
Essay on Media And Information Literacy

Students are often asked to write an essay on Media And Information Literacy in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Media And Information Literacy

Understanding media and information literacy.

Media and Information Literacy (MIL) is knowing how to smartly handle and use information from different sources like TV, internet, and books. It’s like learning to swim in a sea of endless news, pictures, and videos.

The Importance of MIL

It’s crucial because it helps you tell what’s true from what’s not. With MIL, you can make better choices about what to read, watch, and share. It’s like having a map in the world of media.

Learning to Check Facts

A big part of MIL is learning to check if something is correct. Before believing a story, see if trusted places also report it. It’s like double-checking your answers in a test.

Using Media Wisely

MIL teaches you to use media in a good way. It means not spending too much time on screens and knowing that not everything online is good for you. It’s about making smart media choices.

Sharing Responsibly

250 words essay on media and information literacy.

Media and Information Literacy, or MIL, is knowing how to smartly use the internet, newspapers, books, and other ways we get information. It’s like learning how to fish in a huge sea of news and facts. With MIL, you can tell which fish are good to eat and which might make you sick.

Why MIL is Important

Today, we get bombarded with tons of messages and pictures through our phones, TVs, and computers. Some of these are true, but others are not. MIL helps you sort out the truth from the lies. It’s like having a special tool that helps you know which friend is telling the truth and which is just making up stories.

One part of MIL is checking if something is true or not. Before you believe a story, ask yourself: Who wrote this? Why did they write it? Is there proof? It’s like being a detective, looking for clues to solve a mystery.

MIL also teaches you to use media in a good way. It means spending the right amount of time watching TV or playing games and also using the internet to learn new things. Think of it as a diet for your brain—you need a mix of fun, learning, and rest.

Sharing the Right Information

Lastly, MIL helps you share information the right way. Before you send a message or a picture to others, think: Is it kind? Is it necessary? Is it true? By doing this, you can be a hero who helps stop lies and spread kindness.

500 Words Essay on Media And Information Literacy

The need for media literacy.

We live in a time when we are surrounded by a sea of information. From the moment we wake up to the time we go to bed, we are bombarded with messages from our phones, TVs, and computers. With so much information coming at us, it’s important to know what is true and what isn’t. This is where media literacy comes in. It helps us tell the difference between facts and opinions, and it teaches us to ask questions about what we see and hear.

Spotting Fake News

One of the biggest challenges today is fake news. This is information that is made to look real but is actually made up to fool people. Media literacy gives us the tools to spot fake news by checking where the information comes from, who is sharing it, and whether other reliable sources are reporting the same thing. By being careful and checking the facts, we can avoid being tricked by false information.

Using Information Wisely

Advertising and persuasion.

Advertisements are everywhere, trying to persuade us to buy things or think a certain way. Media literacy helps us see the tricks advertisers use to grab our attention and make us want something. By understanding these tricks, we can make better choices about what we buy and believe.

Creating Media

Media literacy is not just about what we take in; it’s also about what we put out into the world. With smartphones and the internet, anyone can be a creator. Media literacy teaches us how to share our own stories and ideas in a clear and honest way, and how to respect other people’s rights and feelings when we do.

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Media and Information Literacy

Media and Information Literacy

UNESCO supports the development of Media and Information Literacy and Digital Competencies for all to enable people’s ability to engage critically with information, navigate the online environment safely and responsibly and ensure there can be trust in our information ecosystem and in digital technologies. 

Media and Information Literacy provides a set of essential skills to address the challenges of the 21 st century including the proliferation of mis- and disinformation and hate speech, the decline of trust in media and digital innovations notably Artificial Intelligence.

Media and Information Literacy

The Global MIL Week

Commemorated annually, the Global MIL week is a major occasion for worldwide stakeholders to review and celebrate the progress achieved towards Media and Information Literacy for All.

Developing resources to empower citizens

Advocating for media and information literacy policies and strategies, mobilizing and connecting media and information literacy communities, promoting innovation and creativity in media and information literacy, facts and figures.

aged 15-24 around the world use the Internet, according to a 2023 UNESCO study

Global Media and Information Literacy Week 2021.

on media and information literacy.

equipped to counter disinformation and hate speech with media and information literacy.

Empowering Youth To Combat Misinformation: Media and Information Literacy Hackathon



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Common Sense Media

What is media literacy, and why is it important?

The word "literacy" usually describes the ability to read and write. Reading literacy and media literacy have a lot in common. Reading starts with recognizing letters. Pretty soon, readers can identify words -- and, most importantly, understand what those words mean. Readers then become writers. With more experience, readers and writers develop strong literacy skills. ( Learn specifically about news literacy .)

Media literacy is the ability to identify different types of media and understand the messages they're sending. Kids take in a huge amount of information from a wide array of sources, far beyond the traditional media (TV, radio, newspapers, and magazines) of most parents' youth. There are text messages, memes, viral videos, social media, video games, advertising, and more. But all media shares one thing: Someone created it. And it was created for a reason. Understanding that reason is the basis of media literacy. ( Learn how to use movies and TV to teach media literacy. )

The digital age has made it easy for anyone to create media . We don't always know who created something, why they made it, and whether it's credible. This makes media literacy tricky to learn and teach. Nonetheless, media literacy is an essential skill in the digital age.

Specifically, it helps kids:

Learn to think critically. As kids evaluate media, they decide whether the messages make sense, why certain information was included, what wasn't included, and what the key ideas are. They learn to use examples to support their opinions. Then they can make up their own minds about the information based on knowledge they already have.

Become a smart consumer of products and information. Media literacy helps kids learn how to determine whether something is credible. It also helps them determine the "persuasive intent" of advertising and resist the techniques marketers use to sell products.

Recognize point of view. Every creator has a perspective. Identifying an author's point of view helps kids appreciate different perspectives. It also helps put information in the context of what they already know -- or think they know.

Create media responsibly. Recognizing your own point of view, saying what you want to say how you want to say it, and understanding that your messages have an impact is key to effective communication.

Identify the role of media in our culture. From celebrity gossip to magazine covers to memes, media is telling us something, shaping our understanding of the world, and even compelling us to act or think in certain ways.

