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Essays About Video Games: Top 12 Examples and Prompts

Video games have revolutionized the way we have fun today. If you are writing essays about video games, check out our guide to inspire your writing.  

Few can contest the fact that video games have taken over the world. From the basic, almost “primitive” games of the 1970s like Pong to the mind-bending virtual reality games of the 2020s, they have been a source of entertainment for all. Moreover, they have proven quite profitable; countries like Japan and the United States have made tens of billions of dollars solely from the video game market.

Despite their popularity, much has been debated over the potentially harmful side effects that video games may have, particularly on children. One side argues that playing certain video games can lead to people exhibiting violence in the future, while others believe that video games teach players essential life skills. Regardless, they will continue to be a part of our lives for the foreseeable future. 

For engaging essays about video games, read the essay examples featured below for inspiration.


1. What electronic games can teach us by Kendall Powell

2. designers are imagining video games without guns by keith stuart, 3. playing video games all summer won’t make you feel worse by nicole wetsman, 4.  violent video games bad by andrea newman.

  • 5. ​​The health effects of too much gaming by Peter Grinspoon

Writing Prompts For Essays About Video Games

1. video games: good or bad, 2. the benefits of video games, 3. what is your favorite video game, 4. do video games cause people to become violent, 5. video games in your life, 6. video games vs. traditional games, 7. is the video game rating system enough.

“In other studies, researchers found that gamers who trained on Tetris were better at mentally rotating two-dimensional shapes than those who played a control game. Students who played two hours of All You Can E.T., an educational game designed to enhance the executive function of switching between tasks, improved their focus-shifting skills compared with students who played a word search game.”

Powell explains a few possibilities of applying video games to education. As it turns out, certain video games can improve players’ skills, depending on the mechanics. Researchers are inspired by this and hope to take advantage of the competitive, motivational nature of gaming to encourage children to learn. New games are designed to help kids improve their focus, coordination, and resilience, and game designers hope they will succeed. 

“Imagine a game where you’re a war reporter seeking to capture the most iconic, representative images in a battle environment: You’d still get the sense of peril that audiences expect from action adventures, but your relationship with the environment would be more profound. It would be Call of Duty from the perspective of a creative participant rather than a violent interloper.”

The graphic nature of some video games is said to make kids violent, so it is only natural that some creators try to change this. Stuart writes that it is possible to maintain the fun that shooter-type games induce without using guns. He gives examples of games where you do not kill your enemy, simply stunning or capturing them instead. He also suggests photography as an alternative to killing in a “shooting” game. Finally, he suggests basing video games around helping others, making friends, and doing more peaceful, creative tasks.

“Any role video games play in skewing well-being that did pop up in the study was too small to have a real-world impact on how people feel, the authors said. People would have to play games for 10 more hours per day than their baseline to notice changes in their well-being, the study found.”

Wetsman counters the widespread belief that video games “destroy your brain.” Research done with a sample of 39,000 players over six weeks has shown that whether one plays video games for long or short periods, their mental health is not impacted much. There are some exceptions; however, there are not enough to conclude that video games are, in fact, harmful.

“Some people believe that the connection between violent games, and real violence is also fairly intuitive. In playing the games kids are likely to become desensitized to gory images;which could make them less disturbing, and perhaps easier to deal with in real life. While video games aren’t about violence their capacity to teach can be a good thing.”

In her essay, Newman writes about the supposed promotion of violence in some video games. However, she believes this violence does not cause people to be more aggressive later. Instead, she believes these games expose children to certain atrocities so they will not be traumatized if they see them in real life. In addition, these games supposedly promote connections and friendships. Finally, Newman believes that these “harmful” can make you a better person.

5. ​​ The health effects of too much gaming by Peter Grinspoon

“Gamers need to be educated on how to protect their thumbs, wrists, and elbows, their waistlines, their emotional state, their sleep, and their eyes. Simple education around taking breaks, stretching, eating healthy snacks, and resting and icing your thumb, wrist, or elbow when it starts hurting can address injuries early, before they become significant. For the eyes, gamers can try the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, try to look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.”

Grinspoon discusses both the benefits and the health risks of gaming. Video games allow people to interact with each other remotely and bond over specific missions or tasks, and some research shows that they have cognitive benefits. However, some gamers may develop vision problems and hand and wrist injuries. Gaming and “staring in front of a screen the whole day” is also associated with obesity. Overall, Grinspoon believes that gaming is best done in moderation.

Looking for more? Check out these essays about hobbies .

Many parents believe that their children’s “bad behavior” is because of video games. Based on your experience and others, decide: are video games good or bad for you? Make sure to read viewpoints from both sides and write an essay based on your position. Would you encourage others to play video games? Discuss these pros and cons for an interesting argumentative essay.

Like anything else, video games have both positive and negative aspects. Explain the good that video games can do for you: the skills they can equip you with, the lessons they can teach, and anything else. Also, include whether you believe their benefits outweigh the disadvantages they may pose. 

For your essay, write about your favorite video game and why you chose it. What is its meaning to you, and how has it affected your life? Describe the gameplay mechanics, characters, storyline, and general impact on the gaming community or society. You can write about any game you want, even if you have not played it; just ensure the content is sufficient.

Many claim that playing violent video games can make you violent in the future. Research this phenomenon and conclude whether it is true or not. Is the evidence sufficient? There are many resources on this topic; support your argument by citing credible sources, such as news articles, statistics, and scientific research.

Video games have been a part of almost all our lives. Recall a treasured experience with video games and explain why it is significant. How old were you? Why do you remember it fondly? How did this experience make you feel? Answer these questions in your own words for an exciting essay.

Essays About Video Games: Video games vs. Traditional games

There are stark differences between video and traditional games, such as board games and card games. For an engaging essay, compare and contrast them and write about which is more entertaining, in your opinion. Be creative; this should be based on your own opinions and ideas.

The video game content rating system is used to classify video games based on their appropriateness for specific ages. However, parents complain that they are not strict enough and allow the display of violent content to children. Explore the criteria behind the rating system, decide whether it needs to be changed or not, and give examples to support your argument.

If you are interested in learning more, check out our essay writing tips !

Tip: If writing an essay sounds like a lot of work, simplify it. Write a simple 5 paragraph essay instead.

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5 benefits of video games for health and education 

Video games for depression.

🤩Video games can make you happier. They are often designed to encourage the production of dopamine (the happiness hormone) with stimulating sounds and colours rewarding your achievements. A study conducted in New Zealand even showed that video games can help relieve depression!

Video games for learning

📚Video games can help children with dyslexia to read better and can encourage children with dyscalculia to count better. Action games develop attention and concentration while serious games are built with the aim of helping players learn new skills!

Play to become smarter 

💡Video games make you smarter. Strategy games like Starcraft require players to exercise great brain flexibility and make quick decisions while having to process a lot of information. 

Improved concentration

🚀Video games develop your concentration and memory skills, often in high-pressure situations where every second counts!

Video games stimulate our brain

👍 Video games promote engagement and motivation, and there are many educational games available. Video games are designed to stimulate players over a longer period of time.

Problems with video game addiction

📵One of the main negative effects of video games on young people is addiction. Indeed, addiction to video games, as well as cyberaddiction, can have serious consequences: isolation, loss of social ties , and feeling cut off from the real world. 

The danger of video games to the brain

Among the effects of video games on the brain, it is important to be aware of the risk of developing serious mental condition s, such as schizophrenia or depression . 🤧

In addition, at an age when the brain is still developing, overconsumption of video games (especially combat games) can lead to underdevelopment of certain areas of the brain , such as the hippocampus, a region of the brain that manages short-term memory. ⚠️

The effects of video games on health 

There are many effects of video games on the eyes, such as headaches, eyestrain, blurred vision, etc. Above all, we should be wary of blue light from screens as it is toxic to the retina ! 👁

Another physical effect of video games is obesity. When not accompanied by regular physical activity , video games promote a sedentary lifestyle and therefore increase the risk of overweight and obesity. 

The behavioural benefits of video games 

  • Multiplayer video games develop sociability. When your child plays online, they often need to communicate and cooperate with other gamers. 🤝

Because video games encourage you to solve problems, develop strategies or make quick decisions, your child develops a sense of autonomy and independence. 

Playing games allows you to take a break and let off steam, so they can help reduce stress - a bit like a meditation session! 🧘

  • Video games can have negative effects on sleep , especially when children play late at night. The stimulation of the game disturbs their circadian rhythms and may lead to sleeplessness. 🛏
  • A child who has low self-esteem, victims of bullying or kids who have trouble making friends can find refuge in video games. However, immersing themselves in a virtual world means that they can also completely lose contact with reality.
  • One of the biggest worries about video games is that they might lead to aggressive behaviour in children. 👹

Video games have multiple effects on young people and, as with many things, it's all about balance. ⚖️ 

On the one hand, video games improve concentration, stimulate the brain and increase happiness . With this in mind, they can help improve school results. If you see that your child is starting to become addicted to video games or if their school work is taking a back seat or their grades are falling , it's time to act! ⚠️

If you notice any negative effects as a result of playing video games, reduce their game time. You might want to consider an online session with one of GoStudent’s expert tutors to help your child reconnect with academic success!


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11 Advantages and Disadvantages of Video Games

Video Games

Often based on fantasy, they also reflect both history and current events. But whether it’s a good or bad thing is up for debate. Even though video games are a household name today, they were born in the research labs of scientists.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Video Games

It all started in 1952 when British professor A.S. Douglas created OXO, better known as tic-tac-toe at the University of Cambridge. Then Spacewar! came out in 1962, which was the first video game that could be played on multiple computer installations.

In 1972, Atari introduced Pong, the first truly successful commercial arcade video game. Since then, video games have evolved from arcade systems to home consoles, handheld consoles, and mobile devices. Today, video games make up a massive $100 billion global industry.

Video games are often at the forefront of computer technology and they have been a part of our culture since the past few decades . But let’s face it, they have their share of Pros and Cons. Let’s take a further look at the pros and cons of video games.

Advantages of Video Games

Even though video games are demonized by most non-players, many scientists and psychologists find that video games can have many benefits. Some of them are explained below.

1. Improved Vision

Studies suggest that video game players may get an unexpected benefit from them; better vision. They have been shown to increase players’ ability to distinguish subtle differences in shades of gray.

They may also help players increase their ability to visually detect the direction of movement. It was found that gamers spotted targets on a cluttered screen 80% of the time, while non-gamers managed this only 30% of the time.

2. Brain Booster

Playing video games directly impacts regions of the brain responsible for memory, spatial orientation, information organizations, and fine motor skills. As people age, the importance of playing games tends to increase.

It could improve decision-making skills; compared to non-players, gamers who spend time daily with fast-paced games can react to questions or situations up to 25% faster.

3. Improved Life Skills

Video games involve taking risks, and the ability to strategize. It teaches patience, perseverance, and the right judgment. It also helps people find new friends and social connections. Besides, gamers become better at critical analysis and learn to concentrate on tasks at hand to completion.

4. May Ease Anxiety and Depression

It has been found that people are more confident, energetic and emotionally positive when they play video games, which is exactly the opposite of what depression brings about.

People who feel depressed lack physical energy, find it difficult to carry out daily tasks and are generally pessimistic. Thus, playing can reduce the risks for depression, help with arthritis, and even be a therapeutic option for aphasia.

5. Painkiller

According to a study from the American Pain Society, video games, and more specifically 3D ones, could help reduce the brain’s response to physical pain.

Playing an attention-grabbing video game may distract one away from a painful activity and help them with chronic pain conditions, especially children.

Disadvantages of Video Games

Video games can teach us high-level thinking skills, but too much of anything can be bad. Some consequences of playing these games are listed below.

1. Addiction

Video games are designed to be addictive, so it is essential to have some self-control. Especially people with poor impulse control or who have a hard time fitting in are most vulnerable to game addiction.

It could be because people tend to play games to fill the void that real-world problems leave behind. It is better to watch out for this form of addiction because it might eventually end up costing you a lot.

2. Social Replacement

Video games often act as a replacement for real-time human connections. People who find themselves playing hours upon hours of video games may find themselves losing touch with the relationships they’ve built with other people.

People argue that with internet -connected games, they can easily hang out with friends and families without ever leaving home, but this type of virtual get together is no replacement for actual face-to-face interaction.

New studies show that the risk of being overweight increases with every hour people spend on virtual play. Lack of motion and overplaying lead to muscle pain as well. Moreover, the addiction to these games leads to sleep deprivation which contributes to obesity.

Video game addiction could lead to other levels of psychological stress as well. Gamers may suffer from low self-esteem, have social anxieties, or even suffer from depression.

Excessive gaming can also inspire feelings of guilt and shame. It is possible that uncontrolled gaming could enhance the signs and symptoms of other mental disorders.

5. Could Limit Academic Process

Although video games can improve the strategic thinking decision-making process, they can also deteriorate them.

Students who use their free time to play video games can struggle to keep up with school/college. Most gamers have been seen to procrastinate on their studying, or they simply ignore a deadline just to play their favorite game.

6. Violence

Often, children playing violent video games depict a lack of self-control and an increase in emotional arousal. While violent video games could have different effects on different people, they are all concerning. So, it is better to choose games you feel are appropriate for both you and your children.

To Conclude

Video games aren’t bad for you as long as you aren’t overdoing. So, enjoy your downtime and relax with your games but get out there and keep your life as diverse as possible as well, because eventually, you have got to win the game of life.


I am Ila Adhikari from Chauni, Kathmandu. I’m currently pursuing my Bachelors Degree in Computer Engineering from Kathmandu Engineering College, Kathmandu. I’m also a fellow at Women Leaders in Technology. I enjoy reading, gardening and doing cool DIYs. I have worked as a tech content writer for eSatya, a blockchain initiative in Nepal in the past. At present, I’m working on a blockchain based research project. As time flies, I want to listen to my heart in doing what I love and continue learning new stuff.

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What Are the Pros and Cons of Video Games?

Video games have become one of the world’s favorite pastimes. There are almost  3 billion gamers  worldwide in 2021, with gaming prevalence continuing to grow every year.

