• • Collaborated with 5 project engineers to develop processes, test procedures and implement systems to reduce production incident rate by 200%
  • • Analyzed process and product audits to improve efficiency by 90%
  • • Implemented working system to ensure conformity and accuracy in production process which reduced time by 50%
  • • Improved supplier quality performance from 57% in 2015 to over 80% in 2016
  • • Used Appium to design and implement automated tests which reduced testing time by 30%
  • • Developed inspection methods to analyze product quality which increased quality measures by 70%
  • • Collaborated with 8 engineers to make recommendations for change which improve product quality by 80%
  • • Worked across 9 major products to ensure products adhered to company and industry quality standards
  • • Managed 10 direct reports and 120 indirect reports
  • • Communicated with technicians to develop user needs for designing and 3D printing new lab devices
  • • Organized and documented inspections results then presented to 3 senior management team

5 Quality Engineer Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

Quality Engineers ensure that products meet specified standards and customer expectations throughout the development process. Highlight your experience with quality assurance methodologies, your familiarity with regulatory requirements, and any successful projects that demonstrate your impact. Include competencies in data analysis, problem-solving, and proficiency with quality management tools. Mention your ability to enhance product reliability and your commitment to continuous improvement, which can significantly benefit potential employers.

All resume examples in this guide

sample resume for quality engineer


Resume Guide

Here’s what you’ll read in our quality engineer resume guide, looking for related engineering resumes let’s help you out, writing a comprehensive quality engineer resume - what you need to know, how to make an eye-catching quality engg resume header, what your quality engineer resume summary should include, how should you frame your quality engineer experience on the resume, how to describe your entry-level quality engineer experience on the resume, what skills should you include in your quality engineer resume, what’s the best way to frame education on your resume, what are the top quality engineer certificates for your resume, so, what makes a great quality engineering resume.

Quality Engineer resume example

Before you get to evaluate projects yourself, it’s you who will fall under the scrutiny of your employer.

Employers will judge your Quality Engineer resume for your inherent problem-solving abilities, discipline, and a talent for communicating with others.

  • Are you an expert in ISO 9001:2015 and Six Sigma quality management?
  • Do you have the perfectionist’s attention to detail that can drive everybody insane, but guarantees the reliability of your products?
  • Can you rig a test in 15 minutes to illustrate the problem to your higher management?
  • Are you a positive person eager to help others and improve the process?

A quartet of yeses indicates you have the right skills and mindset. But, how do you get this across to your employer?

Tag along! In this guide, we’ll teach you how to craft an effective Quality Engineer resume that can easily double the interviews you get invited to.

  • Analyze and use 10+ quality engineering resumes without repeating the same mistakes
  • Learn what recruiters are looking for when reviewing Quality Engineer resumes
  • How to use targeted language and specific keywords from the job description in your resume
  • What role does each resume section have - header, summary, experience - and what common errors you want to avoid
  • How a skills section reinforces your resume and why it helps you get past HR automation
  • Where to position your engineering education and what certificates will enhance your application
  • Design Engineer resume examples
  • Test Engineer resume examples
  • System Engineer resume examples
  • Quality Control resume examples
  • Project Engineer resume examples

Start with a blank sheet.

A good resume is just one page long anyway.

Begin by analyzing the criteria in the job description .

Your resume will become instantly more relevant to the recruiter if you mimic the language or your employer.

  • Which industry do they operate in? What terminology is commonly used in their field?
  • What keywords are most frequently used on the page? Skills, technologies, quality control methodologies?
  • Which responsibilities are listed first, or emphasized in any noticeable way?

Make this the core of your quality engineering resume, and at the very least, you should pass through the automated applicant tracking system.

Even if your resume has reached a recruiter’s desk and it’s relevant to the job offer, it doesn’t mean they’ll give it more than 6 seconds of their time.

Your application can get rejected for any objective or subjective reason:

  • Resume is too long...or too short
  • The sections are incorrectly formatted
  • The font used is too small or hard to read
  • Your professional summary is not detailed or specific enough
  • The work experience is too generic

As a quality engineer, you should be able to recognize inefficiency and disorganization. Act accordingly - eliminate all unnecessary details and focus on the skills and experiences which are sought after by employers.

Below are some of the major points you want to mention in your quality engineering resume.

Here's what to accent on in your Quality Engineering resume

  • Extended experience in the industry of your employer - manufacturing, oil & gas, pharmacology, software development, etc.
  • Mastery of quality control standards such as ISO 9001:2015
  • Practical use of strategies like Total Quality Control, Six Sigma, Lean manufacturing, Lean Six Sigma and others
  • Great math, statistics and data analysis skills
  • Quality management software - MasterControl, CAQ.net, IntraStage, ComplianceQuest, etc.
  • Strong interpersonal skills and excellent communication skills - written and verbal
  • Ability to work in a team and cooperate with other departments

Content is important, but if you make your evaluator work hard for it, they can easily discard your resume without reading a word.

You need a proper resume format. Break down your information into sections and give them enough white space , so your resume is readable and easy to scan.

A proper quality engineering resume will include the following resume sections .

Don't forget these important quality engineer resume sections

  • Resume header with your name, title and contact information
  • Career summary where you pitch your proposition - experience, skills, achievements.
  • Work experience section - reinforce your pitch with facts and results from your previous employment
  • Skills section - invaluable in modern day resumes due to automated scanning
  • Education and certification section - engineers need diplomas and specific training depending on the industry

The sections above are absolutely mandatory if you don’t want your application trashed.

Depending on your case, you may want to include additional sections to your Quality Engineer resume:

  • Seniors may hold a number of achievements which will go nicely into a dedicated achievements section;
  • Juniors and students who lack a lot of real-world experience will benefit from a section dedicated to their personal and school projects .

Keep in mind that your quality engineering resume needs to fit into only one page .

If any section seems irrelevant or out of place, it’s best to remove it.

Choosing the best layout for a quality engineer resume

An optimized resume layout will help you fit the most information while remaining readable and scannable.

The chronological layout is the standard format accepted widely at every organization. List all work experience, projects, education and other notable information starting with the most recent items. If you’re part of several projects and have diverse interests and experiences, the hybrid, double-column, resume design is more favorable .

You can organize the information more efficiently putting all relevant items at the top of the page.

Whichever layout you choose, your quality engineering resume should always start with a header and summary section.

The resume header may seem like an obvious thing. You can’t get it wrong…right?

It’s deceptively simple, but as a quality engineer, you know little things often have significant impact on the whole system.

Forgetting to include some of your contact details , like location , may leave a bad impression.

Outside of worst case scenarios, there are nuances which recruiters will notice and use to distinguish candidates.

For example: How relevant your professional title is to the job title offered?

Let’s review a few quality engineer resume examples and compare.

Quality engineer resume header samples

This applicant is using an incomplete title which will easily confuse your recruiter.

The Navy is a huge organization with more than 600,000 employees.

They can be an active diver, an accountant or a quality engineer at a navy manufacturing facility.

Recruiters won’t know if you don’t put it on your resume. It may be included somewhere else on the resume, but you can’t assume they will ever get to read it.

Don’t take chances! Make sure your professional title is as close as possible to the job offer you’re applying to.

Let’s see a better quality engineering resume example.

Now this is a proper professional title. There is absolutely no mistake what Mr. Morley does for a living.

Just this detail will make a difference to a recruiter who may have 50 resumes to review and needs to shed off the dead weight quickly.

This Quality Engineer has also added their Linkedin profile , which holds additional details about them and costs nothing to add.

The whole purpose of the summary section is to help recruiters decide if they want to look into your application further or move on.

A decent starting point is answering the questions below:

  • How much quality engineering experience you have?
  • Which industries have you worked in?
  • Do you have professional certifications or education qualifying you for this position?
  • What technologies and methods of quality control have you exercised in your previous positions?
  • Anything truly notable about yourself?

Try to wrap this information in a couple of sentences and make it as relevant as possible to the job description.

Let’s analyze the next couple of quality engineering resume samples.

2 quality engineer resume summary examples

This is a job description, not a career summary.

This applicant has used their summary to write about their experience with a simple employer and at the same time not sharing anything particularly interesting.

Here we have an impactful message which demonstrates the applicant’s experience in the oil and gas industry.

They have worked with a high-profile project management software for pipeline projects.

It’s not mentioned, but you’d reasonably expect this quality engineer to have written reports regularly.

A recruiter will most definitely give this quality engineering resume a more detailed look.

Analogously, for student quality engineering resumes , applicants should focus on their education, making a connection between their degree and the job requirements.

The next quality engineer resume sample takes this into account. How different is it from your resume?

You’ve made a fair amount of claims in your professional summary.

Now that recruiters have reached your work experience section , they will expect to see strong arguments.

Quality Engineers treat their work experience like a SOP - detailed descriptions of their responsibilities and daily work.

That’s not at all what recruiters want to see.

Your hiring manager knows very well what the inspection and testing process involves. They’ve seen quality reports before - probably more than you have.

Instead, you want to show them the results:

  • What value did you bring to your last company?
  • What quality improvements have you implemented?

Use facts and figures from your job:

  • How did you solve a production bottleneck at the stamping press?
  • Have you retrained operators to use a more effective production sequence?
  • Were you able to cut down the total cost by reducing scrap?

Quality engineer resume experience examples

  • • Quality control on the production floor
  • • Inspected production after manufacturing to ensure standards are met
  • • Collected quality and performance data and compiled reports for upper management
  • • Helped machine operators resolve problems
  • • Participated in quality review meetings by management to provide insight on the production process and the problems requiring immediate action

Are they a real engineer?

The work experience listes their title as a "quality assurance specialist". There’s nothing wrong if they moved up from an operator to a QC position.

However, an engineering position will most certainly require a bachelor’s degree as a minimum. Your recruiter might think you don’t have the necessary qualifications for the job.

The last thing you want is to confuse them and make it hard for them to understand your experience and skills.

  • • Designed testing procedures and quality control processes for the petrochemical industry
  • • Conducted lab tests to ascertain composition of products - Reformulyzer, DHA, Specific gravity, Octane number, Sulfur content, etc according to ASTM and ISO quality standards,
  • • Used Six Sigma to identify and eliminate inefficiencies in the production process.
  • • Reduced production time by 2% by suggesting the use of hoists in critical areas to operators lift heavy bags of materials into the hoppers.
  • • Prepared full suite of documentation regarding quality assurance and control - quality plans, SOPs, test reports, using VelocityEHS.
  • • Automated chemical analysis dashboard universally accessible by all higher managers. Real time status reports available every morning.

This candidate has done a great job writing their work experience. It’s structured well and packs a ton of information.

The title is relevant to the job offer.

The candidate opens with the industry they work in to remove all doubts.

Most importantly, they demonstrate commitment and passion to improve the process. They have created value for their employer.

That’s the kind of QA Engineers companies are looking for.

Get this right, and you can expect a phone call very soon.

It’s difficult to write about your work experience when you’re still in school or just cleaned out your dorm room.

There’s just not a whole lot to add. Or is there?

Read the job posting carefully and make a note of all requirements - education, engineering aptitude, software use, hard skills, soft and interpersonal skills.

Try to analyze what expectations they have from successful candidates.

Now, work your way through your own skills and experiences and find items which will match the job description.

Focus on them and fill the gaps with additional skills and experience you think are valuable.

That alone, coupled with the tips below, should give you a competitive edge over the rest.

We already discussed how to position critical skills in every section of your resume.

However, a dedicated skills section helps tracking software scan and validate your resume.

Large organizations which receive thousands of applications frequently employ such tools to remove the ones that don’t match their desired profile.

We’ve added a couple of great quality engineering samples below to help you discover ideas for your own resume.

How to position your tech skills

The skills listed in your quality engineering resume will largely depend on your particular industry and job offer.

Below we’ve collected a small pool of technical skills you may find relevant to the job offer.

Top 10 technical skills for quality engineer resumes

  • Quality control and project management strategies
  • Lean manufacturing
  • Lean Six Sigma
  • ISO 9001:2015
  • Total Quality Control
  • Deming's 14-Point Philosophy
  • Reliability engineering
  • Quality control tools
  • Pareto chart
  • Fishbone diagram
  • Six Sigma 5S
  • 8D Methodology
  • Quality management software
  • IntraStage BlackBelt
  • ComplianceQuest
  • The Lean Machine
  • Manufacturing
  • Cutting tools and equipment
  • Hot and cold forging
  • Injection moulding
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Strength of materials and material science
  • Fluid dynamics
  • Thermodynamics
  • Electrical engineering
  • Electromagnetism
  • Power generation
  • Industrial automation
  • Semiconductors
  • Electronics
  • Circuit design and analysis
  • Printed circuit boards
  • Programing and software development
  • Chemical engineering
  • Nuclear engineering
  • CAD software
  • Data processing and analysis tools

How to frame your soft skills

Excellent technical abilities are a prerequisite for becoming a Quality Engineer.

You need to understand beam loading scenarios and not be afraid to take out the calculator.

However, this is not what you’re expected to do on a daily basis.

Your work is with the people - the ones who do the math and push the buttons.

It’s your job to help them do their jobs better and yield a superior product.

So, when you talk about your soft skills, support them with actual examples from your work history.

This is a much better way of talking about them rather than just simply stating them.

Check out the table below and add all relevant soft skills to your quality engineering resume.

What soft skills should your quality engineer resume have?

  • Analytical thinking
  • Problem solving
  • Practicality
  • Time management
  • Attention to details
  • Communication skills
  • Organization
  • Project management
  • Proactivity
  • Reliability

Fewer Quality Engineers graduate with that exact title.

If you have one, make sure the emphasize it in early on in your quality engineering resume.

It’s a huge asset, giving you an edge over candidates who learned quality assurance while on the job.

Most Quality Engineers obtain a traditional engineering degree and start their professional life in other roles within their industry.

Whatever your diploma is, you should list it in a dedicated education section along with a few critical details:

  • Engineering title
  • Year of graduation
  • GPA if great , skip if not
  • Institution

If you’re a student, you may want to expand a little bit on the courses that are relevant to the job offer.

In general, don’t focus too much on your degree - thousands of other people have it and it’s hardly the X factor recruiters are looking for.

In case you don’t have formal QA/QC training, you want to think about professional certifications . They will close the gap and give your management and QA skills some backup.

Some of the certificates listed below are invaluable and may be worth more than an engineering degree from the perspective of your employer.

Consider obtaining one if you don’t have a lot of experience in quality assurance and control.

The following list includes the most wanted quality engineer certificates on resumes

  • American Society of Quality Certification
  • Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
  • FMEA Certification Exam
  • PMP Project Management Professional
  • SAP Certification
  • FE / PE Certification
  • Focus on the skills, experience and knowledge most relevant to the job offer
  • Emphasize them in every section of your resume and use the same language and keywords found in the job description
  • Triple check your resume header - even a tiny mistake can send your application to the shredder
  • Don’t mistake the career summary for a job description. Use impactful language to persuade recruiters to keep reading
  • Use your work experience to demonstrate you have been a valuable asset to your employers
  • Add a well organized skills section which is relevant to the job. Edit and reorder when applying to different job offers
  • Don’t forget about your education and certifications. Add a dedicated section that’s easy to locate and read.

quality engineer resume example

Looking to build your own Quality Engineer resume?

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Quality Engineer Resume Samples

The guide to resume tailoring.

Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the quality engineer job. It’s actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best way to get hired.

Craft your perfect resume by picking job responsibilities written by professional recruiters

Pick from the thousands of curated job responsibilities used by the leading companies, tailor your resume & cover letter with wording that best fits for each job you apply.

Create a Resume in Minutes with Professional Resume Templates

Resume Builder

  • Analyzes and resolves work problems, or assists workers in solving work problems
  • 7)Assist Quality manager in establishing, implementing and maintaining the quality management system
  • Execute the development, implementation and continued improvement of the Quality Management Systems throughout the operation
  • Work with engineers and product managers to create, implement, and improve QA procedures and Process
  • Assist in development of quality system processes, i.e., records management and document control, control of electronic data, Quality Site Management
  • Assists the Quality Manager and the Assistant Quality Manager with day-to-day plant issues
  • Maintain performance management KPI’s and board and participate in performance management meetings
  • Assisting Quality Engineering management and other functional managers to implement and develop process and product improvements
  • Performing an active role in further development and continuous improvement of the quality management system
  • Analyzes and develops suppliers products to obtain maximum productivity and reviews performance in operation and provides suggestions for improvement
  • 3) Assist Quality Manager in project work related to core production. Raise potential quality/compliance issues to management
  • Assist in the development and improvement of the Product Excellence Management System
  • Actively monitor the effectiveness of processes and quality of project work with management, and propose and execute quality/process improvements
  • Analyzes and develops supplier’s products to obtain maximum productivity and reviews performance in operation and provides suggestions for improvement
  • Good product knowledge and/or ability to grasp process and product knowledge quickly
  • Excellent analytical, statistical and problem solving skills working knowledge of Data Visualization using Tableau, JMP, Minitab are highly desirable
  • Strong analytical ability to solve programs and ability to learn quickly
  • Ability to work proactively with suppliers to improve product quality and quickly resolve quality issues
  • Strong computer skills and ability to learn technical software. Proficient in Microsoft Office suite of programs with strong Excel skills
  • Basic knowledge of automotive quality systems (APQP, PPAP, Gage R&R, Process Capability)
  • Basic Knowledge of assorted quality tools and standards (Gage R&R, Capability, PFD, PFMEA, PCP)
  • Ability to work with a number of Quality scanning tools, be able to baseline and measure on-going quality metrics, and display via Dashboards
  • Demonstrated record of some project accomplishments, knowledge of quality management systems, knowledge of organized methods to make systems predictable
  • Ability to learn quickly and thoroughly while still being able to adapt quickly to change

15 Quality Engineer resume templates

Quality Engineer Resume Sample

Read our complete resume writing guides

How to tailor your resume, how to make a resume, how to mention achievements, work experience in resume, 50+ skills to put on a resume, how and why put hobbies, top 22 fonts for your resume, 50 best resume tips, 200+ action words to use, internship resume, killer resume summary, write a resume objective, what to put on a resume, how long should a resume be, the best resume format, how to list education, cv vs. resume: the difference, include contact information, resume format pdf vs word, how to write a student resume, quality engineer resume examples & samples.