Understand the author's goal. What does the author want you to take away from a piece of media? Is it purely informative, is it trying to change your mind, or is it introducing you to new ideas you've never heard of? When kids understand what type of influence something has, they can make informed choices.

When teaching your kids media literacy , it's not so important for parents to tell kids whether something is "right." In fact, the process is more of an exchange of ideas. You'll probably end up learning as much from your kids as they learn from you.

Media literacy includes asking specific questions and backing up your opinions with examples. Following media-literacy steps allows you to learn for yourself what a given piece of media is, why it was made, and what you want to think about it.

Teaching kids media literacy as a sit-down lesson is not very effective; it's better incorporated into everyday activities . For example:

  • With little kids, you can discuss things they're familiar with but may not pay much attention to. Examples include cereal commercials, food wrappers, and toy packages.
  • With older kids, you can talk through media they enjoy and interact with. These include such things as YouTube videos , viral memes from the internet, and ads for video games.

Here are the key questions to ask when teaching kids media literacy :

  • Who created this? Was it a company? Was it an individual? (If so, who?) Was it a comedian? Was it an artist? Was it an anonymous source? Why do you think that?
  • Why did they make it? Was it to inform you of something that happened in the world (for example, a news story)? Was it to change your mind or behavior (an opinion essay or a how-to)? Was it to make you laugh (a funny meme)? Was it to get you to buy something (an ad)? Why do you think that?
  • Who is the message for? Is it for kids? Grown-ups? Girls? Boys? People who share a particular interest? Why do you think that?
  • What techniques are being used to make this message credible or believable? Does it have statistics from a reputable source? Does it contain quotes from a subject expert? Does it have an authoritative-sounding voice-over? Is there direct evidence of the assertions its making? Why do you think that?
  • What details were left out, and why? Is the information balanced with different views -- or does it present only one side? Do you need more information to fully understand the message? Why do you think that?
  • How did the message make you feel? Do you think others might feel the same way? Would everyone feel the same, or would certain people disagree with you? Why do you think that?
  • As kids become more aware of and exposed to news and current events , you can apply media-literacy steps to radio, TV, and online information.

Common Sense Media offers the largest, most trusted library of independent age-based ratings and reviews. Our timely parenting advice supports families as they navigate the challenges and possibilities of raising kids in the digital age.

Digital Citizenship Education (DCE)

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  • Media and Information Literacy

How is media and information literacy defined today?

Like digital citizenship, media and information literacy has been explained by a range of definitions and different terminologies. Whether we use digital media literacy, information literacy, internet literacy or any of the other different expressions, the main idea is that literacy encompasses the ability to engage meaningfully with media and information channels.

Media, information channels and the ubiquity of the internet may leave the impression that the digital age has turned everyone into media users and that the digital can be found everywhere, including in schools. This impression is false and, moreover, schools are the notable exception. School is the one place where it is absolutely crucial to train future citizens to understand, to criticise and to create information. It is in schools that the digital citizen must begin and maintain constant critical thinking in order to attain meaningful participation in his or her community.

Media and information literacy is an ambitious goal in the 21st century because of the challenge of teaching users to critically judge, reflect and use the extremely broad range of available media. Not only must users become media literate with respect to traditional media and the representation of image, users now must become media literate with respect to the wealth of new technology available and the development of applications allowing entirely new ways of transmitting information.

Without media and information literacy, across the varied types of media now available, our children cannot act as responsible citizens, digital or otherwise, and the question of who will teach this to our children has not yet been established.

Generally speaking, if schools are the training grounds for critical thinking, analysis and judgment making, is it not logical that media and information literacy become cornerstones of the educational curricula?  

What are some of the dimensions of media and information literacy?

Media and information literacy (MIL) is an umbrella concept that covers three often clearly distinguished dimensions: information literacy, media literacy and ICT/ digital literacy. As UNESCO highlights, MIL brings together stakeholders including individuals, communities and nations to contribute to the information society. Not only does MIL act as an umbrella, it also encompasses a full range of competences that must be used effectively in order to critically evaluate the different facets of MIL.  

What will media and information literacy mean to our children?

Children and young people today are particularly savvy when it comes to finding and using media for entertainment and recreation. But how many of those children can use those same devices to find meaningful answers, conduct evidence-based research, spark a debate or follow the news?

Children and young people are confronted with all types of content and they should, indeed they must, be able to discern what is of value and what is not; what is real and what is not. Discernment goes beyond fake news and relates to their ability to process and interpret information.

Research is under way to investigate the learning potential of existing and emerging communicative technologies for children aged 0-8 years old. The DigiLitEY project specifically rests on the premise that “the early years provide crucial foundations for lifelong literacy learning, therefore it is important to ensure early education policy and practice across (all) countries are developed in order to equip our youngest citizens with the skills and knowledge needed in a digitally-mediated era”. Initiatives such as DigiLitEY and the Joint Research Commission project on 0-8-year-old children and digital technology should provide interesting conclusions and guidelines on media and information literacy in the near future.

Whether children are playing online games or watching endless videos, the ability to understand the stakes within the medium and potential implications beyond would serve our children well. They need to be able to process, analyse and make good decisions on their own, and media and information literacy can help children develop those skills.  

Confusion between media and information literacy and digital citizenship

Figure 9: Four steps underpinning the process of inclusion

Rather than simply using cognitive, emotional and social competences as the basis of MIL, it is useful to apply some of the other media-related competences from the Council of Europe’s “butterfly” competence framework to the concept of media and information literacy (Figure 9).

Figure 9: Four steps underpinning the process of inclusion

How does it work?

Media and information literacy provides the backbone to understanding media and the role of media in our society. MIL also provides some of the essential skills necessary for critical thinking, analysis, self-expression and creativity – all necessary skills for citizens in a democratic society.

Citizens are able to access, analyse, create and consume media and information in various formats from print to radio, from video to the internet. Learning how to use a search engine properly is an important skill for the digital citizen and once the information is acquired, it is then necessary to apply transversal skills such as critical thinking by searching for and comparing divergent sources online. The ability to critically analyse, then classify and retain the pertinent information can aid digital citizens in the acquisition of knowledge on a wide array of topics.  

