend as well as you do, you probably have plenty of stories to share; so the next tip for how to write a wedding speech is don’t hesitate to make it personal and share those stories! This will also help guests get to know the other half of the couple they might not know as well or are just meeting for the first time. And those guests who do know them will love hearing some entertaining stories they might not have heard yet.

5. Think of 3 traits with 3 stories

If you’re finding it difficult to come up with anything, a useful approach for how to write a wedding speech is to think of 3 positive defining traits or qualities of the bride or groom and recount three stories or examples that illuminate a time they exhibited these traits. These stories could be comedic, heartwarming, or both. Just make sure they are relevant and entertaining!

6. Talk about the couple

If you’re the maid of honor and have been chatting up the bride for the whole speech, part of how to write a wedding speech is to make sure at some point it circles around to the groom, too, and to the two of them as a couple.  

Recount the time you met him, or how you remember talking about him with the bride in the beginning stages of their relationship. If you don’t know the groom all that well, talk about how good they are as a couple and about how happy he makes her. 

And If you’re not a fan of the groom, this is not the time to air your grievances. Always keep it positive. 

7. Have a beginning, middle, and end

All good speeches have a good flow and take the audience along with it. 

Don’t let your speech fall flat or jumble together in a haphazard confusion of disconnected anecdotes. Give it the structure of an overarching theme, with a beginning, a middle, and an end. 

We are not talking about a novel here, just make sure there is a direction to where the speech is going, and that the destination, end, or sentiment is achieved. It doesn’t need to be Charlie Chaplin in The Great Dictator, but a three-act structure does help keep you grounded. Most people also follow a story easier when there is a clear direction for a story or speech. 

8. Consider your audience

The next thing to keep in mind when considering how to write a wedding speech is to make sure you consider who your audience is. 

This is not the bachelor or bachelorette party. There will be a wide range of people present from children to the elderly, and from close friends of the bride and groom to casual acquaintances and coworkers. Make sure your speech is free of any crudeness that might not be fit for such a varied audience. Also, this isn’t the time to take a shot at any of the religious cermonies.

Be considerate and keep it positive and use language everyone can relate to. 

9. Keep it short and sweet

You want your speech to be meaningful and memorable; but the wedding is not about you, and yours is not the only speech. 

No one ever complains about a speech being too short, but they do begin to grumble if it runs on too long. A good rule of thumb to keep in mind when figuring out how to write a wedding speech is to keep your speech between 2-5 minutes long. Any longer than 5 minutes and you’ll lose everyone to thoughts of cake and whether or not to Cupid Shuffle later. 

10. Add humor

Don’t be afraid to be funny! Another tip for how to write a wedding speech is that if you’ve got a lighthearted, creative, joking side, use it and add humor to your speech! Everyone likes to be entertained. 

This doesn’t mean you should scour the internet for generic wedding-themed jokes, but if you’ve got some good original material to use that helps relate a story about the bride or groom in a comedic way, do it. As long as you’re not making fun of the couple but having fun with them, jokes are great. Or you can even poke fun at yourself to illuminate a higher quality in your bestie. It’s all about making the newlyweds shine. 

If you’re creative and have other talents, use them! If you are musical, bust out your instrument and/or vocal cords and make the speech in the form of a song! Use props, and get the other guests involved! The newlyweds will feel special because you created something for them, and the guests will love joining in the fun.

11. It’s okay to be simple and meaningful

If entertaining isn’t your thing, that’s okay! Don’t force it – just be yourself. It’s okay to be simple and meaningful with your speech. Always keep in mind when you go to write a wedding speech that what’s important is that you are genuine and speak from the heart.

Hopefully, you found these tips for how to write a wedding speech helpful, and can start writing today! And stay tuned to our blog for the next part in this ultimate guide for how to write a wedding speech where we highlight a few things you should definitely avoid.

Love this content and want more? Read more about weddings on our blog ! Involved in the wedding planning process and the bride is still looking for a venue ? Give us a call today and we’ll help you find the perfect place!

Jennings Trace

Jennings Trace

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I need an example of a good wedding speec for the bride.Its my first time.

[…] infusing genuine emotion into your wedding speech is essential for creating a heartfelt connection with the audience. Expressing warmth, sincerity, […]

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  • Bride Speech: What, When and Examples

Brides speech: what to say, how to say it and examples

groom kissing the bride on her forehead

You’re getting married! So, surely you’ve got something to say about that? Traditionally, you’d expect to hear speeches from the groom, father of the bride and the best man. But we’re totally here for the tradition breakers. It’s becoming increasingly popular for brides to make a speech at their wedding. And we’re here to answer the big questions:

  • So, as a bride, should you make a speech to your bride or groom? Spoiler - HELL YEAH (but only if you actually want to of course).
  • Should it include references to friends and family or just your spouse?

How long should a bride’s speech be?

  • What should it say?
  • Should it be long or short, light and funny or heartfelt and emotional?
  • When during the wedding day should it come?

If you want to know the above and much more, well, you’ve come to the right place!

wedding bride speech

When should brides start planning their speech?

There’s no harm in starting early, just to give you plenty of time to write, edit and practise your speech. As we’ll touch upon later, practice really does make perfect so it’s important not to rush this part! Generally we would suggest you start no later than a month before the big day.

The pros suggest practising your speech before bed, apparently your brain is in the best state to absorb information at this point in the day. Nifty!

What should a bride include in her speech?

The great thing about making a bridal speech is that there are no expectations and no template, however there’s a few things you might like to include. Generally, it’s stories, humour and meaningful tributes. It’s the perfect opportunity for you to thank your bridal party and family but also drop a few love bombs. While you’re at it, throw a few compliments at your spouse, as well. They’re probably not too bad, after all.

If you’re both making a separate speech or even a joint bride and groom speech, discuss who will cover what with your spouse to be and check who will thank who so that you don’t end up covering the same ground. You may even like to chat with the best man and father of the bride too. Don’t forget to stake your claim on the best stories! And above all else, avoid the cliches. Even in your darkest writing block moments, avoid the temptation of recycling jokes from the internet. The genuine and original anecdotes are the ones that’ll have your guests roaring with laughter. If you’re not comfortable landing jokes, keep things sincere and heartfelt.

If you’re struggling to get started, a good formula to follow is:

  • Welcome and thank your lovely guests
  • Thank your bridal party and family
  • Chuck in a hilarious anecdote or story, don’t forget to relate it to your wedding day
  • Finish off with a toast

Start planning early and brainstorm ideas without pressure - think of the highpoints in your relationship, ask yourself why you think your relationship works so well, and find humour where it doesn’t!

bride wedding speech

Should you include a theme to your bridal speech?

For sure - some of the most entertaining wedding speeches are based on a theme. If you’re both in the medical profession, base it around a humorous diagnosis, if one of you is a musician, include song lyrics. If you’ve travelled together, link your stories back to places you have visited. Consider using props or even an instrument (please… no recorders, unless it’s ironic of course). If you decide to use props, practise your timing so that you nail the delivery.

When does the bride make her speech?

The great thing about a bridal speech is that there are no traditions or expectations. So, you can choose when you give your speech. You might like to get in early, before the other wedding toasts so that you can be first to thank your wedding party and your new spouse (aww). And, let’s face it, guests may be a little bored of speeches by the last one!

If you’re feeling nervous, remember that you’re about to speak to the easiest audience of your life- they’re all there for YOU and are rooting you on. So, take a deep breath and enjoy it.

Keep it punchy, after you’ve written your wedding speech, look to edit and cut back any unnecessary bits (nobody likes a waffler). An ideal length is 900 words, this is the equivalent of 6 minutes speaking time. Any jokes that you’re slightly on the fence about? Have a trustworthy friend sense check and if in doubt, leave it out. Don’t forget, practice makes perfect - run through your speech plenty of times before the big day so you’re totally familiar with it.

When it comes to delivering your speech, fake it ‘till you make it with a smile and don’t take yourself too seriously. It’s no secret that speeches delivered with a smile come across with more warmth and sincerity than a deadpan delivery!

Looking for some more inspiration? Check out some cracking bride’s speech examples.

bride wedding speech

So, I know that a bride’s speech isn’t exactly traditional… but if you know me at all, you’ll know that today of all days, I wasn’t about to let the guys have all the limelight!

First, on behalf of MY HUSBAND and myself (pause for applause) I want to say a massive thank you to all of you for being here today. We were fully ready for today to be amazing, but I don’t think anything can really prepare you for how surreal & overwhelming it is to have all your friends and family, from all the different parts of your life, together in one room. The sheer volume of love here today has blown us away & we are SO grateful.

I know that my wonderful husband (LOVE saying that!) is doing all the proper thank yous in his speech, so I’ll leave those to him. But I do just want to thank my amazing team of bridesmaids… you ladies have made this whole process so much fun – getting me hyped when I needed to be hyped & keeping me calm when I needed to be calm. The impromptu dance party this morning was EXACTLY what I needed to burn off the pre-ceremony nerves!

So, since there are no real rules for a Bride’s speech, I thought it might be nice to tell you the story of how we met. There’s an old saying that a man decides to marry when he feels it’s the right time, while a woman chooses to marry when she feels it’s the right man. Well, I’d argue that the same could be said for online dating.

I had been stuck in an endless cycle of swiping, matching, texting, meeting & (I’m ashamed to say…) ghosting a parade of Mr Wrongs… for YEARS. This guy on the other hand… decides one day to join a dating app, matches with me on his first afternoon of swiping, sets up a date for the next day, meets me. Falls head over heels & the rest is history! … I mean, what can I say… He’s a lucky guy!