  • Support global pre-production test environments
  • Industry experience of client facing roles within the financial services industry
  • Approximately 5-7 years’ relevant experience
  • Experience working on Shell/Perl and Python
  • Experience working on relational database (oracle, sybase, udb)
  • Experience with java / c++
  • Experience working with Agile methodology
  • Ability to work in an independent manner with minimum supervision
  • Excellent problem solving and analysis skills
  • Ability to manage multiple projects with differing priorities
  • Atlassian JIRA / Greenhopper / Subversion
  • Messaging experience
  • Lonsched / Autosys or Control M experience
  • ITIL v3 Foundation Certificate in I.T Service Management
  • Interprets drawings featuring Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing (GD&T) per ASME Y14.5 to identify product inspection requirements
  • Writes and edits programs utilized in manufacturing PC-DMIS, COSMO & CALYPSO, etc
  • Serves as technical expert for metrology inspection
  • Facilitates, encourage and coordinate continuous improvement with respect to inspection activities
  • Set-up data collection parameters for inspection measurements where required
  • Installation of inspection assets as to follow local validation lifecycle
  • Develops inspection strategies to meet business needs
  • Development of new inspection techniques as required
  • Development of standard platforms where applicable (vision systems, contact/non-contact inspection systems
  • Develop method of "gauge" evaluation to consider, calibration frequencies, gauge life, fit for purpose, etc
  • Generates the inspection report per the customer requirements
  • Performs 1st Article inspection of newly developed product
  • Site lead on development of inspection fixturing to ensure minimum measurement error during inspection
  • Inspect complex machined fixtures, and parts using advanced measuring and layout instruments and equipment
  • Participates in design reviews on cross-functional teams to ensure that conformance to specifications, inspect ability, reliability, and quality system objectives are met
  • Assist engineers with qualification and validation of new or changed tooling or parts
  • Prepare detailed inspection documentation such as written descriptions of inspection results including deviations from engineering specifications
  • Work from written or verbal instructions, detailed engineering drawings, and 3D models
  • Writing of work instructions for inspection techniques relating to standard platforms for associates
  • Development of validation approach in conjunction with QA for all inspection platforms
  • Training of QA/Manufacturing personnel to execute measurement method/equipment
  • Responsible for supporting the activities of Operations / Engineering / Information Management in building product Quality into our products and assuring compliance to the pertinent regulations while at the same time attaining operational effectiveness
  • Work with the various departments/groups in development and execution of validation activities associated with new equipment/product or I.M. system upgrades
  • Runs /Manages complaint investigation and resolution of same
  • Designs and develops validation documentation to support business continuity, new process introductions
  • Implementation and co-ordination of the change control process, promotes timely approval of all supporting documentation
  • All employees are responsible for minimizing both the Environmental and Health & Safety effects of the work that they perform
  • Overall responsibility for production GMP standards and compliance
  • Investigation of root cause and following through on effective corrective actions to prevent re-occurrence for customer and internal quality issues
  • Establishing and maintaining FMEA's
  • Preparing and updating Operations procedures and associated documentation
  • The quality engineer will perform an active role in quality planning and new product introduction from a quality perspective
  • Develop strong links with customer organisation's and other project stakeholders
  • Quality review of responsible area validation documentation
  • Identify and implement effective process control systems to support the development,qualification and on-going manufacturing of products to meet or exceed internal and external requirements
  • Direct Involvement in operations area projects and initiatives i.e Six Sigma improvements,Lean etc
  • Develop and implement quality metrics and reporting systems
  • Preparation of Quality reports for Quality meetings and management reviews
  • Take a lead in the implementation of process controls and CAPA systems designed to meet or exceed internal and external requirements
  • Acts as an effective team member in supporting quality disciplines, decisions and practices
  • Apply sound, systematic problem solving methodologies in identifying, prioritizing,communicating and resolving quality issues
  • Ensure regulatory compliance to GMP for all regulatory agencies
  • Suggest changes in procedures and standards to facilitate work efficiency and maintain quality
  • Reporting Functional area Quality Metrics
  • Perform an active role in quality planning and new product/process introduction
  • Conduct internal quality audits to ISO and GMP requirements
  • Min 4year industry experience in a medical device manufacturing
  • Science/ Engineering/Quality Degree and relevant experience
  • Previous experience within the medical device industry in Quality / Engineering is essentialas is demonstrated use of Quality tools/methodologies including Six Sigma techniques
  • Knowledge and Experience of Statistical Process Control would be beneficial
  • Excellent Computer Skills (word, excel, powerpoint and Access)
  • Excellent communication (both verbal and written) & interpersonal skills
  • Flexible, highly motivated individual and accountable
  • Direct supervision of all personnel in IQC and Product release
  • Co-ordinate daily IQC activities to ensure production requirements for raw materials are met
  • Ensure regulatory compliance to GMP's of all medical device regulatory agencies (eg, FDA, ISO and MDD)
  • Drive changes in procedures and standards to facilitate work efficiency and to maintain quality
  • Support Strategic Supplier Initiatives and Corporate Supplier Quality Initiatives in relation to IQC activities
  • Review of change requests to evaluate each change for quality related issues
  • Manage and perform compliance tests both internally and externally
  • Co-ordinating effective and timely follow-up on all supplier quality issues where appropriate
  • Support new supplier qualification initiatives and high risk component issues when required
  • .Drive the development and implementation of test and inspections methods for raw materials and components
  • Works with manager to establish department goals and accountabilities
  • Assists manager in planning resource needs and hiring
  • Support the quality manager in the implementation and maintenance of the compliant quality system in the Limerick site
  • Maintain equipment calibration schedule and records
  • Write and maintain quality standards and procedures
  • Be responsible for ensuring the production and release of quality products in compliance with all manufacturing procedures
  • Be responsible for writing NCR's and supporting the resolution of internal and external non-conformances
  • Provide quality representation on new product development teams
  • Ensure and maintain the quality supply of raw material and components through the quality system controls
  • Train all staff in ISO, GMP and other Quality Systems training
  • Perform duties in accordance with BD policies & procedures & GMP regulations
  • A minimum of 3 years' quality experience in an instrument development and production industry including expertise in ISO 9001, ISO 13485 and 21 CFR Part 820
  • Auditor experience beneficial
  • Excellent communicate and interpersonal skills enabling effective cross functional and cross site teamwork
  • Effective skills in analytical thinking and problem solving
  • Ability to work in teams to obtain results, self-motivated/directed, ability to organize and supervise people and activities, minimal supervision required
  • Knowledge of manufacturing processes and relevant statistical techniques
  • Understanding of continuous improvement methodologies including lean, six sigma, and validation
  • Ability to operate effectively within a team environment and work across functional and organizational boundaries
  • Demonstrated ability to implement quality improvement tools in a team environment
  • Must possess demonstrated project management skills, including a proven track record and demonstrated ability to effectively drive projects to completion
  • Collaborating with all levels of Production, NPD, and Supply Chain
  • In conjunction with NPI manufacturing engineer access existing manufacturing capabilities for defined project needs. Manage gaps, risks, and RCA and drive resolutions
  • Support the robust delivery of new product development DP’s with a high focus on DP Ops stage
  • Drive quality communication related to new products to ensure knowledge is shared and recorded
  • Occasional contact with current and potential customers of Global Faucets regarding product related performance, process control & capability, as well as improvement opportunities
  • This is an entry level engineer position
  • Performs the tasks described for assignments of a global scope with some direction from their manager. This individual should enjoy being a change agent and a management planner with the capability of applying fundamental quality techniques in multiple projects globally, and shall be actively developing skills in product, process and system improvement techniques
  • Excellent oral & written communication and computer skills with Microsoft Office Products are needed
  • Establish and manage appropriate quality tracking mechanisms within the operations area to drive improvement based on real time data
  • Utilize above mentioned quality data to prioritize issues to be addressed and lead / collaboratively work with all functions to establish true root cause and irreversible corrective actions
  • Make appropriate cross functional decisions using quality analysis tools and critical thinking including cost / impact analysis and customer impact
  • Lead in the development and maintenance of control plans and inspection instructions
  • Develop and maintain appropriate controlled area for non-conforming material
  • Daily production line support by making daily decisions related to product quality; serving as the voice of the customer
  • Participate in safety, cost, and delivery improvement initiatives
  • Participate in new product launch activity and training
  • B.S. with exposure in statistics and engineering terminology and total quality management
  • 0-5 years in the quality field
  • Proficiency in data collection and statistical analysis
  • Ability to effectively interface with manufacturing
  • Strong written and oral communication skills. Must possess strong verbal and written communication and presentation skills
  • Ability to communicate cross functionally internally/externally as well as to all levels of the organization
  • Must be able to manage and drive change
  • Must be able motivate others
  • Technical support for final production processes and deliveries of our stationary storage systems
  • Direct customer liaison for technical and organizational inquiries from our partners
  • Debug systems and perform diagnostics on field failures both remotely - looking at data logged by the systems, and directly in the field as needed
  • Perform root cause analysis and help determine if design changes are required
  • Work with engineering and manufacturing teams to ensure new issues are fully investigated and that countermeasures are in place
  • Recognize trends and patterns in field failures and provide feedback to drive future designs
  • Develop and document procedures for use, handling, charging, storage, shipment of high voltage batteries and grid-tied systems
  • Install and diagnose complex mechanical/ electrical systems at customer sites and deliver training to technicians
  • Support technicians in the field with troubleshooting techniques and remote diagnosis, occasionally travel to perform field diagnosis or repair
  • Represent Quality as part of a cross functional team to ensure delivery of projects (NPI's and Technology) into production with the highest level of quality, compliance, and adherence to timelines
  • Compile and execute validation protocols for new product/processes and software. Ensure correct implementation as per standard validation procedures. Re-validate as required due to engineering change, deviation analysis or upgrade in systems and material
  • Use of statistical analysis as part of validation activity and defining subsequent inspection and controls in production
  • Develop and utilise DFMEA/PFMEA and other QA risk analysis techniques in order to minimise potential risk during development/implementation activity
  • Liase with R & D to ensure Critical to Quality Characteristics are agreed and documented for all New Product Development
  • Lead Design for Inspection activities for all New Product Introduction to ensure latest technology is available to reduce Human Error
  • Lead QA input to Design for Manufacture activities on site
  • Ensure daily and project compliance with all Documented Quality systems i.e. FDA QSR's and ISO 13485/9001 requirements etc. during all day to day
  • Provide technical assistance to carry out problem analysis/complaint investigation as required and define through negotiation effective corrective actions
  • Assist in problem solving for new products and established production process enabling reduction in compliance risks, scrap and reprocessing
  • Assist in the development, review and approve product, gauge, tooling and fixturing drawings
  • Maintain a good level of house-keeping in designated areas, and observe all Health and Safety at work requirements
  • Reviews and evaluates product and solution designs and production activities for potential quality issues; provides tangible feedback based on results and root-cause analysis and designs and implements solutions to improve product quality and mitigate risk of failures
  • Bachelor's or Master's degree in Industrial Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Electrical Engineering, or equivalent
  • Lean, Six Sigma black belt or equivalent preferred
  • Extensive experience with using engineering tools and software packages to test, design, and evaluate products and processes
  • Evaluating forms of empirical and root-cause analysis, modeling, testing methodologies, and quality standards to validate product designs, specifications, and processes
  • Implements and assists with designing portions of quality requirements, processes, and practices into the development, design, manufacturing, and continuous improvement of portions of a product or solution
  • Collects, consolidates, and charts data from reports, testing, and process results for assigned portions of components to identify trends and issues; learns and practices basic root-cause analysis
  • Develops understanding of and relationship with internal and outsourced partners for product development and manufacturing
  • Experience or understanding of engineering and testing tools and software packages
  • Good analytical, statistics, and problem solving skills
  • Basic understanding of material properties, hardware and electrical component design and manufacture, and industry quality standards and methodologies
  • 3-5 years of full-time software testing work
  • Practice with building correctness, performance, scalability, and durability tests
  • Work with systems that process gigabytes of data daily and archive terabytes of history
  • Scripting to package, install, deploy and run multi-node tests across a database cluster
  • Testing complicated applications against thousands of UI clients or hundreds of millions of events and billions of rows of raw data
  • Proven ability to create test strategies and implement test cases
  • Practice with real-world deployment of customized software built for a specific market or application
  • Strong analytic and logic reasoning skills
  • High desire to learn and strong learning skills
  • Strong English verbal and written communication skills and good team player
  • Capable of taking tasks from beginning to end independently
  • Developing NDE inspection procedures for quality issues where parts need to be quickly sorted for defective versus non-defective. Must be capable of developing inspection procedures for mag particle, ultrasonic, Eddy current, and dye penetrant inspection equipment
  • Organizing and training lab technicians on short notice for 100% inspection of parts to address quality issues
  • Oversight of daily metallurgical inspection procedures done in the lab - i.e. movement of material, prioritization of the workload, daily assignment of technician staff to do the required inspection work, etc.
  • Communicate to and advise other LECU facilities on NDE issues in particular the Tianjin facility that will start building 3500 engines in 2015
  • Meet with auditors from Marine Societies and ISO during their visits to the facility to answer any questions concerning quality inspections done on critical engine components such as crankshafts and connecting rods
  • Certified Level 3 NDE from ASNT
  • Minimum of 3 years work experience in materials engineering
  • Good interpersonal skills to develop a cooperative working relationship with technicians who work in the lab as well as engineers who are customers of our lab work
  • Good teacher as new production technicians need to be periodically trained and certified for mag inspection
  • Effective delegator and ability to manage multiple projects
  • Positive attitude and a sense of urgency for completing tasks especially during quality issues where development of a reliable NDE inspection technique is critical
  • Good analysis, diagnostic and judgment skills
  • Bachelors degree in materials engineering with emphasis on ferrous metallurgy
  • Prior experience working in a manufacturing environment, or in the quality field
  • Work with team to meet the ISO9000 & Caterpillar QMS certification requirement
  • Using basic statistical techniques to analyze and report trends in product test results. These results determine if current tests have customer value, improvements or deterioration in quality levels and possible changes in test procedures or specifications
  • Requesting tests to be run, analyzing the results, writing and issuing Quality Control Inspection
  • Bachelor degree of Mechanical Engineering or related
  • At least 3 years quality related experience
  • Overall knowledge of ISO9000 certification
  • Good English and Mandarin communication skill
  • Possess imagination and creativity to formulate new ideas and initiative to follow up and develop ideas
  • Familiar with Caterpillar QMS system
  • Performs Quality Assurance for a business division by performing product test procedures, validating product specifications, performing audits, and leading product reliability improvements via Caterpillar’s New Product Introduction program and Continuous Product Improvement programs
  • Develops plans and tools to support quality systems and related processes for a business division. The incumbent provides support for quality programs and certifications, as well as Lean Manufacturing and systems implementations
  • Supports business division employees tracking continuous quality improvement projects and a quality scorecard, leading internal quality programs, developing related training programs, conducting internal quality audits and facilitating management reviews
  • 4-year degree in an engineering or manufacturing-related discipline (or equivalent)
  • Minimum of 3 years of relevant work experience
  • Thorough knowledge of relevant quality concepts, certifications, processes and tools
  • Strong communications, collaboration and influencing skills
  • Ability to work with diverse teams of employees and customers
  • Ability to effectively train / coach diverse groups about quality concepts, certifications, processes and tools
  • Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Management or related field
  • 3 years’ experience in the quality function in a manufacturing environment
  • Good knowledge in ISO 9001 and Core Tools such as PPAP, FMEA, SPC
  • Good knowledge and skill in technical problem analyze e.g. 8D report, 5 Why Analyze, Control chart etc
  • Good in problem-solving skills, analytic skill and decision-making
  • Good in English language and computer skill
  • 3) SDLC, Prior Testing/QA skills & knowledge of 3D graphics and Multimedia
  • 4) Self-motivated and enthusiastic
  • 5) Working culture of local & remote teams is a must
  • 6) Strong knowledge of Windows and Linux
  • 7) Strong analysis, problem solving & interpersonal skills
  • 8) Experience with Test Automation FW and scripting knowledge
  • 9) Flexible to work in shift basis
  • 10) Good communication skills, attitude and results driven
  • Support Quality Manger to setup and implement quality system with best practice in CWL by following Caterpillar Quality Management System (CQMS) and ISO9000 requirements
  • Conduct and manage internal and external quality system audit
  • Conduct quality system document management
  • Track quality objectives and quality metrics
  • Coordinate for corrective actions and improvement
  • Analyze quality data to identify opportunities for improvement
  • Support Quality Manager on other quality related activities
  • College technical degree on engineering (mechanical engineering is preferred)
  • 5 year work experience in manufacturing company (Automobile or construction machinery is preferred)
  • Well understanding of ISO9001 and/or TS16949 and essential experience on quality management practice
  • Work experience in a Europe or US company is preferred
  • Minimum completion of post secondary education program in mechanical/quality engineering
  • 3 to less than 5 years of work related experience
  • Makes Decisions
  • Attends to Details
  • Plans, supports, and implements total quality programs. Defines scope, plans, organizes, leads and directs technical work and departmental efforts related to quality engineering activities for new and existing programs
  • Designs, specifies, and installs quality control sampling systems, testing mechanisms, and equipment. Formulates and/or assists in formulating quality control policies and procedures and development of quality standards
  • Monitors and controls costs, timing, and other related aspects of projects. Develops cost quotations related to specifications, test equipment, and gauge requirements and communicates information to appropriate parties. Understands and adheres to schedule and budgetary requirements of projects. Reports progress as required
  • Serves as a liaison and coordinates activity of internal and external resources. Serves as a resource by providing a problem solving function by initiating action to overcome obstacles as they are encountered and prevent potential quality problems
  • Demonstrated ability to conceptualize, coordinate, integrate internal data, and clearly articulate concepts, ideas, and other issues relating to advanced quality engineering
  • Demonstrated creativity and ingenuity to work on moderate to long-term assignments which are broad in nature. Strong organizational, project management, and leadership skills to prioritize, coordinate projects, manage conflicting needs, and deal with many issues at one time. Must be able to work independently
  • Demonstrated strong written and verbal communication skills in order to effectively communicate with internal and external contacts and represent the Company in a professional manner when performing job duties. Must have excellent interpersonal skills to exercise influence at various levels and functions
  • Must be able to operate standard and specialized equipment related to the job. Strong computer background with ability to calculate and analyze data, generate reports, present information, etc
  • Demonstrated ability to research and recommend new products and processes. Must be able to initiate implementation of continuous improvement processes
  • Demonstrated ability to work on long-term assignments, broad in nature, using a high level of originality and ingenuity. Must be able to work independently with some latitude for unreviewed action or decision
  • Demonstrated ability to lead and manage several large and complex projects simultaneously. Must have experience with past project financial responsibilities. Demonstrated ability to lead and motivate others through support, training, etc
  • Demonstrated ability to thoroughly research, recommend, and oversee implementation of new products, materials, processes, etc. and present information
  • Coordinate and manage all audits (internal, supplier, corporate, OEM customers)
  • Review and approve changes to manufacturing processes, products, materials, and Quality System
  • Promote and support multi-discipline teamwork, i.e., activities that support the Magna management system inclusive of vision, strategic initiatives and tactical plan
  • Coordinate management review periodically to assess quality system
  • Train others in implementation and maintenance of Magna’s internal quality systems
  • Advanced skills in Quality methods (8D, 5 Why, etc.)
  • Advanced skills in performing reviews and FMEA's
  • Monitoring and enforcing the use of protective devices
  • Responsible for following and reinforcing environmental and safety standards
  • Monitoring shifts' beginning and end, as well as breaks, checking participants on continuous develpoment meetings
  • Disciplinary authority, motivating employees
  • Monitoring and updating employees' quarterly goals
  • Responsible for quality and quantity of materials arriving to the area assigned
  • Responsible for MQ and ISO measurements
  • Supporting constant development with your team's ideas (T-card) and introducing and implementing them, especially safety precesses
  • Takes part in RIW as well as CPS and 6 Sigma projects
  • Managing documentations for headcount, holiday plans, sick leave records, daily measurement/control plan
  • Responsible for PPM, DPM index and root cause analysis of any problem
  • Passing on information amongst shifts and work areas
  • Making sure everyone is concetrating on solving potential problems and keeping this attitude
  • Operation of ISO9001
  • Calibration of measuring equipments, replacement of them if needed
  • College or Degree
  • Previous work-related experience
  • Develop Corrective Action Reports for customer and internal concerns
  • Prepare prototype documentation and support prototype / pre – production builds
  • Ensure supplier corrective actions are effective, documented, implemented and closed in a timely manner
  • Champion scrap reduction plans for assigned programs
  • Participate in Advanced Product Quality Planning
  • Analyze data and provide solutions/recommendation’s for product and process improvements
  • Review and approve supplier International Material Data System (IMDS)
  • Coordinate 3rd party material testing as required
  • Participate in quality training functions as required
  • Adheres to all MAFACT requirements
  • Must comply with all ISO 14001 (Environmental) and OHSAS 18001 (Health and Safety) systems and standards as it pertains to their work
  • A Minimum of three years’ experience working in a Quality environment utilizing knowledge of prototype product development of products in accordance with customer requirements (AIAG)
  • Working experience with Automotive Customer Specifics and AIAG requirements
  • Detailed knowledge of Process Sign Off
  • Follow and enforce all plant safety rules and policies
  • Develop and implement Product FMEAs and Quality Control Plans for new and existing products
  • Develop and implement supporting inspection instructions and criteria to maintain compliance with customer requirements
  • Perform Statistical and Quality Audits as assigned
  • Develop monthly quality system reports with manufacturing managers and management
  • Serve as a member to the Advanced Product Quality Planning Team
  • Review quality and statistical data for compliance the customer requirements; coordinate corrective and preventive actions when required
  • Assist in the continuous improvement process and recommend improvement opportunities
  • Coordinate and update all required documentation on changes and/or new products
  • Perform as assigned, Internal Quality Audits
  • Develop and recommend improvements through performance history analysis
  • Coordinate Supplier Quality Assurance and Development Activities
  • Develop and direct D.O.E. activities and reporting to the appropriate departments and/or personnel
  • Disposition, review and prioritize non-conformances
  • In the absences for the Quality Manager, take functional responsibility for the Quality Department
  • Assist in customer relations and act as customer liaison
  • Recommend proposals for improving products, processes, systems, productivity and working environment
  • Aware of Safety, Health and Environmental policies
  • Communicate and work closely with Engineering and Manufacturing on product changes and new products along with Quality Manager and Technicians
  • Works closely with Engineering and Manufacturing on Product Compliance and Acceptance
  • Works closely with Manufacturing Operators for correct data collection and inspection methodology
  • Work with Quality Technicians and Manufacturing as a primary resource in Problem Solving, Inspection, Acceptance Criteria, and Continuous Improvement
  • Customer liaison and professional contact with the customers' Quality Assurance, Engineering, and Manufacturing
  • Assist supplier in their continuing quality development and in meeting AIAG/Customer/Victor Mfg. quality requirements
  • B.A or B.S. Degree in Engineering, Quality Sciences or other relevant study area
  • Two (2) years minimum experience as a Quality Engineer or other Quality Position
  • Ability to perform Standard to Metric conversions
  • Ability to perform geometry and trigonometry
  • Coordinates the Company’s problem solving activities and responds to externally and internally generated non-conformances. This includes the disposition of suspected material, analyzing non-conformances, investigating causes and initiating team meetings to implement corrective actions and to prevent non-conformances
  • Work on process improvement to ensure that the Company’s quality targets are met
  • Participates in quality planning / improvement activities
  • Responsible for the supplier development function, with assistance from MPT, including suppliers’ PPAPs, DMNs & corrective actions and overall suppliers’ performance
  • Work with Manufacturing Engineers in the plant to maintain process FMEAs
  • Initiates and works on assigned Continuous Improvement Projects
  • Assists the Quality Assurance Manager with day-to-day plant issues
  • Visit customers and suppliers from time to time as it becomes necessary
  • Any other Quality Assurance duties as assigned
  • University degree or College diploma in Mechanical Engineering
  • 3 years automotive quality engineering experience working in a similar capacity (Quality Assurance or Process Engineering) within a manufacturing or automotive industry
  • Knowledge of measuring equipment, gauge calibration, gauge R&R studies, SPC, GD&T, and inspection processes (receiving, in-process and outgoing)
  • Knowledge of APQP, PPAP, QS-9000, and customer (GM, Ford, and Chrysler) requirements
  • Ability to participate and contribute in a team environment
  • Earlier identification of issues through the review of early quality indicators
  • Leading issues through the resolution process and validation of the solutions
  • Creating, modifying and validating modifications to repair and diagnostic procedures to ensure accuracy and effectiveness
  • Organizing and presenting quality data to management in Quality Review meetings
  • Lead issues to resolution for Hotline identified dealer issues
  • Management of Functional Quality Review presentations
  • Internal fleet data recorder issue resolution
  • Maintain an open issues matrix for all assigned parts and program,
  • Maintain customer/supplier/sub-contractor contact (including traveling when necessary whenever necessary),
  • Ensure critical and significant characteristics are properly selected and maintained,
  • Ensure all company/customer procedures and policies are communicated and followed,
  • Participate in training of production workers when necessary,
  • Post Secondary education or Engineering designation,
  • Minimum of 5 years experience as a Quality Engineer within a TIER 1 or TIER 2 QS 9000 company
  • GD&T experience as well as 8D’s a must
  • Completes special assignments or projects established in order to achieve “Continuous Quality improvement”
  • Monitor outgoing Quality levels through various “Measurables”, (SPC, First Run Capability, Daily Defect Report)
  • Responsible for conducting capability studies, collecting variable data, input of data in computer software, and able to interpret results
  • Able to interface with all levels of Magna Seating Employees as well as suppliers and the customer
  • Participate on QOS teams as directed and focus of continuous improvement
  • Ensure that proper work-instructions exist for : Receiving Inspectors
  • Responsible for doing layout inspections as required
  • Must be able to conduct audits at the Suppliers location and internally as required
  • Oversee completion of testing as required
  • Ensure that proper gages and fixtures exist for: Receiving Inspection, ES testing, Inprocess/Final Inspection
  • Supervise personnel in all aspects of the Quality Department and serves as department leader
  • Schedules, conducts and maintains Layered Process Audits, TS16949 audits, ISO14001 audits and internal audits and verifies action plans are develop and completed
  • Liaison with third party auditors regarding audit scheduling and general communication
  • Develop/approve gauging for new programs or gage revisions to existing programs
  • Train associates in SPC methods and data collection systems use
  • Provide instruction and guidance to inspection personal in the use of inspection equipment and interpretation of quality instructions/standards as required
  • Provide assistance and support as a member of the APQP team of Montezuma Manufacturing
  • Responsible for PPAP sample submissions
  • Schedule CMM and coordinate gage calibration system
  • Recommend and encourage others to recommend proposals for improving products, processes, systems, productivity and work environment (Continual Improvement Process)
  • Maintain a positive attitude with fellow employees and help develop this attitude throughout the company. Treat all associates with dignity and respect
  • High school diploma or GED with a preference to Associate or Bachelor’s degree
  • Thorough knowledge and clear understanding of the TS16949, ISO14001 and customer specific requirements through training and/or experience
  • Knowledge and understanding of the Automotive Industry requirements (AIAB/Core Tools, etc.)
  • Must exhibit high integrity and honesty
  • Ability to effectively and appropriately present information and respond to questions from various groups
  • Ability to travel and obtain a passport
  • Provide Quality interface and expertise between the organization and its customers to proactively assure that their needs and expectations are understood and satisfied. This includes contract review/flow-down, the complaint management process, and the implementation of the corresponding corrective / preventive actions
  • Provide support to the Supply Chain Management organization relative to the collection and analysis of Supplier Quality data as well as provide Quality interface, expertise and support to the Plant's/SBU's suppliers and partners. This includes the preparation of reports of supplier performance used to give feedback to suppliers and to the organization
  • Execute the initiatives of the organization in the development, implementation and improvement of the appropriate Quality Management Systems throughout the operation, with all the documentation required. This includes providing advanced quality planning support in the development and launch of new products, processes and services
  • Participate in the internal Quality System Audit program for the organization. Develop, implement and audit of inspection and test plans, standards and acceptance criteria, and procedures / work instructions. Facilitate the Investigation and elimination of causes of quality problems and follow up on corrective actions
  • Develop and analyze statistical data and product / process performance to recommend and implement improvements in targeted areas of the organization. Provide support in the way of development and evaluation of process capability, process control plans, analysis of out-of-control conditions and process audits with the objective of improving process performance and capability
  • Participate in all aspects of product development and launch activities throughout the organization. Efforts should primarily be targeted at the identification of customer expectations, manufacturing and test support, reliability analysis, design reviews, evaluation of test programs, material testing and inspection and management of quality costs
  • Act as overall facilitator of site Quality System
  • Maintain compliance to ISO 9001 standards
  • Be responsible for in process Quality
  • Identify process improvement opportunities
  • Implement corrective actions on Customer Quality issues
  • Implement corrective actions on Supplier Quality issues
  • Support application of Lean Six Sigma tools to improve manufacturing processes
  • Work with R & D to ensure Quality Characteristics are agreed and documented for all New Product introductions
  • Good Programme management skills
  • A Degree level or similar qualification in Quality , mechanical or industrial engineering
  • Minimum 1 years experience in a quality role within a manufacturing environment
  • Demonstrated Lean / Six Sigma / Process Excellence experience
  • New Product Introduction and manufacturing process transfer experience would be a distinct advantage
  • Excellent written and communication skills essential
  • Provide strategic leadership in the development and implementation of project quality plans to obtain annual reduction goals in Scrap, Rework and Repair (SRR) and escapes to flight operations and DCMA discrepancies
  • Improve internal and external manufacturing, assembly, inspection, and test processes to reduce and prevent defects and prevent quality escapes to our customers
  • Provide quality engineering support
  • Conduct technical investigations
  • Lead and Coach Problem Resolution and DIVE Teams comprised of manufacturing, product and quality engineering and operations support functions
  • Implement immediate risk containment measures and systemic mistake proof solutions to improve quality, cost, and delivery performance at selected suppliers
  • Perform manufacturing process reviews
  • Drive process certification
  • Develop and deliver technical training to the inspection and operations teams
  • Support the development of productivity initiatives to improve product acceptance methodology. Integrate goals that will align with process quality engineering activities
  • Possess a Bachelor of Science degree in an Engineering, Engineering technology, or technical discipline
  • Preferred 6-8 years, but would consider 3-6 years of work related work experience in a Supplier Quality environment with demonstrated results and a notable competency progression. Past results should include successful leadership of an Engineering or Quality team
  • Experience with AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) derived processes, including Advance Product Quality Planning (APQP) and Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) or QS-9000 in a new product development environment is preferred
  • Electronics background strongly desired
  • Excellent project planning skills, problem solving ability, strong oral and written communication skills, competence in inspection techniques, and strong computer skills
  • ASQ certification as an Engineer and/or Auditor, or Black Belt certification is highly desirable
  • Responsible for day-to-day in-process QC audits per TMaG master auditing list ranging from incoming inspections at vendors, on-line QC workstations, final inspections, gauge/tool maintenance and calibrations as well as regular testing operations etc
  • Lead/coordinate vendor QC meetings on improvement activities against on-line nonconformities. Check and follow through improvement actions
  • Report/communicate immediately major QC issues found on-site during auditing for immediate actions with involving superior and concerned persons from supplier
  • Document daily findings and create/update auditing report on a weekly basis, distribute to concerned persons in the TMaG engineering team
  • Assist tests that conducted by TMaG engineers if needed, collect and send the data that required
  • Lead TMaG QC persons on-site to fully implement TMaG China QC procedure, overlook daily operations of outgoing checks, in-process audits and quality reporting etc. Also responsible for new product training and inspection qualification
  • Strong interpersonal communication skills and basic computing skills
  • Good command of written English, good oral skill is preferable
  • Responsible, independent, active and result-oriented
  • Continually evaluate and expand test coverage based on defect trends and new customer usage patterns
  • Ensure our software meets functional, robustness, performance, compatibility and security requirements
  • Familiarity with debugging operating systems failures using source or assembly debuggers
  • Experience with Amazon Web Services, Google Compute Engine and/or Microsoft Azure
  • Subject-matter expertise in one of the following areas: Linux kernel internals, storage and file systems, networking, or packaging of operating system distribution
  • Crankshafts
  • Connecting rods
  • Hardened shafts
  • Writing failure analysis reports on field return iron for customer service and product engineers. In general, failure analysis reports require the identification of root cause for the failure along with a recommended corrective action(s)
  • Resolution of quality related production problems that occur in the factory
  • Validating and approving PPAPs for new parts from NPI programs, CPI issues, and new suppliers. At a minimum, the material certificate and process control plan in the PPAP will need to be reviewed. For high risk components and/or suppliers, sample parts may need to be analyzed at Lafayette to confirm material properties
  • Reviewing and approving process changes for parts manufactured at Lafayette as well as at suppliers
  • Develop metallurgical receiving inspection plans for components. Review of components that fail receiving inspection including assessing whether they are acceptable for use or should be rejected
  • Bachelors degree in materials science or metallurgical engineering
  • Good writing skills as the majority of the work for this position is communicated via formal technical reports
  • Positive attitude and a sense of urgency for completing tasks
  • Prior experience working in a manufacturing environment or in the quality field
  • Degree with emphasis on ferrous metallurgy
  • Knowledge of manufacturing and assembly procedures (machining, heat treat, assembly and inspection) especially process control
  • Failure analysis experience
  • 6 Sigma Black Belt experience or 6 Sigma Green Belt
  • Ensure the proper processes are devloped so as to ensure the quality of the products produced match the customer requirements
  • Plans, supports, and implements total quality programs utilizing customer specific requirements concerning APQP, FMEA’s Control Plans, Measurement Systems Analysis, Statistical Techniques & PPAP’s. Defines scope, plans, organizes, leads and directs technical work and departmental efforts related to quality engineering activities for new and existing programs
  • Investigates and solves manufacturing-related problems in assigned area using formal problem-solving tools. Leads root cause analysis of internal and external issues
  • Analyzes and develops suppliers products, ensuring customer specific & internal requirements are met while obtaining maximum productivity, reviews performance in operation and provides suggestions for improvement
  • Desirable to have previous experience in IVDDs, Design Controls and/or Risk Management
  • Excellent interpersonal / communication skills
  • Excellent planning and organisational skills
  • Communicate with customers to identify and correct quality issues
  • Develop suppliers, communicate and correct quality issues when needed
  • Owner of certified inspection program
  • Owner of returned goods process
  • Bachelor degree in Engineering or Engineering Technology
  • Minimum of 3 years of quality experience
  • Flexibility with location; Position will start in Toccoa, GA for up to 12 months until transition to Mapleton, IL
  • Willing to travel for the first year up to 50%, then travel will drop to 10-25% as needed
  • Metrology experience (CMM, Instron, suface finish/contour)
  • CMM programming experience, PCDMIS
  • Complete Process and Equipment Validation including DV, IQ, OQ, PQ protocol development, implementation and report completion
  • Develop product specifications / drawings / quality plans in conjunction with NPD and project team
  • Conduct Risk Management / FMEA / Statistical analysis
  • Complete ISO 13485 / FDA and QSR internal audits per annual schedule
  • Implement process control and ensure process capability is maintained and identify opportunities for process improvement
  • Conduct CAPA analysis to determine root cause and complete problem resolution
  • Quality Engineering Qualification is desirable
  • Experience in process validation
  • 2/3 years' experience in Medical Device Industry
  • Ability to participate in cross functional teams
  • Work with Program Managers, Program Engineers and Manufacturing staff to coordinate all PPAP activities and ensure accurate and on-time submission into customer’s systems (e.g. SQMS. B2B portal Supply Power etc.)
  • Update customers on PPAP status and timing on a regular basis
  • Ensure effective communication and containment of quality issues identified by customers. Travel to customer’s location may be required
  • Ensure effective root cause analysis and permanent corrective actions are implemented for customer quality issues. Also ensure this information is uploaded into the appropriate customer database
  • Ensure every customer complaint for your customers are responded to within the customer specified timeframe
  • Effectively manage the relationship with your customer to ensure that your customers view Decostar in a positive manner
  • Establish boundary samples with the customer for subjective quality issues
  • Assist manufacturing departments in developing their Control Plans and Work Instructions in accordance to their PFMEAs, Process Flows, Decostar’s quality system’s procedures and customer requirements
  • Participate in Decostar’s cross-functional APQP meetings to review open issues and activities which need to be resolved or acted upon
  • Conduct supplier quality system surveys according to ISO/TS16949 requirements
  • Assist the Supplier Quality Engineer by reviewing and approving supplier PPAPs and attend supplier run at rate trial as designated
  • Participate in continuous improvement programs and activities to ensure meeting of departmental performance objectives
  • Perform job duties within the guidelines of the Decostar Supplier Quality Manual and ISO/TS 16949 procedures
  • Knowledge of PPAP / Submission process systems or equivalent is required
  • Blue print reading and GD&T is required
  • Prior internal auditing or lead auditing to TS-16949 experience is required. Exposure to multiple OEM specifications, standards and quality systems is required
  • Knowledge of AIAG core tools such as FMEA, Control Plan, SPC, MSA, etc. is required
  • Ability to travel within and outside of the U.S. is required
  • Ability to effectively communicate with all levels of personnel is required
  • Interface with Engineering and Operations to ensure transfer to Production of new products are in accordance with approved requirements
  • Performs inspections (audits) of finished materials
  • Provide daily direction to Quality Technicians
  • Manage the disposition, flow, tracking, and failure analysis results of suspect material from production fallout and Technical Support product returns
  • Facilitate Material Review Board process including final disposition of product. Recommend appropriate disposition of non-compliant materials and finished goods
  • Provide tier 2 support for Technical Services by providing enhanced diagnostics abilities and trend analysis in determining failure modes (design vs. workmanship vs. handling) and in identifying root causes associated with workmanship and/or handling when so identified
  • Work directly with Engineering to resolve design or manufacturability issues when/if they are found to be suspect as the failure mode
  • Communicate to and resolve manufacturing quality issues with off-shore Quality Engineer assigned to the contract manufacturer to push issues ‘up stream’ before they escape the factory
  • In cooperation with supply chain management originate, track, and manage supplier CARs where appropriate
  • Analyze failure, corrective and preventive action to respond to customer complaints
  • Facilitate testing of component, in process and finished goods including routine inspection processes, audits and 3rd part testing
  • Monitor suppliers’ performance hold accountable key contributors to meet Sensitech quality standards
  • NCMR/CAPA/SCAR investigation
  • Line Support - trouble shooting issues
  • Validations - FMEA's /TMV's
  • Documentation - updating and putting through system
  • Degree in Engineering or Science or minimum 5 years experience in a Medical Device environment
  • Five (5) years experience working in a regulated environments, specifically medical device, FDA or ISO 13485 registered work environments
  • Ability to handle multiple tasks within functional discipline
  • Support Quality Clinic Activities to include review and disposition of non-conformance notifications in MRB
  • Provide support with AS9100 audits, FAA audits and customer audits
  • Interact with assigned customers on quality concerns
  • Ability to utilize Relentless Root Cause Analysis (RRCA) methodologies to resolve escape
  • Ability to represent Quality in Configuration Control Board(CCB)
  • Use of basic inspection tools and CMM for measurement
  • Basics of casting and forging
  • Basics of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T)
  • Understand and support foam pad control plans which cover the prototype pre-launch and production phases of the PDP process for each product per assigned program, and update when design, engineering or process changes warrant. In conjunction with Manufacturing and product Engineering and Program Co-Coordinators participate in the development of all assigned process FMEA’s
  • Review updates to customer drawings, manuals, and Engineering Standards/Specifications and customer specific requirements and ensure controls are in place to monitor ongoing compliance issue RFC if necessary to cover costs for additional tests/equipment, sample sizes, etc
  • Responds timely to customer concerns related to foam products – investigate complaints and engage the appropriate technical resources to determine root cause and define corrective actions to resolve the issue – verify implementation and effectiveness and submit corrective action reports – monitors status of customer and internal CAR’s and facilitates the investigation and closures process
  • Prepare all documentation relative to customer and internal sample submissions (PPSR/PPAP) on foam pads including review of capability studies – initiate activities to ensure all relative testing and resulting reports are completed and reviewed, and obtain supporting documentation (PFMEA, gauge, studies, etc – update NPPC database where applicable
  • Monitor the status of temporary/interim customer authorizations which enable shipment of foam product with eng. Drwg deviations – insure extension is received prior to expiration (eg TASP, IAA, etc)
  • PPAP foam pad assemblies – confirm competition of all documentation relative to customer PPAP’s on product engineering changes. Submit Part Submission warrants in the customer prescribed format and update NPPC database accordingly – maintain records and forward as required to the Finance department for tooling payment of piece price changes
  • Provide plant support for investigation and feedback of customer warranty claims – participate in customer reviews at QEC and coordinate meetings with Customer Satisfaction Team
  • Review and track the status of Supplier PPAP and Annual Validations – disposition submissions by verifying compliance to requirements – maintain tracking log and supplier PPAP files
  • Assess rejected purchased components dispositioned as supplier responsibility and ensure this issuance of Supplier DMN’s and that RMA number’s are obtained with timely follow up on the DMN and verify implementation of corrective actions – maintain files with supporting documentation
  • Calculate PPM and update/distribute Supplier Monthly Overall Performance reports ensuring to input all infractions (corrective action response, third party sort, purges, etc) – process supplier charge backs (SCBs) as outlined on Magna’s Chargeback Policy – assist with development of an improvement plan, if required, and monitor progress
  • Develop and update forms and work instructions related to area of responsibility
  • Identifies and records any problems relating to the product, process, and quality system and initiates, recommends or provides solutions through designated channels
  • Verifies the implementation of solutions to the product, process, and quality system
  • Minimum of three (3) years relevant experience in manufacturing and production processes
  • Direct experience with a quality function and/or quality related responsibilities
  • Experience in the automotive manufacturing industry
  • Must have direct customer interface experience
  • Proficient skills utilizing word processing, spreadsheet, project management, and database applications
  • Must have experience to effectively use quality tools and techniques to assist in determining compliance to specifications, trends, capabilities, and opportunities for continuous improvement
  • Collect/analyze quality data and investigate nonconformance to determine permanent resolution
  • Execute global quality processes as defined in the Caterpillar QMS
  • Perform short-term Quality activities such as respond to requests for print interpretation, deviation requests, engineering changes, inspection methods, etc
  • Coordinate various Quality training programs as well as the sample part program
  • Identify, analyze, and resolve non conformance
  • Investigate problems on worked, purchased, finished, rough, and/or interplant material. Coordinate long-term investigation programs as required
  • Investigate, develop and implement electronic clerical or data handling systems to increase the capability and efficiency of the division
  • Generate periodic reports regarding the quality status of high dollar suppliers and any significant trends indicated by the data
  • Provide technical expertise in the analysis, development and implementation of new and revised systems and instructional methods
  • Perform role of specialist within the group and provide interpretation and problem solving advice to others inside and outside of the department
  • Knowledge of various engineering, manufacturing and/or maintenance standards and practices
  • Personal computer skills and familiarity with various software packages
  • Two years of technical school, apprenticeship program, a junior college diploma or the equivalent of on-the-job training
  • 2 to 4 years of job related experience
  • Bachelor’s degree in Engineering is required; Material Science or Mechanical Engineering is acceptable
  • 3+ years previous experience with manufacturing and quality processes are required
  • Proficient understanding and application of supplier quality tools including audits, risk assessment, PPAP, APQP, and related skills
  • Ability to travel domestically and internationally is required
  • Demonstrated understanding of internal combustion engine basics, root cause analysis, corrective action, continuous improvement tools, quality systems, statistics, and leadership
  • 2+ years of practical experience in the tight tolerance metal casting or plastic injection molding is preferred
  • Design, implement, and execute test plan against the core components of the distributed storage framework
  • The candidate will contribute to specialized development projects for internal use within the team
  • Review & propose product design from customer point of view. Be an advocate for the customers
  • Find, RCA and follow through product defects with PM and Development in a timely manner
  • Experience in building highly extensible and adaptable system or application is a plus
  • Background in distributed systems, operating systems, protocols, API development
  • Understanding of VMware vSphere platform is highly desirable
  • Experience in storage technology is highly desirable
  • Experience in one full enterprise level product release cycle as a key team contributor (internal or external product)
  • Follow all plant safety policies and procedures
  • Understand and promote Magna's philosophies and Employee Charter
  • Key liaison with both internal & external customers
  • Utilize the tools of APQP (PPAP, FMEA's, control plans, capability studies, etc.)
  • Support Continuous Improvement activities and lean manufacturing processes
  • Ensure suppliers compliance to specifications/approval of corrective action
  • Monitor status of key program milestones-PSW dates, Launch Build events, etc.
  • Visit and follow-up with Customer's on Quality issues seeking corrective actions
  • Maintain and communicate supplier tracking metrics for continual improvement
  • Must possess in-depth experience with GD&T, APQP, FMEA's, Control Plans, Capability Studies
  • Experience dealing with the customer and leading corrective action processes
  • Understand automotive Quality Assurance requirements (e.g. Production Part Approval Program, Process Sign-Off, Part Submission Warrants, etc.)
  • Must have thorough knowledge of the TS16949 Quality System Requirements and Auditing
  • Must comply with customer specific requirements
  • Must be willing to work extended or flexible hours as needed to meet production requirements
  • Willingness to work in various locations within and outside the facility
  • 2 – 4 years Quality experience required
  • Manufacturing/machine operation, preferably in automotive
  • Quality Technician experience
  • GD & T (Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerance)
  • Ability to read, write, and speak English
  • Good people skills
  • Technical math skills required
  • Ability to conduct effective meetings and instructional classes
  • Participate in the development and review of project documentation. Represent Quality on the Project/Program Core Team
  • Provide Quality direction and support for procurement activities, specifically supplier ISO 9001 and UTC Q+ specific audits, qualification and PPAP (requirements flow-down and verification)
  • Assessment of systems and processes to identify deficiencies and participate in resolution of issues found
  • Assist in development of quality system processes (i.e., records management and document control, control of electronic data, software development and control, etc.)
  • Assist in defining/developing Quality Program status indicators, performance measurements and reporting requirements. Includes collection and analysis of product returns data and production yields
  • Review and comment on drawings, calculations, specifications and other design inputs/outputs using SIPOC tool
  • Provide direction in developing inspection plans, PPAP, In-process and Final Product Inspection, Sampling Plans, inspection and acceptance criteria and Design Validation Testing
  • Investigate product quality problems, determine root cause, gather and analyze data and implement corrective actions and mistake proof solutions to reduce or eliminate cause
  • Perform process capability studies, or special studies necessary to eliminate waste and reduce variation to improve control and lower cost of poor quality
  • Participate in the improvement of manufacturing processes for existing product and assist in development of new processes and associated controls in accordance with UTC Process Certification requirements
  • Job related projects as they arise
  • Work with Supplier Quality to help get supplier issues resolved
  • Write (and help write) and ballot industrial specific procedures. Both new and revised documents
  • Interact and support customer issues. Interact with SQA and the Engine Center to provide RRCA to the customer
  • Review and update required documentation
  • Communicate with customers on issues regarding Product Quality
  • Participate in implementation and effectiveness of customer related corrective actions
  • Aid in the investigation and response to customer complaints regarding Product Quality
  • Ensure Best Practices are followed throughout the Design Process
  • Conduct process audits to ensure accuracy of paperwork and inspection aids are present meeting the line process flow. (i.e. changes made from Engineering Changes, Corrective Actions or Process Changes)
  • Responsible for scrap reduction initiatives as it relates to reduction in Risk Prior Numbers. (RPN) Support and drive as required
  • Documentation Review for accuracy and timely completion all quality programs (i.e. quality alerts, process flow, PFMEA, Control Plans
  • Participate in pre launch programs with regards to design and specifications required
  • Review component drawings and understand the application requirements for each component. Understand all performance and engineering specifications applied to the parts
  • Perform supplier visitations/audits as deemed necessary
  • Maintain control of rejected parts in the plant Hold Area as per Nonconforming Material Process (NCM)
  • Drive product improvement based on returns
  • Drive Quarterly goals to meet objectives. Create & Maintain Performance Story boards
  • Technologist/Technician Diploma in Engineering required
  • Possess/Develop a strong understanding of: Core Tools (APQP, SPC, MSA, FMEA & PPAP), Control Plans/Process Flows, Root Cause Analysis/Practical Problem Solving)
  • Knowledge of various processes (i.e. molding, coating, assembly etc.)
  • Effective communication (written & verbal) with various departments within Autosystems and with customer plant liaisons
  • Aptitude for working with numbers with a high degree of accuracy
  • Bachelor’s Degree or Master’s Degree in a technical, scientific, or engineering disciplines
  • If Bachelor’s degree, 6+ years of experience in medical devices, with specific experience with in vitro diagnostics and convenience kits
  • If Master’s degree, 4+ years of experience in medical devices,with specific experience with in vitro diagnostics and convenience kits
  • 4+ years’ experience with design control, risk management, design transfer, and Quality Management Systems within a FDA regulated industry
  • Knowledgeable of and experience with the following regulatory requirements: 21 CFR Part 820, ISO 13485:2003, ISO 14971:2007, Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC, and In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Device Directive 98/79/EC
  • Perform process certification projects to implement process improvements
  • Perform and follow up on internal and external quality system audits
  • Evaluation of procedures and processes to determine compliance with applicable requirements
  • Investigating non-conformances to determine root cause, identify corrective actions and track effectiveness
  • Leading and communicating quality initiatives within the module cells
  • Utilize continuous improvement tools to support the cellular concept and make process enhancements
  • Demonstrate a commitment to the EH&S Program
  • Review and approve work instructions in the Assembly and Test CAPP system for the JSF Exhaust Modules
  • Work closely with the Engine Center for Engine Gigs (DCMA pre-delivery findings) and Quality Clinic Issues (receiving inspection)
  • Work with Supply Chain to resolve quality issues
  • Process the Military Recieving and Inspection Report (DD250) with the DCMA for sale of spare modules
  • Evaluate procedures and processes to determine compliance to applicable requirements
  • Utilize continuous improvement tools to support process enhancements and ACE journey
  • Provide technical support to the inspection and manufacturing community
  • Perform and follow-up on internal and external quality audits
  • Support day to day manufacturing activities such as the approval of process authorization requests (PAR), first article inspections (FAI) and CAPP2 process sheets
  • Perform foreign object debris (FOD) toolbox audits to ensure compliance to procedures and standard work
  • Within product or project teams, this position will be a key resource and subject matter expert providing guidance regarding the Quality Management System (QMS) and Regulatory requirements regarding process, product design, material and other associated changes to medical device and IVD products. This role will liaise extensively, and is expected to spend a significant amount of time (approximately 40 – 50%) representing the CLS Quality team on projects, products and meetings at our partnered site, Canon Virginia, Inc. (CVI) in Newport News VA
  • From a document and activity basis this position will be
  • Responsible for coordinating the Quality, Regulatory and Compliance input assessments for proposed changes
  • Ensuring any approved change is implemented as per plan and the change control policy, process and procedure
  • Reviewing in preparation for approval, validation project documentation
  • Providing the critical Quality and Compliance screening assessment for all proposed changes. This is needed to ensure those changes with significant Quality, Compliance and/or Regulatory (registration) impacts are appropriately routed for input assessment to these functions
  • Provide Quality review and assessment of associated change requests related to processes, equipment, material, facilities, software, and computer systems as well as other design control and validation activities
  • Analyze and report trends in manufacturing and quality
  • Use statistical techniques, sampling plans, DOE, Gage R&R and other quality engineering tools as needed in performing job duties
  • Author assigned Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), Work Instructions (WIs) and guidances to ensure compliance with Company policies and federal regulations
  • Participate in risk analysis activities
  • Provide training and guidance to other departments concerning design and change control requirements
  • Perform other duties as assigned by the Sr. Specialist, Quality Engineering
  • Minimum of 5 years of experience in a medical device (IVD preferred) environment acting in a quality engineer, associate or specialist level role responsible for facilitating and coordinating the Quality aspects of design control changes, validation preparation and execution and other QMS processes and systems that may or will be impacted by design, material or process changes
  • Experience working in a start-up environment and providing influence and leadership to new product development teams and technical associates required
  • Knowledge of molecular diagnostics is desired
  • A combination of experience and/or education will be taken into consideration
  • Experience in participating in medical device projects including working with and influencing management and cross-functional teams required
  • Must possess in-depth knowledge of medical device quality systems including design control and manufacturing processes. Understanding of risk management and its application in design and quality systems
  • Understanding of regulatory requirements and standards including 21CFR Parts 11 and 820, ISO 13485 and 14971 and process improvements related to product realization
  • Experience with quality engineering tools and techniques including: statistical analysis, sampling plans, DOE, Gage R&R, CpK, and AQL
  • Personal computer operations and Microsoft Applications (Word, Excel, Power Point, Project, Visio)
  • Strong customer-service orientation with a focus on delivering quality results
  • Ability to organize and prioritize, flexible with the ability to manage multiple duties and tasks
  • Motivation and skills to work in a team-oriented environment and a desire to work in a company that places a high value on cooperation and group achievement
  • Perform product, process and work instruction audits
  • Lead and participate in various teams in support of the unit’s ACE goals
  • Review and implement various regulatory requirement changes
  • Provide technical guidance and training to OEM Parts Inspectors
  • Participate and lead in APQP functions
  • Assist production management in establishing and maintaining process control charts/documents
  • Coordinate problem solving on designated programs for internal and external concern resolution
  • Quality and statistical analysis of current production concerns and processes for designated programs
  • Participate in the approval process for temporary deviation to current product/processes
  • Ensure timely and accurate 8-D response
  • Lead corrective actions measures
  • Lead resolution of quality issues
  • Provide effective support to manufacturing to ensure resolution of issues and conformance to Quality and Delivery Measurables
  • Ability to lead, direct, and work with multiple disciplines to ensure launch readiness and activities are conducted in a timely manner
  • Internal Auditing
  • Ability to travel when necessary
  • Perform other duties as required by the Quality Manager, AGM or General Manager
  • Education/Experience: Bachelors Degree
  • Technical Training: Working knowledge of DFMEA, PFMEA, PPAP, Process Flow Diagrams, Control Plans, Problem Solving Techniques, DOE, Cause and Effect analysis, TS16949 and ISO 14001` Standards
  • Language Ability: Ability to write reports, business correspondence, and procedure manuals. Ability to effectively present information and respond to questions from groups of managers, clients, customers, and the general public
  • Math Ability: Ability to calculate figures and amounts such as discounts, interest, commissions, proportions, percentages, area, circumference, and volume. Ability to apply concepts of basic algebra and geometry. Ability to use precise measuring equipment
  • Reasoning Ability: Ability to apply common sense understanding to carry out instructions furnished in written, oral, or diagram form. Ability to deal with problems involving several concrete variables in standardized situations
  • Ability to work overtime as required; individual
  • BMW experience is strongly preferred
  • 3-5 years as a quality engineer
  • Manage program quality by establishing front-end quality assurance on new programs; completing Supplier and Customer sampling and control plan requirements; directing the dimensional control of on-going programs; ensuring that all products shipped meet all Customer dimensional, material and systems specifications or documented deviations to those specifications, all at minimum cost
  • Independently design, execute and evaluate quality systems particular to assigned products, such as control plans, etc. Original thought is required on check fixture designs, Customer sampling plans and paperwork, evaluation of suppliers’ PPAP and the meeting of Customer’s changing requirements
  • Participate as an active member of the APQP team; complete all APQP tasks as required
  • Assist in GD&T determination
  • Identify SPC (Statistical Process Control) requirements
  • Participate actively in PPAP (Product Part Approval Process)
  • Visit assembly plants and issue trip reports on those visits as determined by the Quality Manager
  • Obtain Customer approvals on all parts and quality systems, and ensure that they meet appropriate Customer requirements and retain documentation of same
  • Ensure all products (purchased and manufactured) are to the appropriate engineering change level
  • Ensure compliance to QMS (TS16949), EMS (ISO14001), and security (PIP) requirements
  • Ensure, with the cooperation of other Co-Ex-Tec departments and Corporate that the division achieves and maintains the highest possible Customer rating for satisfaction; strive for zero defects in all areas of the business
  • Ensure enforcement of Customer Specific Requirements and Quality Management System (TS16949) without compromising either Co-Ex-Tec or its Customers
  • Follow all work cell and/or department standardized work instructions/procedures
  • Initiate and/or participate in continuous improvement activities
  • Promote and comply with health, safety, and environmental standards, safe operating procedures, good housekeeping practices and the observance of protective equipment requirements at all times
  • May be required to carry out job duties and responsibilities in a work environment that may include, but is not limited to, varying levels of noise and/or temperature
  • Any other reasonable duty required by Management
  • Post Secondary Bachelor’s Degree in an appropriate engineering or technical field
  • ASQ “Certified Quality Engineer” certification preferred
  • Able to read and interpret automotive engineering drawings and math data including geometric dimensioning and tolerancing
  • Working knowledge of statistical techniques including some familiarity with experimental design, SPC and charting, measurement systems analysis, etc
  • Thorough understanding of dimensional measurement techniques
  • Working knowledge of quality systems and procedures
  • 3 - 5 years experience in quality manufacturing or a related field, preferably in the automotive industry
  • Well developed communication, organizational, interpersonal and analytical abilities
  • Good working knowledge of SQC / SPC techniques and relevant computer applications
  • Knowledge of Co-Ex-Tec products and processes, an asset
  • Understanding of lean manufacturing, an asset
  • Provide strategic leadership in the development and implementation of project quality plans to obtain annual reduction goals in Scrap, Rework and Repair (SRR) and escapes to flight operations
  • Improve internal and external manufacturing, inspection, and test processes to reduce and prevent defects and prevent quality escapes to our customers
  • Support the development of productivity initiatives to improve product acceptance methodology. –
  • Integrate goals that will align with process quality engineering activities
  • Allocating work and assigning manpower and a strong leadership and focus for ACE, FOD, Quality, EH&S and continuous improvement initiatives
  • Establish work schedules taking into account customer requirements, resource availability, and other priorities
  • Ensure World Class safety culture is maintained and respond to all EH&S requirements promptly
  • Control quality, productivity and process flow to meet MRP requirements while ensuring a high level of customer satisfaction
  • Develops, implements and trains on processes and tools that support and are in compliance with GMP/GLP requirements
  • Ensure procedures are followed by overseeing the output and work practices of assigned employees. Accountable for enforcing compliance to good manufacturing and lab practices
  • Work closely with Quality Director on quality issues originating within the Melville site
  • Assist with deviations, audits, non-conformance/complaint investigations and CAPA as needed
  • Collaboration with Global Supplier Development team to improve the quality of packaging components
  • Train staff and provide guidance as needed
  • Development of projects and application of QE techniques and methodologies
  • Implements new system and working practices to improve process and product quality
  • Participate or lead quality improvement projects
  • Performs audits and capability studies as necessary
  • Promote employee motivation and engagement
  • Provides technical support and educates employees in QE techniques
  • Participate in supplier improvement activities
  • Assist with validation programs - equipment and processes
  • Documentation of processes and procedures and technical reports
  • Conduct analysis of data and recommend appropriate action
  • Works with suppliers, developers, and production agreeing to and communicating standards and range boards
  • Participates in line tests, first production runs
  • Implement systems and working practices to improve processes and product quality
  • Works with the plant, packaging development, technical packaging, and other parties to define critical requirements
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Science discipline
  • Minimum of three (3) years Quality Engineering experience or related Quality Assurance experience (external) or Quality Assurance experience (internal)
  • Computer literacy with good knowledge of Word, Excel, Outlook, Visio, PowerPoint. Knowledge of SAP and/or analytical instrumentation software such as Empower is a plus
  • Must possess excellent interpersonal and communication skills
  • Knowledge in quality management systems and process improvement utilizing statistical problem solving techniques. Experience with statistical software such as Minitab a plus
  • ASQ or Six Sigma certified or eligible
  • Demonstrated technical root cause and problem solving skills
  • Demonstrated prioritization, and time management skills
  • Maintain clear and constant communication with customers and management
  • Set up tracking matrix to pareto failures to find spikes and trends of failure modes
  • Maintain lessons learned data-base
  • Responsibility to ensure that customer requirements are addressed. Including the selection of
  • Bachelors Degree in Engineering or related field preferred; or equivalent combination of education and work experience
  • Understanding of the quality management system
  • Personal computer skills
  • Previous warranty experience in automotive
  • Normal amount of sitting
  • May be required to lift, push and/or pull 60 pounds
  • Average mobility to move around a manufacturing environment
  • Able to conduct normal amount of work at a computer
  • QMS documents
  • Internal audit management
  • 3rd party QMS audit support
  • CAPA system management
  • Site metrics & reporting
  • Management Reviews
  • Quality Clinic Process
  • Stamp management
  • Calibration system management
  • Familiarity with Quality Assurance practices and procedures which includes
  • Associates Degree Required, Bachelor degree in technical field preferred or equivalent experience
  • At least 5 years on a Quality Engineer Role
  • · Lead in the resolution of quality issues and aid in daily troubleshooting utilizing root cause analysis, process mapping, process improvement teams, etc. on a timely basis
  • Manage and supervise the daily tasks and the development and training of non-exempt QA staff
  • Determine disposition of product based on findings and audits and evaluate product issues on the production floor coordinating the resolution with Incoming QA and the supplier. Follow up with Packaging and suppliers