Educational and citizenship value

Critical thinking is invaluable for citizens and especially for young learners, who also need to be able to solve problems, find information, form opinions, evaluate sources and more. Given the amount of data and truthful and erroneous information that is available online, MIL is a crucial skill.

A message can go viral in less than one hour and what is false can be repeated until people believe that it is true. With the speed of dissemination, those with adequate MIL skills will be better able to discern what is true and will be able to ask questions and search for answers amid the flotsam online.

Search engines have revolutionised the way people search for content online, and digital skills should also include the ability to understand that algorithms may not always be neutral. Search engines can and have been manipulated for political and other reasons and, as such, users should have a healthy appreciation for lower-ranked results as well as the highest-ranked result. With regard to information and especially world news, the key is diversity. Algorithms should be configured in such a manner as to always display different points of view about similar events.

Finally, children and, more broadly, all citizens may be misled into believing that if there is “fake” news there must be “real” news. Even news which is factually correct results from an editorial filter which selects one event among the otherwise infinite events happening all around the world. As media outlets struggle to attract viewers, the news has to be “catchy”, sensationalist and simple, gradually transforming into “infotainment”. Instead of covering a heart-warming story of solidarity and fraternity, news outlets will prefer devastating accidents, death and violence. The questions that must be asked, beyond the “factual accuracy”, is rather: why does the media focus on stories of catastrophes? Is there something to gain from keeping people in a state of perpetual fear for their life? How does this influence political opinions? What ideological message underpins the otherwise factually correct news article or story?

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Strengthen Media Literacy to Win the Fight Against Misinformation

If the world is going to stop deliberate or unintentional misinformation and its insidious effects, we need to radically expand and accelerate our counterattacks, particularly human-centered solutions focused on improving people's media and information literacy.

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By Kristin M. Lord & Katya Vogt Mar. 18, 2021

Illustration of tiny people and huge laptop computer with cracked planet Earth globe, journalist with mic on screen.

The deliberate or unintentional spread of misinformation, despite capturing widespread public attention, remains as rampant as ever, showing up recently in the form of false claims about COVID-19 vaccines , the Capitol riot , and many other topics . This “ infodemic ” is polarizing politics , endangering communities , weakening institutions , and leaving people unsure what to believe or whom to trust . It threatens the foundations of democratic governance , social cohesion , national security , and public health .

Misinformation is a long-term problem that demands long-term, sustainable solutions as well as short-term interventions. We've seen a number of quicker, technological fixes that improve the social media platforms that supply information. Companies like Facebook and Twitter, for example, have adjusted their algorithms or called out problematic content . We've also seen slower, human-centered approaches that make people smarter about the media they demand to access online. Evidence-driven educational programs, for instance, have made people better at discerning the reliability of information sources, distinguishing facts from opinions, resisting emotional manipulation, and being good digital citizens.

It hasn't been enough. If we're to stop misinformation and its insidious effects, we need to radically expand and accelerate our counterattacks. It will take all sectors of society: business, nonprofits, advocacy organizations, philanthropists, researchers, governments, and more. We also need to balance our efforts. For too long, too many resources and debates have focused on changing the technology, not educating people. This emphasis on the supply side of the problem without a similar investment in the demand side may be a less effective use of time and energy.

While technology-centered, self-policing solutions—filtering software, artificial intelligence, modified algorithms, and content labeling—do have the ability to make changes quickly and at scale, they face significant ethical, financial, logistical, and legal constraints.

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For one, social media business models thrive on engagement, which incentivizes emotionally charged and freely flowing content. Tech leaders like Facebook's founder, Mark Zuckerberg, hesitate taking action over concerns about free speech and have tried to avoid political debates until pressed . When they do take action, they face scrutiny for an inconsistent approach. Additionally, research shows that some of the most commonly employed methods for combatting misinformation on social media—such as banners that display fact-checks—have little impact on people’s likelihood to believe deliberately misleading news, and some even backfire. And because people often have a deeply held desire to share what they know with others—particularly information that seems threatening or exciting —tech companies can only go so far to regulate content. There is also the challenge of volume. Tech platforms struggle to keep pace with the many forms and producers of disinformation. Stopping them resembles a high-stakes, never-ending game of Whac-A-Mole.

Given these challenges, we need to invest more into human-centered solutions focused on improving people's media and information literacy. They not only demonstrate a much deeper and longer-lasting impact, but also may be easier and cheaper to implement than commonly believed.

Research from the RAND Corporation and others shows media and information literacy improves critical thinking , awareness of media bias , and the desire to consume quality news —all of which help beat back misinformation. Even brief exposure to some training can improve competencies in media literacy, including a better understanding of news credibility or a more robust ability to evaluate biases . Media literacy has a stronger impact than political knowledge on the ability to evaluate the accuracy of political messages, regardless of political opinion. Digital media literacy reduced the perceived accuracy of false news, and training remains effective when delivered in different ways and by different groups .

Media literacy training has lasting impact. A year and a half after adults went through a program from IREX (a nonprofit where the authors work), they continued to be 25 percent more likely to check multiple news sources and 13 percent more likely to discern between disinformation and a piece of objective reporting. In Jordan and Serbia, participants in IREX's training also improved their media literacy skills up to 97 percent . 

Media literacy programs can also be affordably and extensively delivered through schools. Finland and Sweden incorporated media literacy into their education systems decades ago with positive results, and Ukraine is beginning to do the same . In Britain, youth who had training in schools showed an improvement in media literacy skills .

Critics may say that improving people's media literacy and other human-centered solutions are resource-intensive and will not address the problem quickly enough or at sufficient scale. These are real challenges, but the long-term efficacy of such programs is exactly what is needed in the never-ending battle with misinformation. We need to invest more in them while continuing to pursue technology solutions, or we may never create and sustain the accurately informed citizenry that healthy democracies demand.

The effort will require all sectors of societies across the globe collaborating to fully understand and solve the problem. We need nonprofits and advocacy organizations to raise the alarm with the people they serve. We need philanthropists to step up with funding to scale solutions. We need more researchers to provide evidence-based answers to the full scope of the problem and the efficacy of fixes. We need governments to integrate media literacy standards into schools and incentivize training. We need tech companies to do more than tweak their platforms—they need to invest in educating the people who use them, too.