Gaming is not without controversy, though. Critics of video games will stress that the cons of video games outweigh the pros, while those who support video games will say the opposite.

Objectively, there can be positive effects of video games when played in moderation. However, there can also be negative effects when played excessively.

It’s best to look at the pros and cons of video games through your personal experience and remember that the  key is  gaming in moderation .

Pros of Gaming

Although research is still ongoing on the pros and cons of video games, some studies thus far have shown the following benefits when an individual plays video games:

  • Improved cognitive functions
  • Problem-solving skills and the use of logic
  • Hand-to-eye coordination
  • Faster and more accurate decision-making
  • Improved eye for details
  • Social activity and teamwork

These pros of video games might help you with tasks that you do every day, but they might also be applicable for jobs where you require a great deal of attention and concentration, such as working as a surgeon, driver, or programmer.

On the surface, these pros of video games look appealing. Still, it’s important to remember that these positive effects of video games come with a catch:  they can be far outweighed by the cons if gaming becomes an addiction.

These are the pros of gaming. You can read our full article about the  positive effects of video games  here.

Games Improve Cognitive Functions

Video games have shown to improve your cognitive abilities , such as:

  • Visuospatial ability (the ability to recognize objects around you and estimate the distances between them)
  • Increased processing speed
  • Deductive reasoning
  • Mathematical intelligence

For example, a  study from 2018  included 170 participants. In the study, one group was made up of gamers, while the other group was non-gamers.

Both groups received the same questionnaire with questions and assignments that would test their cognitive abilities. The group of gamers showed better results in almost every field of the test.

Games Improve Problem-Solving Skills and Logic

Video games involve a lot of critical thinking, problem-solving, and the use of logic. 

As a gamer, you have to work your way through the game by using specific skills to achieve the game’s goals.

Gamers have  more grey matter and better brain connectivity  than non-gamers, resulting from extensive playtime requiring problem-solving skills.

Developing these skills in video games may translate into better job performance or improved performance in school .

Improved Hand-to-Eye Coordination

Playing video games improves your hand-to-eye coordination, making you more capable of performing tasks that involve coordination of your eyes and your hands.

These tasks can include everything from everyday tasks such as driving, typing, or performing manual tasks with your hands to professional skills like performing surgeries.

These improvements were confirmed by a  study from 2007 , which involved laparoscopic surgery trainees that also played video games. The study found that surgeons who played video games regularly had higher accuracy and could complete tasks faster than non-gamers. 

Faster and More Accurate Decision-Making

Another pro of gaming is the ability to make more accurate decisions in a much quicker fashion.

Players of video games will tell you that several games prompt you to make your decisions quickly based on the information you receive from the game itself.  Fast-paced games , in particular, contributed to a gamer’s ability to make quick decisions.

Some games, especially competitive ones where you play against other players, can be punishing if you make a wrong decision. For example, the game Call of Duty involves fast-paced action, and you need to make the right decisions at the right time to win.

Again, this skill can be crucial in several fields of work, such as in the army or in the hospital, where you need to make fast and accurate decisions based on the facts and information you have, especially when you have limited time.

You See More Detail

Video games and eyesight quality is still a hotly debated topic. Some studies tell us that excessive screen time causes eyestrain and might even hurt your eyes. In contrast,   other studies  show us that video games can improve your ability to see details in your sight, especially in your periphery.

Studies  that show excessive screen time is harmful find you may experience negative effects such as eye strain, headaches, loss of focus flexibility, nearsightedness, and even retinal damage.

On the other hand, playing video games might improve your ability to see more details in your eyesight, especially in your periphery. This development of your eyes might help you drive better and perform various tasks that include driving.

It’s essential to stay within the  recommended screen time guidelines for all ages  since too much screen time may cause damage to your eyes. However, if you play games in moderation, you might even be able to see some positive effects on your eyesight.

Games Promote Social Activity and Teamwork

Video games can promote teamwork and social engagement with other players, making it a modern form of socialization for kids and young adults.

Some games can force you to cooperate with other players, making video games a beneficial exercise for  team-building  and establishing social connections with other players.

Also, several games present the opportunity to make new friends and connect to them in ways that no other medium does, including the chance to meet people from all over the world.

However, excessive playtime can lead to increased isolation and loneliness , which are linked to mental health problems like depression and social anxiety . Although gaming is a social outlet for many individuals, and making new friends from different cultures is possible, a balance of in-game contacts and real-life friendships is crucial.

Cons of Video Games

Despite several benefits of playing video games, there are also many disadvantages of video games that might impact the quality of your life.

These are the most common cons of video games:

  • Video games can make you addicted
  • Elevated risk of aggression
  • Games replace real-world problems
  • Some games promote gambling
  • Decreased physical and mental health
  • Lack of focus and concentration

As good as the positive effects of games might be, the  negative effects of video games  can outweigh the pros if you develop a gaming addiction. 

Video Games Can Make You Addicted

The first and the biggest problem with video games is that they can make you addicted .

Video game addiction  is a rising problem and likely to increase in the future. The World Health Organization has recognized gaming disorder as an actual mental health condition, and global prevalence is around  3-4% of gamers . Considering that there are about 3 billion gamers globally,  the number of addicted gamers  is estimated to be between 90 – 100 million.

One of the main reasons behind the pandemic of video game addiction is that  video games are designed to be addictive . They provide instant gratification and encourage gamers to keep playing every day. Players who play every day may even receive bonuses and special rewards in encouraging them to play even more.

But the concept of addictive video games is even more complicated. They manipulate several aspects of our psychology, such as:

  • Progression of our in-game character, which replaces real-life personal development
  • Loot boxes, microtransactions, and in-app purchases encourage you to keep spending more money 
  • Socializing virtually with other players replaces real-world friendships and connections
  • In-game mechanics that  link gaming to gambling

Once a video game becomes an addiction, it will far outweigh all the pros of video games. It will impact your professional life, personal development, and interpersonal relations.

If you feel like you or someone you know is addicted to video games, feel free to try some of the programs and resources we have on Game Quitters:

  • Respawn program for gamers
  • Reclaim program for families
  • Find a video game addiction therapist near you
  • If you’re a therapist and want professional training, consider  INTENTA’s training
  • Join our  community forum  and read our  blog

Elevated Risk of Aggression

Several studies ( 1 ,  2 ,  3 ) have shown that video games are a risk factor behind aggression. 

However, the studies also found that video games are not the only factor behind this aggression. Video games might increase the risk of aggression in an individual in combination with other factors.

There’s also a stigma around video games promoted by the media, which says that video games are violent and promote violence. But it’s far too easy to pin this problem down solely to video games, although they can be a contributing factor.

Although  the link between video games and violence  is still hotly contested, many parents report increased aggression in their children when playing excessively, including damaging property. Therefore, parents should be mindful to ensure their children play age-appropriate games and seek professional support if they experience increasingly aggressive behavior.

Games Can Replace Real-World Problems

One of the main problems with playing video games too much is that they neglect other key areas of one’s life, such as one’s personal or professional life.

It’s a safe place to fail, and it presents an easy way to  escape real-world problems . Although escaping from stress is not necessarily bad, the problem occurs when gamers start to neglect other critical aspects of their real life.

When that happens, it might be time to consider limiting your playtime, replacing it with other activities, and dealing with your life problems.

Some Games Promote Gambling

Modern video games are linked to gambling through loot boxes and microtransactions that promote compulsive spending.

Gamers who suffer from gaming addiction can also  develop a gambling addiction , exacerbated by the seeming ease of access to gambling-like mechanics inside modern games. Many of these games are played by kids, meaning that children have access to gambling mechanics using real-life money. Parents report discovering hundreds or even thousands of dollars spent on their credit cards without their knowledge.

Gamers Can Develop Physical or Mental Health Issues

Excessive game time can lead to physical and mental health issues, which include:

  • Depression and social anxiety
  • Lack of motivation
  • Poor emotional regulation
  • Poor sleep hygiene
  • Muscle loss and fat gain
  • Dehydration

It’s important to take a closer look if you develop any of these symptoms; you may want to consider  video game addiction therapy  if you do.

Lack of Concentration

Spending a long time in front of a screen playing games can impact a gamer’s ability to focus and  concentrate  on other tasks such as school, work, college, or study.

Games demand a lot of attention to detail and concentration. But, unfortunately, we’re only able to focus for a certain amount of time daily, and the more time you spend gaming, the less attention you will have for other tasks.

The pros and cons of video games are interlinked and will differ from one gamer to another. There are some positive benefits of games when played in moderation. However, there are also negative effects if played excessively.

You should always be aware of the cons of games, and if you notice the first signs of these cons developing, you should consider moderating your gaming or seek help to prevent further problems with gaming addiction.

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Pros and cons of video games: Should kids play them?

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Source: Image by Kendra

We debate the pros and cons of video games and to what extent kids should play them. We discuss the effects of  violent video games and gaming as an education tool

Should kids play video games?

Electronic games or video games involve human interaction with a computer monitor or a TV screen. The popularity of video games has reached unprecedented levels. In 2015, the video game industry generated $74 billion in revenues worldwide. In the UK, 8 to 15 year-old gamers spend in average 20 hours a week  playing video games either on PC, consoles, tablets or smartphones. Video games have evolved enormously since the first video games such as Atari's Pong and Taito's Space Invaders. Video games today are much more complex and require greater attention and intellectual engagement from the player.

Since they have become a central element of children's and adults' lives we need to understand better the pros and cons of video games and their potential positive and negative effects on our children. On one hand they help develop not only psychomotor skills but also other intellectual abilities. Many educators are starting to use games to teaching and learning tools. However, many parents are sceptical and fear the effects of video games on kids' development. They are not sure if they should or not let their kids play video games or for how long. Here we outline the main benefits and dangers liked to gaming and open the debate so you can share your thoughts and experiences with us on the discussion forum below.

Pros and cons of video games

Pros of video games

Playing video games has many benefits for the player.

  • Learning: video games can help children learn math, spelling, manage resources, understand problems of the world, learn about animals and countries, etc. There are many educational games meant to contribute to our kids development. Through video games educators and parents can get the attention of the children and help them to supplement what they learn in class. Some studies also show that games are a good way to mitigate the effects of dyslexia .
  • Problem-solving: there is a growing body of academic literature on the benefits of game-based learning . The potential of games as a teaching and learning tool is an evident opportunity. Video games do not have to be "educational" to help children and adults to develop some problem-solving skills. A variety of studies have shown that playing video games help exercising some mental abilities. They often face also puzzles and problems which become gradually tougher during games, helping the player to understand the logic behind these problems and learn how to solve them.
  • Decision-making : video game players face often difficult decisions.  Role-play games and graphic adventure games in particular force players to make tough choices, often involving a cost benefit analysis and ethics. Would you save that person if that means a potential danger for the entire realm? 
  • Memory :   Players need to memorize the movements of their characters and their opponents, where things appear on screen, how to avoid dangers, etc. All that stimulates their memory. For instance, researchers form the University of California, Irvine (UCI) found out that students who played Super Mario 3D World improved their scores on memory test designed to engage the brain's hippocampus.
  • Spatial intelligence: Video games enhance children's spatial reasoning. 3D shoot-em-up and sandbox games contribute to developing a sense of orientation, and the ability to visualize three dimensional objects. Games such as Tetris, Portal and Minecraft can be particularly good to practice spatial reasoning and creativity. Spatial intelligence is strongly correlated with mathematical abilities and is extremely valuable in engineering and science occupations.
  • History and culture: many video games inspire kids' interesests in history and culture. Video games and movies are often one of the first points of contacts with past cultures and civilizations for many children. Video games such as Age of Empires, Civilization, Assassin's Creed or Call of Duty can push children to become interested and read more about different epochs in history.
  • Social interaction: although many people think that video games hinder social life and social skills some studies show the contrary. For instance researchers of North Carolina State University observed more than twenty public gaming events and found out  that video gamers spend much time engaged in social behavior online and offline. Gaming did not eliminate social interaction but supplemented it. Moreover, m any children make new friends playing video games online or in arcades.

​Cons of video games

These are the most commons criticisms or risks associated to video games:

  • Violence: do video games cause violence? What are the effects of violent video games? Video games have been accused of glorifying violence. In most games players fight and kill enemies. Children are exposed the extreme levels of fictional violence in video games, such as Grand Theft Auto, Dead Island, and  Mortal Kombat . The video game industry has adopted the movie industry parental guidance rating system. However, in practice it is very difficult to prevent children from accessing violent content. Some children may want to imitate the, usually violent, protagonists of games. Not everyone manages to disentangle very clearly what is fiction from what is real life. 
  • Real-life risks: video games may generate addiction . According to the University of New Mexico, 6 to 15% of all gamers display signs which can be characterized as addiction. Some children develop an excessive and compulsive pattern of use of video games which may interefere with their normal life and negatively affect their psychological development and personality . Moreover, according to a study published in the Psychological Bulletin based on more than 80,000 people, short-term and long-term risks of substance abuse, reckless driving, gambling and risky sexual behavior were more severe the longer they were exposed to video games and other media glorifying these practices.
  • Cognitive functions:  playing video games may affect the way children use their brain. A  study from the University of Montreal shows that playing video games may increase in the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease . According to this study on which people have to move in a virtual maze, gamers use navigation strategies which rely on the caudate nucleus to a much greater degree than non gamers. Past research has shown that people who rely on caudate nucleus based strategies have lower functional brain activity in the hypoccampus and increased risk for nurological diseases such as Alzheimer's.
  • Obesity: a study found out that young gamers burned in average 21 extra calories and hour than non players. However, gamers also consume nearly 80 extra calories and usually spend less time doing other physical activities. The World Health Organization blames video games as one of the main causes of childhood obesity.
  • Less time to study: children who spend much time playing video games may not have time to do their homework and chores .
  • Social consequences: the lack of social interaction is one of the most commonly argued cons of video games. Playing video games a few hours a week would not have a negative effect in kids behavior. However, obsessive gaming can have long-term social consequences. Isolationsim linked to gaming addictions is usually correlated with social awkwardness, which in term incentivizes futher insulation of the gamer.