  • Assist production with the interpretation of accept/reject criteria for finished goods and components. Initiate and implement product and process improvement and develop cost savings initiatives
  • Maintain records and ensure that the proper data is entered into the corporate computer system as well as create, revise and maintain documentation
  • Aid in the training of new Production staff in basic quality assurance methods, recognition of aesthetic parameters and Good Manufacturing Practices. Coordinate and/or perform SAP tasks and related training
  • Maintain an ongoing communication with Production, QA Labs, Tech Services, Assembly, Packaging, SRP, Distribution and component suppliers regarding quality issues
  • Perform independent project work related to corporate or departmental goals and objectives and participate in system improvement programs
  • Responsibility for the quality function in new equipment purchase, validation trials, and product line trials
  • Facilitate OTC product information and disposition
  • Knowledge of SPC techniques
  • Root cause analysis and other advanced problem solving techniques
  • Good management,communication, and team skills
  • Demonstrated problem solving, organizational, prioritization and time management skills
  • Proven ability to work with minimal supervision
  • Demonstrated computer literacy
  • University Degree (University degree should be in a technical, science, or related field)
  • 2 years related experience
  • Provide technical support and maintain a strong working relationship with the UTAS/PWC/PW and Irkut teams
  • Investigate and analyze any hardware/assembly concerns causing Engine Center quality and delivery issues by reviewing procedures, specifications, instructions, processes, and equipment to ensure compliance to applicable drawing, specifications, and standards in an effort to resolve Quality and Delivery concerns
  • Help to create and implement standard work for all onsite processes
  • Serve as an on-site customer interface for P&W at the Irkut and facility
  • Establish and maintain customer relations and other relevant functions, with respect to the quality for the PW1400G program as appropriate for the entire propulsion system
  • Serve as a liaison to government and customer representatives for the Quality discipline as needed for this program
  • Identifies and resolves complex exceptions to work assignments
  • Summarizes, analyses, draws conclusions and makes appropriate decisions from test results or other process related findings
  • Participates in Customer Complaints investigation for areas under their control
  • Continually seeks to drive improvements in product and process quality
  • Knowledgeable on QSR and ISO/MDD standards, constantly promoting awareness of best industry practices, making appropriate decision on a daily basis utilizing the quality engineering manager/site QA Director as the final arbitrator on critical quality decisions
  • Fully conversant with validation techniques and associated regulatory requirements including analysis of customer feedback and complaints
  • Evaluates in conjunction with EHS new equipment/processes/chemicals for environmental impact/effect to eliminate or lessen such impacts/effects
  • Knowledgeable on Risk Management, BSEN 14971 requirements
  • Compiles and analyses operational, test and validation data to establish technical specifications and performance standards for newly designed or modified products and processes
  • May participate directly in a new product/technology transfer to ensure compliance to all internal and regulatory requirements
  • Uses knowledge of Six Sigma, Statistical Analysis and Lean principles to investigate and solve problems and improve quality
  • Gives technical guidance to Associate Quality Engineer, Technician and Inspection staff
  • Is a good team member, fully motivated to achieve and demonstrate best practices in line with the department and Site objectives
  • Deals with suppliers, other engineering disciplines within and outside of the Site and customers should the need arise
  • Is familiar with the internal auditing process
  • HETAC Level 8 with a minimum of 5 years' experience in a relevant area
  • Proven ability to work well as part of a team & on own with minimum supervision
  • Perform project oriented assignments and be exposed to the total process
  • Be involve in daily activities to become familiar with the procedures and methods used on the assignment
  • Be exposed to various philosophies that are introduced to increase knowledge and understanding of the duties involved. Use of theory and practical application to allow for better understanding of work performed
  • Work, supported by other mechanical personnel or individuals, in Quality, Process Engineering, and/or Materials Technology may be assigned a specific area based on work load in the area and/or individual ability. Rotate throughout all areas and gain knowledge and experience needed to progress and be assigned to perform the duties of Laboratory Supervisor and/or Inspection Supervisor
  • Use computer applications to provide support to complete project assignments and conduct studies and related investigations tailored to the individual ability
  • Adhere to established standards, policies and practices (quality, cost reduction, safety, ergonomics) to in perform assigned duties
  • An ABET accredited Engineering degree
  • Able to communicate with other technical personnel
  • Interpersonal skills is essential for successful completion of work assignments
  • Experience in the field or in a related field
  • Quality System Compliance: Maintains awareness of standards that regulate our industry. Ensures compliance to site level policies and procedures by promptly reporting non-compliance issues to management within Division and Corporation as appropriate. Maintains vigilance to ensure adherence to Quality Policy and Quality system procedures by promptly reporting noncompliance issues to management
  • Risk Management: Applies basic to moderate Risk Management principles to work
  • Problem Solving: Receives general direction and exercises considerable discretion to own work detail. Recommends possible solutions
  • Depending on Functional Area
  • Risk Management: Participates in the development or modification of Risk management files
  • Complaint Evaluation: Investigates complex complaints with management oversight. Provides compliant solutions to a variety of complex problems
  • Ensures compliant documentation related to area of responsibility
  • At least 3 years work experience in Quality or related field experience; Less experience may be appropriate with advanced degree
  • Demonstrates understanding of how their function supports the business
  • Demonstrates technical and business competencies that drive results and continuous improvement
  • General Design/Tool Design
  • Project/Engineering Management
  • Program Management
  • Civil Engineering
  • Contributes to their team or department by applying their knowledge of one or more functional areas
  • Works with Grenville Castings personnel on Advanced Product Quality Planning, and with cross-functional teams on the development of new and existing components to meet critical customer deadlines
  • Coordinates, prepares and implements new program fixture builds including cost, design, timing and quality to meet customer, and Grenville Castings standards
  • Develops appropriate key dimensional control points on new programs in conjunction with the project co-ordinator and/or customer
  • Liaises between customers, Q.A., Engineering, Manufacturing and suppliers
  • Develops and maintains Control Plan documentation and procedures
  • Plans and prepares PPAP submissions on new products and engineering changes to meet customer deadlines and customer specific requirements (PSO and Run @ Rate)
  • Coordinates customer events at Grenville Castings and ensures professional long term relationships are met and maintained
  • Evaluates quality issues utilizing appropriate problem solving techniques
  • Assists in TS 16949 implementation and compliance
  • Performs statistical studies, reports data and communicates to shop floor for customer problem resolution
  • Participates in plant wide continuous improvement projects
  • Follows and comply with all Operational Procedures and Policies as outlined in the Employee Handbook, Quality and Environment programs (i.e. TS16949, ISO14001)
  • Adheres to Grenville Castings core values; integrity, respect, trust, honesty, fairness and loyalty
  • Post-secondary graduate with a technical diploma
  • Three years of automotive, or similar quality engineering experience with new program launches
  • Computer proficiency
  • Prior experience with ISO/TS 16949 processes
  • Prior experience with Advanced Product Quality Planning, Production Part Approval Process submissions, Geometric Dimensions & Tolerancing, Flow Diagrams, FMEA’s, Control Plans, Statistics, and fixture development based on part GD&T
  • Demonstrated ability to use basic measurement tools (height gauge, vernier, micrometer, bore gauge, indicator, etc)
  • Demonstrated ability to conduct root cause analysis using various problem solving techniques
  • Ability to communicate to all levels of plant personnel with ease
  • Good organizational, interpersonal and problem solving skills
  • Ability to coordinate and facilitate cross-functional team meetings
  • Ability to work to meet deadlines and multiple demands
  • Ability to uphold confidentiality
  • Ability to work overtime to meet customer needs
  • Shop floor system deployment including
  • Equipment selection, acquisition, installation, and set-up
  • Communication and training
  • Project-based six-sigma process improvement support
  • Self-starter who can manage projects independently
  • Excellent follow through / takes responsibility for project success
  • Persuasive communicator, presenter, and trainer
  • General knowledge of statistical tools and methods
  • Daily interaction with shop floor assemblers and functional support teams
  • Weekly process optimization meetings
  • Review shop floor assembly performance data
  • Identify process changes / trends and track assigned actions
  • Communicate program status to product center and senior management
  • Maintain / enhance shop floor system capabilities
  • Remotely support offsite locations
  • Excellent follow through / takes responsibility for program success
  • Lead effective corrective & preventive actions as maybe needed for customer, supplier and internal concerns
  • Manage Internal & supplier process & maintain all Quality records in an organized and retrievable manner
  • Participate in development of PFMEA’s, create & maintain control plans and inspection instructions
  • Participate in prototype development by providing necessary Quality documentation & traceability supporting prototype / pre – production builds
  • Manage & maintain a timely PPAP submission & revalidation program
  • Conduct LPA’s, Control Plan and PFMEA walks to ensure product and process controls are effective
  • Participate in scrap reduction plans for assigned programs
  • Assist/ lead Quality Inspectors in cases of internal and supplier issues
  • Participate/ lead quality training as required
  • ASQ certified CQE or equivalent body of knowledge, obtained from a minimum of Five years’ experience working in a Quality environment preferably Automotive
  • Detailed knowledge of APQP
  • Sound knowledge of Quality Management System
  • In depth knowledge of SPC, gages/ gaging & GR&R
  • Experienced with Metrology, Blue print reading and GDT
  • Demonstrated experience working effectively with Customers & suppliers
  • Direct experience with Automotive Customer specifics and AIAG requirements
  • Comfortable with MS Office tools & Excel formulas
  • Ensure that Production operations are completed in accordance with the requirements of the quality system and ISO13485:2003
  • Ensure all customer requirements are identified, documented, understood and met
  • Document manufacturing procedures, routes, purchasing specifications, inspection procedures and standards etc. Approve all updates to same
  • Oversee the execution of validation activity as required. Review and approve Master Validation Plans, FMEAs, IQ/OQ/PQ protocols and reports for product and process changes, new equipment and process improvement activities
  • Drive improvement in product quality, as measured by reduced customer complaints and increased product yields
  • Advise customers of proposed changes to processes / products / vendors etc
  • Overview the testing etc. required ensuring proposal has no effect on product
  • Perform internal audits as per agreed schedule and prepare for external audits
  • Review line issues and work with the team in implementing effective and timely resolutions
  • Ensure effective and timely resolution of Production related CAPA's
  • Review customer requests/complaints related to Production parts. Ensure robust solutions are implemented
  • Keep your skills current and be conversant with the latest developments in technologies and materials which are relevant to the Company's business
  • Participate in improvement activities, including Kaizen events, ensuring that quality requirements are followed during the change implementation process
  • Function within a team environment and communicate information effectively to all stakeholders
  • Keep your skills current and be conversant with the latest developments in technology and materials which are relevant to the Company's business
  • To take on other duties which the Company may assign you from time to time. These 'other duties' will be agreed with Management prior to any assignment
  • To assist in development and implementation of all Quality System requirements for
  • Existing Product Lines
  • Post-Secondary Education preferably Bachelor degree in Engineering, Manufacturing or Mechanical
  • Formal training and previous experience as a TS 16949 Internal Auditor
  • Excellent knowledge and prior experience of Advanced Product Quality Planning, Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing, FMEA’s, Control Plans, SPC, and fixture development based on part GD&T
  • Excellent knowledge of root cause analysis and using various problem solving techniques including Drill Deep, 8D, 5 Phase
  • Exceptional ability to work with others; build and maintain positive employee relations and act as a liaison between customers, suppliers and P&F Tool& Die cross functional team
  • Technical knowledge of stamping and welding processes
  • Strong statistical and problem solving abilities
  • Five years’ experience managing a certified quality management system (or part of it) in the automotive industry (e.g. TS 16949, ISO) preferably in organization that supplied large OEM’s
  • Act as voice of customer (VOC) and drive product quality objectives for all new product development projects
  • Experiment design, test planning and results analysis
  • Facilitate and lead cross-functional teams to apply APQP tools, events, and methodologies during the product development process
  • Gather and analyze information and data to define scope of field issues and identify opportunities for product reliability improvements
  • Lead cross functional teams to fast resolution of field issues by utilizing a structured problem solving approaches including identification, root cause analysis, resolution, and verification of resolution
  • Analyze customer field returned parts, complete units, and warranty/field report data
  • Document and track progress of multiple projects and responsibilities
  • Work with internal and external customers including distribution, suppliers, engineering, marketing, product support staff, and manufacturing
  • Responsible for small to medium projects or multiple tasks within functional discipline
  • Make significant contributions to their team by applying their knowledge of the discipline
  • Work with low to moderate guidance on projects with short-term focus
  • Work with moderate guidance on projects with long term focus
  • Prepare PPAP/PSW packages for Customer
  • Maintain the Customer QPN database for PSW promise dates etc for MSS
  • Manage engineering changes through the quality department
  • Coordinate APQP for New Programs and Product changes
  • Review and analyze warranty data for the Division
  • Prepare Management Quality Reviews
  • Analyze quality data for the plant and the product
  • Conduct root cause analysis of quality issues
  • Develop Corrective and Preventive Action for Customer, Supplier and Production
  • Develop improved processes to ensure quality
  • TS-16949 Element champion as required
  • May be chosen to be the TS-16949 Management Representative
  • Ensuring that processes needed for quality management system are established, implemented and maintained
  • Reporting to top management on the performance of the quality management system and any need for improvement
  • TS-16949 Lead Auditor or Internal Auditor as required
  • Development of Control Plan and PFMEA including Receiving Control Plan
  • Graduate of accredited university/college in engineering, technical or business
  • Experience with computers and good math skills
  • Three to five years relative experience in an automotive assembly or manufacturing environment
  • Experience in quality and PPAP/PSW submissions to automotive customers
  • Experience in inspection with strong skills in Quality and Root Cause Analysis
  • Prepare documentation and provide support for new program part launches and process changes at Drive Automotive including PPAP, ISIR Control Plan, FMEA, IPC etc
  • Schedule, coordinate and report from Table cross-functional meetings to address internal and external concerns
  • Interface with quality supervisors to ensure all quality checks are addressing the key characteristics of the product
  • Responsible for all aspects of corrective actions (on time closures, repeat concerns, root cause, etc)
  • Responsible for meeting customer targets, ie. PPM, incident rates, RMA’s
  • Conduct product audit to verify stability of the process
  • Onsite visits with customer to address quality issues (customer satisfaction)
  • Responsible to reduce RPN values in FMEA’s
  • Interface with quality dimensional team to ensure dimensional stability being met as per customer requirements. Mean shifts and SPC data
  • Ensure that an investigation takes place on all process failures, such as corrective actions, PDCA, Teardown PDCA, RMA, product audit Issues
  • Perform system audits of part production programs and part reviews to ensure acceptable quality levels are maintained and properly monitored
  • Make decisions and advise on an on-going basis to insure customer and management directives are met
  • Coordinate and track progress for interdepartmental studies
  • Take additional training to maintain pace with new technology. Will require some personal time
  • Perform analyses for verification of quality concern corrective action effectiveness
  • Ability to work three shifts as requested
  • Able to function effectively using computer software
  • Competent understanding of fixture design concepts and ability to use basic metrology equipment
  • Able to provide clear direction and training to individual and small groups of employees
  • Approve inspection sheets, generate APQP documentation
  • Ensure manufacturing counter measures are implemented and effective
  • Coordinate SPC mean shifts when dimensional Engineers when approved by the customer
  • Control plans, QA inspection instructions, KOI’s, FMEA’s, customer site verification, top 5 failure modes reports, and month end reports
  • Team Oriented Problem Solving (TOPS)
  • Statistical Process Control Management
  • 5 years minimum work related experience within automotive manufacturing Quality Department
  • Reporting to the Quality Manager and working alongside supervisors, technicians and other support groups
  • Develop and manage the Internal Audit Schedule, in line with Caterpillar Quality Management System and ISO9001:2008 requirement
  • Maintain Log of all Internal Audits completed and distribute details of outstanding actions to responsible parties
  • Support Six Sigma, Caterpillar Production Systems (CPS) activities and all aspects of MQ within the department
  • To maintain document control for our Quality Management System
  • The compilation of performance measures for the quality systems team and the production of monthly reports as required
  • Plan and perform internal audits in line with the audit programme, complete audit report within agreed timeframes, meet with relevant persons responsible for any actions raised, agree completion date, follow up on actions to enable close out
  • Maintain audit log carried out throughout the year
  • Collate and distribute outstanding audit actions to owners on a weekly basis
  • Support of the Caterpillar Production Systems
  • Developing quality related control methodologies and systems such as Cost of Quality control company-wide
  • The use of a Document control system (EtQ)
  • Formal internal Audit training with experience in performing ISO Internal Audits
  • Experience of using Lean Production Systems to include Gap assessments and scoring
  • Excellent hands on & technical understanding of popular PC Game title like, Battlefield, Star Wars, NFS, Call of Duty, Assassin’s Creed, Thief, Dirt, FIFA, Civilization, NFS, GTA V , Far Cry etc
  • Game benchmarking for various game engines like, Frostbite, CryEngine, Unity, UE4, Ego Race Engine etc
  • Handes on & technical understanding XBOX One & Sony PS4 Console Gaming
  • 3 years of experience with automated and manual QA
  • Knowledge of, and experience with, PHP and the LAMP stack
  • Familiarity with Selenium, Behat, and PHPUnit
  • Familiarity with Amazon Web Services, continuous integration, and build servers
  • Working knowledge of iterative development methodologies, like Agile
  • Familiarity with bug tracking systems like JIRA or Pivotal Tracker
  • Creative and collaborative problem-solver
  • Excellent interpersonal skills
  • Work with project owners and business analysts to aggregate business requirements documents and build functional test plans in an Agile environment
  • Organize and record detailed test results; provide reports and general visibility of results and project/task status
  • Utilize coding skills to write automated tests to reduce the amount of manual tests needed for product verification
  • Work with development teams through the design and test stages to ensure adherence to business requirements
  • Participate in defect resolution by identifying defects, assisting with reproducing defects, verifying solutions, and identifying new regression test cases as needed
  • Continually expand and refine systems documentation
  • Serve as a resource to the team in the resolution of complex business or technical issues
  • Post Secondary Education or related Industry experience
  • Prior experiences with ISO/TS 16949 processes
  • Prior experience with Advanced Product Quality Planning, Production Part Approval, Process submissions,
  • Minimum five (5) years’ quality experience
  • Able to maintain confidentiality, and use discretion and tact
  • Must be able to work and communicate effectively in team environment
  • Able to manage and schedule multiple priorities and meet deadlines
  • Responds to request for service in a timely and thorough manner
  • Able to work flexible hours and overtime
  • Plans work and carries out tasks without detailed instructions
  • Responds to situations as they rise with minimal supervision
  • Analyzes problems skilfully, uses logic to reach solutions
  • Able to work well with staff, co-workers, peers, and managers, shares critical information with everyone involved in a project
  • Understands, encourages and carries out the principles of integrated safety management
  • Treats all people with respect and values diverse perspectives
  • Demonstrates knowledge of techniques, skills, equipment, procedures and materials
  • Listen and responds effectively to customer questions; resolves customer problems to the customer’s satisfaction; respects all internal and external customers; uses a team approach when dealing with customers; follows up to evaluate customer satisfaction, measures customer satisfaction effectively; commits to exceeding customer expectations
  • Anticipates problems, gathers information; weighs alternatives against objectives and arrives at reasonable decisions; works to eliminate all processes which do not add value; is willing to take action, even under pressure, takes informed risks; analyzes current procedures for possible improvements; notifies supervisor of problems in a timely manner
  • Is alert in a high-risk environment; follows detailed procedures and ensures accuracy in documentation and data; carefully monitors gauges and instruments or processes
  • Constructively helps and coaches others in their professional development
  • Exhibits a “can-do” approach and inspires associates to excel
  • Establishes high standards and measures
  • Able to maintain high standards despite pressing deadlines; does work the first time and inspects work for flaws; tests new methods thoroughly; considers excellence a fundamental priority
  • Platform and UI Testing
  • Develpe and Delivery IoT Platform and Application solliutions for IBM based on Bluemix.net PaaS and SaaS
  • Work with distributed agile team, integrate and report daily activities
  • Discuss and desing new IoT Solutions
  • Execute global quality processes to deploy and execute Built in Quality (BIQ) throughout the site
  • Coordinate / conduct internal quality audits
  • Coordinate Material Review Committee meeting
  • Lead development of standard work for quality gates in alignment with Built in Quality
  • Administer work area metrics and facilitate metric improvement initiatives
  • Perform quality certification activities including conducting internal quality audits
  • Identify, analyze, and resolve quality non-conformance occurrences and tracking compliance
  • Quality Engineer will work with business division teams to assist with quality issues and provide continuous improvement feedback
  • BE in Mechanical Engineering with 3 Years’ experience / D.M.E with 8 Years’ experience
  • Thorough knowledge of manufacturing and / or quality standards and practices
  • Computer skills and the ability to use standard software tools such as Microsoft Excel or Access
  • Good Knowledge on GD & T and problem solving techniques
  • Hands on experience in SAP -QM
  • Proven problem solving or root cause corrective action leadership experience
  • Built in Quality (BIQ) experience
  • Experience with SAP (Quality module)
  • Blue print reading skills and familiarity with IE specifications
  • Hands on CMM Inspection
  • Prior experience working in a manufacturing environment and/or in the quality field
  • Good knowledge in SAP QM
  • Familiar with Incoming Quality Audit, Problem Solving Techniques
  • Review customers contract documents in accordance with relevant procedures
  • Generate supporting Quality Plans, procedures, specifications, etc
  • Communicate customer requirements to all relevant departments in a clear and timely manner
  • To assist, as appropriate, other departments and / or personnel to satisfy customer requirements
  • Perform analysis of non-conformances
  • Provide suggestions for corrective / preventive actions and control plans
  • Monitor the effectiveness of corrective / preventive actions and initiate further actions if required
  • To be actively involved in the continuous improvement of company processes and procedures in order to
  • Reduce wastage of company resources; Improve company efficiency; Maximize customer satisfaction
  • Leaving Certificate or equivalent is essential
  • Third Level technical qualification is required
  • Engineering / Technical / Mechanical / Quality Systems background
  • Data analysis, problem solving and decision making
  • Strong systems experience, MS Office is essential and knowledge of an ERP system, particularly SAP is extremely desirable
  • Customer Support
  • Prepares immediate responses for customer concerns
  • Leads and coordinates problem solving for customer concerns (customer specific
  • Coordinates warranty tear down analysis and problem solving resolution/reports
  • Manages field representatives to ensure effective containment and timely closure of customer concerns
  • Updates control plans matrix graphing customer concerns
  • Performs customer good will visits
  • Coordinates supplier quality issues
  • Production Support
  • Identify quality improvement and defect prevention by developing and
  • Implementing mistake/error proofing fixtures and devices
  • Facilitate quality related meetings for assigned products and keep up to date
  • Meeting minutes
  • Leads and Coordinates problem solving for internal concern resolution
  • Coordinates and approves shop floor containment process and follows up on
  • Updates Mafact Board and participates in weekly report our meetings
  • Participates in the approval process of temporary deviations to current product
  • And processes (i.e. Supplier Request Deviations, Customer Change)
  • Develops test plan for PCN and coordinates test completion
  • Participates in Layered Process Audits (LPA) and supports closure of open items
  • Found during the audit
  • Participates in 5S implementation
  • Perform daily process walks on assigned process areas
  • Maintains safety and good housekeeping at all times
  • Performs training to Operation Quality Procedures
  • Train members of operations team in specific quality disciplines as required
  • Bachelor’s degree in Engineering from an ABET accredited program with exposure in statistics and engineering terminology and total quality management
  • 3-5 years in the quality field preferred. Will consider candidates with less experience provided they’ve done a co-op at a manufacturing facility
  • Must be able to lead, motivate and develop others
  • ASQ CQE, Shainin Journeyman, or Green/Black Belt
  • Knowledge of the AIAG quality planning and control plan standard, dimensional layouts, gage/fixture design, and performance/material testing
  • Specific education, training and proficiency in quality disciplines including TS16949, PPAP, FMEA, DOE, and SPC
  • Deals with Customers, Sales and Engineering on APQP activities for new programs
  • Reviews GD&T, SC’s, KPC’s, and gauging methodology with customers on new programs
  • Co-ordinates and prepares sample submission packages, updates and maintains the FMEA’s, Process Flow diagrams and Process Control Plans
  • Deals with suppliers & customers on quality concerns, which will require travel in Canada, U.S.A., Mexico and globally on short notice. Conducts investigations on non-conformances and recommends corrective action to prevent reoccurrence
  • Works with Manufacturing to solve in-house quality concerns, reviews of nonconforming product, recommends disposition
  • Reviews fixture design to ensure that the parts are properly located in accordance with the GD&T and that the fixture and gauge passes the required variable data and attribute checks in accordance with our customers expectations
  • Periodically auditing the programs he has been assigned to ensure the related quality documents and inspection methods are up to date
  • Performs supplier surveys to ensure that current/potential suppliers are capable of meeting quality expectations
  • Overseas suppliers improvement plans to ensure that corrections are being implemented within the time frame agreed upon
  • Assists with Design of Experiments
  • Assists during customer surveys&#8217
  • Participates in Continuous Improvement and assists in its implementation on an on-going basis
  • Any other duties as assigned by the QA Manager
  • Aid in maintaining TS 16949 policies & procedures. Maintain systems to current procedures and aid in auditing systems
  • Perform capabilities study of machines on regular intervals. Interpret the data and issue a monthly summary of ongoing CPK analysis
  • University degree in Industrial/Mechanical Engineering or equivalent
  • Sound knowledge of S.P.C techniques
  • Sound knowledge of GD&T, FMEA, DOE
  • Sound knowledge of sample submission procedures
  • Sound knowledge of customers’ APQP activity procedures
  • Basic knowledge of P.C.’s and relevant software packages (Minitab etc)
  • Knowledge of CMM’s, X-Ray & Spectrometers as asset
  • Knowledge of APQP requirements
  • Knowledge of TS 16949 requirements
  • Knowledge of gauging methodology and metrology, GRR techniques
  • Minimum 5 years experience in Quality Assurance
  • Must be able to communicate fluently in both written and spoken English
  • Must be able to relate / communicate well with people at all levels
  • Oversee the Implementation of quality requirements during the APQP process of new and current products
  • Maintain documentation and records in the development of new products using AIAG systems per APQP processes
  • APQP Quality Champion
  • Act as liaison between MPT Sterling Heights and customers/suppliers
  • Ability to understand, communicate customer concerns to the MPT Sterling Heights management group in written format
  • Champion of the PPAP Quality documentation and completed target dates
  • Maintenance of QE documents
  • Follow-up with Process Engineering process Improvement Activities and Improvements
  • Help with the Implementation of TS 16949, ISO 14001, and error proofing
  • Track and maintain the customer defect and Corrective Action Matrix
  • Commitment quality, safety and health in the work environment
  • Participates in continuous improvement activities, submits improvement suggestions (CI, Safety)
  • Ensure that company policies and procedures are adhered to including TS16949, ISO14001 (EMS), and Employee Handbook
  • Follows MIOSHA and MPTSH safety regulations and policies, including wearing required P.P.E. (Personal Protective Equipment). Reports unsafe conditions to Supervisor/Leader
  • Bachelor’s degree in technical field of study and/or equivalent work experience ( Metallurgical Engineering or related field is preferred)
  • Strong working knowledge of Quality systems and specifications is required
  • Ability to write clear and concise technical reports. Ability to make effective presentations on controversial or complex topics to top management
  • Quality Assurance and Quality Control experience in an automotive manufacturing environment
  • Quality Certification
  • Must be well versed in the following: PPAP, FMEA, SPC, Gage R & R, Management Systems, Quality Information Systems, Leadership Principles and Techniques, Supplier Qualification , Certification Systems, Quality Systems, Documentation Systems, Validation and Qualification Methods, Process Capability, Interpretation of technical drawings and specifications, Material Control, Measurement Systems, Measurement System Analysis, Calibration systems, Fault tree analysis (FTA), Management and Planning Tools, Corrective Action, Preventive Action, Design of Experiments, Computer knowledge, APQP, TS 16949, Problem solving techniques
  • Must understand Continuous Improvement and Risk Management
  • Have a fundamental understanding of supplier relations and performance
  • Must understand the interrelationship of all departments from Engineering to tooling Maintenance, logistics, Human Resources, Health & Safety and Purchasing
  • Must possess and be fluent with Project Management skills
  • Must be skilled with training of personnel
  • Ability to use efficiently computer programs (example) Microsoft Excel, Word, SPC software programs
  • Willing to sign up for training when a skillset need to be improved
  • Demonstrates excellent organizational skills
  • Be able to effectively facilitate workshops and training to plant level personnel
  • Be able to effectively communicate with customers, pears, management and plant personnel equally effective. (written and verbal)
  • Excellent attendance and work performance
  • Ability to understand, speak and write English
  • Ability to travel to customers and suppliers
  • Required to be proactive and suggest improvements to existing processes policies and systems
  • Required to motivate manufacturing employees to volunteer any issues or potential issues in production cells
  • Demonstrates creativity, initiative, and the ability to perform structured problem solving
  • Must be able to interpret blueprints, specifications or other related documents
  • Team oriented work approach
  • Ability to set priorities and multitask projects
  • Must demonstrate leadership ability and must have leadership experience
  • Perform other special project work as directed by the Management Team
  • American Society of Metals (ASM) registration preferred
  • Quality Engineer Certification (CQE) by American Society of Metals (ASQ) preferred
  • Blackbelt or Greenbelt certification preferred
  • Managing the activities of the Quality Inspectors to ensure optimal efficiency and compliance with all regulatory requirements
  • Drive root cause analysis of non-conformances with relevant personnel and ensure corrections are implemented before starting back to production after a quality issue
  • Drive and maintain cGMP practices across all operational departments under your quality responsibility (Incoming, moulding, assembly, packaging sterilization, warehouse) and attend departmental and other meetings as appropriate
  • Preparation of relevant work sheets and execution of final inspection tests and line clearance verification
  • Release batches in SAP from packaging to sterilization and final release
  • Complete DHR reviews and batch releases
  • Provide GMP guidance in case of rework and/or inspection protocols
  • Line clearance verification
  • Complete Product Quality Testing
  • Validating test methods
  • Ensure that maintenance records and process adjustments records are maintained and captured in real time
  • Ensure all CAPAs under your responsibility are completed in compliance with all regulatory and procedural commitments
  • Participate in the Change Control Process
  • Devise and implement Six Sigma continuous improvement projects
  • Write specifications
  • Analysis of data, quality metrics and trends
  • Liaise with relevant personnel regarding flow of product through QC department and other issues that arise
  • Preparation, review and approval of technical documentation
  • Manage and provide support with ongoing changes and continuous improvement projects e.g. Project Win SPC, automated machine
  • Perform training as required
  • Maintain costs and budgets under control
  • Ensure the smooth running of functions under your control
  • Review, analyze and report on relevant customer complaints and institute corrective actions
  • Become an active member of the site internal audit team, liaising with Regulatory auditors, perform audits and write reports
  • Additional language skills (Spanish / German / Mandarin)
  • Design and release experience from cradle to grave
  • Experience on Vehicle Launch
  • Experience with Quality in Engineering or Plant capacity
  • Builds a common vision and related behaviours, shared by all plant team making FOQUAL real on a daily basis
  • Coaches FLM's regarding quality food safety and problem solving
  • Facilitate Continuous Improvement
  • Eradicates critical problems with strong PDCA (Plan, Do, Check & Act)
  • Through analysis of Performance Data, identify performance gaps, trends and improvement opportunities. Coordinate the reporting of Quality KPI's and communicate internally using visual management standards in the area and externally to site management team/stakeholders
  • Internal Audit Completion
  • HACCP / QC Verification
  • GMP/GDP audits
  • Project Design & Delivery
  • Ability to solve problems using Practical Problem Solving Techniques
  • Experience in standardisation of processes
  • Understanding and ability to apply in live situations the principles and tools of lean manufacturing
  • Experience in data analytics, statistical process control (SPC)
  • Proficient in the use of MS Office tools
  • Robust understanding of Food Safety and Quality Management Systems
  • Be a key driver of cGMP practices within Operations and Quality divisions
  • Provide support for the ISO9001/2000 and ISO13485 and 21CFR Part 820 Quality Systems
  • Responsible for ensuring adherence to all internal and external regulatory requirements
  • Become an active member of the site internal audit team, liaising with Regulatory auditors
  • Prepare and maintain documentation in compliance with the appropriate regulatory requirements
  • Support production personnel in relevant continuous improvement activities (Six Sigma etc.)
  • Act as customer liaison contact for given key customers as appropriate
  • Review, analyse and report on relevant customer complaints
  • A minimum of 5 years work experience in an ISO 9001/2000 or ISO 13485 environment, coupled with a background in Medical Devices/Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Experience in CAPA system management
  • Experience in process validation and working in a clean room environment
  • Proven ability of working in a cross-functional team environment
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills and high level of computer literacy
  • Monitor and assure a safe work environment through process adherence and hazard elimination/mitigation(PPE, Lockout/Tag-out, Machine Guarding, etc.) and hazard elimination/mitigation
  • Monitor and assure compliance to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and adherence to defined procedures
  • Implements new system and working practices to improve process and product quality while maintaining compliance to regulatory requirements. Participate or lead quality improvement projects
  • Development of projects and application of QE techniques and methodologies providing technical expertise and support to QA and other functions
  • Conduct analysis of data and recommend appropriate action, performs audits and capability studies as necessary
  • Works with the plant, packaging development, technical packaging, and other parties to define critical requirements. Participates in line tests, first production runs
  • Works with suppliers, developers, and production agreeing to and communicating standards and range boards. Participate in supplier improvement activities
  • Assists in the investigation of complaints and preventive and corrective action
  • Participates and where necessary leads in the definition, execution, analysis, and actions of tooling qualification programs. Advises on modifications needed to achieve successful tooling. Leads validation programs of equipment and processes
  • Educates and trains employees in QA techniques
  • Manage and/or supervise direct and/or indirect reports
  • College degree or equivalent experience
  • Minimum 5 years of quality experience in a manufacturing environment preferred
  • Six sigma certification preferred
  • Must possess excellent interpersonal, communication, problem solving and negotiating skills
  • Must demonstrate a desire and ability to lead other people
  • Must be familiar with MS office and SAP applications preferred
  • Knowledge in quality management systems, process improvement utilizing statistical problem solving techniques, and quality tools
  • Excellent organizational, prioritization and time management skills
  • Must be able to work all shifts and all ELC locations as needed
  • Co-ordinate the non-conformance, stop ship and rework processes
  • Ensure that good manufacturing practices and quality system regulations are complied with during production
  • Participate in the Internal Audit Programme
  • Perform CAPA (corrective and preventive action) activities as required
  • Participate in process FMEAs and review validation records
  • Develop working relationships and effective information flow with other departments and within the Quality dept
  • BSc in chemistry, biochemistry, engineering or other relevant technical field
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills
  • Product Intergrity
  • Quality Control (Internal and customer specific)
  • Customer Quality Improvement Plans and Reports
  • Have a fundamental understanding of quality philosophies, principles, systems, methods, tools, standards, organizational and team dynamics, customer expectations and satisfaction, supplier relations and performance, improvement systems, and professional ethics
  • Have a fundamental understanding of a quality system and its development, documentation, and implementation with respect to domestic and international standards or requirements
  • Have a basic understanding of the audit process including types of audits, planning, preparation, execution, reporting results, and follow-up
  • Be able to plan, control, and assure product and process quality in accordance with quality principles, which include planning processes, material control, acceptance sampling, and measurement systems
  • Be able to plan, control, and assure product application, including design, manufacturing and construction
  • Have a thorough understanding of problem-solving and quality improvement tools and techniques. This includes knowledge of management and planning tools, quality tools, preventive and corrective actions, and how to overcome barriers to quality improvements
  • Be able to acquire and analyze data using appropriate standard quantitative methods across a spectrum of business environments to facilitate process analysis and improvements
  • Understand risk analysis philosophies and methodologies and their applications
  • Understand readiness processes and requirements
  • Drive improvement projects to enhance quality standards
  • Investigate customer complaints and develop effective corrective actions
  • Support production and engineering to improve internal quality performance
  • Complete and monitor customer evaluations
  • Liaise with external customers to ensure full adherence to SLA's across quality standards
  • Ensure continuous compliance for Product Manufacturing, Packaging and Labeling
  • Quality / Engineering qualification
  • Minimum of 3 years' experience in a quality/engineering position in a fast paced manufacturing environment
  • Strong organization skills with the ability to work under pressure
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills dealing with external/internal customers and suppliers
  • Proven experience working in a customer focused role
  • Ability to effectively communicate highly technical information, both verbally and in writing, to both non-technical and technical associates
  • Leads and conducts investigations of compliants and/or nonconformities in quality to determine the root cause of the issue. Develops, implements and verifies the effectiveness of corrective and preventive actions
  • Collaborates with cross functional team (e.g., manufacturing, supplier engineering, etc.) to facilitate and support corrective action and preventive action plans and improvement activities
  • Evaluates product to ensure compliance to specifications and regulations and revises or modifies specifications as needed to improve efficiency via the appropriate change control and design channels
  • Develops systems, methods, and procedures to implement and maintain in-process and finished product quality. Analyzes data collected to verify product and process quality
  • Coordinates activities with necessary departments concerning problem resolution and evaluation/testing of new products or equipment for determination of operating standards
  • Establishes change and/or process control activities including tests and inspections that are performed within the manufacturing process. Monitors controls for effectiveness and reports findings to team as needed
  • Understands and establishes Quality Management System requirements, procedures, evaluations, reporting,data and objectives
  • Identifies critical to quality process steps and Key Performance Indicators
  • Facilitate and perform formal and informal Risk Assessments
  • Approve new and changed processes utilizingValidation techniques (IQ,OQ,PQ)
  • May develop methods to assess cost and responsibility of discrepant material
  • May compile and write training materials and operating standards; conducts training sessions on quality control activities
  • A Bachelor’s degree in Quality Engineering and 2-5 years’ experience in a quality environment or related field
  • Ability to create and present presentations to management and other audiences
  • Understanding of engineering and process improvement principals (ie- Failure Mode, Effect Analysis, Process Capability & Root Cause Analysis)
  • Requires analytical, problem solving and project management skills
  • Working knowledge of FDA Quality System Regulations 21 CFR Part 820 and Part 11, ISO 13485:2012 and Eurpean Medical Device directives a plus
  • Field Issue Analysis
  • Collaborate with our SLC Quality team and Global Customer Service to identify and prioritize trending field issues based on quantity and severity
  • Perform detailed analysis of returned samples; document and distribute reports as needed to support Quality investigations
  • Catalog and manage analysis documentation; organize reports in a seachable and accessible format
  • Advise Global Customer Service as to whether a specific issue is warrantable (i.e. defect vs. crash)
  • Warranty Sample Return to Vendor
  • Prepare reports summarizing manufacturing-related failure modes of warranty parts from top 5 composites suppliers
  • Organize a regular process of returning defective parts to these suppliers – coordinate global markets to ship samples
  • Develop and maintain a clear database summarizing shipments and analysis results on the supplier end – compare supplier and internal analysis reports for consistency
  • Investigation and Corrective Action Support
  • Serve as a technical resource to the quality team investigating field failure issues – help identify root causes related to both design and manufacturing
  • Recommend corrective actions based on returned component analysis/findings
  • Field Action Coordination/Customer Service Liaison
  • Develop detailed methods for repairs and rework processes as needed
  • Create clear SOPs to explain repair/rework methods (with support from Technical Writing team on final format)
  • Lead technical assessments to define ‘manufacturer approved’ component modifications and methods; prepare SOPs for service centers to execute key modifications
  • Bachelor’s Degree in a process engineering-focused discipline (Chemical, Mechanical, Materials, Manufacturing Engineering)
  • Minimum 3 years of hand-on experience with composites manufacturing, testing, or failure analysis
  • Direct experience leading problem solving or process improvement teams – you must be action-oriented with a hands-on approach
  • Excellent technical writing and documentation skills
  • Experience with outsourced manufacturing, especially with Asian suppliers is preferred
  • Familiarity with formal Quality problem solving techniques is highly desirable
  • Ability and eagerness to work in a fast-paced environment with constant innovation and aggressive timelines
  • Avid cyclist and bike mechanic, passionate about our products
  • Compile validation protocols, IQ, OQ and PQ documentation relating to the manufacturing cycle
  • Assist to new product qualifications
  • Provide quality assistance with testing, monitoring and maintenance or clean rooms and other controlled environments
  • Ensure adherence to regulatory requirements to ISO and FDA
  • Work with suppliers for new processes, quality issues and process improvements
  • Representing quality to assist with company projects across the board
  • Degree in science or similar
  • 2-3 years' experience as a QE in a manufacturing environment
  • Over 1 year experience in the medical device industry
  • Strong knowledge of relevant regulatory standards
  • Drive quality improvement in the factory using
  • ACE Tools (Relentless Root Cause Analysis, Mistake Proofing etc.)
  • Quality Plans
  • New product/process introduction
  • Corrective action
  • Work with Suppliers to resolve issues
  • Identify, coordinate and lead necessary resources to deliver results on identified improvement projects
  • Actively participate on new product development project teams
  • Maintain ISO required documentation
  • The CSG Quality Engineer will be responsible for working with PMD, R&D, Sales and Engineering to provide proactive feedback on quality issues. Monitor Quality Process steps on all projects while utilizing our China and Taiwan teams to verify & support engineering verification has taken place, manufacturing validation, sample review and pre-productions are completed
  • Provide data analysis and reporting for customer, supplier and product data relating to new products, returns, warranty and cost of quality
  • Lead the Bi-Weekly Team meetings for Field Issues and drive CAPA process
  • Address quality issues at all stages of the NPD process and after launch
  • Reduce the cost of quality for CSG. Your responsibilities would be (but are not limited to)
  • Coordinate with China and Taiwan Quality Teams to monitor vendor Quality Assurance (QA) on a daily basis and determine root cause and corrective actions to issues
  • Research and interpret regulatory requirements of federal, state, and industry standards for assigned product categories. Develop relations with regulatory agencies such as ASTM, CPSC etc
  • Communicate approved quality & testing standards to vendors in compliance with a document control plan
  • Develop and maintain QMS database(s) and software including training program to relevant disciplines
  • Participate in the evaluation of vendor Quality Management Systems (QMS) to meet business objectives as well as manage supplier metrics and scorecards from quality perspective. Collect data from China and Taiwan Quality teams and turn into metrics and actions
  • Supports Manager of Quality & Compliance as warranted
  • A Bachelor's degree in a related field and minimum of 5 years' of experience in a consumer products quality position
  • Experience with procedure development, SPC, Control Plans, and Quality Problem Solving Tools
  • Experience with Asian factories and inspection
  • Investigation of production issues, containment & analysis.Customer complaint evaluation, analysis, reporting and timely closure
  • Complaint trending and monitoring of corrective actions
  • Control on Non-Conforming Material Review
  • Maintenance & communication of CMP standards throughout the plant
  • Development, issuance and implementation of QA documentation
  • Liaise with superior and other functional supervisors routinely
  • Participate in the development, validation and implementation of the manufacturing processes and equipment for existing and new products
  • Manage / execute site quality systems including CAPA, internal and supplier auditing, product release and validation activities
  • Lead Problem Solving, Failure & Root Cause Analysis, Risk Assessment & FMEA activities within the Team
  • Adherence to regulatory standards including ISO 9001, ISO 13485, FDA 21 CFR Part 820
  • Delivering in-house training on quality assurance concepts and tools
  • 3rd level Qualification in Quality / Science / Engineering with a minimum of 3-5 years work experience in a Quality Assurance environment is required
  • Excellent communication skills - both written & verbal
  • Computer literate (e.g. Microsoft Word, Excel, Internet, Email)
  • Lean/Six Sigma Training an advantage
  • Self directed and results driven team player with excellent communication skills
  • Mentor Dimensional QE, techs and Operators
  • Review quality and statistical data for compliance the customer requirements, coordinate corrective and preventive actions when required
  • Recommend proposals for improving products, processes, systems, productivity and the working environment
  • Supports efforts to achieve department and plant goals on Employee Opinion Survey
  • Perform all functions in legal, ethical, and professional manner
  • Supervisory experience within a quality function
  • Working Knowledge of GD&T
  • Can Read engineering drawings
  • Proficient in MS office software and the use of statistical software packages
  • Facilitation skills and training skills and abilities
  • Organizational skills and abilities
  • Knowledge of AIAG, Automotive Customer, or similar quality requirements
  • Coordination of all quality and compliance requirements between the product line mechanics/operators/inspectors and support organizations within P&W
  • Communication with the Engine Center leadership team and DCMA to ensure engines meet customer and engine program requirements
  • Integral member of Quality Clinic
  • Utilize continuous improvement tools to support process enhancements to ensure robust engine delivery and the Engine Center’s ACE journey
  • Partner with product line management team to ensure full support of the product and delivery
  • Establish and maintain customer relations with the local DCMA rep. to ensure product and processes meet or exceed all customer expectations
  • Plans, organizes, and leads general quality engineering projects. Analyzes Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ) trends and coordinates problem solving efforts utilizing appropriate Continuous Improvement (CI) or Lean Tools (e.g. Root Cause Corrective Analysis (RCCA), 5 Why, Fishbone, etc.) Assists product and process engineers in the development of new or improved processes that minimize scrap and rework and meet technical guidelines and business requirements
  • Completes Material Review Board (MRB) disposition on production non-conformances to ensure compliance with internal and customer requirements utilizing knowledge, continuous improvement tools, engineering resources, and assistance of more experienced engineers
  • Supports production employees, inspection staff, and cell staff by evaluating, interpreting, and providing feedback regarding customer and company requirements and specifications
  • Support and follow all rules/guidelines/standards set by EHS, Quality, and Continuous Improvement functions as set by leader and position
  • Performs Quality Assurance for Victoria by performing product test procedures, validating product specifications, performing audits, and leading product reliability improvements via Caterpillar’s Continuous Product Improvement programs
  • Develops plans and tools to support quality systems and related processes. The incumbent provides support for quality programs and certifications, as well as Lean Manufacturing and systems implementations
  • 2-year degree in a technical discipline or 3-5 years of relevant work experience
  • Bachelor's degree in Engineering, Manufacturing, or related discipline
  • Certify assigned attractions annually, as required by state law, following the successful completion of requisite inspections, audits and related efforts
  • Manage day-to-day compliance activities of assigned attractions, Major Modifications and corrective work
  • Review and assess alignment of requirements and frequency between Manufacturer’s Requirements, Operating Guides, Job Plans and maintenance criteria for assigned attractions
  • Provide engineering dispositions for In Service Inspection Reports resulting from periodic inspections of registered attractions
  • Assist with all levels of auditing processes. Follow up on, correct and close out findings and observations
  • Provide general Quality Engineering support to internal customers such as Engineering, Maintenance, Shops, Operations and others as required
  • Proven experience with amusement parks
  • Proven experience in Quality
  • Engineer in Training (EIT)
  • Experience with maintenance of complex systems
  • Demonstrated strong written and verbal communication skills
  • Proven knowledge of Maximo, EDMS, AutoCAD and MS Office
  • CA Professonal Engineer’s License
  • American Society for Quality Certifications
  • Demonstrated strong partnering skills
  • Demonstrated strong facilitation & presentation skills
  • Bachelors degree in Civil or Mechanical Engineering
  • Performs Quality Assurance for a business division by performing product test procedures,
  • Technical qualification and or relevant previous in engineering or manufacturing-related
  • Degree in an engineering or manufacturing-related discipline
  • An understanding of Six-Sigma/LEAN manufacturing principles
  • Ability to effectively train / coach diverse groups about quality concepts, certifications,
  • Provide QA Engineering support to Coronary and Endovascular development and transfer projects and core teams
  • As part of a cross-functional team, support the execution of process validation activities together with technology transfers from other locations
  • Provide quality focus and technical support for task teams
  • Support the characterization and risk assessment of manufacturing processes and associated equipment to fully understand failure points and take appropriate steps to address same
  • Work within project teams to establish process controls that ensure the safety and efficacy of the product
  • Providing on-going communication, information transfer and record keeping in support of department and core-team objectives and metrics
  • Use and establish analyses techniques and other quality control tools to aid decision making
  • Work individually and within teams on continuous process improvement and equipment upgrade projects. Supporting teams to develop and implement appropriate strategies to qualify and support the relevant changes
  • Functioning effectively as part of cross functional teams, developing strong partnering relationships with these groups
  • Ideally candidates will possess a Degree in Engineering / Technology / Science discipline with 2-4 years experience in a medical devices or related environment
  • A background in Process Validation and Lean Principles would be preferable
  • Solid interpersonal, communication and organizational skills
  • Practical working knowledge of statistical data analysis and quality improvement tools and techniques preferable
  • Ability to multi-task and to take initiative is essential
  • Responsibility for the quality system through development of clear specifications, process control plans and supplier control plans
  • To work closely with Manufacturing Associates, Product Development and Management to ensure quality systems are in place and are being adhered to in order to achieve consistent results
  • Ensure that records are established and maintained to provide evidence that there is a quality system in place and it is being followed
  • Supervise the daily activities of the Quality Inspectors to ensure that in-process reviews of finished goods and finished goods inspections are effectively completed
  • Ensure that all raw materials are adhered to agreed specifications
  • Take the lead and maintain on ISO 9001 and be a point of contact for external auditors
  • Work with the Factory Manager to ensure that quality objectives are set and cascaded to the Factory in order to measure performance in line with the OGSP and that these are regularly reviewed
  • Ensure Quality standards and targets are reviewed at planned intervals to ensure effectiveness
  • Take part in the induction process to ensure that all new staff are inducted into the requirements of our standards. Provide update training as necessary
  • Communicate effectively and consistently regarding top priorities of focus and quality concerns to appropriate members of Management
  • Encourage a culture where Associates are involved and can put forward ideas to improve quality. Co-ordinate these continual improvements, ensuring that evidence of corrective and preventive actions taken are recorded and reviewed
  • Take a lead on non-conforming product and work with the Production Manager, Product Development and Purchasing and Planning to resolve any issues and produce corrective and preventive action plans
  • Work with Finance to produce corrective action reports (CAR) and supplier charge backs
  • Manage the Quality Team, to include appraisals, coaching and development, absence management
  • Educated to degree level
  • 5 years prior experience in a Quality role
  • Previous manufacturing experience
  • Previous experience of working towards ISO 9001 accreditation
  • Excellent communication and persuasiveness skills
  • Excellent organisational and planning skills
  • Flexible and Adaptable
  • Time management
  • Self motivated, with the ability to work as part of a team or alone
  • Numerical and statistical ability
  • Accuracy and attention to detail
  • Aptitude for analysis
  • Appreciation of other work disciplines such as health and safety
  • Demonstrates a passion and a responsibility for the customer
  • Interest in the New Balance brand
  • Confident, assertive and engaging
  • Total customer satisfaction mindset
  • Conscientious - takes responsibility/accountability
  • Tenacity to see things through to a conclusion
  • Work with all related employees (quality supervisor, inspectors, metlab analysts, quality control analysts) to improve quality practices, developing and describing lean processes, provide training
  • Drive disposition process towards internal and external suppliers
  • Drive Corrective and Preventive action processes towards internal and external suppliers
  • Work with other EAME parts distribution Centers on quality practices
  • Responsible for product quality assurance in the Grimbergen facility
  • Develop plans and support the Global quality systems and related processes (COPQ, MQ4006, …)
  • Required to be proactive to develop quality related control methodologies
  • Provide quality engineering support to operations, helping to drive efficiency improvements
  • Supervise/direct the activities of Quality Control Inspectors, Quality technicians, and Associate Quality Engineers
  • Liaise with counterparts on all other shifts to ensure there is continuity and strong communication
  • Ensure compliance to specifications and procedures in areas of responsibility
  • Use and establish analyses techniques and other quality control tools to aid decision-making
  • Maintain an open issues matrix for all assigned parts and program
  • Maintain customer/supplier/sub-contractor contact (including traveling when necessary whenever necessary)
  • Ensure critical and significant characteristics are properly selected and maintained
  • Ensure all company/customer procedures and policies are communicated and followed
  • Participate in training of production workers when necessary
  • Post-Secondary education or Engineering designation
  • Minimum of 5 years’ experience as a Quality Engineer within a TIER 1 or TIER 2 QS 9000 company
  • Must be proficient in computer use (MS Word, MS Excel and MS PowerPoint)
  • Able to work in a strictly confidential and professional manner
  • Demonstrated attention to detail
  • Able to work in a team or on own
  • Lead and empower quality throughout the business
  • Improve and tailor the quality process to ensure full adherence
  • Degree or similar level in Quality, mechanical or industrial engineering
  • Proven ability to work independently and liaise with various departments to improve quality process and standards
  • Previous experience working with NPI is advantageous
  • To provide support across the business for all NPI's
  • Investigative and analyse quality to resolve quality problems as they arise
  • Advance Quality improvement programmes to achieve performance targets in areas such as complaint (QN) levels, CAPA closure, Scrap and in-process defect reduction, audit compliance
  • Development process quality control systems which will assure success in the prevention of defects, and detection of non-conformance as close to the occurrence point as possible
  • Constantly reviewing the production processes and process quality control systems, using the relevant reporting to identify and implement improvement opportunities in the process of quality control system
  • Develop and implement system and process audits that will support the activities of process improvement and control
  • Assist the companies continued accreditation in line with company standard
  • Ensure the introduction of high quality, capable and stable products and processes by working with new product teams
  • Drive improvement and corrective action in the quality of components sourced from internal and external suppliers and subcontractors
  • Ensure that inspection criteria are set up for new components and also provide technical support in the selection of suppliers, monitoring of supplier performance and accesses supplier capabilities through direct visits, technical discussions and involvement in quality systems audits
  • Degree in Quality, Engineering or Science is required
  • Minimum of 3 years' experience in a manufacturing environment in the Medical Device or Automotive Industry is ideal
  • A track record in working on quality improvement initiatives is highly desirable
  • Working knowledge of SAP is advantageous
  • Strong knowledge of ISO13485 standards is required
  • Six sigma process experience is highly desirable
  • Woking knowledge of quality tools such as SPC/ Process control, FEMEA, problem solving/ root cause analysis is ideal
  • Troubleshoots more complex quality issues. Investigates issues and develops countermeasures to prevent future occurrence
  • Develops process improvement initiatives for failure mode, effect analysis, process capability and root cause analysis
  • Evaluates quality test results for accuracy. Utilizes statistical analysis to ensure process is capable
  • Trains less experienced Engineers on department processes or systems
  • Implements the activities defined by the Quality Manager to support the plant operation and quality assurance department. Assists in process, product and APQP projects
  • Blue print reading, advanced SPC, Capability studies, design gauging, design of experiments, process FMEA’s, TS16949 work instructions
  • Able to create and manage DVP&R with experience of product testing and analysis
  • Knowledge of machining and stamping processes
  • Experience in control, gauging and mistake proofing
  • Participates in the APQP process
  • Experienced in FMEA and the generation and management of RPN reduction plans as a means of continuous improvement
  • Well versed in Statistical methods
  • Participates in quality planning/improvement activities
  • Disposition suspected non-conformances and initiates team meetings to prevent non-conformances and prepare weekly sort summary
  • Audit sub-contractors, issue MCN, review responses and work to improve subcontractors performance
  • Assists with prototype sample submissions as required
  • Maintains process FMEA’s working with process Engineers in the plant
  • Visit customer plants from time to time as it becomes necessary
  • Perform other assignments from time to time as management so directs
  • Comply and participate in monthly Health & Safety quiz
  • Comply and participate with suggestions and Continuous Improvement Program at MSM
  • Observe standards for safe working conditions as outlined in the Occupational health & Safety Act as well as rules and regulations outlined in the employee handbook
  • 3 - 5 years experience as a Quality Engineer (or equivalent) in the Automotive Industry as Tier 1
  • Certified Quality Engineer designation considered an asset
  • Knowledgeable in the application of AIAG APQP
  • Knowledge of PFMEA, FMEA, blueprint reading, GD&T, design of experiments (DOE)
  • Must be able to relate/communicate well with people of all levels
  • Must have good organizational skills, be a self starter and a team player
  • Must posses sound knowledge and ability to use various PC based computer applications
  • Able to travel freely within North America, Europe & Asia Pacific
  • Must be flexible to work all shifts
  • Knowledgeable on Risk Management , BSEN 14971 requirements
  • HETAC Level 8 qualification in a relevant area with a min. of 3-4 years relevant experience
  • Proven ability to work well both as part of a team but also able to work on own with minimum supervision
  • Timely and effective follow-up on all supplier quality issues
  • Liase with product support teams, R & D and regulatory on component quality issues and supplier initiatives
  • Pro-actively identify, prioritise and project manage high risk component issues
  • Liase directly with vendors under the control of Quality/Logistics. This involves travel to supplier sites so this person must be available to travel at short notice
  • Support implementation of methods for reduced inspection to provide cost savings
  • Support new supplier qualification initiatives when required
  • Provide supplier quality support for the Strategic Supplier initiatives and corporate sourcing initiatives
  • Support implementation of initiatives
  • Manage supplier audit programme and overall supplier approval/rating programme
  • Plans and conducts scheduled audits of suppliers to assess compliance with requirements
  • Manage the supplier process change process
  • Facilitate the monthly Supplier Controls MRB process
  • Provide support for introduction of new purchased components and component changes
  • 2/3 years experience in a manufacturing environment or equivalent with direct experience in a QA environment (preferably GMP regulated)
  • Experience in the medical device industry is an advantage
  • Identifies and controls Manufacturing process defects (scrap, nonconforming material, customer complaints) by participating in efforts/teams focused on identifying the primary root causes and implementing corrective and preventative actions. May be responsible for querying & bounding data to support implementation of complex & documenting release criteria
  • Evaluates the adequacy and compliance of systems, operations, and practices against regulation and company documentation. Could serve as auditor of areas of the quality system, such as development and manufacturing, as assigned
  • Engineering Level 8 or above
  • 2-3 years in an Engineering\Science position in a Medical Device environment
  • Coordinates all Quality related activities for APQP
  • Reviews customer requirements and develops Control Plans, Control Cards and other part specific monitoring and testing instructions
  • Establishes Master references for Quality and Production shop floor
  • Establishes statistical confidence by identifying sample size
  • Performs Internal TS16949 audits
  • Conducts operation training pertaining to part quality as required using specified training methods
  • Monitors and deals with sub-supplier quality issues through APQP and PPAP
  • Monitors and manages Maple actions and corrective actions for internal and external quality concerns
  • Communicates with customer quality personnel and submits corrective actions and reports as required
  • Monitors customer sites for current information and communication of Quality related issues
  • Engineering degree required or combination of relevant accreditation and Industrial experience
  • Good command of the English language both verbal and written
  • Full knowledge of SPC, both analysing and developing
  • Working knowledge of Problem Solving methodology
  • Able to read part prints
  • Good understanding of GD&T
  • Experience with the OEM/AIAG PPAP Process
  • Skilled in root cause analysis and troubleshooting techniques of equipment problems
  • Proven organizational and management skills
  • Demonstrates clear and respectful communication skills in all situations
  • Understands key processes and systems within the organization related to their work flow while consistently seeking ways to improve outcomes and enhance results
  • Ability to multi-task several projects at one time identifying and adjusting priorities to ensure work flow is conducted efficiently
  • Proactive and self-motivated to accomplish tasks, meet prescribed deadlines
  • Release of manufacturing processes and control setups
  • Bring quality indicators between shifts (control charts, Scrap)
  • Internal audit processes
  • Alerts responsible for quality and integrating visual aids
  • Monitoring deviations and changes in manufacturing
  • Coordinating follow areas of suspect material and quarantine areas
  • Train technicians and operators for the use of calibrators in Gear manufacturing operations
  • Mechanical Engineer, Electrical, Industry, Quality or related fields
  • 5 year’s experience in similar positionsin the metalworking industry
  • TS 16949 standard, ISO9000. Participating in internal audits -
  • PPAP, Core Tools, Control plans, flow charts, FMEA, FMEA
  • Using 8DS, control charts,
  • Some knowledge of Anova software, Minitab, SPC, SAP (or similar)
  • Capacity and ability studies (Cp and Cpk), GR & R
  • Audit manufacturing processes and monitor suspicious material,
  • Alerts, quality, visual aids, inspection instructions, proper use of calipers
  • 5's methodology
  • Provide QA Engineering support to product development, technology transfer, improvement projects and core teams
  • Serve as extended team member on the PDP Projects, representing the Mfg QA Quality function
  • Understand roles and responsibilities of extended quality functions that support the PDP process. Encourage and promote DRM principles
  • Support the characterization and risk assessment of manufacturing processes and associated equipment
  • Understand product construction, features and uses to become a QA SME for the DFS project in order to make decisions on product acceptance standards
  • Support the determination of product inspection, test and release strategies/Control Plan that ensure the safety and efficacy of the product, while minimizing destructive sampling
  • Apply First Time Quality and error proofing principles to equipment and process development and support cell operating system development for the project
  • Lead or support root cause investigations; drive problem solving efforts for quality issues
  • Support risk management activities
  • Collaborate/Approve/Generate equipment & process related documentation, process changes
  • Use statistical tools and established analysis techniques to support device evaluation
  • Adhere to Quality System and Design Control requirements
  • Minimum of a Bachelor's degree (Level 8 NFQ) in a relevant technical discipline (e.g. Engineering, Science)
  • 2-4 years' experience in a medical devices or related environment with direct experience in a QA environment (GMP regulated). Drug/Device Combination product experience would be beneficial
  • Ability to take initiative and to organize and prioritize own work is essential
  • Move OKL from a 2-week release cycle to one that can be as frequent as daily
  • Work with development and product teams to set release schedules and environments in a dynamic fast-paced environment
  • Help define best practices for source control, continuous integration, automated testing, build automation, deployment, and release management for our ERP system
  • Conducting acceptance testing
  • Bridge the gap between manual testing and automation for our ERP system
  • Bachelor’s degree in computing science or related field
  • Knowledge of SQL and querying of databases required. Direct experience with Microsoft AX desirable
  • Experience with Scrum teams using Agile methodologies
  • Ability to understand complex environments and apply troubleshooting skills
  • Confident, personable approach, and the ability to stand your ground
  • Clear concise communication and documentation skills
  • Develop, execute, and maintain automation test scripts
  • Develops strategies for improving test processes and recommends to management
  • Researches new testing tools and techniques and/or develops new testing tools and methodologies as appropriate
  • Demonstrates a broad understanding of the applications and technical architectures
  • Understand and compose feature specifications and create test suits for all product components focusing on UI and usability across multiple devices (desktop & mobile)
  • Stays abreast of industry best practices
  • Regular, dependable attendance and punctuality
  • BA / BS in Computer Science, Information Technology or related field