Seriously though, I’m the lucky one. This man is, without a shadow of a doubt, the best person I’ve ever met. I mean, sorry guys – you’re all fantastic & I love you…. But I love him the most.

My love, I love your big laugh & your even bigger heart. I love the life we’ve built together – our beautiful home & our gorgeous fur babies. I love the way you can always make me laugh, even when I’m upset & crying… especially when I’m upset & crying! And most of all, I love that even from that very first date, being with you felt like home.

So, everyone, can I ask you please to raise a glass… to love, home & happily ever after!

bride and groom dinner cheers

Ok, so I know it’s not strictly traditional for the bride to give a speech, but I couldn’t let the guys have all the fun now, could I?!

I think between them, they’ve already taken care of all the formal thank yous and shout outs… excellent work guys – smashed it! So, I won’t bore you with more of those.

But, if you’re all sitting comfortably, I thought I’d tell you a little story.

Once upon a time, not too far from here, there was a little girl. She didn’t dream about handsome princes & big white weddings. She was too busy playing with her dinosaurs and splashing in muddy puddles to think about boys, thank you very much!

Around the same time, in a kingdom far away, across the water, there was a little boy. Playing with his dinosaurs & splashing in muddy puddles.

Over the years, these two little people grew up into slightly bigger people, but they kept their love of dinosaurs & muddy puddles. So, when the time came to choose a uni course… Earth Sciences (with a healthy dose of palaeontology) was the only option.

And so it was that come September, the girl from London & the boy from Amsterdam rocked up at Bristol University, young, fresh-faced & single… but not for long.

Their eyes met across the lecture theatre, there was a moment, a little spark. A friend request was sent (hey, it was 2008!) and the rest, as they say… is history.

I will be forever grateful that those two crazy, outdoorsy, dinosaur-loving kids, grew up & followed their dreams. Because if they hadn’t, they would never have met. Never have fallen in love. And they wouldn’t now be spending their days together, splashing in muddy puddles with their dinosaur-replacement dogs – and by the way, can I get a cheer for the world’s greatest ring bearers, Dino & T-rex!

My love, you are the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I love you. And I can’t wait to keep on loving you, every day for the rest of my life.

So, lovely people, will you please join me in raising a glass, to following your dreams & falling in love!

newlyweds first dance celebration

“It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.” Wise words indeed, written by a very wise woman.

But what, I wonder, about a single WOMAN, in possession of an equally respectable fortune?... It’s an entirely different kettle of fish if you ask me.

In fact, as many of you will know, If you’d have asked this particular woman about her views on marriage, not even 2 years ago… well… she’d have chewed your ear off.

“I’ll never get married. Are you joking? I love my life! I can go where I like, I’m free to travel, financially independent. I don’t need no man. I’m happy by myself!”

And I was. I really, truly was.

BUT. You never know what the universe has in store for you. And for me, it had the most amazing surprise.

Enter stage left… this guy… the actual man of my dreams.

Tall, dark & handsome, kind, funny, adventurous, spontaneous.

It takes a special kind of crazy person to agree to a tandem skydive as a 2nd date… but that just about sums it up really, doesn’t it? I’ve found my person. My adventure buddy, my partner in crime, a match for my particular kind of crazy. And I’m not gonna lie, it feels f***ing amazing.

I get to wake up next to this phenomenal human every day, for the rest of my life. And wherever in the world we are, I know I’ll be home, as long as you’re there with me.

That’s what I believe marriage is all about – and honestly, I can’t f***ing wait.

So please, join me in a toast – to getting married!


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How to Write—And Deliver—The Perfect Wedding Speech

How to Write a Perfect Wedding Speech

If one of your nearest and dearest is tying the knot, it’s possible you may be asked to give a speech during the wedding festivities. And while having an opportunity to share your love and memories at a major milestone event is an honor, there’s no denying that it’s a big ask—especially if public speaking isn’t your forté. A wedding speech presents a unique challenge: There’s no set formula for how the speech should play out, but it often requires sentimentality, a touch of humor, and the good sense to know when to wrap it up.

Are you a member of the wedding party that wants to (or has been asked to) give a toast at an upcoming celebration? Read ahead to learn how to write and prepare for your big moment.

Who Gives a Wedding Speech?

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First off, it’s important to make sure that the couple definitely wants you to give a toast at their celebrations. Traditionally, the maid of honor, best man, and parents of the couple will give a speech at the wedding. However, the couple should explicitly ask these guests well in advance to give a speech so they have plenty of time to prepare. They may also choose additional wedding party members to give toasts at the reception or pre-wedding parties; but if the couple has not asked you to give a speech, do not prepare one. Speeches are carefully placed into a wedding timeline so the day will stay on schedule, and an additional five minutes could cut into strategically timed moments of the celebration.

The to-be-weds also have the right to curate the day as they wish, and occasionally at a rehearsal dinner or welcome party, the couple may open the floor to additional toasts. But if this doesn’t happen, grabbing the mic unexpectedly for an off-the-cuff speech (especially after a few glasses of wine) will not be appreciated.

How to Write a Wedding Speech

How to Write a Perfect Wedding Speech

If you are asked to give a toast, it’s important that you don’t just wing it. “First, recognize that speechwriting is a creative process,” shares Allison Shapira, founder and CEO of Global Public Speaking . “Give yourself plenty of time to be creative (i.e. not the night before, when you already have so much to stress about). Wait for your most creative time of the day, and turn off any distractions. Spend some unrushed time thinking about your relationship to the couple, and what you’d like to say.”

While there’s no exact template to follow, there is a good basic formula to adhere to. “The framework I recommend for a wedding speech is: story, message, blessing,” she shares. “Tell a heartwarming story, share the message or value behind that story, and then offer a blessing or wish for the couple based on that message.”

“Typically, we advise our speakers to try to bring the audience on a journey where you initially try to make them laugh, then get to the real depth of the speech and earn some tears, then bring the whole speech full circle with a deep insight or story about the couple that ends with a funny final punch,” shares Steven Greitzer, CEO and founder of Provenance , an AI company that specializes in helping write personalized wedding vows, ceremonies, and toasts. “It’s important to have a good balance of humor and sentimentality because, if it’s a full roast, it can feel like you’re just doing a standup comedy show for your own benefit and it could lack substance. Or, if it’s too overly emotional, it can get heavy and perhaps a bit too somber for a wedding celebration.”

When choosing a story, Shapira recommends reading the room. “It should obviously be good-natured, without making anyone look bad. And, it all depends on the family dynamics,” she says. “What one family considers good-natured, another family could consider scathing. Choose someone in the audience whom you think could give you some helpful feedback, and practice the speech with them in advance.”

How to Write a Perfect Wedding Speech

Greitzer adds that it's important that both members of the couple are highlighted in the speech. “Great anecdotes showcase who each person was before meeting, their synergy together, and their individual and collective growth,” he shares. If you don’t know one member of the couple very well, don’t be afraid to get creative. “One of the best speeches I’ve seen was from a bridesmaid who hadn’t really been able to spend too much time with her best friend’s fiance because of the pandemic,” Greitzer shares. “She creatively read texts she found in her phone that gave her a hilarious timeline of her friend falling in love.”

If you’re still not sure where to begin, consider giving an AI platform a try to help you form your toast. “The Provenance tools guide speakers to create unique, and personal ceremonies, vows, and toasts without the stress. It’s a partner in your brainstorming process; a way to help you verbalize what you were trying to say—but faster,” explains Greitzer. “Instead of being some outdated, mad-libs-style template, the expert-curated prompts inspire special stories and insights, ultimately weaving your responses together into a custom, editable first draft.”

A final writing tip from Shapira? “I definitely recommend creating an outline but do not recommend writing the speech out word for word. When we script the entire speech, it sounds too formal,” says the public speaking expert. “I recommend first brainstorming the content, rearranging it into a logical structure, then drafting a general outline which you can bring with you to the event. While it may look better to simply give the speech ‘from the heart,’ the stress involved in trying to memorize your speech is simply not worth it.”

How to Deliver a Wedding Speech

Writing a wedding speech is half the battle—next comes your performance. It’s important that your toast has a good flow, feels natural, and doesn’t drag on. Here’s where the idiom “practice makes perfect” rings true. Shapira advises giving yourself a few weeks of rehearsal to make your speech feel authentic and fluid. Her recommendations? “Read your speech out loud and make sure it stays within the time you have allotted. Read it to someone else and get their feedback. Record it and watch it back. We use a tool called AMPLIFY to get AI-based feedback.” She adds, “Don’t memorize the speech, but do read it out loud and make sure it sounds like your voice.”

The ideal length of a toast is between two to four minutes, which translates to around 500 to 1000 words on a page. Still, Greitzer notes, “The perfect length for the wedding toast complies with whatever length the couple wants it to be. Many guests don’t realize that long speeches can impact the whole evening’s timeline and affect the caterer, DJ, and so much more.”

This image may contain Human Person Electronics Phone Mobile Phone Cell Phone Dance Pose and Leisure Activities

While it’s now common to see toasts being read off a phone, both experts agree that it’s much better to print out your speech. “Reading off of a phone comes with the risk of distractions from notifications, a weird backlight that can affect the color of your face in photos, finicky technical difficulties, and having that annoying sound interference with the mic,” says Greitzer. (You also should make sure your speech is legible with a large font and wide spacing so you can easily find your place.)

