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Essay On My Experience in School As A Student

Through the lens of a student, this essay offers an insightful look into what it’s like to attend school. From tackling demanding coursework and balancing extracurricular to forging lasting friendships and creating memories that will stay with you forever – life as a student is both rewarding and challenging!

My Experience in School as a Student

1. Introduction

As a student, I have had to find ways to manage the unique academic pressures of school. From juggling assignments and exams each semester, there were always plenty of challenges during my educational journey; however, these also brought positive moments – like gaining new knowledge that has been essential for growing both personally and professionally.

2. Body Paragraphs

Navigating the social scene of school can be a tricky endeavor, as finding one’s place among peers is key. At first, I found it difficult to make friends and fit in; however, over time I was able to foster genuine connections with others that have since flourished into lasting relationships.

Through participation in extracurricular activities, I grew as a person and developed new abilities. From sports to clubs, these experiences taught me valuable skills while also allowing me the chance to have fun with friends . Of course, all this took effort; it was key for me to find harmony between my school work and extracurricular so that neither suffered from neglect!

My school career has given me more than just an education; it taught me the invaluable lessons of resilience and responsibility. I acquired new skills, like problem-solving and communicative proficiency, that have benefited my endeavors outside of academia. Amidst all those textbooks and presentations, there were some truly remarkable moments: field trips exploring unfamiliar terrain, passionate performances in plays alike to a professional stage production ,and ultimately watching dreams fulfilled as we crossed the graduation finish line together .

3. Conclusion

Through highs and lows, my time spent in school has been a journey of growth and learning. From mastering new skills to forging meaningful friendships, I have come away with invaluable life lessons that will stay with me forever. Looking back on it all now, I am truly thankful for the enriching experiences this chapter had to offer.

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Essay on Life Is a Journey

Students are often asked to write an essay on Life Is a Journey in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Life Is a Journey

The concept of life.

Life is often compared to a journey. Just like a journey, life has a beginning and an end. We are born, we grow, and we eventually pass away.

Paths in Life

In our life journey, we traverse different paths. Some paths are smooth, others are rocky. These paths represent the challenges and triumphs we face.

Travel Companions

On this journey, we are never alone. We meet people who become our companions. They help us navigate our path and make our journey worthwhile.

Lessons Learned

Life, like any journey, teaches us valuable lessons. These lessons shape us into who we are and guide us towards our destination.

250 Words Essay on Life Is a Journey

The metaphor of life.

Life is often compared to a journey, a metaphorical concept that demonstrates the progression of life from birth to death. This journey is not merely a physical one, but rather a voyage of self-discovery, personal growth, and understanding.

Unpredictability and Challenges

The unpredictability of life’s journey is what makes it thrilling and daunting at the same time. We encounter various challenges, obstacles, and detours that test our resilience. These obstacles can be seen as opportunities to learn, adapt, and grow, shaping our personalities and perspectives.

Companionship on the Journey

Life’s journey is also marked by the companions we meet along the way. These relationships, whether they last a lifetime or a fleeting moment, can have a profound impact on our journey. They provide us with valuable lessons about empathy, love, and the importance of connection.

Appreciating the Journey

The journey of life is not just about reaching a destination. It’s about appreciating the journey itself, the experiences, and the growth that comes with it. It’s about understanding that each step, each decision, and each experience, positive or negative, contributes to our overall journey.

In conclusion, life’s journey is a complex tapestry of experiences, lessons, and relationships. It is unpredictable, challenging, and filled with opportunities for growth. As we navigate through it, we must remember to appreciate the journey, the companions we meet, and the lessons we learn. After all, life is not just about the destination but the journey itself.

500 Words Essay on Life Is a Journey

The metaphor of life as a journey, stages of the journey.

The journey of life is composed of several stages. Each stage represents a unique phase of our life, marked by distinctive challenges and opportunities for growth. The stages begin with childhood, a time of innocence and discovery. This stage is followed by adolescence, a period of exploration and self-definition. Adulthood comes next, bringing with it the responsibilities of career, family, and society. Finally, old age is a time for reflection, wisdom, and acceptance.

Challenges and Growth

Just as any journey is fraught with obstacles and difficulties, so too is the journey of life. These challenges, however, should not be seen as deterrents but as opportunities for growth and self-improvement. They provide us with the chance to learn about our strengths and weaknesses, to develop resilience, and to cultivate empathy and understanding towards others. Each challenge we overcome makes us stronger and more capable, shaping us into the individuals we become.

The Importance of the Journey

The role of companionship.

No journey is meant to be undertaken alone. Companionship plays a crucial role in our life’s journey. Our companions – family, friends, mentors – provide us with support, guidance, and encouragement. They share in our joys and sorrows, help us navigate through difficulties, and enrich our journey with their presence. Companionship adds depth and meaning to our journey, making it all the more worthwhile.

Conclusion: The Journey Continues

In conclusion, life is a journey filled with stages, challenges, growth, and companionship. It is a voyage that provides us with countless opportunities to learn, evolve, and become better versions of ourselves. As we navigate through this journey, it is important to remember that the value lies not in the destination, but in the journey itself. As we continue on our path, let us cherish our experiences, learn from our challenges, appreciate our companions, and above all, enjoy the journey. Because, in the end, life is not about where we are going, but how we get there.

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

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Personal Narrative Essay


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  • Grade 12 ELA Module 1, Unit 3 - Full Unit
  • Grade 12 ELA Module 1, Unit 3 Overview

Bilingual Language Progressions

These resources, developed by the New York State Education Department, provide standard-level scaffolding suggestions for English Language Learners (ELLs) to help them meet grade-level demands. Each resource contains scaffolds at multiple levels of language acquisition and describes the linguistic demands of the standards to help ELA teachers as well as ESL/bilingual teachers scaffold content for their English learning students.

  • CCSS Standard:
  • L.11.12.1 ,
  • L.11.12.1A ,
  • L.11.12.1B ,
  • SL.11.12.4 ,
  • SL.11.12.6 ,
  • W.11.12.3A ,
  • W.11.12.3B ,
  • W.11.12.3C ,
  • W.11.12.3D ,
  • W.11.12.3E ,
  • W.11.12.4 ,
  • W.11.12.5 ,

In This Unit

  • lesson 1: Drafting Narrative Essay
  • lesson 2: Revising and Components of an Introduction
  • lesson 3: Narrative Techniques
  • lesson 4: Building Toward an Outcome
  • lesson 5: Precision, Language, and Voice
  • lesson 6: Peer Review
  • lesson 7: Final Drafts

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Your Guide to 12th Grade Success

my grade 12 journey essay

We won’t sugarcoat it—your senior year is going to be busy. You will face college applications, scholarship essays, financial aid information, and numerous other deadlines while continuing to juggle challenging classwork and the culmination of many extracurricular and social activities.

In order to finish your high school career on a high note, you’ll need to plan ahead and stay organized. Meeting deadlines, anticipating commitments, and keeping your school work under wraps will be top priorities. In this post, we’ll outline some of the key commitments and deadlines that you can expect during your senior year.

For our free, senior year planning calendar for high school, keep reading.

1. Research scholarships . Create a list of ongoing scholarships and important deadlines to keep in mind throughout the year. Many scholarships have deadlines as early as October and November.

2. Consider your career plans and professional ambitions. Decide which type of college or postsecondary education program makes the most sense for you. If you’re not sure, these posts might help you get started:

  • Should I Go to a Community College?
  • Thinking About a Service Academy? Here’s The Breakdown
  • Choosing a College: How to Get Started

3. Review the SAT and ACT calendars. Make a testing plan for your senior year. See these posts for ideas:

  • Tips to Prepare Yourself for Your SAT Test Day
  • How to Pace Yourself on Every Section of the SAT
  • Five SAT Strategies You Should Know
  • 10 Tips to Prepare for the SAT

4. Look over the essay prompts for the Common Application and any supplementary applications you may need to submit. Begin to brainstorm essay topics. For some inspiration, check out our posts What If I Don’t Have Anything Interesting To Write About In My College Essay? and Where to Begin? 3 Personal Essay Brainstorming Exercises .

5. Create a filing system with a folder for each of the schools that interests you, if you have not already.

6. Narrow down your college list. For tips on how to fine-tune the list of schools you’ll apply to, check out our posts 10 Considerations For Making Your College List and Seven Tips for Creating Your College List .

7. Request admissions information and college materials from any new schools on your college list.

8. Continue to research and compare costs of possible college programs via their websites.

1. Request applications from any colleges on your list that do not have online applications. (This is very rare these days, but it’s still worth checking just to be sure.)

2. Be sure that your calendar is up to date and includes all major registration, admissions, and financial aid deadlines and fees, along with deadlines for any outstanding standardized tests.

3. Begin writing drafts of your college essays .

4. If you are applying early decision anywhere, start to work on your application in earnest.

5. Confirm your letters of recommendations. We at CollegeVine recommend requesting these during the spring of your junior year, but if you have not requested them yet, this is the time to do so. For more information about getting great letters of recommendation, don’t miss our post  How to Get College Recommendation Letters: Building Recommender Relationships .

6. Learn more about the colleges on your college list by attending college fairs, taking virtual tours of college campuses, meeting with admissions representatives who visit your school, and networking to connect with current students or alums.

7. Set up your Federal Student Aid ID and start gathering information so you can complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as early as October 1. For more information about FAFSA, see our posts The Ultimate Guide to Filling Out the FAFSA and How Do I Take Out a Federal Direct Student Loan? .

8. Send SAT/ACT and SAT Subject Test scores to all early action schools unless you are taking October ACT or November SAT.

9. Set up an appointment with your guidance counselor to develop a college admission and financial aid application plan together.

10. Review scholarships and apply to all that you’re eligible for. Stay on top of these deadlines; they are often earlier than anticipated.

1. Complete your FAFSA online to determine your financial aid eligibility. When it arrives, review your Student Aid Report for errors and make any corrections as indicated. Anticipate the financial ramifications to your college applications. Check out Understanding College Costs: FAQs About Financial Aid in Practice to learn more.

2. If you have not done so already, try to visit your top school choices. Meet with faculty, staff, and students if possible.

3. Finalize any supplementary application materials like portfolios, audition tapes, or writing samples. If you’re not sure whether to submit them, have a look at our post How to Quantify Your Achievements in the Visual and Performing Arts .

4. Complete all application materials for Early Action or Early Decision applications. Most ED-1 applications are due between November 1 and November 15.

1. Follow up to ensure your employers, teachers, or guidance counselors send the letters of recommendation that you’ve requested.

2. Confirm teacher recommendations for regular and ED-II applications.

3. Take note of the registration deadlines for your final chance to retake your SAT or ACT. SAT and ACT administrations in early December will be your last chance for SAT and ACT scores to reach schools for ED-II and regular application deadlines.

my grade 12 journey essay

Discover your chances at hundreds of schools

Our free chancing engine takes into account your history, background, test scores, and extracurricular activities to show you your real chances of admission—and how to improve them.

1. Finalize all regular decision admissions applications and make sure all are submitted on time. Typical Regular Decision Application deadlines are between January 1 and February 1.

2. By December 15, send SAT/ACT and SAT Subject Test scores to all regular or ED-II schools and complete all steps for your high school to send your transcript to all regular or ED-II schools.

3. By mid-December, ED-I decisions are released. Adjust your plans accordingly if you have applied ED-1. Our post Focusing on Your Second and Third Choice College Applications might be helpful if your first choice has fallen through.

4. Stay on top of senioritis. Remember that your grades and achievements during this final year do matter and you want to finish strong!

1. Review the deadlines for potential summer programs of interest. Start planning now, as many have deadlines as early as January or February. See Your Ultimate Guide to Summer Programs for High Schoolers to learn more.

2. Confirm that your school sends mid-year reports to all regular decision schools that require them. These should typically be sent by February 7.

1. By mid-February, ED-II decisions are released. Adjust your plans accordingly if you have applied ED-II.

2. Finalize and submit FAFSA and CSS Profiles by February 20.

3. Before March 1, confirm AP registration with AP teachers, or discuss registration with AP coordinators if you are planning to self-study. Also check the AP calendar for any potential exam conflicts. Speak with your school’s AP coordinator to coordinate a late-testing date if necessary. See How to Register for AP Exams (Even If You Didn’t Take the Class) to learn more.

1. Most regular application decisions are released between mid-March and early-April. It’s hard to wait patiently, but rest assured that you’re alone!

1. Write waitlist letter and secure waitlist recommendation if applicable. Learn more about this in our post Deferred or Waitlisted: Tips for Writing A Letter of Continued Interest .

2. By May 1, finalize your college choice or your decision to take a gap year. Check out these posts to help:

  • How To Deal With College Decisions And Make A Choice
  • 10 Things You Still Need To Do Even After You’ve Chosen Your College

1. Take AP exams.

2. Finish the year strong! For some inspiration, check out our post Seniors – Why You Need to Make the Most Out of 2nd Semester .

For more insight, consider CollegeVine’s Application Guidance Program , which pairs you with the perfect admissions specialist based on your current profile and aspirations. You’ll find support for every aspect of the application process, from creating a school list to preparing for interviews.

For more about applying to college, see these CollegeVine posts:

A User’s Guide to the Common Application

What Do I Do if I Forgot Part of My Application?

How to Decide Where to Apply Early

ED I vs. ED II: Frequently Asked Questions

What is the College Application Review Process Like? What Goes On Behind Closed Doors

Want access to expert college guidance — for free? When you create your free CollegeVine account, you will find out your real admissions chances, build a best-fit school list, learn how to improve your profile, and get your questions answered by experts and peers—all for free. Sign up for your CollegeVine account today to get a boost on your college journey.

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A Visit to a Sea Beach: My Memorable Journey

Table of contents, embracing the tranquility, playing with the waves, sun, sand, and serenity, awe-inspiring sunset.

  • National Geographic. (n.d.). The Healing Power of the Ocean. Retrieved from
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  • Smith, J. (2019). The Psychological Benefits of Walking on Sand. Nature and Wellbeing, 14(3), 167-182.
  • Coastal Living Magazine. (2018). The Joy of Playing with the Waves. Coastal Living, 25(6), 45-58.
  • Sunset Spectacles. (2021). Capturing the Beauty of Beach Sunsets. Retrieved from

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My New World Journey Analysis

How it works

  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Challenges and Adaptations
  • 3 Personal Growth and Transformation
  • 4 Conclusion


Starting a new world journey is a mix of excitement, anticipation, and maybe a bit of worry. Whether it’s a real trip or a metaphorical one, it’s a big change in life. This kind of journey brings new experiences, challenges, and chances to grow. In this essay, I’ll talk about my own new world journey, looking at the feelings, lessons, and changes that came with it. It all starts with the decision to step into the unknown—usually because we want something different or are chasing our dreams.

This means leaving behind what’s familiar and comfy, stepping out of our comfort zone, and facing the unknown. At first, there’s a mix of excitement and fear as we think about what might happen, good or bad. When I started my new world journey, I felt a lot of curiosity and wonder, eager to see new places and find out what’s out there. Every step was a leap of faith, believing that this journey would lead to personal growth and new chances. This part was full of adventure, as I stepped into the unknown, ready to face whatever came my way.

Challenges and Adaptations

A journey into a new world is hardly ever easy; there are usually lots of obstacles and challenges that test how resilient and adaptable you are. These challenges can be different, like cultural differences, language barriers, or just trying to fit into a new place. For me, one of the biggest challenges was getting used to a new culture. The customs, traditions, and social norms were way different from what I was used to, and it took time and effort to understand and navigate these differences. This process was both enlightening and humbling, making me open my mind to new perspectives and ways of life. Language barriers were also a big challenge. Communicating effectively is key to building relationships and fitting into a new community. Learning a new language took dedication and practice, and I had to be okay with making mistakes and learning from them. This experience taught me the value of perseverance and stepping out of my comfort zone to connect with others. Finding a sense of belonging in a new place wasn’t always easy. There were times I felt lonely and missed the familiarity of my old surroundings. But these moments also gave me a chance to reflect and grow, learning to rely on my inner strength to overcome feelings of isolation.

Personal Growth and Transformation

As the journey went on, the initial challenges and adaptations started to lead to personal growth and transformation. Every obstacle overcome and new experience encountered helped me understand myself and the world better. One of the biggest changes was developing a greater sense of empathy and cultural awareness. Meeting people from different backgrounds and learning about their unique experiences broadened my horizons and challenged my preconceptions. This cultural awareness not only made me appreciate the world’s diversity but also made me feel more connected to others. The journey also made me more resilient and self-reliant. Facing and overcoming challenges on my own boosted my confidence and made me believe I could handle any situation. This self-assurance helped me take on new challenges with a positive attitude. The journey taught me to embrace change and uncertainty as opportunities for growth instead of fearing them. By stepping out of my comfort zone, I discovered new passions and interests I might never have explored otherwise. This willingness to embrace change has become a key part of my personal philosophy, guiding me in all areas of my life.

In the end, my new world journey has been a transformative experience that changed me in ways I never imagined. From the initial excitement and challenges to the deep personal growth and transformation, this journey showed the power of stepping into the unknown and embracing change. The lessons learned and experiences gained have enriched my life and given me the skills and mindset to handle future journeys with confidence and resilience. Looking back, I’m filled with gratitude for the opportunities and experiences that came my way. The journey taught me perseverance, empathy, and the importance of an open mind. It reinforced the belief that growth often comes from stepping outside one’s comfort zone. As I continue on my path, I carry the lessons and insights from this journey, knowing they’ll guide me in all my future endeavors. Ultimately, my new world journey has been a profound and enriching experience, shaping me into a more resilient, empathetic, and open-minded person. It’s a journey I’ll cherish and think about for years to come, as it expanded my horizons and deepened my understanding of myself and the world around me.


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my grade 12 journey essay

Journey to the end of the Earth Summary, Explanation, Word meanings Class 12

journey to the end of the earth

CBSE Class 12 English Lesson 3 Journey to the end of the Earth Summary, Line by Line Explanation along with Difficult Word Meanings from Vistas Book

Journey to the end of the Earth –  Here is the Class 12 English Vistas Book Lesson 3 Journey to the end of the Earth Summary  and Detailed  explanation of the Lesson  along with  meanings of difficult words .

Journey to the end of the Earth Class 12 English (Vistas) Chapter 3

by Tishani Doshi

If you want to know more about the planet’s past, present and future, Antarctica is the place to go to. Bon Voyage!

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The lesson revolves around the world’s most preserved place, Antarctica. Not many people have been there but out of the few that have, Tishani Doshi is one of them. A south Indian person who went on an expedition with a group of teenagers affiliated with ‘Students on Ice’ programme takes young minds to different ends of the world. Thus, it gives an insight into how Antarctica is the place you should visit to have a glimpse of the past, present and future in its realist form.

An informative account of the author’s trip to the world’s coldest, windiest, and driest continent can be found in the Vistas book for Class 12 entitled Journey to the End of the Earth. According to Tishani Doshi, visiting Antarctica is necessary if one wants to comprehend the past, present, and future of the planet. We can learn a lot about this area by studying it because Antarctica is where the world’s geological history is preserved. She travelled with a group of students who were exploring the continent. Her encounter with the ice-mysteries of this ice-region was exhilarating.

For a south Indian man travelling to Antarctica from Madras, it takes nine time zones, six checkpoints, three water bodies and just as many ecospheres to reach there. Tishani Doshi travelled to the Southern end of the Earth along with an expedition group named ‘Students on Ice’ that provides an opportunity to the young minds to sensitise towards the realistic version of climatic changes happening in the world. According to the founder of the organisation, we are the young versions of future policymakers who can turn the situation around. Antarctica is one of the coldest, driest and windiest continents in the world.

As far as the eyes can see, it is completely white and its uninterrupted blue horizon gives immense relief. It is shocking to believe that India and Antarctica were part of the same supercontinent Gondwana, that got segregated into countries giving rise to the globe we know today. Antarctica had a warmer climate until then. Despite human civilisation around the globe, it still remains in it pure form. Being a south Indian sun-worshipping guy, it was unimaginable for the author to visit the place that constitutes world’s 90 per cent of ice, a place so quiet that it is only interrupted by snow avalanches. It is home to a lot of evidences that can give us a glimpse of the past and at the same time, Antarctica helps us foresee the future. The place gives an awakening to threatening alarm that global warming is actually real. Who knows if Antarctica will be warm again and even if it does, will we be alive to see it?

मद्रास से अंटार्कटिका की यात्रा करने वाले एक दक्षिण भारतीय व्यक्ति के लिए, वहां तक ​​पहुंचने के लिए नौ समय क्षेत्र, छह चौकियां, तीन जल निकाय और उतने ही पारिस्थितिक क्षेत्र लगते हैं। तिशानी दोशी ने ‘स्टूडेंट्स ऑन आइस’ नामक एक अभियान समूह के साथ पृथ्वी के दक्षिणी छोर की यात्रा की, जो युवा दिमागों को दुनिया में हो रहे जलवायु परिवर्तन के यथार्थवादी संस्करण के प्रति संवेदनशील बनाने का अवसर प्रदान करता है। संगठन के संस्थापक के अनुसार, हम भविष्य के नीति निर्माताओं के युवा संस्करण हैं जो स्थिति को बदल सकते हैं। अंटार्कटिका दुनिया के सबसे ठंडे, सबसे शुष्क और हवा वाले महाद्वीपों में से एक है।

जहां तक ​​आंखें देख सकती हैं, यह पूरी तरह से सफेद है और इसका निर्बाध नीला क्षितिज बेहद राहत देता है। यह विश्वास करना चौंकाने वाला है कि भारत और अंटार्कटिका उसी सुपरकॉन्टिनेंट गोंडवाना का हिस्सा थे, जो आज हम जिस विश्व को जानते हैं, उसे जन्म देने वाले देशों में विभाजित हो गए हैं। उस समय तक अंटार्कटिका की जलवायु गर्म थी। दुनिया भर में मानव सभ्यता के बदलाव के बावजूद यह अभी भी अपने शुद्ध रूप में बनी हुई है। दक्षिण भारतीय सूर्य-पूजा करने वाले व्यक्ति होने के नाते, लेखक के लिए उस स्थान का दौरा करना अकल्पनीय था, जो दुनिया की 90 प्रतिशत बर्फ का निर्माण करता है, एक ऐसा स्थान जो इतना शांत है कि यह केवल हिमस्खलन से बाधित है। यह बहुत सारे सबूतों का घर है जो हमें अतीत की एक झलक दे सकता है और साथ ही, अंटार्कटिका हमें भविष्य की भविष्यवाणी करने में मदद करता है। यह जगह खतरनाक अलार्म को जागृत करती है कि ग्लोबल वार्मिंग वास्तव में वास्तविक है। कौन जानता है कि अंटार्कटिका फिर से गर्म होगा और अगर ऐसा होता भी है, तो क्या हम इसे देखने के लिए जीवित रहेंगे?

Journey to the end of the Earth Class 12 Video Explanation

Journey to the end of the Earth Lesson Explanation

Passage: EARLY this year, I found myself aboard a Russian research vessel — the Akademik Shokalskiy — heading towards the coldest, driest, windiest continent in the world: Antarctica. My journey began 13.09 degrees north of the Equator in Madras, and involved crossing nine time zones, six checkpoints, three bodies of water, and at least as many ecospheres. Ecospheres- parts of the universe habitable by living organisms

Explanation of the above passage : In the beginning, the author talks about his journey to one of the coldest, driest and windiest continents on Earth; Antarctica. He went there on a Russian research vessel known as the Akademik Shokalskiy. The author is a South Indian man who began his journey from Madras. On his voyage, he crossed nine time zones, six checkpoints, three water bodies and just as many ecospheres.

Passage: By the time I actually set foot on the Antarctic continent I had been travelling over 100 hours in a combination of a car, an aeroplane and a ship; so, my first emotion on facing Antarctica’s expansive white landscape and the uninterrupted blue horizon was a relief, followed up with an immediate and profound wonder. Wonder at its immensity, its isolation, but mainly at how there could ever have been a time when India and Antarctica were part of the same landmass.

Word Meaning:  Expansive- covering a wide area in terms of space or scope; extensive Profound- very great or intense Isolation- separation Landmass- a continent or other large body of land

Explanation of the above passage : It took him about 100 hours of combined travelling by car, aeroplane and then a ship to reach the continent. So, when he first set his feet on the continent, he felt utmost relief for it was all white as far as the eyes could see. The sight of the blue horizon was also very comforting. Next emotion that followed was that of wonderment. He was astonished by the fact that there was once a time when India and Antarctica were geographically connected.

Part of history

Passage: Six hundred and fifty million years ago, a giant amalgamated southern supercontinent — Gondwana — did indeed exist, centred roughly around the present-day Antarctica. Things were quite different then: humans hadn’t arrived on the global scene, and the climate was much warmer, hosting a huge variety of flora and fauna. For 500 million years.

Gondwana thrived, but around the time when the dinosaurs were wiped out and the age of the mammals got under way, the landmass was forced to separate into countries, shaping the globe much as we know it today.

Word Meaning:  Amalgamated- combine or unite to form one structure Supercontinent- a former large continent from which other continents are held to have broken off and drifted away Thrived- prosper; flourish

Explanation of the above passage : Millions of years ago, there was a supercontinent known as Gondwana, from which Antarctica and India are supposed to have been parted off. The situation however was completely different from how it is right now. There were no humans and the climate was warmer which gave rise to huge varieties of flora and fauna. Gondwana flourished for 500 million years until dinosaurs got extinct and human beings came into existence. The huge continent was then forced into segregation to form countries and the world as we know of it today.

Passage: To visit Antarctica now is to be a part of that history; to get a grasp of where we’ve come from and where we could possibly be heading. It’s to understand the significance of Cordilleran folds and pre-Cambrian granite shields; ozone and carbon; evolution and extinction. When you think about all that can happen in a million years, it can get pretty mind-boggling. Imagine: India pushing northwards, jamming against Asia to buckle its crust and form the Himalayas; South America drifting off to join North America, opening up the Drake Passage to create a cold circumpolar current, keeping Antarctica frigid, desolate, and at the bottom of the world.

Word Meaning: Cordilleran folds- an extensive chain of mountains or mountain ranges Precambrian granite shields- large areas of relatively low elevation that forms part of continental masses Mind-boggling- overwhelming; startling Frigid- very cold in temperature Desolate- (of a place) uninhabited and giving an impression of bleak emptiness

Explanation of the above passage : According to the author, if one wants to have a glimpse of history and from where we have originated along with where we are headed, Antarctica is the right place. It is the best place to research and understand about mountain ranges and low elevation continents, ozone and carbon, evolution and extinction. It is capable of giving an insight of the future and that can be really startling.

Passage: For a sun-worshipping South Indian like myself, two weeks in a place where 90 percent of the Earth’s total ice volumes are stored is a chilling prospect (not just for circulatory and metabolic functions, but also for the imagination). It’s like walking into a giant ping-pong ball devoid of any human markers — no trees, billboards, buildings. You lose all earthly sense of perspective and time here. The visual scale ranges from the microscopic to the mighty: midges and mites to blue whales and icebergs as big as countries (the largest recorded was the size of Belgium). Days go on and on and on in surreal 24-hour austral summer light, and a ubiquitous silence, interrupted only by the occasional avalanche or calving ice sheet, consecrates the place. It’s an immersion that will force you to place yourself in the context of the earth’s geological history. And for humans, the prognosis isn’t good.

Word Meaning: Surreal- unusual; bizzare Austral- relating to the Southern Hemisphere Ubiquitous- everywhere; pervasive Avalanche- snowslide Calving- split and shed Consecrates- make or declare sacred Immersion- submerge Prognosis- a forecast of the likely outcome of a situation

Explanation of the above passage : It was a very different experience for the narrator as being a South Inidan sun-worshipping man, it was hard for him or anyone else to imagine living in a place where 90 percent of the Earth’s total ice volumes are stored. Not only biologically or physically difficult, but also for imagination. A place untouched by humans and their inventions, it gives an experience that makes you forget about all the other things. From small creatures like midges and mites to huge creatures like blue whales and icebergs as big as countries, everything can be found in Antarctica. Days are never ending with sun light all the time falling on the Southern Hemisphere. It is such a quiet place interrupted only by falling mass of snow rapidly down a mountain. It is a setting that forces you to ponder upon earth’s geological history and helps you foresee future which for humans, doesn’t seem very pleasant.

Human Impact

Passage: Human civilisations have been around for a paltry 12,000 years — barely a few seconds on the geological clock. In that short amount of time, we’ve managed to create quite a ruckus, etching our dominance over Nature with our villages, towns, cities, megacities. The rapid increase of human populations has left us battling with other species for limited resources, and the unmitigated burning of fossil fuels has now created a blanket of carbon dioxide around the world, which is slowly but surely increasing the average global temperature.

Word Meaning: Paltry- petty; insignificant Ruckus- a row or commotion Etching- engraved Unmitigated- unconditional

Explanation of the above passage : Human life on earth has been since petty 12,000 years which converts into a few seconds on the geological clock. In merely this less time, humans have managed to exploit each and every resource, thereby creating a chaos in the nature. The ever increasing human population is robbing other species of the necessities for survival. Not to forget about the unlimited exploitation of fossil fuels that have created a blanket of carbon dioxide around our planet which is further increasing the average global temperature, thus leading to global warming.

human impact

Passage: Climate change is one of the most hotly contested environmental debates of our time. Will the West Antarctic ice sheet melt entirely? Will the Gulf Stream ocean current be disrupted? Will it be the end of the world as we know it? Maybe. Maybe not. Either way, Antarctica is a crucial element in this debate — not just because it’s the only place in the world, which has never sustained a human population and therefore remains relatively ‘pristine’ in this respect; but more importantly, because it holds in its ice-cores half-million-year-old carbon records trapped in its layers of ice. If we want to study and examine the Earth’s past, present and future, Antarctica is the place to go.

Word Meaning: Pristine- in its original condition; unspoilt

Explanation of the above passage : Global Warming and climate change are high priority concern these days. Questions like melting of Antarctic sheet, disruption of Gulf Stream ocean and how the world will end still remains unanswered. Regardless, Antarctica remains an important part, not only because it is untouched by humans, but also because of the ice-cores half-million-year-old carbon records trapped in its layers of ice. According to the author, if one wishes to study and analyse Earth’s past, present and future, Antarctica is the place to go.

Passage: Students on Ice, the programme I was working with on the Shokaskiy, aims to do exactly this by taking high school students to the ends of the world and providing them with inspiring educational opportunities which will help them foster a new understanding and respect for our planet. It’s been in operation for six years now, headed by Canadian Geoff Green, who got tired of carting celebrities and retired, rich, curiosity-seekers who could only ‘give’ back in a limited way. With Students on Ice, he offers the future generation of policy-makers a life-changing experience at an age when they’re ready to absorb, learn, and most importantly, act.

Explanation of the above passage : The author has been in Antarctica on an expedition with ‘Students on Ice’, a programme that takes young minds to the ends of the world which helps in inspiring them to work towards our planet. It was started with the vision of providing life-changing experiences to ‘the future generation of policy-makers’ to learn about the planet at a very early age. The initiative was introduced by Geoff Green who got tired of his regular job once he got rich and wanted to give it back in some way.

Passage: The reason the programme has been so successful is because it’s impossible to go anywhere near the South Pole and not be affected by it. It’s easy to be blasé about polar ice-caps melting while sitting in the comfort zone of our respective latitude and longitude, but when you can visibly see glaciers retreating and ice shelves collapsing, you begin to realise that the threat of global warming is very real.

Word Meaning: Blasé- unimpressed with or indifferent to something because one has experienced or seen it so often before

Explanation of the above passage : The programme has been immensely successful in implementing its vision by the way people get affected by seeing the real scenario because it is very easy to sit at home and talk about real issues, but actually seeing glaciers retreating and ice shelves collapsing, it gives you a glimpse into the future. It tells you that the very threat of global warming is real.

Passage: Antarctica, because of her simple ecosystem and lack of biodiversity, is the perfect place to study how little changes in the environment can have big repercussions. Take the microscopic phytoplankton — those grasses of the sea that nourish and sustain the entire Southern Ocean’s food chain. These single-celled plants use the sun’s energy to assimilate carbon and synthesise organic compounds in that wondrous and most important of processes called photosynthesis. Scientists warn that a further depletion in the ozone layer will affect the activities of phytoplankton, which in turn will affect the lives of all the marine animals and birds of the region, and the global carbon cycle. In the parable of the phytoplankton, there is a great metaphor for existence: take care of the small things and the big things will fall into place.

human impact

Explanation of the above passage : It is one of those places with limited biodiversity and thus, has a less complicated ecosystem. As a result, little changes in its environment can have drastic effects. For instance, the microscopic phytoplankton are grasses of the sea that sustains the entire Southern Ocean’s food chain. Now, it has been recently concluded by scientists that a further depletion in the ozone layer can affect the activities of these single-celled plants and affect the marine life altogether. Thus, in this case, the saying comes true, “Take care of the small things and the big things will fall into place.”

Walk on the Ocean

Passage: My Antarctic experience was full of such epiphanies, but the best occurred just short of the Antarctic Circle at 65.55 degrees south. The Shokalskiy had managed to wedge herself into a thick white stretch of ice between the peninsula and Tadpole Island which was preventing us from going any further. The Captain decided we were going to turn around and head back north, but before we did, we were all instructed to climb down the gangplank and walk on the ocean. So there we were, all 52 of us, kitted out in Gore-Tex and glares, walking on a stark whiteness that seemed to spread out forever. Underneath our feet was a metre-thick ice pack, and underneath that, 180 metres of living, breathing, salt water. In the periphery Crabeater seals were stretching and sunning themselves on ice floes much like stray dogs will do under the shade of a banyan tree. It was nothing short of a revelation: everything does indeed connect.

Word Meaning: Epiphanies: a striking realization Wedge: to force into a narrow space Gangplanck: a board or plank used to board or disembark from a ship or boat Kitted out: to give the clothing or equipment required for a particular activity Goretex: a waterproof breathable fabric Glares: sunglasses Ice floe: a large pack of floating ice at least 20×10mts Revelation: an interesting fact made known

Explanation of the above passage :The writer’s journey to Antarctica was full of sudden happenings and here she describes the best one. They were just nearing the Antarctic Circle , at a latitude of 65.55 degree south when the ship entered a thick mass of ice which was between the peninsula and the Tadpole island. It got stuck there. The captain of the ship decided to turn back north but before that all the passengers were asked to get down the ship on the frozen ocean. All the 52 members wore all protective clothing and walked on the huge expanse of the frozen ocean which was absolutely white in colour. Under the thick layer of ice was 180 metre deep ocean which contained salty water and marine life. At some distance, they saw Crabeater seals, playing in the Sun like we see stray dogs do under the shady Banyan trees. She realized that the seals in Antractica reminded her of the stray dogs in her hometown, thus, all creations of nature were similar and interrelated.

Passage: Nine time zones, six checkpoints, three bodies of water and many ecospheres later, I was still wondering about the beauty of balance in play on our planet. How would it be if Antarctica were to become the warm place that it once used to be? Will we be around to see it, or would we have gone the way of the dinosaurs, mammoths and woolly rhinos? Who’s to say? But after spending two weeks with a bunch of teenagers who still have the idealism to save the world, all I can say is that a lot can happen in a million years, but what a difference a day makes!

Explanation of the above passage : For all it took for him to travel from Madras to Antarctica, the nine time zones, checkpoints and various bodies of water, the author pondered upon the capability of nature to maintain its balance. He wondered what it would be like if Antarctica, the place that houses over 90 percent of world’s ice, becomes warm again. He wonders if we will be there to see it if it ever happens but who knows! Thus, by seeing the spirit of teenagers who still are left with the courage to save the world, he talks about the uncertainty of events that can happen over a million years.

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Essay on Train Journey for Students and Children

500+ words essay on train journey.

First of all, a journey refers to traveling from one place to another. When it comes to journeys, train journeys take the top spot. A train journey certainly is a wonderfully joyous occasion. Furthermore, train journeys fill individuals with a feeling of intense excitement. This mode of the journey is best when the travel distance is long. A train journey creates an aura that cannot be experienced with other types of journeys.

Essay on Train Journey

My Experience of Journey by Train

I have always been an avid supporter of train journeys. My involvement with train journeys began in childhood . I live in Lucknow and from here I have undertaken many train journeys. Furthermore, since childhood, I have paid several visits to the hill station of Almora to meet my relatives. Almora is a hill station located in the state of Uttarakhand. Most noteworthy, Almora is situated in the Himalayan mountain region. Due to this, trains cannot travel directly to Almora. Consequently, Kathgodam is the last town station accessible by trains before the mountain range begins.

The trip from Lucknow to kathgodam is quite a lively experience. I have always ensured the reservation of my seats beforehand. So, my train journey begins from Lucknow railway station. As the train undergoes motion and leaves the Lucknow railway station, my excitement begins to rise. Moreover, as the train gathers speed, a thrilling feeling overtakes me.

My train journey from Lucknow to Kathgodam is probably 8-10 hours duration. However, I enjoy every minute of it in spite of the journey being so long. Furthermore, all along the journey, one can purchase items of food and drinks. I almost always purchase meals and refreshments at least twice in the journey.

When slumber overtakes me, I make use of the sleeping berth. I personally find sleeping on the train berth very comfortable. When I wake after a deep sleep, mountains are visible from a distance. Moreover, as the train approaches Kathgodam with menacing speed, the view of mountains gets bigger and bigger. Also, my amusement greatly rises as I see the Himalayas draw closer. Finally, as the train stops at Kathgodam, my delightful train journey comes to an end.

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Why Do I Like to Travel by Train?

Comfort is one of the biggest advantages of a train journey. Most noteworthy, one can move freely in a train cabin. Furthermore, in trains, there is a possibility of an ample foot room. Moreover, trains offer comfortable sleeping berths. All of this makes the train journey a relaxing experience.

Beautiful sightseeing is another noteworthy benefit of train journeys. As the train travels, one can enjoy the views of the countryside, farms, forests , factories, etc. This makes train journeys more comprehensive than journeys by air or road.

Train journeys offer a variety of opportunities to pass time. Furthermore, the train offers a sociable environment. In train journeys, conversations between passengers almost always take place. One can make new friends with traveling passengers on the train easily. Also, one can spend time in a handsome manner on a train journey. In a train journey, one can spend time reading something, listening to music, watching videos, sleeping/resting comfortably, etc.

To sum it up, train journeys are truly one of a kind. The train journey offers uniqueness like no other journey. Most noteworthy, the charm of such a journey is unmatchable. The train journey certainly offers an unforgettable rich experience.

Q1 Why does the writer sleeps so deeply in trains?

A1 The writer sleeps deeply in trains because he finds sleeping on the train berth very comfortable.

Q2 What makes train journeys so journeys so comfortable?

A2 Trains journeys certainly are very comfortable. First of all, one can move freely in a train cabin. Furthermore, there is ample foot room possibility and comfortable sleeping berths on the train.

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my grade 12 journey essay


  1. My journey As a Student Essay

    my grade 12 journey essay

  2. ⭐ A memorable journey essay. A Memorable Journey Narrative And

    my grade 12 journey essay

  3. My Life Journey Essay Example (500 Words)

    my grade 12 journey essay

  4. 📌 My Educational Journey Essay Sample: Check It For Free

    my grade 12 journey essay

  5. Write an essay on A journey by train

    my grade 12 journey essay

  6. Create an essay describing your journey as a junior high school student

    my grade 12 journey essay


  1. English 2020: Essay Writing

  2. My Grade 12 English experience

  3. 10 Lines Essay On Swami Vivekanand ji Englishl Essay On National Youth DayI Swami Vivekanandji Essay

  4. 10 Lines About Train Journey || @PowerliftEssayWriting || Write an Essay on Train Journey

  5. Write a short essay on Journey by Train

  6. Journey to the End of the Earth


  1. My journey As a Student Essay

    As a student, my journey so far has been full of challenges, growth, and self-discovery. I have learned a lot about myself, my abilities, and my passions. In this essay, I will reflect on my journey as a student, highlighting the milestones, struggles, and achievements that have shaped my academic life. Body Paragraphs.

  2. Identity: a Student's Journey of Self-discovery

    Immigrant Experience and Challenges Essay. My immigrant journey has been a testament to the courage and determination that define the pursuit of a better life. Leaving behind the familiar, my family and I embarked on a voyage of hope, resilience, and adaptation. ... Let's fix your grades together! order now. Get Your Personalized Essay in 3 ...

  3. Essay On My Experience in School As A Student

    3. Conclusion. Through highs and lows, my time spent in school has been a journey of growth and learning. From mastering new skills to forging meaningful friendships, I have come away with invaluable life lessons that will stay with me forever. Looking back on it all now, I am truly thankful for the enriching experiences this chapter had to offer.

  4. Self Reflection Essay: My Journey of Self-development

    Published: Mar 14, 2024. Embarking on the journey of self-development is a deeply personal and transformative experience that can shape the course of one's life. As I reflect on my own journey of self-discovery and growth, I am reminded of the challenges and triumphs that have shaped me into the person I am today.

  5. Essay on Life Is a Journey

    250 Words Essay on Life Is a Journey The Metaphor of Life. Life is often compared to a journey, a metaphorical concept that demonstrates the progression of life from birth to death. This journey is not merely a physical one, but rather a voyage of self-discovery, personal growth, and understanding. Unpredictability and Challenges

  6. ELA G12: Personal Narrative Essay

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  7. Grade 12 Level 4 Writing Sample

    Write about where you would like your life to lead you. View full size. Student writing sample: Life is harder when you have choices. My culture believes that parents choose your path in life. Back in home my friends and I talked around what our parents wanted for us and worked carefully to get those goals. Then we moved here and I find myself ...

  8. Your Guide to 12th Grade Success

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  11. A Visit to a Sea Beach: My Memorable Journey

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  12. My New World Journey Analysis

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  16. All About Me: A Personal Journey: [Essay Example], 842 words

    Published: Sep 7, 2023. Table of contents. Exploring oneself is a lifelong journey filled with unique experiences, challenges, and growth. In this essay, I will take you on a comprehensive journey through my life, sharing insights into my background, values, interests, and aspirations. This narrative is a snapshot of who I am and the factors ...

  17. A Scholar's Journey: Lessons, Growth, and Aspirations

    Reflecting on my journey, I am deeply grateful for the experiences that have molded me into the person I am today. My life has been a tapestry of lessons, growth, and self-discovery. As I move forward, I carry with me the values of empathy, resilience, and determination, along with a burning passion for [Your Academic Interest].

  18. Essay on Train Journey for Students and Children

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  19. My Most Unforgettable Experience: a Journey to Self-discovery

    Conclusion. Reflecting on my volunteer trip to Nepal, it is evident that this experience was transformative in multiple dimensions. It challenged my physical limits, expanded my cultural horizons, and fostered a profound sense of self-awareness.

  20. Aspiring to Serve: My Journey to Becoming a Police Officer

    Why Do You Want to Be a Police Officer: Essay Conclusion. In conclusion, my desire to become a police officer is driven by the aspiration to enforce justice and uphold the law, assist those in need, inspire fellow women to join the force, and make a positive and lasting impact on the world through my work.

  21. Transformative Experiences Studying Abroad

    Life is a journey filled with experiences that shape who we are as individuals. Some of these experiences may be mundane and insignificant, while others have the power to transform our lives completely. In this essay, I will explore a life-changing experience that had a profound impact on my personal growth and development.