  • 1-3 years of professional experience as Quality Assurance Analyst / Automation Engineer
  • Retail / e-commerce experience preferred
  • Experience with testing on tablet and mobile devices
  • Has experience with structuring the automation testing plans on multiple projects and technology platforms, estimating schedules, resources and dependencies
  • Experience in Agile SDLC, Continuous Integration, and Continuous Deployment is a plus
  • Automation scripting
  • 2+ years of experience with Ruby programming language
  • Experience with automation frameworks Cucumber & Selenium WebDriver
  • Experience working in a team-oriented environment, determining areas
  • Familiarity with fundamentals of Object Oriented Programming
  • Familiarity with basics of web development (HTML/CSS/JS/Jquery) a bonus
  • Knowledge of SoapUI for testing services is a plus
  • Experience with continuous integration tools (e.g. Jenkins)
  • Experience with Git VCS
  • Experience writing and executing SQL queries
  • Self-starting, self-motivated, independent and proactive
  • Ability to operate effectively both independently as well and within a team
  • Possesses and applies a comprehensive knowledge of technical skills, principles, practices and procedures of automation testing methodologies and a solid record of planning, designing and conducting a automation review and inspection
  • Deals with Customers, Sales, Engineering, Finance and Purchasing on corrective actions when required
  • Reviews GD&T,SC’s KPC’s and gauging methodology with customers on new programs
  • Coordinates and prepares sample submission packages
  • Responsible to champion the TS16949 and all related documentation, acting as a representative, coaching internal departments and preparing for TS surveillance audits
  • Customer corrective actions/8D responsibility
  • Communication and customer visit lead, FMEA, Control Plan updates, TS16949, PPAP’s, APQP as per customer requests
  • Special projects as directed by Quality Assurance Manager
  • Conducts investigations on non-conformance and recommends corrective action to prevent reoccurrence
  • Reviews fixture design to ensure that the parts are properly located in accordance with the GD&T and that the fixture and gauge passes the required variable data and attribute checks in accordance with our customer expectations
  • Periodically audits the programs that he/she has been assigned to ensure the related quality documents and inspection methods are up to date
  • Performs suppliers surveys to ensure that current/potential suppliers are capable of meeting quality expectations
  • Lead supplier improvement plans to ensure that corrections are being implemented within the time frame agreed upon
  • Assists during customer surveys’, visits and audits
  • Aid in implementation of TS16949 policy and procedure writing. Maintains systems to current procedures and aid in auditing systems
  • Perform capability studies of machines on regular intervals. Interpret the data and issue a monthly summary of ongoing CPK analysis
  • Initiate corrective action as needed
  • Performs tasks and responsibilities as detailed in Roto-Form's TS16949 policies, procedures and work instructions
  • Performs any other reasonable duties or assignment as assigned by your supervisor or management
  • Engineering degree or Quality Engineer certificate preferred
  • Sound knowledge of SPC techniques, GD&T, FMEA, PPAP, APQP, and MSA
  • Working knowledge of Microsoft Word & Excel, and PowerPoint
  • Practices and maintains integrity while following Magna’s Charter and Employee Handbook
  • Minimum 2 years experience in automotive industry, preferably in Quality
  • Seek resolution to quality problems both internal & external using problem solving methods
  • Develop, evaluate and improve process capability together with production, engineering and other applicable departments
  • Participate in APQP activities as required (e.g. DFMEA, FMEA, PFMEA, control plans, etc.)
  • Lead, track, report the status of internal & external PPAP submissions
  • Lead the resolution of non-conforming material & disposition of same
  • Define gauging methods for manufactured/purchased materials, write capital appropriations, purchase equipment
  • Develop audit plans as appropriate
  • Support and help develop and lead TS16949 implementation
  • Perform gage R&R’s and train others to do the same
  • Represent MPT Lansing in meetings with customer, etc., as needed
  • Identify and correct safety related issues with supplied components
  • Assist in Incident Investigations when requested
  • BS in technical degree or equivalent work experience. 3- 5 years experience in quality in a manufacturing environment
  • Complete knowledge of automotive APQP/PPAP processes
  • Experience with problem solving techniques such as Ford 8-D, GM 5-Phase methods, etc
  • Experience with TS16949
  • Understanding of FMEA & Control Plans
  • Computer skills
  • Statistical abilities, & understanding of gage R&R’s, capability studies
  • BS in Engineering or other technical discipline
  • 5 years of industrial experience with heavy emphasis on quality assurance
  • Proficient in English, written and oral
  • Possess driver’s license
  • American Society for Quality certification in Quality Engineer or other
  • Graduate Gemologist
  • Be responsible for arranging the daily work and relevant skill trainings for QG operators
  • Settle quality issues related to raw materials, semi-finished and finished products like rejection, rework, scrap, deviation usage, and coordinate relevant departments to develop problem-solving plan and track the status
  • Collect and analyze quality metrics, which include but not limited to Parts Per Million (PPM), rejection rate of incoming materials, out quality level (OQL), Value Streams Certification etc
  • Use Statistics Processing Control methodology to monitoring process capability, such as SPC, MSA etc
  • Take responsibility for program document preparation and maintenance within quality department, which include QG SWS, QG checklist, non-conforming products quality control program, incoming materials inspection instruction, material labeling and quality tracking program etc
  • Responsible Customer Acceptance Validation (CAV) gap analysis
  • Responsible for monitoring and improving the quality department budget and the total cost of quality
  • Communicates and supports Operations to reach product quality targets through continuous improvement activities
  • A minimum of one year of engineering, manufacturing, maintenance or quality-related work experience
  • Thorough knowledge of relevant engineering, manufacturing and / or maintenance standards and practices
  • Personal computer skills and the ability to use standard software tools
  • Provide technical support and maintain a strong working relationship with the operations team
  • Investigate and analyze any hardware/assembly concerns causing quality and delivery issues by reviewing procedures, specifications, instructions, processes, and equipment to ensure compliance to applicable drawing, specifications, and standards in an effort to resolve Quality and Delivery concerns
  • Establish and maintain customer relations and other relevant functions, with respect to the quality for the different engine families
  • Inspection and approval of raw materials
  • Management of feeder performance and liaising with design quality assurance
  • Management of supplier non-conformances
  • Reporting and filing of safety concerns, liaising with HPRA (Health Products Regulatory Authority) on requests to import drugs for tooling trials, maintenance of MSDS and organise product disposal
  • Perform process audits of quality and design functions and report findings/results on a daily/weekly basis
  • Perform inspection and test activities to ensure product is manufactured to the required standards
  • Reporting on safety incidents and active member of safety committee
  • Raising Internal Non Conformance reports when required
  • Work with quality, manufacturing and design teams to strive for continuous improvement
  • Must have a third level qualification in Engineering/Quality/Science
  • A good understanding of quality systems i.e. ISO 9001:2000
  • A good understanding of Statistical Process Control (SPC) and quality reporting metrics
  • A good understanding of Engineering drawings with experience in Solidworks software an advantage
  • Multi-Task: To have the ability to multitask and coordinate multiple projects at any time
  • Must be very proficient in the use of MS Office packages i.e. Word, Excel, PowerPoint
  • Behave Ethically: Understand ethical behaviour and business practices, and ensure that own behaviour and the behaviour of others is consistent with these standards and aligns with the values of the company
  • Communicate Effectively: Speak, listen and write in a clear, thorough and timely manner using appropriate and effective communication tools and techniques
  • A certification in auditing the requirements of ISO 9001:2000 would be an advantage
  • 1) At least 7years of experience with manufacture of display or related technologies
  • 2) At least 7 years of experience with Quality Management Systems, i.e. GMP, ISO 9000, 9001
  • 3) Ability to apply statistical methods to yield tracking and problem solving, i.e. SAS JMP
  • 4) Use of MS office tool suite
  • 5) Experience with FA techniques such as FTIR, DSC and SEM/EDX
  • 6) Experience with Minitab or similar statistical SW package
  • 7) Experience in managing a team
  • Technical understanding of manufacturing prints and tolerencing
  • Knowledge in statistics
  • Mobility to international assignments
  • Willing to travel in support of business needs to different geographical locations
  • Participate in External Audits and Internal Audits as needed. Ensure Regulatory compliance in area of responsibility to GMP of all medical devices regulatory agencies (i.e. FDA, IMB, Notified bodies, etc)
  • Maintain structured communication channels with strategic sourcing, identifying responsibility by commodity / supplier
  • Liaising with the Manufacturing and Quality groups, in assessing and addressing material quality issues with assigned suppliers
  • Maintenance of the Approved Supplier List (ASL) in conjunction with the Global Sourcing, Supplier Controls and Audit functions
  • Deliver continuous improvement activities focusing on supplier quality
  • Participate in supplier audit program - planning, execution and closure
  • Participate in supplier reviews for assigned suppliers as required
  • Partner with SQM functions and Strategic Sourcing on the developments and approval quality assurance agreements with suppliers
  • Good knowledge of continuous improvement methodologies
  • Plan, coordinate, and execute Quality Assurance requirements on investigation COQP top drivers
  • Assist/interact across the organization with Repair Order Administration (ROA), Operations, Materials, and Customer day-to-day quality issues
  • Manage the Quality Clinic and ACE QCPC process ensuring RRCA and mistake proofing is robust
  • Manage customer audit activity
  • Assist the Quality Manager and inspectors in establishing, implementing, and enforcing customer and regulatory quality requirements through AS9110 internal and external (supplier) auditing
  • Participate in quality improvement projects and assuring coordination with other functions or value streams objectives
  • Provide technical support and maintain a strong working relationship with the UTAS/PWC/PW and Embraer teams
  • Serve as an on-site customer interface for P&W at the Embraer and facility
  • Establish and maintain customer relations and other relevant functions, with respect to the quality for the PW1900G program as appropriate for the entire propulsion system
  • Graduate in a science, engineering or related background
  • Minimum 5 years in a QA Engineering / QE role, working within a recognised quality system within IVD, Medical Device or Pharma industry
  • Minimum 3 years validation experience in equipment/process/software is highly desirable
  • A working knowledge of regulatory requirements
  • A technical background or knowledge of IVD products or Medical devices would be advantageous
  • Awareness of statistical techniques and validation
  • Experience of internal, third party regulatory & external customer audits
  • A high degree of computer literacy
  • The ideal candidate should demonstrate a logical and planned approach to all tasks
  • Excellent written, oral and communication skills
  • Be a team player and have high personal confidence, ability to liaise with other business divisions
  • The ability to work in a multi-disciplinary team environment
  • Ability to work on their own initiative
  • Be customer-focused
  • Have a high attention to detail
  • Be flexible and willing to carry out overtime as necessary when required
  • Be conscious of Health & Safety requirements at all times
  • Quality System Specialist for current and future programs. (GM, AUDI, etc.)
  • Monitor customer ‘systems” for updated Quality requirements
  • Perform the duties of Customer Representative in the customer systems
  • Identify required access and training needs for customer systems
  • BeOn, KPM, LION, GM Systems, etc…
  • Implement, support, develop, lead and manage TS16949, VDA and all future standards that are required
  • Responsible for managing Internal Audits
  • Responsible for training as required (GQS, GQTS, IMDS, and SRV etc.)
  • Develop and mentor all current and new Quality departments personal as identified by Management
  • Will be the lead for facility’s LPA process
  • Responsible for managing the RPN Reduction Process
  • Prepare and Report on Key Quality indicators
  • Experience with TS16949 and VDA
  • Monitor and report Supplier Performance
  • Supplier PPAP approval
  • Customer PPAP approval
  • QOS team leader or member as required
  • Corrective and Preventive Action for Customer, Supplier and Production
  • Will inform Suppliers of defects and request corrective action
  • Has the authority to hold Customer/Supplier partnership meeting as required
  • Ensures that rejection notices are sent to suppliers and that non-conforming product is returned in a timely manner
  • Has authority to reject non-conforming PPAP Packages
  • Reject non-conforming product
  • Stop the production process for quality related issues
  • Keep the Quality Manager informed of quality related issues and quality trends
  • To interface with customers and suppliers as necessary
  • Disposition non-conforming material
  • Investigating and resolving non-conformances and quality escapes by utilizing industry and UTC investigation tools and practices, and driving initiatives to implement robust root cause and corrective actions
  • Collecting, analyzing and using data to drive process improvements
  • Coordinating first article inspections, contract reviews, and supporting all aspects of product development and/or production, review of designs, specifications and drawings
  • Working knowledge of a wide variety of manufacturing processes
  • Application of mathematical/engineering methods to solve problems in a manufacturing environment
  • Analytical, problem solving, data analysis and information gathering skills
  • Lean tools (i.e. Poka-Yoke / Mistake Proofing, Process Flow Diagrams, Standard work, etc.)
  • Excellent application of Root Cause Problem Solving
  • Statistical sampling methods (ANSI, MIL-STD)
  • 3- 5 years of experience in a Technical Quality role in a GMP manufacturing environment (cosmetics, FMCG or pharma preferred)
  • Working experience on sampling techniques, SPC, and GMPs strongly preferred
  • Highly proficient in usage of IT tools – (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, SPC, Visio, ETQ, Access, and other computer systems)
  • Experience with the implementation of Lean Manufacturing or equivalent improvement process
  • Preferred - Project management skills to develop project scopes, specifications, schedules, timelines, and deliverables
  • Positive and Constructive Attitude
  • Capable of presenting data, methods, findings, and remediation effectively across broad audiences both internally and externally
  • Data driven Analysis and Challenging Mind-set
  • Accountable and Transparent
  • “Can Do” Problem Solving
  • Experience with tooling, fixture and gage design
  • Familiarity with composites manufacturing and testing
  • Ability to read GD&T
  • Fluent in Mandarin Chinese
  • 1) Understand and promote Magna’s philosophies and Employee Charter
  • 2) Key liaison with both internal & external customers
  • 3) Utilize the tools of APQP (PPAP, FMEA’s, control plans, capability studies, etc.)
  • 4) Participate/Ensure timeliness of corrective and preventive actions for internal and external quality concerns
  • 5) Support Continuous Improvement activities and lean manufacturing processes
  • 6) Ensure supplier compliance to specifications / approval of Corrective Actions
  • 7) Monitor status of key program milestones – PSW dates, Launch Build events, etc…
  • 8) Monitor customer performance and develop improvement plans
  • 9) Follow all plant safety policies and procedures
  • 10) Perform other duties as required
  • Customer Specific Requirements
  • Basic Perceptron – Data Analysis
  • Black Belt (Six Sigma)
  • Knowledge of MSA requirements
  • TS16949 Auditing
  • Must possess in-depth experience with GD&T
  • Implement test automation for functional, stability, integration, E2E and performance tests
  • Contribute to the quality and performance by developing tools and frameworks to automate testing at the component and overall system level
  • Ensure that newly implemented features are tested and file issues to track bugs in a timely manner
  • Verify product defects, create test cases perform automation
  • Experience with Node.js or hands-on experience with any other programming language
  • Linux skills – must be comfortable with command line and shell scripting
  • Experience with Windows, MacOS and Linux operating systems
  • Strong understanding of code quality and static analysis
  • Understanding of testing infrastructure
  • Knowledge of best practices in testing and static analysis
  • Understanding of PHP, JS, HTML, CSS
  • Previous experience with Git/Github; PHPUnit; Jasmine; Memcache; and, Jenkin
  • Linux system fundamentals, networking and file systems
  • Review and approve UPAPP processes for assembly
  • Perform product, process and work instruction reviews
  • Interface with various Engineering groups and Customer Support to resolve technical/quality issues in response to “As Received issues” from vendors, or coordination with support groups
  • Participate in documenting SDO’s and tracking of Escape hardware
  • Provide technical guidance and training to Assembly inspectors
  • Interface with off-shift production supervision to help prevent quality work stops
  • Familiarity with QN creation/documentation through SAP
  • Demonstrates ability to complete well defined basic tasks and/or projects
  • Identifies and resolves defects of basic scope using proper engineering tools and techniques
  • Learns how to use and apply engineering tools relevant for performing the essential functions of this job description
  • Communicates status of work clearly providing visibility to supervisor or mentor
  • May be responsible for planning own technical work
  • Thoroughly documents work in an organized manner
  • Works collaboratively and professionally in a team environment and shares information and ideas freely with other Garmin associates to achieve goals
  • Accepts and acts on constructive criticism
  • Understands Garmin’s Mission Statement & Quality Policy
  • Outstanding academics (cumulative GPA greater than or equal to 3.0 as a general rule) with the demonstrated ability to apply learned knowledge
  • Demonstrated strong and effective verbal, written, and interpersonal communication skills
  • Demonstrated capability for applying industry standards and procedures to develop, implement, and document operational processes
  • Ability to learn how to use and apply engineering tools
  • Must demonstrate the capability to perform basic troubleshooting & debugging
  • Demonstrates understanding of lean tools and methods
  • Design, implement and deliver scalable, maintainable, configurable, portable and robust test automation frameworks
  • Bridge the automated testing gap between Ruby on Rails and an Enterprise Order Management System
  • Code automated test scripts using programming languages with recommended coding standards and best industry practice
  • Support weekly, daily and on demand release
  • Help define best practices for source control, continuous integration, automated testing, build automation, deployment, and release management for OKL systems
  • Conduct acceptance testing
  • Make recommendations regarding unit testing to Development team
  • Masters degree or Bachelors degree in Computer Science or related field is required
  • Knowledge of Selenium, WATIR, Rub, Cucumber, Capybara, Spec, Gherkin, Jenkins, Restful API Testing, SQL are required
  • Ability to adapt and work with test automation tools currently in place at OKL
  • Technical troubleshooting skills
  • Ability to understand complex programs and environments with minimal direction
  • Lead and coordinate suppliers' efforts in identification of field issues’ root causes and timely development & implementation of corrective actions for the hybrid traction inverter related design and process issues
  • Lead suppliers in root cause analysis and product revisions to resolve field issues per warranty or quality part returns
  • Monitor and drive robust 8Ds from suppliers including support of fishbone analysis and development of unique test methods to replicate failure modes found in the field
  • Prepare presentations and conduct deep dive technical reviews of root cause analysis with management
  • Interface with Program Team, Product Development and Subject Matter Experts to incorporate Current Model Quality Improvements
  • Coordinate initial root cause analysis with Core engineering team and local supplier team
  • Coordinate with STA in implementation and verification of corrective actions
  • BS Electrical or Mechanical Engineering
  • 2+ year’s experience in analog/digital mix circuit design
  • 2+ year’s experience in failure mode avoidance, root cause analysis and related engineering tools
  • MSEE with specialty in electronics is highly preferred
  • Automotive electronics (including power electronics) experience is highly preferred
  • Highly motivated individual with the ability to manage multiple tasks
  • Excellent communication & presentation skills to interact with supplier and senior management
  • Electronic manufacturing experience would be a plus
  • Previous electrified vehicle experience is a plus
  • Ability to grasp new topics and concepts quickly
  • Team player with good collaborative problem-solving skills
  • Cost Reductions
  • Supports reduction/elimination of added operators
  • Reviews/assesses process improvements
  • Suggests part design alternatives to reduce costs
  • Supports Business Center initiates to reduce scrap and improve efficiency
  • Provides timely disposition on Material Review Board (MRB) material (on hold or
  • Rejected products)
  • Identify and implement labor savings opportunities (direct and indirect) where
  • TS 16949/Q1
  • Conducts self audits to current procedures as assigned
  • Updates internal procedure based on audits and employee suggestion
  • Leads the resolution of Corrective Action Requests as assigned
  • Participates in Quality Systems Audits with customer and external auditors
  • Participates in quality systems audits with customer and external auditors as
  • Degree required if you have less than the minimum of 5 years experience
  • Minimum five years experience, preferably in the automotive industry
  • Strong oral and written communication skills with demonstrated abilities to communicate with Customers, Suppliers, APQP cross-functional teams and the Magna Exteriors Belvidere management team, along with presentation of detailed reports
  • Demonstrated understanding of SPC analysis
  • Ability to read and understand blueprints/CAD drawings along with the ability to interpret the specs as well as GD &T call-outs
  • Good working knowledge of Windows software
  • Identify all Attraction related regulatory requirements based on National and Municipal laws, codes and standards
  • Support the Develop a regulatory compliance matrix which outlines all of the regulatory requirement (i.e. licenses, certifications, audits, inspections, safety plans, etc.)
  • Work closely with the various Government Bureaus to gain clarity and agree upon interpretations of the various laws, codes and standards
  • Support the development and implementation of the Regulatory Compliance Program for Shanghai Disney Resort Attractions
  • Work closely with and leverage various internal Shanghai Disney Resort teams throughout the development and implementation of the program. (WDI Ride Engineering, Attractions Engineering Services, Attraction Operations, Legal, Licensing & Permitting, etc.)
  • Solicit input from various WDPR global partners, teams and committees to ensure the compliance program also complies with WDPR standards and best practices
  • May be required to travel within China as well as to the US and other international locations as needed
  • A minimum of 5 to 8 years’ experience in an Engineering and/or Maintenance; Experience as a Quality Engineer preferred; Experience with large amusement rides also preferred
  • Experience with the license and permitting process for special equipment in China. (large amusement rides preferred)
  • Knowledge of quality assurance concepts such as requirements management, supplier qualification and metrics, inspection techniques and non-destructive testing
  • Experience working directly with government agencies/bureaus is preferred
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills (English and Chinese)
  • Team Player with excellent relationship skills
  • Self-starter with the ability to manage issues through to completion
  • Logical and analytical thinker with the ability to apply engineering judgment to problem solving
  • Ability to influence all levels of Cast and operational partners, as well as third parties and government agencies/bureaus
  • Bachelor Degree in an Engineering discipline is required (Mechanical or Electrical Engineering is preferred)
  • Develop and implement quality standards as part of the Tesla Product Excellence System to assure products meet expectations of our target customers
  • Support the development of Design and Process FMEAs
  • Lead/facilitate review and disposition of discrepant materials identified for control of nonconforming product
  • Establish quality performance metrics and drive issues to true root cause solutions
  • Assist in the identification and resolution of manufacturing product excellence issues
  • Perform on-site analysis of quality-related issues; lead/perform product containment activities and arrange for disposition and follow daily housekeeping and 5S standards
  • Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical, Industrial, Manufacturing, or Plastics Engineering or other technical discipline
  • Quality systems experience in a manufacturing environment (automotive preferred)
  • Experienced in QS-9000, ISO/TS 16949, APQP, PPAP, FMEA, DFMEA, PFMEA, IQ/OQ/PQ required
  • Experience with injection molding processes for large automotive parts and various plastics resins
  • RJG Master Molder certification or equivalent a plus
  • Specific training and demonstrated success in applying quality problem solving methods such as fishbone diagrams, FMEA, process capability analysis, hypothesis testing, DoE, SPC, etc
  • Experience with broad variety of measurement and inspection/GD&T techniques/principles
  • Must be comfortable with common MS office programs
  • Provide problem solving support to manufacturing and Tesla customers; assist Product Excellence department peers as requested
  • Perform on-site analysis of product excellence-related issues; lead/perform product containment activities and arrange for disposition
  • Maintain top level professional integrity
  • Must have the ability to meet tight deadlines
  • Strong quality mindset
  • Must be very comfortable with common MS office programs (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Project)
  • Design, validate and document different solutions for the software-defined datacenter (SDDC) use cases based on VMware technology
  • Build a deep understanding of cloud architectures and perform system validation of products at cloud scale
  • Manage your own technical tasks, including requirement analysis, task breakdown, design, implementation and documentation
  • Demonstrate effective written and oral communication skills, including contribution to technical whitepapers, reference design documents and knowledge base (KB) articles
  • Develop solid technical foundation and working knowledge of a wide range of enterprise IT products and technologies, including virtualization platforms, management tools, high-availability solutions etc
  • At least 5 years of professional experience in the fields of Systems Testing or Software Development Engineer in Test
  • 5 Years experience as SDE or SDET
  • Expertise in Java, REST and other distributed technologies
  • DevOps experience with configuration management tools such as Puppet, Salt, Chef, Ansible
  • Experience with enterprise architecture and integration principles, understanding of enterprise IT operations and best practices
  • Experience deploying and testing multi-tier enterprise or cloud-based applications
  • Understanding of system testing products for the cloud
  • Solid grasp of software development lifecycle best-practices, methods and conventions, including but not limited to Integration Testing, Continuous Integration. Proficiency in software engineering processes including source control and bug tracking
  • Understanding of the Linux world, storage and networking
  • Creativity and execution – contagious enthusiasm, technical credibility without hubris, and follow-through
  • Experience validating and developing customer use cases
  • TS-16949 Element champion or Management Representative as required
  • Complies with Quality, Environmental, and Material Management System requirements
  • ISO 14001 Lead Auditor and/or Working Group Member as required
  • Responsible for all events are sorted , closed and verified in timely in AQE system
  • Responsible for new engine list quality gates checklists update and regular review for current checklists
  • Responsible for line SWS audit and control points audit. Assure all key control characteristics are in control and process capability is monitored and controlled
  • Attending design change implement meeting and to give quality risk assessment about any impact for current product process control
  • Responsible for new product first batch engines inspection and approve
  • Quick response for any quality issues, highly for customer issues to setup stop capability first
  • Attending FPMEA/Control plan regular meeting and proactive any process control risk and action driven
  • Responsible for all quality metrics meet target and provide required quality data and analysis report to drive RCCA
  • Responsible for material recycle and scrap judgement and parts contamination control
  • Knowledge and experience of APQP and related tools: FMEA, Control Plan, PPAP etc
  • Profound experience on quality assurance, esp. on quality problem solving tools like 8D
  • Ability to read and understand technical blue-prints & engineering specifications
  • >5 years Experience in Quality Assurance / Quality Control , skilled in Quality control 7 tools , process capability, Gauge R&R
  • Be familiar with ISO9001/TS16949 quality management system
  • Engine background preferred / Mechanical Engineering
  • Six sigma knowledge , MiniTab experience preferred
  • Strong problem solving competency with critical thinking
  • Fluent English communication skills
  • Work on production manufacturing quality control, which includes the key process of
  • Product Quality Plan preparation,
  • FMEA & APQP (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis & Advanced Process Quality Plan) conduct,
  • Incoming raw material inspection instruction preparation,
  • Gage R&R for measuring system analysis,
  • Characteristic Accountability and Verification (CAV) preparation for First Piece Qualification,
  • Mass Production inspection instruction preparation and update,
  • SDR / NCR (Supplier Deviation Request/ Nonconforming Report) follow-up,
  • Customer Quality Documentation preparation,
  • Follow up of customer complaints and improvement proposals
  • Facilitate the Root Cause Analysis of key quality issues for products
  • Make technical clarification and communication with business Sourcing Quality Engineer and Engineering teams on drawings/specifications and any of quality issues
  • Take the lead of organizing customer witness inspection at GE Hangzhou site
  • CTQ (Critical To Quality) Process Capability reporting to internal customer on quarterly basis
  • Driving reduce cost of quality (COQ), escaping defects, improve DPMO and EHS
  • Customer Satisfaction Level Survey and related improvement actions for products
  • Products NCR status reporting and monitoring to ensure its on-time closure
  • Support of COE IC/WS (Individual Contributor / Work Station) audit and ISO internal audits
  • Conduct the site audit to find the potential quality risk, and lead to solve it
  • Other duties are assigned by manager
  • Quality planning of all machining products
  • Daily & monthly analysis of rework and rejections along with CFT
  • Gauge planning & control ( Spares gauges , calibration , downtime reduction)
  • Quality documentation as QAP, check sheet, SOP, FMEA etc
  • CMM inspection management & review reports
  • Lead QMS audits & management for Machining CoE
  • Inspector skill enhancement & team development
  • New product development ( qualification )from quality front
  • Drg review, create ballooning drg etc
  • Ensure effective change management
  • FAI, In process, sampling & final inspection management & adherence
  • Ensure high level customer satisfaction by taking actions on customer feedbacks, communication etc
  • NDT ( MPI / DP / UT ) report review & control
  • MRB & RTV review and control
  • Graduate Engineer BE/B Tech ( Mechanical ) with 6-8 years of experience in machining part quality management
  • Preferred as NDT Level-II in MT, UT, and DP
  • Hands on experience on using gauges is essential
  • CMM inspection experience is highly desired
  • Six Sigma Training &certification will be preferred
  • Candidate shall have excellent communication skill
  • Able to control rejection & rework
  • CAPA &Quality Improvement project exposure
  • Must have worked in shop quality for at least 5 years
  • Shall have ability to read & understand specifications and drawings & shall have exposure to various machining technology
  • Exposure in new part development
  • Hands on inspection on gauge inspection & management, CMM etc
  • Good exposure on customer quality management
  • Bachelor's degree from an accredited university or college (or a high school diploma / GED with at least 4 years of experience in Manufacturing)
  • Minimum of 3 additional years of experience in Production Quality
  • Chemical Engineering, Materials Science, or Ceramics degree
  • AS9100 experience
  • Lead initiatives of moderate scope and impact
  • Effective problem identification and solution skills
  • Proven analytical and organizational ability
  • Coordinates all checking and testing necessary per customer blueprint for sample submission of new programs
  • Verifies and interprets all blueprint specifications
  • Completes and submits all supporting customer-required documents for sample submission (including supplier submission from SQE), coordination and approval (Covisant, GQTS, Schedule A, etc)
  • Establishes program FMEA’s, control plans, test and inspection instructions with production personnel
  • Travels to customer facilities to support program, review problems and report findings to appropriate plant personnel. -----Assists in solving problems related to the program. Serve as primary Nascote contact for assembly plant customers and liaisons
  • Investigate warranty concerns and issues and coordinate responses to customer and corrective actions as required
  • Updates and reviews customer requirements with the Quality Technicians
  • Gage design review, approval and implementation. Prepare gage quote package and review received quotes. Monitor gage construction and approve completed gages
  • Participates in supplier selection process with manufacturing, purchasing and engineering
  • Performs audits as required
  • Provides support to employees in technical functions of the department related to assigned programs
  • Contributes to a healthy, positive and safe work environment
  • Maintains an acceptable attendance record
  • Maintain and complete all appropriate reporting and documentation of activities as required
  • Leads and / or assists Task Forces, Launch Teams and Safety and Quality 8D Teams. Participate in or lead six Sigma Green or Black Belt projects as assigned, including taking training required to accomplish task
  • Submits and implements cost reduction ideas and innovations
  • Writes and updates department procedures
  • Develops and implements quality assurance plans and methods to inspect, test and qualify finished products, sub-assemblies and components
  • Develops and implements compliance requirements for finished products
  • Reviews and verifies compliance requirements are fulfilled for finished products
  • Represents Quality and Operational Compliance by actively participating on new product development teams
  • Ensures that all new products are in compliance with both ACCO Brands quality standards and applicable government regulations
  • Assesses and coordinates compliance update activities for finished products
  • Assists in establishing, implementing and maintaining the Quality Management System
  • Performs analysis and identifies root causes of non-conforming product and system deficiencies, and recommends and documents corrective actions
  • Evaluates suppliers’ internal functions to assess their performance and provides feedback
  • Conducts research and evaluates quality standards and procedures to ensure their effectiveness, and that established processes and procedures are followed
  • Leads implementation of quality tools and techniques to assure ongoing process performance, including analysis of ongoing process capabilities and proposing process improvements
  • Provides training, guidance, and support on using quality principles and procedures
  • Act as a quality consultant by providing quality assistance services, such as quality system reviews, to each of the ACCO manufacturing sites
  • Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical, Electrical, or Industrial Engineering or related field or equivalent experience
  • 4+ years of experience as a Quality Engineer with wide-ranging experience using quality tools such as FMEA, SPC, DOE, GR&R
  • ASQ Certification as a Certified Quality Engineer \(CQE\);Certified Six Sigma Black Belt \(CSSBB\) and/or Certified Reliability Engineer \(CRE\) is strongly preferred
  • Full understanding of industry practices, i.e. total quality concepts, ISO 9000, Malcom Baldridge requirements
  • Experience in life and reliability testing of components is desirable
  • Demonstrated ability of leading cross-functional and departmental project teams
  • Self-motivated with ability to work independently in analyzing and implementing solutions to problems
  • Strong verbal, written communications and organizational skills
  • Ability to communicate effectively with suppliers and customers to resolve technical issues
  • Up to 15% travel \(Domestic and International\)
  • Developing a broad working knowledge of, and interfacing with, laboratory, manufacturing, engineering, sales, and marketing functions as needed to carry out assignments and represent the plant perspectives
  • Providing production support of a quality/statistical nature to manufacturing operations
  • Product Engineering responsibility, serving as a product liaison with Marketing and Manufacturing groups
  • Reviewing New Product Requests (NPRs), Packaging Standards, Bill of Material setup and other key documentation for accuracy and feasibility of integration into manufacturing processes
  • Serving as a Document Coordinator for quality documents; including writing and editing procedures
  • Representing the Quality Department in Production Work Unit and Tier meetings
  • Providing quality-related training and support to the production areas, including to new hires and Contingent workers
  • Leading monthly Quality review meetings, communicating key quality indices and other relevant information to stakeholders
  • Analyzing statistical data to arrive at root-cause analysis or to determine process/product trends
  • Auditing products, processes, and suppliers for compliance to key standards, procedures, and other documentation
  • Leading problem solving and continuous improvement projects through the use of Six Sigma tools and/or Lean Methodology
  • Developing and implementing systemic improvements to the plant quality system
  • Possess or in the last year of pursuing Bachelor’s degree or higher from an accredited institution
  • Minimum of one (1) year of Quality experience (an Internship or Co-op is considered qualifying)
  • Bachelor’s degree or higher in Manufacturing/Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Statistics, Science, other Engineering or related discipline from an accredited institution
  • Professional certification, such as Certified Quality Engineer (CQE) through American Society for Quality (ASQ)
  • Quality systems experience with International Organization for Standardization (ISO)-9001
  • Ability to effectively use statistics in analyzing data
  • Experience working on a cross-functional team
  • Lean Six Sigma Manufacturing experience
  • Strong oral, written communication and presentation skills
  • Solid organizational skills with ability to prioritize and manage multiple assignments
  • Microsoft Office proficient, Minitab experience
  • Provide technical support on the quality aspects of electronic products working with manufacturing, marketing, sales, sourcing, etc
  • Address customer quality issues, as assigned
  • Be a functional liaison translating customer product requirements into technical specifications using quality tools and methodologies
  • Represent the voice of quality as a team member on 3M’s New Product Introduction (NPI), Change Management, and Customer Complaint Resolution efforts for assigned product areas
  • Lead quality improvement efforts for existing/new quality electronic products or divisional quality processes
  • Bachelor’s degree or higher in an Engineering discipline from an accredited institution
  • Minimum of two (2) years product quality and/or manufacturing engineering experience
  • Bachelor’s degree or higher in Electrical Engineering or related discipline from an accredited institution
  • American Society for Quality (ASQ) Certified Engineer
  • Minimum of five (5) years of experience providing technical support for electrical products
  • Strong understanding of the development and testing of new electronic products and systems (both hardware and software)
  • Strong use and understanding of quality tools (e.g. Product Process Understanding, Design of Experiments, House of Quality, etc.)
  • Solid understanding of statistical analyses and techniques
  • Experience with Quality Management Systems, International Organization for Standardization ISO-9001 and audits
  • Experience applying quality management to multiple projects, with multiple stakeholders and requirements while supporting the maintenance of consistent processes and practices
  • Experience working with global cross-functional teams
  • Microsoft Office proficient—MS Project a plus
  • Quality leader and core team member on Transdermal Drug Delivery (TDD) Components business team
  • Key liaison with customers and supply sites on quality to support the TDD components business
  • Lead external audits with customers or agencies at all supply sites. Work closely with supply sites in preparing and resolving audit plans or findings
  • Representing the customer, evaluating customer complaints and issues, samples and trends, and determining the necessary action plans
  • Bachelor's degree or higher in a Science, Technology, Engineering or Math (STEM) discipline from an accredited institution
  • Minimum of two (2) year of combined experience working in a Product, Quality, Engineering, and/or Laboratory/Technical function
  • Bachelor’s degree or higher in Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Statistics or an advanced degree in a related technical field from an accredited institution
  • Minimum of four (4) years of combined experience working in a Product, Quality, Engineering, and/or Laboratory/Technical function
  • Previous experience working in a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulated device, combination, or drug environment
  • Statistical knowledge and practice Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility (R&R) studies, Statistical Process Control (SPC) and Process Capability, Sampling Plans, Design of Experiments (DOE), Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Regression, Process and Product Understanding (PPU), and Lean Manufacturing)
  • Quality Lead for New Product Introduction (NPI) projects
  • Quality Lead or support for Management of Change (MOC) projects
  • Respond to customers as needed (complaints, key account management - customer agreements, customer specifications, data analysis, etc)
  • Lead continual quality improvement projects to improve quality and reduce Defective Parts per Million (DPPM)
  • Lead quality tool usage within project teams
  • Manage customer complaints in 3M Customer Feedback and Resolution (CFR) system within product responsibility area
  • Develop test methods: documentation, training, Measurement System Analysis (MSA), round robins
  • Develop visual reference standards, visual test methods, and align visual detection systems
  • Product qualification planning, testing, and analysis
  • Document and communicate Certification and Test Instructions pertaining to customer specific requirements
  • Lead the development of Quality Functional Deployment (QFD), Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA), Control Plans
  • Document and improve the Quality Management System
  • Bachelor’s degree or higher in a Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics discipline from an accredited institution
  • Minimum of three (3) years of experience working in a Quality Engineering, Product Engineering and/or Manufacturing environment
  • Bachelor’s degree or higher in Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics/Statistics or related discipline from an accredited institution
  • Minimum three (3) years of Quality Engineering and/or Product Engineering experience
  • Experience in Manufacturing
  • Experience leading cross-functional teams and/or projects
  • American Society for Quality (ASQ) certification: Quality Engineer (CQE) and/or Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence (CMQ/OE)
  • Established decision-making and problem-solving skills
  • Project Lead for EPM Management of all N.A. OEM Sourced Cooking Products
  • Utilize problem solving tools and 8D system of root cause analysis by establishing corrective action system for recording and reporting vendor solutions based on data
  • Build systems and analysis tools for use in leading / working with GSO (Global Sourcing Organization) quality teams for monitoring quality and verification of continued improvement solutions
  • Developed database used for reduction of SCR, by trending OEM Factories data based on sales, service and production data
  • Participate in New Project Development (EPM) as Quality Support and Project Lead focusing on adherence to defined EPM processes, product FFF, safety review, and reliability testing
  • Monitor closely new product introductions for first reported failures / quality issues with communication to OEM Factory
  • Follow Field Testing on new development of OEM products
  • Analyze, prepare and present data needed for recovery of excessive Warranty Costs from OEM Factories
  • Quality approval of ECR/ECN’s as well as the technical material provided by suppliers
  • Build and present monthly microwave, vent hood and other OEM cooking product quality reports to management
  • Focus on SCR reduction at OEM Suppliers interfacing with Factories and GSO Team
  • Assist in Technical Issues that arise from CSG team in Springfield, TN, Augusta, GA and Field Support Quality and Field Support Sales Team
  • Communicate to OEM Factory Consumer issues being reported for further analysis and corrective actions
  • Assist in OEM Replacement Part Issues between Fletcher, NC and OEM Factories as needed
  • Review of OEM Product Service Manuals for technical completeness and depth in product analysis for technical repair
  • Creation of Service Flashes or Service Bulletins as needed
  • SEARS: PMT, ROR, QIC, BPCR, and ADHOC issues
  • Serve as Electrolux’s OEM/ODM quality representative for Sears microwave sales
  • Develop technical training material and provided training of new product to Sears and others
  • Creation of Microwave Monthly Maintenance of databases, for Sears Products to be completed each month. Review and analysis of data by using pivot table, etc
  • Participate in Sears PMT meetings - preparing required quality reports, corrective actions, and other Sears follow up requests
  • Review and Follow OEM Factory BPCR changes through Sears
  • Vent Hood (Ad-hoc) inquiries as needed
  • Audits of Supplier processes as needed (microwave and hoods)
  • Microwave parts return (Shipping of Field Return parts to T1 supplier for analysis and follow up of findings for Corrective actions)
  • Previous chemical/batch process experience a plus
  • General Quality Management- ISO 9001 - ISO/TS 16949 - ISO/TS 22002-FSSC
  • Qualified Auditor Certification for Quality Management Systems
  • Fluent in English both spoken and written,
  • Technical background for general industries & automotive industry
  • Excellent Microsoft Office skills (PowerPoint, Excel and Word)
  • Detail oriented and problem solving skills
  • Team leadership experience on quality management held with international companies
  • Process Management and Improvement
  • Special Quality Methods & Tools for Automotive Industry : APQP- PPAP-MSA-SPC-FMEA-Ford Q1, Renault ASES,Toyota SQAM. vs
  • SAP experience is an advantageDiscover our winning culture: www.henkel.com/career
  • Quick resolution of customer technical issue in a whole unit repair operation
  • Customer escalation management
  • OSSP New Product Introduction (NPI) engineering readiness
  • Reinforce field solution implementation at service partner with timely tracking and closed loop feedback
  • Bachelor's degree with a minimum of 5 years related experience
  • 8D knowledge and working experience preferred
  • Strong team building capabilities with uncompromised desire to support employee’s growth
  • Excellent understanding of PC products, technologies, networking and related topics
  • Strong engineering & troubleshooting skills, technical service and support experience
  • Capable of analyzing complex problems along with large amounts of distributed data and deriving meaningful and actionable conclusions
  • Act as a team or project leader providing direction to team activities and facilitates information, validation and team decision making process
  • Solid analytical skills, good communication skills and the ability to collaborate across geographies
  • Some programming & database skills
  • Experience with I&T systems required
  • Requires the ability to travel domestically and internationally
  • Experience as an electronics engineering type with EEE parts experience (as compared to a mechanical engineer)
  • Excellent personal computer skills to include proficiency with the Microsoft Office Suite
  • Excellent technical writing skills are a must
  • The successful candidate will be a self-starter, independent – able to perform job with little leadership or oversight
  • The successful candidate will be courageous and have the highest integrity
  • Provide quality support to the Electronic Chemicals manufacturing sites
  • Develop appropriate quality system audits and SOPs to support the QMS
  • Identify and lead quality and lean improvement projects. Utilizing 6-Sigma and Lean tools
  • Champion site Quality Matrices drive from red to green
  • Troubleshoot production problems; Lead/Drive RCA & 5 Why Analyses
  • Lead/Participate in the HOS processes; drive HOS enhancements/improvements
  • B.S. Degree in Chemistry / Chemical Engineering or technical science degree
  • Minimum 2 years’ experience working within a Quality Organization
  • Certified Auditor, ASQ or equivalent
  • Some demonstrated metrology expertise preferred
  • Ability to obtain Six Sigma Black Belt Certification within 2 years
  • Knowledge of statistics & proper application of statistical analysis(Minitab and NWA software experience preferred)
  • Experience with LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System) deployment a plus
  • Strong interpersonal skills & ability to effectively communicate at all levels of the organization (customer /non-customer facing scenarios)
  • Strong problem solving skills, 8D experience
  • Auditing Experience to ISO 9001 standard
  • Some Travel Required
  • Lead cross-functional team to improve the quality performance for specific product
  • Coordinate with product and process development team to develop process flowchart, FMEA and control plan specific to products
  • Establish, Review and update inspection method and criteria for QA inspector to ensure that product meet product requirement
  • Establish, Review and update Metrology KPIs to support business requirement, monitor and take action if result does not meet criteria
  • Review Metrology Capacity, take actions to resolve immediate issues and recommend actions for continual improvement and support business requirement
  • Work with team to make disposition on the nonconforming products
  • Drive improvement actions as needed by customers and organization
  • Participate the QA weekly meeting to review QA performance and brainstorm for QA improvement
  • Perform additional tasks per assignment by QA manager
  • At least Bachelor degree graduated in Engineering or related field: Engineering or physical sciences discipline such as Mechanical Engineering, Optical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Applied Physics, Industrial Engineering, or Chemistry
  • At least 3-5 years experience
  • Demonstrated ability to drive quality improvement, Demonstrated process orientation
  • ISO/TS Auditor
  • Six Sigma/Lean GB/BB Certification, Kaizen, 5s Preferred
  • Strong statistical data analysis using Minitab
  • Knowledge of FMEA, PPAP & APQP as per ISO/TS 16949
  • Knowledge of inspection tools, measurement and calibration system preferred
  • Strong computer skills including MS office
  • Business level fluency in English
  • Determine need for validation of new or changes to molds, equipment or processes
  • Define inspection sampling plans and acceptance criteria
  • Develop, verify, and document product standard test procedures (STP’s)
  • Ensure the accuracy and adequacy of quality control inspection plans (QCIP’s) and standard test procedures (STP’s) for purchased and manufactured components and finished goods to meet the latest quality and system specifications
  • Analyze process capability data and other quality metrics in order to propose specification or process changes to Engineering
  • Lead root-cause investigations (RCI) and corrective action and preventative action (CAPA) activities to address customer complaints, internal non-conformances and audit observations
  • Lead and participate in internal and supplier quality audits
  • Working with the supplier directly, create corrective action plans to address process failures
  • Approve and follow up for ECR’s, ECO’s, PPAP’s, e-CATS
  • Supports QA functions in processing RMA’s, First Article Inspections, and Source Inspections
  • This position will support multiple sites: Santa Ana and Tijuana
  • Review and support MOCs, ECNs, and EWRs
  • Ability to travel domestically and internationally up to 25%
  • Bachelors of Science Degree in Engineering or equivalent
  • 3 years of Quality, Manufacturing, Process or continuous improvement engineering experience in a manufacturing environment
  • Prefer Certified Quality Engineer by American Society for Quality (ASQ)
  • Strong problem solving skills with ability to teach basic problem solving techniques and facilitate problem solving team events
  • Expert in quality management tools such as APQP、PPAP、FMEA、MSA、SPC
  • Experience in developing part certification processes and vendor quality measures. Strong knowledge of fabrication based quality control methods, tools and techniques
  • Strong engineering analysis skills
  • Strong communication, presentation and team skills
  • Strong data analysis and reporting skills
  • Able to lead and facilitate cross functional teams
  • Support ISO, ATEX/IECEx, PED etc. reviews and quality metric reviews with management
  • Review, approve or reject supplier first article deliveries (FAIR). Work with cross-functional teams for resolving any conflicts
  • Investigate customer quality complaints identified within the established process; recommend corrective actions, including product hold or recall. Verify corrective actions as required
  • Review, approve, or reject temporary deviations to engineering prints and specifications. Work with cross-functional teams resolving any conflicts
  • Review, approve, or reject changes to engineering prints and specifications. Work with cross-functional teams resolving any conflicts
  • Supervise the Quality Control tasks and competences of operational personnel
  • Manage the scheduling, coordination and execution of external customer or agency audits and register/follow up any non-conformities
  • Perform internal audits per schedule and register/follow up any non-conformities
  • Perform Supplier audits in regards to the ability to deliver sustainably according required quality level
  • Review internal Site Delft ISO process documentation
  • Review and analyze quality metrics and identify solutions to address systematic issues
  • Investigate and resolve out-of-tolerance calibration notices. Determine impact on affected product and recommend course of action. Propose corrective actions to prevent reoccurrence
  • Bachelor Degree in Engineering or other related field or similar level obtained from 5+ year work experience
  • A minimum of five years of engineering experience in a technical manufacturing environment, working with electronic or electro-mechanical assemblies is required
  • Knowledge and experience in ATEX/IECEx environment strongly required (ISO 80079-34/ 94/9/EG)
  • Certified quality engineer preferred
  • Greenbelt Six Sigma certification is a plus
  • Quality auditor certification is a plus
  • Experienced in working with ISO 9001 Quality standard
  • Understanding and use of computers and programs to collect, display, analyze and disseminate information. Microsoft Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Visio etc
  • Ability to organize and manage multiple tasks and set the right priorities
  • Ability to apply Root Cause Corrective Action and 5-Why methodology to resolve problems
  • Detail orientated
  • Good interpersonal and communication skills. Have the ability to effectively interface with suppliers, co-workers, customers and regulatory agencies
  • Experience and ability to work in a fast-paced manufacturing environment
  • Good language skills in English and Dutch required. (speech and writing)
  • Providing Quality Engineering support for the Fairfield OH98 site
  • (Customer) Internal interface for Returned Sales providing Failure Analysis and Corrective Action
  • Lead Root Cause and Corrective Action activities through a combination of data driven analysis and applied engineering knowledge
  • Act as site Quality Management System representative, responsible for generation of local site documents and compliance with S&PS procedures
  • Support of Key Operational Metrics with emphasis on Complaint turnaround time, dPPM, COPQ and other site metrics, including reporting weekly in TeamGuru & monthly in OBF & MOR meetings
  • Mentor/coach production and support direct and indirect labor team members to drive efficient RCCA improvement (Rapid Problem Solving)
  • Pro-active support of production quality through Honeywell Operating System (Lean methodology)
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Engineering Technology and Three (3) years of experience in Quality, Design or Manufacturing engineering with exposure across multiple functions
  • Experience with Printer Media products and customers strongly preferred
  • Good communication skills to both internal and external customers, both written and verbal
  • Competency in drawing/print review and internal/external technical customer requirements documents for flowdowns and applicability is preferred
  • Must be able to lead technical discussions with diverse, cross-functional groups to reach consensus and document these conclusions
  • Candidate should be motivated to Champion Change and seek process improvements, while assessing trade-offs to ensure Intelligent Risk-Taking
  • IS09001 Quality Systems knowledge is preferred
  • Prior knowledge of SAP Quality Module, to support current planning and Q1 2017 deployment
  • Leverage available data to make informed decisions using Six Sigma tools and methodologies
  • Results focused with successful record of accomplishments through skilled use of influence, persuasion, negotiation, and problem resolution
  • Excellent team building skills, ability to lead and thrive in a matrix environment
  • Trained in the use of TQ tools
  • Ability to read and understand contract quality requirements, and HTSI policies, procedures and processes
  • Experience with Six Sigma tools, Green Belt preferred
  • Experience Supervising other Quality personnel
  • BA/BS degree in a technical discipline (i.e., engineering, computer science, quality assurance) with 5 years of Quality Engineering experience
  • Experience using Honeywell specific software/management tools (ECATs, PDM, One Source, SAP, NetInspect, etc.) is a plus
  • Experience with AS9102 FAIR requirements
  • Must be able to interpret purchase orders, Aerospace engineering drawings and industrial specifications and understand the correlation between each when appropriate
  • Bachelor’s degree in a related discipline plus 5 years of related experience is required. In lieu of a degree, 13 years of related experience is required
  • A seasoned (5+ years) professional with experience in defense and space applications and background in Quality/mission assurance
  • Proven problem solving skills, including: ability to interpret business needs, identify issues, define actions, and implement solutions
  • Understanding and practical application of Root-Cause/Corrective Action (RCCA) principles
  • Ability to independently and effectively interface with others in a self-directed environment
  • Excellent written and spoken communication skills
  • Previous experience with technical writing and training
  • Proficient with MS PowerPoint and Word
  • Establish and manage appropriate quality tracking mechanisms with the operations area to drive improvement based on real time data
  • Utilize above mentioned quality data to prioritize issues to be addressed and lead/collaboratively work with all functions to establish true root cause and irreversible corrective actions
  • Make appropriate cross functional decisions using quality analysis tools and critical thinking including cost/impact analysis and customer impact
  • Develop and maintain appropriate controlled area for assembly non-conforming material
  • Daily production line support on making daily decisions related to product quality; serving as the voice of the customer
  • Bachelor's degree from an ABET accredited program
  • Exposure in statistics and engineering terminology and total quality management
  • Ability to communicate cross functionally, internally/externally as well as to all levels of the organization
  • Specific education, training and proficiency in quality disciplines including ISO, TS16949, PPAP, FMEA, DOE, and SPC
  • Primary responsibilities include assisting in a supporting role on new product development, sustaining and supply chain quality projects. Assist in the development of effective quality control and associated risk management plans
  • Write process and product validation protocols and reports, equipment qualifications, engineering change orders
  • Use statistical tools to analyze data, make acceptance decisions, and improve process capability (Six Sigma, SPC, DOE)
  • Assist in Failure Mode and Effects Analysis activities for both Design and Process FMEA’s
  • Help to ensure that development activities follow design control requirements, product is tested per applicable standards, European Essential Requirements are met per the MDD, and product is properly transferred to manufacturing
  • Assist in planning necessary to ensure effective product acceptance. This includes, but is not limited to, inspection instructions, equipment and gage requirements, and sampling plans
  • Support vendor audits as technical lead as needed and support Supplier Quality as Franchise Quality representative as appropriate
  • Participate in MRB/PET review of nonconforming product when needed; recommend disposition and corrective action
  • Support NCR, CAPA, Internal Audit, Training and QS activities as needed and ensures compliance to all applicable due dates
  • Initiate and investigate Corrective and Preventative Actions (CAPA) as appropriate
  • Assist in complaint analysis as appropriate
  • Moderate exercise of judgment is required on details of work and in making selections and adaptations of engineering alternatives
  • Supervisor or Sr./Staff/PMgr screens assignments for unusual or difficult problems and reviews techniques and procedures to be applied on non-routine work
  • Receives general direction on new aspects of assignments
  • Performs work which involves conventional types of plans, investigations, surveys, structures, or equipment with relatively few complex features for which there are precedents
  • Responsible for ensuring subordinates, if applicable, follow all Company guidelines related to Health, Safety and Environmental practices and that all resources needed to do so are available and in good condition
  • Responsible for ensuring personal and Company compliance with all Federal, State, local and Company regulations, policies, and procedures
  • Familiarity of GD&T (Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing) concepts is desirable
  • Ability to develop and implement Quality standards is required
  • Some knowledge of or education in Quality and operations systems and processes, including GMP and QSR requirements for medical devices, is required
  • Some knowledge of or education in Quality Engineering, design control, and verification and validation (V&V) tools and methodologies, is required
  • Ability to apply project management skills to fulfill new product development requirements is required
  • Problem solving skills are required
  • Verbal and written communication skills and ability to effectively communicate with internal and external personnel are required
  • This position is located in Irwindale, CA and may require some travel
  • Review/analyze the effectiveness of PDCA, Six Sigma, Kaizen, Lean Techniques and other improvement tools
  • Champion compliance to regulations and standards and provide support during internal and external audits
  • Partner with Supply chain and suppliers to ensure appropriate application of process validation, process control, and risk management; and the investigation/correction of process failures when needed
  • Support activities related to the Material Review Board
  • Initiate and support Validation processes (IQ, OQ, PQ, TMV or Software Validation)
  • Initiate and support monitoring of processes
  • Assess effectiveness of measurement tools, destructive tests, non-destructive tests, measurement system analysis
  • A minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree, preferably in Engineering or related technical field
  • Fluency in English and German
  • Experience working in manufacturing/operations Experience working in an FDA / EU regulatory environment (93/42/EC and QSR) is preferred
  • Technical training and experience using Statistics, Lean and Six Sigma Methodologies is preferred
  • Understanding of the NPI (New Product Introduction) process is preferred
  • Process Validation expertise is required
  • Lead Quality Assurance for Joint Advanced Engineering & Strategic Sourcing project(s). Implement the Quality System, and ensure compliance to FDA QSR’s and ISO 13485/9001 requirements for all project activities. Ensure Project is audit-ready at all times. Maintain QA dashboard and metrics
  • Map and track validation, risk management and change management activities for compliant and timely delivery
  • Compile all stakeholder quality requirements & generate a robust project validation approach
  • Compile, execute and oversee validation activities. Support and perform Quality reviews of project deliverables
  • Utilise QA risk analysis techniques as required to minimise potential risk during implementation activity
  • Ensure project changes are tracked and actioned appropriately
  • Coordinate & execute Supplier Quality deliverables in relation to Tier 1 and Tier 2 raw material suppliers
  • Review and approve validation documentation of new/ changed production processes from suppliers to ensure compliance with requirements
  • Ensure correct use of statistical QA methods for the project
  • Continuous Improvement Focus
  • Business Improvements
  • Support quality improvement initiatives such as process and product characterizations that lead to continuous / cost improvements
  • Conduct benchmarking with external companies or internal sites to develop more effective methods for improving quality
  • Supports the development of quality engineering and quality compliance with the right skill sets for new product introductions, and product life cycle management
  • Compliance/Regulatory
  • Champions compliance to applicable Global Regulations and standards (e.g. QSRs, ISO, EN and Medical Device Directive (MDD) requirements) including providing support during internal and external audits
  • Conduct periodic line audits to assess for production controls such as lot segregation. Review results of area audits to ensure that corrective and preventive actions are adequate
  • New Product/Process Introduction
  • As applicable, Provides supervision, mentoring, coaching, performance review, developmental plans, and succession planning for others
  • Product Quality, Control & Disposition and Performance Standards
  • Lead and maintain Material Review Board
  • Accountability and ownership for material identification, material segregation, classification of defect types including the successful application of these techniques on a day-to-day basis in manufacturing
  • Accountability and ownership of Quality metrics including maintenance and reviewing of leading and lagging indicators of quality
  • Product/Process Qualification
  • Production/Process Controls including Control Plans
  • Partners with J&J Global Supply chain, Finished Goods and material suppliers to ensure appropriate application of process validation, process control, and risk management; and the investigation/correction of process failures when needed
  • Develop control plans consistent with product classification, potential defect types, defect frequency, severity, patient risk, process capability, process controls, etc
  • Develop, interpret and implement standard and non-standard sampling plans
  • Accountability and ownership for sampling plans of all types including acceptability of risk given the product classification, potential defect types, defect frequency, severity, patient risk, process capability, process controls, etc. including assessing, applying and interpreting acceptance sampling standard for manufacturing data
  • Assess and interpret common versus special cause variation in manufacturing processing and determine adequacy of current process limits
  • Risk Mitigation
  • Document, justify, review or analyze whether a proposed change to a process will not enhance the risk level in some way beyond capability of current controls or whether change will result in potential non-compliance to a required standard such as the QSRs
  • Assess the need for risk mitigation techniques given product classification, potential defect types, defect frequency, severity, patient risk, process capability, process controls, etc. Determine effectiveness of these techniques on previously implemented improvements
  • Ownership and accountability of risk assessment process including conducting, documenting, reviewing or maintaining current risk and hazard analysis documentation such as Process FMEAs given product/process changes
  • Conduct strategic planning with site leaders and Product Engineering Team. Partnership with other functions to establish business priorities and resource allocation
  • Ensures effective quality strategies are created for the validation of test methods, process and design
  • Generally requires 2-4 years related experience
  • Experience working in both an FDA and European regulatory environment is preferred
  • Technical training and experience using Statistics, Lean and Six Sigma Methodologies is preferred including Measurement System Analysis, SPC, DOEs, Reliability, etc
  • The ability to perform "hands on" troubleshooting and problem solving is preferred. The ability to think on the feet and providing sound judgment is highly desired
  • Knowledge and experience in the areas listed in the Duties and Responsibilities associated with the position
  • Demonstrated project management and project leadership abilities are preferred
  • This position may require up to 30% travel and will be based in an MD&D manufacturing facility
  • Do process and system audits at supplier, do product phase release
  • Developed and initiate standards and methods for inspection, testing, and evaluation
  • Provide Technical Purchasing Conditions and Defect Catalogues together with development
  • Provide and analyze quality data and establish measures based on these data
  • Handle complaint management, use 8D problem solving method
  • Moderation of FMEA(Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) and control plan with development
  • Regular analysis and overview of Top Quality Issues, root causes and implementation of measures
  • PIT (product introduction team) member for APAC, do readiness check for Q-Gates in development process
  • Report monthly Q-Status
  • Software validation
  • Communicate with QM, RD, MF and MPM department for the test schedule
  • Provide professional standard knowledge to other department (QM, RD), provide technical analysis of root causes of software issue for failure samples
  • Take full advantage of test resource in other LEDVANCE lab and 3rd party, Continuous improve team testing efficiency to match up with rapid growth of business, change test method
  • Continuous study new standards or TC documents and share to team member
  • Ensure the daily testing activity comply with requirement of internal process and ISO17025
  • Be the Q related contact window in the PIT team. Do readiness check for Q-Gates in development process
  • Successfully manage multiple tasks
  • Logically organize and analyze data and technical details
  • Organize and prepare internal and customer required documentation
  • Communicate with suppliers and customers, using this information to anticipate customer needs and proactively work to meet those needs
  • Occasional travel to domestic/international customers and/or suppliers may also be required based on business needs
  • Support additional product lines as assigned
  • Effective prioritization and communication
  • Use of effective risk assessment and reliability engineering methods
  • Liaison between customer/supplier and internal teams
  • May require travel within the United States and potentially abroad
  • Candidate must have excellent organizational and written and verbal communication skills as well as a background in quality management
  • Knowledge of Quality systems; FMEAs, Control Plans, TS 16949, corrective action reporting, 8D methodology required
  • Six sigma black belt certification highly desired
  • Lead and manage operational efficiency and product quality initiatives with HP business PCs through analysis, on site activities, and project management functions relating to HP service partners
  • Analyze service data to identify waste reduction opportunities
  • Participate in on site activities relating to service of HP business PCs including travel to service partners, streamlining of support processes, and improved identification of both service and quality issues that may arise through HP support programs
  • Form waste reduction initiatives and work with project managers to reduce unnecessary service events both for whole unit repair and individual part shipments
  • Identify product quality issues through data analysis and hardware capture. Validate hardware failures and drive to root cause identification by working cross functionally through HP engineering teams, service partners, component vendors, and manufacturing partners
  • Responsible for the end to end problem ownership regarding product quality issues identified or caused by service processes
  • Assist with early warning product quality programs, working across HP engineering teams, service partners, component vendors, and manufacturing partners
  • Improve operational efficiency through process improvements at the third party partner as well as support contact centers and HP engineering teams
  • Assist with activities to prepare service partners for support of new products; participate in related training programs and learning processes
  • Work to resolve complex problems with a variety of variables placed in a situation that may require quick and innovative troubleshooting to resolve
  • Bachelor's or Master's degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Industrial Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering or equivalent
  • Experience Troubleshooting a Windows PC for issues, and disassemble and visual inspection of the PC
  • Understanding of material properties, hardware and electrical component design and manufacture, and industry quality standards and methodologies
  • Using empirical and root-cause analysis, modeling, and testing methodologies to validate product designs, specifications, and processes
  • Ability to effectively communicate quality plans, proposals, and results
  • Quality improvements for all tangible process operations in CME
  • Maintenance of the Quality (Integrated) Management System and documentation. Maintains and controls all necessary procedures, instructions, forms, documents within QMS
  • Develops Quality Control Procedures and Instructions / Control Plans / Inspection Plans / Forms / QA-QC documents
  • Performs in-process inspections, operational process audits for assembly/ fabrication/ manufacturing and end-of-line product testing procedures
  • Leads audits of processes and quality systems as an internal auditor
  • Manages and coordinate activities of project based outsourced Quality Engineer/ Inspector, when required for project business
  • Works with purchasing to improve the quality of purchased parts and subcontracted operations