The final hurdle of giving a wedding toast is getting over your nerves. “Find a quiet place right beforehand to center yourself (perhaps the bathroom or a corner of the room), pause and breathe, and remind yourself why you care about the couple,” recommends Shapira. She also adds—perhaps unsurprisingly—that it’s best to hold back on alcohol consumption ahead of the toast. “No one expects a perfect or professional speech; they want a unique, authentic message. The speech isn’t about you—it’s about the couple. Once you reframe the fact that the center of attention isn’t on you, you can relax.”

How to Write a Perfect Wedding Speech

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Wedding Toast Examples

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Perfect Short Wedding Speech Examples To Guide You

Natalia Bayeva


Wedding speeches are a long-time tradition of weddings. And, if you have an important role at a wedding, such as best man, father of the bride or maid of honor, you would be expected to give a speech. While the thought of giving a speech might be nerve-wracking, it might comfort you to know that the best speeches are short and sweet. So, don’t feel any stress or pressure, because short wedding speeches are not only the best, they are easy to deliver.


For your inspiration, we’ve put together a guide as well as some short wedding speeches examples to help you on your way to give the best wedding speech.

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Short Wedding Speeches Examples

Bride’s wedding speech.

“ Hello, everyone! Thanks for sharing this special day with us. A big shoutout to my amazing parents for making my dream wedding a reality. To my incredible groom (name), your joy fills my heart every day. I’m beyond grateful to have you as my husband, and today marks the start of countless joyous celebrations together. Cheers to love and a lifetime of happiness!”

Groom’s Wedding Speech

There are many ways to give groom short wedding speeches. Use this example as a guide to inspire you when writing your own.

“Hello, everyone! Thank you for celebrating this special day with us. A big thanks to our parents for making today possible. Today is beyond special, and we’re overflowing with gratitude. To my love, you’ve been my rock and best friend. Thank you for accepting me, flaws and all. I promise to be there for you always and to love you forever. Cheers to a lifetime of love and joy together!”

Father’s of the Bride Wedding Speech

“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us on this special day. As (bride’s name)’s father, I’m overjoyed and grateful. Today, we gain a son and a supportive family. Thanks for making our dreams come true. I’m confident that (name of groom) will bring endless happiness to my daughter. Here’s to love, security, and many more joyous days ahead! Cheers!”

Father’s of the Groom Wedding Speech

“Thank you all for being here to celebrate with us. I am the happiest man today welcoming a new daughter into my family. Also, I am grateful to her family as well for being the best in-laws ever and supporting us in putting all of this together. I could not have asked for a better day for them, and all I can say is that I wish them the best. To you both, may this day be the beginning of a long and fruitful journey together. My wife and I love you both. Once again, thank you all. Cheers.

Wedding speech for mother of the bride

“Hello everyone. Thank you all for being here. My heart is full today, as you all must know. Watching my daughter take this important step in her life has made me very happy. We are all so happy to support them both in starting this new chapter in their lives. I have dreamed of this day so much; I am grateful to finally be able to see it. (Groom’s name) has been an excellent son-in-law and I am beyond happy to welcome him into our family. I am extremely proud of my daughter and happy to give her to someone who loves her just as much as we do. As we celebrate with you two today, may the sounds of celebration never leave you. All our love.”

Wedding speech for the mother of the groom

Another one of our short simple wedding speeches examples for the mother of the groom.

“Warm greetings to you all. I appreciate the time that you have taken to join us in celebrating (bride and groom). From the day my son introduced me to (name of bride), I have grown to love her as my own daughter, and it has been a joy to watch them grow in love with each other. I used to have a lot of anxiety about my son’s relationships in the past, but when I met (bride), I knew that he had met his match. I am happy to celebrate you both today in not just your union, but the union of our families too. Much love to you both. Cheers everyone!”

Best Man Speech

“Ladies and gentlemen, if I could have your attention, please. Today, I stand beside an extraordinary couple, [Couple’s Names], on their special day. To [Bride’s Name], you look absolutely stunning, and [Groom’s Name], well, you clean up pretty well too! Here’s to a lifetime of laughter, love, and countless adventures. May your journey together be as incredible as this celebration. Cheers!”

Maid Of Honor Speech

Ladies and gents, let’s talk about the dazzling duo we’re celebrating today, [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]. To my gorgeous bestie, you’ve found your lobster! And to the lucky guy who snagged her, good luck – you’re stuck with us now! Here’s to a love that’s as endless as the dance floor tonight. Cheers to the newlyweds!

One-Line Wedding Speech Examples

Crafting the perfect wedding speech is an art. Here are five examples that blend sentiment, humor, and celebration for your inspiration.

Today, we not only witness the union of [Couple’s Names] but also the merging of two hearts that beat as one. Here’s to a love story that transcends time and space.
As I stand before this extraordinary couple, I can’t help but marvel at the love between [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]. Today, we celebrate not just a wedding but a promise of forever.
In the grand storybook of love, [Couple’s Names] have written a chapter filled with laughter, tears, and endless love. Here’s to turning the page to a beautiful new beginning.
To [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], may your marriage be the masterpiece of a lifetime, painted with strokes of joy, understanding, and boundless love.
As witnesses to the love between [Couple’s Names], let us raise our glasses to a journey that begins today and unfolds into a lifetime of shared dreams and cherished moments.

A toast to love and laughter—here are five heartfelt expressions for raising your glass to the happy couple.

To the couple, may your love be as timeless as the vows you share today and as joyous as the celebration we’re all a part of!
Here’s to love, laughter, and a happily ever after for [Couple’s Names]. May every day be an adventure filled with shared dreams and endless love!
To [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], may your journey together be as sweet as the cake we’re about to devour! Cheers to a lifetime of love and happiness!
Let’s raise our glasses to [Couple’s Names], whose love story is as enchanting as today’s setting sun. May your love glow brighter with each passing day!
A toast to [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], may your marriage be as perfect as today’s weather, and your happiness as everlasting as the memories we’re creating!

How To Write a Short Wedding Speech

With this guide, you can create short and sweet wedding speeches that will just flow organically. Write a killer speech that would be easy to read and will convey your love for the couple perfectly.

  • Remember who is in the audience: Whether you are giving short wedding speeches as the best man or groom, it is important to keep your audience in mind. Introduce yourself and acknowledge them. Focusing on the audience and engaging them will help you speak from the heart.
  • Avoid alcohol: While getting some liquid courage can be tempting, it is best to lay off the alcohol until after your speech. Alcohol could turn short funny wedding speeches into something long and nonsensical. This is because you might slur or forget your words under the influence, and this is something you absolutely do not want.
  • Use note cards: Although you are not encouraged to read out your short wedding rehearsal dinner speech completely, note cards are encouraged. With these cues, you can glance at your notes from time to time to help you remember your lines and keep you on track. The audience might not even notice, and your speech would be better for it.
  • Structure your story: Structure your speech in a way that focuses on the bride and groom. Fine one, two or three points about them that you can elaborate upon and stories in which they are the hero. This will keep your message in the right direction, and you can be sure to end on a positive note.

In the next part, we have a list of some of the best short wedding speeches that can help inspire you to write your own.

Example of a Short Wedding Toast

“Cheers to [Couple’s Names]! May your days be filled with love, laughter, and countless joyous moments. Here’s to a lifetime of happiness together!”

How to Make a Short and Sweet Wedding Speech

Focus on key points like expressing happiness for the couple, sharing a brief anecdote, and offering a toast. Keep it concise, heartfelt, and light-hearted for impact.

Is a 1 Minute Wedding Speech Too Short?

No, a 1-minute wedding speech can be perfect. A concise speech ensures guests stay engaged and leaves a lasting impression. Focus on the essentials – expressing joy, sharing a quick story, and toasting the couple.

Not many people are trained public speakers, but it is hard to go wrong with short wedding speeches. Allow these tips and examples to guide you in making the best wedding speeches ever.

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How to Write a Wedding Speech (with Examples)

by Ryan Hart | Updated on September 22, 2023 | Post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

Writing a wedding speech can be a nerve-wracking experience, especially if you’ve never given one before. You want to make sure you honor the couple, entertain the guests, and avoid any embarrassing mishaps.

But don’t worry, with a little guidance , you can write a memorable wedding speech that will leave everyone feeling touched and inspired.

In this article, we’ll provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to write a wedding speech, along with examples to help you get started.

Whether you’re the best man, maid of honor, or a close friend or family member, we’ve got you covered. We’ll cover everything from how to structure your speech, to what to include, and even tips on how to deliver it with confidence.

Person giving a wedding speech

What is a Wedding Speech?

A wedding speech is a way for family members and friends to honor the newly married couple, share their thoughts and memories, and wish them a happy future together.

It is a chance to express your gratitude for being part of their special day and to thank them for inviting you to share in their joy.

Wedding speeches are typically given at the rehearsal dinner , the day before the wedding, and toward the end of the reception dinner on the wedding day.

The best wedding speeches are heartfelt, sincere, and personal. They should reflect your relationship with the couple and your feelings towards them. A good wedding speech should be short, sweet, and to the point. It should not be too long, as it may become boring and lose the attention of the audience.

Knowing Your Role

When it comes to writing a wedding speech, it’s important to know your role in the wedding party. Here are some tips on how to approach writing your speech depending on your role:

Father of the Bride’s Speech

As the father of the bride , your speech should be heartfelt and emotional. Share stories about your daughter and the joy she has brought into your life. Welcome the groom into your family and express your love and support for the newlyweds.

Maid of Honor’s Speech

As the maid of honor, your speech should focus on the bride and your relationship with her. Share some funny stories or heartfelt moments that highlight her best qualities. Be sure to also thank the groom and his family for welcoming you into their lives.