What do you think, are video games overall good or bad for children? Do video games cause more violence than other modes of entertainment? Are the new generations smarter or more competent than previous ones, and if so, do video games play an important role on this? 

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Home Âť Topics Âť Video Games for Kid: Pros and Cons

Video Games for Kid: Pros and Cons

How to use video games for good and prevent addiction..

Article at a Glance • Video games can be used to help improve test scores, teach life and job skills, improve brain function, and encourage physical exercise. • Most popular video games and apps are addictive by design • Because video game addiction can negatively impact social and physical health, parents should be aware of the symptoms.

Kids have been wild about video games for decades. But the introduction of mobile game systems and smartphone apps took that to new heights.

Mobility brought gaming into the car, the bedroom, and even to the bus stop. With roughly 95% of U.S. teens owning smartphones, it’s hard to find a kid who isn’t playing some kind of game.

Although video games get a lot of bad press, they do have some benefits. The trick is to strike the right balance of good content and appropriate limits. After all, video games should enhance your child’s life, not take it over.

Video Game Pros:

Studies have found that video games can improve learning. When video games have been used in the classroom, teachers see improved test scores. Games also allow students to learn and then apply what they have learned in a real-life situation. Medical and military training programs both use simulation-style games to teach tools and strategy.

Life Skills

Many video games teach kids how to delegate, work as a team, and prioritize. Internet-enabled games that let kids play with their real-life friends often require collaboration and division of tasks to beat the level.

Improved Brain Function

Video games have been shown to help us improve our ability to reason and solve problems. They help us make split-second decisions, process information more quickly, and multitask effectively. Games can also improve hand-eye coordination and boost auditory perception.

Motion-controlled games like the Nintendo Wii were once thought to be the answer to parental concerns about video games leading to obesity. But studies have shown these video games alone don’t increase kids’ overall activity level.

However, there is some hope in the form of smartphone games that encourage kids to leave the house. Pokemon Go is one example, but your kids may also enjoy the real-life treasure hunt appeal of activities like Geocaching. Some apps like The Walk , blend storytelling and exercise to get players moving.

The Federation of American Scientists (FAS) argues that kids need to play more video games in order to be competitive in the current job market. In a report they released in 2010, the FAS said games helped teach higher-order thinking skills like problem-solving, interpretive analysis, and more.

Video Game Cons:

While every other study seems to draw opposite conclusions about the social effects of playing violent video games,  studies involving brain scans are concerning.

Simply put, children playing violent video games show decreased activity in areas of the brain dedicated to self-control and an increase in emotional arousal.

Even though the debate continues, be aware of how violent games affect your children. If you notice a problem, go with your gut.

Help your children choose games you feel are appropriate. Many console game ratings include detailed information about the contents of the game’s violence level, language, topics, etc.

England’s National Health Service began treating video game addiction this year, after the World Health Organization listed “gaming disorder” in its International Classification of Disease .

What makes video games addictive? Playing releases dopamine into our systems, which gives us a feeling of pleasure and tells our brain to “do it again.”

As a matter of fact, video games are designed to be addictive. John Hopson, a games researcher at Microsoft Game Studios is also a doctor of behavioral and brain sciences who writes about game design.

In “Behavioral Game Design” he explained how game designers can control behavior by providing simple stimulus and rewards at strategic times and places.

Children with poor impulse control or who have a hard time fitting in are most vulnerable to game addiction. This may be because video games offer an easy way to fill the void created when real-world relationships are hard to form.

Social Replacement

Be aware of how much your children are playing video games and if it’s replacing or negatively impacting other aspects of their lives.

Internet-connected games make it easy to “hang out” with friends after school without ever leaving home. But this type of virtual get-together is no replacement for actual face-to-face interaction.

Setting aside the potential problems of online predators and cyber-bullying, virtual hangouts rob kids of the opportunity to practice their social skills and to move their bodies from one house to another.

Our Role in Video Games

Video games can play a positive role in our children’s lives, but we need to be there to help set limits.

If you’re worried that your child is becoming too obsessed with games, then it is time to sit down and talk. Be sensitive and nonjudgmental. Try to agree on a reasonable amount of space for video games to occupy in your family life.

Enlist the help of your pediatrician if you have concerns. He or she may have great tips and can even recommend a therapist who specializes in tweens or teens.

Remember, even though video games have their place, they should occupy less time than what kids need to devote to exercising, socializing, studying, and sleeping. In our ever-more-connected world, we could all use a little more practice just being unplugged.

Signs and Symptoms of Video Game Abuse:

  • Falling grades
  • Not sleeping enough, feelings of fatigue
  • Free time is used almost exclusively for playing video games
  • Irritability when not playing video games
  • Neglect of hygiene
  • Disinterest in other activities
  • Increased anxiety

Jonathen Bartholomew, D.O.

As a pediatrician and father of six kids, Dr. Bartholomew has a lot of experience with twins and premature infants. In addition to getting to know his patient families, he enjoys the great outdoors, Dr. Seuss, and BYU football.

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essay pros and cons of video games

Video Games Can Boost Your Mental Health – But There's a Catch

game controller in a person's hands

A study of almost 100,000 people in Japan aged 10 to 69 found playing video games – or even owning a console – can be good for mental health. But playing too much each day can harm wellbeing.

Video games and other forms of online media consumption are an everyday part of life .

Surveys have shown playing video games can have positive effects on stress levels and creativity . But concern remains about the potential negative effects on, for example, general wellbeing, aggressive behaviour and social development, especially for young people.

The World Health Organization lists gaming disorder as a mental health condition, and a severe social withdrawal condition called hikikomori has been described in Japan.

The new survey showed links between gaming and wellbeing and researchers found a way to show cause and effect – that even owning a gaming console improved wellbeing.

What the study found

The research was conducted between 2020 and 2022 – during the COVID pandemic . The researchers used measures of psychological distress and life satisfaction and asked 97,602 people in Japan about their gaming use.

The survey coincided with supply chain shortages. These led retailers to use a lottery system for the purchase of two consoles: Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 5. Of the overall survey group, 8,192 participated in the lottery.

Researchers compared the 2,323 lottery winners against those who did not win the opportunity to purchase one of the new consoles (over five rounds of surveys). They found those who won the lottery had improved distress scores and better life satisfaction.

The results were not all positive. Over time, the scores indicated drops in wellbeing for those who played more than three hours a day. Scores continued to drop for each additional time increment measured.

The study had some limitations.

Firstly, the survey was conducted when the COVID pandemic presented a particularly challenging time for mental health. It also brought changes in social, occupational and lifestyle behaviours.

The study focused mainly on general gaming habits without distinguishing between different types of games, which could have varying impacts on mental health.

Further, participants chose whether to enter the lottery, so it was not a random sample. And the study could not specifically attribute findings to the effects of playing video games versus the effects of winning the lottery.

Finally, we know self-reported studies are not always reliable .

Gaming pros and cons

We know from other surveys video games can be useful stress relievers and aid social connection (albeit online). We also know some games can improve particular cognitive skills such as visuo-spatial navigation and problem solving .

Games and technologies can also specifically target mental health issues , such as social anxiety or phobias, address ADHD symptoms and enhance motivation and performance.

Yet, concerns remain about possible long-term consequences, particularly in terms of reductions in "real-life" socialisation , participation in physical activity, school performance and other health consequences , including sleep and eating behaviours.

boy sits at computer screen at night

3 tips for positive gaming

While video games can offer some benefits, it's important to maintain a balanced approach to gaming. Here are a few tips to help manage gaming habits and promote overall wellbeing:

1. Set time limits

Encourage moderate gaming by setting clear time limits to ensure it doesn't interfere with sleep, physical activity or other important daily activities. The Australian institute of Family Studies recommends creating a media plan that includes limits on screen time and balances gaming with other activities.

2. Choose games wisely

Opt for games that are age-appropriate and consider their content. Some games can promote problem-solving skills and creativity , but it's important to be mindful of those that might encourage aggression or excessive competition.

3. Monitor eating and sleeping habits

Pay attention to eating patterns and ensure meals are not skipped in favour of gaming. Encourage regular sleep patterns and avoid gaming close to bedtime to prevent disruptions in sleep .

While the new study provides promising insights into the potential positive effects of video games on mental wellbeing, these findings should be approached with caution due to the limits of the survey.

Katarina Fritzon , Associate Professor of Psychology, Bond University ; Oliver Baumann , Associate professor of psychology, Bond University , and Peta Stapleton , Professor in Psychology, Bond University

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article .

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Does Video Gaming Have Impacts on the Brain: Evidence from a Systematic Review

Denilson brilliant t..

1 Department of Biomedicine, Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences (i3L), East Jakarta 13210, Indonesia

2 Smart Ageing Research Center (SARC), Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8575, Japan; (R.N.); (R.K.)

3 Department of Cognitive Health Science, Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer (IDAC), Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8575, Japan

Ryuta Kawashima

4 Department of Functional Brain Imaging, Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer (IDAC), Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8575, Japan

Video gaming, the experience of playing electronic games, has shown several benefits for human health. Recently, numerous video gaming studies showed beneficial effects on cognition and the brain. A systematic review of video gaming has been published. However, the previous systematic review has several differences to this systematic review. This systematic review evaluates the beneficial effects of video gaming on neuroplasticity specifically on intervention studies. Literature research was conducted from randomized controlled trials in PubMed and Google Scholar published after 2000. A systematic review was written instead of a meta-analytic review because of variations among participants, video games, and outcomes. Nine scientific articles were eligible for the review. Overall, the eligible articles showed fair quality according to Delphi Criteria. Video gaming affects the brain structure and function depending on how the game is played. The game genres examined were 3D adventure, first-person shooting (FPS), puzzle, rhythm dance, and strategy. The total training durations were 16–90 h. Results of this systematic review demonstrated that video gaming can be beneficial to the brain. However, the beneficial effects vary among video game types.

1. Introduction

Video gaming refers to the experience of playing electronic games, which vary from action to passive games, presenting a player with physical and mental challenges. The motivation to play video games might derive from the experience of autonomy or competing with others, which can explain why video gaming is pleasurable and addictive [ 1 ].

Video games can act as “teachers” depending on the game purpose [ 2 ]. Video gaming has varying effects depending on the game genre. For instance, an active video game can improve physical fitness [ 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 ], whereas social video games can improve social behavior [ 7 , 8 , 9 ]. The most interesting results show that playing video games can change cognition and the brain [ 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 ].

Earlier studies have demonstrated that playing video games can benefit cognition. Cross-sectional and longitudinal studies have demonstrated that the experience of video gaming is associated with better cognitive function, specifically in terms of visual attention and short-term memory [ 14 ], reaction time [ 15 ], and working memory [ 16 ]. Additionally, some randomized controlled studies show positive effects of video gaming interventions on cognition [ 17 , 18 ]. Recent meta-analytical studies have also supported the positive effects of video gaming on cognition [ 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 ]. These studies demonstrate that playing video games does provide cognitive benefits.

The effects of video gaming intervention are ever more widely discussed among scientists [ 13 ]. A review of the results and methodological quality of recently published intervention studies must be done. One systematic review of video gaming and neural correlates has been reported [ 19 ]. However, the technique of neuroimaging of the reviewed studies was not specific. This systematic review reviewed only magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies in contrast to the previous systematic review to focus on neuroplasticity effect. Neuroplasticity is capability of the brain that accommodates adaptation for learning, memorizing, and recovery purposes [ 19 ]. In normal adaptation, the brain is adapting to learn, remember, forget, and repair itself. Recent studies using MRI for brain imaging techniques have demonstrated neuroplasticity effects after an intervention, which include cognitive, exercise, and music training on the grey matter [ 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 ] and white matter [ 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 ]. However, the molecular mechanisms of the grey and white matter change remain inconclusive. The proposed mechanisms for the grey matter change are neurogenesis, gliogenesis, synaptogenesis, and angiogenesis, whereas those for white matter change are myelin modeling and formation, fiber organization, and angiogenesis [ 30 ]. Recent studies using MRI technique for brain imaging have demonstrated video gaming effects on neuroplasticity. Earlier imaging studies using cross-sectional and longitudinal methods have shown that playing video games affects the brain structure by changing the grey matter [ 31 , 32 , 33 ], white matter [ 34 , 35 ], and functional connectivity [ 36 , 37 , 38 , 39 ]. Additionally, a few intervention studies have demonstrated that playing video games changed brain structure and functions [ 40 , 41 , 42 , 43 ].

The earlier review also found a link between neural correlates of video gaming and cognitive function [ 19 ]. However, that review used both experimental and correlational studies and included non-healthy participants, which contrasts to this review. The differences between this and the previous review are presented in Table 1 . This review assesses only experimental studies conducted of healthy participants. Additionally, the cross-sectional and longitudinal studies merely showed an association between video gaming experiences and the brain, showing direct effects of playing video games in the brain is difficult. Therefore, this systematic review specifically examined intervention studies. This review is more specific as it reviews intervention and MRI studies on healthy participants. The purposes of this systematic review are therefore to evaluate the beneficial effects of video gaming and to assess the methodological quality of recent video gaming intervention studies.

Differences between previous review and current review.

DifferencePrevious ReviewCurrent Review
Type of reviewed studiesExperimental and correlational studiesExperimental studies only
Neuroimaging technique of reviewed studiesCT, fMRI, MEG, MRI, PET, SPECT, tDCS, EEG, and NIRSfMRI and MRI only
Participants of reviewed studiesHealthy and addicted participantHealthy participants Only

CT, computed tomography; fMRI, functional magnetic resonance imaging; MEG, magnetoencephalography MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; PET, positron emission tomography; SPECT, single photon emission computed tomography; tDCS, transcranial direct current stimulation; EEG, electroencephalography; NIRS, near-infrared spectroscopy.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. search strategy.

This systematic review was designed in accordance with the PRISMA checklist [ 44 ] shown in Appendix Table A1 . A literature search was conducted using PubMed and Google Scholar to identify relevant studies. The keywords used for the literature search were combinations of “video game”, “video gaming”, “game”, “action video game”, “video game training”, “training”, “play”, “playing”, “MRI”, “cognitive”, “cognition”, “executive function”, and “randomized control trial”.