  • Serves as a quality technical resource to other functional areas. May coach and mentor less experienced quality engineers, quality system analysts, test cell, production and service personnel like supervisors and technicians
  • ISO 9001 Lead Auditor or Internal Auditor (IRCA) Certificate is required
  • ASQ – Certified Quality Engineer certificate or RICE – USA – Certified QA/QC Engineer will be preferred
  • MS Access and Visual Basic Programming knowledge
  • Excellent in problem solving and quality improvement (Practical knowledge of tools like A3, 7 Step Problem Solving, Six Sigma Tools (MSA, Cpk)
  • Cummins Product Technical Knowledge – Engine and Gen-set is an important plus. Technical knowledge and experience level shall be deep and comprehensive enough to understand and access the quality of assembly operations and test procedures
  • Effective communication and interpersonal skill
  • University, or equivalent degree in Industrial/ Mechanical/ Electrical Engineering
  • Intermediate level of relevant experience required
  • Experience within automotive industry (diesel engine, genset) will be an advantageous
  • Receive complaints and log into quality database
  • Use root cause analysis tools to investigate issues
  • Evaluate field samples which includes routing to Analytical Services, Microbiological Services, and other Shared groups at R&D
  • Communicate directly with Sales/Service team to gather additional information, notify when samples are received, and to report results
  • Use quality database to track investigation, correction, and corrective action of issues
  • Compose individual customer facing reports on quality complaints
  • Implement immediate corrections for complaints
  • Coordinate and lead cross-functional teams to Complete CAPAs
  • Execute field surveys to gather more information on field issues
  • Works cooperatively with Plants, Distribution, Engineering, R&D and Regional Quality to identify root causes of quality issues and implement processes to resolve and prevent issues
  • Communicate with suppliers to request investigation of quality issues for non-Ecolab owned equipment and chemicals
  • Query the database on past complaints for product development and other uses
  • Monitor general quality information and trends
  • Execute LSS projects for program improvement
  • Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry, Biology, Engineering (chemical, biochemical, biomedical) or related technical discipline
  • Minimum 1-2 years experience in a Quality, Manufacturing, R&D, or Engineering function
  • No immigration sponsorship available for this role
  • Self-motivated and able to work proactively and independently
  • Demonstrated project leadership skills or LSS Green Belt trained
  • Demonstrated creative problem solving and analytical skills
  • Demonstrated knowledge of root cause analysis
  • Regulated product experience – FDA/EPA plus
  • Experience in statistical techniques
  • 5+ years in a quality assurance role in a regulated industry (aerospace, medical device, pharmaceuticals, biologics, etc.)
  • 2+ years of medical device design controls experience working with R&D teams
  • 2+ years’ experience using electronic document and quality management systems
  • No immigration sponsorship offered for this position
  • 3+ years of design quality experience in medical device, pharmaceutical, or biologics operations
  • Experience with ISO 13485, FDA 21 CFR 820 Quality System Regulation, and associated regulations
  • Regulated products GMP product development background
  • Expertise in program management and problem solving skills, including the ability to identify, investigate and resolve supplier technical and/or systemic issues
  • High attention to detail and persistence in resolving discrepancies
  • Demonstrated ability to simultaneously manage multiple projects and objectives
  • Excellent interpersonal communication (written and verbal) skills and ability to communicate at all levels of the organization and with suppliers and customers
  • Ability to read specifications, prints, understand tolerance, etc
  • Strong computer literacy with extensive experience using Microsoft Office – Word, Excel. Access, PowerPoint
  • Familiarity with Quality System Management software (Master Control, CatsWeb, or equivalent)
  • Basic experience with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software (PointMan, SAP, or equal)
  • Experience working effectively across functions in a matrix organization
  • The Quality Engineer will support the overall Factory Management System
  • Define, specify, and implement quality standards and procedures for assembly processes
  • Develop, initiate and maintain standards and methods for inspection/evaluation for quality check points throughout the assembly processes
  • Formulate and implement quality assurance procedures, policies, and standards. Ensure these documents align with Vestas Objectives, Policies and Procedures
  • Lead or provide technical advice and counsel to cross-functional teams assigned to process improvement projects / problem solving teams / product development teams
  • Assure that product shipped meets internal and external customer requirements
  • Host Customer and Third Party Auditors as needed
  • Provide technical support to both internal and external customers and suppliers as needed
  • Establishes programs to evaluate precision and accuracy of production equipment and testing, measurement, and analytical equipment and facilities
  • Compiles and writes training material and conducts training, acts as mentor to colleagues in evaluation, data collection, data analysis, RCCA and effectiveness validation
  • Collect and analyze data to track overall quality reporting effectiveness at regular intervals as required
  • Perform internal auditing to ISO standard requirements
  • Documenting procedures necessary to meet ISO practices, where necessary
  • Required to lead continuous improvement activities working with cross functional teams in factory and across company
  • Work with Engineering and Production to ensure that all product documentation and products reflect the appropriate marking, labeling, and packaging to meet standard transportation and customer requirements
  • Bachelor's Degree in a scientific or technical field with three to five (3-5) years of relevant industry experience
  • Ability to effectively communicate, both verbally and through the written word
  • Knowledge in the interpretation and application of relevant Domestic and International Regulations and Industry Standards (e.g. ISO, QSR, UL, CSA, VDE, etc.)
  • ASQ Quality Engineering Certification, Certified Manager of Quality / Operational Excellence (CMQ/OE), Certified Quality Engineer (CQE) or Six Sigma Black Belt (CSSBB) – not required, but desired
  • Ability to meet the physical demands of the position - While performing the duties of this Job, the employee is regularly required to talk or hear. The employee is frequently required to stand; walk and sit. The employee is occasionally required to use hands to finger, handle, or feel; reach with hands and arms; climb or balance and stoop, kneel, crouch, or crawl. The employee must occasionally lift and/or move up to 30 pounds. Specific vision abilities required by this job include depth perception. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions
  • Ability to work in our environment - while performing the duties of this Job, the employee is occasionally exposed to moving mechanical parts and high, precarious places. The noise level in the work environment is usually moderate. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions
  • Prepare Quality Assurance Plan and Documents for implementation in the project
  • Prepare Quality Control Procedures to be applied by the Project Management Team
  • Work in close coordination with various technical teams of GC and assist them in implementing the Quality Assurance Systems
  • Review the bid documents submitted by tenderers for the civil packages focusing on aspects related to implementation of quality assurance/quality control system
  • Review the Quality Assurance Management Systems of the Project Contractors including their Plans & Procedures to ensure that a robust Quality Control/Assurance regime is brought in force on the Project
  • Perform scheduled and random Quality audits of the contractors' works at site and issue NCR for non-conformance
  • Work with contractors and drive to achieve the Quality objectives for the project
  • Contribute in preparation/finalization of relevant Quality Assurance Manual
  • Any other task or responsibility which is stated or intended as per TOR contained in RFP for GC services
  • Ensuring compliance with quality assurance requirements and compliance of ISO Documentation/Reports
  • Responsible for day-to-day activities, reports, budgeting and optimal capacity utilization of resources
  • Coordinating and following up with client to ensure progress as per the agreed scope and overall project schedule
  • Should have worked in General Engineering Consultancy work for Metro Rail system
  • Familiar with local code and authority submission procedure
  • Designs, implements, evaluates, and revises, technical quality assurance protocols/methods for the inspecting and testing of in-process raw materials, production equipment, and finished products
  • Ensures activities and items are in compliance with both Honeywell quality assurance standards and applicable government regulations
  • Performs analysis of reports and production data and identifies trends in the inspection of finished products, in-process materials and bulk raw materials, and recommends corrective actions when necessary
  • Works directly with customers to support product/process evaluations, audits, and compliance to customer-specific requirements
  • Performs internal audits of processes and functions to assure continued compliance to international standards and requirements
  • Position will support compliance to ISO9001, ISO17025, and other relevant international standards
  • 2+ years of experience with ISO9001, AS9100 or TS16949 highly preferredBasic Qualifications
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or closely related field
  • 2+ years of quality experience in a manufacturing environment
  • 2+ years of experience with ISO9001, AS9100 or TS16949 highly preferred
  • Excellent communication skills and be able to work equally well with executive, engineers, supervisors, and operators
  • Ability to work both independently and within a team, and be proficient in interpreting and applying established standards
  • Ability to identify problems and update or modify working methods in own role
  • Experience with ISO17025 or ANSI Z540-1 compliance is highly desired
  • Ability to travel per business needs. Up to 10%
  • Assisting in a supporting role on NC Process and Stop Shipment On Hold Process, sustaining and supply chain quality projects
  • Assist in the development of effective quality control and associated risk management plans; write process and product validation protocols and reports, equipment qualifications, engineering change orders
  • Participate in MRB review of nonconforming product; recommend disposition and corrective action; support NCR Initiate and investigate Corrective and Preventative Actions (CAPA) as appropriate
  • Supervisor screens assignments for unusual or difficult problems and reviews techniques and procedures to be applied on non-routine work
  • Responsible for ensuring subordinates follow all Company guidelines related to Health, Safety and Environmental practices and that all resources needed to do so are available and in good condition
  • Perform other duties assigned as needed
  • A minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in engineering and/or a scientific disciple is required
  • A minimum of 1 years of work experience is required. An advanced degree is degree is preferred
  • American Society for Quality (ASQ) certification, Six Sigma experience, and/or knowledge of Process Excellence tools is preferred
  • Ability to develop and implement Quality standards is preferred
  • Knowledge of or education in Quality and operations systems and processes, including GMP and QSR requirements for medical devices is preferred
  • Knowledge of and/or education in Quality Engineering, design control, and verification and validation (V&V) tools and methodologies is required
  • Proven experience of project management skills to fulfill supply chain and sustain product requirements is required
  • Exposure to Six Sigma tools and methodologies are preferred
  • Lean manufacturing experience is preferred
  • Understanding of business and financial metrics is desired
  • Basic understanding of theoretical and practical fundamentals and experimental engineering techniques are preferred
  • Lead a team of Quality Technicians and Inspectors
  • Lead, facilitate and execute quality operational activities in direct support of manufacturing production and quality improvement projects
  • Drive customer critical-to-quality requirements down to critical feature control plans supporting expected process capabilities
  • Develop process failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) so that high risk items are proactively identified and mitigated in the product and process development stages
  • Monitor processes by developing, collecting, analyzing, and reporting quality statistics and metrics to qualify process capability, sustain process control, support problem resolution and promote continuous improvement
  • Participate in activities around sourced component quality including production part approval (PPAP), proactive quality problem resolution, and projects to improve supplier quality
  • Participate in process reviews and assist manufacturing engineers in identifying process improvements, definition of key product characteristics, necessary process controls and product validation tests
  • Lead resolution of quality related issues on the manufacturing floor including the disposition of non-conforming material as required
  • Serve as a quality resource for product development and process improvement teams and ensure the presence and integrity of quality criteria in both product and process documentation including quality criteria change control
  • Develop core skills within team members to enhance the corporations ability to drive improvement
  • Bachelor’s degree in engineering is required. Bachelor’s degree in quality management or technical degree with ASQ CQE certification and 5+ years of relevant experience will be considered in lieu of an engineering degree
  • Knowledge of Industry specific quality registration (TS16949) is preferable
  • 5 years of experience in quality or quality engineering in a manufacturing environment
  • Experience in ISO 9001 quality management, operations, lean manufacturing processes and visual management
  • Proficient in tools such as PFMEA, Control Plan, SPC, PPAP, etc
  • Excellent interpersonal skills, mentor, team player and builder
  • Professional in both customer and supplier interaction
  • Collaborative and Participative management style
  • Ability to travel up to 10% (domestic and international)
  • Ability or willingness to supervise hourly employees
  • Initiate product and process engineering projects to reduce unit defects
  • Create and maintain prioritized project list to support yearly quality improvement goals
  • Maintain warranty forecasts, CHPs (cumulative hazard plots), monthly savings and project metrics
  • Collect data to determine component and system failure modes
  • Develop and sustain relationships with technical support, customers, and field service representatives to better understand field quality issues
  • Execute site visits and participate in conference calls to identify and remedy customer equipment issues
  • Review and report daily warranty and concession claims
  • Correlate warranty field failures with factory processes
  • Lead and support projects for component, system, and process improvements
  • Develop business cases to support project and resource requirements
  • Respond daily to technical questions and requests from technical support and field service representatives
  • Partner with Operations and Manufacturing Engineering to investigate root causes and implement corrective and preventive actions for customer complaints
  • 3+ years Quality Engineering experience in a manufacturing environment
  • Skilled in blueprint reading
  • Basic knowledge of GD & T
  • Basic knowledge of parts and features which may be critical in application
  • Skilled and capable of selecting and using various measuring equipment
  • Knowledge of computer data system (Access)
  • Computer literate within a Windows environment and proficient with Microsoft office products
  • Ability to make timely decisions and apply sound judgment
  • Ability to organize tasks and manage time to complete multiple assignments simultaneously
  • Ability to communicate at all levels within organization
  • Ability to work in matrix organization
  • Identify the key control point and work out effective control plan in the outgoing area
  • Organization testing room & finish goods audit, push the related department to improve
  • Follow the first boot failure case and push the related department to improve
  • Management FQC team and improvement the work efficiency
  • Responsible for employee technical training and supporting, improve quality consciousness
  • Support customer on site witness testing and assist to solve the quality problem
  • Collect and analyze quality data, publish monthly quality reports
  • Bachelor degree or above, major in machine, electron or related
  • 5+ year’s related quality management experience , 2+ year’s work experience of supervisor
  • Know well quality management system: ISO9001:2008 or TS 16949
  • Know well quality management tools: SPC/MSA/FMEA etc
  • Fluent English in reading, writing and communication
  • Having quality engineer certificate is preferred
  • Having the strong organization and coordination ability
  • Work closely with Production, Technical and Manufacturing Engineering to resolve quality related issues arising from customer complaints/concerns and internal incidents. Responsible for the facilitation of investigations and resolution of related quality issues
  • Works with technical support and manufacturing to create and/or modify methods and procedures to ensure that appropriate processes and/or products are developed, tests are conducted and that products, materials, and manufacturing equipment meet required standards
  • Constantly strive to enhance efficiency in procedures and processes without a compromise in quality. Identify and implement opportunities for improvement across the operational facility
  • Performs statistical analysis to analyze trends, and works with manufacturing to investigate trends, conduct root cause analysis and lead corrective actions for processes and products
  • Utilise the Trackwise system for non conformances, deviations, Corrective and Preventative Actions (CAPA)
  • Participates on the Internal Quality Audit team
  • Assures compliance to in-house and/or external specifications to standards, such as GMPs and ISO regulations, and approves disposition for non-conformances on raw materials and finished goods
  • Bioscience / Micorbiology or Chemistry degree (preferred)
  • Experience in the Biotoechnology field and understanding of Quality Management systems
  • Provide Quality input to Operations investigations, deviations, change controls, validation protocols, validation reports, SOPs, and in-process controls
  • Enable collaborative relationships between Operations and Quality with the overall focus of improving customer satisfaction
  • Assist Operations in troubleshooting process issues and facilitate inter-department team workshops in the resolution of process issues and quality problems
  • Drive quality management focus on productivity improvements throughout operations
  • Serve as Quality Representative for all quality-related corrective/preventive actions within Operations
  • Assure that Operation's standards comply with division and departmental policies, national and international codes, and applicable safety requirements
  • Analyse trends and collaborate with Operations to investigate trends, conduct root cause analysis and implement corrective actions for processes and products
  • Bachelor’s degree required in science discipline or related field with a minimum of 3 years of quality assurance experience in a medical device or pharmaceutical manufacturing environment
  • Strong background in process control and statistical techniques
  • Demonstrated working knowledge of compliance, quality and scientific principles
  • Ability to prioritize multiple tasks functions effectively in a global, multi-site organization
  • Demonstrated ability to work effectively as a member of a cross-functional team
  • Strong working knowledge of quality related tools, such as structured problem solving, FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis), SPC (Statistical Process Control), DOE (Design of Experiments) and Six Sigma/PPI
  • Strong working knowledge of various computer software, such as SAP, as well as Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint
  • Ability to work both independently and as a team member
  • Strong quality background and problem analysis and decision-making skills
  • Responsible to develop and maintain Quality Metrics system
  • Coordinate development of Quality Documentation (PFMEA, Process Control Plans) as needed. Interact with Production departments to drive continuous improvement
  • Support Management of Internal Corrective action system
  • Responsible for interaction with approval agencies, coordinate site audits and follow-up on open issues
  • Responsible for evaluation of customer returns and feedback to internal stakeholders
  • Support upcoming production issues
  • Quality Metrics documentation-60%
  • Approval Agencies-20%
  • Evaluation customer returns-10%
  • Auditing, Training activities-10%
  • Bachelor's degree with 3 years’ experience in Quality control or similar production environment
  • Associates degree with 7 years’ experience or Quality control or similar production environment
  • High school diploma with 15 years’ experience
  • Experience in Quality Control (certification)
  • SPC/process capability/MSA
  • SAP preferred
  • Provides quality assurance and quality engineering support for the manufacturing floor in support of ASR, GPR and Class I, II and III IVD products
  • Reviews Manufacturing Batch Records and associated documents prior to release and shipment ensuring compliance with company and regulatory requirements
  • Conducts raw material inspection, finished goods inspection, label verification and batch record review
  • Identifies and addresses non-conformances working to resolve incomplete or unexplained issues
  • Suggests incremental improvements to processes, products, systems and/or customer related quality issues
  • Supports day-to-day site-specific quality needs for multiple, moderately complex products or product families. Examples include responding to non-routine quality complaints (e.g. performance related failures)
  • Identifies and implement improvements to processes, products, systems, and customer related quality issues
  • Works with quality teams and manufacturing to create and/or modify methods and procedures to ensure appropriate tests are conducted and that products, materials, and manufacturing equipment meet required standards
  • Collaborates across function, leveraging others’ quality and manufacturing expertise to troubleshoot problems, interpret data, determine next steps, and create technical reports
  • May provide guidance or direction to other lower-level personnel such as assistance with prioritization and investigations
  • Evaluates quality assurance programs and systems for product and/or process development, manufacturing and testing to ensure product quality and compliance with regulatory requirements
  • Minimum of 3+ years related experience in Medical Device or Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Class II or III IVD experience
  • Masters of Science in molecular biology, chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, engineering or related discipline preferred and/or MBA is highly desirable
  • Certification by the American Society for Quality (ASQ) as a Certified Quality Engineer (CQE) or Certified Quality Manager (CQMgr)
  • Experience with Trackwise, Agile, E1/SAP is a plus
  • Analyze trends and collaborate with Operations to investigate trends, conduct root cause analysis and implement corrective actions for processes and products
  • Bachelor’s degree required in science discipline or related field with solid of quality assurance experience in a medical device or pharmaceutical manufacturing environment
  • Microbiology experience
  • Capture internal quality performance data and provide linkage to process owners to drive improvement
  • Prepare, review, and analyze supplier quality reports/data to drive supplier improvement
  • Ensure timely resolution of supplier failure, corrective actions and preventative actions
  • Direct interface with customers on internal and external quality concerns. Analyze failure, corrective and preventative action to respond to customer complaints
  • Support customer requested audits, including closing out audit findings, and determine proper corrective and preventative actions
  • Analyze product specifications and manufacturing processes/procedures to determine best practices to meet or exceed our quality and ISO standards
  • Lead continuous improvement activities (PPI, 5S, Kaizen) and root cause analysis/corrective actions to become Best-in Class
  • Drive Capital Expenditure projects to upgrade equipment & improve overall throughput
  • Serve as a manufacturing liason during new product development, customer communication, and the RMA process
  • Develop QA plans and other required process control procedures to ensure processes, work in progress and finished goods meet the specified quality standards
  • Engage in harmonizing, maintaining, and enhancing the Rockwood Quality Management System
  • Create and maintain company quality documentation and ensure that the ISO quality system is effectively established, implemented and maintained
  • Continuously improve QA receiving inspection process/procedures and provide incoming inspection support
  • Read and interpret product drawings
  • Develop packaging specifications
  • Develop Standard Operating Procedures
  • Develop training to build quality awareness
  • Preparation of QA reports and monthly metrics
  • Bachelor’s Engineering College degree required
  • 3 years manufacturing experience preferred
  • Experience in Quality Assurance preferred
  • Must have excellent math skills
  • Excellent knowledge of Excel and Word
  • Use of basic measuring instruments such as scales, calipers
  • Working knowledge of root cause analysis or other problem solving tools
  • Must be able to communicate with customers on a professional level
  • Must be able to write clearly and concisely
  • Ability to work independently with occasional assistance
  • Ability to take ownership for general processes/products
  • Must have basic understanding of Production Schedules
  • Must be well organized
  • Demonstrate Thermo Fisher Scientific values – Integrity, Intensity, Innovation and Involvement
  • Demonstrated Role Model Leader Characteristics
  • Coordinate Quality related training to the team to meet Quality Standards
  • Coordinate & support the company’s quality program, including the implementation of ISO9001 systems and procedures
  • Support in devising procedures and directions for recording and reporting quality data
  • Compile quality control reports, create statistical process control metrics, manage non-conformity reports and recommend continuous improvement activities
  • Prepare & share monthly report capturing summary of Quality issues to Program Manager
  • Implement & Monitor quality control and inspection procedures
  • Manage internal audits and other quality assurance activities
  • Coordinate with operations team and conduct Product audit in the customer location compliance to legal & application standards
  • Identify, Develop, Implement & Monitor quality assurance metrics; analyze and report trends to Program Manager
  • Continuously Monitor Project KPI’s to drive Continuous Improvement Initiatives
  • Support Design & Operations Managers to resolve any customer complaints
  • Assist in Risk Management activities, FMEAs and ensure compliance to standards and regulations
  • Assist in the failure investigation of product complaint and CAPA activities
  • Min. 3 yrs. experience in Quality Management activities
  • Proven experience in driving Quality Training Programs
  • Experience in Product / Process Audits
  • Experience in Six Sigma Tools & Techniques
  • Drive quality management focus on productivity improvements throughout the business unit
  • Develop/Maintain Quality Assurance policies and procedures, work instructions, forms, and other documentation. Revise documents to better define, improve, or clarify practices, process and/or product quality
  • Support continuous improvement idea generation and assist with implementation of quality planning, including the use of, and follow-up of CAPA’s for documented continuous improvement
  • Evaluate manufacturing systems, corrective action programs, and quality performance across the business
  • Establish controls and inspection points to facilitate detection, correction, and prevention of nonconforming materials, parts, assemblies, and products
  • Conduct Internal/ External Audits per a variety of Quality Management System Standards (ISO 9001, PED / ATEX Quality modules, 10 CFR 50, etc.)
  • Lead the Corrective Action program internally and externally with suppliers
  • Provide Support for the Incoming Inspection, Calibration, and Outsource programs
  • Host regulatory factory compliance audits and remedial actions as appropriate
  • Participate on new product development/new product introduction (NPD/NPI) teams; implement quality planning tools and monitor product change activities as required
  • Recommend product revisions, process changes, and testing procedures to assure that quality standards are being attained
  • Drive Customer complaints to resolution; Serve as Quality Representative for all quality-related corrective/preventive actions as within a given VS team(s)
  • Perform statistical studies, including generation of sampling plans, for the purpose of recording, evaluating, or reporting quality and reliability information
  • Assist in the implementation and maintenance of advanced quality concepts such as Total Quality Management, Continuous Quality Improvement, Statistical Process Control, and Quality Function Deployment
  • Investigate and obtain resolution to warranty claims and customer complaints, as assigned
  • Assure that quality standards comply with division and departmental policies, national and international codes, and applicable safety requirements
  • Provide technical expertise in areas such as welding, metallurgy, nondestructive testing, and inspection methods
  • Coordinate and train employees in quality compliance standards
  • Other responsibilities as required
  • BS in engineering or related degree with a minimum of 3-5 years of quality assurance experience in a manufacturing environment with strong background in process control and statistical techniques. MBA desired, not required
  • Outstanding problem solving and conflict resolution skills. (MRB, CAPA, FMEA, 8D)
  • Familiarity with auditing techniques in an ISO QMS environment
  • Hands on experience working with internal personnel, and suppliers in the implementation of root cause corrective action based on failure analysis results
  • Excellent computer skills in Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point and Project
  • Language Skills: Ability to read, analyze and interpret common scientific and technical journals, financial reports and legal documents. Ability to respond professionally to common inquiries or complaints from customers, regulatory agencies or members of the business community. Ability to effectively present information in one-on-one and small group situations to customers, clients, and other employees of the organization
  • Mathematic Skills: Ability to apply mathematical operations to such tasks as frequency distribution, determination of test reliability and validity, analysis of variance, correlation techniques, sampling theory, and factor analysis
  • Reasoning Skills: Ability to define problems collects data, establish facts, and draw valid conclusions. Ability to interpret an extensive variety of technical instructions in mathematical or diagram form and deal with several abstract and concrete variables
  • Affiliation or membership in quality organizations such as the ASQ, SQA, SMTA, IIE or similar quality and/or safety society expected
  • Leads Quality System implementation project for Instrument Field Services and Support team
  • Supports day-to-day site-specific quality needs for multiple, moderately complex products or product families. Examples include responding to non-routine quality complaints (e.g. instrument field service and support related failures)
  • Identifies and implements improvements to processes, products, systems, and customer related quality issues
  • Works with quality teams, and other functions to create and/or modify methods and procedures to ensure appropriate methods and tests are conducted and that instrument field service and support services meet required standards
  • Collaborates across functions, leveraging others’ quality and technical expertise to troubleshoot problems, interpret data, determine problem solving steps, and create technical reports
  • May provide guidance or direction to service teams such as assistance with prioritization and investigations
  • Responsible for collecting data, performing moderately complex statistical analyses to investigate trends, provide interpretations, and draw conclusions
  • Participates on new product and process design, development and implementation teams
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills. Capability to design and draft training materials, document processes and effectively communicate across diverse teams within the Quality and Services and Support organizations
  • Proven capabilities to project manage Quality System implementations
  • Ability to work independently, be self-starting and proactive with identifying opportunities for improvement
  • Computer applications and current software (Microsoft Excel, Outlook, Word, Access, Project)
  • Three to Five years of experience
  • Medical Device or Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs experience is highly desirable
  • Bachelor’s degree required, from an accredited higher learning institution, with 5 years related experience
  • Experience in Quality Engineer or Management Systems is mandatory
  • Experience in manufacturing of refrigerated products or biomedical assessment of refrigerated products is strongly preferred
  • Verbal and written communication skills including good persuasion skills are a must
  • Formal commitment required to obtain ASQ, Certified Quality Engineer Certification, within 24 months of hire
  • Global travel up to 10%
  • Certified in Six Sigma Black Belt or Shainin Journeyman preferred
  • Support assembly operations when quality issues arise to maintain production
  • Manage the rejection process for manufactured product and supplied components
  • Maintain Reject Database and issue and follow-up on CAR’s/SCAR’s
  • Run weekly Open Reject / Open CAR Reports
  • Run Monthly PPM data and metrics
  • Administer the deviation process
  • Monitor PQR database (quality issues)
  • Maintain relative ISO procedures and work instructions
  • Lead ISO audits and NPD/Engineered projects
  • Participate in Advanced Quality Planning
  • Manage Gate Audit process
  • Attend all gate audits
  • Enter issues from audits into PQR database
  • Collect required customer documentation
  • Work with team members to drive issue resolution
  • Determine continuous improvement opportunities
  • Host customers and 3rd party inspectors
  • 3rd Party Compliance Audits (UL and CSA)
  • Bachelor's Degree in Engineering or Engineering Technology experience and at least 3 years of work experience in a manufacturing environment is required
  • Knowledge of computer data system
  • Ability to communicate at all levels within Residential Solutions Group and with suppliers, etc
  • Resolution of manufacturing quality issues by utilization of structured problem solving methodologies to establish capable measurement systems, collect and analyze data, identify root cause and implement effective corrective action
  • Support of quality management system processes and practices including active participation in management of critical to quality processes
  • Daily quality engineering support of manufacturing operations
  • Support of new component and new production introduction through development of systems and methods to ensure product and process quality
  • Lead process improvement activities to improve cost of poor quality
  • Supplier quality issue resolution specifically related to production operations disruption
  • Completion of PPAP and process capability assessments
  • Bachelors' degree in Engineering or closely-related field required
  • Quality Engineering certification is a plus
  • Experience with implementation of Quality Management Systems is a plus
  • 5+ years of experience in a manufacturing operation technical support or leadership role
  • Demonstrated experience with leading structured problem solving activities
  • Proven ability to apply Lean Six Sigma tools
  • Leading and executing quality improvement projects
  • Respond to customer complaints with root cause analysis, and initiate follow-up improvements and control plans to prevent recurrence
  • Support customer audits by completing requested information and completing on-site audit activities
  • Participate in daily Lean Manufacturing improvement efforts
  • Complete MSAs for new test procedures and updated as required
  • Implemented improved inspection methods
  • Lead supplier management activities including but not limited to on-site audits, quarterly TQRDC and supplier review
  • Monitor statistical process control charts
  • Support the ISO-9001 Certified Quality Management System
  • Monitoring product process capability by appropriate index i.e. CpK, Ppk
  • Assuring that raw material specifications are current and up to date
  • Setting up quality related documentation for new products that are passed to the factory through the NPI system
  • Minimum of two (2) years of Quality and/or Product Engineering experience
  • Master's degree in Science or Engineering discipline from an accredited institution
  • Experience with Semiconductor or Electronics manufacturing customers
  • Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification
  • Experience in using statistical software packages (e.g. Minitab®) to analyze data
  • Experience with visual inspection systems
  • Manage Quality Program deliverables as they relate to overall program requirements and timing
  • Administers Supplier APQP process and conducts component PPAP’s, Run@Rates and Process Sign-Off’s
  • Requests, gathers, reviews and creates summary reports
  • Maintains and distributes supply base AQP/PPAP tracking reports to program team and divisions
  • Manage supplier tool moves, manufacturing site re-locations including most deliverables that are required for OEM customer approvals (part bank builds, logistics timing for move of tools and the final PPAP approvals)
  • Manage the Supplier Development Quality activity for OEM programs – Chrysler, General Motors and Ford (Pre-Launch, Advanced Product Quality Planning, and Production release programs)
  • Provide assistance to Quality Engineers with regard to AQP and PPAP methodology execution
  • Supports Customer Presentations with regard to supply chain management for the Seating Group
  • Conduct Potential Supplier Reviews, tracks suppliers progress to meet Magna expectations, process suppliers approval status with team members from Purchasing and Program Management
  • Participates as Quality representative for the bid-recap process and approves as required through Agile
  • Supports Supply Base TS-16949 certifications status tracking and maintenance
  • Bachelor’s Degree (or equivalency) in Engineering or related field or equivalent combination of education and experience
  • Knowledge of government and OEM specifications in area of expertise
  • Full working knowledge of FMEA, Control Plans, Advanced Quality Planning, Statistical Process Control and problem solving methodologies
  • Minimum 5 years diversified quality related experience in automotive
  • Specific background in Corrective actions , FMEA, Control plan, PPAPs, Advanced Quality Planning, Statistical Process Control and problem solving methodologies and experience with European OEMs - Daimler , BMW, Audi /VW
  • Exceptional problem solving skills, viable concept development, and proficiency with statistical methods
  • Strong communication skills; verbal, written, technical presentations
  • Proficient skills in applicable manufacturing process control, Value Engineering, FMEA
  • Strong organizational skills and the ability to successfully coordinate and complete multiple tasks within and across departments to meet established and changing deadlines
  • Proficient with computer software applications, including word processing, spreadsheets and database applications
  • 5 years + experience in quality function
  • Understanding of quality system and tool
  • College or Technical college graduate
  • Working knowledge of English. Positive learn English
  • Strong communication capability
  • Can work with overseas people
  • Can work in overseas
  • Provide technical support to machining and assembly operations
  • Perform Product/process reviews and support AS 9100 audits
  • Track and report on all Metrics including first pass yield (or PPMD), scrap performance, capability studies, etc
  • Provide support of SAP, Quality computer systems and Visiprise (MES)
  • Perform CAR responses and follow up for robust CAPA
  • Provide support to the Operations organization relative to the collection and analysis of Quality data including scrap to support to the Plant's performance
  • Develop and analyze statistical data and product / process performance to recommend and implement improvements in targeted areas
  • Provide expertise in Quality process improvement tools and methods to targeted functions of the organization to support them in their continuous improvement activities
  • Provide support in the way of development and evaluation of process capability, process control plans, analysis of out-of-control conditions and process audits with the objective of improving process performance and capability
  • Develop tests using new or existing automation infrastructure
  • Evaluate product features and participate in product test planning
  • Evaluate product quality needs and develop test plans
  • Deliver clear status for testing areas in a timely manner
  • Develop regression test cases to prevent discovered issues from reoccurring
  • Maintain a thorough understanding of product functionality
  • Write clear and accurate bug reports
  • Effective oral and documented communication with Customers, Company personnel and suppliers
  • Thorough knowledge and participation in Advanced Product Quality Planning
  • Ensure PPAP submitted and approved on each part and maintained in an organized fashion
  • Prepare Corrective Action Reports for customer and internal concerns
  • Detailed knowledge and preparation to achieve approved Process Sign Off, both customer and supplier
  • Keep as confidential all information pertaining to customer prototype requirements
  • Annual PPAP submissions
  • Ensure supplier corrective actions are documented, implemented, effective, and timely closure
  • Team member in creation of PFMEA
  • Take part in quality training functions as required
  • A minimum of three years experience working in a Quality environment utilizing knowledge of prototype product development of products in accordance with customer requirements. (AIAG)
  • Actively support our ADM agile framework - including establishing scrum team roles, tools, practices, and rituals
  • Establish a solid relationship with other team members to understand the vision, requirements, and priorities of our Real Estate business partners
  • 3+ years of experience in an OOP language, such as Java, C#, etc
  • Passion for testing with the "break it" mentality
  • Comfortability with both manual and automated testing
  • Ability to multi-task in a dynamic environment
  • Experience working with Agile/Scrum methodology
  • Previous testing experience with Sales Cloud / Service Cloud
  • Certifications in Force.com / JAVA
  • Previous experience testing applications in the Real Estate vertical
  • Analyze features and contribute to design from the customer's perspective
  • Perform thorough test planning and write test cases that cover all areas. Identify missing test scenarios and refine existing automation
  • Plan, design and enhance automation frameworks, utilities and tools
  • Write test automation using Java, JUnit, JSUnit, Selenium
  • Automate 90-100% of tests of features to ensure they meet the high quality levels and prevent regressions
  • Investigate failures, perform root cause analysis and utilize internal defect tracking tool to create detailed, high quality error reports
  • Verify that fixes for defects and new features work as expected and do not cause regressions in affected areas
  • Work with cross-team product owners, developers and test engineers to support QA processes. Be a vocal advocate of customer empathy and risk mitigation
  • Required Bachelor's Degree in CS or EE with at least 1+ years of experience
  • SQA methodologies
  • Strong Java programming skills (not just writing test scripts)
  • Operate in short Sprint cycles (2-4 weeks) and have experience in the full software lifecycle from design to deployment
  • Experience working with VMware products and vSphere SDK/API
  • Strong knowledge of database interface and SQL
  • Experience in UNIX (Linux/Solaris) administration
  • Experience in large-scale software deployments
  • Worked in Agile teams
  • Lead Problem solving activities using Core Tools such as DOE, ERPS, 5Why’s, etc
  • Disposition of Material Review Board (MRB) in floor shop
  • Oversees all activities are met under ISO/TS16949 requirements
  • 3 years of experience in Process Quality and Customer Contact
  • Bilingual: English/Spanish
  • Knowledgeable on problem solving methodologies and Quality Core Tools
  • Statistical Minitab software
  • ISO/TS Quality Standards
  • Six Sigma Green Belt (ERPS Knowledge is a plus)
  • Planning and PFMEA
  • Manage team activities ensuring that day to day tasks are on track and maintained
  • Identifying and promoting procedure improvements & quality best practices
  • Driving improvements through training and presentations to company staff on quality issues
  • Conduct internal audits
  • Initiate and support quality lead investigation (product and process)
  • Utilise problem solving techniques (8D, FMEA, FMECA, HEMEA)
  • Driving improvements and best practices
  • Electrical/Electronic Engineering Degree
  • Strong problem solving skills (8D, Pareto, 5 Why’s etc. )
  • Knowledge and some experience on Quality Systems
  • Knowledge and experience with electromechanical and electronic industrial products
  • Bilingual Spanish and English 90%
  • Strong computer applications skills and experience on analytical software tools
  • Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering is required
  • Minimum of 3 years experience in quality in the electronic products industry
  • Hands on experience in quality analysis tools and factory quality control methods
  • Experience in electronic circuit analysis, and familiarity with failure mode of electronic components
  • Knowledge of Six sigma, Green Belt or Black Belt preferred
  • Analyze and disposition pass through returned material and supplier non-conforming product
  • Monitor/measure quality High 5 metrics and insure that actions around top pareto items are identified and completed with minimal supervision
  • Focus on internal & external supplier caused failures to determine root cause and implement corrective action(s) to prevent future failures
  • Develop focus suppliers through implementation/improvement of APQP tools (PFMEA, Process Flow Diagram, Control Plan, Process Capability Studies, Measurement Systems Analysis, Etc…)
  • Lead supplier audits to verify corrective actions or view their internal quality systems
  • Provide technical support to both internal and external suppliers as needed
  • Formulate and implement quality assurance procedures, policies, and standards. Ensure these documents align with the recognized Aerospace Quality System Standard as well as Eaton Objectives, Policies and Procedures
  • 2 years of experience in a manufacturing environment
  • Ability to read and understand blueprints, specifications, and requirements
  • Knowledge of machining, assembly operations, gauging, SPC, and APQP
  • This role does not offer relocation, only candidates that currently reside within the immediate geographic area (50 miles) of the posted location will be considered
  • Project Management experience is preferred
  • Experience using PC configured with MS Windows OS. Familiarity with MS Office software is desired
  • Experience in performing Supplier Quality Audits is preferred
  • Position requires interaction with external customers and internal personnel at all levels of the organization
  • Up to 10% travel may be required. Travel may include either international or domestic assignments
  • Detailed knowledge of Aerospace product, manufacturing processes, and inspection techniques
  • Details knowledge of the latest ANSI Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T) specifications per ASME Y14.5M
  • Knowledge of machining, gauging, SPC and APQP
  • Experienced knowledge of AS9100 Quality System and product/process auditing techniques
  • Detailed knowledge of AS9102 First Article requirements
  • Detailed knowledge of problem-solving techniques – Root Cause Analysis, 8D Corrective Action Process and FMEA
  • Excellent oral and written communication and interpersonal skills,
  • Experience in Microsoft computer applications
  • Must exhibit a high level of motivation, sense of urgency and energetic approach to job duties and requirements
  • Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Technical Discipline
  • Candidates must be legally authorized to work in the United States without company sponsorship
  • This position requires use of information or access to hardware which is subject to the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). All applicants must be U.S. persons within the meaning of ITAR. ITAR defines a U.S. person as a U.S. Citizen, U.S. Permanent Resident (i.e. “Green Card Holder”), Political Asylee or Refugee
  • Working knowledge in aerospace quality processes
  • Working knowledge of drawings and specifications interpretation
  • Working knowledge in functional measuring equipment usage
  • Experienced with document control
  • Review Engineering drawings and changes to assure that they are properly addressed in internal processing and inspection
  • Respond to customer corrective action requests including full root cause analysis, determination of permanent corrective actions, and implementation and follow-up of corrective actions
  • Monitor manufacturing processes and methods to assure maintenance of in-process quality levels and to prevent quality problems driving and facilitating problem solving activity as required
  • Collaborate with Manufacturing Engineering, customers, and suppliers to improve manufacturing processes and develop methods to eliminate quality problems - Position requires interaction with external customers and internal personnel at all levels of the organization. Interaction is quite often providing the controlled interface between internal personnel and a customer or supplier representative
  • Work with customer and supplier representatives to interpret or reach agreement on quality procedures and acceptability of products
  • Ensure compliance with the specified customer, industry, and government requirements
  • Investigate and resolve internal and external product quality problems
  • Review rejected hardware to determine cause and corrective action
  • Suggest process and/or design changes to improve production rates and/or yield
  • Detailed knowledge of Aerospace product and manufacturing processes and inspection techniques
  • Knowledge of machining, gauging, SPC, and APQP
  • Bachelor's Degree from an accredited school
  • Three years of experience in a quality or manufacturing position
  • Working Knowledge in aerospace quality processes
  • Support production engineering team for current production or new production introduction in terms of process control points, parameters, related FMEA revisions
  • Support and engage on customer claims to improve process related issues
  • Follow 8D claim, sample collection and recording complaint
  • Work within plant quality organizational structure that supports the focus High 5 metrics
  • Coordinates plant quality initiative within the organizations
  • A Bachelor of Science in Industrial& Mechanical & Chemical Engineering degree or equivalent appropriate experience is required
  • A thorough technical knowledge of Quality Engineering technics
  • The ability to effectively supervise people and motivate subordinates, while maintaining organizational harmony and meeting scheduled deadlines
  • Ability to collaborate with various departments within the plant or global locations
  • An Enginner has fluent English level in speaking and writing
  • The Engineer utilizes advanced tools in problem solving to solve technical issues
  • Internal & external communication is critical to the success of the role
  • Record of contributing to improvements in technical or project management processes (Ex.: Actively participate on Task Force Teams, Focus Groups, or Kaizen Teams, etc.)
  • Maintaining advanced engineering and manufacturing facilities across the globe
  • Exchanging product, process and benchmarking information with other ITW units worldwide
  • Continually improving processes, material and designs to ensure every product exceeds customer specifications while providing unparalleled value
  • Hiring, developing and retaining the best employees
  • Develops and analyzes statistical data and product specifications to determine present standards and establish proposed quality and reliability expectancy of finished product
  • Directs workers engaged in inspection & testing activities to ensure continuous control over materials, facilities & products
  • Investigates and addresses customer complaints regarding quality
  • Participate in meetings and negotiations with customer, programs, and concerned functional management
  • Reviews control of non-conformance material disposition and re-inspection of reworked product
  • Document control of manufacturing and quality documents including distribution/removal of obsolete forms and work instructions
  • Oversees the creation of measurable charts for QOS reporting
  • Directs and coordinates quality inspection of parts, components, and material produced by subcontractors and vendors. Participates in surveillance of subcontractors’ manufacturing processes and control subcontractor performance system
  • Directs sampling inspection and testing of received parts, components, and materials to determine conformance to standards and customer requirements
  • Reviews quality problems with engineering personnel and assists with action required to correct defect. Prepares periodic and special reports concerning departmental activities, problems, subcontractors’ quality system, schedules, and rejected items
  • Direct contact for customer quality related issues
  • Serves as liaison between Customer and ITW
  • Follows and stays current with TS16949 procedures and customer specific requirements
  • Coordinates accumulation of APQP documents and assists with appropriate PPAP submission
  • Reviews Capability Analysis of Control Charts including monthly Pareto analysis of all SPC data and review of Control Charts
  • Overall authority to disposition suspect/rejected product
  • Customer concerns: Develops courses of action for alleviating and resolving concerns
  • Oversees check fixture design, build, and approval
  • 5-7 years’ work experience in manufacturing and quality
  • Prior injection molding and automotive industry experience is required
  • Demonstrated experience in use of quality tools application (like G8D, 5xwhy, FMEA or Ishikawa), support excellence in using of these tools for all other employees
  • Strong communicator – articulate quality strategy, message and empower team
  • Collaborator across business functions, especially engineering
  • Continuous improvement mind-set
  • Analytical with strong problem solving skills
  • Open to taking inputs from employees across levels
  • Proactive mind-set
  • Utilizes and shares best practices with other Plant Quality Managers in the division
  • Customer interaction
  • Culture of quality
  • Effective leadership
  • Communication and negotiation with customer
  • Ability to work cross-functionally with other departments
  • Process expert
  • To perform this job successfully an individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily, must be able to resolve maintenance/manufacturing requirements both through supervisor direction and independent process analysis. Must possess good communication/interpretation skills, good visual skills for accessing functionality of equipment, above basic mathematical skills, above minimum computer skill set, and reasoning ability. Physical demands are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential a functions
  • While performing the duties of this job, the employee is regularly required to talk and hear. The employee is required to stand; walk; sit; use hands to finger, handle or feel; reach with hands and arms; climb or balance, and stoop, kneel, crouch or crawl. Good color recognition and close visual recognition
  • Assists in the development and implementation of a formalized quality system
  • Actively participates on plant teams to promote continuous improvement of processes, procedures and work instructions. Studies, analyzes and recommends methods of improvement
  • Supports manufacturing operations and plant support groups by providing quality data analysis
  • Coordinates problem solving activities within manufacturing regarding customer complaints
  • Drives accountability for corrective actions until completion. This involves education and coordination of problem resolution activities
  • Assists engineers to define and analyze process conditions, conduct capability studies and improve line capabilities
  • Monitors and revises processes to help generate cost savings and improve the quality and efficiency of product/process
  • Other projects/duties as assigned
  • 4 year college degree
  • 2-5 years of quality experience
  • Perform as the Quality engineer in a 3rd party logistics environment
  • Maintain key relationships with AS9100 Registrar, FAA, TCCA, and European Regulatory Agencies
  • Responsible to ensure adherence to the Quality Management Systems
  • Responsible for internal audit processes, identifying root cause and driving corrective action
  • Contributes to supplier performance and development as necessary
  • Leads and coordinates Achieving Competitive Excellence (ACE) initiatives
  • Manages Quality related interactions with regulatory representatives
  • Lead and assist with Quality initiatives to continually improve performance and reduce escapes
  • Lead, direct, and train Inspection personal
  • Must have excellent Organizational Skills and ability to work independently
  • Possess strong communication and interpersonal skills, must have demonstrated ability to work effectively with associates at all levels throughout the organization
  • Computer skills- Proficient in Word, Power Point, Excel, Access, Project
  • Experience with SAP and other IT Quality systems
  • 5 years of work experience
  • Analytical Problem Solving - Understands problem solving methods – i.e. 8D, root cause analysis, Apollo etc. – and the associated statistical tools used to analyze problems
  • New Product Development and Launch - Knowledge of most phases and requirements of an effective new product development and launch system – i.e. PFMEA, Control Plans, Characteristic Matrix, Gage Capability, Process Capability, Process Flow, Preventive Maintenance, Machine Runoff, etc
  • Quality Management Systems - Understanding of the standards, implementation and certification process of Quality Management Systems such as AS/EN9100, ISO-9001, or any other industry-specific standard or regulation. Understands the requirements of customer-specific Quality System certification programs
  • Cost of Quality - Understanding the concept of Cost of Quality and specifically of the Cost of Non-Conformance and scrap
  • Geometric dimensioning and tolerance (GDT)
  • Knowledge of the tools such as PFMEA, PPAP, Control Plans, Characteristic Matrix, Gage Capability, Process Capability, Process Flow, AS 9102 FAI
  • Understands some of the appropriate ASQ Body of Knowledge and understands the corresponding concepts and tools
  • Supports product lines by identifying UL and other agency standards and product compliance requirements. Ensures reliability testing rigor is appropriate and on schedule. Manage agency visits within assigned product lines
  • Partner with buyers and suppliers to drive continuous improvements in supplier product performance (quality and delivery). Ensure suppliers understand and meet expectations for Supplier Gold, PPAP’s, and ProCert (regular data submission for Key Characteristics)
  • Partner with Mfg Eng to establish and/or maintain process controls and improvements, i.e., develop, analyze and initiate corrective / preventative actions from process data
  • Coordinate data analysis (Mfg Scrap, FPY, Escape PPM, etc.) and distribution to assigned product lines. Identify opportunities for improvements and partner with supervision and operators to drive continuous improvements
  • Apply statistical sampling and analysis techniques during Problem Solving
  • Review and investigate Customer Returns/Escapes. Process Product Holds and Distribution Purges when needed. Ensure corrective/preventative actions are implemented, verified, and communicated appropriately. Analyze data for trends and improvement opportunities
  • Occasionally troubleshoot issues at supplier, distribution, or customer sites. (< 10% travel)
  • Special job related projects as assigned
  • 8-10 years relevant experience in a quality assurance environment
  • UL/ Regulatory experience preferred
  • MRP experience (Oracle and/or JDE) is preferred
  • Electronic components and circuit board manufacturing experience is preferred
  • ISO-9001 experience is preferred
  • ACE, Six Sigma, DMAIC, and other improvement system experience is preferred
  • Excellent leadership skills in cross-functional team environment. Able to engage with floor operators, describe problems in an appropriately comprehendible manner, listen/ investigate, establish efficient actions and timelines, and drive improvements
  • Excellent teamwork skills. Able to wade through discussions and appropriately take ownership of quality tasks while also encouraging others to manage their functional actions
  • PC literate with working knowledge of Microsoft Office applications, plus experience in various quality tools (data analysis, such as Pareto, Cause and Effect Diagrams, and other statistical techniques)
  • Able to comprehend Engineering drawings and specifications and quickly identify relevant information to problems
  • Able to work on multiple issues and consistently prioritize activity according to plant goals
  • Ability to understand and interpret engineering technical data, such as manufacturing or part drawings, to provide guidance to cross functional teams
  • Must have excellent written and verbal communication skills, as well as, strong presentation, planning, problem solving, organizational, project management and decision-making skills
  • Must be a U.S. Citizen or Green Card Holder
  • Experience in Quality for a FAR 145 Repair Station preferred
  • Auditing skills, both internal and external
  • Knowledge of ISO 9100/9110 implementation
  • Supports established contract manufacturing sites via conduction audits, driving compliance and quality improvement initiatives
  • Assists in the resolution of process and product nonconformance events
  • Collects and escalates product or process complaints
  • Calculates contract manufacturer performance metrics and assists in conducting management reviews
  • Prepares audits of all quality system categories to assess compliance to process excellence standards
  • Implements basic measurement systems to monitor effectiveness of quality and reliability systems to identify, bracket, correct and prevent defects, demonstrating continuous improvement to management
  • Assists in technical issues for manufacturing process that are to be transferred to satellite facilities
  • Proactively investigates, identifies and implements best in class Quality Engineering practices to consistently provide support for implementation of engineering changes, existing processes and new process from a quality perspective. Lead and support continuous improvement activities, CAPA and LEAN initiatives from a quality perspective for both internal and external customers
  • 1-3 years of prior experience in similar area; medical device experience preferred
  • Proficiency in MS-Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Project, Visio)
  • Able to communicate at all organizational levels both within BSC and with outside companies
  • Able to work well in a team environment with peer group
  • Six Sigma Certified Green or Black Belt is a plus
  • Liaise with Manufacturing Engineering on the completion of risk assessment, Work Instructions, and FMEA's for any product line changes/process improvements for new and existing products
  • Review change controls for process/design impact
  • Use knowledge of statistics to assist with validation developments and process improvements
  • Provide quality support to Manufacturing Engineering with sampling plans, data processing or analysis for validation for new and existing product lines
  • Assist in the analysis and resolution of problems that may reduce the efficient running of production lines
  • Complete NCMR and CAPA investigation, processing and disposition
  • Perform Internal Audits/Supplier Audits
  • Assist in the development, analysis and improvement of site Quality Metrics
  • Lead/Support project activity in your area of responsibility
  • Will abide to Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Policies and any relevant other EHS documentation
  • Actively contribute to the enhancement of compliance initiatives for areas of responsibility
  • Will comply with all relevant training required and adhere to relevant associated documentation
  • Follow strict adherence to the requirements of CGMP
  • Quality Management system requirements
  • Integrates contractual and Boeing Quality Management System requirements into all aspects of proposals and program processes and documentation
  • Develops quality metrics, design and production certification plans to ensure compliance with contractual, Company and regulatory requirements
  • Conducts capability assessments and process validations to support supplier selection activities
  • Participates in various reviews to ensure quality attributes are incorporated into product designs
  • Performs analysis and process audits to ensure manufacturing and test readiness
  • Familiarity with tooling calibration
  • Two (2) to four (4) years related experience
  • ISO 9001Lead Auditor training or equivalent
  • Able to define problems, collect data, establish facts, and draw valid conclusions
  • Effectively present information to management, customers, or peers; written and verbal skill
  • Customer focus and responsive to inquiries or complaints from customers, regulatory agencies, or management
  • Required to have and maintain a TS/SCI level security clearance
  • Develop, implement and maintain a comprehensive quality inspection system and quality control plan
  • Perform factory/supplier/field audits and person-to-person interviews
  • Write, execute and deliver audit plans, audit checklists, and audit reports to address quality engineering (per AS9100, SMC-S-003(T), applicable industry standards , and/or New Entrant company standards)
  • Write and track findings, root causes, & corrective actions in a spreadsheet format; vet & consolidate corrective actions into ULA corrective action system/database
  • Participate in design reviews and engineering review boards
  • Identify and assess verification and validation manufacturing methods
  • Assess purchasing requirements and supplier controls
  • Participate in manufacturing process audits
  • Audit as-designed and as-built processes and documentation including physical configuration audits (PCA's) and hardware acceptance reviews (HAR's)
  • Assess and evaluate quality management per standards SMC-S-003(T) and SAE AS9100 to meet certification objectives
  • Experience applying modern quality principles and methods including: quality management system standards, product and process controls, measurement and test, audits, statistical applications, corrective and preventative action, and lean manufacturing
  • Strong written and verbal skills including writing reports and presenting results to customers
  • Ability to work independently and remotely
  • Familiarity with USAF launch capabilities, systems, organizations, and stakeholders
  • Proficient computer skills, software to include MS Office and Share Point
  • Willingness to travel on extended TDYs to other work sites
  • To maintain, improve and monitor the quality processes and procedures required by our customers
  • To provide the required quality plans for each project requiring such documents
  • Maintain the high standard of quality inspections required to achieve project sign off, whether staged or at project completion
  • Check and sign off the level of installation works
  • Draw up and maintain FAT documents
  • Draw up and maintain SAT documents
  • Provide input to customer led quality initiatives
  • Support the UK quality manager in updating company policies and procedures, in line with the project delivery business
  • Support the various departments across the UK to ensure we maintain our ISO accreditation
  • Work with all departments to create best in class standardised documentation for project engineering and commissioning delivery
  • De-risk complex accreditations through introducing consistent processes and procedures
  • Maintain compliance in line with the legislative changes
  • Ability to lead change and establish metrics/key indicators
  • Knowledge of the construction or IT industry
  • Quality management experience
  • Ability to work in highly matrix organization
  • Ability to travel and work away from home as required by the role
  • Six Sigma certification preferred ( But not essential)
  • Cross-cultural experience preferred
  • Must possess a demonstrable in-depth knowledge of engineering process and experience of working within their field of expertise
  • Have clear methodologies in driving compliance
  • Uses advanced Quality, Six Sigma methods and actively work with the production departments to effectively reduce nonconformance(s) and prevent returns
  • Responsible for developing an effective corrective and preventative program that will concentrate its efforts on reducing scrap and rework
  • Assists with operator and inspector training development requirements
  • Mentors and assists with quality engineering development requirements
  • Facilitates and processes customer returns through the material review process
  • Conducts internal audits and corrective action follow-up per internal and customer quality system requirements
  • Escorts and supports customer representatives during quality audits and responds to corrective action requests, as required
  • Evaluates and selects appropriate product evaluation equipment and establishes applicable training to personnel
  • Develops and updates Quality Program Procedures and Work Instructions and providing training to appropriate personnel
  • Works effectively with limited supervision
  • Demonstrated experience in analyzing and solving parts and process issues
  • Working knowledge of Quality Assurance standards
  • Demonstrated ability to meet critical deadlines in fast paced environment
  • Ability to interpret contractual and specification requirements
  • Must be a self-motivated team leader with the ability to lead continuous improvement activities
  • Team player with ability to work well with employees and customers alike
  • High level of motivation and sense of urgency
  • Intermediate skills in working with Microsoft Office
  • Ability to multi-task and shift priorities
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or related STEM curriculum
  • Aerospace and/or Elastomer/Plastics manufacturing experience preferred
  • Related certification such as ASQ Quality Engineer, Quality Auditor, Quality Manager, Lean and Six Sigma preferred
  • Prepares inspections and test plans in accordance with contractual requirements
  • Directs and coordinates product verification relating to production and procurement processes
  • Leads process improvement projects supporting Esterline’s continual improvement efforts
  • Reviews quality problems with Operations/Engineering personnel and direct actions to correct discrepancies
  • Prepares periodic and special reports concerning departmental activities, problems, schedules, rejected items, rolled throughput yield and cost of quality
  • Aids in organizational planning by participating in departmental conferences
  • Identifies and understands quality provisions of the customer contract, specifications and expectations
  • Issues corrective actions of deficient processes and follows up to verify corrective/preventive action effectiveness. Interacts with Flare Countermeasures EPIR Coordinator to resolve open issues
  • Investigates manufacturing process/methods ensuring proper traceability and robustness are achieved
  • Oversees and supports product internal audits and assessments working with Flare Countermeasures Audit Coordinator
  • Must have a solid understanding of inspection measurement techniques, GD&T, and drawing interpretation
  • Experience working with Coordinate Measuring Machines, including familiarity with programming
  • Must be well organized, detail oriented, knowledgeable of Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook
  • Ability to compose business letters and correspondence
  • Possesses familiarity with business math, internet, calculator, copier, telephone and fax machine
  • Must demonstrate an outstanding degree of judgment, organization, planning, initiative, flexibility and creativity
  • Possesses capability of accuracy, concentration, alertness, and be detail-oriented
  • Must be able to perform calmly and reasonably under pressure from demand for production and other exigencies
  • Physical capabilities include walking up and down steps and to various programs as the situation warrants
  • Bachelor’s degree (BA or BS) in Engineering or Business related field; and seven to ten years related experience and/or training; or equivalent combinations of education and experience
  • Must be able to obtain DoD Confidential Clearance
  • Self motivated starter with demonstrated maturity and a good sense of responsibility and analytical skills
  • Good communication skills and high degree of integrity
  • Able to interface and work productively with all employees
  • Ability to read and write English
  • Develops and applies technical solutions using non-destructive evaluation processes and interprets results in support of the QA organization at EMS
  • Participates in assigned nondestructive examination (NDE) activities
  • Witnesses tests and performs internal and external surveillances of testing and production activities in-house and at supplier's facilities
  • Develops receiving, source, in-process, and final inspection planning
  • Reviews design documents such as drawings, specifications, test plans/procedures, work instructions, SOW's, etc. to verify that adequate acceptance requirements have been included
  • Generates Nonconformance Reports
  • Performs weld audits at vendor's facilities and ensure compliance per approved specifications
  • Reviews and validates previously received inspection reports, material certs, and other supporting quality documentation
  • Coordinates with subcontractor administration/buyer to retrieve the required documentation from suppliers
  • Reviews, verifies, and compiles quality data packages per GA clauses, methods and contract requirements
  • Prepares statistical analysis reports, specifications and other technical documentation
  • Evaluates GD&T drawings per ANSI Y14.5
  • Performs other duties as assigned or required
  • Must have good leadership skills to direct staff members and ensure project costs and schedules are maintained
  • Clarify customer requirements to ensure they are represented during internal discussions
  • Develop credible relationships across the project team to input into solutions and mitigate risk
  • Analyse and manage customer quality requirements and set up the Quality plan in bid/project phase
  • Manage the formal approval of product conformity and manage customer issues
  • Manage the production of defined documentation to support task delivery and scheduled reviews
  • Identify, develop and implement continuous improvements opportunities
  • Demonstrable experience working in a project quality role
  • Ideally have knowledge of industry quality and engineering standards and processes
  • Develop credible relationships across the Operation function to input into pragmatic solutions to eliminate / mitigate issues and/or risks. Knowing when it is appropriate to escalate topics
  • Ensure the application of the Group Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Quality Assurance policies, and the Group Reference system (Chorus 2.0). Provide training, tools and techniques to enable others to achieve quality
  • Ensure the effectiveness of “alerting and vetoing” process
  • Formally approves the conformity of products and building blocks and is responsible for following-up on customer complaints
  • Generate the defined documentation to support the task delivery and business reviews
  • Pursue the standardisation of audit process to capitalise on the roll out, training and development of Thales PIVS (Process Implementations & Verification) auditing tool
  • Promote Quality within the entity, ensuring that all managers and staff are made aware of the QMS and the specifics as relevant to the entity and their roles and responsibility in its operation
  • Identify, develop and implement continuous and business improvements opportunities that contribute to the operations objectives
  • Previous experience in a related Quality and or Operations environment with a reputation in change management
  • Proven capability in auditing and process development
  • Knowledge of Industry Quality and Engineering Standards and Processes and be familiar with MoD contractual requirements for Quality Assurance
  • Willingness to challenge the status quo and improve on the standard
  • Team Player with good self and other awareness
  • Good communicator with strong negotiation and influencing skills
  • Responsible and accountable for objectives to which they commit themselves
  • A drive for business culture transformation and a desire to develop a continuous change culture

