Paraphrase Tool

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Paraphrase variations in 18 writing modes.

Your words and thoughts matter, and we’ve designed our paraphrase tool to ensure find the best words to match your expression. Just paste or start writing your text in our input box above, and our best in class AI will help you to generate the best paraphrases from your original writing.

Write 10x faster with keywords in Compose mode

Who has time for writer’s block? Our Composer can help you write 10x faster by enabling you to create paragraphs from keywords instantly for articles, cover letters, essays, and more than 500 other types of writing in 100+ Languages. This way you can focus more on your final work rather than your first draft.

Check plagiarism in 50+ languages

None of us wants to accidentally plagiarize, especially when we spend so much time getting our ideas on paper and refining them. Be sure that your text is unique and 100% FREE of plagiarism by using our plagiarism checker for 50+ languages.

Paraphrase Tool uses state-of-the-art AI to paraphrase and compose in more than 100+ languages

Paraphrase Tool uses state-of-the-art AI to produce variations of your text in more than 100+ languages for each of the eighteen (12 free and 6 premium) styles that we offer. By doing this, we are able to offer more value and variety than any other service.

Billed every month

  • Unlimited paraphrasing in 20 styles
  • Up to 500 paragraphs/month
  • Up to 100 plagiarism checks/month
  • More powerful paraphrasing for all modes and languages

$89.99 billed every 12 months

  • Unlimited paragraph generating
  • Unlimited plagiarism checks

About Paraphrase Tool

Getting your wording just right.

Paraphrasing is a natural part of the writing process as it helps you clarify your thinking and suit your words to your audience. Using a Paraphrase Tool helps structure and streamline this work, and our paraphrase tool offers 20 modes, many of them free, for accomplishing just this. The 20 modes we offer are diverse, including a summarize tool, a free grammar checker, a mode to simplify text, and a sentence shortener. There are sentence rephrasers and paraphrase rephrase tools, and we pride ourselves on having both, since our reword generator accounts for context at both the sentence and paragraph levels.

When you google paraphrase you will get a variety of results, from a free Paraphrase Tool , to an article spinner, to a general phrase tool, and it can be hard to determine which of these rephrase tools will best help you complete your work. If you simply need to get a word rephrase, that is, reword only small elements within the sentence, many tools will suffice, but there is the risk that you end up with a tool that does not consider context and produces very awkward and ungrammatical sentences. Rephrasing is very much an art, and we’ve built our paraphrase bot to produce the most correct results in 20 modes in over 100 languages, making it the best paraphrasing tool at an exceptionally low cost. So whether you need to paraphrase deutsch, paraphrase greek, or paraphrase bahasa melayu, the next time you think, I need something to paraphrase this for me, you’ll know where to turn.

From keywords to paragraphs

Generating paragraphs with unique ideas can be challenging, and too often writers get stuck at this stage of the writing process. With our paragraph tool, you can enter keywords and let our AI generate paragraphs for you, so that you can have something to work with, refine the output, and become more engaged in your writing.

A paragraph generator creates links between your ideas, such that the output is sensible, unique, and stimulating, very close to what you would expect a thoughtful human paragraph writer to produce.

Paragraph makers are nice, but what about a short story generator? Because our AI is generalized, it serves a story generator, an essay generator, a poem generator, and much more. To generate compelling stories, you should provide the story generator with useful keywords from which it can develop plot elements, including characters, setting details, and any situational information. To generate reasonably good essays, you should likewise provide the essay maker with details around argumentative positions and any other pertinent ideas. If you more specifically want an introduction paragraph generator or conclusion paragraph generator, you can provide starter text and keywords that will best enable our essay creator to produce them.

You may well ask, “is this essay generator free?” Everything on this site is free within a 3-day trial, so you can test and develop confidence in our products. You may also be wondering where this is an essay automatic writer or if it will take a while to get results. All results appear within a matter of seconds, so you can move through your work as quickly as possible.

You may have professional needs for creating paragraphs as well, such as those needed for cover letter. Most of the time a cover letter template includes information that is not relevant to you; by using your own keywords, we can produce cover letter examples that are relevant to your use case and often require very little editing. By using this service, you can also learn how to write a cover letter and achieve the cover letter format you need.

Plagiarism checker free

Like everything else on our site, you can check plagiarism free within a trial, which is a great opportunity for those who want to check a paper for plagiarism without committing to paying before they see results. This free plagiarism checker is great for students and clearly indicates how to check for plagiarism by highlighting areas of similarity between the two texts. Just to be sure you are not accidentally plagiarizing, be sure to check all of your paraphrases as well.

  • المدقق الانتحال
  • أداة إعادة الصياغة
  • Essay Generator
  • صورة لتحويل النص

اعادة صياغة

لاستخدام أداة إعادة الصياغة هذه ، يرجى نسخ النص ولصقه في مربع الإدخال أدناه أو تحديد ملف لتحميله ، ثم النقر فوق زر إعادة الصياغة.

Table of Contents

اعادة صياغة النص بالعربي

أداة اعادة صياغة هي أفضل أداة لإعادة الصياغة يمكن أن تساعد الباحثين. يقوم معيد صياغة الجملة هذا بإجراء تغييرات من سطر إلى سطر ومن كلمة إلى كلمة. كمدخل ، يأخذ النص الأصلي وينشئ نصًا جديدًا خالٍ من الانتحال كإخراج في ثوانٍ.

تساعد أداة إعادة الصياغة عبر الإنترنت على إعادة صياغة النص والمقالات والمقالات عبر الإنترنت. يمكّنك من تجنب الانتحال عن طريق إعادة صياغة الجمل.

قمنا بتطوير أداة إعادة الصياغة المجانية هذه باستخدام أحدث التقنيات اعادة كتابة النص عبر الإنترنت.

يغير المرادفات والجمل لجعل المحتوى المعاد صياغته فريدًا من الإصدار الأصلي.

ما هي إعادة الصياغة؟

إعادة الصياغة هي عملية تغيير الكلمات والجمل في جزء من المحتوى لجعله يبدو مختلفًا عن شكله الأصلي ، ولكن بنفس المعنى. فيما يلي بعض التعريفات الشائعة الأخرى التي يمكنك العثور عليها على الإنترنت:

ميزات أداة إعادة الصياغة عبر الإنترنت

أوضاع إعادة الصياغة المتعددة, الوضع البسيط.

يستبدل الوضع البسيط المرادفات من النص. يعمل كأداة إعادة صياغة. يمكنك إعادة صياغة كلمات غير محدودة في هذا الإصدار.

إنه يعمل مثل مغير الكلمات. إذا لم تكن راضيًا عن الاستبدال التلقائي للمرادفات ، فيمكنك إضافة كلماتك الخاصة. لا توجد كلمات حد في هذا الوضع لإعادة الصياغة.

يقدم هذا الإصدار أحدث أداة لإعادة الصياغة. فهو لا يغير الكلمات فحسب ، بل يعيد كتابة الجمل لتحطيم الجمل المعقدة. لديها 03 أوضاع فرعية تسمى:

وضع الطلاقة

يساعد وضع الطلاقة في إعادة صياغة المحتوى الخاص بك عن طريق تغيير الكلمات بذكاء مع مرادفاتها وعن طريق تغيير العبارات المستخدمة. كما يشير الاسم ، يغير هذا الوضع "بطلاقة" المحتوى الخاص بك بحيث يبدو وكأنه عمل إنسان حقيقي.