2.2. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

The primary inclusion criteria were randomized controlled trial study, video game interaction, and MRI/fMRI analysis. Studies that qualified with only one or two primary inclusions were not included. Review papers and experimental protocols were also not included. The secondary inclusion criteria were publishing after 2000 and published in English. Excluded were duration of less than 4 weeks or unspecified length intervention or combination intervention. Also excluded were studies of cognition-based games, and studies of participants with psychiatric, cognitive, neurological, and medical disorders.

2.3. Quality Assessment

Each of the quality studies was assessed using Delphi criteria [ 45 ] with several additional elements [ 46 ]: details of allocation methods, adequate descriptions of control and training groups, statistical comparisons between control and training groups, and dropout reports. The respective total scores (max = 12) are shown in Table 3. The quality assessment also includes assessment for risk of bias, which is shown in criteria numbers 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, and 12.

2.4. Statistical Analysis

Instead of a meta-analysis study, a systematic review of the video game training/video gaming and the effects was conducted because of the variation in ranges of participant age, video game genre, control type, MRI and statistical analysis, and training outcomes. Therefore, the quality, inclusion and exclusion, control, treatment, game title, participants, training period, and MRI analysis and specification of the studies were recorded for the respective games.

The literature search made of the databases yielded 140 scientific articles. All scientific articles were screened based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Of those 140 scientific articles, nine were eligible for the review [ 40 , 41 , 42 , 43 , 47 , 48 , 49 , 50 , 51 ]. Video gaming effects are listed in Table 2 .

Summary of beneficial effect of video gaming.

AuthorYearParticipant AgeGame GenreControlDurationBeneficial Effect
Gleich et al. [ ]201718–363D adventurepassive8 weeksIncreased activity in hippocampus
Decreased activity in DLPFC
Haier et al. [ ]200912–15puzzlepassive3 monthsIncreased GM in several visual–spatial processing area
Decreased activity in frontal area
Kuhn et al. [ ]201419–293D adventurepassive8 weeksIncreased GM in hippocampal, DLPFC and cerebellum
Lee et al. [ ]201218–30strategyactive8–10 weeksDecreased activity in DLPFC
8–11 weeksNon-significant activity difference
Lorenz et al. [ ]201519–273D adventurepassive8 weeksPreserved activity in ventral striatum
Martinez et al. [ ]201316–21puzzlepassive4 weeksFunctional connectivity change in multimodal integration system
Functional connectivity change in higher-order executive processing
Roush [ ]201350–65rhythm danceactive24 weeksIncreased activity in visuospatial working memory area
Increased activity in emotional and attention area
passiveSimilar compared to active control-
West et al. [ ]201755–753D adventureactive24 weeksNon-significant GM difference
passiveIncreased cognitive performance and short-term memory
Increased GM in hippocampus and cerebellum
West et al. [ ]201818–29FPSactive8 weeksIncreased GM in hippocampus (spatial learner *)
Increased GM in amygdala (response learner *)
Decreased GM in hippocampus (response learner)

Duration was converted into weeks (1 month = 4 weeks); DLPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; GM, grey matter; FPS, first person shooting. * Participants were categorized based on how they played during the video gaming intervention.

We excluded 121 articles: 46 were not MRI studies, 16 were not controlled studies, 38 were not intervention studies, 13 were review articles, and eight were miscellaneous, including study protocols, non-video gaming studies, and non-brain studies. Of 18 included scientific articles, nine were excluded. Of those nine excluded articles, two were cognitive-based game studies, three were shorter than 4 weeks in duration or were without a specified length intervention, two studies used a non-healthy participant treatment, and one was a combination intervention study. A screening flowchart is portrayed in Figure 1 .

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is brainsci-09-00251-g001.jpg

Flowchart of literature search.

3.1. Quality Assessment

The assessment methodology based on Delphi criteria [ 45 ] for the quality of eligible studies is presented in Table 3 . The quality scores assigned to the studies were 3–9 (mean = 6.10; S.D. = 1.69). Overall, the studies showed fair methodological quality according to the Delphi criteria. The highest quality score of the nine eligible articles was assigned to “Playing Super Mario 64 increases hippocampal grey matter in older adult” published by West et al. in 2017, which scored 9 of 12. The scores assigned for criteria 6 (blinded care provider) and 7 (blinded patient) were lowest because of unspecified information related to blinding for those criteria. Additionally, criteria 2 (concealed allocation) and 5 (blinding assessor) were low because only two articles specified that information. All articles met criteria 3 and 4 adequately.

Methodological quality of eligible studies.

Gleich et al. [ ]20171011000001116
Haier et al. [ ]20091011000001105
Kuhn et al. [ ]20141011000001105
Lee et al. [ ]20120011000011116
Lorenz et al. [ ]20151011000101117
Martinez et al. [ ]20130011000000103
Roush [ ]20131111100011007
West et al. [ ]20171111000111119
West et al. [ ]20180011100111017
Score 629920034875

Q1, Random allocation; Q2, Concealed allocation; Q3, Similar baselines among groups; Q4, Eligibility specified; Q5, Blinded assessor outcome; Q6, Blinded care provider; Q7, Blinded patient; Q8, Intention-to-treat analysis; Q9, Detail of allocation method; Q10, Adequate description of each group; Q11, Statistical comparison between groups; Q12, Dropout report (1, specified; 0, unspecified).

3.2. Inclusion and Exclusion

Most studies included participants with little or no experience with gaming and excluded participants with psychiatric/mental, neurological, and medical illness. Four studies specified handedness of the participants and excluded participants with game training experience. The inclusion and exclusion criteria are presented in Table 4 .

Inclusion and exclusion criteria for eligible studies.

Gleich et al. [ ]201710011111
Haier et al. [ ]200910111100
Kuhn et al. [ ]201410011111
Lee et al. [ ]201211011010
Lorenz et al. [ ]201511010011
Martinez et al. [ ]201311111001
Roush [ ]201300100100
West et al. [ ]201711011110
West et al. [ ]201810011100
total 84387654

i1, Little/no experience in video gaming; i2, Right-handed; i3, Sex-specific; e1, Psychiatric/mental illness; e2, Neurological illness; e3, Medical illness; e4, MRI contraindication; e5, experience in game training.

3.3. Control Group

Nine eligible studies were categorized as three types based on the control type. Two studies used active control, five studies used passive control, and two studies used both active and passive control. A summary of the control group is presented in Table 5 .

Control group examined eligible studies.

Active controlLee et al. [ ]2012
West et al. [ ]2018
Passive controlGleich et al. [ ]2017
Haier et al. [ ]2009
Kuhn et al. [ ]2014
Lorenz et al. [ ]2015
Martinez et al. [ ]2013
Active–passive controlRoush [ ]2013
West et al. [ ]2017

3.4. Game Title and Genre

Of the nine eligible studies, four used the same 3D adventure game with different game platforms, which were “Super Mario 64” original and the DS version. One study used first-person shooting (FPS) shooting games with many different game titles: “Call of Duty” is one title. Two studies used puzzle games: “Tetris” and “Professor Layton and The Pandora’s Box.” One study used a rhythm dance game: Dance Revolution. One study used a strategy game: “Space Fortress.” Game genres are presented in Table 6 .

Genres and game titles of video gaming intervention.

3D adventureGleich et al. [ ]2017Super Mario 64 DS
Kuhn et al. [ ]2014Super Mario 64
Lorenz et al. [ ]2015Super Mario 64 DS
West et al. [ ]2017Super Mario 64
FPSWest et al. * [ ]2018Call of Duty
PuzzleHaier et al. [ ]2009Tetris
Martinez et al. [ ]2013Professor Layton and The Pandora’s Box
Rhythm danceRoush [ ]2013Dance Revolution
StrategyLee et al. [ ]2012Space Fortress

* West et al. used multiple games; other games are Call of Duty 2, 3, Black Ops, and World at War, Killzone 2 and 3, Battlefield 2, 3, and 4, Resistance 2 and Fall of Man, and Medal of Honor.

3.5. Participants and Sample Size

Among the nine studies, one study examined teenage participants, six studies included young adult participants, and two studies assessed older adult participants. Participant information is shown in Table 7 . Numbers of participants were 20–75 participants (mean = 43.67; S.D. = 15.63). Three studies examined female-only participants, whereas six others used male and female participants. Six studies with female and male participants had more female than male participants.

Participant details of eligible studies.

CategoryAuthorYearAgeSample SizeRatio (%)Detail
TeenagerHaier et al. [ ]2009121534470.4529.54Training ( 24)
Control ( 20)
Young adultGleich et al. [ ]2017183618261000Training ( 15)
Control ( 11)
Kuhn et al. [ ]20141929104870.829.2Training ( 23)
Control ( 25)
Lee et al. [ ]20121830127561.438.6Training A ( 25)
Training B ( 25)
Control ( 25)
Lorenz et al. [ ]201519278507228Training ( 25
Control ( 25)
Martinez et al. [ ]201316215201000Training ( 10)
Control ( 10)
West et al. [ ]20181829114367.432.5Action game ( 21)
Non-action game ( 22)
Older adultRoush [ ]2013506515391000Training ( 19)
Active control ( 15)
Passive control ( 5)
West et al. [ ]20175575204866.733.3Training ( 19)
Active control ( 14)
Passive control ( 15)

3.6. Training Period and Intensity

The training period was 4–24 weeks (mean = 11.49; S.D. = 6.88). One study by Lee et al. had two length periods and total hours because the study examined video game training of two types. The total training hours were 16–90 h (mean = 40.63; S.D. = 26.22), whereas the training intensity was 1.5–10.68 h/week (mean = 4.96; S.D. = 3.00). One study did not specify total training hours. Two studies did not specify the training intensity. The training periods and intensities are in Table 8 .

Periods and intensities of video gaming intervention.

AuthorYearLength (Week)Total HoursAverage Intensity (h/Week)
Gleich et al. [ ]2017849.56.2
Haier et al. [ ]200912181.5
Kuhn et al. [ ]2014846.885.86
Lorenz et al. [ ]20128283.5
Lee et al. [ ]20158–11 *27n/a
Martinez et al. [ ]20134164
Roush [ ]201324nsn/a
West et al. [ ]201724723
West et al. [ ]20188.49010.68

The training length was converted into weeks (1 month = 4 weeks). ns, not specified; n/a, not available; * exact length is not available.

3.7. MRI Analysis and Specifications

Of nine eligible studies, one study used resting-state MRI analysis, three studies (excluding that by Haier et al. [ 40 ]) used structural MRI analysis, and five studies used task-based MRI analysis. A study by Haier et al. used MRI analyses of two types [ 40 ]. A summary of MRI analyses is presented in Table 9 . The related resting-state, structural, and task-based MRI specifications are presented in Table 10 , Table 11 and Table 12 respectively.

MRI analysis details of eligible studies.

MRI AnalysisAuthorYearContrastStatistical ToolStatistical Method Value
RestingMartinez et al. [ ]2013(post- > pre-training) > (post>pre-control)MATLAB; SPM8TFCE uncorrected<0.005
StructuralHaier et al. * [ ]2009(post>pre-training) > (post>pre-control)MATLAB 7; SurfStatFWE corrected<0.005
Kuhn et al. [ ]2014(post>pre-training) > (post>pre-control)VBM8; SPM8FWE corrected<0.001
West et al. [ ]2017(post>pre-training) > (post>pre-control)BpipeUncorrected<0.0001
West et al. [ ]2018(post>pre-training) > (post>pre-control)BpipeBonferroni corrected<0.001
TaskGleich et al. [ ]2017(post>pre-training) > (post>pre-control)SPM12Monte Carlo corrected<0.05
Haier et al. * [ ]2009(post>pre-training) > (post>pre-control)SPM7FDR corrected<0.05
Lee et al. [ ]2012(post>pre-training) > (post>pre-control)FSL; FEATuncorrected<0.01
Lorenz et al. [ ]2015(post>pre-training) > (post>pre-control)SPM8Monte Carlo corrected<0.05
Roush [ ]2013post>pre-trainingMATLAB 7; SPM8uncorrected=0.001

* Haier et al. conducted structural and task analyses. + Compared pre-training and post-training between groups without using contrast. TFCE, Threshold Free Cluster Enhancement; FEW, familywise error rate; FDR, false discovery rate.

Resting-State MRI specifications of eligible studies.

AuthorYearResting StateStructural
ImagingTR (s)TE (ms)SliceImagingTR (s)TE (ms)Slice
] 2013gradient-echo planar image328.136T1-weighted0.924.2158

Structural MRI specifications of eligible studies.

AuthorYearImagingTR (s)TE (ms)
Kuhn et al. [ ]20143D T1 weighted MPRAGE2.54.77
West et al. [ ]20173D gradient echo MPRAGE2.32.91
West et al. [ ]20183D gradient echo MPRAGE2.32.91

Task-Based MRI specifications of eligible studies.

ImagingTR (s)TE (ms)SliceImagingTR (s)TE (ms)Slice
Gleich et al. [ ]2017win–loss paradigmT2 echo-planar image23036T1-weighted2.54.77176
Haier et al. [ ]2009TetrisFunctional echo planar 229ns5-echo MPRAGE2.531.64; 3.5; 5.36; 7.22; 9.08ns
Lee et al. [ ]2012game controlfast echo-planar image225nsT1-weighted MPRAGE1.83.87144
Lorenz et al. [ ]2015slot machine paradigmT2 echo-planar image23036T1-weighted MPRAGE2.54.77ns
Roush [ ]2013digit symbol substitutionfast echo-planar image22534diffusion weighted imagensnsns

All analyses used 3 Tesla magnetic force; TR = repetition time; TE = echo time, ns = not specified.

4. Discussion

This literature review evaluated the effect of noncognitive-based video game intervention on the cognitive function of healthy people. Comparison of studies is difficult because of the heterogeneities of participant ages, beneficial effects, and durations. Comparisons are limited to studies sharing factors.