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Quality Engineer Resume Examples & Writing Guide for 2024

Nikoleta Kuhejda — PR & Content Manager

To land a job as a quality engineer, the first step is to create a compelling resume that catches the attention of employers.

Get ready to harness the power of quality control, process improvement, and problem-solving skills, as we navigate the intricacies of presenting your expertise on paper.

Whether you're a seasoned quality aficionado or just stepping into the world of quality engineering, this guide will equip you with the tools to showcase your abilities and land that dream role.

Quality Control Project Technician CV Example

In this guide, we will teach you everything you need to know about writing a resume as a quality engineer. Keep reading to learn how to:

  • Select a resume format that matches your experience level
  • Write a resume summary that impresses employers
  • Include key quality engineering skills on your resume
  • Describe your responsibilities and accomplishments at previous jobs
  • List your educational credentials correctly on your resume
  • Elevate your quality engineer resume with relevant extra sections
  • Find the best job search resources for quality engineers

1. Select a resume format that matches your experience level

As a quality engineer, you will generally want to select a resume format that highlights your real-life professional experience . The best format for this purpose is the reverse-chronological resume , which focuses primarily on work experience.

In the reverse-chronological format, you will list your most recent job first, working chronologically backward from this point.

However, a format that focuses on work experience is not ideal for all applicants – especially those who have less than a year’s experience within the field. In this case, you can consider using one of the following alternative formats:

  • The functional resume : Functional resumes focus on education, skills, and unpaid experience rather than formal work experience. This format is very well-suited by recent or soon-to-be college graduates who have extensive academic experience but limited employment examples.
  • The hybrid resume: Hybrid resumes eliminate any central focus, instead spreading the emphasis of the document out more evenly between all sections. This format works well for applicants who have professional experience in other fields who are changing careers, as well as those who are working around gaps in their work histories.

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2. write a quality engineer resume summary that impresses employers.

A resume summary is a brief introductory statement at the start of your resume. In this summary, you should focus on including information that is highly valuable and eye-catching to employers, such as years of experience and notable accomplishments .

To demonstrate how to write an effective resume summary, we have included a weak example below, followed by a corrected example and explanation.

Incorrect quality engineer resume summary example

Experience Quality Engineer with a background in cosmetics manufacturing. Proven track record of increasing production output through optimized workflows that simultaneously reduce errors. Skills include product quality testing, quality assurance, quality auditing, and deep knowledge of compliance.

Why is this incorrect?

In this example, the applicant is far too vague when discussing their “proven track record.” When describing accomplishments, it is always better to show rather than tell, meaning you should use quantifiable figures and statistics when possible. Additionally, the applicant focuses too much on their various skills – these should be omitted and moved to a dedicated skills section.

Corrected quality engineer resume summary example

Resourceful Quality Engineer with 7+ years of experience with cosmetics manufacturing plants. Specialized in quality assurance and auditing, averaging a 65% decrease in production errors at 3 previous positions. Achieved a 40% increase in production output while maintaining a production error rate of less than 2% in most recent position.

Why is this correct?

In this corrected example, the applicant is much more explicit with the details they provide. An employer reading this will have much greater context around their skills and accomplishments, making them more likely to continue reading the rest of the document due to the impressive achievement detailed in this summary.

3. Include key quality engineering skills on your resume

As a quality engineer, your job will require you to not only have the technical know-how to ensure proper production standards are met but also a strong set of interpersonal abilities to effectively communicate with your company and team.

To show that you possess this full range of abilities , you should include both hard and soft skills on your quality engineer resume. Hard skills refer to your technical and learned abilities, while soft skills refer to your interpersonal ones.

Below are 10 ideas for both hard and soft skills that look great on a Quality Engineer’s resume:

The best quality engineer hard skills to put on your resume

  • Process documentation
  • Production reports
  • Product testing
  • Material & equipment inspection
  • Developing quality management systems
  • OSHA safety standards
  • Quality control workflows
  • Data analytics
  • Improvement recommendations
  • Quality assurance consultations

Effective soft skills to put on your quality engineer CV

  • Clear communication (both verbal & non-verbal)
  • Collaboration
  • Critical & analytical thinking
  • Attention to detail
  • Thoroughness
  • Organization
  • Time management
  • Active listening
  • Strict adherence to deadlines

Mechanical Inspector Resume Sample

4. Make your quality engineer work experience section stand out

Crafting the ideal work experience section on a resume requires more than simply listing out your responsibilities at a previous job. You should aim to include as many specific and quantifiable details as possible, with an emphasis on key accomplishments that employers will find valuable.

Additionally, to keep this section organized, you should use bullet points to create your job descriptions. Each bullet point should contain one concise sentence and should ideally be no more than two lines of text.

However, for accomplishments that require extra contextual information, an additional sentence or line of text may be acceptable.

Here is an example of a work experience entry from a quality engineer resume

Mac’s Manufacturing, Birmingham, AL Quality Engineer April 2019 to January 2022

  • Prepared annual product reviews for all basic products, improving production review efficiency by 20%.
  • Supervised onsite product testing and performance, providing full performance reviews and recommendations for improvement monthly.
  • Implemented 10 new quality assurance procedures, reducing product errors and malfunctions by 35%.

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5. List your educational credentials correctly on your quality engineer resume

To work in an engineering position, employers will almost always expect you to have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in a related engineering program.

However, to make both your resume and yourself as a professional more competitive , you should also consider completing relevant certification programs as well. This is especially important for quality engineers, who may have an engineering degree that is not specialized in quality engineering.

Here is an example of a well-crafted education section on a quality engineer resume:

University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL B.S. in Engineering Graduated: 2016, Magna Cum Laude


  • Certified Quality Engineer — American Society for Quality (ASQ), 2020

6. Elevate your quality engineer resume with relevant extra sections

In the dynamic realm of quality engineering, standing out from the crowd is essential. That's why incorporating relevant extra sections into your quality engineer resume can make all the difference.

These additional sections provide valuable insights into your skills , achievements , and unique qualifications , helping you leave a lasting impression on potential employers.

One such extra section to consider is " Certifications and Training ," where you can showcase specialized courses and certifications that highlight your expertise in quality management systems or specific methodologies such as Six Sigma or Lean Manufacturing. This demonstrates your commitment to continuous improvement and keeps you ahead of the curve.

Here is an example of how to list extra sections in your quality engineer resume

Professional Affiliations and Memberships

  • American Society for Quality (ASQ)
  • International Quality Federation (IQF)

Volunteering Experience

  • Assisted in building homes for low-income families, focusing on quality control and adherence to safety standards.
  • Collaborated with a team of volunteers to complete construction tasks efficiently and effectively.
  • Demonstrated strong attention to detail in ensuring the accuracy of measurements and the proper installation of materials.

7. Valuable job search resources for quality engineers

Locating the optimal career opportunity as a quality engineer involves more than just updating your resume. It's important to have a set of reliable job search tools at your disposal. Here are some of the most effective platforms for a quality engineer job search:

  • Engineering.com :  This niche job board caters specifically for engineers. On it, you can find a multitude of postings for quality engineers across different industries.
  • Indeed :  As one of the largest job search websites globally, Indeed offers a wide array of quality engineering positions. The platform allows you to filter by location, salary, and job type.
  • LinkedIn :  This professional networking site doubles as a resourceful job search platform. It offers an extensive range of job postings, including those for quality engineers, and allows you to directly connect with potential employers.
  • Glassdoor :  In addition to a robust job search feature, Glassdoor can also provide insights into the company culture, benefits, and employee experiences of potential employers.

Harness these resources for a more streamlined, effective job search. Ensure your resume is up-to-date and tailor your applications to fit each specific role. Persistence is key in the job hunt journey, so keep going — your ideal quality engineering role could be just a few clicks away!

Still looking for a job? These 100+ resources will tell you everything you need to get hired fast.

Quality Engineer Resume FAQ

What key skills should i include in my quality engineer resume.

Highlight technical skills like proficiency in quality control software, knowledge of ISO 9001, and statistical analysis. Also, emphasize soft skills such as problem-solving, communication, and attention to detail.

How should I structure my work experience section?

List your experiences in reverse chronological order. For each position, mention your job title, the company name, the period of employment, and bullet points describing your key responsibilities and quantifiable achievements.

Should I include an objective statement in my quality engineer resume?

If you're a fresh graduate or changing careers, an objective statement can clarify your career goals. If you're experienced, replace it with a summary statement that provides a snapshot of your skills and achievements.

How can I make my quality engineer resume stand out?

Tailor your resume to the job description, use action verbs, and quantify achievements where possible. Also, highlight any awards, certifications, or major projects related to quality engineering.

Do I need to include a references section in my quality engineer resume?

It's typically not necessary to include references on your resume. Most employers will ask for them later in the process if needed.

Nikoleta Kuhejda — PR & Content Manager

Nikoleta Kuhejda

A journalist by trade, a writer by fate. Nikoleta went from writing for media outlets to exploring the world of content creation with Kickresume and helping people get closer to the job of their dreams. Her insights and career guides have been published by The Female Lead , College Recruiter , and ISIC, among others. When she’s not writing or (enthusiastically) pestering people with questions, you can find her traveling or sipping on a cup of coffee.

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Quality Engineer Resume: Sample and Tips for 2024

sample resume for quality engineer

As organizations increasingly focus on delivering high-quality products and services, the role of a quality engineer has become crucial. A quality engineer ensures that products and services meet the required standards, and any issues or defects are identified and resolved promptly.

Definition of a Quality Engineer

A quality engineer is responsible for ensuring that all products and services meet the required quality standards. They employ various techniques to identify and correct any issues or defects in the product or service. This includes conducting inspections, analyzing data, and implementing corrective actions. They work closely with other teams, such as production, design, and customer service, to develop and implement quality assurance strategies.

Importance of a Quality Engineer Resume

A well-designed quality engineer resume is essential to showcasing the relevant skills and experience required for this critical role. A quality engineer’s resume should highlight their ability to analyze data, identify trends, and develop strategies to address any issues effectively. It should also showcase their proficiency with quality assurance tools and methodologies.

In addition, a quality engineer’s resume should highlight their ability to work collaboratively with other teams and demonstrate excellent communication skills. Since quality engineers work closely with other teams, it’s essential to showcase their ability to work in a team and manage multiple stakeholders.

A quality engineer’s resume should demonstrate their ability to drive process improvements, enhance product quality, and achieve high levels of customer satisfaction. By emphasizing their relevant experience and skills, a well-crafted quality engineer resume can help job seekers stand out from the competition and land their dream job.

In this article, we will outline some tips and provide a sample quality engineer resume to help job seekers create a compelling resume that will get them noticed by recruiters and hiring managers.

sample resume for quality engineer

Key Elements of a Quality Engineer Resume

When it comes to creating a compelling and successful Quality Engineer resume, there are key elements that should not be overlooked. Below are the five most important components that should be customized and highlighted to attract the attention of employers.

Contact information

The first and most basic element that should be included in any resume is contact information. This section should contain your full name, professional email address, phone number, and physical address. You should also include any relevant online profiles or links, such as your LinkedIn profile or personal website.

Summary or objective statement

Your summary or objective statement is the first opportunity to make a strong impression on your potential employer. This element is a brief summary of your career goals and professional background. Make sure you craft a persuasive summary that effectively highlights your strengths, career objectives, and value proposition.

Professional experience

Your professional experience section is where you showcase your previous job positions, responsibilities, and achievements. This is the core of your resume and where you should spend the most time crafting your content. You should emphasize experience that directly aligns with the requirements of the job you are applying for.

Education and certifications

The Education and Certifications section is another key element in your resume, especially if you are a recent graduate. Make sure to list your highest educational degree, the name of the school or institution, and the year of graduation. Additionally, include any relevant certifications related to quality engineering or manufacturing processes.

Skills and qualifications

Finally, your skills and qualifications section should highlight your technical and soft skills that are relevant to the job you are applying for. This section should be tailored to closely match the specific job description, highlighting the skills and qualifications required for the position.

These five key elements are all critical components of a successful Quality Engineer Resume. Hiring managers are scanning resumes quickly, so it’s essential to make sure that these sections are highlighted effectively so that you stand out from the competition.

Format of a Quality Engineer Resume

When it comes to creating a quality engineer resume that stands out from the rest, the format can make all the difference. One of the first decisions you’ll need to make is whether to use a chronological or functional resume format.

Chronological vs Functional Resume

A chronological resume format is the most widely used and tends to be preferred by employers. This format presents your work experience in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent position and going backward in time. This kind of resume is best if you have a steady work history with no significant gaps in employment.

On the other hand, a functional resume format is best if you’re trying to switch careers or have gaps in employment. This type of resume focuses on your skills and accomplishments rather than your work history. You still list your work experience, but it’s grouped together under a “professional experience” section rather than presented in chronological order.

Appropriate Fonts and Formatting

Another important aspect of the quality engineer resume format is the fonts and overall formatting. When it comes to fonts, you want to choose a style that is professional and legible. Stick to standard fonts like Times New Roman or Arial, and avoid anything too fancy or difficult to read.

As for formatting, use bullet points to break up text and make it easier to read. Use bold or italics sparingly to draw attention to important information, but don’t overdo it. In terms of overall layout, keep it simple and clean. Use white space to make the resume feel less cluttered.

sample resume for quality engineer

Length of the Resume

Finally, it’s important to consider the length of your quality engineer resume. Two pages is the generally accepted maximum, but aim for one page if possible. You want to keep your resume concise and focused on the most important information.

In terms of what to include, prioritize your most recent work experience and accomplishments. Don’t be afraid to tailor your resume to the specific job you’re applying for. Make sure to include keywords from the job posting to improve your chances of getting noticed by the employer.

The format of a quality engineer resume should be clean, professional, and easy to read. Whether you choose a chronological or functional format, prioritize your most relevant experience and accomplishments and keep your resume length to a minimum.

Tips for Writing a Quality Engineer Resume

If you’re looking to land your dream job as a quality engineer, you need to have an impressive resume that highlights your relevant experience, uses industry-specific terminology, and quantifies your achievements and accomplishments. Here are some tips to help you create a winning quality engineer resume:

Highlighting Relevant Experience

Your resume should showcase your relevant work experience, including any technical skills you have that are specific to the role of a quality engineer. This could include experience with quality control systems, process improvement initiatives, or certification in quality management systems. Be sure to include specific details of your past responsibilities and accomplishments that demonstrate your skills and abilities.

Using Keywords and Industry-Specific Terminology

Recruiters often use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to scan resumes for relevant keywords and phrases. It’s essential to use the right industry-specific terminology and keywords in your resume to make sure it stands out to recruiters. Make sure you have thoroughly researched any job descriptions you’re considering and use the appropriate terminology in your resume.

Quantifying Achievements and Accomplishments

It’s not enough to simply list your job responsibilities on your resume. You should also include quantifiable achievements and accomplishments that demonstrate your expertise as a quality engineer. Use metrics and numbers to show how you’ve improved quality control or reduced defects to demonstrate the value you’ve added to your previous employers.

Including Projects and Initiatives Worked On

Including projects and initiatives you’ve worked on shows that you have hands-on experience in the industry. When describing these projects, focus on the impact they had, and use numbers to quantify that impact. This helps create a narrative that ties your experience, accomplishments, and qualifications together to demonstrate your value as a quality engineer.

By incorporating these tips into your resume, you’ll be able to create a compelling case for why you’re the perfect candidate for your dream quality engineer job.

Common Mistakes to Avoid on a Quality Engineer Resume

As an experienced quality engineer, it’s important to ensure your resume accurately represents your skills and experience. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

1. Generic and Vague Language

Avoid using generic and vague language when describing your experience and skills. Instead, use specific and concise language that clearly highlights your accomplishments and abilities.

Example of generic and vague language: “Responsible for leading quality improvement initiatives.”

Example of specific language: “Developed and implemented a quality improvement plan resulting in a 20% reduction in defects.”

2. Focusing Too Much on Irrelevant Experience or Skills

Tailor your resume to the job description and focus on highlighting relevant experience and skills. Avoid listing irrelevant experience or skills that do not apply to the position you are applying for.

3. Typos and Grammatical Errors

Proofread your resume multiple times and use spell-check to ensure there are no typos or grammatical errors. These mistakes can negatively impact your credibility and professionalism.

4. Overusing Technical Jargon

While it’s important to demonstrate your technical knowledge, avoid overusing technical jargon that may not be understood by everyone who reads your resume. Use language that is clear and easily understood by a broad audience.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can create a strong quality engineer resume that accurately showcases your skills and experience.

Tips for Tailoring a Quality Engineer Resume for a Specific Job

Tailoring your resume to a specific job is essential in today’s competitive job market. When it comes to a Quality Engineer resume, highlighting your skills and qualifications can make all the difference. In this section, we’ll discuss some tips on how to tailor your Quality Engineer resume for a specific job.

How to Read Job Descriptions and Identify Key Skills and Qualifications

The first step to creating a tailored resume for a specific job is to read the job description carefully. Job descriptions provide crucial information about the role and the skills and qualifications required for the position.

Pay attention to the key skills and qualifications listed in the job description. Highlight the ones that align with your experience and expertise. It’s important to remember that simply listing your skills isn’t enough. You need to demonstrate how you have used these skills in previous roles or qualifications.

Incorporating Relevant Experience and Skills from Past Positions

Once you have identified the key skills and qualifications, it’s time to incorporate them into your resume. This means going through your work experience and highlighting relevant skills and accomplishments that match the job requirements.

Start by including the most recent and relevant work experience. It’s important to keep the focus on the specific job you’re applying for, so make sure to tailor your resume according to the job requirements. For example, if the job requires experience in Six Sigma, highlight your experience in this area.

Highlighting Achievements that Align with the Job Requirements

To make your Quality Engineer resume stand out, you need to go beyond listing your skills and qualifications. Highlighting achievements that align with the job requirements can demonstrate how you have used your skills in the past and how you can apply them in the future.

For example, if the job requires experience in implementing quality control measures, highlight your experience in streamlining quality control processes and how it led to a reduction in defects. This will show the hiring manager that you have the skills and experience needed to excel in the role.

Tailoring your Quality Engineer resume for a specific job requires careful attention to detail. By reading the job description carefully, identifying key skills and qualifications, incorporating relevant experience and skills, and highlighting achievements that align with the job requirements, you can create a winning resume that will get you noticed by hiring managers.

Strategies for Standing Out as a Quality Engineer Candidate

As a quality engineer applicant, you need to ensure your resume stands out from the rest. Here are some strategies that can help you to do so:

Including a Personalized Cover Letter

A personalized cover letter is an ideal way to stand out as an ideal candidate for the quality engineering position. You should research the company and put effort into the cover letter to make it specific to the job and organization to which you are applying. Additionally, explaining how your skills and experience align with the role will add more value to your application.

Networking and Reaching Out to Industry Professionals

Networking and reaching out to industry professionals can be helpful in gaining more insight and knowledge about the job requirements, the organization, and their industry. Furthermore, it helps you to understand the trends, requirements, and job demands so that you can tailor your resume and qualifications accordingly.

Showcasing Relevant Projects and Initiatives Outside of Work

It is essential to showcase any relevant projects and initiatives you have undertaken outside of work. This displays your devotion and demonstrates your awareness towards the industry. Additionally, it portrays a passion for your work, and it can be appealing to potential employers.

Obtaining Additional Certifications or Education

Obtaining additional certifications or education is an ideal strategy to stand out as a quality engineering candidate. It illustrates a willingness to learn and grow while showing that you are committed to learning the most current skills and trends. This signifies a passion for the job, which can boost your chances of being hired.

Using these strategies can set you apart as a quality engineering candidate. These approaches can show employers that you are enthusiastic, and a clever addition to the team. When used together with a strong resume, they can boost your chances of being selected for an interview and, ultimately, land the job.

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sample resume for quality engineer

  • Quality Engineer Resume Example

Resume Examples

  • Common Tasks & Responsibilities
  • Top Hard & Soft Skills
  • Action Verbs & Keywords
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Common Responsibilities Listed on Quality Engineer Resumes:

  • Develop and implement quality control systems to ensure product and process compliance with customer and industry standards
  • Monitor and analyze product and process performance to identify areas of improvement
  • Develop and execute test plans and protocols to ensure product quality
  • Investigate customer complaints and non-conformance issues
  • Develop and implement corrective and preventive actions
  • Develop and maintain quality documentation systems
  • Develop and maintain quality metrics and reports
  • Participate in internal and external audits
  • Train and mentor other quality engineers
  • Lead continuous improvement initiatives
  • Analyze and interpret data to identify trends and root causes
  • Develop and implement process control systems to ensure product and process compliance with customer and industry standards

Speed up your writing process with the AI-Powered Resume Builder . Generate tailored achievements in seconds for every role you apply to. Try it for free.

Quality Engineer Resume Example:

  • Developed and implemented a new quality control system, resulting in a 25% reduction in defects and a 15% increase in customer satisfaction.
  • Analyzed product and process performance data to identify areas for improvement, leading to a 20% increase in production efficiency and a 10% reduction in waste.
  • Lead continuous improvement initiatives, resulting in a 30% reduction in non-conformance issues and a 20% increase in on-time delivery.
  • Developed and executed test plans and protocols to ensure product quality, resulting in a 15% reduction in product recalls and a 10% increase in product reliability.
  • Investigated customer complaints and non-conformance issues, leading to the implementation of corrective and preventive actions that resulted in a 20% reduction in customer complaints and a 15% increase in customer satisfaction.
  • Participated in internal and external audits, resulting in a 100% compliance rate and a 10% increase in audit scores.
  • Developed and maintained quality documentation systems, resulting in a 20% reduction in documentation errors and a 15% increase in documentation accuracy.
  • Analyzed and interpreted data to identify trends and root causes, leading to the implementation of process control systems that resulted in a 25% reduction in defects and a 20% increase in production efficiency.
  • Trained and mentored other quality engineers, resulting in a 30% increase in team productivity and a 15% improvement in team satisfaction scores.
  • Quality control systems
  • Data analysis and interpretation
  • Process improvement
  • Continuous improvement initiatives
  • Test plan development and execution
  • Root cause analysis
  • Corrective and preventive actions
  • Internal and external auditing
  • Quality documentation systems
  • Process control systems
  • Team training and mentoring
  • Customer complaint resolution
  • Product reliability
  • Production efficiency
  • Waste reduction
  • On-time delivery
  • Compliance management

Top Skills & Keywords for Quality Engineer Resumes:

Hard skills.

  • Statistical Process Control (SPC)
  • Root Cause Analysis (RCA)
  • Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
  • Quality Management Systems (QMS)
  • Six Sigma Methodology
  • Lean Manufacturing Principles
  • ISO 9001 Standards
  • Quality Auditing
  • Calibration and Metrology
  • Design of Experiments (DOE)
  • Supplier Quality Management
  • Corrective and Preventive Action (CAPA)

Soft Skills

  • Attention to Detail and Accuracy
  • Analytical and Data-Driven Thinking
  • Continuous Improvement and Process Optimization
  • Teamwork and Collaboration
  • Communication and Interpersonal Skills
  • Problem Solving and Troubleshooting
  • Time Management and Prioritization
  • Adaptability and Flexibility
  • Leadership and Mentoring
  • Quality Assurance and Compliance
  • Root Cause Analysis and Corrective Action
  • Risk Management and Mitigation

Resume Action Verbs for Quality Engineers:

  • Implemented
  • Collaborated
  • Streamlined
  • Investigated
  • Standardized
  • Facilitated
  • Troubleshot

Build a Quality Engineer Resume with AI

sample resume for quality engineer

Resume FAQs for Quality Engineers:

How long should i make my quality engineer resume, what is the best way to format a quality engineer resume, which keywords are important to highlight in a quality engineer resume, how should i write my resume if i have no experience as a quality engineer, compare your quality engineer resume to a job description:.

  • Identify opportunities to further tailor your resume to the Quality Engineer job
  • Improve your keyword usage to align your experience and skills with the position
  • Uncover and address potential gaps in your resume that may be important to the hiring manager

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Related Resumes for Quality Engineers:

Quality engineer, automation test engineer, automotive quality engineer, qa engineer, software qa manager, software tester, automation tester, automotive test engineer.

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How to write a quality engineer resume?

[ Click here to directly go to the complete quality engineer resume sample ]

A quality engineer’s job is to test and analyse the quality of materials & audit the production process to ensure the manufactured products meet the quality standards. That means they have to be highly detail oriented.

And when they create a QA resume, it must be error-free and well-formatted to project the same traits to the hiring managers.

According to The US Bureau of Labor Statistics , Industrial & quality engineers will see an increase in job growth of 10% from 2019 to 2029.

However, in this abundance of job growth, candidates with the most effective resumes will get the chance of getting an interview.

Creating a stand-out quality engineer resume is not a piece of cake. First, you need to create a resume that appeals to the recruiter and helps you get through the ATS software.

Here is a summary of the quality engineer resume blog to help you with resume writing:

  • Pick out the proper resume format to stand out from the other candidates.
  • Create the professional experience in the qa resume in single-line bulleted format.
  • Remove unnecessary information from the resume to make it more polished and targeted.
  • Read the job description, pick out essential key skills, and add the same to the qa resume Key skills section.
  • Only the summary section is in paragraph format. Everything else in the resume is in single-line bullet points.

To impress the recruiter and get an interview for your dream job, you need to know about the following::

  • What are the stages of writing a quality engineer’s resume?
  • What considers to be essential sections for a quality engineer resume?
  • How to write the professional experience section in the QA resume?
  • How to write the education section in the QA Engineer resume?
  • How to write the Key Skills section in the QA resume?
  • How to write a quality assurance engineer resume summary?

Visit Hiration’s Online Resume Builder to use 20+ professional templates to create QC resume for yourself.

What do Quality Engineers Do?

The primary responsibility of a quality engineer is to oversee the entire production operation &check the quality of the outputs.

Their responsibilities include understanding blueprints, enforcing quality standards, developing QC systems, & performing quality inspections. They are also responsible for coordinating with the Vendors and clients to resolve various quality issues.

A successful quality engineer must have excellent problem-solving & communication skills.

Typical Quality Engineering Job Description:

  • Understanding the customer requirements and developing quality standards
  • Designing quality control systems and implementing them for ensuring maximum quality
  • Monitoring production & inspecting testing equipment for ensuring optimum performance
  • Develop new processes & implement them for increasing performance
  • Comply with the safety regulations

Quality Engineer Salary

According to Salary Explorer , a quality engineer makes an average of 83,100 USD per year.

Source A quality engineer’s salary ranges according to various factors, including seniority and skillsets.

According to indeed.com , the median annual wage of a quality engineer is $74,883.

According to PayScale , the average salary of a quality engineer is $69,482 per year.

According to salary.com , the maiden salary of a quality engineer is $94,423 in the United States.

What is a Quality Engineer Resume, and Why do You Need it?

Quality engineer resumes are a bit different from regular resume. With your quality engineer resume, you have to portray your

  • Attention to detail

Skills to the hiring managers.

So, your quality assurance engineer resumes much be professional with an industrial design and include your professional experience along with qualifications, certifications, accomplishments etc.

For example, if your resume contains spelling errors or any other grammatical errors, it does not bode well with your “Attention to detail” skills.

Apart from that, 40% of organisations nowadays use some kind of Applicant Tracking Systems to sort the candidates

And, resume writers at Hiration are highly experienced in writing ATS compliant quality assurance engineer resume to help your resume get past the ATS systems and get into the hands of the recruiters.

If you want to learn how Hiration Resume builder works, go to Hiration Resume Builder and try out all the fantastic features by yourself.

Quality Engineer Resume Format

As a quality engineer, the format of a quality engineer’s resume is essential. You must treat your resume as a product and QC it to make the final product much more appealing to the recruiters.

Here are some of the formatting tips for the quality assurance engineer resume:

  • Write a resume header on the top of the quality engineer resume. Write your name on the professional header.
  • Divide your resume into different sections based on the content
  • Include contact details right below the resume reader. Ensure all the contact information are up-to-date.
  • Write the quality engineer resume in a reverse chronological resume format.
  • Use a professional font on the quality engineer resume, such as Arial or Calibri .
  • Make the font size between 10-12 points .
  • Don’t put unnecessary information on the resume. Make it clear and concise. And leaver plenty of whitespace in the resume.
  • Never send your resume to a recruiter in word format. Always save your resume in PDF format and send it in this format.

Quality Engineer Resume Sections

When writing a quality control engineer resume, you need to divide the resume into separate individual sections. These are done to make the entire resume much more readable to the hiring manager.


These sections are:

  • Personal Information
  • Profile Title
  • Summary / Objective
  • Professional Experience

Apart from the sections above, include the below-mentioned sections if the need arises:

  • Technical Skills
  • Certifications
  • Awards & Recognition
  • Additional Information

If you want to know more about resume sections, go to the Hiration resume sections guide and read to create perfect sections for your quality engineer resume.

Go to Hiration's Online Resume Builder and pick from 25+ professional templates to create an impeccable quality engineer resume.

Quality Engineer Resume Summary

The quality control engineer resume summary is the first paragraph a recruiter will read in your resume.

And you need to craft the quality engineer resume summary so that it grabs the recruiter’s attention.

However, it’s not always necessary to write a quality engineer resume summary. If you have less experience or are a fresher, you can write a quality control engineer resume objective.

If you have trouble distinguishing between the two, here is something for you.

A quality engineer resume summary is best if you have more than 3+ years of experience. It focuses more on the person’s work experience and accomplishments.
A quality engineer resume objective is best if the candidate is fresher or has less than 3 years of experience. It focuses greatly on your academic skills and leadership qualities.

Before writing a quality engineer resume summary or objective, here are some of the rules you need to keep in mind.

  • Craft the resume summary or objective at the last stage of writing.
  • Identify the key accomplishments or skills and include those in the summary section.
  • Do not write the resume summary/objective beyond 3-4 sentences
  • Include job-specific keywords in the resume summary section.

Read the Hiration Resume summary guide to get more information about writing a resume summary.

For a better understanding read Hiration's Resume Summary Guide & write a perfect quality engineer resume for yourself.

Here is a screenshot of Quality engineer resume summary


Quality Engineer Resume Summary: Examples

5+ years experienced quality engineering professional highly skilled at overseeing the entire production while conducting product inspection as part of ensuring optimum quality. Proficient in understanding customer requirements and developing the entire quality control process by adhering to the technical specifications. Proficient in developing innovative processes as part of enhancing production efficiency.


Highly skilled quality engineer proficient in inspecting, designing & developing efficient quality control processes. Liaised with stakeholders to enhance production efficiency.

ANALYSIS Most people use the second example in their resumes. But if you compare both examples, the second example is much blander compared to the first one. The first example has a much clear cause-and-effect relationship, which is easier for the recruiters to understand.

Entry Level Quality Engineer Resume Objective Example

Enterprising quality engineer gained hands-on experience in inspecting the finished products for ensuring optimal product quality. Adept at developing inspection reports & presenting the same to the stakeholders. Proficient in monitoring the entire casting process for maximising performance.
Entry-level quality engineer with knowledge in inspecting manufactured products.Skilled in developing inspection reports for the stakeholders. Looking for a job in the production industry.

Quality Engineer Resume: Key Skills

One of the best places to include resume keywords in the quality engineer resume is the key skills section. However, most people do not know how to attach keywords to their resume effectively.

Adding keywords randomly in the key skills section might get your resume into the hands of the recruiter. But the recruiter is smart enough to understand keyword dumping, and they will reject your resume right away.

Recruiters search for keywords that are related to the job description in the resume.

Here are some of the common quality engineer resume skills:

Product Design Quality Management System
Technical Specification Process Improvement
Performance Analysis Lean Manufacturing
Vendor Management Team Management
Auditing Vendor Management
Capability Analysis Business acumen
Team Management Business acumen
Corrective and Preventative Actions Document control
Error Proofing Failure Investigations
Document Management Process Control
Quantitative Analysis Six Sigma

Here are a couple of technical skills for a Quality Engineer:

Apollo 8D
A3 MS Office
SAP Google Suite

However, the key skills to add to a resume changes based on the job description.

How to select the right key skills for a quality engineer resume?

  • Read the job description carefully a couple of times. Then, identify the skills mentioned in the JD and list them on a paper.
  • Read your professional experience and identify the key skills you can find & list them on a paper.
  • Sort the key skill which is present in both the list. These are your primary key skills.
  • Create a separate section called “Key Skills”. And add the keywords in that section.
  • Try to use on an average 5- 10 key skills . Make sure to add the skills which you truly possess. Else it can backfire on you at the time of the interview.

Here is an example of the quality engineer key skills section:


Read our Resume Key Skills section Guide to know more about how to write the resume Key Skills effectively.

Quality Engineer Resume: Header

In the past, the normal practice was to write “CV” or “Resume” on top of the resume. However, after digital recruitment has gotten more popular, it is unnecessary to write a “CV” or “Resume” on the heading of your resume.

Instead, writing your name will be much more beneficial for your resume in recent times.

Recruiters get 100+ resumes for a single job post, and from these, it is not easy to keep track of all the documents if they have a generic heading.

But if the resume has an individualized heading, such as their names. Then, it would be wildly easy for the recruiters to sort the job applications and keep track of them.

Here are some of the rules you need to follow when writing a resume header

  • The resume header is the largest font in a resume. Make sure to keep it between 14-16 points .
  • Always use a clean & professional resume font to write the resume header. Such as “Arial” or “Times New Roman”

Take a look at the Quality Engineer Resume Example to understand the quality engineer resume header.


Still not sure how a header can affect the recruitment process?

Read Hiration’s extensive guide on Resume Header & learn all about it

Quality Engineer Resume: Profile Title

A profile title has utmost importance on a quality engineer resume.

It may not describe your skills and accomplishments as a quality engineer. But It gives out a lot of important information about you. For example:

  • Your seniority
  • Work Experience

It may not describe your expert editing or writing skills, but it will shout out your professional status for the recruiters to accept you likewise.

As a job seeker, you need to let the recruiters know about your professional experience right away to sort the resume out and prioritise them.

A profile title can help the recruiters distinguish between an entry-level professional to a senior-level professional.

However, do not lie on the profile title, as it can harm your job application process.

Some of the common profile title for quality engineer profile:

  • Quality Engineer Executive
  • Quality Lead
  • Quality Inspector
  • Quality Control Manager
  • Quality Assistant

You can see that every profile has a different experience range and each of them will have different functions.

And including the profile title in the resume will dramatically improve your chances of getting shortlisted for an interview.

Here is an example of a quality engineer resume profile title for your reference:


Quality Engineer Resume: Personal Information

A resume without your personal contact information is useless. Because even if you are shortlisted, there is no way recruiters will connect with you without any contact information.

Hence, a resume personal information is extremely important to get a job.

Personal information required for quality engineer resume:

  • Updated mobile number
  • Professional email address

Here is an ideal way to write your personal information on your resume.

{Personal Contact number} | {Professional E-mail Address} | {Current Location of Residence}

Updated Mobile Number

Here are some tips to successfully include your mobile phone number on your resume.

  • Always write the country ISD code when writing a phone number. Add a Plus sign (+) at the beginning of your phone number.
  • Always put a space in the middle of your phone number. It’s mostly for aesthetic purposes.
  • Double-check your phone number to make sure you have added the right information.
  • Here is an example : +1 27268 31271

Professional Email Address

If you are shortlisted for an interview, most of the time, recruiters will send you a mail with an invitation to interview.

That means, if you don’t have an email address on the resume, you will never get an interview invitation email.

Here is an example of a professional email id for a resume:

[email protected]

Example of unprofessional email id for quality engineer resume:

[email protected]

Most of the jobs give the location aspect much more important because of commute issues and various other problems.

When writing the location on your resume, here are some of the simple rules you need to follow.

  • Do not write your complete address in the resume. Instead, write the city. Country code, if you are applying for a job outside your country.
  • If you are applying for a job in your country, write the location in “state, country code” format.

Here’s a quality engineer resume example for your reference .

Contact Number +1 222 235 3531
Email Address
Current Location Los Angeles, CA


If you want to know more about contact information on your resume, read the Hiration Contact information guide for a detailed explanation.

Quality Engineer Resume: Professional Experience

There are three main steps to craft a professional experience section of the quality engineer resume.

These are :

  • STAR Format
  • Frame Points
  • Bucketing & Bolding

Let’s start with the first one


The STAR format stands for:

  • Situation - Your situation or the context you were assigned the work.
  • Task - The actual task assigned to you.
  • Action - The actions you took to complete the task
  • Result - The result of your actions with figures

Each point you write should have a clear cause and effect relationship.

For Example:

  • Inspected 200+ manufactured products by adhering to the technical specification & ensured the optimum quality of finished goods.
  • Correspond with the stakeholders to develop a quality control checklist and fixtures for improving the QC process & improving efficiency by 12%
  • Preparing inspection reports for the clients & auditing them by complying with the client’s requirements

ANALYSIS From the above example, we can clearly see that these bullet points ideally create a cause and effect relationship.

However, the STAR format is not the only way we can create the professional experience section. We can use various other formats to polish the professional experience section further.


Let’s look at the two quality engineers resume professional Experience sections to understand how framing points affect the PE section’s readability.

QualityEngineer Resume Example 1:

"Monitoring the entire production performance & inspecting random samples for ensuring optimal quality of end products. Reviewing technical specifications for developing production procedure and Quality control SOP for streamlining the entire production process. Liaising with the stakeholders to analyze the production process for implementing innovative processes for improving production efficiency by 12%. Lead the emergency response team of 10 to participate in Hazardous material training programs for improving disaster management skills. Developed production & quality control KPI & prepared weekly production report for presenting to the stakeholders.”

Quality Engineer Resume Example 2:

  • Monitoring the entire production performance & inspecting random samples for ensuring optimal quality of end products.
  • Reviewing technical specifications for developing production procedure and Quality control SOP for streamlining the entire production process.
  • Liaising with the stakeholders to analyze the production process for implementing innovative processes for improving production efficiency by 12%.
  • Lead the emergency response team of 10 to participate in Hazardous material training programs for improving disaster management skills.
  • Developed production & quality control KPI & prepared weekly production report for presenting to the stakeholders.

ANALYSIS Writing the professional experience in one line bullet points instead of a paragraph is much more reader-friendly.

Conclusion : Always write the professional experience section in single line bullet points

Grouping & Highlighting

Bucketing & Bolding is by far the best way to write the professional experience section in your resume. Here are two Quality Engineer Resume Example for your reference.

Quality Engineer Resume Example 1:

Monitoring the entire production performance & inspecting random samples for ensuring optimal quality of end products. Reviewing technical specifications for developing production procedure and Quality control SOP for streamlining the entire production process. Liaising with the stakeholders to analyze the production process for implementing innovative processes for improving production efficiency by 12%. Lead the emergency response team of 10 to participate in Hazardous material training programs for improving disaster management skills. Developed production & quality control KPI & prepared weekly production report for presenting to the stakeholders.
Performance Monitoring & Technical Documentation Monitoring the entire production performance & inspecting random samples for ensuring optimal quality of end products. Reviewing technical specifications for developing production procedure and Quality control SOP for streamlining the entire production process. Process Improvement & Team Leadership Liaising with the stakeholders to analyze the production process for implementing innovative processes for improving production efficiency by 12% . Lead the emergency response team of 10 to participate in Hazardous material training programs for improving disaster management skills. Developed production & quality control KPI & prepared weekly production report for presenting to the stakeholders.
Key Achievements Prepared the Product Review Procedure to streamline the production process & improved productivity by 15% . Assisted the organization to receive a 5-star quality rating for 3 consecutive years

ANALYSIS The above examples show that the bucketing and bolding technique is much more effective than the framing point technique.

Here's a step by step process on how to use the bucket and bolding technique in the professional experience section:

  • Use the framing point technique to create one-liner bullet points
  • Bold the important statistics in the bullet points
  • Club the one-liner bullet points under a single sub-headings

Read the Hiration Guide to write the professional experience section in your resume to learn more about writing a perfectly professional experience section.

Look at the quality assurance engineer resume sample showcasing an ideal professional experience section:


Quality Engineer Resume: Education Section

For most of the companies, a bachelor’s degree in mechanical or industrial engineering is the minimum requirement for a quality engineer.

And you need to showcase your education in the resume to make sure you meet the minimum requirements.

Here are the things you need include in the quality engineer resume education section.

  • School/university name.
  • Course name.
  • University/School Location.
  • Enrollment and graduation dates

Here is ideal format to write the education experience in your resume.

{(Degree) | (College/University) | (Location) | (Duration)}
B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering | University of Notre Dame | Notre Dame, ID | May ‘15 - Apr ‘18 CGPA : 3.8/4.0 | Dean’s List for 6 semesters Received the Principle's Scholarship Member of American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Read the Hiration Education Section Writing Guide if you want to know more about writing education section in resumes.

Here is one of the quality engineer resume sample for your reference:


Quality Engineer Resume: Certifications

Certification is an effective way to gain credibility for a job, and recruiters are more likely to hire candidates with industry-related certification experience.

For these reasons, job seeker needs to include their certification information in the resume.

However, you need to know how to present the certification information on your quality engineer resume for maximum impact. Here are some tips to effectively include the certification information in the quality engineer resume.

  • Ensure the certification is valid in the country you are applying for the job
  • Ensure the certification does not expire at the time of your interview or joining.
  • Always include the name of the accreditation body in the resume.
  • Write the date of certification & expiration date in the quality engineer resume.