هذا الوضع متاح فقط للمستخدمين المميزين. إنه أذكى وضع متوفر في هذه الأداة. يمكنه تغيير المحتوى الخاص بك بذكاء لجعله يبدو فريدًا ومختلفًا دون الاختلاف عن السياق الأصلي.

خيارات تحميل متعددة:

تحميل ملفات لإعادة الصياغة.

يمكنك النقر فوق الزر "تحميل" وتحميل الملف بتنسيق .doc / .docx / .txt / .pdf لإعادة صياغة المحتوى.

إذا أردت ، يمكنك نسخ المحتوى ولصقه في أداة إعادة الصياغة لإعادة الصياغة عبر الإنترنت.

محتوى محسن لتحسين محركات البحث

أداة إعادة الصياغة الخاصة بنا آمنة لتحسين محركات البحث. سيهتم بمحتوى تحسين محركات البحث (SEO) دون التأثير على بنية الكلمات الرئيسية. يمكنك أيضًا التحقق من كثافة الكلمات الرئيسية حتى كلمة رئيسية واحدة أو كلمتين أو ثلاث كلمات رئيسية على موقع Prepostseo.

مجاني للاستخدام

أداة إعادة الصياغة الخاصة بنا مجانية تمامًا للاستخدام. يمكنك إعادة صياغة عدد غير محدود من المقالات في يوم واحد. لا يوجد حد فيما يتعلق بذلك أيضا. يمكنك إعادة كتابة فقرات متعددة في جلسة واحدة فقط. القيد الوحيد الذي ستلاحظه هو الوقت الذي يستغرقه إعادة صياغة فقرة.

استخدم مجموعة متنوعة من الأدوات لتحسين جودة المحتوى

إلى جانب أداة إعادة الصياغة الخاصة بنا ، يمكنك استخدام العديد من الأدوات الأخرى المتاحة على موقعنا الإلكتروني لتحسين جودة المحتوى. يمكنك استخدام أدواتنا الأخرى مثل معيد كتابة المقالات ، ومدقق القواعد ، ومدقق الانتحال ، ومدقق قابلية القراءة ، ومدقق كثافة الكلمات الرئيسية ، وعداد الكلمات لتحسين المحتوى الخاص بك.

سيتأكد مدقق القواعد على موقع Prepostseo من خلو المحتوى الخاص بك من الأخطاء النحوية وعلامات الترقيم.

استخدامات أداة إعادة الصياغة

تعد إعادة الصياغة إحدى التقنيات الحيوية لكثير من الناس لتحسين مهاراتهم في الكتابة. ومع ذلك ، تذكر أن إعادة الصياغة لا تشبه التلخيص.

يجد معظم الناس صعوبة في طرح أفكار جديدة كل يوم. في بعض الأحيان ، يصعب اكتشاف نفس الفكرة بلمسة جديدة.

إذا كنت تواجه مشكلة من هذا القبيل ، فإن أداة إعادة الصياغة موجودة لك لتعطيك دفعة حيث تكون عالقًا.

تعد إعادة الصياغة عبر الإنترنت مفهومًا مختلفًا مقارنةً بالدليل.

ابتكر المطورون أدوات يمكنها إعادة صياغة النص في ثوانٍ. تم تطويره للأشخاص الذين يتعين عليهم التسرع ولديهم الكثير من العمل للقيام به. يمكنهم ببساطة إدخال نصهم في الأداة والسماح لها بإعادة الصياغة نيابة عنهم.

من يمكنه استخدام أداة Paraphraser؟

إعادة الصياغة هي حاجة أساسية لكل طالب ، كاتب ، مدرس ، مؤلف ، مدون ، إلخ.

يمكن للطلاب استخدام أدوات إعادة الصياغة المجانية لإعادة كتابة المقالات أو المهام أو العروض التقديمية.

إن كتابة المقالات والواجبات والعروض التقديمية هي الأشياء التي يهتم بها الطلاب. تعطي المعاهد قدرًا كبيرًا من الواجبات المنزلية للطلاب مما يجعل الطلاب يقومون بمزيد من العمل الشاق.

يعد منشئ إعادة الصياغة هو الحل الأفضل ، حيث يمكن لهذه الأداة إعادة صياغة الجمل عبر الإنترنت في ثوانٍ بمزيد من الوضوح.

يمكن للمدونين إنشاء محتوى جديد كل يوم عن طريق إعادة صياغة المحتوى القديم مرارًا وتكرارًا.

يتعين على المدونين الجدد كتابة مقالات وعليهم القيام بالكثير من العمل كل يوم لتنمية مدوناتهم الخاصة.

من الصعب كتابة المحتوى كل يوم مع الاحتفاظ بالفكرة الأصلية كما هي. يمكن أن تساعدك أداة إعادة الصياغة هذه.

عليك فقط نسخ المحتوى الخاص بك ولصقه وستقوم هذه الأداة بجمع كل مرادف محتمل للكلمة.

يمكن للكتاب استخدام عملهم السابق وإعادة صياغته لأنه من الصعب طرح أفكار جديدة كل يوم.

كونك كاتب ليس بالأمر السهل. في كل مرة يتعين عليهم ابتكار كلمات وجمل فريدة لإشراك قرائهم وتحسين مهاراتهم في الكتابة.

إعادة الصياغة عبر الإنترنت هي أداة احترافية مع كل كلمة مخزنة في قاعدة البيانات الخاصة بهم. تستبدل هذه الأداة الكلمات بمرادفاتها المحتملة لجعل النص يبدو فريدًا. إذا أعاد الكتاب صياغة النص بأنفسهم ، فسيستهلك الكثير من الوقت.

لحسابهم الخاص

يمكن لأصحاب الأعمال الحرة استخدام معيد الصياغة هذا لإعادة صياغة المحتوى الخاص به مرارًا وتكرارًا.

يحدث كثيرًا مع المترجمين المستقلين أنهم مطالبون بكتابة شيء فعلوه بالفعل من قبل من قبل شخص آخر.

لمواجهة ذلك ، يمكن للموظف المستقل استخدام أفضل أداة لإعادة الصياغة لتغيير المحتوى. يمكنه فعل ذلك عن طريق استبدال الكلمات وجعلها خالية من الانتحال. غالبًا ما يكون من الصعب إعادة صياغة النص الخاص بك. نظرًا لأن الأمر يستغرق الكثير من الوقت وعلى الرغم من شعورك بالرضا ، فقد يستمر حدوث الانتحال.

يحدث كثيرًا مع المستقلين أنهم مطالبون بكتابة شيء فعلوه بالفعل من قبل لشخص آخر.

لمواجهة ذلك ، يمكن للموظف المستقل استخدام أفضل أداة لإعادة الصياغة لتغيير المحتوى. يمكنهم فعل ذلك عن طريق استبدال الكلمات وجعلها خالية من الانتحال. غالبًا ما يكون من الصعب إعادة صياغة النص الخاص بك. يستغرق الأمر الكثير من الوقت ، وعلى الرغم من شعورك بالرضا ، فقد يستمر حدوث الانتحال.

Free online arabic paraphrasing tool

Rephrase arabic content with just one click, other useful information, how many articles can i paraphrase using this arabic paraphrasing tool, which operating systems does this arabic paraphrasing tool supports, do i need to register to access this arabic paraphrasing tool, for how long my uploaded content is stored in your databases, is there any installation of software required to use this arabic paraphrasing tool.

No! There is no requirement of download or installation of any software on your computer or mobile device as it is completely a web-based service. So, you can easily access the tool through your web browser.

What is the difference between summarizing and paraphrasing?