Best Man’s Speech

As the best man, your speech should focus on the groom and your relationship with him. Share some funny anecdotes or stories that highlight his best qualities. Be sure to also thank the bride and her family for welcoming you into their lives.

Mother of the Bride’s Speech

As the mother of the bride, your speech should be heartfelt and emotional. Share stories about your daughter and the joy she has brought into your life. Welcome the groom into your family and express your love and support for the newlyweds.

Father of the Groom’s Speech

As the father of the groom, your speech should focus on the groom and your relationship with him. Share some funny anecdotes or stories that highlight his best qualities. Be sure to also thank the bride and her family for welcoming you into their lives.

Mother of the Groom’s Speech

As the mother of the groom, your speech should be heartfelt and emotional. Share stories about your son and the joy he has brought into your life. Welcome the bride into your family and express your love and support for the newlyweds.

Structuring Your Speech

When it comes to giving a wedding speech, structuring it properly is key. This will help you stay on track and deliver a memorable speech that hits all the right notes. Here are some tips on how to structure your wedding speech:

OpeningIntroduce yourself, your relationship to the couple, and thank them for inviting you.
BodyShare a story or anecdote about the couple, offer words of wisdom or advice, and give a toast.
ClosingEnd with a final thought or sentiment about the couple and thank them for including you in their special day.

The opening of your speech is crucial as it sets the tone for the rest of your speech. Start by introducing yourself and your relationship to the couple. You can also thank the couple for inviting you to be a part of their special day.

If you’re nervous, it’s okay to start with a joke or a light-hearted anecdote to break the ice. Just make sure it’s appropriate for the occasion and doesn’t offend anyone.

The body of your speech is where you can share your thoughts and feelings about the couple. This is where you can tell a story or anecdote about the couple that highlights their love for each other.

You can also offer some words of wisdom or advice for the couple as they embark on this new journey together. This can be a great opportunity to share a quote or a poem that resonates with you.

The closing of your speech should be short and sweet. You can end with a final thought or sentiment about the couple and their future together. You can also thank the couple and their families for including you in their special day.

If you’re giving a toast , make sure to raise your glass and offer a heartfelt congratulations to the couple.

Example Wedding Speeches

Maid of honor speech example:.

Hello, everyone! I’m beyond thrilled to be here today as the Maid of Honor for these two incredible people. You know, when [Bride’s Name] asked me to be her Maid of Honor, my first thought was, ‘Does she really know me? Is she sure about this?’ But here I am, and I couldn’t be happier!

[Bride’s Name] and I have shared so many laughs, tears, and unforgettable moments over the years. We’ve been through thick and thin together. And when she introduced us to [Groom’s Name], it was like the missing piece of the puzzle just clicked into place.

Now, [Groom’s Name], I have to say, you’ve really brought out the best in [Bride’s Name]. You’ve filled her life with so much love, laughter, and joy. And I can’t thank you enough for that.

To the newlyweds, may your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day. May your journey together be filled with adventure, kindness, and endless inside jokes that only you two understand. And may your love story be as beautiful and inspiring as the two of you are.

So let’s raise our glasses to [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], to love, laughter, and a lifetime of happiness! Cheers!"

Best Man Speech Example:

Hey, everyone, I’m honored to be up here as the Best Man for this fantastic couple. Now, when [Groom’s Name] asked me to be his Best Man, I was like, ‘Really? Me?’ But then I remembered all the adventures, mishaps, and laughter we’ve shared over the years, and I thought, ‘Yep, I’m the guy for this job!’

[Groom’s Name] and [Bride’s Name], you two are a perfect match. I’ve watched your love story unfold, and it’s been a privilege to witness the love and respect you have for each other.

[Groom’s Name], you’ve always been there for me through thick and thin, and I have no doubt you’ll be there for [Bride’s Name] in the same way. And [Bride’s Name], you’re not just gaining a husband today, you’re gaining the best partner in crime you could ever ask for.

So, here’s to [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], to a lifetime of adventure, love, and laughter. May your journey together be filled with joy, shared secrets, and lots and lots of dancing. Cheers!"

Best Friend Speech Example:

“Hello, everyone! Wow, what a beautiful day to celebrate the love between [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]. I’m not the Maid of Honor or the Best Man, but I am a close friend, and I’ve been lucky enough to witness the magic of their love story from the beginning.

[Bride’s Name], we’ve been through so much together – from school crushes to college shenanigans. And when you introduced me to [Groom’s Name], I knew he was something special. He brings out the best in you, and together, you make an incredible team.

[Groom’s Name], you’re not just gaining a wife today; you’re gaining an amazing friend and confidant in [Bride’s Name]. You two complement each other in the most beautiful ways.

So, here’s to [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], to a love that’s as strong as it is genuine. May your journey together be filled with laughter, support, and all the adventures you can dream of. Cheers!”

Family Member Speech Example:

Good evening, everyone! My name is [Your Name], and I am [Your relation to the bride and groom]. I’m thrilled to be here tonight to celebrate the love and commitment of [Couple’s names].

When they asked me to give a speech tonight, I was a little nervous. I mean, what do you say about two people who are so perfect for each other? But then I remembered something that [Bride’s name] once told me: “ Love isn’t about being perfect , it’s about being perfectly imperfect together.”

And that’s exactly what these two are. They’re imperfect in all the right ways, and that’s what makes them so perfect for each other. So here’s to [Couple’s names], two imperfect people who are perfect for each other. Congratulations, you two!

Close Friend Speech Example:

Hello, everyone! My name is [Your Name], and I am [Your relation to the bride and groom]. I’m honored to be here tonight to celebrate the wedding of [Couple’s names].

When I first met [Bride’s name], I knew she was something special. And when she introduced me to [groom’s name], I knew he was the one for her. These two have been through thick and thin together, and they’ve always come out stronger on the other side.

And that’s what love is all about, isn’t it? It’s about being there for each other through the good times and the bad. So here’s to [Couple’s names], a couple who knows that love isn’t just a feeling, it’s a commitment.

Incorporating Personal Touches

When it comes to giving a wedding speech, it’s important to make it personal and meaningful. After all, you’re speaking in front of the couple’s nearest and dearest, and you want to make sure that your words come straight from the heart.

One way to do this is to incorporate personal touches into your speech. This can be anything from a funny story about the couple to a heartfelt message about your own relationship with them.

When choosing what to include in your speech, think about what makes the couple special. What are their unique qualities and what do you love about them? What are some of the key moments in their relationship that have brought them to this point?

Once you have some ideas, consider how you can weave them into your speech in a way that feels natural and authentic. Here are a few tips to get you started:

  • Keep it short and sweet: While it can be tempting to go on and on about how much you love the couple, it’s important to keep your speech concise. Aim for around 3-5 minutes, and focus on the most meaningful moments and messages.
  • Use specific examples: Instead of making general statements about the couple, try to use specific examples that illustrate their qualities and personalities. This will make your speech more engaging and memorable.
  • Get personal: Don’t be afraid to share your own experiences and feelings about the couple. Whether it’s a funny story about how you first met or a heartfelt message about what they mean to you, your personal touch will make your speech more meaningful.
  • Practice, practice, practice: Finally, make sure to practice your speech ahead of time. This will help you feel more confident and comfortable on the day, and ensure that your words come across as genuine and heartfelt.

Addressing the Audience

When it comes to giving a wedding speech, one of the most important things to keep in mind is your audience. After all, you are speaking to a room full of people who are there to celebrate the happy couple, so it’s important to make sure your speech is engaging, entertaining, and appropriate for the occasion.

First and foremost, you want to make sure your speech is inclusive of everyone in the audience.

While you may have a close relationship with the bride or groom, it’s important to remember that there are likely guests in attendance who may not know you or the couple as well. Make sure to introduce yourself and provide some context for your relationship with the couple.

It’s also important to consider the tone of your speech. While it’s okay to inject some humor and lightheartedness into your speech, you want to make sure it’s appropriate for the occasion.

Avoid making any jokes or comments that could be perceived as offensive or inappropriate.

If you’re addressing parents or family members in your speech, make sure to acknowledge their role in the couple’s lives and express your gratitude for their support.

Similarly, if you’re speaking as the best friend of the bride or groom, take some time to reflect on your friendship and share some heartfelt memories or anecdotes.

Keep in mind that you’re speaking to a room full of people who are there to celebrate the happy couple, so make sure your speech is a reflection of that joy and excitement.

Delivering the Speech

Now that you’ve written your wedding speech, it’s time to deliver it. Public speaking can be nerve-wracking, but with a little preparation, you’ll be able to deliver your speech with confidence. Here are some tips to help you deliver your speech like a pro:

  • Practice, practice, practice. Rehearsing your speech will help you feel more comfortable with the material and reduce your nervousness. Practice in front of a mirror or with a friend to get feedback on your delivery.
  • Take deep breaths. If you feel nervous before your speech, take a few deep breaths to calm your nerves. This will help you relax and deliver your speech more effectively.
  • Speak slowly and clearly. When you’re nervous, it’s easy to speak too quickly or mumble your words. Make a conscious effort to speak slowly and clearly so that everyone can hear you.
  • Make eye contact. Look at your audience as you deliver your speech. This will help you connect with them and keep their attention.
  • Use body language. Gesturing and moving around can help you convey your message more effectively. Just be sure to avoid any distracting movements.
  • Don’t be afraid to pause. If you need a moment to collect your thoughts or take a breath, don’t be afraid to pause. This will help you deliver your speech more effectively and give your audience time to absorb your message.

With a little preparation and practice, you’ll be able to deliver a wedding speech that will be remembered for years to come.