Some of the common quality engineer certifications are

  • Certified Quality Engineer
  • Six Sigma Black Belt Certification
  • Certified Quality Auditor
  • Master Quality Manager
  • Lead Auditor
  • Project Management Professional
  • Certified Quality Assurance Professional
  • Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence
  • Certified Manufacturing Engineer
  • Certified Quality Management System Lead Auditor
  • Certified Welding Inspector
  • Certified Supply Chain Professional

Here is an ideal format for certification on a quality engineer resume:

{(Certification Name) | (Certification Body) | (Date of Certification - Date of Expiry)}

If you still have confusion, read the Hiration how to write the certification section guide to get a better idea of the certification section of a resume.

Here is a resume certification section example:


Hiration Online Resume Builder

Here are some of the excellent features of Hiration online resume builder :

  • Option to save unlimited resumes
  • Intuitive next text suggestion
  • Auto bold feature
  • 25+ resume designs
  • LIVE resume score
  • JD-resume matcher
  • Full rich-text editor
  • Unlimited PDF downloads
  • 100+ pre-filled resume templates
  • 1-click design change
  • A sharable link
  • LIVE resume editor

Want to use all of these features? Go to Hiraiton Resume Builder & start using these features to creating your Online Resume Builder Now!

Quality Engineer Cover Letters

A quality engineer cover letter will give your resume the necessary boost in the recruitment process.

To write a perfect cover letter :

  • Pick the same format for your cover letter as well as your resume.
  • Do not write a generic cover letter address. Instead, always address the cover letter to the hiring manager by his/her name.
  • Write an engaging first paragraph to grab the recruiter’s attention.
  • Talk about your past and present experience in the second & third paragraphs.
  • Include a call to action at the end of the cover letter.

Hiration Cover letter builder

Hiration's cover letter builder is the best tool to write professional cover letters.

It provides:

  • 10+ ready to use templates
  • 15+ designs
  • Template Customization
  • Easy downloading

Not only that.! Hiration can help you with other things as well! Such as:

  • Digital Portfolio Builder
  • LinkedIn Review
  • Interview Prep

Quality Engineer Resume Sample

It’s always better to understand the quality of something when we see it. So, here is one of the quality assurance resume samples created by using the Hiration Online Resume Builder.

  • Inspected 10+ cartons of processed equipment daily and maintained both digital & physical records for the manager
  • Developed quality control systems that reduced errors by 20% as compared to the previous systems
  • Trained a team of 8 on compliance with the systems which contributed to a 15% increase in efficiency
  • Assisted operation managers & supervisors to implement quality measures and tracked the efficiency of each method
  • Troubleshot production errors and provided solutions to ensure the products meet the company's established standard
  • Monitored the performance of the team and conducted 2+ meetings/week to provide instruction & guidance
  • Inspected incoming materials, equipment, and products to ensure adherence to quality specifications
  • Oversaw compliance with safety regulations in manufacturing products to maximize error-free production by 25%
  • Analyzed customer expectations & collected feedback which helped in enhancing product quality
  • Conducted routine checks to ensure product development in adherence to legal and safety standards
  • Supervised staff & monitored production as part of ensuring product certification in compliance with company standard
  • Examined quality of raw materials used in production to warrant highest quality post-manufacture
  • Negotiated with vendors upon spotting damages and secured a list of reliable vendors
  • Executed audits of company quality systems and enforced plans to improve manufacturing by 15%
  • Monitored internal production processes and generated 2 statistical reports per week on quality standards
  • Improved production efficiency and created a program to upcycle the discarded raw materials
  • Performing audits of the company's quality systems and formulated plans or processes for necessary improvement
  • GPA : 3.2/4.0
  • Quality Assurance Certification | The American Society for Quality (ASQ) | Apr '20
  • Quality Assurance Training | The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) | May '19
  • Volunteered at Open Hands | Boston, MA | Apr '20 - May '21
  • Collaborated with a team of 10 to conduct food distribution drives for the Boston Homeless Shelter
  • Maintained a steady influx of necessities to the families in need

To create a similar resume for yourself, go to Online Resume Builder Now!

Key Takeaway

With that, we have come to the end of this blog. Here are some key takeaways.

  • Always write the resume in a reverse chronological resume format.
  • Make sure to use a professional font when writing your resume, such as Calibri, Arial, Times New Roman, etc.
  • Write your own name in the heading section of your resume.
  • Write the resume summary section in paragraph format. The rest of the resume must be in single line bulleted format.
  • Use the bucketing & bolding format in the professional experience section in the resume.
  • Read the JD carefully and Include keywords in the key skills section of the resume

Go to Hiration resume builder and create a professional resume for yourself. Additionally, reach out to us at [email protected] and you can get 24/7 professional assistance with all your job & career-related queries.

sample resume for quality engineer

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sample resume for quality engineer

Online Resume Builder

  • ResumeBuild
  • Quality Engineer

5 Amazing quality engineer Resume Examples (Updated 2023) + Skills & Job Descriptions


Build your resume in 15 minutes

Quality engineer: resume samples & writing guide, employment history.

  • Identify and correct non-conformance issues
  • Monitor and review product performance
  • Develop and implement quality control systems

Do you already have a resume? Use our PDF converter and edit your resume.

Professional Summary

  • Document and report quality assurance activities
  • Monitor and inspect products to ensure quality
  • Analyze and investigate product quality issues
  • Participate in root cause analysis
  • Collaborate with engineering and production teams
  • Create and maintain quality control documentation
  • Develop and implement corrective actions
  • Ensure compliance with applicable standards and regulations
  • Analyze customer feedback and complaints
  • Develop and maintain quality control standards
  • Develop and execute test plans

Not in love with this template? Browse our full library of resume templates

sample resume for quality engineer

Table of Content

  • Introduction
  • Resume Samples & Writing Guide
  • Resume Example 1
  • Resume Example 2
  • Resume Example 3
  • Resume Example 4
  • Resume Example 5
  • Jobs Description
  • Jobs Skills
  • Technical Skills
  • Soft Skills
  • How to Improve Your Resume
  • How to Optimize Your Resume
  • Cover Letter Example

quality engineer Job Descriptions; Explained

If you're applying for an quality engineer position, it's important to tailor your resume to the specific job requirements in order to differentiate yourself from other candidates. Including accurate and relevant information that directly aligns with the job description can greatly increase your chances of securing an interview with potential employers. When crafting your resume, be sure to use action verbs and a clear, concise format to highlight your relevant skills and experience. Remember, the job description is your first opportunity to make an impression on recruiters, so pay close attention to the details and make sure you're presenting yourself in the best possible light.

quality engineer

  •  Responsible for ensuring that the products produced meet quality standards required to minimize quality costs and maximize customer satisfaction whilst ensuring that procedures and processes are adhered to. 
  •  Ensure incoming materials meet required quality standards. 
  •  Manage all quality-related issues within the manufacturing team including suppliers. 
  •  Identify root cause and instigate permanent corrective actions for product quality issues. 
  •  Carry out internal product and process auditing. 
  •  Ensure control plans and associated documentation are implemented effectively and maintained. 
  •  Ensure compliance and assist with adherence to the Quality Management system (ISO 9001:2015).
  • Assisted with continued improvement of the performance testing process, including best practices around the Performance Center of Excellence
  • Assisted developers with issue analysis
  • Assisted in determining and developing approaches to testing solutions
  • Communicated significant issues during quality assurance activities and provided recommended process improvements to management
  • Consulted with management to provide information regarding software readiness Coordinated testing activities with the QA Manager and Project Managers
  • Created detailed, well-structured test cases and assisted senior team members in testing! Managed all communications related to QA Status on a daily basis during execution. Reported potential risks during any stages of development life-cycle
  • Participated in developing and maintaining good working relationships with peers in product development, project management and client services
  • In-charge for Customer quality control & in-charge for final quality.
  • Dealing with customer – major passenger car giants like Hyundai, Nissan & Ford.
  • Incharge for Major passenger car components like Module cover, Body cover, Glove box, Crash pad,Cluster facia, Garnish & Center facia for models (Nissan – Duster & Kwid, Hyundai – i10,Grand i10,Elite i20, verna, Creta & Eon, Ford – Eco sport).
  • Analyzing the defective parts with Quality tools along with respective team and finding the root cause.
  • Doing internal audit frequently and also to monitor the customer complaints countermeasureeffectiveness with proper check sheet.
  • Customer end rejection monitoring and root cause analysis and presenting the same to customer.
  • Doing revalidation for major components and critical dimensions and monitoring the same.
  • Perform DQR (Pre-delivery inspection) activities on machined  aerospace structural components.
  • Certified AS-9117 delegated quality representative for Collins aerospace
  • Facilitate Internal Audit planning, scheduling, Coordinating, Audit NC Closing. 
  • Facilitates and conduct Quality System, product and process Audits. 
  • Coordinating external audits, follow-up and closing audit NC with stipulated time frame
  • Plant  Metrics updation (KPIs) and follow-up the action closure on monthly basis. 
  • Conducting Business feedback analysis with customers and closing the gaps with key peoples 
  •  Coordinate with other professionals, such as contractors, architects, engineers, and plumbers, to ensure job success.
  •  Determine production schedules and staff requirements necessary to ensure timely delivery of services. 
  •  Monitor participants’ progress and adapt programs as needed. 
  •  Updating defects databases, maintaining equipment, coordinating technicians, and returning defect items.
  • Work monitoring, testing and inspecting products to make sure they meet specified standards

quality engineer Job Skills

For an quality engineer position, your job skills are a key factor in demonstrating your value to the company and showing recruiters that you're the ight fit for the role. It's important to be specific when highlighting your skills and ensure that they are directly aligned with the job requirements, as this can greatly improve your chances of being hired. By showcasing your relevant skills and experience, you can make a compelling case for why you're the best candidate for the job.

How to include technical skills in your resume:

Technical skills are a set of specialized abilities and knowledge required to perform a particular job effectively. Some examples of technical skills are data analysis, project management, software proficiency, and programming languages, to name a few. Add the technical skills that will get hired in your career field with our simple-to-use resume builder. Select your desired resume template, once you reach the skills section of the builder, manually write in the skill or simply click on "Add more skills". This will automatically generate the best skills for your career field, choose your skill level, and hit "Save & Next."

  • Data Analysis
  • Quality Assurance
  • Troubleshooting
  • Computer Literacy
  • Project Management
  • Database Management
  • Risk Management
  • Process Improvement
  • Business Acumen
  • Test Automation
  • Statistical Analysis
  • Data Mining
  • Software Testing
  • Software Development
  • Automation Testing
  • Agile Methodology
  • Continuous Integration
  • Version Control

How to include soft skills in your resume:

Soft skills are non-technical skills that relate to how you work and that can be used in any job. Including soft skills such as time management, creative thinking, teamwork, and conflict resolution demonstrate your problem-solving abilities and show that you navigate challenges and changes in the workplace efficiently. Add competitive soft skills to make your resume stand-out to recruiters! Simply select your preferred resume template in the skills section, enter the skills manually or use the "Add more skills" option. Our resume builder will generate the most relevant soft skills for your career path. Choose your proficiency level for each skill, and then click "Save & Next" to proceed to the next section.

  • Communication
  • Interpersonal
  • Time Management
  • Problem Solving
  • Decision Making
  • Critical Thinking
  • Adaptability
  • Organization
  • Public Speaking
  • Negotiation
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Attention to Detail
  • Self-Motivation
  • Stress Management
  • Collaboration
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Flexibility
  • Reliability
  • Professionalism
  • Customer Service
  • Presentation
  • Written Communication
  • Social Media
  • Supervisory
  • Documentation
  • Financial Management
  • Visualization
  • Relationship Management.

How to Improve Your quality engineer Resume

Navigating resume pitfalls can mean the difference between landing an interview or not. Missing job descriptions or unexplained work history gaps can cause recruiters to hesitate. Let's not even talk about the impact of bad grammar, and forgetting your contact info could leave your potential employer hanging. Aim to be comprehensive, concise, and accurate.

  • Design and implement quality control training programs

Unexplained Year Gaps and Missing Job Experiences are a No-no

Gaps in your resume can prevent recruiters from hiring you if you don't explain them..

  • It's okay to have gaps in your work experience but always offer a valid explanation instead of just hiding it.
  • Use the gap to talk about positive attributes or additional skills you've learned.
  • Be honest and straightforward about the gap and explain it using a professional summary.

How to Optimize Your quality engineer Resume

Keep an eye out for these resume traps. Neglecting to detail your job roles or explain gaps in your career can lead to unnecessary doubts. Grammar blunders can reflect negatively on you, and without contact information, how can employers reach you? Be meticulous and complete.

  • Idintify annd correkt non-conformence issusees.
  • Colaborate wih enginering an prodution teams.
  • Analise and investigate product quality issiues.
  • Idintyfy annd corect non-conformance issuss.
  • Develp annd execcute testt planss.
  • Documment and reportt quality assurancee activitiess.
  • Colaborate wtih enginneering and prodction teams.
  • Moniterd an revuw producct performence.
  • Identity and corect non-conformence issiues.

Avoid Spelling Mistakes and Include your Contact Information

Missing contact information prevents recruiters from understanding you're the best fit for the position..

  • Make sure you're not missing contact information on your resume. That should include your full name, telephone number and email address.
  • Make sure to use a professional email address as part of your contact information.
  • Highlight your contact information and double check that everything is accurate to help recruiters get in touch with you.

quality engineer Cover Letter Example

A cover letter can be a valuable addition to your job application when applying for an quality engineer position. Cover letters provide a concise summary of your qualifications, skills, and experience, also it also gives you an opportunity to explain why you're the best fit for the job. Crafting a cover letter that showcases your relevant experience and enthusiasm for the Accounts Payable role can significantly improve your chances of securing an interview.

Greetings GE Recruitment Team

I am a results-driven Quality Engineer with 2 years of experience in Engineering. I am excited to submit my application for the Associate Quality Engineer role at GE, where I believe I can make a valuable contribution to your team.

My life experiences have taught me the importance of hard work, dedication, and collaboration. Whether it was on the work, or just personally, I have always been committed to pursuing my goals with passion and tenacity. I am confident that throughout all of these years I have gained the skills and expertise necessary to succeed in this role and be a great asset for GE. I am eager to join a team that shares my values and work towards a common goal.

Thank you for considering my application for the Associate Quality Engineer role. I am very passionate about this field and possess a deep understanding of the industry so, I am thrilled about the opportunity to contribute to your organization's success.

Showcase your most significant accomplishments and qualifications with this cover letter. Personalize this cover letter in just few minutes with our user-friendly tool!

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Quality Engineer Resume Sample

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Work Experience

  • Lead issues to resolution for Hotline identified dealer issues
  • Statistical abilities, & understanding of gage R&R’s, capability studies
  • Understands Garmin’s Mission Statement & Quality Policy
  • Strong communication skills for coordinating with product teams scattered around the globe
  • Construct test plans while helping to define the product
  • Experience testing mobile products
  • Experience testing REST services
  • Demonstrated proficiency in test automation
  • Experience with Chrome DevTools
  • Demonstrated knowledge of testing methodology, processes and tools. Ability to achieve results with little supervision or direction. Excellent communication skills, both verbal & written. Good time management skills with strong attention to detail. Flexibility to move between tasks, products and sometimes across teams. Strong problem solving skills. Experience with Agile development processes
  • Develop, verify, and document product standard test procedures (STP’s)
  • Ensure the accuracy and adequacy of quality control inspection plans (QCIP’s) and standard test procedures (STP’s) for purchased and manufactured components and finished goods to meet the latest quality and system specifications
  • Approve and follow up for ECR’s, ECO’s, PPAP’s, e-CATS
  • Supports QA functions in processing RMA’s, First Article Inspections, and Source Inspections
  • Perform independently without continual direction and exercise considerable latitude in determining technical objectives and solutions to complex problems
  • ASME 14.5 structure knowledge with ability to train on same platform

Professional Skills

  • Specific skills include: basic computer skills, good coaching and feedback skills, and excellent communication skills (listening, verbal, and written)
  • Possess strong prioritization, time management skills and superior follow-up and follow-through skills
  • Work Experience Eighteen months quality/engineering experience. Skills and Knowledge Demonstrated ability to work with minimal supervision
  • Excellent analytical and problem solving skills. Demonstrated ability in applying statistics to industrial practices
  • Facilitation skills and training skills / ability
  • Know-how/skills: Very strong problem solving and communication skill
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, including strong English

How to write Quality Engineer Resume

Quality Engineer role is responsible for interpersonal, computer, analytical, technical, organizational, analysis, leadership, microsoft, english, organization. To write great resume for quality engineer job, your resume must include:

  • Your contact information
  • Work experience
  • Skill listing

Contact Information For Quality Engineer Resume

The section contact information is important in your quality engineer resume. The recruiter has to be able to contact you ASAP if they like to offer you the job. This is why you need to provide your:

  • First and last name
  • Telephone number

Work Experience in Your Quality Engineer Resume

The section work experience is an essential part of your quality engineer resume. It’s the one thing the recruiter really cares about and pays the most attention to. This section, however, is not just a list of your previous quality engineer responsibilities. It's meant to present you as a wholesome candidate by showcasing your relevant accomplishments and should be tailored specifically to the particular quality engineer position you're applying to. The work experience section should be the detailed summary of your latest 3 or 4 positions.

Representative Quality Engineer resume experience can include:

  • Support the implementation of new products, processes, and changes by developing quality plans, approval of validation plans and protocols, inspection methods, work instructions, and raw material specifications and inspection plans
  • Functional/Technical Skills -Possesses the skills to be effective in the job. Has the skill(s) to perform the job at a high level of accomplishment
  • Quality engineering skills with a proven track record in design verification/validation, process verification/validation, and effects analyses
  • Excellent communication skills, flexibility, persuasive personality and teamwork skills with analytical and structured thinking
  • Interpersonal skills, ability to influence others, and strong skills in customer service
  • Excellent PC skills, written and verbal communication skills

Education on a Quality Engineer Resume

Make sure to make education a priority on your quality engineer resume. If you’ve been working for a few years and have a few solid positions to show, put your education after your quality engineer experience. For example, if you have a Ph.D in Neuroscience and a Master's in the same sphere, just list your Ph.D. Besides the doctorate, Master’s degrees go next, followed by Bachelor’s and finally, Associate’s degree.

Additional details to include:

  • School you graduated from
  • Major/ minor
  • Year of graduation
  • Location of school

These are the four additional pieces of information you should mention when listing your education on your resume.

Professional Skills in Quality Engineer Resume

When listing skills on your quality engineer resume, remember always to be honest about your level of ability. Include the Skills section after experience.

Present the most important skills in your resume, there's a list of typical quality engineer skills:

  • Strong written and verbal communication skills, interpersonal skills, and problem solving skills are require
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills, including good facilitation skills, and engaging
  • Strong quality engineering skills with a proven track record in design verification/validation, process verification/validation, and effects analyses
  • Excellent interpersonal skills (presentation, written and oral) and the ability to communicate effectively with a variety of staff levels desired
  • Excellent verbal and presentation skills including technical writing. ASQ-CQE, Supervisory experience. Lead Auditor/Internal Auditor
  • Demonstrated strong analytical problem solving (CAPA) skills

List of Typical Experience For a Quality Engineer Resume

Experience for quality engineer resume.

  • Strong oral and written communication skills needed, excellent interpersonal and cross-cultural skills require
  • Strong interpersonal communication skills with the ability to effectively communicate across all levels
  • Good self-organizer (able to prioritize and manage daily tasks effectively)
  • Excellent teamwork skills, ability to cooperate well with global stakeholders
  • Demonstrated effective interpersonal, teamwork, negotiation and conflict resolution skills
  • Project risk management and tollgate experience, team facilitation and strong cross-functional communication skills
  • Demonstrated capability to influence teams and independently drive results using technical skills and accurate, precise, and compelling analysis and reports
  • Excellent presentation, facilitation and problem-solving skills
  • Use of good engineering practices, follows procedures and Quality System requirements, and effectively uses the organizations systems
  • Strong problem solving skills (8D, Pareto, 5 Why’s etc. )
  • Good communication skills and familiar with communicating on all levels of an organization
  • Strong analytical and problem solving skills, preferably with 6-sigma green/black belt certification
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Detailed knowledge of product and manufacturing processes and inspection techniques
  • Strong PC skills with proficiency in the following: MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) and MS Project or other project management software
  • Demonstrated ability to work effectively in a matrix organization and in cross-functional environments
  • Strong analytical skills to identify the source of problems and to propose solutions
  • Proven ability to work effectively alone and in a multi-disciplinary team with high attention to detail and accuracy
  • Strong engineering skills with a working knowledge of Quality issues surrounding new product developments
  • Strong programming skills, proficient in Lab View and programming different types of environmental chambers
  • Good written and verbal communication skills in English and local Country language
  • Validation: Define process and product validation requirements, preparation and approval of Master Validation Plans, protocols and reports approval
  • Leadership skills/experience as a team or subproject leader desirable
  • Good computer skills – MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
  • Excellent verbal and written communication and interpersonal skills, team facilitator and fast learner
  • Excellent English communication skills- both verbal and written
  • Strong relentless root cause analysis skills
  • Self-starter with good leadership skills
  • Very good in written and verbal communication & presentation skills
  • Excellent customer focused interpersonal skills
  • Strong process improvement mindset with demonstrated experience with process improvement tools
  • Previous work experience in an organization that supplied large OEM’s, prior audit experience
  • Demonstrated leadership skills and ability to work with customers to achieve common goals
  • Strong analytic skills; able to clearly link results to operational performance drivers and generate alternatives
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills, understandable by a diverse audience
  • Demonstrated analytical skills with data, problem resolution, project management
  • Excellent skills in leadership, communication both verbal and written, and attention to detail
  • Strong communications skills across businesses, customers and regions
  • Good initiative and analytical skills
  • Effective analytical and problem isolation skills
  • Detail oriented, team player with strong interpersonal skills
  • Strong analytical and conceptual thinking skills required
  • Scripting skills in Python and shell
  • Programming skills in Python are an advantage
  • CET band 4 or above, good English listening, speaking, reading and wring skill
  • Proven experience working, influencing, and building trusting relationships across functions and suppliers
  • Support the TECHS system being effectively implemented, and users receiving the appropriate TECHS role training
  • Experience in quality planning, tools and analysis in a manufacturing environment OR 3 years experience in applied engineering
  • Considerable hands-on experience in Medical Device manufacturing with strong working knowledge of FDA QSR, IVD, and ISO 13485
  • Have demonstrated experience and implementation of using Lean Manufacturing, Six Sigma, or similar analysis tools
  • Manufacturing and quality experience including experience with ISO9001 requirements
  • Basic math skills, including ability to add, subtract, multiply, and divide in all units of measure, using whole numbers, common fractions and decimals
  • Proven experience in new product development and supporting software development and quality engineering related activities in a medical device environment
  • Demonstrates expert understanding of the quality aspects of a PLC process and demonstrated utilization of the quality planning tools
  • Work effectively with cross-functional work groups including suppliers, customers and associates, both verbally and in writing
  • Experience with writing and executing process development and IQ/OQ/PQ is strongly desired
  • Solid understanding of continuous improvement methodologies including lean, six sigma, and validation
  • Preforming the above JD and skills with Masters of Science/Masters of Engineering
  • Applies problem-solving skills and executes solutions to problems independently
  • Identify key barriers/core problems and apply problem-solving skills in order to address complex situations
  • Strong experience with bug tracking tools
  • GD&T print reading skills required
  • Lead Root Cause investigations, corrective action determinations, and verification of effectiveness (CAPA) using proven quality tools and methodologies
  • Provide coaching to project teams on quality skills and the project tollgate process
  • Develop, implement, and conduct training programs to increase Quality Assurance skills across ATEP
  • Strong experience on machining processes
  • Strong experience on Heat Treatment & Grinding processes
  • Possess a strong understanding of effective Quality systems and methodologies and their impact on both the internal and external business environments
  • Prior experience in Quality Engineering in the medical device or related industry
  • Working experience in quality and/or process functions, and good knowledge of Quality Systems (ISO 9000 / TS16949)
  • Responsible for effectively researching quality issues associated with production problems to determine and eliminate root causes and diminish occurrences
  • Work effectively at a corporate level but hands-on mindset when interfacing with the plants and Suppliers
  • Problem solving skills (multi departmental issues/design)
  • Analytical skills - apply sound engineering logic to analyze and resolve complex technical problems
  • Strong experience with bug-tracking systems (Bugzilla, JIRA, Clear quest Quality center etc.)

List of Typical Skills For a Quality Engineer Resume

Skills for quality engineer resume.

  • Quick problem solving skills, process approach, good communication skills,
  • Effective verbal and written communication skills with a demonstrated ability to draft Validation Protocols (IQ, OQ and PQ)
  • Proven interpersonal skills, ability to interact effectively with a variety of levels within the organization
  • Willing to sign up for training when a skillset need to be improved. Self-motivated to learn new skills
  • Solid scripting skills; 2+ years of experience with Bash, Perl, Python, or Powershell
  • Good business acumen, ability to support a changing environment and exhibit excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • Strong desire to work with people, on the manufacturing floor and with customer interface, excellent follow-up and execution skills
  • Good supervisory skills, good team player
  • Demonstrated ability to effectively prioritize and work on multiple, concurrent tasks in a fast paced, dynamic environment and manage time appropriately
  • Good prioritization and verbal/written skills including technical writing
  • Demonstrated effectiveness with interpersonal skills and the ability to interface with cross functional team (internally and external)
  • Demonstrated ability to utilize strong written and verbal communication skills
  • Demonstrated excellent written and verbal communication skills in cross functional disciplines
  • Strong interpersonal and excellent written and verbal communication skills, while working across all functions and levels of the organization
  • Proven strong communication, documentation, problem solving and leadership/management skills
  • Strong Project Management skills combined with proven consistent execution within committed quality, time and cost targets
  • Strong problem solving and analytical skills are essential for identifying and resolving problems and implementing corrective action
  • Demonstrated analytical, decision making, and problem solving skills (including root cause analysis)
  • Demonstrated ability to effectively work cross functionally with other departments including Operations, Product Development and Marketing
  • Strong Reporting/writing/analytical skills
  • Excellent communication, analytical, trouble shooting and problem solving skills
  • Demonstrated ability to work effectively with cross-functional work groups including suppliers, customers and associates, both verbally and in writing.
  • Strong problem-solving and multi-tasking skills, detail oriented with the ability to drive tasks to completion on schedule
  • Good communication and technical writing skills are required.
  • Excellent computer systems and MS Office skills with working knowledge of computer relational databases
  • Demonstrated knowledge and experience in problem solving, validations, CAPA, and investigations (Failure, DMAIC, complaint, etc.)
  • Excellent teamwork skills and problem-solving required
  • Excellent communication & influencing skills required
  • Good leadership, problem solving, and analytical skills
  • Excellent computer skills, including Micro Soft Outlook, Word and Excel
  • Demonstrated problem solving and presentation skills
  • Good analytical, investigative and problem solving skills required
  • Practical knowledge of FDA QSR 820, ISO13485 and plastics injection molding technology; excellent interpersonal skills at all levels of the organization
  • Experience in writing process, software, and equipment protocols/validations and has fundamental knowledge of validation principles
  • Strong hands-on problem solving skills and desire to understand all aspects of Baby products
  • Excellent organization, communication and listening skills
  • Excellent computer and system skills, including Microsoft Excel, Word, etc
  • Good computer skills (Microsoft, CAD, SAP, etc.)
  • Good oral, written, and team building skills in order to develop proper quality interaction and documentation
  • Self-motivation, very good communication skills, computer literate, fluent in spoken and written English and Russian
  • Strong knowledge in CAPA system, investigations, Quality Tools, Six Sigma, Continuous Improvement and Problem Solving Skills
  • Strong problem solving skills with ability to combine theory and practical hands-on approach
  • Excellent communication & presentation skills - proficiency in speaking to large audiences
  • Demonstrate knowledge of Sterilization Validation and perform initial and recurring/annual sterilization validation activities as required
  • Good oral and written skills in order to develop proper quality documentation
  • Possesses competent computer skills (MS Office; Word, Excel, PowerPoint) - experience with Minitab applications
  • Demonstrated data analytical, process management skills
  • Good interpersonal and communication skills to work/communicate with various audiences - line operators, technicians, engineers, & management, suppliers
  • Demonstrated oral and written communication skills in both Vietnamese and English
  • Communicates and operates effectively within Woodward's organizational structure. Helps to improve information systems and products
  • Demonstrated skills in statistical analysis, process control, and SPC development
  • Proven analytical, commercial and financial skills
  • Have excellent communication (written & verbal) and organisational skills
  • Excellent organizational skills, ability to self-project manage, and desire to work under pressure in a highly dynamic environment
  • Have effective verbal and written communication skills in English
  • Effective English communication skills at all levels (both written and verbal)
  • Good organizational skills; proficient in computer operations
  • Customer Focus - Ability to work effectively in a team environment and build strong working relationships
  • Knowledge and demonstrated skills in Six Sigma and Lean training and quality systems
  • Strong computer literacy skills with both Windows and Mac
  • Solid computer (MS Office, Minitab) and communication skills
  • 2 Ability to write reports business correspondence and procedure manuals. Effective and professional communication and organizational skills
  • Excellent communication skills essential; oral and written English communication
  • Excellent Analytical skills and an insatiable curiosity
  • Strong Front-End and GUI testing skills
  • Inter-departmental Project Management skills and experience
  • Solid verbal and written English language skills
  • Good teamwork, communication, and interpersonal skills
  • Programming language skills in Bash and Ruby or Go
  • Auditing skills such as - ISO, QSR (Quality Systems Regulations) and GMP standards is as asset
  • Debugging, troubleshooting, and problem-solving skills
  • Reading and writing skills Spanish/English
  • Outstanding problem solving and collaboration skills
  • Scripting skills in Bash, Perl, Ruby, or Python

List of Typical Responsibilities For a Quality Engineer Resume

Responsibilities for quality engineer resume.

  • Planning & organisational skills, Meeting facilitation, Relationship management, Communication skills, Presentations & Facilitation skills
  • Strong technical ability including methodical approach to problem solving and strong technical writing skills
  • Excellent team player with strong organizational skills and attention to detail
  • Excellent communication skills, good team player
  • Excellent analytical, prioritization, delegation and multitasking skills
  • QA experience with excellent skills and knowledge either in Telecom or Embedded domain
  • Excellent computer skills including but not limited to standard statistical analysis software and Microsoft Office Suite
  • Effectively interface and collaborate with Supplier Quality Engineering to solve vendor quality problems and to maintain an effective supply chain value stream
  • Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills in order to gather, analyze and draw well-reasoned conclusions
  • Good Microsoft Office knowledge and SAP R3 skills would be desirable
  • Experience in a role where it was important to effectively manage relationships with multiple parties
  • Strong English and German communications skills, written and oral
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills; able to work well independently and in a team environment
  • Excellent computer skills (MS Office) and ability to learn quickly new software
  • Excellent computer skills with the ability to utilize and learn new applications. Proficiency in Microsoft Office Applications
  • Strong written and oral communication skills, and ability to communicate at all levels internally and externally with customers and suppliers, etc
  • Possesses Leadership experience and skillsets in areas of communication and cultural aspects of enterprise quality
  • Ensuring that an effective Quality Management System is being operated and maintained at all levels
  • One who is energized by consistently identifying and overcoming challenges and possessing highly developed quantitative, as well as qualitative skills required
  • Proven experience working with Linux operating system
  • Excellent skill for strategic planning, process improvement, analyzing information
  • Problem-solving skill and Team working skill
  • Demonstrated experience in using Six Sigma tools to deliver continuous improvement in a manufacturing environment
  • Be familiar with software test tool, Coding validation, Process / system / Software FlowChart experiences. Know how to trace bug and make the report
  • Proven experience working with Python
  • Use your Linux knowledge and coding skills to improve the quality of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)
  • Provide training to personnel to ensure customer requirements are effectively implemented and maintained
  • A strong understanding of regulatory guidance and previous experience in regulatory submissions is required
  • DMAIC problem solving and analytical skills required
  • Blue print reading skills and knowledge of GD&T concepts / applications required
  • Working experience; management experience is an advantage
  • Successful influencing skills across, up and with customers
  • Experience validating user interfaces (UI) for mobile apps
  • Prior Manufacturing or R&D experience
  • Demonstrated experience with Electronics Manufacturing Processes
  • Demonstrated expert level understanding and demonstrated use of statistical theory, tools and numerical analysis
  • Assist in validation protocol writing and execution of validations as assigned
  • Medical device /pharmaceutical validation, CAPA, complaint investigation, or quality system auditing experience
  • Experience in performing validations
  • Good Experience in working with .Net based Mobile, Web and Desktop based Applications
  • Problem solving skills (8D; Is, is not;…)
  • Relevant technical knowledge of mechanical and/or technical manufacturing processes or prior quality experience
  • Experience working as a customer advocate or customer experience team
  • Have a proven track record in development/execution of Validation programs in areas of Equipment, Process Information management
  • Prior experience with PLM, MMS, ERP systems
  • Lead test method validation for design verification and validation test methods
  • Inter-personal and customer service skills in order to interface with internal and external customers, discuss technical issues and find solutions
  • A proven background of experience within quality assurance and knowledge of quality management systems
  • Intermediate to advanced skills with all Microsoft Office tools
  • System administration skills with am overview of the Linux principles
  • Intermediate written and verbal English language skills
  • Experience in automation test case developer experience
  • Intermediate English skills, both written and verbal
  • Work independently as well as work effectively with team members
  • Determines validation requirements by evaluating change control notices impact that validates equipment or systems
  • Ensure effective quality strategies for validation
  • Experience in Design and Process validation
  • Proven knowledge and ability regarding generation, execution and review of Validations
  • Effectively manage time Ability to handle multiple task assignments
  • Prior quality assurance work experience
  • Computer skills in MS Excel, MS Word
  • Prior experience working within a quality or manufacturing environment
  • Prior experience working in a multi-shift operation preferably in Quality group
  • Experience in writing test method protocols and validation
  • Proven experience coordinating internal quality systems and programs with suppliers and customers
  • Strong experience and expertise on fiber connectorization and assembly processes
  • Experience in Pharma industry. 1-2 years experience in Quality Assurance or related field
  • Experience with FPGA/Development boards and various hardware components (connectors, JTAG debuggers, cables, etc.) are good to have
  • Demonstrated hands on experience with all aspects for APQP

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Quality Engineer resume examples for 2024

A quality engineer resume should highlight a strong knowledge of and experience working with ISO. Data analysis and continuous improvement are also important skills to showcase. According to Jianyu Liang , Director of Materials and Manufacturing Engineering Program at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, "Embracing continuous learning and staying abreast of technological advancements in manufacturing, such as automation, robotics, and digital manufacturing technologies, will ensure you remain a valuable asset to employers."


Quality Engineer resume example

How to format your quality engineer resume:.

  • Use the job title 'Quality Engineer' to match the application. Focus on achievements, such as 'Conducted management reviews to upper management and audits with customers, FDA and/or other regulatory agencies' or 'Demonstrated through statistical analysis robustness of current thermal solution and eliminated need for further thermal solution development for three following generations', rather than responsibilities in work experience
  • Recruiters and hiring managers suggest fitting your Quality Engineer resume on one page. Highlight your impact, such as 'Reduced scrap by 32% through accountability, supplier management, statistical process control and defining and aligning customer quality requirements', instead of listing general responsibilities
  • Quantify your contributions and results, such as 'Performed process capability studies; reviewed and analyzed results, recommended changes to improve quality and follow up on effectiveness. Monitored plant internal and external quality metrics to determine areas for improvement and used Six Sigma methodologies to develop improvement actions. Scheduled Discrepant Material Review Meetings with Production Managers, Quality Techs, Engineering and Purchasing Personnel to resolve nonconforming product issues. Led project with DOE that reduced variation of optimal dosage test results by 40% for chemotherapy patients' on your one-page resume

Choose from 10+ customizable quality engineer resume templates

Choose from a variety of easy-to-use quality engineer resume templates and get expert advice from Zippia’s AI resume writer along the way. Using pre-approved templates, you can rest assured that the structure and format of your quality engineer resume is top notch. Choose a template with the colors, fonts & text sizes that are appropriate for your industry.

Quality Engineer Resume

Professional quality engineer resume example

Resume tips to land the job:.

  • If you're choosing between a resume objective or work experience and you want to fit your resume on one page, always choose work experience. However, it's ok for senior level quality engineer resumes to be two full pages long.
  • Recruiters and hiring managers suggest short, succinct bullet points, instead of long, wordy paragraphs. Make it easy for recruiters to understand your key accomplishments, in 30 seconds.
  • As a rule of thumb, lead each bullet point with a verb such "Grew", "Increased", or "Developed".

Quality Engineer resume format and sections

1. add contact information to your quality engineer resume.

Quality Engineer Resume Contact Information Example # 1

Montgomery, AL 36043| 333-111-2222 | [email protected]

2. Add relevant education to your quality engineer resume

Your resume's education section should include:

  • The name of your school
  • The date you graduated ( Month, Year or Year are both appropriate)
  • The name of your degree

If you graduated more than 15 years ago, you should consider dropping your graduation date to avoid age discrimination.

Optional subsections for your education section include:

  • Academic awards (Dean's List, Latin honors, etc. )
  • GPA (if you're a recent graduate and your GPA was 3.5+)
  • Extra certifications
  • Academic projects (thesis, dissertation, etc. )

Other tips to consider when writing your education section include:

  • If you're a recent graduate, you might opt to place your education section above your experience section
  • The more work experience you get, the shorter your education section should be
  • List your education in reverse chronological order, with your most recent and high-ranking degrees first
  • If you haven't graduated yet, you can include "Expected graduation date" to the entry for that school

Check More About Quality Engineer Education

Quality Engineer Resume Relevant Education Example # 1

Bachelor's Degree In Mechanical Engineering 2007 - 2010

Purdue University West Lafayette, IN

Quality Engineer Resume Relevant Education Example # 2

Bachelor's Degree In Business 1998 - 2001

Strayer University Washington, DC

3. Next, create a quality engineer skills section on your resume

Your resume's skills section should include the most important keywords from the job description, as long as you actually have those skills. If you haven't started your job search yet, you can look over resumes to get an idea of what skills are the most important.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when writing your resume's skills section:

  • Include 6-12 skills, in bullet point form
  • List mostly hard skills ; soft skills are hard to test
  • Emphasize the skills that are most important for the job

Hard skills are generally more important to hiring managers because they relate to on-the-job knowledge and specific experience with a certain technology or process.

Soft skills are also valuable, as they're highly transferable and make you a great person to work alongside, but they're impossible to prove on a resume.

Example of skills to include on an quality engineer resume

Continuous improvement is an ongoing process of improvement of products, services, and processes with the help of innovative ideas. It is an organized approach that helps an organization to find its weaknesses and improve them.

Quality standards are a specific level of standards of products that are set by the companies for the customers that have to be met and maintained throughout the process until the time of delivery. Quality standards are information that includes the customer's requirements, guidelines, and characteristics for the needed final product or service.

In Greek alphabets, sigma is the 18th letter that means "to sum up". In statistics, the lower case symbol of sigma is the unit of measurement for standard deviation which is used to assess the variability in a given set of data. While the upper case symbol is for summation notation means to add up all the given numbers in the data set.

Product quality is the basic element of a business. It means to add features in a product or service in such a way that it meets the needs and wants of the customers. Enhancing the product quality also means improve the goods from any existing defects to ensure customer satisfaction.

A quality system is an organizational structure that helps management, procedures, and processes. The quality system helps the company to achieve its goals by following the right procedures. The quality system is usually documented and is based around a manual that defines and controls the system.

Process control is a method pertaining to continuous production processes that uses the aid of ICS (Industrial Control Systems) for production. This method enables production to be done with a level of consistency and safety in an economically friendly manner that is impossible to achieve solely through manual control.

A management system is a set of policies, processes, and procedures taken by an organization or a business to ensure it can fulfill its tasks and achieve its objectives. A management system makes sure that the company excels financially and improves the user experience. The management system also takes care of the worker's and employees' needs and manages their workload and oversees their performance. Apart from interior matters of the company, a management system also deals with exterior matters like legislations, tax matters, and law issues.

Top Skills for a Quality Engineer

  • Corrective Action , 6.7%
  • Continuous Improvement , 5.9%
  • Quality Standards , 4.8%
  • Other Skills , 77.3%

4. List your quality engineer experience

The most important part of any resume for a quality engineer is the experience section. Recruiters and hiring managers expect to see your experience listed in reverse chronological order, meaning that you should begin with your most recent experience and then work backwards.

Don't just list your job duties below each job entry. Instead, make sure most of your bullet points discuss impressive achievements from your past positions. Whenever you can, use numbers to contextualize your accomplishments for the hiring manager reading your resume.

It's okay if you can't include exact percentages or dollar figures. There's a big difference even between saying "Managed a team of quality engineers" and "Managed a team of 6 quality engineers over a 9-month project. "

Most importantly, make sure that the experience you include is relevant to the job you're applying for. Use the job description to ensure that each bullet point on your resume is appropriate and helpful.

  • Improved high impact supplier PPM from 470 to 90 year over year.
  • Completed projects increased profit margins and helped reduce Eaton's overall material spend.
  • Launched Bypass Isolation Product line.
  • Increased measuring capabilities by providing measurement equipment to improve accuracy and precision of measurements while eliminating human error.
  • Led and supported continuous improvement utilizing Lean Six Sigma best practices.
  • Documented the calculation process and listed the parameters that influence these dates in dispatch list.
  • Evaluated six sigma project trends, identified root causes of delays and recommended process changes for ensuring timely project executions.
  • Created standard work procedures for manufacturing operations.
  • Updated standard workbooks to include updated safety procedures.
  • Generated AutoCAD layout for Calibre inner panel.
  • Exercised Good Documentation Practices (GDP) and Understood GxP (GMP, GDP, GLP).
  • Supported PRB Analysis, Kaizen, First Article and create MOA, PM/Cal/WI procedures.
  • Used Green Belt certification and Six Sigma tools to improve production efficiency and reliability to increase company profits.
  • Completed successfully the Sensor Enlite process improvement project.
  • Trained in Lean Sigma Green Belt, Design for Manufacturing and Testing.
  • Conducted process mapping and time/capability studies to improve throughput by 25%, eliminated bottlenecks and ensured adherence to customer specifications.
  • Applied Six Sigma and Kepner-Tregoe methodology to find solutions to quality problems and reduce costs related to quality defects
  • Supervised and directed production lines and supporting tooling to maximize uptime and throughput.
  • Reviewed and updated pfmea documentation, work instructions, control plans.
  • Involved budget development and management of all quality fixtures and equipment expenses.

5. Highlight quality engineer certifications on your resume

Specific quality engineer certifications can be a powerful tool to show employers you've developed the appropriate skills.

If you have any of these certifications, make sure to put them on your quality engineer resume:

  • Six Sigma Green Belt
  • Certified Quality Engineer (CQE)
  • Certified Quality Auditor (CQA)
  • Lead Auditor
  • Engineer In Training Certification (EIT)
  • Master Quality Manager (MQM)
  • Certified Quality Technician (CQT)
  • Six Sigma Black Belt
  • Certified Quality Assurance Professional (CQAP)
  • Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence (CMQ/OE)

6. Finally, add an quality engineer resume summary or objective statement

A resume summary statement consists of 1-3 sentences at the top of your quality engineer resume that quickly summarizes who you are and what you have to offer. The summary statement should include your job title, years of experience (if it's 3+), and an impressive accomplishment, if you have space for it.

Remember to emphasize skills and experiences that feature in the job description.

Common quality engineer resume skills

  • Corrective Action
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Quality Standards
  • Product Quality
  • Quality Issues
  • Quality System
  • Process Control
  • Supplier Quality
  • Management System
  • Lean Manufacturing
  • Data Analysis
  • Process Improvement
  • Statistical Analysis
  • Internal Audit
  • Lean Six Sigma
  • Customer Complaints
  • Preventive Actions
  • Quality Metrics
  • Quality Procedures
  • Quality Audits
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Capability Studies
  • Material Review
  • Technical Support
  • Measurement System Analysis
  • Failure Analysis
  • Quality Problems
  • Process Audits
  • Strong Analytical
  • External Audits

Professional quality engineer resume templates

Senior Quality Engineer Resume

Quality Engineer Jobs

Links to help optimize your quality engineer resume.

  • How To Write A Resume
  • List Of Skills For Your Resume
  • How To Write A Resume Summary Statement
  • Action Words For Your Resume
  • How To List References On Your Resume

Quality Engineer resume FAQs

How do you describe qa on a resume, how do you write quality engineer experience on a resume, what are the skills required for a quality engineer, what is the job of a quality engineer, search for quality engineer jobs.

Updated June 25, 2024

Editorial Staff

The Zippia Research Team has spent countless hours reviewing resumes, job postings, and government data to determine what goes into getting a job in each phase of life. Professional writers and data scientists comprise the Zippia Research Team.

Quality Engineer Related Resumes

  • Engineer Resume
  • Industrial Engineer Resume
  • Manager, Quality Engineer Resume
  • Packaging Engineer Resume
  • Planning Engineer Resume
  • Process Engineer Resume
  • Product Engineer Resume
  • Production Engineer Resume
  • Project Engineer Resume
  • Quality Control Engineer Resume
  • Quality Coordinator Resume
  • Quality Lead Resume
  • Reliability Engineer Resume
  • Software Quality Engineer Resume
  • Supplier Quality Engineer Resume

Quality Engineer Related Careers

  • Auditor/Quality
  • Industrial Engineer
  • Manager, Quality Engineer
  • Manufacturing Engineer
  • Packaging Engineer
  • Planning Engineer
  • Process Engineer
  • Product Development Engineer
  • Product Engineer
  • Production Engineer
  • Project Engineer
  • Quality Control Engineer
  • Quality Coordinator
  • Quality Lead

Quality Engineer Related Jobs

Quality engineer jobs by location.

  • Quality Engineer Coppell
  • Quality Engineer Forney
  • Quality Engineer Irving
  • Quality Engineer Kearny
  • Quality Engineer Lansing
  • Quality Engineer Los Angeles
  • Quality Engineer Milwaukee
  • Quality Engineer Modesto
  • Quality Engineer North Lindenhurst
  • Quality Engineer Old Bridge
  • Quality Engineer Orangetown
  • Quality Engineer Painesville
  • Quality Engineer Sacramento
  • Quality Engineer Trotwood
  • Quality Engineer Tucson
  • Zippia Careers
  • Architecture and Engineering Industry
  • Quality Engineer
  • Quality Engineer Resume

Browse architecture and engineering jobs

Quality Engineer Resume Samples [+ 3 Examples]

This page provides you with Quality Engineer resume samples to use to create your own resume with our easy-to-use resume builder .

Quality Engineer Resume Sample and Template

Quality Engineers like you are increasingly in high demand! You can get called QA or QC engineers, but either way, you are off to a great career!

Fact is, yours is one of the most competitive and fiercest industries in the current market: in order to succeed, you must have the best resume a quality engineer can send to his future employer. You could be excellent at ensuring that final products are safe and meet customer expectations, but resumes are a completely different subject!

Looking for inspiration in the big ocean of news and data that’s called Google is not easy, but don’t worry: if you were looking to get inspired by the best quality engineer resume sample in the market, look no further, we’ve got you!

We have helped many professionals in your industry get to the next level and we want you to be next. Let us inspire you like we inspired 3 million people all over the world.

Checkout our other related resume examples here:

  • Maintenance Engineer Resume Examples
  • QA Engineer Resume Examples
  • Software Test Engineer Resume Examples
  • Test Engineer Resume Examples

How to Write a Quality Engineer Resume?

To write a Quality Engineer resume follow these steps:

  • Select a resume template that allows you to add your information to the resume with ease.
  • Next, list your contact information, your city along with the state, your current Quality Engineering job title and your Linkedin profile to the resume heading.
  • Write an impactful resume summary that describes your professional work experience.
  • Add your Quality engineering work experience in a reverse chronological order.
  • Add your certifications in a separate section.
  • Create a section within your resume for your skills and add your QA skills in it.
  • Add your education section at the end of the resume.
  • Keep your resume one page if possible or a maximum of two pages long.

Note : Leverage AI to level-up your resume - Try our AI Resume Builder

You work with multiple stakeholders, at every part of the manufacturing process: your position is crucial to business success and, as such, crafting a strong quality engineer resume is important.

Your best option for a quality engineering resume format is still the reverse-chronological layout: it allows you to introduce yourself to the recruiter with your most recent achievements.

It’s the same with the colors used in the resume. Use only one very basic color, usually black, and you’ll find it works far better than having a rainbow on your page.

Big headings and clean white spaces will be very well welcomed by the recruiter!

Last but not least: PDF is the way to go, in order to preserve its layout!

The Quality Engineer Resume Summary Section

You probably think this section is not really needed.You have a portfolio of projects you can just show to impress the recruiter, convincing you’re their best fit as a quality engineer.

Absolutely Not. Clients receive more than 60 resumes on average for each project. This makes it extremely impossible for them to decide who to hire, so that’s why a good summary section on top of your resume helps them make a final decision. A perfect summary should be succinct and precise which means short and not vague. It is your pitch to your client: make it count!

DO (Summarize your employment)

  • Summarize the types of jobs you’ve had
  • Mention relevant skills.
  • Talk briefly about duties you’ve been responsible for previously.

DON’T (Summarize your life)

  • Avoid ‘bigging’ yourself up, recruiters don’t always like it.
  • Use the words “best” more than twice.
  • Avoid writing a list of every achievement you’ve made since junior high school.
  • Quality Engineer Resume Summary Example

Quality engineer with 8 years of experience in performing integration tests, requirements managmenet and building out test integration suites for complex business use cases. My area of expertise includes system integration, building custom test suites and

Quality Engineer Resume Work Experience

Recruiters who like what they see will go onto reading about your work experience and it’s this which can absolutely bring you to an interview. What experience you list can get a recruiter interested but also ensure you don’t get forgotten amongst the many other applicants.

What should be added? Well, your recent work history for a start. Did you focus on any area of expertise such as quality control, Six Sigma, Quality Assurance and reliability Engineering?

What positions have you worked at recently and what sort of experience did that provide you? These things must be added simply because it’s showing a recruiter why they should pick you. What is more, the history of your employment could allow a recruiter to say for certainty you’ve got the experience to work as a Quality Engineer in their organization.

You might also benefit from the following tips:

Do (Summarize your work history)

  • Tell them what qualifies you as a Quality Engineer
  • The qualifications you have must be included.
  • Always discuss your most relevant work history.

DON’Ts (Summarize your relationship history)

  • Don’t add more than three previous employment information especially if they have been long-term positions.
  • Don’t lie on your resume, eventually someone will uncover the lie.
  • Don’t stretch your resume over four pages, two is sufficient.
  • Quality Engineer Resume Example

Quality Engineer

  • Responsible for checking incoming raw materials, in process and FG material.
  • Preparing FPA (First Part Approval) Report for new development of parts/component.
  • Assuring the supplier inspection reports are ok as per the actual part and so as to meet drawing.
  • Verification of yearly Layout inspection report from the supplier.
  • Making of the daily inspection report, inspection of molded components, and maintaining Record of Daily Process Parameters of Injection Molding Machine.
  • Developing control plans, new formats, new developments and control charts.
  • Senior Quality Engineer Resume Work Experience Example

Senior Quality Engineer

  • Identified, escalated, and resolved issues with international and RD counterparts
  • Planned and facilitated final vehicle validation cycles, including maturity assurance, test drives, and problem resolution
  • Moderated quality meetings with senior management
  • Lead team to plan, develop, and implement vehicle test plans and audits
  • Analyzed vehicle test results and provided recommendations to management

If you need more tips on writing the best work experience section for a great Quality Engineer like you, check out our detailed resume guide .

