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12 Effective Ways to Research a Company Before an Interview

12 Effective Ways to Research a Company Before an Interview

  • Early Career

what research to do before an interview

In preparation for your next job interview, we’ve gathered insights from top professionals, including HR executives and CEOs, to offer you the most effective strategies for researching a company. From analyzing employee social profiles to utilizing LinkedIn for company insights, explore the twelve comprehensive strategies these experts recommend for a deep dive into your potential employer’s world.

Analyze Employee Social Profiles

Observe active social media channels, check crunchbase for financial history, conduct informational interviews, research interviewers and company staff, study the company’s digital footprint, review website, reports, and employee insights, utilize glassdoor for candid feedback, leverage official channels and employee reviews, read between the lines of company communications, compare company with industry competitors, utilize linkedin for company insights.

Drawing from my dual background as an HR professional with five years of experience and an HR writer with four years under my belt, I’ve developed a keen eye for assessing company cultures and work environments beyond the company’s LinkedIn page and traditional review sites like Glassdoor. 

A key strategy is to closely observe how employees discuss their work environment and culture on their personal LinkedIn profiles. This approach offers authentic insights into the company culture, beyond what is officially presented.

For instance, recurring mentions of overtime, burnout, or high stress levels among employees are clear red flags, indicating a potential culture of overwork. Conversely, posts celebrating team achievements, work-life balance, or professional development suggest a positive, supportive environment. Such nuances provide valuable, candid insights into the company’s real culture, guiding you toward making a well-informed decision about your potential workplace.

Maheen Kanwal , HR Executive, B2B Tech SaaS Copywriter, Founder, Call to Authority

Assess the socials that they’re most active on so that you can really get a sense of what makes them ‘tick’, and what they’re likely to respond positively to. For example, if they have an office dog, then you can share your mutual love of dogs, or if they’re working on a certain project that they’ve shared, then you can comment on that project specifically.

Tracey Beveridge , HR Director, Personnel Checks

If you plan on working for a start-up, a scale-up, or a rapidly growing organization, I strongly recommend looking at Crunchbase to see their financial history. A great many privately owned companies survive almost entirely on venture capital, and the availability of this capital is paramount to their continued existence. 

Crunchbase outlines a company’s investment history, providing powerful insight into where the money is coming from. Consequently, when applying for jobs, it’s always worth keeping an eye on how much funding they have received, and for two reasons. Free-flowing funding means that salaries are likely to be paid as promised, as they are unlikely to run into financial problems in the short term. But also, if venture capital firms are interested in investing, this suggests the organization has something special going on, which is a positive sign.

Oliver Savill , CEO and Founder, AssessmentDay

One strategy I highly recommend for thoroughly researching a company before an interview is to leverage informational interviews with current or former employees. While online resources provide valuable information, speaking directly with individuals who have firsthand experience with the company can offer unique insights and perspectives.

Start by reaching out to your professional network or utilizing platforms like LinkedIn to identify individuals who currently work at or have previously worked for the company. Politely request a brief informational interview where you can ask questions about their experiences, company culture, values, and any other relevant aspects.

During the informational interview, focus on open-ended questions that encourage detailed responses. Inquire about the company’s mission, recent projects or initiatives, workplace environment, team dynamics, and growth opportunities. Additionally, ask about challenges they’ve faced and how the company addresses them, as well as any advice they have for potential candidates.

Listening attentively to their responses can provide valuable insights beyond what you might find in official company materials. Pay attention to recurring themes or sentiments, which can help you better understand the company’s culture and values.

After the informational interview, take notes and reflect on the information gathered. Compare it with other research sources, such as the company’s website, news articles, and employee reviews, to gain a comprehensive understanding.

Daniel Jorge , Senior Consultant, EC1 Partners

At the end of the day, companies are made up of people. It’s super important before an interview to do research about the people you’ll be speaking with. Just five minutes of Googling can do a lot… Look at their LinkedIn page (maybe you have connections or education in common) and find something interesting to discuss.

I’ve interviewed hundreds of people, and many don’t even look at our company website before speaking with us. Those that do just a little bit of research about the company and me really stand out and show they go the extra mile!

Corey Schwitz , CEO & Founder, On-Demand Salesforce, Hubspot and Revenue Ops Customization, Skydog Ops

A unique strategy for researching a company thoroughly before an interview is to study its digital footprint beyond the traditional scope of its official website and social media profiles. This involves a deep dive into various online platforms and resources where the company’s indirect presence can provide insightful context about its culture, reputation, and operational nuances. Here’s how to approach this:

Participate in or review discussions on industry-specific forums and online communities related to the company’s field. These platforms can offer unfiltered insights into the company’s reputation within the industry, emerging challenges it might be facing, and the innovations it’s known for.

Websites like Trustpilot, Yelp, or even product review sections on e-commerce platforms can provide a wealth of information about the company’s products or services, customer satisfaction levels, and how the company handles complaints or feedback. This research can explain the company’s customer service ethos and product quality.

Companies in regulated industries (finance, healthcare, etc.) should check reports and filings with regulatory bodies. These documents can shed light on the company’s compliance history, financial health, and any regulatory challenges it may have faced. This information can be particularly insightful for understanding the company’s operational rigor and market standing.

Vaibhav Kakkar , CEO, Digital Web Solutions

Before your interview, check the company’s website to learn about what it values and who leads it. Look at reports and financial statements for information on its finances and performance. Check news and social media for recent projects and how the company is perceived publicly. Read what employees say on sites like Glassdoor to understand how people feel about working there. 

Also, check LinkedIn for key people and connect with current or past employees if possible. This will give you a good understanding of the company, and during the interview, you can show that you know about its goals and values.

Eva Toledo , Senior Researcher, Kepler Search Pte Ltd

I would highly recommend using Glassdoor or any other tool that will provide candid feedback about an organization. While organizations can pay to try to have bad reviews removed, the on-the-ground feedback and how an organization responds can show a lot.

In my consulting practice, I was burned by this previously. A client that I was going to work for had really bad reviews about the culture, the owner, and red flags that would have been a tip-off of things to come. However, I ignored the data in front of me. They turned out to be very much like the reviews, and I should have heeded the warnings. I ended up leaving the client after about six months.

Ben Madden , Owner, HR Action LLC

I highly recommend utilizing the company’s official channels, particularly its website and published materials. Start by reviewing the About Us, Mission Statement, and Values sections to grasp the organization’s foundational principles and culture. Examine annual reports and financial statements for insights into the company’s financial health and performance. 

Additionally, explore recent news articles, press releases, and social media profiles to understand current developments and employee interactions. Leveraging employee review platforms like Glassdoor can provide valuable perspectives on the work environment. Connecting with current or former employees on platforms like LinkedIn can offer firsthand insights. 

This comprehensive approach ensures that candidates not only understand the business’s objectives and financial standing but also its culture and employee experiences, facilitating a more informed and tailored interview preparation.

Steven Mostyn , Chief Human Resources Officer,

The most important thing is to read between the lines on a company’s website and public communications to figure out what they really care about. Study their About page, press releases, leadership bios, and so on. Look for signs that they value innovation, people, or social responsibility in a way that appeals to you. Understanding what motivates a company will help the conversation flow better in interviews, beyond just your qualifications.

Additionally, check out news articles and reviews to get balanced inside perspectives from employees. Approach learning about a company as an interesting research project where no detail is too small. Doing this groundwork will allow you to assess if it’s a good fit, align values, and show how you can contribute.

I’ll admit I didn’t always do enough research early on and stumbled in interviews. But being your real self, focused on helping people more than profits, makes connections that the right organization will recognize.

Lou Reverchuk , Co-founder and CEO, EchoGlobal

One very effective tactic when researching the company you are about to interview with is not only studying the company’s history, products, services, and culture but also the company’s competitors to get a broader view of the industry and how the company stands against those competitors.

You can find company intelligence in industry reports, news articles, or in financial statements. This can help you to understand the competitive dynamics, current market trends, or present challenges. A good way to impress the interviewer can be to refer to their competitors and how they might be able to take account of this in the job you are applying for. It would show that you can think strategically and that you tend to be proactive.

An interviewer may ask you to describe some ways you might contribute to the company if you got hired. It’s a way of asking, “What can you do for us?” It can also be a way to determine your motivation and commitment to the company. Answering this question can help build your credibility and show the interviewer that you are excited to help the company grow. Some possible ways you might be able to contribute to the company that you’re interviewing for include bringing in new trends, being knowledgeable about the company, and being innovative.

Blake Smith , Marketing Manager, ClockOn

LinkedIn provides a wealth of information about companies, including their mission, values, products or services, and recent news or updates. Additionally, you can explore the company’s culture page on LinkedIn, which often includes employee testimonials and insights into the work environment. 

Another valuable aspect of LinkedIn is the opportunity to leverage your professional network. If you know anyone, past or present, who has worked at the company, you can reach out to them for insights or information. 

Connecting with current or former employees can provide you with firsthand perspectives on the company’s culture, work environment, and overall experience. They may be able to share valuable insights that go beyond what you can find through public sources. This knowledge will help you prepare for your interview and demonstrate your genuine interest in the company.

Heidi Hauver , Chief People Officer

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The Complete Guide to Researching a Company Before an Interview

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If you're coming to do an interview with me, you should know about me. – WizKid

Jill is interviewing at a big social media company for the role of a backend developer. She's pumped, eager, and raring to go. She's taken mock interview sessions and knows her domain of work like the back of her hand.

She pretty much feels she can clinch the job pretty comfortably.

When she gets to the interview, however, she is asked one question that throws her off guard.

'So, Jill, tell us what you know about our company?'

Jill is visibly perturbed. She knows only the very basics, so she wings it and tells them what she knows about the organization. But the interviewer probes a little deeper. He wants to know the number of projects they have been involved in, and the latest steps they've taken to gather more advertisers. Jill is lost and begins to fumble. It's apparent she doesn't know jack about the company.

To the interviewer, it shows a lack of interest and disrespect to the company itself.

The interview is as good as over.

Jill should have researched the company as assiduously as possible. Why? When you go to work for someone, you should know everything about them so that you are confident your goals are aligned.

If only Jill had taken some interview prep courses where they would have taught her the importance of researching a company thoroughly, she wouldn't have had to go through the disappointment of losing a golden opportunity.

Here's what you will find in this article!

Why is it a good idea to research a company before going for an interview?

Advantages of researching the company before going for an interview

How to perform research on a company

Final step: The complete checklist before you hit the interview

Tools for researching companies

How to prepare for technical interview

Researching about the company should be a part of your pre-interview preparation. It shows commitment, eagerness and willingness to become part of the family, and that is something employers are seeking.

As a person looking for employment, you should realize that the competition is cut-throat and only the very best of the crop are gleaned from working at prestigious companies. If you want to be a part of them, you must take pre-interview preparation very seriously. Google interview questions, along with doing your research on the company and practice answering these points at home.

One of the rudiments of pre-interview preparation is to learn everything about the company at which you were going to interview. Doing so signals many more in-depth notions about you.

Firstly, it shows that you want to work with them , not just gain employment.

Next, you will try to fit into their work culture, and understand what that work culture is.

Thirdly, you are interested in sticking around to build a career with them.

  • It Shows Excitement for the Job and Company

When you are excited about something, you put your heart, mind and soul into knowing everything there is to know about it. It's the same with a job.

Job research and intimately knowing the company could work in your favor even at a start-up, as the panel will be impressed that you took the time to learn whatever you could about them.

  • It Allows You to Answer According to the Company's Needs

Take this as some career advice, which you should keep with you throughout your life:

Employers are looking to hire someone that will fit into their company, and a big part of the interview will be your trying to convince them that you can fit into their team without any hitches.

So, know what you bring to the table and make sure that it is something they are looking for; otherwise, it is just the case of misaligned stars.

For example, if their need is to make websites with a better user experience, then talk about your experience in that particular field. And how would you know that need unless you researched them beforehand?

  • It Shows That You Want A Long-Term Career With The Company

There is a significant difference between getting a job and having a career. If you are looking to work for the sake of 'working', it will show in your shoddy researching about the company . But if you want a long-term career with the company that translates into many years of service, then you will go in-depth into the research.

Employers are looking for someone to stick around past the two-year mark. They spend a lot of money on training and hiring you, so they want their money's worth. They will keep a lookout for those who are just there to ride the high tide for a few years and then move on and immediately reject them.

