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Siemens: Scaling its global business through smarter recruiting with Cloud Talent Solution

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About Siemens

Siemens aims to shape the future—and has the scale, culture, and know-how to realize its ambitions. The Germany-headquartered industrial manufacturing business operates in more than 120 countries and focuses on electrification, automation, and digitalization. Siemens' extensive portfolio includes industrial production digitalization and automation technologies, diagnostic and therapeutic imaging for healthcare, and building automation and management technologies. All of the organization's solutions are united by the fact they impact the way people live their lives.

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Headquartered in New York and Washington, Jibe provides a recruitment platform that enables companies to attract and hire in-demand talent. More than 300 million candidates have applied for jobs via its platform to date.

With Cloud Talent Solution and Jibe, Siemens has achieved a 30% increase in the conversion of searches to job applications on its career site; offers a more relevant experience to job seekers, reducing the load on its talent acquisition team; and supports the talent acquisition team and broader HR function's journey to becoming a provider of amazing technology-based solutions to employees and candidates.

Google cloud results.

  • Provides a better experience for global job seekers on the Siemens career site
  • Supports Siemens' talent acquisition and HR function's digital journey
  • Reduces recruiters' job application processing load

30% global increase in conversion of searches to job applications

Siemens aims to shape the future—and has the scale, culture, and know-how to realize its ambitions. The Germany-headquartered industrial manufacturing business operates in more than 120 countries and focuses on electrification, automation, and digitalization. Siemens' extensive portfolio includes industrial production digitalization and automation technologies, diagnostic and therapeutic imaging for healthcare, and building automation and management technologies.

"All our solutions are united by the fact they impact the way people live their lives," says Stephanie Morton, Siemens' Global Talent Acquisition Manager: Strategy, Technology & Talent Relationship Management.

"'Engineered for life' is one of our brand claims."

Hiring "future makers"

Hiring thinkers, dreamers, and doers hungry to transform businesses, industries, and lives is key to Siemens' success. The business calls its people "future makers" and employs more than 370,000 of them worldwide.

Recruiting for a workforce this size is no easy task. Siemens' global jobs and careers website has about 5,000 open positions at any one time, and the organization receives 2 million applications to fill 35,000 positions per year.

However, by 2017, the website was experiencing problems that hampered the talent acquisition team's efforts to fill roles promptly with the right candidates. Its standard keyword matching technology could not optimize the results provided to job seekers, frustrating potential candidates and increasing the workload for recruiters.

"With Cloud Talent Solution, we saw a 30 percent uplift in candidate conversions from search to application."

"We found the language we used about our jobs internally was often not the same language job seekers used," explains Morton. "For example, we may have an engineering position open for our MindSphere cloud-based IoT operating system. We would post this on our jobs and careers website as 'MindSphere engineer.' Unfortunately, a job seeker using more general terms such as 'IoT engineer' may miss this advertisement."

In addition, without intelligence and context, the keyword matching technology could not determine job seeker search intentions from misspelled terms. This became more of a problem as job seekers increasingly used mobile devices to conduct searches.

With keyword searches also generating pages and pages of results, job seekers often succumbed to the temptation to apply for every position returned. This left the talent acquisition team drowning in messages and applications.

"We experienced issues around seniority as well—for example, people looking for senior legal roles were receiving irrelevant results for internships or junior roles," says Morton.

Change needed

These problems could not persist for a team charged with continuously improving candidate experiences. The team opened discussions with Jibe , a recruitment platform provider that operated Siemens' external career websites. Jibe had collaborated with Google to integrate Cloud Talent Solution —a solution that uses machine learning to better understand job content and job seeker intent—into its platform." Jibe offered the integrated solution to Siemens as one of its most forward-thinking customers," says Morton.

Morton's team reviewed Cloud Talent Solution and was immediately excited by its potential to quickly make a profound difference in its recruitment activities—without requiring recruiters and other team members to invest considerable time and effort. Cloud Talent Solution could enable the website to understand the broad intent of a job seeker—including synonymous positions—and deliver considerably more relevant results.

"We can authoritatively say Cloud Talent Solution is improving the experience for job seekers; they are conducting more searches, those searches are more effective, and more of them are converting to job applications."

After Cloud Talent Solution expanded to encompass more than 100 languages—enabling Siemens to offer a consistent experience to candidates from a range of countries and backgrounds—Morton's team gave Jibe and Google the green light to proceed.

"We had two key issues to address during the implementation," says Morton. "The first was to make sure Google Cloud was aware of any Siemens-specific recruitment terms. For example, we have German-language posts that include terms commonly used internally regarding internships and junior positions. We worked closely with our partners to make sure these terms were represented in the algorithm to complement the vast constellation of already-mapped job titles in Cloud Talent Solution."

Siemens also needed to quantify Cloud Talent Solution benefits to sell the service internally within the business and win support to proceed beyond a pilot. "Because Cloud Talent Solution was effectively an invisible layer behind our website, we had to test its impact," says Morton.

A 30 percent uplift

Working with Jibe, Siemens conducted A/B testing. Five percent of candidates in the test group used the keyword-based search experience and 95 percent of candidates the search experience powered by Cloud Talent Solution. The testing accommodated changes in candidate queries over time and context.

"With Cloud Talent Solution, we saw a 30 percent uplift in conversions from search to application," says Morton.

"We can authoritatively say Cloud Talent Solution is improving the experience for job seekers; they are conducting more searches, those searches are more effective, and more of them are converting to job applications," she adds. "Anecdotally, recruiters are seeing fewer applications from job seekers who have applied to long lists of positions returned from search queries."

"Partnering with market-leading providers like Google Cloud can help us stay one step ahead of the competition over the journey."

In the longer term, Siemens plans to monitor the impact of Cloud Talent Solution on metrics such as candidate retention rates and manager satisfaction.

With Cloud Talent Solution well established within the business, Siemens is now working with Google Cloud to add new features—including voice assistants—to enhance the candidate experience. "Helping candidates laser in on the right positions and make successful connections is something we're doing everything we can to make happen," says Morton.

More broadly, Cloud Talent Solution and Jibe are helping Siemens' talent acquisition and the rest of its human resources function build its reputation and execute its strategy. "We are becoming a function driven by delivering amazing technology-based solutions to our employees and our candidates," says Morton. "People within Siemens are very impressed to see human resources leading the way in working with Google Cloud to deliver a solution like this at a global scale."

"The more light-touch exercises like this we can do, the fewer big, expensive, time-consuming initiatives we need to take," she says. "Furthermore, partnering with market-leading providers like Google Cloud can help us stay one step ahead of the competition over the journey."

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Digitalization at Siemens Case Study solution


The current case solution is published by 247caseanalysis and focuses on Digitalization at Siemens. The case presents an overview of the strategic and managerial issues that the Digitalization at Siemens faces in the growth and development of the business. The case solution focuses on understanding the central issue(s) in the case. The case study solution then uses strategic tools and models to solve the case and makes strategic recommendations for the Digitalization at Siemens (Abratt & Bendixen, 2018; Iacobucci, 2021).

The case study and the case solution for the Digitalization at Siemens are intended to give a comprehensive and holistic perspective regarding real-world business situations and challenges to the reader. Like all HBS case studies, it is important for the reader to first read the case for the Digitalization at Siemens. The proposed case study solution for the Digitalization at Siemens has encompassed the needs of all stakeholders while addressing the central challenge effectively (Deepak & Jeyakumar, 2019).

External environment analysis

The Digitalization at Siemens cannot directly influence the external environment. The Digitalization at Siemens must ensure to assess and continually review the external environment to identify potential challenges and opportunities (Abratt & Bendixen, 2018). This is needed because:

The external environment is dynamic and keeps changing.

External environment factors and dynamics, directly and indirectly, influence Digitalization at Siemens operations (Anthony, 2021).

PESTEL Analysis

The Digitalization at Siemens needs political stability to maintain business development and growth globally.

The Digitalization at Siemens must also pay heed to local and global taxation implications for operations carried on site, as well as in other countries.

The Digitalization at Siemens is directly impacted by the policies and regulations devised by the governments in its host as well as home countries (Chernev, 2018).

Lower interest rates facilitate the Digitalization at Siemens as it leads to increased instances of borrowing.

Lower interest rates also lead to increased consumer power, and increased demand for products of Digitalization at Siemens (Deepak & Jeyakumar, 2019).

The operations and demand for Digitalization at Siemens are directly influenced by the GDP and economic growth in the countries where it operates and exports (Buchanan & Huczynski, 2019).

Increased focus on education and higher literacy rates have allowed the Digitalization at Siemens to benefit from a more skilled and talented labor pool.

The higher portion of the youth has also benefitted the Digitalization at Siemens in creating a high demand for its products and services (Iacobucci, 2021).

Assessment of the population and consumer trends have allowed the Digitalization at Siemens to refine its segmentation and targeting strategies – leading to improved positioning of its portfolio offering (De Mooij, 2019).


Digitalization at Siemens has high internal innovation capabilities.

Digitalization at Siemens invests in research and development for improved creativity and technological progress.

The Digitalization at Siemens makes use of innovative and advanced technology to make its internal processes more efficient and work towards achieving economies of scale.

Digitalization at Siemens also benefits from knowledge sharing through global operations and transfers technology internally (Baines, Fill, & Rosengren, 2017).


The Digitalization at Siemens follows and abides by environmental regulations imposed in various countries.

Consumers for Digitalization at Siemens have rapidly adopted green lifestyles and green consumption.

Incorporating environmentalism into its strategic goals and direction has enabled the Digitalization at Siemens to become more efficient in this resource allocation (Stead & Stead, 2014).

The Digitalization at Siemens ensures to follow the equal employment and equal opportunity law.

Through the equal opportunity act and regulations, the Digitalization at Siemens ensures that it does not discriminate against different groups in its HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT practices.

The Digitalization at Siemens also ensures to abide by the health and safety regulations.

The Digitalization at Siemens makes sure to follow regulations regarding employment contracts and employer responsibilities to ensure fair policy-making and high performance (Lasserre, 2017).

Porter Five Forces

Industry rivalry.

There is high competitiveness and rivalry in the industry.

The market is highly fragmented, which leads to increased competition for Digitalization at Siemens.

The Digitalization at Siemens faces industry rivals of various sizes and operations.

The competition for Digitalization at Siemens is local as well as global in nature.

The increased rivalry in the industry ensures that all players, including Digitalization at Siemens, offer high-quality products and services to consumers at competitive prices (Varadarajan, 2015).

The threat of new entrants

The threat of new entrants is moderate.

There are entry barriers such as government regulations and financial capital needed for setting up operations.

This ensures that only powerful players with high financial muscle enter the market where Digitalization at Siemens is operating.

New entrants ensure that the Digitalization at Siemens maintains its focus on competitiveness and high quality (Wunder, 2019; Abratt & Bendixen, 2018).

Threat of substitutes

The threat of substitutes is moderate to high.

There is direct well as indirect substitutes available for Digitalization at Siemens offerings.

The high number of players and market fragmentation has led to the increased availability of substitutes for Digitalization at Siemens products.

There are low switching costs for consumers between substitutes (Sahaf, 2019; Kotabe & Helsen, 2020).

Bargaining power of buyers

Digitalization at Siemens operational a highly fragmented industry.

The bargaining power of the buyers is high.

Players, including Digitalization at Siemens, do not have a retail setup (Phillips & Moutinho, 2018; Chernev, 2018).

Bargaining power of sellers

The bargaining power of suppliers is high in the industry where Digitalization at Siemens operates.

There're numerous players in the industry, and suppliers have contracted with most of them.

The raw materials provided by suppliers are restricted, and limited owing to quality needs and benchmarks (Kotabe & Helsen, 2020; Joyce, 2022).

Internal environment analysis

The internal analysis allows an insight into the factors that Digitalization at Siemens can directly influence. These factors and capabilities are used by the Digitalization at Siemens to ensure that:

It is able to capitalize on the opportunities from the external environment.

It is able to mitigate risks and manage challenges and threats appropriately.

The Digitalization at Siemens is able to set the right strategic direction and use internal capacities towards its attainment (Stead & Stead, 2014; Deepak & Jeyakumar, 2019).

The Digitalization at Siemens has a strong brand image and a positive consumer perception in the market.

The Digitalization at Siemens invests in research and development, which helps the company focus its new product development as well as marketing capabilities (Phillips & Moutinho, 2018).

The company has a strong financial revenue earning ability and enjoys high profits.

The Digitalization at Siemens has a global distribution network, which is strong and has allowed it to enjoy high business growth.

International expansion has allowed the Digitalization at Siemens to understand diverse cultures and their knees – and engage in the localization of its product portfolio (DuBrin, 2013).

The Digitalization at Siemens is criticized for high prices for its product portfolio.

The company has suffered negative PR owing to the recall of some of its products which were faulty.

Despite engagement with advanced technology, Digitalization at Siemens continues to use manual systems internally, which leads to time ineffectiveness (Abratt & Bendixen, 2018).

The Digitalization at Siemens has an organizational culture that is resistant to change and, as a result, exhibits slow adaptation to new trends.

The product design for the Digitalization at Siemens’s offerings is imitative.

The Digitalization at Siemens has undifferentiated products in its portfolio with respect to the competition (Phillips & Moutinho, 2018; Baines, Fill, & Rosengren, 2017).


The Digitalization at Siemens has the opportunity to expand to developing and emerging economies.

The Digitalization at Siemens can develop outsourcing partnerships to further maintain cost-effectiveness.

The Digitalization at Siemens can also engage in green production and work towards environmental sustainability (Stead & Stead, 2014; Lasserre, 2017).

The Digitalization at Siemens can also develop strategic partnerships and alliances to facilitate business growth and development.

Target niche markets, and develop new products.

The Digitalization at Siemens can benefit from the evolving media trends for marketing purposes – including using social media content creation to target new consumer groups (Varadarajan, 2015; Wilson, 2018).

The Digitalization at Siemens is facing high competition.

The Digitalization at Siemens is also experiencing high imitation of its products.

The Digitalization at Siemens faces threats from the increased price volatility of raw materials as well.

The unstable government and government policies are also a threat to the operations of the Digitalization at Siemens- especially internationally.

Slow change adaptation may lead the Digitalization at Siemens to become an industry laggard (Anthony, 2021; Abratt & Bendixen, 2018).

Marketing mix

The product offerings by the Digitalization at Siemens maintain consistently high quality.

The Digitalization at Siemens engages in brand-building activities to ensure that its product and service offerings are well received by the target audience (Chernev, 2018).

Brand-building activities build positive associations for Digitalization at Siemens and lead to repeat purchases as well as high consumer loyalty.

Digitalization at Siemens ensures that its products are available in different SKU sizes to cater to the needs of different groups within its target audience.

The Digitalization at Siemens also offers a warranty for its products (Khan, 2014).

The Digitalization at Siemens ensures competitive pricing in the industry among the high number of market players.

For new products, the Digitalization at Siemens maintains an introductory pricing strategy to encourage trials and purchases (Kareh, 2018).

For its star products, the company maintains penetrative pricing strategies to allow maximum trial.

For mature products, the Digitalization at Siemens engages in aggressive and competitive pricing.

The Digitalization at Siemens offers regular discounts to appeal to consumers, clear stocks, as well as for increasing footfall (Išoraitė, 2016).

Digitalization at Siemens ensures that all its product offerings are highly accessible.

The Digitalization at Siemens places products in physical retail setups like supermarkets and hypermarkets.

The Digitalization at Siemens also places products with e-tailers such as amazon so consumers can easily access the products (Iacobucci, 2021).

The Digitalization at Siemens also has an online system on its website for managing orders placed directly with the company.

The Digitalization at Siemens has a strong distribution network, as well as competent and quick consumer service. (Kareh, 2018; Abratt & Bendixen, 2018).

The Digitalization at Siemens uses traditional promotional platforms of television to reach the masses with its product portfolio.

The Digitalization at Siemens also engages in radio and print promotional activities and advertisements (Deepak & Jeyakumar, 2019).

The Digitalization at Siemens also uses social media to reach out to its audiences and influence them.

The Digitalization at Siemens has developed expertise in interesting and relevant content creation, which attracts its primary as well as secondary target consumer groups (De Mooij, 2019).

The Digitalization at Siemens frequently uses influencers to create a positive buzz and hype regarding its products, as well as to ensure high reach.

All promotional content is integrated and uses emotional appeals to create a lasting relationship with the consumers (Chernev, 2018).

The Digitalization at Siemens has a strong global presence and strong business development capabilities.

The Digitalization at Siemens focuses on research and development internally to identify market gaps and demands.

The Digitalization at Siemens makes use of AI in its production operations and marketing functions to increase cost efficiency as well as affectivity (Dimitrieska, Stankovska, & Efremova, 2018).

The Digitalization at Siemens engages and invests in acquiring advanced and progressive technology for operational efficiency. (Joyce, 2022).

The Digitalization at Siemens has a strong retail setup and a strong distribution network across the globe (Gillespie & Swan, 2021; Chernev, 2018).

The Digitalization at Siemens has access to unique raw materials, which helps it maintain high quality as well as differentiation in its product offerings.

The Digitalization at Siemens holds special patents and licenses for manufacturing processes, as well as for being able to manufacture off-site in other countries (Grewal & Levy, 2021).

The Digitalization at Siemens undertakes and participates in sustainable and eco-friendly manufacturing processes.

The Digitalization at Siemens has also developed a green packaging solution for its product offerings and portfolio (Gillespie & Swan, 2021).

The leadership within the Digitalization at Siemens is visionary and charismatic.

The organizational culture within Digitalization at Siemens is robust, innovative and creative.

The organizational culture is based on the unique values, and implementation of the same – including transparency, honesty, and commitment (Groucutt & Hopkins, 2015).

The human resource management policies within the Digitalization at Siemens support employee development and engagement – leading to high employee satisfaction and high employee morale (Machado, 2019; Anthony, 2021).

The compensation framework within the Digitalization at Siemens is advanced and focuses on extrinsic as well as intrinsic drivers for employee performance.

The Digitalization at Siemens enjoys high brand equity based on consistently high deliverance of product quality (Hitt, Miller, Colella, & Triana, 2017; Grewal & Levy, 2021).

The technical infrastructure within the Digitalization at Siemens comprises new and advanced technology as well as network development to support its operations (Griffin, 2021)

The Digitalization at Siemens has access to advanced physical infrastructure as well which helps support its technical advancements, as well as its manufacturing and related operations (Valeri, 2021)

The international exposure that the Digitalization at Siemens has received owing to its expansions has allowed it to develop and apply innovation as well as new knowledge for improving existing processes and schedules within the company (Hitt, Miller, Colella, & Triana, 2017; Abratt & Bendixen, 2018; Valeri, 2021).

Value chain

The core capabilities and strengths of the Digitalization at Siemens have enabled it to overcome obstacles and challenges and achieve its strategic goals and targets.

The core strengths and competencies of Digitalization at Siemens form an important part of the company’s value chain (Chernev, 2018; Anthony, 2021).

Primary activities

Digitalization at Siemens works directly and owns part of its operations in the value chain.

The Digitalization at Siemens also works through different third parties as well as contracts with other parties for managing operations in other countries (Anthony, 2021).

For inbound logistics, the Digitalization at Siemens ensures that all raw materials are transferred to warehouses and manufacturing sites in a timely fashion using company-owned transportation.

The Digitalization at Siemens manages its operations directly as well as through third parties.

The operations of the Digitalization at Siemens are spanned in its hometown as well as conducted overseas at other locations (Deepak & Jeyakumar, 2019).

In offshore countries, the Digitalization at Siemens manages operations through partners and agents – who look after distribution and marketing activities for the Digitalization at Siemens.

The Digitalization at Siemens engages in invested marketing activities – based on consumer and market research (Dimitrieska, Stankovska, & Efremova, 2018; Chernev, 2018).

The Digitalization at Siemens also makes use of AI for its marketing and promotional activities.

The Digitalization at Siemens regularly trains its employees to develop skills regarding consumer service.

The Digitalization at Siemens has maintained strict policies regarding consumer service as well as ensuring high quality and increased customer satisfaction (Joyce, 2022).

Secondary activities

The Digitalization at Siemens has a strong human resource management department, regulated by modern policies and practices.

The human resource management department at the Digitalization at Siemens supports the organizational culture and the leadership through its various functions – such as hiring, training and compensation management (DuBrin, 2013).

The Digitalization at Siemens makes use of advanced technology to support its operations and achieve strategic goals and targets (DuBrin, 2013; Joyce, 2022).

The advanced technology is acquired internationally (Iacobucci, 2021).

The Digitalization at Siemens engages in regulated procurement with selected suppliers.

The Digitalization at Siemens ensures its contracted suppliers provide consistently high-quality raw materials to maintain high quality for end consumers (Gillespie & Swan, 2021).

The Digitalization at Siemens is used to resolve its managerial and strategic challenges using one of the following strategies.

The strategies recommended will allow the Digitalization at Siemens to expand and develop, as well as manage its risks and challenges effectively.

Using these strategies, the Digitalization at Siemens will also be able to remain competitive in the market.

Market development strategies

The Digitalization at Siemens can engage in informative and emotional marketing to appeal to the target audience in the market and increase brand awareness.

The Digitalization at Siemens can devise and run educational campaigns to help understand the importance of the product, and its need (Išoraitė, 2016).

The Digitalization at Siemens can work with influencers and celebrities to help spread the message through social media as well as conventional media.

The Digitalization at Siemens can use a team on the ground to interact with the target audience, brief them about the product and its benefits, and influence them positively towards purchase decisions. (Baines, Fill, & Rosengren, 2017).

Market penetration strategies

The Digitalization at Siemens can increase its marketing spending and use emotional appeals to influence the target audience.

The marketing strategies should be focused on maximizing the reach of the brand's message and promise (Iacobucci, 2021).

The Digitalization at Siemens is recommended to make its products accessible through an increased number of supermarkets and hypermarkets.

The Digitalization at Siemens can also open its own retail setups to increase footfall and reach across different regions (Sahaf, 2019).

Product development strategies

The Digitalization at Siemens is recommended to and can engage in market and consumer research for product development.

Encouraging innovation and discussion of new ideas within the Digitalization at Siemens can also lead to rapid new product development (Varadarajan, 2015).

The Digitalization at Siemens can also optimize the development of new products by making its manufacturing and testing processes more effective.

The Digitalization at Siemens can also create innovation labs and labs for new product development and testing (Sahaf, 2019; Abratt & Bendixen, 2018).

Diversification strategies

The Digitalization at Siemens can expand horizontally and add new product lines.

The Digitalization at Siemens can also expand vertically and add new products to the existing product line

The diversification will allow the Digitalization at Siemens to attract new consumer groups (De Mooij, 2019).

The diversification will also allow the Digitalization at Siemens to increase its penetration and reach amongst existing consumers.

The Digitalization at Siemens will be able to increase brand awareness through diversification as well (Iacobucci, 2021; Abratt & Bendixen, 2018).

The Digitalization at Siemens needs to strategically align its resources for optimization and to achieve its strategic goals and targets. The Digitalization at Siemens should continue to use its internal capabilities to realize new opportunities and for mitigating risks and weaknesses. In addition, the Digitalization at Siemens should also make use of other strategic models to understand the managerial challenges that the organization faces and devise suitable strategies and actions for overcoming them. The leadership of the Digitalization at Siemens will play a critical role in ensuring that the organization overcomes the challenges by focusing on the organizational culture and values, which will then impact the operations and performance at large.

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Anthony, H. (2021). Understanding strategic management. New York: Oxford University Press.

Baines, P., Fill, C., & Rosengren, S. (2017). Marketing. New York, United States: Oxford University Press.

Buchanan, D., & Huczynski, A. (2019). Organizational behaviour. London: Pearson UK.

Chernev, A. (2018). Strategic marketing management. Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany: Cerebellum Press.

De Mooij, M. (2019). Consumer behavior and culture: Consequences for global marketing and advertising. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage.

Deepak, R., & Jeyakumar, S. (2019). Marketing management. New Delhi, India: Educreation Publishing.

Dimitrieska, S., Stankovska, A., & Efremova, T. (2018). Artificial intelligence and marketing. Entrepreneurship, 6(2), 298-304.

DuBrin, A. (2013). Fundamentals of organizational behavior: An applied perspective. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier.

Gillespie, K., & Swan, K. (2021). Global marketing. New York, United States: Routledge.

Grewal, D., & Levy, M. (2021). M: marketing. New York, United States: McGraw-Hill Education.

Griffin, R. (2021). Management. Boston, Massachusetts, United States: Cengage Learning.

Groucutt, J., & Hopkins, C. (2015). Marketing. London: Macmillan International Higher Education.

Hitt, M., Miller, C., Colella, A., & Triana, M. (2017). Organizational behavior. Hoboken, New Jersey, United States: John Wiley & Sons.

Iacobucci, D. (2021). Marketing management. Boston, Massachusetts, United States: Cengage Learning.

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Joyce, P. (2022). Strategic Management and Governance: Strategy Execution Around the World. Oxfordshire United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis.

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Khan, M. (2014). The concept of ‘marketing mix’and its elements. International journal of information, business and management, 6(2), 95-107.

Kotabe, M., & Helsen, K. (2020). Global marketing management. Hoboken, New Jersey, United States: John Wiley & Sons.

Lasserre, P. (2017). Global strategic management. London: Macmillan International Higher Education.

Machado, C. (2019). Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management. Berlin: Springer.

Phillips, P., & Moutinho, L. (2018). Contemporary issues in strategic management. London: Routledge.

Sahaf, A. (2019). Strategic marketing: Making decisions for strategic advantage. New Delhi, India: PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.

Stead, J., & Stead, W. (2014). Sustainable strategic management. London: Routledge.

Valeri, M. (2021). Organizational studies: implications for the strategic management. Berlin, Germany: Springer Nature.

Varadarajan, R. (2015). Strategic marketing, marketing strategy and market strategy. AMS review , 5(3), 78-90.

Wilson, F. (2018). Organizational behaviour and work: a critical introduction. New York: Oxford university press.

Wunder, T. (2019). Rethinking strategic management: Sustainable strategizing for positive impact. Berlin: Springer Nature.

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SIEMENS: Training and Development Case Study Solution

Profile image of Prof. Milan Padariya

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mulalo portia

The purpose of this paper is to present a conceptual study established on the employee training and development program and its benefits. This paper will inspect the structure and elements of employee training and development program and later the study present what are the positive outcomes for employees and organizations. Organizations find it difficult to stay competitive in recent global economy. Importance of employee development program is growing for the organizations those pursuing to receive an advantage among competitors. Employees are esteemed resource of the organization and success or failure of the organization relay on the performance of employees. Therefore, organizations are financing large amount on employee training and development programs. Furthermore, in training program it is supportive for companies to emphasis on knowledge, expertise and ability of employees. There is substantial discussion among professionals and researchers on the affect that development program has on both employee and organization. The study described here is a vigilant assessment of literature on fundamental of employee development program and its benefits to organizations and employees.

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Companies are investing heavily in training programs to ensure competitiveness in their respective markets and also to ensure continuity within their ranks. The purpose of this study was to research on the influence of graduate trainee programs on performance of employees with reference to Nokia Networks Kenya. The areas covered were the recruitment and selection methods, training and development methods and criteria for leadership development with an aim to identify which factors influence the performance of graduate trainees. The target population of the study was the employees of Nokia Networks Kenya who have served either as mentors or coaches to at least one Graduate Trainee of the Siemens, Nokia Siemens Networks or Nokia Networks Kenya graduate trainee programs since January 2007, as well as all employees of Nokia Networks who are currently or have been members of Graduate Trainee Programs since January 2007. This resulted in a sampling frame of 68 employees, as obtained from the HR records of Nokia Networks. From this a sample size of 61 was obtained by using a sample size calculator. Questionnaires were used to be able to come up with data on which to examine the influence of the Graduate Trainee Programs on performance. The study aimed to answer the questions as to what influence the methods used to recruit, select, train and develop graduate trainees have an influence in the employees future performance in the organization. Data collected has been analysed both manually and by use of electronic methods using a data preparation grid. Descriptive analysis was used in analysing the collected data. The study recommends that Coaches and Mentors of Trainee programs should be trained on their role before being appointed. Also, trainee programs should focus on equipping the trainees with practical skills that can be used in their day to day work rather than just imparting theoretical knowledge. Finally, the study recommends that when selecting participants for trainee programs, some key characteristics to be considered are Initiative, Drive and Self-Motivation amongst the applicants.

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Shaping the future as a driver of digitalisation

With the courage to innovate, we are creating the communication of the future together.

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Digital transformation of communication

Siemens wants to set new standards: The objective is to be perceived as a driver of digitalization and an enabler for other companies. The basis for this is to establish a more digital global communication in order to strengthen the connection between business, technology as well as communication and, to focus on becoming an agile organisation. Together we are tackling new technologies and trends.

Services Consulting & Transformation

Industry High Tech

Market Germany , Austria , Switzerland

Laptops and tablets

Digital programme 2020+

Merkle has been supporting the digital transformation and cultural change at Siemens since 2018 as a strategic and operational partner in corporate communications. Together we are working on data-based concepts for all aspects of digital communications, developing new digital platforms and supporting Siemens in becoming an agile organization.

To achieve these objectives, our interdisciplinary teams work together with Siemens on several levels:

  • At management level we support Siemens in managing and developing the digital skills of the teams.
  • At a strategic level we help the company to work together more efficiently, respond more quickly to change and create positive customer experiences.
  • At the operational level we successfully implement innovative projects together.

Efficient, intelligent, data-driven communication

Several projects, pilots and Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) around global data-driven communication have been developed in this cooperation and have been awarded.

This is only the beginning of our successful path together. We are looking forward to it!

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Digital solutions – Case Study

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  • Harvard Business School →
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  • February 2017 (Revised November 2021)
  • HBS Case Collection

Digitalization at Siemens

  • Format: Print
  • | Language: English
  • | Pages: 23

About The Author

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David J. Collis

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Siemens Electric Motor Works (A) and (B) (Combined)

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Siemens electric motor works (a) and (b) (combined) description.

Explores how a cost system can help support a firm's decision to change strategies. In the process, students are exposed to a simple activity-based cost system. Also examines Siemens policy for transferring products between sales and manufacturing divisions. Transfer pricing is based on standard costs generated from their cost system. The case is unique in that the organizational linkage between the product costing system and the transfer pricing system is explored.

Case Description Siemens Electric Motor Works (A) and (B) (Combined)

Strategic managment tools used in case study analysis of siemens electric motor works (a) and (b) (combined), step 1. problem identification in siemens electric motor works (a) and (b) (combined) case study, step 2. external environment analysis - pestel / pest / step analysis of siemens electric motor works (a) and (b) (combined) case study, step 3. industry specific / porter five forces analysis of siemens electric motor works (a) and (b) (combined) case study, step 4. evaluating alternatives / swot analysis of siemens electric motor works (a) and (b) (combined) case study, step 5. porter value chain analysis / vrio / vrin analysis siemens electric motor works (a) and (b) (combined) case study, step 6. recommendations siemens electric motor works (a) and (b) (combined) case study, step 7. basis of recommendations for siemens electric motor works (a) and (b) (combined) case study, quality & on time delivery.

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Case study solutions are career defining. Order your custom solution now.

Case Analysis of Siemens Electric Motor Works (A) and (B) (Combined)

Siemens Electric Motor Works (A) and (B) (Combined) is a Harvard Business (HBR) Case Study on Finance & Accounting , Texas Business School provides HBR case study assignment help for just $9. Texas Business School(TBS) case study solution is based on HBR Case Study Method framework, TBS expertise & global insights. Siemens Electric Motor Works (A) and (B) (Combined) is designed and drafted in a manner to allow the HBR case study reader to analyze a real-world problem by putting reader into the position of the decision maker. Siemens Electric Motor Works (A) and (B) (Combined) case study will help professionals, MBA, EMBA, and leaders to develop a broad and clear understanding of casecategory challenges. Siemens Electric Motor Works (A) and (B) (Combined) will also provide insight into areas such as – wordlist , strategy, leadership, sales and marketing, and negotiations.

Case Study Solutions Background Work

Siemens Electric Motor Works (A) and (B) (Combined) case study solution is focused on solving the strategic and operational challenges the protagonist of the case is facing. The challenges involve – evaluation of strategic options, key role of Finance & Accounting, leadership qualities of the protagonist, and dynamics of the external environment. The challenge in front of the protagonist, of Siemens Electric Motor Works (A) and (B) (Combined), is to not only build a competitive position of the organization but also to sustain it over a period of time.

Strategic Management Tools Used in Case Study Solution

The Siemens Electric Motor Works (A) and (B) (Combined) case study solution requires the MBA, EMBA, executive, professional to have a deep understanding of various strategic management tools such as SWOT Analysis, PESTEL Analysis / PEST Analysis / STEP Analysis, Porter Five Forces Analysis, Go To Market Strategy, BCG Matrix Analysis, Porter Value Chain Analysis, Ansoff Matrix Analysis, VRIO / VRIN and Marketing Mix Analysis.

Texas Business School Approach to Finance & Accounting Solutions

In the Texas Business School, Siemens Electric Motor Works (A) and (B) (Combined) case study solution – following strategic tools are used - SWOT Analysis, PESTEL Analysis / PEST Analysis / STEP Analysis, Porter Five Forces Analysis, Go To Market Strategy, BCG Matrix Analysis, Porter Value Chain Analysis, Ansoff Matrix Analysis, VRIO / VRIN and Marketing Mix Analysis. We have additionally used the concept of supply chain management and leadership framework to build a comprehensive case study solution for the case – Siemens Electric Motor Works (A) and (B) (Combined)

Step 1 – Problem Identification of Siemens Electric Motor Works (A) and (B) (Combined) - Harvard Business School Case Study

The first step to solve HBR Siemens Electric Motor Works (A) and (B) (Combined) case study solution is to identify the problem present in the case. The problem statement of the case is provided in the beginning of the case where the protagonist is contemplating various options in the face of numerous challenges that System Siemens is facing right now. Even though the problem statement is essentially – “Finance & Accounting” challenge but it has impacted by others factors such as communication in the organization, uncertainty in the external environment, leadership in System Siemens, style of leadership and organization structure, marketing and sales, organizational behavior, strategy, internal politics, stakeholders priorities and more.

Step 2 – External Environment Analysis

Texas Business School approach of case study analysis – Conclusion, Reasons, Evidences - provides a framework to analyze every HBR case study. It requires conducting robust external environmental analysis to decipher evidences for the reasons presented in the Siemens Electric Motor Works (A) and (B) (Combined). The external environment analysis of Siemens Electric Motor Works (A) and (B) (Combined) will ensure that we are keeping a tab on the macro-environment factors that are directly and indirectly impacting the business of the firm.

What is PESTEL Analysis? Briefly Explained

PESTEL stands for political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal factors that impact the external environment of firm in Siemens Electric Motor Works (A) and (B) (Combined) case study. PESTEL analysis of " Siemens Electric Motor Works (A) and (B) (Combined)" can help us understand why the organization is performing badly, what are the factors in the external environment that are impacting the performance of the organization, and how the organization can either manage or mitigate the impact of these external factors.

How to do PESTEL / PEST / STEP Analysis? What are the components of PESTEL Analysis?

As mentioned above PESTEL Analysis has six elements – political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal. All the six elements are explained in context with Siemens Electric Motor Works (A) and (B) (Combined) macro-environment and how it impacts the businesses of the firm.

How to do PESTEL Analysis for Siemens Electric Motor Works (A) and (B) (Combined)

To do comprehensive PESTEL analysis of case study – Siemens Electric Motor Works (A) and (B) (Combined) , we have researched numerous components under the six factors of PESTEL analysis.

Political Factors that Impact Siemens Electric Motor Works (A) and (B) (Combined)

Political factors impact seven key decision making areas – economic environment, socio-cultural environment, rate of innovation & investment in research & development, environmental laws, legal requirements, and acceptance of new technologies.

Government policies have significant impact on the business environment of any country. The firm in “ Siemens Electric Motor Works (A) and (B) (Combined) ” needs to navigate these policy decisions to create either an edge for itself or reduce the negative impact of the policy as far as possible.

Data safety laws – The countries in which System Siemens is operating, firms are required to store customer data within the premises of the country. System Siemens needs to restructure its IT policies to accommodate these changes. In the EU countries, firms are required to make special provision for privacy issues and other laws.

Competition Regulations – Numerous countries have strong competition laws both regarding the monopoly conditions and day to day fair business practices. Siemens Electric Motor Works (A) and (B) (Combined) has numerous instances where the competition regulations aspects can be scrutinized.

Import restrictions on products – Before entering the new market, System Siemens in case study Siemens Electric Motor Works (A) and (B) (Combined)" should look into the import restrictions that may be present in the prospective market.

Export restrictions on products – Apart from direct product export restrictions in field of technology and agriculture, a number of countries also have capital controls. System Siemens in case study “ Siemens Electric Motor Works (A) and (B) (Combined) ” should look into these export restrictions policies.

Foreign Direct Investment Policies – Government policies favors local companies over international policies, System Siemens in case study “ Siemens Electric Motor Works (A) and (B) (Combined) ” should understand in minute details regarding the Foreign Direct Investment policies of the prospective market.

Corporate Taxes – The rate of taxes is often used by governments to lure foreign direct investments or increase domestic investment in a certain sector. Corporate taxation can be divided into two categories – taxes on profits and taxes on operations. Taxes on profits number is important for companies that already have a sustainable business model, while taxes on operations is far more significant for companies that are looking to set up new plants or operations.

Tariffs – Chekout how much tariffs the firm needs to pay in the “ Siemens Electric Motor Works (A) and (B) (Combined) ” case study. The level of tariffs will determine the viability of the business model that the firm is contemplating. If the tariffs are high then it will be extremely difficult to compete with the local competitors. But if the tariffs are between 5-10% then System Siemens can compete against other competitors.

Research and Development Subsidies and Policies – Governments often provide tax breaks and other incentives for companies to innovate in various sectors of priority. Managers at Siemens Electric Motor Works (A) and (B) (Combined) case study have to assess whether their business can benefit from such government assistance and subsidies.

Consumer protection – Different countries have different consumer protection laws. Managers need to clarify not only the consumer protection laws in advance but also legal implications if the firm fails to meet any of them.

Political System and Its Implications – Different political systems have different approach to free market and entrepreneurship. Managers need to assess these factors even before entering the market.

Freedom of Press is critical for fair trade and transparency. Countries where freedom of press is not prevalent there are high chances of both political and commercial corruption.

Corruption level – System Siemens needs to assess the level of corruptions both at the official level and at the market level, even before entering a new market. To tackle the menace of corruption – a firm should have a clear SOP that provides managers at each level what to do when they encounter instances of either systematic corruption or bureaucrats looking to take bribes from the firm.

Independence of judiciary – It is critical for fair business practices. If a country doesn’t have independent judiciary then there is no point entry into such a country for business.

Government attitude towards trade unions – Different political systems and government have different attitude towards trade unions and collective bargaining. The firm needs to assess – its comfort dealing with the unions and regulations regarding unions in a given market or industry. If both are on the same page then it makes sense to enter, otherwise it doesn’t.

Economic Factors that Impact Siemens Electric Motor Works (A) and (B) (Combined)

Social factors that impact siemens electric motor works (a) and (b) (combined), technological factors that impact siemens electric motor works (a) and (b) (combined), environmental factors that impact siemens electric motor works (a) and (b) (combined), legal factors that impact siemens electric motor works (a) and (b) (combined), step 3 – industry specific analysis, what is porter five forces analysis, step 4 – swot analysis / internal environment analysis, step 5 – porter value chain / vrio / vrin analysis, step 6 – evaluating alternatives & recommendations, step 7 – basis for recommendations, references :: siemens electric motor works (a) and (b) (combined) case study solution.

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