The tools to blunt the power of misinformation are in our hands, but we have to work smarter and faster or risk losing an ever-intensifying fight. Much learning, coalition-building, scaling, and communication remains to be done to " emerge from information bankruptcy ." Solutions are complex but within our reach. And the consequences of inaction are dire: the increasingly severe and invasive destabilization of our societies and daily lives as lies trample the truth.

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Read more stories by Kristin M. Lord & Katya Vogt .

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Sonia Livingstone

October 25th, 2018, media literacy: what are the challenges and how can we move towards a solution.

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Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

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Last time I wrote about media literacy, I was glad to observe that, as the media increasingly mediate everything in society, there is growing emphasis on the importance of ensuring that people have the media literacy not only to engage with the media but to engage with society through the media . But I was also frustrated at some of the superficial hand-waving from policy makers towards media literacy and media education, seemingly without understanding what is involved or what the challenges are.

Silver bullet solution?

In our ever-more complex media and information environment, media literacy is being hailed as a silver bullet solution – hopefully to be dealt with by one-shot awareness-raising campaigns delivered by brand-promoting CSR departments, or by issuing vaguely-phrased high-handed injunctions to the (apparently unhearing and otherwise preoccupied) Department of Education. The motivation is rarely pedagogic but, rather, more the policy of ‘last resort.’

So, in the face of multiple problems of hate speech, or cyberbullying, or hacked YouTube content, or fake news etc., we are witnessing urgent calls to manage the media environment better – especially, to regulate the internet. But in the face of clashes of positive and negative rights, regulatory difficulties, powerful global companies and short-termist political expediency, this call in turn quickly morphs into a call for the supposedly ‘softer’ solution of educating the internet-using public.

Let me be clear. I am 100% in favour of educating the public. I have devoted years to arguing for more and better media literacy. In this digital age, I believe media literacy’s time has come, and its advocates should grab the opportunity with both hands and advance the cause with all their energy.

But energy and enthusiasm are most effectively expended when the challenges to be met are properly recognised. So let me set these out, as I see them, lest our energies are wasted and the window of opportunity is lost.

First, three educational challenges

  • Investment . Make no mistake: education is an expensive solution in terms of time, effort and infrastructure. It needs a pedagogy, teacher training, curriculum resources, mechanisms for audit and assessment. To manage schools, governments devote an entire ministry to achieve this – yet they are simultaneously heavily criticised for their failures, and yet constantly under siege to solve yet more of society’s pressing ills.
  • Reaching adults not in education or training is an even larger challenge, rarely met in any area of demand. So who is responsible, and who are or should be the agents of change? The answers will vary by country, culture and purpose. But they should be identified so that the actions of civil society, public services such as libraries, industry and other private actors can be coordinated.
  • Exacerbating inequalities . We like to think of education as a democratising mechanism, because everyone has the right to school and training. But research consistently shows that education affects life outcomes differentially, advantaging the already-advantaged and failing sufficiently to benefit the less-advantaged, especially the so-called “hard to reach.” What proportion of media literacy resources are provided equivalently to all (risking exacerbating inequality) and what proportion are targeted at those who most need them? (I don’t know the answer, but someone should know it).

Then there’s the challenges of the digital

  • Mission creep . As more and more of our lives are mediated – work, education, information, civic participation, social relationships and more – the scope of media literacy grows commensurately. Just today, in my Twitter feed, I read exhortations to ensure that people:

– Understand how black-boxed automated systems make potentially discriminator decisions

– Distinguish the intent and credibility signalling behind mis- and dis-information to tackle “fake news”

– Identify when a potential abuser is using their smart home technology to spy on them

– Weigh the privacy implications when they use public services in smart cities

It is, therefore, vital to set some priorities.

  • Legibility . As I’ve observed before: we cannot teach what is unlearnable, and people cannot learn to be literate in what is illegible. We cannot teach people data literacy without transparency, or what to trust without authoritative markers of authenticity and expertise. So people’s media literacy depends on how their digital environment has been designed and regulated.
  • Postponing the positives . The rapid pace of socio-technological innovation means everyone is scrambling to keep up, and just battling with the new harms popping up unexpectedly is extremely demanding. The result is that attention to the “ hygiene factors ” in the digital environment dominates efforts – so that media literacy risks being limited to safety and security. Our bigger ambitions for mediated learning, creativity, collaboration and participation get endlessly postponed in the process, especially for children and young people.

For the media literacy community itself, there’s some very real challenges of expertise and sustainability.  These may be dull, or even invisible, to those calling for the silver bullet solution. But they matter.

  • Capacity and sustainability . The media literacy world comprises many small, enthusiastic, even idealistic initiatives, often based on a few people with remarkably little by way of sustained funding or infrastructure. The media literacy world is a bit like a start-up culture without the venture capitalists. We can talk a good story, but there’s always a risk of losing what’s been gained and having to start over.
  • Evidence and evaluation . When you look closely at the evidence cited in this field, it’s not as robust or precise as one would like. Even setting aside the now tiresome debate over definitions of media literacy, the difficulties of measurement remain. Perhaps for the lack of agreed measures, there’s more evidence of outputs than outcomes, of short term reach rather than long term improvements. There’s remarkably few independent evaluations of what works. Compare media literacy interventions to other kinds of educational interventions – where’s the randomised control trials, the systematic evidence reviews, the targeted attention to specific subgroups of the population, the costed assessments of benefit relative to investment?

Last but certainly not least, there’s the politics of media literacy

  • “Responsibilising” the individual. In policy talk especially, the call for media literacy and education to solve the problems of digital platforms tends, however inadvertently, to task the individual with dealing with the explosion of complexities, problems and possibilities of our digital society. In a policy field where governments fear they lack the power to take on the big platforms, it is the individual who must wise up, becoming media-savvy, rise to the challenge. Since, of course, the individual can hardly succeed where governments cannot, the politics of media literacy risks not only burdening but also blaming the individual for the problems of the digital environment.