Is paraphrasing considered illegal.

Paraphrasing is not considered illegal as long as it is done in a proper way. When you search for content to gain knowledge and incorporate new ideas into your writing, and then making it unique is completely ethical, but make sure that your paraphrased text should not be similar to the original text as stealing someone’s idea exactly will be considered plagiarism. Plagiarism is considered unethical as well as illegal. When using someone’s ideas or quotes in your writing, it is very important to acknowledge the author of the text. Our arabic paraphrasing tool will help you to generate quality as well as unique articles, ensuring to meet search engine requirements in a reader-friendly way.

Why should we use this paraphraser in arabic?

How does this arabic paraphrasing tool benefit both teachers and students, how does this arabic paraphrasing tool helpful for researchers.

Our arabic paraphrasing tool is helpful for researchers, especially Ph.D. and master's students, in a number of ways. They need to often research huge volumes of materials from different sources and need to spend many hours manually rewriting their thesis. To save valuable time and effort as well as to generate a unique thesis without plagiarism, our tool will assist them easily. All you need to do is simply enter the original content in the input box and our tool will produce fresh and plagiarism-free content as output in just a few seconds.

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Does arabic paraphrase tool have any restrictions on the length of the text to be paraphrased, what are the uses of arabic paraphrasing tool.

The main objective of Arabic paraphrasing tool is to create unique and high-quality content with free of plagiarism. This tool can be used for various purposes by many people. The most common uses of our tool are as follows: 1. Educational purposes: Whether you are a student, teacher, or researcher, you can create unique content from original text easily and can use the paraphrased text in your projects, papers, theses, or any other scholastic works. 2. Linguistic Development: One can improve vocabulary skills by creating unique text with different words and sentence structures repeatedly. 3. Digital Media Creators: This tool is useful for digital media creators like bloggers, copywriters, content writers, social media influencers, creative writers, etc. 4. Corporate Interaction: This tool can also be used in conversation among corporate offices through professional emails and messages for clear and precise communication. 5. Website Optimization: This tool can be a very valuable resource for an SEO expert who has to create multiple versions of content on the same topic without plagiarism.

Who can use this Arabic paraphrasing tool?

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Yes, the output generated by our tool is trustworthy. The generated text is a high-quality with free of grammatical errors, but make sure to check the content before you finalize it that it meets your requirements

Can I paraphrase other language text into arabic on this tool?

What are the formatting options available for text on this tool, can i use this arabic paraphrasing tool offline.

No, you cannot use this arabic paraphrasing tool offline as it requires an internet connection to function.

What other languages does this tool support for paraphrasing other than arabic?

What should i do if the paraphrased output is not upto my expectation, how can i contact if i have any queries while using this arabic paraphrasing tool.

If you have any queries or experience while using this arabic paraphrasing tool, you can contact us at [email protected].

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Arabic Paraphrasing Tool | Rewrite-online

arabic paraphrasing tool

Are you looking for an Arabic Paraphrasing Tool or paraphrasing tool عربي to rephrase arabic sentences, articles or paragraphs?! is the Best Arabic Paraphrasing Tool عربي to rephrase sentences, articles or paragraphs in Arabic or even in English.

Writing in Arabic can be challenging for many reasons Arabic is a rich and complex language that has different dialects styles and levels of formality Sometimes you may need to rewrite your text in a different way to avoid plagiarism improve clarity or adapt to a specific audience This is where an Arabic paraphrasing tool can help you.

What is an Arabic paraphrasing tool?

An Arabic paraphrasing tool using AI is an online application that can automatically rephrase your text in Arabic using different words expressions and sentence structures The tool can help you create a new version of your text that is original readable and meaningful.

You can learn About: What is Paraphrasing?

The benefits of using an Arabic paraphrasing tool

Using an Arabic paraphrasing tool can have many benefits for writers and learners of Arabic Some of the benefits are:

  • It can help you avoid plagiarism by creating a unique text that is not copied from any source.
  • It can help you improve your vocabulary and grammar by exposing you to different ways of saying the same thing in Arabic.
  • It can help you save time and effort by generating a new text in seconds without requiring any manual editing.
  • It can help you adapt your text to a different purpose audience or tone by changing the level of formality politeness or emotion in your text.

Who can use an Arabic paraphrasing tool?

Anyone who writes or learns Arabic can use an Arabic paraphrasing tool for various purposes Some of the users of an Arabic paraphrasing tool are:

  • Students who need to paraphrase their assignments essays or reports in Arabic to avoid plagiarism or improve their grades.
  • Teachers who need to paraphrase their lectures notes or exams in Arabic to make them more engaging or challenging for their students.
  • Writers who need to paraphrase their articles blogs or books in Arabic to make them more original or appealing for their readers and at the same time Writing SEO compatible content .
  • Translators who need to paraphrase their translations in Arabic to make them more accurate or natural for their clients.
  • Researchers who need to paraphrase their findings summaries or reviews in Arabic to make them more concise or clear for their peers.

How to use an Arabic paraphrasing tool

Using an Arabic paraphrasing tool is easy and simple You just need to follow these steps:

Choosing an Arabic paraphrasing tool

There are many Arabic paraphrasing tools available online but not all of them are reliable or effective You need to choose a tool that has the following features:

  • It can paraphrase any type of text in Arabic such as academic literary or technical text.
  • It can paraphrase your text in different dialects styles or levels of formality in Arabic such as Modern Standard Arabic Egyptian Arabic or Classical Arabic.
  • It can paraphrase your text with high accuracy quality and meaning without changing the original message or introducing any errors or mistakes.
  • It can paraphrase your text with high speed efficiency and convenience without requiring any registration payment or download.

One of the best Arabic paraphrasing tools that meets these criteria is [].

Creating an account (if necessary)

Some Arabic paraphrasing tools may require you to create an account before you can use them This may be for security privacy or personalization reasons If you choose a tool that requires an account you need to provide some basic information such as your name email and password You may also need to verify your email or activate your account before you can start using the tool.

[] does not require you to create an account to use it You can use it anonymously and freely without any limitations.

Pasting your text into the tool

Once you have chosen and accessed your Arabic paraphrasing tool you need to paste your text into the tool You can either type your text manually or copy and paste it from another source such as a document a website or a file You can paste any amount of text from a single sentence to a whole page depending on the tool’s capacity and your needs.

[] allows you to paste up to 2,000 characters of text into the tool at once.

Selecting the desired paraphrasing options

After pasting your text into the tool you need to select the desired paraphrasing options for your text These options may vary depending on the tool and your preferences but they usually include:

  • The dialect style or level of formality of the paraphrased text in Arabic such as Modern Standard Arabic Egyptian Arabic or Classical Arabic.
  • The degree of paraphrasing or the percentage of change in the paraphrased text such as low medium or high.
  • The mode of paraphrasing or the type of change in the paraphrased text such as synonyms antonyms or reordering.

[] offers you a simple and intuitive interface to paraphrase your text in a different way depending on your purpose and audience.

Reviewing the paraphrased text

After selecting your paraphrasing options you need to click on the paraphrase button to generate the paraphrased text The tool will process your text and display the paraphrased text in a few seconds You need to review the paraphrased text carefully for accuracy and meaning You need to check if the paraphrased text:

  • Is readable and understandable.
  • Is meaningful and coherent.
  • Is consistent and appropriate for your purpose and audience.
  • Is free of any errors or mistakes.

[] provides you with a comparison feature that allows you to compare your original text and your paraphrased text side by side You can also edit your paraphrased text manually.

