proposed methodology waste management

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Waste Management Plan; A Complete Guide To Preparing A Waste Management Plan

Table of Contents


Whether you are a school proprietor, a construction project manager or a curious student trying to learn how to write a waste management plan , this article is for you.

I have tried to keep It as concise as possible while still covering every aspect of a comprehensive waste management plan . You can implement this plan at any type of facility regardless of size. From a school to a construction site, to a hospital or a residential community. The same principles will apply regardless of size. Resources used for managing waste at each facility type may vary in terms of equipment, waste bins, personnel requirement but the steps remain the same.

Waste Management Strategy

The objective of a waste management plan is to plan on how waste generated from a facility can be managed efficiently to maximise recovery of value from waste and minimise waste disposal at the landfill. 

A good waste management strategy is one that starts with identifying ways to minimise waste before the need to dispose of them even arises. It also involves engaging all the stakeholders involved in the value chain for waste generation and disposal to ensure that everyone plays a part in sustainable management of waste generated from their facility. 

A good waste management strategy is one that ensures timely and efficient removal of all waste streams generated from a facility with optimal resource recovery through recycling in a safe and professional manner in compliance with applicable local regulations. 

To achieve this, the waste management strategy should be focused around the 5-step hierarchy for sustainable waste management as detailed in the figure below. 

proposed methodology waste management

Communication Strategy

To maximise waste diversion from the landfill and to optimise resource recovery from waste, it is essential to schedule training programs and awareness campaigns for all stakeholders involved on a regular basis.

To achieve this, focus on communicating the right message to all stakeholders. Keep it simple. Share simple guidelines on how they can manage the waste they generated in their immediate environment. This should include guidelines on how they can minimise waste generation from their activities in the first place, what to do with each waste stream, where to dispose of them and how to dispose of them properly to improve recycling.

To be effective ensure all stakeholders are involved in the early stage to get buy-in and have them play their part in the successful implementation of the plan.

  • Encourage residents, staff and the management of the facility to become proactive & involved stakeholders in the planning process for the recycling initiative to ensure successful implementation.
  • Communicate the plan via channels that would ensure the key message gets to everyone. Use emails, chat groups, notice boards, elevators, and other public spaces to ensure that residents and visitors are educated on the guidelines for sustainable waste management and recycling initiatives introduced as part of the waste management plan.
  • Carry out public awareness/training campaigns on a scheduled basis to engage, inform and encourage participation within the facility.
  • Monitor progress regularly and explore opportunities to improve and increase output from the program.

The overall objectives of the communication strategy should be:

  • To attain a positive behaviour change among residents and all stakeholders with respect to waste management and caring for our environment.
  • To display the importance and commitment to more sustainable and efficient use of resources across the facility.
  • To maximise waste diversion from the landfill by optimising recycling of all recyclable waste streams generated from the facility.

Waste Management Training and Awareness Program

To achieve the waste minimization and recycling goals of a waste management plan, a three phased training and awareness program should be implemented to ensure that all stakeholders are captured, and key messages are delivered to achieve better results. These approaches are;

  • Scheduled period awareness sessions with residents and operational staff at the facility to educate them on proper waste management and recycling techniques. You should cover the following topics during the session.
  • Waste Stream Definition and Categorization
  • Stakeholder Involvement
  • Basic Waste Disposal Procedures and Waste Handling Techniques
  • Waste Reduction Techniques
  • Waste Reuse Techniques
  • Waste Segregation Techniques
  • Resource Conservation at Work
  • Hygiene Guidelines for Waste Management

2. Awareness campaigns to mark events like World Environment Day , Earth Day , etc. This helps highlight the significance of their role in contributing to a greener world through sustainable waste management. 

3. Awareness by visualization through designing and placement of awareness posters/boards around the facility to further educate and remind client staff on proper waste management and recycling techniques.


Once the strategy and communication plan are in place, the next step is outlining how the waste management plan will be implemented. The first step towards implementing a waste management plan is to understand the types of waste generated from a facility or community. As you can imagine the waste composition could vary significantly from one type of facility to another. For example, a hotel would have a high composition of food waste coming from the different kitchens in a hotel that cater to restaurant and hotel guests. A construction project site on other hand would have a high proportion of concrete waste or metal scrap coming from the construction activities. 

For these reasons, a crucial first step is to conduct a waste audit to fully understand the types of waste, sources, quantities, etc. and tailor the waste management plan for managing the waste streams efficiently. 

Waste Audit

A waste audit is a method to identify the types of waste produced from a facility and how much of it there is. It can help you plan on how to reduce waste. It can also show you where recycling bins need to be placed or what guide you on other resources you might need to encourage sustainable waste management at a facility. 

Key insights you can gain from a waste audit are.

  • Type of waste generated
  • Sources of waste generated
  • Quantities of waste generated

The first step in conducting a waste audit is analysing what kind of items are being thrown away over time: how many paper towels were used at lunchtime? How many plastic containers were used for food storage? 

Once you have completed the waste audit, collate the data, and analyse it for insights. Act based on your findings. Based on this information you’ve gathered, you can plan better on how to minimise waste generations, store waste efficiently, and encourage reuse/recycling of waste. A sample waste management audit template is provided in appendix 1. You can adapt this to suit your facility. 

proposed methodology waste management

Goal Setting, Waste Management Training and Awareness Campaigns

Now that you are equipped with data and insights from the waste audit, the next step is to set goals for reducing and recycling waste. 

Waste management training and awareness campaigns should be carried out for all stakeholders to get buy-in and educate them on the goals and the role they can play in contributing to achieving the goals.

  • Start with a training needs analysis to understand how much people know and then tailor the awareness or training to address the gaps. 
  • Keep the training simple and deliver the content in a format that the target group will be more receptive to. Think infographics with dos and don’ts, short videos if you are targeting a young audience or simple notices in public areas. You can also consider email communication or a workshop if you can get a group together.
  • Pay attention to getting the decision makers and leadership involved in the process. If there is buy-in from them, others will be more likely to participate as they see key stakeholders lead by example.  
  • This exercise should not be a one time activity, periodic reminders will be necessary to encourage people to make a habit out of participating in waste reduction and recycling activities. 

Waste Management Segregation and Recycling Process

Here we outline how to manage the different waste streams generated across a facility. For each waste stream, I will outline steps for reducing waste, then reuse and finally recycling the waste to minimise the amount of waste that end up in the landfill. 

Paper and Cardboard

Paper and cardboard are some of the most common recycling items found in places like homes, schools, offices, etc. These materials can be recycled into a variety of items, including new paper products, wallboard, insulation, and more. To reduce this type of waste, we can start by eliminating packaging as much as we can as this contributes a significant part of the paper and cardboard waste we generate.

To reduce paper waste, we can limit some communication to electronic circulation only to minimize paper waste generated from circulating them in print. We can also reuse the waste stream by reprinting on used paper, reusing cardboard packaging.

Here are tips on how to properly recycle paper and cardboard items:

  • Identity sources of paper and cardboard waste
  • Set aside a container or recycling box for collecting them
  • Cardboard boxes should be flattened before being collected for recycling.
  • Avoid throwing contaminated paper or cardboard in the recycling bin.
  • Do not mix other waste items in the recycling bins for paper and cardboard as they can easily get contaminated. When there is a high level of contamination with paper and cardboard, recycling facilities reject them and they end up in landfills.

proposed methodology waste management

Paper Recycling Box and Recycling Cage for cardboard.

Organic waste (food waste).

Organic waste is mainly food waste like leftovers and the waste we generate when we are cooking like cuttings from vegetables and other food items. We can reduce this type of waste by planning our purchase to ensure we do not purchase excess food products that might end up as waste. 

We can reduce the amount of  organic waste that goes to the landfill by composting them for use as manure in our garden. For home use, there are simple composting bins you can purchase and use in your backyard to compost food waste. For bigger facilities like hotels and catering facilities, there are industrial composting units that can be procured to compost the large volumes of food produced in such facilities. Why is it important to divert food waste from the landfill you might ask. Here are some facts you might know; 

  • Food waste is a major source of methane gas. The methane produced by food waste in landfills is over one hundred times more potent than CO2 as an atmospheric greenhouse gas, making it a significant contributor to climate change.
  • According to the EPA, food waste accounts for between 10-15% of all U.S. methane emissions and 9% of total U.S carbon dioxide emissions annually.
  • Food waste is also a major contributor to pollution: it produces harmful substances like leachate (liquid that drains from landfills), odour, pests and vermin infestations (rats), groundwater contamination, littering issues.
  • Food waste contributes significantly towards disease outbreaks in developing countries where there isn’t proper collection systems or infrastructure in place which leads people directly into contact with this material.

proposed methodology waste management

Home compost bin

Food waste composter.

Like other recyclable waste streams, you can collect metal scrap and cans in a separate bin for recycling. Metals are a valuable resource, and they can be recycled to create new products. Many metal items like aluminium can be recycled repeatedly, saving energy by reducing the quantity of raw materials needed to make new products.

Metal recycling saves 95% energy compared to manufacturing metal from fresh raw materials. So, it makes a lot of sense to recycle metals. Several types of metal items like aluminium, steel, copper, etc. can be recycled

This is the most recyclable waste we generate in terms of volume. A lot of the items we use at home and at workplaces come in plastic packaging. Plastic is a versatile material that can be used in many different ways. It’s inexpensive and easy to mass produce, which makes it ideal for use as containers, packaging and more. However, plastic is made from petroleum—a nonrenewable resource—so we must be careful not to waste it.

As before, we start with minimising plastic waste by reducing use of it in packaging. Next time you are at the grocery store, you can request to carry your items yourself if there are only a few of them instead of packing them in unnecessary layers of plastic bags. You can also go shopping with your own reusable bag, so you do not have a need for plastic bag packaging from the stores. Next, explore ways to reuse some of the plastic waste you generate. You can use them for storage or even gardening.

There are several types of plastics that can be recycled. Some of the common ones are.

  • PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate); this is used for packaging products like water, carbonated drinks, body lotion, etc.
  • HDPE (High Density Polyethylene); this is used for making products like shopping bags, waste bags, toys, etc.
  • LDPE, (Low-Density Polyethylene); similar to HDPE, they are used for making product packaging, like bread and frozen food wraps, dry cleaning bags, coating of paper milk cartons, etc.
  • PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride); this is used for making pipes and fittings, cables, etc.
  • PP (Poly Polypropylene); these are for making hot food containers.

Depending on the space availability, you can sort your plastics by type for recycling or you can co-mingle them in one big and deposit them at the nearest recycling collection point near you. 

Glass is a recyclable material. It can be recycled into new glass or used to make other products. When you recycle glass, you are taking a valuable resource and turning it into something new, which saves energy and material resources.

You can drop off your used glass for recycling at any collection point near you. There are many ways to recycle glass:

  • You can separate your clear and coloured bottles from other recyclables by putting them in separate bins for collection at the school
  • Clear glass bottles can be returned for cash at local stores that collect them, including grocery stores, pharmacies, convenience stores and more
  • Some cities offer citizens free drop off locations for their empty beverage containers; check with your city’s website for more information on where these locations might be located

Electronics or e-waste

These are waste electronic items. We generate a lot more of these in recent times due to the huge number of items like smart phones, tablets, laptops, etc. that we use. These items contain rare metals like gold, platinum, silver, palladium, etc, that can be recovered through recycling and reused for different purposes. They also contain toxic items like lead, mercury, nickel, etc. therefore, is it important to dispose of these items properly. Most cities have recycling centres with separate drop off points for e-waste where you can send your electronic waste for recycling.

The recycling process for e-waste involves extracting metals from electronic devices and using them in other products. This process can help reduce the need for mining precious metals and make it easier for manufacturers to meet their regulatory requirements for recycling materials like copper, aluminium and steel.

Some e-waste items can also be reused by having them refurbished for reuse instead of disposing of them. There are services for the collection of smartphones and computers for refurbishing for example. Some of these services pay you to collect such e-waste items.

Hazardous Waste

Hazardous waste items are waste that could potentially harm us or the environment. Some of the waste we generate at home and at work are hazardous in nature and could potentially cause harm. Items like batteries and cleaning chemicals are some of the hazardous waste items we generate at home.

Hazardous waste should be collected separately for treatment and disposal as hazardous waste. If you are not sure of how to dispose of any of the hazardous waste items you generate, you can call your local authority for advice. Industrial facilities generate a lot of this class of waste.

Most jurisdictions have regulatory guidelines for hazardous waste disposal that industrial producers of such waste must comply with. It typically starts with proper classification and storage in suitable containers with labelling that complies with established guidelines.

There are waste management companies specialised in hazardous waste management that can be contracted for the safe treatment and disposal of hazardous waste items. Depending on the type, some of them can be treated for reuse in other industries.

Waste Management Reports and Improvement

To track progress and gain insights on performance and improvement, it is important to collect data on the different waste streams and performance on set recycling targets. A waste management report should include set objectives and recycling targets defined for the facility in question. Data from Logs from waste collection for the different waste streams generated should be presented with comparison of percentage contribution of each waste stream. 

This will help track performance against recycling targets. Based on the performance, it should include recommendations for improvement on the goals set out in the waste management plan. A sample of the table for a waste management report is included in Appendix II.

A waste management plan is a crucial first step in organising efforts at sustainable waste management into a plan that is concise, provides guidelines and procedures for managing all types of waste with measurable outcomes for achieving recycling targets. I hope this plan is useful to you; you can adapt it as needed.

With a waste management plan in place, you can easily identify and dispose of wastes to help conserve the environment. It is important that everyone plays their part by being aware of what they are throwing away and where it should go.

proposed methodology waste management

Appendix I: Waste Audit Template

proposed methodology waste management

Appendix II: Waste Management Report Template

proposed methodology waste management

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Waste Management Project Proposal Template

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Waste management is a pressing issue that affects our environment, communities, and future generations. If you're passionate about making a positive impact and want to propose a waste management project, ClickUp's Waste Management Project Proposal Template is the perfect tool to get started.

With this template, you'll be able to:

  • Clearly outline the goals, objectives, and scope of your waste management project.
  • Identify and assess key stakeholders, including local authorities and community members, to ensure collaboration and support.
  • Develop a comprehensive timeline, budget, and resource plan to effectively manage the project from start to finish.
  • Present your proposal in a professional and compelling way, using ClickUp's intuitive features to create visually appealing documentation.

Ready to turn your waste management vision into a reality? Use ClickUp's Waste Management Project Proposal Template today and make a difference in the world!

Benefits of Waste Management Project Proposal Template

The Waste Management Project Proposal Template offers numerous benefits for organizations looking to tackle waste management effectively. Here are just a few:

  • Streamlined project planning and execution, ensuring all waste management initiatives are well-organized and efficient
  • Clear communication of project goals, objectives, and timelines to stakeholders and team members
  • Comprehensive analysis of waste management strategies, allowing for informed decision-making and resource allocation
  • Increased accountability and transparency throughout the project, ensuring all tasks and responsibilities are clearly defined and tracked
  • Improved sustainability practices, leading to reduced waste generation and environmental impact.

Main Elements of Waste Management Project Proposal Template

ClickUp's Waste Management Project Proposal template is designed to help you streamline your waste management projects and proposals. Here are the main elements of this Whiteboard template:

  • Custom Statuses: Track the progress of your waste management projects with two customizable statuses - Open and Complete.
  • Custom Fields: Utilize custom fields to capture important information related to your waste management projects, such as project details, budget estimates, and timelines.
  • Project Proposal View: Use the Project Proposal view to outline the scope, objectives, and deliverables of your waste management project. This view allows you to collaborate with your team and stakeholders to ensure everyone is aligned.
  • Getting Started Guide View: The Getting Started Guide view provides a step-by-step roadmap for initiating and executing your waste management project. It helps you stay organized and ensures that all necessary tasks and actions are completed.

With ClickUp's Waste Management Project Proposal template, you can effectively plan, execute, and monitor your waste management projects from start to finish.

How to Use Project Proposal for Waste Management

If you're working on a waste management project proposal, you can follow these steps to effectively use the Waste Management Project Proposal Template in ClickUp:

1. Define the problem and goals

Start by clearly defining the waste management problem you aim to address. Identify the specific goals you want to achieve with your project, such as reducing landfill waste, implementing recycling programs, or improving waste disposal practices.

Use a Doc in ClickUp to outline the problem and goals, providing a clear and compelling explanation of why your project is necessary.

2. Develop a comprehensive plan

Next, develop a detailed plan that outlines the strategies and actions you will undertake to achieve your waste management goals. This may include implementing recycling initiatives, conducting waste audits, educating the community, or partnering with waste management companies.

Use tasks in ClickUp to break down your plan into actionable steps, assigning responsibilities and setting deadlines for each task.

3. Determine the budget and resources

Estimate the financial resources and materials needed to execute your waste management project. Consider expenses such as equipment, personnel, waste collection services, and community outreach materials. Additionally, identify any external resources or partnerships that may be required.

Create custom fields in ClickUp to track and calculate your project budget, ensuring that all costs are accounted for.

4. Craft a persuasive proposal

Now it's time to put together a compelling waste management project proposal that clearly communicates your plan, goals, and budget. Make sure to include relevant data, research, and case studies to support the effectiveness of your approach. Highlight the potential environmental and social benefits of your project.

Use the Docs feature in ClickUp to create a visually appealing proposal, incorporating images, charts, and graphs to enhance your message. You can also collaborate with team members to review and refine the proposal.

By following these steps and utilizing the Waste Management Project Proposal Template in ClickUp, you can effectively organize and present your waste management project, increasing the chances of securing support and funding for your initiative.

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Get Started with ClickUp's Waste Management Project Proposal Template

Environmental organizations and waste management companies can use the Waste Management Project Proposal Template to streamline the process of proposing and implementing waste management projects.

First, hit “Get Free Solution” to sign up for ClickUp and add the template to your Workspace. Make sure you designate which Space or location in your Workspace you’d like this template applied.

Next, invite relevant members or guests to your Workspace to start collaborating.

Now you can take advantage of the full potential of this template to manage waste efficiently:

  • Use the Project Proposal View to outline and present your waste management project to stakeholders
  • The Getting Started Guide View will help you set clear guidelines and deadlines for each stage of the project
  • Organize tasks into two different statuses: Open and Complete, to keep track of progress
  • Assign team members to specific tasks and designate deadlines for each task
  • Collaborate with team members and stakeholders to brainstorm ideas and create a concrete plan
  • Set up notifications to stay updated on task progress and receive feedback from stakeholders
  • Monitor and analyze tasks to ensure the successful completion of the waste management project.

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A methodology for solid waste characterization based on diminishing marginal returns


  • 1 Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur 208016, India.
  • PMID: 16600585
  • DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2006.02.007

A methodology is developed for estimating the number of waste sorts for characterizing solid wastes into categories based on diminishing minimum incremental information. Convergence in the square of the coefficient of variation with successive waste sorts is used to indicate cost-efficient termination of sampling at substantially reduced numbers of sorts in comparison with existing methodologies. These findings indicate that the numbers of waste sorts beyond that determined using the proposed methodology do not add substantial marginal gains in information and/or reduction in the confidence interval of the estimate. The methodology is demonstrated using waste composition analyses from the Greater Vancouver Regional District where 22 waste sorts are examined. The proposed methodology is simple, and the number of waste sorts can be estimated with a hand-held calculator and utilized in the field.

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A city of circular economy: advancement of cost-effective methods for resolving conflicts of investment in urban resilience

  • Published: 06 September 2024

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  • Yasser ElSayed Fouda   ORCID: 1 &
  • Deena Mohamed ElKhazendar 2  

In recent years, losses associated with disasters have increased considerably. Cities are hubs of economic growth, fueling their national economies. The resilience of this growth is at risk, however, from unplanned-for shocks and ongoing stresses, facing increasing environmental, social, and economic challenges. Various literature reviews have revealed the importance of urban resilience, but most have failed to address cost-effective methods for implementing resilience in urban conflicts. Finding new innovative approaches, that are the cheapest and the easiest to implement, to overcome the challenges, are limited. Investors are struggling with a range of obstacles when it comes to investing in resilience. To help in closing the implementation gap, a comprehensive framework of sustainable approaches emphasizing the notion of circular economy is developed across a range of spatial scales throughout its phases of emergency and risk management cycle. The main aim is to enable adaptation and the development of cost-effective solutions in response to future challenges and thus encourage investments in resilient cities. A cost benefit analysis, applied to a hypothetical city, is developed for each innovative approach at different spatial levels. The proposed analysis has proven that innovative approaches are cost effective, as their net economic benefit exceeds their upfront cost. Besides that, they tend to reduce a variety of disaster losses and emphasize the notion of circular economy. In overall, the framework analysis has revealed its ability to act as a protective dome to govern, manage, and finance sustainable low-cost approaches in any new urban formation.

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Department of Architectural Engineering, College of Architectural Engineering and Digital Design, Dar Al Uloom University, P.O.Box 45142, 11512, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Yasser ElSayed Fouda

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Deena Mohamed ElKhazendar

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Appendix A: Innovative approaches needed at city scale —phase 1: prevent and mitigate

1.1 appendix a1: nature based solutions for: (mountainous—mountainous (volcanoes)).

Analysis of innovative approach used for landscape features

1. Mountainous

2. Mountainous (Volcanoes)


 Create appropriate form of vegetation on slopes and adjoining roads

 Create wetlands


 Act as a barrier and protect settlements from potential hazards (landslides—Earthquakes—Avalanches)

 Act as a giant sponge that restore and filter flood water


-Reduce soil erosion

-Reduce transportation of sediments into the catchment

-Regulate carbon cycle and precipitation

-Recharge groundwater levels, reduce water shortage and drought

-Filter and treat water from impurities

-Carbon sink

-Safe harbors for biodiversity and agriculture havens

-Act as natural air conditioner and purifier (cool air)

-Serve as recreational and health services during pandemics


: Laogan Ravine (China)

Innovative approach used: Increase vegetation cover on slopes (159 ha (area))

Estimated profit (over 20 years): US $ 590/ha/year

i.e., US $ 77,000 (income for local people)

Date: 1991–1994

Upfront cost: 170,000$

Losses prevented: US $ 5Millions

: Sponge City—Wuhan (China)

Innovative approach used: Wetlands

Area: 38.5 km2 (389 separate projects—45000trees)

Economic Benefit: Value of land in surrounding areas have risen from US $ 631 to US $ 1471 per m

Date: 2015–2017

Upfront Cost: US $ 2139 Million (US $ 600 million cheaper than grey infrastructure)

Water losses prevented: US $ 220,000/year

: Southeast Queensland Storm Water Management Case Study (2010)

Major Costs: US $ 52,220/hectare

Major Benefits: US $ 57,110/hectare


 Create special types of vegetation with broad leaves

 Create Lava tubes (natural conduits made from by-products of volcanic process)


 Act as a bio-shield from (tephra and volcanic ash)

 Redirect lava flow underground


 Reduce wind erosion during volcanic eruption

-Generate electricity (Geothermal power)

-Enrich Soil

-Metallic ore deposit

-Boost economic benefits and reduce economic collapse


: Hellisheidi–Iceland

Innovative approach used: Geothermal approach

Date: Project commissioned in 2006

Project Fund: US$ 800 Million

Energy Produced: 2300GWh

Economic benefit: Save 30–60% on energy sources

Accounts for 7% of Iceland GDP (3000USD per person each year)

N.B: Geothermal energy require high upfront cost (drilling costs) but payoff in the short and long terms

#Upfront cost: US $ 34/MWh (Power plant cost (US $ 25/MWh) + Drilling cost (US $ 9/MWh)) for 320GWh/year

To cut investment costs from drilling (accounts for 60% for total investment) by more than half. “EU-Funded Researchers” has developed models enabling identification of geothermal regions with high heat conductivity potential without the need for drilling

1.2 Appendix A2: Nature based solutions for: (Deserts—Coasts—Forests)

Analysis of Innovative approach used for landscape features

3. Deserts

4. Coasts





-Act as a buffer that reduce wind speed and soil erosion

-Act as a giant sponge that restore and filter flood water

-Keep Soil well-watered that can reduce locusts


-Act as economic inflation reduction

-Reduce risk of desertification and dust storms

-Restores and decrease risks of flash flood

-Reduce water shortage and droughts

-Reduce locusts and grasshoppers’ swarm

-Serve as recreational and health services


: Green belts across China

Innovative approach used: Afforestation

Date: 2021

Cost (plantation): US $ 26,470/hectare/Year

Economic Benefit: US $ 40,220/hectare/Year

: Dust Storms in Australia—Queensland State

Innovative approach used: Afforestation

Upfront Cost: US $ 9 Million. Affected Area: 3000 km long

Annual Average economic loss from sandstorms: US $ 299 Million

Dust storms-_What do they really cost


 Create/restore coral and oyster reefs and kelp, and seagrass beds. In addition to implementation of:

-Mangrove Forests


-Sand dunes


-Serve as a buffer for tsunamis and high coastal rise

-Absorb and store excess water


-Filter and treat water

-Protect shorelines from erosions

-Metabolize excess nutrients

-Create a productive safe harbor for biodiversity

-Act as: (Food and water source, recreational and health benefits, and carbon sink)

 Reduce economic collapse


: Cost benefit analysis in Quelimane, Mozambique

Innovative Approach Used: Mangrove forests

Area of Mangroves: 22 Hectares

Costs (Actual costs + Additional cost) (2016):

US $ 5400/Hectare


Number of trees per hectare: 364trees

Total Economic benefit (2023): US $ 5660/Hectare/Year

(Fish Production—Aquaculture—Beekeeping—Storm protection)

: Mangrove in Philippines

Date: 2011–2015

Philippine Government Fund: US $ 22 Million

Area of Mangrove: 220Hectares (544acres)

Losses prevented (storm): US $ 450 Million/Year

5. Forests


-Green belts

-Afforestation and reforestation


Serve as a fuel break, slowing the speed and intensity of encroaching fires


-Provide recreational and health benefits

-Improve air quality and esthetic value

-Expand wildlife habitat

-Expand carbon sink

-Discourage emissions from forest fires

-Incentivize the use of renewable forest and agricultural products (mechanical thinning) in energy production

-Act as economic inflation reduction


: Sonoma County, California

Innovative approach used: Park restoration

Date: 2021

Fund from Vegetation Management Program (wildfires fuel breaks): US $ 3.8 Million for 2,000 acres

Losses prevented (wildfires): US $ 37 Millions

Parks valley area: 60,000 acres

Park expenditures (recreation and health): US $ 12.5 Million/year

Park revenue (recreation and health): US $ 15.5 Million/year

Net Profit (recreation and health): US $ 3Million/year


1.3 Appendix A3: Internet of things for: (all landscape features)

Analysis of innovative approach used for landscape features

All landscape features

Internet of Things IoT:

-Digital Technologies

(Mitigation Phase)


-Analyzing the spatial and geographical information related to a specific disaster

Sensors can early analyze prone areas to:


-Tornadoes and cloud bursts

-Volcanic activities



-Collect near-real-time data on things like water levels, volcanic activities, and barometric readings thus preventing economic and human losses


: US West Coast

Innovative approach used: Internet of things (Stand-alone-system with a low-cost acceleration sensor)

Date: 2014

Upfront cost (Earthquakes early warning): Onetime payment US $ 38 Million, US $ 16.1Million/Year

US West Coast area: 261,500,000 hectares

Losses prevented: Protection for business and individuals worth US $ 1 Billion

Appendix B: Innovative approaches needed at neighbourhood scale

Innovative approach

Economic benefit/avoided disaster costs

Cost analysis examples (Investment in innovative approaches)

1. Land-use planning strategies:

#Provision of blue (waterways)/Green (Greenery) infrastructure

#Provision of open space

-Water supply (drought)

-Water Storage (flood)

-Multi-Transportation nodes (Evacuation routes)

-Food source

-Recreational and health services (Pandemics)

-Spaces for temporary infrastructure (Shelters provisions)

-Multiple functions of spaces (Avoid man-made and natural disasters losses)

: Los Angeles, California saw an increase of more than 2000 jobs from its $166 million investment in blue/green infrastructure (2012–2014)

: In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2008) 7,000 vacant lands of 8 million square feet were greened. All houses within a quarter mile of a greened lot increased in value by 2–5% annually generating US $ 100 Million in additional annual property taxes

2. Transportation system and mobility:


(20 min neighborhood)

 Modularity and Redundancy

-Sustainable transportation methods (cycling and walking)

-Health benefits (Pandemics)

-Modular redundant evacuation routes

-Ease transportation routes

-Optimization and inclusion of evacuation routs for all society


The estimated cost for public transportation is US $ 165 Million a year or US $ 2 billion over the long run. This is a modest amount compared to current capital commitments for rail that reaches to US $ 19—26 billion

(Victoria State Government 2017)

: A study completed by Queensland Government in 2011 states that for each person who walks 20 min to work and back the economy benefits US $ 8.48


(Moreno 2020)

3. Storm Water Management (NBS)

-Tree trenches

-Permeable pavement

-Vegetated swales placed along streets and parking lots

-Rainwater harvesting by blue/Green infrastructure (wetlands + rivers and water channels)

-Tree canopy

-Green streets

-Land slopes

-Water supply (drought)

-Water Storage (flood)

-Cooling effect

-Reduce urban heat island (Extreme temperature)

-Health benefits (Pandemics)

-Purification of air and water (Health)

: Quabbin and Wachusett nature-based solutions (22,000 acres of watershed) project for water management

Fund: $130 million (for the past 20 years)

Economic benefits: A water filtration plant would have cost $250 million and $4 million annually to operate and maintain

: King County public health building and Lakewood Park—Seattle (2010)

Area: 65 Acres (26Hectare)

Project details: (Wetlands—green streets—tree canopy—swales)

Construction Cost: US $5.4 million

Annual Maintenance Cost: US $153,000

One-time benefits: US $219,700

Net present Value (50 years): US $20Million

Payback period: 8.7 Years

4. Sustainable Food Management (NBS)

-Orchards (Vegetables and fruits source)

-Floating greenhouse

-Blue infrastructure (Fish source)

-Food Source (During disasters)

-Health Benefits (Pandemics)

-Stabilize the soil and prevents (soil erosions)

: In Niger (2020), orchards generate $280 million per year in ecosystem benefits and yield increase, which provide food for 2.5 million people

The total additional value for provision and restoration of orchards is US $ 1140 per hectare

5. Renewable Energy Sources

-Renewable energy sources

-Biofuels and biomaterials

-Sustainable energy sources (provide power during emergencies)

-Efficient energy source

: Between 2003—2012 weather related outages have cost the US of an annual average of US $ 28–53 billion

: Smart renewable sources smart grids in Washington, DC, and Pennsylvania (68.34 square miles) (2012) reduced weather Sandy storm’s impact for power outages

Fund from The American Recovery and Reinvestment act of 2009: US $ 4.5 billion

The US department of energy states that the benefit cost ratio for wind power is 18 to 1

Appendix C: Innovative approaches needed at building scale

Innovative approach

Economic benefit-avoided disaster costs

Cost analysis examples

(investments in innovative approaches)

1. Landscape and water management

-Rain Gardens

(Shallow vegetated basins that collects and absorbs runoff from rooftops, sidewalks, and streets)

-Permeable pavements

(Pervious concrete, porous asphalt, and interlocking pavers)

-Terraces and slopes


(Collect polluted stormwater runoff and filter out pollution)

-Reduce and treat stormwater runoff (Flood and drought)

-Air and water purifier


-Water storage (Drought and Flood)

-Cool temperature (Extreme temperature)

-Food supply

: The Camden County Utility Authority (2018)

Area of county: 8723 square miles (7354 square miles are land)

Cost upfront: $5.4 million loan from the New Jersey Infrastructure Bank to construct rain gardens and porous concrete sidewalks

Cost Savings: $3.1 million over the 30-year loan

: Rain Garden cost = (US $ 240 + US $ 40.09/Square ft)—(Maintenance = US $ 4/ Square ft)

Permeable pavements = 

(US $ 6/ Square ft)—(Maintenance 0.02/ Square ft)

Ex: 21 Custer St. Jamaica Plain (2022—2025)

Lot Size: 644 Square meter

Upfront cost: US $ 363,782

(Includes: bioswale—rain gardens—permeable pavements)

2. Building Exterior Management

-Materials selection (Bio-Based Materials)

-Phase change materials—PCMs

(Absorb heat during the day and releases it during the night)

-Cost effective waterproof timber (Oak and Cedar) construction

-Green building façade

-Green roofs

-PCMs materials can regulate temperature (Extreme temperature)

-Sustainable materials selection (earthquakes)

-Cool temperature (Extreme temperature)

-Health Benefits (pandemics)

-Air purifier (pandemics)

: Seattle Buildings (2022), Washington

Seattle Buildings have PCMs encapsulated in its wall and ceiling panels

Economic Benefits: Cooling costs will be as much as 98% lower than one would expect for a 77,000-square-foot building

: Green roofs cost = (US $ 500 + US $ 15/Square ft)—(Maintenance = US $ 0.75/Square ft)

Green walls = US $ 1,400

Ex: 21 Custer St. Jamaica Plain (2022—2025)

Lot Size: 644 Square meter

Upfront cost: US $ 227,552

urban resilience, 2018

3. Heat Island Reduction

-Green cool roofs

(designed to reflect more sunlight)

-Reflective pavements

-Bioretention areas

-Urban trees

-Cool temperature (Extreme temperature)

-Reduce climate change (Global warming)

: Glasgow, Scotland

Glasgow has increased its green areas by 20%, consequently, the city can cut its urban heat island effect in half by 2050

: Washington. D.C cool roofs (2018)

Area: 68.34 square mile

Upfront Costs: US $838 Million

(Including: First cost, operations and maintenance, additional replacement, employment training)

Cost Benefits: US $2.648 Billion

(Including: Energy, health, financial incentives, climate change, storm water, employment benefits)

Net present Value: US $ 1.8 Billion

urban resilience, 2018

5. On Site renewable energy and energy efficiency

-Building orientation

(Sun and wind)

-On site Renewable energy sources

-On site renewable energy sources (economic crisis)

: In 2017, University of Sussex has installed 3000 solar panels on the roof at their campus which generates 5% of their total energy use each year

Upfront Cost: US $ 1.87 Million, using efficient and cheap modern panels

Cost benefit: Provides (777,000 Kilowatt hours) and reduces the ongoing expenses and maintenance costs on the long run

: Solar panels cost around US $ (4 to 10 per square feet)

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About this article

Fouda, Y.E., ElKhazendar, D.M. A city of circular economy: advancement of cost-effective methods for resolving conflicts of investment in urban resilience. Environ Dev Sustain (2024).

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Received : 21 August 2023

Accepted : 27 July 2024

Published : 06 September 2024


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Solid waste management for sustainable development

A study of solid waste management for sound environmental development in hambantota municipal council (hmc) in sri lanka..

proposed methodology waste management


When doing a social research, it is important to thoroughly describe which method is used in order to make it accessible for the readers and to be able to process it in scientific manner (Teorell & Svensson, 2007, p.54).  The Research method is a supporting subject which is used to accomplish in a variety of research paradigm in many academic disciplines (Kumar, 2010, p.18).  It is a system of models, procedures and techniques used to find the result of a research problem (Panneerselvam, 2004, p.2).  According to Henn et al (2006, p.21), the research method encourages the researcher to investigate a particular research area from a variety of different types of data, analyze these data using different techniques and interpreting the results from a variety of different positions. However, Choices about the method are a matter of rummaging in the tool bag for the best equipment for the task in hand (Roger, 2009, p.32).  Finding these best tools was necessary to carry out the research in order to precede the study successfully.

A methodology for any research study is designed in a very cautions manner and by careful examination of the related literature (Khan, 2011, p.70).  Hence, the researcher could identify many different factors related to research objectives and questions of the study with the reviewed literature in the previous chapter. Based on those readings the researcher developed the methodology which include finding the research problem, creating research questions, formatting the theoretical framework in a pre-empirical stage; while designing method, data collection, data analyzing and data interpretation in the Empirical stage (see figure 5).

methodology structure 1

Source: Author Edited by using Punch (1998, p.42)

Mixed Method Strategy

The first step of developing the methodology was to decide the research strategy. According to World Health Organization (WHO, 2001, p.9), the selection of a research strategy is the core of a research method and is probably the most important decision the researcher has to make. Research strategy is the general orientation to the conduct of social research (Bryman, 2012, p.34). Many researchers focus on using a qualitative research strategy or quantitative research strategy for their studies. Nevertheless, in some situations, a second research method can be added to the study to provide an enhanced understanding of some phase of the research and enhance a primary method so that the research objectives can be best address in the study (Creswell & Clark, 2011, p. 10).

As this study focus on how Solid Waste Management (SWM) practices impact on sound environmental development, the researcher decided to use a mixed method strategy. Mixed method strategy integrates quantitative and qualitative research in a single project (Bryman, 2012, p.628). The mixed method approach collects and analyzes data, integrates the findings and draws inferences by using both qualitative and quantitative approaches in a single study (Taskkori & Creswell, 2007, p.4). However, the research largely relied on the qualitative approach which is sequentially followed by a quantitative approach within the entire research process. The decision towards a mixed method developed because the two methods together result in a better understanding of the problem of the study (Heise-Biber & Leavy, 2008, 365). Especially, the Research Questions were suited for mixed methods as one data source was insufficient to answer all questions. According to Creswell & Clark (2011, p. 8), one type of evidence may not tell the complete story, or the researcher may lack confidence in the ability to address the problem. Therefore, using mixed methods provided an opportunity to conduct the research with confidence.

At the outset of selecting the approach, the researcher needed to know advantages of mixed methods. These advantages can be used to convince readers about the value of mixed methods (Creswell & Clark, 2011, p. 12). The mixed method provided strengths that equalize the weaknesses of both qualitative and quantitative approaches.  It provided more relevant data to answer the research problem than using either qualitative or quantitative approaches alone. Moreover, a mixed method approach is likely to increase the acceptance of findings and conclusions. Yet, some disadvantages were identified with this method. When data collection methods are duplicative, the costs for gathering information were essentially doubled. Same time as pointed out by Roberts (2000), it was problematic with the possible statistical measurement limitations of qualitative data when it has been quantitized as the result is moving in the same line.

Case Study Design

“Research design essentially refers to the plan or strategy of shaping the research” (Henn et al, 2006, p.46). It is a procedure plan that is adopted by the researcher “to answer questions validly, objectively, accurately and economically” (Kumar, 2011, p. 94). A research design is a statement of the object of the inquiry and the strategies for collecting the evidences, analyzing the findings and reporting those (Singh & Nath, 2007, p.154).  As pointed out by Khan, (2011, p. 69), selection and formulation of a proper research scheme is very important and essential for the successful accomplishment of a research.

This study was conducted under case study design. As Stake (1995) cited in Bryman (2012, p.66), a case study research is concerned with the complexity and the particular nature of the case in the research question.  The design involves detailed and intensive analysis of the case (Bryman, 2008). It is related to the criteria that are employed when evaluating social research and build a frame work for the generation of evidence that is suited both to a certain set of criteria and to the research question in which the investigator is interested (Bryman, 2012, p.45).  In this Study, the benefit of conducting a case study was that it enabled an examination of the impact of SWM on Sound Environmental Development in Hambantota Urban Council (HUC). The case study investigated the practice of SWM, perspectives of local population about SWM and impact of SWM for sound environmental development.  However, SWM practices are highly contextual. Therefore, this case study will not necessarily find the same findings as a similar case study in another social setting.  As Bryman (2012) stated, the purpose of the case study is not to make generalizations, but rather to generate theoretical assumptions on the basis of the findings of that particular case.

3.1.  Research design .

3.2.  Data Collection Methods

3.3.  Sampling Method .

3.4.  Data analysis

3.5.  Ethical consideration.


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  • Process chemistry
  • Surface chemistry

A quantity of recoverable barite exists in high-density waste drilling fluid. Based on the inefficiencies and complexities of existing recycling methods, a novel pre-treatment approach which includes clean-breaking, high-speed washing, ultrasonic dispersion, and microwave heating and a new depressant (Gellan Gum) was proposed. The floatability, separation efficiency and mechanism were discussed by SEM, adsorption capacity, zeta potential measurements and contact angle tests. The results of reverse flotation experiments results indicated that secondary water washing proves highly effective in enriching a significant quantity of barite solid phase. Subsequent microwave-ultrasonic and flotation can obtain barite of high quality with recovery and density reaching 81.5% and 4.238 g/cm 3 , respectively. It can be utilized directly in the preparation of drilling fluid. Mechanism studies shown that the per-treatments substantially enhances the barite grade while effectively eliminating low-density solid phases adhering to the barite surface, thus exposing additional contact points between the constituents so as to improve flotation separation. This new recovery scheme has environmental advantages and great reference value for the separation of barite within high-density waste drilling fluids.


As a pivotal global strategic mineral resource, barite finds extensive applications in petrochemical, medical protection, textiles, and construction materials owing to its specific gravity, non-toxic nature, non-magnetic properties, and ability to absorb various types of radiation 1 , 2 . In ultra-deep drilling, 85 ~ 90% of barite is frequently used as a weighting agent in drilling mud, particularly in the booming 10,000 m ultra-deep drilling sector. There is a substantial demand for barite in ultra-deep drilling wells, accompanied by a significant quantity of high-density waste drilling fluids returned to drainage 3 , 4 . According to statistics, only a single well, the annual production of high-density waste drilling fluid can be up to 1 million tons, which contains a large number of barite solid phase to provide sufficient aggravating agent resources, the recovery of barite in high density waste drilling fluids not only can alleviate the tension of barite resources, but also to respond to today's global decarbonization, and build green water and green mountains of the concept of environmental protection 5 , 6 .

The structure of domestic high-density waste drilling fluid barite reuse equipment has evolved gradually from simplicity to integrated and intelligent systems. The first-generation barite reuse system primarily includes a cyclone. High-density waste drilling fluid enters the cyclone inlet under pressure and speed, where the material separates along the cyclone wall due to differences in density and particle size, moving axially downward and radially outward, achieving separation of mixtures with different densities. However, this system's simplicity limits its ability to process complex components of drilling fluid barite effectively 7 . The second generation introduced a multi-stage reuse system that integrates two centrifuges in series through an organic linkage system, dividing the process into multiple stages to handle drilling fluids. The rotational speed of the centrifuge is controlled to enhance barite recovery 8 , 9 . Currently in China, the predominant process combines cyclone separation, vibration desanding, multiple centrifuges, and solid–liquid separation. This process, although effective with a recovery rate of ≥ 80% and a processing capacity of about 2 m 3 /h, typically results in recovered barite containing approximately 15% low-density solid phase inclusions 10 , 11 , 12 . Recovering barite with particle sizes less than 74 μm and fine low-density solid phase particles is challenging with low processing capacity. Often, density adjustment of recovered barite and blending with commercially available barite are necessary, leading to economic losses and procedural complexities, failing to fully meet operational requirements. Foreign high-density waste drilling fluid treatment equipment is characterized by a more complex structure and higher integration level compared to domestic equipment. Typically employing a combination of chemical and physical treatment methods, it includes dosing tanks for adding surfactants and flocculants to pretreat mud, facilitating easier subsequent mud treatment processes 13 . The primary distinction between foreign and domestic recycling processes lies in the foreign method's utilization of chemical pretreatment and barite flotation within the combined process, significantly enhancing barite grade and density. The effectiveness of this technology in recovering barite hinges on the pretreatment process's quality and the selectivity of flotation chemicals, with varying recovery outcomes for different drilling fluid components. Thus, maintaining stable pretreatment processes and ensuring robust selectivity of flotation chemicals are critical aspects of this technology 14 , 15 .

Wang 16 et al. innovatively employed gellan gum (GG) as a selective inhibitor and incorporated sodium oleate (NaOl) to achieve concentrates. This groundbreaking approach resulted in an impressive recovery rate of 85.24% and a remarkable CaF 2 grade of 86.73% at a pH of 7.5. Guo J 17 et al. conducted a barite pure mineral flotation test, probing into the impact of sodium oleate on barite floatability under microwave radiation. The results revealed that microwave heating enhances the positive electric properties of the barite surface, consequently augmenting its specific surface area. This phenomenon, in turn, elevates the adsorption rate of sodium oleate on the barite surface, ultimately amplifying the efficiency of flotation recovery. Lev O 18 et al. used ultrasonic treatment followed by flotation for the selective separation of KCl and NaCl in saturated salt solution. Under the experimental conditions of ultrasonic treatment power of 10–75 W and resonance frequency of 20 kHz, the recovery of NaCl from potassium concentrate was reduced from 17.9 to 9.9%, and the recovery of KCl was increased from 89.9 to 95.9%, which realized the selective separation of different substances.

From the above study, it can be seen that a variety of processes such as microwave radiation and ultrasound can effectively promote flotation and enhance the recovery effect, while the addition of selective inhibitor chemicals is also the key to flotation experiments. Hence, this paper advances a central theme incorporating a diverse array of processes and novel chemicals. It proposes the utilization of a “high speed washing + microwave radiation + ultrasonic dispersion” ternary synergistic pretreatment combination process. Additionally, the study draws insights from the report on innovative chemicals, such as GG, serving as a flotation inhibitor. The approach embraces the counter-flotation method for the recovery of barite from high-density waste drilling fluids. The entire process is characterized by its cleanliness, conciseness, and operational simplicity. The chemicals employed align with environmentally friendly principles and are easily accessible. This comprehensive investigation of the recovery mechanism seeks to contribute a viable thought process for the recuperation of barite mineral resources.

Materials and methods

High-density waste drilling fluid, discharged centrifugally from shale gas wells in southwestern China (with original densities ranging from 2.0–2.2 g/cm 3 ); the specimens were treated by drying, crushing, grinding, and sieving, from which 3–5 g of product within the −0.075 mm range was chosen as the representative specimen. The XRD pattens of high-density waste drilling fluid is shown in (Fig.  1 a). The content of barite in the high-density waste drilling fluid is as high as 52.41%, and the low-density impurity solid phase is mainly calcite, dolomite and quartz.

figure 1

( a ) XRD pattens of high-density waste drilling fluid; ( b – d ) SEM images of High-density waste drilling fluid and elemental maps of the High-density waste drilling fluid that show the distributions of Ba, Si, Ca, Al, Fe and Mg.

In order to determine the elemental composition and morphological characteristics of the sample surface more accurately, the high-density waste drilling fluid was analyzed by SEM-EDS through field emission scanning electron microscope S-4800.The morphology and elemental composition of the samples are depicted in (Fig.  1 ) and (Table .1 ), respectively.

It can be seen that distinct spatial disparities among the internal barite and assorted low-density solid phases within the sample, manifesting a disarrayed distribution (Fig.  1 b); the waste drilling fluid’ surface exhibits pronounced roughness attributable to the adhesion of varying proportions of dissimilarly shaped low-density solid phases to barite (Fig.  1 c). Moreover, the low-density solid phases predominantly exist within a mosaic of finely grained or micro-fine-grained inclusions (Fig.  1 d), posing considerable challenges for complete dissociation and recovery. Spectroscopic analysis indicates the presence of Ba (white), Si (green), Ca (red), Al (yellow), Fe (blue), and Mg (purple) within the sample, and they are evenly distributed in the specimens. Elemental ratios are presented in Table. 1 , revealing that the predominant elements in the samples are Ba, Ca, and Mg, while Al, Fe, and Mg are present in lower proportions. Based on the elemental composition and combined with the XRD analysis results, it can be confirmed that the composition of the low-density solid phases in the high-density waste drilling fluids is, in descending order, including quartz (SiO 2 ), calcite (CaCO 3 ), and taraspite (CaMg(CO 3 ) 2 ).

Clean gel breaker YJ-I, provided by School of Petroleum Engineering, Yangtze University; Gellan gum, industrial grade, Shandong Fengtai Bio-technology Co.

1.0 L single-tank flotation machine XFD-III, Wuhan Prospecting Machinery Co., Ltd; Spiral cleaner JB-I, provided by School of Petroleum Engineering, Yangtze University; Microwave oven G80W23CSP-Z (output power, 800 W; rated microwave power, 2450 MHz); Ultrasonic cleaning machine KQ3200E, frequency 40 kHz, rated power 150 W; Electronic balance, Shanghai Ltd; Nanoparticle and zeta potential analyzer (LitesizerTM500), Occhio Instruments (Beijing) Co., Ltd; Optical wetting angle meter (OSA200), Ningbo New Boundary Scientific Instruments Co. Ltd; UV Spectrophotometer, Shanghai Yitian Precision Instrument Co., Ltd; Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope S-4800, Hitachi (China) Co., Ltd; Laboratory Compact Pulverizer BF-10, Hebei Benchen Technology Co; Portable pH meter PHB-4, Beijing Airan Technology Co., Ltd; D/max 2500 X-ray diffractometer, Rigaku Co., Ltd; Rock crusher SE-750, Yongkang Shengxiang Electric Appliances Co., Ltd; DHG-9203A Electric thermostatic drying oven, Shanghai Jinghong Experimental Equipment Co; Lee’s Specific Gravity Bottle, Anhui Weiss Experimental Equipment Co.

Barite pre-enrichment experiment

The primary enrichment:1 L of high-density waste drilling fluid is introduced into the spiral cleaner JB-I, followed by the addition of 1, 2 or 3 L of water to maintain the solid/liquid ratio at 1:1, 1:2 or 1:3, respectively. The mixture was added 5‰ of clean gel breaker, YJ-I, and stirred for 20 min at 1000 r/min. After settling for 5 min, the solid phase beneath the 1 cm cover layer was separated, while the sediment at the bottom of the vessel was gathered as the targeted sample for barite recovery. The quantitative sample was transferred into a beaker and subjected to drying in an electric thermostatic drying oven at 105 °C for a duration of 12 h. Upon completion of the drying procedure, the sample was cooled at room temperature, and its density was assessed utilizing a Lee’s specific gravity bottle.

The secondary enrichment: the precipitate obtained from the primary enrichment is separated and introduced into 1, 2 or 3 L of water, followed by the repetition of the procedure.

Ultrasonic-microwave treatment experiment

A 200 g sample of the enriched barite mixture was subjected to microwave heating treatment in a G80W23CSP-Z microwave oven. After the treatment, it was retrieved and allowed to cool to room temperature. Following this, deionized water was added to create a barite mixture with a solid–liquid ratio of 1:4. The mixture was then subjected to ultrasonic pre-treatment in a KQ3200E ultrasonic cleaner for 5–20 min in preparation for the subsequent flotation test.

Waste drilling fluid flotation experiment

After microwave-ultrasonic treatment, the barite mixture was transferred to the flotation tank. The pH value of slurry was adjusted using a 10% HCl solution. After a 10-min settling period, the inhibitor and trapping agent (with the option to include a small amount of auxiliary foaming agent if needed) were introduced sequentially. The mixture underwent a 6 min inflation and flotation procedure. The whole experimental procedure of the flotation experiment is displayed in (Fig.  2 ). The mixed concentrate product obtained in the flotation tank underwent drying and weighing to calculate the recovery rate of barite.

figure 2

Barite recovery experiments procedure of high-density waste drilling fluids.

Mechanism exploration experiment

The solid phase mixture of barite, both before and after undergoing secondary washing-microwave-ultrasonic treatment, was subjected to drying, grinding, and sieving through a 200-mesh sieve. Subsequently, 3–5 g of specimens were selected for micro-morphology testing utilizing a field emission scanning electron microscope S-4800.

Adsorption amount determination

Upon completion of the flotation procedure, 3–5 ml of the upper layer of the clear liquid were aspirated, followed by utilizing a UV-visible spectrophotometer to measure the corresponding absorbance. Subsequently, the adsorption amount of sodium dodecyl sulfate was calculated using formula ( 1 ):

where τ —sodium dodecyl sulfate adsorption amount, mg/g; C 0 —Sodium dodecyl sulfate concentration, mg/L; C e —supernatant sodium dodecyl sulfate concentration, mg/L; V —volume of solution, L; m —mass of barite mixture, g.

Zeta potential measurement

A 2.0 g sample of recovered barite is precisely weighed and subsequently ground to achieve a particle size of less than 5 μm. Deionized water and flotation chemicals are added to the sample as necessary for the flotation process, followed by stirring and allowing the mixture to stand for 10 min. Once the settling process was concluded, the supernatant was extracted and subsequently injected into the cuvette of the potentiometric analyzer for potentiometric analysis. Three measurements were conducted for each sample, and the resultant average value was computed. The calculated average is deemed as the ultimate outcome.

Contact angle measurement

The surface of the sample was dispersed and subsequently dried using ultrasonic vibration. Following this, the sample was submerged in deionized water at pH 7.5 and subjected to sequential treatment with the desired flotation reagent solution, with each treatment lasting for 3 min. The surfaces of the samples were meticulously rinsed with deionized water and subsequently dried during each immersion. Once the drying process was finished, the samples were subjected to testing using optical wetting angle meter (OSA200). During the determination of the contact angle, a drop of deionized water was dispensed onto the surface of the sample via an auto-injector, and the contact angle was measured after the drop had reached stability. Three tests were conducted for each sample, and the resulting average value was considered as the ultimate outcome.

Results and discussion

Barite pre-enrichment experiments before and after breaking gum-washing.

High-density waste drilling fluid is a sol-gel suspension mixed system composed of oil and water as the dispersing medium, clay, viscosity builder, filter loss reduction agent, a variety of inorganic salts and aggravating agent as the dispersing phase, and must be subject to a certain amount of gel-breaking treatment before flotation 19 . Therefore, in this study, a clean and strong oxidizing gum breaker YJ-I was added to firstly break the gums of high-density waste drilling fluids and subsequently enrich the barite by high-speed washing. The effect of the secondary enrichment of breaking gum-washing on the mixed solid-phase density of recovered barite is shown in (Table 2 ). The results show that, under the experimental conditions of a rotational speed of 1000r/min, a gum breaker amount of 5‰, and a solid–liquid ratio of 1:2, primary enrichment enhances the mixed solid-phase density of barite by approximately 11% points. Furthermore, the mixed solid-phase density of barite before and after secondary enrichment increases by about 13.8% points, highlighting the significant purification effect of secondary enrichment.

To further validate the efficacy of secondary enrichment on barite purification, the morphological attributes of the recovered solid-phase barite were examined both before and after secondary enrichment, utilizing the aforementioned conditions. Figure  3 illustrates the morphological changes observed in the solid-phase barite samples. Initially, the dry sample of the original waste drilling fluid exhibited a black hue with coarse particles, predominantly forming agglomerates (Fig.  3 a) 20 . Following primary water washing, there was a noticeable enhancement in both the color and particle size of the mixed solid phase of barite, rendering it light black in color (Fig.  3 b). Subsequent secondary water washing further refined the particle size, resulting in the mixed solid phase of barite exhibiting a light black hue with a hint of pale white coloration, albeit with evident small agglomerates on the surface (Fig.  3 c). The alteration in color and particle size of the mixed solid phase of barite can be attributed to the high-speed water washing process, which interacts with the low-speed water. The enhancement in both color and particle size observed in the recovered barite mixed solid phase could potentially stem from the substantial density disparity between barite and the low-density solid phase during the high-speed water washing process. Barite was mainly distributed in large quantities in the outer layer near the wall, whereas the low-density solid phase is primarily concentrated in the inner layer. Upon cessation of spiral cleaner rotation, the low-density solid phase, owing to differing settling velocities, becomes entrapped between the uppermost water layer and the lowermost barite layer, thereby facilitating effective separation. As the proportion of low-density solid phase diminishes within the barite layer, the color gradually transitions to white. With successive washings, the progressive reduction in low-density solid phase content culminates in continuous improvement in barite purity, resulting in increasingly white chromaticity and finer particle sizes 21 .

figure 3

Comparison of recovered barite before and after broken rubber washing; ( a ) Dry sample of raw waste drilling fluid; ( b ) barite after primary enrichment; ( c ) barite after secondary enrichment.

The results suggest that secondary enrichment is indeed more efficient in purifying barite. However, as an independent physical method, it faces challenges in achieving optimal barite separation efficiently. With an increase in the number of enrichment cycles, despite resulting in a slight improvement in barite purity, there ensued notable wastage of resources and human labor, alongside a substantial deterioration in the actual quality of the recovered barite. Thereby augmenting the method’s uncertainty 22 . Consequently, further investigation into subsequent chemical processes is imperative.

Barite flotation experiment in drilling waste fluid before and after microwave-ultrasonic pretreatment

Effect of concentration of sds and ph value on barite flotation recovery and barite quality.

Under the conditions of ultrasonic-microwave pretreatment and the addition of 0.07% SDS, the flotation performance was investigated across various collector concentrations and pH values. The results are shown in (Fig.  4 a,b).

figure 4

( a ) Effect of various SDS concentrations on the flotation recovery of barite; ( b ) Effect of various pH values on the flotation recovery of barite; ( c ) Effect of various microwave time on the flotation recovery of barite; ( d ) Effect of various microwave power on the flotation recovery of barite; ( e ) Effect of various ultrasonic time on the flotation recovery of barite.

Figure  4 a illustrates the impact of SDS concentration on the flotation performance of barite. Observation of Fig.  4 a reveals a gradual increase in both barite recovery and mixed solid phase density with rising SDS concentration. The peak values for both barite flotation recovery and mixed solid phase density occurred at an SDS concentration of 0.05%, reaching 80.4% and 4.232 g/cm 3 , respectively. A slight decline in barite recovery was observed as SDS concentration continued to increase, which may be due to the non-selective trapping of SDS, and too much SDS will improve the wettability of barite and low-density solid phase at the same time, making them both more hydrophobic, so that part of barite was flown to the surface with the low-density solid phase, which resulted in the decrease of barite recovery and density 23 .

Figure  4 b illustrates the impact of pH variations on the flotation performance of barite. As evident from Fig.  4 b, both barite recovery and the density of the barite mixed solid phase escalated with rising pH levels. At a pH value of 8.0, both barite flotation recovery and the density of the barite mixed solid phase peaked at 80.4% and 4.232 g/cm 3 , respectively. With further increases in pH, there was a slight decline observed in both barite recovery and the density of the barite mixed solid phase. This phenomenon may be attributed to the increased presence of OH - ions in the slurry at higher pH levels, leading to enhanced adsorption of OH - ions on the surface of the low-density solid phase. Consequently, this enhances the hydrophilicity of the surface of the low-density solid phase, thereby hindering the adsorption of trapping anions 24 .

Effect of time and microwave power on barite flotation recovery and barite quality

Microwaves are a form of electromagnetic radiation characterized by frequencies ranging from 300 MHz to 300 GHz 25 , 26 . Due to their properties of penetration, selective heating, low thermal inertia and absorption, microwaves find widespread applications in substance heating, microwave extraction, microwave grinding and microwave floatability. Yu investigated the impact of microwaves on the interaction between deionized water, slurry and the trapping mechanism in fluorite flotation. The study showed that microwaves can enhance mineral flotation recovery through the trapping mechanism. Consequently, the microwave pretreatment process was incorporated to explore the potential enhancement of barite recovery and density. The results are shown in (Fig.  4 c-d).

The results showed that after the microwave pretreatment, the flotation indexes of barite were all increased to a certain extent, and the recovery rate of barite was higher than 78% under the microwave time of 20–60 s and the microwave power of 200–800 W, and the density of recovered barite was higher than 4.200 g/cm 3 , which indicated that the microwave treatment could have a certain promotional effect on the flotation 27 . In the range of microwave time from 20 to 60 s, the flotation indexes increased rapidly when the microwave time was increased from 20 to 30 s. However, when the microwave time continued to be increased after 30 s, the barite recovery indexes showed a small fluctuation, and thereafter no further change. With the increase of microwave power, the barite recovery index increased rapidly at 200–400 W, but showed a small decrease as the microwave power continued to increase. This trend can be attributed to the coexistence of barite and low-density solid phase in high-density waste drilling fluid. Increasing the microwave time and intensity can increase the specific surface area of barite to activate flotation and partially desorb these two phases to improve flotation. However, it cannot be completely dissociated, and too long microwave time and too high microwave intensity will lead to partially dissociated tiny barite and low-density solid-phase mixtures can be easily brought to the liquid surface by bubbles for simultaneous flotation due to their small mass and volume, resulting in low flotation efficiency. Therefore, reasonable adjustment of microwave treatment time and intensity to control the particle size of the treated mixed solid phase is the key to promote flotation. The peak recovery of barite (recovery = 80.4%, density = 4.232 g/cm 3 ) was achieved at a microwave time of 30 s and a microwave power of 400 W, respectively.

Effect of microwave-ultrasonic synergistic pretreatment on barite flotation recovery and barite quality

Ultrasound is a technique that employs acoustic energy to uniformly disperse particles in a liquid. Typically utilizing ultrasonic frequencies (greater than 20 kHz), it can be conducted using either an ultrasonic bath or an ultrasonic probe. Ultrasonic waves induce the formation of vacuum bubbles (voids) within the liquid, which subsequently expand and implode with considerable force, a phenomenon known as cavitation. This process yields various effects including emulsification, dispersion, particle size reduction, and homogenization 28 . This section delves into investigating the impact of ultrasonic treatment duration on barite flotation, conducted under the optimal conditions delineated in Sect.  “ Effect of time and microwave power on barite flotation recovery and barite quality ”, with the results presented in (Fig.  4 e).

The results indicate a substantial increase in both barite recovery and the density of the mixed solid phase of barite with prolonged ultrasonic treatment time, suggesting the promotional impact of ultrasonic pretreatment on flotation. Upon increasing the ultrasonic treatment time from 0 to 5 min, the optimal flotation performance was attained (recovery = 81.5%, density = 4.238 g/cm 3 ), with minimal influence observed on the flotation performance with further increases in ultrasound duration.

A detailed study of the images depicting barite recovery after 0, 5, and 10 min of ultrasonication reveals that the barite sample obtained post-ultrasonication exhibits a powdery consistency, with scant evidence of prominent lumps or solid chunks on the surface layer. This observation suggests that ultrasonication facilitates a more thorough separation of the mixed solid phase of barite. Furthermore, upon comparing the barite recovered after 5 and 10 min of ultrasound treatment, minimal disparity in the quality of the recovered barite between the two durations is observed.

The above trend can be attributed to the increase in the adsorption capacity of barite by ultrasonic pretreatment, which increases the adsorption rate of barite to flotation chemicals. Furthermore, given that the mixed solid phase of barite post-microwave treatment assumes an irregular lumpy form characterized by heightened micropores and cracks, the cavitation bubbles generated during ultrasound can infiltrate these irregular lumps, inducing their fragmentation and disintegration 29 . This phenomenon facilitates more effective removal of the low-density solid phase in barite and enhances the efficacy of flotation chemicals. The separation process gradually reaches completion with increasing ultrasonic treatment duration. As pretreatment entails a dual process resulting in the refinement of the barite mixture, reducing the duration of ultrasonic treatment achieves both removal effects. Subsequent prolongation of ultrasonic treatment time yields marginal improvements in separation efficiency. As depicted in (Fig.  5 e), the optimal recovery (recovery = 81.5%, density = 4.238 g/cm 3 ) was attained with an ultrasonic treatment duration of 5 min.

figure 5

( a – f ) SEM images of recovered barite mixed concentrate under different treatment conditions; secondary enrichment (a-5 and d-20 μm), secondary enrichment + microwave (b-5 and e-20 μm), secondary enrichment + microwave + ultrasonic (c-5 and f-20 μm); ( g ) Adsorption capacities of SDS under different concentrations on the barite surfaces; ( h ) Zeta potentials of barite as a function of various pH and changes in contact angle of barite before and after the action of GG and SDS.

Analysis of flotation mechanism before and after ultrasonic-microwave pretreatment

Comparison of sem images of barite surface before and after different pretreatments.

The SEM images of the barite surface after various pretreatments are shown in (Fig.  5 a–f). Following washing, a higher presence of irregular particles adheres to the barite surface (Fig.  5 a). The overall morphology exhibits a relatively rough and lumpy distribution (Fig.  5 d), with noticeable rises and pits. Nevertheless, the overall purity is increased, suggesting that water washing enables a comparatively pure separation between barite and the low-density solid phase, albeit with limited separation effectiveness 30 . During the removal process, the barite and the low-density solid phase collide with each other at high speeds, resulting in deep and shallow pits and cracks in the recovered barite mixed solid phase. Hence, a single high-speed water washing pretreatment alone remains insufficient to achieve complete separation, necessitating the implementation of additional auxiliary processes.

After microwave treatment, irregular cracks appeared on the surface of barite (Fig.  5 b), and some projections were partially dislodged to form small spheres (Fig.  5 e) with a slight decrease in diameter. This phenomenon is due to the barite mixed solid phase in the microwave electromagnetic field, due to its own magnetic loss and dielectric loss, the absorption of electromagnetic energy into internal energy, inducing the internal thermal effect of its own particles, so that the particles are rapidly subjected to thermal expansion, and the release of its thermal stresses promotes the growth and expansion of the cracks on the surface of the barite mixed solid phase as well as the interfacial friction and fragmentation between its different structures, which promotes the desorption of the low-density solid phase 31 .

The density and smoothness of the barite surface increased after ultrasonic treatment (Fig.  5 c), while the diameter decreased. This is because the ultrasonic pretreatment on the one hand can destroy the adsorption of low-density solid phase on the surface of barite, on the other hand, can cause fatigue damage to the low-density solid phase and be stripped, the vibration of the gas-type bubbles on the surface of the barite scrubbing, once the low-density solid-phase attached to the surface of the seam can be drilled, the bubbles immediately drilling vibration to make the low-density solid-phase detachment 32 . Ultrasound propagation in the cleaning fluid will produce positive and negative alternating acoustic pressure, forming a jets, impacting the cleaning parts, while due to the nonlinear effect will produce acoustic and micro-acoustic flow, and ultrasonic cavitation at the interface of solids and liquids will produce high-speed micro-jets, all of these roles, able to destroy the low-density solid phase, removing or weakening the boundary layer, increasing the agitation, diffusion, resulting in the microwave treatment process of the adhering residual solid phase shedding, which improves the purity (Fig.  5 f) 33 .

Determination of the adsorption of trapping agent on barite surface

Investigating the adsorption capacity of SDS on the barite surface can provide insights into the mechanisms underlying traps and inhibitors affecting both barite and the low-density solid phase. The results are shown in (Fig.  5 g).

The observed amount of SDS adsorbed on the barite surface amounted to 1.546 mg/g upon addition of SDS without the inhibitor GG. Furthermore, saturation of adsorption on the barite surface was attained as the SDS concentration escalated from 0.03 to 0.05%, with subsequent increments in SDS concentration yielding minimal alterations in adsorption levels 34 , 35 . Owing to the fragile Ba–O bonds within the barite structure, facile breakage occurs, facilitating the chemical adsorption of Ba 2+ ions and dodecyl sulfate on the barite surface. This process leads to the formation of relatively stable barium dodecyl sulphate compounds on the barite surface with alkyl orientated towards the surrounding medium. Consequently, the hydrophobicity of the barite surface is enhanced, promoting its flotation upwards 36 . Analogously, metal ions present on the surface of the low-density solid phase can form stable compounds with dodecyl sulfate, resulting in the inefficient separation of barite from the low-density solid phase. Thus, the introduction of a selective inhibitor is imperative to shield the barite. The environmentally friendly selective inhibitor GG harbors a plethora of reactive functional groups, including carboxyl and hydroxyl groups 37 . Given that these reactive functional groups readily interact with multivalent metal sites on the mineral surface. Upon addition of GG, the ionized Ba 2+ ions on the barite surface exhibit a pronounced affinity for binding with the active functional groups (–COO and –OH), resulting in robust chemisorption of GG onto barite. This phenomenon effectively impedes the subsequent adsorption of SDS on the barite surface, leading to a notable decrease in the floatability of barite and facilitating the floatability-based separation of barite from the low-density solid phase. Thus, this further corroborates the selective inhibition of barite by GG, underscoring its indispensable role in this flotation experiment.

Zeta potential analysis before and after microwave-ultrasound pretreatment

Zeta potential changes in minerals during the flotation process are often associated with reagent adsorption 38 . Therefore, zeta potential measurements were performed to elucidate the adsorption behaviors of reagents on barite surfaces. Figure  5 h illustrates the alterations in surface charge experienced by barite following interaction with various reagents. As depicted, the zeta potential of barite exhibits a negative charge. Following treatment with GG, the zeta potential of barite consistently shifted towards negativity across the pH range examined, suggesting adsorption of GG onto the barite surface 39 . At pH = 8.0, the zeta potential of barite exhibited a negative shift of 20.0 mV, indicative of robust adsorption of GG onto the barite surface. Conversely, at pH = 7.0 or pH > 8.0, the change in zeta potential of barite ranged from 12.3 to 18.7 mV, suggesting that the adsorption of GG onto barite is most pronounced at pH = 8. The zeta potential of barite exhibited minimal change following the subsequent addition of SDS, with a shift of < 3.5 mV from pH 7.0 to 11.0, indicative of the pronounced hindrance imposed by prior GG adsorption on the subsequent SDS adsorption onto the barite surface 40 . Consequently, the zeta potential findings suggest that GG significantly obstructs the adsorption of SDS onto the barite surface.

Surface wettability of barite under different agent treatments before and after microwave reaction

The surface wettability of minerals plays a crucial role in their interaction with air bubbles, thereby directly influencing flotation performance 41 , 42 . Typically, surface wettability is assessed through the measurement of mineral contact angles, with higher contact angles generally indicative of greater floatability. In this study, the surface wettability of barite was assessed under varying agent conditions both before and after microwave treatment, with the results delineated in (Fig.  5 ).

The results revealed that the contact angles of barite prior to and following microwave treatment were 86.7 and 71.3°, respectively. Following GG treatment, there was a notable decrease in the contact angle of barite, decreasing from 86.7° and 71.3 to 71.2° and 65.2° before and after microwave treatment, respectively. This observation suggests effective adsorption of GG molecules onto the barite surface, resulting in a discernible reduction in barite floatability 43 . Subsequently, SDS was introduced, and the contact angle of barite remained nearly unchanged before and after microwave treatment. This result suggests that the presence of GG significantly influences the subsequent attachment of SDS onto the barite surface, likely attributed to the enhanced chemical adhesion of GG onto the barite surface, potentially in the form of Ba-OH or Ba-COOH 44 . This phenomenon could explain the reduced floatability of barite with a high recovery rate. Consequently, GG demonstrated enhanced adhesion to barite, leading to a substantial hindrance in the adsorption of SDS onto the barite surface.

Analysis of the mechanism of promoting barite flotation under water-washing microwave and ultrasonic pretreatment conditions

In order to have a clearer understanding of the mechanism of reagents’ action on the mineral surface in pretreatment and flotation, the whole purification mechanism of barite was demonstrated as in (Fig.  6 ). The clean gum breaker YJ-I through oxidation can firstly destroy the colloidal structure in the drilling fluid, reduce the viscosity of the drilling fluid, and enhance the fluidity of the drilling fluid in the subsequent high-speed water washing 45 . Due to the water dilution and centrifugal force, centrifugal process of barite solid phase most of the slurry settled in the lower part of the wall near the machine position, when the machine stops rotating, the slurry inside the machine at this time is divided into three layers, from top to bottom, respectively, for the water layer, low-density solid phase mixing layer, barite mixing layer, and remove the uppermost layer of the water layer, excluding the surface layer of the low-density solid phase mixing layer, at this time a more pure barite mixed solid phase can be obtained 46 . According to the above purification process and adjusting the number of washing times, purer barite mixed solid phase can be obtained.

figure 6

Mechanism of barite recovery based on the whole process of washing-microwave-ultrasonic pretreatment and flotation.

Based on the close combination of barite and the lumpy solid formed by the low-density solid phase, it is difficult to carry out effective separation by direct flotation. Therefore, microwave pretreatment was introduced, and the mixed solid phase of barite under microwave radiation showed graded thermal response characteristics, in the main stage of thermal response of barite, a large amount of moisture evaporates from barite, generating gas pressure, causing pore expansion and crack extension; in the main stage of thermal response of externally adhered low-density solid phase, the low-density solid phase absorbs the microwave energy, resulting in the removal of low-density solid phase, and the cracks are extended and through the pores, and the moisture and the migration of the low-density solid phase leads to a large number of pore and fissure generation, and provides a channel for the removal of moisture and the desorption of the low-density solid phase. As a result, desorption between barite and low-density solid phase is formed 47 .

Subsequently, under the influence of ultrasonic waves, the minuscule bubbles lodged within the pores and fissures of both barite and the low-density solid phase in the slurry swiftly collapse.

The local instantaneous temperature increase and pressure change are induced, which help to break the adsorption chemical bond between barite and low-density solid phase particles, thus promoting the dissociation between the two and exposing more sites 48 . Simultaneously, ultrasonic waves create feeble vortices and eddies in the slurry, generating miniature water currents. These currents expedite the movement of surfactant molecules towards the solid–liquid interface, which enabling faster adsorption and subsequent separation from the surface of the low-density solid phase.

Following a comprehensive pretreatment involving water washing, microwave irradiation, and ultrasonic treatment, the residual low-density solid phase adhering to the barite surface was entirely dislodged, thereby establishing an optimal flotation environment 49 . Due to the selective inhibition exerted by GG. It interacts with Ba 2+ ions on the barite surface through hydrophilic functional groups (–COOH, –OH), forming a protective capping layer which hinders the direct interaction between SDS and the barite surface, effectively shielding the active sites on the barite surface. Consequently, the collector fails to efficiently adsorb onto the barite, thereby enhancing the flotation efficiency.


Employing a rotational speed of 1000 r/min, a concentration of 5‰ clean breaker LG-1, and a solid–liquid ratio of 1:2, the secondary enrichment effect before and after breaking-washing was elevated by approximately 13.8%. Consequently, a mixed solid phase containing barite with a density of 4.127 g/cm 3 was achievable;

In experimental settings with GG and SDS additions of 0.07 and 0.05%, microwave pretreatment for 30 s at 400W, pH value maintained at 8.0, and ultrasonication for 5 min, the barite recovery rate and mixed solid-phase density achieved peak values of 81.5% and 4.238 g/cm 3 ;

Mechanism analysis: The secondary washing-microwave-ultrasonic pretreatment facilitated the desorption of barite and the low-density solid phase, markedly improving the attachment state of the mixed mineral surface with barite. This exposure of additional contact sites facilitated the chemical adsorption of GG and SDS onto the surfaces of barite and the low-density solid phase, respectively. Moreover, it reduced the wettability of the barite surface. Additionally, GG comprehensively encapsulated the barite, resulting in a robust inhibition, thereby facilitating flotation separation.

This study focuses on high-density waste drilling fluid from shale gas wells as the experimental subject. Future applications of this technology require broader verification to establish its universality. Developing microwave and ultrasonic equipment for pilot scale-up in the field is essential to validate its practical efficacy. Moreover, given the varied compositions of group waste drilling fluids, the selective inhibitory effectiveness of GG varies, necessitating ongoing exploration of novel green and efficient inhibitors for achieving stable recycling outcomes.

Data availability

The datasets used and/or analyzed during the current study available from the corresponding author on reason-able request.

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Financial support from PetroChina,s Strategic and Forward-looking Major Science and Technology Project (2021DJ6601) is gratefully acknowledged.

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School of Petroleum Engineering, Yangtze University, Wuhan, 430100, China

Yu Xia & Shanfa Tang

Hubei Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Drilling and Production Engineering, Yangtze University, Wuhan, 430100, Hubei Province, China

School of Petroleum Engineering, Yangtze University: National Engineering Research Center for Oil & Gas Drilling and Completion Technology, Wuhan, 430100, China

CNPC Research Institute of Safety and Environmental Technology Co. Ltd, Beijing, 102206, China

Yu Xia, Hui Mao, Shuixiang Xie, Wen Ren & Mingdong Zhang

State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessment, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing, 100012, China

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Xia, Y., Mao, H., Tang, S. et al. Application and mechanistic insights of a washing/microwave/ultrasonic ternary pretreatment for enhancing barite flotation in waste drilling fluids. Sci Rep 14 , 20887 (2024).

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Received : 01 June 2024

Accepted : 28 August 2024

Published : 07 September 2024


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proposed methodology waste management

proposed methodology waste management

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Green Group Simonstown celebrates successful baboon management, calls for broader adoption of methods

The group’s innovative baboon management strategy in the Cape Peninsula shows promise, with it calling for broader adoption of their compassionate methods. Picture: Dominic Naidoo / GGST

The group’s innovative baboon management strategy in the Cape Peninsula shows promise, with it calling for broader adoption of their compassionate methods. Picture: Dominic Naidoo / GGST

Published Sep 6, 2024

Green Group Simonstown (GGST) has reported significant success in its Baboon Monitoring and Civil Coexistence Project, aimed at managing human-wildlife conflict involving the Simonsberg Baboon Troop in Simon’s Town.

The project, which began as a pilot in 2022, represents a shift from traditional deterrence methods and highlights the potential for more humane strategies in wildlife management across the Cape Peninsula.

The Simonsberg (Baboon) Troop, a splinter group from the Smitswinkel Baboon Troop, has long posed challenges for residents and local authorities. With no official service provider assigned, attempts to manage the troop using conventional methods were unsuccessful.

Recognising the need for a new approach, GGST launched a community-funded pilot project to reduce conflict between the troop and the local community, focusing on ethical and sustainable practices.

"Splinter troops occur naturally in healthy primate populations," explained GGST. By addressing the root causes of conflict — particularly food attractants — the project sought to encourage peaceful coexistence between humans and baboons.

Rather than resorting to violent deterrents such as paintball guns, GGST employed alternative strategies, including baboon-proof waste bins and collaborative recycling efforts.

The results have been striking. According to GGST, the Simonsberg Troop has exhibited a notable change in behaviour, spending more time in natural habitats and relying less on human-derived food.

"This was accomplished without using aggressive deterrents," said the organisation, which credits its holistic approach and constant monitoring for the breakthrough. The troop now ventures into urban areas far less frequently, choosing instead to forage on the nearby mountains and coastlines.

Waste management has been a crucial factor in the project’s success. GGST’s efforts to improve waste disposal in Simon’s Town, including a local wet waste collection initiative started in October 2022, have significantly reduced the availability of human food for baboons.

Supported by the City of Cape Town, the initiative has also benefited local farmers by providing compost and has helped upskill the local community.

Despite these successes, challenges remain elsewhere in the Peninsula. GGST highlighted that the Waterfall Troop, managed by a different service provider, continues to experience conflict with humans, with violent deterrents still in use.

"We are not responsible for managing the Waterfall Troop," GGST clarified, adding that their involvement with this troop is limited to organising volunteers who assist in traffic safety when baboons are near the main road.

GGST now proposes expanding its management role to include the Waterfall Troop, with the goal of creating a more harmonious coexistence across Simon’s Town.

"We are prepared to assume responsibility for both the Simonsberg and Waterfall Troops," the group announced, reaffirming its commitment to sustainable, compassionate wildlife management in the region.

“This success story, centred on the Simonsberg Troop, offers a model for broader adoption of ethical wildlife management practices across the Cape Peninsula and beyond,” the group concluded.

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