Dealing with Nervousness

It’s completely normal to experience nervousness when giving a wedding speech. After all, you want to do your best and make a positive impact on the happy couple and their guests. Here are a few tips to help you manage your nerves and deliver a memorable speech:

  • Practice, practice, practice : The more you practice your speech, the more comfortable you’ll feel delivering it. Practice in front of a mirror, with friends or family, or even record yourself and listen back to it.
  • Focus on the positive : Instead of dwelling on your nerves, focus on the positive aspects of the experience. You have the opportunity to share your love and well-wishes with the couple, and that’s something to be proud of.
  • Breathe deeply : Deep breathing can help calm your nerves and give you the energy you need to deliver your speech. Take a few deep breaths before you begin, and continue to breathe deeply throughout your speech.
  • Visualize success : Visualize yourself delivering a successful speech. Imagine the audience laughing at your jokes, nodding in agreement with your sentiments, and giving you a standing ovation at the end.
  • Project confidence : Even if you don’t feel confident, projecting confidence through your body language can help you appear more confident to your audience. Stand up straight, make eye contact, and speak clearly and slowly.

By following these tips, you can overcome your nervousness and deliver a wedding speech that you and the happy couple will remember for years to come.

Tips for a Memorable Speech

Writing a wedding speech can be intimidating, but with the right tips and tricks, you can deliver a memorable speech that will leave a lasting impression on the newlyweds and guests. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Tell the Couple’s Story

The most memorable speeches are the ones that tell a story. Start by brainstorming some memories or anecdotes about the couple that you can weave into your speech.

Think about the moments that defined their relationship, the challenges they’ve overcome, and the things that make them unique. By sharing these details with the audience, you’ll create a speech that feels personal and heartfelt.

Keep it Short and Sweet

While it’s tempting to share every detail about the couple, it’s important to keep your speech short and sweet. Aim for a speech that’s no longer than five minutes. This will give you enough time to share your message without losing the audience’s attention.

Practice Makes Perfect

The key to delivering a great speech is practice. Start by writing down your speech and then practice delivering it in front of a mirror or with a friend. This will help you get comfortable with the material and ensure that you’re able to deliver it confidently on the big day.

Focus on Friendship and Happiness

Weddings are all about celebrating love, friendship, and happiness. Make sure your speech reflects these themes by focusing on the positive aspects of the couple’s relationship.

Share stories that highlight their love for each other, their friendship, and the happiness they bring to each other’s lives.

Use Humor Wisely

Humor can be a great way to lighten the mood and engage the audience, but use it wisely. Make sure your jokes are appropriate for the occasion and that they don’t overshadow the message of your speech. Remember, the goal is to celebrate the couple and their love, not to steal the show.

Now that you’ve learned the basics of writing a wedding speech, it’s a good idea to read some real speeches to see how it all comes together.

Look for examples of speeches online or in books. Watching or reading other people’s speeches can give you inspiration and a better understanding of how to make your speech unique and special.

You might also want to check out books or articles about public speaking and storytelling, as they can help you improve your delivery and engagement skills.

And remember, it’s always a good idea to review some tips on wedding etiquette to make sure your speech is respectful and fitting for the occasion.

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how to write a speech bride

  • How to Write A Killer Bride or Groom Wedding Speech

Writing a wedding speech can be a daunting task, especially if you’re nervous about speaking in front of a group. But it’s an awesome opportunity to let your nearest and dearest know how much they mean to you and how much you appreciate them celebrating the start of your marriage with you.

Traditionally, brides don’t give speeches. They sit quietly and listen while their dad, the best man and the groom give speeches. Brides were to be seen and not heard. But we’ve had enough of that. If you’re a bride who wants to speak at your own wedding – more power to you! We 100% support a bride being heard on her own wedding day.

Getting ready to write your bride or groom wedding speech? Awesome! We’ve got all the steps you need to write a killer wedding speech that will leave the room laughing, crying and applauding wildly by the time you drop the mic.

Decide on the logistics

Before you get to the nitty-gritty of speech writing, figure out some of the big picture issues. Who is going to be giving the speech? Are you speaking together or separately? If you’re giving two separate speeches, who is going first? When in the night are you giving the speech? How long will the speech be? What’s the tone going to be?

Start your wedding speech with some thank yous

This one is easy! You start your speech by giving a round of thank yous. Thank all of your guests for coming, thank your wedding party for supporting you, thank out-of-towners for making the trek, thank your parents for all their love, thank your new spouse’s parents for welcoming you into the family, thank special people who made the day possible, thank vendors, THANK THEM ALL! Or, y’know, thank who you want to thank.

giving a wedding speech at their wedding reception

Mention those who couldn’t be there

This step is optional, but if you’d like, it’s a great time to pay tribute to people who couldn’t be at your wedding. This could be important people who couldn’t physically make it, maybe they are unable to travel or sick. Or this could be people who have passed on that you want to honour on your special day.

Add a short & sweet anecdote to your wedding speech

Here’s the fun part: now you get to gush about your boo! Include a short story about how you met, when you knew you were in love or a funny tidbit from wedding planning. The idea here is that you want to share a cute story, nothing embarrassing. And you’ll want to keep it short, especially if you and your spouse are both sharing little stories. You’ll also want to double check with anyone else giving speeches that you’re not all re-telling the same story.

bride and groom wedding thank you speech at their wedding reception

End with your partner

You made it! You’re at the end of your speech. Now all you have to do is address your partner and cue the waterworks. This is where you let your brand new husband or wife know how happy you are to be married to them, how much today has meant to you or anything you weren’t able to fit into your vows.

Practice makes perfect

Especially if you’re nervous, rehearse your speech. Stand in front of the mirror, ask someone in your wedding party to lend an ear or recite your speech to your dog. And if you’re planning on doing the speech together and splitting up the different sections, you’ll definitely want to practice with your partner. If there are parts of the speech you want to keep as a surprise for the big day, that’s totally fine. Just rehearse the rest together so you know who says what when.

bride and groom wedding speech at their wedding reception, tips for writing your wedding speech

You know what we say – your wedding, your way! So if you’re really nervous about giving your speech in front of so many people, maybe you can give a speech at your rehearsal dinner in front of a smaller audience instead. If you’re scared you’ll be all teary by the end of the speeches, forget the tradition of the couple speaking last and do your speech first. And if the idea of a speech totally terrifies you, skip it all together! You can give out cards to your loved ones or talk to them one on one and let them know how much you appreciate them making your wedding day magical.

Last minute dos & don’ts for writing the best wedding speech ever!

  • DO: write it down and don’t try to wing it. Have a paper copy so you’re not frantically trying to find your phone only for it to die when you’re halfway done your speech.
  • DON’T: wait until you’re too drunk to give your speech. If you think you’ll be sloshed by 8:00pm, give your speech by 7:00pm.
  • DO: feel free to respond to other speeches. If you go last, you can totally improvise a bit and thank you dad for his sweet words or try to defend yourself in the story your best man just told.
  • DON’T: hog the mic. If you and your partner are giving the speech together, divide it up so you can both speak equally.
  • DO: be courteous of your guests’ time. Especially if you have a lot of speeches planned, try to keep yours short and to the point.
  • DON’T: share anything too embarrassing, too intimate or too inside joke-y. Trust us, you’ll regret it when your nana comes up to you later and asks you to explain that story from the time you had a pregnancy scare in Vegas.


  • 4 Mother of the Groom Wedding Speech Samples
  • Father of the Groom Rehearsal Dinner Speech Samples
  • How to Write Your Wedding Speech as the Mother of the Bride
  • How to Write Your Wedding Speech as the Father of the Bride
  • How to Write an Incredible Best Man Speech
  • 5 Maid of Honor Speech Examples
  • 12 Tips for Wedding Readers
  • The Ultimate Wedding Toast Guide

Are you planning to give a speech at your wedding?  For more wedding planning advice, visit our blog . And to learn more about our team of wedding officiants and book an officiant for your wedding, get in touch! 

written by Riana Ang-Canning

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  • Who Gives a Speech at a Wedding Reception? How to Write a Wedding Toast Tips for the Father of the Bride Speech How to Write a Best Man Toast Advice for the Maid of Honor Speech What to Know About a Newlywed Toast Public Speaking Experts' Wedding Speech Tips 60 Quotes to Use for Your Wedding Toast

How to Write and Deliver a Perfect Father-of-the-Bride Speech

We're taking the guesswork out of this important moment.

how to write a speech bride

Photo by Tanya Menoni

In This Article

The father-of-the-bride speech is one of the most anticipated toasts of any wedding reception . If you're a dad, you've likely looked forward to (or maybe dreaded) giving this speech for a very long time. Now that the moment is growing closer, it's important to sit down and write a toast that not only you're proud of, but that the happy couple will remember for a lifetime. While it might seem difficult to find the right words to express the endless love you have for your daughter and your excitement for her life with her new spouse, it's those very emotions that are often the star of the show. Feel free to let those feelings flow through your speech—you'll likely see most of the guests grab their tissues.

With that said, even the most eloquent dads can struggle with getting those words down on paper. To get you started, we created an easy guide to follow when you're sitting down to frame your thoughts into a full-fledged speech. We've compiled some top-notch tips for writing that sure-to-be epic father-of-the-bride speech, plus a list of brainstorming ideas to jump-start the creative process.

Read on for advice on how to write and deliver your father-of-the-bride speech—the most memorable toast of the day.

Father-of-the-Bride Speech Template

Here's a general outline for writing a father-of-the-bride speech that’ll have everyone reaching for tissues.

Welcome the guests.