4.1. Participant Age

Video gaming intervention affects all age categories except for the children category. The exception derives from a lack of intervention studies using children as participants. The underlying reason for this exception is that the brain is still developing until age 10–12 [ 52 , 53 ]. Among the eligible studies were a study investigating adolescents [ 40 ], six studies investigating young adults [ 41 , 42 , 43 , 47 , 49 , 51 ] and two studies investigating older adults [ 48 , 50 ].

Differences among study purposes underlie the differences in participant age categories. The study by Haier et al. was intended to study adolescents because the category shows the most potential brain changes. The human brain is more sensitive to synaptic reorganization during the adolescent period [ 54 ]. Generally, grey matter decreases whereas white matter increases during the adolescent period [ 55 , 56 ]. By contrast, the cortical surface of the brain increases despite reduction of grey matter [ 55 , 57 ]. Six studies were investigating young adults with the intention of studying brain changes after the brain reaches maturity. The human brain reaches maturity during the young adult period [ 58 ]. Two studies were investigating older adults with the intention of combating difficulties caused by aging. The human brain shrinks as age increases [ 56 , 59 ], which almost invariably leads to declining cognitive function [ 59 , 60 ].

4.2. Beneficial Effects

Three beneficial outcomes were observed using MRI method: grey matter change [ 40 , 42 , 50 ], brain activity change [ 40 , 43 , 47 , 48 , 49 ], and functional connectivity change [ 41 ]. The affected brain area corresponds to how the respective games were played.

Four studies of 3D video gaming showed effects on the structure of hippocampus, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), cerebellum [ 42 , 43 , 50 ], and DLPFC [ 43 ] and ventral striatum activity [ 49 ]. In this case, the hippocampus is used for memory [ 61 ] and scene recognition [ 62 ], whereas the DLPFC and cerebellum are used for working memory function for information manipulation and problem-solving processes [ 63 ]. The grey matter of the corresponding brain region has been shown to increase during training [ 20 , 64 ]. The increased grey matter of the hippocampus, DLPFC, and cerebellum are associated with better performance in reference and working memory [ 64 , 65 ].

The reduced activity of DLPFC found in the study by Gleich et al. corresponds to studies that showed reduced brain activity associated with brain training [ 66 , 67 , 68 , 69 ]. Decreased activity of the DLPFC after training is associated with efficiency in divergent thinking [ 70 ]. 3D video gaming also preserved reward systems by protecting the activity of the ventral striatum [ 71 ].

Two studies of puzzle gaming showed effects on the structure of the visual–spatial processing area, activity of the frontal area, and functional connectivity change. The increased grey matter of the visual–spatial area and decreased activity of the frontal area are similar to training-associated grey matter increase [ 20 , 64 ] and activity decrease [ 66 , 67 , 68 , 69 ]. In this case, visual–spatial processing and frontal area are used constantly for spatial prediction and problem-solving of Tetris. Functional connectivity of the multimodal integration and the higher-order executive system in the puzzle solving-based gaming of Professor Layton game corresponds to studies which demonstrated training-associated functional connectivity change [ 72 , 73 ]. Good functional connectivity implies better performance [ 73 ].

Strategy gaming affects the DLPFC activity, whereas rhythm gaming affects the activity of visuospatial working memory, emotional, and attention area. FPS gaming affects the structure of the hippocampus and amygdala. Decreased DLPFC activity is similar to training-associated activity decrease [ 66 , 67 , 68 , 69 ]. A study by Roush demonstrated increased activity of visuospatial working memory, emotion, and attention area, which might occur because of exercise and gaming in the Dance Revolution game. Results suggest that positive activations indicate altered functional areas by complex exercise [ 48 ]. The increased grey matter of the hippocampus and amygdala are similar to the training-associated grey matter increase [ 20 , 64 ]. The hippocampus is used for 3D navigation purposes in the FPS world [ 61 ], whereas the amygdala is used to stay alert during gaming [ 74 ].

4.3. Duration

Change of the brain structure and function was observed after 16 h of video gaming. The total durations of video gaming were 16–90 h. However, the gaming intensity must be noted because the gaming intensity varied: 1.5–10.68 h per week. The different intensities might affect the change of cognitive function. Cognitive intervention studies demonstrated intensity effects on the cortical thickness of the brain [ 75 , 76 ]. A similar effect might be observed in video gaming studies. More studies must be conducted to resolve how the intensity can be expected to affect cognitive function.

4.4. Criteria

Almost all studies used inclusion criteria “little/no experience with video games.” The criterion was used to reduce the factor of gaming-related experience on the effects of video gaming. Some of the studies also used specific handedness and specific sex of participants to reduce the variation of brain effects. Expertise and sex are shown to affect brain activity and structure [ 77 , 78 , 79 , 80 ]. The exclusion criterion of “MRI contraindication” is used for participant safety for the MRI protocol, whereas exclusion criteria of “psychiatric/mental illness”, “neurological illness”, and “medical illness” are used to standardize the participants.

4.5. Limitations and Recommendations

Some concern might be raised about the quality of methodology, assessed using Delphi criteria [ 45 ]. The quality was 3–9 (mean = 6.10; S.D. = 1.69). Low quality in most papers resulted from unspecified information corresponding to the criteria. Quality improvements for the studies must be performed related to the low quality of methodology. Allocation concealment, assessor blinding, care provider blinding, participant blinding, intention-to-treat analysis, and allocation method details must be improved in future studies.

Another concern is blinding and control. This type of study differs from medical studies in which patients can be blinded easily. In studies of these types, the participants were tasked to do either training as an active control group or to do nothing as a passive control group. The participants can expect something from the task. The expectation might affect the outcomes of the studies [ 81 , 82 , 83 ]. Additionally, the waiting-list control group might overestimate the outcome of training [ 84 ].

Considering the sample size, which was 20–75 (mean = 43.67; S.D. = 15.63), the studies must be upscaled to emphasize video gaming effects. There are four phases of clinical trials that start from the early stage and small-scale phase 1 to late stage and large-scale phase 3 and end in post-marketing observation phase 4. These four phases are used for drug clinical trials, according to the food and drug administration (FDA) [ 85 ]. Phase 1 has the purpose of revealing the safety of treatment with around 20–100 participants. Phase 2 has the purpose of elucidating the efficacy of the treatment with up to several hundred participants. Phase 3 has the purpose of revealing both efficacy and safety among 300–3000 participants. The final phase 4 has the purpose of finding unprecedented adverse effects of treatment after marketing. However, because medical studies and video gaming intervention studies differ in terms of experimental methods, slight modifications can be done for adaptation to video gaming studies.

Several unresolved issues persist in relation to video gaming intervention. First, no studies assessed chronic/long-term video gaming. The participants might lose their motivation to play the same game over a long time, which might affect the study outcomes [ 86 ]. Second, meta-analyses could not be done because the game genres are heterogeneous. To ensure homogeneity of the study, stricter criteria must be set. However, this step would engender a third limitation. Third, randomized controlled trial video gaming studies that use MRI analysis are few. More studies must be conducted to assess the effects of video gaming. Fourth, the eligible studies lacked cognitive tests to validate the cognitive change effects for training. Studies of video gaming intervention should also include a cognitive test to ascertain the relation between cognitive function and brain change.

5. Conclusions

The systematic review has several conclusions related to beneficial effects of noncognitive-based video games. First, noncognitive-based video gaming can be used in all age categories as a means to improve the brain. However, effects on children remain unclear. Second, noncognitive-based video gaming affects both structural and functional aspects of the brain. Third, video gaming effects were observed after a minimum of 16 h of training. Fourth, some methodology criteria must be improved for better methodological quality. In conclusion, acute video gaming of a minimum of 16 h is beneficial for brain function and structure. However, video gaming effects on the brain area vary depending on the video game type.


We would like to thank all our other colleagues in IDAC, Tohoku University for their support.

PRISMA Checklist of the literature review.

Section/Topic #Checklist Item Reported on Page #
Title 1Identify the report as a systematic review, meta-analysis, or both. 1
Structured summary 2Provide a structured summary including, as applicable: background; objectives; data sources; study eligibility criteria, participants, and interventions; study appraisal and synthesis methods; results; limitations; conclusions and implications of key findings; systematic review registration number. 1
Rationale 3Describe the rationale for the review in the context of what is already known. 1, 2
Objectives 4Provide an explicit statement of questions being addressed related to participants, interventions, comparisons, outcomes, and study design (PICOS). 2
Protocol and registration 5Indicate if a review protocol exists, if and where it is accessible (e.g., Web address), and if available, provide registration information including registration number. 2
Eligibility criteria 6Specify study characteristics (e.g., PICOS, length of follow-up) and report characteristics (e.g., years considered, language, publication status) used as criteria for eligibility, giving rationale. 2
Information sources 7Describe all information sources (e.g., databases with dates of coverage, contact with study authors to identify additional studies) in the search and date last searched. 2
Search 8Present full electronic search strategy for at least one database, including any limits used, such that it could be repeated. 2
Study selection 9State the process for selecting studies (i.e., screening, eligibility, included in systematic review, and if applicable, included in the meta-analysis). 3
Data collection process 10Describe method of data extraction from reports (e.g., piloted forms, independently, in duplicate) and any processes for obtaining and confirming data from investigators. 3
Data items 11List and define all variables for which data were sought (e.g., PICOS, funding sources) and any assumptions and simplifications made. 3
Risk of bias in individual studies 12Describe methods used for assessing risk of bias of individual studies (including specification of whether this was done at the study or outcome level), and how this information is to be used in any data synthesis. 2
Summary measures 13State the principal summary measures (e.g., risk ratio, difference in means). -
Synthesis of results 14Describe the methods of handling data and combining results of studies, if done, including measures of consistency (e.g., I ) for each meta-analysis. -
Risk of bias across studies 15Specify any assessment of risk of bias that might affect the cumulative evidence (e.g., publication bias, selective reporting within studies). -
Additional analyses 16Describe methods of additional analyses (e.g., sensitivity or subgroup analyses, meta-regression), if done, indicating which were pre-specified. -
Study selection 17Give numbers of studies screened, assessed for eligibility, and included in the review, with reasons for exclusions at each stage, ideally with a flow diagram. 3,5
Study characteristics 18For each study, present characteristics for which data were extracted (e.g., study size, PICOS, follow-up period) and provide the citations. 5-11
Risk of bias within studies 19Present data on risk of bias of each study, and if available, any outcome level assessment (see item 12). 5,6
Results of individual studies 20For all outcomes considered (benefits or harms), present, for each study: (a) simple summary data for each intervention group (b) effect estimates and confidence intervals, ideally with a forest plot. 4
Synthesis of results 21Present results of each meta-analysis done, including confidence intervals and measures of consistency. -
Risk of bias across studies 22Present results of any assessment of risk of bias across studies (see Item 15). -
Additional analysis 23Give results of additional analyses, if done (e.g., sensitivity or subgroup analyses, meta-regression [see Item 16]). -
Summary of evidence 24Summarize the main findings including the strength of evidence for each main outcome; consider their relevance to key groups (e.g., healthcare providers, users, and policy makers). 12,13
Limitations 25Discuss limitations at study and outcome level (e.g., risk of bias), and at review-level (e.g., incomplete retrieval of identified research, reporting bias). 13
Conclusions 26Provide a general interpretation of the results in the context of other evidence, and implications for future research. 14
Funding 27Describe sources of funding for the systematic review and other support (e.g., supply of data); role of funders for the systematic review. 14

For more information, visit: .

Author Contributions

D.B.T., R.N., and R.K. designed the systematic review. D.B.T. and R.N. searched and selected the papers. D.B.T. and R.N. wrote the manuscript with R.K. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. D.B.T. and R.N. contributed equally to this work.

Study is supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 17H06046 (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas) and 16KT0002 (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)).

Conflicts of Interest

None of the other authors has any conflict of interest to declare. Funding sources are not involved in the study design, collection, analysis, interpretation of data, or writing of the study report.

essay pros and cons of video games

Do Violent Video Games Contribute to Youth Violence?

Around 73% of American kids age 2-17 played  video games  in 2019, a 6% increase over 2018. Video games accounted for 17% of kids’ entertainment time and 11% of their entertainment spending. The global video game industry was worth contributing $159.3 billion in 2020, a 9.3% increase of 9.3% from 2019.

Violent video games have been blamed for school shootings , increases in bullying , and violence towards women. Critics argue that these games desensitize players to violence, reward players for simulating violence, and teach children that violence is an acceptable way to resolve conflicts.