Quality Engineer Resume Education

Education simply shows the person you are and where you’ve started, so please make sure you include it in your resume.

You always have to include the basics when dealing with this section of your resume:

  • Which schools you have attended.
  • What you have studied in the past.
  • How long you have studied and what were the outcomes to those studies.

Please don’t forget to add any educational training you’ve received or undertaken: it will help to make your education look more impressive.

Top Quality Engineer Skills in 2021

This is a very important section for a Quality Engineer resume as client’s are searching for specific skills that their hire must have to complete the job.

The best way to know which skills to add here, would be to look in the job description itself and add those skills and related skills in your skill section.

Soft SkillsHard Skills
LeadershipSix Sigma
Proactive reviewQuality Management System
CollaborationISO 9001:2015
CommunicationKaizen Methodology
Team workStatistical Process Control
Inspection and testingTotal Quality Management
Thrive under PressureTotal Quality Control
Ensuring safety requirementsRisk Management
  • Cover Letter: yes or no?

A cover letter usually is welcomed by recruiters. Follow our tips here .

What should I include in my objective statement on a quality engineer resume?

Your objective statement should emphasize your technical expertise, problem-solving skills, and commitment to ensuring product quality and process efficiency. For example: "Detail-oriented and results-driven Quality Engineer with a strong background in [Your Field, e.g., Manufacturing, Electronics, etc.], seeking to leverage my skills in process improvement, quality control, and compliance to contribute to the success of [Company Name]. Committed to upholding the highest standards of quality and enhancing operational efficiency."

How can I highlight relevant skills on a quality engineer resume if I have limited experience in quality engineering?

If you have limited experience, focus on transferable skills such as analytical thinking, attention to detail, and proficiency in quality management systems (QMS). Highlight any experience you have with quality tools and methodologies, such as Six Sigma, Lean Manufacturing, or Root Cause Analysis. Emphasize your ability to work with cross-functional teams, analyze data, and implement process improvements.

Should I include project work on my quality engineer resume?

Yes, including project work is essential, especially if you have limited professional experience. Describe any academic, personal, or internship projects where you applied quality engineering principles, such as developing quality control plans, conducting audits, or improving manufacturing processes. Focus on your role, the methodologies you used, and the outcomes achieved.

How can I demonstrate my understanding of quality engineering concepts on my resume?

To demonstrate your understanding, include details about your knowledge of quality management systems, statistical process control, and compliance standards (e.g., ISO 9001). Highlight your experience with specific tools like Minitab, SAP QM, or other software used in quality analysis. Mention any relevant certifications, such as Six Sigma Green Belt or Certified Quality Engineer (CQE), to validate your expertise.

What should I include in the education section of my quality engineer resume?

Include your highest level of education, such as a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Engineering, Quality Assurance, or a related field. If you’ve completed any specialized courses or certifications related to quality engineering, be sure to include those as well. Mention any academic honors or relevant coursework that supports your qualifications for the role.

Can I include non-engineering work experience on my quality engineer resume?

Absolutely. Non-engineering work experience can be valuable, especially if it demonstrates skills such as problem-solving, data analysis, or process improvement. For example, roles in operations, project management, or any position that involved improving workflows or ensuring product quality can provide relevant experience for a quality engineer position.

How do I format a quality engineer resume with limited experience?

Use a clean and professional format with sections for your objective, skills, education, and experience. Start with a strong objective statement that outlines your enthusiasm for the role. Then, list your technical skills and any experience, including internships, projects, or part-time jobs, that demonstrate your ability to handle the responsibilities of a quality engineer. Highlight any certifications or training that support your qualifications.

How important is a cover letter when applying for a quality engineer position with limited experience?

A cover letter is very important as it allows you to explain your passion for quality engineering and why you’re a great fit for the role, even with limited experience. Use the cover letter to highlight your problem-solving abilities, technical skills, and any relevant projects or coursework. Tailoring your cover letter to the specific company and role can help make a strong impression.

How can I make my quality engineer resume stand out with limited experience?

To make your resume stand out, focus on your technical knowledge, any relevant certifications, and project work that demonstrates your understanding of quality engineering principles. Highlight your attention to detail, ability to work with cross-functional teams, and commitment to continuous improvement. Tailoring your resume to the specific needs of the employer and the industry they operate in can also help you differentiate yourself from other candidates.

The following are a few additional tips to help you during your resume creation:

DO (make yourself look great)

  • Keep your language neutral.
  • Ensure talents are listed along with your skills.
  • Hobbies can be added to bolster your attraction to recruiters.

DON’T (embarrass yourself)

  • Don’t attempt to be too funny.
  • Don’t mention anything bad about your previous boss
  • Don’t add skills not suited to the position of quality engineer

If an excellent Quality Engineer Resume sample is not enough, why don’t you check out one of the most efficient Quality Engineer resume templates in the market? Many professionals like you have successfully used it to take their career to the next level.

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Quality Engineer Resume for 2024 [Examples + Tips]

Home Blog Quality Quality Engineer Resume for 2024 [Examples + Tips]

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Looking to land your dream job as a quality engineer? It all starts with a resume that grabs attention and shows employers exactly why you’re the perfect fit. In today’s competitive business landscape, quality engineers play a crucial role in ensuring that products not only meet but exceed customer expectations. They’re the ones who make sure everything runs smoothly, from the initial design phase to the final product, focusing on quality, efficiency, and reducing waste. To stand out in this field, your quality engineer resume needs to do more than just list your skills. It should demonstrate how you can bring real value to a company. Whether you’re a recent graduate or an experienced professional, this guide will walk you through the steps to create a resume that highlights your expertise and makes a strong impression on hiring managers, setting you up for career success.

Who is a Quality Engineer?   

Quality engineers develop and maintain quality systems to measure, monitor, and control product and process quality. They work cross-functionally, from design to manufacturing, with skills in process capability, SPC, problem-solving, and process improvement. Many enhance their expertise through certifications like  Quality Management  through courses available online and  Green Belt training .    

Top Quality Engineer Skills: 

  • Statistical Process Control (SPC)
  • Root Cause Analysis
  • Six Sigma Methodology
  • Quality Management Systems (QMS)
  • ISO Standards (e.g., ISO 9001)
  • Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
  • Quality Auditing
  • Process Improvement Techniques
  • Lean Manufacturing
  • Data Analysis and Reporting
  • Problem-Solving
  • Attention to Detail
  • Communication Skills
  • Team Collaboration

Often to increase their prowess, quality engineers, apart from their traditional education, undergo many certifications like Quality Management courses online , Green Belt training to name a few. 

Best Quality Engineer Resume Sample Format  

The word resume deriving from the French resume means summary; which is exactly what it is. It is a summary of your education, skills, experience and most importantly how you can be beneficial to your employer. 

Now we will elaborate on how to create a quality engineer resume and profile summary for quality engineers mentioning all the quality engineer responsibilities in the resume both for a fresher and an experienced professional. Depending on to which category you belong, you can make use of the insights accordingly. 

Best Quality Engineer Resume Sample For Fresher & Experienced   

1. objective .

Before writing a resume, you must know what a quality engineer resume objective should be. Writing a career objective for a quality engineer is the hardest part of writing, yet the most overlooked section. Mostly the quality engineer resume of India misses the greatest opportunity of selling itself here. Whereas this is the only and the most important place to showcase one’s ability. Resumes from other advanced countries make very good use of this section. 

Objective for Freshers   

Writing the resume career objective for fresher quality engineer section could be rather difficult because employers analyze a candidate from the career objective and hence yours should match the goal of your future employer. 

However, the relief here is that, when a company looks for a fresher, obviously knows that you will not have experience and hence will look for your skills and projects done. Therefore, you can highlight these in your career objective. Here are a couple of QA engineer resume examples : 

“Approaching for an entry-level opportunity to start my career in a professional organization where I can get a chance to explore and handle a wide range of responsibilities that can help me gain a professional and organizational perspective.” 

“Looking forward to working in my dream company (mention the specific company name) where I can sharpen my skills, learn, and grow simultaneously with organization goals.” 

Note that in both cases you are not only emphasizing your personal objectives but also aligning them with the organizational goals; clearly indicating that you care for your employer. Compare the above two with the one below: 

“I am looking for opportunities that would help me in enhancing my skills, strengthening my knowledge and realizing my potential.” 

“Seeking a challenging position in a reputed organization where I can build my career and a valuable skill set.” 

Objective for Experienced   

The secret here is to prove value to your prospective employers. If you can show them how your relevant skills and experience can be of great help, you have already sold yourself. 

For that, you must know exactly what the companies are looking for when hiring a quality control engineer. Reviewing a few job descriptions for quality engineer positions will provide insight into the specific skills and qualifications industries are looking for. Additionally, referring to a quality engineer resume sample PDF can help you tailor your resume to meet these demands. If you’re targeting a particular company, further customize your resume to align with the specific role requirements.

Here are some examples: 

“Enthusiastic and committed professional with 5 years of experience in quality control having Lean Six Sigma Black Belt certification. Exploring opportunities in a professional organization that appreciates excellence and dedicated work.” 

“A Quality control expert with 4 years of hands-on robust knowledge of handling production to ensure quality. Seeking to work with XYZ (mention company name) that looks for an individual with expertise in quality assurance.” 

2. Work Experience  

If you are a fresher, this section will not appear in your cv. In reverse, if you have gained a few years of experience, here is the section where you will narrate your employment history. 

An example will elucidate better: 

Experienced Quality Engineer Employment history

3. Education 

This is the section common to both fresher and experienced. As the section name signifies, here you will describe your educational qualification. 

A point to note here is for freshers, they would do better to mention the grade obtained as well. If you have already put in many years, say 8 to 10, in the industry, those data will not matter much as your hands-on experience will be mostly looked at and considered. 

For Freshers   

It is better to use this format: 

  • School, College and University Name 
  • Degree Name 
  • When passed (Month, Year) 
  • Marks/Grade obtained 

A few illustrations: 

sample resume for quality engineer

For Experienced   5. Key Skills  

The skills you mention in your resume should be relevant to your targeted job. It will be better if you can customize your skills each time you try to match your cv to your targeted job.

It will help you to show your recruiters that: 

  • You are the best fit for the job 
  • Help the resume-screening bots to quickly find yours since it keeps searching for the relevant keywords and will find them in your biodata.

You should incorporate both hard and soft skills. The difference between hard and soft skills are: 

  • Hard skills are the abilities you learn while working, through formal education or additional training.
  • Those are measurable, teachable and often job-specific. 

For example, some typical engineering hard skills are: 

STEM Skills, CAD, Design, Prototyping, Testing, Troubleshooting, Project Launch, Lean Manufacturing, Workflow Development, Computer Skills, SolidWorks, Budgeting, Technical Report Writing Skills. 

Top QA engineer skills

Soft skills are the attributes that show your employer ‘How’ you will do what you will do. For example, how you will operate in a team as a member or how you will handle a team as a leader. 

The reason behind mentioning both is that, the hard skills are the technical skills and soft skills show how good you are as a person or what are your interpersonal abilities. Because irrespective of wherever you work you will have to deal with humans who could be your colleagues, superiors or juniors. 

6. Certifications  

These are your extremely powerful equipment that shows your capability and impresses a recruiter as well. This is equally true for both experienced and freshers. Therefore, list out all certifications that you have received. For quality engineers specifically, some of the most sought-after certifications are: 

  • Six Sigma Green Belt 
  • Certified Quality Engineer (CQE) 
  • Certified Quality Auditor (CQA) 
  • Lead Auditor 
  • Master Quality Manager (MQM) 
  • Certified Quality Technician (CQT) 
  • Six Sigma Black Belt
  • Certified Quality Assurance Professional (CQAP) 
  • Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence (CMQ/OE) 

7. Languages  

As we have already mentioned, communication skill is one of the most crucial faculties that prospective employers are seeking. You will definitely have an extra edge, irrespective of being experienced or naïve if you know some foreign language. The reason is that the world is a global village now and most organizations are either operating globally or are in touch with other countries in one way or the other. 

Mention clearly the languages you know and your efficiency in each. Here is an example: 

8. Interests  

Though apparently thought of as irrelevant, this section actually has a purpose that you can tactfully utilize to maximize your chance of getting selected. This is again a section applicable to both a fresher and an experienced one. 

Here is how you can best use this section: 

  • To resonate well with the interviewer. 
  • Give an ice-breaker (starter / introductory) question to your interviewer. 
  • Synchronize some character traits that they are looking for in a candidate. 

 However, an analysis by Zety of 133, 000 CVs that mostly mention hobbies such as watching television, cooking, reading etcetera hardly draws any interest as a hiring manager might have seen this a thousand times. 

Instead, to best draw your hirer's attention, you could mention some of these (of course you must have a real interest and pursue them often if not daily). 

A) Volunteering or Social work 

A Deloitte  research shows 82% of companies take interest in hiring someone who has some social work or volunteering experience. It shows quite a few of your soft skills like team-work, leadership, taking initiative, people management skills. 

B) Writing or Blogging  

Your employer will know that you are good at communication. Something that can be well utilized in the organization. 

C) Learning Languages  

Also implies that you are good at communication. Furthermore, if your organization has some global connection, might think of honing this hobby of yours. 

D) Exercise and Yoga  

Post pandemic, businesses throughout the world are extra cautious about fitness and health. If you are a regular yoga practitioner then you prove you are physically and mentally agile and less prone to fall sick ( less absenteeism). 

You can also enrol for Lean Six Sigma Black Belt training online to add more skills to your resume and get benefited.

How to Write an Impressive Quality Engineer Resume [Step-by-Step]   

When crafting your resume for quality engineer roles, it's crucial to tailor the length based on your experience. For freshers applying for entry-level positions, your CV should not exceed one page, covering all essential details concisely. If you have 5-10 years of experience, your CV can extend to 2-3 pages, including comprehensive details about your projects, leadership roles, and team management. For those with over 10 years of experience, a resume can span 5-10 pages, emphasizing value-added contributions such as proposal preparation, mentoring, and overseeing large projects. Next, we’ll explore resume formats for both freshers and mid-senior level professionals.

1. Choose the Best Resume Format 

There could be almost endless resume formats. Choose the quality engineer resume which should be perfectly formatted and tailored to the position you are seeking. 

2.  Quality Engineer Resume Objective or Summary 

We have already dealt in depth on how to write the objective. Here is a very good example of an entry level software quality engineer objective. 

A) Entry-Level Quality Engineer Objective Example  

“ A highly motivated qualified software professional beginning career as a software quality engineer. I bring with me hands-on experience in the testing of software systems supporting VB.Net products and interfaces along with knowledge of standard industry QA methodologies and the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). 

Apart from the cognizance of MS programming technologies including .Net Framework, C#, VB.Net, SQL Server, T-SQL, IIS and ASP, my continued professional development pursuit recently has earned me Java SE 7 Programmer certification. Additionally, I completed an intensive VB.Net training program. ”  

Note how the objective clearly brings out the advantages of hiring the applicant answering the question ‘Why should I hire you?’ 

B) Experienced Quality Engineer Objective  

 Customize your resume by aligning your objectives closely with the attributes the recruiters are searching for which could increase your compatibility with the position.

One way to do this is by using the phrases or keywords that the recruiter has used in the job posting. Another approach is to match your career goals with the goals of the recruiting company. 

Experienced Quality Engineer Objective

3. Perfect Quality Engineer Experience Summary for Resume 

This section is for the experienced professionals and will contain experience details with various companies usually in chronological order that is from the latest to the oldest. Remember, it is better to write this section in bullet form instead of paragraphs for easy readability. 

You need to tactfully bring out your performance in your role as a quality engineer, for example, your leadership, time management skills, and quality control expertise just to name a few that show how you have proved your worth to your employers.

Observe how this is done in the following example: 

Quality Engineer Experience Summary for Resume

4. Education Section  

For a fresher, this section needs to be dealt with in-depth covering school, college and University along with month and year of passing along with marks/grades obtained. For an experienced professional this section needs to be brief, just touching upon the degrees obtained. Remember, the length of a typical resume needs to be 2 pages which means somewhere you need to be brief to save space. 

Here are a couple of examples of how to write this section for experienced professionals. 

Quality Assurance Engineer Resume Education Section

Compare this with the Education section of a fresher. 

Education section of Fresher QA engineer

5. Highlight Your Quality Engineer Resume Skills

As we have mentioned, both hard and soft skills need to be mentioned both in a fresher and experienced resume, here is how you can present your skill. 


  • Advanced knowledge of quality standards 
  • CAD and CNC software expertise 
  • Superior management skills and leadership abilities 
  • Familiar with blueprinting for manufacturing 
  • Superior written and verbal communication skills 

6. Add Other Sections to Your Quality Engineer Resume  

Other sections that we now need to discuss are: 

a) Resume Headline

b) Your personal details: Name, address, email, phone, family details, date of birth, languages known.

c) Hobbies interests

Be very concise. Here are some examples of how these are done: 

Headline:  Quality Engineer with 4 years of experience in Quality Management Systems. 

Personal Details:  

Nagraj Vincent 

55, Creek Row, Nr Obelix Theatre, Bengaluru - xxxx 

Mobile : +91-xxxxxxx 

Email : [email protected] 

Family Details : Married with two children / Unmarried. 

Languages Known: English ( Expert- read, write, speak), Hindi ( Understand, speak), Kanada ( Expert-read, write, speak), Spanish ( Learner). 

Hobbies/Interests : Karate (black belt), learning new languages (Spanish level X). 

7. Attach a Quality Engineer Resume Cover Letter  

Now that you have completed your resume, it is time to include a cover letter. A cover letter is a place that allows you to impress your prospective employer by giving a sort of profile summary for a quality engineer. Research reveals that recruiters prefer resumes that have cover letters attached. 

Therefore, you need to write one and ensure that you mention your most relevant or exceptional skills or qualifications that will help the hiring manager understand why you are a great fit for the role. 

Here is an example: 

January 20, 2019 

[email protected] 

Dear Hiring Manager, 

I am applying for the position of Quality Engineer with your company XXX.

My experience in this field runs to X years. I am a Six Sigma certified and highly trained engineer and I take pride in ensuring that every product I examine and test completely matches the stated standard. 

My absolute commitment goes to providing the customer with the kind of product that is safe to use and durable just as it is expected to be. 

During my tenure as a quality engineer with XXX where I am still serving, I am in charge of the testing team for child car seats which involves assessing all the components of the seats like straps, padding, buckles and other items, for strength, durability and safety. My checking process ends only after the seats pass the protection test during a simulated car crash that I introduced. This has resulted in the reduction of returned products by 80% making my entire team and manager happy that we are able to provide a safe product for children. 

I have a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from XXX University and a Six Sigma XX belt certification. 

My highly trained engineering skills and several years of leadership experience overseeing up to 17 people will definitely add value to your organization. I am absolutely confident about this. 

Thank you for your consideration of my application and looking forward to hearing from you. 


Quality Engineer Resume Examples [Fresher & Experienced]   

We have covered almost everything about your resume building process. For good measure, we will also give you some additional suggestions to make your resume even better. This will include some dos and don’ts and a few tips. 

Entry Level Quality Engineer Resume Example    

sample resume for quality engineer

Senior Quality Assurance Engineer Resume Objective

Senior Quality Assurance Engineer

Quality Engineer Resume Templates   

  • Quality Engineer Resume PDF
  • Senior Quality Engineer Resume PDF
  • Lead Quality Engineer Resume PDF
Discover your true potential with our best project management course . Elevate your career to new heights by enrolling today and becoming a pro!

Do’s and Don'ts in Building Quality Engineer Resume   

1.  DON’T be vague while writing the Objective.

We have learnt the importance of writing the objective section tactfully. Yet very few resumes are seen that have best utilized the first chance of impressing the recruiters. Most of the objectives are obscure, missing out on the core. 

For example:  

“A Quality control expert with 4 years of hands-on robust knowledge of handling production to ensure quality. Communicated with all the related stakeholders to increase production efficiency”. 

That is a vague statement filled with adjectives that do not help in the exact visualization of your ability. 

2. DO be specific

Compare it against the one below. 

“ Quality engineering professional with 5+ years of experience adept in overseeing entire production activities simultaneously conducting product quality inspection to ensure optimum quality. Confident in understanding client requirements and developing the total quality control processes by adhering to all the technical specifications. Also expert in developing innovative processes to enhance production efficiency”. 

Note that such description not only specifically mentions years of experience (5+ years) but also gives a menu of experiences – 

  • Proficient in understanding customer requirements. 
  • Developing the entire quality control process. 
  • Adheres to technical specifications (means well versed with them). 
  • Efficient in developing innovative processes (expresses creativity). 

Quality Engineer Resume Writing Tips   

Here are some tips to make your resume outstanding. First is your resume headline and how to craft it skillfully. 

1. H ow to write resume headline for quality engineer 

A resume headline for quality engineers should mention your skills and years of experience. 


  • The formula = [Job Title + Years of Experience + Skill/Specific Task/Impressive Achievement] 
  • Keep it short. 
  • Write many choose one 
  • 1-2 skills at the most 
  • New job = new headline (ensure it is targeted to the position you are applying for). 

Example:  Quality Engineer with 4+ years of experience and Kaizen implementer in Quality Management System. 

2. Remember to add Industrial Training  

This will show the actual work and the type of industry you have attended. 

Mention if you have attended some specific training program. If not then pursue some Six Sigma training programs online, at least the initial ones. You can find out how much Six Sigma White Belt or Six Sigma Yellow Belt certification cost and start for yourself. Then gradually you can upscale to Green and Black Belts if required. 

3. Do Not forget to add Project Details  

This will show your functional capability put to practice. 

Hopefully, you have understood how to relate the word ‘quality’ in your resume as you pursue quality in your work, as also how to market yourself as a quality person. 


Creating a strong quality engineer resume is crucial for standing out in today’s job market. As of 2024, the average salary for a Quality Engineer in the U.S. is $74,604 per year, with Senior Quality Engineers earning around $103,789 annually, according to PayScale. This guide has shown you how to build a resume that not only highlights your skills and experience but also demonstrates your ability to improve product quality and streamline processes. 

Whether you're new to the field or have years of experience, your resume should clearly show employers why you're the right fit for the job. By following the tips and examples provided, you can craft a resume that helps you land the quality engineering job you’re aiming for in 2024.    

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Develops processes to meet quality parameters 
  • Develops Testing procedures to meet those parameters 
  • Implements systems to ensure that both products and processes meet the safety norms and client’s expectations. 

To market oneself in the job market. A resume is a marketing document. 

  • Writing the career objective - the main section to sell oneself. 
  • Proper resume headline. 
  • Proper mentioning of responsibilities handled. 
  • Writing clearly ‘what can I do for you’ (instead of listing achievements).
  • Do not copy-paste or overlook the Career Objective section. Sell yourself there. Write a crisp and useful Resume Headline.


Shivender Sharma

Shivendra Sharma, an accomplished author of the international bestseller 'Being Yogi,' is a multifaceted professional. With an MBA in HR and a Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt, he boasts 15 years of experience in business and digital transformation, strategy consulting, and process improvement. As a member of the Technical Committee of the International Association of Six Sigma Certification (IASSC), he has led multi-million dollar savings through organization-wide transformation projects. Shivendra's expertise lies in deploying Lean and Six Sigma tools across global stakeholders in EMEA, North America, and APAC, achieving remarkable business results. 

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7 Automotive Engineer Resume Examples for 2024

In this article, we provide automotive engineers with strong resume examples and strategic tips. Learn how to highlight your technical skills, industry experience, and project achievements to impress hiring managers. Find out what key sections to include and what jargon to use. Get advice on layout, bullet points, and action words. This guide helps you build a resume that meets industry standards and gets noticed.

Portrait of Grace Abrams

  • 31 Aug 2024 - 5 new sections, including 'Positioning your education', added
  • 31 Aug 2024 - 5 new resume templates, including Aspiring Automotive Engineer, added
  • 29 Aug 2024 - Article published

  Next update scheduled for 08 Sep 2024

Here's what we see in the best resumes for automotive engineers.

Show Clear Impact With Numbers : The best resumes show impact using numbers like increase in time savings , reduction in defects , improvement in fuel efficiency , and cost savings . Metrics like decreased production costs and improved safety ratings are common.

Include Relevant Skills From Job Descriptions : Include skills on your resume that you have and are mentioned on the job description. Some popular ones are CAD software , vehicle dynamics , engine design , quality control , and data analysis . Don't include all of them, choose the ones you have and are mentioned in the JD.

Highlight Trends In Electric Vehicles : Mention knowledge in electric powertrains , battery technology , and EV charging systems . Employers look for skills in these areas due to the rise of electric vehicles.

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Automotive Engineer Resume Sample

Find out how good your resume is.

ummm here it is

Get your resume scored

Want to know if your automotive engineering resume stands out? Our resume scoring tool gives you a clear picture of where you excel and where you can improve. It checks for key elements that hiring managers in the automotive industry look for, ensuring your skills and experience are presented effectively.

Upload your resume now for an unbiased assessment. You'll get instant feedback on how well your resume meets industry standards, along with tips to make it stronger. This insight can help you land more interviews and move closer to your dream job in automotive engineering.

Positioning your education

Decide where to place your education on your resume based on your career stage. If you are new to the professional world of automotive engineering, your education should sit at the top. This shows you have relevant knowledge from recent studies. Highlight degrees like a bachelor's or master's in mechanical or automotive engineering. Include any specific courses that are key for this field, like vehicle dynamics or powertrain systems.

For those with more experience in this industry, list your work history first. Include your education section after your professional experience. Mention any additional certifications or ongoing training that keeps you up-to-date with automotive technology. Ensure this detail stands out, as it's valued in engineering roles. Dedicate space on your resume to professional growth in the realm of automotive design and technological innovation.

Key skills to highlight

Make sure to list technical skills like CAD software proficiency, experience with automotive design, and knowledge of vehicle safety standards. These are crucial for automotive engineers.

Also, include any hands-on experience with vehicle testing and prototyping, as employers look for practical skills alongside theoretical knowledge in this field.

Lead Automotive Designer Resume Sample

Ideal resume length.

As an automotive engineer, you want your resume to present your skills and experience clearly and concisely. You're aiming for a one-page document if you have less than ten years of relevant experience. This length is enough to showcase your expertise without overwhelming the reader.

For those with over ten years or a senior-level background, extending to two pages is acceptable. Ensure you prioritize your most impactful work, projects, and achievements. Your ability to distill complex projects into concise bulleted lists will be appreciated by hiring managers, who often scan the first page quickly. Focus on your most relevant experiences and leave out less pertinent roles and tasks.

Entry-Level Automotive Engineer Resume Sample

Certifications and projects.

Include any industry certifications like ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) or specialized training such as vehicle dynamics. These show your commitment and technical skills.

Detail specific projects you have worked on, like designing a vehicle component or leading a team in a car safety improvement. This shows your practical experience and impact in the field.

Automotive Engineer with Electric Vehicle (EV) Specialization Resume Sample

Aspiring automotive engineer resume sample.

  •   Technical Support Engineer Resume Examples
  •   Project Engineer Resume Examples
  •   Data Analytics Engineer Resume Examples
  •   AWS Cloud Engineer Resume Examples
  •   Entry-Level Industrial Engineer Resume Examples
  •   Quality Engineer Resume Examples
  •   Java Software Engineer Resume Examples
  •   Logistics Engineer Resume Examples

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Automotive engineer, resume sample #1, resume sample #2, resume sample #3, lead automotive designer, resume sample #4, entry-level automotive engineer, resume sample #5, automotive engineer with electric vehicle (ev) specialization, resume sample #6, aspiring automotive engineer, resume sample #7, additional resources, questions get in touch.

Resume Worded   |  Proven Resume Examples

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  • Engineering Resumes
  • Quality Engineer Resume Guide & Examples

QA (Quality Assurance) Engineer Resume Examples: Proven To Get You Hired In 2024

Hiring Manager for QA (Quality Assurance) Engineer Roles

Jump to a template:

  • QA (Quality Assurance) Engineer
  • The Software Quality Assurance Analyst
  • Software Testing Engineer
  • Test Automation Engineer

Get advice on each section of your resume:

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  • QA (Quality Assurance) Engineer Resume Tips

QA (Quality Assurance) Engineer Resume Template

Download in google doc, word or pdf for free. designed to pass resume screening software in 2022., qa (quality assurance) engineer resume sample.

Quality Assurance Engineers are different from Quality Engineers because they are focused on computer software. They generally have degrees in Computer Science or Computer Engineering and focus on making sure that the code is up to standard, passes tests and is free from bugs. This is a career path where being highly educated with a Master’s or other certifications will often give you an advantage. You can also emphasize your vast technical skills in your bullet points and skills section.

QA (Quality Assurance) Engineer resume template for job seekers in 2023

We're just getting the template ready for you, just a second left.

Recruiter Insight: Why this resume works in 2022

Tips to help you write your qa (quality assurance) engineer resume in 2024,    identifies hard skills relating to quality assurance.

As a Quality Assurance Engineer, you are expected to have hard skills that are rooted in software development and programming. For example, this resume says, “Created over 100 individual test programs in C++.” Using examples like this are one way to provide proof of your experience using different programs and software. You can replicate this in your skills section and your bullet points.

Identifies hard skills relating to Quality Assurance - QA (Quality Assurance) Engineer Resume

   Highlight advanced education that complements Quality Assurance experience

Engineering is a field where specialized education is highly regarded and expected. However, not everyone will have a Master’s degree, and if you do, this is something you will want to emphasize and draw attention to in your resume. You could also include a minor if you received one or any certifications that you have earned in your field.

Highlight advanced education that complements Quality Assurance experience - QA (Quality Assurance) Engineer Resume

The Software Quality Assurance Analyst Resume Sample

Software testing engineer resume sample, test automation engineer resume sample, qa analyst resume sample.

As a hiring manager who has recruited QA engineers at companies like Google, Microsoft, and Adobe, I've reviewed hundreds of resumes. The following tips will help your resume stand out from the competition and showcase your skills effectively. These tips complement the resume examples provided earlier and will give you an edge in your job search.

   Highlight your testing methodology expertise

Employers want to see that you have a strong understanding of various testing methodologies. Showcase your expertise by providing specific examples:

  • Developed and executed test plans using Agile and Waterfall methodologies, resulting in a 25% reduction in bug density
  • Conducted exploratory testing sessions, identifying 15+ critical issues before product launch
  • Implemented risk-based testing approach, prioritizing high-impact areas and improving test coverage by 30%

Avoid simply listing methodologies without context, like this:

  • Familiar with Agile, Waterfall, and exploratory testing

Bullet Point Samples for QA (Quality Assurance) Engineer

   Demonstrate your technical skills

QA engineers need a mix of technical and soft skills. Highlight your proficiency in relevant programming languages, tools, and frameworks:

  • Developed and maintained automated test scripts using Java, Selenium, and TestNG, reducing manual testing efforts by 50%
  • Collaborated with developers to create and execute API tests using Postman and REST Assured, ensuring seamless integration between systems
  • Utilized Jira and Confluence to document and track defects, improving team collaboration and reducing average bug resolution time by 30%

Don't just provide a list of tools without demonstrating your impact:

  • Familiar with Java, Selenium, Postman, and Jira

   Quantify your impact

Use metrics to showcase the impact of your work. This helps employers understand the value you can bring to their organization:

  • Implemented a comprehensive test automation framework, increasing test coverage from 40% to 80% and reducing regression testing time by 70%
  • Identified and reported 200+ defects across multiple projects, ensuring high-quality product releases and minimizing post-launch issues
  • Optimized test suite execution time by 40% through effective test case prioritization and parallel test execution

Avoid vague statements that don't demonstrate your impact:

  • Responsible for testing web applications and reporting bugs

   Showcase your problem-solving abilities

QA engineers often face complex challenges. Demonstrate your problem-solving skills with specific examples:

  • Investigated and resolved a critical performance issue affecting 10,000+ users, collaborating with cross-functional teams to implement a scalable solution
  • Developed a custom testing framework to address unique requirements of a legacy system, reducing testing time by 30% and improving test accuracy
  • Identified and documented 20+ UX/UI inconsistencies, working with designers to enhance user experience and accessibility

Don't simply state that you have problem-solving skills without providing evidence:

  • Strong problem-solving abilities

   Highlight your contributions to quality initiatives

Show how you've contributed to overall quality improvements and process optimizations:

  • Spearheaded a defect prevention initiative, collaborating with development teams to implement coding best practices and reducing defect leakage by 40%
  • Conducted regular training sessions on testing best practices for a team of 15 QA engineers, resulting in a 25% improvement in defect detection rate
  • Developed and maintained a comprehensive test case repository, ensuring 95% reusability and reducing test case creation time by 50%

Avoid generic statements that don't highlight your specific contributions:

Participated in quality improvement initiatives and process optimizations

   Tailor your resume to the job description

Customize your resume for each job application by highlighting skills and experiences that match the job requirements:

  • For a mobile app testing role: "Conducted comprehensive testing of Android and iOS apps, covering functional, usability, and compatibility aspects. Identified 50+ critical issues, ensuring successful launches on Google Play and App Store."
  • For an e-commerce testing position: "Developed and executed test plans for a large-scale e-commerce platform, focusing on payment gateway integration, shopping cart functionality, and order processing. Ensured 99.9% uptime during peak sales periods."

Don't submit a generic resume that fails to address the specific requirements of the job:

Experienced QA engineer with expertise in manual and automated testing. Skilled in identifying and reporting defects.

Writing Your QA (Quality Assurance) Engineer Resume: Section By Section


A well-written summary can be a powerful addition to your QA Engineer resume, especially if you're looking to provide additional context or highlight key skills and experiences that may not be immediately apparent from other sections. While a summary is optional, it can be particularly useful if you're changing careers or have extensive experience in the field. However, it's important to avoid using an objective statement, as these are generally considered outdated and ineffective.

When crafting your summary, focus on providing a concise overview of your most relevant qualifications and achievements, tailored specifically to the QA Engineer role you're targeting. Avoid repeating information that's already covered in other sections of your resume, and instead use this space to add value and showcase your unique strengths.

How to write a resume summary if you are applying for a QA (Quality Assurance) Engineer resume

To learn how to write an effective resume summary for your QA (Quality Assurance) Engineer resume, or figure out if you need one, please read QA (Quality Assurance) Engineer Resume Summary Examples , or QA (Quality Assurance) Engineer Resume Objective Examples .

1. Tailor your summary to the QA Engineer role

When writing your summary, it's crucial to tailor it to the specific QA Engineer position you're applying for. This means highlighting the skills, experiences, and achievements that are most relevant to the role and the company's needs. To do this effectively, carefully review the job description and identify the key requirements and qualifications the employer is looking for.

For example, if the job description emphasizes experience with specific testing methodologies or tools, make sure to mention your proficiency in these areas:

QA Engineer with 5+ years of experience in manual and automated testing, proficient in Selenium, Cucumber, and Jira. Proven track record of developing and executing comprehensive test plans, resulting in a 30% reduction in post-release defects.

On the other hand, avoid using generic or irrelevant information that doesn't specifically relate to the QA Engineer role:

Hardworking and detail-oriented professional with a passion for learning and growth. Skilled in communication and teamwork, with a strong work ethic and a commitment to excellence.

2. Showcase your impact and value as a QA Engineer

When writing your summary, it's important to focus on the impact and value you've delivered in your previous QA Engineer roles. This means going beyond simply listing your responsibilities and instead highlighting the tangible results and achievements you've accomplished.

To showcase your impact effectively, consider using specific metrics and examples to quantify your contributions. For instance:

  • Implemented a comprehensive test automation framework, reducing manual testing efforts by 50% and improving overall test coverage by 30%.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to identify and resolve critical defects, resulting in a 98% customer satisfaction rating and a 20% reduction in support tickets.

By focusing on your impact and value, you'll demonstrate to potential employers that you're not just another QA Engineer, but a strategic contributor who can drive meaningful results for their organization.


Your work experience section is the heart of your QA engineer resume. It's where you show recruiters and hiring managers how you've applied your technical skills to real-world projects and delivered results.

In this section, we'll cover what to focus on in your work experience section, and share tips and examples to help your accomplishments stand out.

1. Highlight your QA testing expertise

Use your work experience section to showcase your QA testing skills and the specific types of testing you specialize in. Mention the testing methodologies, tools, and techniques you've used to ensure high-quality software.

  • Developed and executed test plans and test cases for web and mobile apps, covering functional, integration, and regression testing
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to define test strategies and ensure comprehensive test coverage across UI, API, and database layers
  • Automated smoke and regression test suites using Selenium and Appium, reducing testing time by 50%

Avoid simply listing your responsibilities or writing generic statements:

  • Responsible for testing software
  • Worked on QA tasks and created test cases

2. Show your impact with metrics and results

Whenever possible, quantify your accomplishments with specific metrics to show the impact of your work. Use numbers, percentages, or other concrete details to illustrate how you contributed to the success of your projects.

  • Reduced defect leakage to production by 30% by implementing a comprehensive regression testing strategy
  • Improved test case efficiency by 25% by identifying and eliminating redundant tests
  • Achieved 95% automation coverage for smoke tests, enabling faster detection of critical defects

Don't just list your tasks without providing context or results:

  • Wrote test cases for new features
  • Participated in testing activities
  • Used automation tools

3. Showcase your technical skills and tools

Highlight the specific tools, technologies, and programming languages you've used in your QA engineer roles. This helps demonstrate your technical expertise and shows employers that you have experience with industry-standard tools.

Here are some examples of how to effectively showcase your technical skills:

  • Designed and implemented automated API tests using Postman and Newman, covering 100+ endpoints
  • Developed and maintained a Selenium WebDriver framework in Java for end-to-end testing of web applications
  • Created and executed performance test scripts using JMeter to identify and resolve bottlenecks
Proficient in test automation tools: Selenium WebDriver, Appium, Postman, JMeter, TestNG, and JUnit

4. Demonstrate your collaboration and leadership skills

As a QA engineer, you often work closely with developers, product managers, and other stakeholders. Use your work experience section to highlight your collaboration and leadership skills.

  • Collaborated with product managers and designers to create user-centric test cases and ensure seamless user experiences
  • Worked closely with development teams to troubleshoot issues, provide detailed bug reports, and verify fixes
  • Mentored junior QA team members on best practices for test case design and automation frameworks

Avoid generic statements that don't provide insight into your specific contributions:

  • Worked with various teams
  • Communicated with stakeholders


Your education section is a key part of your QA engineer resume. It shows hiring managers that you have the knowledge and training to succeed in the role. Follow these tips to make your education section stand out.

How To Write An Education Section - QA (Quality Assurance) Engineer Roles

1. Put your education at the top if you're a recent grad

If you graduated from college in the last 1-2 years, list your education before your work experience. This puts the focus on your relevant coursework and training.

For example:

Education Bachelor of Science in Computer Science University of California, Berkeley Graduated: May 2022 Relevant Coursework: Software Testing Agile Development Databases

2. Keep it concise if you're experienced

If you have several years of QA experience, your education section can be short. Hiring managers will be more interested in your work history and skills. Just list your degree, school, and graduation year.

Here's an example of what not to do:

  • Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, ABC University, September 2010 - June 2014. Graduated Magna Cum Laude. Relevant Coursework: Intro to Programming, Data Structures, Operating Systems, Computer Networks, Software Engineering.

Instead, keep it simple:

  • B.S. Information Technology, ABC University, 2014

3. Include relevant certifications

Certifications show you have specific QA skills that employers value. If you have any, include them in your education section or in a separate "Certifications" section.

Some popular QA certifications:

  • ISTQB Certified Tester
  • AWS Certified Developer
  • Certified Scrum Master (CSM)

Example of how to list them:

Certifications ISTQB Foundation Level Certified, 2021 AWS Certified Developer - Associate, 2020


The skills section is a key part of your resume for QA engineer roles. It's where you highlight your technical abilities and show hiring managers you have the right mix of skills to excel in the job.

Here are our top tips for writing a strong skills section on your resume:

How To Write Your Skills Section - QA (Quality Assurance) Engineer Roles

1. Categorize your QA skills

Group your skills into categories to make them easier to read. Common categories for QA engineers include:

  • Testing methodologies : Agile, Scrum, Waterfall, etc.
  • Testing types : Functional, Regression, Integration, Usability, Performance, etc.
  • Tools : Selenium, Jira, TestRail, Postman, etc.
  • Programming languages : Java, Python, JavaScript, SQL, etc.

Grouping your skills shows hiring managers you have a range of abilities across different aspects of QA. Avoid just listing skills in a long bulleted list, which can be overwhelming.

To check if you've included the right mix of skills on your resume, try running it through a tool like Score My Resume . It analyzes your skills section and gives instant feedback on areas to improve.

2. Tailor your skills to the job

Many companies use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to filter resumes based on specific skills they're looking for. To get past these filters, make sure to include relevant skills from the job description.

For example, if a QA job emphasizes automation testing, you might include skills like:

Selenium Cypress TestComplete

But simply listing every QA skill would be less effective:

Manual testing Usability testing Test planning Defect tracking Test automation Selenium

Targeting your resume skills to the job is crucial. Our Targeted Resume tool scans your resume against a job description and highlights important skills you may be missing.

3. Include proficiency levels carefully

Some QA resumes include proficiency levels next to skills, like:

Selenium (Expert) Java (Beginner) Jira (Intermediate)

But be cautious about using this format, especially for skills where you're a beginner. Recruiters may quickly disqualify you if you're not at the level they need.

Instead, simply listing the skill often suffices. You can demonstrate your level of expertise in other sections like your professional experience. And if you do include proficiencies, be honest and ready to back them up.

Focus on your strongest, most relevant skills for the job. Including too many skills, especially ones where you lack depth, can backfire in interviews if you struggle to answer technical questions.

4. Avoid outdated or generic skills

Some skills can make your resume seem outdated to hiring managers. For example:

Microsoft Office Waterfall methodology Manual testing

While still used in some contexts, these skills are less in-demand for modern QA roles compared to newer technologies and Agile processes. Unless required or highly relevant for a specific job, leave them off.

Also avoid generic skills that don't communicate anything concrete, like "Problem solving" or "Detail oriented". Instead, let your other resume sections convey these softer skills.

When in doubt, refer to the job description. Mirror the skills and terminology you see there. If a skill isn't mentioned and doesn't add unique value, consider removing it to keep your skills section lean and targeted.

Skills For QA (Quality Assurance) Engineer Resumes

Here are examples of popular skills from QA (Quality Assurance) Engineer job descriptions that you can include on your resume.

Skills Word Cloud For QA (Quality Assurance) Engineer Resumes

This word cloud highlights the important keywords that appear on QA (Quality Assurance) Engineer job descriptions and resumes. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears on job postings, and the more likely you should include it in your resume.

Top QA (Quality Assurance) Engineer Skills and Keywords to Include On Your Resume

How to use these skills?

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QA (Quality Assurance) Engineer Resumes

  • Template #1: QA (Quality Assurance) Engineer
  • Template #2: QA (Quality Assurance) Engineer
  • Template #3: The Software Quality Assurance Analyst
  • Template #4: Software Testing Engineer
  • Template #5: Test Automation Engineer
  • Template #6: QA Analyst
  • Skills for QA (Quality Assurance) Engineer Resumes
  • Free QA (Quality Assurance) Engineer Resume Review
  • Other Engineering Resumes
  • QA (Quality Assurance) Engineer Interview Guide
  • QA (Quality Assurance) Engineer Sample Cover Letters
  • Alternative Careers to a Quality Engineer
  • All Resumes
  • Resume Action Verbs

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These professional templates are optimized to beat resume screeners (i.e. the Applicant Tracking System). You can download the templates in Word, Google Docs, or PDF. For free (limited time).

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sample resume for quality engineer

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sample resume for quality engineer

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sample resume for quality engineer

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sample resume for quality engineer


  1. 7 Quality Engineer Resume Examples for 2024

    Skills For Quality Engineer Resumes. For Quality Engineer jobs, you will need to be skilled in programs or methodologies such as Six Sigma, Lean Manufacturing, AutoCAD and ISO 9001:2015. As you read through the job description carefully, you can include the skills that the company is looking for throughout your resume in your skills section or ...

  2. Quality Engineer Resume Examples [& Writing Tips ...

    Then align your talents to the job in your resume's work experience section by highlighting some of these skills in the bullet points. Hard (technical) quality engineer skills. Here are some important quality engineer hard skills to include in your resume: Auditing. Documentation. Quality control analysis. Resource allocation. Legal regulations.

  3. 6 Great Quality Engineer Resume Examples

    Why this example passes: Numbers and statistics add detail and quantify the results this quality engineer delivers: 4% improvement and a class size of 20-25. Good use of strong words and active language. References specialized value cahier provides with "individualized lesson plans.".

  4. 5 Quality Engineer Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

    Analyze and use 10+ quality engineering resumes without repeating the same mistakes Learn what recruiters are looking for when reviewing Quality Engineer resumes How to use targeted language and specific keywords from the job description in your resume What role does each resume section have - header, summary, experience - and what common ...

  5. Quality Engineer Resume Samples

    Quality Engineer Resume Examples & Samples. · Lead in the resolution of quality issues and aid in daily troubleshooting utilizing root cause analysis, process mapping, process improvement teams, etc. on a timely basis. Manage and supervise the daily tasks and the development and training of non-exempt QA staff.

  6. Quality Engineer: Resume Sample & Writing Guide [20+ Tips]

    Quality Engineers usually list 5.5 skills on their resumes. The most common skills for Quality Engineers are quality improvement plans, attention to detail, critical thinking, inspection methods, and root cause analysis. Resumes for Quality Engineers are, on average, 2.5 pages long.

  7. Quality Engineer Resume Examples & Writing Guide 2024

    2. Write a quality engineer resume summary that impresses employers. A resume summary is a brief introductory statement at the start of your resume. In this summary, you should focus on including information that is highly valuable and eye-catching to employers, such as years of experience and notable accomplishments.

  8. Quality Engineer Resume Examples & Samples for 2024

    Quality Engineer Resume Examples. Quality Engineers test and check products for defects and may also be responsible for training other employees on quality control matters. Typical resume samples for Quality Engineers showcase duties such as updating defects databases, maintaining equipment, coordinating technicians, and returning defect items.

  9. Quality Engineer Resume: Sample and Tips for 2024

    1. Generic and Vague Language. Avoid using generic and vague language when describing your experience and skills. Instead, use specific and concise language that clearly highlights your accomplishments and abilities. Example of generic and vague language: "Responsible for leading quality improvement initiatives.".

  10. Quality Engineer Resume—Sample & 25+ Writing Tips

    Quality Engineer Resume Format. First, choose a clean, professional resume font. Next, set 1-inch resume margins and 1.15 line spacing. Use the correct layout for your resume: Header, Summary / Objective, Work History, Education, Skills, Additional Information.

  11. 12 Quality Engineer Resume Examples for 2024

    Resume WordedSeptember 2014 - July 2017. Quality Control Analyst. Developed and applied a risk management plan that preemptively identified potential quality issues, minimizing delays by 18%. Optimized product testing processes using Minitab, which streamlined the analysis and improved report accuracy.

  12. 2024 Quality Engineer Resume Example (+Guidance)

    Quality Engineer Resume Example: A strong Quality Engineer resume should emphasize the candidate's ability to develop and implement quality control systems, analyze data to identify areas for improvement, and lead continuous improvement initiatives. Showcasing experience in reducing defects, increasing customer satisfaction, and improving ...

  13. Quality Engineer Resume Examples: Templates & Formats

    Step 3: Start your quality engineer resume with contact information. Step 4: Write a captivating headline for your quality engineer resume. Step 5: Craft a professional resume summary or objective statement. Step 6: Include skills and abilities relevant to the job. Step 7: Highlight your best experience and accomplishments.

  14. Quality Engineer Resume: 2023 Guide With 10+ Samples & Examples

    Quality Engineer Salary. According to Salary Explorer, a quality engineer makes an average of 83,100 USD per year. Source. A quality engineer's salary ranges according to various factors, including seniority and skillsets. According to indeed.com, the median annual wage of a quality engineer is $74,883. According to PayScale, the average ...

  15. Quality Engineer Resume Sample & Tips

    quality engineer: Resume Samples & Writing Guide. Mark Wilson 28 Langley Lane, Lenzburg, IL 62255. [email protected]. 704-067-0329. Employment history. Jr. Quality Engineer, Lockheed Martin Bethesda, Maryland. October 2021 - July 2022. Identify and correct non-conformance issues.

  16. Quality Engineer Resume Sample

    Quality Engineer. 08/2013 - 02/2017. Chicago, IL. Demonstrated knowledge of testing methodology, processes and tools. Ability to achieve results with little supervision or direction. Excellent communication skills, both verbal & written. Good time management skills with strong attention to detail.

  17. Quality Assurance Engineer Resume Examples and Template for 2024

    Here are some steps you can follow when writing your quality assurance engineer resume. 1. Create an outline. Creating a resume outline can be a great way to ensure you include your information in a clear and organized manner. You can find a resume template online and then adjust it to fit your needs.

  18. 10 Quality Engineer Resume Examples For 2024

    6. 6. Finally, add an quality engineer resume summary or objective statement. A resume summarystatement consists of 1-3 sentences at the top of your quality engineer resume that quickly summarizes who you are and what you have to offer. The summary statement should include your job title, years of experience (if it's 3+), and an impressive ...

  19. QA (Quality Assurance) Engineer

    Instituted Quality Assurance Guidelines, minimizing complaints by 40%. Suggested and integrated automation resulting in a 50% speed enhancement. Captured, documented, and communicated metrics with a 98% accuracy rate. Resume Worded - Fort Worth, USA January 2020 - May 2022. Quality Control Engineer II.

  20. 7 Quality Engineer CV Examples for 2024

    For jobs like quality engineering, CVs and resumes are simply different names for the same 1-2 page document. Only for roles focused on research or academia, where publications are key, might you find a CV stretching to 3-4 pages. In this article, we're getting down to the nuts and bolts of writing an effective quality engineer CV.

  21. Quality Engineer Resume Samples [+ 3 Examples]

    To write a Quality Engineer resume follow these steps: Select a resume template that allows you to add your information to the resume with ease. Next, list your contact information, your city along with the state, your current Quality Engineering job title and your Linkedin profile to the resume heading. Write an impactful resume summary that ...

  22. Quality Engineer Resume for 2024 [Examples + Tips]

    First is your resume headline and how to craft it skillfully. 1. How to write resume headline for quality engineer. A resume headline for quality engineers should mention your skills and years of experience. Tips: The formula = [Job Title + Years of Experience + Skill/Specific Task/Impressive Achievement]

  23. 7 Automotive Engineer Resume Examples for 2024

    Here's what we see in the best resumes for automotive engineers. Show Clear Impact With Numbers: The best resumes show impact using numbers like increase in time savings, reduction in defects, improvement in fuel efficiency, and cost savings.Metrics like decreased production costs and improved safety ratings are common.. Include Relevant Skills From Job Descriptions: Include skills on your ...

  24. QA (Quality Assurance) Engineer

    As a Quality Assurance Engineer, you are expected to have hard skills that are rooted in software development and programming. For example, this resume says, "Created over 100 individual test programs in C++.". Using examples like this are one way to provide proof of your experience using different programs and software.