Popular Arabic paraphrasing tool:

As mentioned earlier one of the best Arabic paraphrasing tools that you can use is [] This tool has many advantages and features that make it stand out from other tools Some of these are:

  • Free Article Rewriter Online
  • It is free and unlimited You can use it as many times as you want without any restrictions or charges.
  • It is fast and easy You can paraphrase your text in a few seconds with a few clicks.
  • It is accurate and reliable You can paraphrase your text with high quality and meaning without any errors or mistakes.
  • It is flexible and versatile You can paraphrase any type of text in any dialect style or level of formality in Arabic.
  • It is creative and innovative You can paraphrase your text in different ways such as synonyms antonyms or reordering.

Tips for using Arabic paraphrasing tools effectively

Using an Arabic paraphrasing tool can be very helpful and convenient but it is not a magic solution that can solve all your writing problems You still need to use your own skills and judgment to create a good text in Arabic Here are some tips for using Arabic paraphrasing tools effectively:

1- Start with a clear and concise original text

The quality of your paraphrased text depends largely on the quality of your original text If your original text is unclear vague or complex your paraphrased text will be the same or worse Therefore you need to start with a clear and concise original text that has a clear message a logical structure and a simple language.

2- Use the tool only as a starting point

The tool can help you generate a new version of your text but it cannot replace your own creativity and intelligence You need to use the tool only as a starting point or a source of inspiration not as a final product You need to add your own touch and personality to your text to make it unique and original.

3- Review the paraphrased text carefully for accuracy and meaning,

The tool can make mistakes or change the meaning of your text unintentionally You need to review the paraphrased text carefully for accuracy and meaning You need to make sure that the paraphrased text conveys the same message as the original text without any distortion or loss of information You also need to check for any grammatical spelling or punctuation errors that the tool may have introduced,

4- Do not rely on the tool to do all the work for you,

The tool can help you save time and effort but it cannot do all the work for you You still need to do your own research analysis and evaluation of your text You also need to cite your sources properly and avoid plagiarism You need to use the tool responsibly and ethically and not abuse it or misuse it.

Arabic paraphrasing tools are online applications that can help you rewrite your text in Arabic using different words expressions and sentence structures They can have many benefits for writers and learners of Arabic such as avoiding plagiarism improving vocabulary and grammar saving time and effort and adapting to different purposes audiences or tones However they also have some limitations and challenges such as maintaining accuracy and meaning avoiding errors and mistakes and using them effectively and ethically Therefore you need to choose a reliable and effective Arabic paraphrasing tool such as [] and use it wisely and carefully By doing so you can improve your writing skills and create a better text in Arabic.

Online document paraphrasing

Automatically reword and paraphrase documents and text files online.

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or drag it in this box

Documents longer than 10,000 characters will not be processed.

Other rewriter, summarization and paraphrasing detection apps

We've already processed 0 files with total size of 0 Kilobytes

In today's world, unique content is becoming a valuable and rare resource. People don't like to read the same thing over and over again. Most search engines can detect and significantly lower the ranking of plagiarism, resulting in lower positions in search results. However, creating professional content takes a lot of time and effort, which will certainly cost you pace and a competitive advantage in addition to direct costs. That is where automatic content rewriting tools comes to the rescue. A powerful neural network reads and understands the text and then paraphrases it with different wording, producing a plagiarism-free result without losing the original message.

GroupDocs Rewriter is an easy-to-use and versatile online service for rephrasing the content of Microsoft Word, OpenOffice Writer, PDF, and plain text documents with full preservation of their meaning. Its advanced AI algorithms can paraphrase and rephrase individual sentences, paragraphs and entire articles, creating unique content in seconds. The API not only rewrites content, but also converts documents to different formats to enhance editing options and offer the familiar experience to different audiences.

This free online application powered by GroupDocs Rewriter API can automatically paraphrase Arabic, English, Russian, and Ukrainian documents with the quality of a professional copyrighter in all popular formats. The result can be converted into multiple formats, shared via email or URL and saved to your device. The application can also rephrase files hosted on websites without downloading them to your computer. The app works on any device, including smartphones.

How to rewrite a document

Provide a file

Upload a document or simply enter the file’s web address.

Specify the language

Select the language in which the document is written.

Start rewriting

Click Rewrite button. You can optionally specify the output format which may differ from the original document.

Wait for the processing to complete. Download the rewritten document, share it via email and URL, view and fix the resulting content.

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More than rewording

The application tries to understand the meaning of the entire text, rather than just replacing individual words with synonyms.

Rewrite documents from the Internet

There is no need to download documents to your local device for processing. Just paste the web address of the file and get the result.

Document conversion

The application not only paraphrases documents, but can also convert the result into a lot of formats. No additional apps are needed. You can even edit the resulting document before saving or sharing it.

Zero system load

The processing is carried out by high-performance cloud servers. You can use the application on any system – from entry-level netbooks to smartphones.

The application can rewrite any number of documents for free, for as long as you need.

Top content quality

Many years of experience in machine leaning technologies has led to the creation of state-of-the-art algorithms with superior speed and accuracy. GroupDocs products are used by most Fortune 500 companies across 114 countries.

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Paraphraser Generator for Arabic Translator

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Powerful Paraphraser Generator Simplifies Arabic Translation

Enhance your arabic translation with the paraphraser generator.

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Benefits of using our Paraphraser Generator for Arabic Translator

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Discover the various ways our ai content generation platform can assist you..

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How our Paraphraser Generator for Arabic Translator works

Experience a seamless process to generate accurate and reliable paraphrased content in arabic..

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Tips for maximizing the use of our Paraphraser Generator for Arabic Translator

Utilize these helpful tips to improve your experience with our ai-powered tool..

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Frequently Asked Questions

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Transform Arabic Texts Effortlessly with Our Paraphraser Generator

Revolutionize arabic translation with our powerful and user-friendly paraphrasing tool.

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Advanced Paraphrasing Tool

Elevate your writing with our free and ai-powered paraphraser. instantly correct or rephrase your sentences in different tones., paraphrasing tool, please rewrite my sentence, what is paraphrasing.

Paraphrasing is the art of rewriting text into other words. This includes using synonyms, restructuring phrases, and connecting ideas in different ways. A state-of-the-art paraphraser provides automatic and simple-to-use rephrasing of complete sentences.


Why Should I Paraphrase My Sentences?

By paraphrasing existing sentences, you can elevate your writing and achieve different goals as a writer. That’s why rephrasing is helpful in plenty of cases: rewriting citations, strengthening the message of your text, and rewording your ideas while improving style.


How Does Rephrasing Help Me Become a Better Writer?

This feature is highly customizable, meaning you’re in control. Choose from five different categories—general, formal, concise, fluent, or simple—to transform your writing to better suit the context and tone. Paraphrasing helps you by refining and perfecting your masterpieces.

Where Can I Use the Paraphrasing Tool?

Rephrasing is available wherever and whenever! All you need is a LanguageTool account and a stable internet connection to rewrite your sentences in almost all of LanguageTool's extensions. The feature is easily accessible for everyone that aims to improve their writing.


What exactly does an online paraphraser do.

LanguageTool’s paraphrasing feature does so much more than just rewrite sentences. Not only does it check for stronger, more suitable word choice, but it also corrects your sentence as a whole to ensure high-quality writing. With its intuitive and user-friendly interface, everyone can leverage Artificial Intelligence to achieve the best results possible.


What Other Features Does LanguageTool’s Paraphraser Provide?