Typically, the parents of the couple are the first to speak at either the rehearsal dinner or the wedding reception. If you're the first toast-maker of the night, this would be the time to welcome all of the guests to the reception or whichever event you are delivering the speech at. You can do this welcome speech with your partner, on your own, or followed by your child's fiancé's parents. Of course, feel free to skip this step if you're not the first speech and the guests have already been welcomed.

Give thanks.

Since you have the mic, don't forget to express gratitude. Be sure to thank your friends and family for coming to the wedding, and the parents of your daughter's new spouse for anything and everything that they did.

Pepper in some fond memories.

Nothing gets the waterworks started like some heartfelt anecdotes from the bride's lifetime through the eyes of their beloved dad. Choose some especially warm memories from her childhood that always stick out in your mind or some funny (not embarrassing) trials from adolescence. If one of those special memories includes their significant other, definitely be sure to share that with the guests.

Share your pride.

As the father of the bride , you're entitled to be a very proud papa. Mention some especially big moments of pride for you and how much you cherish your daughter's achievements. Don't confuse this with an excuse to spout off their résumé, though. Only pick a couple of standout highlights that really speak to their character.

Remember that half the guests in attendance probably won't know your daughter all that well, so this is an excellent time to low-key introduce them to their best qualities and character traits.

Talk about the present.

Try not to live completely in the past, Dad! Discuss notable things that are occurring presently, on this momentous day as it's unfolding. While everyone is experiencing the events from their own perspective, your special POV provides a unique lens on the significance of the occasion.

Acknowledge your daughter's new spouse.

While you have so much to say about the bride, remember to mention and acknowledge their new spouse , too. Take this time to welcome them into your family and share what it means to you. You can also share some anecdotes of their relationship and what stood out to you most.

Tell your daughter you love them.

That's your baby right there, and this is the moment to tell them just how much they mean to you. Express how much you love and cherish your daughter. Remind them of how you've treasured your relationship together and how you think that relationship may be evolving or staying exactly the same.

Look to the future.

You've covered the past and present, now move on to the next chapter and speak about the shared future of the newlyweds. While you can always get creative with the flow of the speech, breaking things down in a classic chronological order is always easy for the guests to follow.

Add some parting wisdom.

Whether it's a piece of marriage advice or just your most heartfelt wishes for the newlyweds, include some sage wisdom for the happy couple. This is pinnacle dad-talk time, so be sure to really relish the moment. Just don't forget that there are other people present, and it's not just you and your daughter.

Father-of-the-Bride Speech Tips

Okay, Dad! Now that you have a general idea of what to include, take note of these essential tips for writing and giving the best father-of-the-bride speech anyone has ever heard.

Consider a theme.

Having an overarching theme from the get-go will set a tone for the speech as a whole. This should make it easier for you to succinctly organize your thoughts and choose relevant examples to showcase. Utilizing this type of framework will result in cohesive and meaningful content that will come across as inspired and have the audience hanging on every word.

Keep it short.

Though you've been waiting for this day to come for many years, try to keep your toast short and sweet. The ideal length is about five or six minutes with the three-minute mark being your lowest threshold for a proper speech. There may be a lot you want to say, and if that's the case, consider writing some of those heartfelt sentiments down beforehand and giving it to your daughter in a card to read privately the morning of the wedding.

Don't be too embarrassing.

Skip the stories that may make your daughter cringe or those memories that they wish you would just forget already. Remember, the speech is a toast and not a roast. Keep in mind that along with their newly minted spouse, a whole new family of in-laws and possibly even a few work colleagues will be present. So, if there's something you're on the fence about saying, consider if you would think the information appropriate for your in-laws and colleagues to learn about you.

Skip ex mentions.

If you have an urge to call out how terrible some ex-boyfriends or girlfriends were in the past, skip that little tidbit and keep it to yourself. There's never any good that can come from name-dropping old lovers at your daughter's wedding, no matter how much you really disliked old what's-their-name. Stick to positive anecdotes and memories that showcase your daughter's good side, not mistakes.

Don't push for laughs.

Oftentimes, you'll get laughs when you're not trying hard for them. Don't feel like you have to color your toast with joke line after joke line—it may come off as forced, especially if you're not normally the jokester in the bunch. The most important person in the room, your daughter, will definitely know if you're not being yourself, and all they really need is their dad—not a comedian.

Embrace your emotions.

It's an absolute given that this is an emotional day for you, so don't feel the need to act stoic and put up a façade. Stay genuine and admit to how difficult it is to let your child go. These admissions make for a touching moment, and we guarantee there won't be a dry eye left in the room. And we mean you, too, pops. Today is the day when it's perfectly okay to shed a tear or two.

Practice, practice, practice.

And then practice some more. It's important that you attempt to memorize your speech, and at the very least, have everything written down and a general idea of what you want to say. If memorizing the whole speech is a little too difficult to do in such a short amount of time, be sure to practice it enough beforehand so that you can make eye contact with the couple and the other guests.

Get Brainstorming!

If you're still drawing a blank, here are some questions to ask yourself to start brainstorming.

  • Who is speaking directly before or after me? (You may want to introduce the next speaker or reference whoever spoke previously.)
  • What emotions do I experience when I think of letting my daughter go?
  • What do I wish for their marriage and life together, and how can I prepare them for that?
  • Is there anything I would like to say to their in-laws or newly acquired family?
  • Is there something in the order of events that the audience needs to know, prepare for, or be aware of? (Your role can also assume that of master of ceremonies, so be mindful of the flow of upcoming events and if you need to alert the guests.)

Traditionally, the father of the bride gives the first speech at a wedding. But, of course, couples can choose any order they want speeches to take place in. 

If the mother of the bride is speaking directly after the father of the bride, they may choose to stand next to their significant other during the speech. In other cases, the father will be standing alone with the bride's mother being at her seat. 

Whatever you do, don't feel stressed out by the idea of giving a speech. Keep it short, speak from the heart, and don't embarrass the couple (okay, don't embarrass them too much) and you'll be well on your way to the perfect toast.

A Guide to Wedding Reception Toasts

  • Who Gives a Speech at a Wedding Reception?
  • How to Write a Wedding Toast
  • currently on Tips for the Father of the Bride Speech
  • How to Write a Best Man Toast
  • Advice for the Maid of Honor Speech
  • What to Know About a Newlywed Toast
  • Public Speaking Experts' Wedding Speech Tips
  • 60 Quotes to Use for Your Wedding Toast

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How to Write a Father of the Bride Speech

How to Write a Father of the Bride Speech

Your daughter’s getting married, and nerves about giving your speech are kicking in.

Not only are you expected to speak in front of all those people, but there’s a whole speech to write first!

Fortunately, the process can be relatively straightforward as long you leave enough time to prepare (that means starting weeks rather than days or hours before the big day) and have a solid process to follow.

Use the steps below to make writing your speech as painless as possible.

Step 1: Do Your Homework

Before starting on your speech make sure you know enough about the format for the day and exactly what people will expect of you.

Although you may already be familiar with most of the details, a quick phone or email to your daughter should help fill in any remaining details.

Here are a few questions to ask:

  • Who are the speakers, and in what order will they speak? (Remember: Father of the Bride, the Groom, then Best Man is the rule, but this wedding may be different!)
  • Where do the speeches fall in the wedding schedule? (e.g., after the main course of the wedding breakfast but before dessert.)
  • Will there be a separate “MC” (e.g., provided by the venue) to introduce the speakers? If not, will to do that as part of your role? you be expected
  • Will speakers use a microphone or just project their voices?
  • What’s the overall tone of the wedding: e.g., small and intimate or larger and more formal?

2) Brainstorm Initial Ideas

Once you have a good idea of the parameters you’ll be expected to work within, it’s time to generate some raw material for your speech.

So write down any ideas that come easily to mind that you might want to include in your speech. At this stage you’re not trying to fit things into a specific structure, just capture a few initial ideas that might come in useful later.

Use the following questions to guide you:

  • What memories from your daughter’s life stand out?
  • What are your daughter’s best (or most distinctive) qualities?
  • What do you want to say to your daughter on her special day?
  • What would your wife or partner want you to say about your daughter?
  • What could you say about the Groom and why he’s the perfect husband for her?

For capturing your ideas you can keep things “old school” and use pen and paper or open a blank document on your computer.

Tip: If you choose the paper route try using “Post-It” style sticky notes for your ideas – it’ll make it easier to organize your thoughts later on.

3) Pick a Target Structure

Decide on a basic structure for your speech, at least to use as a starting point.

Review both the “short and sweet” outline and our comprehensive speech template to work out which best suits your needs.

If you opt for the latter, consider the best way to organize the stories that will form the heart of your speech. You have several options here:

  • Chronological : tell your stories in the order that they happened, from early life to adulthood.
  • Roles : pick stories that illustrate specific roles the Bride plays in her life, e.g., as a daughter, as a sister, as a friend, etc.
  • Qualities : pick stories that illustrate certain qualities of her you want to highlight, e.g., her loyalty, her sense of , her determination, etc. humour

Once you have a target structure either write corresponding headings on a piece of paper or type them into a blank document on your computer.

Tip: If you’re using the Post-It approach, write each heading on a separate piece of paper and then add the notes that correspond to that part of your speech.

4) Organize Your Thoughts

Using your chosen structure to guide you, start organizing your initial thoughts according to the major sections of the speech.

If you’re working on paper, that means copying some ideas that arose during the brainstorming stage under the correct headings. If you’re working on your computer, you can cut and paste them in.

It’s natural that not every idea will make the final cut, so don’t try to cram everything in and you may also find that you need to brainstorm more ideas to fill in any gaps in your structure.

Once your ideas are in place, it’s time to flesh them out a little and also move things around for the best flow.