  • It Helps You Answer 'Why Do You Want To Work For Us?'

At some level, this question is philosophical. It plumbs the very depths of your soul. Suppose you want to come up with an answer to this question, you have to do your interview preparation . Identify some pain points of the company that you can help to solve.

If it is a web design company that hasn't been doing too well, then say that you can help to design the front end-user experience better so that they perform in this aspect. Remember, the employer knows you need the money, but he or she wants to know how hiring you can help solve their need. They are hiring because they have a big vacuum somewhere in their structure. If you can help fill the vacuum, then it's a date!

That is why researching about the company provides you with information about the various roles they need someone to play and how you can fill that role.

  • It Lets You Ask Probing Questions

There comes a time in the interview when the floor is opened to you to ask questions. Do not jeopardize this time. Ask such vital and probing questions that get them to sit up and take notice of you.

Here is where knowing how to research a company comes in handy. If you have done a meticulous study on the company, then you can air the knowledge you have gathered through pertinent, short questions that cut to the heart of the matter.

  • It Helps You Know Your Interviewer

As a part of your pre-interview preparation, do some research on the person who will be conducting the interview. That will help you to break the ice and have some common ground on which you can build the interview .

Your interviewer has probably already googled you, so it is all right for you to do the same. Do not, at any cost, sound like a crazy stalker that knows what their favorite breed of dog is or where their children go to school.

Learn something light about them like their alma mater or their favorite football team Keep your pre-interview preparation meticulous but do not border on crazy.

Here are three wacky interview questions meant to tease the interviewee!

  • How would you solve this problem if you were from Mars?
  • What do you think of garden gnomes?
  • Why are maintenance holes round?

Want to find the right job for yourself? A large part of being safely ensconced in a job that you love is to look for the right organization.

You won't fit in everywhere, so look out for those companies that match your goals and outlook.

Here are some tips on how to research a company before you apply for a job there.

  • Look for companies that share your values

It is sound career advice to work for people who share the same values as you, as later, during work, there won't be any clashes on morality or ethical issues.

Also, the nature of the work you do should be meaningful to you. If you are not creatively onboard, the job is probably a waste of time for you as your end games do not coincide.

Read the About Us pages of the company and go through the section on goals and outlook. These should give you an idea into what makes them tick, and your interview preparation will become that much easier.

  • Look into the employee benefits the company provides

What makes a workplace better than its competitors? It is when the company offers perks and various benefits like flexible work schedules or stock options.

Even something small like a gym or a cafeteria can significantly boost employee retention and make working for them a dream. So do considerable research into the company and find out its various perks and benefits.  

  • Learn about how the company makes its money

One of the items to check off your list while researching how to prepare for job interview is to learn how the company of your choice stays in business.

What are they making? Who is buying what they are making? These two are the main questions you should ask.

Following this, there are other questions like: is the company a start-up or an established company? Who are the company's investors, and how does it plan to stay in business in the future?

You will get this information from the public documents that the company releases. Their annual reports are a great source of data as well. Go through these documents and glean as much information you can about their finances.

  • Look into the company's leadership

You might have taken technical interview prep mock classes to work in the same company where your coding idols are working. But during your how to research a company, you failed to research the various leaders in that organization adequately. And now find yourself working under a boss that is quite unlike the pioneer that helped to found your company.

To avoid disappointments such as this, research those who hold the top leadership positions in the agency. Visit their social media pages and LinkedIn profiles to see what they post and how they help the field they work in advance

if you are wary, back off immediately. If you are smitten, however, then take the plunge.

  • Research the Company's YouTube and Research Employees on LinkedIn

For a better shot at how to research a company , have a look at their YouTube posts. You will know the latest news and updates that the organization has posted. It will help to broaden your view of the set-up and be updated regarding their work.

Even employees' LinkedIn profiles have a great way of giving you clues into the company's social life and work ethic. So before interviewing, check out the firm on LinkedIn and especially check the suggestions. The suggestions are most likely to be the employees.

  • Research into news and recent events, local news stories, forums and business journals

A great tip on how to prepare for job interview is to scour the social media handles and the blogs, websites of the organization. Doing so gives you an idea into what the company is recently working on, as well as what their achievements, awards, and latest innovations are.

In addition to this, follow the regular news and find out what others are writing about the company. Read product reviews on forums. With a fine-toothed comb go through the news and see what the most recent developments on the organization are. All this will keep you updated on the happenings.

  • Know the company's strong points

You should know how the company stands out among its competitors. Why? Every company looks to be fulfilling a unique market need. If you do not know that, you do not know them.

What are its USPs? What makes it able to withstand the test of time? Read the company's About Us page and understand how well they have managed to stick to their mission and goals.

Sometimes you may even be pointedly asked: Tell us why we are the best cloud computing firm around? At times like this, you must not wonder whether they are the best cloud computing firm or not. You should know .

  • Check the financial health of the organization

The financial health profile of every company is out there on their website. All you have to do is access it and draw intelligent conclusions. While no one expects you to know the stock prices, it does help if you know how much money they are bringing in and how much they are spending. Where do they rank on wealth? How much are they projected to grow? Where do their assets stand?

For a start-up use Crunchbase to find out the company's latest stocks and figures, which will help you to speak intelligently on their finances.

  • Keep an eye out on  community interaction

To understand the company's tenor, it is best to scour their social media platforms and find out if they are a very professional or quirky in their approach when it comes to interacting with others.

During the interview you can mention that their World Environment's Day greeting was very on point or their opinion on the presidential election was a refreshing viewpoint. Either way, study how they interact and follow suit. Also, learn if the company addresses any complaints made to it or do they flub. Observe and bring it up in the interview.

  • Try some new ways to find information

If the traditional spying routes are not yielding any information, then it is time to go undercover. Ask former employees or else the current employees what the work culture is like at that ecommerce set-up. is the go-to place to get any news on an organization.

Stories on the work culture are what you are trying to gain, and while it may not come up in the interview, it will be useful for you to know. One of the vital clues it may throw up are the flaws of the company which you can discuss post-interview.

  • Find out about the other competitors in the field

When it comes to how to prepare for job interview, one tip is you want to sound more knowledgeable. How can you do that?

It would help if you studied up on the industry as a whole and learnt about their archrivals and upcoming competition. If you can sound like a specialist, then you can convincingly answer the question "why do you want to work at our company and not at so-and-so?"

When they ask you this question, you can accurately rattle off why you think they are better than their competitors and it what ways.

  • Ask your network for opinions

The best way to get accurate discernment into the workplace you hope to join is through people who are already working there. Friends, college alumni and other online contacts can help you to understand the behind-the-scenes of your chosen workplace. Their insider's knowledge can prove invaluable to you.

  • Scan the news headlines

Keep a weather eye on the news for any layoffs or mergers that the company might be inking soon. These red flags will help you take a call on whether you want to join them during this period of unrest. Google interview questions but do not forget to check the news!

  • Set aside the time necessary to research properly

Researching about the company takes time, and you may not have time to do it. So set aside time before you go to sleep or 20 minutes while on the commute. Here are some details that you should research:

  • The company history
  • The department for which you want to work
  • Work culture
  • Business model
  • Figure out the type of company you want to work for

Are you interested in social media companies or hardcore tech and network solutions companies or ecommerce firms? Before you learn how to prepare for job interview, you should take time to understand the domain in which you want to specialize. The rest of your career trajectory depends on the choices you make today, so choose wisely.

  • Air your knowledge at strategic points

While you may have done a lot of research, there are specific moments in the interview when you should air this knowledge. Usually, when they ask you: "do you have any questions for us?" is an excellent time to ask your questions. Another strategic time to ask questions is when they ask you your strengths or why they should hire you. Cleverly weave in some projects they are working on, and say that you are an expert in those subjects, so the fit is just right.

what research to do before an interview

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Here is a final checklist you should tick off before you head out to any interview.

  • Who is the company's CEO?

Can you answer this one before heading out the door? If you cannot, please take a moment. You need to recheck the company's LinkedIn profile or its Twitter account. If the company is a start-up, then ask the person who introduced you to the job to tell you this piece of information.

  • When and why was the company founded?

While this may not be such an essential question for start-ups, it is a pretty important question for those big boys you want to play with. They have been around longer, and it is quite a logical segue to know how many years they have been in the business. Also, find out what was their philosophy before starting up.

  • Do they have global or countrywide locations? If so, where.

This tidbit is vital to know so that you are aware of how many countries they are presently working in.

  • For which location are you interviewing?

Many times it happens that the interview is being held at one place for a different location. To avoid this misunderstanding, be aware of which branch you are interviewing.

  • How do they make their income? Are they selling products or services? What's their target audience?

To easily answer this question, you should be able to know the company's business model and how they make their money. Also, know these questions : What are they selling? Services or products? Who is their target customer?

  • Why do their customers like them?

If you can answer this question, you will have a happy board of interviewers. They'd like to know that you have gone through the extra bit of effort to find out why they have satisfied customers and repeat clients.

  • How is the company different from its competitors?

Knowing how a company stands out from its competitors proves that you have researched the whole field of work and are eager to take your place as a worthy foot soldier.

There are several tools to research companies. They include a variety of online and offline tools. Here is a quick guide:

  • Use social media handles like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
  • LinkedIn profile of their employees
  • Reviews on
  • Check the company's website
  • Google News

Take any interview preparation seriously. You have got only one shot, so make it matter. You should know that you have done the best preparation possible and are giving it your 100%.

For the technical round though, you may have to take additional coding interview preparation to really be at the top of the game.

For your convenience, you may also Google interview questions that are commonly asked and prepare those.

But for the class-leading FAANG companies, you should consider technical interview prep mock classes.

These classes will polish you off, and that will help you to stand out among your competitors. Such interview prep courses have a sharp insight into the type of questions that are commonly asked at these interviews. Knowing the questions in advance will boost your chances of answering better.

what research to do before an interview

Ashwin Ramachandran

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How To Research a Company for a Job Interview

7 Ways to Find Out What You Need to Know Before the Big Day

what research to do before an interview

Visit the Company Website

Browse social media, use linkedin, get an interview edge, use google and google news, tap your connections, get to know the industry and competitors, how to use this research during interviews.

You may have heard the advice that it’s important to have some questions for the hiring manager when you’re interviewing for a job. It’s true that interviewers will expect you to be curious and interested in their organization, and they'll expect to show that by asking questions, but it’s also true that you should come to the interview with a good baseline of knowledge about the company.

Hopefully, you’ll learn a lot about the company during the interview—like whether the organization and the company culture are a good fit for you, for example. But during the interview is not the time to learn basic information about the company. You should know all that before you set foot in corporate HQ. 

The good news is that it’s easier than ever before to learn about an employer before the job interview. Take some time, in advance, to learn as much as you can online. Then, tap into your real-world network to see who you know who can help give you an interview edge over the other candidates. Do your research, and you’ll make a much better impression on the hiring manager. Here are tips for researching companies before the interview.

Start by visiting the company website. There, you can review the organization's mission statement and history, products and services, and management, as well as information about the company culture. The information is usually available in the "About Us" section of the site. If there's a Press section of the website, read through the featured links there.

Pay attention to themes that come up repeatedly on the site. As much as any stated corporate values, the words companies choose to describe themselves are telling. Do you want to work at a place where people are “driven to excellence,” or does that make you feel tired? Do you like the idea of working with people who consider their coworkers family, or do you need more distance between your job and your personal life? Of course, organizations use hyperbole when talking about themselves... but it’s often pretty telling hyperbole.

Next, check the company's social media accounts. Visit their Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages. This will give you a good sense of how the company wants its consumers to see it. Like or follow the company to get updates. You'll find some information you may not have found otherwise.

You may also uncover some red flags. If the organization doesn’t have a professionally managed social media presence, for example, or if it’s updated sporadically and inconsistently, they might not be totally in control of their public image.

LinkedIn company profiles are a good way to find, at a glance, more information on a company you're interested in. You'll be able to see your connections at the company, new hires, promotions, jobs posted, related companies, and company statistics. If you have connections at the company, consider reaching out to them. Not only can they put in a good word for you, but they may also share their perspective on the company and give you tips that will help you ace the interview.

Take a look at your interviewer's LinkedIn profile to get insight into their job and their background, as well. Look for any common links between you. Do you know the same people? Did you go to the same school? Are you part of the same groups, online or off? Those common links could help you establish rapport during the interview process. 

Consider looking up the company on Glassdoor . Their Interview Questions and Reviews section has a goldmine of information for job seekers.

You can find out what candidates for the positions you are interviewing for were asked and get advice on how tough the interview was. Use reviews to help get a sense of company culture. That said, take them with a grain of salt—employees are often most likely to leave reviews when they are unhappy. As you read reviews, look for repeated themes. The more mentions a given subject gets (whether it's praise for flexible hours or frustration with senior management) the more likely it is to be accurate.

Search both Google and Google News for the company name. This can be invaluable. You may find out that the company is expanding into Asia, for instance, or recently received a round of start-up funding. Or, you may find out that a recent product underperformed or had to be recalled. This knowledge can help shape your responses to interview questions.

Do you know someone who works at the company? Ask them if they can help.

If you're a college grad, ask your career office if they can give you a list of alumni who work there. Then email them, send a LinkedIn message, or call and ask for assistance.

As well as researching the company, it makes sense to review the overall industry. If you're interviewing for a job at a mortgage company, for instance, it's helpful to be informed about current homeownership trends. Get to know the company's biggest competitors and identify their successes and flaws, too. Insight into the company's industry and rivals are bound to impress interviewers.

During a job interview, interviewers ask questions to get to know candidates . But their main goal is to determine if a candidate will be a good fit for the position and company.

Your company research will make your responses to questions compelling and show that you'll be helpful to their goals and bottom line.

Plus, your knowledge will help you give a specific answer if you're asked why you'd like to work for the company. You can share details about things you find admirable about the company, its mission, or its culture.

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How to Research a Company for a Job Interview

A young woman finishes her job interview by shaking the HR person’s hand

As the world continues to recover from the COVID-19 crisis, your opportunities for employment may be growing. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says more companies are hiring, including those focused on health care and social assistance. In a survey conducted by staffing company Robert Half, job openings still outnumber candidates nearly 2 to 1.

If you’re job hunting, this is good news. When preparing for an interview, make sure to research the company's mission, reputation, finances, and more. This can help you appear as a knowledgeable, informed candidate to a recruiter or hiring manager when answering interview questions.

Here are 10 ways to conduct company research for an interview.

10 Things You Should Check Out Before Your Interview

1. visit the company website.

Learn about the company from the “About Us” section or any “Meet Our Team” section. These pages will give you an overview of the company, but be aware that these pages may be more geared toward attracting customers or clients. You might be able to get more insight about the job itself if the company has a “Careers” page.

Additionally, more job seekers are placing emphasis on a company’s values. In a recent article , Caitlin Duffy, research director at research and consulting firm Gartner, said, “You could call it the ‘Great Reflection.’ … It’s critical to deliver value and purpose.” Check out the company’s values page, mission statement, and any company culture page to gain more insight.

2. Check on the Company’s Financial Health

You don’t want to get involved with a financially troubled company. Investopedia says the single best indicator of a company’s financial health and long-term viability is its bottom line profit margin.

For many large companies, you should be able to find this and more financial information from a company’s quarterly earnings report, annual report, or conference calls with investors, the latter of which you might find on YouTube. If you’re interviewing with a startup, check out its profile on Crunchbase .

3. Learn About the Skills the Company Requires

You should be able to find out a lot in a job posting, including a general description, duties, education, experience requirements, and possibly starting salary range.

Also, take a good look at what they’re looking for in terms of knowledge, skills, and abilities. With this information, you should be able to decide what the company is seeking in a qualified candidate. This can help you position yourself in your interview.

>>Learn More: The Top 8 Soft Skills That Employers Want

4. Browse Social Media

Many companies are using social media to present themselves. According to Statista , 92.1% of larger U.S. companies used social media for marketing in 2022, up from 86.2% in 2013. The way social media is used can give you insight into companies.

Search out the company’s Facebook, Instagram, and X (formerly Twitter) pages to gain a sense of how the company wants to be perceived. You can also spot some red flags this way, such as a less-than-professional presence.

Also, it never hurts to check out the company on YouTube.

5. Explore LinkedIn

According to LinkedIn , more than 65 million companies use the site to connect with consumers, other companies, and prospective employees.

Companies share a lot of information on this platform, so make yourself familiar with it. You can see a company’s hires, promotions, jobs posted, related companies, and statistics. You can also see who they interact with.

You should search LinkedIn for people who are employed at the company. Learn about the company by looking at their employees’ experiences.

6. Search Google and Google News

Google is a valuable tool, beginning with its wide-ranging Search feature . Look for a company’s name and see what turns up. You may find out the company’s tactics, recent news releases, or plans.

Use the News tab to find out if the company has been in the news lately. You might find out whether the company has been having difficulties or had products recalled.

7. Use Glassdoor and Other Employee Sites

Glassdoor says 83% of its users are actively looking for jobs or are open to new opportunities. Explore the company’s Glassdoor listing, including their Interview Questions and Reviews section for valuable information for job seekers.

You can also see whether employees have left comments about the company — but recognize that sometimes the more disgruntled an employee is, the more likely they are to post.

8. Research the Field and Competitors

It is a good idea to research the competitors of the company you’re interviewing with. That can help clarify for you the company’s mission and needs.

Head to , type the company’s name, and then click “similar sites.” You can also look up competitors on LinkedIn by seeing what recommendations you get if you click on the interviewing company’s page.

9. Mine Your Current Connections

If you know someone who works at the company now, ask them for their insight. Check with other friends to see if they have friends who work there. This is where your own personal network can help out.

Networking events could also connect you with the right people to find out more information. It’s a good idea to keep building your network.

10. Find Out About the Hiring Manager

Lastly, before the interview, research the hiring manager or your interviewer on LinkedIn. Find out what you can about them, and see if there are any commonalities you share. This can give you an advantage during the interview because you’ll have a better chance of connecting with them and sparking a meaningful conversation.

>>Learn More: How to Tackle Tough Interview Questions

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Employment and Career Advancement: Purdue Global does not guarantee employment placement or career advancement. Actual outcomes vary by geographic area, previous work experience and opportunities for employment.

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How to Research a Company for an Interview: A 10-Step Guide

  • August 16, 2024
  • In Interviewing

How To Research A Company For An Interview

Researching a company before an interview is a vital step in preparing for a successful conversation. This 10-step guide will equip you with the tools needed to impress your interviewers and assess if the company aligns with your career goals.

How to research a company for an interview

Preparing for a job interview involves more than just updating your resume and rehearsing answers. Researching the company you’re interviewing with is crucial for leaving a lasting impression and demonstrating your genuine interest in the position. Here’s a 10-step guide to effectively research a company before your interview:

Step 1: Visit the company website

  • Step 2: Explore social media

Step 3: Consult employee reviews

Step 4: analyze competitors, step 5: network for insider information, step 6: read industry publications, step 7: understand the company culture, step 8: prepare thoughtful questions, step 9: know your interviewers, step 10: review relevant case studies or projects.

  • Mission and values: Get to know the company’s mission statement and core values. This helps you align your responses with what drives the organization.
  • Products and services : Understand the company’s offerings so you can discuss how your skills and experiences can contribute to their success.
  • Recent news : Look for updates or press releases to get insights into new initiatives or changes within the company.

Step 2: Explore social media

  • Company profiles : Check out the company’s social media accounts ( LinkedIn , X , Facebook ) to see how they present themselves and engage with their audience.
  • Brand personality : Observe how the company interacts with followers to understand its brand personality and customer relations.
  • Review sites : Use platforms like Glassdoor and Indeed to read employee reviews about the work environment, management style, and company culture.
  • Interview insights : Look for sections discussing interview experiences to prepare for the types of questions you might face.
  • Identify competitors : Recognize who the company’s competitors are to understand its market positioning.
  • Industry trends : Familiarize yourself with current trends and challenges in the industry, as this knowledge can prove valuable during discussions.
  • Reach out : Connect with current or former employees to gain firsthand insights about the company culture and interview processes.
  • Informational interviews : Conduct informational interviews to gather in-depth knowledge about the organization and its dynamics.
  • Trade journals : Explore industry-specific publications to understand broader market trends and the company’s role within them.
  • News articles : Look for news articles that discuss the company and its competitors to gain context about its reputation and performance.
  • Cultural fit : Research any content related to the company culture to determine if it aligns with your values and work style.
  • Employee testimonials : Pay attention to employee testimonials and videos that showcase the workplace environment.
  • Engagement during the interview : Craft questions that reflect your research. Asking about recent projects or initiatives shows you’re engaged and informed.
  • Cultural inquiries : Ask about the company’s culture and values to ensure it’s a good fit for you.
  • LinkedIn profiles : Research the backgrounds and experiences of your interviewers on LinkedIn to understand their roles better.
  • Common interests : Identify shared interests or experiences that might serve as conversation starters during the interview.
  • Case studies : Look for case studies or project outcomes related to the company. This can provide you with specific examples to discuss during the interview.
  • Recent achievements : Familiarize yourself with any recent achievements or awards the company has received to highlight your awareness of their success.

Research a company for an interview FAQ

How can I learn about the company culture?

Consider effective ways to gauge this, such as looking at employee reviews on platforms like Glassdoor or Indeed, checking the company’s social media presence, or networking with current employees. This can help you assess whether the work environment aligns with your values and expectations.

What questions should I prepare to ask the Interviewer?

You might seek guidance on what questions to ask during the interview . It’s essential to ensure your questions reflect your research and demonstrate genuine interest in the company. Avoid basic questions that could indicate a lack of preparation, like asking what the company does.

How can I stay updated on the company’s recent developments?

You may want to know the best ways to keep up with the company’s latest news. Look for advice on following press releases, news articles, and the company’s social media channels. This knowledge can be crucial for discussing relevant topics during your interview.

What are some red flags to look for during research?

You might ask about potential warning signs that could indicate a negative work environment or company instability. Common red flags include high employee turnover rates, negative reviews, and frequent changes in leadership.

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9 Essential Things to Research Before a Job Interview

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You have worked hard to earn your degree, and now you find yourself looking for a career. However, there is another challenge to face: the job interview. The first step to preparing for an interview with a company is to do some research. If your interviewers see that you have done your research, then they will appreciate that you have a genuine interest in working for them.

When you interview with a company, preparation is vital. The knowledge you gain before an interview can give you an advantage over other applicants and determine your overall success.

The Company

First, check the company’s website. The “About Us” section is a good introduction to the company’s history and work. Also, look at the company’s Mission Statement. A mission statement refers to the company’s founding, purpose, and values. So, if a company pledges to do charity work, mention your interest in this in the interview.

The Position

The more you know about the position, the better you can express your qualifications. If the position requires you to be a mentor to other employees, then you can mention how you mentored younger students in your program. This type of leadership is something companies look for.

Here are some questions to ask yourself as you research:

  • What are the essential job requirements?
  • What are the qualifications?
  • Who will be your supervisor?

These questions will help you learn whether this is the right position for you.

The Interview Team

It is good to know  people at the company , especially the interview team. This will give you an advantage in establishing common ground. For example, if you share a similar school or work experiences, you can mention this to make a connection and display your strengths.

Gain the Extra Advantage

Remember: You are not the only person being interviewed. So, you need to do everything you can do to gain an advantage and set yourself apart from everyone else.

Company Culture

You feel like you are qualified for this position. However, would you be a good fit within the company culture?

Check the  company’s social media pages . This will give you more familiarity with the company and make you more comfortable in the interview. Does the company share videos and photos of office events and company outings? Often, the more social a company is, the better the company culture. Once you gather this information, you can explain to the interviewers how you would be a good fit –  not just as a person but as an employee.

Recent News

Research current news about the company. Most companies have a page on their website that lists press releases and events. Showing that you are knowledgeable about the company will make an excellent impression. For example, if the company launched a new product, you should discuss your views on it and how you will contribute to its success.

Important Business Information

Products and Services

You should know what products and services are related to the position. For example, for a pharmaceutical company, you will need to know the different medicines and services you will be working with. This will give you a better opportunity to describe your qualifications and experiences.

A big part of understanding your role within the company is to know its client base. Who uses the company’s products and services? Who is the focus of the company’s marketing strategies? Since this will be an integral part of your job, you should display this knowledge in the interview.

Industry and Competitors

It is important to know about the  industry, competitors, and challenges the company is facing. For example, does the company have public relations concerns? Is the company growing? You can offer your thoughts on how to meet new challenges. It shows that you are a forward thinker and problem solver.

Unique Selling Proposition

A Unique Selling Proposition (USP)  is the unique benefit that a company offers to make it stand out from its competitors. The USP must highlight how a product or service benefits clients and customers. Discussing this information in the interview will show the company that you have already begun thinking like an employee.

What are your experiences with a job search? Have you prepared for an interview and done the research mentioned above? Please share your thoughts in the comments section.

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How to Prepare for an Interview (Best Tips)

How to Prepare for an Interview (Best Tips)

The key steps to take when preparing for a job interview are to research the company, practice answering the common interview questions, learn how to make a great first impression, and be able to convey why you’re the right person to hire. Do it, and you’ll be ahead of 9 out of 10 other candidates. But the secret lies in how you do it. Otherwise, this effort will be for nothing.

To help you do this right, we’ll:

  • Talk about how to prepare for an interview
  • Give you lots of practical tips
  • Touch on the most common interview questions you might get

How to Prepare for an Interview: Step-By-Step Process

Interview preparation is a process, and you’ll need to be strategic about it to ensure you don’t miss anything. Here’s a walkthrough that can serve as your roadmap.

Research the company

Put your detective hat on and gather as much information as possible about the company. 

How your job interview will go largely depends on how you tailor your responses. The trick is to demonstrate you’ve done your due diligence. Additionally, this research will give you an opportunity to come up with smart questions for the hiring manager . 

The intel will also let you better understand your prospective employer’s values and culture and check if you fit in. Here’s how you can approach this:

  • Review the company website and social media. Get a sense of the company culture, online presence, brand, mission, and day-to-day. Pay extra attention to recent accomplishments they share on their digital channels — these can provide excellent talking points. You can also look up company and industry news.
  • Next, learn about the company’s products and services . Even if the role you’re applying for doesn’t require you to be directly involved, understanding what the company does is important (you’ll still be part of the team). Having a basic understanding of the company’s product portfolio shows your enthusiasm and proactivity — green flags hiring managers look for in candidates. If anything’s unclear or if you need more intel, you can always talk to current and past employees.

Study the job description

Your main goals here are to:

  • Identify key responsibilities and requirements. Go through the job description in detail and highlight key responsibilities and requirements. Apart from helping you come up with responses that will prove you’re capable of meeting all the expectations, this dot-the-i approach will allow you to evaluate if you have what it takes to slay at work.
  • Reflect on how your skills and experiences align. Once you have a good understanding of key responsibilities and requirements, think about how your skills and experience match up with the job description. Make a list of specific examples that illustrate your competence for the role — this will ease some of the interview stress. 

Prepare your answers to common interview questions

Obviously, you can’t be absolutely sure about what questions you’ll get during the interview, but there are some common interview questions ​​that tend to pop up frequently. Start by making a list and studying the best answers. Then, tie your expertise and experience into possible responses. Some of the most common interview questions include:

  • Tell Me About Yourself
  • Why Do You Want to Work Here?
  • Why Should We Hire You?
  • Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?
  • What Are Your Strengths and Weaknesses?
  • Describe Your Current Position and Responsibilities .
  • Why Did You Leave Your Last Job?

Every question requires a slightly different strategy, but the closest you can get to a universally good approach is by using the STAR method. It stands for Situation, Task, Action, Result and it’s an effective way to structure answers to behavioral-based questions and nail even the trickiest ones. 

TL;DR: Describe the context and the challenge you faced, then tackle the approach you took to solve it, and finish strong by sharing the quantifiable outcomes of your actions. If applicable, emphasize the positive impact or lessons learned in the process.

For instance:

  • Situation : payroll processing at your company was taking too long as the team started scaling beyond 50 employees.
  • Task : optimize payroll and save time.
  • Action : found an automated payroll software provider and negotiated a 20% discount.
  • Result : over 10 work hours a month saved. 

If you’re a student and feel like you have absolutely no experience or situations to refer to here, think about your volunteer work, team projects at school, difficult exams, or sport competitions. Everything counts!  

Finally, practice your answers out loud. Quietly reading your answers to yourself isn’t enough. It’s much better to rehearse them — it will help you become more comfortable with what you’re saying. Plus, acting out makes it easier to identify areas that need improvement. When you hear and see yourself talk, you’ll have a much better idea about your tone, pacing, and body language. This will feel uncomfortable at first. No one likes to hear themselves talk, but — 90% of candidates won’t do this for the same reason. This extra effort will make you seem much more comfortable (and confident) than the other candidates.. You can take this Free Course to practice and stand out from other applicants.

Conduct mock interviews

Practice makes perfect, so besides going over your answers in front of the mirror, conduct a couple of mock interviews. This tactic is great for building confidence before the real thing. 

You can find a friend or family member to help . Fill them in on the job details and give them a list of the frequently asked questions. Ask them to go with the flow and improvise to make the mock interview as authentic as possible. Don’t hesitate to recreate the legit interview atmosphere by dressing up, being serious, and arriving on time. They won’t be able to grade your actual answers, but they could tell you if you’re being authentic. If you’re too shy to enlist someone you know, or if you want expert advice (which friends and family just can’t give), you can use interview preparation tools to improve your interview chops.

There are tools that can help your improve your interview chops through video lessons and mock interviews . You can record yourself on camera and get instant feedback on your delivery, including filler words and body language. Many candidates have more success with this approach because of the actionable, specific feedback. Just take a look at the screenshot below and what kind of info an interview practice tool can give you:

interview preparation tool

Prepare the questions to ask the interviewer

As the end of the interview approaches, the interviewer will ask Do you have any questions for me? Use this opportunity to ask 2 or 3 questions. Believe it or not, this can be a make-it-or-break-it situation —  interviewers will expect you to have a few questions about the company’s growth, culture, or the position you’re applying for. The worst thing you can do is act clueless or make the rookie mistake of saying No, I think we covered it all .

Some basic rules to follow here:

  • Don’t ask about the salary and days off.
  • Don’t ask about things you could have learned from the company’s website or the job ad.
  • Don’t memorize your questions by heart, it will make you sound robotic. The best questions you can ask are related to what you talked about during the interview — this showcases your active listening skills.

Not sure what to ask? Check out this list of 40+ questions to ask the interviewer .

Plan your outfit in advance 

Crop tops may be all the rage, but not the best choice for a job interview. 

Here’s how to know what kind of clothes will be considered appropriate:

Research the company dress code. Remember the cultural fit notion? It applies to your clothes too, so don’t show up over or underdressed. Some companies have a stuffy dress code while in others it’s casual Friday all year long. 

Pro tip: The company’s social media provides clues as to what “dressed for success” means for them. 

Bottom line — choose professional and comfortable attire . Find the pieces that are neither too loose nor too tight. As for colors, you can’t make a mistake with staples like black, grey, and navy. You can accessorize and put on some jewelry but don’t go overboard — a watch or a pair of earrings will do. 

Plan the logistics

On the day of the interview, you’ll already have a lot on your plate, so it’s crucial to minimize the stress of running late or realizing you haven’t packed your portfolio. So do these things in advance to ensure a smooth and stress-free experience:

  • Identify interview location and format. Will it be an in-person or video interview? For a physical interview, confirm the exact address, floor, and room. If it’s an online event, be sure to test the platform ahead of time to prevent technical issues that could throw you off balance. It’s important to double-check the time and date (and take the potential time zone difference into account).
  • Arrange transportation. All sorts of things can go wrong in traffic — accidents, road closures, a jam-packed parking lot, you name it. To make sure you’re on time, plan your route the night before and leave in plenty of time to account for heavy traffic. Shoot for arriving 15-30 minutes ahead of time (and find a nearby spot for coffee if you arrive too early). It’s much better than the stress of being late.
  • Prepare necessary documents. Organize all your documents, including the resume, cover letter, references, and work portfolio. Make several copies of each and store them in a professional-looking folder. If it’s a remote interview, have digital copies at hand so that you can easily access and share them. 

Rest and relax the night before

No parties before the big day! If you’ve been out and about the night before, trust us, it will show.

Why you need a good night’s sleep:

  • You’ll think more clearly. Essential when answering interview questions and staying focused.
  • You’ll be less stressed. Your body and mind combat interview anxiety better when you’re well-rested.
  • You’ll look your best. Glowing skin and zero bags under your eyes for a great first impression. 
  • You’ll be in a better mood. Being sleep-deprived can make you feel irritable and come across as less enthusiastic. 

Most interviews take place in the morning, and you’ll need to be alert, operational, and presentable. Try to have an early night so that you’re rested in the morning. Otherwise, you’ll be less attentive and able to respond. If you’re anxious and can’t sleep, try to calm your nerves by watching your favorite ASMR video , a sleep meditation , or listening to a podcast . Whatever usually works for you.

And if you’re a neurodivergent candidate, check out this article on neurodiversity challenges that will help you prepare for the interview. If you’re applying internationally, check out top interview tips for international remote jobs .

Bonus Interview Preparation Tips & Tricks (So That You Don’t Forget Anything)

So here’s how to prepare for an interview using 6 practical tips .

Make a great first impression

First impressions are long-lasting, and you don’t want to mess yours up. There are a few things that are particularly important for a good first impression:

  • Arrive early. Being punctual shows you’re reliable and responsible. And being late can give the impression that you don’t value the opportunity. If you’re interviewing from home, make sure your video conferencing software is updated and sign in a few minutes early. This video interview checklist can also come in handy.
  • Smile and be polite to everyone you meet . For a great first impression, it’s important to be respectful and polite to everyone you interact with, not just the interviewer.
  • Show your personality. This will help the interviewer get a better sense of who you are beyond your qualifications and experience. Remember, employers are not just looking for someone who can do the job, but also for someone who will be a good fit for the company culture and work well with their team.
  • Offer a firm handshake . Nothing can destroy a first impression as fast as a weak handshake (many interviewers’ #1 pet peeve). Nobody’s expecting an insane death grip, but you should know that a handshake tells a lot about you as a person. A strong grip leaves a lasting impression and means you’re confident, trustworthy, and professional.
  • Don’t interrupt . The unwritten rule of effective communication —  take turns in conversation. Although interviews are pretty structured (you’re expected to speak once you’ve been asked a question), be attentive and pay attention to what the interviewer has to say. If you have any questions, avoid interrupting —  it disrupts the conversation, signals disrespect, and could qualify you as aggressive and impolite.

Stay positive and enthusiastic

Interviewers want to see that you’re genuinely interested in the company and the role. You’ll have a much better chance of standing out as a candidate and securing the position if you show passion and enthusiasm.

To do that, you should use positive, energetic language and show that you’re excited about the potential to contribute. Another thing —   avoid speaking negatively about your past employers and experiences . Even if you feel your last job was a nightmare, saying so could create doubts about your professionalism, character, and ability to work with others. Instead, focus on showcasing your skills and accomplishments in the previous job to show how this experience prepared you for the position you’re interviewing for.

Listen and respond

It’s common for candidates to give in to anxiety and disengage from listening in order to prepare for what they’re going to say. Try to stay focused. Being attentive and knowing how and when to respond are key skills for any job, and the interviewer will be scanning for signs of active listening like nodding your head, eye contact, asking for clarification, affirmations, etc.

Listening carefully and paying attention to what the hiring team is saying will signal that you’re respectful, interested, and enthusiastic to learn more about the company and the job. 

Also, listening will help you answer the questions more effectively. Avoid being rash and reacting immediately. Instead, take some time to process the question. This way, you’ll be able to respond deliberately and provide relevant and meaningful answers. This will boost your chances of being selected!

Use strong body language

It’s what you don’t say that counts too. It’s important to exude confidence and to do so, you’ll need to be conscious of your body language, especially things like your posture, eye contact, hand gestures, and voice.

  • Sit straight with your shoulders back and head held up. Good posture communicates confidence, enthusiasm, and professionalism, and signals you’re in control.
  • Make eye contact. N on-verbal communication is more important than you think, and eye contact is especially crucial during a job interview. It shows confidence and self-assurance, indicates honesty, and helps establish a connection between you and the interviewer.
  • Use hand gestures. All of us speak with our hands sometimes (some people and cultures more than others). Interviewers are trained to check your body language to see if it matches what you’re saying. For example, not using any hand gestures signals indifference and may make the interviewer think you’re not very enthusiastic about the job, no matter what you say. On the other hand (pun absolutely intended!), having your hands open and down reads like “I’m 100% certain of what I’m talking about.” Just like with everything else, don’t overdo it (it will look strange and staged), but make it as you and as natural as possible.
  • Modulate your voice. This is a fancy way of saying that you need to be mindful of what the tone, pitch, and pace of your speech are like. In a nutshell —  speak clearly and confidently (and don’t rush). This will make you sound capable and self-assured. Vary your pitch and tone to engage the interview and avoid speaking in a flat manner and in a monotonous voice, as it will make you seem dull and disinterested. Finally, speak more slowly when you’re about to say something that really matters.

Emphasize your unique selling points

Many job seekers get uncomfortable at the idea of “ selling themselves ,” but presenting yourself in your best light does not have to feel awkward. No matter how self-conscious or modest you are, you have skills and experience that set you apart and it’s fully okay to acknowledge that about yourself. If this is difficult, follow these simple steps:

  • Identify your unique selling points. Before the interview, make a list of the skills and achievements that set you apart from other candidates. Still struggling? Think about how your skills will be used in your job role and how they will help contribute to the overall goals of the team.
  • Prepare examples and stats. For each point you identified, prepare specific examples that demonstrate how you’ve used that skill to grow and succeed in your previous roles. For instance, what percentage of overall sales were you responsible for in your last Starbucks position? How much did your previous companies’ social media engagement grow when you were managing it?

Whatever accomplishments you have that are relevant to the position will be a great asset for your interviewer to know. Don’t be shy about sharing your accomplishments and give them all the reasons why this job should be yours. You got this!

Send a thank-you note after the interview

A thank-you note is definitely not a must, but it’s a great way to stand out. The interviewer will appreciate the gesture and take a mental note of your interest and attention to detail. Make sure to include these 3 things:

  • Express gratitude for the opportunity
  • Reiterate your excitement and interest in the role 
  • Address any additional points or concerns

Here’s a template you can use (but make it your own 🙏🏽):

Hi [Name],


Thank you for taking the time to speak to me [today/on Monday]! I really enjoyed our conversation. I especially liked [something specific that the interviewer mentioned in the interview].

I’m incredibly excited about this opportunity and can’t wait to hear about the next steps. If you need me to provide anything else, let me know, of course.

Have a great day,
[Your Name]

It’s important to send your thank-you note within a few hours after the interview. You can also personalize it by recording a Loom video or getting a handwritten card and adding it to your email as an image.

Final Thoughts

It’s simple – preparing for an interview will increase your chances of landing the job. The most important steps you should take are:

  • Spend some time researching the company, what they do, and the people there
  • Explore the most common interview questions and prepare your answers
  • Practice answering them aloud and connect your answers to the requirements from the job description
  • Show up confident and ready to convey why you’re the right person for the job
  • Don’t forget the “little things” like your outfit and getting proper rest the night before


Need a hand? There are 3 ways we can help:

  • Learn how to turn job interviews into offers . (Rated 4.9/5 by 1,000,000 users)
  • Learn how to stand out from other candidates by taking this free interview course
  • Check out these interview questions for all kinds of interview scenarios

How can I be confident in an interview?

You’ll be a lot more confident if you prepare. To express confidence in an interview, make sure you research the company and the role you’re applying for, and prepare responses to commonly asked questions. Dress professionally, be on time, and be mindful of your body language. Avoid filler words and don’t be afraid to mention your accomplishments and results.

Is it okay to be nervous before an interview?

Everyone feels some anxiety before a job interview. It’s how your body prepares you for a challenge. Being nervous doesn’t mean you’ll mess up your interview, but you’ll feel more at ease if you’re well-prepared.

How long do interviews last?

Most in-person and video interviews last between 45 and 90 minutes. Initial phone screening interviews can be only 15-20 minutes long. If you’re asked to complete a task, the interview may take longer.

Should I memorize interview questions?

You should memorize specific things about the company (e.g. their product names, mission, or values) and key metrics from your resume. Other than that, avoid scripted answers or memorizing an example answer you’ve read online. This will make you look and sound inauthentic.

How to prepare for a job interview on Zoom? 

Most in-person rules apply to video interviews too: research the company and the role, practice answering common interview questions, dress for the occasion, and don’t be afraid to show your personality. You’ll also need to test your equipment, have a plan B if your connection is shaky, and make sure you’re in a quiet room with minimal background noise.

what research to do before an interview

Pamela Skillings

Turn interviews into offers

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30+ Best Tips on How to Prepare for a Job Interview

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Preparing for an interview requires more effort than just Googling a list of common interview questions (though, yes, you should 100% be ready for those). In today’s job market, recruiters are flooded with resumes and applications within hours of a post going live, so if you manage to land a meeting, it’s worth putting in the time to ensure you ace it.

Every company has a different process for interviewing potential candidates—and to some degree, that process is unpredictable. For instance, even if you find a ton of sample interview questions for that specific organization, there’s no guarantee you’ll be asked the exact same ones.

The goal of interview prep is to learn and practice as much as possible so you can feel confident and ready for anything (even questions you don’t have an answer to, which we’ll discuss how to handle later on).

To help you prepare, we compiled a list of our all-time best interview tips—backed by some of the most highly regarded career guides, creators, and advisors out there today. We’ve got 30 plus tips on this list, so strap in, take some notes, and prepare to nail your interview.

1. Research the company

This is first on the list for a reason: It is the single most important step of the interview prep process. You want to research everything about the company from as many sources as you can—including their company profile on The Muse , if they have one! Talk to people in your network to find current and previous employees, read current news stories, and spend time on their website.

“I always tell people to read the company website, including their mission, careers page, and case studies. Then, Google the company to see if they've been in the news recently. If you can ask about those things in an interview, that’s so impressive to the company,” says Erin McGoff, founder of AdviceWithErin .

By looking at multiple sources, you’ll get a broader picture of the organization (along with any negative press), and be ready to talk about why you’d like to work there and what you can do for them.

2. Read the job description carefully

Most organizations use the job description to explain exactly what they're looking for in an applicant—so before your interview, make sure you know said job description almost by heart.

Internalize its key details and try to incorporate them into your answers. “This not only shows that you're well prepared but also that you're a good cultural fit for the company,” says Christian Lovell, of Careers by Chris .

3. Try out the company’s product or service

If the company you’re interviewing with sells a product that you can feasibly check out ahead of time, try it before the interview. For a publisher, purchase a few of their magazines or books and give them a read. If you’re interviewing for a job in retail, engage with some of the goods they sell.

Whatever role you’re applying for, it’s likely that part of your job will be creating value for the people who use that product. So, experiencing it for yourself is a smart move. Plus, it’ll help show the hiring manager that you’re truly interested in the position.

4. Learn about the interviewers

If you can figure out who you’ll be speaking to before the interview, you can do some research on them as well. And if your point of contact doesn’t mention names, it’s totally reasonable to ask for them. Learn about their trajectory at the company and prepare specific questions for them.

During the interview itself, you can ask for details about their role, discuss current events in their field, or bring up a common interest. Just make sure the info you’re referencing is in an easily accessible, public spot, like their company bio or LinkedIn profile, so it doesn’t come off as creepy.

5. Find out the interview type and prepare accordingly

Depending on what role you’re applying for and how far along you are in the process, you might be signing up for a traditional phone call , video interview , or in-person meeting

If the recruiter or HR manager doesn’t specify this, feel free to ask. Also note that some companies might have you meet individually with several different people, while others could arrange group sessions or request an interview presentation .

6. Identify your selling points for this job

Even if you’re a well-oiled interviewing machine, it’s essential to spend time thinking carefully about what skills, accomplishments, and answers will resonate most with your interviewers for this job. Your management abilities? Your creativity? Sam DeMase, founder of A Power Mood , calls these your “superpowers.”

“Know your superpowers before you go into any interview, a.k.a. your value propositions, and how to articulate them,” says DeMase. “Once I figured out how to do that, interviews became very easy for me because I had the confidence to go in and say exactly what I’m good at. I know how to articulate it and sell it.”

7. Be ready to tell the interviewer about yourself

For every interview, you’ll want to have an answer to the most asked question ever: “ Tell me about yourself .” Your response to this should be tailored to the specific job and company you’re interviewing for, and you should know it by heart.

Interviewers almost always ask this question or a similar one—like “ Walk me through your resume ”—to start off the conversation, so you want to make sure you’re getting started on the right foot.

This is one spot where people tend to ramble, and you want to avoid that at all costs. “Treat interviews like conversations,” says Lovell. “You don’t want to give a one sentence answer and stare at them, but you also don’t want to share your whole life story.”

DeMase recommends using her W.A.T. method—which stands for “What you do, your achievements, and tie it into the role”—to answer the "Tell me about yourself" question. “It boils down to a quick elevator pitch,” she says. “It’s not a whole walkthrough of your resume, and it’s not a walkthrough of your last job.”

8. Know why you’re interested in this position

Hiring managers are looking for people who are passionate about—or at least seem interested in—the role. You will almost certainly be asked “Why are you interested in working here,” or “Why are you interested in this role,” and similar to the above tip, you should have a go-to pitch.

Get specific. What about the role calls to you? And the company? What aspects of the work feel exciting to you? Being able to communicate this succinctly and with a positive attitude will go a long way.

9. Do some salary research

During the first interview, which is typically a phone screen with a recruiter or someone else in HR, you may be asked about your salary expectations . Most experts will advise against giving a hard number, the reason being that you’ll often lowball yourself and providing a specific figure can compromise your negotiating power.

Instead, you could ask about the position's salary range during the interview and then decide if it works for you. But to make an informed decision—that aligns with the market rate for this kind of job—do a bit of salary research ahead of time.

10. Prepare your stories

Most interviewers will ask at least a few behavioral questions , which are questions about how you’ve acted or would act in certain scenarios. It's unlikely to anticipate every possible situation, so prepare a few stories from your past work experiences that could be adapted as needed.

DeMase has another method for answering behavioral questions, known as the “CARE” method —which stands for Context, Action, Result, and Evolution.

“This is the most clutch part of the interview, so you have to be ready with your examples,” she says. “That way, when they ask about a time when your client was difficult, a time you disagreed with your boss, or a time you made a mistake, you have those answers ready and you can tell the story in a way that shows what you learned.”

11. Familiarize yourself with the STAR method

Another helpful acronym is the popular STAR method of answering questions—which stands for Situation, Task, Action, Result.

Whenever you’re answering interview questions with a story, you want to make sure that the narrative is well-structured and the takeaway is clear. Your goal is to give the interviewer all the context needed to understand what happened while still answering the question clearly and concisely.

An example of the STAR method in practice is:

  • Situation: Briefly lay out the scenario using just enough detail to make the interviewer understand the stakes and everything else in your answer;
  • Task: Talk about what was your role in the situation;
  • Action: Discuss what you did and why;
  • Result : Tell your interviewer about the outcome and what you learned.

It’s worth noting that for some questions you might want to tweak this structure slightly. For example, if you’re talking about a time you demonstrated leadership skills , consider defining what leadership means to you before jumping into the situation. But the STAR method will ensure your stories always have a beginning, middle, and end.

13. Or try the PAR method

If the STAR method feels a bit too repetitive in your interviews, Christian Lovell encourages job candidates to try the PAR method—Problem, Action, Result.

“You want things to be as simple and streamlined as possible because everyone has nerves when they're going into an interview,” says Lovell. “Even I still get a little bit nervous!”

The PAR Method breaks down into the following:

  • Problem: What was the problem?
  • Action: What did you do?
  • Result: What was the result?

This is an easy-to-remember structure that succinctly, but completely, answers the interviewer’s question.

14. Jot down any important numbers and details you find

While you’re doing your interview prep, write down some revenue figures, engagement numbers, budget or team sizes, percentages of time saved, or anything else you can use to communicate your impact in previous roles.

Throwing in some hard numbers when discussing responsibilities and accomplishments can show to a hiring manager that you’re good at what you do. Even writing them down on a post-it can serve as a quick reference during the interview.

Read more: How to Quantify Your Resume Bullets (When You Don't Work With Numbers)

15. Brush up on your interview skills

How you respond to interview questions is important, but it’s not everything. Hiring managers are also consciously—or subconsciously—picking up on how well you use other skills, such as active listening, small talk, and empathy.

“Recruiters are also looking to see if you're a good fit for the team, and if you are someone that they would want to work with,” says Lovell. “So I tell people to let their personality shine a little bit in their interviews.”

16. Practice—but don’t memorize—your answers

Yes, there are many common interview questions to prepare for, but if you memorize them verbatim, your responses may come out sounding robotic. Instead, jot down a few notes or bullet points and keep them on hand for the interview itself. That way, you’ll ensure to cover the bases without reading from a script.

Also, practice looking in the mirror and answering them out loud. This prep work will help you clarify your thoughts and make you much more comfortable during the interview.

17. Think about body language

While we may think we’re relatively aware of our bodies, it’s a good idea to brush up on what certain body language conveys before an interview. Your posture and stance can communicate a lot—and you want to make sure it’s all positive. (For example, sitting with arms and legs crossed sends a message that you are closed-off or feel defensive.)

Think your movements through ahead of time so you’re not distracted (or distracting) during the interview. If on video, consider how to show active engagement in that format—putting the Zoom window near the camera to avoid looking away from the interviewer, for example, or making non-verbal gestures to indicate that you’re listening without cutting off their microphone.

18. Try some mock interviews

If you have the time, do a few mock interviews with a friend, loved one, or even a career coach. Mock interviews are the best way to practice your tone, body language, and general preparation, plus you’ll become much better at answering, “What would you bring to the position?” This will also allow you to iron out the small details, like where you want to put your hands or how you want to sit.

19. Write down questions you’ll ask them

Most recruiters will wrap up with the interview asking if you have questions for them, and you should absolutely have at least a few prepared. “I recommend three to five questions—ideally five, in case they answer some of your questions during the interview,” says McGoff.

You can start with this list of interview questions to ask , but you should also plan some additional questions. “Make them really specific to the role and company,” McGoff adds. “If they had a merger recently, ask how that’s affected the culture. You could ask them what workflow systems they use or how they measure performance. Act like it’s your first day on the job, and think about what questions you would have.”

Also, be sure to ask questions you actually want the answers to. “A big mistake is trying to ask questions that you think the interviewer wants to hear. How can you use that final parting moment as a way to make yourself stand out? Rather than asking a question aimed at trying to seem like the smartest person on earth, I'd recommend showing that you're a curious person who genuinely wants to learn more about a certain area of the company," says Natalie Marie, of Corporate Natalie .

One particular question I love is: ‘What would a day-in-my-life look like once I'm onboarded?’ Of course this varies by industry, but the final part of an interview is a great way to ask questions that spark an interesting conversation with your interviewer.”

20. Plan for what you’ll do if you’re caught off-guard

You can’t prepare for everything, but you can prepare to handle the unexpected—like an interview question you don’t know how to answer . Most experts say to keep your cool and not be afraid to take a moment to think.

“Take a moment to think and embrace silence. It’s OK to think and even repeat the question out loud,” McGoff says. “You can take a sip of water, or say ‘that’s a great question, let me think about that for a second.’ If you’ve blanked on the answer, you can even ask to come back to it. If they’re professional, they should be totally fine with that.”

21. Prepare for technical interviews or skill tests

If you’re getting ready for a technical interview or you’ve been told there will be a skill test, start preparing as early as possible. Working through a prep book or sample questions will not only provide good practice but also put you in the right problem-solving mindset.

Once you’ve prepped for the content of your interview, it’s time to make sure you walk in looking put together and feeling confident.

22. Figure out what to wear

Unless you’re prepping for a phone interview, you’ll need to take your physical appearance into account. “It’s really important to plan what your outfit is going to be, and you want to make sure it’s professional and clean,” McGoff says.

If you aren’t sure what to wear, you can check out a company’s social media or their Muse profile to see how employees typically dress. Generally, it's recommended to present yourself a bit more professionally than on a typical workday. For example, for a casual environment, business casual is appropriate for an interview.

23. Look appropriate and professional

When it comes to appearance, the smallest details can make the biggest difference. Ensure your outfit is cleaned, ironed or steamed, and tailored if needed. Polish shoes, check for loose hems, and make sure your fingernails look neat.

Do a little pampering, because looking your best helps you feel your best—and that may mean needing a haircut, shave, or even a new interview outfit. Remember: Confidence in yourself is key to landing a job.

24. Print out copies of your resume

For in-person interviews, bring at least enough copies of your resume for everyone you’re meeting with, plus one. (It never hurts to have a few extra copies, just in case.) However, if you have a phone or video interview it can still be useful to print out a hard copy of your resume so you can refer back to it.

25. Prepare a reference list

It’s always smart to prepare a reference list before your interview, whether asked for it or not. For each reference, include a name, title, organization, division or department, telephone number, and email address, as well as a sentence briefly explaining the relationship (e.g., “Carlton was my team leader for two years, during which we collaborated on four major product launches”).

For an in-person interview, print out a hard copy, and for any later-round interview, make sure you’re ready to send off the file as soon as asked for it.

26. Test any needed tech

For Zoom and phone interviews, make sure that all the needed hardware, software, and network connections are working as expected. If you can use headphones with a microphone, do so, and ensure they’re connected before the interview begins.

“A bad WiFi connection or a distracting background can really hurt your chances, so test that ahead of time,” says McGoff.

27. Pack your bag in advance

Whatever purse, backpack, or briefcase you carry should be large enough to hold your everyday essentials, plus interview musts, such as extra resumes and a notepad. We recommend packing a small emergency kit for unexpected situations (think: Band-Aids, a stain stick, an umbrella, and breath mints).

Here’s a general checklist of what to bring to an interview so you’re super prepared. And clean out that bag! If you have to dig past candy wrappers, phone chargers, and old receipts to get that resume, you’re going to look a little disorganized.

28. Plan how you’re getting there

Whether driving or taking public transportation, look up your route ahead of time (including parking if necessary). Buy any needed tickets, add money to your metro card, fill up your gas tank—take care of anything that could slow you down on the way to the interview.

Know how long it should take you to get there and add plenty of extra time for potential traffic or transit delays. And above all, make sure to confirm the location with your point of contact, in case there are multiple offices in the same city.

29. Prepare your environment

For remote interviews, ensure your environment is quiet and free of distractions. Lay out anything you'll need to reference during the interview in front of you, along with a notepad, working pen, and beverage.

“You want a good location that is quiet with a strong WiFi connection and good lighting,” says McGoff. For video interviews, you’ll also need to pay attention to what’s going on behind you, so choose a plain or non-distracting background to sit in front of and make sure your shot is free of clutter and well lit ahead of time.

30. Fill in an interview cheat sheet

Remember study guides in school? An interview cheat sheet is sort of the same. It's a way to compile all the details you want to remember, jot down notes about what you want to say and ask, and check off all the essentials for the meeting. Print one out for every interview, read it over the morning of, and you’ll be good to go!

31. Get a good night’s sleep

Don’t underestimate the power of a good night of sleep—and likewise, don’t underestimate how much a bad night’s sleep can impact you. Sleep plays a key role in memory retention and attention span, so you want to clock at least seven to eight hours the night before a big interview. Start winding down for bed earlier than usual, and pack everything so you’re ready to go in the morning.

32. Calm your nerves and/or get psyched

Immediately before the interview (or as close to the moment as possible), get yourself in the right headspace. Expect to be nervous and plan ahead of time to use whatever tools you need. These methods are different for everyone, so think through what will be most beneficial and effective for you.

Perhaps you need to do some breathing exercises or give yourself a pep talk in your car. Whatever helps you get prepared to go into the interview confident, calm, positive, and ready to ace it.

“I tell people to put on their favorite song,” says DeMase. “Play it through your headphones and crank up the volume—this will help you get into the mindset. You want a song that makes you feel good and confident, that will hype you up before the interview. You can read your notes before going in, but you don’t want to be stuck in your head.”

Read more: 12 Different Ways to Calm Your Interview Nerves (Because You've Got This)

A final word on how to prepare for an interview

Interview preparation takes a good chunk of time and a lot of effort, but it’s all in the name of equipping you with the confidence needed to nail all of your interviews. With the right mindset, and these tips in tow, you’re well on your way to securing a new job.

what research to do before an interview


What should you research before an interview?

Do you have a job interview coming up? Then you might already be rehearsing answers to potential interview questions . But did you know that researching the company you’re applying for work with is one of the best ways to stand out from other candidates during the recruitment process?

Research helps you learn about what the company does, what they look for in their employees and helps you be better prepared to answer questions. It’s also a great way to find out whether you’d be a good cultural match for the company and whether they’d be able to meet your own career and lifestyle needs. In a SEEK survey, 51% of Australians felt that the company they worked for didn’t align to their initial impressions, making the need for candid company research ever more necessary. Dean Davidson, Executive General Manager at Hudson Recruitment Australia advises to “research as much as you can about the organisation - its history, corporate culture, competitors, profitably and future plans, for example.” As you prepare for your upcoming interview, we’ve simplified this list to a few things to research about your potential new employer.

In a SEEK survey, 51% of Australians felt that the company they worked for didn’t align to their initial impressions, making the need for candid company research ever more necessary.

Dean Davidson, Executive General Manager at Hudson Recruitment Australia advises to “research as much as you can about the organisation - its history, corporate culture, competitors, profitably and future plans, for example.” As you prepare for your upcoming interview, we’ve simplified this list to a few things to research about your potential new employer.

  • The company’s culture, mission and values. When candidates in our survey were asked what the most important factor was when choosing a company to work for, one in three people said work/life balance. Being equipped with the company’s views on things like flexible working hours and locations, as well as other cultural values such as their input to employee development can help you prepare your own questions at the end of the interview. An example of what to ask? “I read a review that your company runs a mentoring program - can you tell me more about this and the positive impact it has had on your employees,” is certainly a good place to start.   
  • The company’s recent achievements and news.  More than half the Australian population visits the company’s website to find out more about them in the job seeking process. This is an effective tool especially when wanting to find out about the company’s recent involvement in industry events and the community, as well as achievements and other general news. Another great tip; search the company’s name in the “News” section of Google to find out information they may not be willing to self-publish. This will help give you a more balanced and realistic view of the company you may work for in the future.  
  • Insider information such as remuneration, employee functions and the hiring process.  Don’t prejudge a company based on their popularity in the market. Often the smaller and lesser known companies are more inspiring places to work, because of the people who work there. Use SEEK’s company reviews to read honest reviews from past and present employees on the kind of topics you wouldn’t read elsewhere. You’ll find people sharing their thoughts and first-hand experiences from managerial styles to monetary bonuses. Davidson also says, “Make sure you know your interviewer’s full name and how to pronounce it, as well as their title.”

​Other important things to learn about a company include the skills and experience the company values in their employees, as well as their clients, products and services - so you can tailor your responses and questions accordingly.

Davidson reiterates, “It goes without saying that to be successful, you need to be prepared.” So gather your research, ask people their thoughts on working at the company, and use SEEK company reviews as your launching pad for employer exploration. This way, you’ll be best positioned to impress the company you’re keen to work for, and will know how to ensure the company impresses you! Jump onto SEEK company reviews, and read real reviews by real employees today .

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5 Reasons Researching an Employer Before an Interview is a Good Idea

By TERRA Staffing Group

Posted on April 14, 2021

female job seeker stressed due to not researching an employer before her interview

Job interviews can be intimidating. The good news, however, is that there are a variety of ways for you to prepare for your interview and calm those nerves. 

One quick and easy thing you can do? Research. 

Doing a little research prior to your interview can not only help lower your stress, but arm you with the knowledge you need for a successful interview.

Here’s how researching an employer can help:

  • It demonstrates your interest in the job.
  • You will learn about the company’s culture, mission and values.
  • You will be able to better align yourself to the company.
  • It will help you craft meaningful questions.
  • It will allow you to determine if the company is the right fit for you .

If you’re still not convinced, don’t worry. We’re going to break things down for you and provide specific examples and research tip to make sure you are well prepared for your interview. 

5 reasons you should research a company before your interview:

To demonstrate your interest in the job..

Never plan to go into an interview and “wing it” – especially if you want it to go well. After all, employers are unimpressed by job seekers who don’t know anything about the job they are applying for, or the company itself.

Researching an employer beforehand allows you to LEARN. You’ll learn valuable information about their business, their clients and the industry in general.

The knowledge you gain will, in turn, increase your comfort level and confidence during the interview. It will become apparent to the interviewer that you did your homework. Particularly when you are able to have an actual conversation with them about the job and the business.

Not sure where to start? 

Consider researching the following before your interview: 

  • How long has the company been in business? 
  • What products and services do they offer?
  • Who is the CEO?
  • What’s the company’s mission?
  • Are there any recent news or updates about this company? 

Simply put, doing research before your interview will demonstrate your seriousness about a position. And it will go a long way in making a good impression.

Show them that you want the job. Take the time to investigate.

To learn about the company’s culture, mission and values.

It’s important to look beyond what a company does. And researching an employer before an interview enables you to do just that.

How? It allows you to view them with a wider lens.

After all, a business is more than just the services they offer or the products they manufacture. A business is also a brand, a culture, an environment.

Knowing what a company’s mission statement is and what they value will help you uncover a deeper layer to the business. You’ll gain insight regarding what the employer cares about, what they prioritize and it will ultimately help you discover who they really are.

You’ll now have a bigger, more clear picture of the business. Not to mention a better understanding of what the company prioritizes — and even what it might be like to work there. 

If you don’t do your research, you’ll have a limited view of the organization. This could be a problem for you later on, especially if you find that the company is not the right fit for you. 

Investing a little time in researching an employer will help you both learn more and make a more informed decision later on.

To better align yourself with the company.

Your main goal in an interview is to show the employer that you are the right person for the job. Since you’ve already learned what the company does and what they care about, you can now market yourself to them in a way that makes sense to their business.  

Take note of any words you find repeated through your research and – when appropriate – incorporate them in the experiences you share. 

For instance, if the company values accountability, share experiences where you demonstrated accountability. Maybe you consistently hit all of your assigned responsibilities before their deadlines. Or maybe you led a team to reach a large goal.

Aligning your skills and experience to a company in this way, will show that you not only understand what’s important to the company, but that you’d be a great fit to their company culture. The hiring manager will have no trouble envisioning you on the team.

To help craft meaningful questions.

It’s important to have questions ready to ask at the end of your interview. It shows you have prepared and have familiarized yourself with the company and what they care about.

And it has the potential to make a great impression on your interviewer.

But you don’t want to ask questions that don’t add value – or that you could have easily found the answer to by researching an employer beforehand.

Avoid obvious questions such as:

  • What does the company do?
  • How long have you been in business?
  • Who are your competitors?
  • What is the company’s mission and values? 

These questions are guaranteed to make you seem lazy or uninterested in the position. You most likely would have found answers by doing some investigating. 

Demonstrate that you did your homework by using your knowledge to ask more insightful questions. 

Ask thoughtful questions such as:

  • I saw on the company website that X is one of the core values of the business. How would you say this position demonstrates that value?
  • I know that the company’s overall mission is X. But can you share some of the company’s short and long-term goals with me? What part would I play in helping the business achieve those goals?
  • I see that X is important to your company. How would you say that team leaders set employees up for success in that area? 
  • I know the company has a strong culture of X. How do you feel your team exemplifies that culture?

This will show your interviewer you’re eager to be an asset to the business. And, as an added bonus, you’ll discover if their business goals align with your professional goals. 

To determine if it’s the right fit for you.

The average person spends about 90,000 hours at work in their lifetime. 

Now, imagine you hate your job. How many hours of your life will you spend dreading going to work? That’s why researching an employer is so critical. 

Before you begin your research, however, you first need to determine what’s important to you in the workplace. Is it professional growth? Healthy work/life balance? Quality training and development? 

Once you know that, there are several resources you can utilize to investigate a potential employer. Sites like Glassdoor , for example, where you can find feedback from current and former employees about the work environment and company culture.

You can also look into company reviews, customer reviews, and charities and organizations they support. 

Sites like Google and Yelp might give you some general  information on what people think of an organization. You might also find employee and client ratings through more specialized sites like ClearlyRated.  

Getting insight on how people feel about a company and how they present themselves to the world can help you decide if it’s somewhere you actually want to spend one-third of your life.

As you can see, doing research on the company you’re going to be interviewing with can only help you. And it’s also worth mentioning: interviewers can tell if you’ve prepared for the interview or not. 

Invest in your future and do your homework.  Researching an employer before your interview will set you apart from other applicants, increase your confidence and help set you up for success. 

How TERRA Can Help

If you are interested in more interview tips, check out our blog . We have some great articles designed specifically to help job seekers thrive.

Here are some helpful job seeker articles we have available to help you prepare for a successful job interview: 

  • How to Prepare for a Virtual Job Interview
  • 5 Quick Tips to Make a Good First Impression at Your Next Interview
  • Questions You Can Ask to Nail Your Interview

And if you are interested in getting help with your job search, don’t forget that a staffing agency is a great resource. Recruiters want you to be successful and often provide additional support, including interview prep.

Looking for work in the  Seattle-Puget Sound , Portland , Phoenix and Denver metro areas? Consider partnering with TERRA Staffing Group. We’d love to help you find the right fit.

(Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in January 2020 and has been updated for freshness, accuracy and comprehensiveness.)

Categories: Career Tips

Tags: interview tips , job seeker advice , reasons to research an employer , researching an employer

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38 Smart Questions to Ask in a Job Interview

what research to do before an interview

And a few to avoid.

The opportunity to ask questions at the end of a job interview is one you don’t want to waste. It’s both a chance to continue to prove yourself and to find out whether a position is the right fit for you. In this piece, the author lists sample questions recommended by two career experts and divides them up by category: from how to learn more about your potential boss to how to learn more about a company’s culture. Choose the ones that are more relevant to you, your interests, and the specific job ahead of time. Then write them down — either on a piece of paper or on your phone — and glance at them right before your interview so that they’re fresh in your mind. And, of course, be mindful of the interviewer’s time. If you were scheduled to talk for an hour and they turn to you with five minutes left, choose two or three questions that are most important to you. You will always have more time to ask questions once you have the job offer in hand.

“So, do you have any questions for me?”

  • Amy Gallo is a contributing editor at Harvard Business Review, cohost of the Women at Work podcast , and the author of two books: Getting Along: How to Work with Anyone (Even Difficult People) and the HBR Guide to Dealing with Conflict . She writes and speaks about workplace dynamics. Watch her TEDx talk on conflict and follow her on LinkedIn . amyegallo

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25 questions to ask at the end of an interview in 2024.

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Coming prepared with strategic interview questions puts you in the driver's seat for your remote job ... [+] interview

You've finally identified a remote job that fits you perfectly, applied for it, and been successful in securing an interview. You've built rapport with the hiring manager. The interview questions may have been tricky, but you successfully breezed through the answers and handled every scenario they threw at you like a boss.

Now it's your turn. The table is flipped on you, and the question is poised: "Do you have any questions for us?"

How do you respond? Should you even have any questions prepared at all?

What You Need To Know Before Answering, "Do You Have Any Questions For Us?"

In this scenario, the very worst thing you could ever do is to come unprepared, without having any questions to ask the interviewer at all.

Answering with a "no," or much worse, a lame question that could have easily been answered through a quick perusal of the company's career page or the job description—demonstrates that you have little interest and enthusiasm in the role, do not pay attention to details, and are not going to be worth the company's time and investment since you are not showing signs of a committed employee.

When the interviewing panel opens the floor to you for your questions, it's key to remember here that your job is not over. Although this part tends to be more informal and friendly, and less stressful, you should still bear in mind that this is still all a part of the interview process, and how you conduct yourself here will factor in to the final hiring decision.

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When you approach the question, "Do you have any questions for us?" strategically, you will still be able to convincingly sell yourself as the perfectly qualified candidate for the role, even though you're the one asking the questions.

It's essential to plan the questions you will ask in advance. This gives you enough quality time to be strategic, research the company, ask questions related to your research, and ensure you are not asking commonplace questions, questions that have little bearing or importance to the successful execution of the role, or ones that are already answered clearly.

Additionally, if you are applying for a remote job, you should be cautious to ensure that you are comfortable with the interviewer, the management team, and the remote company culture. You also want to clarify expectations right from the beginning, so as to avoid any confusion or misunderstandings later on with regards to flexible working, as relates to your hours and location of work.

The quality of the questions you ask is essential—so put thought into them as this will weigh into ... [+] the overall impression the hiring manager has of you

25 Questions To Ask At The End Of An Interview

Here are 25 questions you might want to consider asking at the end of the interview—whether for a remote job or not. Some apply more specifically to remote work, however.

  • What is a typical day or week like in this role?
  • What are the key challenges I would face in this role should I be hired?
  • How is performance measured and reviewed for this position?
  • What are the main priorities for this role in the first 90 days/ 6 months?
  • How does this role contribute to the organization's overall goals?
  • What functions are on the team I would be working with, and can you tell me more about my team?
  • How does the team communicate and collaborate when working remotely?
  • What is the company's approach to maintaining a healthy work-life balance?
  • How does the company support professional development and career growth?
  • How often do you provide feedback and performance reviews?
  • What tools and technologies do you use across the organization to support remote work?
  • What events or activities do you have in place to ensure employee connection and engagement? Do you have in-person meetups at any pint in the year?
  • Are there any expectations for remote employees such as myself to work specific hours or be in a particular time zone?
  • What is the onboarding process for remote employees?
  • Is this a newly created vacancy or am I filling a role after someone has left? Why did that person leave?
  • What did the last person who filled this role do, or not do, that I should replicate or do better?
  • Where do you see this company in a year's time? Three years' time? And how would this role make a difference to that vision?
  • In light of the recent news regarding XYZ, what mechanisms have you put in place to adapt to changes in the industry?
  • How far along are with XYZ project, and where/how would my role contribute to its success?
  • How do you foster diversity and inclusion within the team and across the organization?
  • Are there opportunities for progression within this role or department?
  • What strengths do you think would make someone successful in this position?
  • How does the company support continuous learning and skill development?
  • Are there opportunities to work on cross-functional projects or with other departments?
  • What are the next steps in the hiring process, and when can I expect to hear back?

Asking the company about their long-term goals and how your role fits in with their vision, allows ... [+] you to have a clearer perspective of expectations and to decide if you are truly committed

Asking these questions at the end of your interview demonstrates leadership skills, proactiveness, and strong communication skills—all three competencies of which are highly favored by employers. These questions put you in the driver's seat, give you more control over the job outcome and interview experience, and leave a memorable, favorable impression on the hiring panel.

Rachel Wells

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Breaking news, trump reveals where son barron will attend college in exclusive interview with the post.

HOWELL, Mich. – Barron Trump , the youngest member of the Trump family, will attend a university in New York this fall, former President Donald Trump told The Post.

“He’s all set in a certain school that’s very good,” the former president said in an exclusive interview before his campaign stop in Michigan.

The 45th president said the school is in the Empire State, but that his team would be making an announcement about the specific school “soon.”

Donald Trump

Trump smiled when The Post asked him if it was NYU, but maintained that he would not reveal the school until the announcement is live.

“He’s always been a very good student, he’s smart,” he said.

Barron Trump, 18, graduated from high school in May. His father previously said he got into several schools and was making a decision.

Trump has said that his 6-foot-7 son takes interest in politics and even sometimes advises him on what to do.

“He’s a little on the tall side. I will tell you, he’s a tall one, but he is a good-looking guy. And he’s really been a great student. And he does like politics . It’s sort of funny,” Trump told “Kayal and Company” on Philadelphia’s Talk Radio 1210 WPHT.

“He’ll tell me sometimes, ‘Dad, this is what you have to do,’” Trump said in May.

Barron and Donald Trump

The former president attended Barron’s graduation at Oxbridge Academy in West Palm Beach alongside former first lady Melania Trump in May after he got permission to take a break from his “hush money” trial in Manhattan.

The teen was also present at a Trump Florida campaign rally, but did not attend his father’s presidential nomination at the Republican National Convention in July after Melania’s office said he had “prior commitments.”

Another member of the Trump family, Donald Trump Jr.’s daughter Kai, also recently announced her university decision, revealing she ill be attending the University of Miami.

Barron Trump

Kai, 17, spoke at the RNC and gave a glowing review of her grandfather on stage.

The former president graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1968 with a major in economics.

Donald Trump


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Tips on Searching for Science Jobs/Internships

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Tips on Searching for Science Jobs & Internships

The Sciences career field requires specialized high skills and laboratory techniques, thus, representing an opportunity for professionals to enjoy what they do along with a prosperous financial reward. As a new graduate or soon-to-be new graduate in the field, there are avenues to consider in landing your best possible entry-level position. In understanding your skills, abilities, and values you can navigate the search successfully to ensure that the positions you apply for and ultimately sign up for align with your “why”. Here are some key factors and tips to guide you in the process of gaining interest and attention from potential employers.

Scroll to the bottom for a list of all resource links!

Factor A – Preparation

  • Know Yourself : Get to know yourself. Identify and understand your strengths, values, passions, and interest areas.
  • Network & Research Career Field : Engage with professionals in the field, to learn and understand their experience and learn more about different sectors and types of positions in the industry. This can be done through informational interviews and job shadowing. Utilize LinkedIn and Pitt Commons to establish networking and mentoring relationships specific to your professional goals. Access   Pitt Commons Link . Study job descriptions and requirements carefully to understand current employment and employer trends, and the world of work as it is “today” for engineering and technology. This will provide you not just insight into the industry but also insight into where your interests and values lie, and in turn, facilitate your personal statement and cover letter writing.
  • Resume:  Make sure your resume is polished and updated. You may like a refresher– feel free to view our resume samples in both the Life & Physical Sciences Community and Environment & Sustainability Community pages .
  • Join Professional Organizations : Professional organizations bring a magnitude of information and opportunity through networking, published articles to remain current and relevant in the latest trends and breakthroughs, mentoring, professional development, socializing, and more. Many professional organization websites also have a built-in career search platform or employment opportunities listings. Here are a few examples of professional organizations:
  • Academic Society of Biological Sciences
  • Health Organizations for Pitt Students
  • International Society of Sustainability Professionals
  • Student Office of Sustainability
  • Epsilon Eta Environmental Honors Fraternity
  • Sustainability Student Organizations (SOOS)

Factor B – The Search: 

  • Identify  your dream position & know your expectations
  • Be Proactive and Organized:  Plan, do your research and set SMART goals
  • S- Specific
  • M- Measurable
  • A- Attainable
  • R- Relevant
  • T- Time-oriented
  • Stay positive:  Don’t become discouraged. Mohammed Gandhi once said: “Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny.”
  • Time Management:  Create a road map and timeline
  • Be selective  (however, do leave room for flexibility) of employer and industry
  • Expand your search area
  • Utilize the career center resources
  • Attend career fairs
  • Reach out to your network
  • When searching use keyword search and company name
  • O*Net Online is a great resource for exploring occupations and related job titles
  • Reach out to employers directly
  • Search the official website for the career page
  • Connect with their campus recruiter on LinkedIn
  • Share your resume and cover letter with hiring managers
  • Apply! Apply! Apply! Persevere!  Remember as a new graduate your primary goal is to enter the industry area. Each application and each interview serve as steps forward and a learning opportunity. It is recommended that you apply to multiple positions.
  • The average candidate will receive 1 interview request for every 6 applications they submit. U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics.

Resources and Listing Sites:

Make sure to familiarize yourself with the Career Central Resources:

  • Life and Physical Sciences Resources
  • Internship Search Resources

Job Scanning websites that compare your resume to the job description :


Job and Internship Search Platforms:

  • LinkedIn Jobs
  • ONet Online
  • (create free account, then use the Search Employers by Major function)
  • (subscribe to newsletter)
  • Sustainable Career Pathways
  • Eds Jobs List
  • The 2-Hour Job Search

Enjoy the adventure!

Become familiar with different types of opportunities to learn more about the world of work, and discover your values and interests. Schedule an appointment with your career consultant through HANDSHAKE.

You’ve got this!

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How did Raygun qualify for the Olympics? Is she really the best Australia has to offer?

what research to do before an interview

By Mawunyo Gbogbo

ABC Entertainment

Topic: Olympic Games

Raygun performs at the Paris Olympics

Rachael "Raygun" Gunn did not score a single point at the Paris Olympics. ( Getty Images: Elsa )

Since Australian breaker Rachael "Raygun" Gunn failed to score a single point in any of her Olympic bouts, many have asked how she qualified for the Games.

Fellow breaker and anthropologist Lucas Marie says she won her qualification "fair and square" last year, but African American man Malik Dixon has criticised the Olympic body for letting her in.

What's next?

Breaking will not be an event at the 2028 Los Angeles Olympic Games — a decision made before Raygun's performance.

The 2024 Paris Olympics marked breaking's debut as a sport at the global event, with 36-year-old lecturer and breaker Rachael "Raygun" Gunn representing Australia for the first time.

Having failed to win a single point in any of her Olympic bouts, Raygun quickly became a viral sensation.

The question on many people's minds now is: How did she even qualify?

Lucas Marie is a breaker who has competed, performed, taught and judged breaking competitions over the past 25 years. He's also an anthropologist who recently co-authored an article with Gunn.

He says the answer to that question is simple.

A black and white close-up image of Lucas Marie smiling.

Lucas Marie recently co-authored an article with Raygun. ( Supplied )

"There was an Oceania qualifier in which any B-boy or B-girl from Australia [or] New Zealand could enter, and that was in Sydney in October 2023," he told ABC News.

"And leading up to that, there were a lot of other events in which breakers were competing.

"She won those battles fair and square and won the qualification in Sydney.

"And it wasn't really a surprise to anyone. 

"She's been fairly consistent, winning or coming second or third at a lot of breaking events in Australia for the last five to 10 years."

Marie said there was nothing out of the ordinary about Raygun's performance.

"It's not like gymnastics where there's this kind of agreed-upon standard," he said.

"It's always had a rawness to it. It's always had an improvisational kind of quality. And I think looking different and trying different stuff has always been celebrated.

"And I think Raygun, in a way, was just expressing a core kind of hip hop trait in a way a lot of breakers do."

He described her efforts as bold.

"I thought — and this is how I judge a lot of breaking events — I thought, 'Oh, she's making some really interesting choices to mimic Australian animals.' And you can kind of see the choices that she's making in the moment."

Is she the best Australia has to offer?

Team Australia chef de mission Anna Meares insisted after Raygun's performance that she was the best breaker the country had to offer. But is this true?

A man in purple pants doing a handstand.

Lucas Marie has competed, performed, taught and judged breaking competitions for more than 25 years. ( Supplied: momentsby.naz )

"It's sometimes just who's performing better on the day," Marie said.

"And at the qualification event in which she won, and other events in which she's won, she performed better on that day and won the ticket.

"That doesn't mean she's the best. It doesn't really work like that.

"I think she's a great breaker. She won the qualification. She's won other events in the past, and she was a good representative for Australia at that competition."

Asked whether there were B-girls in Perth, regional Victoria or rural Brisbane who might have qualified but could not afford to travel to Sydney for the tryouts, Marie agreed this was possible.

"Of course, there's breakers all over the country that maybe should have been in that event, but they weren't."

Breaking will not carry over to the 2028 Olympics in Los Angeles, a decision made before Raygun's battle.

Marie described this as sad.

"Maybe, based on the ratings, they'll reassess that and maybe allocate some medals to breaking," he said.

"I really hope that's the case, and I hope that for other breakers who want to compete in it as a dance sport."

Marie said that at the end of the day people should remember they were dealing with a human.

"As a friend of Rachael's, there's a human being who's getting a lot of negative attention," he said.

"I think people kind of miss that sometimes and forget the human aspect of all this."

'Toying with the culture'

Malik Dixon is an African American who has been living in Australia for more than a decade and is a Sydney University graduate.

He said Raygun made a total "mockery" out of breaking at the Olympics.

A blurry image of Malik Dixon wearing a blue shirt reading "CHAPEL HILL".

Malik Dixon says too many people feel entitled to African American culture. ( Supplied )

"She was dressed like a member of the cricket team or an Australian PE teacher, and from that point it just seemed like satire," Mr Dixon told ABC News.

"It just looked like somebody who was toying with the culture and didn't know how culturally significant it was being the first time in the Olympics and just how important it was to people who really cherish hip hop and one of the elements of hip hop, which is breakdancing.

"It made me think, was Borat her breakdancing coach?"

Mr Dixon said too many people felt entitled to African American culture.

"The African American space has been one where we've shared our community so much and without any restraints, any barriers, roadblocks, obstacles, any gatekeepers, that essentially what should have been African American cultural capital is just shared, which is cool," he said. 

"We like to share, right? 

"We shared 400 years of free labour.

"To see Rachael in her attempt to be a part of the culture just be grossly underwhelming made it seem like she didn't take it seriously."

Olympics body criticised for Raygun qualification

Mr Dixon criticised the body that qualified Raygun, saying she devalued breaking with her performance.

"Whatever governing body nominated her as Australia's entrant into the Olympics either did not understand the assignment or didn't really believe in the integrity or significance of breakdancing, because if they did they would just say, rather than disrespect the culture, we're just not ready to send an applicant this year."

He said Raygun was extremely audacious and not self-aware.

"You've got to know your role, know your position, know your limitation," he said. 

"And I think that part of privilege is saying that there are no limits to what I can do. 

"Part of privilege is having the authority to say that there are no limits and there are no requirements, there are no prerequisites to what I can do."

Raygun's degrees do not hold much water with Mr Dixon.

"Due to consumerism, this Foundational Black American product, which is hip hop, is global," he said.

"And even people who have no connection to any African Americans or any local or regional things that come out in these songs, they have become a part of the whole experience now.

"If I came in and said that I was an authority on Greek music and I was going against the grain of what the mainstream Greek musicians thought, or the school of thought, and I've said that I was the authority, people would check me on that.

"If I had a PhD in sprinting, does that qualify me to go against Noah Lyles? No, it doesn't."

He also doubts Raygun was the best breaker Australia had to offer.

"[There's] got to be somebody out here that's better than that! The kangaroo! The sprinkler! She did the sprinkler out there, man!" he said.

Should everybody just lighten up?

Should we lighten up? Mr Dixon does not believe so.

"Larrikinism is used as a get-out-of-jail-free card and to escape responsibility of how words or actions impact a hurt person," he said.

"But when the majority culture is offended, there's no playing around.

"This is a part of my culture, and I don't think Australians are in a place to tell me how I should feel about breakdancing being mocked on an international stage.

"People who don't have any or limited access to black people or hip hop culture now may see Rachael and her buffoonery as a representation of hip hop and black culture.

"People who were already side-eyeing breakdancing as an Olympic sport, Rachael Gunn has put the nail in that coffin.

"This might be the most viral clip of the whole Olympics. From a comedy standpoint, she's got it, but from an Olympics perspective, its regressive."

Several people standing inside a courtroom in Georgia and holding their right hand over their chest, say the Pledge of Allegiance during a naturalization ceremony

Immigrants Are Becoming U.S. Citizens at Fastest Clip in Years

The government has reduced a backlog of applications that built up during the Trump administration. New citizens say they are looking forward to voting in November.

“People like me want to vote in the election,” Gladis Brown said at her naturalization ceremony in Savannah, Ga. Credit... Anna Ottum for The New York Times

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Miriam Jordan

By Miriam Jordan

Reporting from Savannah, Ga.

  • Aug. 12, 2024

The federal government is processing citizenship requests at the fastest clip in a decade, moving rapidly through a backlog that built up during the Trump administration and the coronavirus pandemic.

At ceremonies in courthouses, convention centers and sports arenas across the country, thousands of immigrants are becoming new Americans every week — and becoming eligible to vote in time for the presidential election this fall.

It’s unclear how many of the new voters live in battleground states, but a number of the states where Kamala Harris or Donald Trump must win have large and growing numbers of voting-age naturalized citizens, including Georgia, Arizona, Nevada and Pennsylvania.

In Savannah, Ga., people from 19 countries streamed into a federal courthouse recently to take the oath of allegiance.

“My case was done in less than six months,” said Gladis Brown, who is married to an American and emigrated from Honduras in 2018.

Generally, lawful permanent residents, known as green-card holders, are eligible to become naturalized citizens if they have had that status for at least five years, or have been married to a U.S. citizen for at least three years.

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