Video game advocates contend that a majority of the research on the topic is deeply flawed and that no causal relationship has been found between video games and social violence. They argue that violent video games may provide a safe outlet for aggressive and angry feelings and may reduce crime. Read more background…

Pro & Con Arguments

Pro 1 Playing violent video games causes more aggression, bullying, and fighting. 60% of middle school boys and 40% of middle school girls who played at least one Mature-rated (M-rated) game hit or beat up someone, compared with 39% of boys and 14% of girls who did not play M-rated games. [ 2 ] A peer-reviewed study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that habitual violent video game playing had a causal link with increased, long-term, aggressive behavior. [ 63 ] Several peer-reviewed studies have shown that children who play M-rated games are more likely to bully and cyberbully their peers, get into physical fights, be hostile, argue with teachers, and show aggression towards their peers throughout the school year. [ 2 ] [ 31 ] [ 60 ] [ 61 ] [ 67 ] [ 73 ] [ 76 ] [ 80 ] Read More
Pro 2 Simulating violence such as shooting guns and hand-to-hand combat in video games can cause real-life violent behavior. Video games often require players to simulate violent actions, such as stabbing, shooting, or dismembering someone with an ax, sword, chainsaw, or other weapons. [ 23 ] Game controllers are so sophisticated and the games are so realistic that simulating the violent acts enhances the learning of those violent behaviors. [ 23 ] A peer-reviewed study found “compelling evidence that the use of realistic controllers can have a significant effect on the level of cognitive aggression.” [ 118 ] Two teenagers in Tennessee who shot at passing cars and killed one driver told police they got the idea from playing Grand Theft Auto III . [ 48 ] Bruce Bartholow, professor of psychology at the University of Missouri, spoke about the effects of simulating violence: “More than any other media, these [violent] video games encourage active participation in violence. From a psychological perspective, video games are excellent teaching tools because they reward players for engaging in certain types of behavior. Unfortunately, in many popular video games, the behavior is violence.” [ 53 ] Read More
Pro 3 Many perpetrators of mass shootings played violent video games. Kevin McCarthy, former U.S. Representative (R-CA), states: “But the idea of these video games that dehumanize individuals to have a game of shooting individuals and others – I’ve always felt that is a problem for future generations and others. We’ve watched from studies shown before of what it does to individuals. When you look at these photos of how it [mass shootings] took place, you can see the actions within video games and others.” [ 146 ] Many mass shootings have been carried out by avid video game players: Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold in the Columbine High School shooting (1999); James Holmes in the Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooting (2012); Jared Lee Loughner in the Arizona shooting that injured Rep. Gabby Giffords and killed six others (2011); and Anders Breivik, who killed 77 people in Norway (2011) and admitted to using the game Modern Warfare 2 for training. [ 43 ] [ 53 ] An FBI school shooter threat assessment stated that a student who makes threats of violence should be considered more credible if he or she also spends “inordinate amounts of time playing video games with violent themes.” [ 25 ] Dan Patrick, Republican Lieutenant Governor of Texas, stated: “We’ve always had guns, always had evil, but I see a video game industry that teaches young people to kill.” [ 145 ] Read More
Pro 4 Violent video games desensitize players to real-life violence. Desensitization to violence was defined in a Journal of Experimental Social Psychology peer-reviewed study as “a reduction in emotion-related physiological reactivity to real violence.” [ 51 ] [ 111 ] [ 112 ] The study found that just 20 minutes of playing a violent video game “can cause people to become less physiologically aroused by real violence.” People desensitized to violence are more likely to commit a violent act. [ 51 ] [ 111 ] [ 112 ] By age 18, American children will have seen 16,000 murders and 200,000 acts of violence depicted in violent video games, movies, and television. [ 110 ] A peer-reviewed study found a causal link between violent video game exposure and an increase in aggression as a result of a reduction in the brain’s response to depictions of real-life violence. [ 52 ] Studies have found reduced emotional and physiological responses to violence in both the long and short term. [ 55 ] [ 58 ] In a peer-reviewed study, violent video game exposure was linked to reduced P300 amplitudes in the brain, which is associated with desensitization to violence and increases in aggressive behavior. [ 24 ] Read More
Pro 5 By inhabiting violent characters in video games, children are more likely to imitate the behaviors of those characters and have difficulty distinguishing reality from fantasy. Violent video games require active participation and identification with violent characters, which reinforces violent behavior. Young children are more likely to confuse fantasy violence with real world violence, and without a framework for ethical decision making, they may mimic the actions they see in violent video games. [ 59 ] [ 4 ] Child Development and Early Childhood Education expert Jane Katch stated in an interview with Education Week , “I found that young children often have difficulty separating fantasy from reality when they are playing and can temporarily believe they are the character they are pretending to be.” [ 124 ] U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer wrote in his dissent in Brown v. ESA that “the closer a child’s behavior comes, not to watching, but to acting out horrific violence, the greater the potential psychological harm.” [ 124 ] Read More
Pro 6 Exposure to violent video games is linked to lower empathy and decreased kindness. Empathy, the ability to understand and enter into another’s feelings is believed to inhibit aggressive behavior. In a study of 150 fourth and fifth graders by Jeanne Funk, professor of psychology at the University of Toledo, violent video games were the only type of media associated with lower empathy. [ 32] A study published in the American Psychological Association’s Psychological Bulletin found that exposure to violent video games led to a lack of empathy and prosocial behavior (positive actions that benefit others). [ 65] [ 66] Eight independent tests measuring the impact of violent video games on prosocial behavior found a significant negative effect, leading to the conclusion that “exposure to violent video games is negatively correlated with helping in the real world.” [ 61] Several studies have found that children with high exposure to violent media display lower moral reasoning skills than their peers without that exposure. [ 32] [ 69] A meta-analysis of 130 international studies with over 130,000 participants concluded that violent video games “increase aggressive thoughts, angry feelings, and aggressive behaviors, and decrease empathic feelings and prosocial behaviors.” [ 123] Read More
Pro 7 Video games that portray violence against women lead to more harmful attitudes and sexually violent actions towards women. A peer-reviewed study published in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence found that video games that sexually objectify women and feature violence against women led to a statistically significant increase in rape-supportive attitudes, which are attitudes that are hostile towards rape victims. [ 68 ] Another study found that 21% of games sampled involved violence against women, while 28% portrayed them as sex objects. [ 23 ] Exposure to sexual violence in video games is linked to increases in violence towards women and false attitudes about rape, such as that women incite men to rape or that women secretly desire rape. [ 30 ] Carole Lieberman, a media psychiatrist, stated, “The more video games a person plays that have violent sexual content, the more likely one is to become desensitized to violent sexual acts and commit them.” [ 64 ] Target Australia stopped selling Grand Theft Auto V in response to customer complaints about the game’s depiction of women, which includes the option to kill a prostitute to get your money back. [ 70 ] Read More
Pro 8 Violent video games reinforce fighting as a means of dealing with conflict by rewarding the use of violent action with increased life force, more weapons, moving on to higher levels, and more. Studies suggest that when violence is rewarded in video games, players exhibit increased aggressive behavior compared to players of video games where violence is punished. [ 23 ] [ 59 ] The reward structure is one distinguishing factor between violent video games and other violent media such as movies and television shows, which do not reward viewers nor allow them to actively participate in violence. [ 23 ] [ 59 ] An analysis of 81 video games rated for teens ages 13 and up found that 73 games (90%) rewarded injuring other characters, and 56 games (69%) rewarded killing. [ 71 ] [ 72 ] People who played a video game that rewarded violence showed higher levels of aggressive behavior and aggressive cognition as compared with people who played a version of the same game that was competitive but either did not contain violence or punished violence. [ 71 ] [ 72 ] Read More
Pro 9 The US military uses violent video games to train soldiers to kill. The U.S. Marine Corps licensed Doom II in 1996 to create Marine Doom in order to train soldiers. In 2002, the U.S. Army released first-person shooter game America’s Army to recruit soldiers and prepare recruits for the battlefield. [ 6 ] While the military may benefit from training soldiers to kill using video games, kids who are exposed to these games lack the discipline and structure of the armed forces and may become more susceptible to being violent. [ 79 ] Dave Grossman, retired lieutenant colonel in the United States Army and former West Point psychology professor, stated: “[T]hrough interactive point-and-shoot video games, modern nations are indiscriminately introducing to their children the same weapons technology that major armies and law enforcement agencies around the world use to ‘turn off’ the midbrain ‘safety catch’” that prevents most people from killing. [ 77 ] Read More
Con 1 Studies have shown violent video games may cause aggression, not violence. Further, any competitive video game or activity may cause aggression. Lauren Farrar, producer for KQED Learning’s YouTube series Above the Noise , stated: “Often times after tragic mass shooting, we hear politicians turn the blame to violent video games, but the reality is that the research doesn’t really support that claim… In general, violence usually refers to physical harm or physical acts that hurt someone– like hitting, kicking, punching, and pushing. Aggression is a more broad term that refers to angry or hostile thoughts, feelings or behaviors. So everything that is violent is aggressive, but not everything that is aggressive is violent. For example, getting frustrated, yelling, talking back, arguing those are all aggressive behaviors, but they aren’t violent. The research on the effects of violent video games and behavior often looks at these milder forms of aggressive behavior.” [ 140 ] A peer-reviewed study in Psychology of Violence determined that the competitive nature of a video game was related to aggressive behavior, regardless of whether the game contained violent content. The researchers concluded: “Because past studies have failed to equate the violent and nonviolent video games on competitiveness, difficulty, and pace of action simultaneously, researchers may have attributed too much of the variability in aggression to the violent content.” [ 125 ] A follow-up study tracked high school students for four years and came to the same conclusion: the competitive nature of the games led to the increased hostile behavior. [ 126 ] Read More
Con 2 Violent video games are a convenient scapegoat for those who would rather not deal with the actual causes of violence in the US. Patrick Markey, psychology professor at Villanova University, stated: “The general story is people who play video games right after might be a little hopped up and jerky but it doesn’t fundamentally alter who they are. It is like going to see a sad movie. It might make you cry but it doesn’t make you clinically depressed… Politicians on both sides go after video games it is this weird unifying force. It makes them look like they are doing something… They [violent video games] look scary. But research just doesn’t support that there’s a link [to violent behavior].” [ 138 ] Markey also explained, “Because video games are disproportionately blamed as a culprit for mass shootings committed by White perpetrators, video game ‘blaming’ can be viewed as flagging a racial issue. This is because there is a stereotypical association between racial minorities and violent crime.” [ 141 ] Andrew Przybylski, associate professor, and director of research at the Oxford Internet Institute at Oxford University, stated: “Games have only become more realistic. The players of games and violent games have only become more diverse. And they’re played all around the world now. But the only place where you see this kind of narrative still hold any water, that games and violence are related to each other, is in the United States. [And, by blaming video games for violence,] we reduce the value of the political discourse on the topic, because we’re looking for easy answers instead of facing hard truths.” [ 139 ] Hillary Clinton, Former Secretary of State and First Lady, tweeted, “People suffer from mental illness in every other country on earth; people play video games in virtually every other country on earth. The difference is the guns.” [ 142 ] Read More
Con 3 Simple statistics do not support the claim that violent video games cause mass shootings or other violence. Katherine Newman, dean of arts and sciences at Johns Hopkins University, explained: “Millions of young people play video games full of fistfights, blazing guns, and body slams… Yet only a minuscule fraction of the consumers become violent.” [ 84 ] [ 86 ] [ 87 ] [ 91 ] [ 92 ] A report by the U.S. Secret Service and U.S. Department of Education examined 37 incidents of targeted school violence between 1974 and 2000. Of the 41 attackers studied, 27% had an interest in violent movies, 24% in violent books, and 37% exhibited interest in their own violent writings, while only 12% showed interest in violent video games. The report did not find a relationship between playing violent video games and school shootings. [ 35 ] Patrick M. Markey, director of the Interpersonal Research Laboratory at Villanova University, stated, “90% of young males play video games. Finding that a young man who committed a violent crime also played a popular video game, such as Call of Duty, Halo, or Grand Theft Auto, is as pointless as pointing out that the criminal also wore socks.” [ 84 ] Further, gun violence is less prevalent in countries with high video game use. A study of the countries representing the 10 largest video game markets internationally found no correlation between playing video games and gun-related killings. Even though US gun violence is high, the nine other countries with the highest video game usage have some of the lowest violent crime rates (and eight of those countries spend more per capita on video games than the United States). [ 97 ] Read More
Con 4 As sales of violent video games have significantly increased, violent juvenile crime rates have significantly decreased. In 2019, juvenile arrests for violent crimes were at an all-time low, a decline of 50% since 2006. Meanwhile, video game sales set a record in Mar. 2020, with Americans spending $5.6 billion on video game hardware, accessories, and assorted content. Both statistics continue a years-long trend. [ 143 ] [ 144 ] Total U.S. sales of video game hardware and software increased 204% from 1994 to 2014, reaching $13.1 billion in 2014, while violent crimes decreased 37% and murders by juveniles acting alone fell 76% in that same period. [ 82 ] [ 83 ] [ 133 ] [ 134 ] [ 135 ] The number of high school students who had been in at least one physical fight decreased from 43% in 1991 to 25% in 2013, and student reports of criminal victimization at school dropped by more than half from 1995 to 2011. [ 106 ] [ 107 ] A peer-reviewed study found that: “Monthly sales of video games were related to concurrent decreases in aggravated assaults.” [ 84 ] Read More
Con 5 Studies have shown that violent video games can have a positive effect on kindness, civic engagement, and prosocial behaviors. Research shows that playing violent video games can induce a feeling of guilt that leads to increased prosocial behavior (positive actions that benefit others) in the real world. [ 104 ] A study published in Computers in Human Behavior discovered that youths exposed to violence in action games displayed more prosocial behavior and civic engagement, “possibly due to the team-oriented multiplayer options in many of these games.” [ 103 ] Read More
Con 6 Many risk factors are associated with youth violence, but video games are not among them. The U.S. Surgeon General’s list of risk factors for youth violence included abusive parents, poverty, neglect, neighborhood crime, being male, substance use, and mental health problems, but not video games. [ 118 ] A peer-reviewed study even found a “real and significant” effect of hot weather on homicides and aggravated assaults, showing that heat is a risk factor for violence. [ 124 ] Read More
Con 7 Violent video game players know the difference between virtual violence in the context of a game and appropriate behavior in the real world. By age seven, children can distinguish fantasy from reality, and can tell the difference between video game violence and real-world violence. [ 99 ] [ 100 ] Video game players understand they are playing a game. Kids see fantasy violence all the time, from Harry Potter and the Minions to Bugs Bunny and Tom and Jerry. Their ability to distinguish between fantasy and reality prevents them from emulating video game violence in real life. [ 9 ] Exposure to fantasy is important for kids. Fisher-Price toy company stated: “Pretending is more than play: it’s a major part of a child’s development. Fantasy not only develops creative thinking, it’s also a way for children to deal with situations and problems that concern them.” [108] Read More
Con 8 Violent video games provide opportunities for children to explore consequences of violent actions, develop their moral compasses and release their stress and anger (catharsis) in the game, leading to less real world aggression. Violent games allow youth to experiment with moral issues such as war, violence, and death without real world consequences. A researcher at the Harvard Medical School Center for Mental Health and Media wrote about her research: “One unexpected theme that came up multiple times in our focus groups was a feeling among boys that violent games can teach moral lessons… Many war-themed video games allow or require players to take the roles of soldiers from different sides of a conflict, perhaps making players more aware of the costs of war.” [ 2 ] [ 38 ] A peer-reviewed study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health found that children, especially boys, play video games as a means of managing their emotions: “61.9% of boys played to ‘help me relax,’ 47.8% because ‘it helps me forget my problems,’ and 45.4% because ‘it helps me get my anger out.” [ 37 ] Researchers point to the cathartic effect of video games as a possible reason for why higher game sales have been associated with lower crime rates. [ 84 ] A peer-reviewed study in the Journal of Adolescent Research concluded that “Boys use games to experience fantasies of power and fame, to explore and master what they perceive as exciting and realistic environments (but distinct from real life), to work through angry feelings or relieve stress, and as social tools.” The games serve as a substitute for rough-and-tumble play. [ 36 ] Read More
Con 9 Studies claiming a causal link between video game violence and real life violence are flawed. Many studies failed to control for factors that contribute to children becoming violent, such as family history and mental health, plus most studies do not follow children over long periods of time. [ 10 ] [ 95 ] Video game experiments often have people playing a game for as little as ten minutes, which is not representative of how games are played in real life. In many laboratory studies, especially those involving children, researchers must use artificial measures of violence and aggression that do not translate to real-world violence and aggression, such as whether someone would force another person eat hot sauce or listen to unpleasant noises. [ 84 ] [ 94 ] According to Christopher J. Ferguson, a psychology professor at Stetson University, “matching video game conditions more carefully in experimental studies with how they are played in real life makes VVG’s [violent video games] effects on aggression essentially vanish.” [ 95 ] [ 96 ] Read More
Did You Know?
1.Video game sales set a record in Mar. 2020, with Americans spending $5.6 billion on hardware, accessories, and content, a continuation of a years-long upward trend. [ ]
2.The global video game industry was worth contributing $159.3 billion in 2020, a 9.3% increase of 9.3% from 2019. [ ]
3.Around 73% of American kids age 2-17 played video games in 2019, a 6% increase over 2018 and a continuation of a years-long upward trend. [ ]
4.An Aug. 2015 report from the American Psychological Association determined that playing violent video games is linked to increased aggression, but it did not find sufficient evidence of a link between the games and increased violence. [ ]
5.Video games accounted for 17% of kids’ entertainment time and 11% of their entertainment spending in 2019. [ ]

essay pros and cons of video games

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Video Games Essay | Essay on Video Games for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Video Games Essay:  Video games are electronic games that requires a user interface, input device (it can be joysticks, controllers, motion-sensing devices, keyboard, etc.) that generates visual feedback for the player or players, an output device that is either a two or three-dimensional display device (like TV monitor, touchscreen, VR headset, etc.).

Video games also are augmented with audio feedback using either headphones or speakers. Other types of augmented feedback systems of video games include haptic technology.

You can also find more  Essay Writing  articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long and Short Essays on Video Games for Students and Kids in English

We are providing students with a long essay sample of 500 words and a short essay sample of 150 words on the topic Video Games in English for reference.

Long Essay on Video Games 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Video Games is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Video games have undeniably become an imperative part of most of our life, either as a form of entertainment and even hobby. Video games came into existence through the invention of the Cathode Ray Tube Amusement Device by Thomas T Goldsmith Jr. and Estle Ray Mann in 1947. And in 1948 they got the patent for their invented device with knobs and buttons used for stimulating airborne enemies. It was not until the 1970s, and 1980s those video games reached the mainstream popularity.

One of the biggest technological evolution examples is that of what is seen in video games. Over the years there had been massive changes and several creations since the first released video game. Before the age of Playstation, Xbox, or even computer games, people used to be engrossed in playing video arcade games and later the 8-bit video games using consoles, joysticks, and other controllers. Now we have video games with much higher graphics, better storyline, and even more options. This makes the gaming experience more thrilling and enjoyable; however, it does not change the fact that video games have turned almost an entire generation into couch potatoes.

It is no news that video games are fascinating and because of the graphics along with sound effects gives the player a real-like experience. The video game industry has also started experimenting with virtual reality resulting in even more realistic games which give the player the sensation of truly witnessing the activities of the game. Bur we all know that technology is both a good and a bad effect. The condition is not much different when it comes to video games as well. There are several benefits of playing video games; similarly, there are also adverse effects of the same.

The positive effects of video games include developing one’s skills, like strategic thinking, quick learning, cooperation, creativity, etc. Simulations which are based on the similar technology behind video games are used for training purposes (like shooting, golfing, driving, etc.). Simulations have helped in reducing the risk of accidents occurring during training by allowing the user to practice longer without the requirement of frequent maintenance.

However, there are also some very destructive negative effects of video games. Firstly, children and young adults often get very addicted to playing video games and end up wasting a lot of time and becoming socially isolated. Another aspect of video games which has affected the players immensely is the increase in the violence and aggressiveness in them while trying to imitate the competitive traits of the game.

As intelligent beings, we must use our wisdom and self-control to spend our time wisely and efficiently while avoiding things that have the potential of causing us harm. The gaming industry should monitor the type of games being manufactured and restricting the game for the age for only which it is suitable. Players too should understand the negative impacts of excessive video game playing and addiction. Hence, it can be concluded that the effect of video games depends a lot on the player.

Short Essay on Video Games 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Video Games is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

The electronic games that involve the user interface interacting with a human that results in generating feedback onto the video device are called video games. The platforms are the electronic devices used for playing various video games. The size of platforms or gaming units can range from large mainframe computers to even small handheld devices. The trend of playing video games became prominent from the late 1970s and has only increased over time with the advancement of technology. At present, the global value of the video game industry is stated to be USD 152 billion approximately.

The large scale engagement of youth and people of other age groups as well has turned video games into a trend factor. However, there has been a lot of debate on the matter of the positive and negative impact of games on people. Thus, both the industry and the user need to monitor the content of the games being made, and the amount of time being spent on it, respectively.

10 Lines on Video Games in English

  • There are several types of video games like arcade games, console video game, computer video games, and mobile games.
  • The evident increase in the commercial importance of the video gaming industry began from the 2010s.
  • The Asian market is the biggest contributor to the growth of the video gaming industry.
  • As of 2018, video games were the third-largest segment drawing revenue in the entertainment market of US, behind broadcast and cable TV.
  • Today, numerous people are involved behind creating video games like developers, publishers, distributors, retailers, third party manufacturers, etc.
  • Studies show that gaming addiction causes several physical and behavioural problems in people, especially in children.
  • There are also competitions held for video games in various stages (local, national and international) to find the best player among all.
  • The growth and expansion of the video gaming industry have opened up several job opportunities as well.
  • Parents should monitor the game playing type and time of their children so that it doesn’t turn into an addiction.
  • Lack of motion because of excessive video game playing can cause diseases like obesity and diabetes, along with muscle pain.

FAQ’s on Video Games Essay

Question 1. Mention some positive effects of playing video games.

Answer: Some positive effects of video game playing includes the following-

  • It improves IQ and reflexes of an individual.
  • It develops skills like decision making, attentiveness, multi-tasking, etc.
  • It improves motor skills of players.

Question 2. Which is the most iconic video game character of all time?

Answer:  Mario

Question 3. What is the first invented video game?

Answer:  Tennis for Two is the first video game, and it was created in 1958.

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Living Better

Worried about your kids' video gaming here's how to help them set healthy limits.

Yuki Noguchi

Yuki Noguchi

Video games can be both beneficial and risky for teens. Parent can guide them better if they explore their games with them.

I grew up in the 1980s and '90s with parents who strictly controlled my "screen time," which almost exclusively meant TV back then, as well as a pocket game that died when I was 10 and was never replaced. Like many in my generation, I absorbed a general sense that video games, like TV, were frivolous brain rot.

Now, my two boys, ages 12 and 13, are growing up in a digital world in a way I did not. Their generation lives online, spending more hours in virtual spaces since the pandemic began.

I'm lucky: My sons are hardworking and kind to their chronically frazzled single mother. They make raising them as easy and joyful as adolescence could possibly allow.

But still, our house rules about video games are arbitrary and our disputes over them constant. No amount of yelling "No games on school nights!" or "Not before dinner!" has worked, or inspired them to learn a new skill instead.

I feel like I'm flying blind when it comes to regulating their game use and I know I'm not alone. Many parents worry that they should be doing more to limit online play.

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But as I learned from talking to numerous experts — psychologists, game designers and researchers — the impact of video games is more nuanced than that of other kinds of screen time, like social media. In fact, some research shows it can have positive effects, like promoting problem solving, or teamwork and communication.

Here are these experts' insights and advice for how to optimize the upsides of gaming and protect kids from potential hazards.

Video games are different from other screen time in crucial ways — and have some benefits

"Screen time" is an outdated concept. Kids study, play video games, use social media and watch videos on screens, but those do not all have the same developmental impact. Video games, in fact, do not show the kind of negative behavioral or emotional effects researchers correlate with social media use, says Kelli Dunlap , a clinical psychologist and community director for Take This, a mental health advocacy group within the gaming community.

"Research has shown again and again and again, time spent playing video games is not predictive of mental health outcomes," she says.

One reason for the difference in impact may be that social media is primarily about marketing, or comparing oneself to others, while gaming is generally about socializing with friends, solving a puzzle, or engaging in competition.

In fact, Dunlap says, parents often overlook some benefits of games: "They're a tool. You can use games to improve your social connection, to practice feeling emotions we normally avoid, like guilt or grief or shame. A lot of games bring those feelings out in us, and they give us a space to play with those feelings."

Games that involve joint projects like a battle or a quest can help develop useful social skills, says Peter Etchells, a research psychologist at Bath Spa University in the U.K. "It requires very kind of precise team-building," he says. "It requires thinking about timings and placement and good communication skills to coordinate with people. It's doing that kind of coordinated work that's really useful for all sorts of things."

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Help kids prioritize offline activities so gaming doesn't subsume them.

Children need some limits on their gaming, especially if it begins to crowd out other essential or healthy activities, many experts warn, like schoolwork and sleep in particular.

"Screen time is a hard thing to quantify," says Michael Rich, a pediatrician and director of the Center on Media and Child Health at Boston Children's Hospital. "What is easier to quantify — and probably more in line with what is developmentally optimal — is quantifying non-screen time."

He advises parents to watch that family meals, chores, and outdoor or in-person play do not get subsumed into game time.

Kids also benefit from having periods of lower stimulation, away from technology, Rich says. "I want to bring back boredom," Rich argues, because that can also lead to imaginative play.

You need to start gaming with your kids

Every expert I spoke with recommended playing video games with your child to figure out what might specifically be motivating them to play — the needs the game might fill for them.

Online chess, for example, is a different experience than a multiplayer game with friends. Shy children might find it easier to socialize in games. Another child might regard it as stress relief. Some children may use games as a place to escape or process a difficult situation.

Boston Children's Rich says most things parents worry about with games — stranger danger, violence, sexuality — can be addressed by simply exploring the game through their eyes.

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"What's happening is that you are saying, 'I love you, I respect you, I want to understand what is engaging you here,'" says Rich. "You're entering that space with a very different stance, that of essentially the student. You will get a sense for what the game is."

If you've noticed your kids yell, scream or cry about something that happened in a game, don't be disturbed, experts say. A child's reactions to emotions and interpersonal dynamics are real, even if the play itself takes place virtually, or on a device. Experts say outbursts during game play do not mean your child is more likely to act violently in real life.

Video games are like other spaces where your kids spend time. Ask yourself: Is it safe? Who else is there?

Games are social spaces — good or bad things can happen there — just as in real life. Think about the games your kids play as just another kind of space where you're letting them hang out, several experts suggested.

For example: If you have a 5-year-old, you wouldn't drop your child off alone at a mall, where strangers might approach. Now you might drop off your teen at the mall, but not before discussing who they're hanging out with, what they plan to do, and perhaps an agreement about when to come home for dinner. The same general principles can apply to teens who game.

Parents should ask themselves: Does the game culture itself seem conducive to age-appropriate behavior? Games with female characters with exaggerated sexual features, for example, might subject a child to sexual harassment.

If you don't like what you're seeing in a game, remember that outright bans and restrictions tend to backfire with adolescents. It's more vital to keep communication lines open, says Dunlap and other experts, so if something bad happens within the game, you can help them process or deal with it.

Watch for "dark designs" or designs that fuel nonstop playing

Be on the watch for certain "dark patterns" or "dark designs" in games, say several gaming experts. These terms refer to software or algorithms written to elicit certain negative behaviors in their users.

One of the most common is in-game purchases that can border on extortion, says Max Birk, an industrial-design researcher at Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands. "It's important because it changes what the emphasis of the game designers is," he says.

Games fueled by in-game purchases (as opposed to games you buy up front, like NBA2K or Dance Dance Revolution) tend to have a financial stake in keeping children engaged for long periods of time. These games make it very easy to start a new game, or create steep incentives to keep players coming back.

Birk suggests talking to your kids about the game structure and directing them toward games that are more about story lines, or that have natural ending points that can allow the kid to wind down game play on their own.

Monitor games for toxic culture and harassment

Toxic culture and comments can thrive in certain games because parents are not monitoring those spaces. That often takes the form of harassment of female gamers. The onus is on parents of boys, especially, to make sure that they treat people equitably online, and to stand up against any sexist or misogynistic talk, says Jesse Fox, a communications professor at Ohio State University.

Remind your kids that rules about respectful behavior apply online as they do in life. "Gaming culture and gaming norms are going to imprint on their idea of normal behavior, what's acceptable behavior," Fox says. That's why it is critical for parents to monitor that play space — listen to conversations, keep the screen within public view.

Find the spaces that are safer and more inclusive by design. Fortnite, Fox notes, is an example of a game that has a huge diversity of characters in game, because it's trying to appeal to a very broad audience. That diversity makes it harder to distinguish players by race or gender.

Watch for these gaming red flags

For many children, gaming can be positive, but it's a good idea to keep an eye out for these signs of problematic game use.

Excessive spending in games: The game's financial incentives might be to keep your child engaged and encourage — even try to coerce — their characters into spending money to advance. Teach your child to recognize these kinds of tactics and redirect them to games where the game itself is the primary focus.

Negative reactions or anxiety over gaming friends: If your kid is repeatedly having big emotional reactions to the game, check in and figure out what elements of the game are so upsetting. Then redirect them to games and spaces that don't have these elements. Find single-player games to take a break from social dynamics.

Too little sleep: If your child is playing late into the night or turning up groggy in the morning, their game use might be out of hand. Make sure the child cannot access games all night long. Often, it's not the desire to play the game itself, but the social pressure to not miss out on experiences with friends that will keep them online, U.K. researcher Peter Etchells says. So shut down other technology as well, preferably well before bedtime.

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Comparing Different Types of Animation: Pros and Cons

Game development, aug 22, 2024.

Different Types of Animation

Animation is a form of art that enables an individual to create moving images to showcase an idea. Bringing various art forms like images or other visuals, placing them in order, and sequencing them eventually gives an illusion of an animation. With time, the definition, implementation, and results of animation have evolved drastically, leading to the expansion of this art into various sectors. 

With time different techniques of animation came into existence, some of which are stop motion, CGI, and 3D animation, which is considered the latest add-on in the series. Be it entertainment, education, or advertising, the field of animation has enabled everyone to create stories and share ideas through different ways of visualization.         

With time, the animation everyone witnessed as kids started transitioning into more eye-appealing graphics. This became possible with the technologies that got introduced with time, and the impact is visible in the present-day games. Be it Uncharted or Spider-Man, today’s games are both a treat to watch and fun to play.

Herein, in this write-up, we will be discussing the importance of animation and how it plays a crucial role in enhancing video games.   

Table of Contents

Importance of Animation in Gaming

Animation has become the core of video games and everything an individual experiences while playing the game, good or bad, heavily depends on the visuals. With technological advancements, the line between video game visuals and movies is getting thinner. It has become quite difficult to spot differences between movie visuals, and video game visuals. The reason for this is quite simple: movies have set a bar for video game visuals. 

Ensuring the right amount of VFX, CGI, or animation in the games can bring astonishing results in the outcome of the game. The vast landscapes and realistic and interactive NPCs make the gaming experience 10 times more engaging for the users. Henceforth, the importance of ensuring the right amount of animation elements in games becomes an essential part of the whole game development process as it directly leads to the user and his preference.    

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Role of Animation in Video Games

Role of Animation

We know why animation is crucial for video games today, but to get more clarity on the role of animation in video games and how it enhances the user experience for the users check the following points: 

Engaging Experience 

One of the most obvious benefits that game animation brings to the gaming world is providing an engaging experience to the users. From a realistic environment to interactive NPCs, animation enables the players to engage in the game. 

Gives Feedback  

The actions and decisions the players make throughout the game work as feedback for the game. With each action, the game progresses based on the decision the player took previously. 

Better Storytelling

With the use of the right animation elements in appropriate areas, the character’s expression can be enhanced. This leads to a better connection of the players with the story arc and the characters.                           

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Comparing the Different Types of Animation

Different Types of Animation

Here is the list of 5 types of animation used in video games today: 

Character Animation

As the name suggests, character animation refers to the animation and design of characters’ movements, including running, walking, fighting, jumping, and other actions. If one ensures to work effectively on these elements alone then it can enhance the gaming performance by 5 times. 

Environment Animation

Creating a beautiful environment in the game is equally important to creating playable characters and NPCs. A character can only be as good as the environment it is placed in and this is why ensuring an overall decent environment, which includes water, forest, land, and other objects can do wonders for your game.

2D Animation

Being the traditional form of game animation, this 2D form of video game rendering has been used a lot till the early 2000s. The animation is usually conducted with the help of hand-drawn characters or images, placed together to give the users a feel of watching an actual video.

Games that involve the side screen gameplay or the early mobile game applications, which usually didn’t require much of a big production were mostly developed with the concept of 2D animation . 

3D Animation

With time a transition was necessary in the video games and then came the existence of 3D animation . This helped the game developers to render games in 3-dimensional space, providing an enhanced feel of controlling characters in video games. Moreover, this form of video game animation is considered one of the most preferred.

Henceforth, it is no surprise that this form of gaming animation is considered the most reliable one compared to 2D animation, for the obvious reason of providing a more realistic gaming experience. 

User Interface Animation

In the end, the user interface of the game should be on point because it is usually the first interactive element the user experiences when the game starts. One of the examples can be the menu screen where the user can choose their desired option from ‘play’, ‘controls’, etc.     

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Animation 

Check the table below to get a clear picture of the pros and cons of animation:

Makes the game appealing to the playerVery time consuming 
Engages the playerComplex in nature due to technicalities 
Gives eternal creative freedomMentally exhausting due to repetitive processes
Animation is flexible and can be altered for better outcomesRelies heavily on technology 
Enhances the overall gaming experience Requires high-end software leading to more production cost  

Different Tools of Animation

The use of animation tools is very subjective and can vary from person to person which software they rely on to animate a game. Blender or Maya, both are considered the most reliable tools for animating 3D games. If you are also seeking tools to ease your game animation process then choosing any of these tools can work for you. Besides this, some animators also use rigging tool that helps in creating 3D skeleton models, and on the other hand, big production companies also use motion-capturing technologies to give a more realistic approach to the characters. 

In short, there are many ways and tools one can opt for animation and bring out astonishing results for the game environment and characters. 

Related Blog : The different tools Used in Game Development

By now you must have understood everything about animation, and its role in the gaming industry. Overall, it can be stated that animation plays a huge role in enhancing a video game and making it more impactful for the users. However, if you are looking for the best 3D animation development or 2D animation development then you can contact us at BR Softech. 

Why Choose BR Softech for 3D and 2D Animation Development?

If you are looking for the best 3D animation development and 2D animation development services then you can consider BR Softech. Being a renowned game development company , BR Softech offers impeccable game development services with our in-house experienced developers who look forward to providing the best possible services globally.  

BR Softech , with over 12 years of providing astonishing gaming services also provides leading 3D and 2D animation development services. Choose BR Softech and get the following benefits: 

  • 24 hours / 7days client support
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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the top tools that you can use for video game animation:  Unity Adobe Animate Adobe After Effects Autodesk 3ds Max Adobe Character Animator Blender Maya

In the world of animation, timing and spacing are considered the most important elements that are responsible for creating an illusion of objects and props moving within the laws of physics. 

Following are the top games showcasing the best types of animation in the gaming industry according to IMDB:  Lego Marvel Super Heroes Dying Light Jujutsu Kaisen: Cursed Clash Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero Lego Jurassic World Star Wars: The Force Awakens     LEGO Fortnite

Yes! Video games use animation which eventually becomes the soul of the game. If the animation of the game is decent enough then the user will surely engage in it.  

essay pros and cons of video games

I am Nitin Garg Founder of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning mobile game development company. We are armed with 180+ geeks & 2753 clients worldwide, I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

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Essays on Video Games

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Video Games

Risk factors of video games addiction, timeline of video games development, how video games can shape our brains and behavior, pros and cons of video games, benefits of video games for children, influence of video games on health, the social impact of video games on children, effect of video games on people's moods, influence of violence in video games, psychological effects of video games on children and young adults, stop blaming video games, benefits and detriments of playing video games, discussion on whether video games are bad or good for us, statement that video games cause violence is a misconception, the panic over video games violence in today's society, negative effects of video games on health, investigation of whether video games cause violence in children, the effects of excessive time playing video games on children, interacting with media: how video games have influenced storytelling.

Video games are interactive electronic entertainment forms that involve player participation through the use of digital interfaces, such as gaming consoles, computers, or mobile devices. They encompass a wide range of virtual experiences that combine elements of storytelling, competition, and problem-solving. Video games often feature dynamic visuals, immersive audio, and engaging gameplay mechanics, allowing players to control and navigate virtual environments, characters, or objects.

The origin of video games can be traced back to the mid-20th century when scientists and engineers began exploring the possibilities of interactive electronic entertainment. One of the earliest examples is "Tennis for Two," created by physicist William Higinbotham in 1958, which simulated a game of tennis on an oscilloscope. However, it was in the 1970s and 1980s that video games gained significant popularity and commercial success. The release of the arcade game "Pong" in 1972 by Atari marked a turning point in the history of video games. It sparked the arcade gaming phenomenon and laid the foundation for the industry's growth. The subsequent release of home consoles like the Atari 2600 and the introduction of personal computers further expanded the accessibility and reach of video games. The 1980s and 1990s witnessed the emergence of iconic video game franchises such as Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, and Sonic the Hedgehog. Rapid advancements in technology led to improved graphics, sound, and gameplay mechanics. The introduction of CDs and CD-ROMs in the 1990s allowed for more complex and immersive gaming experiences. In recent years, video games have become an integral part of mainstream culture and a booming industry, surpassing the film and music industries in terms of revenue.

Shigeru Miyamoto: Known as the "Father of Modern Video Games," Miyamoto is the creator of iconic franchises such as Super Mario, The Legend of Zelda, and Donkey Kong. Gabe Newell: As the co-founder of Valve Corporation and creator of the Steam platform, Newell has played a significant role in the digital distribution of games. Steam revolutionized the way games are purchased, downloaded, and played, greatly influencing the PC gaming market. Markus Persson (Notch): Persson is the creator of Minecraft, one of the best-selling video games of all time. Minecraft's sandbox-style gameplay and open-ended world have captured the imagination of millions of players worldwide.

Action (Fighting, Platform, Shooter, Survival, Battle royale), Action-adventure (Stealth, Survival horror), Adventure (Interactive fiction, Interactive movie, Visual novel), Gacha, Horror, Masocore, Massively multiplayer online, Role-playing (Action role-playing, Tactical role-playing), Simulation (Construction and management, Life simulation, Sports, Vehicle), Strategy (4X, Auto battler, Multiplayer online battle arena, Real-time strategy, etc.).

Arcade video game, Console game, Electronic game, Online game, Mobile game, PC game, Virtual reality game.

Minecraft, Dark Souls, The Witcher, Grand Theft Auto, World of Warcraft, Super Mario, The Sims, Fortnite, Call of Duty, Assassin’s Creed, Pacman, Tetris, Sonic the HedgeHog, Angry Birds, Skyrim, etc.

Public opinion on video games is diverse and multifaceted. While video games enjoy immense popularity and have a dedicated fan base, opinions about them vary among different segments of society. Some people view video games as a form of entertainment that offers immersive experiences, interactive storytelling, and social interaction. They appreciate the creativity, artistry, and technological advancements within the industry. Supporters argue that video games can enhance cognitive skills, problem-solving abilities, and even have therapeutic benefits. On the other hand, there are concerns raised by critics regarding the potential negative effects of video games. Some individuals argue that excessive gaming can lead to addiction, social isolation, and a sedentary lifestyle. Others raise concerns about the violent content in certain games and its potential impact on aggression or desensitization. Public opinion is often influenced by media coverage, personal experiences, and cultural biases. As the medium continues to evolve, ongoing discussions and debates surrounding video games will shape public perception and understanding of their impact on individuals and society as a whole.

1. Cognitive development 2. Entertainment and escapism 3. Social interaction 4. Educational value 5. Technological advancement

1. Addiction and excessive screen time 2. Violence and aggression 3. Health risks 4. Social isolation 5. Distraction and academic performance

1. The video game industry is a multibillion-dollar industry, with revenues surpassing those of the film and music industries combined. In 2021, the global video game market generated over $175 billion in revenue, highlighting the immense popularity and economic impact of video games. 2. According to a study published in the journal Pediatrics, video games can have a positive effect on surgical skills. Surgeons who played video games for at least three hours per week were found to perform laparoscopic surgery faster and with fewer errors compared to non-gaming counterparts. 3. In recent years, the rise of esports (competitive video gaming) has gained significant momentum. Esports tournaments and leagues attract millions of viewers worldwide, and professional esports players have become celebrities with lucrative sponsorships and endorsement deals. The esports industry is projected to reach a value of $3 billion by 2025, further cementing the cultural significance and growth potential of competitive gaming.

The topic of video games is important to write an essay about due to its widespread influence on modern society. Exploring this subject allows for an examination of its impact on various aspects of life, including culture, technology, psychology, and social interactions. Writing an essay about video games provides an opportunity to delve into their historical evolution, from the early days of arcade machines to the immersive and sophisticated gaming experiences of today. It allows for an analysis of the technological advancements that have propelled the industry forward and shaped the way we play and interact with games. Furthermore, studying video games enables an exploration of their cultural significance. Games have become a major form of storytelling, tackling complex themes and issues. They have also sparked discussions about representation, diversity, and ethics within the industry. Understanding the cultural context and impact of video games can shed light on their role as a powerful medium for self-expression and communication. Moreover, video games have been a subject of debate and scrutiny. Addressing topics such as violence, addiction, and their effects on mental health and social behavior can contribute to a nuanced understanding of the potential benefits and drawbacks of gaming.

1. Anderson, C. A., Gentile, D. A., & Buckley, K. E. (2007). Violent video game effects on children and adolescents: Theory, research, and public policy. Oxford University Press. 2. Ferguson, C. J. (2015). Do angry birds make for angry children? A meta-analysis of video game influences on children's and adolescents' aggression, mental health, prosocial behavior, and academic performance. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 10(5), 646-666. 3. Gee, J. P. (2003). What video games have to teach us about learning and literacy. Computers in Entertainment (CIE), 1(1), 20-20. 4. Griffiths, M. D., & Nuyens, F. (2017). An overview of structural characteristics in problematic video game playing. Current Addiction Reports, 4(3), 272-283. 5. Juul, J. (2010). A casual revolution: Reinventing video games and their players. MIT Press. 6. Kapp, K. M. (2012). The gamification of learning and instruction: Game-based methods and strategies for training and education. John Wiley & Sons. 7. Prensky, M. (2001). Digital game-based learning. McGraw-Hill. 8. Ryan, R. M., Rigby, C. S., & Przybylski, A. (2006). The motivational pull of video games: A self-determination theory approach. Motivation and Emotion, 30(4), 344-360. 9. Sherry, J. L. (2001). The effects of violent video games on aggression: A meta-analysis. Human Communication Research, 27(3), 409-431. 10. Yee, N. (2006). Motivations for play in online games. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 9(6), 772-775.

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essay pros and cons of video games


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