5) Write a First Draft

Once you have a solid structure for your speech with enough ideas under each of the major sections, start writing out the text of your speech in full.

Even if you don’t intend to learn your speech word for word, it’s still useful to write it out like this to get a feel for how everything hangs together when you get into the detail.

Again you have the option of writing it out longhand or typing it up on your computer. Unless you have a strong preference for paper, now’s a good time to move to an electronic version of your speech because you’ll find it easier to move things around and make other edits as you develop your speech.

Tip: Don’t spend too long at this stage working on the exact phrasing for you points, just try to create a speech that flows roughly from beginning to end and sounds like a complete speech instead of a list of bullet points.

6) Read It Out Loud and Revise

Once you have a version of your speech that seems to work well on the page, with the basic ideas flowing smoothly from one to the next, it’s important to read it out loud.

That’s because a common mistake is to assume that a speech that reads smoothly in your mind will sound equally smooth when delivered aloud.

So read your speech out loud at a realistic speed and notice if you’re tripping over any specific words or sentences. You’ll be surprised at how often sentences which seem to flow nicely on the page turn into a treacherous tongue-twisters when spoken out loud.

Make a note of any stumbling points and then revise your text to eliminate any potential problems.

Remember, this is an iterative process: reading your speech, making adjustments and then reading again. You should find that the changes get smaller and smaller until you naturally home in on a final version.

Once you have a version you’re happy with, consider reading it in front of a trusted friend or family member to get an external perspective and making any final revisions.

And then you’re done!

Note: During this phase it’s a good idea to grab a stopwatch and check how long your speech runs. Be sure to pause between major sections and allow a little time for audience reactions. Then consider if you need to expand or trim your speech based on the length.

Follow These Steps to Create Your Perfect Speech

You’ve heard the old advice about how to eat and elephant, right? One bite at a time.

So instead of fretting over the idea of writing your whole speech, just break the task down and focus on one step at a time.

The most important thing is to keep moving forward and maintain your momentum.

So grab your diary and block out some time for working on each step of your speech.

Before you know it, you’ll have a speech to be proud of!

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Words at Ease

6 Uncle of the Bride Speech Examples

Are you an uncle asked to give a speech at your niece’s wedding?

It’s an honor to be asked, but it can also feel like a lot of pressure.

You want to strike the right tone, share meaningful memories, and wish the happy couple well as they start their new life together.

Uncle of the Bride Speech Examples

Uncle of the Bride Speech Examples

Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered with these six examples of uncle-of-the-bride speeches.

Whether you’re looking for something short and sweet or a longer tribute, you’ll find inspiration here to write the perfect wedding day message.

Here are six sample speeches to help you get started:

Good evening everyone. For those of you who don’t know me, I’m John, Sarah’s favorite uncle. At least, that’s what she told me to say.

Sarah, watching you grow up has been one of the great joys of my life. I still recall the little girl who loved singing Disney songs at the top of her lungs and always insisted on wearing mismatched socks. While your fashion sense has thankfully evolved since then, your spirit and zest for life haven’t changed a bit.

Mark, I’ve seen how happy you make Sarah, and the love you share is truly special. I know you’ll continue to be a wonderful partner to her in all of life’s adventures.

So let’s raise our glasses to Sarah and Mark – may your love keep growing stronger and your mismatched socks keep getting crazier. Cheers to a lifetime of happiness together!


Commentary: This short, lighthearted speech is perfect for an uncle who wants to share a cute childhood anecdote and some gentle humor. It’s suitable for a relaxed, informal wedding reception.

I’ve had the pleasure of being Sarah’s uncle for 27 wonderful years. I’ve watched Sarah grow from an inquisitive little girl into the brilliant, compassionate woman she is today. Sarah, your kindness and strength of character never cease to amaze me. You have such a bright light within you and you make the world better with your presence.

When Sarah first introduced me to Mark, I could immediately see why she fell for him. Mark, your warmth, humor, and steadfast support of Sarah are so apparent. You balance each other perfectly and I know that together, you can weather any of life’s storms.

A successful marriage is about more than just love. It takes patience, understanding, and a willingness to be a team through the good times and the challenging ones. Sarah and Mark have those qualities in abundance.

So Sarah and Mark, as you stand together on the precipice of this new chapter, I wish you a marriage filled with love, laughter, and unwavering partnership. May you always lift each other and may your bond only grow deeper with time. I love you both. To the happy couple!

Commentary: This speech has a more serious, sentimental tone suitable for an uncle who wants to reflect on the bride’s character and offer marriage advice. It’s a good fit for a formal wedding with traditional elements.

There’s a saying that an aunt is a haven for a child. An uncle is a safe bet for some candy. Well, I certainly tried my best to live up to my candy-supplying duties over the years. But more than that, I’ve strived to be a pillar of love and support for my wonderful niece Sarah.

Sarah, I’ve had a front-row seat to your life, from school plays to graduations to major milestones. And while I could share plenty of embarrassing stories, like the time you decided to give the dog a makeover with mom’s lipstick, I’ll refrain. Instead, I’ll just say that through it all, your creativity, determination, and unfaltering ability to see the best in people have shone through.

I know it’s that beautiful heart that led you to Mark. Mark, you came into Sarah’s life and it’s like the puzzle piece we never knew was missing suddenly clicked into place. Your love and respect for each other is palpable.

As you two embark on the great adventure of marriage, I want to share a few pieces of wisdom. Always be each other’s biggest cheerleaders. Never go to bed angry. Learn to love the differences that make you unique. And when the hard times come, as they do in every marriage, always turn towards each other, never away.

Sarah and Mark, it’s my greatest wish that your love story is one for the ages. Through the peaks and valleys of life, your love and friendship sustain you. I can’t wait to see the incredible life you build together. May your home always be filled with laughter and your hearts full of love for each other. Congratulations!

Commentary: This longer speech balances humor and heart, with the uncle sharing a funny childhood story but also heartfelt marital advice. It’s suitable for an uncle who has been very involved in the bride’s life and feels comfortable offering words of wisdom to the couple. It would work well at most types of weddings.

They say that a niece is someone to treasure in your heart forever. That couldn’t be more true when it comes to Sarah. Sarah, you have brought endless joy, light, and love into not just my life, but the whole family’s.

I’ve had the privilege of a front-row seat as you’ve grown into the extraordinary woman you are today. Your intelligence, grace, and unfailing kindness never cease to inspire me. But more than that, it’s your resilience in the face of challenges that is truly remarkable. You’ve weathered some storms and each time, you’ve emerged even stronger.

I know that it was your strength and openness to love that led you to find a true partner in Mark. Seeing the two of you together, it’s clear that you bring out the absolute best in each other. Your love isn’t the fleeting, superficial kind, but the sort that’s built on a bedrock of friendship, respect, and unwavering support.

As you stand on the threshold of married life, I want to share some advice that has served me well over the years. Always keep in mind that love isn’t just a feeling, it’s a choice you make every day. Choose to be kind, to be patient, to listen as much as you speak. Choose to find joy in the little moments and to face challenges as a united front. And above all, choose each other, every single day.

Sarah and Mark, as I look at you today, I’m filled with an overwhelming sense of happiness and hope. Because I know that with the love you share, you can build a life beyond your wildest dreams. A life filled with adventure, laughter, and a love that grows deeper with each passing year.

So let us raise our glasses to Sarah and Mark. May your love be a beacon, guiding you through all of life’s journeys. May you always find shelter in each other’s arms and may your hearts beat as one. Here’s to a lifetime of love and happiness. Cheers!

Commentary: This lengthy speech is ideal for an uncle who wants to offer a mix of sentimental reflection and sage marital advice. It touches on the bride’s strength of character and the deep love the couple shares. This speech would be well-suited to a formal, traditional wedding reception.

Hello, everyone. I’ll keep this short and sweet – rather like myself! Of course, my brother, the father of the bride, would argue that the sweetness is absent. But he’s just jealous of my dashing good looks.

But really, this day is all about the beautiful bride, Sarah, and her new husband, Mark. It’s a joy to be celebrating this magical day with them.

To quote the poet Richard Bach, “True love stories never have endings.” Sarah and Mark, I look at you both and see two souls that were always destined to find their way to each other. The love story you’re writing together is a testament to the power and endurance of love.

Yes, all good love stories have their twists and turns, their moments of tension and climax. But it’s in weathering these plot twists together that your love will be forged into an unbreakable bond.

I wish for you a marriage full of laughter, passion, and ever-deepening love. May you always be each other’s best friend, staunchest supporter, and most ardent admirer.

Let’s raise a toast to the newlyweds – may your love story be one for the ages!

Commentary: This medium-length speech strikes a balance between humor and sincerity. It’s a good fit for an uncle with a more informal, jokey relationship with the couple, but who still wants to offer some meaningful well-wishes. This speech could work for a range of wedding styles.

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, family and friends, esteemed guests, and of course, our beautiful bride and groom, Sarah and Mark.

It is my great honor and privilege to be here today celebrating this joyous occasion with all of you. As Sarah’s uncle, I’ve had the unique opportunity to watch her grow and blossom into the incredible woman she is today.

Sarah, from the moment you came into this world, you lit up our lives with your infectious laughter, your boundless curiosity, and your heart of pure gold. Watching you mature into a strong, intelligent, compassionate young woman has been one of the greatest joys of my life.

When you introduced us to Mark, it was immediately clear that you had found your perfect match. Mark, your love and devotion to Sarah is evident in everything you do. The way you look at her, the way you support and encourage her, the way you make her laugh – it’s a testament to the depth and sincerity of your love.