The best part of using A.I. to paraphrase your writing is that the suggested sentences come free of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Want to also improve style? Simply go back to the general correction to view stylistic suggestions.


As multilingual as you

Make your text sound professional and avoid embarrassing style, punctuation, and grammar mistakes

It’s an online tool that rewrites texts in a new (stylistically different) way by using alternative wording and a rephrased sentence structure.

This function is recommended for all types of texts, including professional, academic, and creative writing. It’s available for all LanguageTool users, but unlimited paraphrasing is only available in Premium.

A paraphrasing tool can easily enhance your writing by improving the tone and style of your text. Moreover, it helps you avoid having to write direct citations by rewriting copy-and-pasted text.

Premium accounts offer even more useful and powerful features:

Only with Premium

Sentence correction of longer texts

Style guide for customizing individual rules

Team features for companies

More in-depth suggestions, especially for word choice and style

How Can I Effectively Use the Rephrasing Tool?

For basic users, the paraphrasing feature is limited to three times daily. If you need more rephrased sentences, you can upgrade to LanguageTool Premium to get access to unlimited paraphrasing in six languages and several English dialects. Remember: No personal data is stored (ever) and privacy guidelines are strictly followed (always).

Strengthen Your Communication Skills

Try out the best paraphrasing tool for free and discover how LanguageTool can elevate your writing.

Paraphrase text

Paraphrase definition & meaning.

✅ Registration:NOT Required
✅ Price:Absolutely FREE
✔️ AI-Modes:3 Specific AI-Modes
✔️ Multilingual27+ Languages
⚡ Character limit:Up To 10,000!
⚡ Uniqueness check:Yes

  It’s a Powerful and Free Paraphrasing Tool

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Paraphrasing Tool

Paraphrasing Tool powered by QuillBot. Paraphrase everywhere with the free Chrome Extension .

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Text Summarizer

Avoid plagiarism in your paraphrased text

arabic paraphrasing tool online free

What is a paraphrasing tool?

This AI-powered paraphrasing tool lets you rewrite text in your own words. Use it to  paraphrase articles, essays, and other pieces of text. You can also use it to rephrase sentences and find synonyms for individual words. And the best part? It’s all 100% free!

What's paraphrasing

What is paraphrasing?

Paraphrasing involves expressing someone else’s ideas or thoughts in your own words while maintaining the original meaning. Paraphrasing tools can help you quickly reword text by replacing certain words with synonyms or restructuring sentences. They can also make your text more concise, clear, and suitable for a specific audience. Paraphrasing is an essential skill in academic writing and professional communication. 

arabic paraphrasing tool online free

Why use this paraphrasing tool?

  • Save time: Gone are the days when you had to reword sentences yourself; now you can rewrite an individual sentence or a complete text with one click.
  • Improve your writing: Your writing will always be clear and easy to understand. Automatically ensure consistent language throughout. 
  • Preserve original meaning: Paraphrase without fear of losing the point of your text.
  • No annoying ads: We care about the user experience, so we don’t run any ads.
  • Accurate: Reliable and grammatically correct paraphrasing.
  • No sign-up required: We don’t need your data for you to use our paraphrasing tool.
  • Super simple to use: A simple interface even your grandma could use.
  • It’s 100% free: No hidden costs, just unlimited use of a free paraphrasing tool.

People are in love with our paraphrasing tool

No Signup Needed

No Signup Needed

You don’t have to register or sign up. Insert your text and get started right away.

The Grammar Checker is Ad-Free

The Paraphraser is Ad-Free

Don’t wait for ads or distractions. The paraphrasing tool is ad-free!



Use our paraphraser for texts in different languages.

Features of the paraphrasing tool

arabic paraphrasing tool online free

Rephrase individual sentences

With the Scribbr Paraphrasing Tool, you can easily reformulate individual sentences.

  • Write varied headlines
  • Rephrase the subject line of an email
  • Create unique image captions

Paraphrase an whole text

Paraphrase a whole text

Our paraphraser can also help with longer passages (up to 125 words per input). Upload your document or copy your text into the input field.

With one click, you can reformulate the entire text.

arabic paraphrasing tool online free

Find synonyms with ease

Simply click on any word to open the interactive thesaurus.

  • Choose from a list of suggested synonyms
  • Find the synonym with the most appropriate meaning
  • Replace the word with a single click

Paraphrase in two ways

Paraphrase in two ways

  • Standard: Offers a compromise between modifying and preserving the meaning of the original text
  • Fluency: Improves language and corrects grammatical mistakes

Upload any document-to paraphrase tool

Upload different types of documents

Upload any Microsoft Word document, Google Doc, or PDF into the paraphrasing tool.

Download or copy your results

Download or copy your results

After you’re done, you can easily download or copy your text to use somewhere else.

Powered by AI

Powered by AI

The paraphrasing tool uses natural language processing to rewrite any text you give it. This way, you can paraphrase any text within seconds.

Turnitin Similarity Report

Avoid accidental plagiarism

Want to make sure your document is plagiarism-free? In addition to our paraphrasing tool, which will help you rephrase sentences, quotations, or paragraphs correctly, you can also use our anti-plagiarism software to make sure your document is unique and not plagiarized.

Scribbr’s anti-plagiarism software enables you to:

  • Detect plagiarism more accurately than other tools
  • Ensure that your paraphrased text is valid
  • Highlight the sources that are most similar to your text

Start for free

How does this paraphrasing tool work?

1. put your text into the paraphraser, 2. select your method of paraphrasing, 3. select the quantity of synonyms you want, 4. edit your text where needed, who can use this paraphrasing tool.


Paraphrasing tools can help students to understand texts and improve the quality of their writing. 


Create original lesson plans, presentations, or other educational materials.



Explain complex concepts or ideas to a wider audience. 



Quickly and easily rephrase text to avoid repetitive language.



By using a paraphrasing tool, you can quickly and easily rework existing content to create something new and unique.


Bloggers can rewrite existing content to make it their own.


Writers who need to rewrite content, such as adapting an article for a different context or writing content for a different audience.


A paraphrasing tool lets you quickly rewrite your original content for each medium, ensuring you reach the right audience on each platform.

The all-purpose paraphrasing tool

The Scribbr Paraphrasing Tool is the perfect assistant in a variety of contexts.



Writer’s block? Use our paraphraser to get some inspiration.


Professional communication

Produce creative headings for your blog posts or PowerPoint slides.


Academic writing

Paraphrase sources smoothly in your thesis or research paper.


Social media

Craft memorable captions and content for your social media posts.

Paraphrase text online, for free

The Scribbr Paraphrasing Tool lets you rewrite as many sentences as you want—for free.

💶 100% free Rephrase as many texts as you want
🟢 No login No registration needed
📜 Sentences & paragraphs Suitable for individual sentences or whole paragraphs
🖍️ Choice of writing styles For school, university, or work
⭐️ Rating based on 13,657 reviews

Write with 100% confidence 👉

Scribbr & academic integrity.

Scribbr is committed to protecting academic integrity. Our plagiarism checker , AI Detector , Citation Generator , proofreading services , paraphrasing tool, grammar checker , summarizer , and free Knowledge Base content are designed to help students produce quality academic papers.

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Frequently asked questions

The act of putting someone else’s ideas or words into your own words is called paraphrasing, rephrasing, or rewording. Even though they are often used interchangeably, the terms can mean slightly different things:

Paraphrasing is restating someone else’s ideas or words in your own words while retaining their meaning. Paraphrasing changes sentence structure, word choice, and sentence length to convey the same meaning.

Rephrasing may involve more substantial changes to the original text, including changing the order of sentences or the overall structure of the text.

Rewording is changing individual words in a text without changing its meaning or structure, often using synonyms.

It can. One of the two methods of paraphrasing is called “Fluency.” This will improve the language and fix grammatical errors in the text you’re paraphrasing.

Paraphrasing and using a paraphrasing tool aren’t cheating. It’s a great tool for saving time and coming up with new ways to express yourself in writing.  However, always be sure to credit your sources. Avoid plagiarism.  

If you don’t properly cite text paraphrased from another source, you’re plagiarizing. If you use someone else’s text and paraphrase it, you need to credit the original source. You can do that by using citations. There are different styles, like APA, MLA, Harvard, and Chicago. Find more information about citing sources here.

The Paraphrasing Tool on our page is powered by the QuillBot service, which uses advanced language processing technology.

Both Scribbr and QuillBot are Learneo, Inc. services, ensuring that your inputs are processed in accordance with Learneo’s Privacy Policy.

For more, please read the QuillBot section of the Learneo Privacy Policy . Your use of our Paraphraser is subject to QuilBot Terms .

Paraphrasing without crediting the original author is a form of plagiarism , because you’re presenting someone else’s ideas as if they were your own.

However, paraphrasing is not plagiarism if you correctly cite the source . This means including an in-text citation and a full reference, formatted according to your required citation style .

As well as citing, make sure that any paraphrased text is completely rewritten in your own words.

Plagiarism means using someone else’s words or ideas and passing them off as your own. Paraphrasing means putting someone else’s ideas in your own words.

So when does paraphrasing count as plagiarism?

  • Paraphrasing is plagiarism if you don’t properly credit the original author.
  • Paraphrasing is plagiarism if your text is too close to the original wording (even if you cite the source). If you directly copy a sentence or phrase, you should quote it instead.
  • Paraphrasing  is not plagiarism if you put the author’s ideas completely in your own words and properly cite the source .

Try our services

Paraphrasing Tool

The paraphrasing tool uses AI-based technology to present content differently without changing its main idea. Revamp your paragraphs with this paraphrase facility.


What is Paraphrasing?

Paraphrasing is the process of conveying the meaning of something written or spoken using different words, especially to gain more clarity. It involves rearranging the content of a text in a way that is clear and concise without changing its main message or ideas. It is a useful technique for summarizing or explaining a complex concept in simpler terms. It requires careful attention to the original text to avoid plagiarism and maintain accuracy.

How to Paraphrase Online?

The process of paraphrasing is quite simple and straightforward with our paraphrasing tool. You can follow the easy steps given below to paraphrase online.

Copy-paste text or upload file.

Select the language and paraphrase mode.

Hit the Paraphrase Text button.

Check rephrased results in the Output Section.

Paraphrasing Tool Online for Multiple Languages

How does online paraphrasing tool work.

The online Paraphrasing Tool is based on advanced algorithms that help you paraphrase text without taking anyone’s assistance.

It starts by understanding the context and flow of your uploaded text.

It identifies keywords contained in the text to preserve and not change them in the paraphrasing process.

It highlights and replaces the words and paraphrases with easy-to-understand synonyms without disturbing the context of the text.

Finally, it displays top-quality paraphrasing results on your screens in no time. If you want to know more about it, Wikipedia is the best resource in this regard.

Modes Provided by Our Paraphrase Tool

Unlike most paraphrase tools you’ll find over the web, this online paraphraser comes with different modes to provide users with effective paraphrasing results. These modes include the following:

The smart spin mode provides users with smart paraphrasing results. Firstly, it understands the context of your entered text and replaces words that just have a single synonym automatically. It also highlights the words that have multiple synonyms and allows you to pick them as per your choice.

Replace Manually

The replace manually mode gives you the complete authority to paraphrase text as you desire. It highlights all the words that can be replaced with synonyms and provides you with suggestions to replace them. By manually selecting synonym suggestions, you can finish the paraphrasing process on your own with this mode.

The ultra spin mode is a combination of smart spin and replace manually mode. Under this mode, the words in the entire content are replaced with their synonyms. In addition, the replaced words are highlighted, and suggestions are provided against them to help you choose your desired sentence or phrase as per the context of your article.

AI Rephraser

The AI rephraser is a premium paraphrasing mode that uses advanced AI technology to rephrase your entire text. This mode not only changes the words contained in your text with synonyms. It also modifies the sentence structure of the text to make it look entirely unique to the readers. With this mode, you can generate text that no one can say is paraphrased from another source!

Features of Paraphraser

The paraphraser online has some distinct features that make it stand out from others. Some of which are described below:

Files Uploading

This paraphrasing tool supports all kinds of file formats; if you wish to upload your text in the file instead of copy-pasting, then you don’t have to get it in a specific format. It allows you to upload all kinds of text file formats, which include .txt, .doc, .docx, .odt, .pdf, .rtf, and .tex.

Unlimited Free Paraphrasing

The paraphrase tool won’t impose any sort of restrictions on users for its usage. It allows everyone to paraphrase online as many times as they want without any cost.

24/7 Accessibility

You don’t need to wait for a specific time to use this paraphraser. It provides you this facility with 24/7 accessibility. Hence, you can easily access this utility from any corner of the world, anytime!

Copyright Checking

Besides allowing you to paraphrase text, this rephrase online also provides you with an option of copyright checking. If your primary concern is to get rid of plagiarism, you can turn to the plagiarism checker once you have completed the paraphrasing of your text on this web portal.

SEO and Human-Friendly Content

Your SEO efforts won’t go in vain if you choose to use this online paraphraser. While paraphrasing your entered text, this tool ensures to keep SEO essence alive and delivers human-friendly content.

Responsive Layout

The user-friendly interface of this paraphrasing tool provides you with an easy way to paraphrase online. You won’t have to face any troubles for using it; by following simple steps, you can rephrase text in a matter of seconds.

Sentence Rephraser Helps you to Write Better, Smarter, and Faster

Our sentence rephraser gives you an opportunity to bring improvements to already written text. From the tone of the article to its fluency, style, and vocabulary, this advanced paraphrasing tool will help you revamp your text as per your requirements. We aim to assist you in the writing process; you can surely write better and smarter in no time with the help of different modes. The tool also supports multiple languages and dialects of the English language, which can surely give you relief and help you paraphrase as you want!

😍  Paraphraser Impressive
⚡️  AI-Powered Advanced
✏️  Writing style School, University, or Work
🚀  Instant paraphrase Essay, Paragraphs & More
⊞   Modes 4 modes
💲  Price Free of cost
🌍  Language Multilingual

Web-based Sentence Rephraser

We are providing many web-based content applications to our users like Paraphrasing tool, Text Compare and Word to PDF . But this is the most useful and best tool that can provide you with multiple variations of a single word or sentence. It is based upon the sentence syntax and its grammatical formation.If you are one of those people who want to create content in bulk, then this is undoubtedly the best paraphrasing tool to manage and spin your articles. By using this article paraphrase tool, you can create a perfect copy of your source article. It generates a variation by using the spinning algorithm, which is commonly known as paraphrasing.

Paraphrasing Tool Users

The paraphrase online helps people working in various domains of life. From the corporate to the education sector, this tool is a right fit for many individuals. Here are the most common users of the paraphrasing tool.

Webmasters don’t have to rely on content writers anymore to write every single sentence on the website. In case webmasters need a sentence or paragraph urgently, they can turn to the paraphrase generator and easily get plagiarism free text.

In academia, students are involved in writing tasks on a daily basis. Being a student, you will understand how hard it is to manage academic tasks. The tough routine often leaves them with no spare time to concentrate on writing assignments and leads them to plagiarize information from different sources over the web. Instead of getting involved in this act of academic dishonesty, you can make use of the paraphrasing tool to complete writing tasks in a short time. It allows you to write faster without facing any hassle.

Pro Tip: Proofread your content after paraphrasing through Grammar Checker .


The researchers often need to make use of secondary research data to support their own findings. When using secondary research data, they cannot simply copy-paste information into their research, as it will give a bad impression to the readers. The researchers can save themselves by using this paraphrasing tool online. It can help you present the research of others in unique words.

Digital Marketers

Digital marketers need to produce content on a daily basis to aid their content marketing strategies and generate leads and revenue for online businesses. However, generating content isn’t a piece of cake, as you can easily run out of ideas at some point. In such a case, you can follow a different strategy in which you can rephrase existing content pieces and repurpose them to further reap its benefits. The paraphrasing tool free can help you out in repurposing old content. It can provide you with fresh and engaging content against your entered text without leaving any traces of plagiarism.

Are you sure you want to clear text and results?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How to rephrase a sentence.

You can rephrase sentences with the online sentence rephraser. It allows you to easily paraphrase a sentence without investing time and effort.

When Can Paraphrasing Be Not Used?

It cannot be used when you have to write down specific terminologies. You cannot modify terminologies in your own words, as it won’t be of any help to the readers. In addition, when you are required to add the exact quotes of famous in your writing, you cannot paraphrase them.

Do I Need to Get Registered for Using this Paraphrase Online Facility?

No! You don’t need to get registered to use this paraphrase online facility. If you wish to get its premium membership, then you’ll need to create an account on

What is the Important Point to be Considered While Paraphrasing?

The most important point to be considered while paraphrasing is the usage of unique vocabulary. A text can be effectively paraphrased with the help of your own words while maintaining the context of the original text.

Is it Legal to Use a Paraphrase tool?

Yes! It is legal to use a paraphrase tool because it provides the users with text that has a distinct sentence structure and unique words.

What is Understood by Paraphrasing?

Paraphrasing is a process in which a written text needs to be expressed with different words to make it easily understandable for the targeted audience.

Does this Paraphrasing Tool Free Steal My Work?

No! This paraphrasing tool free doesn’t steal your work. The uploaded text or files aren’t saved in its databases. Once the paraphrasing process is completed, your work gets safely removed from its servers.

How Do You Paraphrase Correctly?

The paraphrasing process requires discrete attention to individual sentences and words used in a text. If done incorrectly, it won’t allow you to maintain the original meaning of the text or get rid of plagiarism. Therefore, to avoid this nuisance, you can get your hands on a reliable paraphrasing tool. It can paraphrase any text correctly on your behalf and provide you with effective results.

What is the Difference Between Free and Paid Paraphraser?

The free paraphraser provides you with modes that replace words with their suitable synonyms and offer suggestions as well.

On the other hand, the paid paraphraser allows the users to get their hands on AI-based paraphrasing, which completely revamps the entire text and makes it look unique.

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Give me some text and I'll generate some AI content for you. Your go-to paraphrasing tool for unique and high-performing content offers a powerful paraphrasing tool that can help improve the uniqueness and fluency of your writing. With a total of 49 different tools and categories to choose from, you can easily customize your writing to fit any style or tone. Whether you want to add more voice and personality, enhance the mood and emotion, improve clarity and concision, or increase depth and detail, has you covered. Plus, with options for originality and creativity, you can truly make your writing your own. Try today and see the difference for yourself.

Why use's Paraphrasing Tool?

Our AI-powered Paraphraser offers unique features.

Add depth and feeling to your writing's mood and emotion category offers a wide range of options for enhancing the emotional impact of your writing. With options ranging from serious and respectful to humorous and adventurous, you can easily customize your text to fit any mood or emotion. This feature is especially useful for storytellers, authors, and writers who want to add more depth and feeling to their work.

Yaara AI Image

Experience the power of GPT-3 with Yaara's paraphrasing tool is powered by the advanced GPT-3 language model, allowing it to understand the context and meaning of your text and generate more natural and fluent paraphrases. This technology gives you unparalleled control over the level of vocabulary change in your writing, allowing you to decide exactly how much you want to change.

Yaara's Paraphraser A.I. helps you write better, faster, and smarter - it'll give you an edge!'s free and easy-to-use rewording tool lets you quickly and accurately rephrase your sentence, paragraph, essay, or article. Choose from 49 different modes to customize your writing, and use the advanced GPT-3 language model for natural and fluent rewording.

😍 Improves Fluency, vocabulary, tone, & style
⚡ Quickly rephrasesSentences, paragraphs, & more
🤖 AI Modes49 unique styles
✈️ English dialectsUS, UK, CA, & AU supported
✍️ Enhances Readability, writing tone, vocabulary, and style

Yaara has 49 paraphrasing modes to choose from

Style and voice




Mood and emotion




Clarity and concision

To the point

Depth and detail


Originality and creativity



Magical journey

Out of the box

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Q: how is different from spinbot.

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Rewrite: Paraphrase your writing for free

Instantly rewrite paragraphs, reword sentences, or humanize AI content with Wordtune.

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Do more with Rewrite. Much more.

  • 01.   Sign up for Wordtune (it’s free)
  • 02.   Write or paste your text
  • 03.   Highlight the text you want to paraphrase
  • 04.   Click “Rewrite”
  • 05.   Choose a paraphrasing suggestion
  • 06.   Pick the tone and/or length of your choice

I have some exciting

news to share with you.

I'm thrilled to let you know that we have some new developments to share.

I have some very exciting and important news to share with you all today.

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Everything you need to keep your words flowing

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Identify typos before hitting ‘send’

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Catch grammatical errors in real time

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Instant AI proofreading

Wordtune offers both free and premium plans. The free version offers up to 10 Rewrites and Spices, three AI generations, and three summaries a day. On top of that, you have unlimited grammar and spelling corrections. There are a range of premium plans with different features and pricing, including Advance, Unlimited, and Business options. Compare pricing and plans.

Yes, Wordtune integrates with other apps, including various web applications, your chosen internet browser, and Google Docs.

Wordtune has a variety of features, including grammar and spell check, Rewrite tools, a Summarizer, and your own personalized knowledge library. To learn more about the features, read this guide or check out our dedicated support section .

Yes. Wordtune has a smart synonym tool that allows you to highlight a single word and get a list of optional synonyms or substitutions. It also works on phrases, so you’re not just limited to single words.

Absolutely. You can easily switch between rewriting a sentence or a whole paragraph, too. When your Rewrite panel pops up, simply choose Sentence or Paragraph in the right-hand corner.

Yes. Wordtune is a fine choice for students who are working on essays, reports, or really any formal piece of writing. Unlike other AI tools, it actually cites its source of information, avoiding common AI problems like hallucinations or copycatting. The best part is it allows you to take even further steps to avoid plagiarism and assure that your work is your own by offering you a wide array of rephrasing options.

Yes. Wordtune’s AI-assisted translation can help you rewrite your text in English from any of these 10 languages: Chinese - Mandarin, Arabic, Hebrew, Korean, Hindi, Russian, Spanish, German, French, Portuguese. Simply click Rewrite and Wordtune will translate your text into English.

Perfect your writing with Rewrite

Paraphrasing Tool

Reword and rephrase any text to express ideas in multiple different ways with this advanced free tool.

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Use cases of Paraphrasing Tool

Paraphrasing tool helps you effortlessly craft unique and engaging content by transforming ideas, messages, and information to elevate your writing, avoid plagiarism, and enhance the impact of your message.

Contextual Paraphrasing : Maintain the original message's essence while achieving natural flow and coherence.

Creative Content Generation : Craft diverse and engaging content with fresh perspectives, enhancing your writing style.

Plagiarism Prevention : Generate unique and original content to safeguard against plagiarism concerns.

Real-time Suggestions : Receive instant, contextually relevant alternatives for dynamic content creation.

The technology behind Paraphrasing Tool

Paraphrasing Tool uses a language model that learns patterns, grammar, and vocabulary from large amounts of text data – then uses that knowledge to generate human-like text based on a given prompt or input. The generated text combines both the model's learned information and its understanding of the input.

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Paraphrase Online

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Paraphrase online is a free online paraphrasing tool used to change words and rephrase sentences.

How to Use our Paraphrasing Tool?

It is very easy to paraphrase online with our paraphrasing tool. To rephrase, follow the steps below.

  • Type/paste the text into the input box or upload a file (.doc, .docx, .pdf, .txt) from local storage.
  • Select the required paraphrasing mode and click on the "Paraphrase" button.
  • The paraphrased text will be displayed on the right box. You can also change the modes for different outputs.
  • You can also copy and download the paraphrased text by clicking on the output buttons.

Free Paraphrasing Tool

Our paraphrasing tool (paraphraser) helps students, writers, and bloggers to avoid plagiarism. This rewording tool uses advanced AI algorithms to change sentence structure, synonymize the text and make other similar changes. 

This word changer has a built-in paraphrase generator that helps in rephrasing any paragraph accurately.

What is Paraphrasing?

Paraphrasing is one way to use a text in your own writing without directly quoting source material ( according to Purdue University ). It is the process of rewording and rearranging sentence structure while keeping the original meaning of the context.

Features of Paraphrase Online

Paraphrase Online offers numerous features such as paraphrasing essays, assignments, and rewording articles. Our paraphrase tool works as the best sentence rephraser and word changer.

Upload Files

You can use this feature to upload files directly from your device and skip the copy-paste or typing step. Our tool supports Doc, Docx, PDF & .txt file formats.

Free and Secure

Our word paraphraser is 100% free and completely secure to use for all kinds of rephrasing paragraphs and sentences to avoid plagiarism.

Rephrase Accurately

Our rephrase tool is based on advanced AI algorithms that can rephrase more accurately than humans and makes text grammatically correct and plagiarism free.

Ease to use

Paraphrase Online has a user-friendly interface and simple navigation that makes our paraphrase generator the most easy to use paraphrasing tool online.

Plagiarism Free Content

Content paraphrased by our sentence rephraser will be 100% plagiarism-free. Our paraphrasing tool helps you rephrase any text in seconds to avoid plagiarism issues.

Speed & Customization

Our paraphraser can rephrase any text within seconds and provides quick results. Paraphrase Online also allows you to customize the output to suit your needs, e.g: choosing the specific words to be replaced.

05 Different Paraphrasing Modes

Our paraphrasing tool offers five different paraphrasing modes/styles that you can choose from as per your need and requirement. Here is a brief profile of each mode:

Word Changer

The Word Changer mode is designed to replace the words in the text with suitable synonyms. This mode focuses on changing words and does not make other types of alterations.

Sentence Rephraser

The Sentence Rephraser mode is made to rephrase sentences as a whole by making changes to the words as well as the phrases.

The Academic mode of our paraphrasing tool makes your text more formal and suitable for academic uses.

The Creative mode makes smart and extensive changes to the text to make it look different from the original version. This mode is best for avoiding plagiarism, improving readability, and enhancing engagement.

The Shorten mode rephrases text while also making it shorter than the original input. This mode is best for creating a paraphrased + summarized output for your existing text.

Why Our Paraphrase Tool?

Our paraphrase tool is the best rewording tool that helps you to write content in your own words. This paraphrase generator changes words and phrases quickly and accurately.

Supported Languages

ES , ID , BR

🌪️ Quickly ParaphraseSentences & Paragraphs
🥇 Paraphrasing Styles05 AI Modes
📝 ImprovesWriting style, Word choice & Vocabulary
😍 Write UniqueAssignments & Essays
💰 Pricing100% Free

Users of Paraphrase Online

This paraphraser is widely used by:

Students can use this paraphrasing tool to paraphrase their assignments and research papers. Our tool can help students:

Avoid plagiarism : It helps students to make their work plagiarism-free.

Make assignments more readable : Our tool also makes content more readable and free of grammar errors. And if English is not their first language then this tool is no less than a best friend.

  • Save time : Generate assignments and essays by quickly paraphrasing the existing content.

Creating class notes and study material on the same topic is a very tough task for teachers. Hey teachers! You can thank us for this awesome rewording tool. You can:

  • Paraphrase any notes within seconds while keeping its original meaning;
  • Make study notes easy to understand for your class students; 
  • Generate new assignment ideas by rephrasing the same topics.


Bloggers have to post on a regular basis, and mostly on similar topics. They can create unique content for their blogs without spending a lot of time by just rewording existing blogs.

SEO Specialists

SEO specialists can use our AI-based paraphrasing tool to create unique content for their websites. SEO experts must use our tool because:

  • The final result of our tool is also optimized for search engines; 
  • It adjusts multiple keywords by rephrasing text

Content Writers

Content writers play the most creative part in a website. Our rephrase tool helps them to come up with new ideas using existing content. Content writers can also use our paraphrase tool to rephrase their write-ups to avoid plagiarism.


Make your next advertising campaign line catchy and engaging using our paraphrasing tool. Create messages that will sell products, services, or ideas. Paraphrase Online makes your writing visually appealing and effective.

Media Marketers

Best marketing lines matter in digital marketing. Our paraphrase tool provides different versions of the same lines that can be used for A/B testing. Even a simple choice of different words can generate more leads.


Researchers can use our shorten mode to summarize and paraphrase their research papers. It makes it easy for them to change their literature reviews.

Business Professionals

Rewording emails, reports, or other business documents is very common for business professionals. Our reword tool could be very helpful in rewording texts for better clarity.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is using an online paraphrasing tool illegal.

No, using an online paraphrasing tool is not illegal. If you want to paraphrase someone else’s content, be sure to cite the source to avoid plagiarism.

Why is paraphrasing important?

Paraphrasing is important as it lets you avoid plagiarism and make your content more easily understandable. Paraphrasing is often done to improve clarity in a piece of text.

Which paraphrasing tool is best for university students?

The paraphrasing tool by Paraphrase Online is an excellent choice for university students. It is free and provides accurate results.

How can I use paraphrase tool for research paper?

You can easily use our paraphrase tool for improving the quality of your research papers and for getting new/better ideas for them. Using Paraphrase Online is easy and simple. You just have to enter your text, choose a mode, and then click on the button.

What are the benefits of paraphrasing in communication?

Paraphrasing can help make communication easier and more clear. You can paraphrase your mails and messages to make them more readable, natural, and better-flowing.

Paraphrasing in communication examples:

  • You can paraphrase your work emails to make sure that the recipient easily understands them.
  • You can paraphrase your letters and memos to make them clear and understandable for the office people.
  • You can also paraphrase simple text messages to avoid having to repeat or explain yourself afterward.

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