As Ioanna Noula recently put it , “by emphasising kindness and ethics, these approaches also undermine  the value of conflict and dissent  for the advancement of democracy” and they “decontextualize” citizenship such that “ the attentions of concerned adults and youth alike are turned away from the social conditions that make young people vulnerable.” So instead of empowered media-literate citizens exercising their communicative entitlements , the emphasis becomes one of dutiful citizens, as part of a moralising discourse.

How can we turn things around?

I’ll make three suggestions, to end on a positive:

Before advocating for media literacy as part of a solution to the latest socio-technological ill, let’s take a holistic approach. This means, let’s get really clear what the problem is, and identify what role media or digital technologies play in that problem – if any! We might even ask for a “ theory of change ” to clarify how the different components of a potential solution are expected to work together. And, getting ambitious now, what about a responsible organisation – whether local, national or international – tasked with coordinating all these actions and evaluating the outcomes?

Then let’s figure out all the other players, so that we can articulate which part of the solution media literacy may provide, and what others will contribute – regulators, policy makers, civil society organisations, the media themselves – thereby avoiding the insidious tendency for the whole problem to get dumped at the feet of media educators. We might further expect – demand – that the other players should embed media literacy expectations into their very DNA, so that all organisations shaping the digital environment share the task of explaining their operation to the public and providing user-friendly mechanisms of accountability.

Last, let’s take the questions of value, empowerment and politics seriously. What does good look like? Is it dutiful citizens being kind to each other online, behaving nicely in an orderly fashion? Or is it deliberating, debating, even conflicting citizens? Citizens who express themselves through digital media, organise through digital media, protest to the authorities and insist on being heard? I think it should be the latter, not least because our societies are increasingly divided, angry and dis-empowered. It’s time that people are heard, and it’s time for the digital environment to live up to its democratizing promise. But this requires change on behalf of the policy makers. We should not only ask whether people trust media, or trust the government. We should also ask whether the media trusts the people and treats them with respect. And whether governments and related authorities and civic bodies trust the people, treat them with respect, and hear what they say.

This article gives the views of the author, and not the position of the LSE Media Policy Project nor of the London School of Economics and Political Science.   

About the author

essay about media and information literacy

Sonia Livingstone OBE is Professor of Social Psychology in the Department of Media and Communications at LSE. Taking a comparative, critical and contextual approach, her research examines how the changing conditions of mediation are reshaping everyday practices and possibilities for action. She has published twenty books on media audiences, media literacy and media regulation, with a particular focus on the opportunities and risks of digital media use in the everyday lives of children and young people. Her most recent book is The class: living and learning in the digital age (2016, with Julian Sefton-Green). Sonia has advised the UK government, European Commission, European Parliament, Council of Europe and other national and international organisations on children’s rights, risks and safety in the digital age. She was awarded the title of Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in 2014 'for services to children and child internet safety.' Sonia Livingstone is a fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, the British Psychological Society, the Royal Society for the Arts and fellow and past President of the International Communication Association (ICA). She has been visiting professor at the Universities of Bergen, Copenhagen, Harvard, Illinois, Milan, Oslo, Paris II, Pennsylvania, and Stockholm, and is on the editorial board of several leading journals. She is on the Executive Board of the UK Council for Child Internet Safety, is a member of the Internet Watch Foundation’s Ethics Committee, is an Expert Advisor to the Council of Europe, and was recently Special Advisor to the House of Lords’ Select Committee on Communications, among other roles. Sonia has received many awards and honours, including honorary doctorates from the University of Montreal, Université Panthéon Assas, the Erasmus University of Rotterdam, the University of the Basque Country, and the University of Copenhagen. She is currently leading the project Global Kids Online (with UNICEF Office of Research-Innocenti and EU Kids Online), researching children’s understanding of digital privacy (funded by the Information Commissioner’s Office) and writing a book with Alicia Blum-Ross called ‘Parenting for a Digital Future (Oxford University Press), among other research, impact and writing projects. Sonia is chairing LSE’s Truth, Trust and Technology Commission in 2017-2018, and participates in the European Commission-funded research networks, DigiLitEY and MakEY. She runs a blog called www.parenting.digital and contributes to the LSE’s Media Policy Project blog. Follow her on Twitter @Livingstone_S

There’s a funny thing about media literacy, and that is that media have crept their way into everyone’s daily life. A young person knows who’s a friend and who’s not and media have a lot to do with that…. Isn’t media literacy also: discussing daily life and the latest news wit peers and teacher and trying to reach a common goal: making the world a better, more liveable place? PS I’m a schoollibrarian in Amsterdam, Holland and for me media literacy also means also informing teachers about books that tell about worldwide digital developments, like The raod to Unfreedom by Timoty Snyder, not exactly hopeful information, but it’s better to know than not to know.

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Media and Information Literacy: Need, Importance, Example

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The problem of educating consumers to evaluate, examine, and make use of the very diverse spectrum of media accessible in the 21st century has made media and information literacy an ambitious objective. Users now need to gain  media literacy  not just concerning conventional media and visual representation but also about the abundance of new technologies accessible and the creation of apps enabling completely novel methods of information transmission.  

The issue of who will educate our children has not yet been resolved. Is it not reasonable, in general, that  media and information literacy  become pillars of the educational curriculum since schools are the places where students learn critical thinking, analysis, and decision-making? With the best  Software Developer training  courses, you can learn diverse skills to advance your career.  

In this article, we will dive in to learn what media and information literacy is, media and information literacy examples, their importance, differences, and more. 

What Is Media Literacy?

Media literacy is a broad range of skills that enable individuals to consume, analyze, modify, and even create many media types. In essence,  media literacy  may assist someone in critically thinking about what they read, see, or hear in the media. In this context, the word "media" refers to a wide range of media, including the internet, movies, music, radio, television, video games, and publications.   

To be media literate, one must be capable of decoding media messages (understanding the message and the medium), assessing how the messages affect one's emotions, ideas, and behavior, and intelligently and responsibly producing media. In addition, pupils may benefit greatly from mastering  media information literacy .  

What Is Media and Information Literacy?

Media and Information Literacy (MIL) strives to empower people to engage in an inquiry process and critically think about the media and the content they receive. According to the UNESCO  meaning of media and information literacy , the goal is to empower people to take active roles in their communities and make ethical decisions. The modern media environment makes it extremely important to have media and informational competencies. Whether the news comes from reliable sources or not, it is important to consider who and what to believe critically.  

Why Is Media and Information Literacy Important?

Critical thinking is vital for citizens, particularly young generation who need to solve issues, gather information, develop views, assess sources, and more. MIL is a vital skill, especially with the abundance of data and accurate and false information accessible online. A person who knows the meaning of media literacy skills  will be able to ask inquiries and look for solutions to the internet debris because of the pace of information delivery.  

The instructors are given better information to empower the next generation of people throughout the teaching and learning process.  Media and information literacy's meaning  is to impart critical knowledge about the roles played by media and information channels in democracies, practical awareness of the circumstances, and the fundamental skills required to assess the effectiveness of media and information providers in light of their roles as expected.  

Media Literacy Examples

Some  media literacy examples  are:  

1. Television:  For more than 50 years, families have enjoyed watching television. Today, viewers may access a movie or television show anytime they want, thanks to the pay-per-view or no-cost on-demand options offered by many cable or satellite systems.   

2. Blog Posts:  Anyone can instantly share information through the internet, which is a constantly evolving platform for quick, decentralized communication. The internet provides venues to educate, enlighten, inspire, and connect, as well as to persuade and control, including news sources, social media, blogs, podcasts, and smartphone applications.   

3. YouTube:  The YouTube platform engages audiences throughout the globe. With more individuals accessing the internet since its 2005 launch, YouTube's popularity has risen significantly.  

4. Social media:  Social media is one of the most recent platforms that media strategists might use. Social media ads have become commonplace in less than ten years.  

5. News Papers:  This is the first kind of media that includes all printed materials. Reputable print media sources that are professionally produced and created to satisfy the demands of certain audiences.  

6. Magazines:  Since the middle class didn't start reading magazines until the 19th century, publishers had to start selling advertising space to cover the high cost of printing and increase circulation.  

7. Video games:  Video games have been around since the early 1980s, and kids have only become more and more fond of them. Modern video games are engaging and thrilling, and the lifelike images and audio give players the impression that they are really in the scenario.   

8. News Websites:  The internet is full of opinions from regular people who post with various intentions, which occasionally makes it difficult to distinguish fact from fiction. However, some websites host peer-reviewed information from reliable sources that are essentially digital versions of traditional print sources.   

9. Podcasts:  An audio file that your viewers may listen to whenever they want is all that makes up a podcast. As pre-recorded content, podcasts are not ideal for situations requiring audience participation.  

What Is Information Literacy?

The term "information literacy" describes certain abilities required to locate, evaluate, and effectively utilize information. Information literacy refers to a person's understanding of their interaction with the digital world and their interpretation of the information they discover. It also entails the need to utilize such knowledge morally. Study techniques and academic writing, critical analysis, evaluation, and evaluation-based thinking are some traits of information literacy.  

Information literacy framework

Information Literacy Examples    

1. Communication   

Transfer of information or exchange is done orally, in writing, or by any other means. The effective communication or exchange of ideas and emotions  

  • Verbal:  This includes face-to-face communication, telephone communication, and other media.  
  • Non-verbal:  This includes things like our posture, body language, gestures, how we dress or behave, and even our fragrance.  
  • Written:  Writing comprises letters, emails, social media posts, books, periodicals, the internet, and other forms of written communication.  
  • Visual:  Graphs and charts, maps, logos, and other visuals may all be used to convey information.  

2. Computer Technology   

The term "computer skills" describes the capacity to efficiently operate a computer and associated technology, and it includes both hardware and software expertise. You can also opt for a  Full-Stack Developer course  to learn more about front-end and back-end web development and start your career as a full-stack developer.  

3. Critical Thinking   

The process of learning critical thinking techniques improves one's capacity to access information and related concepts. Making a rational decision based on an objective study of information and research results is referred to as critical thinking.   

4. Research   

The capacity to identify, acquire, collect, assess, use and present knowledge on a certain issue is referred to as having research abilities. These abilities include conducting research, conducting critical analysis, and formulating theories or solutions to specific problems.   

How Does Media and Information Literacy Work?

The foundation for learning media and the function of media in our society is through media and information literacy. MIL also imparts some of the fundamental abilities required for critical thinking, analysis, self-expression, and creativity, all of which are needed for members of a democratic society. From printing to radio, from video to the internet, citizens may analyze media and information in a variety of mediums.  

What Are Some Dimensions of Media and Information Literacy?

The term "media and information literacy" (MIL) refers to three often recognized dimensions:  

  • Information literacy  
  • Media literacy  
  • ICT/digital literacy.  

 As UNESCO emphasizes, MIL brings together stakeholders, such as people, communities, and countries, to contribute to the information society. In addition to serving as an umbrella, MIL also contains various competencies that must be employed properly to critically assess each of its many components.  

Importance of Media and Information Literacy

People in the frame will outright deny facts if they believe that the information contradicts their beliefs, regardless of whether those beliefs are related to politics, the effectiveness of vaccines, the presence of conditions like global warming, or even the nature of reality as we currently understand it. The fact that we can often verify the integrity and correctness of the information serves to make the entire scenario more annoying and terrifying.  

But other individuals don't care because they purposefully ignore or justify certain facts since they don't agree with them. And because the internet and allied media can mislead sensitive individuals by spreading these harmful notions.  

It's critical to have the ability to sort through the abundance of information available, whether we're discussing the personal lives of individuals or a corporation's marketing plan. Media and information literacy skills are essential for personal and professional aspects of life.  

Need for Media and Information Literacy in 2024

The spread of misinformation is widespread, with a 2023 Stanford University study revealing political misinformation travel six times faster than truth on social media. Another recent digital issue is the rise of Deepfakes and AI-generated content blurring the line between real and fabricated, highlighting the need for critical thinking skills. The 24-hour news cycle, television, videos, podcasts, blogs, specialist websites, text messages, blogs, and vlogs are now available in addition to the print and radio media that are still in use.  

For better or worse, anybody can make content thanks to technological advancements.  Regrettably, not everyone considers ethics in a truthful way. Even if some opinions are wholly erroneous and inaccurate, when individuals band together in an organized manner, it often gives the impression that they could have a point. As a result, we are constantly surrounded with genuine and deceptive information due to today's technological advancements. Media and Information Literacy  empowers individuals to navigate in this digital world. Thus, it is more important than ever in the modern world.   

Difference Between Media, Technology, and Information Literacy    

BasisMedia literacyInformation literacy
DefinitionMedia literacy is the skill of accessing, evaluating, manipulating, and producing media in a variety of formats.  Information literacy is the skill of recognizing the need for information and being able to search, assess, and utilize information effectively to solve a problem.  
NatureIt focuses on how media functions and how to create media.  It also includes knowing how to use the information efficiently and how to assess it.  
FieldIt ties more to the media business, content, and societal impacts.It has some connections to library science.

Similar to digital citizenship, several definitions and terminology are used to  define media and information literacy . Whether we refer to it as information literacy, internet literacy, digital  media literacy , or any other term, the key premise is that literacy includes the capacity to interact intelligently with media and information sources. You can check out   KnowledgeHut Software Developer training  to develop a thorough understanding of the in-demand digital technologies to launch your career in software development.  

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Individuals who are proficient in media literacy are equipped with the ability to first think critically about media. It also fosters other abilities like creativity, teamwork, and communication and improves digital literacy skills by connecting with media, information, and technology. 

Media and information literacy includes all sorts of information resources, including oral, print, and digital. In today's increasingly digital, linked, and global society, media, and information literacy is a fundamental human right that fosters greater social inclusion. 

The five elements of information literacy include identifying, finding, evaluating, applying, and acknowledging sources of information. 

Information and media literacy skills are the combination of knowledge, attitudes, and abilities necessary to understand when and what information is required, where to get it, how to organize it once obtained, and how to utilize it ethically. 


Abhresh Sugandhi

Abhresh is specialized as a corporate trainer, He has a decade of experience in technical training blended with virtual webinars and instructor-led session created courses, tutorials, and articles for organizations. He is also the founder of Nikasio.com, which offers multiple services in technical training, project consulting, content development, etc.

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Current Events

Teenagers and Misinformation: Some Starting Points for Teaching Media Literacy

Five ideas to help students understand the problem, learn basic skills, share their experiences and have a say in how media literacy is taught.

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By Katherine Schulten

In a sense, every week is Media Literacy Week on a site like ours, which helps people teach and learn with the news. But Oct. 24-28 is the official week dedicated to “amplifying the importance of media literacy education across the United States.” We are delighted to help.

Here are some ways teachers and librarians can teach with the extensive reporting The New York Times has done recently on misinformation and disinformation, whether your students are just beginning to understand the problem, or whether they are ready for deeper inquiry.

1. Get the big picture: What is media literacy education? Why do we need it?

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If you have time for just one activity, this one, based on the Times article “ When Teens Find Misinformation, These Teachers Are Ready ,” can provide a broad overview and help frame future work.

To start, share the statements in italics, all adapted from the article. You can do this as a “ Four Corners ” exercise in which you read each line aloud and ask students to position themselves in the room according to whether they strongly agree, agree, disagree or strongly disagree. Or, you can hand out the PDF version and have students mark each statement “true” or “false” based on their own experiences, then discuss their reactions — and the experiences that informed those reactions — in partners or small groups.

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Value of Being a Media and Information Literate Individual

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  • Publications

Artificial Intelligence: Media and Information Literacy, Human Rights and Freedom of Expression

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The collection of papers “Artificial Intelligence: Media and Information Literacy, Human Rights and Freedom of Expression” continues the UNESCO IITE’s series of publications entitled “Digital Transformation of Education”. The publication describes the fundamentals of artificial intelligence and AI-based technologies, their impact on the modern information and media environment, new challenges in the field of media and information literacy associated with the growing automation of the processes of creating, disseminating and accessing information, the use of AI in decision-making and control systems in various areas. There is a strong focus on the growing risks of reducing individual agency, people’s ability to interpret reality autonomously and to act according to their own agenda.

These issues are more relevant now than ever before for education undergoing digital transformation. The publication seeks to contribute to a critical understanding of the digital environment in which learning and teaching unfold, and strategies and tactics for the use of new technologies and the digitalization of educational interactions.

The publication was authored by Mr. Igor Shnurenko, an independent expert in AI, writer and journalist; Ms. Tatiana Murovana, UNESCO IITE programme specialist; and Prof. Ibrahim Kushchu, the head of TheNextMinds.com, the AI ​​consulting and training company.

The new series of publications “Digital Transformation of Education” is in line with the mission of UNESCO IITE to serve as facilitator and enabler for achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 through ICT-enhanced solutions and best practices. It includes policy briefs, analytical reports and reflection papers developed to explore ongoing and emerging fundamental changes in education due to the use of technologies and their impact on education and other spheres of human life.

The collection of papers “Artificial Intelligence: Media and Information Literacy, Human Rights and Freedom of Expression” is available in English.

Publication year: 2021

Blog The Education Hub


GCSE results day 2024: Everything you need to know including the number grading system

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Thousands of students across the country will soon be finding out their GCSE results and thinking about the next steps in their education.   

Here we explain everything you need to know about the big day, from when results day is, to the current 9-1 grading scale, to what your options are if your results aren’t what you’re expecting.  

When is GCSE results day 2024?  

GCSE results day will be taking place on Thursday the 22 August.     

The results will be made available to schools on Wednesday and available to pick up from your school by 8am on Thursday morning.  

Schools will issue their own instructions on how and when to collect your results.   

When did we change to a number grading scale?  

The shift to the numerical grading system was introduced in England in 2017 firstly in English language, English literature, and maths.  

By 2020 all subjects were shifted to number grades. This means anyone with GCSE results from 2017-2020 will have a combination of both letters and numbers.  

The numerical grading system was to signal more challenging GCSEs and to better differentiate between students’ abilities - particularly at higher grades between the A *-C grades. There only used to be 4 grades between A* and C, now with the numerical grading scale there are 6.  

What do the number grades mean?  

The grades are ranked from 1, the lowest, to 9, the highest.  

The grades don’t exactly translate, but the two grading scales meet at three points as illustrated below.  

The image is a comparison chart from the UK Department for Education, showing the new GCSE grades (9 to 1) alongside the old grades (A* to G). Grade 9 aligns with A*, grades 8 and 7 with A, and so on, down to U, which remains unchanged. The "Results 2024" logo is in the bottom-right corner, with colourful stripes at the top and bottom.

The bottom of grade 7 is aligned with the bottom of grade A, while the bottom of grade 4 is aligned to the bottom of grade C.    

Meanwhile, the bottom of grade 1 is aligned to the bottom of grade G.  

What to do if your results weren’t what you were expecting?  

If your results weren’t what you were expecting, firstly don’t panic. You have options.  

First things first, speak to your school or college – they could be flexible on entry requirements if you’ve just missed your grades.   

They’ll also be able to give you the best tailored advice on whether re-sitting while studying for your next qualifications is a possibility.   

If you’re really unhappy with your results you can enter to resit all GCSE subjects in summer 2025. You can also take autumn exams in GCSE English language and maths.  

Speak to your sixth form or college to decide when it’s the best time for you to resit a GCSE exam.  

Look for other courses with different grade requirements     

Entry requirements vary depending on the college and course. Ask your school for advice, and call your college or another one in your area to see if there’s a space on a course you’re interested in.    

Consider an apprenticeship    

Apprenticeships combine a practical training job with study too. They’re open to you if you’re 16 or over, living in England, and not in full time education.  

As an apprentice you’ll be a paid employee, have the opportunity to work alongside experienced staff, gain job-specific skills, and get time set aside for training and study related to your role.   

You can find out more about how to apply here .  

Talk to a National Careers Service (NCS) adviser    

The National Career Service is a free resource that can help you with your career planning. Give them a call to discuss potential routes into higher education, further education, or the workplace.   

Whatever your results, if you want to find out more about all your education and training options, as well as get practical advice about your exam results, visit the  National Careers Service page  and Skills for Careers to explore your study and work choices.   

You may also be interested in:

  • Results day 2024: What's next after picking up your A level, T level and VTQ results?
  • When is results day 2024? GCSEs, A levels, T Levels and VTQs

Tags: GCSE grade equivalent , gcse number grades , GCSE results , gcse results day 2024 , gsce grades old and new , new gcse grades

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  9. Media and Information Literacy

    Media and information literacy provides the backbone to understanding media and the role of media in our society. MIL also provides some of the essential skills necessary for critical thinking, analysis, self-expression and creativity - all necessary skills for citizens in a democratic society. Citizens are able to access, analyse, create and ...

  10. The media and the literacies: media literacy, information literacy

    Media literacy, information literacy and digital literacy are the three most prevailing concepts that focus on a critical approach towards media messages.This article gives an overview of the nature of these literacies, which show both similarities to and differences from each other.

  11. Strengthen Media Literacy to Win the Fight Against Misinformation

    Strengthen Media Literacy to Win the Fight Against Misinformation. If the world is going to stop deliberate or unintentional misinformation and its insidious effects, we need to radically expand and accelerate our counterattacks, particularly human-centered solutions focused on improving people's media and information literacy. Cite.

  12. Media literacy: what are the challenges and how can we move towards a

    Capacity and sustainability. The media literacy world comprises many small, enthusiastic, even idealistic initiatives, often based on a few people with remarkably little by way of sustained funding or infrastructure. The media literacy world is a bit like a start-up culture without the venture capitalists.

  13. The impact of media and information literacy on acquiring the critical

    This study reveals the impact of media and information literacy (MIL) on acquiring critical thinking skills by the students of the Educational faculty. The study's sample comprised (134) students, and its tool was a questionnaire comprising (20) items containing various media contents published on several social networking sites: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. The findings show that ...

  14. Media and Information Literacy: Need, Importance, Example

    Learn what media and information literacy are through our blog. Read about the need for this in the digital world, its importance, and an example here.

  15. Teenagers and Misinformation: Some Starting Points for Teaching Media

    Five ideas to help students understand the problem, learn basic skills, share their experiences and have a say in how media literacy is taught.

  16. The Importance of Media and Information Literacy

    In conclusion, the importance of media and information literacy is paramount in our digital age. It equips individuals with the skills to critically assess media content, differentiate between credible and unreliable sources, and make informed decisions. Media literacy fosters critical thinking, safeguards against misinformation, and promotes ...

  17. PDF It's Critical: The Role of Critical Thinking in Media and Information

    The main argument in boyd's essay is that the intentions and methodology which are designed to teach media literacy and foster critical, media-literate students are ill-equipped to meet the challenges posed by a networked, digital media landscape.

  18. Value of Being a Media and Information Literate Individual: [Essay

    In conclusion, the value of being a media and information literate individual is a hallmark of a well-rounded and empowered citizen in the digital age. Media literacy equips individuals with the critical skills needed to navigate the complex information landscape, engage in informed civic participation, enhance critical thinking, and practice ...

  19. Media and Information Literacy: Final Reflection

    Media and Information Literacy (MIL) has emerged as a critical skill set in today's information-driven society. With the rapid…

  20. Media Mindfulness: Reflection on Information Literacy

    Hence, this reflection offers an account of my personal transformation in relation to Media and Information Literacy as it will highlight the impact of this subject on diverse academic ...

  21. Media And Information Literacy

    Media And Information Literacy. 944 Words4 Pages. Chapter 2. LITERATURE REVIEW. Literacy as a concept has proved to be both complex and dynamic, continuing to be interpreted and define in a multiplicity of ways (UNESCO, 2006). According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizations Position Paper (2004), literacy ...

  22. Artificial Intelligence: Media and Information Literacy, Human Rights

    The collection of papers "Artificial Intelligence: Media and Information Literacy, Human Rights and Freedom of Expression" continues the UNESCO IITE's series of publications entitled "Digital Transformation of Education". The publication describes the fundamentals of artificial intelligence and AI-based technologies, their impact on the modern information and media environment, new ...

  23. GCSE results day 2024: Everything you need to know including the number

    You'll find accessible, straightforward information on popular topics, Q&As, interviews, case studies, and more. Please note that for media enquiries, journalists should call our central Newsdesk on 020 7783 8300. This media-only line operates from Monday to Friday, 8am to 7pm. Outside of these hours the number will divert to the duty media ...