As you two embark on this new chapter of your lives together, I want to share a few pieces of wisdom that I’ve learned over the years.

Firstly, always keep in mind that love is not just a noun, it’s a verb. It’s not something you find or fall into, it’s something you do, every single day. It’s the little things – the daily acts of kindness, understanding, and selflessness – that make a marriage truly great.

Secondly, never take each other for granted. In the rush of daily life, it’s easy to forget to pause and appreciate the person by your side. Take time every day to express your gratitude for each other.

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, always keep laughter at the center of your relationship. Life will undoubtedly bring its challenges, but if you can face them together with a smile and a sense of humor, you can overcome anything.

Sarah and Mark, as I look at you today, I am filled with an overwhelming sense of love, pride, and joy. Your love story has been a beautiful one to witness, and I know it’s only just beginning.

So let us raise our glasses to the happy couple. May your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day. May you always find comfort, joy, and laughter in each other’s arms. May your journey together be filled with all the happiness, adventure, and love that life has to offer.

To Sarah and Mark – cheers!

Commentary: This lengthy speech is perfect for an uncle who wants to give a heartfelt and emotional tribute. It includes personal anecdotes, reflects on the couple’s relationship, and offers thoughtful pieces of marital advice. This speech would be fitting for a more formal, traditional wedding reception.

Giving a speech as the uncle of the bride is a wonderful opportunity to share your love and wisdom with the happy couple on their big day.

Whether you opt for a short, humorous toast or a longer, more sentimental tribute, the key is to speak from the heart.

This is a celebration of love, family, and new beginnings.

Your words will be a cherished part of this special day, a memory the newlyweds will carry with them as they start their new life together.

So take a deep breath, raise your glass, and let your love and good wishes shine through.

Cheers to the happy couple and the beautiful future that awaits them!


Church Welcome Speech

Church welcome speech generator.

how to write a speech bride

The church is a place of worship. Most religions allow individuals, even non-members of the church to attend their masses or services during Sundays and other days as well. These people are always welcomed with a welcome speech , mostly written and delivered by the residing priest or pastor.

  • Extemporaneous Speech Examples – PDF
  • Delivering an Iconic Speech- Examples and Tips

To help you in making a church welcome speech, we have provided examples in PDF format as well as our own samples of church speeches to guide you.

Basic Welcome Speech Example

Basic Welcome Speech Example

Size: 100 KB

Catholic School Speech Example

Catholic School Speech Example

Size: 105 KB

Church Welcome Speech Example

Church Welcome Speech Example

Size: 58 KB

Company Officer Welcome Speech Example

Company Officer Welcome Speech Example

Size: 60 KB

How to Write a Church Welcome Speech

Here are some tips to help you in writing a church welcome speech to welcome your guests on any type of occasion, either for a mass/service, spiritual activity, or outdoor event:

Welcome your guests in the first paragraph

Your welcome speech will mostly likely be delivered at the very beginning of the service or mass. As true to every speech in front of a large audience, the special guests are always recognized. Make sure in your church welcome speech, the guests will be introduced in the first paragraph. They may not be introduced in the very first line, make sure they are introduced at the start of your speech.

Although majority of the welcome speech will be about the guests, make sure they are introduced at the very beginning before you incorporate other stories or contents in the speech.

Acknowledge the name of your guests

Speaking of acknowledging the guests, you should list down the full names of guests as well as their designation and the location where they came from. If your guests consist of a large group (around 20 to more people), there is no need to mention all of them as it will take the entire activity to state all their names and designations.

Avoid writing a lengthy speech

A lengthy church welcome speech is not beneficial for everyone involved. A welcome speech is only delivered at the start of the activity, and it should take around 5–10 minutes maximum. A lengthy church welcome speech deprives the real purpose of the church activity and will definitely cause issues with most churchgoers.

Maintain a level of professionalism

Writing a speech is almost a fun and fulfilling activity, especially for informal speeches. But remember that you are not writing an informal speech but a very formal church welcome speech. Maintaining a level of professionalism is required.

Sample Church Welcome Speech (for new churchgoers)

Greetings everyone on this beautiful Sunday morning God has given to us!

It has been a week since I have seen you all, although there are some churchgoers of whom are in attendance now in which I had the opportunity to spend the past three days with because of the outreach activity and seminar. It was an eventful and fulfilling activity as we gave out clothes as well as food to the Greenhorn community. There were around 50 families and a total of 300 individuals in which were beneficiaries of the outreach activity. We hope we left a smile on their faces as we are planning to organize another outreach activity within the next few months.

We are thankful to the Lord for giving us another successful activity, giving out provisions and enjoyment to less fortunate communities. But we are also thankful to the God almighty for bringing us new individuals to our church today. May we call out the Jones family as well as the Smith family, and may we please give them a round of applause!

The Joneses and Smiths are on a vacation in our beautiful city for two weeks and were invited by one of our senior pastors, Rev. James, who is a close family friend of the Smiths. Rev. James is actually the godfather of Jon Jones, son of Andre Jones who is the high school classmate of Andre back in the day. I think there is no need to mention what year Andre and Rev. James both graduated.

Anyway, the church happily welcomes both the Joneses and Smiths. This church is not strict regarding to who goes in or who goes out. We aim to build to strong relationships not only with current church members, but also with churchgoers who attend our services for the first time. In honesty, we have built stronger relationships with people who attended our services a few times. And when they do come back from another city or country, they always take time to visit our church and take to the people around, not only the pastors but also the people they made a connection with when they were previously here.

To the Jones and Smith families, we welcome you again to our church and this service. May we unite in the name of the Lord and continue to ask for his guidance and thank him for the blessings he has showered upon us every day.  

Conference Sample for Church Speech Example

Conference Sample for Church Speech Example

IT Welcome Speech Example

IT Welcome Speech Example

Size: 90 KB

New Welcome Speech Example

New Welcome Speech Example

Size: 107 KB

Sample Church Welcome Speech (for returning churchgoers)

Blessed Sunday to one and all!

We are welcoming new churchgoers today! They actually traveled a distance, coming all the way from Mexico on a medical mission visit. They have been in the city for the past three days and have conducted three medical mission activities in two of the city’s outlying areas. They will be conducting two more medical mission activities in the next week before they travel back to Mexico.

Please help me welcome Father Gaviria, Father Iglesias, and the rest of the New Mexico Catholic Church delegation with a warm round of applause!

The church is very honored to have Father Gaviria and the New Mexico Catholic Church delegation in our presence, as they have conducted numerous outreach and evangelical missions around Mexico. Their spiritual work have extended in this country and we pray to the Lord that more hearts will be touched by their selfless acts.

We have invited Father Gaviria, Father Iglesias, Father Rodriguez, and the the New Mexico Catholic Church delegation in our mass today as we have done numerous outreach work in the past. Three months ago, me together with the other priests of this church visited Mexico and partnered with Father Gaviria to conduct an evangelical mission in the slums of Ciudad Juarez and managed to successfully convert 30 individuals to Christianity. And last year, me and Father Iglesias were part of the Easter congregation who conducted feeding programs to around 20 communities around Mexico.

To Father Gaviria, Father Iglesias, Father Rodriguez, and the New Mexico Catholic Church delegation, we once again welcome to our church and may we share together the word of the Lord in this blessed mass.

Good morning again, one and all!  

Bible Verses to Use When Welcoming Guests

Bible verses are essential to any church speech. Here are some Bible verses you can use when you will be making your own church welcome speech. Make sure to have an explanation or relate to a real-life situation the Bible verse or verses that you will be using in your welcome speech.

Psalm 100:4

Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.

Matthew 25:35–36

For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.

Ezekiel 44:17

And it shall come to pass, that when they enter in at the gates of the inner court, they shall be clothed with linen garments; and no wool shall come upon them, whiles they minister in the gates of the inner court, and within.

Revelation 22:14, 17

Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.

And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.

Hebrews 13:1–2

Let brotherly love continue. Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

1 Samuel 25:6

And thus shall ye say to him that liveth in prosperity, Peace be both to thee, and peace be to thine house, and peace be unto all that thou hast.

Romans 15:7

Wherefore receive ye one another, as Christ also received us to the glory of God.

Matthew 5:46–48

For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same?

When the crowds learned it, they followed him, and he welcomed them and spoke to them of the kingdom of God and cured those who had need of healing.

When they came to Jerusalem, they were welcomed by the church and the apostles and the elders, and they declared all that God had done with them.

Outline for Church Welcome Speech Example

Outline for Church Welcome Speech Example

Size: 25 KB

School Welcome Speech Example

School Welcome Speech Example

Size: 117 KB

Speech Sample for Church Speech Example

Speech Sample for Church Speech Example

Size: 64 KB

We hope you found this article to be insightful as well as beneficial when you will be writing your own church welcome speech. A church welcome speech is not difficult to compose, as it incorporates the basic contents and writing style of any speech. Don’t worry if you will be having problems composing the speech as we have included some tips as well examples (in PDF format) for your reference.

We also created two samples of church welcome speeches based from the PDF examples we provided. We also listed down relevant Bible verses that you can easily incorporate in the church welcome speech. Just make sure if you will be incorporating the Bible verses, you will also list down a short explanation or reflection on why you included the Bible verse.


Text prompt

  • Instructive
  • Professional

Write a Church Welcome Speech for Sunday service.

Create a Church Welcome Speech for a holiday celebration.


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    How to Write a Church Welcome Speech. Here are some tips to help you in writing a church welcome speech to welcome your guests on any type of occasion, either for a mass/service, spiritual activity, or outdoor event: ... And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever ...